Sand Control PDF
Sand Control PDF
Sand Control PDF
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3 authors, including:
Juan Tovar
Innovative Engineering Systems Ltd
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This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
Drilling in this area is complex and high mud densities ( 12.1
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to – 13.4 ) ppg are often required to reach the reservoir. Swelling
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at clays and abnormally pressurised zones are common and have
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
contributed to acute wellbore stability problems that in some
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is cases required side-tracking of the wells.
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Initially, production wells were completed with a single tubing
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
string and selective isolation of each specific sand. However,
with the onset of sanding problems later wells were completed
Abstract with a single string for commingled production. More than 30
wells have been produced from this reservoir, the large
In the deep and layered Eocene reservoirs of southern Lake majority with sanding problems for which a level of 10
Maracaibo, Western Venezuela, some of the most productive lbs/1000 bbls was initially set as the manageable limit.
fields such as Ceuta were discovered in 1978. Sanding However, throughout the field some wells that have suffered
problems are common in VLG 3676, Block VII, one of the catastrophic failure (casing collapse) while others have
most important reservoirs in the area where hydrocarbon consistently produced sand at higher levels than the specified
production is from various intercalated thin. A major initiative limit. Figure 1 in appendix 1 illustrate sand production levels
was started in 1996 to evaluate the geomechanical, reservoir, through the Ceuta field. The possibility of formation damage
drilling and production profile of the field in order to identify was never explored, as it was assumed that there was “some”
the problems and the options available to maximise production skin present due to the problems encountered during drilling.
and final recovery. Intensive laboratory and field testing Consequently, its magnitude and impact on the sanding
programs were carried out to develop the geomechanical problem had not been considered previously.
model required and identify potential formation failure
mechanisms. A review of drilling and completion practices The mechanical condition of the wells also causes difficulties
indicated that formation damage contributed significantly to for well intervention, with the problems encountered by
the sanding problem, while collapsed casing and, severe wireline, snubbing and coiled tubing equipment leading to
equipment erosion made, loss of production and well integrity many fishing operations. Even simple operations such as
common in the area. The evaluation of reservoir and pressure surveys can be very difficult have very low success
production data from five (5) wells in order to quantify rate.
formation damage revealed skin values > 80. The well model
that was developed indicated that optimising drilling and Development of the Field Geomechanical model
completion practices could minimise and in some cases
eliminate the sanding problem. A number of recommended An extensive data acquisition program was carried out to
changes to existing practices are now being implemented. define the in-situ field stresses and the mechanical properties
of the rock. Core analysis, field logs, leak-off test and
Introduction minifrac test data were analysed to define the geomechanical
characteristics of the area. The in-situ field stresses were
Reservoir VLG 3676 has a complex deltaic origin. Its main determined using Differential Strain Analysis (DSA), Shear
hydrocarbons bearing member(1) is the Misoa formation, Wave Anisotropy Analysis (SWAA) and Acoustic Anisotropy
whose stratigraphic sand sequence “C” could have up to seven Analysis (AAA) core tests in addition to analysing the drilling
(7) distinct sands. Production from the reservoir is by solution data for 3 wells in the area. These results are presented in
Appendix 1, Table 2. Wellbore imaging tools and calliper hydrocarbon reserves in Ceuta highlighted the importance of
logs were also run to identify wellbore breakouts and hence developing an effective strategy to address the sand
the stress orientation. The evaluation of the information production problem in both existing and new wells. Estimated
showed that in this area: peak sand production rate for individual Ceuta wells are
shown in Appendix 2, Figure 2. These high volumes obliged
• The area presents in-situ field stresses which regime the operator to undertake considerable maintenance on the
changes with depth from a normal stress regime where wells and facilities in order to maintain production.
σv > σH > σh to an almost isotropic regime at reservoir
level with σv = σH = σh. Some of the initial efforts concentrated on understanding the
sanding phenomenon and seeking a geomechanical scenario
• The stress values are the highest found in Venezuela.
that would explain the problems encountered. One approach
to defining the sand production problem used a finite elements
Most of the available data relates to Misoa layers C2 & C3 as
model7 (FEM) to evaluate open hole wellbore stability for
they are the most productive in the reservoir. The average rock
vertical and deviated wells by means of a hybrid Cartesian
properties of these intervals are presented in Appendix 1,
grid around the proposed geometry. A second method used a
Table 3.
