Aluminium Formwork Seminar
Aluminium Formwork Seminar
Aluminium Formwork Seminar
1. Introduction
The panels of aluminium formwork are made from high strength aluminium
alloy, with the face or contact surface of the panel, made up of 4mm thick
plate, which is welded to a formwork of specially designed extruded
sections, to form a robust component. The panels are held in position by a
simple pin and wedge arrangement system that passes through holes in the
outside rib of each panel. The panel fits precisely, securely and requires no
bracing. The walls are held together with high strength wall ties, while the
decks are supported by beams and props.
Since the equipment is made of aluminium, it has sections that are
large enough to be effective, yet light enough in the weight to be handled by
a single worker. Individual workers can handle all the elements necessary
for forming the system with no requirement for heavy lifting equipment or
skilled labor. By ensuring repetition of work tasks on daily basis it is
possible for the system to bring assembly line techniques to construction
site and to ensure quality work, by unskilled or semi-skilled workers.
Trial erection of the formwork is carried out in factory conditions
which ensure that all components are correctly manufactured and no
components are missed out. Also, they are numbered and packed in such a
manner so as to enable easy site erection and dismantling.
vii. As all the walls are cast monolithic and simultaneously with floor slabs
requiring no further plasters finish. Therefore the time required in the
conventional method for construction of walls and plastering is saved.
viii. As fully completed structural frame is made available in one stretch for
subsequent – finishing items, uninterrupted progress can be planned
ensuring, continuity in each trade, thereby providing as cope for
employing increased labor force on finishing item.
ix. As the system establishes a kind of “Assembly line production” phase –
wise completion in desired groups of buildings can be planned to
achieve early utilization of the buildings.
4. Higher carpet area- Due to shear walls the walls are thin thus
increasing area.
The formwork system can be used for construction for all types of
concrete systems, that is, for a framed structure involving column beam –
slab elements or for box-type structure involving slab-walls combination.
The panels are held in position by a simple pin and wedge system that
passes through holes in the outside rib of each panel. The panels fit
precisely, simply and securely and require no bracing. Buildings can be
constructed quickly and easily by unskilled labour with hammer being the
only tool required. Once the panels have been numbered, measuring is not
necessary. As the erection process is manually, tower cranes are not
required. The result is a typical 4 to 5 day cycle for floor – to – floor
Efficient – quick strip prop head:
D.Y.P.C.O.E., Akurdi, Pune 44 Department of
Civil Engineering
Seminar Report on Aluminium Formwork
Once cleaned and transported to the next point of erection, panels
should be stacked at right place and in right order. Proper stacking is a
clean sign of a wall – managed operation greatly aids the next sequence
of erection as well as prevents clutters and impend other activities.
The panels are made from high strength aluminium alloy with a 4
mm thick skin plate and 6mm thick ribbing behind to stiffen the panels. The
panels are manufactured in MIVAN’S dedicated factories in Europe and
South East Asia. Once they are assembled they are subjected to a trial
erection in order to eliminate any dimensional or on site problems.
All the formwork components are received at the site whining three
months after they are ordered. Following are the components that are
regularly used in the construction.
6.1.2 Prop Head for Soffit Beam: - It forms the soffit beam. It is a V-
shaped head for easy dislodging of the formwork. Fig no. 6.2
6.1.4 Beam Soffit Bulkhead: - It is the bulkhead for beam. It carries most
of the bulk load.
Fig. no. 6.4
6.2.1 Deck Panel: - It forms the horizontal surface for casting of slabs. It
is built for proper safety of workers. Fig. no. 6.5
6.2.2 Deck Prop: - It forms a V-shaped prop head. It supports the deck and
bears the load coming on the deck panel. Fig. no. 6.6
6.2.3 Prop Length: - It is the length of the prop. It depends upon the
length of the slab. Fig. no. 6.7
6.2.5 Soffit Length: - It provides support to the edge of the deck panels at
their perimeter of the room. Fig. no. 6.9
D.Y.P.C.O.E., Akurdi, Pune 44 Department of
Civil Engineering
Seminar Report on Aluminium Formwork
6.2.6 Deck Beam Bar: - It is the deck for the beam. This component
supports the deck and beam. Fig. no. 6.10
6.3.2 External Soffit Corner: - It forms the external corner between the
Fig. no. 6.12
6.4.1 Wall Panel: - It forms the face of the wall. It is an Aluminium sheet
properly cut to fit the exact size of the wall . Fig. no. 6.15
6.4.2 Rocker: - It is a supporting component of wall. It is L-shaped panel
having allotment holes for stub pin. Fig. no. 6.16
6.4.3 Kicker: - It forms the wall face at the top of the panels and acts as a
ledge to support.
Fig. no. 6.17
6.4.4 Stub Pin: - It helps in joining two wall panels. It helps in joining two
joints. Fig. no. 6.18
8. Speed of Construction
8.1 Work cycle
MIVAN is a system for scheduling & controlling the work of other
connected construction trades such as steel reinforcement, concrete
placements & electrical inserts. The work at site hence follows a particular
sequence. The work cycle begins with the deshuttering of the panels. It
takes about 12-15hrs. It is followed by positioning of the brackets &
platforms on the level. It takes about 10-15hrs simultaneously.
