HYDAC - Electronics - CMU 1000

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Condition Monitoring Unit

CMU 1000

User manual
(Translation of original manual)

V03 R21 - 2012/05/24 HYDAC ELECTRONIC GMBH Mat.-No.: 669749

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Table of Contents

1 General............................................................................................................................................ 9
1.1 Previous Knowledge .............................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Structure of the Manual ....................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Copyright Protection .......................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Note on Warranty................................................................................................................ 10
1.5 Declaration of Conformity ....................................................................................... 10
2 Safety............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 General Safety Precautions ................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Proper/Designated Use........................................................................................................ 12
2.3 System Configuration ......................................................................................................... 12
3 Setup and Function ...................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Hardware Setup .................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Control Elements/Connections .......................................................................................... 13
3.3 Terminal Allocations ........................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Examples of Connections .................................................................................................... 20
3.4.1 SMART sensors ............................................................................................................ 20
3.4.2 Standard HSI Sensors .................................................................................................... 21
3.4.3 Standard Analog Sensors .............................................................................................. 21
3.4.4 SMART Sensors and Standard Analog Sensors ........................................................... 21
3.4.5 GSM Module CSI-F-10 ................................................................................................ 22
4 Installation and Initial Operation ............................................................................................... 23
4.1 Installation Guidelines ........................................................................................................ 23
4.2 Control Element on the Device .......................................................................................... 24
4.3 Power Supply Connection .................................................................................................. 24
4.4 Behavior when Switching On/Restart ............................................................................... 25
4.4.1 No CM Program Available in the Device ..................................................................... 25
4.4.2 CM Program Available in the Device ........................................................................... 25
5 Basic Settings/Menu Structure .................................................................................................... 27
5.1 Configuration on the Device ............................................................................................... 27
5.1.1 Menu Structure for Operation on the Device ................................................................ 27
5.1.2 Key Functions during Operation on the Device ............................................................ 28
5.2 Configuration Using CMWIN PC Software ..................................................................... 29
5.2.1 Direct Connection ......................................................................................................... 29
5.2.2 Direct Connection via HSI Bus ..................................................................................... 33 Device Connection via CSI-B-2 Interface Module ................................................... 33 Connection Setup via CSI-B-2 Interface Module ..................................................... 34 Device Connection without CSI-B-2 Interface Module ............................................ 36 Connection Setup without CSI-B-2 Interface Module .............................................. 36
5.2.3 Modem Connection ....................................................................................................... 41 Device Connection/Pin Connections......................................................................... 41

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Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000 Page 4 Establishing Connection with GSM Radio Module CSI-F-10 .................................. 42 Connection Setup with CMU 1000 using GSM Mobile Network ............................ 46
5.2.4 TCP Connection ............................................................................................................ 49 Device Connection .................................................................................................... 49 Connection Setup ...................................................................................................... 49
5.2.5 Actions .......................................................................................................................... 52 Display Device Status ............................................................................................... 52 Display Device Information ...................................................................................... 53 Sensor Values ............................................................................................................ 53 Managing Recordings................................................................................................ 54 Setup .......................................................................................................................... 54 Managing Configurations .......................................................................................... 59 Set bus address .......................................................................................................... 62 Managing Sensor Constellations ............................................................................... 63 Display Input Values ................................................................................................. 64
5.2.6 Extras ............................................................................................................................. 65 Update Firmware ....................................................................................................... 65 Set Password Protection ............................................................................................ 68 Change Password ...................................................................................................... 69 Removing Password Protection................................................................................. 69 Send Commands ........................................................................................................ 69
6 CM Editor ..................................................................................................................................... 70
6.1 Menu Bar ............................................................................................................................. 71
6.1.1 File ................................................................................................................................. 71
6.1.2 CM Program .................................................................................................................. 72
6.1.3 Grouping........................................................................................................................ 76
6.1.4 Device............................................................................................................................ 76
6.1.5 Sensor Constellation...................................................................................................... 77
6.1.6 Sensor Configuration..................................................................................................... 79
6.1.7 Extras ............................................................................................................................. 81
6.2 Window Divisions ................................................................................................................ 82
6.2.1 "Function Properties" Window ..................................................................................... 82
6.2.2 "Function List" Window ............................................................................................... 82
6.2.3 "Linked Functions" Window ......................................................................................... 82
6.2.4 "Functions" Window ..................................................................................................... 82
7 CM Program Functions ............................................................................................................... 83
7.1 General Information Concerning Functions .................................................................... 83
7.1.1 Inputs / Outputs ............................................................................................................. 83 Numerical Values ...................................................................................................... 83 Boolean Values ......................................................................................................... 83
7.1.2 Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 84 Numerical Parameters ............................................................................................... 84 Whole Number .......................................................................................................... 84 Entry List ................................................................................................................... 84 Boolean Parameters ................................................................................................... 84 Character String......................................................................................................... 84 Values Table.............................................................................................................. 84 Time .......................................................................................................................... 84
7.2 Data Sources ........................................................................................................................ 85
7.2.1 Numerical Constant ....................................................................................................... 85

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7.2.2 Measured Value ............................................................................................................ 85

7.2.3 Digital Input .................................................................................................................. 85
7.2.4 Numerical Entry ............................................................................................................ 86
7.2.5 Boolean Entry ................................................................................................................ 86
7.2.6 Time Sensor................................................................................................................... 87
7.2.7 Clock Timer................................................................................................................... 87
7.2.8 Error Event .................................................................................................................... 88
7.2.9 Boolean Constants ......................................................................................................... 88
7.2.10 State-bit ......................................................................................................................... 88
7.2.11 Sequence........................................................................................................................ 89
7.2.12 Transition (in the field "Result values / Actions") ........................................................ 89
7.3 Numerical Calculations ...................................................................................................... 90
7.3.1 Addition ......................................................................................................................... 90
7.3.2 Subtraction .................................................................................................................... 90
7.3.3 Multiplication ................................................................................................................ 90
7.3.4 Division ......................................................................................................................... 90
7.3.5 Division Remainder....................................................................................................... 91
7.3.6 Absolute Value .............................................................................................................. 91
7.3.7 Change of Algebraic Sign ............................................................................................. 91
7.3.8 Rounding ....................................................................................................................... 91
7.3.9 Raising to a Higher Power ............................................................................................ 92
7.3.10 Square Root ................................................................................................................... 92
7.3.11 Power at Base e ............................................................................................................. 92
7.3.12 Natural Logarithm ......................................................................................................... 92
7.3.13 Decade Logarithm ......................................................................................................... 93
7.3.14 Integral........................................................................................................................... 93
7.3.15 Differential Quotient ..................................................................................................... 94
7.4 Numerical Operations ......................................................................................................... 95
7.4.1 Minimum ....................................................................................................................... 95
7.4.2 Maximum ...................................................................................................................... 95
7.4.3 Limit .............................................................................................................................. 95
7.4.4 If - Then - Else............................................................................................................... 95
7.4.5 Median Value ................................................................................................................ 96
7.4.6 Extended Average ......................................................................................................... 96
7.4.7 Note Value..................................................................................................................... 96
7.4.8 Note Minimum .............................................................................................................. 97
7.4.9 Note Maximum.............................................................................................................. 97
7.4.10 Tabular Value ................................................................................................................ 98
7.4.11 Tabular Index ................................................................................................................ 98
7.4.12 Characteristic Curve ...................................................................................................... 99
7.4.13 Slope .............................................................................................................................. 99
7.5 Counting Functions ........................................................................................................... 100
7.5.1 Count Pulses ................................................................................................................ 100
7.5.2 Stop Clock ................................................................................................................... 100
7.6 Numerical Conditions ....................................................................................................... 101
7.6.1 Equals .......................................................................................................................... 101
7.6.2 Does not Equal ............................................................................................................ 101
7.6.3 Greater than ................................................................................................................. 102
7.6.4 Greater than or Equal to .............................................................................................. 102
7.6.5 Less than ...................................................................................................................... 102
7.6.6 Less than or Equal to ................................................................................................... 103

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7.6.7 Within .......................................................................................................................... 103

7.6.8 Outside ........................................................................................................................ 103
7.7 Boolean Links .................................................................................................................... 104
7.7.1 Not ............................................................................................................................... 104
7.7.2 And .............................................................................................................................. 104
7.7.3 Not - And ..................................................................................................................... 104
7.7.4 Or ................................................................................................................................. 105
7.7.5 Not - Or ....................................................................................................................... 105
7.7.6 Exclusive Or ................................................................................................................ 106
7.7.7 Not Exclusive Or ......................................................................................................... 106
7.8 Other Boolean Operations................................................................................................ 107
7.8.1 Note Value................................................................................................................... 107
7.8.2 Switching Delay .......................................................................................................... 107
7.8.3 T - Flipflop .................................................................................................................. 108
7.8.4 Mono Flop ................................................................................................................... 108
7.8.5 RS - Flipflop ................................................................................................................ 109
7.8.6 Pulse Generation ......................................................................................................... 109
7.9 Result Values ..................................................................................................................... 110
7.9.1 Numerical Output Value ............................................................................................. 110
7.9.2 Boolean Output Value ................................................................................................. 111
7.10 Actions ................................................................................................................................ 112
7.10.1 Setting Switching Output ............................................................................................ 112
7.10.2 Setting Analog Outputs ............................................................................................... 112
7.10.3 Display Message ......................................................................................................... 113
7.10.4 Switch on LED ............................................................................................................ 113
7.10.5 Compiling a Log Entry ................................................................................................ 114
7.10.6 Compiling Quick Log Entries ..................................................................................... 114
7.10.7 Start new log................................................................................................................ 114
7.10.8 Transition (see Chap. 7.2.12) ...................................................................................... 114
7.10.9 Send SMS .................................................................................................................... 115
7.11 Other................................................................................................................................... 115
7.11.1 Comment ..................................................................................................................... 115
8 Error Messages CM Program Compilation .............................................................................. 116
8.1 Overriding Error Messages .............................................................................................. 117
8.1.1 Function not Available in this Mode ........................................................................... 117
8.2 Error Messages with Data Sources.................................................................................. 117
8.2.1 Invalid Channel Setting ............................................................................................... 117
8.2.2 Duplicate Channel Name ............................................................................................ 117
8.2.3 Invalid Digital Input .................................................................................................... 117
8.2.4 Duplicate Digital Input ................................................................................................ 117
8.2.5 Too many Boolean Input Fields .................................................................................. 117
8.2.6 No Inscription with Boolean Input .............................................................................. 117
8.2.7 Duplicate Inscription with Boolean Inputs.................................................................. 117
8.2.8 Too Many Numerical Input Values ............................................................................. 117
8.2.9 No Inscription with Numerical Input .......................................................................... 118
8.2.10 Duplicate Inscription with Numerical Input................................................................ 118
8.2.11 Duplicate Error Source ................................................................................................ 118
8.3 Error Messages with Operations/Conditions ................................................................. 118
8.3.1 Upper and Lower Measured Value Limits too Close to one another.......................... 118

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8.3.2 Measured Value Limits Outside the Range of -30000 to 30000 ................................. 118
8.3.3 Lower Measured Value Limit Greater than Upper Measurement Value Limit .......... 118
8.4 Error Messages with Result Values/Actions ................................................................... 118
8.4.1 Invalid Output LED Selected ...................................................................................... 118
8.4.2 Duplicate Usage of Output LED ................................................................................. 118
8.4.3 Invalid Digital Output ................................................................................................. 119
8.4.4 Duplicate Digital Ouput .............................................................................................. 119
8.4.5 Invalid Analog Output ................................................................................................. 119
8.4.6 Duplicate Analog Output ............................................................................................ 119
8.4.7 Too Many Boolean Output Fields ............................................................................... 119
8.4.8 Duplicate Boolean Output Field.................................................................................. 119
8.4.9 The Bit Number Must Be a Figure between 0 and 14 ................................................. 119
8.4.10 Too Many Numerical Output Fields ........................................................................... 119
8.4.11 Duplicate Numerical Output Field .............................................................................. 119
8.4.12 Message and Telephone Number too Long................................................................. 120
9 Technical Data ........................................................................................................................... 121
9.1 Power Supply ..................................................................................................................... 121
9.2 Connecting Sensors ........................................................................................................... 121
9.3 Analog Inputs..................................................................................................................... 121
9.4 Digital Inputs ..................................................................................................................... 121
9.5 Measurement Channels .................................................................................................... 122
9.6 Analog Outputs.................................................................................................................. 122
9.7 Digital Outputs .................................................................................................................. 122
9.8 Calculation Unit ................................................................................................................ 122
9.9 Interfaces ............................................................................................................................ 122
9.9.1 Keyboard ..................................................................................................................... 122
9.9.2 View ............................................................................................................................ 122
9.9.3 USB Mass Storage Device .......................................................................................... 122
9.9.4 Ethernet ....................................................................................................................... 122
9.9.5 Serial Interface 0 (UART 0) ........................................................................................ 123
9.9.6 HSI Master .................................................................................................................. 123
9.9.7 USB Device ................................................................................................................. 123
9.10 Cycle Time ......................................................................................................................... 123
9.11 Operating and Ambient Conditions ................................................................................ 123
9.12 Dimensions and Weight: ................................................................................................... 123
9.13 Technical Standards.......................................................................................................... 123
9.14 Scope of Delivery ............................................................................................................... 124
9.15 Maintenance and cleaning ................................................................................................ 124
9.16 Recycling and Disposal ..................................................................................................... 124
10 Ordering Details ..................................................................................................................... 124
11 Accessories .............................................................................................................................. 125

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We have compiled the most important instructions for the operation and
maintenance of our product for you, its user, in this documentation.

It will acquaint you with the product and assist you in using it as intended in
an optimal manner.

Keep it in the vicinity of the product so it is always available.

Note that the information on the unit's engineering contained in the
documentation was that available at the time of publication. There may be
deviations in technical details, figures, and dimensions as a result.

If you discover errors while reading the documentation or have additional

suggestions or notes, contact us at:


Technical Documentation
Hauptstraße 27
66128 Saarbrücken
Tel: +49(0)6897 / 509-01
Fax: +49(0)6897 / 509-1726
Email: electronic@hydac.com

The editorial board would welcome your contributions.

„Putting experience into practice“

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1 General
This manual is a constituent part of the device. It contains texts and graphics
concerning the correct handling of the product and must be read before installation,
assembly and the operation of the device.
The manual offers information concerning the safe operation of as well as the
installation and programming of the Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000. It addresses
engineers, programmers, installers and maintenance personnel with general
knowledge of the automation technology involved.
Using this manual in the recommended manner will ensure that the goal of effective
and operationally safe utilisation of the CMU 1000 is achieved without delay. We are
providing you at this juncture with an overview of the following items:
 What previous knowledge must one have in order to be able to progam the CMU
 How is this manual structured?
 How does one find one's way around in this manual?
 What information is to be found in this manual?

1.1 Previous Knowledge

No special previous knowledge is required for programming the CMU 1000.
It is however to your advantage to have general knowledge in the area of automation
technology or memory-programmable controllers, knowledge of control technology or
SPS programming knowledge, and having them will shorten the familiarization period.

