Question Bank

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Commonly Used Abbreviations

1-API -American Petroleum Institute

2-BHA -Bottom Hole Assembly

3-BHP -Bottom Hole Pressure

4-BHT -Bottom hole temperature

5-BOP -Blow Out Preventer

6-BPD -Barrel Per Day

7-BPM -Barrels Per Minute

8-BPV -Back Pressure Valve

9-BUR -Build Up Rate

10-BWOC -By Weight Of Cement

11-BWOW -By Weight Of Water

12-CBL -Cement Bond Log

13-CET Cement Evaluation Tool

14-CCD Centre to Centre Distance

15-CCL Casing Collar Locator

16-CDP Common Depth Point

19-CET Cement Evaluation Tool

20-CMT Cement

21-CP Conductor Pipe

22-CR Cement Retainer

23-CRA Corrosion Resistant Alloy

24-CW Current Well

25-C/T Coiled Tubing

26-DC Drill Collar

27-DHM Down Hole Motor

28-DIF Drill-In Fluid

29-DLS -Dog Leg Severity

30-DHSV -Down Hole Safety Valve

31-DM / D&CM Drilling & Completion Manager

32-DOB Diesel Oil Bentonite

33-DOBC Diesel Oil Bentonite Cement

34-DOR Drop Off Rate

35-DP -Drill Pipe

36-DST -Drill Stem Test

37-DV DV Collar

38-E/L Electric Line

39-ECD Equivalent Circulation Density

40-ECP External Casing Packer

41-EMS Electronic Multi Shot

42-EMW Equivalent Mud Weight

43-EOC End Of Curvature

44-ESD Electric Shut-Down System

45-ESP Electrical Submersible Pump

46-ETA Expected Arrival Time

47-FBHP Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure

48-FBHT Flowing Bottom Hole Temperature

49-FPI/BO Free Point Indicator / Back Off

50-FTHP Flowing Tubing Head Pressure

51-FTHT Flowing Tubing Head Temperature

52-GCT Guidance Continuous Tool

53-GLR Gas Liquid Ratio

54-GLS Guidelineless Landing Structure

55-GMS Gyro Multi Shot

56-GOC Gas Oil Contact

57-GOR Gas Oil Ratio

58-GP Gravel Pack

59-GPM Gallon (US) per Minute

60-GPS Global Positioning System

61-GR Gamma Ray

62-GSS Gyro Single Shot

63-HAZOP Hazard and Operability

64-HDT High Resolution Dipmeter

65-HO Hole Opener

66-HP/HT High Pressure - High Temperature

67-HW/HWDP Heavy Weight Drill Pipe

68-IADC International Drilling Contractor

69-IBOP Inside Blow Out Preventer

70-ID Inside Diameter

73-IPR Inflow Performance Relationship

74-JAM Joint Make-up Torque Analyser

75-KMW Kill mud weight

76-KOP Kick Off Point

77-LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide

78-LCM Lost Circulation Materials

79-LOT Leak Off Test

80-LQC Log Quality Control

81-LTA Lost Time Accident

82-LWD Log While Drilling

83-MAASP Max Allowable Annular Surface Pressure

84-MD Measured Depth

85-MLH Mudline Hanger

86-MLS Mud Line Suspension

87-MMS Magnetic Multi Shot

88-MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit

89-MOP Margin of Overpull

90-MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection

91-MSL Mean Sea Level

92-MSS Magnetic Single Shot

93-MW Mud Weight

94-MWD Measurement While Drilling

95-NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers

96-NBS Near Bit Stabiliser

97-NMDC Non Magnetic Drill Collar

98-NSG North Seeking Gyro

99-NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit

100-OBM Oil Base Mud

101-OD Outside Diameter

102-OEDP Open End Drill Pipe

103-OIM Offshore Installation Manager

104-OMW Original Mud weight

105-ORP Origin Reference Point

106-OWC Oil Water Contact

107-P&A Plugged & Abandoned

108-PBR Polished Bore Receptacle

109-PCG Pipe Connection Gas

110-PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Cutter

111-PDM Positive Displacement Motor

112-PGB Permanent Guide Base

113-PI Productivity Index

114-PLT Production Logging Tool

115-POB Personnel On Board

116-PPB Pounds Per Barrel

117-ppg Pounds per Gallon

118-ppm Part Per Million

119-PV Plastic Viscosity

120-PVT Pressure Volume Temperature

121-Q Flow Rate

122-Q/AQ Quality Assurance, Quality

123-RBP Retrievable Bridge Plug

124-RFT Repeat Formation Test

126-RJ Ring Joint

127-RKB Rotary Kelly Bushing

128-ROE Radius of Exposure

129-ROP Rate Of Penetration

130-ROU Radios Of Uncertainty

131-ROV Remote Operated Vehicle

132-RPM Revolutions Per Minute

133-RT Rotary Table

134-S (HDT) High Resolution Dipmeter

135-S/N Serial Number

136-SAFE Slapper Activated Firing Equipment

137-SBHP Static Bottom Hole Pressure

138-SBHT Static Bottom Hole Temperature

139-SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking

140-SCSSV Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve

141-SD Separation Distance

142-SDE Senior Drilling Engineer

143-SF Safety Factor

144-SG Specific Gravity

145-SICP Shut-in Casing Pressure

146-SIDPP Shut-in Drill Pipe Pressure

147-SIMOP Simultaneous Operations

148-SPM Stroke per Minute

149-SR Separation Ratio

150-SRG Surface Readout Gyro

