Décembre 1995: Boutique AFNOR Pour: Solios Carbone Client 8319200 Commande N-20100112-383554-TA Le 12/1/2010 16:25
Décembre 1995: Boutique AFNOR Pour: Solios Carbone Client 8319200 Commande N-20100112-383554-TA Le 12/1/2010 16:25
Décembre 1995: Boutique AFNOR Pour: Solios Carbone Client 8319200 Commande N-20100112-383554-TA Le 12/1/2010 16:25
Décembre 1995
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le 12/1/2010 16:25
Boutique AFNOR pour : SOLIOS CARBONE le 12/1/2010 16:25
NF E 83-100-1
French standard December 1995
Correspondence When this document was published, there were no international works dealing with
the same subject.
Analysis This document forms part of a series of normative documents concerning the
construction of fabricated assemblies.
This part defines especially:
— the terminology;
— welding classes and quality;
— the extent of inspections and the degree of aptitude of welders and operators.
This document gives in its annexes recommendations for fatigue analysis of welded
assemblies, as well as the examples of welding quality class determination, for
informational purposes.
Modifications With respect to the previous edition, taking into account of the standards
NF EN 287-1, NF EN 288-1 and the following.
Published and distributed by Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR — French standard institute) — 11, rue Francis de Pressensé —
93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex — Tel.: + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 00 — Fax: + 33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 — www.afnor.org
NF E 83-100-1 —2—
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 4
6 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................... 15
Annex A (informative) Recommendations for the fatigue analysis of welded assemblies .................. 16
A.1 General Remarks .............................................................................................................................. 16
A.2 Fatigue tests on welded assemblies ................................................................................................. 18
A.3 Calculation rules ................................................................................................................................ 22
A.4 Example of application ...................................................................................................................... 34
—3— NF E 83-100-1
1) This document forms the first part of a series of normative documents grouped under the same index E 83-100
concerning the welding techniques relating to the construction of fabricated assemblies, of which the outline is the
— Part 1: General remarks: terminology, weld quality classes, extent of weld inspections
— Part 2: Materials — Design
— Part 3: Guide for the choice of materials and for constructive provisions
— Part 4: Manufacturing — Inspection
— Part 5: Qualification of a welding operational procedure
This collection of normative documents corresponds to the needs expressed by the different concerned
professions in order to facilitate the manufacturer-client relationships. In particular, it allows one to:
— unify the language in this domain;
— unify the welding specifications required by the different order-givers;
— define for each welded joint, a level of reliability corresponding to the use requirements;
— serve as reference at the implementation of provisions relating to welding within the framework of quality
2) While waiting for elasticity criteria to be brought into line with national and European standards and taking into
account the fact that the symbol Re has no meaning in European standards, the following measures are adopted
in this document on the subject of the elastic limit:
— the elastic limit to take into account is the upper flow limit ReH (generally specified in the EN standards), or, in
its absence, the conventional elastic limit at 0.2% (Rp0.2), or the extension limit at 0.5% (Rt0.5). In case of
dispute, the conventional elastic limit at 0.2% (Rp0.2) must be determined;
— the limit specified in this document is the upper flow limit (ReH); if one does not have guaranteed ReH values,
one can use the guaranteed values of Rp0.2 or Rt0.5, all the while maintaining the specified limits.
1 Scope
This document defines, within the framework of construction and repair of fabricated assemblies relating to its
scope of application:
— the terminology of the terms most commonly used;
— welding quality classes;
— the extent of inspections and the degree of aptitude of welders and operators according to welding quality
It gives in its annexes for informational purposes the recommendations for fatigue analysis of welded assemblies,
as well as examples of welding quality class determination.
This document applies to the construction of fabricated assemblies in steel relating to mechanical industries, such
as, for example, those concerning mechanical parts, machine frames, mining materials, agricultural machinery,
handling gear, etc., with the exception of those that are subject to special standards or regulations, especially
pressure devices, hoist devices and certain handling devices.
It does not apply to metallic construction (fixed or mobile framing and metallic structures, included in a building
operation, civil engineering, public works, facilities and equipment).
