2006 Ohlins Shock Owners Manual
2006 Ohlins Shock Owners Manual
2006 Ohlins Shock Owners Manual
Tuning the
Fine tuning
Safety signals Introduction WARNING!
All of Öhlins advanced suspension products are 1. Installing a shock absorber, that is not
Important information concerning safety is
adapted to the brand and model. This means approved by the vehicle manufacturer, may
distinguished in this manual by the
that length, travel spring action and damping affect the stability of your vehicle. Öhlins
following notations:
characteristics, are tested individually just for Racing AB cannot be held responsible for
the motorcycle that you have decided to fit with any personal injury or damage whatsoever
Öhlins suspension. that may occur after fitting the shock
The Safety alert symbol means:
absorber. Contact an Öhlins dealer or other
Caution! Your safety is involved. Before installation qualified person for advice.
WARNING! Öhlins Racing AB can not be held responsible for
any damage whatsoever to shock absorber or 2. Please study and make certain that you
Failure to follow warning instructions fully understand all the mounting instructions
vehicle, or injury to persons, if the instructions for
could result in severe or fatal injury and the owners manuals before handling this
fitting and maintenance are not followed exactly.
to anyone working with, inspecting or shock absorber kit. If you have any questions
Similarly, the warranty will become null and void
using the suspension, or to bystanders. regarding proper installation procedures,
if the instructions are not adhered to.
contact an Öhlins dealer or other qualified
CAUTION! person.
Caution indicates that special pre- Contents 3. The vehicle service manual must be
cautions must be taken to avoid dam-
Safety signals ................................................ 2 referred to when installing the Öhlins shock
age to the suspension.
Introduction ................................................... 2 absorber.
NOTE! Before installation .......................................... 2
Tuning the suspension ................................... 3 NOTE
This indicates information that is of
Design ........................................................... 3
importance with regard to procedures. Öhlins products are subject to continual improve-
Function ........................................................ 4
Settings ......................................................... 5 ment and development. Consequently, although
Setting the spring pre-load ............................ 5 these instructions include the most up-to-date
Setting the shock absorber lenght ................. 6 information available at the time of printing, there
Setting the damping ...................................... 7 may be minor differences between your suspen-
Setting your motorcycle ................................. 8 sion and this manual. Please consult your Öhlins
Inspection and maintenance ......................... 9 dealer if you have any questions with regard to
General handling setup ................................ 10 the contents of the manual.
© Öhlins Racing AB.
All rights reserved.
Any reprinting or unauthorized use
without the written permission of
Öhlins Racing AB is prohibited.
Printed in Sweden.
1. Design principles 2. Spring pre-loading 3. Adjustment of shock
absorber length
1. External reservoir C-spanner
Oil Gas
with hose connection Separating
2. External piggyback piston PDS
reservoir piston
3. Internal gas reservoir Shock absorber nut
4. PDS piston piston
shock absorber 1. 2. 3. 4. Mechanical adjustment - +
4. Flow through 5. Piston with apertures 6. Shims stack 7. Flow through piston
needle valve
Stop washer
Shims stack
F1 F2
If the shock absorber has an ad-
justable end eye/bracket, this
must not be threaded out so that
more than one groove is fully vis-
ible beneath the lock nut. Make
sure that the lock nut is tightened
after adjustment.
Mechanical Groove
pre-loading adjustment
Step 2. Adjusting Front fork springs Setting the shock absorber length
Adjust the pre-load with the rings on the shock To optimize the road holding qualities of a Sensitivity of the steering can be adjusted by
absorber. motorcycle the front fork must match the rear altering the length of the shock absorber, with-
Hold the upper ring and adjust the lower one suspension. Öhlins springs are available for a out affecting other characteristics. The length
to the desired position (Fig.8). Then lock with the large number of motorcycles (Fig.9). These, in is adjusted with the two nuts and the threaded
upper ring. combination with Öhlins shock absorbers, con- clevis at the end of the piston rod.
tribute to superior road holding qualities. The The shock absorber can be adjusted up to 12 mm.
NOTE! original make of springs should be used if there The length may never be altered more than to where
If ride height is higher than recommended, softer are none of our springs in the recommendation the groove that is cut in the thread becomes fully
spring/springs must be used. table. However, they must be in good condition visible (Fig.10).
If ride height is lower than recommended, and not fatigued. Remember to change the fluid
harder spring/springs must be used. in the front fork at least once every year. We
Contact your Öhlins dealer for advice. recommend Öhlins front fork oil.
It is important that the recommendation table is
followed for new front springs. If there are no
recommended front springs you must ensure that
the existing springs are in good condition.
Neglecting to check the front springs could seriously
affect the handling qualities of the motorcycle.
11. Adjustment of rebound damping 12. Adjustment of compression damping 13. High and low speed compression damping adjusters
+ High speed
- +
- +
+ = more damping -
- = less damping
Low speed +
Setting the damping NOTE! CAUTION!