151-SSC Sulphide Stress Cracking

152-SSD Sliding Sleeve Door Valve

153-SSSV Sub Surface Safety Valve

154-ST Steering Tool

155-STHP Static Tubing Head Pressure

156-STHT Static Tubing Head Temperature

157-STG Short trip gas

158-TCP Tubing Conveyed Perforations

159-TD Total Depth

160-TFA Total Flow Area

161-TG Trip Gas

162-TGB Temporary Guide Base

163-TOC Top of Cement

164-TOL Top of Liner

165-TRSV Tubing Retrievable Safety Valve

166-TVD True Vertical Depth

167-TW Target Well

168-UAR Uncertainty Area Ratio

169-UGF Universal Guide Frame

190-UHF Ultra High Frequency

191-UR Under Reamer

192-VBR Variable Bore Rams (BOP)

193-VDL Variable Density Log

194-VHF Very High Frequency

195-VSP Velocity Seismic Profile

196-W/L Wire Line

197-WBM Water Base Mud

198-WC Water Cut

199-WL Water Loss

200-WHP Well Head Pressure

201-WHSIP Well Head Shut-in Pressure

202-WOB Weight On Bit

Fluid Code Abbreviation

Drilling Data Set Phase 1 (Current Affairs and Absolute Contents)

1. Egyptian gas production is rising again after four major offshore discoveries. The largest of these,
which is also said to the biggest gas field in the Mediterranean, is
A) Rumalia Oil field
B) Zohr
C) Zakum oil field
D) Gharwar Oil Field

Ans. Zohr: The largest discovery with 22 Tcf of Recoverable gas

2. In the past 4 years, offshore operators have cut the time needed to drill and complete a well in the
North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Brazil by
A) 10 %
B) 50%
C) 30%
D) 22%

3. Which of the following is NOT a main goal for the use of diversion (chemical or mechanical)
technology in a horizontal well completion strategy?
A) Plug Dominant fracture clusters
B) Promote Fracture Asymmetry
C) Prevent frac hits
D) Distribute bottom hole energy in untreated perforation
Ans. Promote fracture asymmetry. The goal of diversion is to more evenly fracture the reservoir, not
promote asymmetry.
4. The British Royal Engineers designed and installed what offshore first after the Normandy
invasion as part of Operation Pluto?
A) Jackup
B) Flexible Subsea Pipeline
C) Floating Plateform
D) Umblical
Ans. Flexible Subsea Pipeline. During Operation Pluto, the Royal Engineers laid the pipeline across the
English Channel to fuel the Allied Army after the D-Day invasion.
5. A deal between Equinor and Ambyint will mean that hundreds of Bakken wells will be equipped
with pump control devices using edge computing, which is
A) Cutting Edge Technology
B) Data Processing Technology
C) Setting an Edge on pump rate
D) Using Oracle Edge Cloud
Ans. Data Processing at site. While it does set the pump rate, edge computing refers to using on-site
computing to process high-frequency data, bringing down the bandwidth needed to upload data to the
cloud-based system.
6. Big oil companies are making so much money they are buying back stock worth billions of dollars
each year, except this one
A) Total
C) Exxon Mobil
D) Royal Dutch Shell
Ans. Exxon Mobil stopped big buybacks in 2015 and has focused it’s spending on getting it’s production
growing again and increasing it’s dividend
7. In its recent earnings call Schlumberger management talked about a business it is building via an
acquisition in
A) Artificial Intelligence Consulting
B) Subsea Electrification
C) Sand Mining
D) Nanofluids
Ans. Sand Mining Schlumberger is buying sand mines, allowing its to profit from sales of sand for
fracturing at a time when many operators are no longer paying pressure pumping companies to supply it.
8. Diamond Offshore is said it is equipping its drilling rigs with blockchain, which is a
A) Distributed Ledger
B) Lift System
C) Relational Database
D) Currency Generator
Ans. Distributed ledger. Already well-known in the financial sector, blockchain is a peer-to-peer network
technology that uses a shared electronic ledger to enable trustworthy interactions between parties.
9. A recent offshore auction in Norway showed that the Barents Sea is a hot oil play, despite being in
the Arctic. It is possible to explore there because of
A) Norwegian are used to it
B) Global Warming
C) Exploration Incentives
D) The North Atlantic Current
Ans. The North Atlantic Current. While Norwegians are adept at working in the harsh conditions there, the
warm waters brought by the North Atlantic Current significantly reduces the challenges compared
with other places that far north.
10. BP’s largest gas find ever is
A) Shah Deniz
B) West Nile Delta
C) Thunder Horse
D) Khazzan
Ans. Shah Deniz. The offshore field in the Caspian off Kazakhstan is BP's largest gas discovery and
recently went into production.
Subjective Section Further to convert in Objective

