Adsorbents For Process Applications

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Adsorbents for Process Applications

Index The GRACE Davison

Silicas/Adsorbents Product Range


Setting Standards in Performance. Worldwide 3 Adsorbents for process applications
Safety First 4 Colloidal silica
Experience You can Buy.
Adsorbents for insulating glass
A Long History in Adsorption 4
An Insight to our Products. Moisture scavengers for coatings and resins
Molecular Sieves and Silica Gel 5 SYLOBLOC®
Anti-blocking agents for polymer films
A Comparison.
Molecular Sieves and Silica Gel 7 Matting agents for coatings
For Engineers Only.
Toothpaste abrasive and thickening agents
The Physics behind Adsorption 8
Adsorption Equilibrium Data for Non-toxic anti-corrosion pigments
Water and Carbon Dioxide 10 SYLOJET®
Ink receptive coatings
Industrial Applications.
Using SYLOBEAD® Molecular Sieves and Silica Gels 13
Edible oil refining agents

Look Inside. DARACLAR®

A Typical Cross-Section of an Adsorber Bed 16 Beer stabilizer
SYLOBEAD Adsorbents.
Chromatographic media & columns
The right products for you 17 DAVISIL®
Separations silica
Properly Packaged 18
Titanium dioxide extender for paints and printing inks
We Make the Difference.
Our Comprehensive Customer Service 19 ELFADENT®
Thickener/mild abrasive for the toothpaste industry
Experience in Performance. PERKASIL®
Design of the Adsorption Unit 20 Reinforcing agent for the rubber industry & for multiple
Pneumatic Loading 23 for the paper and pulp industry
Our Service. Throughout the Lifecycle 24
Packaged desiccants

A Promise of Quality. TEL-TALE®

GRACE Davison's Manufacturing 26 Indicating silicia gel

The Driving Forces. Research & Development,

Quality Management and Six Sigma 27 ® = Registered Trademark of W.R. GRACE & Co., Columbia/MD

GRACE Davison
Setting Standards in Performance. Worldwide

GRACE Davison is a core business of We see our key strengths not only in the
W.R. GRACE & Co., one of the world's largest development of innovative technologies, which
specialty chemical companies, has as its focus help improve product quality and performance
silica and silica alumina products. These include but also in our manufacturing flexibility, global
silica gel, zeolites, colloidal silicas, precipitated infrastructure and our commitment to close
silicas and precipitated silica aluminas among customer relationships. With manufacturing sites,
others. research & development centers and sales offices
worldwide, GRACE Davison can meet market
This broad material portfolio has contributed to requirements for speciality chemicals wherever
GRACE Davison's position as a leading global that market may be.
supplier of silica and zeolitic adsorbents and
catalysts. These specialty chemicals can improve To ensure product quality, all GRACE Davison
product performance or enhance manufacturing sites are ISO certified and practice Total Quality
processes within a wide range of industrial Management.

Curtis Bay, USA

Worms, Germany

Safety First
Our first priority is to ensure the safety of organisations in various states including the
everyone who works for us and comes into Environmental Protection Agency, the Audubon
contact with our products. Society, the Environmental Defense Fund, the
Centre of Environmental Technology in Hong Kong.
At GRACE Davison, the environment is a major
issue and we are proud to maintain an outstanding GRACE Davison’s Commitment-to-Care® Program
record of leadership and good corporate citizen- is accompanied by a strong commitment to work
ship. Through the Commitment-to-Care Program,
safety, which led to a substantial reduction in
every GRACE Davison facility worldwide fulfills workplace injuries, close to the defined goal of
high health and safety and environmental require- zero accidents. This initiative has earned Grace
ments. Indeed, for this program, we have earned several "Performance Improvement" awards from
recognition from government and civic the American Chemistry Council.

Experience You can Buy. A Long History in Adsorption

GRACE Davison's interest in adsorption goes world leader in the development and production
back over 85 years, initially with silica gels that of commercial molecular sieves and silica gels,
were commercially developed in the first quarter known as SYLOBEAD® grades. Our experience,
of the last century. combined with our commitment to research and
development, has put us at the forefront of the
In the 1960’s, molecular sieves were added to adsorbents industry – not only for the process
the product portfolio. This long-standing industry, but also for refrigerant drying, for the
experience presents a significant advantage in insulating glass industry, for packaging desiccants
the design and optimisation of adsorbent units, and desiccant powder. Our comprehensive
well equipping us to face future challenges. product range is designed to meet your
With production sites for zeolites in the USA and application needs, with state-of-the-art adsorbent
Germany, and for silica gel in the USA, Germany, technology, subject to continual evaluation and
Brazil and Malaysia, we can offer excellent development.
products, with a worldwide manufacturing, sales,
marketing, R & D and technical service network. GRACE Davison’s involvement in the oil and gas,
petrochemical and refining industries goes
Silica gel is still the material of choice in some beyond adsorbents. GRACE Davison is the
processing areas. However, zeolites – or world’s largest supplier of fluid cracking catalysts,
molecular sieves – have gained significant and a major supplier of polyolefin catalysts,
importance since first commercial availability. hydroprocessing catalysts, in addition to other
Over the years, GRACE Davison has become a catalysts and catalyst carriers.