The adjusting possibilities of Öhlins shock If no ”click” is felt in the rebound adjuster the
The hexagon of a two way compression valve is
absorbers facilitate fine setting. You can optimize shock absorber must be inspected by an author-
naturally anodized aluminum.The high speed ad-
adjustments to suit your own weight and ized service workshop. It could be due to low gas
juster has a key width of 17 mm and a range of two
equipment, your individual way of riding and the pressure or lack of oil.
and a quarter (2.25) turns. The low speed adjuster
condition of the road. To be able to improve the
Compression damping is set with a knob or a screw (slotted head screw) has a range of 25 steps.
road holding qualities it is of the utmost importance
on top of the extrernal reservoir (Fig.12). This can The one way compression adjuster is gold
that you fully understand the function of the shock
be adjusted in about 25 steps. anodized. The adjuster (slotted head screw) has
absorbers. From there you can learn by trial and
Some models (PRX and PRXQ) have separate a range of 25 steps. Do not turn the hexagon
error how they affect the motorcycle.
adjusters for high speed compression and low as this will allow for the oil to spurt out of the
Depending on the model there are adjustments
speed compression (Fig.13). The low speed shock absorber.
for rebound damping, compression damping and
adjustment of the length of the shock absorber. compression is adjusted in 25 steps. Use a slotted
Damping is set with knobs and screws with a normal head screwdriver.
The high speed adjuster has a wide range within
right-hand thread. By turning you can increase the
damping action or reduce it. The adjuster have two and a quarter (2.25) turns. Adjust a half turn High and low speed refers to the shaft velocity of
definite positions with a noticeable “click”, so it is (180°) at a time. Use a 17 mm key. the shock absorber. It is not necessarily related
easy to count to the right setting. NOTE! to the speed of the vehicle.
Rebound damping action affects the
When making new adjustments it is easiest to go
characteristics of the motorcycle most. The setting
back to fully closed, and then count forward to
knob is located at the bottom on the piston rod
the new setting. The adjusting device should not
(Fig.11). It can be adjusted in about 40 steps.
be turned too hard.
14. Rebound damping 15. Compression damping
3 4
5 1
16. Lift the bump rubber and 17. Inspection points:
clean the area below.
General handling set-up
Front end falls into the curves (over- Front suspension
steering) especially in sand.
Steep front fork angle. Front end too low in com- Front fork travel is not used to its full Feels harsh over small bumps, but using full
parison to rear end. capacity. Harsh feeling, front wheel grip is wheel travel.
• Increase the front fork not satisfactory in bumpy turns. Too much spring pre-load or too much compres-
compression damping. Suspension too hard. sion damping.
• Change to harder springs. • Decrease the front fork • Increase the oil level or change
• Lower fork leg approximately compression damping. to softer springs.
5 mm in the triple clamp. • Change to softer springs. • Decrease the compression damping.
Front end ”ploughs”, understeers. • Decrease the spring pre-load.
Suspension bottoming, too soft during • Clean the oil seals and scrapers. Use Öhlins
Shallow front fork angle. Front end too high in
entire travel. red grease 146-01 for regreasing.
comparison to rear end.
Spring too weak or compression damping too soft.
• Decrease the front fork Can handle the first in a series of bumps but
compression damping. • Increase oil level 5 mm.
feels hard after a few more bumps. Frontal
• Raise the fork legs approximately • Increase compression damping.
grip insufficient in rough and bumpy turns.
5 mm in the triple clamp. • Change to stiffer springs.
Too much rebound damping.
• Change to softer fork springs.
Suspension bottoming, but can handle • Decrease the rebound damping.
Front end unstable at high speed, unstable smaller bumps.
when accelerating out of curves. Damping force not progressive enough. Front end rebound too fast after a bump.
Front fork angle too steep. Front end too low in Front wheel grip insufficient in bumpy
• Increase the oil level.
comparison to rear end. curves.
• Lower the fork legs approximately Can handle smaller bumps but is too hard Not enough rebound damping, or too much
5 mm in triple clamp. during the last part of the travel. spring pre-load
• Change the front fork springs to
Damping force is too progressive. • Increase the rebound damping.
harder ones.
• Decrease the oil level. • Decrease the spring pre-load.
Front end unstable during deceleration.
Front fork angle too steep during braking. Front Front end feels low, initially feels soft, but is
end too low or rear end too high. not bottoming.
• Increase the oil level in the front fork. The initial spring rate is too soft or spring preload
• Change to harder fork springs. is too low.
• Increase the front fork
• Increase the spring pre-load.
compression damping.
Rear suspension
Rear suspension stroke is not used to its full Rear wheel jumps over small bumps during Rear end very unstable. Shock absorber
capacity. Suspension feels harsh. Traction deceleration or when going downhill. Traction does not respond to adjustments.
not satisfactory in bumpy curves. not satisfactory in washboard curves. Shock absorber damping is gone, caused by low
Suspension hard in general or too much com- Too much spring pre-load, as the spring is probably gas pressure, bad oil is used, or components are
pression damping, too much spring pre-load. too soft, will cause the spring to extend too fast. broken in the shock absorber. Service is needed.
• Decrease the compression damping. • Change to a harder spring in order to achieve • Gas filling required.
• Decrease the rebound damping. a balanced position using less spring pre-load. • Change shock oil.
• Change to softer spring. • Check the static sag and ride height. • Repair or change the shock absorber.
Suspension is bottoming, feels soft during Rear end kicks up over bumps with sharp
the entire wheel travel. edges, but can handle bumps with round NOTE!
Spring too soft, compression damping too low. edges. Recommended measures are not listed in order
• Increase the compression damping. Compression damping too hard. of importance.
• Change to harder spring. • Decrease the compression damping. One of the listed measures can be sufficient to
solve a particular handling problem.
Suspension is bottoming, feels harsh and sags Rear end becomes too low in series of
down too much with the rider in the saddle. bumps. Traction not satisfactory in wash-
Spring too soft or compression damping too low. board type curves or when decelerating on
washboard ground.
• Increase the spring pre-load,
check ride height: 95 ± 5 mm. Rebound damping too slow.
• Change to harder spring if the load is more • Decrease the rebound damping.
than 100 mm.
• Increase compression damping.
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