Msc-Drainage-5-Flood Control Channels 201920 PDF
Msc-Drainage-5-Flood Control Channels 201920 PDF
Msc-Drainage-5-Flood Control Channels 201920 PDF
Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels
Flood Control Channels
• The design of a flood‐control system usually will include a variety of conveyance
channels called flood control channels. Flood control channels must behave in a stable
and predictable way to ensure a known flow capacity will be available for a planned
flood event. As soil erosion always happens for a flood flow, channel linings are
required either temporally or permanently to achieve channel stability.
• Channel linings can be classified as rigid or flexible. Rigid linings include channel
pavements for concrete or asphaltic concrete and a variety of precast interlocking
blocks and articulated mats. Flexible linings include such materials as loose stone
(riprap), vegetation, manufactured mats of light‐weight materials, fabrics, or
combinations of these materials. The selection of a particular lining is a function of the
design context, involving issues related to the consequences of flooding, the
availability of land, and environmental needs.
Rigid lining and flexible lining
• A rigid lining can withstand high discharge and high velocity flow. Flood‐
control channels with rigid linings are often used to reduce the amount of
land required for a surface drainage system.
• A flexible lining can respond to a change in channel shape, and hence is not
so easy to subject to local damage. It is used as temporary lining for control
of erosion during construction or reclamation of disturbed areas. From
environmental considerations, flexible linings are inexpensive, permit
infiltration and exfiltration, and allow growth of vegetation. Flow conditions
in the channel lined with flexible materials generally can be made to conform
to conditions found in a natural channel, thus provide better habitat
opportunities for local flora and fauna.
• Design of flood control channel includes the computation of the flow conditions for a given
design discharge and determination of the degree of erosion protection required.
• In the design of flood control channel steady open channel flow is assumed. The flow
condition thus can be described by the Manning's equation.
1 2/3
V R h Sf
• Where V(m/s)=velocity, n(s/m1/6)=Manning's coefficient, Rh(m)=A/P=hydraulic radius,
A=cross sectional area, P=wetted perimeter, Sf=friction slope (= bottom slope = surface
slope for uniform flow)
• Most rigid channel linings have a Manning's n that is approximately constant. For shallow
flows, the n value increases but the effect is in general neglected in the design. For channels
with flexible linings, the friction factor is more difficult to determine.
Components of a flood control channel
• A basic flood‐control channel consists of the following components.
• a)Channel inlet. Local shear stresses can develop at the point where the water enters a flood‐
control channel as a result of local acceleration of the flow. Proper collection and control of
incoming flow is essential.
• b)Reach. The reach is the length of channel with only minor variation in the properties of grade,
discharge, cross section, and lining material. Flow around a bend in a channel induces centrifugal
forces and results in a superelevation of the water surface. The water surface is higher at the outside
of the bend and higher shear stress is imposed on the channel bottom and banks.
• c)Confluence. A confluence is the site where two or more flows merge without a significant grade
difference between each channel.
• d)Side inlet. A side inlet allows flow to enter the channel over the bank.
• e)Channel crossing. A channel crossing is required where a road passing over the channel.
• f)Transition. A transition is a gradual expansion or contraction between two channel sections.
• g)Channel outlet. Local shear stresses can develop as a result of deceleration of the flow at the point
where water exits a flood control channel.
Design parameters
• The design parameters include:
• Flood frequency. The probability of failure of a flood control channel is expressed in terms of
return period. Depending on the purposes the value of the return period varies from 2 to 200
• Duration of flooding. Small flood control channels with intermittent flooding tend to have
short times of flooding. The flood duration may be related to the time of concentration of
the connected catchment.
• Channel slope. It is the major parameter affecting the boundary shear stress. The shear
stress is less for a mild slope (subcritical flow). It is not uncommon for smaller flood control
channels to operate mainly in supercritical flow regime.
• Channel section. The most common shapes of drainage channel are trapezoidal or
triangular. A 3:1 (horizontal: vertical) side slope is in general sufficient to prevent erosion at
the bank.
Mild gradient channel design
(channel gradient less than 10%)
• Rigid and flexible lining materials
• Channel roughness is affected by the relative height of the roughness
compared to the flow depth. Consequently channel roughness increases for
shallow flow depths and decreases as flow depth increases.
• The following table lists the recommended values of Manning's coefficients
for various types of lining.
Mild gradient channel design
• Vegetative lining.
• The channel roughness varies significantly for vegetative linings, depending on the amount
of submergence of the vegetation. As vegetation is flexible, the amount of submergence
will increase as the drag force bends the plant stems toward the channel bed. The Manning's
coefficient can be determined practically by the Kouwen's method.
