Chapter 3

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ITME 2304 / Thermodynamics &

Heat Transfer

‫الديناميكا الحرارية‬
Chapter III

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 1

Chapter 3
A substance that has a fixed chemical composition
throughout is called a pure substance. Water, nitrogen,
helium, and carbon dioxide, for example, are all pure

A pure substance does not have to be of a single chemical

element or compound, however. A mixture of various
chemical elements or compounds also qualifies as a pure
substance as long as the mixture is homogeneous.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 2

Air, for example, is a mixture of several gases, but it is often
considered to be a pure substance because it has a uniform
chemical composition.

Nitrogen and gaseous air

are pure substances.

However, a mixture of oil and water is not a pure substance.

A mixture of liquid and gaseous
water is a pure substance, but a
mixture of liquid and gaseous air
is not (the mixture is no longer
chemically homogeneous).
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 3
The substances exist in different phases. At room temperature
and pressure, copper is a solid, mercury is a liquid, and nitrogen
is a gas. Under different conditions, each may appear in a
different phase.

There are three principal phases — solid, liquid, and gas —

a substance may have several phases within a principal
phase, each with a different molecular structure.
For example: Iron has three solid phases etc.

The molecules in a solid are

kept at their positions by the
large springlike intermolecular
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 4
There are many practical situations where two phases of a pure
substance coexist in equilibrium. Water exists as a mixture of
liquid and vapor in the boiler and the condenser of a steam
power plant.
As a familiar substance, water is used to demonstrate the basic
principles involved.
Compressed Liquid and Saturated Liquid

At 1 atm and 20°C, water

At 1 atm pressure and
exists in the liquid phase
100°C, water exists as a
(compressed liquid).
liquid that is ready to
vaporize (saturated liquid).

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 5

Midway about the vaporization line (state 3), the cylinder
contains equal amounts of liquid and vapor. As we continue
transferring heat, the vaporization process continues until the
last drop of liquid is vaporized (state 4). As a familiar substance,
water is used to demonstrate the basic principles involved.

Saturated Vapor

As more heat is At 1 atm pressure, the

transferred, part of temperature remains
the saturated liquid constant at 100°C until the
vaporizes last drop of liquid is
(saturated liquid– vaporized (saturated
vapor mixture). vapor).

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 6

Saturated Vapor and Superheated Vapor
At state 5, the temperature of the vapor is, let us
say, 300°C; and if we transfer some heat from the
vapor, the temperature may drop somewhat but no
condensation will take place as long as the
temperature remains above 100°C (for P =1 atm).
A vapor that is not about to condense (i.e., not a
saturated vapor) is called a superheated vapor.

As more heat is transferred, the temperature of the vapor

starts to rise (superheated vapor).

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 7

This constant-pressure phase-change process is illustrated
on a T-v diagram.

If the entire process described

here is reversed by cooling the
water while maintaining the
pressure at the same value, the
water will go back to state 1.

T-v diagram for the heating process

of water at constant pressure.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 8
Saturation Temperature and Saturation Pressure

The temperature at which water starts boiling depends on the

pressure; therefore, if the pressure is fixed, so is the boiling
Water boils at 100°C at 1 atm pressure. If the pressure inside
the cylinder were raised to 500 kPa by adding weights on top
of the piston, water would start boiling at 151.8°C.

At a given pressure, the temperature at which a pure substance

changes phase is called the saturation temperature Tsat.
Likewise, at a given temperature, the pressure at which a pure
substance changes phase is called the saturation pressure Psat.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 9

Saturation Temperature and Saturation Pressure

Saturation tables that list the saturation

pressure against the temperature (or the
saturation temperature against the
pressure) are available for practically all

This table indicates that the pressure

of water changing phase (boiling or
condensing) at 25°C must be 3.17
kPa, and the pressure of water must
be maintained at 3976 kPa (about 40
atm) to have it boil at 250°C.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 10

