Detailed Lesson Plan in Consumer Electronic Servicing 4
Detailed Lesson Plan in Consumer Electronic Servicing 4
Detailed Lesson Plan in Consumer Electronic Servicing 4
B. Materials:
IV. Procedures:
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
4. Motivation: (3minutes)
*Ok class, since you already know the different kind *Sir! Operation of an appliance parts and functions.
of tools, materials and equipment in repairing and
maintaining electric appliance. What is the next thing that
you have to learn about an appliance that you will need to
Very Good!
*Why is that it is important to know how the *Sir! So that we can easily identify the defect of the
appliance being operated? And also the parts and their appliance.
Very Good!
*Ok class, I have here an appliance. What do you *Sir! Electric Flat Iron
think is the name of this appliance?
Very Good!
1. Presentation: (5minutes)
*Who among of you have an experience in ironing *Sir! You have to plug in the electric flat iron to outlet or
clothes? to the power source and sit to the desire temperature or type
*How does electric flat iron being operate? of cloth, and electricity will flow to the thermal fuse and going
to the heating element. Heating element will heat up the sole
plate for the purpose of removing wrinkles from fabric. With
the heat and the weight of the ironing plate, the fibers are
Very good! stretched and the fabric maintains its new shape when cool.
*have you already familiar with the name and Yes sir!
function of each part of electric flat iron?
Very good!
Very good!
* Why is that it is important to know how the *Sir! So that we can easily identify the defect of the
appliance being operated? And also being familiar with the appliance.
parts and their function?
Very good!
*What is the operation of electric flat iron? *Sir! You have to plug in the electric flat iron to
outlet or to the power source and sit to the desire temperature
or type of cloth, and electricity will flow to the thermal fuse and
going to the heating element. Heating element will heat up the
sole plate for the purpose of removing wrinkles from fabric.
With the heat and the weight of the ironing plate, the fibers
are stretched and the fabric maintains its new shape when
*What are the parts of electric flat iron? 1. AC line cord
2. Selector switch
3. Thermal fuse
4. Heating Element
5. Sole Plate
6. Handle
7. Body/Case
8. Neon/ Pilot Lamp
9. Thermostat Assembly
Very good!
5. Application: (5minutes)
(Call students and let them point out one part of electric
flat iron on the table and let them identify the name and
function each part and discuss it in front of his/her
Direction: Identify the following based on the cited uses or
6. Assessment: Identification (4minutes) function.
7. Assignment: (2minutes)
Directions: Search in the internet the possible defect and remedy of electric flat iron. Write it in a ½ sheet of
8. Remarks:
Department of Education
Region VIII
Borongan City
Prepared by:
Alvic B Arma
Teacher Applicant