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NF E 83-100-1 —4—
2 Normative References
This document incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. The normative
references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated
references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this document only when
they have been incorporated into it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the last edition of the
publication referred to applies.
NF EN 287-1, Qualification test of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels (classification index: A 88-110-1).
NF EN 288-1, Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials — Part 1: General rules for
fusion welding (classification index: A 89-010-1).
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
The buyer is the physical or legal person who buys from the manufacturer a fabricated assembly, either on his own
behalf or on the behalf of a third party.
It is up to the buyer to indicate, under his own responsibility, the data necessary for the requested construction
and, if the need arises, special requirements in addition to those in this document.
welded assembly
A welded assembly is a group of elements assembled by using one or several welds.
welding quality class
A welding quality class establishes the conditions necessary and sufficient to be required at design and to be
respected at manufacturing in order to obtain an assembly capable to support the stresses from use and those
that can result from manufacturing without damage.
The designer defines, on behalf of the manufacturer or the purchaser, the product, its conditions of use, its
characteristics, and drafts the technical specifications accompanying the order.
The designer may work for the manufacturer’s or the purchaser’s own operation.
The manufacturer is the physical or legal person who assumes the responsibility for the fabricated construction,
in accordance to the specifications provided by the purchaser.
The manufacturer may entrust the operations or work to subcontractors but maintains complete liability of the
operations or work thus subcontracted.
fabricated construction
Group that is part of a fabricated construction (machines, installations, etc.) constituted of one or several welded
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—5— NF E 83-100-1
supplementary inspection
A supplementary inspection is an inspection intended to assess the quality of the weld on both sides of an anomaly
outside of the detected tolerance during an inspection.
Physical person responsible for performing the inspection operations.
This person may answer to the manufacturer, the purchaser, or to a specialized outside organization, following the
agreement in the order.
test plate
Representative specimen welded at the same time and with the same parameters as the welded joint to be
assessed. This plate may be adjoining or not to that of the welded joint, or be sampled directly on the part, in the
joint itself.
thinning by heat
Before welding, the action of bringing the parts to a temperature less than 100°C in the interest either of drying
them, or of bringing them to a temperature sufficient for welding in the case of parts that are too cold.
welder’s degree of aptitude (see standard NF E 83-100-4)
Qualification level obtained by a welder at a given qualification test.
stress relieving (relaxation treatment)
Thermal or mechanical treatment intended to diminish the internal stress of the weld.
extent of non-destructive testing
The extent of non-destructive testing is, for a welded joint, the weld length proportion to be inspected.
weld throat thickness
nominal throat thickness
The nominal throat thickness "a" is the thickness of the weld (or reference throat thickness) used for
the calculation.
The figures of table 1 (see the end of this clause) define the nominal throat thicknesses of the most common
welded assemblies for welds with or without chamfer.
actual throat thickness
The actual (or real) throat thickness "au" is the effective throat thickness obtained after welding.
Operation intended to eliminate irregularities, defects, possible slag deposits to leave only the sound metal before
restart, on a weld bead.
Physical person entrusted by the purchaser with supervising manufacturing and/or inspection operations.
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NF E 83-100-1 —6—
Space between two or several elements to be assembled by welding whose edges have been prepared for this
purpose (see figure 1).
In the case where the edges are straight, the joint volume may be null.
Primary metal
α Angle of chamfer
g Space or play
s Lock or flat spot
Figure 1
welded joint or weld
The term welded joint, or weld, indicates the joint after making the weld (see figure 2).
Consumable metal
Figure 2
welding operational procedure (see standard NF EN 288-1).
welding operator (see standard NF EN 287-1).
Before welding, the action of bringing parts to be assembled to a determined temperature and maintaining the
parts at this temperature for the entire duration of the welding.
After welding, the action of maintaining the assembled parts at a determined temperature and for a given time,
and cooling them.
welding procedure (see standard NF EN 288-1).
welding program or descriptive of a welding operational procedure (DWOP) (see standard NF EN 288-1).
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—7— NF E 83-100-1
welder qualification (see standard NF E 83-100-4).
