Astrology Basics: The 12 Signs of The Zodiac
Astrology Basics: The 12 Signs of The Zodiac
Astrology Basics: The 12 Signs of The Zodiac
This document is a simple reference for the various facets of an electional astrology chart. I must
stress that what follows is no substitute for getting a solid education in electional astrology. I highly
recommend you gain some understanding of Renaissance astrology especially, as modern astrology is
not exactly the same – much of it having been watered down, simplified, and its methods of
interpretation are different.
A Planet residing in a Sign it rules or in which it is exalted is powerful. A Planet in its fall is weak. And
when it is its detriment, it is both very weak and unfortunate:
The Aspects tell us how the Planets are interacting with one another:
(* - Any planet that is Conjunct with the Sun is “in combustion” and therefore unfortunate. When the
Moon is in combustion, that is the Dark Moon time when magick should not be done at all.)
(** - An “Orb” is a range of degrees within which an aspect is still considered valid. For example, two
planets are in Opposition when they are 180 degrees apart. However, they will still be in opposition if
they are within 173 degrees to 187 degrees apart.)
(*** - The complimentary Elements are Fire/Air and Water/Earth. If these are crossed – such as Fire vs
Water or Air vs Earth – they oppose one another.)
The Twelve Houses
Each house covers 30 degrees of the heavens, following the natural order of the twelve signs. They
never move (for example, the first house will always rest on the Eastern horizon), while the stars and
planets pass through them on their daily journeys.
The 36 Decans (or Faces) are 10 degree divisions of each zodiacal sign – giving three Faces to each
sign. Each is ruled by a Planetary force, allowing us to further refine the energies we can impart to, for
example, a magical image. There are two known methods of assigning the Planets to the Faces: both
of which begin with the Ruling Plant of Aries (Mars). One method, then, simply lists the planets in
Chaldean Order from Aries to Pisces. The other method instead uses the Ruling Planets of that sign's
Triplicity Thus, for example, the fiery sign Aries will be governed by its own ruling Planet (Mars) as
well as the Planets that rule the other two fire signs Leo and Sagittarius (Sol and Jupiter respectively).
You will find examples of both systems in various occult sources – neither one seems to be given
precedence over the other.
There are certainly further things to consider when casting an electional chart. For example:
This is when the Moon is not currently aspected with any other planets, and will remain
unaspected until it passes into the next zodiac sign. This is considered unfortunate, and any chart that
includes a Void of Course Moon could be set aside as unusable.
These can be helpful when considering Planetary Aspects, as the Planets can be more or less
powerful depending on which type of house they are in:
The Angular Houses are those naturally ruled by the Cardinal signs – the First, Fourth, Seventh,
and Tenth. Aspects in these four houses are the most powerful.
The Succeedant Houses are those naturally ruled by the Fixed signs – the Second, Fifth, Eighth,
and Eleventh. Aspects in these four houses are next in power.
The Cadent Houses are those naturally ruled by the Mutable signs – the Third, Sixth, Ninth,
and Twelfth. Aspects in these four house are weak.
This is very helpful if you have two or more planets of equal dignity, and you need a tie-breaker to
know which is more powerful.
Part of Fortune:
This tells us which ruling planet governs the fortune or fate of your work. It is calculated by
adding or subtracting the degrees of the Sun and Moon from the degree of the Ascendant. But there
is one thing you have to keep in mind: while degrees are usually counted from 1 to 30 within any
given zodiac sign, the Part of Fortune is found by counting all 360 degrees around the entire chart,
always starting at zero degrees in Aries. To accomplish this, it is necessary to do some conversion:
As an example, suppose we have a chart with the following: Ascendant at 15 degrees Aries. The
Moon at 8 degrees in Leo. And the Sun at 1 degree of Libra. If we count these degrees from 0 Aries
we get the following: Ascendant = 15 degrees, Moon = 128 degrees, and the Sun = 181 degrees.
Now, we can calculate the Part of Fortune. There are actually two methods of calculation for day
or night charts:
Back to our example, let us suppose the Sun is below the horizon for a nighttime chart. Therefore we
will calculate 15 (Asc) + 181 (Sun) – 128 (Moon) = 68. Thus the Part of Fortune in this case is found at
68 degrees from 0 Aries – placing it at 8 degrees in Gemini. The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury –
making Mercury the Lord of Fortune. Look to the dignity and aspects of Mercury, in this case, to
determine the good or ill fortune of the work.
- I generally try to find charts that will allow me to work on the day and hour of the chosen Planet. I
know this sounds like a limitation, especially if you are already looking only at times during the waxing
Moon phase. (Those conditions only leave two or three suitable days out of any given month.)
However, when you are seeking a suitable time for a future working, having to cast and interpret a
chart for each possibility, it really does help to narrow your choices somewhat.
- Interpret the chart with special attention to the Planet you wish to work with. You are, in essence,
looking at the mood and personality of the angel you intend to call. The strengths, dignities, and
aspects of the Planets are how we judge how the Seven Archangels are interacting with one another
and with the world at any given time. Therefore, you want to make sure your chosen Planet is strong
and well aspected, and not in a “bad mood” or otherwise conflicted or hindered by the other angels.
- I also tend to suggest your chosen Planet should be above the horizon when you work – and best if it
is between the ascendant and the zenith of the chart. Past the zenith the Planet is technically waning
in power (because it is setting), and of course it is completely in the underworld when below the
horizon. Of course, there may be times when you desire to work with the angel while it is in the
underworld, so you will have to make your own judgments.
Special Note From the Key of Solomon the King
So exact a preparation of days and hours is not necessary for those who are adepts in the Art,
but it is extremely necessary for apprentices and beginners, seeing that those who have been
little or not at all instructed herein, and who only begin to apply themselves to this Art, do not
have as much faith in the experiments as those who are adepts therein, and who have practised
them. But as regards beginners, they should always have the days and hours well disposed and
appropriate unto the Art. And the Wise should only observe the precepts of the Art which are
necessary, and in observing the other solemnities necessary they will operate with a perfect