Least Cost Formulation in Aquafeed
Least Cost Formulation in Aquafeed
Least Cost Formulation in Aquafeed
International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.
All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies,
the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of
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©Copyright 2009 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058
quafeed formulation is a in agrifeed. The nutritionist manages his availability per plant, the software creates a
fast growing business, yet set of ingredients by setting the measured least cost formula that fulfils the ingredient
relatively new. Growing and calculated nutrient values. Then, taking and nutritional requirements of the diet.
world population, pressure into account the ingredient prices and the However, the quality and ‘real world’ cost
on the use of marine ingredients,
price volatility of raw materials, better
availability of nutritional knowledge Figure 1: Data integration of formulation data
and difficulties in the production of
aqua diet make aqua diet formulation
a challenging business. A professional
and state of the art least cost for-
mulation software, like BESTMIX®
Dry with 20-50% less energy
(a product by software specialist
Adifo) is essential to develop sustain-
able, cost effective and nutritionally
complete feeds.
Data management
and integration Geelen Counterflow / T +31-475-592315
The general principles of least cost Geelen Counterflow USA Inc. / T +1-772-559-4338
formulation for aquafeed are the same as
Geelen Counterflow América Latina / T +54-9-2362-418899
E info@geelencounterflow.com / I www.geelencounterflow.com
14 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | January-February 2011
seminar has been a huge success Email: sales@meriden-ah.com
and wesignificant increase
look forward of the toxic potency of
to working and above can affect fish performance and dis- group, and yellowing of the tilapia surface was
Website: www.meriden-ah.com
AFB1 (Centoducati et al., 2009). ease resistance
rules from external ingredient suppliers or production time. Each lot of an ingredi- In a recent study in Vietnam, Tu (2010) walking catfish Ref 70, Fang Bolts & Easifit Bolts
research institutes. In addition, the software into account antinutritional factors of ent has a specific quality. This quality forward to improved
conducted a comprehensive study on the sen- margins.
(Clarias batra- l Available in steel / stainless / zinc
is able to use online data coming from phytic acids for example. can be registered and controlled online plated
sitivity of Tra catfish (Pangasionadon hypoph- chus). The study l Wide range available from stock
NIR apparatus filtered through a special Gut physiology and development vary upon the intake of each lot by using thalmus) to AFB1, analyzing the Format International
impacts of alsoLimited,
evaluated the
lab module called BESTMIX® LIMS (see widely between the different aquaculture BESTMIX® LIMS, Adifo’s Lab Management Format House, Poole Road,Woking,
feeding AFB1 contaminated diets on growth application of an We have your per for mance in mind
figure 1). species and life stages. Therefore it is Information System software. BESTMIX® Surrey GU21 6DY, England.
performance, physiological response, histo- Aflatoxin binder
important to be able to set up aqua diets will help the nutritionist and production Tel: +44 1483 726081 Fax: +44 1483 722827
logical changes and disease resistance of Tra (Mycofix®Secure)
Website www.formatinternational.com
Fulfilling nutritional and per species and life stage. The nutritionist manager to optimize the usage of each catfish. to counteract
Chemoforma Ltd. CH-4302 Augst Switzerland
Tel +41 61 811 33 55 Fax +41 61 811 28 03 Email: 4b-uk@go4b.com
ingredient constraints can create constraint frameworks and lot, guaranteeing an optimal production
Aqua diets contain a high concentra- calculate specific
6 | InternatIonal nutrient
AquAFeed availability2011
| January-February for process and a stable quality (Figure 2). January-February 2011 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 7
tion of protein and fat. This adds extra larvae
10 and adult AquAFeed
| InternatIonal animal types. This con- 2011 A second control mechanism is the
| January-February January-February 2011 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 11
Revised Buckets C2 half page 2.indd 1 21/09/2010 11:37:09
complexity to aqua diet formulation. cept has already proven to maximize cost use of swing values: tolerances are set
Aqua feed nutritionists are challenged by effectiveness in agrifeed. for minimum and maximum deviations on
the need to reduce reliance on marine Developing fish feed is a phased ingredient percentages determined in the
protein and lipid sources offering new research and development project. In the R&D formula.
