Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day
Today I performed live in front of the school for the school’s annual Remembrance Day
celebration. I was assigned to play the marching cymbals by the dangerously good looking music
teacher Mr.Overholt. Although I have never played the cymbals before I enjoyed them greatly
and would love to get another “crack” at them someday. We played “Oh Canada”, “Be thou my
vis”, “praise to the lord almighty”, and of course quite possibly the best musical piece of work,
“Ode to Joy”. The celebration began with the playing of our national anthem, followed by a
dramatization by the grade 10 drama class. One of my best buddies Tyler Robitaille was acting
in it as a soldier and well let’s just say he shouldn’t give up his day job just yet. However, the
dramatization was very touching as it depicted the story of a young Canadian being taken off to
war, and never to return home. Towards the end of the dramatization Jessica, our school’s best
singer hands down sang “In Flanders Field”; it was a great closeout to a touching play. In case
you did not know how the famous poem goes here it is;
- John McCrae
So after all this was done two veterans of various peacekeeping missions and wars spoke to the
audience. One of the veterans even produced a slideshow depicting his duties over the years. The
most memorable images were of the bones behind his place of residence in Rwanda and the
craters near Vimy Ridge. Both men started to choke up towards the end of the speech, quite
evidently you could imagine what they’ve endured but also and more importantly, how much
they believe and stand up for our country. The pride was enormous and at points made me want
to join the military. Standing up for what you believe in is put to example every day. Whether
you are standing up for same-sex marriage or your country you are displaying your pride in what
you believe in. So then after we watched a “Pittance of Time” the video produces a clear
message: on the 11th month of the 11th day on the 11th hour take two minutes to reflect and be
thankful for what you have because had it not been for the veterans who knows what life would
be like. After the video Jessica the great singer and Lauren Tignanelli (representin’) sang a
montage of popular songs to a slideshow of the war veterans related to the staff of our school. It
was amazing, it sounded like a dj produced mix track. Then afterwards some random girls from
the school danced to a song, the dance was interesting at best, for next year the dance should be
left out in my opinion. Throughout the entire celebration the band played their songs with
Dr.Tiggs crashing those cymbals. I enjoyed the celebration and felt as if I was doing something
in remembrance for those veterans, however I wish I could do more, unfortunately there isn’t
enough ways to thank them for sacrificing their lives. May all personnel of the Canadian forces,
who have sacrificed their lives for our country rest in peace, amen.