1.2 Structure of the Manual

We have integrated a variety of different Help functions for the purpose of making the
utilization of this manual somewhat easier. Please consult the Table of Contents to find
your way to a specific subject. A brief overview is provided at the beginning of each
Chapter listing the contents of that particular Chapter.

Selective Reading

You will find notes in the side margins that make it easier to find particular sections.
Pictograms and markings also appear, the significance of which will be explained

Furthermore, this manual also contains instructions regarding personal safety and the
avoidance of property damage that must be observed. The instructions are highlighted
by a Warning symbol and displayed as follows, depending on the seriousness of the

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means that death, severe bodily injury or considerable property damage will occur if
the respective precautionary measures are not implemented.

means that death, severe bodily injury or considerable property damage could occur if
the respective precautionary measures are not implemented.

means that some non-severe bodily injury or property damage could occur if the
respective precautionary measures are not implemented.

means that an unwanted event or condition could occur if the respective instruction is
not followed.

means an important piece of information about the product, its handling or a part of the
documentation to which particular attention should be paid.

In the event that several hazard levels occur simultaneously, it is always the warning
notice announcing with the respectively highest level present that will be used. If the
warning triangle appears in the warning notice to warn against possible personal injury,
then the same warning notice may also contain a warning against possible property

1.3 Copyright Protection

The dissemination and/or reproduction of this document, as well as the exploitation
and communication of its content, is not permitted until specifically authorized.
Violations of this stipulation will result in liability for damages. All rights reserved.

1.4 Note on Warranty

This manual was compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, errors or
deviations cannot be excluded, for which reason we assume no responsibility for the
complete accuracy of the content.
In view of the fact that, despite intensive endeavors, errors can never be completely
avoided, we are thankful at all times for tips and suggestions for improvement.

1.5 Declaration of Conformity

This product is labelled with the CE Marking and thus is in compliance with currently
valid German marketing authorization regulations and European standards.
This ensures that applicable guidelines for electromagnetic compatibility and the safety
provisions stipulated in the Low Voltage Directive are complied with.
This product is in compliance with the regulations contained in the following European
guidelines: EN 61000-6-1 / 2 / 3 / 4

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2 Safety

2.1 General Safety Precautions

Follow the specifications contained in this description. Non-observance of the
instructions, operation outside of the following intended utilization, incorrect
installation/assembly or erroneous handling of the product can lead to severe
impairments with respect to the safety of personnel and systems/machines and result
in the revocation of warranty and liability claims.
Immediately after unpacking, check the scope of delivery for completeness and the
device for proper condition.
The device may not be commissioned or operated except by qualified personnel who
can be regarded as being "competent" in the sense of the EMV and Low Voltage
Qualified personnel are individuals who are authorized to operate, ground and label
devices, systems and electrical circuits in accordance with safety technology
All relevant and generally recognized safety technology directives are to be complied
with while doing so.
If the voltage supply to the device is not provided by an on-board electrical system V
(24 V battery operation), then care must be taken to ensure that the external voltage is
generated and routed in accordance with the criteria for secure low voltage (SELV
[Separated Extra Low Voltage] pursuant to EN 60950), in view of the fact that this is
provided for supplying the connected control system, sensor system and actuating
elements without any other additional measures being implemented.
The wiring of all of the signals connected with the SELV circuit in the device must also
meet the SELV criteria (safe protective low voltage, securely disconnected galvanically
from other electrical circuits).
If the fed-in SELV voltage is grounded externally (PELV pursuant to EN 50178), then
responsibility for this and for compliance with any national installation regulations that
apply to the site of installation rest with the operator.
All of the statements made in this manual refer to devices which are not grounded in
terms of the SELV voltage.
Generally speaking, DIN VDE 0100 Part 410 is to be observed for the supply voltage.
Only the signals which are respectively specified in the Technical Data and/or on the
device label may be fed in at the connection terminals; only authorized HYDAC
ELECTRONIC GMBH accessory components may be connected to them.
In accordance with the following technical specifications, the device can be operated in
a wide range of ambient temperatures. Due to the additional self-heating of the device,
high perceptible contact temperatures may develop on the housing in hot
In the event of malfunction or uncertainty, please contact your HYDAC representative.
Unauthorized interventions in the device could result in grave impairments to the safety
of persons and systems. These are not permitted and lead to the exclusion of all
liability and warranty claims.
Troubleshooting and repairs may only be performed by our HYDAC SERVICE GMBH
Customer Service Department.

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2.2 Proper/Designated Use

The CMU1000 is an electronic evaluation unit designed for permanent machinery and
systems condition monitoring. The device must be supplied for this purpose with
machine data that is gathered through the connected sensors. The recorded data
(whether processed or unprocessed) can be forwarded by the CMU 1000 through
various interfaces to other units and/or monitoring levels. The device can also
intervene directly in the machine or system being monitored by means of the
integrated analog and digital outputs.
The units of the CMU 1000 family are designed for utilization under difficult conditions
(expanded temperature range). They are thus suitable for direct installation in
machines in not only stationary but also in mobile and robust utilization.
The specifications for these inputs and outputs mean that they are designed especially
for such utilization. Integrated hardware and software functions (operating system)
provide a greater level of protection for the machine.

The device may be used only for the types of applications specified in the manual and
only in connection with accessory components authorized by HYDAC ELECTRONIC
GMBH. The trouble-free and safe operation of the product is contingent on proper
transport; on proper storage, setup and installation; and on careful operation and

The application software, the "CM Program", can be readily generated with the "CM
Editor" on a PC by the operator himself/herself. The "CM Editor" is a component part
of the HYDAC PC software "CMWIN", starting with Version 3.0.

All of the programming procedures and software functions subsequently described in
this documentation refer to the "CM Editor" in accordance with IEC 61131.
The operator is responsible himself/herself for the safe and application-appropriate
functioning of the CM Programs that he or she generates.

2.3 System Configuration

The CMU 1000 is a device concept that is intended for both single operation and
utilization in series. This means that the device can be configured in optimal fashion for
the respective application case. Special functions and special hardware solutions can
also be implemented if required.

Generally speaking, the following applies:
All of the performances, descriptions and explanations contained in this manual are
generally valid for the standard model of the CMU 1000.

A check must be made in each case before the control module is used to determine
whether particular functions, hardware options, inputs and outputs described in the
documentation are in fact available in the hardware.

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3 Setup and Function

The CMU1000 is an electronic device for regular (permanent) status monitoring of
hydraulic systems or machinery.
This procedure is also referred to as "Condition Monitoring".

3.1 Hardware Setup

In order to fulfill the aforementioned task, the CMU 1000 must be supplied with
relevant machinery and/or systems data, which it receives through connected sensors.
The recorded data (whether processed or unprocessed) can be forwarded by the CMU
1000 through various interfaces to other units.
The CMU 1000 is equipped with a background-lit LCD display as well as three
different-colored LEDs for the status display and presentation of messages and values.
The entering of data and commands can proceed directly at the device by means of a
within the specified menu structure, among other ways.

3.2 Control Elements/Connections

X1 X2 X3
HSI-channel A, B, C HSI-channel D, E, F HSI-channel G, H
Analog IN I, J, K Analog IN L, M, N Analog IN O, P and ± 10V L, P
with power supply with power supply with power supply

USB Master
(for MSD) LCD display

USB Slave
(PC connection)


Status LEDs

X4 X5 X6
CAN, Frequency IN Q, R, Power supply. 24V 4x Relay OUT
Digital IN, Analog OUT RS232, HSI-Master, (changer)

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3.3 Terminal Allocations

Plugs Pin Channel Function I/O
1 K Analog input K IN
2 C HSI Channel C / IN / OUT
Sensor recognition input K
4 Power supply
5 J Analog input J IN
6 B HSI Channel B / IN / OUT
X1 Sensor recognition input J
8 Power supply
9 I Analog input I IN
10 A HSI Channel A / IN / OUT
Sensor recognition input I
11 GND
12 Power supply

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Plugs Pin Channel Function I/O

1 N Analog input N IN
2 F HSI Channel F / IN / OUT
Sensor recognition input N
4 Power supply
5 M Analog input M IN
6 E HSI Channel E / IN / OUT
X2 Sensor recognition input M
8 Power supply
9 L Analog input L IN
10 D HSI Channel D / IN / OUT
Sensor recognition input L
11 GND
12 Power supply

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Plugs Pin Channel Function I/O

1 L +/-10V, Channel L IN
2 GND +/-10V
3 P +/-10V, Channel P IN
4 GND +/-10V
5 P Analog input P IN
6 H HSI Channel H / IN / OUT
Sensor recognition input P
8 Power supply
9 O Analog input O IN
10 G HSI Channel G / IN / OUT
Sensor recognition input O
11 GND
12 Power supply

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Plugs Pin Channel Function I/O

1 CAN CAN Bus Low IN / OUT
2 CAN CAN Bus High IN / OUT
4 Q Frequency input Q IN
5 R Frequency input R IN
7 DI 1 Digital In 1 IN
8 DI 2 Digital In 2 IN
10 AO 1 Analoge out 1 OUT
11 AO 2 Analoge out 2 OUT
12 GND GND Analoge out

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Plugs Pin Channel Function I/O

1 HSI HSI Master IN / OUT
2 RS232 RS232 OUT
3 RS232 RS232 IN
4 IO-Link Power supply IO-Link IN
5 IO-Link IO-Link communication IN / OUT
6 GND GND HSI / RS232 / IO-Link
7 +UB Power supply +UB
8 +UB Power supply +UB
9 0 V DC Power supply 0 V DC
10 0 V DC Power supply 0 V DC
11 0 V DC Power supply 0 V DC
12 0 V DC Power supply 0 V DC

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Plugs Pin Channel Function I/O

1 Relay 1 NC
2 DO 1 Relay 1 COM
3 Relay 1 NO
4 Relay 2 NC
5 DO 2 Relay 2 COM
6 Relay 2 NO
7 Relay 3 NC
8 DO 3 Relay 3 COM
9 Relay 3 NO
10 Relay 4 NC
11 DO 4 Relay 4 COM
12 Relay 4 NO

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3.4 Examples of Connections

3.4.1 SMART sensors

HLB 1000


1 2 3 4 5

Sensor recognition
+ Signal

12 11 10 9

CS 1000


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sensor recognition
+ Signal

8 7 6 5

AS 1000


1 2 3 4 5

Sensor recognition
+ Signal

4 3 2 1

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3.4.2 Standard HSI Sensors

HDA xxxx-H
ETS xxxx-H
EVS xxxx-H
+UB Gnd Adr HSI Sig
1 4 2 5 3


Sensor recognition

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


3.4.3 Standard Analog Sensors

HDA xxxx HDA xxxx
ETS xxxx ETS xxxx
EVS xxxx EVS xxxx
ENS xxxx ENS xxxx
Two-wire line Three-wire line
Signal + Signal - +UB GND Signal

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


3.4.4 SMART Sensors and Standard Analog Sensors

HDA xxxx HDA xxxx

HLB xxxx HLB xxxx
ETS xxxx ETS xxxx
AS xxxx AS xxxx
EVS xxxx EVS xxxx
CS xxxx CS xxxx
ENS xxxx ENS xxxx
+UB GND HSI Three-wire line +UB GND HSI Two-wire line
1 2 3 4 5 +UB GND Signal 1 2 3 4 5 Signal + Signal -

12 11 10 9 12 11 10 9
-X1 -X1

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3.4.5 GSM Module CSI-F-10


18..35 V DC / 3,5 A
5 4 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


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4 Installation and Initial Operation

4.1 Installation Guidelines

We recommend the installation of the CMU 1000 in a control cabinet or switchbox. It
can be mounted on a standard top hat rail either horizontally or vertically.

Keep the CMU 1000 devices well away from heat, high voltage and electrical
interference from other consumers!

When planning the installation space of the CMU 1000 in your control cabinet, take
into account any heat-generating devices present there and reserve cooler areas of
the control cabinet for the CMU 1000.
If an electronic device is operated in a high ambient temperature, then this reduces the
time interval between breakdowns.

Allow sufficient clearance between the CMU 1000 and other devices for cooling and
wire placement!

The CMU 1000 devices are designed for natural heat dissipation by means of
convection. For that reason, allow at least 25 mm of open space both above and below
the devices in order to ensure heat dissipation. Also ensure a minimum installation
depth of 75 mm.
If the ambient temperature nonetheless still exceeds the maximum authorized
operating temperature of the device, then a system providing sufficient cooling (e.g.
control cabinet air-conditioning) must be provided for.

If the CMU 1000 is installed in vertical position, then the maximum permissible ambient
temperature is reduced by 10°C!

When planning the layout for your system, leave sufficient clearance around the device
both above and below between it and all other devices to allow for the wiring the
peripherals and connecting of the communications cable.

min. 25 mm

min. 25 mm

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4.2 Control Element on the Device

The following control element is available on the device for operating the CMU 1000
and performing the basic settings:

Keypad LCD display

4.3 Power Supply Connection

Before installing or removing an electrical device, you must make sure that the voltage
supply to the devices is switched off. Implement all of the necessary safety precautions
and make sure that the voltage supply to the CMU 1000 is switched off before

If you attempt to install or to wire the CMU 1000 and/or connected accessory
components while it or they are switched on, this could lead to an electrical shock
and/or to device malfunction. Implement all of the necessary safety precautions and
make sure that the voltage supply to the CMU 1000 and/or to connected accessory
components is switched off prior to installation/removal.

+ -
18 .. 35 V DC

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4.4 Behavior when Switching On/Restart

The CMU 1000 is not equipped with a power switch. The behavior of the device
following switch-on depends on whether or not a CM Program has been stored in the
device memory.

4.4.1 No CM Program Available in the Device

If the CMU 1000 is still in the condition it was at the time of delivery, and if no
application program has yet been loaded into the CMU, then the following displays will
appear in sequence in the LCD display:

Hydac Electronic Sensor Check

CMU1000 Vxx.yy ....

Result Values

4.4.2 CM Program Available in the Device

If an application program is stored in the CMU, then this will restart. The sensor
configuration and the sensor constellation will also be checked at this time.
The following displays appear in sequence:

Hydac Electronic Sensor Check

CMU1000 Vxx.yy ....

>Program name<

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If one or more output values are programmed in the CM Program that is loaded, (see
Chap. 7.9.1 and 7.9.2), then the display will jump to the first output value after startup.
When several output values have been programmed, you can switch between the
individual program values with the ▲ and ▼ key.


Oil temp. tank


▲ ▼

Working pressure
27 bars

No conditions are registered or saved in the device after switch-off. Exceptions to this
are the input parameters (settings), which the user has defined and saved in the menu.

