A History of Architecture
A History of Architecture
A History of Architecture
A history of architecture,
All ri>^hls rt:servjd. im'liidiny, lliat of translalion into jorcii^n languages including the Scandinavian
"A History Architecture" vas originally planned there
AS of
were to ha\'e been three volumes; the trrst and second co^'er-
Sturgis had made had to be done o\-er again. As they are finally
issued these two volumes go into the study of Gothic and Renaissance
forms in far more detail than would have been possible under Air.
Sturgis's original plan, and it is hoped that they will therefore be of
more importance than if the author had been more hmited in his
:hapter page
6S((7)Widening refinement of nave of Reims; see plumb line on left side 60
6S{b) Curve in plan of gallery of Reims cathedral; see surveyor's chain 61
69 Aisle of I^ouen cathedral, with plumb line on right, showing widening
refinement 6r
70 Section of choir of cathedral of Bcauvais 63
71 Beauvais cathedral; view at transept 64
72 Beauvais cathedral; exterior at choir 65
73 Early west portals of cathedral of Chartres 69
74 Lintel of west portal, cathedral of Senlis .
75 Statues in west portal, cathedral of Senlis 71
76 North portals, cathedral of Chartres 72
77 Statues in north porch, cathedral of Chartres 73
78 Statues in left portal of west fagade of Reims cathedral 74
79 Head of St. Joseph from statue in central west portal, Reims cathedr; 75
So Corbel head, cathedral of Reims 75
81 Relief at right end of fagade of Reims cathedral 76
82 Inner wall of west front, cathedral of Reims .
S3 Choir screen (reredos) at Notre Dame, Paris . 7S
84 Restored choir of Notre Dame, Paris 79
85 Early stained glass window at cathedral of Sens 81
86 Stained glass window in church of Kuppel 83
87(47) Original drawing of XIII century for detail, cathedral of Reim 84
87 (b) Project drawing made for tower of Ulm cathedral
SS(u) St. Pierre, Lisieux .... 85
SS{b) Nave of cathedral of Rouen S7
89(0) Pier with gallery, cathedral of Rouen 88
8g{b) Plan of cathedral of Rouen 88
90 Detail of base of lantern, over transept, cathedral of Coutances 89
91 Apsidal aisle of Coutances cathedral 90
92 Plan of Coutances cathedral 91
95 System of cathedral of Eu .
96 Dijon, church of Notre Dame .
97 Apsidal design and construction of Notre Dame, Dijon 95
98 Clearstory gallery at S. Jean, Sens . 96
rro. PAGE
139 Nave of St. Xicolas-de-Port
140 Hotel de Ville at Cordes
141 Hotel de Ville at Compiegne
142 Hotel de Ville at St. Quentin
143 Council-room of Palais de Justice, Rouen
i43((j) Belfry and Chapel of Notre Dame du Kreisk er at St. Pol de Leon 136
144 Part of Court of Palais de Justice, Rouen
145 Frame house, panelled, on stone basement, at Rouen 135^
146 House at Reims
147 Half-timbered house at Rouen ... 130
148 Timber ossature of a French house of the XIII century
20S Fig-leaves, natural and carved
209 Early capital at St. Leu d'Esserent .... iSi
210 Capita] or pier of nave, Cathedral of Reims . iSi
211 Capital of refectorj', Notre Dame des Cham[)s, Paris iSi
212 Capitals in cathedral of Reims IS2
213 Crocket and foliated archivolt in chapter-house of Noyon cathedral 182
214 Capital from Amiens cathedral 183
215 Sill-course and cul-de-lampe at Notre Dame, Semur I S3
216 Cul-de-lampe carrj-ing statue at Ste. Chapelle, Paris I S3
217 Decorated ribbing 184
218 Cornice at top of tower of cathedral of Amiens 1 84
219 Sill-course of triforium of cathedral of Amiens 184
220 Cornice in choir of cathedral of Troyes 184
221 Summer-stone at St. Pere-sous-Vezelay . IS3
222 Surface decoration, lower arcade, interior Ste. Chapelle, Paris 1 86
223 Surface decoration, central portal, west facade, Notre Dame, Paris 1S6
224 Relation of gable, gallery and cornice to structure, at Ste. Chapelle
Paris 1S7
225 Upper balustrade of facade, Notre Dame, Paris 187
226 Balustrade of south transept of Notre Dame, Paris, c. 1260 187
227 Profiles of larmiers 1S7
2 28 Cusp end of portal at cathedral of Amiens 188
229 Finial of the cathedral of Troyes 18S
230 Key of vault in transept of cathedral of Laon 188
231 Pendant of key of vault in choir at Eu .
232 Conduits and gargoyles for discharging rain water from 189
233 Gargoyle of cathedral of Amiens 189
234 Gargoyle of the Ste. Chapelle, Paris .
235 Late gable of Portail de la Calende, cathedra] of Rouen 190
236 Central gable, main fa(;ade of cathedral of Reims
Porch gable of church at Vezelay
23S Summer-stone of west front, Reims cathedral
239 Cul-de-lampe from west portal of Amiens cathedral
239(a) Decoration of south-west tower of cathedral, lieims
240 Roof of cathedral of Reims 192
241 Central spire of Amiens cathedral
241(a) Frame of belfry of Amiens cathedral
242 Norman wood key-pier
243 Profiles of church at Semur
244 Vaulting profiles of Notre Dame, Paris
245 Types of profiles
246 Prismatic pier at St. Urbain, Troyes I OS
247 Base in choir of Chartres cathedral .
248 Base in choir of Notre Dame, Paris .
249 Base in cathedral of Laon .
250 Base in nave of Reims cathedral 196
251 Base of pier at cathedral of Meau.x .
252 Base of half-pier in choir of St. Nazaire, Carcassonne 196
253 Fusion of base with plinth in XV century 196
256 202
257 Facade of cathedral of Tarragona 203
25S Interior of old cathedral, Tarragona, at transept 204
259 Interior of cathedral, Cuen(;a, at transept 205
260 Tudela Cathedral; interior at transept .
261 Burgos Cathedral 207
262 Puerta do Sarmental of north transept, cathedral of Burgos 208
263 Burgos Cathedral; interior, near transept 209
264 Leon; interior of cathedral at transept 210
285 Batalha; general view of church and monastery from west 2,35
306 Church and cloister of St. Francis, Assisi
307 St. Francis, Assisi; upper church 25(5
30S S. Alaria Novella, Florence
309 SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice; apse
310 S. Maria dei Frari, Venice
Cathedral of Siena; fa(,ade
.... .
311 260
312 Cathedral of Siena; view from gallery 261
313 Cathedral of Orvieto; facade by Lorenzo de Maitani 262
314 Original projet for fa(;ade of cathedral of Orvieto, in c. 1295 263
315 Detail of portals, Orvieto cathedral
316 Exterior of nave, Orvieto cathedral .
333 Restored view of the main scjuare of Siena, as it was in the XIV
centurj', with the Communal Palace on the right 2S6
Liebfrauenkirche, Trier .... ^10
359 St. Elizabeth, Marburg ....
360 Detail of main portal of St. Elizabeth, Alarburg
361 St. Elizabeth, ^Marburg ....
362 System of St. Elizabeth, ^Marburg
363 Cathedral of Strassburg .... ,31.3
387 Plan of Cistercian monastery of Maulbronn
388 Cloister of monastery, Maulbronn 335
389 Choir of cathedral, Regensburg .
390 Facade of cathedral, Regensburg. The fa(;ade as built is on extreme
left. The other three are original projet draw ings that were not
carried out
391 System of cathedral, Regensburg
396 The Alarienkirche at Reuthngen
397 Choir of monastic church, Zwetl
39S Plan of cathedral, Vienna .... 345
Ba}' of cathedral, Vienna
Vienna Cathedral
.... 345
401 Spire of Church of jNIaria Stiegen, Vienna
St. Lawrence, Nuremberg ....
Main portal of St. Lawrence, Nuremlx-rg
404 The Frauenkirche at Nuremberg 350
405 Fagade of the Frauenkirche, Nuremberg .
406 Nave of St. Sebald, Nuremberg
Choir of Erfurt Cathedral
Erfurt Cathedral, at transept
.... 352
409 Church of the Dominicans at Erfurt
St. George at Dinkelsbiihl
Aisle of cathedral, Braunschweig
.... 354
457 Hotel de \'ille, Louvain 391
458 Court of the Bishop's Palace, Liege
465 Cathedral of Linkoeping
466 Cathedral of Lausanne 401
the preparation of these concluding volumes I feel
INassuming that I
a somewhat complicated responsibility. Mr. Sturgis
had left no manuscript covering any part of it, nor any memoranda
that could be used; neither had he outhned its plan. I had no means
ofknowing at what time he proposed to close the historic survey, and
whether he planned to include the antecedents of contemporary archi-
tecture. More than this, as he left the closing part of Volume II. un-
finishedand incomplete, there are some gaps in the treatment of
Romanesque architecture that must be reckoned with— such as that
of Spain and the Lombard monuments of ApuUa and there is the—
obvious need of a summing up of the Romanesque movement and of
the conditions that led to the opening of the Gothic age. From a long
intimacy with him, and thorough familiarity and sympathy with his
work, it is easy for me to imagine what he would have hked to write.
In the few pages of my preface to the Gothic movement it was not
feasible for me to do more than outline this probable synopsis of Mr.
Of course, not possible nor desirable for one writer to attempt
it is
to lose his identity in that of another so I have not been guilty of any
I fiave, in particular, followed Ifis plan of making the bulk of the text
consist of descriptive details based on the illustrations, so that every-
thing pivots on these illustrations, though I can hardly hope to have
accomplished this with a felicity equal to his. In the general styfistic
and historic considerations where this was not possible, I have given
illustrations to cover every important statement. In doing this I have
borne in mind that Mr. Sturgis was not only a practical architect, but
addressed himself largely in this book to an audience of architects.
In following the same policy I may have become at times even some-
what more addicted to technical descriptions.
Consequently, under these conditions I have reduced to a minimum,
both as a matter poUcy and from space requirements, the correlation
what I conceive to have been the role played by each, the special
niche of each, of them in the general history of architecture, viewed
by and large, and in a quasi-philosophical manner.
The basal concept of Gothic, as a philosopher would word it, is
The style of the Renaissance was not only based upon a return, as
far as possible, to the static scheme but upon a divorce between what
the Italians considered to be the irreconcilable elements of art and
science in building. The heated controversies between Northern and
Italian artists that centred around the international construction of
Milan Cathedral just before and after 1400, showed the unbridgable
chasm that existed between Italy and the rest of Europe in the concep-
tion of true architecture. In developing the Renaissance style Italy
considered that she was freeing art from the trammels of logic and
scientific necessity: whereas Gothic architects had rejoiced in con-
forming their forms and proportions to the laws of matter. Renais-
sance architects wished to be free to use any proportions and designs
that taste or fancy dictated or their standards of aesthetics allowed,
and just in so far as the structural laws of Gothic balance interfered,
they disliked and disregarded them. They open or hidden
called in the
help of metal chains, rods and beams overcome the effect of natural
law, so as to enable them to build loftier and lighter domes and to
carry out what they considered the laws of beauty. In divorcing art
from science (as even their own pseudo-Gothic architects had often
done), they also divorced decoration from construction. In this the
Renaissance leaders merely followed Roman and Italian traditions,
which had always treated decoration as largely a matter of independent
incrustation instead of as an expression of the structure.
The Renaissance style, therefore, was rather a system of design
than of construction, and aimed severally or collectively, at three
things: proportions, decoration, and simpHcity. In Palladio, for
example, we see the quintessence of proportion and simplicity: in the
Florentines and Lombards the quintessence of proportion and decora-
tive effectiveness. To Gothic emotionalism and moods, due to the
became thinner, the joints and profiles sharper, the mouldings more
whether he were monk or layman. Monks not only built their own
churches and monastic estabhshments but were called from their
monasteries by bishops and communes to take charge of building opera-
tions. Laymen like Master Raymund were given full power. When
he was engaged to build the cathedral of Urgel in Catalonia in 11 75,
he not only had untrammelled charge of the works without supervision,
but charge also of the finances and property of the cathedral under a
seven-year contract. It was, in fact, during the Twelfth and early
Thirteenth centuries that head architects, both lay and monastic,
had the most power and could be most certain of unity of plan and
detail in their building operations.
The above facts can be verified by a comparison between the
illustrations of Romanesque work in Vol. II. and those of the following
based on static laws which, after a long and bold but careful process
1 The other favorite term was " German " (Tedesco) style because so many German
architects happened to be called to Italy (e. g., Cath. Milan) to put up Gothic build-
of experimentation, were understood as they never had been before,
assisted by an increased perfection of technique in stone cutting
and laying. Walls were practically ehminated as a necessity. The
scheme was to reconcile safety with the extremest possible pre-
ponderance of voids over sohds, in order to secure plenty of light and
unity in church interiors. This was done under the guidance of a
love for aerial perspective and ver ical effects. Everything con-
structively unnecessary was eliminated: every structural element
was frankly shown. The science that dictatedwas exulted m.
The time required to develop Gothic was simply the time during which
laboratory experiments were being conducted in the chantiers to
gradually adapt the forms to the new principles.
At the same time an artistic evolution was in progress that paral-
leled the structural evolution, though, of course, it began a little
later and depended upon it. This shows itself in the scheme of
geometric decoration; the scheme of floral ornamentation taken
directly from plant life; the new school of figured sculpture which
turned the cathedrals into Encyclopaedias of science, history and
and the creation of the art of figured stained-glass windows
which was to give the tone to church interiors as well as supplement
figured sculptures in their mission of instructing the people. All these
forms of art seem so absolutely a part of the new architecture that we
cannot think of it without them all, and feel that when any one of
them conspicuously absent or weak, the completeness of the work
more than five or six schools, in place of more than a dozen Romanesque
schools, but in some cases the differences between them are not at all
the Angevin Schools, and that of the South. To the first group
went in groups and taught the new style to local artists. The dif-
ferences which we observe when these local schools develop are mainly
national and not, as heretofore, local, and are due to temperament,
degree of artistic taste, and Umitations imposed by materials and
There are two other points to consider at the outset: first, that
Gothic is essentially a style based on stonework and to which stone
is absolutely necessary for its proper expression; and second, that it
(From Mollct-lc-
" severies " — rest on this framework without being
incorporated in it. The two sets of ribs just
was usual, for this was a specialty of the Angevin school. The incline
was usualty slight, even in early work, and became even less apparent
during the thirteenth century. In some cases stilting was also used,
in order to raise still more the crown of the framing ribs. In longi-
tudinal ribs over clearstories, the springing was on a higher level than
A'-. B.
3 — French quadripartite vaulting (.1. S. Pierre, Lisieux) with apsidal vault; and sexpartite
vaulting (B. cathedral, LaonJ: showing curved surfaces and coursing of severies.
(From Simpson.)
There is, however, a form of vault that influenced the early plan
and structure: the sexpartite vaulting in which there was an inter-
mediate longitudinal rib bisecting the centre of the vault and trans-
mitting part of the thrust. This feebler thrust required less support
below. Hence the alternation of columns and piers in some transitional
buildings. In Fig. 3, the left-hand vaulting illustrates not only
the normal quadripartite form, but the radiating vaulting compart-
ments developed in choirs. The sexpartite vaulting is given on the
right. In these illustrations we can study the minuteness of the units
and the curves they take in following the vaulting planes. The ribbing
here extremely delicate, and was reached only after a hah-ccntury
a circular core (the column) with four shafts engaged in its surface;
or else a core faced with an elaborate group of shafts corresponding
in outline to all the mouldings of vaulting shafts and archivolt mould-
ings. The former simple scheme was that adopted in most of the
masterj^ieces of the thirteenth century, and is here illustrated by the
pier and vaulting of Amiens in Fig. 5. This final form made Gothic
logically homogeneous. Of course,
--^c there were variants and transitional
forms which will be noticed in
describing the monuments. Their
bulk is steadily reduced until the
minimum of safetyand is reached,
they are spaced more and more
widely according to the same plan
until the choir of Beauvais showed
what this Umit was. The capitals
and plinths of the supports have a
charming variety; they are treated
with a plastic elasticity to ensure
the greatest strength and to adapt
themselves to the outlines of piers
and mouldings. The treatment of
the masonry immediately above the
capital is illustrated in the simplest
form of its evolution in Fig. 6,
S —Pier and vaultin; system, nave of which gives evolution before 1250,
Amiens cathedral (From Viollct-le-
showing the gradual change in the
tas-de-charge or courses
from which
the archivolts spring. How worked out in detail, as to moulded
ribs, also appears in early simple form in Fig. 7 and in the more
complicated memberment made necessary by the grouped pier in
Fig. 8, where the mouldings of the early thirteenth centur)^
are given for all the ribbings— transverse, diagonal and wall. An
even fuller understanding of the elaborate juxtaposition of mouldings
in the vaulting at a certain level above the pier on all sides is given
in the plan of Fig. 9, from Amiens. The exactness and delicacy of
the handUng required
for the sort of designs that henceforth prevailed,
far suipassed am'thing thus far
known in architecture.