Region of the first run furthest from the welder.
Important operation applied to a fabricated construction before or after implementation, in the interest of making
it conform to the previously defined quality criteria.
resumption (not to be confused with touch-up or sealing run)
Continuing a weld after a stop.
sealing run
Operation performed to the back side of a weld for full penetration in the interest of improving its finish and/or
Local operation performed in the interest of eliminating minor defects detected in the welded assemblies, before
inspection severity
Inspection requirements determined according to the welding quality classes.
welder (see standard NF EN 287-1).
weld (see welded joint).
partial penetration weld
Welding concerning only one part of the thickness of at least one of the assembled elements; the penetration may
be normal or strong, according to the depth of the molten zone in the primary metal.
guaranteed penetration weld
Welding performed by one (or several) procedure(s), in specified conditions, assuring the sure connection of the
assembled elements over a definite depth.
full penetration weld
Welding performed by one (or several) procedure(s), in specified conditions, assuring the sure connection of the
assembled elements over the thickness of at least one of the assembled elements.
welding with natural chamfer
Welding performed in a joint whose chamfer is constituted by the rounding or the angle of the parts to be
Device (metallic strip, fibreglass, ceramic, flux, etc.) supporting the metal in fusion during welding.
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NF E 83-100-1 —8—
1 — partial penetration
(normal penetration) angle weld
without chamfer
2 — partial penetration
(normal penetration) angle weld
with chamfer
3 — partial penetration
(strong penetration) angle weld
without chamfer
4 — partial penetration
(strong penetration) angle weld
with chamfer
(to be continued)
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—9— NF E 83-100-1
(to be continued)
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NF E 83-100-1 — 10 —
9 — partial penetration
(normal penetration) angle weld
with chamfer
10 — partial penetration
(strong penetration) butt weld
with chamfer
(to be continued)
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— 11 — NF E 83-100-1
4.1.2 The quality class of each of the welds is defined at the time of design
It determines:
— the extent of the inspections;
— the severity of the inspections;
— the degree of aptitude of welders and operators;
— the welding program;
— the particular conditions to be respected during manufacturing and inspection.
NF E 83-100-1 — 12 —
Necessity of the replacement of replacement
Defect in use Repair on site
or repair of the defective element or repair of the
Grades defective element
of risks Not Deferred
requiring Impossible
immediate Immediate Short Long Difficult Easy Easy
immediate or difficult
stop duration duration
R1 X X X X
R2 X X X X
R3 X X X X
4.3.1 Calculated assemblies not subjected to a fatigue analysis (determinant static loads)
These assemblies are designed and calculated to resist static loads, which are:
— structures subjected to essentially static loads;
— structures and constructions for which, in addition to static loads, variable loads produce a stress spectrum for
which one can presuppose that fatigue shall not be a decisive factor.
One considers that a weld is not to be calculated and/or verified in fatigue if the number of cycles is equal or inferior
to the following value:
7 × 10
N ≤ --------------------
where :
N is the number of cycles stipulated for the lifespan of the structure;
∆σ is the extent of stress applied in megapascals ( ∆σ = σmax – σmin calculated at the limit state of use);
m is equal to 3 (the most usual coefficient).
4.3.2 Calculated assemblies not subjected to a fatigue analysis (determinant cyclic loads) These assemblies are designed and calculated to resist stress of periodically variable intensities
(estimated number of cycles), of which the maximum level remains inferior to the metal’s elastic limit.
∆σ a
∆σ is the extent of the applied stresses:
∆σ a is the extent of the admissible stresses.
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— 13 — NF E 83-100-1
This extent depends on the type of assembly (see table A.1 of the annex A which gives recommendations for
fatigue analysis of the welded assemblies). In the case where the extent of stresses varies over the use of the structure, a verification must be
performed using the Miner rule (see annex A).
If the load is of a random character, a treatment for obtaining a load cumulative must be performed prior to the
application of this rule.
