Paper Presentation On Automatic Braking System Using Microcontroller

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Prepared By:

ECE Dept,
3rd Year,
Velammal Institute of Technology
Chennai- 601 204
Email id:
Contact no: 9940486627

ECE Dept,
3rd Year,
Velammal Institute of Technology
Email id:
Contact no: 9659132702
ABSTRACT: be in a position to apply the brakes at
In today’s world, road the correct time. In such scenario, if
accidents are a common scenario. the vehicle has been installed with our
Accident prevention has been one of project, then the sensor will always
the leading areas of research. Our keep track of the vehicle going before
project has been developed to prevent it and it will apply brakes
accidents due to loss of control, automatically to slow down or to stop
drunken driving and rash driving. We the vehicle.
can achieve this by real time
monitoring system using circuitry NEED FOR THIS SYSTEM:
aided by a microcontroller kit. In our (i) Accidents:
paper, the braking distance and Accidents are resulting in loss
distance of the obstacle are taken into of invaluable lives, materials and
consideration along with the speed at money. So far the accident
which the vehicle is moving, for the preventing systems are not very
basis of calculation. The efficient and the loss of lives is
microcontroller kit has been powered continuing. There are many
with the microcontroller 89C51 and systems like air bags, GPS, robot
programmed to calculate and take the driven cars, tracked cars etc.,
necessary reactions immediately. The which can avert accidents to some
hall sensor helps to find the speed of extent.
the vehicle and the ultrasonic sensor
helps in finding the distance between (ii)Causes for Accident:
our vehicle and the obstacle. These There are many causes for an
sensors provide real time inputs to the accident:
microcontroller. Using the input from  Ignoring traffic rules
the hall sensor and ultrasonic sensor,  Drunken driving
the microcontroller will calculate the  Dream driving
speed of the vehicle and the required  Mechanical failures in the vehicle
distance to apply brakes so that the Mistakes of the drivers
vehicle will come to a complete halt
for that speed. Braking motors have In all the cases mentioned above, the
been incorporated to achieve reason for the accident is not applying
Automatic Braking procedures. Even if the brakes at the right time, if the
the driver doesn’t see the obstacle, the brakes had been applied, the accident
system helps to apply the brakes can be averted. By over system, the
automatically at correct time using the brakes will be applied automatically,
microcontroller. The future of so that the majority of the accidents
Automobile safety is more important will be prevented and many lives can
than developing new technology, so be saved.
that we can save more lives, reduce
insurance and medical costs to the
Braking distance of a vehicle for a
INTRODUCTION: particular speed is the distance at
Accidents are mostly non-avertable. which the vehicle comes to a halt from
Accidents occur due to two reasons, the current speed from the point of
either due to the technical problem or application of the brakes. Here the
due to the driver’s mistake. If suppose speed of the vehicle is sensed and the
the driver has drunk, then he may not
corresponding braking distance is µ-Coefficient of friction
calculated using a microcontroller. of the road=0.8
The distance of the obstacle in front is g-acceleration due to
also sensed. The microcontroller gravity=9.81m/s
compares the two distances. If the In the formula the condition of the
distances are within critical limits, the brakes and the road conditions are not
microcontroller activates the brakes considered for coefficient of friction.
and slows down the vehicle or brings
the vehicle to a halt before the obstacle Table showing braking distance for