Next, we develop and discuss the T-v, P-v, and P-T diagrams
for pure substances.
Let us add weights on
top of the piston until the
pressure inside the
cylinder reaches 1 MPa.
At this pressure, water
has a somewhat smaller
specific volume than it
does at 1 atm pressure.
T-v diagram of constant-pressure
phase-change processes of a pure
substance at various pressures The T-v Diagram
(for water).
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 11
When the pressure reaches 22.06 MPa for the case of water.
This point is called the critical point, and
it is defined as the point at which the
saturated liquid and saturated vapor
states are identical.
The temperature, pressure, and
specific volume of a substance at the
critical point are called, respectively,
the critical temperature Tcr, critical
pressure Pcr, and critical specific
volume vcr. The critical-point properties
At supercritical pressures (P =Pcr),
of water are Pcr = 22.06 MPa, Tcr = there is no distinct phase-change
373.95°C, and vcr = 0.003106 m /kg. (boiling) process.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 12
The saturated liquid states in the Fig. can be connected by a
line called the saturated liquid line, and saturated vapor
states in the same figure can be connected by another line,
called the saturated vapor line.

T-v diagram of a pure substance.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 13

The P-v Diagram
The general shape of the P-v diagram of a pure substance is
very much like the T-v diagram, but the T constant lines on this
diagram have a downward trend, as shown in the Fig.

The pressure in a piston–cylinder

device can be reduced by P-v diagram of a pure substance.
reducing the weight of the piston.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 14

Latent heat
It takes a large amount of energy to melt a solid or vaporize a
liquid. The amount of energy absorbed or released during a
phase-change process is called the latent heat.

Latent heat:
 Latent heat of fusion: the amount of energy absorbed
during melting is called the latent heat of fusion and is
equivalent to the amount of energy released during freezing.
 Latent heat of vaporization: the amount of energy absorbed
during vaporization is called the latent heat of vaporization
and is equivalent to the energy released during condensation.
The magnitudes of the latent heats depend on the temperature
or pressure at which the phase change occurs.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 15
Latent heat
During a phase-change process, pressure and temperature are
obviously dependent properties, and there is a definite relation
between them, that is, Tsat = f (Psat).

The liquid–vapor saturation curve

of a pure substance (numerical
values are for water).

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 16

Extending the Diagrams to Include
the Solid Phase
The two equilibrium diagrams developed so far represent
the equilibrium states involving the liquid and the vapor
phases only.
Most substances contract during a solidification (i.e.,
freezing) process.

Others, like water, expand as they freeze. The

P-v diagrams for both groups of substances are given
in the Figs.

The P-v diagrams for both groups of substances are

given in the next Figs.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 17
Extending the Diagrams to Include
the Solid Phase
The P-v diagrams for both groups of substances are given in the
Figs. These two diagrams differ only in the solid–liquid saturation.

P-v diagram of a substance that P-v diagram of a substance that

contracts on freezing. expands on freezing (such as water).
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 18
Extending the Diagrams to Include
the Solid Phase
The states on the triple line of a substance have the same
pressure and temperature but different specific volumes.

At triple-point pressure and

temperature, a substance exists in
three phases in equilibrium.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 19
Extending the Diagrams to Include
the Solid Phase

The triple line appears as a

point on the P-T diagrams
and, therefore, is often
called the triple point. The
triple-point temperatures
and pressures of various
substances are given in the
For water, the triple-point
temperature and pressure
are 0.01°C and 0.6117 kPa.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 20

Extending the Diagrams to Include
the Solid Phase
No substance can exist in the liquid phase in stable equilibrium
at pressures below the triple-point pressure.

However, substances at high pressures can exist in the liquid

phase at temperatures below the triple-point temperature. For
example, water cannot exist in liquid form in equilibrium at
atmospheric pressure at temperatures below 0°C, but it can exist
as a liquid at -20°C at 200 MPa pressure.

There are two ways a substance can pass from the solid to vapor
phase: either it melts first into a liquid and subsequently
evaporates, or it evaporates directly without melting first.
Passing from the solid phase directly into the vapor phase is
called sublimation.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 21
The P-T Diagram
This diagram is often called the phase diagram since all three
phases are separated from each other by three lines.