R1 R2 R3
0,8 ≤ ------ ≤ 1 A A B
Calculated assemblies
not subjected σc
Static stresses 0,4 ≤ ------ ≤ 0,8 A B C
to a fatigue analysis 1) σe
(determinant static loads)
-----c- < 0,4 B C C
0,7 ≤ ---------- ≤ 1 A A B
∆σ a
Calculated assemblies
subjected ∆σ
Cyclic stresses 0,3 ≤ ---------- ≤ 0,7 A B C
to a fatigue analysis 1) ∆σ a
(determinant cyclic loads)
---------- < 0,3 B C C
∆σ a
Stressed A A B
Non-calculated assemblies
Low stressed A B C
NF E 83-100-1 — 14 —
Table 4
C 100 — —
1) By agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser, inspection by radiography or ultrasound may be
replaced with an inspection by magnetoscopy or by penetrant testing and vice versa.
2) For angle assemblies, the inspection by ultrasound is replaced by inspection by magnetoscopy or by
penetrant testing if the thickness is less than or equal to 10 mm.
3) The stress concentration points (nodes, crossings, weld extremities,...) are inspected at 100% over at least
50 mm on both sides of the concentration axis or of the edge of the welded joint.
4) Inspection by magnetoscopy or by penetrant testing is cancelled on steels whose elastic limit is less than
355 MPa, if the thickness "t" or the throat thickness "a" is less than or equal to 20 mm.
REMARKS: The inspections performed must be distributed as regularly as possible over the whole of each
relevant welded joint from the same welding quality class.
The inspected length must not be less than 400 mm.
Any welded joint of a length less than 400 mm is inspected over the total length.
For welded joints of a length greater than 400 mm, all the extremities must be inspected over a length at least
equal to 50 mm.
— 15 — NF E 83-100-1
6 Bibliography
NF E 52-109-2, Lifting and handling — Welded joints — Part 2: Weld quality classes — Extent of the non-
destructive testing.
Document IIS/IIW-693/81, Recommendations for the calculation of steel welded constructions, subject to cyclic
NOTE This document of the International Welding Institute should soon be revised.
A further revision of this document (annex A) is stipulated so that this remains coherent with the IWI document.
Terms and definitions used in welding and associated techniques (publications of Autogenous Welding and of the
Welding Institute).
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NF E 83-100-1 — 16 —
Annex A
Recommendations for the fatigue analysis of welded assemblies 1)
This annex gives the rules relating to performance in fatigue of welded assemblies.
These rules based essentially on the tests can be used for the design and calculation of welded assemblies.
Strongly curved weld (to be avoided) Concave weld Convex weld (to be avoided)
Figure A.1
One then finds a microgeometry effect. It is a question in this case of very localized stress concentrations only
concerning the particular zones of a weld (figure A.2):
— connecting zone of a butt weld;
— toe and root of a angle weld.
Figure A.2
It’s in these regions that what one usually qualifies as natural weld notches are located.
— 17 — NF E 83-100-1
Finally, the third effect results in the geometry of the whole, i.e. the related arrangement of the layout of the parts
to be assembled (figure A.3).
Figure A.3
The most important effect regarding fatigue seems to be the effect of microgeometry because the fatigue cracks
are preferentially located in the regions where it occurs. (Figure A.4 gives examples of cracks for informational
Figure A.4
In reality, the combination of three geometric effects condition the localization of the cracks, the microgeometric
effect playing a predominant role.
Even if, as indicated below, this observation cannot be used quantitatively, it is, however, a question of extremely
precious qualitative information.
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NF E 83-100-1 — 18 —
Figure A.5
It concerns a repeated tensile test (Rσ = σmin / σmax = 0), for which one imposes a force variation
∆F (∆F = Fmax – Fmin). By definition, the butt assembly is subjected to an extent of variation of nominal stress ∆σ
equal to ∆F / S.
This magnitude ∆σ is equal to σmax – σmin ; it is designated hereafter in the text by "Extent of stress".
At the end of a certain number of cycles, a crack appears in the connection zone. Initiation occurs in the zone
where the geometry is the most unfavourable and corresponds thus to the maximum notch effect; but, if the weld
is regular, one sees very often multiple initiation which produces a continuous shallow surface crack.
