Model QP-02 08 FON PDF
Model QP-02 08 FON PDF
Model QP-02 08 FON PDF
Degree Examination,
CBCS - Model Question Paper - 2
FiBer oPtiCS and networkS
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80
Note : Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each module.
Module - 01
1. a. Using Snell’s law, derive an expression for numerical aperture of a optic cable.
(08 Marks)
Ans. Numerical Aperture (NA) - meridial rays
● It gives a relationship between acceptance angle and refractive indices of the
core, cladding and air.
● Gives definition for NA of the fiber.
● NA is independent of fiber core diameter, minimum required is 8m below that
optics approach is invalid.
● Figure to illustrate NA.
Air (n0) NA = light collecting
h2(low) ability of fiber
a A h1(high) C
2 8
B n2
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andsin 2 where
and c c
1 2
1 0
Leads to
equation 2
n n 22
2 1/ 2
n12 n 22 3
1/ 2
n0 sin a n1
n 2 1/ 2
1/ 2
Sincefiberin air n 0 1, NA sin a n 21 n 22
i.e., 0 1 a the rays will be propaged in the fiber
Relative R.Ialsodefines N.A
n2 n2 n n B
Relative R.I 12n 2 2 1 n 2
1 1
n 0 sin a n 12 n 2 1/ 2
n sin 2n
0 a
2 1/ 2
i.e., 2n n n
2 1/ 2
2 1/ 2
1. b. Explain the Total internal reflection and photonic crystal fiber. (08 Marks)
Ans. Total internal reflection
Low index cladding
Core axis
High index core
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Two conditions necessary for TIR to occur are
(i) The refractive index of fast medium must be grater than the refractive index of
second one.
(ii) The angle of incidence must be grater than (or equal to) the critical angle.
Photonic crystal fibers (PCF) [Micro structured fibers]
● Early to 1990’s initially this was called holey fiber, later photonic crystal fiber or
micro structured fiber.
● The difference between this new structure and that of conventional fiber is that
the cladding in some cases core region.
● Contains air holes, which run along the entire length of the fiber.
● This structure arrangement crates an internal micro structure which offers the
light of the fiber.
● Pitch size and spacing of the hole in the micro structure or its constitute material
determine the light guiding char of photons
● Two types
(i) Photonic band gap fibers
* Effective R.I of cladding depends on and size, pitch of holes.
* Hollow core surrounded by micro structure C
(ii) Index guiding fiber 111ler to concentional fiber
* Here core (n1)> cladding R.I (n2)
* Guides light by means of photonic band gap effect.
2. a. Describe block of an optical fiber transmission link and explain the function of
element in link. (08 Marks)
Ans. Basic block diagram of optical fiber communication system consists of following
important blocks.
(i) Transmitter
(ii) Information channel
(iii) Receiver
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Message origin:
● Generally message origin is from a traducer that converts a non-electrical message
into an electrical signal. Common examples include microphones for converting
sound waves into currents and video (TV) cameras for converting images into
current. For data transfer between computers, the message is already in electrical
The modulator has two functions
(i) It converts the electrical message into the proper format.
(ii) It impresses this signal into the wave generated by the carrier source.
● Two distinct categories of modulation are used u analog modulation and digital
Carrier source
● Carrier source generates the wave on which the information is transmitted this
wave is called the carrier.
● For fiber optic system, a laser diode (LD) or a light emitting diode (LED) is used.
They can be called as optic oscillators, they provide stable. Single frequency
waves with sufficient power for long distance propagation.
Channel coupler
● Coupler feeds the power into the information channel. For an atmospheric optic
system, the channel coupler is a lens used for collimating the light emitted by the
source and directing this light towards the receiver.
● The coupler must efficiently transfer the modulated light beam from the source
to the optic fiber.
● The channel coupler design is an important part of fiber system because of
possibility of high losses.
Information channel
● The information channel is the path between the transmitter and receiver in fiber
optic communications, a glass or plastic fiber is the channel.
● Desirable characteristics of the information channel include low attenuation and
large light acceptance core angle.
● Another important property of the information channel is the propagation time of
the waves travelling along u.