<-. c^,r^^//^o r
S — Tas-cle-charge, shaft and vaulting masonry, in XIII century. (From Aiiikihi Arcli.)
a semi-tunnel vault o\'er the aisles to abut the tunnel vault of the
nave. When the ribbed cross-vault was introduced the concentra-
g — Section of vaulting system above lo —Primitive buttress of S. Remi at Reims.
piers, nave of Amiens cathedral. (From VioUet-le-Duc.)
(From ViolIet-le-Duc.)
It did not abut directly against the waU but against a buttress-pier. At
first hidden under the roof that covered the aisles it soon emero-ed into
the open, after 1150. As it was the last element to receive careful
(From plroto.)
in both the
wide and the arch too slender. There is greater efficacy
direction and weight of the buttress of Noyon
cathedral in Fig. 11,
pilaster also rises beyond it. Still before the close of the
where the
of Soissons cathedral
- twelfth century comes the double-batteried system
Chartres, whose
which was only slightly lightened in the cathedral of
illustrated later, in Fig. 48. It will easily be seen,
splendid system is
in the monuments.
THAT part of Central France which was the nucleus of the old
Royal domain, called the Ile-de-France, saw the birth of the
St. Germer, which followed very closely after the vaulting of its
narrower spaces.
The abbey church of St. Germer is the first building with a
critics, M. de Dion, has imagined that it was earher than the present
interior. But this is only, in reality, a perfectly logical relationship.
as Gothic features began with the innermost part of the structural
interior and worked gradually toward the exterior. In looking at the
interior view given in Fig. 1 5 it must be remembered that one of the
most characteristic features, the open gallery over the aisles, has been
destroyed. If we mentally restore it in the nave, from the remaining
gallery in transept and apse, we shall have a design that has very few
signs of indecision. Only the triforium gallery has the old-fashioned
groin-vault: all the rest of the vaulting system is Gothic. The choir,
which is thought to be the earliest to show the new system on a large
scale, dates between
on the outside by a
group of three engaged
round shafts to con-
nect with the vaulting
shafts on both sides.
A grandiose effect is
pointed arch has now passed from the structure of the vault to the
main arcades: the minor arcades and
the windows, where there is less need
of structural strength, remain round-
headed. The cross section in Fig. 16
will show the curious elementary fl}'ing
buttresses over the triforium gallery.
They were concealed under the roof
and abutted against the clearstory
wall. They are the earliest example
of the new plan of receiving the thrust
of the vaults only at the points of
greatest pressure. Another feature
that now obscured is
is the very rare
double transept. The usual one at
the end remains: that to the
wdst is two of
obliterated except for
the massive corner piers.
At St. Denis only the two extrem- 16 — St. Germer. Sj-slem. (From Choisy.)
ities of the original abbey church
built by Abbot Suger in about 1140 remain: the facade and the apse.
It was the most famous church of its day in France, except perhaps
the abbey church of Clun}-, and through the gathering of artists from
different parts of France to build and decorate it, as we can read in
Suger's own account of the work, itmust have been a powerful means
of illustratingand spreading the new ideas. The vaulting of the
aisles and chapels of the choir show an advance in refinement over
St. Germer, and the plan with five aisles gave the model for the large
round-topped window, or else reduces these
lower windows to a gallery, as at Amiens.
The interior of Senlis is (Fig. 19) interesting
and original. Although the primitive vault-
ing no longer exists,' the plan shows that it
was sexpartite. There is an alternation of
heavy piers of a type more developed than
those of St. Germer, with simple cylindrical
shafts on whose plinths the minor vaulting
shafts rest. This substitution of the sex-
partite vault for the oblong quadripartite
vault appears to have come in with the in-
troduction of the column as a support, and
one suspects that the column was used in
order to give more space for the congregation.
2a-Cathedralof Noyon: plan.
The proportions are Still " about as heavy as
(From Viollet-lo-Duc.) o V-.
at bt. Germer, but there a more varied articu-
lation of mouldmgs and shafts, and the pointed arch is introduced
into new portions such as the triforium gallery.
use the pointed arch in order easily to reach about to the level of the
diagonal crown. In the choir all the supports are in the form of
columns; in the apse itself they are extremely slender. In the three
and to be satisfied with a groin vault in the aisles. This is clear from
theawkward corbels inserted at the base of the ribs that were used
when the vaulting was actually built. Evidently Sens was planned
at about the same time as St. Denis
(c. 1140), but the upper
of nave and aisles were not constructed until later (c. 1168), which
accounts for the suppression of the gallery.
One of the earliest apses
with radiating chapels is that of St.
Germain-des-Prcs in Paris, completed in 1163. Here the gallery is
much reduced in size. In its fine symmetry this choir takes on some
of the lightness that is to characterize developed Gothic. In the nave
the oblong quadripartite vaulting was used, in
continuation of the tra-
dition of St. Germer and Poissy, at a time when
sexpartite vaulting
had already been introduced (Fig. 23).
Notre Dame, the cathedral embodies the spirit of transi-
of Paris,
tional Gothic even better than some contemporary buildings, for the
very reason that it is not homogeneous. One can trace (Fig.
24) a good
part of the changes that went on from about 11
63, when it was founded.
until about 1235, when its fagade was nearly completed, with even
later peculiarities in the south transept with its portal of 1257. It
primitive one, though not carried out until after 1200. It is the most
symmetrical of the great Gotliic fagades. In fact it is the first of the
truly Gothic tj-pe. As Choisy well remarks, it is based on a square
above which rise the flanking towers. The three portals are set in solid
masonry and are crowned with the gallery of kings. The buttresses
with their without the pinnacles, the niches and
oilsets are still plain,
the surface decoration that are to distinguish XIII century work. For
the last time we see uncovered flat waU surfaces. The second story
grouping of the windows is certainly finer and more symmetrical than
that of the later facades.
The open gallery above
it is distinctly of later
design than the rest,
exists between the side aisles. Choisv keenlv remarks that as the
thrust of the vaultmg is not vertical, but oblique and outward, it was
logical that the piers that most needed strengthening were those
between the side aisles.
The circular core has a
ring of engaged shafts.
Some of the differences
between the church as
first built and as we see
it after the changes of
the XIII century, are
instructive. In the cut
(Fig. 30), taken from
Choisy, the right-hand
half shows the original
structure, while on the
left we see it as it is.
are certain fundamental differences; its long and narrow plan, with only
three in place of five aisles ; its projecting transept ; its square-ending apse.
It is interesting to compare the facades. That of Laon (Fig. 34) is evi-
dently the earlier tjq^e and less well thought out. The stepping of the
upper section of the f agade is awkward : so is the line of small windows
above the portals. The towers, however, are remarkably fine, and that
St.Leu d'Esserent not only stands very close to the older parts
of Notre Dame but, though small, is so homogeneous as to be exceed-
34- -Cathcdral of Laon, west
front. iFrom photo.)
ingly valuable for comparative criticism. The choir and transept date
from about 11 70, and do not yet show anj^ tracery in the windows.
The nave must belong to the close of the century and is particularly
interesting for its windows with almost the first attempt at tracery,
Troyes. In all these works Gothic art shows that it has successfully
completed its attempt to create both a logical constructive system
a minimum of material and a maximum of strength, and an x-sthetic
system in perfect harmony with this construction and with the intel-
lectual and spiritual temper of the age. The period of experimenta-
been left behind. The solution reached
tion and of transition lias
file with amazing
through the leaders was adopted by the rank and
in style.
unanimity and enthusiasm, and great unity resulted
Bourges cathedral, be-
gun between 1170 and 11 80,
is in some ways earlier, in
logical and advanced form than was afterward used in most of the
masterpieces of the thirteenth century. It has eight auxiliary shafts
instead of the four used at Chartres, Reims, Amiens, Beauvais, etc. This
richly featured pier was
tried, a few years later, in
interior in Fig. 45 and in the clearstory window in Fig. 46, the main
characteristics can easily be seen to be: the massive but superbly
articulated buttress piers; the double buttress arches with their unique
arcade; three in place of five aisles; the central shaft reinforced by four
colonnettes as a pier; the quadripartite in place of the sexpartite vault;
the absence of domical curves in the vaulting compartments; the
imposing roses in the clearstory; the suppression of the second story
over the aisles. The originality shows itself also in the smallest details.
In the main supports, for example, every other pier consists of an
octagonal central column surrounded with four round shafts, while the
intermediate pier has four octagonal shafts around a circular column.
This is shown even better in
Fig. 47 with its charming view
of aisles and transept. This al-
spire of the Cathedral of Senlis is given, which was added to the church
toward the middle of the thirteenth century. Here and at Chartres the
cleverly managed
passing from square to octagon at the base is most
and supplemented by the pignons and dormers addorsed against the
It is a most original design, de-
sides of the upper part of the spire.
delicacy. Returning to the
veloped at Senlis into forms of aspiring
side) had remained un-
Chartres fagade, the toAver on the left (north
finisheduntil the close of the Gothic age, and was completed in 1515
in the flamboyant style quite out
of keeping with the rest of the
facade but in itself extremely
artistic. The plan of keeping the
tower design intact, separate from
the facade, is a scheme largely
52 —Restored view of cathedral, Reims, as it was in tlie Tliirteenth century. (From ViolIet-le-Duc.)
55 — Rose window, west front, cathedral of Reims, in process of restoration, showing erosion
of stonework. (From photo.)
base of the towers.Here again the Laon type is followed. The other
differences are merely
due to the natural evolution of the style which
tended toward the substitution of openings and decorative details for
plane surfaces. Notice the suppression of the wall over the portals,
the false arcading, the pinnacles and the niches for statues on the
buttresses, the use of the pointed in place of the round arch as a frame
for the wheel window, and the development of tracery and decorative
detail at every possible point. There is a perceptible lightening of
the upper story of the towers, where the incredibly slender shafts of
me corner pinnacles have a similar effect to those on the Strassburg
' ttfTl"
ne' |uj ' di; ":
from the grace of
An / as we pass up to
—System and details of nave of Reljis
the feeling changes. cathedral. (From Viollet-le-Duc.)
'the roof is steep. The vaulting compartments ai-e more inclined and
the transverse and wall-ribs \-ery pointed. These are late character-
t and show that the detailed drawings for th' section of the upper
structure must be referred to the middle of the century instead of to
! the 1212 period. These traits appear in Figs. 57 and 58. Fig. 59
shows the importance of the nave. Merely as a piece of construction
the building is considered to be easily the greatest in Europe. Nothing
has sunk, shifted or split to any perceptible extent.
J At Amiens (Fig. 60) the style is conceded to have reached its
apogee, and one may freely grant this of its general scheme, its interior
and its choir. The fagade of Amiens is a development of an original
design (Fig. 6i) that combined features of Laon and Notre Dame. It
is less rich than Reims and like it has parts that belong to the four-
teenth century or later. The increased height favored the insertion of
a rich gallery (Fig. 62) between the portals and the gallery of the kings.
The intricately designed rose-window and the upper story of the left-
the open gallery under the gallery of the kings must be considered
original. As a pure expression of a master mind the Reims design
is superior, even though overlaid with florid superfetations which
vitiate it at some points.
In its general external lines Amiens gives the effect of compactness
and elevation, because of its greater proportionate width and height
when compared with all previous churches. This helps to give it the
commanding aspect so characteristic of Fig. 63. Its apsidal arrange-
) I ment, with pol)'gonal radiating chapels is more picturesque than the
earHer unbroken circular line t>'pihed in Notre
creased by the greater size
of the central or Lady
__^ Dame. This is in-
to Chartres is accentuated
-Vh and clc\-ation of Gallery of Kings, Amiens
by the size of the choir cathedral. (From Mollct-le-Duc.)
(Fig. 60). Contrary to
usage, the na^•e was the earUest part of the church to be built and it
was exactly contemporary' with that of Reims. In its scheme it is the
same, but its proportions are much slenderer. The piers are elongated.
raising the arches and the aisle-vaulting very considerably. Their
plan is identical: a central round column with four engaged shafts;
but the vaulting shafts are in groups of three in place of five and
there is no capital to break the verticahty of the central shaft. The
triforium is the same except that it also is elongated. The clear-
story design is the same (Fig. 65), also with the two-storied flying
buttresses, but the buttress piers are more heavily weighted and the
upper battery abuts against the nave wall at a lower point than at
63 — Cathedral of Amiens. View showing how a French cathedral overshadows the city.
(From photo.)
Fig. 66.
The apse of Amiens is the first which may be considered as final
line of dark arcades opening on a blank wall under a pent roof; which
had been the previous solution, illustrated in the nave itself, as well
«,s at Reims, Chartres, etc.The craze for extending the light-giving
stained-glass surfaces led him to make of this triforium of the choir
a secondary clearstory, under the main windows and adjusted to them.
cathedral of Troyes. It is
Hnear units.
It is natural in connection with Amiens and Reims to allude to
Mr. Goodyear's remarkable discoveries, though they have a far more
general application. I refer to his theory as to certain architectural
bSb — Cunc in plan of gallon' of Reims 00 — Aisle of Rouen cathedral, with jilumli line
cathedral: see surveyor's chain. (From on right, showing widening rehnenient.
Mr. Goodyear's photo. (From Mr. Goodyear's photo."!
the inclination in the centre of the na^•e, where the widening is greatest
(lo inches, including 2 inches otTset\ it follows, if the widening was
planned and not accidental, that the wall of the upper part of the na^•e
would show a slight con^ex curve, more pronounced toward the tran-
sept, less pronounced toward the fagade. In Fig. 68/), which shows the
wall-plan at the base of the clearstory windows, a surveyor's chain
stretched from end to end, shows a curve of ten inches. This is exactly
repeated in the corresponding wall on the opposite side.
Of his examples I shall refer only to two, both at Rouen, the cathedral
and the church Ouen, the former being illustrated in Fig. 69.
of St.
detail elsewhere.
The choir of Beauvais cathedral is an object lesson of the greatest
easy to agree with Choisy that the choir of Beauvais was clearly con-
ceived, harmoniously proportioned, with soaring lines of
beauty, and was the most ideal work of French architecture. And
yet, its architect went beyond what was safe in rehance on his knowl-
edge of the science of equihbrium and the resistance of materials. The
great vaults soon cracked and gave way, in 1272. In reconstructing
them in 1288 no one had the audacity to follow the original plan. The
distance between the vaulting ribs was considered too great at that
height. Intermediate ground-piers were added; two narrow arches
were built under each of the original arcades, and the oblong
quadripartite vaults be-
came sexpartite. These
changes can be studied
quite well in the view of
the exterior of the choir
in Fig. 72.
exterior at ch
part of the architect. It
was necessary for someone to experiment in order to determine the limit
of safety. This architect cast himself into the breach for the sake of his
art. He took every possible precaution. This is illustrated especially
in two things: in the form and of the buttresses. The core
of the piers
of the pier is not circular, aswas customary, but oval, the elongation
being toward nave and aisles, in order to allow a deeper imbedding of
the vaulting shafts and the consequent stiffening of the support. Then,
in the buttresses, we see that the mass as it ascends is subdi^'ided and
that the inner wall is projected over the aisle vaulting toward the
building in order to oft'er greater resistance. It had been found that
only two portions of the solid buttress piers such as were used fifty
years before at Chartres, had any real value; the innermost section,
which took care of the downward pressure after the fashion of a pier,
and the outer section which counteracted the diagonal pressure. Act-
ing on this knowledge the architects of the preceding generation had
timidly opened galleries and passage ways in the lower part of the but-
tresses. But here at Beauvais, beside doing this, the architect broke
the mass above the chapel-roof into two independent piers which were
connected at the top by a double flying buttress.
Having reached the climax of masterpieces, it will be interesting to
summarize the results achieved in the development of plan, construc-
tion, elevation; to give a glimpse of the various schools that arose
throughout France, and of the decorative and figured sculpture, tracery
and stained glass. Finally, a discussion of the men who created the
new art will prepare the way for following its journey around Europe.
In plan the changes affect mainly the transept, the number of aisles,
and the use of chapels. From the beginning the choir was strongly
developed. The transformation took place under the influence of per-
fectly clear and practical requirements. The Romanesque plan had
been dictated by the monastic orders and had been necessary to have
it easy for the masses to see and hear the religious services. Therefore
the transepts were very soon shortened or eliminated the ; number of the
aisles even in the largest churches reduced from five to three, as the
aisles. The balance was often restored in such cases by the addition of
Chap. II] •
1250. The transept was moved down almost to the centre of the
church. In the typical plans of Chartres, Reims and Amiens the choirs
all have and the naves only three, while the aisle chapels
five aisles
appear only at Amiens and Notre Dame. At Chartres and Amiens the
transept projects one bay beyond the choir; at Reims hardly at all.
