Bylaws 2
Bylaws 2
Bylaws 2
Student Association
As Amended February 24, 2020 (HR 19-26)
Section 3: Advisors
1.3.1 The President of the University shall appoint the Faculty/Staff Advisor to the Student Association.
1.3.2 The President of the Association may appoint a Student Advisor.
1.3.3 Student Advisors shall be approved by a majority vote.
1.3.4 The Advisors shall encourage and serve as a resource to the members of the Association.
1.3.5 The Advisors shall help maintain University standards in all facets of the Association.
1.4.2 Honorary members are welcome to participate in business meetings, but do not receive voting rights.
1.4.3 Honorary members do not count towards the Association’s membership total.
1.4.4 Honorary members shall be written into the Bylaws upon election under Appendix A for records purposes.
make recommendations to the Association, and act in an advisory capacity, but shall not take action on behalf of the
2.5.2 The President may create Ad-Hoc Committees.
2.5.3 Representatives may propose to create an Ad-Hoc Committee in a Resolution.
2.5.4 The Resolution shall outline the purpose of the Ad-Hoc Committee, who is eligible to serve on the Ad-Hoc Committee, and
who shall chair the Ad-Hoc Committee.
3.6.5 The Campus Events Director shall be in charge of any football tailgates planned by the association.
Section 2: Allocations
4.2.1 The Allocations Committee shall serve as a liaison and advisory board for the students and organizations in the process of
receiving funds from the Association.
4.2.2 The Allocations Committee shall provide financial information of monies available and evaluate those
organizations/students requesting allocations or scholarships.
4.2.3 The Allocations Committee shall meet as needed to accommodate all allocation requests per the meeting schedule set by
the Allocations Director, as described in Section 3.5.2 and 4.3.4.
4.2.4 The Allocations Committee shall meet outside of scheduled committee times, in order to accommodate students’ allocations
4.2.5 The Allocations Committee shall take into consideration all financial requests with respect to the current Student
Association budget.
4.2.6 The Allocations Committee shall provide opportunities for networking and community building with the student body,
while serving as an informational resource and a recruitment tool for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs).
4.2.7 The Allocations Committee shall require Representatives to abstain from voting for or against an allocation if said
Representative is a member of the Student Registered Organization applying for the allocation.
4.2.8 Any guidelines or procedures pertaining to the Allocations Process shall be amended or adopted according to the procedures
for Bylaws amendments under Section 9.1 of the Bylaws.
4.2.9 The Allocations Committee, to act on granting an allocation, must have at least five (5) members of the Association present
which are able to vote on a particular allocation request for the approval to be valid pursuant to guidelines in Section 8.1.2(a).
4.2.10 The Allocations Committee shall work together in the best interest of the SVSU student body to provide allocations in a
timely and efficient manner.
V, Section 5 to fill the number of voting representatives up to the cap found in Section 5.1.8.
a. Appointed Representatives shall take office immediately and their terms shall expire at the conclusion of the
final commencement exercises of the winter semester.
b. Five (5) representative seats shall be reserved for students that were not enrolled in a course or courses at
Saginaw Valley State University during the previous winter semester.
c. Two (2) representative seats shall be reserved but not limited to an international student. For this purpose, an
international student is defined to be a student with citizenship in a country other than the United States.
d. Additional positions will be reserved for students that meet the qualifications under Article III of the Charter.
5.1.7 Student Association may create ballot questions to be voted on during annual elections. Ballot questions must comply with
the following regulations:
a. Proposed question is submitted in resolution form with the sponsorship of at least one Representative.
b. The resolution will specify which sections are intended for public approval.
c. The ballot question(s) will include no text beyond that contained within the adopted resolution.
d. The ballot question will be formatted and resubmitted to the Association for approval of the question as it
will appear on the ballot.
e. The ballot question will only be valid if 10% of the student enrollment at the time votes on it.
5.1.8 The total amount of Representatives within the Association cannot exceed 0.5% of the number of students enrolled in a
course at the beginning of the fall semester.