Continuing the test, one causes the propagation of the crack which generally occurs at depth, i.e. in the thickness
of the product or in the thickness of the weld (see figure A.4) continuing until the specimen breaks.
— 19 — NF E 83-100-1
Figure A.6
It remains possible to choose, for the Y-coordinates, either ∆σ = σmax – σmin or σa, amplitude of the stress cycle.
It suffices to remember that σa = ∆σ / 2 and the choice of one or the other parameter becomes indifferent. In the
system of representation thus chosen, one makes a representative point of the test result at the coordinates
(∆σnominal, Ncrack). The graph is completed by showing all the results classically in the line of the Wöhler curve
(figure A.7).
Extent of stress
Figure A.7
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NF E 83-100-1 — 20 —
Undulating tension
0 Repeated tension
1 Symmetrical compression tension
α Repeated compression
Figure A.8
It is the presence of these residual tensile stresses that explains why fatigue cracks can be noticed on welded
assemblies subjected to compression cycles which often have the reputation of not being dangerous in fatigue.
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— 21 — NF E 83-100-1
Smooth specimen
∆σ for 106
Notched specimen
Welded specimen
Tensile force
Figure A.9
One notices in this figure, between the performance domain of the constituent material and the performance
domain of a welded assembly, the intermediary location of a specimen bearing a mechanical notch. This must
naturally be approximated to that which is known in other respects, especially in regards to the increase of
sensitivity to the notch effect when static resistance increases. This effect, amplified in the case of welded
assemblies by the maximum acuteness of notches, provides another route of explication as to the non-
dependency of performance in fatigue of assemblies with respect to the elastic limit.
This observation is also partially explicable by the increased unfavourable effect of residual stresses which
increases with the elevation of the elastic limit.
An immediate consequence of the preceding is the immobilisation of a reflex attitude when an assembly (or a
welded part) breaks from fatigue. This reflex attitude consists of not changing anything in the assembly's plan or
execution other than using a more resistant steel. In reality, the steel will be effectively more resistant statically
since it has greater static mechanical characteristics but its intrinsic aptitude in fatigue, although greater, will be
completely eliminated by the indicated effect.
The expected improvement will not be obtained; the result may even be contrary to the desired effect.
The improvement in fatigue of a welded joint can only occur through an increase in thickness (leading thus to a
global diminution of the stress level) or an improvement of the plan (through recourse to a better assembly).
In general, the use of steels with a high elastic limit only presents an important interest in the case when a finishing
treatment (grinding, remelting, blasting, hammer,…) is applied, after welding. The effectiveness of these
treatments is much greater if the steels used have a higher elastic limit.
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NF E 83-100-1 — 22 —
A.3.1.1 Dimensioning
The elements that the designer may use are:
— stresses (forces, resultant moments) to be transmitted by the assembly;
— the operational conditions of the construction.
The calculation must allow dimensions to be established (thickness, inertia) so that the assembly gives satisfaction
during the totality of the contractual lifespan.
The first work consists in calculating the number of cycles N to which the assembly must resist.
The second step is to determine the value of ∆σ for the assembly.
In consideration of which, we find:
∆F known
∆σ admissible = --------------------
S min
∆F known
S min = -----------------------------
∆σ admissible
From this simple example, we therefore see that the calculation does not directly concern the welded assembly
(the welds themselves) but the constituent elements which must be sufficiently substantial so that, under the stress
transmitted the nominal stress level remains at a sufficiently low value in order for there to be no fatigue cracking
from the notches made by the welds.
Later will be covered:
— the determination of ∆σ admissible;
— the dimensioning of the welds themselves.
A.3.1.2 Verification
This time we have at our disposal the following elements:
— stresses to be transmitted by the assembly;
— operational conditions;
— dimensions of the assembly.
Despite being able to be conducted on the level of stress (verification that the real nominal stress level remains
inferior to the level of admissible nominal stress), the verification is generally made on the number of cycles.
