Universiti Teknologi Mara Cawangan Perak Kampus Tapah
Universiti Teknologi Mara Cawangan Perak Kampus Tapah
Universiti Teknologi Mara Cawangan Perak Kampus Tapah
Besides, enzymes also have its own specificity. For any chemical reaction, the
reactant that react with enzymes is called substrate. They have highly specific reaction,
only certain substrate will fit into enzyme’s active site . The enzymes that bind to
substrate will form a product called enzymes-substrate complex. Furthermore, enzymes
is very efficient because only small amount of enzymes needed to change a large
amount of substrate into product. Moreover, enzymes is affected by many factors such
as pH, temperature, substrate concentration, enzymes concentration, inhibitors and
activators. Function of enzymes also to speed up chemical reaction by lowering
activation energy and stay unchanged at the end of reactions. Chemical reaction is a
process of forming and breaking of chemical bonds, leading to the changes of starting
material(substrate) to the new substances (product). [ CITATION Cam \l 1033 ]
For this case study, the enzymes that related is digestive enzymes. Most of the
enzymes are catalysts which can able the molecules to change from one thing into
another. Enzyme that used in the digestive system known as the digestive enzymes.
These enzymes are broken down a large molecules of foods into small molecules that
guts on the body are able of to absorb, thus making gut healthy and ensure the body
really get the enough nutrients.
Three classes of digestive enzymes which have their own function such as to
digest the protein, proteolytic enzymes are needed, then lipases are used to digest the
fat and carbohydrates digested by amylase. There are many types of digestive enzymes
that can be found in human body such as amylase, pepsin, tripsin and other. [ CITATION
DrJ19 \l 1033 ]
Nowadays people are tend to smoke cigarette and some kind unhealthy such
vape and electric cigarretes due to the styles. Most of teenagers usually start to smoke
at early age. Smoking is a bad habit as the cigarettes contained many harmful
substances such as formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a part of the resin used in foam
insulation, fiberboard and plywood. Nasal cancer can cause the same damage to the
digestive system, skin and also lungs.
Another side effect of smoking on the digestive system is it will risk the
developing of peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcers are bad effect on the inside lining of the
stomach or duodenum, most commonly caused by an infection resulting from the
development of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Studies suggest that the risk
of H. pylori infection increase, healing of peptic ulcers getting slows are caused by
smoking.[ CITATION Jam18 \l 1033 ]
Digestive enzymes are not only important, it also beneficial. Causing by them,
complex food molecules changed into small molecule compound, amino acids, fatty
acids, cholesterol, simple sugars and nucleic acids are also included. Different parts on
digestive tract, enzymes are synthesized and secreted, including on mouth, stomach
and also pancreas.
There are many types of enzymes that can be found which is have their own
specific function on the body such as amylase, pepsin, lipase, trypsin exopeptidases
and others.
Amylase are founded in saliva and pancreatic juice. It is function for breaking
down a large starch into maltose. It is also used and needed to break down
carbohydrates, starches and also sugars which basically contain on plant foods such as
fruits, potatoes, vegetables, grains and others.
Next is pepsin. Its helps for breaking down protein into small units that called
polypeptides and pepsin are mainly founded in the gastric juice within stomach. Other
enzymes which is in digestive aids is lipase. Lipase are used to digest fat. Most of fat
from foods like dairy products, nuts, oils, eggs and meat. Lipase are made from
pancreas and small intestine secreted it. It also helping digest fats and triglycerides into
fatty acid when it combined with bile. Next is exopeptidases which is for release amino
acids. Other enzyme that break down sugar like invertase, alpha galactosidase and
glucoamylase.[ CITATION DrJ19 \l 1033 ]
First of all, digestive enzyme have many function of based on each type of
enzyme. Such an example, proteases is for digesting proteins, lipases for digesting
fats and amylases is for digesting carbohydrates.