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5 Basic Settings/Menu Structure

The CMU 1000 configuration and settings can be carried out in two different modes:
5.1 Configuration on the Device
5.1.1 Menu Structure for Operation on the Device
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
[Display of current
Sensor A measured value]
Sensor B [Display of current
Input values : measured value]
: [Display of current
Sensor R measured value]
Name [Enter name]
Language English
Port RS 232 / HSI
Dateformat MM/TT/JJ
Delete record Yes / No
Recording settings Continue record Yes / No
Sart new record Yes / No
Yes /
HLB reset
HLB reset
Sensor A …
Basic settings Sensor
Sensor H
current date]
Time settings
current time]
IP address]
Network settings [enter
Gateway address]
Settings [MAC address
MAC-Address is permanently
set at the factory]
Numerical input
[Enter value] The menu option appears only if one
CM Program values
or more input functions are used in
settings Boolean input
Yes / No the CM Program!
Channel A
: Name
Channel H
Mode Off
Peripherals Channel settings 0 .. 20 mA
Channel I
4 .. 20 mA
0 .. 5 V
Channel P
Input signal 0 .. 10 V
0,5 .. 4,5 V
0,5 .. 5,5 V
1 .. 5 V
1 .. 6 V
Low [Enter
range value]

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Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

High [Enter
range value]
Channel I
Decimal 0.0
format 0.00
Channel P
Unit (of [Enter
measurement) unit]
Channel settings Mode
High [Enter
range value]
Settings Peripherals Channel Q
: Factor
Channel R
Decimal 0.0
format 0.00
Unit (of [Enter
measurement) unit]
0 to 20 mA
Analog ouput 1 4 to 20 mA
0 to 10 V
Analog outputs
0 to 20 mA
Analog ouput 2 4 to 20 mA
0 to 10 V

5.1.2 Key Functions during Operation on the Device

The setting parameters and displays listed in the previously shown menu structure can
be called up and the corresponding settings and selections can be made with the key

 Pressing the o.k. key once takes you out of the measured value display and
into the CMU 1000 menu. .
 You can switch between the individual menu options of a level by pressing the
keys ▲ or ▼ .

 The next-lower menu level can be accessed by pressing the o.k. key once.

 You can go back to the next-higher menu level by pressing the Esc key once.

 The selection of the specific setting values (e.g. interface, date format,
mode,...) can be made with the ▲ ▼ keys and confirmed by pressing the
o.k. key.
 To enter name, date and time values, addresses measurement ranges, etc.,
select the cursor position with the ◄ ► keys.
Use the ▲ ▼ keys to select the required uppercase and lowercase letters,
numbers and special characters.

 Press the o.k. key to confirm the completed entry.

 Pressing the Esc key aborts the entry without applying the changes.

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5.2 Configuration Using CMWIN PC Software

The configuration of the CMU 1000 and the carrying out of the basic settings can also
be performed from a PC with the "CM Manager".
The "CM Manager" is a component part of the CMWIN HYDAC PC software, starting
with Version 3, and provides you with various tools and functions for the connecting,
configuring, parameterizing and reading-out of CM devices.

The following options are available for setting up the connection with the CMU 1000:

5.2.1 Direct Connection

• First connect your PC with the USB slave port on the CMU 1000


If the CMU 1000 is being connected for the first time with the PC via USB, then you
must first install the HYDAC USB driver „HE-Virtual-Comport-Driver“.
The driver are included on the CD-ROM contained in the scope of delivery.


COMPORT-DRIVER” folder and follow the instructions of the “Setup Wizard”.

• Start the HYDAC PC software CMWIN

• In the Units Menu, select the "CM Manager" option.

• If the Connection window does not open automatically, select

"Connection" in the menu bar of the CM Manager.

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• Mark the option "Direct Connection" option in the window that opens.
• Click on "Change" to open the window for the interface settings.

• Make the corresponding preselection for the port settings in the window that
opens under Interface selection.
• Select the respective port address and Baud rate under Interface settings.
• As an alternative, you can also search automatically under CM device search
for CM devices connected to the PC by pressing "Start".
• Pressing "Refresh" causes the interfaces marked under Interface selection to
be refreshed in terms of availability.
• Click on “OK“ to apply the modified settings or “Cancel“ to discard these
changes. In either case you will then return to the Connection window.

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• In the Interface field, select the option "Open" in order to open the selected
interface (COM port).
The opened interface will be symbolized by a green dot on the right-hand edge
of the window.

• Afterwards click on "Connect" in the Sensor field to connect the CMU 1000 to
the PC.
The successful connection will be symbolized by a green dot on the right-hand
edge of the window.

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• Pressing "Disconnect" in the Device field allows you to interrupt the existing
connection between the CMU 1000 and the PC.
• The interface (COM port) used can be closed again on the PC by pressing
"Close" in the Interface field.
• At the end you also have the option of selecting an automatic connection setup.
Placing a checkmark in the box for "Set up connection automatically next
time " causes the CMWIN software to set up a connection automatically with
the CMU 1000 that is linked via USB during startup. To ensure that this
happens, no changes should be made to the interface parameter settings after
the currently existing connection is disconnected.
• Click on "OK" to complete the connection setup and to
return to the CM Manager.

• The following window opens after the connection has been successfully

The menu structure and window properties of the CM Manager are explained below in
greater detail in Chapter 5.2.5 ff.

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5.2.2 Direct Connection via HSI Bus

You can connect several HYDAC CM devices with one another (maximum of 26
devices) via the so-called "HSI Bus". Each CM device must be assigned an HSI
Bus address for this purpose (see Chap.

This kind of bus setup is presented below, using as an example three CMU 1000
devices. Other HYDAC CM devices such as SMART sensors (e.g. HYDACLab ,
CS 1000) or CSI modules can however also be linked in random sequence and
configuration in one HSI Bus.

If you connect devices with one another that do not have the same reference
voltage, this can cause unwanted currents in the HSI connection cable.
These unwanted currents can lead to communication errors or property damage in
the devices.
Make sure that all of the devices that you connect with one another via HSI Bus
either have the same reference wire in the electricity circuit or are electrically
disconnected, so that no unwanted currents can arise. Device Connection via CSI-B-2 Interface Module

• Connect the serial interface of your PC (RS232 or RS485) with the 9-pin SUB-
D socket of the HYDAC interface module CSI-B-2 via a corresponding data
cable (interface module and data cable are not included in the scope of delivery
for the CMU 1000).
• Connect all of the devices via the "HSI Master" connection.
(-X2/Pin 3 on the CSI-B-2 and -X5/Pin 1 on the CMU 1000)
• Switch on the voltage supplies for all of the connected devices.

RS232 /

Adresse a Adresse c Adresse d

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• Start the HYDAC PC software CMWIN
• In the Units Menu, select the "CM Manager" option.

• If the Connection window does not open automatically, select

"Connection" in the menu bar of the CM Manager.
• Mark the option "Direct Connection" option in the window that opens.
• Click on "Change" to open the window for the interface settings.

• Make the corresponding preselection for the port settings in the window that
opens under Interface selection.
• Select the respective port address and Baud rate under Interface settings
(RS232 or RS485 with 9600 Baud).
• Pressing "Refresh" causes the interfaces marked under Interface selection to
be refreshed in terms of availability.
• Click on “OK“ to apply the modified settings or “Cancel“ to discard these
changes. In either case you will then return to the Connection window.

• Click on Open to open the selected interface. The opened interface is indicated
by a green dot on the upper right.

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• Select Change in the Bus address line. The following window opens:

• Select the respective device address in the selection window (Address d in our
• Confirm this with OK.

• Afterwards click on Connect to connect the PC to the CMU 1000 (Address d).

• The successful establishment of the connection will be signalled as shown


• End the connection setup by confirming with OK.

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Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000 Page 36 Device Connection without CSI-B-2 Interface Module

As an alternative, you can also set up an HSI Bus without a CSI-B-2 interface
module and access the individual devices from the PC. For this you will need a
CMU 1000 for communications with the PC, which in such cases functions as an
"HSI Master".

• First establish which CMU 1000 is the "Master" for the HSI Bus, i.e. at which
CMU 1000 the PC will be connected.
The other CMU devices are connected to this device as "Slaves". Because of
the fact that the "Master" treats all of the other devices on the HSI Bus as
SMART sensors, the first "Slave" must be connected to one of the eight HSI
channels of the CMU 1000 (Channels A ... H) (see Chap. 3.3).
• Connect your PC via USB with the "Master" CMU 1000

• All "Slave devices" are connected via the "HSI Master" connection (-X5/Pin 1
and Pin 6) to the HSI Bus and linked with one another.


USB Adresse c Adresse d

Adresse a

HSI Master

H Connection Setup without CSI-B-2 Interface Module

• Start the HYDAC PC software CMWIN
• In the Units Menu, select the "CM Manager" option.

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• If the Connection window does not open automatically, select

"Connection" in the menu bar of the CM Manager.
• Mark the option "Direct Connection" option in the window that opens.
• Click on "Change" to open the window for the interface settings.

• Make the corresponding preselection for the port settings in the window that
opens under Interface selection.
• Select the respective port address and Baud rate under Interface settings
(USB with 460,800 Baud).
• Pressing "Refresh" causes the interfaces marked under Interface selection to
be refreshed in terms of availability.
• Click on “OK“ to apply the modified settings or “Cancel“ to discard these
changes. In either case you will then return to the Connection window.

• Click on Open to open the selected interface. The opened interface is indicated
by a green dot on the upper right.

• To set up a connection with the "Master" CMU, simply click on Connect and
then OK.

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• To set up a connection with one "Slave" CMU (e.g. Address d), proceed as

• Select Change in the Pass-through mode line. The following window opens:

• Select the HSI channel in the selection window to which the slave devices are
connected (in our example, Port H at the "Master" CMU).
• Afterwards, click on Switch on in order to switch on the pass-through mode for
the selected channel.

• The following message appears:

• Confirm this with OK.

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• Select Change in the Bus address line. The following window opens:

• Select the respective device address in the selection window

(Address d in our example).
• Confirm this with OK.

• Afterwards click on Connect to connect the PC to the Slave CMU (Address d).

• The successful establishment of the connection will be signalled as shown


• End the connection setup by confirming with OK.

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• The following message now appears in the Master CMU display:

Pass-through Mode
ESC to Finish

The message will remain in the display for as long as the "Master" CMU
continues to be operated in pass-through mode.
The pass-through mode can also be switched off on the CMU itself (instead of
by means of the Connection Menu in the CM Manager) by pressing the Esc
key on the device.

Error messages can occur if the pass-through mode is switched off at the "Master"
CMU (either via software or directly on the device), because the signals to the channel
to which the "Slave" devices are connected can no longer be evaluated under certain

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5.2.3 Modem Connection

You also have the option of setting up a connection by means of the Standard GSM
mobile radio network.
In the following we present an example of this kind of communication link.

The GSM data service is not available in all countries and is not supported by all
mobile phone operators.
Please contact your service provider for further information.
This information does not apply to text messages! Device Connection/Pin Connections

Connect a Standard GSM modem to your PC and connect the CMU 1000 to the
HYDAC GSM radio module CSI-F-10 in accordance with the diagram.



5 4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1



18..35 V DC / 5 A

In order to be able to communicate with the CMU 1000 via the connected CSI-F-10
GSM radio module, this must first be configured. This means that the mobile phone
numbers which are authorized for access must be stored in the CSI-F-10 and
appropriate permissions assigned.

To configure the GSM radio module CSI-F-10, or to make changes in a configured

device, first connect directly with the GSM radio module CSI-F-10 as described below.

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Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000 Page 42 Establishing Connection with GSM Radio Module CSI-F-10

• Connect the CMU 1000 for configuring the CSI-F-10 GSM radio module to
your PC as also described in Chapter 5.2.1 Direct Connection, Chapter 5.2.2
Direct Connection via HSI Bus or Chapter 5.2.4 TCP Connection.

• Start the HYDAC PC software CMWIN

• In the Units Menu, select the "CM Manager" option.

• If the Connection window does not open automatically, select

"Connection" in the menu bar of the CM Manager.

• Under Interface Settings make the settings necessary for the available
connection type (for configuring the CSI-F-10).
• Click on “OK“ to apply the settings or “Cancel“ to discard these changes. In
either case you will then return to the Connection window.
• Click on Open to open the selected interface. The opened interface is indicated
by a green dot at the top right.

• Select "Change" in the Pass-through mode line. The following window opens:

• In the drop-down menu, select "Port I" and then click on Switch on in order to
switch on the pass-through mode.

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• The following message appears:

• Select "Change" in the Bus address line. The following window opens:

• In the selection window, select "Busmaster" and then click on OK to apply the

• Then click on "Connect" to connect the PC to the CSI-F-10 GSM radio module
(address busmaster).

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• Successful establishment of the connection will be signaled as shown below:

• End the connection setup by confirming with OK.

• In the CM Manager under Actions / Setup / Permissions, open the following

input window and input the mobile phone number authorized for accessing the
CMU 1000.

• Permissions
Number [input telephone number with country code]
Write [allow written access]

You can input up to five telephone numbers to which the CSI-F-10 may send
messages and from which the device may receive enquiry text messages.
By placing a checkmark in the "Text" box, you are also allowing access by text
to the CSI-F-10 from this telephone number (change settings, transfer CM
program, update firmware, ...)
Click on "Apply", to apply the settings. "Back" takes you back to the main

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• Click on "Disconnect" under Connection in the Device box to break the

existing connection with the CSI-F-10.

• The following window opens:

• Then click on "Yes" to reactivate the busmaster again.

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Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000 Page 46 Connection Setup with CMU 1000 using GSM Mobile Network
• Start the HYDAC PC software CMWIN
• In the Units Menu, select the "CM Manager" option.

• If the Connection window does not open automatically, select

"Connection" in the menu bar of the CM Manager.
• Mark the "Modem Connection" option in the window that opens.
• Click on "Change" to open the window for the interface settings.

• Make the corresponding preselection for the port settings in the window that
opens under Interface selection.
• Select the respective port address and Baud rate under Interface settings.
• Pressing "Refresh" causes the interfaces marked under Interface selection to
be refreshed in terms of availability.
• Click on “OK“ to apply the modified settings or “Cancel“ to discard these
changes. In either case you will then return to the Connection window.

• Click on "Change" to open the window for entering the telephone numbers.

• Enter the telephone number of the SIM card mounted in the GSM module
• In the Pin box, input the pin code given for the SIM card which is operated in
the GSM modem in the PC (not for the SIM card in the CSI-F-10!). If no PIN
code has been assigned, then leave this box empty.

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• You can set up a list of telephone numbers (address book) with Telephone
• Click on “OK“ to apply the entries or “Cancel“ to discard these changes. In
either case you will then return to the Connection window.

• Click on Open to open the selected interface. The opened interface is indicated
by a green dot on the upper right.
• Click on "Change" to open the window for the pass-through mode.

• Select the HSI address of the CMU 1000 connected to the CSI-F-10 in the
selection window (Address a in our example).
• Afterwards, click on Switch on in order to switch on the pass-through mode for
the selected channel.

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• The following message appears:

• Confirm this with OK.

• Afterwards click on Connect to connect the PC to the CMU 1000 that is

connected with the CSI-F-10

• The successful establishment of the connection will be signalled as shown


• End the connection setup by confirming with OK.

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5.2.4 TCP Connection

As a third option, you can set up a link between the PC and the CMU 1000 by means
of an Ethernet network.
In the following we present an example of this kind of link. Device Connection

Use one Standard RJ45 cable each to connect your PC and the CMU 1000 to a
shared Ethernet network.