An Insight to our Products.
Molecular Sieves and Silica Gel

Structure and Composition of of approximately 4 Ångstrom (4 x 10 – 10 m),

Molecular Sieves called 4 A molecular sieve. If the sodium ion is
exchanged with the larger potassium ion, the pore
Zeolite molecular sieves are crystalline, highly opening is reduced to approximately 3 Ångstrom
porous materials, which belong to the class of (3 A molecular sieve). On ion exchange with
aluminosilicates. These crystals are characterised calcium, one calcium ion replaces two sodium
by a three-dimensional pore system, with identical
Structure of
pores of precisely defined diameter. This structure Zeolite X
is formed by tetrahedras of (AlO4) and (SiO4).
These tetrahedras are the basic building blocks
for various zeolite structures, such as zeolites A
and X, the most common commercial adsorbents.

Structure of
Zeolite A

ions. Thus, the pore opening increases to

approximately 5 Ångstrom (5A molecular sieve).
Ion exchange with other cations is sometimes
used for particular separation purposes. The pore
opening of the sodium form of zeolite X (13 X)
is approximately 8 Ångstrom. The ability to
adjust the pores to precisely determined uniform
Due to the presence of alumina, zeolites exhibit a openings allows for molecules smaller than its
negatively charged framework, which is counter- pore diameter to be adsorbed whilst excluding
balanced by positive cations resulting in a strong larger molecules, hence the name “molecular
electrostatic field on the internal surface. These sieve”. The different pore sizes of synthetic
cations can be exchanged to fine-tune the pore zeolites open up a wide range of possibilities in
size or the adsorption characteristics. For instance, terms of "sieving" molecules of different size or
the sodium form of zeolite A has a pore opening shape from gases and liquids.

Each zeolite crystal is only a few microns across.
To be of use in fixed bed adsorption processes,
it is necessary to form particles in the range of
0.5 – 5 mm (4 – 36 mesh) in diameter. Within
the above range, a wide selection of SYLOBEAD®
particle sizes can be produced to suit the specific
needs of the customer. The information gained
from decades of research has shown that the
usage of bead-shaped bodies for adsorber
columns is the optimal solution due to the
outstanding mechanical characteristics and
excellent adsorption rate properties. GRACE
Davison therefore concentrates exclusively on the
production of beads. Zeolite Crystals (Scanning Electron Microscope Picture)

Structure and Composition of Silica Gel

Silica Gel is a porous, amorphous form of silica typically between 5 Å and 300 Å – and do
(SiO2). Although it has the same chemical not allow for the separation of molecules solely
composition as sand, silica gel is radically dependent on their size.
different to other SiO2-based materials, due to
It is possible to adjust the pore size range in the
manufacturing process. Silica gels synthesized
with an average pore size of about 20 Å are
known as narrow pore silica gels. Silica gels
with an average pore size of about 110 Å
are called wide pore silica gels.

As with zeolites, silica gels maintain their structure

when activated. Activation frees the large internal
Silica Gel Particle (Scanning Electron Microscope Picture) surface area and pore volume, enabling physical
adsorption and capillary condensation.
its unique internal structure. It is composed of
a vast network of interconnected microscopic Based on the gelation process, silica gel can be
pores. As opposed to zeolites, silica gels have manufactured in granulate or bead form, ranging
larger pores with a wide range of diameters – from 0.5 – 6.0 mm (4 – 36 mesh).

A Comparison.
Molecular Sieves and Silica Gel

The following overview shows the most important properties of GRACE Davison
molecular sieves and silica gels in comparison:

Properties Zeolite Molecular Sieves Silica Gel

Chemical Me+x [(AlO –2 ) x ( SiO2)x] • y H2O SiO2

Composition where Me can be cations like sodium, chemically inert, no metals or
potassium, calcium, lithium cations present

Chemical Stability Chemically stable in basic, neutral Chemically stable in acidic, neutral
and mild acidic environments and mild basic environments

Mechanical Stability Presence of liquid water may adversely Narrow pore gel is unstable against
affect the mechanical stability liquid water

Pore Size Unique pore sizing Pore size range between 5 Å and 300 Å
Zeolite A: ~3Å or ~4Å or ~5Å Average pore size narrow pore gel: 20 Å
Zeolite X: ~ 8 Å Average pore size wide pore gel: 110 Å

Surface Area 800 m2/g Narrow pore gels: 800 m2/g

Wide pore gels: 400 m3/g

Effective Pore 0.25 – 0.3 cm3/g Narrow pore gels: 0.4 cm3/g
Volume Wide pore gels: 1.2 cm3/g

Thermal Beads: 0.12 W/m/K 0.14 – 0.2 W/m/K

Conductivity 0.07 BTU/ft/°F 0.08 – 1.2 BTU/ft/°F

Heat of Adsorption 4187 k J/kg H2O 2512 k J/kg H2O

for Water 1800 BTU/lb H2O 1080 BTU/lb H2O

Heat Capacity 0.96 k J/K/kg 0.92 k J/K/kg

0.23 BTU/lb/°F 0.22 BTU/lb/°F

For Engineers Only. The Physics behind Adsorption
Many porous materials, when exposed to gases to different degrees. Adsorption is one of the major
or liquids, exhibit a strong physical affinity for separation processes along with distillation, per-
these fluids (physisorption). The molecules which meation, extraction, crystallisation and absorption.
make up the fluids, become 'trapped' on the
internal surfaces of the materials' pores. These For both, molecular sieves and silica gel, this
molecules are called ‘adsorbates’ and are adsorption process is completely reversible.
'adsorbed' in the process of 'adsorption'. Different Molecules, which have been adsorbed, can be
porous solids exhibit different adsorption released at high temperature and/or reduced
properties and different molecules are adsorbed pressures or concentrations.

