Ohlins - DTC - Bedienungsanleitung Oehlins Motorrad Fks 200

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Öhlins Front Fork Cartridge Kit

FKS 200-Series
Owner’s Manual
Öhlins Headquarters Upplands Väsby, Sweden

Öhlins Racing AB - The Story

It was the 1970’s, a young man named Kenth Congratulations! You are now the owner of an
Öhlin spent most of his spare time pursuing his Öhlins product. More than two hundred World
favourite sport: motocross. Championships and other major world titles
Being a careful observer, Kenth’s attention are definitive proof that Öhlins products offer
was continously drawn to one specific detail - outstanding performance and reliability.
motocross bikes had more engine power than Every product has gone through rigorous
their suspension could handle. It was not long testing and engineers have spent thousands
before Kenth realised that better performance of hours, doing their very best to use every
could be achieved by improved wheel possible experience from our almost 40 years
suspension. within the racing sport.
Öhlins Racing was established in 1976, and The product that you now have in your
just two years later the company won its first possession is pure racing breed that is built to
World Championship title. Despite being in withstand.
the business for over 40 years, the search for By installing this product on your vehicle
perfection and new functions is still the main you have made a clear statement… you are a
focus of the company. serious rider or driver with a focus on getting
the maximal handling ability and outstanding
feedback from your vehicle. Along comes the
fact that your Öhlins product will be a long
lasting friend, delivering the very best of comfort
and performance every time you go for a ride.
Go explore!
General Warnings SAFETY SYMBOLS
11 Note! In this manual, mounting instructions and other
The shock absorber/front fork/steering damper is an technical documents, important information concerning
important part of the vehicle and will affect the stability. safety is distinguished by the following symbols:

11 Note! The Safety Alert Symbol means: Warning! Your safety

Read and ensure you understand the information in this is involved.
manual and other technical documents provided by Öhlins,
before using the product. ⚠⚠ Warning!
The Warning Symbol means: Failure to follow warning
11 Note! instructions can result in severe or fatal injury to anyone
Öhlins Racing AB can not be held responsible for working with, inspecting or using the shock absorber, or
any damage to the shock absorber/front fork/steering to bystanders.
damper, vehicle, other property or injury to persons, if the
instructions for mounting, usage and maintenance are not ✋✋ Caution!
followed exactly. The Caution Symbol means: Special precautions must be
taken to avoid damage to the shock absorber.
⚠⚠ Warning!
After installing the Öhlins product, take a test ride at low 11 Note!
speed to ensure your vehicle has maintained stability. The Note Symbol indicates information that is important
regarding procedures.
⚠⚠ Warning!
If the suspension makes an abnormal noise, or the
function is irregular, or if you notice any leakage from 11 Note!
the product, stop the vehicle immediately and return the When working with the Öhlins product, always read the
product to an Öhlins dealer. vehicle service manual.

⚠⚠ Warning! 11 Note!
The product warranty shall only apply if the product This manual shall be considered as a part of the product
has been operated and maintained in accordance and shall accompany the product throughout its life cycle.
with recommendations in this manual. If you have any
questions regarding usage, service, inspection and/or
maintenance please contact Öhlins.

⚠⚠ Warning!
This product was developed and designed exclusively for
a specific vehicle model and shall only be installed on the
intended vehicle model in its original condition as delivered
from the vehicle manufacturer.

© Öhlins Racing AB. All rights reserved.

Any reprinting or unauthorized use without the written permission of Öhlins Racing AB is prohibited.

1 Front Fork Cartridge Kit................................ 5
2 Design and Function..................................... 6
3 Setting up your front fork............................. 10
4 Adjustments................................................ 11
5 Change main spring and check or
change oil level........................................... 13
6 Technical specifications.............................. 17
7 Inspection and maintenance....................... 18


Introduction from our R&D department to increase the

The product in your hand is an artwork, performance of the front fork cartridge kit. Our
prepared by our dedicated craftsmen at engineers that work on a daily basis with the top
our facility in Upplands Väsby, Sweden. riders in the world often hear the word “feeling”
Its predecessors have battled their way on and “control” when they debrief after tests and
numerous race tracks in World Superbike, races.
Supersport, Superstock and AMA and the legacy We wanted to pour as much of these important
continues in your front fork. Thousands of hours factors into your front fork cartridge kit and, as
have been spent together with some of the best a result, the new 22 mm front fork cartridge kit
teams in the world to find the optimal design and gives you improved “brake support” and “tire
functionality to give you as much performance, feel” when riding. For all of you that have your
comfort and confidence as possible. You will feel mind set on doing some serious racing we have
the difference…be sure. some really good news.
Of course we have improved the design so
Design that you easily can have it properly maintained
The DNA of this new 22 mm front fork cartridge and every kit is individually tested with an
kit originates in the most prestigious race optimum setting and spring recommendation.
series in the world and the front fork cartridge The new top-cap design will send a signal to all
kit is weight optimized as a result of that fact. curious spectators when you pull over next to
We have used exclusive racing components your favourite café or local race track.