According to the operational conditions and lifespan, one calculates a number of cycles to be performed and,
according to the dimensions and stresses, one calculates the ∆σnominal to which the assembly is subjected.
∆F known
∆σ nominal = --------------------
S min
According to ∆σnominal, one determines a number of admissible cycles and one verifies that:
Nreal < Nadmissible
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— 23 — NF E 83-100-1
Figure A.10
The plot thus determined from the mean plot representing the mean distribution (figure A.10) serves indifferently
for dimensioning or verification because it is what allows one to go from the Nknown to ∆σadmissible (figure A.11a)
or from ∆σknown to Nadmissible (figure A.11b).
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NF E 83-100-1 — 24 —
Mean distribution
Mean distribution
Figure A.11
This clearly indicates the principle retained for the inclined part of the Wöhler curve.
In regards to the fatigue limit, the procedure is different.
One can make a "vertical" statistical analysis and establish a guaranteed operational probability calculated fatigue
limit Furthermore, as it concerns a clearly more delicate procedure, we prefer to take recourse to another
technique that consists in establishing the calculated fatigue limit at the level ∆σ reached by the calculated plot for
a number of determined cycles (5 × 106, 107, 2 × 108 for example) according to the fatigue case and especially in
case of an aggressive environment (especially corrosion) (figure A.12). This point is essential not only for
calculating welded assemblies for long life spans but also for the calculation of damage in variable or random
Mean distribution
Figure A.12
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— 25 — NF E 83-100-1
NF E 83-100-1 — 26 —
Double verification
(k = safety coefficient)
Figure A.13
Figure A.14
— 27 — NF E 83-100-1
ni = number of applied cycles under the extent ∆σi;
Ni = number of admissible cycles under the extent ∆σi only.
Mean distribution
Calculated distribution
at 97.7% of survival
Figure A.15
NF E 83-100-1 — 28 —
Lifespan, cycles
Figure A.16
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— 29 — NF E 83-100-1
(to be continued)
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NF E 83-100-1 — 30 —
(to be continued)
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— 31 — NF E 83-100-1
(to be continued)
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NF E 83-100-1 — 32 —
(to be continued)
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— 33 — NF E 83-100-1
NF E 83-100-1 — 34 —
Figure A.17
Figure A.18
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— 35 — NF E 83-100-1
I 3
---- = 350 cm
Then either a rolled section, or a reconstituted section fulfilling this condition is chosen.
S min = 750 mm
NF E 83-100-1 — 36 —
a = 6 mm
It must be noted, in passing, that the choice of a throat thickness value a = eflat/2 is limit.
This rule must be abandoned although it is in common use by design consultants. Overabundant in static stress,
it can be dangerous in the case of fatigue!
A.4.5 Comments
As has already been indicated, the arrangement of the flat transversal to the tension flange is most favourable in
regards to the fatigue performance of the girder; however, this arrangement is not recommended because it is
susceptible to provoke a secondary deformation effect of the flange (figure A.19).
In order to avoid this side effect, it is appropriate to add stiffeners which directly assure the resumption of the force
caused by the flat (figure A.20).
We notice that the addition of these stiffeners does not affect the fatigue performance of the girder. Effectively, this
type n. 15 assembly corresponds to class 80 which is identical to that of the flat associated on the tension flange.
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— 37 — NF E 83-100-1
Annex B
Examples of welding quality class determination
B.1 Welding quality class determination of two welded joints of a fork lift truck apron
(figure B.1)
B.1.1 Determination of risk levels (paragraph 4.2)
— Weld 1: an operational failure causes the device to immediately stop.
— Conclusion: risk level R1.
— Weld 2: an operational failure does not cause the device to immediately stop: Repair on site is easy.
— Conclusion: risk level R3.
NF E 83-100-1
— 38 —
1 = weld 1
2 = weld 2
— 39 — NF E 83-100-1
∆σ 49
---------- = ------ ≈ 0,7
∆σ a 71
NF E 83-100-1 — 40 —
Dimensions in millimetres
Weld 1 details
Weld 4 details
Weld 5 details
Figure B.2 : 18 cylinder internal combustion engine frame and 570 mm bore