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Open Folder Downloads 2
Open Folder Downloads 2
June 2018
1) If a malefic is posted in 3,5,9,11 house & there is no benefice aspect - Ear and speech
2) Inflammation in body is signified by Sun
3) 11L in 6H - - multiple diseases
4) 6L Venus in Lagna & any retrograde benefice in trik house gives poor vision/eye disease
5) 6L Mercury in Lagna aspected by malefices is a classical combination for Defective
6) Saturn in 6th or 12H from Venus – Impotence/ sexual inadequacy__
7) Saturn in 4H, moon in 7H & Mars in 10H _Impotence – Mental or heart disease
8) Retrograde and afflicted Jupiter places in trik bhavas – diabetes
9) LL, 2L & Sun together in 2H _blindness since birth
10) Retrograde benefice in 6H aspected by malefic is classical combination of severe disease
and incomplete recovery
• Afflicted Jupiter in connection with 1H/LL
• LL/1H associated with 11H/11L or planets placed there
• Affliction to 1H/LL
• Sun & Moon afflicted
• Lagna & LL associated with 8H/8L or planets placed there
• MD Lord at birth – associated with 8H/8L in chart at the time of birth
• Jup + Rahu connection
• Sat & Mars in 6H in Rahus Nakshtra
• 6L natural malefice if occupies Lagna, 8H or 10H
Lagna/LL is the most important constituent of a horoscope. All planets are subservient to
Lagna & LL. It rules over your physical body. The strength & stamina is assessed from the
first house and any affliction to it results in a diseased and weak body. A strong and well-
placed lagnesh supports the entire horoscope, including its weak houses. The strength of
Lagna and its lord determines one’s degree of vitality and robustness of health. A strong
lagna or LL can overcome any obstacles in life including medical ones.
Lagna becomes strong when LL is placed in Lagna Or aspects Lagan, Lagna is vargottam,
lagna is in PACE with benefices, Lagna is involved in Raj Yogas. LL is strong when Exalted,
own house, Vargottam, in Kendra or trine, in friends house, Pace with benefices & involved
in Raj yogas.
Good health parameter
- Unafflicted Moon
- Unafflicted Lagna
- Unafflicted LL
- Unafflicted Kendra
- Unafflicted 8H/8L
Recovery of disease –
The severity of disease decreases when Lagna & LL are strong. Strong lagna has strength
and more fighting power. It supports positive mental attitude and outlook thus the natives
follow the guidelines laid by doctors.
Short life combinations with Moon
Kaal Hora Lagna – 60% Accuracy Vradhakarika hora lagna – 80% Accuracy
same for day & Night Different for Day & Night
Pindayu of Venus in deep debilitation in 11H after all reductions
Planet Full Deep deb Chakrapath Astangat Kshtrushetra Krurodhay Total yrs
Q6. State the effect of retrogression of planets on entry or exit roads of Kota Chakra
Its reversed so entry becomes exit and exit becomes entry
if there are 2 malefics and 2 benefices in Lgana which planet will have krurodhay haran
and how to calculate it
When one (or more) kaura Grahas (Saturn, mars, sun) are placed in Lagna then Krurodhaya
haran is done, if there are 2 of them the one closer to lagna degree is the one who looses not
all of them.
(b) If a benefic aspects the lagna deduct ½ from the quotient
(c) If a benefice planet is also placed in lagna then –
(i) No haran to be carried out if any benefice planet is placed in lagna and is closer to the
degree of lagna.
(ii) Deduct ½ from the quotient if any malefic planet is placed in lagna & is closer to the
degree of lagna.
Q3. If Lagna is Virgo in 2nd Drekkana occupied by Moon placed in 5th Navamsha- Name
the lords pf 22nd
• If drekkan is mentioned about question in 22nd dreshlon and 64 then its D3 they are talking
22nd Dreshko is – 8th Lord from Lagna in D3
22DK- Sun
Saturn in 8H as the karaka of 8H gives long life – the quality of life is dependent of the
awastha of Saturn. A good dignity (gocharst) Saturn will give long life where as a aghorast
Saturn will give long life with lingering disease. Early marriage and early job.