Probiotics are living organisms, while enzymes are non-living proteins and it is
composed of amino acids. Probiotic supplements can enter the gastrointestinal tract
and take up residence there, cohabitating with the body’s own cells. Both enzymes
and probiotics are essential for efficient digestion and overall wellness, but there are
significant differences between the two. Enzyme supplements also enter the GI tract
but cannot function as a permanent resident. This explains why the body needs a
regular supply of enzymes each time a meal or snack is ingested. Probiotics are
similar to the good bacteria found in the human digestive tract and are associated
with numerous health benefits, such as supporting our immune system.
Probiotics make limited amounts of certain enzymes, which can support
digestion. However, the amounts that probiotics make may pale in comparison to the
amounts that the pancreas releases or that enter the digestive tract through
supplementation. Probiotics also play a role in helping the cells of the small intestine
absorb nutrients that the enzymes release from the foods we eat.
Digestive enzyme supplements mostly are derived from three sources. First of all
it came from fruits. We can take a look at pineapple and papaya such an example.
Bromelain is an enzyme that can be derive from pineapple that going a process of
breakdown a broad spectrum of proteins, has anti-inflammatory properties and can
hold to a large pH (acidic/alkaline) reading scale. Papain is another enzyme that also
can be derived and obtained from raw papaya and the functions are to support the
breakdown of small and large proteins.
Fevers above 105 F are considered incompatible with life are because of the
effect of enzymes. At that temperature, proteins begin to denature, means that will lead
to death.[ CITATION Jen16 \l 1033 ]
The foods that we consume will change considerably over many decades. In fact,
nutrient levels in crops today are markedly lower than they were 50 years ago. There is
not only less of what should be in foods, but also more of what should not be in the
ingredients of the foods such as pesticides,herbicides and preservatives. Within the
process of cooking, processing and preserving foods, it can further diminish the nutrient
and destroy the enzymes, probiotics and ATP that naturally came in fresh and raw
ingredients. All these beneficial components are either do not important or do not exist
in cooked and also processed products.
It is hard to get a diet consisting of nutrient-dense choices and even the best of
selections and intentions cannot confirm the optimal nutrient, enzyme, probiotic and ATP
intake. As mentioned above, the aging process may only decreasing the digestibility of
foods and reduced nutrient uptake. Fortunately, enzyme and probiotic supplementation
will take an important role in working with the body’s own natural processes to
strengthen the digestive and overall wellbeing. [ CITATION woo18 \l 1033 ]
As we are getting old, the acidity of our stomach acid will become more alkaline.
In respect to the enzyme production, this means there’s an increasing due to the
possibility needed by acidic trigger produced when chyme enters the intestine may fail.
If this processfails, then the hormone called secretin would not receive the signal which
will prevent the pancreatic secretions from releasing.
Equivalent to the illnesses aside, as there is an increasing of age there also have
suspicion increasing that digestive problems may result from either low stomach acid or
enzyme insufficiency in the elderly, which could be what causes acid reflux. Therefore
older people may benefit from taking digestive enzyme supplements, especially if they
suffer from this unpleasant symptoms. [ CITATION DrJ19 \l 1033 ]
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Dr. Josh Axe, D. D. (2019, february 15). Retrieved from Do Digestive Enzymes Prevent Nutrient
Deficiencies & Boost Gut Health?: https://draxe.com/digestive-enzymes/
Jen Gibson, M. s. (2016, may 11). What happens to enzyme activity during fever? Retrieved from
Jillian Levy, C. (2019, may 20). Retrieved from Stomach Ulcer Symptoms You Can’t Ignore and How to
Naturally Treat Them: https://draxe.com/stomach-ulcer/
Newman, T. (2018, january 11). MedicalNewsToday. Retrieved from Enzymes: How they work and what
they do: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319704.php
woodson merrel, M. (2018, Disember 12). The Aging Digestive System: Maintaining Gut Health as You
Age. Retrieved from https://www.agingcare.com/articles/the-aging-digestive-system-