Optical detector
● The information being transmitted is detector. In the fiber system the optic wave
is converted into an electric current by a photo detector.
● The current developed by the defector is proportional to the power in the incident
optic wave.
● The important properties of photo detectors are small, economy, long life, low
power consumption, high sensitivity to optic signals and fast response to quick
variations in the optic power.
Signal processing
● Signal processing includes filtering, amplification, proper filtering maximizes the
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ratio of signal to unwanted power.
● For a digital system decision circuit is an additional block.
● The bit error rate (BER) should be very small for quality communications.
Message output
● The electrical form of the message emerging from the signal processor are
transformed into a sound wave or visual image. Sometimes these signals are
directly usable when computers or other machines are connected through a fiber
2. b. Define acceptance angle and critical angle. Calculate the NA, acceptance angle
and critical angle of the fiber having n 1 (Core refractive index) =1.50 and
refractive of cladding=1.45. (08 Marks)
Ans. Critical angle
● The critical angle is defined as the minimum angle of incidence (1 ) at which the
ray strikes the interface of two media and causes an angle of refraction (2 ) equal
to 90o.
0max sin1 n n
● The angle c is called acceptance angle and 0(max) defines the maximum angel in
which the light ray may incident on fiber to propagate down the fiber.
Acceptance angle(0)=?
Critical angle (c)=?
n1 n 2 1.50 1.45
n1 1.50
(i) Numerical operture NA n1 2
NA 1.50 2 0.033
NA 0.387
(i) Acce tan ceangle 0 sin 1 NA
0 sin1 0.387
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0 22.78o
(iii) Criticalangle sin1 2
1 1.45
c 75.2o
Module - 02
3. a. Describe the attenuation mechanisms in an optical fiber. (06 Marks)
● Attenuation is a measure of decay of signal strength or loss of light power that
occur as light pulses propagate through the length of the fiber.
● In optical fibers the attenuation is mainly caused by two physical factors absorption
and scattering losses.
● Absorption is because of fiber material and scattering due to structural imperfection
within the fiber. Nearly 90% of total attenuation is caused by Rayleigh scattering
● Micro bending of optical fiber also contributes to the attenuation of signal.
● The rate at which light is absorbed is dependent on the wavelength of the light
and the characteristics of particular glass. Glass is a silicon compound, by adding
different additional chemicals to the basic silicon oxide the optical properties of
the glass can be changed.
● The Rayleigh scattering is wavelength dependent and reduces rapidly as the
wavelength of the incident radiation increases.
● The attenuation of fiber is governed by the materials from which it is fabricated,
the manufacturing process and the refractive index profile chosen. Attenuation
loss is measured in dB/km.
Attenuation units
● As attenuation leads to a loss of power along the fiber, the output is significantly
less than the couples power.
Let the couples optical power is p(0) u at origin (Z=0) then the power at distance Z
is given by, P(Z)= P(0)e-pZ
Where p→ is fiber attenuation constant (per km)
1 p 0
p ln
Z p Z
1 p0
dB/ km 10 log
Z p Z
dB/km=4.345p per km → This parameter is known as fiber loss or fiber attenuation.
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● Attenuation is also a function of wavelength optical fiber wavelength as a function
of wavelength is shown in figure below.
Attenuation Window
(dB/km) Window
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Scattering loss for single component glass is given by
n 1k B Tf
83 2 2
s cat T nepers
Where n= Refractive index
KB= Bottzmunn’s constant
T= Isothermal compressibility of material
Tf= Temperature at which density fluctuations are frozen into the glass as it solidifies
Another form of equation is
8n 3 3 2
s cat n p k BTf T nepers
Where, P= photo elastic co efficient.
● Scattering loss for multicomponent glasses is given by
scatt s
n Sv
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● At the output individual pulses are recombined and since they are overlapped
receiver see a long pulse causing pulse broadening.
4. a. With aid of simple sketches, outline major categories of fiber couplers.
(08 Marks)
Ans. An optical fiber coupler is a device that distributes light from a main fiber into one
or more branch fibers.
● Optical fiber couplers are aften passive devices in which the power transfer take
place either.