Mercury is friendly to Saturn and in good dignity will enhance the good significations of 8H.
Mercury in 8H gives long life and status. However is in bad dignity will give prison term and
lonely death.
Gemini Lagna with exchange between LL 8 8L and moon placed in own sign. State ayu
khanda as per PAM.
8L in Dual
Lagna Dual
If a planet is eligible for haran both with Combustion & kshtrukshtra which will
happen in Anshaayu – (2 times)
Both 1st Astangat & Then Kshtrukshtra (as per Mr. VP goyal book its only to be 1 haran but
in our class we were taught to all applicable harans)
If Jupiter is placed in Capricorn in 3rd Navamsha will it get any Bharans in Anshaayu
method – explain (2 times)
Yes as it goes to Pisces in D9 that is own Navamsha it gets X2 times bharan
Vradakaraka hora lagna (more accurate – 80%) – we workout which hora of the
day/night was operating at the time of birth. We have to count that many houses from lagna
to reach the Hora Lagna the Rashi is called the Vradha karika Hora Lagna (VHL)
Worked out separate for day and night by finding Dinman and ratriman
Dec 2018
1. Saturn & Venus together in 10H__ Impotence/ sexual inadequacy_
2. Sun in Cancer Lagna Eye issue cataract
3. 6L in 11H – multiple disease - increases diseases and maybe also capacity to fight the
disease. If unaffiliated gives fighting power towards disease.
4. Saturn mars & Jupiter in 4H _heart disease/ mental disease/ Lung cancer
5. Jupiter & Rahu in Lagna __Dental Disease _____________
6. Moon & Venus in watery sign afflicted with malefices. Leprosy/ TB/ Vitilogo
7. Sun in Lagna, Mars in Scorpio & Saturn in 7H is combination for _Heart Disease
8. Venus in 6H & Jupiter in 12H is a combination for _Diabetes
9. Suin Aqua- heart disease
10. Saturn Mars Rahu in 8H – Accident proneness
11. 8l in 8H produces – proneness to disease
12. Malefic posited in 3,5,9,11 houses hearing issues
13. Sun & moon in 2H afflicted by malefices is combination for __Night blindness __
14. From KL Moon in 4th house and aspected by Ketu and Mars Leprosy
15. Connection of Lagna, 11H & 8H with afflicted Jupiter _Cancer______________
Mental disease
Drekkana plan an important role in finding the location of disease. 3 drekkna represent 3
parts of the body-
22nd Drekkana lord (8L in D3) is considered evil and can severe disease 7 even death
Sarp & paash Drekkana are also disease causing and their PACE can help in diagnosis
(i) Mars in 12th house and Saturn in 2nd house Injury to Eye
(ii). Moon in 6, 8 and 12 house aspected by malefic planet without benefic aspect -Balarisht
(iv) Moon in 8th house afflicted by Saturn-how will you differentiate that it bal-aristha or
Mental disease.
Strength of 1H & LL, PACE on moon, Strength of moon, if moon is making other Raj
(vii) Rahu and Moon in Scorpio in 8th house is a combination of Phobias unfounded fears
& could be Mental illness also
Moon being the 6th Lord is Posited in 2nd House with Saturn.-------.
If 4H/4L, 5H/5L and Sun are afflicted what disease is expected Heart Disease
(xi) 6th lord Venus in Lagna, Mars in 7th house and Saturn in 8th house ----.
If second Dreshkon is rising in lagana than 2nd Dreshkon will represent neck to pelvis/
Navel body parts
(i) Describe the reasons of Cancer disease, what are the planetary combinations for
Cancer. Write classical combinations also.