These three lines meet at

the triple point, where all
three phases coexist in

P-T diagram of pure substances

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 22
The P-v-T Surface
All the points on the surface represent equilibrium states. All
states along the path of a quasi-equilibrium process lie on the
equilibrium states.

P-v-T surface of a substance

P-v-T surface of a substance that expands on freezing
that contracts on freezing. (like water).
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 23
For most substances, the relationships among thermodynamic
properties are too complex to be expressed by simple equations.
Therefore, properties are frequently presented in the form of
Enthalpy—A Combination Property

specific enthalpy h = u + Pv (kJ/kg)

total enthalpy H = U + PV (kJ)

The combination u + Pv is
frequently encountered in the
analysis of control volumes.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 24
Enthalpy—A Combination Property
1 a) Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor States
The properties of saturated liquid and saturated vapor for water are listed in
Tables A–4 and A–5.
The only difference is that in Table A–4 properties are listed under temperature
and in Table A–5 under pressure.

T-v diagram of a pure substance. P-v diagram of a pure substance.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 25

Enthalpy—A Combination Property
1 a) Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor States
The properties of saturated liquid and saturated vapor for water
are listed in Tables A–4 and A–5.
vf = specific volume of saturated liquid
vg = specific volume of saturated vapor
vfg = difference between vg and vf (that
is, vfg = vg - vf )

The quantity hfg is called the enthalpy of

vaporization (or latent heat of vaporization).
It represents the amount of energy needed
to vaporize a unit mass of saturated liquid at
a given temperature or pressure. A partial list of Table A–4.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 26
Enthalpy—A Combination Property
1 a) Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor States
The quantity hfg (enthalpy of vaporization) decreases as
the temperature or pressure increases and becomes zero
at the critical point.
A rigid tank contains 50 kg of saturated liquid water at 90°C.
Determine the pressure in the tank and the volume of the tank.
Since saturation conditions exist in the tank, the pressure
must be the saturation pressure at 90°C:
P = Psat @ 90°C = 70.183 kPa (Table A–4)
The specific volume of the saturated liquid at 90°C is
v = vf @ 90°C = 0.001036 m3/kg (Table A–4)
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 27
Enthalpy—A Combination Property

Then the total volume of the tank becomes

V = mv = (50 kg) (0.001036 m3/kg) = 0.0518 m3

Schematic and T-v diagram

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 28
Enthalpy—A Combination Property
A mass of 200 g of saturated liquid water is completely
vaporized at a constant pressure of 100 kPa. Determine (a)
the volume change and (b) the amount of energy transferred
to the water.
The volume change per unit mass
during a vaporization process is vfg
Reading these values from Table A–5
at 100 kPa and substituting yield
vfg = vg - vf = 1.6941 - 0.001043
= 1.6931 m3/kg
DV = m vfg = (0.2 kg) (1.6931 m3/kg)
= 0.3386 m3
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 29
Enthalpy—A Combination Property
(b) The amount of energy needed to vaporize a unit mass of a
substance at a given pressure is the enthalpy of vaporization
at that pressure, which is hfg = 2257.5 kJ/kg for water at 100
kPa. Thus, the amount of energy transferred is

m hfg = (0.2 kg) (2257.5 kJ/kg) = 451.5 kJ

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 30

1b Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture
During a vaporization process, a substance exists as part liquid
and part vapor. That is, it is a mixture of saturated liquid and
saturated vapor.

To analyze this mixture properly, we

need to know the proportions of the
liquid and vapor phases in the mixture.

A new property called the quality x

as the ratio of the mass of vapor to
the total mass of the mixture:

The relative amounts of liquid and

vapor phases in a saturated mixture
mtotal = mliquid + mvapor = mf + mg are specified by the quality x.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 31
1b Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture
Quality x has no meaning in the compressed liquid or
superheated vapor regions. Its value is between 0 and 1.

The quality of a system that consists of saturated liquid is 0

(or 0 percent), and the quality of a system consisting of
saturated vapor is 1 (or 100 percent).