In order to be able to set up a connection via Ethernet, the network settings and
parameters in the CMU 1000 must first be correctly stored.
See in this connection Chapter 5.1.1/5.1.2 "Operation on the Device" and


Ethernet (company / factory bay / system network) Connection Setup

• Start the HYDAC PC software CMWIN
• In the Units Menu, select the "CM Manager" option.

• If the Connection window does not open automatically, select

"Connection" in the menu bar of the CM Manager.
• Mark the option "TCP Connection" option in the window that opens.
• Click on "Modify" to open the window for the interface settings.

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• Enter the IP Address stored in the network settings of the CMU 1000.
• You can set up a list of addresses (address book) with Address list.
• With Connection test you can test the link from the PC to the CMU 1000. If
the IP Address has been entered correctly, then the following message will

• Click on “OK“ to apply the entries or “Cancel“ to discard these changes. In

either case you will then return to the Connection window.

• Click on Open to open the selected interface. The opened interface is indicated
by a green dot on the upper right.

• Afterwards click on Connect to connect the PC to the CMU

• The successful establishment of the connection will be signalled as shown

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• End the connection setup by confirming with OK.

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5.2.5 Actions Display Device Status
• Status
The "Status" indicates the current condition of the device. The individual
conditions can be be specified in greater detail via the following table.

Ready No active error present, device is ready for operation

Stand-By No active error present, but device is currently not ready for
operation; it may be that individual device functions are switched
off or the device is in a startup phase, etc.
Minor error A minor error is present which can be acknowledged.
Moderate error A medium-serious error is present, which may possibly be
eliminated by switching On/Off.
Serious error A serious error is present; the unit must be sent in to the

• Status code
The "Status code" is dependent on the CM Program present in the device and
reflects the conditions of the Boolean output values used in the program.
For this, the Boolean output values are displayed from right to left in ascending
binary sequence, i.e. the lowest-value bit corresponds to the Boolean output
value 0.

0 = No Boolean output values used in the program
1 0 1 0 = Boolean output value 0 = 0 (LSB)
Boolean output value 1 = 1
Boolean output value 2 = 0
Boolean output value 3 = 1

• Status text
The "Status text" indicates whether or not a CM Program is available in the

No script loaded No CM Program is available in the device.

Script in execution A CM Program is available in the device.

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• Here the values of the following status parameters are displayed:
- Part numer
- Serial number
- Channel information
The Channel information reflects the numerical input values from the CM
Program. Channel 0 corresponds thereby to the first numerical input value in
the CM Program, Channel 1 the second one, etc.

PT 0011

If no CM Program is available in the device, then the connected sensors will be

displayed in this position with measurement range and unit.

PT 0011 Sensor Values

• Here the result values (Numerical output values) from the CM Program in the
device are displayed.
If no CM Program is available in the device, then the measured values of the
connected sensors will be displayed.

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Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000 Page 54 Managing Recordings

• Here you can manage the recordings stored in the CMU 1000
(copying, opening, updating, deleting)

You have the following options for saving and copying: Setup
This menu option corresponds to the menu option "Settings" in the internal device
structure for the purpose of configuring the CMU 1000.
The following settings can be made:

Base settings

• Name
• Port [RS232 / HSI]
• Language [German / English / French
• Dateformat [TT.MM.YY / MM/TT/YY / YY-MM-TT]

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Recording settings
Here you specify whether you wish the recorded data held in the internal memory
to be deleted after copying onto a USB stick and whether, after the CMU reboots,
to generate a new record file or to continue with the previous one.
• Delete recordings after copy [  yes / no]
• Continue recording [  yes / no]
• Start new recording after copy [  yes / no]

HLB reset
Here you can reset an HLB connected to Channel A .. H
(delete memory).
• HLB Reset [  yes / no]
• Sensor [Select sensor A .. H]

Time settings
• Date [Enter Date]
• Time [Enter Time]

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Network settings
If the CMU 1000 is integrated in a network at the customer site, then the following
settings need to be carried out in accordance with this network:
• IP Address [enter IP Address]
• Subnetwork mask [enter Subnetwork mask]
• Gateway Address [enter Gateway Address]
• MAC Address [permanently set at the factory, read-only]


Peripherals - Channel Settings

• Channel A to Channel H (HSI channels)
- Name [Enter name]

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• Channel I to Channel P
- Name [Enter name]
- Mode [Off / Manual / Autodetect]
- Input signal *) [HSI / 0..20 mA / 4..20 mA /
0..5 V / 0..10 V / 0.5..4.5 V / 0..50 V /
0.5..5.5 V / 1..5 V / 1..6 V / -10..+10 V]
- Low range [Enter low range]
- High range [Enter high range]
- Decimal format [0 / 0.0 / 0.00 / 0.000]
- Unit [Enter unit]

*) Possible input signals channel-dependent

• Channel Q and Channel R

Name [enter Name]
Mode [Off / Active]
High range [enter High range]
Factor [enter Factor]
Decimal format [0 / 0.0 / 0.00 / 0.000]
Unit [enter Unit]

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Peripherals - Analog outputs

• Analog output 1, Analog output 2

You use the Analog outputs settings to establish which type of signal is to be
available at the two analog ouputs.

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Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000 Page 59 Managing Configurations

Here you can generate and manage various configuration files. These
configuration files can, for example, be generated in series on a "Master" CMU and
then subsequently loaded onto an unlimited number of other CMUs.

The following configuration files can be generated and managed:

• Settings configuration
• Sensor configuration
• Input configuration

target folder

- With Open you can call up the display of the content of a configuration file listed
in the lower display field. To accomplish this, mark the desired file with a mouse
click. You can add remarks to the content and print out the file in the window that
then opens automatically.

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- With Load you can transfer a configuration file (marked in the lower display field)
from the PC to the CMU 1000. The following message appears after the
completion of the transfer:

All of the settings stored in the configuration file were carried out after the
transfer of the file in the CMU 1000.

- When you press Save, you generate a new configuration file or save a modified
one to the previously specified target folder (in our example: C:\Temp). The
following window opens for this purpose:
File save as

Save in:

File name: Save

File type: Cancel

- Pressing Delete causes the configuration file in the target folder marked in the
lower display field to be deleted.

- Pressing Refresh causes the display field for the configuration files to be
updated. The defined target folder will be read out again for this purpose.
This is necessary, e.g. when you copy or delete configuration files with Windows
Explorer. These changes will not be displayed in the folder until after "Refresh"
has been carried out in CMWIN.

- With Display you can display the respective momentary "Actual Configuration" of
the connected CMU 1000.

The individual configuration files are explained briefly in the following:

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• Settings
The basic settings and the network settings are stored in the Settings
Configuration file.

• Sensor configuration
The peripherals settings are stored in the Sensor Configuration file.

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• Input configuration
The values of the numerical and Boolean input values used in the CM Program
are stored in the input configuration file. Set bus address

Here you can assign the CMU 1000 an "HSI Bus address". This is required when
several CMU 1000 (or other HYDAC CM devices) are connected to one HSI Bus
and these devices are all set up to be be addressed by a central PC. A total of a
maximum of 26 HYDAC CM devices can be linked to one HSI Bus, i.e. you can
assign the addresses "a" to "z" (see Chap. 5.2.2. CMU 1000 at the HSI Bus).

If the CMU 1000 is operated as a single device, then the bus address setting is not
required; it is not relevant for operational purposes.
The standard setting is "Address a".

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Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000 Page 63 Managing Sensor Constellations

Reliable system monitoring means ensuring that exactly the same sensors that
were connected at the time the CMU 1000 was configured are connected during
The sensor constellation is used for this purpose. The sensor constellation is a
monitoring instrument for the connected sensor system, i.e. it performs a
continuous comparison between the connected "Actual" sensor system and the
specified "Nominal" sensor system.
(see Chap. 6.1.5. Sensor Constellation)

You can use this function to generate and manage various sensor constellation
files. These constellation files can, like the configuration files, be generated on a
"Master" CMU and then subsequently loaded onto an unlimited number of other

If no sensor constellation has yet been generated in the device then the following
window opens:

• You can generate a new sensor constellation in the device by pressing Create
(in the upper command bar). Afterwards, the following message appears:

• You can have the momentarily current sensor constellation in the device
displayed by pressing Display (in the upper command bar).

• You can delete the momentarily current sensor constellation in the device
displayed by pressing Delete (in the upper command bar).

All other functions in the lower command bar (Open, Load, Save, Delete, etc.) and
the selection of the target folder for saving the files are identical with Chapter, "Managing configurations".

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• Here the current measured values and statuses of the analog (also HSI and
SMART) and digital sensors connected to the CMU 1000 are displayed

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5.2.6 Extras Update Firmware
The voltage supply to the CMU 1000 is not permitted to be interrupted during the
firmware update. If the voltage supply fails during the update process, then trouble-
free functioning can no longer be ensured and the device must be sent back to

• You can update the firmware of your CMU 1000 after selecting this menu
option. The following window opens for this purpose:

• Follow the instructions and confirm with Continue. In the window that opens,
select the corresponding Update file and click on Open.

Search in:

File name: Open

File type: Cancel

• Follow the instructions in the following window:

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• Confirming with Continue will cause the data to be transferred to the

CMU 1000.

• Confirming with Continue will cause the data in the CMU 1000 to be checked,
and then the two following windows will appear one after the other:

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• Confirming again with Continue will activate the new firmware in the device.
The following messages will appear one after the other in the CMU 1000
display for this purpose for approximately 10 seconds:

Sub CPU Update Main CPU update

Don't turn off Don't turn off

Afterwards, the CMU 1000 reboots with the updated firmware.

• The following window opens as the last one in the sequence in the CMWIN.
Pressing Close returns you to the CM Manager.

All settings, configurations, constellations and the CM program are retained and not
overwritten when the firmware is updated.

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Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000 Page 68 Set Password Protection

• To prevent unauthorized access to the CMU 1000, you can equip the device
with password protection. Select the function Set password protection for
this purpose. The following window opens:

You are prompted at this point to enter a password. If the CMU 1000 is still in
the condition it was at the time of delivery or if no password protection has been
set, then the standard password for this function is: 0000.
Afterwards, disconnect the link to the CMU 1000 and then reconnect it. The
following window opens:

- Enter the Password and then click on OK in order to have unlimited access
to the CMU 1000.

- If you click on Cancel without entering a password, then you will obtain only
"Reading Rights". You can only access the following information:
Sensor status, sensor information, measured values, input values

The CM Manager is reduced in such cases to the following functions:

It was not possible to carry out any settings.

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Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000 Page 69 Change Password

• Here you have the opportunity of changing the password. After the Change
passwort function has been selected, the following window opens:

- Enter the previous password in the top line.

- Enter the new password in the middle line.
- Repeat the new password in the bottom line.
- Confirm the action with OK (the new password is immediately activated) or
end the action by clicking on Cancel without changing the password. Removing Password Protection

• To remove the password protection in the device again, select the function
Remove password protection. The following window opens:

- Enter the currently valid password.

- Confirm the action with OK (password protection is immediately deactivated)
or end the action by clicking on Cancel without deactivating the password
protection. Send Commands

• With this menu option it will be possible with future device versions to send
direct commands to the CMU 1000 in order to initiate certain functions there.
This menu option has no function at present.

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6 CM Editor
The CMU 1000 processes your program in continuous cycles. You generate the
program with the CM Editor and load it afterwards into the CMU 1000.
The CM Editor is a constituent part of the HYDAC PC software CMWIN starting with
Version 3 and provides you with various tools and functions for designing, integrating
and testing your CM program.

To open the Editor, proceed as follows:

• Start the HYDAC PC software CMWIN
• In the Extras Menu, select the "CM Editor" option.

• The following screen opens:

The menu structure and window properties of the Editor are explained below in greater

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6.1 Menu Bar

The menu bar of the CM Editor is tailored to the MS Windows user interface and
contains the following menu structure:

6.1.1 File
• With "New", you can establish for which platform (CM device) the CM program
is to be created before beginning the actual creation of the CM program. The
program functions which are not available for the selected platform will be
suppressed in gray tones in the Functions window and will not be able to be
used during the program generation.

• With "Platform", you can establish for which platform (CM device) the CM
program is to be created during the creation of a CM program. The program
functions which are not available for the selected platform will be suppressed in
gray tones in the Functions window and will not be able to be used during the
program generation.

• Pressing "Open" allows you to open an already generated and stored CM

program. CM programs use the file extension *.hecmp. Select the desired file
in the corresponding path for this purpose.

• Select "Save" to save a CM program. If the recording has not yet been saved,
the “Save as…“ window will open. Enter the desired file name for this purpose
in the respective path.

• To save a file that has not yet been saved or to save a file that has already
been saved under a different name, select "Save as ...", Enter the desired file
name for this purpose in the respective path.

• To integrate an existing program that has already been saved into the current
program generation process, select "paste from file". Select the desired file in
the corresponding path for this purpose.

• Press "Print" to print out the content of the Linked functions window
(= program printout).

• Press "Quit" to close the CM Editor.

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6.1.2 CM Program

• After "Display" is selected, a window opens in which all of the functions used in
the currently opened CM program will be listed, together with inscriptions and
The list can be printed out by selecting "Print".
Pressing "Close“ takes you back to the CM Editor.

• With "Simulate", you can simulate and/or test the CM program that is currently
open. The Simulation window opens for this purpose. No connection with the
CMU 1000 is required for the simulation.

 All of the input signals used in the CM program are listed one above the other
in the Name column in the left-hand part of the Simulation window.

 You can assign a specific value to each input in the Input value column.

 All of the actions used in the CM program are listed one above the other in the
Name column in the right-hand part of the Simulation window.

 The current status of each action is displayed in the Value column.

 The cycle number of the last status modification is displayed in the Cycle

 The date and time of the last status modification is displayed in the Time

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 With "Perform cycle", you can start the simulation for a single processing
cycle and then view the thereby resulting status modifications of the actions

 With "Start autom. cycle“, you start a permanent, continuous program

simulation. You can change the input values during the simulation any way
you like and observe the status modifications of the actions.

 Mit "End autom. cycle“, you stop the permanent, continuous program

 Pressing "Close“ takes you back to the CM Editor.

 During the simulation, the assigned input values and action statuses are also
displayed in the Linked Functions window at the corresponding symbols.

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• You can transfer the currently opened CM program to the CMU 1000 with
"Transfer into device“.

Only error-free programs can be transferred into the CMU 1000.

 The following message appears after the program has been successfully

 Here you can select whether you also wish to transfer the source code of the
program into the CMU 1000.

If you transfer the source code into the CMU 1000 as well, then it is possible
for it to be read out again from every other connected PC and modified! If the
source code is not transferred as well into the CMU 1000, then the program
cannot be read out from another PC.

 The following message will appear if the CM program is not error-free:

 Eliminate the error(s) found in the CM program (see in this connection

Chap. 6.2.2., "Function List" Window and Chap. 8, "Error messages") and
transfer the program again.

If you transfer a program and a power failure occurs during the transfer, then
the program will not be saved in the CMU 1000 after power is restored. For
that reason, first save your program on the PC on which it was originally
generated or modified before making the transfer.

