Pathfinder Day 2017 Booklet

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General Conference Youth Ministries Department

SEPTEMBER 16, 2017
Table of Contents What does
mean to me

Gary Blanchard ►
GC Youth Director

Pathfinders in my opinion is the most successful discipleship initiative we have in the Seventh-day Adventist
What does Pathfinders mean to me.............. 3 Church! I cringe to think where we would be in regard to youth ministry without it! In fact, it has been so
influential that many Adventist employees were Pathfinders at one time in their lives! Where else can a young
Reformation 500 years ago and today......... 4 person experience Christ-centered fun in the outdoors and ongoing encouragement in regard to spiritual and
pragmatic growth.
Stand Out and Speak Up!..................................... 5
Pathfinders is also a safe place in an unsafe world for young people to interact with other young people,
The Pathfinder Club is............................................. 8 tempered by the wisdom and maturity of godly youth leaders. I got some of the best advice of my life from a
Pathfinder leader when I was 16. She said, “Gary stop being a trouble maker, your influence with the other kids
6 helpful tips to deepen the Bible study.... 9 is making it difficult for us. Why not use your influence to build up the club and lead your friend’s closer to
I never forgot that advice (especially because it came from someone who had shown me time and time again
Pathfinder Day Service Suggestions.............12 that she loved and respected me), and although it has been many years I am still trying to follow her council and
lead young people to Jesus! I still have to work on the not being a trouble maker part though. So Pathfinders
New Pathfinder Curriculum...............................14 was very influential in my life and I wish the experience for all our Adventist youth.

Contact Us.....................................................................18

Gary Blanchard
GC Youth Directort

2   |  Pathfinder Day Pathfinder Day | 3

Reformation Stand Out
500 years ago and
and today Speak Up!

Jonatan Tejel ► Gary Blanchard ►

GC Associate Youth Director GC Youth Director
Pathfinder Youth Director

In this year, 2017, we remember an outstanding event that Luther turned to the Bible as the only reliable source of Activity to be done ahead of time: Stand Out and Speak Up!
changed the way religion had to be lived. 500 years ago instruction (as opposed to the teachings of the Church). It
Martin Luther, a German monk and Professor of Theology was his intense study of the Bible in its original Hebrew What you will need: colored paper, cut into small Pathfinder: Welcome everyone to Pathfinder
at the University of Wittenberg, sparked the Reformation and Greek that converted Luther from a scholastic to an strips inserted into each bulletin. Sabbath! If you are interested in being a Pathfinder
in 1517 by posting, at least according to tradition, his 95 evangelical theologian. or volunteering to serve in Pathfinder ministry please
theses on the door of the Church in Wittenberg, Germany. 1. Duct tape and scissors be sure to speak with our director in the church foyer
These 95 theses were a list of statements that expressed his The invention of the printing press in the middle of the 15th after the service today. Let’s bow our heads for prayer.
concerns about certain Church practices (in a special way century (by Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany) together with the 2. Depending on the size of your church, make two or
the sale of indulgences), but what concerned Luther the translation of the Bible into common languages of French, more large size crosses and cover them with duct-tape, Sermon
most was the Church doctrine. Italian, German, English, etc., meant that it was possible for with the glue side facing out.
those who could read to learn directly from the Bible without On January 15, 2009, US Airways Flight 1549
This reaction was called “The Protestant Reformation”, having to rely on a priest or other church officials. 3. Invite everyone to take out the strip of paper and write took off from LaGuardia Airport in New York City.
notice that the word Protestant contains the word protest an act of kindness they’ve seen, done, or received Suddenly after just a few minutes in flight the plane
and that reformation contains the word reform—this was And here we have two big changes in the religious life of on it. (You can tell everyone to do this at the very ran into a flock of Canadian Geese some of which
an effort to protest some practices of the Catholic Church every believer. The Grace of God is freely given to anyone beginning of the service.) weighed 10 lbs. Many of them were consumed into
and to reform the Church. who believes in Jesus Christ. Everybody has access to the plane’s engine and to the horror of passengers
know Jesus by reading and studying the Bible, it is not 4. At an agreed-on time (maybe during the offering time) and pilots both engines were destroyed. If it were not
Faith Alone and Scripture Alone enough with what you can hear every week from the pulpit, have a Pathfinder walk around with the cross and have for the quick thinking and expertize of Captain Sully,
you should go to the Bible to have an encounter with Jesus people stick their acts of kindness strips of paper on it. Flight 1549, and her passengers would have met a
Martin Luther experienced a spiritual crisis. As much as he every day. tragic fate. But Captain Sully was called “for such a
tried to be “good” he realized that no matter how he tried 5. Take the crosses to the front of the church and place time as this.” In what is known today as the “Miracle
to stay away from sin, he still found himself having sinful Faith Alone... what a great discovery!!! May this be a them in a prominent place. on the Hudson,” He amazingly landed the plane safely
thoughts, no matter how hard he tried… he wasn‘t able. reality in your life, to be faithful to Jesus on this special on the river and all lives on board were saved.
Luther found a way out of this problem when he read again day, and on every day of your life. 6. Leave it there for a few weeks to remind everyone
in Romans 1:17: “The just shall live by faith”. Luther about how easy it is to be kind. I tell you this story because this world is like Flight
understood this to mean that those who’ll go to heaven Your friend in Jesus, 1549. It is heading for destruction! Notice what The
(the just) will get there by faith alone—not by doing good 7. Explain that each Pathfinder is called to be a servant Bible says in 2 Peter 3:10, “But the day of the Lord
works. In other words, God‘s grace is something freely of God and a friend to man. And one way to do this is will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens
given to human beings, not something we can earn. Jonatan Tejel through these acts of kindness. will pass away with a great noise, and the elements