The front fork cartridge kit is divided into The compression and the rebound pistons are
one compression cartridge and one rebound both of the same design. The pistons have three
cartridge. The compression cartridge is installed flow paths for the fluid:
in the left front fork leg and the rebound 1. Bleed valve (Fig. 3 centre gray arrows).
cartridge in the right front fork leg. Marked at the Small orifice that creates a flow restriction
top cap is “COMP” for compression adjustment simply by being small.
and “REB” for rebound adjustment (Fig. 1). 2. Shim valve (Fig. 3 outer black arrows).
The compression and rebound cartridges are Fluid pressure has to deflect thin steel
both of the same design but works opposite washers (shims) to open up an orifice and
each other. To achieve rebound damping allow fluid to flow through it.
force instead of compression damping force, 3. Check valve (Fig. 3 outer white arrows). A
the cylinder tubes and the pistons are turned spring preloaded shim that opens easily,
opposite each other between the compression for return flow of fluid when the direction of
and the rebound cartridges (Fig. 2). movement of the front fork changes.
When the front fork moves, the fluid inside The bleed valve and shim valve are used to
is forced to flow through the pistons. At a build up damping force. At slow stroke speeds
compression movement the fluid is forced the percentage going through the bleed valve is
through the compression shim stack and at the higher and at fast strokes the shim valve takes
same time through the rebound check valve. care of most of the flow.
And opposite, at a rebound movement the fluid The check valve, together with the bleed valve
is forced through the rebound shim stack and (since it can flow both directions), handle return
through the compression check valve. flows.
The fluid displaced by the piston shafts are To control damping force the bleed valve can
directed either into or out of the cylinder tubes be adjusted externally from the top cap on both
through the holes. (Fig. 2) compression and rebound.
By altering the stiffness of the shim stack
(number, thickness, diameter and shape) on the
shim valve the characteristics of the damping
action can be changed. This should only be
done by an authorized Öhlins service workshop.

Fig. 2 - Schematic View

Compression Front Fork Leg Rebound Front Fork Leg

tube holes
Shim Check
stack valve
Piston Piston
Check Shim
valve stack

tube holes

Fig. 3 - Piston Oil Flow

Compression Rebound

bleed valve flow bleed valve flow

Shim stack
Check valve

shim valve flow

check valve valve
flow flow

Check valve shim valve flow


Compression damping Rebound damping

Compression front fork leg Rebound front fork leg

When movement of the motorcycle causes When the spring forces the front fork to extend
compression of the front fork (Fig. 4 again (Fig. 5 rebound movement), the fluid
compression movement), the fluid below the above the rebound piston is pressurized and
compression piston is pressurized and goes in a similar pattern as compression movement,
through: goes through:
• Compression shim valve • Rebound shim valve
• Compression bleed valve • Rebound bleed valve

Rebound front fork leg Compression front fork leg

The pressure difference between the inside of As similar the rebound front fork leg at a
the front fork leg and above the rebound piston compression movement, the pressure difference
causes the fluid to go through: between the inside of the front fork leg and
• Rebound check valve below the compression piston causes the fluid to
• Rebound bleed valve (Small and insignificant go through:
flow compared to the check valve) • Compression check valve
• Compression bleed valve (Small and
Displaced fluid insignificant flow compared to the
During compression movement, the piston check valve)
shafts enter the cylinder tubes and the
correspondingly displaced volume of fluid has to Displaced fluid
flow out of the cylinder tubes through the holes. The fluid that was displaced by the piston shafts
is now pushed back into the cylinder tubes by
the pressure difference between the inside of
the front fork legs and above and below the

Fig. 4 - Front Fork Oil Flow Compression Movement Fig. 5 - Front Fork Oil Flow Rebound Movement

Compression Rebound Compression Rebound

Front Fork Leg Front Fork Leg Front Fork Leg Front Fork Leg


Shim Check
stack valve
Piston Piston

Measure sag
Spring preload - Free sag - Ride height
The spring preload directly affects the front fork
angle and the motorcycle height. Therefore,
when you setup your motorcycle the spring
preload should be one of the first things
to check.
1. Perform this procedure on a flat surface.
2. Place the motorcycle on a work stand so
that both wheels are off the ground and the
suspension is unloaded.
3. Use a piece of tape and mark a point
immediately above the rear wheel axle.
4. Measure the distance from the marked
Free sag
point to a fixed point, for example the wheel
axle (R1).
5. Measure the distance from the bottom of
the upper triple clamp to a fixed point, for
example the front wheel axle (F1).
6. Place the motorcycle on the ground so that
the front and the rear suspension are slightly
7. Repeat the measure procedures (R2 and
F2). Sit on the motorcycle in normal riding Ride height
position and properly equipped in full riding
gear. Repeat the measure procedure (R3
and F3).

