Forum 3
Forum 3
Forum 3
P203- Land Use Planning
According to Kaiser, et. al, there are five (5) tasks to complete the planning process in both land
classification and urban land use design.
Task 1: Derive location requirements for the land use sector of concern.
In order to successfully implement a land use plan the location of a parcel of land is vital.
The information regarding the location, characteristics and restrictions will easily determine
the basic areas or sector of concern.
Mapping the land that is subjected land is not design itself rather a bird’s eye view of the
land and the adjacent lands that would be important for the design in making the subjected
land sustainable.
The amount of space for the future use and activity of land will determine the projected
Development of one defined land use or class will progresses in the future with this the
design could make spatial arrangements and conversions of the area for future use and
Developing cities and towns - Land use planning is an important component of city
planning. The nature of cities required to the most beneficial use in terms of maximization
of economic factors and promoting convenience, while maintaining the quality of the
environment and promoting conservation of the land. The only way to achieve this is the
utilization of the elements of land use planning.
Zoning - is the process by which areas of land are split into zones by appropriate
establishments within which several users are assigned to each zone. Therefore, this
makes zoning very important modus operandi in land use planning where it is used to
design urban areas in many countries.
Community Relation - For any land planning activity to be commenced the involved actors
must involve the community or the member of the public in order to put into consideration
their opinions on the proposed land planning initiatives. After all, the land is being planned
so that the public can enjoy the benefits that comes from land use planning.
3. What are the future directions of study and application of the land use planning practice?
In view of sustainable development, land use planning is seen as a political and technical-
administrative decision-making process agreed with social, economic, political and technical factors, for
orderly occupation and sustainable use of the land under development.
On the other hand, it seeks regulation and promotion of the location and sustainable development
of human settlements, economic and social activities, and spatial physical development, based on the
identification of potentialities and limitations that consider environmental, economic, sociocultural,
institutional and geopolitical criteria. By and large, these parameters are put in place in order to make sure
that the environment is protected during land use or land development. Indeed, based on the
recommendations of the United Nations in its Habitat conference, land is assigned a high importance for
the development of human life as it is the fundamental support for its permanence and development, this
being the most important objective of the policy of human settlements. That is, the land resource is
recognized as an essential element, which supports the social, political and economic formation of society.
As mentioned earlier, the use of land refers to the occupation of a certain area according to its capacity and
therefore its development potential, it is classified according to its location as urban or rural, it represents a
fundamental element for the development of the city and its inhabitants since it is from these that its urban
structure is formed and therefore its functionality is defined.
For this reason, there is a need to ensure sustainability in order to ensure the we continue to enjoy
the benefits that come from urban planning and to ensure that future generations will continue enjoying
these benefits.