The idea of an unbroken choir outline, such as we see at Notre Dame
and Bourges, was discarded in favour of the projecting chapels either
touching or separated by a wall hne straight or curved. Of course
this was the more picturesque solution. The t}'pe with adjacent chapels
prevailed, and its perfect form was given at Amiens and Beau^•ais,
which the rest of France and N. Europe copied. In them were solved
the difficulties of adjusting the \'aulting of the irregular compartments
of the ambulatory and the central vault. -At the West end, the prob-
lem was how to treat the base of the two great towers wliich were an
integral part of the facade. At Chartres we have seen that the inherit-
ance from the twelfth century involved a separation from the body. At
Noyon and Soissons there was a gradual approach to making of the base
of the towers a bay of the interior the process was almost completed at
Notre Dame, where the piers supporting the two inner angles of the
towers are merely heavier than those at the transept. The final solu-
tion appears in two forms, at Reims and Amiens. At Reims, the
Notre Dame plan is perfected; but at Amiens, by making the towers
shallow instead of square and b}' increasing the projection of the fagade,
the towers are supported by the triple porch.
Of course, we are now discussing what might be termed the ortho-
dox plan. Every pro^•incial school, as well as organizations such as
main horizontal elements from three to two, by the reduction and then
eHmination, first of the super-aisle and then the reduction of the tri-
forium and its final absorption into the clearstory design. The move-
ment was toward a logical unity, that had a dangerous element of
uniformity; toward a but chaste decorative use of every con-
has never been a period
architectural and as
figured sculpture
With the Greeks
hardly ever entered into the fibre of the building, but was
a more or less harmonious adjunct. One feels with regard to the
pedimental figures of Greek temples that they are rather an intrusion,
more or less awkward. Roman art was more successful, especially
in such creations as the triumphal arches with their historic reliefs,
but never attempted anything on a grand scale, the decorative em-
phasis being laid on color.
Gothic sculpture had less independence, and for that reason its
beauties have been generally overlooked, merged as they are iff* the
general effect. were the place it would be easy to be eloquent
If this
as to the dignityand grace, the piquancy, verve and humour, the happy
faculty of seizing salient and characteristic traits, the variety of pose,
the broad understanding of draped effects, the harmonious merging of
ornament and figure and, last but not least, the study of the nude under
extraordinary difficulties due to the sentiment of the age. But most
of these qualities concern us here only indirectly, as contributing to the
sense of power and harmony that they convey.
even more strictly the forerunners of the riper works of the Golden Age
than was the case witn the contemporar_\' forms of architecture. In both
spheres the changes were made largely under the impulse of a growing
sense of beauty.
Before tracing this development, a word must be said of the subject-
matter of these sculptures: only a word, because this is not a treatise
on Christian Iconograpliy. In the Romanesque period when sculpture
was used, it was more or less at haphazard in so far as the placing and
grouping of the scenes was concerned. But the Gothic age was the age
of encyclopedic learning, of systematic and analytic thinking. A
recent writer, Male, has taken a volume to show how the works of fig-
ured art of this age expressed its learning and its beliefs. The typical
encyclopedia of the day, the Speculum of Vincent of Beauvais, is based
on a system of universal knowledge which corresponds almost exactly
with the arrangement of the thousands of figures carved on the exteriors
of French cathedrals. The scenes are grouped under these heads:
exposition of Christian Faith; moral philosophy, with exposition of
both the good and evil in humanity; natural philosophy, or the world
and man; his labours and occupations, physical and intellectual; the
history of the world. A glance at the four ponderous folios of Vin-
cent of Beauvais would not only correct the common delusion of
medieval ignorance, but would give a high idea of the current knowledge
of Oriental, Greek and Roman antiquity, and of the broad and keen
insight which is also so evident in the sculptures. It will be enough to
say here that with this encyclopedia in hand, it will be perfectly clear
that the reliefs and figures on a French cathedral are so carefully placed
that the slightest change would make nonsense of them. This is said
to destroy the common delusion that these works are merely decorative
and fantastic. They were carefully planned by consultation between
the artistsand the leading learned men of France.
Now, as to the artistic character and development. The triple por-
highly decorative, this and the similar work at St. Trophime, Aries,
cannot compare in quality, nor do they stand in the line of de\'elop-
ment toward Gothic work. Fig. 73 is particularly happy in its
perspecti^-e view of these portals of Chartres where the figured work
is so adapted to the archi-
tectural lines as to make
it a model for the later
artists.How it was al-
the lintel reliefs (Fig. 74) which remind one of the ON-er-Aitalit}' of Greek
athletic figures at the close of the archaic age. In both cases it was the
natural reaction of men who were freed from a long technical inability
to express action and feeling. This makes it all the more significant
that the statues in the same portal, below this lintel (Fig. 75), preserve
their straight architectural lines.
Of the sculptures at Chartres cathedral the early west portals have
already been mentioned. Their position on the west front can be
seen in Fig. 49. The rest illustrate two stages, one before Notre
Dame and one contemporary with Reims. The Christ and statues
of Patriarchsand Fathers in the portals of the transepts together
with the tympanum and archivolt reliefs are rigid and (in the smaller
toward 1240 are in the fully developed style, often more graceful than
the contemporary works at Reims. Nothing could more beautifully
express the chivalry of medieval knighthood than the statue of St.
Theodore, which has the simplicity characteristic of all truly great art.
A general view of the triple porch of the north transept is given in
Fig.76 and a detail in Fig. 77 illustrates what progress had been
made since Senlis in giving individual values.
70 —Head of Si. Joseph from staluo in central west portal, Reims cathedral. (Froni Jlichel.l
amazing. The portals on the west front are the earliest in date. In
the gables that surmount them are groups added during the fourteenth
century (Fig. 230). The general
arrangement appears in Fig. 54,
wonderful rollicking
tympanum reliefs in
Fig. 81 from the right-
hand buttress of the
facade, where the nude
is treated with so much
abandon and mastery.
Finally there is an evi-
dent knowledge of the
antique and an adapta-
tion of. its best t}'pes of
drapery and form. It
would be quite beyond
our purpose to follow
the further develop-
the Revolution. That of Notre Dame remains in part and we know the
sculptors who carved it during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.
In. Fig. 83 one gets some idea of the polychromy of Gothic figures, which
has been somewhat preserved in these interior sculptures. The entire
design was approximately as Viollet-le-Duc has restored it in Fig. 84.
the art of mosaic work is the ideal method of adding the element of
color to a wall surface and we have seen how skilfully this was done in
Early Christian and Byzantine art, as well as in Italy as late as the
close of the Romanesque period. But in Gothic buildings of pure tj^De
it had no place, owing to the suppression of wall space, and it sur-
vived during this period only where Gothic principles were not followed,
mainly in Italy. Its most interesting examples are, perhaps, the apses
of some Roman churches, such as St. John Lateran, S. Maria Maggiore
and S. Maria in Trastevere. In exterior work its happiest use is m the
fagade of the cathedral of Orvieto, where it is combined with a rich
sculptured decoration. The gables are
with figured compositions.
This fa(;ade also illustrates the decorative value of mosaic inlay in set
patterns in the twisted and other forms of columns and colonnettes
which the portals (see Figs. 313 and 315).
They also form the
decorative kejoiote of the beautiful cloisters of Rome (Lateran, S.
Paul, Sassovivo, etc.) and its vicinity. All this, however, is a side issue,
pertinent only to Italy.
Mural painting as an
adjunct to Gothic archi-
tecture was of real im-
portance only in Italy
and in a small part of
Germany. This was a
foregone conclusion as
soon as the suppression of
interior wall space became
a general fact. It is an in-
teresting hypothesis that
had the Italians been
as thorough converts to
Gothic skeleton construc-
tion as the rest of Europe,
the grand style of fresco
painting would have died,
and not only would we
have had no Giotto but no
Sistine Chapel or Stanze,
no masterpieces by Pin-
turicchio, Michelangelo,
Raphael, Correggio or
Paolo Veronese.
In France it has been
84 —Restored choir of Notre Dame, Paris.
noticed that the sparse (From Viollet-le-Duc.)
without much shading. This was not at all the case in Italy, where the
tonality was kept subdued and varied and an increasing realism was
given to both figures and setting. Such decorative ensembles as we
find at Assisi, Subiaco, Sta. Maria Novella in Florence, Sta. Anastasia
at Verona, the Eremitani at Padua and the Sancta Sanctorum Chapel
in Rome are eminently a part of architectural design. A view of St.
Francis of Assisi in Fig. 307 will show how the lines of the diagonal lon-
gitudinal and wall ribs are not only followed by the painter but are
emphasized by parallel decorative lines framing the scenes. Every
other architectural feature is utilized as a framework and no space is
without its pictorial covering in a style that harmonizes with the archi-
tecture of the building; in the compositions themselves buildings and
an important part. This emphasis on the
architectural details played
decorative side of mural painting was very strong up to about 1350.
It then passed through a similar evolution toward independence that,
connected with the wall by design and color as to seem a part of it, and
the small scale of the figures is calculated to add to the apparent size
over the vaulting of the aisles but into the aisles themselves. Possibly,
there was a change made in the
course of construction and the
aisle-A'aults as planned were con-
sidered low (Fig. 69), so the cluster
of shafts (Fig. 89a) was added in
the aisles over the capitals of the
piers and carried up to the gallery
openings where the piers of the
vaulting shafts rest. This raising
of the level of the aisle-vaults
was doubtless partly owing to the
plan for adding the line of aisle-
the Portail aux Libraires both charming thirteenth century works.
It is important to note the peculiar arrangement of the great towers
in relation to the facade. They do not stay within the plan of the
church but project sharply beyond the aisles, forming a flanking mass
of imposing effect. The scheme is pecuharl)' a Norman invention and
spread to Spain and England, where we shall iind twin towers pro-
jecting in both directions from the west front—a sign of Norman
influence. The choir plan is also unusual in its chapels (Fig. 89^).
Even when compared with the more famous cathedrals of the Ile-
de-France, there is a building in Normandy which is, to my mind, one
of the most splendid masterpieces in France. It is the cathedral of
89a —Pier with gallery, calhedral of Rouen. S96 — Plan of cathedral of Rouen.
(From VioUct-lc-Duc.) (From ^'iollel-le-Duc.)
dome they sustain carry one for comparison to Spain and its cimhorios.
Every designer will find a treasure-house of felicitously proportioned
details. In Fig. 90, which gives tl/. base of the ribbed dome (58 m.
high) there , is a gallery which is admirable. By minute subdi^dsions the
architect managed to reduce the apparent size of all heavy units, and to
give splendid sweeps to his lines. In the choir aisles sho\vn in Fig. 91
the columns of the preceding stage are retained the rest is in the thir-
church at Sens (Fig. 98). Normally a French architect did not care
for so heavy an upper wall mass as this required. The effect here is
acter,with either a single nave or three aisles of almost equal height
separated by very slender supports. At Angers there are several
churches which illustrate the different stages of the style. The cathe-
dral of St. Maurice, built c. 11 50, is the earliest (Figs. 100-102) and is
an epoch-making structure of great interest, offering a different solu-
tion of the problem of a well-Hghted interior— a vaulted hall.
the interior that the originality appears. Like the earlier domical
churches it had a single nave, divided into three bays of almost square
plan. The transepts and choir each have a similar single bay. Al-
together the plan is that of such domical churches of the Latin cross
type as the cathedral of Angouleme, with the substitution of domical
ribbed vaults. It is interesting to note that there are here three forms
of such vaults: the quadripartite in the nave, the sexpartite in the
choir and the octopartite in the transept. It must be remembered,
however, that those of the transept and choir are later (thirteenth
century). The great width of the span, fifty feet, and the simpUcity
and massiveness of the detail make this interior
Poitiers, as important for its t}^e as St. IMaurice of Angers and, like
it, one of the masterpieces of the Twelfth century. Considering the
importance of the hall Germany, Spain, Italy, etc., we may
tj^^e in
102 — System of cathedral, 103 — Sj'Stem of cathedral, Poitiers.
who built Bourges and the rest at the close of the twelfth cen-
tury. The square form bays and the curved surfaces of the
of the
octopartite vaults clearly show the derivation from the dome. But
what a contrast between these slender piers and the enormous masses
that supported the domes of St. Front! The plan of the piers is of
the Romanesque tyjie, a square core with engaged shaft in pilaster
offsets. In this interior the design is the same throughout, but the
execution of the west end is later and the difference is evident in
the more advanced character of the details. The plan is a three-
aisled church of eight bays without apse (Fig. 105). The east end is
square and is without chapels. The analogy to English plans is evident.
There would seem to be a transept in the fourth bay from the east end,
but the projection is more to be considered as a pair of chapels in the
foundations of what were probably to have been twin towers. The
analogy to English types is also (Fig. 106) found in the facade. The
aspect is given by its battlements and hea\-y tower, and the combined
narro-wness and height are imposing. The simphcity of the scheme
gives particular effectiveness to the decorati\-e features of the portals,
which were a later feature, for it is not one of the least remarkable
features of this church
that notwithstanding its
Quiriace at Provins, where one can study the change from the simple
round arcading in the apse to the trilobated arches with oculus in the
transept, will give a good idea of the slight differences between this
school and that of the Ile-de-France at the close of the Twelfth century.
It has a great resemblance to the Frankish cathedral of Sens. Then,
the cathedral of
Troyes was planned,
soon after 12 14, ex-
actly after the new
scheme as exempHfied
at Reims, but with
much greater light-
ness, as shown in the
choir, which was the
only part then com-
pleted. This tenden-
cy to eliminate mass
became an obsession
with the architects of
this region, and led
it into dominating the
movement in tracery
and the piercing of
solid surfaces. For
further developments
we will turn again to
a chronological treat-
112— Portal of cathedral Ste. Cecile at Alfi. (From Gurlitt.)
' 1
5 )
114 — Section of the church of the Jacobins at Toulouse. (From Moniim. Hisi.)
Fig. 117 and the system has appeared in Fig. 14. We notice two
features: the clustered piers and the lighted gallery. Until now the
classic norm had been the circular core with four subsidiary
for piers
shafts, one for each face: but the plan of making as many mouldings
spring from the floor as there were vaulting shafts and archivolts was
115 — E.xterior of tlie church of tlie Jacobins at Toulouse. tI'"rom Moitiim. Ilisl.)
logical and had long since been tried at Meaux, St. Yved at Braisnes,
etc. Its perfect formulation at St. Denis led to its general adoption.
The second peculiarity, the lighted gallery, was adopted against good
structural reasons, because it invoh-ed the loss of the pent roof over the
side-aisle and the substitution for it either of a pavilion-roof or of a
flat terrace, both of these expedients dangerous on account of their
inefficiency as water-shedders. The question of carrying off the rain
had become an impor-
tant one as soon as the
size and especially the
height of the buildings
had been so enormous-
ly increased. In Figs.
14, 57, 70, iiS, we see
how at Reims, St. Denis
and Beau^•ais the fly-
ing buttress and the
buttress piers were
used as water conduits
in connection with the
gargoyles for both the
upper and lower roof;
an ingenious utilisation
of resources not yet
practised by the archi-
tect of Chartres (see
Fig. 48). In both the
\4ews of Reims and of
Amiens we see how slim
was the pitch of the 116 — Choir of St. Quiriace. Provins. (From Gurlitt.)
roof over the aisle
vaulting, which co^ered the area of the inner gallery. In order to
let in the hght at this point, the architect of the Amiens choir,
the Cologne choir, the St. Denis nave, the Troyes choir and
other constructions planned after 1240, used pavilion-roofs with
valleys along the wall-line of the nave and between the roofs.
This made leaks far more likely and constant repair necessary,
but the idea spread and was applied to porches and chapels, in
order to increase the area of light and the unity and logic of the
design. The architect of St. Denis may have been the initiator of the
In Fig. 52 a restoration of the exterior of Reims was given as
Viollet-le-Duc imagines Robert de Coucy to have planned it. Aside
from details the scheme is fairly certain. The spires of the transepts
and the crossing were of wood and lead and were burned in 1481:
those of the towers on the western facade were never built. Such a
reconstruction is very useful, as
we are obliged otherwise to use
so much imagination in visualising
the schemes of the architect of
this period. It will serve as a
good starting-point, a touchstone
for judging of the developments
after c. 1250. The city of Reims
itself will furnish us with a mas-
terpiece illustrating the next step,
in St. Nicaise.