Adsorption on Molecular Sieves

Zeolites function on the basis of physisorption. The molecular diameters, as shown in the literature,
main driving force for adsorption is the highly polar depend on the particular determination method.
surface within the pores. This unique characteristic It is possible that molecules apparently larger
distinguishes zeolites from other commercially than the relevant sieve pore can be adsorbed.
available adsorbents, enabling an extremely high If in doubt, an adsorption measurement should
adsorption capacity for water and other polar be made.
components even at very low concentrations.
• Molecular Polarity
In addition, the pore size plays a significant role, Molecules with large polarity or polarisability
allowing or prohibiting the entrance of molecules can be adsorbed preferentially under identical
to the pore system. conditions. One example is the drying of
methanol: water – with its dipole moment of
The adsorption on molecular sieves is therefore 1.85 Debye – can be preferentially adsorbed
dependent on the following physical molecular over methanol with a dipole moment of only
properties: 1.70 Debye. For molecules with equal dipole
moments, the molecule with the higher
• Size and Shape polarisability will be preferentially adsorbed.
Molecules larger than the pore opening of the For example, carbon dioxide,nitrogen and
molecular sieve can not be adsorbed, smaller oxygen have no dipole moment. However,
molecules can (e.g. n-butane can be adsorbed carbon dioxide with a polarisability of
on SYLOBEAD 5A molecular sieve, i-butane
2.91 • 10 – 24 cm3 can be prefentially adsorbed
can not). The Table „Size of Various Molecules“ over nitrogen (1.74 • 10 – 24 cm3) and oxygen
shows critical diameters for various molecules. (1.58 • 10 – 24 cm3). Therefore carbon dioxide
It is a useful but not infallible guide, since can easily be removed from air.

Size of Various Molecules Adsorption on Silica Gel
Like zeolites, silica gel functions on the basis of
Class Molecule Size [Å]
physisorption. Adsorption occurs due to van der
Rare Gases Helium 2.0 Waals interactions and capillary condensation at
Argon 3.8
high humidities. The adsorption force is less than
Inorganic Water 2.6
for zeolites, resulting in a lower adsorption
Vapors and Ammonia 2.9
Gases Carbon Monoxide 3.7 capacity at low concentrations of adsorbates.
Carbon Dioxide 3.3 At higher concentrations of adsorbates, the
Nitrogen 3.6
adsorption capacity is higher than for zeolites,
Oxygen 3.5
due to the higher internal pore volume. Certain
S-Compounds Hydrogen Sulphide 3.6
Methyl Mercaptan 3.8 grades of silica can adsorb up to 1.2 times their
Ethyl Mercaptan 3.8 own weight of water.
Thiophene 5.3
Paraffins Methane 3.8
Ethane 4.2
Adsorption Capacity of Grace SYLOBEAD®
Propane 4.3
n - Butane and higher normal paraffins 4.3 Molecular Sieves and Silica Gel
i - Butane and higher iso-paraffins 5.1 When molecular sieves or silica gels from
neo-Pentane 6.2
GRACE Davison come into contact with an
Cyclohexane 6.0
adsorbate (gases or liquids which can be
Unsaturates Acetylene 3.3
Ethylene 3.9 adsorbed) under constant environmental
Propylene 4.0 conditions, the adsorbents remove increasing
Butene - 1 4.0
amounts of adsorbate until equilibrium is reached.
Butene - 2 trans 5.1
1,3 Butadiene 4.0 The amount of adsorbate removed under these
Aromatics Benzene, Toluene 5.8 conditions is known as the equilibrium capacity.
p – Xylene 5.9
o – Xylene 6.6
The equilibrium capacity is mainly determined
m – Xylene 6.3
by the
Amines Triethylamine 7.8
– nature of the substance to be adsorbed and
Alcohols Methanol 3.6(1) type of adsorbent
Ethanol 4.2(2)
– adsorbate concentration
Cl-Compounds Carbon Tetrachloride 5.9 – pressure (if in gas phase)
Chloroform 6.9
– temperature
• Data have been taken from various sources. Data differ slightly for
the different sources based on different calculation models. We
have choosen those values which did fit best with our practical Other factors which effect equilibrium capacity
experiences regarding adsorption behaviour on molecular sieves. are
is adsorbed on 3 A molecular sieve – co-adsorption effects
is adsorbed on 4 A molecular sieve
– aging of the adsorbent

Adsorption Equilibrium Data for Water and Carbon Dioxide

Isotherms, such as shown in Figure1,

-60 °C -50 °C -40 °C -30 °C -20 °C Dewpoint [°C]
describe the dependency of the 30

adsorption capacity upon the

Capacity, [kg H2O/100 kg Adsorbent]

adsorbate partial pressure at a SYLOBEAD ® 4A Molecular Sieve
constant temperature. 20