8H in medical astrology
Ayu Bhava in Vedic Astrology. represents the life force, death, longevity and sudden-
unexpected events, probable reason for his/her death. Ideally should be empty without any
If the planets in 8th house in horoscope are afflicted, it may affect the longevity of that
person. It may cause him/her chronic illness and various forms of misery, mental peace may
be lost.
Many planets in 8H – gives various diseases. - 8H planets – sudden ups and down – many
disease if there are many there
Can lead to amputation – 8H & 8L – transplant and amputation. Amputation, sudden disease,
8H is life endangering & lingering
External genitalia – anus, vagina, penis, incurable chronic diseases, or partially disease, loss
of limb, affliction to face. Transplant of organs, severe mental anguish – longevity
Retrograde planets
Retrograde planet – won’t protect much from disease even if aspecting lagna, or retrograde
LL in Lagna – no security in disease. Will give a lots of things but not disease related.
If many retrograde planets in a chart they wont protect thus disease could prevail
• If Retrograde LL occupies Lagna & has its dasha running at birth it shows congenital
disease (presence of other parameters)
• If Retrograde LL occupies Lagna & has its dasha running at birth it shows congenital
disease (presence of other parameters)
• Dasha of retrograde planets associated with 6,8.12 or their lords can give severe
disease and incomplete recovery
• Retrograde planets transmit their malefic results through PACE with other dasha lord
• Retrograde Saturn in 8H gives bedridden diseases
• Karakatttava of planets is affected by retrogration or being associated with
retrograde planets
• Retrograde malefices give serious disease.
1. Strong Lagna – it’s the body and over all health – Vargottam, Benefcie PAC, LL
Posited there, LL Aspecting 1H, Raj yogas forming with 1H
2. Strong Lagna Lord – Exalted, own house, Vargottam, benefice PACE, in Kendra trine
11H or 2H, forming Raj yogas
3. Lagna or LL in Shubh Kartari
4. Unafflicted moon –
5. Trishadaya houses – malefices in 3,6,11 – strength to native and destruction of
6. Benefices in Kendra & Trine
7. Saturn in 8H gives long life
8. Strong 8L
9. Strong Atamakaraka
(iii). Describe the disease given by Venus.
Balarishta – is generally ill health, trouble and in worst case death in early childhood
generally before age of 12 years. Moon, Lagna & LL play important role in the same
Most combinations of balarishta are formed due to affliction or weakness to Moon. Lagna is
the physical body & malefices influences on the same cause arishta
Q- Analyze
Sun is Vargottam in D9 –
continuing the affliction
6L Saturn is posited in 6H
Aspecting 8H, 12H & 3H –
Jupiter - 5L & 8L– Major
affliction to Jupiter which is
also 5L. Jupiter (8L, GK &
22DL). 5L has come to 2H
(Maraka) from 5H. 5L
Jupiter is further afflicted by
6L Saturn which is closely
Venus – is exalted but
Posited in 8H of chronic
disease, Venus is also in
gandanta in Revati (64NL)
nakshtra. Venus gets aspect
of 6L Saturn – making
disease chronic.
5H (pancreas)– gets aspect
of 12HL Moon and afflicted
12H – 12H gets aspect of 6L
Saturn & . Jupiter (8L, GK &
Leo – 5H of Kaal purush Kundali – is afflicted by Rahu, Ketu, 64th Navamsha lord
Mercury & afflicted Sun
Houses – 4H & 5H
4H/4L– is unaspected but 4L Mars has gone to 8H from 4H, is conjunct with 12L Moon in
Rahus Nakshtra.
5H/5L – gets aspect of 12HL Moon and afflicted 4L Mars.
5L is Jupiter (8L, GK & 22DL). 5L has come to 2H (Maraka) from 5H.
Mental disease
D1 –
• Moon is 12L of chart Posited in 11H. (Moons house is aspected by 22DL Jupiter & 6L
• Moon is closely conjunct with Mars – when mars afflict Moon it gives aggressive,
violent tendencies, easily angered (pain inflection type of behaviour).
