Digestive System: Name: Azza Ferista Delvia Ninda Sa Ri O Kta Imelda Ikhda La Tifatun Naim Cla SS: 4B
Digestive System: Name: Azza Ferista Delvia Ninda Sa Ri O Kta Imelda Ikhda La Tifatun Naim Cla SS: 4B
Digestive System: Name: Azza Ferista Delvia Ninda Sa Ri O Kta Imelda Ikhda La Tifatun Naim Cla SS: 4B
1. A Z Z A F E R I S T A D E L V I A
2. N I N D A S A R I O K T A I M E L D A
3. I K H D A L A T I F A T U N N A I M
Organs of Digestive System
The anus is the end of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. When the
rectum is full, your body feels the urge to have a bowel movement.
The inner anal sphincter relaxes and pushes stool from the
rectum into the anal canal. After the external anal sphincter
relaxes, stool is pushed out of the body through the anus.
The stomach and its parts have very important functions, namely:
a. The abdominal organs are responsible for the digestion and
absorption of food.
b. Abdominal muscles help the process of breathing.
c. Abdominal muscles protect the internal organs.
d. Back muscles regulate and support posture and body shape.
What happen if one of the systems are found
unhealthy. What will happen to our body systems?