Of note is the high capacity of
SYLOBEAD® Molecular Sieve even 10

at low water concentration, allowing

Narrow Pore
to dry to very low water contents. Silica Gel

Whereas, silica gel exhibits superior 0

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
adsorption capacity at higher water
Water Partial Pressure, [hPa]
Figure 1
Isotherms for Water Adsorption Capacities of GRACE Davison Adsorbents (25 ° C)

Isobars, as shown in Figure 2, describe the dependency of the adsorption capacity upon the adsorbent tempe-
rature at a constant adsorbate pressure.


molecular sieve can retain high 30

capacity at high temperature, which

Capacity, [kg H2O/100 kg Adsorbent]

makes it the optimal material if drying
SYLOBEAD® 4A Molecular Sieve
needs to be carried out at 20

comparatively high temperatures.

Silica gel loses capacity with
increasing temperature. Whilst this 10
Narrow Pore
may have a negative effect on Silica Gel
capacity, it is easier to regenerate.
0 50 100 150
The effects of temperature and
Adsorbent Temperature, [°C]
concentration on adsorption as
shown above, are qualitatively Figure 2
the same for all adsorbates. Isobars for Water Adsorption Capacities of GRACE Davison Adsorbents (10 hPa)







Capacity, [kg H2 O / 100 kg Adsorbent]


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000
H2O Partial Pressure, [hPa]

Figure 3: Isotherms for Water Adsorption Capacity of SYLOBEAD® 3A Molecular Sieve








Capacity, [kg H2 O / 100 kg Adsorbent]


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000
H2O Partial Pressure, [hPa]

Figure 4: Isotherms for Water Adsorption Capacity of SYLOBEAD® 4A Molecular Sieve





Capacity, [kg H2 O / 100 kg Adsorbent]


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000
H2O Partial Pressure, [hPa]

Figure 5: Isotherms for Water Adsorption Capacity of SYLOBEAD® 13X Molecular Sieve






Capacity, [kg H2 O / 100 kg Adsorbent]


0.1 1.1 10 100 1000
CO2 Partial Pressure, [hPa]

Figure 6: Isotherms for Carbon Dioxide Adsorption Capacity of SYLOBEAD® 13X Molecular Sieve

Industrial Applications.
Using SYLOBEAD® Molecular Sieves and Silica Gels

GRACE Davison molecular sieves are successfully SYLOBEAD® for the Natural Gas Industry
and universally used in many commercial drying The natural gas industry has strict specifications
and purification systems for gases and liquids. and limits on impurities in hydrocarbon gas and
These applications can be broadly divided into condensates. Water content has to be reduced
the following sectors: natural gas, refining, to levels that prevent corrosion, hydrate formation,
petrochemical and industrial gas. and freezing in cryogenic equipment.
When sulphur compounds and carbon dioxide
Additionally, GRACE Davison supplies narrow levels are too high, they need to be removed to
pore silica gel for natural gas and air drying, meet product specifications or avoid formation
as well as for hydrocarbon dew point control. of solid CO2. Special molecular sieves are avai-
Wide pore buffer gel is commonly used to lable, which remove water and sulphur compo-
protect adsorbent beds against liquid carryover. nents while avoiding the formation of COS.

The following pages give a brief overview of the GRACE Davison adsorbents are used extensively
most common applications for molecular sieves or to fulfil these requirements. Examples are:
silica gels. For more specific information, a list of
GRACE Davison references is available on request.

Natural Gas
Drying Unit

• Natural gas drying prior to cryogenic addition, the removal of other impurities with
processing with SYLOBEAD molecular sieve
molecular sieve can improve the quality of the
final product.
• Natural gas sweetening for removal of H2S
and mercaptans to meet pipeline specifications
Examples for the variety of uses in this area:
with molecular sieve
• Hydrocarbon gas drying with molecular sieves,
• Hydrocarbon dew point control and recovery.
prior to cryogenic extraction of LPG, to avoid
GRACE Davison supplies hydrocarbon grade
ice and hydrate formation
silica gel for NGL extraction where hydrocarbon
dew point specifications need to be met. • Alkylation and isomerisation feed drying:
Removal of water for catalyst protection and
corrosion prevention using molecular sieve
SYLOBEAD® for the Refining Industry
Molecular sieves are regularly used for the drying • Non-regenerative removel of chloride by
and purification of feedstocks for refinery appli- molecular sieves to prevent contamination
cations such as isomerisation, alkylation and from isomerisation catalysts to avoid
reforming, thereby improving operating perfor- corrosion downstream the catalyst unit.
mance and product quality. These processes often
• Drying and purification of feed streams for
use catalysts, sensitive to impurities in the feed,
MTBE and Butamer production
which need to be protected by a feed purification
step using SYLOBEAD® molecular sieve. In • LPG sweetening and butane destenching