• Moon is in Ardra Nakshtra of Rahu – Rahu’s association with moon gives - phobias
Schizophrenia, suicidal tendencies.
• Moon & Mars are posited in the 64th Navamsha lord Mercury’s house
From Moon
• 6L Mars is conjunct with moon
• 3H(thought process/ mental inclinations) from Moon has Rahu
• 5H receives 8H Saturn’s (From Lagna 6L) aspect
Jupiter -
• 5th and 8H- 5L & 8L are same Jupiter which is also 22DL & GK & its in 6H conjunct
with 6L
• Retrograde 64th Navamsha Lord, afflicting the Lagna in all varghas - D1, D9 & D3
3H/L –
• 3H receives aspect of 6L Saturn from 6H
• 3L Venus is posited in 8H of chronic illness in Gandanta Revati Nakshtra
5H/5L –
• gets aspect of 12HL Moon and afflicted 4L Mars.
• 5L is Jupiter (8L, GK & 22DL). 5L has come to 2H (Maraka) from 5H.
• 5L Jupiter is further afflicted by 6L Saturn which is closely conjunt.
• Jupiter Saturn is a classical combination for mental illness.
Dasha –
at birth was Rahu thus the activation of mental issues will be from the beginning.
D9 –
Moon – is with 6L Venus in 12H, aspected by Saturn, Mars (12L in 8H)
3H gets aspect of 8L Jupiter, Saturn and falls under Rahu Ketu Axis
5H/5L – 5h gets aspect of Jupiter (8L, GL & 22DL), venus (Gandanta) (6L) & Moon
5L is Mercury (64NL) in 7H afflicting the Lagna
Moon (12L) in 3H – Gets aspect of Saturn (6L)
Onset of disease
5H (Pancreas, Heart) is afflicted by 12L Moon & Mars
5L Jupiter is 8L, GK & 22nd Drekkna lord posited in 6H. Jupiter is closely conjunct with 6L
Saturn aspecting 12H (hormones, Immunity & hospitalization)
Sat/Mer – 08 1982 till 04 – 1985 – The combination of 6L with 64th Navamsha lord mercury
which is retrograde, conjunct with LL Sun, sitting in 7H aspecting lagna
Char dasha
1982 Feb to 1983 Feb – Dasha was Sagittarius –
Sagittrius is the dasha of mishaps, falls, accidents.
Thus I conclude the disease Diabetes & Heart issues could have started around 1982-1983.
Though the native was 21 - 22 years old the disease prone affliction in the chart is very
Congenital disease
The dasha at birth was of Rahu posited in Lagna aspecting the LL Sun.
LL Sun is in 7H afflicted by Rahu, ketu & Retrograde Mercury (64th Navamsha lord).
Moon (12L) is in Rahu Nakshtra afflicted by Mars.
Chart is weak as explained above. Thus we conclude there chances of congenital disease is
Sun LL is Vargottam.
Many planets are Vargottam in the chart.
अ, आ इ ई उ ऊ ए ऐ Sun
कखगघङ Mars
चछजझ Venus
टठडढ Mer
तथदधन Jup
पफबभम Saturn
यरलव moon
शसह Rahu
Which Bhavas and planets should be considered for determining Ayu in a horoscope?
1.Lagna & LL their condition
2. Moon & Moons rashi lord (dispositor)
3. 8H & 8L – PACE
4. 3H & 3L – 8th from 8th – supplementary house
5. Saturn – auykaraka
State the effect of Saturn in view of longevity if placed in 8th house and aspected by
8H is the Ayu Sthan & Saturn is Karaka for this house. Though in astrology Karak posited in
the bhava is considered Karako Bhava Nashay – karak destroys the bhava, this dosent apply
to 8H Saturn.
A dignified Saturn in 8H is condisred good for longevity. However an afflicted Saturn, when
aspected by malefice could give long life with a lingering chronic disease.
In Leo Lagna with exchange between Lagna Lord and 8th Lord and Moon placed in own
sign, State the “Aayu Khanda” as per Jamini System (PAM).