The total volume V is the sum of the two (saturated liquid

and saturated vapor):

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 32

1b Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture

Dividing by mt yields
Quality is related to the
horizontal distances on P-v
vavg = (1 – x) vf + x vg and T-v diagrams

since x = mg /mt. This relation can

also be expressed as
vavg = vf + x vfg (m3/kg)
where vfg = vg - vf. Solving for
quality, we obtain

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 33

1b Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture

Dividing by mt yields
The analysis given above can be repeated for internal energy
and enthalpy with the following results:

All the results are of the same format, and they can be
summarized in a single equation as
yavg = yf + xyfg
where y is v, u, or h.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 34
A rigid tank contains 10 kg of water at 90°C. If 8 kg of the water
is in the liquid form and the rest is in the vapor form, determine
(a) the pressure in the tank and (b) the volume of the tank.
A rigid tank contains saturated mixture.

P = Psat @ 90°C = 70.183 kPa (Table A–4)

(b) At 90°C, we have vf = 0.001036 m3/kg

and vg = 2.3593 m3/kg (Table A–4).
V = Vf + Vg = mf vf + mg vg

= (8 kg) (0.001036 m3/kg)

+ (2 kg) (2.3593 m3/kg)
= 4.73 m3
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 35
Another way is to first determine the quality x, then the average
specific volume v, and finally the total volume:

Schematic and T-v diagram

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 36

An 80-L vessel contains 4 kg of refrigerant-134a at a pressure
of 160 kPa. Determine (a) the temperature, (b) the quality, (c)
the enthalpy of the refrigerant, and (d) the volume occupied by
the vapor phase.

Obviously, vf < v < vg, and, the refrigerant is in the saturated

mixture region. Thus, the temperature must be the saturation
temperature at the specified pressure:
T = Tsat @ 160 kPa = -15.60°C
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 37
(b) Quality can be determined from

(c) At 160 kPa, we also read from Table

A–12 that hf = 31.21 kJ/kg and hfg =
209.90 kJ/kg. Then,
h = hf + x hfg

= 31.21 kJ/kg + (0.157) (209.90 kJ/kg)

= 64.2 KJ/kg

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 38

(d) The mass of the vapor is

mg = x mt = (0.157) (4 kg) = 0.628 kg

and the volume occupied by the vapor

phase is

Vg = mg vg = (0.628 kg) (0.12348 m3/kg)

= 0.0775 m3 (or 77.5 L)

The rest of the volume (2.5 L) is occupied

by the liquid.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 39

Superheated Vapor

In the region to the right of the saturated vapor line and at

temperatures above the critical point temperature, a substance
exists as superheated vapor.
Since the superheated region is a single-phase region (vapor
phase only), temperature and pressure are no longer
dependent properties and they can conveniently be used as
the two independent properties in the tables A6.
In these tables, the properties are listed against temperature
for selected pressures starting with the saturated vapor data.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 40

Compared to saturated vapor, superheated vapor is
characterized by
Higher tempreatures (T > Tsat at a given P)
Lower pressures (P < Psat at a given T)
Higher specific volumes (v > vg at a given P or T)
Higher internal energies (u > ug at a given P or T)
Higher enthalpies (h > hg at a given P or T)

T-v diagram of a pure substance. P-v diagram of a pure substance.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 41

Determine the temperature of water at a state of P = 0.5 MPa
and h = 2890 kJ/kg.
Solution and Analysis:
At 0.5 MPa, the enthalpy of saturated water vapor (Table 5) is
hg = 2748.1 kJ/kg. Since h > hg, we again have superheated
vapor. Under 0.5 MPa in Table A–6 we read

Obviously, the temperature is between

200 and 250°C. T = 216.3°C
At a specified P, superheated vapor exists
at a higher h than the saturated vapor
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 42
Compressed Liquid
The format of Table A–7 is very much
like the format of the superheated
vapor tables.
One reason for the lack of
compressed liquid data is the relative
independence of compressed liquid T-v diagram of a pure substance.
properties from pressure.

The compressed liquid properties depend on temperature much more

strongly than they do on pressure.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 43
Compressed Liquid
The property whose value is most sensitive to variations in the
pressure is the enthalpy h. Although the above approximation
results in negligible error in v and u, the error in h may reach
undesirable levels.
The error in h at low to moderate pressures and temperatures
can be reduced significantly by evaluating it from
h ≅ hf @ T + vf @ T (P - Psat @T)
instead of taking it to be just hf.