Pseudo 3D simulator8 to determine the critical conditions for
the onset of sand production in a cased and perforated
Well Production Modelling and results
completion. However, the FE model identified wellbore
stability problems for pressure drawdowns of less than 1000
Conventional NODAL* analysis techniques were used to
psi and, both tensile and shear failure modes.
develop a well performance model. Inflow Performance
Relationships (IPR) and Vertical Lift Performance
Formation damage and sand production
Curves(VLP) were developed and validated using Prosper6. A
multi-layer inflow model was developed first, using PLT data
Modelling results identified the magnitude of the formation
to evaluate the reservoir potential with assumed values of skin.
damage and traced its cause to poor drilling and completion
Then, a VLP was developed to match actual production rates
practices in the early wells, reflecting the technology then
under existing well conditions. The production simulation
available. In some wells, field production history identified
results obtained and validated against actual production data
asphaltene deposition as an additional type of damage
are given in Appendix 2, Table 4.
resulting from the high-pressure drop across the sand face
during production. Although asphaltene deposition was largely
Sensitivities such tubing size, GOR, WOR and surface
confined to the perforations area, they have cause some tubing
pressure were reviewed to ensure that the model was properly
obstructions in a few wells. By integrating all the data and
developed and to determine the impact of significant changes
inferences from the evaluation process the origins, mechanism
on system performance. Fluid invasion profiles at reservoir
and consequence of the problem could be :
level were estimated from drilling data and then compared
with the expected perforation’s length. As shown in Appendix
1, Table 2, the UCS of 7000 - 9000 psi for this reservoir are • Original damage for these wells occurred during drilling as
significantly higher than those specified in API RP43 the result of fluid and solids invasion of the formation
therefore, perforation length’s estimates were modified to matrix.
account for a high strength rock. The results for well 71 are • Regardless of the type of gun perforation charges guns did
summarised in Appendix 2, Table 5. While the invasion not reach virgin reservoir rock because of the in-situ field
profiles are considered realistic, the calculated perforation’s stresses and high rock strength.
length is optimistic for such high rock strength, the well • High pressure drawdown was required to produce through
conditions during perforation and the gun characteristics. the resulting damage zone beyond the perforation.
• In-situ field stresses and the extreme pressure differentials
It was obvious from production data and the simulation across the sand face caused rock failure by both tensile and
results, that some of the layers could produce only under shear mechanisms depending on specific well conditions.
extreme, high drawdown conditions due to the high skin • Some wells do not produce sand immediately nor
values. As a result, in-situ field stresses induced mechanical continuously due to the initial and post failure rock
failure of the rock and initiated sand production. Pressure strength. In these cases, sand production was delayed and
drawdowns of more than 2500 psi were common throughout intermittent.
the field. • Sporadic solids production is caused by collapse rock
being removed from the perforation tunnels by turbulence
Wellbore stability modelling results resulting from changing production conditions such as
choke size, water intrusion, or GOR.
Most of these wells produced sand from the very beginning
although in many cases the quantities were considered Drilling improvements and results
manageable. However; sand production became more critical
and its consequences more severe when depletion effects After drilling derived formation damage was identified as one
started to add to the in-situ stresses. A review of the overall of the main cause of sand production, the available options for
existing wells could be reviewed. It was concluded that isolation, so that the ESS can be set in the 5.0” section of the
sidetracking offered the most cost-effective solution, given the liner after the selected intervals have been perforated. Once
operational history of the field and the type and complexity of the screens are in place, the isolation packers and completion
operations that would be needed to rehabilitate large number string can be deployed. Retrievable packers and sliding
of these wells. Other incentives for this approach were the sleeves are used to provide selective flow control and
potential for reaching additional and/or undrained reserves and isolation. The main characteristics of the ESS are shown in
that, drain holes could be oriented for the optimum Appendix 3, Table 7.