Mars – is in Mrigshira in Bahya in Pravesh Dwar – good position, Mars is strong in own
Mercury – is in Madhya in Pravesh Dwar in Chitra (Mars Nakshtra)
Jupiter – is in Bhaya in oravesh dwar in Satbhisha (Rahu’s Nakshtra) not good
Venus – in Stambha in Swati (Rahu’s Nakshtra)- Benefice in Stambh is good
Saturn – Kot Pal is in Prakaara in Nikas Dwar in Dhanishtha Mars Nakshtra – good position
Rahu is in Madhya in Nikas Dwar -thus its coming in to the Stambh. In Bharni Venus
Ketu – is in Stambha in Swati (Rahu’s Nakshtra) closely conjunct with Sun – bad
positionvghhkmm mll
What are the names of Gandamool a Gandanta nakshatras and why are they
considered to be negative? 1Mark
Nakshtra of Mercury (last 1 ghati) & Ketu (1st ghati) are called Gandamool a Gandanta
nakshatras, Gandanta are 2 ghati(48'). 1st pada of Ketu Nakshtra and 4th Pada of Mercury.
To do shanti of this dosh – after 27 days when the same Nakshatra rises again moola shanti
should be performed as mentioned in BPHS.
Which method of Ayn Nirnay should be used if Lagna, Sun and Moon all are weak. For
this method, each planet can contribute how many years of longevity, if he is at highest
exaltation degree?
Jeeva Ayu - If nothing is strong – Lagna, moon and sun–120 years total 17.14 per planet,
By Acharya Jeeva Sharma Bengali astrologer. Maximum life span can be 120 years. All
planets give equal so all get 17.143. each get same. 17 years 1 month 22days 8ghatis and 34
ghati pal.
If arishta and arishtabhanga both are present in a horoscope, then what result can be
Arishta –serious illness, death of child, death of parent, abuse, kidnapping, child labor.
Arishtabhanga - Neutralization/ cancellation/ remedies
If both are persistent it could mean some issues will come in life but the native will
overcome them. Both problem and protection is present.
• 2nd Version - Scorpio lagna with benefices in visible and malefices in invisible half .
Mention the different sections of Alpa ayn khanda.
Alp Ayu – 0- 33
Sadhyorishta – within 1 year child dies. Strong balarisht and dasha wont be good,
Balarisht – 1 year to 12 years –
Yogarishta – 12 – 20 years –
Aplayu – 20 -33 years
How will you convert the find savan years to solar years in Pindaya?
Convert “Savan” years into Solar Years (360* days years into 365 days years) SY X 360/ 365
= Solar year
Will Krurodaya haran be applicable if the following planets are placed in lagna? Lagna
degree Leo 14º36', Sun 3º49', Moon 17º09',Mercury 28º30', Jupiter 12º12', Venus 18º39'.
Give reason.
No haran to be carried out, As benefice planet is placed in lagna and is closer to the degree of
lagna (Moon & Jupiter).
How many years will Sun contribute in Nisargayu, if his longitude is 6s 10º
Half age. Suns full years is 20 so Sun will give 10 years contribution.