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• You can transfer and then edit the CM program currently available in the CMU
to your PC with "Receive from device". This will however only work if the CM
program source code from the original creator has also been transferred into
the CMU 1000.
If no source code is available in the CMU 1000, then the following message will

• The "Online Debugging" function is a tool for observing the CM program as

well as for finding, diagnosing and eliminating possible errors in the CM
program and/or in the connected peripherals.

 The following prerequisites must be fulfilled for this purpose:

- The CMU 1000 must be connected with the PC and the CMWIN software.
- The CM program opened in CMWIN and the one active in the CMU 1000
must be identical.

 If the "Online Debugging" mode is active, then the following values will be
displayed at the respective functions:
- Measured values
- Constants
- Switching status of logical links
- Date and time when initiating the corresponding event

 The display in "Online Debugging" mode is shown in exemplary fashion in the

following illustration:

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6.1.3 Grouping
• With Create grouping you can join several functions to make an
interconnected unit and transfer and copy these as a block.

 First mark the functions to be grouped by enclosing them in a frame created

with the help of the cursor.

 Afterwards, select “Group“ in the menu bar and then “Create grouping“ in
the drop-down menu that appears.

• Pressing “Cancel grouping“ releases the functions linked together in the group
from one another again.
 To accomplish this, mark the desired group with a mouse click on any one of
the functions within the group.
 Afterwards, select “Group“ in the menu bar and then “Cancel grouping“ in
the drop-down menu that appears.

6.1.4 Device
The "Connection“ function can be used to set up a connection between the PC and a
CMU 1000 from the CM Editor.

The function is identical with the connection setup in the CM Manager. See in this
connection Chap. 5.2.1. ff.

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6.1.5 Sensor Constellation

Reliable system monitoring requires that it be ensured that precisely the same sensors
are connected during operation as were connected at the time the CMU 1000 was
The Sensor constellation is used for this purpose. The sensor constellation is a
monitoring instrument for the connected sensor system, i.e. it performs a continuous
comparison between the connected "Actual" sensor system and the specified
"Nominal" sensor system.

The sensor constellation is optional in the CMU 1000 and not mandatory to have. If
however a sensor constellation has been saved, then the connected sensor system
must match it.
When there is an activated sensor constellation, then an accidental, connected
"incorrect" sensor will be recognized, thus preventing a situation in which the CM
program is working with incorrect information.
A sensor constellation can be saved in files and loaded from files, and can be both
received and transferred by the CMU 1000.
The constellation files all have the extension *.hescf.

The sensor constellation contains the following data:

- Quantity of connected sensors
- Quantity of subchannels for each connected sensor
- Status of each individual subchannel (active / inactive)
- Sensor class (Analog / HSI / SMART)
- Units of the individual measured values
- Name of each sensor
- Device designation of each sensor

If a sensor constellation is available in the CM Editor, then you can use the correct
names in connection with the measurements during program generation. It will then be
the case that only those sensors and subchannels that are actually present will be
available and accessible for adjustment.
A status message at the lower edge of the window of the CM Editor indicates whether
or not a sensor constellation is available.

• With the function Apply from file, you can open a saved sensor constellation
file and use it in the CM Editor.
To accomplish this, enter the corresponding path and file name in the window
that opens and then click on Open.

• With the function Apply from device, you transfer one of the sensor
constellations stored in the CMU 1000 to your PC, after which you can use it in
the CM Editor.

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• With Uninstall you delete the currently available sensor constellation in the CM
Editor, after which it is no longer available for further use when generating
No saved constellation files are deleted!

• To save a constellation file, select Saving to a file. Enter the respective path
and desired file name for this purpose in the window that opens.

• When the Display function is selected, a window opens in which the complete
sensor constellation is displayed.

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6.1.6 Sensor Configuration

Sensor configuration is understood to mean all of the input-relevant settings in the
CMU 1000 (Peripherals settings). The sensor configuration can only be generated with
the CMU 1000 itself (offline generation in CMWIN is not possible). All necessary
sensors must be connected in order for this to be possible.

A sensor configuration can be saved in files and loaded from files, and can be both
received and transferred by the CMU 1000.
The configuration files have the extension *.hedcf.

The sensor configuration contains the following data:

- Sensor name
- Mode
- Measurement range
- Decimals
- Units of the individual measured values

A status message at the lower edge of the window of the CM Editor indicates whether
or not a sensor configuration is available.

• With the function Apply from file, you can open a saved sensor configuration
file and use it in the CM Editor.
To accomplish this, enter the corresponding path and file name in the window
that opens and then click on Open.

• With the function Apply from device, you transfer one of the sensor
stored in the CMU 1000 to your PC, after which you can use it in the CM Editor.

• With Uninstall you delete the currently available sensor constellation in the CM
Editor, after which it is no longer available for further use when generating
No saved constellation files are deleted!

• To save a configuration file, select Saving to a file. Enter the respective path
and desired file name for this purpose in the window that opens.

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• When the Display function is selected, a window opens in which the complete
sensor configuration file is displayed.

With a CM program, one has the opportunity of integrating not only a
configuration file but also a constellation file, so that one can define the
configuration and the constellation at the same time the CM program is
transferred into the CMU 1000. Both parts are however optional and need not
be present in the CM program.

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6.1.7 Extras
• The following window opens with the function Options is selected:
The selection buttons at the right-hand edge of the window appear after clicking
in the respective selection field.

- In the Language field, you can select between the options of German, English
and French for choosing the CMWIN system language.

- In the field Working folder you define the path for saving the CMWIN files
(CM programs, recordings, constellation and configuration files, ...).

- In the field Name as inscription you define whether or not the respective
function name (e.g. Measured value 2, Action 4) is to be displayed as function
inscription in the "Linked functions" window.
If "No" is selected, then you have the option of entering an inscription text
manually into the function parameters.

- In the field Frame group you define whether or not a frame is to appear
around generated groups in the CM program.

- Clicking on OK applies the settings and returns you to the main CMWIN
Pressing Cancel takes you back without applying any changes.

• By using the Reset Options function you can reset all the modified options and
settings to the standard settings.

• Selecting the Display cycle time function causes the following window to open
and the current cycle time of the CM program to be displayed.


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6.2 Window Divisions

The graphics interface of the CM Editor is divided into the following elements:

6.2.1 "Function Properties" Window

The properties of the functions currently selected in the CM program are displayed in
this window. These include:
• Function name (e.g. Action 2; Constant 5; Measured value 12)
• Function type (z.B. Constant, Measured value, Timer)
• Specific properties (parameter settings)
• Comment

6.2.2 "Function List" Window

This window lists all of the functions used in the CM program with the following
• Function type (z.B. Constant, Measured value, Timer)
• Function name (e.g. Action 2; Constant 5; Measured value 12)
• Inscription (e.g. Working pressure N.I.O.)

6.2.3 "Linked Functions" Window

This window contains the actual CM program. The display can be zoomed in or out
with the scroll bar on the lower edge of the window.

6.2.4 "Functions" Window

This window contains all of the functions available for program generation, sorted
according to:
• Data sources
• Calculations
• Numerical operations
• Conditions
• Links
• Boolean operations
• Result values/actions
• Other

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7 CM Program Functions
A CM program consists of many individual functions that are linked with one another
and that are processed and evaluated in cyclical fashion.

7.1 General Information Concerning Functions

A function has Inputs, Outputs and Parameters. This means, for example, the function
"Median value" reads a numerical value at the input, forms a median value above it
and then displays this at the output. A parameter is used to define the amount of time
for which the calculation is rendered.

7.1.1 Inputs / Outputs

For most functions, the outputs change during the running time, depending on the
input. Functions are linked with one another in the Editor. This means, for example,
that the output of a function can be linked with the input of a different function. It is
possible to make one output dependent on several inputs, but not several outputs on
one input.
There are two types of inputs/outputs, depending on the value type: Numerical and
Boolean. A "Boolean output" and only be linked with a "Boolean input" and a numerical
output can only be linked with a "numerical input". Numerical Values

A numerical value is a decimal number, i.e. a numerical value with an optional
algebraic sign and any given number of digits after the decimal point. It is accurate
down to 7-8 significant places. That means that with a value of 2 million (7 places in
front of the decimal point), the addition of a value of 0.001 (3 places after the decimal
point) will not alter the numerical value. One would need accuracy down to at least 10
significant places for it to be altered.
Numerical inputs/outputs and the corresponding connection lines are shown in blue. Boolean Values

A Boolean value is a logical status. There are only 2 statuses: "true" or "1" and false or
Boolean inputs/outputs and the corresponding connection lines are shown in green.

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7.1.2 Parameters
Parameters are defined in the Editor and do not change during the running time. An
exception to this are the input parameters, which can be modified in a menu on the
CMU or with a connected PC during the running time.

Parameters have one of the following types: Numerical Parameters

A numerical parameter is a decimal number in accordance with the inputs/outputs. Whole Number

A whole number is a natural number, i.e. it has no digits after the decimal point. As a
rule, no negative numbers are permitted either. Whole numbers are used for example
for numbering purposes. Entry List

An entry from a list is selected for the input list type. The quantity and the type of list
entries is dependent on the respective parameter. Boolean Parameters

A Boolean parameter has, as was already described in connection with the
inputs/outputs, only two logical statuses: "0" and "1". Nevertheless, it is not "0" and "1"
that are set in the Editor, but rather such terms as "No" or "Yes", "Inactive" or "Active",
"Off" or "On", depending on the context. Character String

A character string is an arbitrary text, the length of which is usually limited. In addition,
preceding and subsequent empty spaces are usually removed automatically. Values Table

A values table is a table with several values, whereby each value is positioned in a line
of its own.
Furthermore, it is also possible to enter value pairs. The individual values of a value
pair are then separated from one another with a colon ":". Time
The specification of a time of the day is accomplished in the country-specific format
that is set in Windows.

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7.2 Data Sources

7.2.1 Numerical Constant

The Numerical Constant function supplies a numerical value which
is defined in the Editor and which does not change during the
running time.
That means that the Value parameter entered in the Editor is output
during the running time at the output.

Inputs: -
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Value (Numerical)

7.2.2 Measured Value

The Measured Value function provides the current measured value
of a connected sensor.
The Sensor connection parameter is used to define the sensor; the
channel of the sensor with Subchannel. If a connected sensor has
no subchannel, then no selection is possible at this position.
If a sensor constellation has been saved, then only the active
connections are displayed in the input lists for the Sensor
connection, each of them with the respective sensor name. The
subchannels available for this sensor are then displayed at
Subchannel, each of them with name and unit.
If no sensor constellation is saved, then Ports "A" to "R" are offered
for selection at Sensor connection and the channels "1" bis "32"
a Subchannel.

Inputs: -
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Sensor connection (input list)
p2: Subchannel (input list)

7.2.3 Digital Input

The Digital input function supplies the status of a digital input.
The Input terminal parameter is used to define which digital input
port is used.

Inputs: -
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Input terminal (input list)

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7.2.4 Numerical Entry

The function Numerical input supplies a numerical value which can
be adjusted in the Parameters menu of the CM device. As an
alternative, it can also be set through a connected PC.
The Inscription parameter is used as a menu option in the input
menu for this purpose. The permissible input range runs from
-2,000,000.000 to +2,000,000.000.
Modifications made in the CM device during the running time also
remain in effect after switch-off. The value that is set under Start
value will used after the first-time transfer of the CM program to the
CM device until the first change is made.

Inputs: -
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Starting value (Numerical)
p2: Inscription (character string)

7.2.5 Boolean Entry

The Boolean input function supplies a Boolean value, which can be
set in the Parameters menu of the CM device.
As an alternative, it can also be set through a connected PC.
The Inscription parameter is used as a menu option in the input
menu for this purpose. The input is accomplished on the CM device
by selecting "Yes" or "No".
Modifications made in the CM device during the running time also
remain in effect after switch-off. The value that is set under Start
value will used after the first-time downloading of the CM program
into the CM device until the first change is made.
The Functionality paramter defines how the input is interpreted. The
following settings are possible:
A menu option is generated on the CM device with which the input
value can be switched on or off. . This functionality is used to active
certain paths in the evaluation logic.
When the value on the CM device is switched on, then only one
impulse is generated in the evaluation logic and the option switches
itself off in the menu again immediately. A key function is simulated,
so to speak. This functionality can be used to trigger events in the
evaluation logic.

Inputs: -
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Starting value (Boolean)
p2: Inscription (character string)
p3: Functionality (entry list)

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7.2.6 Time Sensor

The Time sensor is a function which generates an impuls at an
adjustable interval (e.g. every minute, every 5 minutes), thus setting
its Boolean output to "1" for a cycles and then back to "0".
The following settings are possible fo the Interval parameter:
• 1; 2; 5; 10; 15; 30 Seconds,
• 1; 2; 5; 10; 15; 30 Minutes,
• 1; 2; 6; 12; 24 Hours.
The output impulse is thereby always accomplished in synchronized
fashion with the time of day. If, for example, "6 hours" is set, then an
impulse will be generated at 6 AM, 12 AM, 6 PM and 12 PM.

If an impulse is required at particular times of the day, then you

should use a clock timer with a downstream impulse generator
instead of a time sensor (see Chap. 7.2.7).

Inputs: -
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Interval (input list)

7.2.7 Clock Timer

The Clock timer is a function which switches on its Boolean output
at a certain time during a month and then switches it off again at a
different point in time.
The switch-on time is set with the parameters Switch-on day and
Switch-on time, while the switch-off time is set with the parameters
Switch-off day and Switch-off time.
A weekday "Monday" to "Sunday" can be set. The setting "Daily" is
also possible. The "Daily" setting is only possible if both days are set
to "Daily". The Editor prevent erroneous inputs: If, for example, the
switch-on day is changed from "Monday" to "Daily", then the switch-
off day is automatically set to "Daily".
If switch-on time and switch-off time are identical, the the output will
be switched on for precisely this specified second.
If only one impulse is required, i.e. if the output in intended to be set
for exactly one cycle to "1" and then back to "0", then use a
downstream impulse generator (see Chap. 7.8.6).

Inputs: -
Outputs: y: (Boolean);
Parameters: p1: Switch-off day (input list)
p2: Switch-off time (time of day)
p3: Switch-on day (input list)
p4: Switch-on time (time of day)

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7.2.8 Error Event

An error handling can be implemented with the function Error event.
The Boolean output is switched to "1" in the event that an error
condition is present. The output is switched back to "0" if the error
goes away.
The type of error event can be set with the Event parameter.
The following events are possible:
Below signal range
A sensor has cable breakage, for example
Above signal range
One sensor lies above the signal range with its signal
Incorrect sensor constellation
At one sensor connection port there is either no sensor connected,
or an incorrect one.
Numerical error
An error occured during a calculation, e.g. division by 0 or square
root of a negative number, logarithm from 0, etc.
Cycle time exceeded
The set cycle time was exceeded.

Inputs -
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Event (input list)

7.2.9 Boolean Constants

The Boolean Constant function supplies a Boolean value which is
defined in the Editor and which does not change during the running
time. That means that the parameter entered in the Editor is output
during the running time at the output.