1. Discuss drillers method of well killing in detail?

2. Discuss well control aspect in multilateral wells
3. Prepare kill sheet for following well data. Hole size 8- 1 2 " inch. Hole depth = 11962
ft/10892 ft casing 13- 5 8 " se at 9537 ft/9472 ft Drill pipe 5" inch, capacity 0.0176
bbl/ft HWDP 5 inch, 484 ft, capacity 0.0088 bbl/ft Drill collars 6- 1 4 " inch, 720 feet,
capacity 0.007 bbl/ft Mud density 14.5 PPg
Drill collar in open hole = 0.032 bbl/ft
Drill pipe/HWDP = 0.0447 bbl/ft (open hole)
Drill pipe/HWDP in casing = 0.0493 bbl/ft
Mud pimps displacement = 0.109 bbl/Stles
Slow circulating rate = 720 Psi at 30
SPM Fracture mud weight at casing shoe= 16.9 PPg
Kick data: STDP = 520 Psi
SICP = 783 Psi
Pit gain = 1266 bbl
Surface line volume from mud pump to RKB = 6bbl
i) What is pressure safety margin at casing shoe with the well shut in?
ii) Strokes required from mud pump to bit?
iii) Strokes required bit to casing shoe
iv) Time for complete circulation
v) Kill mud density
vi) ICP
vii) FCP
viii) MAASP after circulation of kill mud
ix) Pressure drop per 100 Stles

4. Data given:
Well depth = 14080 ft,
Surface pr = 1420 Psi
Mud weight = 11.7 PPg,
fracture gradient = 0.702Psi/ft,
Intermediate casing shoe = 12097 ft
Gas gravity = 0.6 16
Bottom hole pressure Pb = 8442 Psi
temperature = 5400
Rankine, Z = 0.82
kill mud weight = 12.8 PPg
Capacity drilling x annulus = 0.0264 bbl/ft DST
at 13913 ft plugged drill pipe at 12513 f
Calculate by volumetric kill lubrication:
i) height of gas bubble and volume of gas bubble
ii) margin for pressure increases at casing shoe
iii) pump 20 bbl kill mud, allow gas to migrate to surface , reduce surface pressure by
bleeding gas z = 0.866.
iv) Find out pressure to bleed, after bleeding calculate hydrostatic at 13913 ft to ensure
no additional influx, check effective margin at shoe.

5. A drilling company is considering bidding on a $ 150 million turnkey drilling contract for
offshore oil wells. The company estimate that it has a 65% chance of winning the contract. It
has three alternatives available
1) use the existing rig to drill the wells
2) by a new rig
3) subcontract the drilling to another drilling company.
Subcontracting is allowed in the fiscal documents. Probabilities and payoffs of each
operations is given in following table

Probability NPV (million dollars)

Using Existing Facility
High Profit 0.35 60
Medium Profit 0.45 30
Low Profit 0.20 -20
Buying New Rig
High Profit 0.55 35
Medium Profit 0.35 25
Low Profit 0.10 -10
Medium Profit 1.0 30