• Kouwen assumed that the mean flow velocity can be given by the log equation
a b log h
u* ks
• Where V=mean velocity, u*=(0/ρ)=shear velocity due to vegetative resistance, 0=shear stress,
ρ=density of water, Rh=hydraulic radius, ks=effective roughness height, a, b= empirical coefficients
depending on vegetation characteristics. (log means log10)
• For steady open channel flow
0 gR hSf u* gR h Sf
• Combining the Manning equation and the log equation, the Manning coefficient can
be given by
R 1h/ 6
g (a b log(R h / k s ))
• a) The effective roughness height ks (m) is determined by the following equations
MEI 0.25
k s 0.14h 0
• where h=vegetation height (m), MEI=density stiffness parameter (N m2) , 0=bottom
shear stress (N/m2)
Mild gradient channel design
Vegetative lining
• b) MEI is dependent on h and is determined as follows
• Green Grass: MEI = 319h3.30 (S.I. unit : h is in m)
• Dormant Grass: MEI = 24.5h2.26
Mild gradient channel design
Vegetative lining
• c) The Manning's coefficient is determined as follows
R 1h/ 6
g (a b log(R h / k s ))
• The coefficients a and b are based on a classification of the three types of flow
conditions with vegetation: erect, submerged (bent), and flattened and is determined
from the following table. The initial shear stress that bends the vegetation from an
erect position is referred to as the vegetative critical shear stress.
Classification Criteria "a" "b"
Erect 0 0.42 5.23
Tractive force design
• b = tractive force or boundary shear stress = the unit hydraulic force acting to detach the lining.
• p = permissible shear stress = anchoring force acting to prevent movement of the lining.
• For a stable lining,
p b
• For noncohesive soils, the critical shear stress c (force required to initiate movement of the lining
material or the underlying soil) can be represented conservatively by
c [ N / m 2 ] 0.76D 50 [mm]
• D50=mean diameter of the particle gradation of the soil.
p Ca c
• where Ca = multiplication factor including the density of the soil particles, the angle of repose, the
channel side slope, the flow angle and the required factor of safety.
Tractive force design
• For cohesive material, the variation in critical shear stress depends on the concentration of the clay
particles within the soil.
• The mean boundary shear stress is already given by 0 gR h Sf
• The local boundary shear stress varies within a river reach as a consequence of the nonuniform
distribution of velocity in the cross section. For design, it is important to assess the maximum shear
stress occurred at specific locations in the reach. The maximum boundary shear stress is then given
b K a 0
• where Ka=boundary shear‐stress adjustment factor, depending on the conditions of channel bed,
channel bank, and flexible lining.
Example 1
• A channel is of width 2.5m and water depth of 0.6m. At
the channel bottom there is Green grass of height
h=200mm. The slope of the channel is 0.015.
• a) Determine the discharge rate.
• b) In addition to Green grass, the bottom of the channel is
filled with soil with D50=10mm. Determine the stability of
the channel given that Ka=0.1 and Ca=1.0
• Solution:
• a)
• Rh=A/P = 2.5x0.6/(2.5+2x0.6) = 0.405 m
• Find Manning roughness,
• MEI= 319 (0.2)3.3 = 1.575 Nm2
•τ 0 =1000 (9.81) 0.015 (0.0405) =59.6 N/m2
• ks = 0.14(0.2)((1.575/59.6)0.25/0.2)1.59 = 0.0854m
• τ = min (0.78 + 354 x 1.5752
cv +40100 1.5754, 53x1.5750.212) =58.4N/m2
• τ0/τcv = 1.02 , therefore, from p.15, a=0.42, b=5.23
• n = 0.4051/6 /(√9.81 (0.42+5.23 log10 (0.405/0.0854)) = 0.069
• Q = 2.5x6/0.069 x 0.4052/3 √0.015 = 14.6m3/s
• b)
• Ka = 0.1 (flexible lining reduces erosion due to sheltering effect)
• τb = Ka τ0 = 0.1 x 59.6 = 5.96 N/m2
• τc = 0.76 D50 (D50 in mm)
• =0.76 (10) = 7.6 N/m2
• τp = Ca τc = 1.0 x 7.6 = 7.6 N/m2
• τp > τb
• The channel is stable against erosion.
Steep‐gradient channel design
(Channel gradient greater than 10%)
• The maximum permissible shear stress is less for channels on steep slopes. As
velocity increases and flow depth decreases the exchange of momentum
between portions of the channel becomes more efficient. The channel
boundary away from the zone of maximum shear stress receives increased
shear stress that approaches the maximum. Localized shear zones are
created near irregularities in the lining. This requires linings with larger
particle sizes.
• To determine the flow resistance in channels with large scale roughness the
form drag of the roughness elements and the distortion of the flow as it
passes around roughness elements should be accounted for. The flow‐
resistance formula must take account skin friction and form drag. The
Manning's form of Bathhurst equation for this flow condition is given by
Steep‐gradient channel design
R 1h/ 6
g f (Fr )f (REG )f (CG )
• where the function f(Fr) accounts for the free surface drag of the elements; f(REG) accounts
for the roughness geometry; f(CG) accounts for the relative roughness area.