4   |  Pathfinder Day Pathfinder Day | 5

will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the sight of other human beings. This is why Jesus said, wonderful light from the Word of God. They have been sinner brought a sacrifice to the priest, the priest
works that are in it will be burned up.” “Let your light shine before men, that they may see given a work of most solemn import—the proclamation would not investigate the sinner but would investigate
your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” of the first, second and third angels message. There is the lamb to see if it was truly spotless and whole. This
But God is calling a generation of young people for (Matthew 5:16). no other work of so great importance. They are to allow is why Seventh-day Adventists are not afraid of the
“such a time as this.” Pathfinders who will STAND nothing else to absorb their attention” (Testimonies for judgement which began in 1844! We are putting all
OUT and SPEAK UP like queen Esther so others Perhaps you’ve heard of Global Youth and Young Adult the Church vol. 9. P. 19). our trust in the Lamb…Jesus…who has covered us
might be saved. Everyone should pay special attention Day! It’s a day where young people of all ages stand with his righteousness!
to these challenging words spoken from Mordecai to out and let their light shine for Jesus. This coming year How do you tame a lion? I have personally never tried
Esther. “For if you remain silent at this time, relief GYD is on March 17 and millions of young people like but they say that a lion tamer uses a stool with three One day a young Pathfinder boy was walking home
and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another us will be handing out food and water to the hungry in legs. He holds it out between himself and the lion. The from school when a man pulled up beside him in his
place, but you and your father’s family will perish. our communities. Everyone in this church regardless lion is unable to focus on attacking the tamer because car. The man explained that he had just moved to the
And who knows but that you have come to your royal of ages is welcome to participate! To learn more it is distracted by the stool legs. How do you tame area but could not find his house. He asked if the boy
position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14. about this initiative you can download the app or go the Seventh-day Adventist church? The same way! knew where Douglass Street was. The boy apologized
to There is even a promo video You get it distracted from its purpose of teaching, and said, “I am sorry sir I don’t know where that street
STAND OUT! you can download and show several times before the preaching and living out the “everlasting gospel” of is.” The man asked, “Well do you know where the
event. We will be showing it for the first time after this The Three Angels Message. police station is so I can get directions there?” The boy
When we think of queen Esther we often think of a message so please stand by! sheepishly replied, “Sorry I don’t know where that
beautiful woman and she was, in fact she might have So, what is the everlasting Gospel that we are to is either.” “What about a local gas station surely you
been the most beautiful woman in the entire Bible So, my fellow Pathfinders, please remember the take to the world? Martin Luther the great protestant know where that is” that man asked, “No, Sorry sir”
since none are described quite like her (see Esther good news… we do not have to stand out in our reformer discovered the answer in Romans 1:16- replied the lad “I don’t know where that is either.” In
2:7), but she was much more than a pretty face. Esther own strength. Ephesians 2:10 says we are “God’s 17. Here we find one of the best definitions for the frustration, the man said, “You don’t know much do
was a woman with a character that shone brightly workmanship.” Interestingly the Greek word for gospel in all of scripture! “For I am not ashamed of you Kid?” The young man smiled and said, “Maybe
for God! This becomes particularly clear when you “workmanship” is the word for poem! In other words, the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto not, but at least I know where home is!”
compare her to her husband king Xerxes. He was God gives our lives rhythm, rhyme and meaning. It’s salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first,
proud, she was humble, he was cruel, she was kind, God that empowers us to live holy lives for Him even and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness You may not know a lot of things but if you