thus avoiding the collision particular speeds
In the case of moving vehicles, if the Velocity(kmph) Braking
vehicle goes very close to the vehicle Distance(m)
in front, the system will apply the 60 17.69
brakes and will maintain a safe 50 12.28
distance between the two vehicles The 40 7.86
concepts of microcontroller -controlled 30 4.42
automatic braking system prevents 05 012
accidents to great extent. The distance
of the obstacle in the front is
continuously sensed and it is given as
input to microcontroller.
Simultaneously the speed of the
vehicle is sensed and given to the B. Distance of Obstacle in
microcontroller. The program in the Front:
microcontroller judges the position of The distance of any obstacle, a
the vehicle and if the vehicle is within parked or a moving vehicle, a road
the critical limits then the brakes will block, a tree in the roadside, is sensed
be activated automatically. using an Ultrasonic sensor and it is fed
to the microcontroller
The Factors considered in designing
the system are With the proposed system, these
 Braking Distance sorts of accidents can be averted.
 Distance of obstacle in front Using a HALL sensor the system will
sense the speed of the vehicle and with
the microcontroller, it will calculate
A. Braking Distance the braking distance: that is the
The braking distance is the main distance required to bring the vehicle
factor considered in this system. to a complete stop for that speed.
Braking distance for a particular speed Using an Ultrasonic distance sensor,
is the distance between the point of the system will sense any moving or
application of the brakes and the point stationary obstacles in front and
at which the vehicle comes to a continuously keep track of its distance.
complete stop from the present speed.
It is calculated using the following
Braking distance = V2 /2µg m
Where V- Velocity of the
When the driver sees an obstacle in Location of the sensor:
front and slows down there is no Two Magnets were fastened on the
problem. On the other hand, if he does spokes of the vehicle. So the spokes
not apply the brakes and proceeds at (metals) will not be sensed. Only the
the same speed, he comes to appoint magnets pole will be sensed. Sensor is
where the distance of the obstacle attached to the inner side of the mud
equals the braking distance. This is the guard as shown in the figure. When the
last chance for the driver to apply the wheel completes one rotation a pulse
brake and slow down the vehicle. If he will be coming out form the sensor.
still goes at the same speed, the This pulse is given as input to the
microcontroller in the system will microcontroller.
activate the brakes and avoids a
collision by bringing the vehicle to a
Normally, one would not stop at a
point when the vehicle is touching the
obstacle. Some distance is left before
the obstacle. The distance is also
accounted for by the microcontroller.
Hence for 50 kmph if the braking
distance is say 12.28m, 0.5m is added
and the braking distance is calculated
as 12.78m.
In the case of moving vehicles, if the
vehicle goes very close to the vehicle
in front, the system will apply the
brakes and will maintain a safe Fig.2. Hall sensor1
distance between the two vehicles.
The devices used were Hall sensor,
ultrasonic distance sensor,
microcontroller kit and braking motor.
A. Hall sensor
A Hall sensor is a transducer
that varies its output voltage in
response to changes in magnetic field
density. Hall sensors are used for
proximity switching, positioning,
speed detection, and current sensing
applications. In its simplest form, the
sensor operates as an analog
transducer, directly returning a voltage.
With a known magnetic field, its
distance from the Hall plate can be Fig.3 Hall Sensor2
determined. Using groups of sensors,
the relative position of the magnet can
be deduced.

Fig.1. Hall sensor

B. Ultrasonic Distance
This senses the distance of the
obstacles from its location and it gives
an equivalent analog output for the
distance sensed.

Ultrasonic waves of 40 KHz
frequency will be sent from the
transmitter of the sensor. The
ultrasonic waves have the property that
they are not affected by environmental
changes. This ultrasonic wave will be
reflected back from the obstacle. An
ultrasonic receiver present in the same
sensor receives these waves after
reflection. The time difference between
transmission and receiving is
calculated and the distance is estimated
by program present in the ASIC
Fig.4.Illustration of Braking Distance (Application Specified Integrated
Chip) present in the sensor. This
distance is displayed in a LCD display
REASONS FOR SELECTING and simultaneously an equivalent
analog output is given out from the
THIS DEVICE: device.
The alternatives for speed
measurement can be tachometers but LOCATION:
interfacing of conventional
tachometers with the microcontroller is This sensor is fitted in front of the
difficult. So use of tachometers for vehicle. This sensor gets switched on
speed measurement is ruled out.Hall once the vehicle is started and the
effect devices when appropriately sensor gives out the analog output
packaged are immune to dust, dirt, continuously depending on the position
mud, and water. These characteristics of the obstacle.
make Hall Effect devices better for
position sensing than alternative means
such as optical and electromechanical Specifications:
 Range : 1-32 ft.
Specifications:  Resolution : 12 inches
 25V DC, 25 mA  Signal Output : 0-5 Vdc
 Make: TT Electronics, OPTEK  Excitation Voltage : 12-24 Vdc
C. Microcontroller kit: motor just pulls out the cables by
The whole control of the system was which the vehicle comes to a halt. The
in the hands of 89C51 intensity of braking is high as the
microcontroller. A microcontroller motor used has very high torque.
(or MCU) is a computer-on-a-chip.
It is a type of microprocessor Why motor?
emphasizing self-sufficiency and
cost-effectiveness, in contrast to a The easy way to apply the brake is to
general-purpose microprocessor (the pull the cables. The Hobson’s choice is
kind used in a PC). an electric motor. The rotation causes
the braking. The motor selected had
Why Microcontroller ? very high initial torque so the
application of the brakes will be very
The is a low power, high sudden and the vehicle comes to a halt
performance CMOS 8 bit immediately.
microcomputer with 4k bytes of flash
programmable and erasable read only Specifications:
memory (PEROM).the on chip flash
allows the program memory to be  12V DC
reprogrammed in system or by a  100 Ampere, Series motor.
conventional non volatile memory
programmer. It s a powerful
microcomputer providing highly WORKING:
flexible and cost effective solution too A. Speed Calculations:
many embedded control applications.
In its simplest form, the sensor
operates as an analog transducer,
Interfacings: directly returning a voltage. With a
known magnetic field, its distance
Of the ports of the microcontroller from the Hall plate can be determined.
two were used as input ports one for This is also done practically prior to
ultrasonic sensor and other for programming. The same way as above
proximity sensor. The other port was a look up table is drawn showing
used as output port to give signal to the relations between speed and time
braking system. The signals form interval between pulses. Depending on
proximity sensor was given in port B the speed of rotation of the wheel
through two bits. The output is taken voltage will be given out from the
from port C. sensor


 Make : Atmel
 Microcontroller :
D. Braking motor:
The braking motor in out project
just applied the brakes. If the vehicle
has cable brakes; the rotation of the
Cost Involved:
Hall Sensor : Rs. 225.00
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor : Rs.
Fig5. Velocity vs Braking Distance 1700.00
Braking Motor : Rs. 900.00
Total :Rs. 2825.00

Modern automobiles come with inbuilt

B. Distance Calculations: processors. The program for the
For this case of distance a proximity
Intelligent Braking System can be
switch is used. When the proximity
added to the control system of the
switch is pressed it is taken into
onboard processor. Sensors can be
consideration that the vehicle has
designed and integrated with the
entered the critical limit, that is, the
vehicle. Hence implementation of this
braking distance becomes less than that
system will not be very expensive. If
of the braking distance required for
this system is implemented it will cost
that speed. This is given as input to the
max of Rs.5000/- approx. For a vehicle
microcontroller kit. The
manufacturer this won’t be a costly
microcontroller calculates the distance.
affair for the function it performs.
C. Braking system:
The braking motor is a 12V motor.
The output from the microprocessor is
5V. A solenoid was used to drive the CONCEPTUAL
motor. The activating signal from the PROTOTYPE:
microprocessor was given to the
solenoid which in turn drives the
motor. The motor shaft is connected to
the brake shoes through a cable as in
conventional two wheeler braking
system. When the motor rotates the
brake cables are pulled and the brake
shoes are activated.

Fig 6. Prototype

The Automatic Braking system, if
implemented can avoid lots of
accidents and can save valuable human
lives and property. Implementation of
such an advanced system can be made
compulsory similar to wearing of seat
belts so that accidents can be averted to
some extent. Our Intelligent braking
system provides a glimpse into the
future of automotive safety, and how
much more advanced these individual
systems can be for avoiding accidents
and protecting vehicle occupants when
they are integrated into one system.
The future of automotive safety is
more than just developing new
technology; it is shifting the approach
SYSTEM approach represents a
significant shift from the traditional
approach to safety, but it is
fundamental to achieving the
substantial benefits.

 “Microcontroller Programming
and Architecture“,Ramesh.S.Goankar,
Prentice Hall India, 1998[1]
 “Microcontroller Hand Book
“,Vi Microsystems[2]

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