Note measures
R1 F1
R2 F2
R3 F3

Recommended measures
If no other recommendations are given in the If the measures differ significantly you may
Mounting instructions for your product, see the need to adjust the spring preload or change the
table below for recommended measures. springs. Please see the Mounting Instructions
for your kit to find out more or contact an
Sag pos. Formula Rec. authorized Öhlins service center for advice.

Free sag (F1-F2) ~15-30 %

wheel travel
x100 ⚠⚠ Warning!
An incorrect spring rate can give a faulty front geometry
Ride height (F1-F3) ~20-40 % leading to under or over steering and seriously affect the
wheel travel ground clearance and vehicle handling.

4.1 - Adjusters
Spring preload adjuster
• Spring preload adjuster
Use a 14 mm wrench to turn the upper
adjustment screw. Maximum adjustment range
is 15 mm. One turn of the adjustment screw will
cause 1 mm change in spring preload.

• Compression damping adjuster

Left front fork leg.

• Rebound damping adjuster

Right front fork leg.

Adjust Compression and Rebound; Compression adjuster

Use a 3 mm allen key. Adjustment range from
fully closed valve (clockwise) to fully open
valve (counter-clockwise) is about 20 “clicks”.
Recommended “clicks” from closed position
according to your mounting instruction for your
Front Fork Cartridge Kit.

4.2 - Spring
The spring recommended in the Mounting
Instructions is chosen after evaluations
performed on a test track according to
motorcycle characteristics for your specific Rebound adjuster
motorcycle model. Due to variations in ride style,
track conditions, body shape etc. the spring is
often a subject for additional fine‑tuning.
Springs are available in 0.5 N/mm intervals but
the rate can be set to 0.25 N/mm increments by
using two different rates. A method used on the
race track.

Using 9.5 N/mm in the right front fork leg
and 10.0 N in the left front fork leg gives a
combined spring rate of 9.75 N/mm.

Oil level diagram Adjust oil level
The diagram below shows two different types of The procedure for oil level change requires
curves of force that equal to a specific oil level. special knowledge and tools. As mentioned
A change in the front fork oil level will not have earlier, the oil level must be handled with special
an impact on the air spring force in the early care. Contact an authorized Öhlins service
stage of the movement but will have a greater center to change the oil level.
effect in the later stage.

High oil level

The air spring in the later half stage of travel is
stronger which makes the front fork firmer.

Low oil level

The air spring in the later half stage of travel is
lessened which makes the front fork softer.

Oil level diagram

Force High oil level

Low oil level


4.4 - Fork leg position

The fork leg position changes the ride height
at the front. To measure the fork leg position;
Fork leg position
measure the distance between the outer tube
and the upper triple clamp. For recommended
fork leg position, see the Mounting Instructions.

⚠⚠ Warning!
This procedure requires high technical knowledge and/
or experience of working with front forks. If you feel any
insecurity regarding this procedure, contact an Öhlins
dealer for advice. See the Vehicle Service Manual.
⚠⚠ Warning!
Spring compression creates a potential danger because
of the violent force that loaded springs are capable of.
Beware of this when you work with the front fork.

Remove front fork from vehicle

1 1
Put the motorcycle on a workstand so that the
front wheel barely touches the ground.

⚠⚠ Warning!
Make sure the vehicle is securely supported so that it will 3
not fall over.

Remove the front fender, brake calipers and
front wheel.

Use a 14 mm socket to release the main
spring preload by turning the adjuster counter
clockwise until stop.

4 4
Note the fork leg position.

Loosen the upper triple clamp. Fork leg
Loosen (do not remove) the top cap ½ turn.
Loosen the lower triple clamp.
Remove the front fork legs from the triple clamps. 6

1/2 turn

Remove main spring

✋✋ Caution! 10
Do not mix the parts. Work with only one fork at a
time. Keep the fork leg in a vertical position during the

Loosen the top cap from the inner tube.

Push down the preload tube and at the same time
pull up the top cap. Insert the stopper plate tool
(02810‑03) below the shaft nut.

