Bullying Definition of Bullying
Bullying Definition of Bullying
Bullying Definition of Bullying
Definition of bullying
The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power,
repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel
helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time, is often hidden from adults, and will
probably continue if no action is taken.
While the bullying definition is broad and can occur in a variety of environments it usually is a
relationship problem and requires relationship-based solutions. These are best solved in the
social environment in which they occur: in a child or young person's life, this is most often the
These actions can cause great distress. However, they do not fit the definition of bullying, and
they're not examples of bullying unless someone is deliberately and repeatedly doing them.
Types of bullying
There are many different types of bullying that can be experienced by children and adults alike,
some are obvious to spot while others can be more subtle. The different types of bullying that we
look at below are some of the ways that bullying could be happening.
Physical bullying
Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property.
Physical bullying causes both short term and long term damage.
Verbal bullying
Verbal bullying includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist
remarks, or verbal abuse. While verbal bullying can start off harmless, it can escalate to levels
which start affecting the individual target. Keep reading in this section for techniques to deal
with verbal bullying.
Social bullying
Social bullying, sometimes referred to as covert bullying, is often harder to recognise and can be
carried out behind the bullied person's back. It is designed to harm someone's social reputation
and/or cause humiliation. Social bullying includes:
Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying can be overt or covert bullying behaviours using digital technologies, including
hardware such as computers and smartphones, and software such as social media, instant
messaging, texts, websites and other online platforms.
Cyber bullying can happen at any time. It can be in public or in private and sometimes only
known to the target and the person bullying. Cyber bullying can include:
Signs of bullying
No one should have to put up with bullying. It can make people feel unsafe at school and
miserable when they get home.
The following will equip you with the skills to spot different signs of bullying and some of the
symptoms that could come from this.
Emotional and behavioural signs of bullying
Sometimes signs bullying can be far more hidden. They can include:
The big question is how to stop bullying? The first recommended step is to try to get your child
to open up about what's happening in their life by showing them that you understand, and won’t
judge them.
Try to listen to the whole story without interrupting. Be empathetic, calm and show you
understand what the child is saying. They might need to tell their story more than once.
Have a conversation about what happened. Try not to let your very understandable emotions
(anger, distress...) show. Your feelings can intensify the child's or make it worse for them and
might even deter your child from talking to you another time.
Remind your child it's normal to feel hurt, it's never OK to be bullied.
Tell them the behaviour was intentional, meant to hurt and won't just go away.
Ask your child what they would like to happen. Often all they want to know is how to stop the
bullying. Children may feel that if the perpetrator is punished, it will be worse for them in the
long run.
Note what, when and where the bullying occurred, who was involved, how often and if anybody
else witnessed it. Don't offer to confront the young person or their parents yourself. This might
make things worse for your child.
Bullying arises from social situations - family, school, clubs, and work - and if possible, cases of
bullying are best dealt with where they occur. In children's lives, school is the most common
location for bullying. It's therefore important you alert the school to the situation, as they may
not be aware of it.
Don't assume the school will know about the situation, because your child may not have told
them. The majority of children and teenagers do not disclose to teachers or parents. Be confident
that once alerted the school will want to stop bullying behaviour as much as you.
Here are some tips to guide your discussions with the school:
Encourage your child not to fight back, but coach them to use neutral, or (if appropriate) joking
language in response and help them explore other possible responses.
Tell them that the behaviour was intentional and it won't just go away
Explain it's safer to avoid people, places or situations that could expose them to further
If your child asks to stay home from school, explain that it won't help - and may make
things worse
If possible, help to make opportunities for them to join other groups of young people -
e.g. clubs at school or other groups outside of school time.
Definisi bullying
Definisi bullying adalah ketika seseorang atau sekelompok orang dengan kekuatan yang lebih
besar, berulang kali dan secara sengaja menyebabkan luka atau membahayakan orang lain
atau sekelompok orang yang merasa tidak berdaya untuk merespon. Penindasan dapat
berlanjut seiring waktu, sering disembunyikan dari orang dewasa, dan mungkin akan berlanjut
jika tidak ada tindakan yang diambil.
Meskipun definisi bullying itu luas dan dapat terjadi dalam berbagai lingkungan, biasanya itu
adalah masalah hubungan dan membutuhkan solusi berbasis hubungan. Ini paling baik
diselesaikan dalam lingkungan sosial di mana mereka terjadi: dalam kehidupan seorang anak
atau orang muda, ini paling sering sekolah.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan bullying
• satu episode penolakan atau ketidaksukaan sosial
• satu episode tindakan nastiness atau dengki
• tindakan acak agresi atau intimidasi
• argumen timbal balik, perselisihan atau perkelahian.
Tindakan-tindakan ini dapat menyebabkan kesulitan besar. Namun, mereka tidak sesuai
dengan definisi bullying, dan mereka bukan contoh bullying kecuali seseorang sengaja dan
berulang kali melakukannya.
Jenis-jenis bullying
Ada banyak jenis penindasan yang bisa dialami oleh anak-anak dan orang dewasa, ada yang
jelas terlihat sementara yang lain bisa lebih halus. Berbagai jenis bullying yang kita lihat di
bawah ini adalah beberapa cara yang dapat terjadi bullying.
Bullying fisik
Perundungan fisik termasuk memukul, menendang, tersandung, mencubit dan mendorong atau
merusak properti. Kekerasan fisik menyebabkan kerusakan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang.
Bullying verbal
Pelecehan verbal mencakup pemanggilan nama, penghinaan, sindiran, intimidasi, komentar
homofobia atau rasis, atau pelecehan verbal. Sementara bullying verbal dapat mulai tidak
berbahaya, itu dapat meningkat ke tingkat yang mulai mempengaruhi target individu. Teruslah
membaca di bagian ini untuk teknik mengatasi bullying verbal.
Bullying sosial
Penindasan sosial, kadang-kadang disebut sebagai intimidasi tersembunyi, sering lebih sulit
untuk dikenali dan dapat dilakukan di belakang punggung orang yang dibully. Ini dirancang
untuk merusak reputasi sosial seseorang dan / atau menyebabkan penghinaan. Penindasan
sosial meliputi:
• berbohong dan menyebarkan desas-desus
• gerak tubuh atau fisik yang negatif, mengancam, atau terlihat angkuh
• memainkan lelucon jahat untuk mempermalukan dan mempermalukan
• meniru tidak ramah
• mendorong orang lain untuk mengecualikan seseorang secara sosial
• merusak reputasi sosial atau penerimaan sosial seseorang.
Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying dapat perilaku bullying terang-terangan atau terselubung menggunakan
teknologi digital, termasuk perangkat keras seperti komputer dan smartphone, dan perangkat
lunak seperti media sosial, pesan instan, teks, situs web, dan platform online lainnya.
Cyber bullying dapat terjadi kapan saja. Dapat dilakukan di depan umum atau secara pribadi
dan terkadang hanya diketahui oleh target dan orang yang melakukan bullying. Cyber bullying
dapat termasuk:
• Email atau posting teks, foto atau video yang kasar atau menyakitkan
• Sengaja mengecualikan orang lain secara online
• Gosip atau gosip buruk
• Meniru orang lain secara online atau menggunakan log-i mereka
Tanda-tanda bullying
Tidak ada yang harus tahan dengan bullying. Itu bisa membuat orang merasa tidak
aman di sekolah dan sengsara ketika mereka pulang.
Berikut ini akan membekali Anda dengan keterampilan untuk menandai tanda-tanda
bullying yang berbeda dan beberapa gejala yang bisa datang dari ini.