A compressed liquid may be

approximated as a saturated
liquid at the given temperature.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 44

In general, a compressed liquid is characterized by
Lower tempreatures (T < Tsat at a given P)
Higher pressures (P > Psat at a given T)
Lower specific volumes (v < vf at a given P or T)
Lower internal energies (u < uf at a given P or T)
Lower enthalpies (h < hf at a given P or T)

T-v diagram of a pure substance. P-v diagram of a pure substance.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 45

Determine the internal energy of compressed liquid water at
80°C and 5 MPa, using (a) data from the compressed liquid
table and (b) saturated liquid data. What is the error involved
in the second case?

Analysis: At 80°C, the saturation

pressure of water is 47.416 kPa, and
since 5 MPa > Psat, we obviously have
compressed liquid, as shown in the Fig.
(a) From the compressed liquid table
(Table A–7)

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 46

(b) From the saturation table (Table A–4), we read

The error involved is

which is less than 1 percent.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 47

Reference State and Reference Values
The values of u, h, and s cannot be measured directly, and they
are calculated from measurable properties using the relations
between thermodynamic properties.
However, those relations give the changes in properties, not
the values of properties at specified states.
Therefore, we need to choose a convenient reference state and
assign a value of zero for a convenient property or properties at
that state.
For water, the state of saturated liquid at 0.01°C is taken as the
reference state, and the internal energy and entropy are
assigned zero values at that state.
However, in thermodynamics we are concerned with the
changes in properties, and the reference state chosen is of no
consequence in calculations.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 48
The Use of Steam Tables to Determine Properties
Determine the missing properties and the phase descriptions
in the following table for water:

From Table A–5 that uf = 504.50 kJ/kg and ufg = 2024.6 kJ/kg.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 49

Then the average internal energy of the mixture is

b) we do not know which table to use to determine the missing

properties because we have no clue as to whether we have
saturated mixture, compressed liquid, or superheated vapor.

We first go to the saturation table (Table A–4) and

determine the uf and ug values at the given temperature.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 50

At 125°C, we read uf = 524.83 kJ/kg and 2534.3 = kJ/kg.
Next we compare the given u value to these uf and ug values,
keeping in mind that
We have saturated liquid–vapor mixture. Then the pressure
must be the saturation pressure

The quality is determined from

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 51

Any equation that relates the pressure, temperature, and specific
volume of a substance is called an equation of state.

There are several equations of state, some simple and others very
complex. The simplest and best-known equation of state for
substances in the gas phase is the ideal-gas equation of state.
This equation predicts the P-v-T behavior of a gas quite
accurately within some properly selected region.

Gas and vapor are often used as synonymous words.

The vapor phase of a substance is customarily called a gas when it is
above the critical temperature.
In 1662, Robert Boyle, an Englishman, observed during his
experiments with a vacuum chamber that the pressure of gases is
inversely proportional to their volume.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 52
In 1802, J. Charles and J. Gay-Lussac, Frenchmen,
experimentally determined that at low pressures the volume of a
gas is proportional to its temperature. That is,

This equation is called the ideal-gas equation of state, or

simply the ideal-gas relation, and a gas that obeys this
relation is called an ideal gas.
In this equation, P is the absolute pressure, T is the
absolute temperature, and v is the specific volume.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 53
The gas constant R is different for each gas (see Table A1) and
is determined from

Where Ru is the universal gas constant and M is the molar mass

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 54
The constant Ru is the same for all substances, and its value is

Ru = 8.31447 kJ / kmol K

The properties of an ideal gas at two different states are

related to each other by

V =mv PV = mRT
It has been experimentally observed that the ideal-gas relation
given closely approximates the P-v-T behavior of real gases at
low densities. At low pressures and high temperatures, the
density of a gas decreases, and the gas behaves as an ideal
gas under these conditions.
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 55
In the range of practical interest, many familiar gases such as air,
nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, helium, argon, neon, krypton, and
even heavier gases such as carbon dioxide can be treated as
ideal gases with negligible error (often less than 1 percent).