SYLOBEAD® for the Petrochemical Industry Further applications in this industry are:
The petrochemical industry uses molecular sieves
for the purification of feedstocks and the drying • The generation of oxygen from air by Pressure
and removal of impurities from products such as Swing Adsorption (PSA) or Vacuum Swing
ethylene and propylene. This is necessary to both Adsorption (VSA) processes
protect the catalyst in the downstream conversion
unit and to avoid freezing of gases during a • The removal of water and carbon dioxide from
cryogenic process. Here are some of the most air, prior to cryogenic separation of nitrogen
common applications where molecular sieves and oxygen
are used in the petrochemical industry:
• PSA hydrogen gas upgrading. Refineries
• Cracked Gas drying: In order to prevent frequently require higher purity hydrogen for
freezing, GRACE Davison has developed a various hydrogenation processes. Molecular
special SYLOBEAD 3A molecular sieve,
sieve is used on its own or with other
which dries cracked gas without co-adsorption adsorbents to upgrade refinery hydrogen to
of olefins. Grace molecular sieve can also be around 99% purity. Impurities commonly found
used to dry hydrogen gas for acetylene in the feed include water, CO2, CO, N2,
converters. methane, and ethane.

• Drying and removal of CO2 and oxygenates of

ethylene and propylene Further applications
Due to their unique adsorption properties,
molecular sieves and silica gels can also be used
SYLOBEAD for Industrial Gas and
in a variety of other drying and separation
Pre-Purification processes, for example:
Where product quality needs to be improved,
molecular sieves and silica gel can preferentially • Liquid phase and gas phase ethanol
adsorb water vapour and impurities from dehydration: For fuel and beverage alcohol
industrial gases – for example, upstream of
cryogenic separation processes, thus preventing • Separation of normal and iso-paraffins:
freezing and hydrate formation. By removing For detergent and fuel production
various impurities, molecular sieves can also
improve the quality of an industrial gas like • Air drying: For brake air, conveying air,
synthesis gas. compressed air, sterile environments and
protection of sensitive equipment

For further technical information, please refer

to our industry-related "Application Guides"

Look Inside.
A Typical Cross-Section of an Adsorber Bed

Flow Direction

Protection Layer
Large Ceramic Balls to prevent the adsorbent being blown about by turbulence of
incoming gas and improve inlet flow distribution
Small Ceramic Balls
to protect the adsorbent bed if there is risk of liquid carry-over
Buffer Gel which otherwise may damage the molecular sieve

Large Molecular Sieve Beads

Molecular Sieve Bed
The molecular sieve bed can consist of only one type of molecular
sieve or different types. Molecular sieve of different structural/
chemical nature can optimize the removal of multiple components.
A combination of large and small beads is used to minimize pressure
drop while retaining optimum adsorption kinetics.

Small Molecular Sieve Beads

Small Ceramic Balls to distribute regeneration gas and prevent

Large Ceramic Balls molecular sieve blinding support screen

SYLOBEAD® Adsorbents.
The Right Products for You

1,6 – 2,5 mm
Ceramic Balls Molecular Sieve

Granular Bead Gel
Silica Gel

2,5 – 5 mm
1 – 2 mm SYLOBEAD®
SYLOBEAD® Molecular Sieve
Molecular Sieve

GRACE Davison offers a wide range of products of 1.6 – 2.5 mm (8 x 12 mesh) and 2.5 – 5 mm
to meet your specific purification/separation (4 x 8 mesh). The 4A grades are also available
requirements. These include: SYLOBEAD 3A ®
in bead sizes of 0,5 – 1mm (20 x 36 mesh) and
molecular sieves, with improved aging resistance: 1 – 2 mm (12 x 20 mesh). GRACE offers special
These types are available in particle sizes of 5 A grade molecular sieves, ensuring minimum
1.6 – 2.5 mm (8 x 12 mesh) and 2.5 – 5 mm COS formation while retaining the high perfor-
(4 x 8 mesh). GRACE also offers a special mance of the normal 5A grades.
grade 3A molecular sieve with reduced catalytic
activity and enhanced ethane/methane SYLOBEAD® zeolite X, also known as 13 X or
compatibility. SYLOBEAD® 4A and SYLOBEAD® 10 A molecular sieve, is available in bead sizes
5A molecular sieves are available in bead sizes of 1 – 2 mm (12 x 20 mesh),1.6 – 2.5 mm

(8 x 12 mesh) and 2.5 – 5 mm (4 x 8 mesh). For a better gas/fluid distribution and stabilisation
GRACE has both regular and high performance of the adsorbent bed, GRACE Davison offers
grades. high purity Ceramic Balls in sizes between 1/8"
and 1" .
SYLOBEAD Bead Gel is a spherical silica gel.

It is available as a wide pore type for use as Please contact our Technical Sales/Service
buffer gel, and a narrow pore type for the support for advice in selecting the most suitable
adsorption of water and hydrocarbons. Bead material for your application. Special Product
sizes range from 2 – 5 mm (4 – 12 mesh). Information Sheets for each grade are
available on request.
Granular Silica Gel from GRACE Davison is also
available as wide and narrow pore types for use GRACE Davison zeolites and silica gels are
as buffer gel and for the adsorption of water and considered to be non-toxic. For detailed
hydrocarbons, respectively. It can be obtained in information, please refer to the appropriate
various particle sizes. Material Safety Data Sheet, available separately.