Aqua News
sive resources will be divided amongst all has to consider other production-related Conclusion
Fourth International Feed Regulators Meeting
aqua diets in the most cost effective way. parameters as well. One ingredient can
be dosed on different scales, while each
20" x 10" CC-XD
The different parameters can be chal-
lenging for the team that is responsible
Coping with production of these scales has a certain precision and elevator bucket
for developing and producing aquafeed.
challenges in aqua diets
minimal dosing capacity. In some situations, This means that the nutritionist, the feed
he International Feed will offer a wide variety of topics, event, “It is a unique event for
Producing aqua-feed is different from the amount of silos is limited. The formula- engineer, the logistic planner, the produc-
I n d u s t r y F e d e r a t i o n including: industry and global feed regula- apco has
producing compound feed. Most fish feeds tor can set up these parameters in his tion manager and the sales manager must
(IFIF) in cooper ation A presentation on regula- tors to come together to discuss i n t r o -
formulation software tool to optimize the all work together in one formulation
with the Food and Agriculture tor y developments of feed issues of mutual interest.” duced a 20"
formula, taking into account the production system in such a way that the information
Organization of the United labeling; Government feed regulators may x 10" Xtreme Duty
Nations (FAO)thewill most host advanced
process parameters of the plant.
The newly reestablished Codex attend this event at no fee. For
is passed from one step to the next step.
(CC-XD) elevator bucket
Afterwards, the diet information must be
four th I n t e r n a t i o n a l F e e d Feed Task Force, hosted by Swiss industry and trade association repre- to accompany its existing 7" and
formulation software Keep your labels up to date
Regulator s Meeting (IFRM) authorities, - an outlook on the sentatives, the cost is $275 USD.
automatically updated when new informa-
8" projection sizes.
January 24-25,such 2011 inasAtlanta,
BESTMIX ® plans and
Task Force
The aqua feed world
a discussion The is aIFRM
highlyiscompeti- tion comes up or when new parameters
being held prior The Tapco CC-XD operates at
tive world. Feed manufacturers have to dif- have been measured. Only the most
USA. The Amer ican Feed of risk assessment methods and to the International Feed Expo/I up to 940 feet per minute. The
guarantee an added
Industr y Association (AFIA) value to tools;
is management
ferentiate themselvesnternational
from the averagePoultrylevel.
advanced formulation software tools such
Expo which is bucket is reinforced with a 5/8"
A good presentationon of January
the aqua-feed diets as BESTMIX® guarantee an added value
assisting with the organization of The IFIF Feed Regulator y 26-28, 2011. For more thick front lip and has 1056.6
aqua diet manufacturers"
the event.
is a must for every producer. Generated
Comparison Repor t for Feed details on the largest annual feed
to aqua diet manufacturers, who focus
cubic inches of capacity. CC-XD
specifications must have a highly commercial on delivering to their customers exactly
Delegates from over 20 coun- Additives will compare and industry tradeshow, visit www. buckets are molded with
value, whilst the information presented must what they ordered.
tries are expected to attend contrast the approval processes in ife11.org or www.ipe11.org. 35-50% more resin than the
are extruded and pelletized.This means that be complete, 100 percent correct, customer
the two-day event, held in the Canada, the USA and the EU; CC-HD. The CC style buckets’
the formulator has to pay extra attention to friendly and fulfilling all legal specifications. So
Georgia World Congress Center, FAO/WHO will provide an More inforMation: distinctive “breaks” on the
controlling the starch content, the humidity, how to keep reports and labels up to date
to discuss topics relevant to the outlook on the possible emer- AFIA bottom of the
More inforMation : bucket provide an
the density and the high fat contents. To be when formulas and ingredients vary in time?
feed and pet food industry. gency notification mecha- 2101 Wilson Boulevard ideal product trajectory. Tapco
Adifo N.V.
able to achieve a certain quality and density And how to keep labels up to date according Industrielaan 11 B is available in polyeth-
IFRM offers a chance for inter- nisms; Suite 916 CC-XD
for optimal pelletizing, the nutritionist or to changing feed policies?
Arlington Adjusting
VA 22201 these Maldegem, B-9990
national regulators to come A report on of the Safe Supply ylene, nylon and urethane and is
production manager can adjust the dry mat- data one by one would be extremely time- Belgium
together and gain greater under- of Affordable Food Everywhere USA ideal for demanding, super high
ter and density parameters in BESTMIX® consuming. ThereforeTel:it+1is703 5241921
essential to be Tel: +32 50 303211
standing of the global issues project. Fax: +1 703 5241921 Fax: +32throughput
50 711193 applications. For
as to start the pelletizing process in ideal able to set up labels in the software in such
affecting the feed industr y IFIF chairman of the board, Email: afia@afia.org Website:more information visit www.
conditions. a way, that they are ‘refreshed’ automatically
around the world. The meeting Dave Cieslak, Cargill, said of the Website: www.afia.org tapcoinc.com.
When formulating diets, the formulator when needed.
The Aquaculturist
● Hydraulically
Hydraulically adjustable
adjustable die
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they boost your feed performance and help you substituting fish meal.
Vo l u m e 1 4 I s s u e 1 2 0 1 1
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Mycotoxins in aquafeeds
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Least cost formulation in
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The multi-formulation:
- a key tool for the raw materials purchasing
Formulation, status and sustainability of
aquaculture feed industries
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