Inputs -
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Value (Boolean)

7.2.10 State-bit
The function Show Stat-bit provides the status of the bit defined by
the "Sensor port" and "Bit location" parameters in the status code
of the selected SMART sensor (status code is sensor-specific) at
the Boolean output.

Inputs -
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Sensor port (Channel A .. Channel H)
p2: Bit location (0 .. n -depending on sensor-)

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Additional points for Sequence controls in the CMU

The two interrelated function components Sequence and Transition can be used to
implement the functionality of Sequence controls or finite state machines.
7.2.11 Sequence
The Sequence component has a numerical output. This represents
the current state of the Sequence. At the same time, a number is
allocated to all states. The term 'Sequence' has been taken from
control engineering. Typically several steps are completed one
after the other in a Sequence. Branches and backward jumps are
however possible. A sequence can adopt several states which are
numbered in ascending order starting at "0". "0" is always the state
following switch-on. A change in state is always triggered by a

Inputs: -
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.2.12 Transition (in the field "Result values / Actions")

The Transition component serves to bring about a change from
one state to another in a Sequence. A transition has a Boolean
input and has 4 parameters.

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: -
Parameters: p1: Sequence
Name of the related Sequence in the application
p2: Current state
Number of the state while the input condition is
With the "-1” (ignore) setting, the current Sequence
state is ignored, i.e. the input condition is continually
scrutinized, irrespective of the current state of the
p3: Successor state
• State which is adopted once the input condition occurs.
p4: Dwell time [s]
Indicates how many seconds the Sequence must be in
the current state before the input condition is
scrutinized for the successor state.

For one Sequence, several transitions with identical current and

successor states but with differing input conditions can be used in
the application program. This enables branching into different
Sequence cascades within a Sequence.

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7.3 Numerical Calculations

7.3.1 Addition
The Addition function returns the sum of the two input values at the
y = x1 + x2

Inputs x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.3.2 Subtraction
The Subtraction function returns the difference between the two
input values at the output:
y = x1 - x2

Inputs x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.3.3 Multiplication
The Multiplication function returns the product of the two input
values at the output:
y = x1 * x2

Inputs x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.3.4 Division
The Division function returns the quotient of the two input values at
the output:
y = x1 / x2

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

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7.3.5 Division Remainder

The Division remainder function returns the division remainder of
the two input values at the output (the modulo). The division
remainder is determined by performing a whole number division x1 /
x2 and outputting the remainder of this division as output value.
If the input x1 counts upward, e.g. sequentially by 1, and the input x2
amounts to 5, the the output will count around from 0 to 4.

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.3.6 Absolute Value

The Absolute value function returns the input value without
algebraic sign at the output:
y = |x|

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.3.7 Change of Algebraic Sign

The Change of algebraic sign function returns the inverse input
value at the output:
y = -x

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.3.8 Rounding
The Rounding function returns the rounded-off input value at the
output. With this function, one can not only round off to whole
decimal places, but also to whole-number multiples of a step.
The size of the step will be specified in the Step parameter.
If the step size is 20, for example, then all values between -10 and
10 will be rounded off to 0, all values between 10 and 30 to 20, and
so on.

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Step (Numerical)

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7.3.9 Raising to a Higher Power

The Raising to a higher power function supplies the power of the
input value at the output.
The exponent is set with the Exponent parameter.

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Exponent (Numerical)

7.3.10 Square Root

The Square root function supplies the square root of the input value
at the output.
If the input value is negative, then the value 0 will be supplied at the
output and an error flag will be set. One can react to this situation
with the Error event function (see Chap. 7.2.8).
If a negative input can occur in everyday practice, then you should
structure the corresponding behavior in accordance with your
preferences with the functions Absolute value, If-then-else and Less
than (see Chap. 7.3.6, 7.4.4 and 7.6.5).

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.3.11 Power at Base e

The Power at base e function supples the power at base e at the
The input value is used as the exponent.

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.3.12 Natural Logarithm

The Natural logarithm function supplies the logarithm of the input
value at base e at the output.
If the input value is negative or 0, then the value 0 will be supplied at
the output and an error flag will be set. One can react to this
situation with the Error event function (see Chap. 7.2.8).
If a negative input can occur in everyday practice, then you should
structure the corresponding behavior in accordance with your
preferences with the functions Absolute value, If-then-else and Less
than (see Chap. 7.3.6, 7.4.4 and 7.6.5).

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

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7.3.13 Decade Logarithm

The Decade logarithm function supplies the logarithm of the input
value at base 10 at the output.
If the input value is negative or 0, then the value 0 will be supplied at
the output and an error flag will be set. One can react to this
situation with the Error event function (see Chap. 7.2.8).
If a negative input can occur in everyday practice, then you should
structure the corresponding behavior in accordance with your
preferences with the functions Absolute value, If-then-else and Less
than (see Chap. 7.3.6, 7.4.4 and 7.6.5).

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.3.14 Integral
The Integral function supplies the integral of the input value over
time at the output. The output is always calculated with the unit of
seconds. This means that the input value 6 causes the output to
increase every second by 6. The trapezoidal rule is applied to make
the calculation.
The function still has a Boolean reset input. If the value "1" is
pending there, then the value "0" will be set up at the output.
Furthermore, the integral function also has an automatic anti-wind-
up mechanism. It is with this that a parameterizable Lower limit and
Upper limit are set for the output.
This function adopted from control engineering has the following
If a control variable is not achieved, then the I ratio continues to
integrate further. The controller then may require under certain
circumstances a very long time to exit this range again if the
actuating variable reverses its algebraic sign. This can lead to very
unstable behavior.

Inputs: x1: Input value (Numerical)

x2: Reset input (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Lower limit (Numerical)
p2: Upper limit (Numerical)

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7.3.15 Differential Quotient

The Differential quotient function supplies the derivation of the input
value over time at the output. The output is always calculated with
the unit of seconds. This means that an increase of the input value
from 5 to 6 in one second will yield an output value of 1.
The differential quotient is formed and filtered numerically by the
differential quotient. This filtering is necessary for the following
In view of the fact that the input values usually arise from a
quantized measured value, e.g. in connection with the digitization of
an analog quantity, these values will have a so-called quantizing
distortion. This means that the digitization causes the value fluctuate
in terms of resolution. For example, with a 12-bit resolution, a value
of 600 bar that was resolved with 12 bit will fluctuate back and forth
by 0.15 bar. If the differential quotient is formed now every
millisecond, then this quantizing distortion will be amplified by a
factor of 1000. That means that, without filtering, the output would
jump back and forth between + and - 150 bar/s.
The filter can be set with the Filtering parameter. The setting
corresponds thereby to the time range during which the filtering
takes place. Nonetheless, no pure median value formation will be
used as a filter, but rather a special algorithm instead.
The following settings are possible:
• switched off, • 200 ms, • 1 second • 5 seconds.

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Filtering (entry list)

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7.4 Numerical Operations

7.4.1 Minimum
The Minimum function supplies the smaller of the two input values
at the output.

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.4.2 Maximum
The Maximum function supplies the larger of the two input values at
the output.

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.4.3 Limit
The Limit function limits the input value x1, and makes it available at
the output.
The two limits are set by the input values x2 and x3. If x1 is less than
x2, then x2 will be output, if x1 is greater than x3, then x3 will be
output, otherwise x1.

Inputs: x1: Input value (Numerical)

x2: Lower limit (Numerical)
x3: Upper limit (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.4.4 If - Then - Else

The function If-Then-Else has two numerical inputs x1 and x2 as well
as a Boolean input x3.
If the Boolean input value is "1", then the input value of x1 is output
at the output, otherwise the value of x2.

Inputs x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
x3: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

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7.4.5 Median Value

The Median value funtion supplies the arithmetical median value of
the input values over an adjustable time range.
The time range is set in seconds with the Time parameter.
The formation of the median value is accomplished by means of the
"Repeating Average" procedure. This means that, when the time
setting is "2 seconds", for example, the input values are compiled
for 2 seconds, then averaged and output at the output. The next
median value interval begins afterwards. The median value remains
stopped at the last median value thereby

Inputs x: Input value (Numerical)

Outputs: y: Median value (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Time (Numerical)

7.4.6 Extended Average

The Extended Average function supplies the arithmetic average of
the numerical input value at the output. The interval over which the
average value is generated, is controlled using a boolean reset
If the reset input has the value "1", then the input value is passed
directly to the output. If the signal on the reset input falls from "1" to
"0", then from this point, the arithmetic average of the input value is
given at the output.

Inputs: x1: Input value (Numerical)

x2: Reset (Boolean)
Outputs: y: Average (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.4.7 Note Value

The Note value function is used to hold on to certain values (to
freeze them). It has one numerical and one Boolean input.
If the Boolean input value is "1", then the numerical input value is
output at the output. If the Boolean input value is "0", then the last
output value remains in effect.
If the value is only to be applied for one flank of the Boolean input,
then you can put the function Pulse generation upstream from it
(see Chap. 7.8.6).

Inputs x1: Input value (Numerical)

x2: Switch value through (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

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7.4.8 Note Minimum

The Note minimum function supplies as the output value the
smallest value that the input value has yet reached.
If the input value is greater than the output value, then the output
value remains unchanged. If the input value is less, then the output
value will be reset.
The minimum can be reset with the Boolean input x2. The input
value wil be applied directly at the output for as long as this input is

Inputs x1: Input value (Numerical)

x2: Reset (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.4.9 Note Maximum

The Note maximum function supplies as the output value the largest
value that the input value has yet reached.
If the input value is less than the output value, then the output value
remains unchanged. If the input value is greater, then the output
value will be reset.
The maximum can be reset with the Boolean input x2. The input
value will be applied directly at the output for as long as this input is

Inputs x1: Input value (Numerical).

x2: Reset (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: -

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7.4.10 Tabular Value

With the function Tabular value, the output value is obtained from a
parameterized number table. The input value functions thereby as
number of the table entry.
If the whole number value of the input is 0 or less, then the first
value of the table will be output; if it is 1, then the second value; and
so on up to the last tabular value. If the input value is greater than
the number of tablular entries, then the last table entry will be
As a basic rule, the input value will be rounded off to a whole
The table is defined using the Table parameter. Each value must
have a line of its own at the time of entry. Empty lines are removed
automatically. The number of values will also be defined
automatically on the basis of the available lines. It must be between
2 and 20.
The Tabular value function can be used for example as a
downstream element of a division remainder in order to specify
various values one after the other (see Chap. 7.3.5).

Inputs: x: Index of the selected tabular value (Numerical)

Outputs: y: Selected value (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Table (values table)

7.4.11 Tabular Index

The Tabular index function is the counterpart to the Tabular value
function. The input value is sorted into a parameterizable numerical
table, which must be organized in order of increasing values, and
the number of the tabular entry is output.
If, for example, the first tabular entry is 4 and the second is 7.8, then
a 0 will be output for all input values less than 0, the value 1 will be
output for all values between 4 and 7.8, and the value 2 for all
values greater than 7.8.
The table is defined using the Table parameter. Each value must
have a line of its own at the time of entry. Empty lines are removed
automatically. The number of values will also be defined
automatically on the basis of the available lines. It must be between
2 and 20.
This function can be used for flexible range definition. Thus, for
example, limit values can be defined in the table when a value is
normal, suspicious, critical and very critical.

Inputs: x: Value in the table (Numerical).

Outputs: y: Index of the value / Value range (Numerical).
Parameters: p1: Table (values table)

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7.4.12 Characteristic Curve

The Characteristic curve function is used to convert input values
from one range into another. The conversion can be subdivided into
various segments through the specification of up to 20 nodes.
The Table parameter is used to specify the nodes. Each value pair
is in a different line in the table. The values for x and y are
separated by a colorn. The X values must be listed in ascending
order. No x value may appear more than once. Empty lines are
removed automatically. The number of values will also be defined
automatically on the basis of the available lines. It must be between
2 and 20.
The ranges between the nodes are interpolated linearly; the values
outside the nodes are extrapolated from the last segment. A
limitation is easy to set up by simply setting another node nearby
that has the same y value. If for example the range of 0 to 450 is to
be converted to percent and at the same time limited to 0 and 100,
then this is accomplished with the following value pairs:
-1: 0
0: 0
450: 100
451: 100

Inputs: x: X value of the charactertistic curve (Numerical).

Outputs: y: Function value from the charactertistic curve (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Table (values table)

7.4.13 Slope
The Slope function is used to prevent rapid value changes. Under
stable conditions, the input value is shown at the output. Changes of
the input value are however not passed along directly to the output,
but rather only in small steps. Like a slope, so to speak. Different
slopes can be defined thereby for positive and negative value
The parameters Descending slope and Ascending slope are used to
specify the maximum permissible value changes per second.
If for example the value 5 is set for Ascending ramp and the input
value jumps from 0 to 100, then the output will be only slowly
increased, and it will take 20 seconds for the output value to reach

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Descending slope (Numerical)
p2: Ascending slope (Numerical)

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7.5 Counting Functions

7.5.1 Count Pulses

The Count pulses function has three Boolean inputs and one
numerical output. If the Counting input has the value "1", then the
change from "0" to "1" at the Pulses input will be counted and the
count value will be set at the output. If the Reset input is at "1", then
the count value, and thus the output as well, will be "0".
Flexible counting structures can thus be obtained by placing the
Pulse generation function upstream (see Chap. 7.8.5). The
placement of a downstream Note value function (see Chap. 7.4.6)
makes it possible to also implement a counter with an interim status.

Inputs: x1: Pulses (Boolean)

x2: Counting (Boolean)
x3: Reset (Boolean)
Outputs: y: Count value (Numerical)
Parameters: -

7.5.2 Stop Clock

The Stop clock function has two Boolean inputs and one numerical
output. If the Start/Stop input has the value "1", then the seconds
will be counted and the time will be set at the output. If the Reset
input is at "1", then the time, and thus the output as well, will be "0".
The behavior at the output can be controlled with the Output
Two settings are possible:
Current time
The output value is the current number of seconds counted.
Stopped time
The output value is not the current quantity, but rather the most
recently measured quantity. This means that the current count is set
to the output whenever the time is stopped with the Start/Stop input.
Flexible time measurement structures can thus be obtained by
placing the Pulse generation function upstream (see Chap. 7.8.5).

Inputs: x1: Start/Stop (Boolean)

x2: Reset (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Numerical)
Parameters: p1: Output (entry list)

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7.6 Numerical Conditions

7.6.1 Equals
The Equals function compares two numerical input values for
equivalence and outputs a "1" at its Boolean output if the values are
equivalent, otherwise a "0".
With the Precision parameter, you can adjust how precise the
comparison is. For this the following explanation:
In view of the fact that numerical values are presented on
computers as floating point numbers with finite precision, normal
comparisons usually fail. Thus, for example, the finite precision of
2/6 is not necessarily the same as the result of 1/3. The difference is
not to be found before the 8th decimal place, but nonetheless the
two values are not recognized as being equivalent.
The point at which one needs to break off the comparison of
numbers varies from case to case. It is for that reason that you have
the option of controlling the precision of the comparison.
If you specify 0.01 for precision, for example, then the numbers
12.453 and 12.458 will still be recognized as equivalents to one
another, because the difference is less than 0.01.