(a) Through the fiber core cross section by but joining the fibers or by using some
form of raging optics between the fibers (core interaction type)
(b) Through the fiber surface and normal to its axis by converting guided core
modes to both cladding and refracted modes which then enables the power shoring
mechanism (surface interaction type)
Fiber 2
Fiber 1
Fiber 1
Fiber 2
Fig Classification of optical fiber couplers (a) Core interaction type (b) Surface
interaction type
● The mechanisms associated with these two broad categories are illustrated as
shown in above figure.
● Active waveguide directional couplers are also available which are realized using
integrated optical fabrication techniques.
→ Multi port optical fiber couplers can also be subdivided into the following three
main groups
(i) Three and four port coupler which are used for signal splitting, distribution and
Splitter Combiner
1 3
2 4
Fig Three port and Four port coupler
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(ii) Star couplers, which are generally used for distributing a single input signal to
multiple outputs.
M(or)N N
Wavelength Wavelength
multiplexer Demultiplexer
21/ 2
0.65 1.62 2.4 1.5 2.88 2.4 6
2 1/ 2
W 3.12m
The loss due to2 the lateral off
2 set is given by equation as
y 1
T1 2.17 2.17
w 3.12
T1 0.22 dB
The loss due to angular
misalignment may be obtained from equation
Wn V
T 2.17 1
a NA
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3.12 1.46 2.4
2.17 180
4 0.1
Ta 0.49 dB
Hence, the total insertion loss is,
TT T1 Ta
TT 0.22 0.49
TT 0.71dB
Module - 3
5. a. With proper sketch briefly explain the structure of RAPD photodiode.
(06 Marks)
● The carrier multiplication without excess noise for a specific thickness of
multiplication region within the APD it is necessary to reduce the ratio of the
ionization co-efficients for electronics and holes K.
● In silicon this ratio is a strong function of the electric field varying from around
0.1 at 3×105 V m-1 to 0.5 at 6×105 V m-1.
● Hence for minimum noise, the electric field at avalanche breakdown must be as
low as possible and the impact ionization should be initiated by electrons. To this
end a reach through structure has been implemented with the silicon APD.
● The silicon reach through APD (RAPD) consists of P+-n-P-n+ layers as shown in
figure below.
n+ E-field
gain region
Absorption region
Fig (a) : Structure of silixon Fig (b) : The field distribution in the RAPD
RAPD showing the gain region cross the p-nt regions
● The high field region the avalanche multiplication take place is relatively narrow
and centered on the P-n+ junction, thus under low reverse bias most of the voltage
is dropped across the P-n+ junction.
● When the reverse bias voltage is increased the depletion layer widens across the
p-region until it (reaches through to the nearly intrinsic (lightly doped) region.
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● The region is much wider than the p-region the field in the region is much
lower than that at the p-n+ junction.
● This has the effect of removing some of the excess applied voltage from the
multiplication factor with applied voltage.
● The field in the - region is lower than in the multiplication region it is high
enough (2×104 V cm-1) when the photo diode is operating to sweep the carriers
through to the multiplication region at there scattering limited velocity (10 7 cm
● This limits the transit the transit time and ensure a fast response.
5. b. A double hetero-junction in GaAsP LED emitting at a peak wavelength of
1310nm has radioactive and non-radioactive recombination of 30 and 100ns,
the drive current is 40mA. Find the recombination life time and internal power
generated. (06 Marks)
Ans. Recombination life time is given by
r =30ns
30 100
r nr
r nr 30 100
Internal quantumefficiency 0.77
r 30
Internal power is given by,
h cI 6.62 1034 310 0.040
1.602 10 1.3110
q 19 6
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1310nm combiner
(video) upto 20 km User premises
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Fiber to amplifier
Active medium
Optical input
signal Amplified optical
Fig : Basic operation of a generic optical amplifier
Erbium Doped fiber amplifier
● The active medium in optical fiber amplifier consist of nominally 10-30 nm
length optical fiber that has been lightly dooped (1000 parts/ million weight)
with rare earth elements such as Erbium (Er), yettribium (Yb), Thulium (Tm) or
praseadymium (Pr).