The deshuttered panels are lifted & fixed on the floor .The activity
requires 7-10 hours. Kicker & External shutters are fixed in 7 hrs. The wall
shutters are erected in 6-8 hrs One of the major activity reinforcement
requires 10-12 hrs. The fixing of the electrical conduits takes about 10 hrs
and finally pouring of concrete takes place in these.
This is a well synchronized work cycle for a period of 7 days. A
period of 10-12 hrs is left after concreting for the concrete to gain strength
before the beginning of the next cycle. This work schedule has been planned
for 1010-1080 sq m of formwork with 72-25cu m of concreting &
approximate reinforcement.
The formwork assembling at the site is a quick & easy process. On
leaving the MIVAN factory all panels are clearly labeled to ensure that they
are easily identifiable on site and can be smoothly fitted together using
formwork modulation drawings. All formwork begins from corners and
proceeds from there.
The system usually follows a four day cycle: -
Day 1: -The first activity consists of erection of vertical reinforcement bars
and one side of the vertical formwork for the entire floor or a part of one
Day 2: -The second activity involves erection of the second side of the
vertical formwork and formwork for the floor
Day 3: - Fixing reinforcement bars for floor slabs and casting of walls and
Day 4: -Removal of vertical form work panels after 24hours, leaving the
props in place for 7 days and floor slab formwork in place for 2.5 days.
The Advantages of this system are...
The MIVAN formwork is specifically designed to allow rapid construction of
all types of architectural layouts.
1) Total system forms the complete concrete structure.
2) Custom designed to suit project requirements.
3) Unsurpassed construction speed.
4) High quality finish.
5) Cost effective.
6) Panels can be reused up to 250 times.
7) Erected using unskilled labor.
Quality and speed must be given due consideration along with
economy. Good quality construction will never deter to projects speed nor
should it be uneconomical. In fact, time consuming repairs and
modifications due to poor quality work generally delay the job and cause
additional financial impact on the project. Some experts feel that housing
alternatives with low maintenance requirements may be preferred even if
the initial cost is high.
1) Because of small sizes finishing lines are seen on the concrete
2) Concealed services become difficult due to small thickness of
3) It requires uniform planning as well as uniform elevations to be cost
4) Modifications are not possible as all members are caste in RCC.
5) Large volume of work is necessary to be cost effective i.e. at least
200 repetitions of the forms should be possible at work.
6) The formwork requires number of spacer, wall ties etc. which are
placed @ 2 feet c/c; these create problems such as seepage, leakages
during monsoon.
7) Due to box-type construction shrinkage cracks are likely to appear.
8) Heat of Hydration is high due to shear walls.
8.4 Remedial Measures
In external walls, ties used in shutter connection create holes in wall after
deshuttering. These may become a source of leakage if care is not taken to
grout the holes. Due to box-type construction shrinkage cracks are likely to
appear around door and window openings in the walls. It is possible to
minimize these cracks by providing control strips in the structure which
could be concreted after a delay of about 3 to 7 days after major concreting.
The problem of cracking can be avoided by minimizing the heat of hydration
by using flyash.
The building in plan made an angle of 172°, 168º and 161° with each
other. The quality of construction is maintained at the site with the use of
D.Y.P.C.O.E., Akurdi, Pune 44 Department of
Civil Engineering
Seminar Report on Aluminium Formwork
RMC. The RMC plant has a capacity of producing 90 cubic meter of concrete
per hour. The concrete used was of 25 grades. The construction from
foundation up to stilt is done with conventional practice while the upper
floors are constructed using ‘MIVAN’ technology. The construction company
has imported three sets of aluminium forms. The cost is about Rs.500/- sq.ft
as against Rs.650/- sq.ft using conventional methods. Thus it can be said
that even though the cost of construction is little bit high it has an
unmatched quality compared to the conventional method.
Civil engineers not only build but also enhance the quality of life.
Their creativity and technical skill help to plan, design, construct and
operate the facilities essential to life. It is important for civil engineers to
gain and harness the potent and versatile construction tools.
Traditionally, construction firms all over the world have been slow to
adopt the innovation and changes. Contractors are a conservative lot. It is
the need of time to analyze the depth of the problem and find effective
solutions. MIVAN serves as a cost effective and efficient tool to solve the
problems of the mega housing project all over the world. MIVAN aims to
maximize the use of modern construction techniques and equipments on its
entire project.
We have tried to cover each and every aspect related to aluminium
(MIVAN) form construction. We thus infer that MIVAN form construction is
able to provide high quality construction at unbelievable speed and at
reasonable cost. This technology has great potential for application in India
to provide affordable housing to its rising population.
Thus it can be concluded that quality and speed must be given due
consideration with regards to economy. Good quality construction will never
deter to projects speed nor will it be uneconomical. In fact time consuming
repairs and modification due to poor quality work generally delay the job
and cause additional financial impact on the project. Some experts feel that
housing alternatives with low maintenance requirements may be preferred
even if at the slightly may preferred even if at the higher initial cost.