he was selfish, she was selfless, he was a drunk, she in an unholy world. of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, know what the gospel is, you will have incredible
was sober, he was perverted, she was pure, he was The just shall live by faith.” confidence knowing your home is secure in heaven!
cowardly she was courageous! SPEAK UP!
So, the gospel is the good news that God saves Seventh-day Adventists are not better than other
In fact, did you know that Esther was a lot like Jesus? God has not only called Pathfinders to STAND OUT everyone who believes in Jesus and He does this by Christians but we have been given a greater
She was an only child, raised by a step parent, hid her but to SPEAK UP as well. Just imagine if Esther had giving them His righteousness! This is wonderful responsibility. Yes, God has called us to STAND
identity, was willing to lay down her life, saved God’s chosen to stand out but not speak up for her people. news since we as Seventh-day Adventists believe that OUT and SPEAK UP in these last days. Why not talk
people, condemned their enemies and eventually Thousands, if not millions would have perished. Jesus is coming soon and now is the time to be ready. with your pastors, youth leader, Pathfinder director,
brought rest and peace to Israel. Yes, Esther was Whoever said, “preach the gospel, use words if Sabbath School teacher or parents about how you too
indeed like Christ and like a star she really shined! In necessary” probably never read the book of Esther. Let me illustrate for you how the gospel makes you ready. can be used by God for “such a time as this.”
fact, her name means “Star.” Speaking up and using words is absolutely essential!
The Apostle Paul put it like this “How beautiful are (Hold up your Bible and tell the congregation that this [Have a slight pause here, and then introduce the
Ever notice how jewelers sell diamonds? They place the the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who Bible represents Jesus. Then hold up a pen and tell Global Youth Day video and remind the Pathfinders
diamond on black velvet so the diamond really shines! bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:15). them that it represents sinful humanity. Now place that they can stand up and speak out for Jesus through
They know that the darker the background the greater the pen inside the Bible and say now watch how the acts of kindness on GYD.]
the contrast. And did you know that the darker this world But thankfully Esther did courageously speak up for Gospel works when we trust in Jesus. Then slowly
gets, the more we as Christians have an opportunity to her people! You can read about it in Esther chapter close the Bible over the pen and ask them what they [Just before our closing song, say:] Global Youth Day
stand out for Jesus? In fact, the bible says in Philippians 7. As Seventh-day Adventists God has given us an see now? They will say “ONLY JESUS.”) is the 3rd Sabbath in March each year. Next year it
2:14-15 “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, incredible responsibility to share the “everlasting will be on March 17th. The idea is to go out in the
so that you may become blameless and pure, children of gospel” of The Three Angels Message with the world This is the good news that people need to hear! When community and do acts of kindness for others. If you
God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. (Revelation 14:6). We cannot let anything else distract we put our faith and trust in Jesus, He covers us in His had already done the activity on page 1, this is the
Then you will shine among them like STARS in the us from this most important mission and message! righteousness. Now instead of asking yourself “How time to bring attention to it. Let’s watch this Global
sky.” You see it is our characters in contrast to the world does God see me,” you should be asking instead Youth and Young Adult day promo that reminds
that makes us attractive to others! Ellen White put it like this “In a special sense Seventh- “How does God see Jesus” since you are now covered us that we were called “for such a time as this” to
day Adventists have been set in the world as watchmen by Christ and His righteousness! STAND OUT and SPEAK UP for Jesus!
We can never be justified by our works in the site of and light bearers. To them has been entrusted the last
God, but we are always justified by our works in the warning for a perishing world. On them is shining It’s interesting that in the Old Testament when a Written by Pastor Gary Blanchard