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Precision (Numerical)

7.6.2 Does not Equal

The Does not equal function compares two numerical input values
for equivalence and outputs a "1" at its Boolean output if the values
are not equal, otherwise a "0".
For the Precision parameter, see the explanation in the Equals
function (Chapter 7.6.1).

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Precision (Numerical)

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7.6.3 Greater than

The Greater than function compares two numerical input values for
equivalence and outputs a "1" at its Boolean output if value x1 is
greater than x2, otherwise a "0".
In view of the fact that numerical values are presented on
computers as floating point numbers with finite precision, it is
difficult to make decisions in border ranges. (See the explanation in
Chapter 7.6.1, Equals function). This is however usually irrelevant in
everyday usage, because the imprecision is not to be found before
the 8th significant decimal place.
When however it is important that a precise decision be made for a
border range, then you can install the Rounding function upstream
(see Chap. 7.3.8).

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

7.6.4 Greater than or Equal to

The Greater than or equal to function compares two numerical input
values for equivalence and outputs a "1" at its Boolean output if
value x1 is greater than or equal to x2, otherwise a "0".

For more on the subject of precision, please note the explanations

in the Greater than function (see Chapter 7.6.3).

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

7.6.5 Less than

The Less than function compares two numerical input values for
equivalence and outputs a "1" at its Boolean output if value x1 is less
than x2, otherwise a "0".

For more on the subject of precision, please note the explanations

in the Greater than function (see Chapter 7.6.3).

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

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7.6.6 Less than or Equal to

The Less than or equal to function compares two numerical input
values for equivalence and outputs a "1" at its Boolean output if
value x1 is less than or equal to x2, otherwise a "0".

For more on the subject of precision, please note the explanations

in the Greater than function (see Chapter 7.6.3).

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

7.6.7 Within
The Within function compares three numerical input values for
equivalence and outputs a "1" at its Boolean output if value x1 is
greater than or equal to x2, and smaller than or equal to x3,
otherwise a "0".

For more on the subject of precision, please note the explanations

in the Greater than function (see Chapter 7.6.3).

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
x3: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

7.6.8 Outside
The Outside function compares three numerical input values for
equivalence and outputs a "1" at its Boolean output if value x1 is
smaller than x2 or greater than x3, otherwise a "0".

For more on the subject of precision, please note the explanations

in the Greater than function (see Chapter 7.6.3).

Inputs: x1: (Numerical)

x2: (Numerical)
x3: (Numerical)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

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7.7 Boolean Links

7.7.1 Not
The Not function supplies the negated Boolean input value at its
Boolean output.
I x = "0", then a "1" is output, otherwise a "0".

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

7.7.2 And
The And function links the two Boolean inputs with the "and"
operation and supplies the result to its Boolean output.
The output is then "1" only if both inputs are "1", otherwise it is "0".
The following log table makes this function clear.
x1 x2 y
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Inputs: x1: (Boolean)

x2: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

7.7.3 Not - And

The Not - And function links the two Boolean inputs with the "nand"
operation and supplies the result to its Boolean output.
The output is then "0" only if both inputs are "1", otherwise it is "1".
The following log table makes this function clear.
x1 x2 y
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Inputs: x1: (Boolean)

x2: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

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7.7.4 Or
The Or function links the two Boolean inputs with the "or" operation
and supplies the result to its Boolean output.
The output is "1" if one of the two inputs is "1". If both are "0", then
the output will also be "0".
The following log table makes this function clear.
x1 x2 y
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

Inputs: x1: (Boolean)

x2: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

7.7.5 Not - Or
The Not - Or function links the two Boolean inputs with the "nor"
operation and supplies the result to its Boolean output.
The output is "0" if one of the two inputs is "1". If both of the inputs
are "0", then the output will be "1".
The following log table makes this function clear.
x1 x2 y
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0

Inputs: x1: (Boolean)

x2: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

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7.7.6 Exclusive Or
The Exclusive Or function links the two Boolean inputs with the "xor"
operation and supplies the result to its Boolean output.

The output is "1" if precisely one of the two inputs is "1". If both of
the inputs are "0" or if both of the inputs are "1", then the output will
be "0". One can also say that the output is then precisely "1" if the
two inputs are not equivalent.

The following log table makes this function clear.

x1 x2 y
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Inputs x1: (Boolean)

x2: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

7.7.7 Not Exclusive Or

The Not Exclusive Or function links the two Boolean inputs with the
"nxor" operation and supplies the result to its Boolean output.

The output is "0" if precisely one of the two inputs is "1". If both of
the inputs are "0" or if both of the inputs are "1", then the output will
be "1". One can also say that the output is then precisely "1" if the
two inputs are equivalent.

The following log table makes this function clear.

x1 x2 y
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Inputs x1: (Boolean)

x2: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

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7.8 Other Boolean Operations

7.8.1 Note Value

The Note value function is used to hold on to a Boolean value (to
freeze it). It has two Boolean inputs.
If the input value x2 is "1", then the input value x1 is output at the
output. If the input value x2 is "0", then the last output value remains
in effect.
If the value is only to be applied for one flank, then you can put the
function Pulse generation upstream at x2 (see Chap. 7.8.6).

Inputs x1: Value (Boolean)

x2: Note (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

7.8.2 Switching Delay

The Switching delay function is used to delay Boolean signals. The
function has one Boolean input and one Boolean output. A change
at the input will not be recognizable at the output until after a
parameterizable delay time has elapsed.
The delay times can be set separately for switching on and
switching off. . They are adjusted with the parameters Switch-on
delay and Switch-off delay. This makes it possible to suppress
short-term signal changes from view.
Input and output are "0", the switch-on delay is set to 5 seconds. If
the input switches now to "1", then the output waits 5 seconds
before switching to "1". If the input switches back to "0" before the 5
seconds have elapsed, then the input remains set to "0" and the
change at the input is not visible at all at the output.

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Switch-on delay in seconds (Numerical)
p2: Switch-off delay in seconds (Numerical)

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7.8.3 T - Flipflop
The T-FlipFlop function is the representation of a surge relay. The
output switches over every time Boolean input value changes from
"0" to "1". (Toggle function, which is the reason for the name T-
A side effect of the T-FlipFlop is that is reduces the frequency of a
counting signal down to half its size.
The output is set to 0 after initialization at the time of program start.

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

7.8.4 Mono Flop

The output switches on when the Boolean input value switches from
"0" to "1". The function is comparable to the automatic switching of
a light in a stairwell.
The output is set to 0 after initialization at the time of program start.
When the Reset input is set to "1", then the output is definitely set to
• Not retriggerable
When the flank switches from "0" to "1", the output for the
specified time is switched to "1". After the time elapses, the
output is set back to "0". It doesn't matter whether or not this
flank occurs again during this time.
• Retriggerable
When the flank switches from "0" to "1", the output for the
specified time is switched to "1". After the time elapses, the
output is set back to "0". If the flank switches from "0" to "1"
once again during this time, then the output will be switched
again to "1" for the time specified.
• Prolongable
When the flank switches from "0" to "1", the output for the
specified time is switched to "1". If no change of flanks occurred
during this time, then the output remains switched to "1" until the
flank switches from "1" to "0".

Inputs: x0: S (Boolean)

x1: R (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Mode
p2: Time in seconds

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7.8.5 RS - Flipflop
The RS-FlipFlop function has a Boolean input Set for the purpose of
setting the output to "1" and a Boolean input Reset for setting the
output back to "0".
The Priority parameter can be used to define how the output will
react when a "1" is present at both inputs simultaneously. The
following priorities are possible:
If the Set input is the first to switch to "1", then the output is "1"; if
the Reset input is the first to switch to "1", then the output is "0". If
both switch to "1" simultaneously, then the output remains in the
status it was in.
If the Set input is the last to switch to "1", then the output is "1"; if
the Reset input is the last to switch to "1", then the output is "0". If
both switch to "1" simultaneously, then the output remains in the
status it was in.
The output value is "0"
The output value is "1"
The output is set to 0 after initialization at the time of program start.

Inputs: x0: S (Boolean)

x1: R (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: p1: Priority (entry list)

7.8.6 Pulse Generation

The Pulse generation function is used for generating a Boolean
pulse. Every time the input changes from "0" to "1", the output is set
to "1" for a cycle.

This function is useful with the Note functions (Note value, Note
minimum, etc.), among others.

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: y: (Boolean)
Parameters: -

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7.9 Result Values

7.9.1 Numerical Output Value
The Numerical output value function makes a numerical input value
available to the outside. It publicizes the value.
Output values are displayed on the CMU as well as in the measured
value display on a connected PC. Furthermore, the output values
are also recorded in the log recording (see Chap. 7.10.3). A
maximum of 32 values can be publicized.
The publication of values is accomplished in a fixed decimal point
representation. The number of decimal places must be entered
using the Decimal format parameter for this purpose. The current
format permits only 5 significant places, wherby the first one only
makes it to 3. This results in the following maximum numerical
Decimal format maximum value range
0 -30000 .. +30000
0.0 -3000.0 .. +3000.0
0.00 -300.00 .. +300.00
0.000 -30.000 .. +30.000
The output value is always limited to the above-mentioned
maximum value range. The decimal format is to be adjusted in such
a way that all of the values relevant to daily practice can be
presented. If needed, one can for example publicize a "bar" value in
"millibars" by multiplying the value by 1000.
The Designation parameter defines the name under which the value
is displayed. The Unit parameter defines the physical unit. No 2
output values with the same name are permitted to be on hand.
The Low range and High range parameters are used solely for
defining the typical value range for post-processing work. If, for
example, the value progression is output as a graphic, then the
graphics program will first scale the values to the value range
specified here. The specification of the measurement range has no
effect on the limitation of the output value.
Example: "0.00" is set as the decimal format, "250.00" as the high
measuring range. If the input value now lies at 450.00, then the
value 300.00 will be publicized, because the limiting is accomplished
with respect to the maximum value range and not to the high
measuring range.
If this behavior is not wanted, limit the value using the Limit function
(see Chap. 7.4.3).

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: -
Parameters: p1: Designation (character string)
p2: Low range (Numerical)
p3: High range (Numerical)
p4: Unit : (character string)
p5: Decimal format : (input list)

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7.9.2 Boolean Output Value

The Boolean output value function makes a Boolean input value
available to the outside. It publicizes this value.
The status values are displayed on the CMU. A connected PC
indicates the status values in the status line. Furthermore, the status
values are also recorded in the log recording (see Chap. 7.10.3). A
maximum of 15 status values can be publicized.
All status values are combined to make a common status in the
results log. Each individual status value is represented thereby as
one Bit.
The question of which Bit will be used is defined in the Bit number
There must never be two status values with the same bit number.

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: -
Parameters: p1: Bit number (whole number)

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7.10 Actions

7.10.1 Setting Switching Output

The Set switch output function transmits the Boolean input to a
digital switching output on the CM device.
The Output terminal parameter is used to define which digital output
port is used.

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: -
Parameters: p1: Output terminal (input list)

7.10.2 Setting Analog Outputs

The Set analog output function outputs the numerical input to an
analog output of the CM device.
The Output parameter is used to define which analog output will be
used. The scaling is defined by the parameters Lower value and
Upper value.
If for example -25 is set for the lower value and 150 for the upper
value, then all input values less than or equal to
-25 will cause the lower signal range to be output at the output (type
0 V or 4 mA) and all input values greater than or equal to 150 will
lead to an output signal that corresponds to the upper signal range.
(Type 10 V or 20 mA)

Inputs: x: (Numerical)
Outputs: -
Parameters: p1: Output (input list)
p2: Low range (Numerical)
p3: High range (Numerical)

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7.10.3 Display Message

The Display message function has one Boolean input. A message
will be displayed on the CMU monitor for as long as the input value
is "1". The upper line includes the date and time of day that the
message appeared.
The text of the message is defined with the Message parameter.
This is to be found in the lower line of the display.
The Acknowledgement parameter can be used to specify that the
message will not automatically disappear with the display when the
input returns to "0", but rather that it must be acknowledged by
pressing a key. Should this eventuality occurs, then it will be
signalled by the flashing of the upper line.
Independent of that which is set with Acknowledgement, a message
can be acknowledged at any time in order that the CMU can be
operated. If the input remains at "1" however, then the message will
be displayed again after a time.
If several messages are active simultaneously, then the keys can be
used to scroll through the list of messages.

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: -
Parameters: p1: Message (character string)
p2: Acknowledgement (Boolean)

7.10.4 Switch on LED

The Switch on LED function has one Boolean input. The respective
LED will remain on for as long as the input value is "1".
The Acknowledgement parameter can be used to specify that the
LED will not automatically go out when the input returns to "0", but
rather that the LED must be acknowledged by pressing a key. The
respective LED will start to flash in such cases.
The Color parameter is used to set which LED will be switched on. 3
traffic light colors are present: • red, • yellow • green.
Each color may only be used once in the CM program.
Depending on the specific CM device, the LEDs can also have
designations other than the names of their colors, e.g.: LED1,
LED2, etc.

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: -
Parameters: p1: Color (entry list)
p2: Acknowledgement (Boolean)

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7.10.5 Compiling a Log Entry

The Compile log entry function is used for saving the currently
publicized values in the ongoing log recording (see Chap. 7.9.1.
Numerical output value and 7.9.2 Boolean output value).

The log entry is generated every time the input value changes from
"0" to "1".

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: -
Parameters: -

7.10.6 Compiling Quick Log Entries

The Quick log entries function is used for rapidly saving the
currently publicized values in the ongoing log recording (see Chap.
7.9.1. Numerical output value and 7.9.2 Boolean output value).
Log entries will be generated at the specified time interval (p2) for
as long as the input is set to "1".
The Interim period parameter specifies that for every time stamp of
a log entry, the precise time value of the log entry will also be saved
in ms.

The log entry is generated every time the input value changes from
"0" to "1".

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: -
Parameters: p1: Interim period (Boolean)
p2: Time in seconds

7.10.7 Start new log

Using the Start new log function, a new time-dependent or cycle-
dependent log file can be generated. The numbering in the file
name is increased by 1.
The previous log file is stored in the internal memory.

Eingänge: x: (Boolesch)
Ausgänge: -
Parameter: -

7.10.8 Transition (see Chap. 7.2.12)

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7.10.9 Send SMS

The Send SMS function is used to send an SMS when an event
occurs. This occurs with every switchover of the input value
changes from "0" to "1".

The text of the SMS is defined with the Message parameter and the
Telephone number parameter defines the number to which the SMS
is sent.

Inputs: x: (Boolean)
Outputs: -
Parameters: p1: Telephone number (character string)
p2: Message (character string)

The "Send SMS" function requires that the following conditions be
- One HYDAC GSM Module CSI-F-10 is connected to the HSI
Master of the CMU 1000 in accordance with specifications.
- The GSM module CSI-F-10 is supplied with voltage and ready for
- A valid, functionable SIM card has been inserted in the GSM
module CSI-F-10.
- The GSM module has a sufficient network reception strength.

7.11 Other
7.11.1 Comment
With the Comment function, it is possible to insert a comment at any
given point in the CM program.
The heading of the Comment box is defined with the Inscription
The actual comment text is entered with the Comment parameter.

