Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
HIV/AIDS in the Philippines is low but growing. UNICEF stated that the Philippines is one of
only seven countries globally where the number of HIV cases has increased by over 25
percent from 2001 to 2009. New infections are largely concentrated among key
populations with specific risks behaviours, such as unprotected male to male sex,
transactional sex and intravenous drugs. The first case of HIV infection in the Philippines
was reported in 1984. In March 2016, there were 736 new HIV Ab sero-positive individuals
reported to HIV/AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines. This was 10% higher compared
to the same period last year (667). Eighty-nine per cent of the cases were asymptomatic at
the time of reporting. Most (97%) were male. The median age was 28 years old (age range:
8 years-36 years). More than half belong to the 25-34 years age group while 27% were
One of the region that has the highest number of reported cases for March 2016 is National
Capital Region (NCR) with 284 (39%) cases. Reported modes of transmission (MOT) were
sexual contact (709), needle sharing among injecting drug users (IDU) [26] and mother-to-
child transmission (1). Eighty-six per cent of those transmitted through sexual contactwere
that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This virus is either of the two
retroviruses – the HIV-1 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1) the most prevalent in HIV or
the HIV-2 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2) the less virulent and is closely related in
structure to SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus) of monkeys, that infect and destroy
helper T cells of the immune system causing the mark reduction in their numbers that is
diagnostic of AIDS. AIDS is a serious disease of the human immune system that is
cells to 20 % or less of normal thereby rendering the subject highly vulnerable to life
threatening conditions (as Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia) and to some (as Kaposi’s
Sarcoma) that became life threatening and that is caused by infection with HIV commonly
transmitted in infected blood especially during illicit intravenous drug use and in bodily
According to, if HIV left untreated, it can lead to the disease AIDS. Unlike some
other viruses, the body can’t get rid of HIV completely. So once you have HIV, you have it
for life. But where did HIV came from? Scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in central
Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. They believe that the chimpanzee version
of immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus, or SIV) most likely was
transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for
meat and came into contact with their infected blood. Studies show that HIV may have
jumped from apes to human as far as back as the late 1800s. over decades, the virus slowly
spread across Africa and later into other parts of the world.
HIV/AIDS is one of the most urgent concerns that Filipino youth is facing today. People
acquire HIV/AIDS by having sexual intercourse with multiple partners, sexual intercourse
with someone who is HIV Positive or whose status you don’t know, sex among man and
another man, using an illegal injected drugs and shared needles or syringes. This epidemic
truly affect youth at an unprecedented rate and up until now the HIV/AIDS cases still
“90 people have swine flu, and everyone wants to wear a mask. A million people
Based on that quote, it is somewhat true. Because we all know that unprotected sex can
lead to many diseases specifically AIDS but why are there people who keep on doing it?
Maybe it’s because the understandings of people about the effects are not that much.
“We say that HIV is a virus that causes AIDS. We say it’s very difficult to get and very
difficult to get rid of. Everything the teacher says is tightly scripted”.
-Kelly Devers
The growing case of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines leads to the distribution of condoms in
schools. This action is being implemented to hopefully stop the continued growth in the
In the absence of curative treatments for HIV, prevention remains the most effective
weapon against the AIDS epidemic. Some actions recommended for the prevention of HIV
in the number of lifetime sexual partners, and correct and consistent condom use (Cited in
C. Kabiru 2005).
As a result, they suggests that one way to increase condom access for adolescents is to
“One parent and at the same time an educator agree with encouraging sexual
abstinence and moral character among teenagers. But at the same time that we encourage
sexual abstinence, we must also teach about sexual responsibility. And this sexual
responsibility today often means using a condom as a form of birth control and to prevent
Many people have no symptoms of having HIV while others are having flu-like symptoms
for a month or two after getting HIV. They experience having a high fever, headaches,
The study evaluates the previously issue of HIV/AIDS and prevention campaign for high
school students.
To know the reaction of the school principals, parents and students in the
To know if the school principals, parents and students agree or disagree and
To gather information and know what is their understanding about the issue.
1. What would school principals, parents and students think the effect of the
2. Does the school principals, parents and students think that by this action we can
3. For school principals, parents and students, what do they think the reason of DOH-
School principal, parents and especially students were selected for this study because
they represent an accessible sample of young people who are at high risk of HIV
infection as a result of sexual behaviour. The long-term goal of the study is to contribute
to the body of knowledge that informs the development of effective HIV prevention
There are many cases of distribution of condom in other countries to prevent the continued
growth in the number of cases of HIV/AIDS. Further, there have been no studies to my
knowledge that was conducted on our country, Philippines about the distribution of
will know what their views about this issue are. It will help us to know their understanding
and if they really care about the issue. The present study highlights some of the issues that
need to be tackled in HIV programs at the school. By this study, we can make an effective
research about the terminating issue of distribution of condoms in school for the next
generation. Making this research paper will be a lot of help for those people who wants to
know the perceptions of others regarding to the distribution of condoms in all public
schools. So that they will be aware to this urgent issue that our country is facing nowadays.