Robotic & Laparoscopic Urology & Paediatric Urology: The XXTH Practical Course in
Robotic & Laparoscopic Urology & Paediatric Urology: The XXTH Practical Course in
Robotic & Laparoscopic Urology & Paediatric Urology: The XXTH Practical Course in
Robotic &
Laparoscopic Urology
& Paediatric Urology
Proctoring and training will focus, mainly on robotic & laparoscopic complications.
But is also a practical urologic laparoscopic training course on pigs – something
always well received by the participants. We have therefore assembled a renowned
and experienced faculty of Scandinavian and European laparoscopists to demon-
strate, supervise and lecture on topics including:
• Pathophysiology of laparoscopy
• Mechanical and technical complications
• Troubleshooting
• Haemorrhage
• Organ specific injury and lesions
• Perioperative complications
• Convert vs. continue
Trainees will also get the chance to brush up on their general urological laparoscopic
skills, including black box training, trans/retroperitoneal access to the kidneys, ureter,
intracorporeal suturing techniques, pyeloplasty, Fowler-Stephens procedure for
non-palpable testis and heminephrectomy/partial nephrectomy. The number of
participants in the animal lab is limited to 18, with 2-3 participants per pig.
And remember:
There are two types of surgeons – those who have complications…..and the liars!
Delegates can look forward to a nice social program including the traditional course
dinner in the Aarhus Center, and can spend the rest of the other course days
(post-training) enjoying the lovely city of Aarhus.
Organizing committee:
Yazan F. Rawashdeh (Chairman)
The XXth Practical Course in Robotic/Laparoscopic Urology will be held at the
facilities of the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, located at
Aarhus University Hospital, Entrance G, basement.
Wednesday, September 25
10.00 – 11.00 Exhibition/Registration Meeting-room, Institute
of Clincal Medicine
The XXth Practical Course in Robotic & Laparoscopic Urology & Paediatric Urology is
accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
(EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists.
The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), The course is granted 17 European CME credits (both paediatric and
adult credits).
Den Gamle By “The Old Town” Open-Air museum.
Main exhibit: