Asymmetrical Two-Phase Induction Motor Speed Controlled With 4-Leg Voltage Source Inverter

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Asymmetrical Two-Phase Induction Motor Speed

Controlled with 4-Leg Voltage Source Inverter

K.Kaenthong, V.Tipsuwanporn, A.Numsomran W.Sawaengsinkasikit
Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of
Technology Ladkrabang, Engineering, Kasem Bundit University,
Bangkok 10520, Thailand. Bangkok 10250, Thailand.
e-mail: e-mail:

Abstract - This research is design and construct of Sine Pulse Width a microcontroller ARM7 (Adu7024) creates a signal of sine
Modulation (SPWM) 4-leg voltage source inverter for controlling pulse width modulation (SPWM) in order to control the speed
speed of asymmetrical two-phase induction motor. The Sine PWM
switching signal is generated by ARM7 (Adu7024) microcontroller of capacitor run motor (PSC). Withdrawing the capacitor from
which is programmable and cheap, while having high frequency to PSC motor is activating the asymmetrical two-phase induction
generating switching signal. Two ICs No. IR2130 are used for motor motor (ATPIM) [3]. Controlling the speed via SPWM of 4-leg
driving part. The characteristics of output current signal are nearly
voltage source inverter utilizes the speed control by applying
closed to sinusoidal pattern resulting to high efficiency for motor
control. In order to control the speed of induction motor, ratios of the stability voltage per hertz method in order to test the open
voltage to frequency (V/f) are controlled and constant torques are loop control. According to the test, it applies several of
obtained by implementing technique of PI close-loop control. frequency which adjust the phase shifted angle (δ) as well as
Keywords – Sine PWM; Speed Control with 4-leg Voltage Source the changing of the modulate index of d and q axis.
Inverter; PI Accordingly, the closed loop control also applies the PI
technique. Finally the last part is represented the results of the
closed loop motor control experiment that the voltage is
remained constantly within the main and auxiliary winding at
Single phase induction motor has been widely
suitable turn ratio. As a result, it generates the highest level of
applied in many electric equipment and fractional horse power
average motor torque by the least level of torque ripple [4].
in industrial and trade due to its generating capacity from
Also, this particular study has examined the dynamic behavior
electric power to mechanical power with affordable cost.
of the asymmetrical two-phase induction motor and the
Generally, this motor consists of two pieces of winding, one is
modulation index within d and q axis which is adjusted by
the main winding and another is called auxiliary wilding
utilizing the microcontroller ARM7 (Adu7024) according to
where both of them conducted at 90 electrical degrees angle to
cost reduction of the controller in electric appliances.
each other and contains different number of windings. Thus it
leads to apply the asymmetrical two-phase induction motor
[1], which the voltage of the coils in each phase depend on the II. SINGLE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR MODEL
ratio of turns of the windings. The voltage of auxiliary With respect to the linearity of magnetic circuits, the
winding contains higher voltage compare to the main winding. air gap and current within the winding of a single phase
According to single phase induction motor which is a induction motor generates the expression of sinusoidal
capacitor-start motor, consists of a series of capacitor magnetic field. Various dynamic equations of single phase
connecting with auxiliary winding in order to control the induction motor are more complex than three-phase
speed of induction motor at the beginning point of rotating; induction motor [5]. The stated equations of single phase
but if this capacitor to be removed from auxiliary winding induction motor are transferred all the variables to the
then speed of motor can be controlled by generating the stationary reference frame as a subscript s which represented
frequency. Moreover a capacitor-run motor or Permanent in the equations below.
Split-Capacitor (PSC) motor also utilizes the same capacitor
for both during the beginning and full load rotating. 
r (1)
This research concentrates on the 4-leg voltage
source inverter that generates an asymmetrical voltage to two 
r (2)
phase induction motor in order to apply in the two phase
electric devices which provides a better DC voltage for 
0 r  (3)
reducing the distortion of harmonic currents [2]. Furthermore

978-1-4673-7554-2/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 444

0 r  (4) T T J (13)

 l (5)
 l (6)

 l (7)
 l (8)

