Impact of Jet: Technical Engineering Collage
Impact of Jet: Technical Engineering Collage
Impact of Jet: Technical Engineering Collage
Experment no.7
)Impact of jet(
Impact of jets apparatus enables experiments to be carried out on the :
reaction force produced on vanes when a jet of water impacts on to the
vane. The study of these reaction forces is an essential step in the subject of
mechanics of fluids which can be applied to hydraulic machinery such as the
Pelton wheel and the impulse turbine.Purpose:To investigate the reaction
force produced by the impact of a jet of water ontovarious target vanes
.Apparatus:1.Impact of jet apparatus.2.Hydraulic bench.
When a jet of water flowing with a steady velocity strikes a solid surface the
water is deflected to flow along the surface. If friction is neglected by assuming
an inviscid fluid and it is also assumed that there are no losses due to shocks
then the magnitude of the water velocity is unchanged. The pressure exerted
by the water on the solid surface will everywhere be at right angles to the
surface.Consider a jet of water which impacts on to a target surface causing
the direction of the jet to be changed through an angle as shown in figure
2below. In the absence of friction the magnitude of the velocity across the
surface is equal to the incident velocity Vi. The impulse force exerted on the
target will be equal and opposite to the force which acts on the water to impart
the change in direction
: Procedure
Position the weight carrier on the weight platform and add weights until the .1
top of the target is clear of the stop and the weight platform is floating in mid
position. Move the pointer so that it is aligned with the weight platform.
Record the value of weights on the weight carrier
Start the pump and establish the water flow by steadily opening the bench .2.
regulating valve until it is fully open
The vane will now be deflected by the impact of the jet.Place additional .3.
weights onto the weight carrier until the weight platform is again floating in
mid position. Measure the flow rate and record the result on the test sheet,
together with the corresponding value of weight on the tray. Observe the
form of the deflected jet and note its shape
Reduce the weight on the weight carrier in steps and maintain balance of .4.
the weight platform by regulating the flow rate in about three steps, each
time recording the value of the flow rate and weights on the weight carrier
Close the control valve and switch off the pump. Allow the apparatus to .5.
Replace the 5mm nozzle with the 8mm diameter nozzle and repeat the .6.
tests.7.Replace the normal vane with the 45°conical vane and repeat the
test with both the 5mm and 8mm nozzles.8.Replace the 45°conical vane
with the hemispherical vane and repeat the tests with both the 5mm and
8mm nozzles