Lonely Man II
Lonely Man II
Lonely Man II
When folded from a 10” square, the finished model will be 5” from head to toe, with a 1” long penis. Size does matter, evidently.
1. Start with a colored frog base. 2. Open model white 3. Precreasing. Continue lines made in step 1 all the
If you need instructions on folding side up. way across the paper.
a frog base, check your nearest
basic origami book, or consider
trying a less difficult model.
Fold and unfold.
Repeat on other
three sides.
4. Fold a colored waterbomb base. 5. Sink the tip of the waterbomb base along
existing creases (made in step 3).
9. Precrease. Folded edge lies along 10. Open-sink along existing 11. On this side, steps 6 & 7 must be
center line. Repeat behind. crease. Repeat behind. done together. Be careful; the paper will
not lie flat until all folds are in their
proper places. Repeat behind.
12. The result of step 11 – the 13. Fold down. Repeat behind. 14. Note orientation of crossed flaps. It
Modified Lonely Base. Turn it is important that the left one is behind
right-side up. the right one (vice versa on the rear).
Return flap from whence it came.
Repeat behind.
15. Sink along existing crease. This 16. On the right side only, push the 17. Reverse-fold inner layer up as
is actually 2 reverse-folds, but the inside layers created by step 15 far as possible.
action is sink-like. Repeat behind. further inside (as far as possible).
Repeat behind.
18. The next three steps will get the 19. Valley fold down as far as 20. Swivel-fold upward. The top
arms out of the way while we work possible. The center line of this flap edge will now be horizontal. Repeat
on the legs. Valley fold; repeat will be vertical. Repeat behind. behind.
21. Reverse-fold left point down as 22. Reverse-fold the internal flap. The re-ordering of layers is illustrated
far as possible. at the right. Repeat behind.
23. Swivel-crimp. Rotate the entire “legs and penis” 24. Reverse-fold point up along a horizontal line.
assembly around the center point. Reorder the layers
inside as shown. 4 new crimps will be made.
25. Spread legs and look between 26. Pull layers out as far as 27. OK, close your legs and stop
them. Not yours – the model’s! You possible on both sides. looking between them.
don’t actually need to fold here.
28. The legs have gotten much too 29. OK, you’ve had your exercise, 30. Incorporate a reverse-fold and
fat now. Probably from too little now you can open your legs again. close them back up again.
aerobic exercise. Thin them back Again, don’t fold here.
out by reverse-folding down. The
short point in front will be squashed
as far as possible. Be careful not to
rip it! Repeat behind.
37. Repeat step 36 38. Make sure the reverse 39. Precrease. Valley 40. Reverse-fold in as far
behind. folds you made lie on down as far as possible. as possible. Repeat
opposite sides of the Repeat behind. behind.
center layer.
41. Done for now. We’ll come 42. We’re going to re-order some 42a. Swivel-fold one layer
back to this later. inner layers to make testicles. up. Repeat behind.
56. Optional step: If you don’t like the shape of 57. Fold the arm down. Repeat behind. Zoom in
your testicles, swivel-fold the excess paper on the right side of the model.
inside. The long end of the swivel-fold can run
along the inner thigh. Repeat behind.
58. Fold the top layer of 59. Close it back up. 60. Repeat steps 58-59 61. An exceptionally weird
the rightmost edge to the behind. Open the back fold. 2 outside-reverse
horizontal edge of the arm. and look inside. folds merged with an open
Fold all layers along this sink. Reinforce the existing
horizontal but don’t fold the creases and collapse. All
gusset that will form. except the lower edges of
the arms will lie flat when
done. See step 62 for an
intermediate view.
62. Intermediate fold. Flatten 63. Rabbit-ear along existing 64. Assymetric reverse-fold. The
(except the lower arms) and return crease. Repeat behind. This will long crease runs from the top point
to the front. flatten the model. to the middle of the rabbit ear.
65. Fold extra white paper inside. 66. Mountain-fold back flap inside, 67. Zoom in on the head for
Valley-fold ear flap. Note all the way to the center. Repeat shaping.
landmarks. Repeat behind. behind. This should lock the inner
flaps (see dotted lines).
68. Reverse-fold the 69. Fold the ear back. 70. Fold a flap down. 71. Slide a layer up 72. Reverse-fold the
point to the landmark No landmark for this No landmark for this to reveal a white slit. nose up. The top edge
shown. fold. Repeat behind. fold. Repeat behind. This is an eye. should meet the eye’s
Repeat behind. bottom edge.
73. Pull out some 74. Reverse-fold 75. Crimp to hide 76. Shape the
paper. Repeat behind. inside. Any leftover the white layers. mouth into an “O”.
paper can be easily Note the crimp Zoom out again.
hidden. orientation.
77. Fold arm down. The top 78. Sink the back of the 79. Reverse-fold the 80. Crimp the arm
of this fold is as far to the left head in to round the head. remaining point inside. upwards.
as possible, and the top of Squash the arm
the arm will lie on the asymmetrically.
marked intersection.
81. Open out a thin strip at the end 82. Flip over. 83. Two reverse folds to make a
of the arm to make a hand. hand with a thumb. Zoom out.
84. Valley-fold arm over. Make the 85. Thin the arm further with a 86. Wrap the hand around the shaft
point between the thumb and the swivel-fold on the inside layer. of the penis. This should not stress
rest of the hand line up with some the model; the hand should stay in
point on the far side of the penis. place.
Squash a layer of paper underneath
to thin the arm.