Properly Packaged
After production, our molecular sieves and silica Vessel Loading with
GRACE Davison big bags
gels are highly active with a high affinity for water.
The proper packaging of the adsorbents is
extremely important to maintain maximum

GRACE Davison molecular sieves and silica gels Delivery by Silotruck

are supplied in hermetically sealed steel drums, or
in big bags with an inner lining. Whenever the
logistics allow, GRACE Davison
can deliver molecular sieves in silo trucks for
rapid pneumatic loading of adsorption vessels.

See also "Storage Instructions for Grace Molecular Sieves",

„Transport Instructions for Grace Molecular Sieves“ and our
Product Information Sheets.

We Make the Difference.
Our Comprehensive Customer Service

GRACE Davison not only supplies superior adsorbent lifecycle approach, from the conception
adsorbents, but also provides comprehensive of the unit to the replacement of the adsorbent at
customer service to help you make the most of our the end of its lifecycle. Each stage – conception
products. Our highly trained technical support of the unit, loading of the adsorbent, start-up and
network is at your disposal. Worldwide. in-process control, unloading of the adsorbent –
GRACE Davison is committed to a complete requires specialist know-how.

The following table gives an overview of the GRACE DAVISON adsorbent lifecycle services:

Stage Service provided by GRACE Davison

Design and Engineering Sizing and configuration of the adsorber unit

Advice on flow schemes
Advice on vessel configuration and sample points

Loading Loading supervision

Pneumatic loading service

Start-Up Start-Up supervision

Training for staff in the operation of adsorbers units

Operation Adsorption performance measurements

Pressure drop measurements
Performance evaluation
Optimisation of adsorber performance
Operator training
Adsorbent lifetime prediction
Used adsorbent analysis

End of Life Unloading advice

Experience in Performance.
Design of the Adsorption Unit

GRACE Davison has a long history in designing interaction of feed components and process
adsorbers for the process industries. To achieve conditions. An optimal design can maximise the
optimal results, GRACE draws on expertise value of your adsorption unit in terms of process
gained from in-house design concepts, actual efficiency and the overall unit lifecycle.
plant experience and concepts adapted from
research institutes and universities. The following gives an outline of the main
considerations to be made when designing an
adsorption unit. The process design procedure is
naturally more complex, but this should provide
you with a general understanding for the criteria
which determine the way we design adsorbers.
For more specific advice, please contact your
local GRACE Davison office.

Selecting the appropriate GRACE Davison


The first step towards the design of the adsorber

is the selection of the types of adsorbent. The
chosen SYLOBEAD® molecular sieve type needs
to have a pore opening big enough to let in the
molecules to be adsorbed, whilst at the same time
excluding undesired molecules which might react
during regeneration. For this reason, SYLOBEAD®
3A molecular sieve is usually chosen for drying
olefin mixtures.
Product Regeneration Gas

Typical Arrangement of a Two Bed Adsorption System

One must also take co-adsorption into account:
When removing CO2 from natural gas, a
SYLOBEAD® 5A sieve is the usual choice.
The design of an adsorber is complex. It requires However, a SYLOBEAD® 4A sieve can be used if
in-depth knowledge of adsorption theory, product conditions indicate that hydrocarbon adsorption
characteristics and know-how regarding the may inhibit CO2 adsorption.

Calculating the Molecular Sieve Mass and allowing for a drop in performance as
Once the type of adsorbent has been selected, the molecular sieve ages.
it is necessary to calculate the mass of adsorbent – The size of the equilibrium zone is directly
needed to remove the required amount of related to the adsorption time.
adsorbate according to customer specifications.
This calculation is based on the adsorption • Mass Transfer Zone
capacity under given process conditions. As its name implies, the Mass Transfer Zone,
(MTZ) is the part of the bed where the
On page 9, we discussed factors which affect adsorption currently takes place. This is where
the equilibrium capacity of GRACE Davison the concentration of the adsorbate in the fluid
molecular sieves. This capacity is NOT the is reduced from the inlet to the outlet level. The
capacity when operating the unit; while this length of the mass transfer zone depends, in
capacity can be achieved in the inlet part of the part, on the components to be adsorbed and
adsorber bed, other sections will only be partially the composition of the carrier stream. It is also
saturated or not saturated at all. dependent upon:

In an operating unit, the adsorbent can be – Fluid velocity through the bed
regarded in three sections – see figure below: – Inlet concentration
– Outlet concentration requirement
• Equilibrium Zone – Temperature
– The equilibrium zone is at the inlet end of the – Molecular sieve type
bed. – Molecular sieve bead size

– The equilibrium zone can achieve the

equilibrium capacity shown on isotherms, Mass transfer zones can range in length from a
but discounted for any co-adsorption effects few centimetres to several metres.