6.1.11 In the event an officer is removed, he or she forfeits all titles and duties of the position and retains his or her duties as a
ii. A list of witnesses to the dispute shall be submitted to the Speaker no less than 24 hours prior to the
corrective action meeting.
6.5.4 The corrective action plan shall include, but is not limited to, a list of corrective measures in which the representative in
question agrees to follow.
a. The final corrective action plan shall be distributed to all members of the Association within three (3) business
days of the formal corrective action meeting as signed by the President, Speaker, Staff Advisor(s), complainant,
and the representative in question.
b. A corrective action plan is limited to objectives aimed at correcting behaviors which violate the grounds for
6.5.5 The Speaker is limited to place a formal expulsion hearing under new business at the next regular meeting only when one
of the following circumstances occurs:
a. The representative in question declines to participate in a formal corrective action meeting.
b. The representative in question fails to agree to a corrective action plan as verified by the President and the Speaker.
c. The complainant finds that the representative in question violated the terms of the corrective action plan, and in
writing, submits a letter containing the formal charges for expulsion; and the complainant submits a petition
containing the signatures of no less than one-third of the voting members of the legislature as co-complainants to
the charges at least 48 hours prior to the business meeting. The letter containing the formal charges must be
submitted to the Speaker of the Association before, or concurrently with the petition signatures.
6.5.6 An expulsion hearing held during a duly called meeting of the Student Association shall be held under the following
a. The Speaker shall call the expulsion hearing on the agenda.
b. The Speaker shall instruct the public attending that the meeting is about to enter closed session, the public rules
of being present in closed session, that public participation is not allowed during an expulsion hearing, and that
members of the association may not yield time to public persons who are present.
b. The Speaker shall yield the floor to the Parliamentarian to explain the expulsion hearing process.
d. The Speaker shall bring the meeting into closed session.
e. The Speaker shall read the formal complaint letter.
f. The Speaker shall read the formal corrective action plan.
g. The Speaker shall read the letter containing the formal charges for expulsion.
h. The complainant shall be granted the floor for no more than five (5) minutes, during which the complainant shall
speak and/or yield to other members of the association. There will be no question and answer period for the
complainant argument.
i. The representative in question shall be granted the floor for no more than ten (10) minutes, during which the
representative in question shall speak and/or yield to other members of the association.
j. The representative in question will enter a clarification period in which voting members of the association shall
be able to ask questions to the representative in question.
i. Each member of the association shall only be allowed to ask questions once during the clarification
ii. Each member shall not be allowed to ask questions for a period longer than one (1) minute.
iii. The clarification period shall not last for longer than twenty-five (25) minutes.
k. After the conclusion of the clarification period, members of the association will have the opportunity to discuss
the expulsion pursuant to the following guidelines:
i. Each member who speaks shall be limited to a speaking time of no more than one (1) minute.
ii. A member who wishes to speak shall not be allowed to speak more than one (1) time during each of the
two discussion periods.
iii. The initial discussion period shall be conducted first and last no more than ten (10) minutes.
iv. The final discussion period shall be conducted second and last until all members have had the opportunity
to speak.
l. Following the discussion period, the voting members of the legislature shall be immediately called into a roll call
vote. A vote of three-fourths majority in favor of expulsion shall be required to expel a representative from the
Student Association.
meeting for each association until the end of the term. This list of applicants, along with their individual applications, shall
be made available to members of the association.
6.6.2 Upon a time in which a vacant seat of a voting representative shall occur, the association shall attempt to fill said vacancy(s)
at the next regular meeting, or a special meeting duly called. The speaker shall notify by email, or another medium, all
candidates of the next duly called meeting which appointments will occur. If the applicant is not able to make the next
scheduled meeting, they must notify the speaker, who will then temporarily skip that applicant's name on the list of interested
6.6.3 During the time period of a meeting reserved for the appointing of new representatives to the association, the presiding
officer shall call the applicants in the order in which the applications were received by the association.
6.6.4 When a candidate is called by the presiding officer, a motion is placed on the floor for the admission of that candidate
for the position of representative effective immediately following the adjournment of the meeting.
