Digital Patterns: Designed by Steve Good
Digital Patterns: Designed by Steve Good
Digital Patterns: Designed by Steve Good
Digital Patterns
Designed by Steve Good
Note to commercial print employees: I give my permission to print as many of this pattern book as your customer requires. Copyright Steve Good 2015
Sports Car
Cut the parts and glue the two center sections together
with the driver on the correct side of the car.
After the glue dries draw lines to separate the head for carving.
Use a Dremel and a carving knife to carve the head and shoulders.
Carve as much or little detail as you wish.
I just carved the shoulders and did a little detail sanding.
I left the steering wheel and arms without detail.
Use 17/64 inch drill bit so the 1/4” diameter dowel rod
axel will turn freely.
I used store bought 1.25” diameter wheels. You can cut your
own if you wish. They are included in the pattern.
1/4” Thick
1/2” Thick
1” Thick
1” Thick
3/8” Thick