geomechanical conditions. Of two side-track alternatives
proposed, one was for the 9 5/8” casing string to be recovered By using ESS, sand control problems can be addressed and the
and a new hole drilled the 13 3/8” shoe. However, in the well can still be completed for either selective or commingled
prevailing circumstances it was considered more appropriate production. Although positioning of the mixed size liner is
to side-track with a new hole from the 9 5/8” casing which if critical and installing the ESS is time consuming, this
properly implemented would allow a 7.0” string to be set at technique allow wells with severe sanding problems to be
the top of the Misoa with a liner across the reservoir section. produced at higher rates for longer time. While the potential
The main limitation of this technique was that the contingency for screen plugging and mechanical damage are major
option of having another casing string in case that the 7.0” has concerns with the mixed liner and ESS combination, the
to be set prematurely is no longer available. relative simplicity of the operation indicates that it is of much
lower risk than other sand control method such as multiple
The drilling fluid systems were also evaluated with regard to gravel packs or pre-packed screens. The mixed liner and ESS
well control and stability and various options identified for configuration for deployment is shown in Appendix 3, Figure
use in Ceuta. Two main drilling fluid systems were proposed: 3.
one is water base “Drill-in“ type of fluid while the other is a
recently developed, low toxicity, oil base fluid whose main The mixed liner combination system could also be employed
characteristics are given in Appendix 3, table 6. for the new wells once ESS technology is available for liner
sizes up to 7.0”. One of the main system limitations is the flow
Although the latter fluid is being used in the new wells for its restriction imposed by the 5.0” x 4 ½” mixed liner. However,
drilling properties, the main factor is its low toxicity for NODAL analysis simulations indicated that the pressure drop
compliance with the current environmental requirement for is significant only in the topmost section of the reservoir since
drilling in Lake Maracaibo. Four (4) new wells were drilled the limited flow contribution from each layer is well within
during 1998 with two more to follow in the first quarter of the accepted flow capacity of 2 7/8” and 2 3/8” tubing
1999. They have been drilled with their deviation and sections used throughout the reservoir. Clearly, wells in
orientation conforming to the in-situ field stress distribution which this system is installed will produce at reduced THFP
across the field. Well geometry remains unchanged with a 7.0” but without increasing the pressure drawdown across the sand
string set across the reservoir section allowing the use of face, so the use of the screens will not impose any additional
similar or improved perforation equipment. At reservoir level stresses on the rock. All the new wells so far have been
an alternative casing/liner schedule has been developed to completed with a non-selective completion and a single string
control sand production through selective zone isolation in and are producing 2000 to 3000 bfpd pressure drops of less
wells where there is high-rate and continuos sand influx. than 1500 psi, although the rates are expected to decrease as
Expandable Sand screens (ESS) (10) have been selected as the reservoir pressure declines. Sand production is managed
best method of controlling sand while allowing selective through flow rate control and although, present in the new
isolation of zones. A 5.0” x 4 ½” mixed-size liner system for wells has not yet exceeded the original 10 lbs/1000 bbls
the side-track option so that the ESS can be set in the larger ID threshold.
sections of the liner.
Completion improvements and results
1. Formation damage was found to be one of the main causes
The completion strategy that has been adopted is based on of sand production from deep Eocene reservoirs in Lake
better understanding of the original problems so that the Maracaibo, particularly in the Ceuta field. Skin values of
existing completion scheme only modified where necessary. up to 120 and limited penetration of the perforation
Commingled production continues to be the preferred option charges (< 10 in) high pressure drawdowns on the sand
with the selected intervals perforated according to the face are required in order to produce the reservoir. This
particular in-situ stress distribution. More emphasis is now put drawdown induces sand production.
on the perforating programme design, so that penetration can 2. A transgressive regime for the in-situ field stresses is
be maximised for shot densities in the range [ 4 -10 ] spf is present in the area contributing to the rock failure hence
one of the main targets. A single 3 ½” string still appropriate sand production. Reservoir rock was found to have very
for the expected flow rates even where there is relatively high high strength values ( > 7000 psi UCS ) that under more
GOR and water cut. The mixed liner configuration described lenient geomechanical and production conditions would
above has been developed for wells requiring individual layer not fail.