Remove the top cap from the shaft. Use a 14 11
mm socket for the preload adjuster and a 13 mm
wrench for the shaft nut to loosen the top cap.

Use a 13 mm wrench to adjust the shaft nut as
far up as possible on the shaft. Make sure to
leave enough threads on the shaft to install the
pull up tool.

Install the pull up tool (01765-08) on the shaft.
Tighten by hand. A
Push down the preload tube and at the same 13
time pull up the shaft. Carefully remove the
stopper plate tool.

Remove the preload tube (A), guide ring (B) and 15
main spring (C).

11 Note!
The main spring removal affects the oil level and it must
therefore be adjusted, see section “Check or change oil

Check or change oil level

Make sure that the shaft, guide sleeve and inner
tube are in the lowest position. X

Measure the oil level “X” using a ruler. Compare
the oil level “X” with setup data in mounting
instructions for your specific cartridge kit. If the oil
level is too low, pour Öhlins front fork fluid (01309-
xx) in the fork leg.

Adjust the oil level and set it according to
chapter setup data in mounting instructions for C
your specific cartridge kit. B 19
Install main spring

Make sure that the mark on the main spring is B
up. Install main spring (A), guide ring (B) and
preload tube (C). See main spring alternatives in
chapter setup data in mounting instructions for
your specific cartridge kit.

11 Note!
Make sure that the guide ring (B) is positioned correctly.

Push down the preload tube and at the same time
pull up the shaft. Carefully insert the stopper plate
tool below the shaft nut.

Remove the pull up tool from the shaft.

Use a 13 mm wrench to adjust the shaft nut until 20 22
bottomed. Make sure that the stopper plate tool
stays in place.

⚠⚠ Warning!
Make sure that the compression and rebound adjusters
are fully open, counter clockwise, before installing the top 23

Install the top cap on the shaft until stop.

⚠⚠ Warning!
Make sure that the top cap is completely bottomed on the

Use a tool 14 mm socket for the preload
adjuster and a 13 mm wrench to tighten the
shaft nut to the top cap. Tighten the shaft nut to 26
12 Nm.

Push down the preload tube and carefully
remove the stopper plate tool. Make sure that
the preload tube is correctly installed in the
preload socket.

Pull up the inner tube and at the same time
push down the top cap. Use appropriate tool to
tighten the top cap to the inner tube.
Tighten the top cap to 10 Nm.

Set the compression, rebound and main spring
preload adjusters according to chapter setup data
in mounting instructions for your specific cartridge

Install front fork in vehicle

Install the front fork in the vehicle at the fork
leg position according to section 4 or according
to chapter setup data in mounting instructions 28
for your specific cartridge kit. See the vehicle
service manual for instructions.
Fork leg
⚠⚠ Warning! position
Make sure to install all removed parts in the same
positions as they were before the installation of the Öhlins
cartridge kit.

Front Fork length
See specification card for your specific Front
Fork Cartridge Kit.

See specification card for your specific Front
Fork Cartridge Kit.

Compression adjustment
Maximum open valve about 20 clicks.

Rebound adjustment
Maximum open valve about 20 clicks.

Spring preload adjustment

0 - 15 mm (0 - 15 turns)

Spring rate
See specification card or Mounting Instructions
for your specific Front Fork Cartridge Kit.

Oil Level
Mounting Instructions for your specific Front
Fork Cartridge Kit.

✋✋ Caution!
Use only Öhlins high performance Front Fork
Fluid  (01309-01).

Preventive maintenance and periodic inspection
procedures help to keep the front fork in proper
condition. For additional service, please contact
an authorized Öhlins service center.

✋✋ Caution!
Do not use strong detergents that can damage the front
fork surfaces. Thinner and brake cleaner will dry out seals,
increase the risk of friction, oil leakage and poor function.

✋✋ Caution!
Use Öhlins High Performance Front Fork fluid 01309-xx.

Inspection points
1. Examine the fork leg for external oil leakage.
2. Examine the inner fork leg for scratches,
dents or other defects that can damage the
seal and/or bushing.
3. Examine the fender brackets and the brake
calliper attachments.
4. Examine the front fork attachments to the

Inspection intervals
Once a year or every 5000km.

Service interval
Every second year or every 20 000 km.
Service at an authorized Öhlins service center.

Hand over your discarded Öhlins products to
an authorized Öhlins service center for proper

Owner’s Manual | Part No. 07289-01_0 | Issued 2016-05-12 | © Öhlins Racing AB

Your Öhlins retailer:

Öhlins Racing AB
Box 722 Phone: +46 (0)8 590 025 00
SE-194 27, Upplands Väsby Fax: +46 (0)8 590 025 80
Sweden www.ohlins.com

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