By Laws of Damay Kabataan Organization
By Laws of Damay Kabataan Organization
By Laws of Damay Kabataan Organization
Section 1
Section 2
The purpose of the organization is to act and promote youth ideas, be active in goals and
programs for the development of the town, eliminate discrimination, and achieve and protect the
equal rights of all youth from bad activities, and fix the futures of the youth.
The DKO, aims to become the accredited and official organization of the
town, that will be SERVE the community and to show what that youth can do
even through their service.
Article III. Members
Section 1
Members. Members of the DKO shall be between the ages of 15 and 30 and reside in Victoria,
Section 2
Member Status. Active members are individuals who have been admitted to the DKO.
Active members have full voting rights and are counted in the DKO’s quorum. Inactive
members are individuals who have been admitted to the DKO but are on a leave of
absence (see Article 4, Section 2.) Members with an inactive status are not able to votes and are
therefore not counted in the DKO’s quorum.
Section 3
Advisor. The DKO advisor shall be a staff member from the Municipal/Education.
Section 1
Attendance. DKO members are expected to participate in all meetings. If a DKO member
will miss a meeting, then s/he should request an excused absence prior to the meeting by
contacting either the President, Vice President, or staff advisor by phone, text or social media.
If a DKO member does not request an excused absence prior to the meeting and is not
present at said meeting, then s/he will receive an unexcused absence for that meeting.
DKO members are allowed 3 unexcused absences each semester of the school year and 4
unexcused absences during the summer semester. If a DKO member exceeds her/his
allotment of unexcused absences in a semester, then the President and Vice President
will follow the dismissal procedures (see Article 8, Section 3.)
Section 2
Leave of Absence. DKO members are allowed to request up to one semester leave of
absence during a program year. To request a leave of absence, a DKO member must
complete a Leave of Absence form and submit it to the President, Vice President, or
staff advisor. While a DKO member is on a leave of absence, her/his spot in the DKO
will not be replaced. If a DKO member on leave is an officer, then there shall be an
automatic succession process during the leave period (i.e., Vice President becomes
President). If the successor does not want to assume the new role, then the DKO shall follow the
nominations and elections process (see Article 5, Section 4) to select a
temporary replacement. DKO members who are on a leave of absence will be considered inactive
members. DKO members will not receive a stipend while on a leave of absence.
If a DKO member plans to take off more than one semester from the DKO, then s/he must
withdraw from the group. S/he may reapply to the DKO at any time.
ARTICLE V. Officers
Section 1
Officers. The officers of the DKO shall be president, vice-president, secretary, second secretary,
Treasurer, Auditor, reporter, and energizer.
Section 2
Term of Office. Officers shall assume their duties at the close of the meeting at which
they are elected. Officers shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are
elected. No officer shall serve for more than two consecutive term(s) in the same office.
Section 3
Duties. Officers shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties
as prescribed for the office in these operating procedures.
Section 2
Admission. Prospective DKO members may complete a DKO application and submit it
to a DKO member or the staff advisor. The DKO president and vice president will
schedule the review of applications during regular meetings. 50% of DKO must agree to
interview an applicant in order for an interview to be scheduled. The President, Vice
President, or staff advisor shall schedule interviews with approved applicants to occur
during regular meetings. After the conclusion of the interviews the DKO will discuss the
applicant. After which, the DKO will vote. A majority (over 50%) is required to admit
an individual to the DKO.
Section 3
Dismissal. If a DKO member is breaking the DKO contract, then the President, Vice
President, and staff advisor shall meet with him/her to discuss the issue. If the
inappropriate behavior continues, then the individual will be put on a three-week
probation. If his/her behavior doesn’t improve during that time, then he/she will be
formally dismissed from the group. DKO members can report inappropriate behavior to
the President, Vice President, and/or staff advisor knowing that confidentiality will be
ARTICLE IX. Amendment
These operating procedures may be amended at any regular meeting of the DKO by a majority
(more than 50%) vote.