• The main force acting on a lining composed of large particles is the drag force. The effect is
to increase the shear parameter and consequently
c 1.5D 50
• for Rh/D50 < 2.0
• For boundary shear stress, correction must be made for steep slope and for high Froude
Manning Roughness due to Rigid Vegetation
Usub uu
H hv H
Uveg Vegetation
hv uc
a) Emergent b) Submerged
u* z 1 5/3
u u (z) ln u c q H s
hv nr
u * gHs
u* H H
U sub
H h v hv
u u dz
ln 1 u c
H h v h v
uc=Uveg, where 1
• =0.41, Uveg = average velocity • Where q=discharge per unit width,
through vegetation, hv = height of Usub=average velocity above
vegetation, u* = shear velocity. vegetation
1 h v 1 g H h v
nr 2 1 1 1 H1 / 6 ln h 1 H
b ( C D MDh v H1/ 3
) / 2 g H v
Relationship between the drag coefficient CD and the Reynolds 26
• Highest shear stresses occur on the bed of channel or on the channel
bank near bed. Composite lining is generally used with higher
strength lining used selectively in high shear areas.
• Low‐flow channels are within the main channel.
• Channel banks are vegetated for environmental or ecological
Ai 2/ 3
Q Q i R hi S 0
i i ni
Q2 Q1 Q3
Example 2
• Determine the flow rate of the
compound channel given that:
• Vegetation: number density
M=5/m2; diameter of stem 1m
D=0.05m; drag coefficient of stem 2m
CD=1.2 nb=0.02
• Bottom roughness nb=0.02 5m
• Slope of channel =0.001
Example 2
• Solution:
CD MDH4 / 3
nv n 2
• nv=√[(0.022+1.2(5)0.05(1)4/3/(2(9.81))] = 0.125
• Q = 2(5)/0.02[2(5)/(2+5+1)]2/3√(0.001) +
=18.34 + 2.53
= 20.9 m3/s
Equivalent roughness
A • Equivalent roughness
Q Q i i R 2hi/ 3 S 0
i ni
n 3i / 2 Pi
i 2/3
n i
A i A P Pi P
i i
Vi V i
A 2/3
Q R h S0
Where Vi=velocity of ith section, n
V=mean velocity of the channel
• Applicable to channel in which there
is no clear division of sub‐sections.
A1 Ai
P1,n1 A2
P2,n2 Pi,ni 31
Channels with Sediment Transport
• If there is no lining, sediment will generally be transported in flood control channel.
Routine maintenance will be required to prevent excessive accumulation.
• Sediment is transported in a stream channel as a combination of bed load (sediment
that is in frequent contact with the bed of the channel) and suspended load (sediment
from the bed that is mixed with the water flow by turbulence).
• Sediment transport begins when the critical shear stress of the bed sediment is
exceeded. As the mean shear stress and flow velocity increase, the total rate of
sediment‐transport increases.
• Sediment supply in a channel can be described by the Lane’s relationship QSGsds
• Where Q=discharge (m3/s), S=channel slope, Gs=bed load (kg/s) =mass of particles in a
flowing fluid (usually water) that are transported along the bed; ds=sediment size (m)
• Sediment is transported from the catchment through stream channels to
place of deposition.
• Every sediment particle must have been eroded somewhere in the
catchment above the cross section.
• The sediment particle must be transported by the flow to the cross section.
• If the supply of sediment from the catchment exceeds the sediment
transport at a cross‐section, sediment will accumulate, i.e. aggrade.
• If the transport at the cross section exceeds the supply of sediment,
sediment will be removed from the channel, i.e. degrade.
• Degradation will generally occur within the active area at which the critical
shear stress has been exceeded.
• Aggradation will be distributed fairly uniformly over the entire channel bed.
Resistance to flow
• Sediment transport creates features in the channel bed referred to as bed forms.
• The general progression of bed forms is from lower regime (ripples to dunes) through a
transition (washed out dunes to plane bed) to upper regime (antidunes).
• Allen’s bed form height Hb to flow depth H
2 3 4
0.080 2.24 18.13 70.90 88.3 1. 5
H 3 3 3 3
0 1. 5
s D50
• Where s=sg, s=density of sediment, D50=mean sediment size, 0=gHS =bed shear stress,
S=surface slope.
• <1.1 lower regime, 1.1<<1.5 transition, and >1.5 upper regime.
• For sand, Karim formula for Manning’s n
n 0.037D 0.126
50 1.20 8.92 b ( D50 in m ) 34
Example 3
• A natural wide channel of bottom slope of 0.0004 and water depth 1m.
The soil at the channel bottom is of D50=0.35mm and density
ρs=2600kg/m3. Determine the flow velocity and discharge per unit width
of the channel.
• Solution:
• Bottom shear stress = 1000(9.81)1(0.0004) = 3.92N/m2
• θ = 3.92/(2600(9.81)0.35/1000) = 0.44
• Hb/H= 0.08+2.24(0.44/3)‐18.13(0.44/3)2+70.9(0.44/3)3‐88.3(0.44/3)4 =0.2
• n = 0.037(0.35/1000)0.126(1.2+8.92(0.2))0.465 = 0.0226
• Velocity V=1/0.0226(1)2/3√(0.0004) = 0.89m/s
• Discharge per unit width q = VH = 0.89(1) = 0.89 m2/s