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The Pathfinder Club is... 6 helpful
Sophia Boswell ► tips to
deepen the
GC Youth Ministries Senior
Editorial Assistant

Bible study
The Pathfinder Club is extremely important to the meaningful relationships, cultural discernment, reverse
mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. mentoring, vocational discipleship and most importantly
Especially today more than ever before because many facilitating a connection with Jesus.
millennials are leaving the Church. “Training and saving young people is one of the most
 Jonatan Tejel
GC Associate Youth Director
Studies prove that evangelism is most effective amongst important missions of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
Pathfinder Youth Director
kids. According to a Barna group study, 43 percent of Scientists tell us that children’s’ brain patterns are formed
Americans accept Jesus Christ as their Savior by the by the time they reach twelve years of age. This means
age of 13. 64 percent or two out of three born-again that during their early, formative years it is crucial that
Christians made the commitment to Christ by age 18. they be taught good habits. Centuries ago the Scriptures
The Pathfinder Club is a department of the Seventh- recorded, “Bring up a child in the way he should go,
day Adventist church that attends to the cultural, social, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs I am a pastors kid. I grew up in a home where studying perhaps two or three chapters, or perhaps just one
religious, health and educational needs of children and 22:6) This is more than a cliché--it is now a proven fact.” the Bible was a common thing to do. Every Friday paragraph at a time. After reading, ask yourself
teens between the ages of 10 to 15-years-old. In many —Pathfinder Online (when my father was at home and not traveling) we what does this passage mean. Then reread it. I
cases, teens continue to participate in Pathfinders until The Pathfinder Club helps youth leaders to help their met in our home around table to study together... it can tell you that when God shows you something
the age of 18. young people find their identity in Christ. It creates was intense and special... I learned how to discover the new, something that you did not find before, the
sustainable, consistent, and meaningful activities for beautiful mesages you can find in the Bible. satisfaction will be undescribable.
Barna research states five primary reasons millennials
young people, not in the streets, or in gangs, but in the On those days, my father was the one digging deep in a. Joshua 1:8
stay connected to their local Church.
church. To find out how you can organize a Pathfinder the Bible and he was walking me through the process... b. Hebrews 4:12
They are the following: Club at youth church visit: Bible Study today is not only my fathers passion... it is c. Job 23:12
5 Reasons Millennials Stay Connected to the Church: Ministries/Pathfinders. mine too. 4. Choose a good Bible and try to go to the
1. Make room for meaningful relationships. I’m a pastor now, and thanks to my fathers’ influence I original as much as possible. There are many
retain the love of getting my Bible, reading the texts and websites and applications that you can use to find
2. Teach cultural discernment.
“meditate on it day and night” (Psalm 1:2). the meaning of a word in the original. KJV and
3. Make reverse mentoring a priority. NKJV are good translations of the Bible you can
Let me share with you some tips that will help you to
4. Embrace the potency of vocational discipleship. Sources: deepen your Bible study. Remember that this list of tips use.
5. Facilitate connection with Jesus. is not complete, we can make it bigger, but at least it is a 5. Put the text in the context. It’s important to study start. Bible passages and stories within their context.
The Pathfinder Club meets all five of these criteria for
among-kids/ Taking verses out of context leads to all kinds of
staying connected to the Church. As a result, in regions 1. Begin always with honest prayer. error and misunderstanding.
where the Pathfinder enrollment is growing there is a. Psalm 119:18
connected-to-church/ 6. Team Up With a Friend. It’s amazing how
also an increase in baptism amongst young people. For b. John 16:13-15
example, in South America and in Africa the pathfinder different things stand out to different people even
enrollment is much higher than in areas such as North- and-objectives 2. Have a notebook (you can use a tablet or when they read the same passage. Find a friend to
America. computer too) to take notes of what you read. study the Bible with, and share with one another
and-objectives 3. Don’t rush it. It is not a 100 meters race but a what you’ve learned and how it’s shaping your
Many Adventist youth are slowly losing their identify in
marathon. Read slowly through one chapter, or view and love for God.
Christ. Because the Church is not meeting their needs for

