Suspension Therapy by Rahul Vapms Cop
Suspension Therapy by Rahul Vapms Cop
Suspension Therapy by Rahul Vapms Cop
Suspension is defined as spreading a part of the body with the supported slings
and pulleys
Suspension is means where by parts of the body are supported in slings and
elevated by the use of variable length ropesfixed to a point above the body
Suspension freesthe body from the friction of the material upon which body
componentsmay be resting and it permits free movement without resistance
when the fixation is suitably arranged relatively to the supported parts
Muscle strengthening
Neuro-muscular co-ordination
•it isworking under the principal of 1) friction2) pendulum
3) eliminating gravity movement
• It occurs during a particular surface moves on another.
•It the force which restricts the movements of the object
of the surface are more smooth and slippery will have
more friction and in that surface the movements will be
more and will cause slippery
•If the surface are hard and rough resultsin more friction
and the movements are opposed by the friction force
.the same feature isused in the suspension which has
lessfriction causesthe smooth and easy movement
•Pendulum is heavy suspended by the weightlessthread. If
the force is applied on the pendulum it resultsit to fro
movements . One complete swing iscalled oscillation.
•The oscillation will be continued until the force comes
down in human body the pendulum motion occurs mainly
in the shoulder and hip forward leg movements and the
arm swing movements while walk . The simple muscular
contraction isnecessary to imitate the oscillation the same
mechanism via used in suspension therapy to maintain the
muscle property increase vthe range of the movements
and strengthening the muscles.
•If the person hasthe muscle power 2can go for the
suspension exercises . The muscles isthe less than 2 it
isdifficult to perform the suspension exercise if the
power is 3 or above 3 the patient can go for against the
gravity exercise instead of suspension therapy
•1) suspension frame
•2) supporting ropes
•3) pulleys
•4) slings
•5) s-hooksand dog clips
•6) wooden chart
•1) Axial suspension
•2) vertical suspension
•3) pendular suspension
-Joint axis istaken asthe point of the suspension
-the limb issupported by the slingsabove the axisof the joint i
the joint if the movements isinitiated the limb movesboth
sidesand the base of swings show the segment of the base of
the cone shape
1) Relaxation
2) maintenance muscular property
3) increase the blood circulation
4) increase the venousdrainage
5) increase the lymphatic drainage
- The center of gravity bof the body parts or the body is taken as the point of
-The body parts can be supported in these type of suspension rather than the
strengthening or performing pendular movements of the limbs
1.To support the body part
2.To reduce the pressure sore
-Here at the first the axisof the joint is taken as the point of suspension then
depends on the strengthening of the muscle group, the axis is changing
towards medially or laterally, anteriorly or posteriorly.
-The muscles will be getting resistance while movement of the axis isshifting
opposite to that movement.
- if the axisis shifting towards the adducted muscles will be getting resistance
during movements
•1) to strengthen the muscles .
•2) to increase the muscle power .
•3) to increase the ending.
•It reduces the burden of therapist
•Easy to lift the limbs
•Active movement can be performed easily with minimum friction
•The whole fixed point is moved away from the muscles which
require resistance
•On effect the limb will now rise into abduction brought about by
isotonic shortening of abductors, resistance being offered by
- it refers to passive motion that is performed by a mechanical
device that moves a joint slowly and continuously through a
controlled range of motion.
-Many studies support the short term benefits of CPM use after
surgery in that patients gain ROM more quickly and therefore, may
experience earlier discharge from the hospital
-CPM decreases postoperative pain and postoperative
-CPM has been reported to be effective in lessening the negative
effects of joint immobilization in conditoins such as arthritis,
contractures, and intra articular
fractures; and in improving the recovery rate and ROM after a
variety of surgical procedures.basic research and clinical studies
reported by salter have demonstrated the effectiveness of CPM in
. Providing development of adhesions and contractures and thus
joint stiffness.
•Providing a stimulating effect on the healing of tendons and
•Enhancing healing of incisions over the moving joint.• •Increasing
synovial fluid lubrication of the joint, and thus increasing the
rate of intra articular cartilage healing and regeneration.
•Preventing the degradating effects of immobilization
•Providing a quicker return of ROM
•Decreasing postoperative pain.•GENERAL GUIDELINES :
1. The device may be applied to the involved extremity
immediately after surgery while the patient is still under
anesthesia or as soon as possible if bulky dressingsprevent early
• 2). The arc of motion for thejoint is determined. Often a low arc of 20 to 30
degrees is used initially and progressed to 10 to 15 degrees per day as tolerted.
The portion of the range used initially is based on range available and patient
3). The rateof motion is determined ; usually 1 cycle per 45 secondsor per
2 minutes is well tolerated.•
4). The amount of time on the CPM machine varies for different protocols;
anywhere from continiousfor 24 hoursto continuous for 1 hour, three times a
day.•The longer periods of time per day reportedly result in a shorter hospital
stay, fewer postoperative complications and greater range of motion at discharge,
although no significant difference was found in a study comparing5 hoursper
day with 20 hoursper day of CPM..•A recent study compared short duration
with long duration. CPM application and found that patient compliance and the
most gained range occured with a CPM duration between 4 to 8 hours.
• 5) Physical therapy treatmentsare usually initiated duringperiods when the
patient is not on CPM, includingactive assistive and muscle settingexercise.
is important that patientslearn to use and develop motor control of the ROM asl
motion improves.
•6. Duration minimum for CPM isusually less than 1 week
or when satisfactory range of motion isreached. Because
CPM devicesare portable, home use ispossible in cases
where the therapist or physician deems additional time
would be beneficial. In these cases, the patient, a family
member, or caregiver isinstructed in proper application.
7. CPM machines are designed to be adjustable, easily
controlled, versatile and portable. Some are battery
operated (with rechargeable batteries) to allow the
individual to wear the device for up to 8 hours while
functioning with dailyactivities.