1. Make a table with the following columns:
Trait Allele (mom) Allele (dad) Genotype Phenotype
a. You need to flip the coin once for the mom’s allele and once
for the dad’s allele because every genotype must have 2
alleles (1 from mom and 1 from dad)
b. The phenotypes are determined by the genotype and are
given with each trait as you go along
3. When you have finished filling out your table and determining all of
your monsters traits, draw your monster. On the back of the paper,
write your monster’s name, their likes and dislikes, and why you are
proud of them.
4. Staple your Trait Table to your picture and hand them in.
5. Compare your monster to the rest of the classes. How similar is your
monster to the rest of the class? Are any of the monsters exactly
Trait Table
1. Face
Round = RR Oval = Rr Square = rr
2. Body
Round = RR Oval = Rr Square = rr
3. Number of Arms
Two- AA Four- Aa Six- aa
4. Number of Legs
Two-AA Four- Aa Six- aa
5. Hair Type
Curly = CC Wavy = Cc Straight = cc
6. Widow’s Peak
Present = WW or Ww Absent = ww
7. Eyebrow Thickness
Bushy = BB or Bb Fine = bb
8. Eyebrow Placement
Not Connected = NN or Nn Connected = nn
9. Eye Color- You must flip the coin twice for mom and twice for dad. There
are two sets of genes for eye color. The first pair is represented by the letter
A and the second pair is represented by the letter B. Each parent contributes
an A or a allele, and a B or b allele.
AABB = Green AAbb = Purple
AABb = Green Blue aaBB = Grey
AaBB = Blue Aabb = Black
AaBb = Red aabb = Orange
aaBb = Pink
10. Eyes-Distance Apart
Close together = EE Average Distance = Ee Far Apart =ee
11. Eyes- Size
Large = LL Medium = Ll Small = ll
12. Eyes- Shape
Almond = AA or Aa Round = aa
13. Eyelashes
Long = LL or Ll Short = ll
14. Mouth Size
Long = MM Average = Mm Short = mm
15. Lips
Thick = TT or Tt Thin = tt
16. Nose Size
Big = NN Medium = Nn Small = nn
17. Nose Shape
Rounded = RR or Rr Pointed = rr
18. Hair Color-You must flip the coin twice for mom and twice for dad.
There are 2 sets for hair color. The first pair is represented by the letter A
and the second pair is represented by the letter B. Each parent contributes
an A or a allele, and a B or b allele.
AABB = Black AaBb = Slime Green
AABb = Silver Aabb = Neon Green
AAbb =Hot Pink aaBB = Dark Purple
AaBB = Purple aaBb = Dark Green
aabb = Blood Red
19. Has a Tail
Tail- TT No Tail- Tt or tt
20. Horns
Allele Allele
Trait (Mom) (Dad) Genotype Phenotype
1 Face Shape
2 Body
3 Number of Arms
4 Number of Legs
5 Hair Type
6 Widow's Peak
7 Thickness
8 Placement
9 Eye Color
10 Apart
11 Eyes-Size
12 Eyes-Shape
13 Eyelashes
14 Mouth Size
15 Lips
16 Nose Size
17 Nose Shape
18 Hair Color
19 Has a Tail
20 Horns
One- HH Two- Hh Three – hh