Marak means cause of death - Maraka planet can kill someone especially when lifespan
seems to be complete. When maraka Dasha planets come in young age or when life span is
still intact then the maraka planet will not kill but will create health issues or Mrityu tulya
kasht (Accidents Serious health problem, Huge financial loss which will cause death like
situation in your life. Sudden injuries or attacks etc)
Any planet which is placed in Marak house may harmful for native regarding lifespan
Main Auy houses are 8H & 3H and 12th from this is 2H & 7H this the loss of age =Maraka
• Malefices in 3,6,11 (upchaya houses) from Lagna or moon
• Jupiter or moon together or aspecting each other
• Lagna lord in Kendra
• Lord of moon sign is strong
• Lagna Lord is placed in 11th from Lagna
• Strong well placed Lagna/LL with PAC of Jup
• Benefices in Kendra and aspect of Jupiter
• Unafflicted 8L in Lagna
• 3 planets exalted
• Dual Lagna making Panch mahapurush yoga (LL in kendra)
• Strong & well placed Moon & Moons rashi lord
• Benefice in kendra & trine
• 8th & 12 vacant no malefic in
• LL stronger than 8L
• 8H & 8L – good condition
• 3H & 3L – good
• 8L & all malefices except LL in Apoklim houses
• All benefices including LL are in Kendra
• LL & 8L friends
• Lord of moon sign (Rashi lord) & 8L from moon friends
• Moons Navamsha lord & Lord of 64th Navamsha from moon - friend
• LL & Sun – both friends
Madhya (33 – 70)
One in Char & 2nd in Sthir If one is in movable & 1 in fixed Madhya
On in Char & one in Dual 1 in Movable & in in dual Alpa
One in Fixed one in dual one in fixed and one in dual Poorna
The life expectancy or the longevity of a native can be determined by different methods in an
astrology. It is not good to determine the span of life before 12 years as the life of native
depends of previous karmas of mom, dad and self
Check the natal char for Balarishta & then Balarishta bhanga or protection.
First of all the strenght of the ascendent decides how healthy will be the native. 8th house ,
eight lord and Saturn are to be considered for longivity. Later 2nd and 7th lords are said to be
maaraka lords. Inspite of all these, if saturn is in 8th house gives the native much longivity so
on if saturn in 8th house is his own house or exalted house the longivity is spelled more n
Kot Chakra
the Natal lord of the Moon sign becomes the Lord of the Fort
or Kota Swami & the Natal Moon Nakshatra lord becomes the
Fort Guard
Basic idea is that the 4 nakshatras inside the Stambha form the
Heart or epicenter of the individual and Malefics, especially
Rahu/ Ketu & Saturn transiting in it cause misery and
problems (especially when these planets are in inimical signs
or debilitated in transit). Likewise the transit of Jupiter or
Venus in the Stambha gives good luck and protection against
various evils.
During transits when all 3 – Saturn, Rahu and Ketu enter the
Stambha and Jupiter is not in the interior 2 zones or is on an
exit route, grave problems or long term negative events will
precipitate. The strength of the transiting planet has to be kept
in mind while predicting.
Exmple for the horo of a native born on sep 18, 1981 at 1612
hrs, chandigarh, India and running Rahu MD, the present
transit (as of 4/21/2015) looks like the following-
(notice how Rahu and Ketu are in the Stambha and have
entered the Stambha via an entry route. In terms of Rahu, this
route has been – Vishaka, Swait, Chitra and now in Hast tara
in Virgo)-
Paash Drekkna – Pash drekkana – this restrains the freedom
of someone. Restricts with health and general life also.
So we see this to know if the disease will become chronic or
Taurus – 1st Libra Capricorn
11 – 1st
Mars Problems like burns, cuts, bile, loss of blood, indigestion, acidity, head injury,
• 2 & 3D of cancer
• Last of Pisces
22 Drekkana
64 Navamsha
85 Dwadhswansh
Not sure
Not sure
1. Affliction to Lagna/LL & Mercury indicates___Speech/
2. 6th lord Venus in Lagna, Mars in 7th house and Saturn
in 8th house hearing or ear defect/ cancer
3. 6L Moon is posited in 2H with Saturn – (Aqurius Lagna ) –
Eye problem
To do
1) Venus with Saturn in 4H aspected by Mars
2) Moon is in 8H afflicted by Saturn how will you
differentiate if its balarisht or mental disease/ Moon in 6, 8
and 12
3) When dual signs are afflicted __________________-
disease is likely
4) Name chidra grahas __________
5) Dasha of 8Rashi from AK is capable of giving
6) _______________ can result if dasha of planet in Mrityu
bhag operates at the time of birth
Cancer is an abnormal growth of body cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to
infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue.. Normal cells grow in a well-regulated pattern.