Progress of Mass
Safety Zone Transfer Zone (MTZ)
through the Bed During
the Adsorption Period
(Beginning, middle
and end of cycle)

• Safety Zone – A vessel which is too wide may demonstrate a
Normally a system is designed with a detector poor mass transfer because the flowrate is too
to indicate when the mass transfer zone is likely low to allow for good gas distribution.
to break through the end of the bed. A safety
zone is installed to prevent actual breakthrough
before the system has been able to change to
Evaluating Regeneration Conditions
the regenerated bed. Here, there is normally
The next step is the evaluation of the regeneration
no adsorption.
conditions. Two main methods of regeneration
The adsorbent mass required in each of these zones are used commercially:
must be calculated to achieve the right unit design.
• Heating (Thermal Swing Regeneration)
This is the most common method, particularly
This calculation takes into consideration the special
where high purity products are required.
unit requirements of each customer: for example,
Calculation methods to simulate thermal
the unit can be conceived with long cycle times
regeneration are very complex. In principle,
giving long lifetimes at the expense of high capital the right amount of hot regeneration gas must
costs. Or with short cycle times, which result in be passed through the bed in order to remove
lower capital costs at the expense of a shorter the adsorbed material. The bed must then be
lifetime. cooled down close to adsorption temperature.
Typical regeneration temperatures are 200 °C
to 300 °C.
Defining Bed Dimensions
Once the type and mass of adsorbent have been • Pressure Swing Regeneration
identified, the dimension of the adsorber bed can This is used for applications where moderate
be calculated. We can help the customer to find product purity is required, or where the
molecular sieve shows a relatively weak
an optimal mix between investment, operating
attraction for the adsorbate. It is based on the
costs and performance.
principle that molecular sieve capacities are
lower at lower pressures. The system is 'swung'
The following interrelationships should be from the high operating (adsorption) pressure to
considered: a low pressure and the adsorbed material is
– A narrow vessel is not as costly as a wide thus desorbed into a small flow of purge gas.
vessel. It has thinner walls, which implies a
lower regeneration heat load.
Our Technical Service Engineers will provide
– Narrower vessels result in higher velocities
you with the optimal design for your unit,
and thus higher pressure drops. These higher
pressure drops may waste expensive based on your feed gas, process conditions
compressor power. Additionally, if velocities and costing requirements. Please ask for our
are too high, movement of the bed may occur, “Data Inquiry Sheet” at your local GRACE
which could damage the molecular sieve. Davison office.

The SYLOBEAD® Advantage.
Pneumatic Loading

Typically, molecular sieve is loaded into vessels sieve beads have the mechanical properties
in big bags or drums. To improve the loading and strength to withstand the forces employed in
process, GRACE Davison offers pneumatic pneumatic loading. Molecular sieve cylindrical
loading via silotruck, wherever logistics allow*. extrudates tend to break either when blasted
This greatly accelerates the loading process, through the pressurised hose, or during the freefall
reducing costly plant downtime. Where possible, into the vessel when coming into contact with
pneumatic loading can be used to refill vessels each other and the vessel walls. They are unable
without the need for shutdown. to withstand the loading pressures and flowrates,
The pneumatic loading of adsorber vessels was which present no problem to SYLOBEAD®
implemented by GRACE Davison in the mid molecular sieve beads.
1970s and, since then, thousands of tons of
GRACE Davison molecular sieve have been The entire loading process is planned and
loaded this way. The costs for manpower, supervised by highly trained, experienced
equipment rental (such as cranes) and for GRACE Davison personnel, to ensure a safe,
packaging disposal can thereby be reduced or effective and environmentally friendly loading.

* For availability and further information on

GRACE Davison produces highly attrition resistant pneumatic loading, please contact your local
molecular sieves in bead form. Only molecular Grace Davison Service Centre.


Our Service.
Throughout the Lifecycle

GRACE Davison has a range of services On-Site Measurements

available to ensure a smooth and cost-effective Adsorber performance can be checked during
operation of the adsorption unit throughout its normal plant operation. Based on the results of
lifetime: Advice and support during start-up, on such measurements, it is possible to optimise the
site measurements, process optimisation, trouble- operation of the adsorber, thus improving
shooting and characterisation of used adsorbents. efficiency.
Some of these services are described in more
detail below: Examples of on-site measurements are:

• For drying units: Cycle optimisation, by

determination of the breakthrough time of the
adsorber, which is a measure of the overall
water adsorption capacity and an indication
of the ageing behavior of the molecular sieve

• For pre-purification units: Purification efficiency,

by measuring the concentrations of impurities
(CO2, H2S, etc.) in the raw and product gases

• Pressure drop measurements across the

molecular sieve bed

Other special measurements can be carried out

on request.

On-Site Breakthrough Measurement

by a GRACE Davison Engineer

Analysis of Used Adsorbents Troubleshooting
Used, but not necessarily exhausted adsorbent GRACE Davison Technical Service is committed
samples can be examined in the Technical to giving the maximum support to our customers
Service laboratories. We can then advise our to ensure satisfaction with our products. We help
customers as to whether or when the bed needs to investigate and identify causes for process
to be changed out. problems and can conduct accompanying
measurements. The resulting recommendation
enables you to get back to effective business.

Adsorption Isotherm Measurement

with McBain Microbalance

Sample Analysis at GRACE Davison using

Scanning Electron Microscope

Unloading Adsorbents
At some time, the adsorbents will need to be
replaced. This means that the vessel must be
unloaded, and the disposal of the spent
The examination includes adsorbents has to be done at minimum cost and
within strict environmental protection guidelines.
• the analysis of the mechanical integrity of
GRACE Davison Technical service can advise
the molecular sieve beads as well as
you on unloading procedures and the disposal
• the determination of the remaining capacity of the spent adsorbents.
of the molecular sieve.