Inputs: -
Outputs: -
Parameters: p1: Inscription (character string)
p2: Comment (character string)

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8 Error Messages CM Program Compilation

In order to ensure as high a degree of operational safety as possible, the CM program
generated will be checked for possible programming errors before it is transferred into
the device. If the system recognizes one or more such programming errors, then the
following message will appear and the CM program will not be transferred into the
CMU 1000.

The menu function [CM Program / Display] (see Chap. 6.1.2) can be used in such
cases to have a more detailed program evaluation displayed, together with error
messages, and to have this printed out as needed.

Work through all of the error messages in your CM program and then transfer the
program once again into your CMU 1000.

The following list shows all of the error messages that could occur during
programming, together with the function groups present in the CMWIN to which they
belong and their causes.

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8.1 Overriding Error Messages

8.1.1 Function not Available in this Mode
The CM program was compiled for a platform in which the marked function does not
► Check the platform setting and correct it or modify the CD program accordingly.

8.2 Error Messages with Data Sources

8.2.1 Invalid Channel Setting
A channel/subchannel was selected that is not valid.
► Check the channel setting and correct it.

8.2.2 Duplicate Channel Name

The name of a channel may only be used once in a CM program.
► Check the channel name and correct it.

8.2.3 Invalid Digital Input

A port must be set with the Digital input function.
► Check the port setting and correct it.

8.2.4 Duplicate Digital Input

A port must be set with the Digital input function. This port that is set may only be
used once in a CM program.
► Check the port setting and correct it.

8.2.5 Too many Boolean Input Fields

No more than a maximum of 50 Boolean input values are permitted to be present in a
single CM program.
► Reduce the Boolean input values to a maximum of 50.

8.2.6 No Inscription with Boolean Input

The Boolean input value must have an inscription.
► Enter an inscription in the function properties.

8.2.7 Duplicate Inscription with Boolean Inputs

The inscription of a Boolean input value must be unambiguous within a CM program
and is only permitted to occur once for that reason.
► Check the inscription and correct it.

8.2.8 Too Many Numerical Input Values

No more than a maximum of 50 numerical input values are permitted to be present in
a single CM program.
► Reduce the numerical input values to a maximum of 50.

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8.2.9 No Inscription with Numerical Input

The numerical input value must have an inscription.
► Enter an inscription in the function properties.

8.2.10 Duplicate Inscription with Numerical Input

The inscription of a numerical input value must be unambiguous within a CM program
and is only permitted to occur once for that reason.
► Check the inscription and correct it.

8.2.11 Duplicate Error Source

A setting is made at an error source as to which error the output of the error sources
is set. No error source may be present more than once in a CM program.
► Check the setting under "Error messages" and correct it.

8.3 Error Messages with Operations/Conditions

8.3.1 Upper and Lower Measured Value Limits too Close to one another
In cases of functions with upper and lower measured value limits, the difference
between the two values must amount to at least 10 steps away from one another.
► Check the values that were entered and correct them.

8.3.2 Measured Value Limits Outside the Range of -30000 to 30000

In cases of functions with upper and lower measured value limits, the entered values
must be betweem -30,000 and +30,000.
► Check the values that were entered and correct them.

8.3.3 Lower Measured Value Limit Greater than Upper Measurement

Value Limit
In cases of functions with upper and lower measured value limits, the lower
measured value must be less than the upper measured value.
► Check the values that were entered and correct them.

8.4 Error Messages with Result Values/Actions

8.4.1 Invalid Output LED Selected
The selected LED does not exist in this device and must be set correctly.
► Check the LED setting and correct it.

8.4.2 Duplicate Usage of Output LED

The selected LED is already being used in the current CM program and is not
permitted to be present twice.
► Check the LED selection and correct it.

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8.4.3 Invalid Digital Output

The quantity of digital outputs is device-dependent. This error is set when an output
terminal is selected that a device doesn't have.
► Check the selection and correct it.

8.4.4 Duplicate Digital Ouput

The output terminal of the digital output may not be present more than once in a CM
► Check the adjusted output terminal and correct it.

8.4.5 Invalid Analog Output

The quantity of analog outputs is device-dependent. This error is set when an output
is selected that a device doesn't have.
► Check the selection and correct it.

8.4.6 Duplicate Analog Output

The set output of the analog output may not be present more than once in a CM
► Check the output settings and correct them.

8.4.7 Too Many Boolean Output Fields

The number of Boolean output fields in one CM program is device-dependent.
► Reduce the Boolean output fields to the device-specific maximum.

8.4.8 Duplicate Boolean Output Field

The inscription of a Boolean output field may not be present more than once in a CM
► Check the inscription and correct it.

8.4.9 The Bit Number Must Be a Figure between 0 and 14

The property "Bit number" may not lie outside the range of 0 ... 14 for the Boolean
output field function.
► Check the value that was entered and correct it.

8.4.10 Too Many Numerical Output Fields

The number of numerical output fields in one CM program is device-dependent.
► Reduce the numerical output fields to the device-specific maximum.

8.4.11 Duplicate Numerical Output Field

The inscription of a numerical output field may not be present more than once in a
CM program.
► Check the inscription and correct it.

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8.4.12 Message and Telephone Number too Long

The length of the message + telephone number together is limited to 230 characters.
► Check the respective inputs and correct them.

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9 Technical Data

9.1 Power Supply

- Input voltage: 18.0 ... 35.0 V DC
- Power consumption: max. 1.5 A (3.5 A with connected CSI-F-10)
- Reverse voltage protection: -30 V
- Dielectric strength: +40 V

9.2 Connecting Sensors

 Up to 8 sensors with HSI functionality or
up to 8 SMART sensors and in addition up to 8 analog sensors, as well as
up to 4 digital sensors
(4 x digital / 2 x digital + 2 x frequency / 3 x digital + 1 x frequency)
can be connected at the same time

The measuring ranges of the analog inputs are designed for a variety of

9.3 Analog Inputs

Channels I and J (precision) Channels K and L (precision)
4 .. 20 mA (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.) 4 .. 20 mA (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.)
0 .. 20 mA (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.) 0 .. 20 mA (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.)
0 .. 4,5 V (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.) 0 .. 4,5 V (≤ ± 0,5 % FS max.)
0,5 .. 4,5 V (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.) 0,5 .. 4,5 V (≤ ± 0,5 % FS max.)
0 .. 5 V (≤ ± 0,2 % FS max.) 0 .. 5 V (≤ ± 0,5 % FS max.)
1 .. 5 V (≤ ± 0,2 % FS max.) 1 .. 5 V (≤ ± 0,5 % FS max.)
0,5 .. 5,5 V (≤ ± 0,2 % FS max.) 0,5 .. 5,5 V (≤ ± 0,5 % FS max.)
1 .. 6 V (≤ ± 0,2 % FS max.) 1 .. 6 V (≤ ± 0,5 % FS max.)
0 .. 10 V (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.) 0 .. 10 V (≤ ± 0,25 % FS max.)
0 .. 50 V (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.)
-10 .. +10 V (≤ ± 0,2 % FS max.) only L!

Channels M and N (precision) Channels O and P (precision)

4 .. 20 mA (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.) 4 .. 20 mA (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.)
0 .. 20 mA (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.) 0 .. 20 mA (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.)
0 .. 4,5 V (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.) 0 .. 4,5 V (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.)
0,5 .. 4,5 V (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.) 0,5 .. 4,5 V (≤ ± 0,1 % FS max.)
-10 .. +10 V (≤ ± 0,2 % FS max.) only

9.4 Digital Inputs

- Quantity: 4, of which 2 are for frequency measurements (Channels Q and R)
- Trigger threshold: approx. 2 V
- Dynamics: 30 kHz

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9.5 Measurement Channels

A total of up to 32 measurement channels can be processed by the CMU.
One measurement channel can be a value of a connected sensor (also a subchannel
or a SMART sensor) or a value derived (calculated) from sensor data.

9.6 Analog Outputs

Quantity: 2
Type: individually selectable, current (4 .. 20 mA) or voltage (0 .. 10 V)

9.7 Digital Outputs

Quantity: 4
Type: Relay output, directional contact
Switching power: 30 V DC / 1 A

9.8 Calculation Unit

Analog value acquisition: 12 Bit A/D transmitter
Internal measured value memory:
- RAM: 1 MByte
- Flash Memory 256 MByte
Real-time clock, battery-buffered (battery change only by HYDAC SERVICE GMBH)

9.9 Interfaces
9.9.1 Keyboard
- 4 arrow keys (up, down, right, left)
- OK key
- ESC key

9.9.2 View
Two-line LED display (2x16 characters) with background illumination. Status
information can also be displayed via 3 different colored LEDs.

9.9.3 USB Mass Storage Device

USB 1.1 / USB 2.0 full speed interface for connection of a Mass Storage Device
(Memory Stick); connection socket Type "A".
The data recorded by the CMU can be transferred to a memory stick via this interface.
The USB host supports exclusively Mass Storage Devices.

9.9.4 Ethernet
The calculation unit is equipped with an RJ 45 8/8 Ethernet interface which supports
the following services/protocols:
- HTTP Server
- OPC Client

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9.9.5 Serial Interface 0 (UART 0)

The serial interface 0 of the calculation unit is used either for implementation of an
RS 232 or of an HSI Master interface (see below). The switchover can be programmed
freely (optional IO link also possible). The connection is accomplished using plug-in
terminals. No handshake lines.

9.9.6 HSI Master

HSI interface for cascading the CMU. The HSI Master interface is linked with an HSI
sensor interface of the superordinate SMU for this purpose.

9.9.7 USB Device

USB 1.1 / USB 2.0 full speed interface for connecting a PC/laptop for configuration of
the CMU; connection socket Type "B".

9.10 Cycle Time

The CMU determines automatically the required cycle time when the program starts.
The user has the option of having the current cycle time displayed on the CM Editor.
The display shows rounded values (e.g. 10 ms instead of the 8.7 ms detected).

9.11 Operating and Ambient Conditions

Operating temperature: -20.. +70°C
Storage temperature: -30.. +80°C
Relative moisture: 0 .. 70%, non-condensing

9.12 Dimensions and Weight:

Dimensions: approx. 212 x 105 x 32 mm (W x H x D)
Weight: approx. 600 g

9.13 Technical Standards

EMV: EN 61000-6-1/2/3/4
Safety: EN 61010
Protection type: IP 40

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9.14 Scope of Delivery

The CMU 1000 is packed in a box and delivered in ready-for-operation condition.
Check the packing and the device prior to installation for transport damage and the
contents of the packing for completeness.

- CMU 1000
- User manual
- CD-ROM with the PC software "CMWIN" as well as additional product information
- USB connection cable

9.15 Maintenance and cleaning

- Switch the CMU 1000 voltage-free and check it for absence of voltage.
- For reasons of electrical safety, never clean the device with water or other fluids,
and under no circumstances whatsoever should the device be immersed in water or
other fluids.
- Use only a dry, lint-free cloth for cleaning. Do not use any solvents, gasoline or
similar, because these would cause damage to the CMU 1000.

9.16 Recycling and Disposal

The packing and the packing material are comprised solely of environmentally friendly
materials. They can be disposed of in the respective local recycling containers.

Never dispose of electrical devices and electronic components in containers

intended for household refuse!
Pursuant to European Guideline 2002/96/EU concerning used electrical and electronic
devices and implementation in national law, used electrical devices must be collected
separately and transferred to an environmentally suitable recycling process.
Consult for this purpose a company that is certified for the disposal of electronic waste
in order to ensure that your device is recycled or disposed of in an environmentally
friendly manner.

10 Ordering Details
CMU 1000 - 000 - X

Operator guidance and documentation

D = German
E = English
F = French

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11 Accessories
• SMART Sensors
HLB 1300 - Series (oil condition sensor)
AS 1000 - Series (moisture sensor)
CS 1000 - Series (dirt sensor)

• HSI pressure measuring transmitter of the measuring ranges:

- 1 ... 9 bar, 0 ... 16 bar, 0 ... 100 bar, 0 ... 250 bar, 0 ... 400 bar, 0 ... 600 bar
Mat. No. 909429 Mat. Desig. HDA 4748-H-0009-000 (-1 ... 9 bar)
Mat. No. 909425 Mat. Desig. HDA 4748-H-0016-000 (0 ... 16 bar)
Mat. No. 909554 Mat. Desig. HDA 4748-H-0060-000 (0 ... 60 bar)
Mat. No. 909426 Mat. Desig. HDA 4748-H-0100-000 (0 ... 100 bar)
Mat. No. 909337 Mat. Desig. HDA 4748-H-0250-000 (0 ... 250 bar)
Mat. No. 909427 Mat. Desig. HDA 4748-H-0400-000 (0 ... 400 bar)
Mat. No. 909428 Mat. Desig. HDA 4748-H-0600-000 (0 ... 600 bar)

• HSI temperature measuring transmitter

Mat. No. 909298 Mat. Desig. ETS 4548-H-000 (-25 to +100°C)

• Level sensors
ENS 3000 series

• HSI volume flow measuring transmitter

Mat.-No. 909405 Mat.-Desig. EVS 3108-H-0020-000 ( 1,2 - 020 l/min)
Mat.-No. 909293 Mat.-Desig. EVS 3108-H-0060-000 (006 - 060 l/min)
Mat.-No. 909404 Mat.-Desig. EVS 3108-H-0300-000 (015 - 300 l/min)
Mat.-No. 909403 Mat.-Desig. EVS 3108-H-0600-000 (040 - 600 l/min)
Mat.-No. 909409 Mat.-Desig. EVS 3118-H-0020-000 ( 1,2 - 020 l/min)
Mat.-No. 909406 Mat.-Desig. EVS 3118-H-0060-000 (006 - 060 l/min)
Mat.-No. 909408 Mat.-Desig. EVS 3118-H-0300-000 (015 - 300 l/min)
Mat.-No. 909407 Mat.-Desig. EVS 3118-H-0600-000 (040 - 600 l/min)

• RPM probe
Mat. No. 909436 Mat. Desig. HDS 1000-002 (plug M12x1)
Mat. No. 904812 Mat. Desig. HDS 1000 reflection foil set (25 pcs.)

• Sensor simulator for 2 HSI measuring transmitters

Mat. No. 909414 Mat. Desig. SSH 1000-H-3 (Simulator for HMG 3000)
ideal for learning purposes

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Hauptstraße 27
D-66128 Saarbrücken

Web : www.hydac.com
E-mail : electronic@hydac.com
Tel.: +49-(0)6897-509-01
Fax: +49-(0)6897-509-1726

If you have any questions
concerning repairwork,
please don’t hesitate to


Hauptstr. 27
D-66128 Saarbrücken

Tel.: +49-(0)6897-509-1936
Fax: +49-(0)6897-509-1933


The information and particulars provided in this manual apply to the operating conditions
and applications described herein. In the event of deviating applications and/or operating
conditions, please contact the respective HYDAC department concerned.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or encounter any problems of a technical

nature, please contact your HYDAC representative.

All technical details are subject to change without notice.

V03 R21 - 2012/05/24 HYDAC ELECTRONIC GMBH Mat.-No.: 669749

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