● The host fiber material can be standard silica, a fluid base glass or a l-ellrite glass.
● For long fall communication silica fiber with erbium doping is used .
● EDFA is 1530 nm to 1560 nm length.
6. b. Discuss the different types of noise which occur in photo detectors. (06 Marks)
● To detect weak signal, the detectors and amplifier circuit S/N must be optimize
S Signalpower from photocurrent
N Photodet ector noise power amplifier noise powerThermal noise
results of photon to e conversion.
is high, when detector is high → large signal output power and is low→should
be made low.
Sensitivity → mini detectable optical power →power required to produce to photo
C+ of Ip N1 N 2 N 3 or total noise C+
2 2 2
● So detector noise should be understood.
Noise sources
Different noise affecting S/N ration
Rs= service resistance →small than RL →neglected
Cd= Junction and packing capacitance.
RL= Load or bias regester
Ca= amplifier input capacitor
Ra= amplifier input resistance
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Photo Diode
o/p Diode
Amp cd RL Ra Amp
RL ca
Types of noises
Quantum or shot noise
● Arises depending on nature of production and collection of photo e s when optical
signal is incident on detector.
● Number of carriers generated depends on detection process, → set s lower limit
for R×r sensitivity.
● Shot noise C+ has mean square Val in B.W (Be) parallel to average value of photo
i2 shot shot 2q I pBe M F2 M
F(M)= noise figure associated with avalanche process
~ x where x(0≤ x ≤1) depends on materials.
F(M)= M=1 for pin diode.
Photo Diode dark C+ = bulk + surface C+
● Is the C+ that continues to flow this bias CKt when no light is incident on diode.
Total mean square photo detector noise current is i2 N.
2 i2 i2 i2
N shot DB DS
1.5 1019
R 0.694 A / W
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IP 2.5 106
R 0.694
Po 3.60 m
Module - 04
7. a. Explain the operation of a polarization independent isolator with neat diagram.
(06 Marks)
Ans. Isolator
● An isolator is a passive non reciprocal device, it allows transmission in one
direction through it and block all transmission in other direction.
● Isolator are used in systems before optical amplifiers and lasers mainly to prevent
reflections from entering these devices otherwise performance will degrade.
● Important parameters of an isolator are its insertion loss (in forward direction)
and isolation (in reverse direction).
● The insertion loss should be as small as possible, the typical insertion loss is
around 1dB and isolation is around 40 to 50 dB.
Principle if operation
● Isolator works on the principle of state of polarization (SOP) of light is a single
mode fibers.
● The state of polarization (SOP) refers to the orientation of its electric field vector
on a plane that is orthogonal to its derection of propagation.
● The electric field can be expressed as linear combination of two orthogonal linear
polarization supported by fiber.
● Theses two polarization modes are horizontal and vertical modes.
● The principle of operation is illustrated below,
Faraday rotator
Reflected light
Fig : Isolator works only for a particular state of polarization
● Let input signal has vertical sate of polarization (SOP) and blocks energy in
horizontal SOP, the polarizer is followed by farady rotator.
● Farady rotator is an asymmetric device which rotates the SOP clockwise by 45o
in both direction of passed through the device without any loss.
● Light entering the device from right due to reflection, with same 45o SOP
orientation is rotated another 45o by the Farady and blocked by the next polarizer.
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7. b. Explain tunable light sources. (06 Marks)
Tuning cool
Fig : Tunable optical filter
● The system parameters for tunable optical filters are,
(i) Tuning range (∆V)
(ii) Channel spacing (V)
(iii) maximum number of channel(N)
(iv) Tuning speed
Tuning range(∆V)
● The range over which filter can be tuned is called tuning range.
Channel spacing (V)
● The minimum frequency separation between channels for minimum cross talk
the cross talk form adjacent channel should be 30dB for desirable performance.
Maximum number of channel(N)
● It is maximum number of equally spaced channels that can be packed into the
tuning range maintain an adequally low level of cross talk between adjacent
● It is defined as the ratio of the tuning range ∆V to channel spacing V
Tuning speed
● Tuning speed specified how quickly filter can be reset from one frequency to
● Tunable light sources are required in many optical networks. Tunable lasers are
more convenient from operational view point because of the following advantages
● Only one transmitter part.