3. Wellbore stability simulations for both open hole and UCS = Uni-axial compressive strength
cased hole indicated that in some cases wellbore failure spf = Shots per foot
occurs during the drilling phase. ppg = Pounds per gallon
4. Proposed modifications to drilling and completion bfpd = Barrels of fluid per day
practices in this area have highlighted the need to minimise
formation damage. Improvements that have been Acknowledgements
successfully introduced include, the use of less damaging
drilling fluids and geomechanical orientation of wellbores We would like to thank management of PDVSA and IESL for
and perforations. permission to publish this work. Also, to R. Carbonnel and M.
5. Re-completion options have been developed for both Sanchez at Intevep, A. Vasquez at VVA and PDVSA’s field
existing and new wells in the Ceuta field with side- personnel for the valuable discussions and contribution on the
tracking as the most practical remedy for the existing technical and operational aspects of this project.
Appendix 1 - Reservoir & Geomechanical data
6. A system combining a mixed size liner and Expandable
Sand Screens has been developed for wells with high rates
and continuous sand production, which can be applied to Table 1 - Reservoir and Fluid Data
both new and existing wells.
7. Sand production has been reduced to manageable levels by
orienting the wellbore according to the in-situ stress Top of Misoa 14300 feet
distribution and by using less damaging drilling fluids. Initial PR 10163 psi
Reservoir Temperature 326 o F
References Average Porosity
Average Permeability
1. Intera : ”Reservoir Study of the Eocene “C” / VLG3676 ”, Crude density [ 26 – 60 ] o API
Confidential report, Caracas, Venezuela 1996.
Saturation pressure Pb 2382 psi
2. Maraven S.A.: “Area 2 South . Current Sand Control Strategy,
technical sessions”, Caracas, Venezuela, February 1997. Average GOR 750 scf/std bbl
3. Cabrera J. and Castillo J.: “ Estudio de Arenamiento zona Formation volume factor 1.605
Norte, Area 2-Sur, Campo Ceuta., Simulacion Numerica Oil viscosity (reservoir) 0.39 Cp
Geomecanica Seudo-D”, technical document INT-3981,1997, Gas gravity 0.823
Caracas, Venezuela,October 1997.
4. Innovative Engineering Systems Ltd.: “Development of Re-
completion Options for the Ceuta Field”, Confidential reports,
Phase II & III, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1997.
5. Terratek Inc.: “Static and Dynamic Properties and In-Situ Table 2 - Minimum Horizontal Stress Orientation (5)
Stress Directions”, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 1997.
6. Petroleum Experts Ltd.: “ Prosper User Manual”, Version 4.5,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 1996. Well Depth SWAA DSA AAA
7. Computer Modelling Group .:”Wellbore Stability 43 15208 238 o - 225 o
Simulation for Vertical and Horizontal wells “, June 68 15272 216 o 230 o 355 o
95. 16024 324 o 350 o -
8. Innovative Engineering Systems Ltd.: “Sand 80 16208 246 o 337 o 308 o
Production Management System ”, Aberdeen, 16403 308 o 334 o 260 o
Scotland, UK, 1998 16718 209 o 291 o 262 o
9. Innovative Engineering Systems Ltd.: “Confidential
correspondence”, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 1998
10. Petroline WellSystems. “ Expandable Sand Screens “,
Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, October 1997.
Table 3 - Rock mechanical Properties - C2, C3
Well Depth UCS E ν
σv = Maximum vertical stress, psi [ feet ] [ psi ] [ x 106 psi ]
σH = Maximum horizontal stress, psi 38 14859 8900 2.27 -
σh = Minimum Horizontal stress, psi 68 15272 226001 2.58 0.35
PR = Reservoir pressure, psi 15031 7360 1.38 0.36
THFP = Flowing tubing head pressure 82 15065 7205 1.22 0.21
GOR = Gas /oil ratio 15071 9130 1.97 0.43
WC = Water cut 43 15209 6969 1.29 0.29
UCS value at 5460 psi confinement pressure, all other values at 0 psi.
lbs x 1000 bbls
Table 4 - Well performance results
20 22 34 38 40 43 55 61 62 64 68 71 74 75 80
Well No.
Well No. Qmax Qlog Skin
Layers [ stb/day ] [ stb/day ]
68 3 9067 1950 > 120
61 3 - 1409 > 90
34 1 11934 2222 > 135
72 2 7500 3500 < 30
For S= 0