There is a record of the facade
of a church destroyed at the
French Revolution, which is here
reproduced from a drawing (Fig.
119) because of its unique value.
It is the facade of St. Nicaise at
Reims, a church built by the
architect Libergier in the short
117— Bays of na\-eo( St. Denis. (From photo.) space of time between 1229 and
1263. There is nothing remaining
that corresponds to it. The facades of Notre Dame and Laon repre-
sented twelfth-century t>'pes: those of the cathedral of Reims
Amiens are not only in an imperfect condition but have their thirteenth-
century nucleus overlaid with fourteenth- and fifteenth-century
additions and changes, so that nothing remains of the pure developed
Gothic tyrpe of the Golden Age because such a work as the
tance fagade represents not the main stream but Norman
ism. This fagade of St. Nicaise corresponds in its way to the aerial
ideals of the choir of Beauvais and of St. Urbain of Troyes. It is
the apotheosis of delicacy and triumph over matter. The soHd
part consists merely of the four great piers that divide
the fagade
into its three sections, with the arches uniting tlicm. The centre
is one enormous pointed window in which the idea of an encased
rose or wheel is carried to its uhimate conchision from the ten-
tative and hea\y embryo expressed in the central \\indow of the
cathedral m Reims itself. The same window, which, coupled and
filled with glass, supports this rose, is used separately as an open
^ *
constructively too
the main arcade, gave a new model; one that was
in a
dangerous to be popular, though it was followed increasingly
modified form. The entire onus of stability was thrown on
tressesand theirunusually careful construction is worth studying:
the manner in which the tracery is articulated to minimize the danger
of breakage.
made clear: in Fig. 123 the screen-like system of the apse. The novel
coupled windows of the lower part of the apse are gi^•en in Fig. 124.
t 1
Here was carried out on a large scale the novelty of tall traceried
line of balustrade. This is shown
gables over windows breaking the
in detail in Fig. 125.
The fourteenth century was for France a period of
nullity, on account with wars with England, the English
poverty and depression
the internal chaos, the social disruption, the
among all classes. When England was at her highest point of archi-
tectural prosperitv, and Flanders, Germany and Spain were e^•olving
•: -^fiVt"!****!**!*' Wa«M
new types, France, after giving her new style to Europe, saw her
architectural history interrupted at a point crucial for the majority
of her most important buildings. Only a few buildings need be
studied for this period and until the opening of the flamboyant age.
f Themo^st monumental is not
a cathedral but a monastic
<:]iu-rchj St. Ouen.
In St. Ouen at Rouen, we
have a building of cathedral
dimensions, planned in the
fourteenth centur>% and repre-
senting the highest achieve-
ment of orthodox French Mid-
dle Gothic. Though in Nor-
mandy it belongs less to the
local school than to the general
trend. There are important
portions, such as the central
tower and the rose-windows
and portals of the transepts
which show the flamboyant
style of the period of their con-
struction in the fifteenth cen-
124 — Lower apsidal window of St. Urbain, Tnij-cs. 124'! — Plan of window at Si. Urbain,
(From VioUct-le-Duc.) Troyes. (From ViolIet-le-Duc.)
tury, but the interior was carried out quite consistently on the original
lines, laid down, probably, before building was commenced in 13 18.
arcading of the triforium gallery is much lower than the glazed openings
in the outer wall, but this fact is concealed from the spectator who
126 — plan, section and bay of St. Ouen, Rouen. (From Monum. Hist.)
the fifteenth century, only the choir and part of the transepts belong-
ing to the previous century but the design; is fundamentally the same
after a century and a half, though the tracery is flamboyant.
An intermediate stage between the St. Denis nave and that of
St. Ouen is represented by the magnificent nave and transept
of the cathedral of Metz, built, it is supposed, by an architect of
the school of Champagne
shortly after 1332. Here
the aisles are sacrificed to
the nave, which exceeds
in height even that of
Amiens, being over 43
metres to Amiens' 40 m.
and St. Ouen's 32.50 m.
Here the triforium is
will shoAv, it was a curiously original style. The pier on the left is a
regular Romanesque pier, similar to the old piers of the nave, while
the pier in the right is columnar, not with the squat proportions of
Notre Dame but with the elongation that presages the flamboyant
buildings sucli as Saint Nicolas-de-Port. The probability is that this
columnar feature should be connected with the school of Toulouse
where it had appeared in such buildings as the Jacobin church with
even greater slenderness. Structurally this choir is most skilfully
yet the crowns of the vaults were level. We see in Fig. 128 how this
was managed. The way in which the vaulting ribs above the right-
hand pier emerge from
the wall surface at
varying levels, in order
\Mien one reflects on the ^\•a^ in which, since the close of the thir-
teenth century, tracery and surface decoration had dominated the
design,it is evident that the substitution of these swaying, sinuous inter-
weaving curves for the straight Hnes and abrupt terminations of all
St. Riquier and of St. jNIaclou at Rouen only 24 metres. The o\-er-
factory view of it as a whole owing to the way the town crowds it. So I
give a plate of it from the original model made by its architect (PI. I).
I was so fortunate as to identify the model as the original project of the
.J^^^*=s^_j ^Sfi'/'f^
ill!!, it •
Its five arches with their high open-work gables form a sort of pendant
to the apsidal termination. It is a peculiarity to be seen in other
buildings of this time, especially in Normandy —at Argentan (St. Ger-
main), Alengon (Notre Dame), and at Abbeville. Taken as an ele-
church is interesting for two reasons: lirst, because it shows how close-
1>' an original plan was adhered to b_\' the successi\-e architects in
charge of a building for at least a centur)-; and second, because we
can trace in this way the changes that occurred in tracery and orna-
ment between about 1420 when the model was made and about 1500
when the church was completed all but the upper jxirt of the tower.
Also, as the original spire had to be taken down in the eighteenth
century, the elaborate spire of the model is our best e\ddence as to its
extremely pointed and open traceried gables and the galleries connect-
In connection with this tower of St. Maclou, one should study the
two most important remaining French towers of this style the Clocher :
Neuf " of Chartres and the Tour de Beurre of the cathedral of Rouen.
In Fig. 49 the arrange-
ment and the contrast
to the transitional
tower on the right can
be seen but on too
small a scale to show
the change in treat-
ment of details during
the intervening three
Normandy is richer
than any other section
in buildings of this
1,^5 — Facade of chapel of Brou at Bourg. (From photo.) Saint Riquier and
Saint Wulfran at Ab-
beville. Further east, near Chalons, there is the charming Notre
Dame de I'Epine and the chapel at Brou; and in the centre the facade
of the Cathedral of Tours.
Many buildings begun on a large scale in the thirteenth century
and left unfinished through the disastrous years of the fourteenth
century, were added to and completed in the happier days of the
flamboyant. This was the case with the cathedrals of Amiens, Rouen,
Tours, Chartres and a host more. In fact, it is more interesting
Norman scheme of detaclring the tower from the facade was conthiued
tiU the end. It allowed the architect to eliminate the hea\y mass of
masonry at the facade and the awkward approach to the interior which
were the bugbear and exercised the ingenuity of the architects of the
orthodox tA-pe.
flHS^H^^ISEiJ^ t the usual exuberance. The most
. 'N ^fm^^m^Bm% '
^ i !^H^^^^Hh \ ''
i Hm ^^^ admirable west front of the
Cathedral of Toul, which adheres
to the old-fashioned scheme quite
faithfully. There is a curious
asymmetry in the centring of the
windows and portals on either
side as compared to that of the
towers. Its architects were Tris-
tan d'Hattonchatel and Girard
Jacquemin and it was built be-
tween 1460 and 1547 (Fig. 134).
One of the gems of this style
is in the southeast, near Bourg, at
137 — St. Pierre, at Caen. (From photo.) Brou, which illustrates the con-
siderable share taken by Flemish
art in certain phases of French flamboyant. This is more a memorial
chapel than a church, and contains three magnificent mausoleums:
of Margaret Bourbon, her son duke Philibert and his wife ]\Iargaret
interesting as exhibiting a
139 —Nave of St. NicoIas-de-Port. (From Michel.)
juxtaposition of late Gothic
and early Renaissance forms in harmony. A figure under French
Renaissance gives the chapels in the foreground and they retain enough
of the general outlines of late Gothic work to avoid a clash of styles.
tjpe it stands midway between the town-halls with solid lower floor and
those with open arcades.
At Compiegne (Oise), the Hotel deA'ille (Fig. 141) was buflt between
1505 and 151 1. Its architect was Pierre Xavyer. The wings, in
Renaissance style, are a later addition. The
is charming, mainly design
through the grouping of the central and the corner turrets.
Otherwise the scheme does not dift'er materially from the fagade of a
private house, because the architect did not follow the scheme of the
open basement which had usually prevailed. The sohd central section
under the belfry is very happily treated, and within the belfry is used
as the stairway.
Far more florid is the Hotel de Villa at St. Quentin (Fig. 142)
which represents the other tyjie of facade; the tjqoe with open porch
and without structural belfry. What it gains in richness of openings
1 ii 'ii '%!'
l:# .11
11 11 li If
wm 1
%i Vi -m
beauty of its design and the perfection of its detail. was built as
ways of approach to the large halls on the second or main floor, which
are reached not from the interiors but directly from the outside. One
is to the right of the chapel and another in the left-hand fagade.
Another and even rarer tyi^e of civic building was the tOAvn belfry as
a separate structure or connected Avith a small building at or around its
base. This also was in the north, and the most charming design is that
of St. Pol de Leon where the belfry is connected with a chapel (Fig. 143a) •
Private DivcUings. —
During the later period especially, when France
began to recover her prosperity during the fifteenth centur-s', artistic
wood construction became fashionable. This was probably due to
foreign inllucncc. German}^, Flanders and England had ahvaA's used
wood more frcel}^ than stone in pri\'ate architecture. The rise in land
values led at the same time to a gradual increase in height. There are
in France houses of the fifteenth century to which French taste has
Here we have the common type of sucli houses before one or two stories
were added to tlie normal freight in the fifteenth centur)'. In a part of
France there was a rich and pecuhar marlcing of the structural features
b}' lines of j'jilaster-strips or semi-columns, resting on brackets and
sometimes di\'iding each stor\' into two or more sections. An irregular
and charming use of this design appears in the house of the flamboyant
style at Gallardon (Eure-et-Loir), where the carving shows Renais-
sance influence (Fig- 149)-
It is interesting to study the group of houses from a street at
illimiMl 4a
« • « '
••••••«• •••IV
HI •
iMil II i.teHii
r ,
C '
I _ I ^ ,4'
"z&^^ ll J
^Yas in church architecture
and the difference that the
material made in the treat-
ment is illustrated in two con-
of the Renaissance, to
welcome and emphasize
natural irregularities, for
their picturesque possi-
bilities. This mansion
must be described in some
detail. From the central
body two wings project
on either side of a court
toward a street facade
with a central pavilion
45 metres (148 ft.) long.
The rear fajade along
the ramparts, given in
shows how the
Fig. 158,
Gallo-Roman towers of 157— Bird's-eye view of house of Jacques Ccjeur at
brick and rubble were Bourges. (From Viollet-le-Duc.)
used to give a feudal castellated air; that on the left being con-
tmued in the stone masonrj- of the new work, \^ith rich pavilion
and balcony. A polygonal turret-tower with spiral
staircase was
annexed each of these antique to^^ers and the old bastion be-
tween them served admirably to break the hne toward
the centre
with a highly gabled projection. Though the plainest, this was the
loftiest side, having originally at its base tlie wide city moat.
The entrance on the street (Fig. 159) is one of the most delightful
of civil flamboyant compositions, with its perfectly poised asymmetry,
a porte-cochere and postern, a staircase-turret flanking the tower-
like centre with its splendid window, leading to the chapel which
formed a large hall over the entrance. The plan of the loAver floor in
Fig. 156 will explain the arrangement around the court, of which
the arcades of the right side are interesting to compare with those of
the Hotel de Cluny in Fig. 162. Nearly the whole of three sides consists
of closed porticoes of basket-handle arcades. That on the right (D on
plan) was where the poor of the town gathered to be fed and receive
alms. Beyond it, in the corner next to the staircase X, is the entrance
to the kitchens through a small court with a well. Between the large
dining hall in I and the smaller kitchen is the buttery, M. In connec-
stairwa}- cage, with its perfect
adaptation of church tracer^• and gables
but also the whole left wing of which
the chapel is in ihe centre: a
highly dramatic composition centering
about a four-storied pa^•i^on
with basket-handle arches, almost concealed
by a lacework in stone
The details are handled with great delicacy.
Particularly interesting is
the mtroduction of the classic cornice in an
otherwise pure Gothic design.
As a fantastic piece of personal design, before
leaving the subject
of staircases, we will give the newel-post
and vaulting of the stairway
of the Hotel de Bour-
gogne in Paris (Fig.
165), built for Jean-
sans-Peur earl}- in the
XV century. It is one
of the few examples in
France of that trans-
mutation of Gothic
constructive forms in-
to purely naturalistic
vegetable forms which
became so popular in
Germany and Spain,
but which French art
had too much taste to
use except sparingly.
This particular in-
stance is dangerously
Sometimes, though
not often, there was trg-
ured sculpture in these 167- -Court of the hospital at Beaune. (From \'iollet-le-
civil mansions, espe-
cially after the middle of the fourteenth century. There was some in
the house of Jacques Coeur, and a beautiful piece of very late work is
It is an interesting fact that the Orient had always been far in ad-
vance of the rest of the world in military architecture, from the time
of the ancient Hittites to the Byzantine Empire and the Arabs. The
Crusaders learned from the Oriental fortresses the real science of
fortification. Those great military orders of the Knights Templars and
Knights of St. John (Hospitalliers) built in S>Tia enormous castles which
were never equalled in The two most imi)ortant castles were
the inland one called the " Krak" and the seaboard fortress of Tortosa.
Both of these are works of the close of the XII and first half of the
XIII century. To realise their size it is only necessary to say that the
"Krak" was habitually garrisoned by 2,000 men-at-arms and was
capable of receiving about 20,000 persons. Both of these castles are
distinctly European, of transitional and early Gothic style, and built
apparenth- by French architects. The great Halls where the Knights
held their meetings were evidently deri\'ed from the chapter-houses
of the monasteries or the halls attached to cathedrals. That at the
"Krak" is 25 m. long and 7 m. wide, divided into three bays with cross-
vaults, and along one of its long sides is a covered and vaulted porch
of sLx bays, of exactly the same design as an Early Gothic cloister of
44 metres is di^•ided by columns into two aisles of six ba}'s. These two
great semi-monastic orders, with their new requirements, transformed
the character of the art. France, England and Germany followed
their example but ; it was on a smaller scale because nowhere were there
such enormous bodies of men to be pro\-ided for. England, perhaps,
approached the more closeh", because the scheme of King Edward I
provided for a network of fortresses to be garrisoned on a large scale for
the protection of the kingdom, whereas in France and Germany the
castles were usually pri\-ate enterprises of feudal lords.
The Chateau of Couc}- in France is the first to show the new art.
the first rank. The castle has been carefully restored. A bird's-eye
fense is, of course, the Keep or doiijoii. The circular plan of Oriental
origin has here replaced the Norman rectangle. The new forms of
Gothic vaulting have been utihzed to turn the three stories of its in-
terior into o-randiose halls with ingenious and striking \-aulting sur-
faces, quite difl'erent from an>- used in church building (Fig. 170).
The upper hall was the general gathering-place for the garrison and,
with its balcony, could hold about 1,200 men (Fig. 171). Its outside
'^'Z^,,>i^^^, M
5 O
o =^
i;' -W ;^
diameter was about 100 ft. and the height of the keep about 200 ft.
The buildings facing on the court were mosth"
remodelled c. 1400
The most interesting is the chapel which projects
into the court
from the main hall called the SaUe des Preux,
from the statues of
nine warriors. It ^^•as about bo m. long, and coN'cred with a wooden
waggon roof. Another smaller hall \N-as called the Salle des Preuses
from its statues of women. It \\-as preceded b>- an arched portico. A
A"iew of it is given at the further end of Fig. 178. It must not be imag-
ined that the castle had been preser^-ed in the form gi^-en in Mollet-le-
Duc's illustrations which are here reproduced; even of the keep itself
\ f
p V
'II ii
prince as the Due de Berri. The large hall in the more conspicuous
city palaces, etc.,
mansions, castles, manors, episcopal palaces, feudal
it was vaulted;
was more usuahy covered with a ceiled or open roof than
dining hall or other hall
but it was often on the second floor over a
An instance is the main hall, 220 ft. long, of this
that is vaulted.