● Independent of operation wavelength.
● It reduces number of different parts to be stocked and handled.
● Capable of being tuned over 8nm to 20nm wavelengths.
● Wavelength tuning without changing output power.
● Different tunable lasers are
(i) Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers.
(ii) Mode locked lasers.
7. c. Briefly discuss dielectric thin-film filters. (04 Marks)
Ans. Dielectric Thin-Film filter (TFF)
● A thin-film resonant cavity filter (TFF) is a fabry perot inter torometer. A cavity is
formed by using multiple reflective dielectric thin film layers.
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● The TFF work is band pass filter, passing through specific wavelength an d
reflecting all other wavelengths.
● The cavity length decides the passing wavelength.
● Filter consisting of two or more cavities dielectric reflectors is called thin film
resonant multi cavity filter (TFMF).
● The figure below shows a three cavity thin film resonant dielectric thin film filter.
Cavity 3
Cavity 1
Glass Substrate
Fig : Three cavity filter
● For configuring a multiplexer and demultiplexer, a number of such filters can be
cascaded. Each filter passes a different wavelength and reflects other.
● Which using as demultiplexer, the filter in cascade passes one wavelength and
reflects all others into second filters.
● The second filter passes another wavelength and reflects remaining wavelengths.
8. a. What are salient features of semiconductor optical amplifiers. (06 Marks)
Ans. Salient features of semiconductor optical amplifier
(i) 13130 nm, 1400 nm, 1550 nm and 1610 nm wavelength selectable.
(ii) A high fiber to fiber gain of 20dB
(iii) Upto 16dBm output.
(iv) 1 M H3 with 10ns pulse width (optical)
(v) PM panda fiber input / output (optical)
(vi) Similar to laser, but with non-reflecting ends and broad wavelength emission.
(vii) Incoming optical signal stimulates emission of light as its own wavelength.
(viii) The process continues through the cavity of amplify the signal.
8. b. Write basic applications and types of optical amplifiers. (06 Marks)
● Optical amplifiers have found wide spread use in divers applications ranging
from ultra-long under sea links to short links in access networks.
● Figure shows general applications of the following 3 classes of optical amplifier.
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(i) In- line optical amplifier
Fiber lines
Optical Optical
● In a single mode link, the effects of fiber dispersion may be small so that the main
limitation to repeater spacing is fiber attenuation.
● Since such a link does not necessarily require a complete regeneration of the
signal, simple amplification of the optical signal is sufficient.
● Thus an in-line optical amplifier can be used to compensate for transmission loss
and increase the distance between regenerative repeaters.
(ii) Pre amplifier
Optical Optical
● Figure above shows an optical amplifier being used as a front and per amplifier
for an optical receiver.
● There by a weak optical signal is amplified before photo detection so that the signal
to noise ratio degradation caused by thermal noise in the receiver electronics can
be suppressed.
● Compared with other front end devices such as avalanche photo diodes or optical
heterodybne detectors, an optical pre amplifier provides a larger gain factor and
a broader bandwidth.
(iii) Power amplifier
Optical Optical
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(i) Maximum input
980 /1550 30mw
100 1
Pin 190 watt
(ii) Maximum output
Pin P
s pin
190w 0.6330mw
Pout 19.1mw
Module - 5
9. a. Write a short note on i) Long - haul networks ii) Metropolitan area networks.
(08 Marks)
Ans. (i) Long- haul networks
● A long - haul network as the name implifies is a network connecting several
regional or national networks together.
● These networks are also referred to as core or backbone networks and they also
interconnect other long haul networks to extend global interconnectivity between
the national domains.
● The current long haul optical network typically comprises point to point DWDM
links with optical regenerators at end points and with shown in figure below,
Transmitting Receiving
node node
Multiplexer Demultiplexer
To access and
To long haul enterprise network
● Two metro ring networks interconnected by a digital cross- connect (D×C) which
acts as a hub node between the two networks are depicted as shown in figure
● Ring 1 constitutes a metro network providing the means of interconnection to
the long haul and other metro rings ( ring2). While ring2 interconnects metro
networking nodes with several access or enterprise networks.
