ST Lesson Plan 1
ST Lesson Plan 1
ST Lesson Plan 1
School: O’Dea Elementary Grade Level: 1st Grade Content: Mathematics – Place Value
Title: Continue with Tens and Ones Lesson #: 1 of 1 .
Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the
1. NBT: 1. NBT. B
o NBT. B.2.: Number and Operations in Base Ten: Understand that the two digits of
a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.
Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction,
select applicable questions from standard)
Concepts and skills students master: (Understandings, Big Ideas, Unit objectives)
Students will identify write numbers to identify the tens and the ones place values.
While circulating amongst students, I will identify which students are understanding the
concept and which students need further instruction with the concept through questions
and observations of their work.
Presentation: The strategy I intend to use is…..
Direct Instruction
(Select the most Inquiry-Based Instruction
appropriate I am using this strategy here because….
teaching model.) The students will be working on drawing a model to represent tens
-direct instruction and ones. Therefore, I will be modeling for the students how to do
-presentation draw that model correctly and where the tens and ones are
model appropriately placed within that model.
-concept teaching I will use inquiry-based instruction to check for understanding from
-cooperative students. I like to use the “thumbs-up, thumbs sideways, or
learning thumbs-down” model. I ask students to self-assess in order to see
-inquiry how they are feeling and then students who have it will be able to
work and students who feel they need extra help will be able to
continue to get support from me.
Teaching The strategy I intend to use is…..
Strategy: Guided Direct Instruction
Practice & I am using this strategy here because….
Differentiation Our guided practice is very tied in with my teaching presentation.
Students and I work together to solve the problem. I will ask
questions and ask for input, but for the most part I am guiding the
students in what to do next and correct steps to reach the correct
answer. I will encourage them to solve a problem on their own and
move around the room to see who has it and who doesn’t. Then I
will ask for students to self-assess where they think they are.
Accommodations Modifications:
& For students who are struggling with the independent practice, I
Modifications will work one-on-one with them and provide them with extra
models (base ten blocks, cubix cubes) in order to build the
problems and develop understanding.
For students who are cruising through the independent practice, I
will have them continue on in the lesson and complete the math
practices section and the problem-solving section. This section is
the same concept but delivered in word problems.