Dense gases such as water vapor in steam power plants and

refrigerant vapor in refrigerators, however, should not be treated
as ideal gases. Instead, the property tables should be used for
these substances.

Determine the mass of the air in a room whose dimensions are

4 m x 5 m x 6 m at 100 kPa and 25°C.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 56

Analysis: Air at specified conditions can be treated as an ideal
gas. From Table A–1, the gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa ·
m3/kg · K, and the absolute temperature is T = 25°C+ 273=298 K.

V = (4 m) (5 m) (6 m) =120 m3

The mass of air in the room is determined from the ideal-gas

relation to be

Is Water Vapor an Ideal Gas?

This question cannot be answered with a simple yes or no.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 57

Is Water Vapor an Ideal Gas?
The error involved in treating water vapor as an ideal gas is
calculated and plotted in the Fig.

Percentage of error
([|vtable - videal|/vtable] x 100)
involved in assuming steam to
be an ideal gas, and the region
where steam can be treated as
an ideal gas with less than 1
percent error.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 58

Is Water Vapor an Ideal Gas?
It is clear from this figure that at pressures below 10 kPa, water
vapor can be treated as an ideal gas, regardless of its
temperature, with negligible error (less than 0.1 percent).
At higher pressures, however, the ideal gas assumption yields
unacceptable errors, particularly in the vicinity of the critical point
and the saturated vapor line (over 100 percent).
Therefore, in air-conditioning applications, the water vapor in the
air can be treated as an ideal gas with essentially no error since
the pressure of the water vapor is very low.

In steam power plant applications, however, the pressures

involved are usually very high; therefore, ideal-gas relations
should not be used.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 59

The pressure in an automobile tire depends on the temperature
of the air in the tire. When the air temperature is 25°C, the
pressure gage reads 210 kPa. If the volume of the tire is 0.025
m3, determine the pressure rise in the tire when the air
temperature in the tire rises to 50°C. Also,

determine the amount of air that

must be bled off to restore
pressure to its original value at
this temperature. Assume the
atmospheric pressure is 100

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 60

The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa.m3/kg.K (Table A-1).

Analysis: Initially, the absolute pressure in the tire is

Treating air as an ideal gas and assuming the volume of the

tire to remain constant, the final pressure in the tire can be
determined from

Thus the pressure rise is

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 61

The amount of air that needs to be bled off to restore pressure
to its original value is

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 62

A 1-m3 tank containing air at 25°C and 500 kPa is connected
through a valve to another tank containing 5 kg of air at 35°C
and 200 kPa. Now the valve is opened, and the entire system is
allowed to reach thermal equilibrium with the surroundings,
which are at 20°C. Determine the volume of the second tank
and the final equilibrium pressure of air.
Assumptions: At specified conditions, air behaves as an
ideal gas.
Properties: The gas constant of air is
R = 0.287 kPa.m3/kg.K (Table A-1).
Analysis: Let's call the first and the second tanks A and B.
Treating air as an ideal gas, the volume of the second tank
and the mass of air in the first tank are determined to be
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 63


Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 64

Then the final equilibrium pressure becomes

EXAMPLE: A piston–cylinder device initially contains 50 L of

liquid water at 40°C and 200 kPa. Heat is transferred to the
water at constant pressure until the entire liquid is vaporized.
(a) What is the mass of the water?
(b) What is the final temperature?
(c) Determine the total enthalpy change.
(d) Show the process on a T-v diagram with respect to
saturation lines.

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 65

Analysis: Initially the cylinder contains compressed liquid (since
P > Psat@40°C) that can be approximated as a saturated liquid at
the specified temperature (Table A-4),

a) The mass is determined from

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 66

(b) At the final state, the cylinder contains saturated vapor and
thus the final temperature must be the saturation temperature
at the final pressure,

(c) The final enthalpy is h2 = hg @ 200 kPa = 2706.3 kJ/kg. Thus,

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 67

End of Unit Three

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, Chapter III 68

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy