Unstable Formation and Sand Control
Unstable Formation and Sand Control
Unstable Formation and Sand Control
Grupo 10
Unstable Formations and Sand Control,
1. Pedro C.F. Foni (2020.02.05.055)
2. Placido da Costa (2020.02.05.056)
3. Rosália Anace Porumau (2020.02.05.057)
4. Rosalina Araujo(2020.02.05.058)
The following sand control strategy was developed over the next 8 years:
• Avoid perforating the weakest rock
• Ensure wells are beaned up slowly
• “Pre-condition” all sand prone wells prior to the (high rate) winter production season by producing them
to an acceptably low sand production rate at a lower FBHP than is expected to be reached during the
forthcoming winter season
• The sand production will then stop once the production rate is decreased (FBHP is increased) below the
“Pre-conditioning” level
"Continuous" Sand Production
Very soft formations may exhibit sand production at the time of initial discovery - the so called “sloughing” sands can lead
to great difficulties during completion operations when hole collapse can become a major problem
Continuous sand production - as discussed above - has to be distinguished from: This refers to (relatively minor amounts) of
sand that are produced from a new well during its first few days of production.
Sand production relates to the production of load bearing formation solids while "fines" production involves the production
of mobile, very small, solids which are not part of the mechanical structure of the formation.
Sand Cementation
Sandstone formations were originally laid down as a bed of loose sand grains at the bottom of a river, or as a beach at the
sea shore. Over geological time these individual, loose grains became cemented or consolidated together - a process
which resists sand production
The well’s sand production tendency may change during the lifetime of the well. In particular, what was a negligible or
marginal problem may become much more severe late in field life due to:
A) Water Production.
B) Production Plans
C) Production Plans
Sand production has numerous technical, A sand management system has to be installed if the
environmental, operational and economic “living with sand” option is chosen. Further, the
consequences: The operationally acceptable level of production system may be changed so that it becomes
sand production will vary with the location, the more tolerant of the volumes of sand that are
well, production facility design and local produced.
conditions. The effects of sand on production
operations and the potential safety, financial and
environmental consequences will influence whether
sand production limits are set and their level
Monitoring of Sand Production
The various techniques used for monitoring sand production are summarised in Table 3. This table indicates
the measurement principle employed, its key points and the associated drawbacks.
A number of techniques have been employed when deciding whether to install sand exclusion techniques.
These include:
• Field experience
• Petrophysical log and core analysis
• Wellsite rock strength estimation
• Rock mechanical measurements and calculation
Petrophysical Analysis
The simplest approach is attributed to D. Sparlin who stated that “a potential sand problem can be expected if the core is friable
(finger nail makes groove) or weaker”.
This is the most sophisticated of the rock mechanical tests that will be discussed here. A cylinder of rock is mounted in a sleeve.
The axial stress (sa ) - imposed by the end pieces - and the radial stress (sr ) are controlled separately. The axial strain is measured
by strain gauges. Figure 14 shows that the maximum axial stress reached prior to failure increases as the radial stress is increased
i.e. the rock sample shows stronger behaviour as the confinement stress increases
• Mechanical techniques where “gravel” particles, a few times larger than the formation sand grains, are used to retain the
formation in place by forming a filter through which the formation sand cannot pass. The gravel is itself held in place by a
screen which has been sized so that it in turn can not pass through the gaps (Figure 18). In its simplest form, the gravel is
omitted and the screen alone “holds back” the formation.
• Chemical Techniques where a chemical cement increases the strength of the formation while retaining a permeable pore
The various types of sand control are illustrated in Figure 18. These will all be described in detail in the next chapters.
However, one can deduce from this Figure that their installation is a complex process, which would only be entered into if the
alternative, allowing the tubing or casing to fill with sand were not a practical proposition. The following exercise shows that
this is not a practical option; even if the sand fill in the tubing is only 1m deep
An estimate of the oil flow through a 100 cm long sand bridge in a 3.5 in OD tubing when there is a
100 bar pressure drop across it can be calculated using Darcy’s Law for single phase, incompressible
flow in porous media.
where :
Q = flow rate of fluid
A = Tubing Cross Sectional Area
m = fluid viscosity
L = Length of Sand bridge
k = Permeability of sand in the bridge
DP = Pressure Drop across the sand bridge
The permeability of most formations are less than 3 Darcies, so it is reasonable to assume the
sand bridge permeability of 1 & 10 Darcies. The tubing ID is typically 2.6 in or 6.6 cm and we
will assume that the oil has the same viscosity as water (1 cp). Substituting in Equation 1 gives:
Even though all the assumptions made have been optimistic in terms of maximising the
flow through the sand bridge (high permeability and available pressure drop (100 bar, low
fluid viscosity); the resulting oil production is low.
Different Types of Mechanical Sand exclusion
• Open Hole Completions
• Slotted Pipe
• The dual concentric screens have been welded onto the base pipe
• The gap between them is filled with the resin coated sand and the final welds completed
• The completed screen is placed in an oven where the thermosetting resin, coating the grain is hardened
creating a strong ring of grave
• Application of Open Hole Completions
Open hole completions have become much more popular since horizontal wells
became widespread. Their use avoids the high cost and technical difficulties in
cementing and perforating long horizontal liners and casings. Some of the problems
- and opportunities - presented to the completion design engineer when designing
horizontal well completions are illustrated in Figures 23 - 26.
This low cost option gives a typical well cost of only 60% of
that for above wire wrapped screen case. A more complex
Horizontal Well Completion is pictured in Figure 26.
All the options described above just used only the screen or liner as the basis of the completion. It was inserted into the open
hole and the gap between the screen or liner and the borehole wall remain empty.
Saucier varied the D50 ratio for the gravel and formation
sand between 2 and 20. Saucier measured the initial
permeability and the final,stabilised permeability after a long
duration flow period. Saucier found that smaller gravel forms
an effective filter for the sand - but has a low permeability
due to its small grain size. Invasion of the gravel by the
formation sand begins to occur once the D50 size ratio is
greater than 7 (Figure 36).
As the gravel increases in size (D50 ratio > 17), the gravel pore
throats become sufficiently large that the formation sand can
pass through with minimal impact on the gravel packs
Operational Considerations
The specification for the gravel used for gravel packing operations is laid
down in a "Recommended Practice" by a working committee of the
American Petroleum Institute (API). It must not only be carefully sieved; so
that 98% out of the sample falls between the maximum and minimum
specified sieves; but also the source of the gravel is selected to meet
minimum roundness, sphericity, grain strength criteria along with a
maximum value for acid solubility level and percentage clay.
Synthetic “gravel” is also available at a premium price. The grains are:
• Gravel slurry is pumped down the tubing and “crosses-over” into the liner / casing annulus. The gravel falls to
the bottom of the hole where it builds upwards. The fluid flowsthrough the liner, up thewash pipe and
“crosses-over” so that it can return to the surface via the casing / tubing annulus (Figure 42a).
• The pressure rises rapidly once the gravel level has covered the top of the liner since flow through the gravel
leading to a much higher pressure drop. This is called a screen out (Figure 42b).
• The gravel pack tool is raised to allow circulation directly from the tubing to the tubing / casing annulus (the
flow paths to the gravel pack itself are disconnected). Reverse circulation (DOWN casing/tubing annulus and
UP the tubing) allows the excess gravel slurry to be recovered at the surface. (Figure 42c).
Gravel Placement with Low Viscosity Fluids
• Gravel placement with low viscosity fluidsis mainly applied to external gravel packs or
shallow formations - The low gravel concentrations (2 lb gravel / gal fluid) and the low
frictional pressure losses minimise the chance of fracturing these weak formations.
• The time required to pump all the gravel and complete the gravel pack is long due to
this low gravel concentration, despite the high pump rate of 5-10 bbl/min.
• This high pump rate can cause permeability impairment due to gravel/sand intermixing
(see section 5.4).
• The large volumes of fluid pumped during the operation through the screen/ liner
increases the opportunity for liner or screen plugging.
Large scale laboratory tests have shown that the gravel pack is formed from the bottom
upwards in vertical or low deviation (< 45º) wells (Figure 43).
The process that occurs in perforations - dune formation - is
more complicated. (Figure 44.) The gravel is deposited at the
mouth of the perforation since it cannot be held in suspension
by the slow moving fluid (leak off rate per perforation is low).
It was discussed earlier that high flow rates have often been
observed to lead to sand inflow problems (Figure 2). Figure 52
compares the inflow area for a perforated casing with that of
various types of sand control screens and the ideal completion
(an open hole).