These analysis can also provide valuable

More details are available in the Technical Information
information for the optimisation of the process
"Spherical Molecular Sieves for Process Applications –
conditions. Special measurements can also Unloading of Adsorbents" and "Handling of Spent Molecular
be conducted. Sieve"

A Promise of Quality.
GRACE Davison's Manufacturing

GRACE Davison manufactures adsorbents using Silica gels are manufactured by reacting
state-of-the-art processes and technologies. For waterglass with sulphuric acid. The gel is then
meeting highest customer´s demands. washed and aged. The precise control of the
reaction conditions determines the pore structure
Molecular sieves are manufactured by of the resulting gel. To produce granular gel,
crystallisation from aluminium hydroxide, sodium the initial large gel granules are grind and
hydroxide and waterglass. Under carefully screened into particles of the required size.
controlled conditions, the crystallisation process The gel is then activated prior to packaging.
produces the required sodium alumino silicate
structure. The zeolite crystals can then be ion Beaded gel is produced by special equipment,
exchanged with either potassium or calcium. After resulting in spherical particles during the gelation
drying the molecular sieve crystals, a small process. The beads are then washed, activated
quantity of binder is added, forming the material and screened prior to packaging.
into beads. These beads are dried, calcined and
finally screened to the required particle size prior
to packaging.

Waterglass Acid Storage Silos


Waterglass Na-Aluminate
Silo Final Screening

Filtration Unit

Forming Unit

Dryer Screening

Silica Gel Production

Crystallisation Ion Exchange Tank Activator

Molecular Sieve Filling Station

Molecular Sieve Production

The Driving Forces. Research & Development,
Quality Management and Six Sigma

Research & Development • We continuously collect and assess customer

GRACE Davison is a firm believer in innovation. information and feedback as an important
Our researchers are continuously working to factor within our TQM Program.
improve the quality of existing products and Our dedicated work force is our most important
seeking ways to broaden our product range to capital. Committed to full customer satisfaction.
fulfil the increasing requirements of our customers.
With R & D centres in Columbia, USA, and
Worms, Germany, GRACE can look back on
more than 80 years of expertise in the
development of adsorbents for the processing

In our facilities we can conduct laboratory and

pilot plant zeolite synthesis and forming, silica
gelation, chemical/physical characterisation with
state-of the art equipment, application testing such
as breakthrough measurements, accelerated
aging tests or adsorption isotherm measurements.
Research & Development Test Facility for Breakthrough testing
GRACE Davison Quality Management
Our Total Quality Management (TQM) Program is The Six Sigma Advantage
geared towards customer satisfaction and based We at GRACE Davison are not only committed to
upon GRACE Davison's philosophy of continuous Total Quality Management but also to continuously
improvement in every area of our organisation. improving our processes. To maintain GRACE
• All our sites are ISO 9001 or ISO 9002 Davison's high standards, we employ GRACE’s
certified and we implement internal and Six Sigma tools. These were designed to investi-
external audits to find ways to improve our gate process parameters, quantify their effects
services and processes. and optimise these in order to achieve the best
• We employ the latest Statistical Process Control possible results. Our Six Sigma initiative aims at
(SPC) to monitor and analyse production and improving product consistency, production flexi-
related work processes. bility and capacity by using advanced statistical
• Our well-equipped Quality Control department methods and evaluation procedures. Our
works around the clock to ensure constant customers benefit from products of the highest
product quality. quality. Quality you can count on.

A world of difference from GRACE

Grace Davison’s comprehensive sales and distribution network, combined with

European, North/Latin American and Asian production facilities, means
prompt delivery of our products around the world.
Our highly trained Sales Force has the experience to help you immediately
and our worldwide Technical Customer Service Groups are staffed with
experienced professionals who are ready to offer you innovative assistance.
Our Sales Force and our Technical Customer Service Groups are supported
by Grace research laboratories worldwide.

Grace Davison is a leading global silica and adsorbent materials company

with technology expertise in separations, digital printing, coatings, CMP
and electronic applications, pharmaceutical and personal care, food and
beverage, plastics, packaging, precision investment casting, rubber, window
and industrial process applications.

Your local contact

The information contained herein is based on our testing and experience and is offered for the
user’s consideration, investigation and verification. Since operating and use conditions vary and
since we du not control such conditions, we must DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR
IMPLIED, with regard to results to be obtained from the use of this product. Test methods are available
on request.

Regional Headquarters

W.R. Grace & Co.-Conn. W.R. Grace (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Grace Brazil Ltda Grace GmbH & Co. KG
7500 Grace Drive 501 Orchard Road Rua Albion, 229 – 10 andar In der Hollerhecke 1
Columbia, Maryland 21044/USA #07- 02 Wheelock Place Lapa – São Paulo – SP – Brasil 67545 Worms/Germany
Tel.: (1) 41 05 31 40 00 Singapore 238880 05077-130 Tel.: (49) 62 41 403 0
Fax: (1) 41 05 31 42 73 Tel.: (65) 67 375 478 Tel.: (55) 11 36 49 - 27 04 Fax: (49) 62 41 403 211
Fax: (65) 67 376 384 Fax: (55) 11 36 49 - 27 07

©2002 W.R. Grace & Co. - Conn. All rights reserved. SYLOBEAD® Adsorbents for Process Applications is a
registered trademark of W.R. Grace GmbH & Co.- Conn.

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