AC105 C1 L285Add02E
AC105 C1 L285Add02E
AC105 C1 L285Add02E
General Assembly Distr.: Limited
10 February 2020
Original: English
Draft report
III. Space technology for sustainable socioeconomic
1. In accordance with General Assembly resolution 74/82, the Subcommittee
considered agenda item 6, entitled “Space technology for sustainable socioeconomic
2. The representatives of Canada, China, Belarus, France, Germany, India,
Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Japan, Kenya, Peru, the Russian
Federation, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates made statements under agenda
item 6. During the general exchange of views, statements relating to the item were
made by representatives of other member States.
3. The Subcommittee heard the following scientific and technical presentations:
(a) “SIRIUS 20/21: the upcoming eight-month mission”, by the representative
of the Russian Federation;
(b) “Small satellite development for scientific Earth obser vation and data
utilization in the Philippines”, by the representative of the Philippines;
(c) “From boosting space education to boosting space economy”, by the
representative of Switzerland;
(d) “Training course for the African countries at the Broglio Space Centre in
Malindi”, by the representative of Italy;
(e) “ISU team project ‘Space for Urban Planning’”, by the observer for ISU;
(f) “Spin-in and procurement support as key components for industry
development in emerging space countries”, by the representative of Slovakia;
(g) “African development satellite initiative”, by the representative of Egypt;
(h) “A global initiative to improve living conditions for indigenous
populations using space technologies”, by the observer for CANEUS International.
4. The Subcommittee had before it a conference room paper containing a report on
the United Nations/Austria World Space Forum on the topic “Access to space for all”,
held in Vienna from 18 to 22 November 2019 (A/AC.105/C.1/2020/CRP.11), to be
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issued, in all official languages of the United Nations, for the consideration of the
Committee at its sixty-third session, in June 2020.
5. The Subcommittee noted that the World Space Forum held in 2019, having built
upon the series of high-level forums organized by the Office for Outer Space Affairs
jointly with member States, had continued to promote discussions on the role of space
science and technology in fostering global development, bringing together
stakeholders from the broader space community, including from gove rnmental
institutions, international intergovernmental organizations and non -governmental
organizations, as well as industry, the private sector and academia. The bringing
together of representatives from the Vienna-based diplomatic community and the
broader space sector was welcomed in particular. The Subcommittee also noted that
Austria would host the Forum in 2021 and subsequently every other year for the near
6. The Subcommittee noted the value of space technology and applications, as well
as of space-derived data and information, to sustainable development, including in
terms of improving the formulation and subsequent implementation of policies and
programmes of action relating to environmental protection, land and water
management, the development of degraded land and wastelands, urban and rural
development, marine and coastal ecosystems, health care, climate change, disaster
risk reduction and emergency response, energy, infrastructure, navigation, transport
and logistics, rural connectivity, seismic monitoring, natural resources management,
snow and glaciers, biodiversity, agriculture and food security.
7. The Subcommittee also noted, in that context, the information provided by
States on their use of space-based platforms and satellite systems in support of
sustainable socioeconomic development, as well as actions and programmes aimed at
increasing society’s awareness and understanding of the applications of space science
and technology for meeting development needs, and on cooperation activiti es aimed
at building capacity through education and training on the use of space science and
technology applications for sustainable development.
8. In that regard, the Subcommittee noted that the Committee, and its subcommittees,
with the support of the Office for Outer Space Affairs, had a fundamental role to play
in promoting international cooperation and capacity-building in support of
socioeconomic development.
9. Some delegations expressed the view that space science and technology had the
potential to ignite technological advancement in developing countries, and that it was
therefore essential to strengthen existing opportunities and create new ones to ensure
that more and more States had access to space and to the benefits derived from space
activities, including by enhancing international cooperation in the development of
domestic space infrastructure, taking into account the need to stimulate industry and
the space sector overall, in particular in developing countries.
10. The view was expressed that it was necessary to build national capacities in the
handling of space-derived data and information, enhance international cooperation in
sharing remote sensing and geospatial data, promote regional and international research, and
facilitate the transfer of knowledge, technology and science and the sharing of experiences
in using space-based technology services to achieve sustainable development.
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30. The Subcommittee had before it responses to the set of questions regarding
policies, experiences and practices in the use of space science and technology
for global health (see A/AC.105/C.1/117, A/AC.105/C.1/117/Add.1 and
31. Pursuant to paragraph 10 of General Assembly resolution 74/82, the
Subcommittee, at its 915th meeting, on 3 February, convened its Working Group on
Space and Global Health, with Antoine Geissbühler (Switzerland) as Chair.
32. The Subcommittee noted a broad array of activities undertaken by member
States in areas relevant to space and global health, such as telemedicine,
tele-consultation, space life sciences, space technologies, tele-epidemiology and
disaster management (including responding to epidemics), and through space -based
research, including at the International Space Station.
33. The Subcommittee acknowledged the contribution of space science, space
technology and space applications to the prevention and control of diseases, the
promotion of human health and welfare, the addressing of global health issues, the
advancement of medical research, the advancement of hea lth practices and the
provision of health-care services to individuals and communities, including in rural
areas with limited access to health care.
34. The Subcommittee noted that there was a need for enhanced inter-institutional
and interdisciplinary cooperation and coordination among all stakeholders, such as
States, United Nations entities, relevant intergovernmental and non -governmental
organizations and the medical and space communities, for the attainment of the
health-related goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
35. The view was expressed that one of the major issues of concern to public health
officials was the effect of air pollution and that geostationary meteorological satellites
used for weather forecasting could play an important role in better understanding
emissions, trends and impacts in relation to air pollutants and the ozone.
36. At its […] meeting, on […] February, the Subcommittee endorsed the report of
the Working Group on Space and Global Health, which is contained in annex […] to
the present report.
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