Poitiers, built in 1303, of which the
palace of the Due de Berri at
donjon has just been described. The steps leading to the raised upper
feasted, held audience or sat
end'or estrade, where the lord and master
judgment, with the monumental triple fireplace, the exquisite triple
group of windows with and pinnacles and the flanking
their gables
i7g — Salle des Gardes, Chateau of Poitiers, upper end. (From Michel,)
cians. Sometimes, though not often, the gallery was a balcony pro-
jecting around the room and upheld by colonnettes or brackets.
The most colossal work of the semi-military style and probably
the most important architectural undertaking of the century in the
south of France is the famous palace of the Popes at Avignon, of which
there is a plan in Fig. 180. This work of the XIV century, built next
to the cathedral to house the Pope and his court, household and garri-
son during the se\-enty years of exile from Rome, is unique in Europe.
The necessity for a fortress to protect the person and treasures of the
papacy was more than once demonstrated during this time b}' the
necessity to resist raids and attacks b}' bodies of freebooters, as well as
by the siege of Benedict XIII in 139S. The main portion was built
after 1336. The style is the sober brickwork current in the south of
France, and the success and impressiveness of the composition is
entirely due to a feeling for mass that is so well illustrated, for ex-
ample, in the cathedral of Albi. The east front in Fig. iSi has the
chapel on the extreme left, running back so as to occupy the entire
this palace was French, the internal decoration was in the hands of
xiew of Fig. 1S3. A general plan of the buildings of the upper story
is given in Fig. 1S4. where the}' are grouped around the church, of
which only the choir appears. The halls on the left in the plan form
the group on the north front called the "Merveille," and the complete
elevation on this side, in Fig. 185, shows how many-storied was this
part of the pile. The total height is close to 235 ft. and the material
throughout is a fine granite, even the highly decorated choir of the
church. The double character, military and monastic, is evident in
the arrangement. On the rez-de-chausse is not only the monks' re-
fectory, with its double line of vaulted bays but the three-aisled
vaulted refectory of the garrison. On the main floor, which is here
reproduced in Pig. 184, there is the monks' dormitory in D, above
their refectory, and the garrison's hall or Salle des Chevaliers, above
j^ ijiiiiii iiiii|iiijii Sid ji I
,, 1 1
1" Hi; jFii
i • !•• jj
II 11
11 II 'At ***** I I
*<** y
1S5 — Klovation of the "MervciUe" or N front and entrance of monastery of ilont St. ilichel.
(From Moniim. Ilisl.)
French origin.
quisite cloister of St. Jean des Vignes at Soissons, where the buttresses
have become absorbed into piers and pinnacles. In the South the
cloister of the present Musec at Toulouse has a most effective pent
roof (Fig. 189), which is interesting to compare with the pointed barrel
Nazaire at Carcassonne.
.- c:r,trr
zi -
Kitchen ol monastery of Fontexraiilt. iFroiu \"iollet-le-Duc.)
of the long side of the S3iiodal
hall attached to the archbishop's palace
at Sens, m
Fig. 195, shows the external aspect of the richer of these
halls m
the XIII century. The windows in this instance are richer
than ni the two halls whose interiors ha^•e been
reproduced. This
meetmg-hall at Sens is narrow and ^'aulted, without any di\'ision into
aisles. In this way it resembles rather the class of chapels of which the
lOO — S.\'nodal hall at Sens: scclion. 107 — Exterior of Ste. Chapelle in Par
(From Violk-t-lc-Duc.1 (From photo.)
most famous is the Sainte Chajielle in Paris. The section in Fig. 190
shows its di^"ision into two stories and a cellar. It differs in t},pe from
the Sainte Chapelle in the absolute subordination of the lower stor}'.
survey of the histon- and various classes
France it only remains to analyse the development
of monu-
wheel windo\Y.
through developed and geometric to flamboyant
SenHs (Fig. i8) heralded the second type, illustrated by the fagade of
one of the minor roses over the portals of the west front at Reims
(Fig. 82). The present main rose at Reims, seen in Figs. 54 and 55,
is not part of the original scheme. Perhaps the drawing in Fig. 53,
which is of the Coutances tjqoe, represents the first draft. The restor-
ation by Viollet-le-Duc in Fig. 52
~ '
ll^ \
-if-^ shows his belief that the circular
was reproduced. Once the principle was accepted, the choice was
/ _?^
- a
finials, cusps and griffes.
209 — Early capital at St. Leu d'Esserent. 210 — Capital of pier of nave, Cathedral of Reims.
(From photo.) (From photo.)
free. The contrast between the lush hea\'y crockets and the stemmed
leafage is beautifully illus-
Fig. 217, where lines of foliage take the place for a certain distance
above the capital of the group of ribbings: the diagram on the left
shows that this was done to avoid the inartistic effect of vaulting ribs
springing from different levels. In the spread of foliated ornamen-
tation which was a gradual evolution of the half-century between
1200 and 1250 and kept pace with that of architectural detail, an exact
correlation of ornamental design to nearly each part of both exterior
217— Decorated ribbing. (From VioUct- 218 — Cornice at top of tower of cathedral of
le-Duc.) Amiens. (From VioUet-le-Duc.)
and interior was secured. The hea^•}' forms in Pig. 21S were suited
to their great height on the tower of Amiens. The bold projection
and simplicity of the triforium sill-course also at Amiens in Pig. 219
was equally suited to its position. So is the bold overhang of the
choir cornice at Tro>'es (Fig. 220). In fact, one of the features of
Gothic sculpture that most challenges admiration, evident also in
226 —Balustrade of south transept of Notre Dame, 227 — Profiles of larmiers. (From Viollet-
Paris, c. 1260. (From Viollet-le-Duc.) le-Duc.)
Fig. 224, or more in detail in Fig. 229; also in the ever increasing
richness of the key vaults, more or less pendant (Fig. 230), which be-
came such a feature in Normandy (Fig. 231) and England. The
turning to decorative account of a structural necessity involving jut-
ting masonry is best illustrated in the gargoyles. The diagram in
Fig. 232 and the two forms of gargoyles, the secondary gargoyle
/ vW^V^
S &H
% e
J3 O
portions from the XIII to the X\' century into such forms as the open
gables of the cathedral of Reims in Fig. 235. The stuch' of this trans-
formation goes hand in hand with that of window tracer}'. In a few
cases the enrichment was in the direction of the substitution of ligures
J C',
m • [
^jS — Sunimer-slonc of
\vc^t front, Reims
-37 — Porch gable of church at \'ezelay. (.From \'iollet- cathedral. (From
le-Duc.) \'iollet-le-Duc.)
239 — Cul-de-lampe from west portal of 239a — Decoration of south-west tower of cathe-
Amiens cathedral. (From Duraiid.) dral, Reims. (From Demaison.)
Fig. 239a, from Reims, a rather clumsy expedient which found favor
in England and Spain.
Passing to the crowning parts of a typical cathedral, it must be
rememboi-ed that there were originally spires both at the facades and
intersection as \'iollet-le-l)uc has restored at Reims, in Fig.
52, gix'ing
the wooden spires that were burned. Fig. 240 gi\'es a ^•iew of the
roof of Reims as it now is, and is interesting as showing also the
extremely steep pitch of the main roof as well as the makeshift crown-
ing of the towers. In this connection it is interesting to study Viollet-
v,| ,,|
le-Duc's drawing in Fig. 241 of the
T\ '-!<
-41 — C'onlral spire of .Amiens cathedral. J4111 — Frame of belfry of .\miens cathedral.
(From X'iollet-Ie-Due.) (From Durand.)
where spires were usuall)- rather plain and solid. The model of St.
was one of the rare cases where oi:)en work approach-
]\Iaclou in Plate II
ing the Germanwas attempted. Car\-ed woodwork, sometimes
used with a lead covering in such spires, was of course more frequent
in inside decoration where, as in Fig. 242, it often imitated stone
design, and was admirabh' used in monumental doors.
The study of the foliated capital has led us far afield through the
^'arious applications of the decorati\'e scheme of French designers, and
it now remains to study the more strictly structural details of the
242 — Norman wood key-pier. (From VioUet-le-Duc.) The simpler and earlier
^ ! (n S'
with four engaged shafts created the base and plinth we see at Reims,
in Fig. 250 (cf. Fig. 56 and Bourges, Fig. 42); but very soon the
prevalence of the articulated pier of the type of St. Denis (Fig. 14)
led to the necessity of a much more elaborate mode of transition from
grouped shaft to plinth which obliterated every vestige of the tradi-
tional base. Beginning, for example, at Meaux (Fig. 251) and passing
through the rich XIV century forms of St.
Nazaire (Fig. 252) and St. Ouen at Rouen
(Fig. 126), it ends in the complete fusion
of base and plinth in the XV century
(Fig. 253) with a totally different ratio
of proportions as well as memberment.
the strange Moorish Gothic in the south, would all remain inexplic-
able. Toward the end of the Romanescjue age, less than half of the
peninsula, in the north, was in the hands of Christian rulers. Cata-
lonia, Aragon and Navarre bordered on France across the Pyrenees.
Castile and Leon extended along the northern and northeastern sea-
board. The Moslems still held the rest of Spain, but were being
continually driven south of the Tagus. In 1147 they were pushed
beyond the Sierra Morena. In 1212 they were decisi^'ely defeated in
the great battle of Navas de Tolosa: Cordo^-a was taken in 1236 and
Seville in 1248. After that the Mohammedan territory was confined
to the kingdom of Granada. But this does not mean that Moorish
artistic influence did not count. The superiority of Aloslems over
Christians in education, culture, and artistic training during the
Middle Ages is undeniable. The artistic models in architecture and
decoration by the Oriental race in the cities of central and southern
Spain are responsible not only for certain elements in the Christian
art of the Gothic age, but for the creation of a special late style
which is called Mudcjar, from the name gi\'en to the Moriscos or
Spanish Moors.
Two distinct groups illustrate the transition in Spain : The Cister-
cian buildings and the cathedrals. Of course, there was more direct
French influence in Spain than in any other country, quite irrespec-
tive of the monastic influx. There was a constant inroad of French
choir with ambulatory and five radiating chapels of pure early Gothic
type. All the vaulting is thoroughly on Gothic principles. Veruela
is in Aragon, in the northern part of Spain, where all these transitional
monuments are found. Aragon soon became tributary to Catalonia in
its architecture, recovering its independence in the fifteenth century.
More advanced is the mysterious monastery of Las Hueh^as at
the crude way in which the diagonal ribs are made to rest on corbels
that project very awkwardly from the wall shows a native and not a
Burgundian designer, as has already been noted. Transitional archi-
tecture is also found in the monastic buildings of S. Cueufate, of Hir-
ashe and others.
The military orders built several interesting churches of transitional
and early style. For instance,
S. Maria of Villasirga and the present
• <_
(From Street.)>
leading into the aisles are of much earlier date. This prepares us for
the effect of the interior, which is the most satisfying of the transi-
tional group. But before studying it, a few words about certain
curious features of the exterior. Beside the central cimborio, which will
be referred to later, there is an octagonal tower on a square base rising
from the choir-aisle at its intersection with the transept. The presence
of this tower is a Spanish peculiarity. It appears as if Spain never
thoroughly adopted the French scheme of twin facade towers, but was
almost as partial as Italy to the single and relatively independent
tower, usually connected
with the transept or choir.
The octagonal was pre-
ferred to the square plan.
In connection with the
lantern over the intersec-
tion at Tarragona (Fig.
will be instructive to
study others of this group,
which is pecuHarly Span-
ish. The groups of lancet
windows as well as the
flying buttresses at Tar-
ragona show the transfor-
mation into a pure early
Gothic form, correspond-
ing, for instance, to that
of Coutances in Norman-
258— Interior of old cathedral, Tarragona, at transept.
dy, of the transitional
(From .Street.)
Romanesque scheme so
well shown Salamanca lantern, Vol.
in the II (Fig. 366). The roof of
this Tarragona lantern was never finished. Was it to be a low roof?
The lantern at Lerida, of about the same date, has such a stone roof.
On the other hand the later lantern of the cathedral at Valencia is
equally unfinished.
At Cuenga, in New Castile, is a cathedral of unique character, the
church in Spain which illustrates most fully Anglo-Norman influence of
transitional type. In the transept there is the alternation of columns
and piers; here and in the apse and nave the vaulting is sexpartite.
features— used here perhaps for the first time, is the group of triple
septs, especially that of the north transept, called Piicrta do Sar mental,
which resembles (Fig. 262) French work. This entire transept facade
is excellently preserved thirteenth century work. The cloisters are of
the same date and have several richly decorated portals. In the
annexes and chapels one can, in fact, see embodied nearly every stage
perfect Gothic church in Spain. was begun before 1204 and was
practically completed in 1303, except for the two towers flanking the
facade and some exterior details. It has been suggested that these
towers placed in advance of the facade line and independent of it
which are hea\^, semi-military and quite distinct in style from the
rest of the building, were not part of the original plan. But a com-
parison with the earlier fafade of Siguenza and its strictly military
towers shows how the Leon and that its antecedents
tj-pe originated
French models. The vaults are more oblong than at Burgos and
without the heavy ridge rib. There is considerable good thirteenth
light windows of the clearstory are the most gorgeous in Spain and,
contrary to later Spanish usage, the windows of aisles and chapels are
made as wide as the space allows. The tracery and the mouldings
(Fig. 26S) are thoroughly French until the upper part of the church is
central na\-e; the low, broad profile of the vaulting arches. The ab-
sence of triforium, except in the choir, is due to the low nave. Of course
one may attribute these facts to a lesser degree of confidence in the
strength of the new s}'s-
even Burgos, which is supposed to have been its model. While this
dependence may appear in such features as the S. portal which recalls
the Puerta do Sarmental at Burgos, the treatment of details seems to
show direct French handling. The aisles are low, the piers cylindrical,
and the plan Cistercian. The use of corbels for diagonal and
wall ribs is exceedingly well managed and some of the profiles recall
Another of the smaller churches
the cathedral at Palencia which
and Leon, and is less pure than either. When the church was lengthened
in the fifteenth century the nave was reconstructed so that only the
choir and one bay beyond the chapels remain of the original work.
The most beautiful feature is the triforium with its blind gallery.
All these works belong to the earliest of the provincial schools,
the school of Castile, which includes also such neighboring provinces
with oculus under an enclosing arch help to date the t}'pe just before
the introduction of plate tracery; this is in the east transept.
The second really distincti\'e pro\-incial school is that of Catalonia,
with its capital at Barcelona. This pro\-ince had its share of the Cis-
tercian transitional monasteries, especially those of Poblet and Santa
Creus, and also of the transitional cathedrals, at Tarragona and
Lerida; but there were then no traces of a local style. This first shows
itself in the cathedral of Barcelona, begun in 129S. It developed dur-
ing the fourteenth centurj-. Two foreign influences are e\-ident, that
of the French southern school of Languedoc and that of Itah', through
the Franciscan monks and commercial relations. The one great ar-
chitect who moulded the style seems to ha\'e been Jaime Fabre, a
native of Majorca, so that it is not strange that the churches and build-
ings of Palma, the capital of this island, should be almost as important
as those on the mainland. It is possible, though not pro\'en, that Fabre
gave the designs for the cathedrals of Barcelona and Palma as well as
for other churches (e. g., Dominican church, Palma).
The cathedral of Barcelona is a work of striking originality. It
does not have its full eilect because it was never completed. The facade
was not built until 1 88 7-00. The feature of the external grouping
would have been the two octagonal towers at the transept which together
with the big lantern or cimborio over the nave at the entrance formed
a group of three towers. This cimborio was never completed but it
marks a return to national methods. The architect probably placed
it in this unusual position because if it were to be set at the intersection
it would have been too close to the smaller towers. With his sense for
mass the Spanish architect avoided this error. The originaHty of the
interior is more obvious, since it was thoroughly carried out. The
as consistent as if the
building were Cister-
271— Barcelona; section and bay of S. Maria del Mar. (From Dehio.)
chapel arcades lightened and increased to three in each bay. All the
piers are of the Italian octagonal ty[>e. Of course, one sees in an inte-
rior of this type the greatest similarity to churches of the south of
France of the single nave type, such as the cathedral of Albi and the
Cordeliers at Toulouse,
and this prepares us for
before it was carried out. The result was the construction of the widest
nave in Christendom, 22.25 ra- = 73 feet, in the clear. The nave of
Albi, on which it may be thought to be modelled, measures only 58
though the clearstory windows are among the finest in Spain, and
effect. The substitution, also, of the thin balcony for the triforium
of the earlier chmxhes, which was made necessary by the increased
height of the aisle, is a decided loss. Still, there is a simplicity and
in the nave.
should have been here also. At first glance the exterior is disappointing.
The plan is The near-Renaissance plainness
a plain parallelogram.
at the apsidal end is unsyrametrical. The Renaissance dome and the
upper part of the heavy tower, added by Churriguera in 1705, are too
prominent to be disregarded. The interior is far more satisfactory.