Voltage, current and magnetic field of the rotor and

(a) The equivalent circuit of d-axis.
stator fluxes on dq axis state as , , , , , ,  ,
 ,  ,  . The resistance of rotor and stator on dq axis
denote as r , r , r , . Regarding to self and the mutual
inductance there are represented by l , l , l , l and
M , M respectively.
According to equations (1) – (8), the following
equations are consisted the similar dynamic equation of three-
phase induction motor. However the asymmetric of main and
(b) The equivalent circuit of q-axis.
auxiliary winding is considered as the asymmetrical two-phase
induction motor which the number of turns in the main Fig. 1. Asymmetrical two-phase induction motor models with the
winding is less than auxiliary winding thus its voltage is stationary reference frame.
higher. The relationship between the number of turns in main
According to the relationship between which is
and auxiliary winding is written as follow: mechanic angular velocity in the rotor, and which is the
electric angular velocity in the rotor (the unit is measured in
(9) rad/sec) is following equation:

where a states the turns ratio of auxiliary to main winding. (14)

is the number of turns in the auxiliary winding.
is the number of turns in the main winding. Thus the retrieved mechanical dynamic equation of
the rotor electric angular speed is written as follow:
Therefore the induced voltage is generated within
auxiliary winding of the rotor regarding to the establishing of T T (15)
the rotating magnetic field in the main winding which
multiplies by a. In contrast, the electromotive force within P represents the number of poles of the motor. T
main winding is established by multiplying the auxiliary and T are indicated the electromagnetic torque and load
winding with 1/a, hence it obtains the new (3) and (4) torque. J and B are the moment of inertia and the friction
equations as follow: coefficient of the motor. The motor speed is retrieved from the
following equation:

0 r  (10)

0 r 1⁄  (11)
where is the rotor speed of the induction motor.

With respect to equations (1), (2), (5)-(8), (10) and

(11), the circuit of the asymmetrical two-phase induction III. ASYMMETRICAL 4-LEG VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER
motor as shown in Fig.1: The Fig. 2 is a diagram of asymmetrical 4-leg voltage
The equations of torque in term of current in the source inverter which utilizes the two winding induction
stator and rotor as below: motor [7] , the main and auxiliary winding. The windings
contain separated connection where each coil is connected to
T (12) inverter through H bridge form.

reference signal (sine signal) can be obtained by following
Vao Vbo Vtri







Fig. 2. Asymmetrical 4-leg voltage source inverter. 0.6
According to sine pulse width modulation signal 0.0
establishment, it is generated by the two reference voltage
signals which are and . The particular signals are (b)
scalable sine signal which both of them consist of independent
voltage regarding to the modulation index, and , the 1.2
value is within the range of 0-1. Furthermore the triangular 1.0

carrier voltage, denoted as , is equal 1 while the frequency 0.8

is 30 times of the fundamental frequency. The constructed 0.6

SPWM signal that employs in this study is able to adjust the 0.4
frequency within 20-60 Hertz. The aim of switching the signal
is in order to control the voltage within the auxiliary winding
by continuing higher or equal . It leads to and (c)
turn on, on the other hand; and are paused.
Conversely, less than leads to shut down the switch Fig. 3. (a) Switching waveform simulation for 4-leg voltage source inverter
(b) Sd1 and Sd2 switches, (c) Sq1 and Sq2 switches.
and , but and are working instead. When SPWM at δ = 300 triangular carrier signals at 1.5 kHz. of
Consider the Fig. 3(b), is represented the result frequency while md and mq are 1.
from the value of is higher or as same as the value of ,
which the pulse amplitude is 1. Conversely, the contains . sin
less than the voltage of , then the pulse amplitude is 0. (17)
This particular process is employed for controlling voltage
source of auxiliary winding. According to the switch of . sin (18)
voltage source in the main winding, it is able to control the
supplied voltage by controlling the value of to obtain a Where is modulation index, at 0 < <1. The asymmetrical
higher or equal voltage of the . The previous situation leads two-phase output of 4-leg voltage source inverter with SPWM
to turn on the switch and , on the other hand and form demonstrated by following equations:
are off. In case of voltage contains less than , the
switch and are forced to stop working, whereas the . . sin (19)
and are turned on as Fig. 3(c). It obtains which is
considered the switch when the voltage of higher or same . . sin (20)
value as , equal 1. In contrast, the is less than , the
voltage is equal 0. With respect to the Fig. 3, the signal of The phase shifted angle of in asymmetrical two-
SPWM is obtained from signal model that generated by excel phase induction motor is and represents the turn ratio of
program. The model was created by the two reference the auxiliary to the main winding.
voltages, denoted as and . These reference voltages
are able to rescale by adjusting the modulation value within
the range of 0-1. On the other hand, the voltage of carrier IV. CONTROLLER DESIGN
signal obtains 1 where the voltage of and consist of A structure of speed controlling system in the
90 degrees difference. Moreover the modulation of sinusoidal asymmetrical two phase induction motor which controlled by
SPWM voltage source inverter is demonstrated in Fig. 4.

circuit unit (IR2130) respectively in order to control the speed
of the motor under the preferable condition as following

Fig. 5. Working diagram

Fig. 4. The driven system.

