Phenomenon of Demonic Possession
Phenomenon of Demonic Possession
Phenomenon of Demonic Possession
One would think that with the advent of modern medicine and psychology, that reports of possession would be on
the decline. They are not. Reports of demonic possession have continued to escalate around the world, even in the
United States.
The Exorcist
In 1994, Thomas Allen published a book entitled Possessed. The book chronicles his research of the documented
1949 exorcism that inspired the movie The Exorcist.
Apparently the boy (changed to a girl named Reagan for the movie) and his aunt, a Medium, had been regularly play-
ing with a Ouija board, which soon brought an unwanted presence and total change of the child’s personality. One
night, while his parents entertained company, the boy got out of bed and came down to the living room. A vase
began to levitate and was sent hurling toward a wall along with a piece of heavy furniture. That night, as the boy
slept, his parents checked on him. They watched, as the appearance of scratches seemed to welt up on his body,
even as he slept, and a bloody scratch wrote on the boy’s stomach the word “HELL.”
He was taken to Georgetown Hospital where a pediatrician told the parents, “I can’t give you a natural explana-
tion for this.” Eventually, several Jesuit priests (six in all) were sought in St. Louis to perform the exorcism, which
apparently lasted about 20 days. Allen, the author of Possessed, obtained the diary of Father Bowdern, one of
the exorcists. You can read the first hand account as Allen includes the diary in the appendix. The following are
March 14: A stool flew across the room and landed with a loud crash, but no one was injured. The mattress of
the bed shook, as on many occasions. The shaking continued for two hours.
March 16: Three large bars were observed to be scratched on the boy’s stomach. The marks were sharply
painful and raised above the skin similar to an engraving. The most distinctive marking was the word “HELL”
imprinted on his chest. They would appear as we read through the exorcism.
March 17: The new phase of the case emphasized diabolical spitting. He spit at Father Bowdern and tore his
shirt. He spit directly in the faces of his father, mother, and uncle. He fell exhausted after the ordeal.
April 7: During the praying, at least 20 scratches or brands appeared on the boy’s body, usually at the men-
tion of “Jesus.” The first mark was clearly the number 4; several times four strokes or claw marks of various
lengths appeared on his belly and legs. There was considerable profanity and crudeness concerning sexual
relations with priests and nuns.
The diary recounts many other inexplicable phenomenon, such as the levitating, shaking, and breaking of objects;
and apparently the boy was able to curse and speak in Aramaic, a dead language spoken in the time of Christ, of
which he had no prior knowledge.
According to the report, the boy was finally exorcised. Allen found that he is still alive, but chooses to remain silent
on the events. The case was witnessed, signed, and verified by 46 Jesuit Priests. On a creepy endnote, prior to
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EXPLORATION The Phenomenon of Demonic Possession 2
its demolition, the abandoned wing of the hospital where the exorcism was performed had been secretly utilized
in recent years by a satanic group for rituals. Allen’s research on the real “Exorcist” account was recently trans-
formed into a movie for ShowTime.
1. Have you ever sensed an evil presence whether unseen, in a dream, or in another person, that was abnormal or
supernatural? When? What did it feel like?
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EXPLORATION The Phenomenon of Demonic Possession 3
5. What is an evil spirit? Where do they come from? And who’s Satan?
7. What does the evil spirit mean when it asks not to be tormented before “the appointed time?” And why does
Jesus send it into the pigs?
8. Exorcism was not an uncommon activity for a Jewish rabbi in the first century. So why do you think the dis-
ciples recorded this event?
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EXPLORATION The Phenomenon of Demonic Possession 4
10. In almost every documented case, demonic deliverance came through speaking the name of Jesus, in faith, that
He could protect or deliver. The true life Exorcist account ended when the boy uttered “dominus,” which is
Latin for “Lord” or “Christ.” How do you explain this?
11. While involvement in the occult may open one up to domination by an evil spirit, at it’s core, it is simply an evil
counterfeit of the reality we were made for. Look up Revelation 3:20 and write down what you think it means.
On your own this evening read through the booklet, The Four Spiritual Laws.
The Compass is the discipleship curriculum for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus Ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this lesson. Please write us at
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