The view down the aisle shows its hall-like effect and gives its lierne
vaulting system very plainly. It is better than a view in the nave
because of the heav}' Renaissance coro which encumbers it. The clus-
tered piers are not far different in memberment from that of the Cata-
lan churches of the previous century, but their immense bulk contrasts
with the Catalan slimness. The bay in Fig. 275 has certain peculiari-
ties such as the double and triple round-headed windows with plain
tracery, which reminded rather of some early Florentine Renaissance
work rather than of Gothic.
The use of flying but-
tresses is among several
archaisms, in which the
architect seems to hark
back to the thirteenth cen-
tury ! But the main portal
of the facade is of its age:
flush with the hrst story. The part that includes the baptistry shows
some rich lierne and tierceron ^"aulting, which became as popular in
Palace of Justice at Barcelona: the side of the court with the stair-
case. The style is middle Gothic of the delicate, slender, Catalan
type, and it compares with the best French work in its details, which
are well-preserved, even in the upper gallery. A contrast to this is
to Spain from Germany where we shaU see it used in the almost con-
temporary cathedral of Braunschweig (See Fig. 411). The John of
Cologne who designed the spires of Burgos toward 1450 was not the
only German architect who worked in Spain. There is another inter-
esting Lonja or Exchange at Palma, [Majorca, in the Catalan style,
built by the architect Sagrera between 1426 and 1450, with a better
designed exterior than Valencia.
It will be clear, after this review of Spanish Gothic, why it should
be studied immediately after that of France, for the influence of France
was more direct and continuous and proceeded from a greater variety
of French provincial and monastic sources than was to be the case
with any other country. It is at the same time both open to other
trans-Pyrenaean Gothic influences especially English and German—
and yet smacks strongly of the soil, showing that the Gothic spirit was
thoroughly assimilated in no narrow spirit, but allowing for the diverse
artistic tastes of the different provinces of Spain.
is a greater difference between Portuguese and Span-
Gothic than one would natural!}' expect, considering their
close geographical and historical relations. In the first place
the three large monasteries of Alcobaya, Batalha and Belem quite
overshadow the cathedral churches at each stage of Gothic de^'elop-
ment and furnish the dominant artistic types. Then, ^\hile French
influence exists, especially at first, we find very strong traces of direct
English influence, which is, in fact, dominant at Batalha, where it is
itself— their form of early Gothic and embodied it in one of its most
grandiose productions in the country, the monastery of Alcobaga.
The church and monastery, begun in 11 58, were ready for occu-
pancy in 1223. The church was substantially finished in 1211. Its
282 —Interior of monastic churcli, .Vlcobafa. (From photo.)
dimensions were imposing, with a length of 106.50 m.
(or 34S feet)
and a width at the transepts of 155 feet, making it much the largest
church in Portugal. The ground-plan is exactly like that of Clair-
vaux, with a crown of nine chapels in the choir, in an
unbroken semi-
circle. The only difference is that the nave of Alcoba^a has two
more bays. The two most
striking features of its interior (Fig.
are: the spacing of the piers and the relative height
of nave and^ aisles
(Fig. 283). The twenty-four clustered piers of Romanesque plan
are so heavy and close as to largely mask the aisles and give para-
mount importance to the nave, whose very massive transverse arches
also evident in the domical form of the vaulting. But, even in this
part of France there remains no interior that is like it. Except in
the choir there are no flying buttresses and this explains the extraor-
show how this remarkable church stands midway bet-\\'een the cathe-
and its chapels place it in a tji^e rare in the peninsula. Perhaps its
2S5 — Bataiha: general view of church and monastery from west. (From Watson.)
This explains, perhaps, the English traits we shall notice in the archi-
tecture of the monastery of Batalha.
While at Alcoba^a verv^ little remains of the monastic buildings in
original condition and the church itself has been disfigured by van-
dalism, the case is quite dift'erent at Batalha. The plan in Fig. 284
shows the extraordinary^ richness and preservation of the entire group.
The church itself is only of medium dimensions (265 x 109 feet) and
of the simpler Cistercian plan without ambulatory or radiating chapels
and without aisles in the transept. It is the unity of design by which
the Founders' chapel at the facade and the cloister on the left are
brought into relation with the church, that gives the monument its
charm (Fig. 285). When the details are studied we find that we must
agree with Mr. Watson in disputing the absolute dominance of English
traits. But I would go further and find not merely native and French
but even German and Italian elements; to the extent of making of
Batalha an even more cosmopolitan work than Milan cathedral.
Two names of architects are especially connected with it. Alfonso
Domingues (+ 1402), who designed and began it, and his successor
Huguet, whose name seems to be French, and to whom the execution
of Domingues' plan was largely due. This plan was never fully
carried out, though thework lasted, at intervals, until the middle of the
sixteenth century, and the buildings show two distinct styles.
To begin with the church itself; so simple inside, so decorative
outside. It is of the -hall type, inspired
perhaps by Alcobaja but in
a developed Gothic style (Fig. 286) interesting to compare with the
hall-type of the Catalan school, especially the Cathedral of
There is just sufficient difference in the levels of
the crown of the
vaults to allow of low flying buttresses above the aisles—
a noA^elty in
Portugal. The elaborately cusped, crocketed and traceried buttresses,
combined with the open balustrades and delicate paneUing, give a
rich but delicate symmetry. In the fafade the main portal, which
stands alone, is like so many Spanish doonvays, of a design similar
to the French norm; but nothing else is French. One i^nds similar
pinnacled buttresses, flat roofs and panelled surfaces in England and
in Italy and the plan resembles that of S. j\Iaria dei Frari in Venice
and other Italian churches. The developed flamboyance of the
central window is later in its design than the rest, and is the most
elaborate in Portugal and thoroughly native in its close patterned
chapel off the centre of the apse and on its axis. How the architect,
who seems still to have been Fluguet, planned to join it to the church,
we cannot say, as the present connection is of later date. Had it
been completed this structure would ha^•c been the most magnificent
Gothic concentric structure in Europe. Its scheme was a central
octagonal dome, 72 feet in diameter, resting on eight heavy piers
some wall decoration was intended. The vaulting, with Hemes and
tiercei-ons, springs lightly from the super-capitals. A feature that
does not appear in this view is the far heavier vaulting of the
transept: a bold quasi-tunnel vault 65 feet wide and 95 feet long,
rising above the nave vaulting and supported on that side only
by two piers heavier than the rest (they show in the foreground
satisfjing, in a strange
way. The \-iew of the
court, with its second-story
arcades, in Fig. 295 exer-
cises the same pecuHar fas-
In this connection it is
its introduction but guided its further development in Italy. The la>--
guilds here held to the old traditions that smacked of the nati\-e soil,
and the cathedrals, which were so largely their work, ha^•e much less of
the Gothic character than the monastic churches. The earliest in-
troducers of the new style were, naturally enough, the Cistercian monks
from Burgundy in France. St. Bernard was placed by the papacy in
charge of monastic reform in Italy, and during the second half of the
twelfth and the first half of the thirteenth centuries, Italy was filled
nuova there referred to, are mostly by the hand not of Italian workman
but of the French monks and the church is similar to that of the order
Fossanuova but never carried out. A bit of detail in Fig. 301 shows
Italian handling of a French scheme made classic.
They strike a peculiarly exotic note in Italy, and while they are a
novelty they are at the same time an instance of arrested development.
All about them were imitations by Italian artists in churches, town-
halls and private houses, especially at Piperno, Sezze, Alatri and
other towns in the Roman province. S. Martino al Cimino evidently
Chap. Ill] GOTHIC IN ITALY 251
proceeds from a different French original than that which inspired the
others. The view of the interior in Fig. 302 shows that instead of the
plain, Romanesque grouped pier with engaged \-aulting shaft ending
in a plain corbel, it has the alternation of column and pier popular in
France between c. 1160 and 1190. Another difference lies in its choir
which is not square-ending but
poh'gonal. Se\-eral cloisters at
the neighboring \"iterbo show
French, possibly Cistercian mod-
els, c. g., that of S. iSIaria della
Verita (Fig. 303).
Attention has recently been
focussed on a ruined church of this
group at San Galgano, because it
half of the thirteenth century did not furnish any protot^-joe for Siena
and the San Galgano monks were at Siena in the capacity not of
architects, but merely of business managers. Se^•eral points are of
interest at S. Galgano. Its ruined walls show how brick was used for
the core of the structure, faced with stone instead of the customary
solid stone walls. The oculi above the windows in the clearstory are
also a novel imported feature, such as has been noticed at Notre
Dame. Here it is in embryo. It will become a general feature in
Italian Gothic.
All of these Cistercian churches are heavy, plain structures, with
thick walls, without large or traceried windows, and with none of the
early English lancets, are much less liea\'y and it has alread}' con-
siderable Gotliic feeling. It was built between 1220 and 1230 and so
was contemporary with the latest of the Cistercian group. Like
S. Galgano, it combines stone with brick. Brick rules the exterior;
only the facade is of stone; in the interior the arcades are of brick;
the vaulting ribs, part stone, part brick, a peculiarity due perhaps to
Lombard influence. This inteiior may be considered the most artistic
of any in the earlier group. The round-cored piers and the details of
capitals and shafts are all transalpine (Fig. 305). The chapter-house,
supported on delicate columns, is even franker in the use of brick.
have now reached the period in the thirteenth century when
the two monastic orders of St. Dominic and St. Francis, founded in
and orator. The Cistercian type was quite unsuitable; so was the
basilical tyjoe with close-set hues of columns. Even the normal
developed French type, with its slender piers, was not the ideal form.
It had to be either a church with wide, single nave, or one with aisles
so high as to throw them into the closest union with the nave and with
supports as widely spaced as possible. This is, I believe, the real
explanation of the typical Italian interior, which is so severely criti-
cised for its unaesthetic bareness, and the large size of its units which
Chap. Ill] GOTHIC IN ITALY 255
The exterior is quite Italian, except for the portals. The tower is
simple in its details — all its ribs having square profiles —but its pro-
portions are bold and from 1274, and it seems natural
fine. It dates
to ascribe it to some architect from the South of France, such as
those who were in the service of King Charles of Anjou.
In the three-aisled type a corresponding position to the church
at Assisiwas taken at exactly the same time by S. Francesco at
Bologna. For a building so palpabh^ Italian in its effects, this church
has an extraordinary number of points in which it followed French
Chap. Ill] GOTHIC IN ITALY 257
is that it was an Italian who built it, when we study the octagonal
the choir ends of this entire Venetian group (Fig. 309), which has tlie
most successful attempt at a grouping of large windows. They are of
extreme lancet design with tracery that is elaborate for Itahan work
earlier than 1400. Each window has two stories of two lights sep-
arated by a broad traceried band.
The scheme of windows is similar
in both churdies, so that their choirs, while of the same Cistercian
simplicity of central apse and four or six flanking chapels, are the most
effective of their class in Italy. The interiors are ^'aulted in the com-
mon monastic way, —square bays in the nave and oblong bays in the
aisles, — and the supports are plain columns. In Fig. 310 the nave of the
Frari shows the most obtrusive system of wooden tie beams with which
I am acquainted. Otherwise the effect is more symmetrical than in the
Florentine churches with the exception of S. Alaria Novella. The columns
at SS. Gio^'anni e Paolo are slenderer and give a somewhat more hall-
like aspect to the interior, which is bisected in the same disconcerting
form so large a part of the special features of any school. But this
simplicity is largely
eliminated when we
pass to the study
of the cathedral
churches. They were
richer in sculpture,
both figured and
decorative and in ar-
chitectural details.
after its completion, early in the fourteenth century. This was for a
peculiar purpose. The ground sloped sharply down at the rear and
it was found that the baptistry could be built, in lieu of crjqot. under
pij— Calhcdral vi Siena: view from gallery. (From photo.)
the choir if it were lengthened to the extent of two bays. When
this was done the apse was given a broad, square end which was
designed as a second fagade, with triple portal on a much lower level
than the western fagade, and through which one passes into the bap-
tistry. A second transformation was planned soon after and com-
menced, but never carried to completion. It was to enlarge the church
by building a new nave at right angles to it, and turning the old build-
ing into the transept and choir of the new cathedral. The new work
was begun in 1340 but stopped by the frightful pestilence of 134S.
The two bays which were frnishcd and vaulted, the windows and door-
ways, show a purer and more symmetrical art than that of the old
cathedral and a closer adherence to Gothic design. The contrast of
Chap. Ill] GOTHIC IN ITALY 263
black and white marble was considerably modified. There were only
lu'c bays, as in the old na^•e, but their span was forty feet.
The fa(;ade, which we may suppose to ha\'e been designed soon
after 1250, was commenced in 12S4, and is ascribed to Giovanni
Pisano. It is perhaps the earliest highly decorated and originally
designed Gothic facade in Italy and well worth study (Fig. 311). Its
triple division is marked by gables and buttresses. The central but-
tresses are illogically started at the line of the aisle-roof and are
less prominent than the corner but-
tresses which are gi^•en the aspect of
towers with spire and corner pin-
nacles. The wheel window is a Roman-
esque survival and not an imported
feature and is set in a square frame
in place of the northern arcade. The
sculptured ornament is rich but even-
ly distributed and does not admit of
iigures of architectural character in
the portals. While the flanks of the
church are simple there is not the
disagreeable contrast to the facade
that we will find at Orvieto. The tall
ence between this and a A^aulted Lombard interior is the greater height
of the supportsand the tendency to raise the aisles in order to produce
a hall-like interior. The dome, howe^'er, is a ver}' important feature
and its treatment is noA'el. It is the first time that a dome was built
wider than the nave almost as wide as ns-ve and aisles. Then its
plan is irregular, a hexagon turning into an oval through a dodecagon
which is formed by six large squinches. The dodecagonal section
or drum is decorated by an open gallery of shafts supporting an arcade
enclosing statues. We have here, quite distinctly, a prototype of
Brunelleschi's Florentine dome, not only in its importance in relation
to the plan but in the way it dominates the exterior. Ingenuity is
shown in the way the vaulting compartments adjoining the dome are
adjusted so as to furnish the most effective counter-thrust.
We must here consider the cathedral of Orvieto, although there
is little that is Gothic about it except the facade. This fafade is an
buttresses are designed with more unity than those at Siena and give
almost the effect of towers with corner turrets and central spire. It
Chap. Ill] GOTHIC IN IT.\LY 265
so well the use of strong and broad expanses of color. The statuary
is concentrated around the really fine rose-window. The four but-
tress-piers have their lower surfaces covered with the most delicate
scenes in relief sculpture. The relief is so low that it hardly affects
the architectural lines. This unique
decoration is in itself one of the
most beautiful works of Italian
sculpture. One of the cleverest
features is the open gallery that
bisects the design. In Fig. 315 is
low roof covers the entire width. The forms are simple, but the out-
lines and proportions unusualh' good. The common opinion that the
church was entirely rebuilt after 1447 is improbable and not satis-
factorih- pro^ed. Of similar hall t}-pe and worked out with even
greater structural skill is S. Fortunato at Todi. The view from the
310 shows well articulated slender piers, a skillfully
ri2:ht aisle in Fig.
centur>-. :Midwa>- between this extreme form and the Florentine type,
is the s\-mmetrical interior of the cathedral of \'erona, with piers that
have the same eight engaged shafts as S. Fortunate, but are heavier
and with larger capitals. The vaulting is also well-planned, the wall
works by the Pisani (Niccola and Giovanni) are the most artistic.
described in Vol. II (p. 261). It was quite in the same style without a
trace of Northern Gothic in its original portions, as we do not con-
sider pointed arches in the nave in themseh-es Gothic features. The
interior has been modernized, but it is worth recording here that its
original architects attempted what I believe to have been an abso-
lutely original scheme. They employed the usual triple division, but
the pointed arches of the ten bays rested not on the usual single
columns but on a scjuare group of four free-standing shafts with
common bases and abaci, a scheme which shows that a vaulting
S3'stem was planned. To imagine the effect one may take the four
shafts of the angle-piers in the Monreale cloister or the Vercelli (S.
Andrea) cloister and magnify them. The effect must have been
The exterior of the cathedral, though marred by additions and
restorations, retains a large part of its original lines and details.
Ciimparc, hdwcvcr, fur Norman influence, the towers of Molfetta, Bitonto, and
Bari cathedrals.