The driven system consists of five parts: V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS

1. Control Unit. The study applied the single phase which is 220 V.,
2. Power Drive Unit.
3. SPWM Unit. 0.25 Hp., 2 A., 50 Hz., 4 pole and 1350 rpm. The first
4. Speed Sensor Unit. experiment measured the voltage and the current of
5. Power Circuit Unit. , , , respectively with frequency at 20 hertz,
specified , at 200 V/div., while the time scale at 10
In order to save the design cost, an open loop control ms/div. and , at 2 A/ shown in Fig. 6.
system is employed the voltage to frequency approach (V/F)
which is uncomplicated and convenience procedure. The
voltage to frequency control in open loop system is the  
rescaling the magnetic flux in the induction motor to obtain
stable utilization. Operating of the asymmetrical two-phase
induction motor under steady-state condition then the
parameter of motor is constant. Regarding to the equation of
voltage of the stator in dq axis which is represented in
equation (1) and (2), it obtains the voltage equation at steady-
state condition as follow:

r (21)
(a) The voltage and current signal in the main winding.

Where r is resistance in stator, it consists very small value

that enable to eliminate from the equation. The derivative
represents as ω which is demonstrated the relationship
between voltage in stator ( ) and the stator flux-linkage ( ).
The particular relationship is estimated by following equation:

| | (22)

According to equation (22), it states the structure of voltage to

frequency control which influence on the relevant magnetic
flux to have constant stator flux-linkage .  (b) The voltage and current signal in the auxiliary winding.

The Fig. 4. states that the feedback signal from a Fig. 6. The voltage and current signal at 20 Hz. of frequency on the voltage
speed sensor unit transfers to the low-pass filter before scale is 200 V/div. and the current scale is 2 A/div. (when md and mq
are 1.)
transferring to A/D signal adaptor of the controlled unit. The
ARM7 unit (Adu7024) computes using PI control reaction for The second part of the experiment involved with the
identifying the modulated signal pattern and frequency. open loop in order to investigate the adjusting of asymmetrical
Obtained signal is transferred to SPWM unit and power driven two phase induction motor’s speed under the loaded condition.

2000.00 20Hz 30Hz
40Hz 50Hz 20Hz 30Hz
60Hz 600.00 40Hz 50Hz
1000.00 60Hz
500.00 200.00


0.00 δ 0.00 δ
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 ‐200.00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

Fig. 11. Relationship between the δ angle and the speed of asymmetrical two-
Fig. 7. Relationship between the δ angle and the speed of asymmetrical two- phase induction motor at frequency 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Hz.
phase induction motor at 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Hz. of frequency (at md = 1, mq = 0.5).
(at md , mq = 1).

1000.00 20Hz 30Hz

800.00 40Hz 50Hz
600.00 60Hz


0.00 δ
‐200.00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
‐800.00 δ

Fig. 8. Relationship between the δ angle and the speed of asymmetrical two- Fig. 12. Relationship between the δ angle and the current at frequency
phase induction motor at frequency 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Hz. 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Hz. (at md = 1, mq = 0.5).
(at md = 0.5, mq = 1).


Fig. 9. Relationship between the δ angle and the current at frequency

20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Hz. (at md = 0.5, mq = 1). Fig. 13. Relationship between the δ angle and the current at frequency 20,
30, 40, 50 and 60 Hz. (at md = 1, mq = 0.5).

The particular condition referred that the shifted angle and

frequency during the modulation index, and was equal
1 where represented in illustration no. 7. In addition to Fig. 7.,

it showed that rescaling angle of contained the influence on

velocity and its direction of the motor.
Consequently, the suitable speed and clock wise
δ direction led the angle of to obtain within the range of 0-30
degree; on the other hand the reverse direction angle of was
Fig. 10. Relationship between the δ angle and the current at frequency within 150-180 degree. In the case that contained 90 degree,
20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Hz. (at md = 0.5, mq = 1). the particular induction motor stopped working. The result of

changing angle of and modulation index ( and ) claimed that the outcome signal was similar to sinusoidal
obtained the impact on speed and current in main and signal as in Fig. 16.
auxiliary winding in induction motor as following Fig. 8-10
and 11-13.


Fig. 16. Current waveforms , and , at the constant speed

1500 rpm. (at 200 V/div., 2 A/div. and 10 ms/div.)
(a) The speed of 0-1000 rpm.

The controlling of asymmetrical two-phase induction
motor under loaded condition when the modulation index
was equal 1 in the d and q axis by applying the 4-leg voltage
source inverter, SPWM type, at the frequency 20-50 Hz. The
result stated that it was able to control the changing speed
speed and direction with highest speed at 1500 rpm and consumed
the time less than 1 second. The current in the main and
auxiliary winding is similar to sinusoidal signal which
(b) The speed of 0-1500 rpm.
reduced the harmonic obstacle of reducing current. It led to
Fig. 14. The current signals of and and starting speed of essential performance control while using the
asymmetrical two-phase induction motor.
microcontroller ARM7 (Adu7024) with good result, the
program can be adjusted easily.

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