8 | Pathfinder Day Pathfinder Day | 9

Adventurers Pathfinders
35,953 Clubs 48,103 Clubs
1,336,936 members 1,646,087 members


You may be wondering, “Why do they give us
the numbers?” The work of God and what He WORLD ADVENTURERS PATHFINDERS
accomplishes through the body of Christ is not
quanitfiable. Our aim is not to have the biggest DIVISIONS CLUBS MEMBERSHIP CLUBS MEMBERSHIP
number of members or the largest population of East Central Africa (ECD) 8,318 174,126 9,879 282,599
Euro Asia (ESD) 188 1,213 339 2,992
However, we want to make sure that you don’t end up
on the other side of the spectrum, feeling alone and Inter American (IAD) 4,309 83,206 5,322 128,293
doubting whether your hard work in the Pathfinder
Inter European (EUD) 682 6,882 821 8,580
Club really matters.
Here you can see that every single Pathfinder Club is North America (NAD) 1,660 22,530 2,380 56,625
a vital part of the overall ministry in the whole world! Northern Asia Pacific (NSD) 49 437 410 7,959
Whether your Club has 10 kids or 100, we remember
each of you every day and pray for all of you on a South America (SAD) 5,877 106,894 10,552 278,751
consistent basis. Southern Africa-Indian Ocean (SID) 8,347 801,277 10,624 680,915
Now you know about your counterparts from all
South Pacific (SPD) 1,162 28,290 1,297 38,709
the different parts of the globe. We hope this data
encourages you and makes you excited about the Southern Asia Pacific (SSD) 2,043 58,525 2,312 76,007
bigger picture. God is using Adventist youth in a
Southern Asia (SUD) 283 14,344 265 19,840
mighty way and the values of the Pathfinder Club
make a very big impact wherever they go. People Trans-European (TED) 256 5,733 331 7,890
from other religions and those who don’t know God
West Central Africa (WAD) 2,768 33,351 3,559 56,737
see the involvement of our youth and youth leaders. It
makes them curious about our faith and contributes to MENA 11 128 12 190
the growth of God’s heavenly kingdom.
35,953 1,336,936 48,103 1,646,087