Chap. Ill] GOTHIC IN ITALY 271
than the supports, but this is, of course, structuralh' impossible and
the only excuse for it is the painful lack of unity in the design
The cathedral of Florence, Sta. ^laria del Fiore, was planned on
a smaller scale than the building we now see, by the architect Arnolfo,
in I2Q4. The plan was changed, mainly by the architect Talenti,
and the church was built largeh* during the latter part of the fourteenth
century. It is characteristic that while the total length was increased
to 480 feet,and the greatest width at the transept to 300 the num- feet,
ber of piers was not increased, but their arch-span was widened
about fifteen feet. This expressed part of the difference between the
proportions of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, and the de-
creasing beauty and increasing bareness of the interiors. Another
interesting point is that it reproduces more closely than any other
cathedral the monastic type, with an added richness of decoration.
The plan is an unusual one. It is not Italian. Heretofore we have
324 — Cathedral S. Maria del Fiore, Florence, before the new fafade. (From photo.)
This is not the place to speak of the dome and transept added by
Bramante in Middle Renaissance style (Fig. 327). The fagade and
flank are similar to others in this region, at Crema, Cremona, Bergamo,
Brescia, etc. It is a sadly mechanical style without charm of detail
clumsy lack of unity. Of course there were changes made twice in the
lower part of the facade during the Renaissance, which can easily be
The province of Bari and neighboring portions of Apuha contain
magnificent specimens of Romanesque, which were only referred to
in Vol. II. An architect will find some of the most superb of medieval
detailed work in this region, especially at Bari, Ruvo, Trani, Bitetto,
Bitonto, Alatera, Barletta and Altamura. The portals and •windows
are the richest in Italy in their sculpture. The latest of these works
which was made, he says, " after the German manner based on the
triangle and square." Each of his two elaborate sections of the
cathedral is labelled in similar fashion as "German." They are of
extraordinary value because they seem to be facsimiles of the original
drawings for the cathedral made by some German architect before
1392 (probably c. 13S7), because in 1392 the proportions were adopted
that were followed in the building whereas in these two drawings the
proportions are quite different and more purely transalpine. As the
dra^^dngs themselves have perished these woodcuts are about the
most valuable records of the application of geometry to Gothic archi-
tecture. Their early date is confirmed by a sketch made in Milan
by Antonio di Vincenzo, the architect who planned the Church of S.
Petronio at Bologna. This sketch is thought to have been made in
1390. measurements with Cesariano's illustrations;
It agrees in its
that is, it is based on the equilateral
triangle. There is another
record of the stage anterior to 1392. It is a sketch or diagram made
by a prominent architect named Stornaloco, called from Piacenza in
1 39 1 to give advice as to the right proportions for the elevation. It
has never yet been suggested that Cesariano's diagrams were made
from early drawings. They have been stigmatised as absurd and as
a "joke." But I have applied them successfully as a key to the de-
sign of other Gothic churches.
The matter of ]Milan cathedral is the most complex in Gothic his-
tory. Also, there is no certainty of opinion as to the origin of its
peculiarities. The reasons will appear from its history. When be-
gun, in 1386, there is no question that the plan for the entire structure
was made. As usual, construction commenced at the choir. It must
be borne in mind, furthermore, that the lower end of the nave was
never vaulted until the seventeenth century, nearly three hundred
years later! The designer is unknown, but it is probable that he was a
German. The Building Committee, as the documents show, engaged
and dismissed master-architects with vertiginous rapidity. It was
found that only German or French architects had the requisite scien-
tific knowledge to direct the work, yet there was such national an-
burg, Ulm, Cologne and Paris were called. Milan became a notorious
architectural storm centre.
The plan a Latin cross with short transept, short polygonal
the multiform influences to ascribe it. The oblong plan given to the
vaulting compartments of the nave would in itself be conclusive of a
non-Italian origin. The work began at the choir end, and was partly
under the Parisian architect, Bonaventure. There is documentary
evidence that the design of the magnificent windows given in Fig. 328
was his own, slightly modified.
The may be said to be the absence
special features of the exterior
dominant effect of the high side-
of towers, the forest of pinnacles, the
aisles, which almost conceal the buttresses and the nave wall; and,
gables, with strong vertical effect (Fig. 329). The original scheme for
the facade, as we can see from the buttresses, was merely a develop-
ment of the Siena scheme, applied to a five-aisled building. The choir
was consecrated in 1418. Several years previously it had been decided
to shorten the plan by three bays. The nave was not completed until
the second half of the fifteenth century; the central lantern was not
begun until 1481 and it was so badly constructed that a reconstruction
was necessary in 1490 under the direction of the famous engineer-
architect of the Renaissance, Francesco di Giorgio. Inside the Gothic
lantern is a dome, which follows the Romanesque scheme of not exceed-
ing the width of the nave. Buttresses connect it with a slender central
spire (in part of 1750) which is three hundred and fifty feet above the
pavement and yet is not as effective as it should be, owing to poor
If one considers that the bulk of the church was built subsequently
to the triumph of the Renaissance, it is only to be wondered at that
there was not a stronger infusion of the new style than what we see in
the doors and windows of the facade. The interior lacks the light and
color given by the immense clearstories of the northern cathedrals with
their stained glass. The continuity of the lines of grouped piers and
331 — Wooden model of S. Petronio, Bologna, as originally planned, seen from apse end to show
parts never built, (From photo.)
does not do the architect justice. Fig. 331 shows the original plan,
and is taken from an existing wooden model made by a later architect
(15 14), probably reproducing substantially the original model made
in 1390by the architect, Antonio di Vincenzo. Its scheme has been
compared with reason to that of Pisa cathedral, enriched by the
development of choir and transept. Instead of five aisles, as at
Milan, there are three aisles with a continuous row of chapels in
place of the outer aisles —a feature which the cathedral of Milan
barely escaped. The wide spacing of the piers is of the usual Italian
type and involves so high an arcade as to sacrifice the clearstory. Both
the design and the detail of the exterior are far better. The large
aisle windows have some of the best tracery by an Italian hand.
Comparing the finished part of the fajade with the design in the model
with its five gables and remembering that the marble decoration was
in charge of Jacopo della Querela, one of the three greatest sculptors
of the earliest Renaissance, we can see how it would have been when
completed the most beautiful in Italy; not as rich as that of Orvieto
but in purer taste, and far more artistic than the patchwork style
of the Tuscan churches. The reliefs around the three portals are
masterly, both as works of sculpture and decoration. Work on it was
suspended soon after 1430, when about thirty feet of the marble
facing had been completed. While the aisle windows next to the fagade
are so thoroughly Gothic, it is curious that the portals should have
Hntels surmountedby a round arch. In criticising the interior it
333 — Restored \'ie\v of the main square of Siena, as it was in the fourteenth century, with the
Communal Palace on the right. (From L' Architect.)
bold broad vaulting of the gallery and main hall. For the student of
architecture there are two features of extraordinary interest : the court
and the hall. There is little that is Gothic in the exterior of the court,
with its surbased round arches, except that the octagonal piers and
foHated capitals are of a normal Tuscan Gothic type. But the low
vaulting of the gallery, even though on a square plan, is Gothic.
A protot}T3e of the Palazzo Vecchio is the castle at Poppi in the
upper Arno valley. The court is renovated in a later style. All these
Florentine buildings are too familiar to require description. Perhaps
the most interesting way of studying this group in its primitive setting
Chap. Ill] GOTHIC IN ITALY 287
the right with its great tower is the only rival in Tuscany of the
Palazzo \'ecchio. The private pal-
aces of the same age, with their
simpler towers, such as can still be
studied in the neighboring San
Gimignano, are arranged about the
curved theatre-like outline of the
square. In the architectural details
—windows, battlements, doorways,
and even in the central courts, these
public structures are exactly par-
alleled on a smaller scale by the
private palaces. The)' show an in-
teresting fact: that here in Siena
both stone and brick were used con-
temporaneously and sometimes in
different stories of the same build-
In some parts Italy
334 —Palazzo Marsili, Siena. (From
ing. of the photo.)
style was strongly affected b}' the
material: here in Siena it was not so. One can hardlv tell the dif-
ference, stylistically, between a stone palace like the Saracini in the
main square and the brick Palazzo Buonsignori, of which the detail
335 — Communal Palace at Udine. (From photo.)
shows that if anything the terracotta led to an increased richness. A
further advance was made in the Tolomei Palace by the addition of
tracery in the field of the windows. Both double and triple mullions
a good simple piece of brickwork (Fig. 334), and the Palazzo Grotta-
nelli combines stone in the lower with brick in the upper story.
Chap. Ill] GOTHIC IN IT.\LY 289
another t}i)e, with its lower story entirely open in arcades, na\'es or
galleries, which was riuite common in the north and due to a different
political constitution. The Town Hall at Udine in Venetia (Fig. 333)
is the most artistically perfect of this class, partly because it stands
developed a special type of house and palace that can best be studied
at Bologna, but also at Verona, Vicenza and elsewhere. The Palazzo
del Tribunale and the Casa dei Mercanti at Verona (Fig. 337) illus-
trate its use in municipal buildings, and the Palazzo Signorini at
Vicenza (Fig. 338) shows how it modified the Venetian t>pe of private
Chap. Ill] GOTHIC IN ITALY 291
often with arcaded lower story, the most artistic creation was, of
course, the Venetian palace, \\'ith its three sections; the highh' deco-
rated and wide centre with its balcon)' and wide glass area, and the
two simpler and narrower wings. It is entirely a pleasure-palace, at
the opposite pole from the Tuscan. Its complete decorati\-e surface
scheme of marble incrustation, slabs, tracer}', balconies, etc., is
panel of continuous tracery, and the Foscari windows are more char-
acteristic of the school, yet the beauty of the Ca D'Oro (Fig. 339)
work is irresistible.
The cloisters arc numerous and several ha\'e alread>' been illus-
341, with its infmite variety of coupled columns often inlaid with col-
ored mosaic cubes in elaborate patterns.
In connection with this round-arched cloister, the fact must be
emphasized that a large number of interesting works of the thirteenth
The fact that church design in Italy usually did not include any
towers in organic connection with the structure, made the campanile
of the Gothic age as independent as they had been in the Romanesque
age. But they are neither as numerous or important as they were
then. Giotto's Campanile is the only rival of the Pisa Tower. Occa-
sionalh', as in the tower of S. Andrea at ]\Iantova, there is an admirable
use of terracotta in highly decorated windows and cornices. Also, but
345 — Cremona Cathedral: window in minor fafade; terracotta detail. (From photo.)
3^19 — Carving of (icithic choir-stalls, S. jMaria dci Frari, Venice. (From photo.)
Chap. Ill] GOTHIC IX ITrVLY 299
under the gable and the rose-window and its panel, iUustrated in Fig.
347. The ciuality of marble was an inccntix'c to such workmanship.
The same hand probably executed the charming facade of S. Caterina
at Pisa.
One of the peculiar features of Italian dccorati\'e design as distin-
351 — Panelling of the Saki della Mercatanzia, Communal Palace, Perugia. (From photo.)
monumental tombs.
Aside from this sort of choir decoration and the broad field of
church furniture, one turns to civil structures. Interior panelling of
Gothic design is so rare that the Sala della Mercatanzia in the Munic-
ipal Palace at Perugia is worth special study. It is particularly unusual
in following exactly the planes of the Gothic rib-vaulting and the lines
of ribs, pilasters and arcades. The most beautiful detail, from the
centre of the hall, is given in Fig. 351. In the same building the Sala
dei Notari, with its flat ceiling and splendid arcs-doublcaux, illustrates
the more usual technique of fresco decoration, with its panelled coat
:0.P ^ls>\'^f'
352 —Wooden car\cd and painted wagon roof of S. Fcrmo Maggiore, Verona, XIII Century.
(From photo.)
at Cologne.
Origins. —How did Gothic come to Germany? It has been observed
by Dehio that to German architects travelling in France even during
the first decades of the thirteenth century the vast majority of the
buildings they saw were Romanesque, and that as yet hardly a single
building in the new had neared completion; the majority, like
St. Germer and St. Denis, seeming in their outward form to be mainly
well as that of the shaft rings, is Cistercian. The gallery is very close
to French work of c. ii 50-1 170. It is supposed that the French
building which especially influenced the German architect was the
cathedral of Laon. The plan of the choir, at any rate, is entirely
French and Gothic, with a deambulatory and five radiating chapels
of polygonal outline. As this choir was founded in 1209 (completed
c. 1 and as the choir of Reims, with perhaps the earliest polygonal
chapels, was founded in 121 2, it is evident that the Magdeburg archi-
tect (who changed from the circular to the polygonal scheme in the
course of construction, exactly as the Reims architect did) must have
been cognisant of the latest French developments. Yet he did not
use flying buttresses but relied upon heavy walling. Otherwise the
exterior of the apse is even more thoroughly French than the gallery.
The same group of craftsmen may have worked on the facade of the
cathedral of Halberstadt, also in Saxony, which will be described later,
and which also shows the influence of Laon.
In the cathedral of Limburg-on-the-Lahn, begun shortly before
1220 (consecr. in 1235), the entire scheme seems based on Laon,
according to some critics, on Noyon, according to others. It has
already been mentioned in Vol. II., p. 402, because its imposing
exterior has as yet hardly a trace of Gothic (see Fig. 345 on p. 396).
But the plan which is there given (p. 396) will supplement Fig. 355
in showing how the interior is an almost exact reproduction of the
French transitional scheme, except that the sparing use of the flying
Vol. II. (p. 407), and its curious nave, in which the Gothic work
appears, is in the form of an oblong decagon, begun c. 1220 and com-
pleted in 1227. It is of quite different character from the work at
Magdeburg and Limburg, with features copied from some more ad-
the earliest direct importation from France. The church of the Virgin
at Trier was begun in 1227 and embodies the latest French novelty;
the suppression of the triforium.The plan is concentric and original;
we know no French prototype (Fig. 356), though it is generally sup-
posed to be merely the result of doubhng the choir of St. Yved of
Braisne (Fig. 357), face to face, making the entrance in the polygonal
chapel opposite the Lady-chapel or apse. The square tower over the
intersection with its lantern, corresponds to the central dome in a Greek
cross design,and this effect is accentuated by the four enormous piers
that support it and by the equal width of nave and transept if we —
may be allowed to call them such. In fact, as in so many Byzantine
plans, what would appear on the surface to be concentric is in elevation
a cross. The church is rather a large chapel attached to the big cathe-
dral, as has been described in Vol. II., pp. 408-410. The view given
in Fig. 3 58 looks toward the
choir, and shows the variety of supports
that are used; the central column with four engaged shafts, as in Amiens
and Reims, the plain column of unusual slenderness, and the elabo-
rately grouped and moulded pier. The windows are of the de\'eloped
Reims- Amiens t}pe. There is a singular spirited felicit^' in ever>' pro-
portion and every detail. Imagine from the plan the effect of the
other three polygons with their re-entrant angles and their continuous
deambulatory and }'ou will ha^'e a composition both picturesque and
stately. The slenderness of the piers and the height of the lower
story are more extreme than in the Ile-de-France. The plain walling
immediately above, where we should e.xpect a continuation of the
clearstory in the apse, is a defect required b)* the rooting slant.
The charming church of St. Elizabeth at ^larburg has already
been referred to as the earliest example of an interior of the three
'The vaulting at the ^vcst end and the spires were not completed till e. 1,350, long
after the Ffeiburg spire had given a model for open stonework.
at Cologne (see Vol. II., Fig. 40), with no lengthening of the choir
and no deambulatory or radiating chapels: merely a single polygonal
apsidal and transeptal ending. It is in fact a plain basilica. This
severity of plan has its counterpart in the simplicity of exterior
narily good, and patterned on the best French work from which
it differs mainlv in the accentuation of line instead of the delicate
not to blame, as a glance at Fig. 364 will show that the height of the
vaulting was predetermined by the already existing transept. At the
same time greater apparent height as well as lightness would have been
it is an object lesson in
368- - Virgins of west portal, Strassburg Cathedral.
(From photo.) the matter of the chang-
ing ideals between the
thirteenth and fifteenth centuries in the Rhenish province. A glance
at Fig. 367 shows what an enormous self-suflacient structure it-
is, even without its second tower. It also makes plain the fact,
piece of later Gothic sculpture of unusual decorative value, the pulpit is given in Fig.
369, which is perhaps the most interesting of its class. Here also the details of the
window tracery can be studied.
pro\xd any case by an early drawing, that the entire solid third
story extending from the roof ridge to the base of the towers, was an
addition to the original design made to suit the new ideas of the late
fourteenth centur}'. In the original scheme, which is given in an.early
drawing, still existing, the solid part of the facade was a scjuare,
as at Xotre Dame, on which rose the octagonal story that was to
carry the spire. These two lower stories were finished in about 129S
369 — Cathedral, Strassburg: view of aisle from nave, with pulpit. (From photo)
gave supremacy among the German masonic lodges when these were
tect, trained in French Gothic, must then have been put in charge of
building the nave. He put up the two bays next to the transept,
between 1250 and 1270. But, while contemporar)' with the Strassburg
nave, it is far from following French models as closely. The German
tendency to reduce elevations, simplify or diminish units and decoration
receives numerous concessions, especially when a second architect had
the piers are grouped and the vaulting shafts start from the
the arcades are low and wide. The effect is marred by the absence
flat wall space. This would not have occurred in France, England
or Spain, but appears not to have been disliked in Germany, as it
reappears soon after in St. Lawrence at Nuremberg in somewhat more
extreme form, and even at Ulm cathedral. The clearstor}' windows,
also, are small : such as had not been used in France since before 1 200.