The cost of preparing the contract proposal is $ 1 million. If the company does not bid on this
tender, it has an opportunity to make a guaranteed profit $ 10 million elsewhere. Construct a
decision tree for this situation and advice the contractor about decision with proper
justification and all calculations.
6. An asset was purchased for $ 96,000 with an estimated service life of 10 year and has a
salvage value of $ 12,000. Calculate its depreciation using straight line (SLD) and double
declining (DDB) method. Prepare a plot of value against number of years and compare the
result obtained by different results
7. A company is planning to drill a well. The company professionals estimate that there is a 65%
chance that the well will be a producer and 35% change that it will be a dry well. If the well is
successful, it is estimated that there is 60% chance that the well will have reserves of 30,000
barrels, 30% chance of 60,000 barrels and 10% chance of 90,000 barrels and NPV
corresponding to each reserves value will be $ 60,000 $120,000 and $ 150,000 respectively.
The dry well cost is $ 65,000. Draw a decision tree and give decision with proper
justification. Preserve all calculations.
8. Construct a critical path study to develop a medium size field for which details are given
1) Sixty development wells ($1.5 MM each)- one third will be injectors.
2) Three platforms – two for wells, the other for production/injection equipment and pipeline
terminus. ($ 310 MM each).
3) Well take about one month to drill. Up to two rig / platform
4) Platforms manufactured in one and a half years- two out time one month during weather
window in summer (Two out costs $ 10 MM0). Setup time is three months for drilling/ well
5) Pipeline lay time is about 14 months. (Cost $ 180MM)
6) Production “commissioning” and final permit take two months. ($ 5 MM)
7) Overhead and other ongoing costs = $1 MM/ month The main idea of this exercise id to
avoid waste of time, labor and material
1) Draw a critical path diagram for this project. Assume a starting date of July, 1, 2013
2) Determine the time length of the critical path.
3) Plot cumulative costs as a function of time.
9. Write a detailed note on Petroleum Accounting system
10. Discuss structural design of jack up rig, forces acting on legs (Truss), tubular joint
classification with suitable figures
11. Write short notes
i) ROV
ii) Principle motions on a floating drilling vessel.
iii) Metacenter
v) Geotechnical aspect of sea floor marine soil.
12. Discuss drilling and lowering procedure of structural casing in detail.
13. Using following data calculate the number of bottles required at surface and subsea if the
stack mounted bottles are to be designed to close one annular and 1 Ram, surface bottles are
required to close and open the remaining functions There are 2 Rams, 1 shear ram and 1
annular preventer.
Gallons to close one annular = 17.98
Gallons to open one annular = 14.6
Gallons to close one ram = 5.8
Gallons to open one ram = 10.8
Gallons to close one shear ram = 10.9
Gallons to open one shear ram =10.5
Water depth = 3000ft
Sea water gradient = 0.445 psi/ft
Capacity of accumulator bottle = 10 gallons
14. Discuss DP system of station keeping in detail
15. Discuss design factors of riser system and describe different components of riser system in
16. Discuss production platform design and planning on the basis of input data, foundation pile
size and loads on pile.
17. Discuss different component of DST string and their functions in detail. Calculate water
volume to create drawdown of 1000 Psi using water of 8.33 PPg to activate the well Well
depth = 2464.5 m (MD)
Perforation depth = 2404.5 m (TVD)
Reservation pressure = 4500 Psi
Mud weight = 12 PPg
DST string contains 2-7/8"
tubing ID = 2.441 inch
Top of string contains 5" D/P, 𝐼D = 4.27 inch
18. A well is drilling ahead at 10,000 ft MD (9,000 ft TVD) with a BHA comprised of 400 ft of 8-in " 3-in
collars (147 lb/ft) and 4 1/2-in, 16.60 lb/ft drill pipe (18.40 lb/ft adjusted weight). A bit trip is required.
Assume there is no fluid lost to the formation and the drill string is pulled dry (i.e., there is no loss of
at the surface).
The total volume (barrels) of drilling fluid required to keep the hole full while tripping completely out
the hole is most nearly:
I. 54
II. 67
III. 79
IV. 86
19. A vertical well is drilling ahead at 10,000 ft MD. A bit trip is required and the results of the hydraulics
optimization suggest a flow rate of 500 gpm with three 13/32 nozzles (nozzle area = 0.3889 in2). The
drilling fluid has a density of 10.0 lb/gal and behaves like a Bingham plastic fluid with a PV of 40 cp
and YP of 15 lbf/100 ft2. Assume the internal pipe velocity will be 13.953 ft/min and is in the turbulent
flow regime with the pressure drops in the annulus and the surface equipment considered negligible.
Assuming 100% mechanical efficiency, the required surface horsepower from the mud pumps to
satisfy the proposed hydraulics optimization is most nearly:
A) 876
B) 1479
C) 1523
D) 3002
20. A production string of 7-inch P-110 casing with a nominal wall thickness of 0.590 inch and a nominal
weight per foot of 41 lb/ft is run to TD. Assume yield strength mode of failure in collapse given the D/t
range that this particular pipe falls into and that the pipe is submitted to stresses of 50,000 psi axial
tension and 11,000-psi internal pressure. With a safety factor of 1.0, the minimum pressure (psi) that
would cause collapse in these conditions is most nearly:
A) 27980
B) 26684
C) 21186
D) 16980

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