10 | Pathfinder Day Pathfinder Day | 11

CHURCH SERVICE option 1 CHURCH SERVICE option 2 CHURCH SERVICE option 3 Morning & Afternoon
1. Prelude 1. Prelude 1. Prelude 1. Introduction
2. Ministers enter 2. Personal ministries time Pathfinder missionary 2. Ministers and platform personnel enter 2. Sabbath School
3. Silent prayer experiences 3. Doxology and Invocation 3. Break
3. Processional Ministers, Directors, Pathfinders 4. Processional: “Onward Christian Soldiers”. 4. Assemble for Processional Entrance
4. Doxology 4. Introit: (platform group kneeling) Choir (Pathfinders march in led by the national and 5. Processional Entrance
5. Invocation 5. Doxology Pathfinder flags. Color guards post themselves on 6. Pathfinder Song
6. Presentation of Colors 6. Invocation Pathfinder floor in front of pulpit. All stand when flags enter and 7. Pledge, Law
7. Pathfinders march in and take places Pledge and Law 7. Post Colors Color Guard remain standing until flags are posted on the platform.) 8. Welcome & Introductions
8. Welcome: Pastor 5. Pathfinder Song Pathfinders 9. Song Service
8. Post flags
9. Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 4:12 Pathfinder 6. Pledge Led by a Pathfinder 10. Prayer
9. Honor Guard returns to seats 10. Hymn No. 529, “Under His Wings” 7. Law Led by a Pathfinder 11. Offering
10. Congregation and Pathfinders seated 11. Prayer: Two Pathfinders 8. Posting of Flags 12. Special Item (it can be music)
11. Scripture reading: 1Timothy 4:12 12. Pathfinder Song: Pathfinders 9. Scripture Reading: Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:1-4 13. Scripture Reading
12. Hymn No. 529, “Under His Wings” 13. Pathfinder Happenings: Teen Pathfinder 10. Prayer: Pathfinder 14. Sermon
14. Pledge and Law: Pathfinder choir 11. Welcome and Director’s Report Pathfinder Club 15. Special Item (it can be music)
13. Congregational prayer
15. Song of Instrumental Selection Pathfinders director reports on year’s activities, goals for new year 16. Closing Song
14. Offering 16. Pathfinder Objectives: Club Director and presents any recognition and awards. 17. Closing Prayer & Announcements
15. Special music 17. Offering 12. Special music Pathfinders 18. LUNCH
16. Pathfinder report--Pathfinder club director 18. Sermon: pastor, child preacher, or guest 13. “Why I Am a Pathfinder” Pathfinder 19. Assemble for Street Procession
17. Sermon by pastor, child preacher, or guest 19. Hymn No. 508, “Anywhere With Jesus” 14. “How did it all begin?”* Director and some Pathfinders 20. Street Procession
20. Benediction 15. Offering: Teen Pathfinder - (Pathfinders) 21. Concert
18. Hymn No. 508, “Anywhere With Jesus” 21. Recessional 16. Special music: Pathfinder or Group of Pathfinders 22. Baptisms
19. Benediction 22. Ministers and directors 17. Sermonette: Director, guest, child preacher 23. Closing Ceremony
20. Postlude 23. Color guard 18. Hymn No. 543, “Jesus, Friend of Little Children” 24. Small and impactant Devotional
21. Congregation stands 24. Staff 19. Benediction: Pathfinder 25. Closing Prayer
25. Pathfinder units and counselors 20. Postlude 26. Farewell
22. Adult Sabbath School can also be directed by
26. Congregation


We have revised and improved the Pathfinder Curriculum in all 6 classes to make it more educational and to help the Pathfinders to have a balanced growth and also to
have a better critical thinking. The improvement made changes in every section of each Pathfinder class (grade) and will be available to use mid 2018. The spiritual part
of the curriculum has been extensively revised and two new honor collections have been added. This is the first one: Bible Discovery collection, and these are the patches.


Bible Discovery I Bible Discovery II Bible Discovery III Bible Discovery IV Bible Discovery V Bible Discovery VI

Genesis-Ruth Gospels OT-Prophets & Kings Acts-Jude Job-Songs of Solomon Daniel-Revelation

Patriacs & Prophets Desire of Ages Prophets and Kings Acts of the Apostols Prophets and Kings Great Controversy/Last por-
Pentateuch-Pre Monarchy Apostolic Church Wisdom Literature tion of Acts of the Apostles
Lasst Events Prophecy

14 | pathfinder day pathfinder day | 15

Jesus is the center of the universe (Colossians 1:16. Jesus is the center of history, the coming of Jesus as a baby divides history in two, more than that, the Bible says very
clearly that Jesus will return again, and when this will happen, all wrong will be wiped away (Revelation 21:4). Jesus is the center of the Bible, (Luke 24:27). And for
us as Pathfinders, Jesus should be the center of our lives. That‘s why we have also included in the new curriculum a collection of honors to help the Pathfinders to know
better Jesus Christ.


His Life My Savior His Miracles Method of Mission His Teachings In Prophecy


Contact us
Gary Jonatan
Blanchard Tejel

Jessica Sophia
Oliver Boswell

GC Youth Ministries Department

12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, Maryland
20904-6600 USA

+1 301-680-6180

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