9. b. Explain the concept of optical burst switching networks with a neat sketch.
(08 Marks)
● Optical burst switching networks operates at the sub wavelength level it there
fore provides for rapid set up and tear down of optical light paths.
● This hybrid switching and routing technology uses electrons to control routing
decisions but keeps data in the optical domain as passes through each optical
● Packets with a common destination are aggregated in edge routing nodes
into larger transmission units called a burst or data burst (DB) each of which
is transmitted separately from the data control packet called the burst header
cell(BHC) containing necessary information.
The figure below illustrates the concept of optical burst switching where four edges
routers of a large network are shown to establish links between data source(TX) and
receivers(RX) individually or by using multiplexers or demultiplexers, respectively.
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● Optical bursts containing both the data burst and the BHC travel on a control
channel. An idle channel on the access link is selected when a data burst is
required to be sent where as the BHC travels on the control channel a head of its
associated data burst in time and is processed electronically at every node along
the path.
● The OBS edge router, on receiving the BHC, assigns the incoming burst to on
available channel on the outgoing link leading towards the desired destination
and establishes a path between the specified channel on the excess link and the
channel selected to carry the burst.
● It also forwards the BHC on the control channel of the selected link.
● After modifying the cell to specify the channel on which the burst is being
forwarded. This process is repeated at every routing node along the path to the
10. a.Explain the two types of optical switching network with a neat diagram.
(08 Marks)
Ans. Optical switching networks
● An optical switch represents the single most dynamic element in an optical
● Optical switching can be classified into two categories which are circuit switching
and packet switching.
● Both circuit and packet switching techniques are used in high-capacity networks.
Optical circuit switched networks
● In circuit switched networks a connection is established using available network
resources for the full duration of the transmission of a message.
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● In this configuration six optical nodes (i.e., to f) are inter connected and a
requested logical connection or path for optical signal wavelength is established
producing a circuit path through network nodes a, b, c and f.
● Optical nodes of an OCS network contain optical switches where large multi port
optical switches or an OXC are used to establish connections between the desired
input and output ports.
● Different component enabling technologies can be used to contract such optical
switches, the basic optical switching function remains the same.
Optical packet switched networks
● An optical packet switch performs the four basic functions of routing forwarding,
switching and buffering.
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Header Payload
(5 bytes) (48 bytes)
● It contains 48 bytes of data with 5 bytes of header information. Each single byte
in the header field includes different information to identify destination, path,
channel, and error control bits.
● Before sending ATM cells carrying user data, a virtual connection between source
and destination has to be established.
Optical circuit switched networks
● In circuit switched networks a connection is established using available network
resources for the full duration of the transmission of a message.
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● All connections follow the same path within the network. During the connection
setup each control bit (1or 0) generates an entry in the virtual path identifier
(virtual channel identifier) translation table to inform the destination to receive
the incoming packet.
ii) Internet protocol
● The internet protocol (IP) is a network layer that contains both addressing and
control information to enable packets to be routed within a network.
● The internet can be characterized as a logical architecture which can permit
multiple different networks to be inter connected enabling each network node to
communicate without the need to know which network it using
● As indicated in figure below.
Transport layer
Network layer
Access Link layer
● The IP provides the means of communication between the link and transport
● A virtual connection between nodes requiring communication when IP is combine
with a specific higher level protocol such as the Transmission control protocol
(TCP) or user datagram protocol (UDP).
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● For this role TCp/IP is preferred, since UDP/IP does not guarantee reliable
delivery of data in comparison with TCP/IP, which generally encapsulates data
from the link layer protocols such as Ethernet
● The IP provides protocol for both the functions of signaling and routing required
to carry the entire signal operation necessary to transmit and receive from optical
● The signaling protocol include multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) and
generalized multiprotocol label switching while the routing protocols include the
open shortest path First (OSPF), the intermediate system to intermediate system
(IS-IS) and border gateway protocol (BGP).
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