Alkalinity and Hardness in Production Ponds
Alkalinity and Hardness in Production Ponds
Alkalinity and Hardness in Production Ponds
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1 author:
William A. Wurts
Kentucky Cooperative Extension
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All content following this page was uploaded by William A. Wurts on 15 January 2015.
Alkalinity and hardness are both important The determination of whether water is acid,
components of water quality. However, these neutral or base is defined by pH. However,
two aspects of water chemistry are commonly alkalinity measures the total amount of base
confused. The confusion relates to the term used present and indicates a pond’s ability to resist
to report these measures, ppm CaCO3 (same as large pH changes, or the “buffering capacity.”
mg/L). Total alkalinity indicates the quantity of The most important components of alkalinity are
11 -
10 -
pH 8-
base present in water -- bicarbonates, carbonates, carbonates and bicarbonates. The total alkalinity
phosphates, hydroxides, etc. Hardness concentration should be no lower than 20 mg/L
represents the overall concentration of divalent CaCO3 in production ponds. Pond pH can swing
salts (calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.) but does widely during the day, measuring from 6 to 10,
not identify which of these elements is/are the when alkalinity concentrations are below this
source of hardness. It is important to recognize level (Fig. 1). Large daily changes in pH can
the difference between hardness and total cause stress, poor growth and even death of the
alkalinity when farming aquatic animals. farmed animals. Most aquatic organisms can
live in a broad range of alkalinity concentrations. for the production of most aquatic animals. The
The desired total alkalinity level for most best (and easiest) time to lime your pond is
aquaculture species lies between 50-150 mg/L before you fill it with water. Agricultural
CaCO3, but no less than 20 mg/L. limestone should be distributed as evenly as
possible over the entire pond.
Hardness is also important to aquaculture.
Calcium and magnesium are the most common When pond alkalinity concentrations are
sources of water hardness. Calcium and below 50 mg/L, agricultural limestone can be
magnesium are essential in the biological used to raise alkalinity and hardness. If total
processes of aquatic animals, for example, bone alkalinity is above 50 mg/L, adding agricultural
and scale formation in fish. The critical limestone will not be effective. In this situation,
component of total hardness is the calcium or where hardness is not caused by calcium,
concentration, or “calcium hardness.” adding agricultural gypsum (calcium sulfate) is
Environmental calcium is crucial for an effective method of increasing calcium
osmoregulation, that is, maintaining precise hardness to the desired concentrations. The
levels of internal salts for normal heart, muscle addition of 5.0 lb of agricultural gypsum per
and nerve function. Calcium is also important in acre-foot of water will raise calcium hardness,
the molting process of shrimp and other and total hardness, approximately 1.0 ppm
crustaceans, and can affect the hardening of the CaCO3. It is important to match calcium
newly formed shell. Aquatic animals can hardness with total alkalinity concentrations to
tolerate a broad range of calcium hardness help stabilize pond pH – this prevents pH from
concentrations. A desirable range would lie climbing too high.
between 75 and 200 mg/L CaCO3.
Wurts, W. A. and R. M. Durborow. 1992. Interactions of pH, carbon dioxide, alkalinity and hardness in
fish ponds. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication No. 464.