6.6.5 The applicant shall be allowed to present their merits for the position for a time no longer than three (3) minutes, with
an additional question and answer period of no longer than five (5) minutes.
6.6.6 After the presentation period has expired, the body shall begin a discussion period for a time no longer than ten (10)
minutes. During this period, each member of the association may speak once for a time no longer than one (1) minute.
6.6.7 At the conclusion of the discussion period, the motion shall be called for a vote by roll call of members.
6.6.8 For a candidate to be admitted, he/she shall receive a two-thirds majority of members.
6.6.9 At a time when a candidate is not admitted, he/she shall be reentered at the bottom of the list of interested applicants.
6.6.10 Should a candidate be called who is not present, and has not notified the speaker of their anticipated absence, the
candidate's application shall be removed from the list of interested applicants.
Section 6: Agenda
7.6.1 The Speaker shall prepare and submit to each Student Association member an agenda at least 72 hours prior to each regular
meeting and each special meeting.
7.6.2 The agenda shall list the various matter to come before the Association and shall serve as a guide for the order of procedure
for the meeting. Representatives may include items on the agenda upon concurrence of the Speaker.
7.6.3 The order of business may be altered and items added at any meeting at any time by a majority vote of the members present.
Section 7: Voting
7.7.1 Discussion on all motions shall be limited to twenty-five (25) minutes. Discussion on subsidiary motions shall not count
against the time allowed to main motions. Time may be extended in increments of twenty-five (25) minutes.
7.7.2 For all actions requiring a roll vote, the vote of each member shall be recorded. Proxy voting shall not be permitted.
7.7.3 Roll shall be called in rotating order.
7.7.4 No act shall be valid unless approved at a meeting of the Association by a majority vote, unless otherwise specified in the
Charter, Bylaws, or Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, of the members present and voting.
7.7.5 Representatives may abstain only with valid reason. The validity of the reason shall be deemed by the presiding officer.
7.7.6 Abstaining shall be deemed to acquiesce in the action taken by the majority. In situations in which there is a tie vote and
the abstention represents the deciding vote, the Speaker shall cast a vote to determine the issue.
7.7.7 Failure to vote constitutes a breach of the Representative’s duty.
7.7.8 All votes must be taken in an Open Session, except those to end a Closed Session, pursuant to the Michigan Open Meetings
Act under MCL 15.263.
Section 2: Prohibition of Direct, Individual Financial Gain and Conflict of Interest in the Allocations Process
8.2.1 Members of the Student Association are prohibited from a direct, individual based, financial gain from the budget of the
Student Association, via the Allocations Process, under the following pretext:
a. a member of the Student Association is prohibited from applying and/or receiving an individual allocation,
otherwise known as an IELD.
8.2.2 Members of the Student Association are prohibited from presenting a conflict of interest in determining expenditures from
the budget of the Student Association, via the Allocations Process, under the following pretexts:
a. a member of the Student Association is prohibited from presenting on behalf of an RSO, at either a Regular
Business Meeting of the Student Association or during a session of the Allocations Committee.
b. a member of the Student Association is required to abstain from all votes on a particular RSO's application
for an allocation, both at the Allocations Committee, or upon appeal to a Regular Business M eeting of the
Student Association, should the member also be a member of the RSO applying.
Section 3: Spending
8.3.1 Once the Annual Budget is approved, each section is outlined to the limit of spending.
8.3.2 The expenditure of funds will be under the authorization of the Officers.
8.3.3 Expenditures not specifically provided for in the annual budget shall be approved in the following manner:
a. $0.01 - $150.00 requires authorization from the President.
b. $150.01 - $300.00 requires authorization from the President, Speaker, and Executive Assistant to the
c. $300.01 and over requires a majority vote.
the association.
d. All paid individuals shall receive a 3% addition to their base salary to be paid at the pay period preceding the
beginning of the fall semester which shall compensate for time worked and not compensated for during the Spring
and Summer semesters.
8.4.4 Individuals who stand to receive a salary from the proposed budget shall abstain from voting on 8.4.1: (a) of the budget.