When cancer sets in, a group of cells suddenly starts multiplying in a haphazard and
uncontrolled way, forming lumps or tumors. a malignant tumor never stops growing and can
spread to other parts of the body.
Exam Longivity
Longevity Parameters
1. Nabhas yog
2. Lagna & Lagna Lord
3. 8H
4. Moon
5. Bhavarth bhavan – 3H
6. 10H & 10L - Last Karma
7. 12H & 12L
8. D1, D3 (11 from 5 past life fruits or pain), D6
th th
R0 (12) 12X3
One in Char & 2nd in Sthir If one is in movable & 1 in fixed Madhya
One in Fixed one in dual one in fixed and one in dual Poorna
• LL stronger than 8L
• 8H & 8L – good condition
• 3H & 3L – good
• 8L & all malefices except LL in Apoklim houses
• All benefices including LL are in Kendra
• LL & 8L friends
• Lord of moon sign (Rashi lord) & 8L from moon friends
• Moons Navamsha lord & Lord of 64 Navamsha from
moon - friend
• LL & Sun – both friends
moon - neutral
• LL & Sun – both neutral
Alp (0-33)
• LL, LL, 10L & Saturn all weak.
• Weak ill placed Lagna/LL with malefices in kendra and
no benefice aspect.
• Weak ill placed Moon & Moons rashi lord
• Malefics in Kendra/trine and benefices in trik (6,8,12)
• 8L stronger than LL
• Moon in trik bhava mal inf
• 8L & all malefices except LL in Kendra houses
• All benefices including LL are in Apoklim
• LL & 8L enemies
• Lord of moon sign (Rashi lord) & 8L from moon both
• Moons Navamsha lord & Lord of 64 Navamsha from
Short answers
Q- Placement of which planet in Lagna provides strong
protection to longevity. – Lagnesh & Jupiter
Yet to do
Q- Which Navamsha of aries is Vish Navamsha -
Final done
Q- Short notes for if 2.5 marsks give 4-5 points
a) Second Lord
b) 7 lord
or 10L
j) Ayukaraka Saturn – Anytime/anywhere
a) Gandantas
Gand means a knot. Anta means the end. Gandanta means the
knot at the end. between Water and Fire Signs. In 3 junction
of zodiac the zodiac is weak where we have gandanta of rashi
and nakshtra both. Solar and lunar Zodiac meet.
There are three kinds of Gandanta:
The Lagna Gandanta - The Lagna Gandanta is when the
ascendant sign falls within 14 minutes of these degrees either
side. The last half Ghatika of Meen and first half Ghatika of
Mesh, the last half Ghatika of Vrischik and first half Ghatika
of Dhanu, the last half Ghatika of Kark and first half Ghatika
of Simh are known as Lagn Gandanta.
The Tithi Gandanta - Tithi is the lunar day and Tithi
gandanta happens at the end of the tithi and beginning of
another. The last 1 Ghati (24 mins) of Purna Tithi (5th, 10th,
15th) and the first 1 Ghati (24mins) of Nanda Tithi (1st, 6th,
11th) are known, as Tithi Gandanta. This time is deadly in the
matter of birth, travel, marriage etc.
Pada of Mercury.
These are junction of Mercury (distilled wisdom) & ketu
(mokshakaraka). Birth, travelling and performance of
auspicious functions, like marriage etc., during Gandanta are
likely to cause death of the person concerned.
especially bad. Dangerous for dads life and should not see
child for 8 years or atlesat 6 months.
6. LL stronger than 8L
7. 8H & 8L – condition
8. 3H & 3L – 8 from 8 – supplementary house
th th
Yogarishta Apl
12-20 20-32
64 Navamsha
Q - Sarp drekkna –
Scorpio Cancer Pisces
1,2 2,3 3
Pash drekkana
Taurus – 1st Libra Capricorn
11 – 1st
Q Vish navansha
1 3 4
2 5 8
6 7 10
9 11 12
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