The proportions of the aisle-windows are too squat for beauty (Fig.
373). If one examines, now, the nave west of the first two bays, the
general design of the four remaining bays is seen to differ Httle, but
pieces and shows what the twin towers of Strassburg and Cologne
would have been had they been carried out as planned at this time,
because the drawing for them which is still preserved shows that the
Freiburg and Strassburg towers were drawn in the same workshop if
not by the same hand. The entire west front serves as base for the
after 1359, on the plans of John of Gmiind, of the same school as the
Peter Parler who worked at Prague. It has both an ambulatory
and radiating chapels and as at Prague these chapels are continued
in the choir nave in place of outer aisles, but the chapels have only
two instead of three faces, according to the common Germanic process
of simplification. It is difficult to say whether the scheme for this
plan and general design, which have been carried out as originally
planned, the actual handiwork of the thirteenth to fourteenth cen-
turies appears first only in the choir and then on the fagade. It was
in 1248 that the building of the choir was commenced under the
architect Gerard. It is not certain that he was a German. In any
case he must have not only been trained in the Ile-de-France or
Champagne but have studied the drawings made by its masters for
the great buildings then in course of construction, because the Cologne
choir shows acquaintance with a development and amalgamation of
the schemes of the two most perfect French choirs of Amiens and
. Beaiu'ais. Now the Amiens choir was not actually begun until ten
years after Cologne (125S) and the Beauvais choir, while commenced
in 1247. was not completed until 1272. Evidently, then, Gerard had
been given access to the drawings already made for these two choirs,
The fairest view of the exterior is that shown in Fig. 37b, which
gives prominence to the choirand shows the articulation of the towers
with the church without permitting them to dwarf it. An old print
shows exactly in what condition the work was left at the close of the
Middle Ages, with the crane still standing on the unfinished towers,
and the big gap between fagade and choir with only a small portion
as the
of one side of the nave at the transept built and then walled in
choir had been to wait for better days. In the majority of such gigan-
tic undertakings the work was carried along during the late Gothic and
Renaissance periods, but in this case it was not until the nineteenth
century that the task of the early Gothic masters was taken up. It
was done at a time when archaeological study of Gothic was well ad-
vanced, so that the style of the original scheme was strictly adhered
to; hence Cologne does not show the succession of styles that is so
The view of the mterior m Fig. 377 is taken from the end of the
choir in order to gi^•e as much prominence as possible to the original
part of the structure. Comparing it with the view of Amiens in
of the clearstory nor the cornice at the base of the triforium are carried
across the triple vaulting-shaft, and that the shafts for the diagonal
ribbing start from the pavement instead of from the capital of the
main arcade; in other words, the system is that of St. Denis, a scheme
which adds apparent to real height by strengthening the vertical lines.
The impression of great height is justified by the measurements.
At Chartres the width of nave is 46 feet and its height is 106, giving
the ratio of 2.3: at Amiens these measurements are 46 and 144, with
the ratio of 3.1. But at Cologne the figures are 41 and 155 feet, giving
a ratio of 3.8, with a nave five feet narrower and eleven feet higher than
its French model. In another particular the Cologne choir goes a
step beyond Amiens; that is in the development of tracery and the
abolition of remnants of wall space. The triforium is not only glazed
„ and united in design to
the clearstor}', but the
spandrels of the trifo-
rium arches are traceried
as at St. Denis; the wall
space between the crown
of the main arcades and
the base line of the tri-
core; the diminution in the size and importance of the capital. Taking
these facts into consideration, together with the continuity of effect
gWen by the five-aisled
body of the church as com-
pared with the three-aisled
French cathedrals, it is
said. It is not large, has a plan of the t\pe of St. Y\'ed of Braisne
(Fig. 357), and shows the influence
Champagne. Still, it has a
special character quite unique both in arrangement and in the t}-pe of
its lavish ornament. In Fig. 378 are four bays on its south flank. The
buttresses are internal, between a line of low chapels which appear in
the interior view of Fig. 379 as less in the form of chapels than inter-
rupted outer aisles. The architect has taken directly from France the
closing up gap between clearstory and arcade and he has used the
of the
Norman form of the pavilion roof over the chapels in order to accom-
plish it. The richness, fantasy and variety of the tracery in windows
and gables is unequalled in Germany, I believe, and very unusual for
its date, which is about 1300.
The Cologne become acclimated in Germany.
style did not The
similarity to it in the contemporary abbey church of Altenburg, in the
I I I f I I
7' f /
3S1 — Plan of Halbcrstadt cathedral. (From Dohme.)
plicity when compared with Rhenish work. The \-iew gi\'en in Fig. 3S0
is almost as good as a ground plan, but the ground plan in Fig. 381
The view of the nave in Fig. 382 3S2 — Cathedral of Halbcrstadt. (From photo.)
of the main vaults, which originally seem to have been planned as not
quadripartite but sexpartite, following the French fashion that was
given up c. 1200 —another sign of an early French model of the Laon
period. Taken altogether Halberstadt is most instructive even if it
•• •
• • -^ 4^ • ^
384— Choir of Cistercian cluirch of Rid- 385— Clioir of Cistercian cluirch of
with its and undecorated forms and its preference for simple
apsidal endings, Germany received some Cistercian influx from
further north where the order had adopted Ile-de-France forms. An
interestingly rich development of Cistercian choir may be mentioned
at this point. It is illustrated at the monasteries of Riddagshausen,
Ebrach, etc. 384 and 385). These choirs replace the ordinary
plain Cistercian square apse with square flanking chapels. They are
provided with both ambulatory and a complete line of contiguous
chapels, but these are not radiating and the outline remains
rectangular. It is rich and yet far less eft'ective than the circular end-
transept were built between 1275 and 1309. The view of the exterior
J ji.v, .-^' - ^i
der to bring the propor- 3g: — Cathedral of Ulm, after completion of tower.
(From Joseph.)
tions of the total width
and height scheme of the equilateral triangle
of the building into the
a proportionmore Romanesque than Gothic. This relati\-e lowness of
the nave made it unnecessary to ha\'e more than a single battery of
flying buttresses. These and the buttress piers retain the simplicity
of design prevalent previous to 1275, and give the feeling that the
architects of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries had followed the
drawings of the original architect a theory made exceedingly probable
by the preservation even to the present day of so many of the original
drawings of the German cathedrals.
An example of a national German monument is the cathedral of
Ulm. It is the largest medieval church in Germany. It is also the
finest example of the developed style in the south. ^ The recent
erection, or tather completion, of its enormous
tower has now made it unnecessary to use one's
imagination as to its exterior. It is the culmina-
tion of the type of Freiburg cathedral, and the
tower is over 500 feet high (161 met.), the
highest in existence (Fig. 392).
The plan in Fig. 393 shows the simplest
form of German choir, practicaUy nothing but a
lengthened basilical apse and the entire plan is
wide as the projections on either side of the apse. Ulrich, who gave
it the five-aisled scheme would certainly have planned a richer choir.
at Vienna 3200 sq. m. The greater dimensions of Cologne (6200 sq. m.)
do not count
as the nuve is modern.
archivolts and the wall ribs of the aisle vaulting. The ribbing of
these aisle vaults is characteristically flamboyant, even though resting
on well marked capitals. The crossing of the ridge ribs and diagonal
ribs is a commoneT feature in Germany than in France and interferes
Ensingen, was put in charge in 1392, that its building assumed para-
mount importance, involving both widening and lengthening. He
seems to have been the author of the final plan. Two generations
of the same family followed, completing the main vaults in 147 1 and the
aisle vaults in 1478. All critics remark on the contrast between the
richness of the exterior, especially the facade and the severity of the
interior, so apparent in the nave, with its expanse of fiat wall surface
similar to that at Freiburg. This was the consequence of the decision
of the architect not to employ the paviUon-roof scheme of Cologne
over the double aisles but the less dangerous lean-to roof. The view
given in Fig. 392 shows this clearly and illustrates the enormous length
of unsupported and highly decorated flying buttresses, which is another
proof of the daring of these German masons. The height of the nave,
42 met., equals Amiens. Until Boblinger took charge in 1480 the
great western tower had not progressed far if at all above the portal.
It is interesting that at the very time when the committee in charge
of the work at Regensburg cathedral was obliged to decide between
a single tower and a double tower facade and did so in favor of two
towers, the Ulm architect was busy building the three lower stories of
the greatest single tower ever planned.
In connection with the cathedrals of Ratisbon (or rather Regens-
burg) and of Ulm it is in point to call attention to these drawings of
such cathedrals including also those of Strassburg and Cologne.
Some of these are of large size and on parchment, e. g. those of Cologne
and Ulm. They belong to the century and a half between c. 1300 and
1450. Some are original; others seem to be copies of lost originals.
Some remain as projets that were not accepted; others were evidently
rejected; while others again formed the basis of the work so far as it
was carried on. They have been of immense practical importance
in modem restorations and completions.
For instance, in the splendid
tower at Ulm, the original plan of the architect Boblinger was followed,
because he was in charge of the cathedral when the completion of the
tower was planned and his drawing, still preserved, would have been
the basis of the work had been carried to completion in the fifteenth
century. We have already seen how such drawings enable us, in the
case of the Strassburg fagade to see how the original plan of the thir-
teenth century was modihed in the fifteenth century, to suit the new
ideas. Xow, in the case of the Regensburg fayade the three drawings
that are preser\-ed were none of them followed in the construction.
They e\'iclently date from the late fourteenth century, and were pre-
pared in competition by different architects or as alternate schemes
by the same architect, so that the chapter of the cathedral and
its advisers might decide whether they would prefer the single
tower or the double tower t3-pe. It has been noticed that while a
two-tower design was used it embodied some of the features of these
central tower drawings, notably the small porch and the windows.
Shortly before Ulm gaA-e such fame to the
vSwabian school an important church had been
commenced at Gmlind, that of the Holy Cross
(1351-1414), by the founder of the same family
of architects named Parler who worked at Prague
and throughout German}- and e\en in Italy
(Milan cathedral). This church at Gmiind and
the ideas (Fig. 395) of the school established the
supremac}' of the hall type not only in Swabia
but far be}'ond it. The choir ambulatory, as
well as the aisles, was given the hall elevation;
Zwetl and the cathedral of Yienna. On the other hand the hall
elevation of their vaults, so that there is no fiat wall space in the main
nave even though the springing of its vaults is at a slightly higher
level. The grouping of the vaulting ribs is extremely awkward. The
structural form of the masonry is substantially that of a continuous
pointed barrel vault
intersected at each bay
by another barrel vault
on a much lower level,
projection of the two ba}'S next to the f agade that two equall}- enormous
western towers were planned, as wide as the aisles, comj)leting a
^^ •
each end, so
This church belongs to the old type with a choir at
beside the simple east apse that is sho^TO in our
view there was added
adds to the rhythm. The outline of the piers is lightened by the use
of deep and heavy channelling separated by slender shafts against a
narrow face.
slenderness of the simple 55
ing was no longer similar to the French but approached the form of
a barrel vault along the main axis, intersected by other lower barrel
vaults joined to the higher vaulting by pyramidal conoids. This
and other traits we have already seen illustrated in a number of
Two forms of fantastic design ran riot toward the close in certain
parts of the centre and south: the deformation of structural features
marked the first, and the introduction of arboreal and plant life the
second. Both were vicious tendencies
that found vogue only in the parts
of Germany that were partial to ex-
treme decorative effects. A view of
the left-hand side aisle of the Cathe-
dral of Braunschweig (Brunswick) in
Fig. 411 illustrates the first form in
the twisted spiral shafts of its piers
413) where a pair of half-vaults with wall ribs have similar fantastic
branchings. There is more of this sort (^f architectural debauchery in
Germany than in any other country. Yet, no style could be its more
ferocious antithesis than that other German product the northern
school of brick design.
BoHEMLi. The most ambitious churches of Bohemia
either were
never completed or were more or less thoroughly
destroyed by the
Hussite yandals in the fif-
teenth centur}'.
drals of
berg, \\-hich
Of the cathe-
Prague and Kutten- Rmwi
^^'ere planned on
the largest scale only the choirs
were built. The usual initia-
tion by Cistercian monks to
the new st}-le took place be-
tween 1 220 and 1250. It came
not direct!}' from B urgundy but
from German}-. Such German
monasteries as Tishnowitz,
Ebrach and Riddagshausen
furnished both monks and
architectural models, and there
are no traces of an}- special
local traits in the buildings at
41J- Eiilranrc lu Royal Oratory at cathedral,
the Bohemian monasteries of I'ragiiL'. ^From Leger.)
Ossek, Xepomuk and Hradiste
which were in ad\-anced transitional st}'le, largely of the Franconian
type. J\Iorc ad\-anccd were three monasteries of the close of the
thirteenth centur}^ in southern Bohemia Hohenfurth
: (c. 1 260), Golden-
kron (c. 12S0) and Sedletz (c. 1300). It was, in fact the buildings of
Sedletz which ilrst revealed to the Bohemians the full glories of
the new st}-le, though on a small scale the church of St. Ann had
already (1246) introduced pure Gothic to the capital, Prague. The
destruction of Sedletz, Ossek (except cloister and chapter-house)
and the rest pre\-ented a complete realisation of the point to which the
Cistercians carried earl}' Gothic in the south of the countr}-, but they
appear to ha\'e failed to awaken an}' enthusiasm.
During all this time, in fact until 1350, the work of these foreigners
1344 for a new cathedral in Prague, which would have been larger than
Ulm, a Master Matthias of z'Vrras was called from Avignon, in France,
to direct the work. He and German, Peter Parler of
his successor, a
Gmiind, were able to build only the choir, which remains, fragmentary
as it is, the most charming bit of Gothic work in the country. The
French type is followed, of course, in the plan, with its deambulatory
and five polygonal chapels, and the influence of southern France
in particular (e. g. Nar-
bonne), appears in the con-
tinuation of the line of
chapels along the choir
nave, in place of open
aisles, and the lack of capi-
tals in the main arcade.
Northern characteristics,
however, seem to be the
pavilion roof for each
chapel,and the multipli-
cation of window lights
(German - Flemish). The
rich juxtaposition of para-
pets, pinnacles, gables and
paneUing, the cusping and
crockets of the two-storied
flying buttresses, and the
elaboration of the geomet-
ric tracery, especially in
the enormous clearstory
windows, are character-
414 — Choir of cathedral, Prague. (From Legcr.)
istic German traits Figs.
414 and 415; showing that while it is to the French architect we owe
the plan, it was to the German that most of the upper part of the
construction is due.
Practically the same proportion of the church of St. Barbara at
Kuttenberg was built (1386). In this choir, attached to a five-aisled
nave, the architect Peter Parler had a free hand. The French element
of projecting choir chapels is conseciucntly eliminated, and the German
4 and at Kuttenberg it is
the best preserved and it is the most beautiful in Europe. Being built
of stone instead of brick it was susceptible of more artistic detail than
its prototypes in northern Germany. Its general lines (Fig. 416) are
happier and pig. 417 shows how charmingly details are treated grouped
under the gable. Later it was reproduced almost exactly in Prague
itself in Powder Tower.
Probably Parler was also the designer of the picturesque chapel
of the Town Hall with its echaugcUe. After his death no architect
of ecjual talent appears to have carried on his traditions though his
brother and son survived him. Perhaps to this workshop is due the
west front of the church of St. Mary of the Teyn, v/ith its peculiar
tion has almost ruined its effect (Fig. 418), so that it is quite an effort to
visuahze correctly the vaulting compartments of the flamboyant style,
with the fantastic curves of their ribbings " imported from Germ.any."
At the same time the Ger-
manic hall-t}-pe is illustrated
in the church at Brtix (1575)
where the buttresses are
all internal. The choir of
reproduced as faithfull}'
and the entire group of the churches of this t>-pe follow during the
course of the fourteenth century.
The plan of the Cistercian abbe^- church of Doberan, built shortl}-
after 1300, is a t_\'pical one, but this church varies from the rest in its
see here, in contrast to the type just studied, the typical hall effect,
the raising of the edges of the octagonal piers between the faces, the
occasional use, in the heavier piers, of channels and infinitesimal shaft-
ings. In the effort to give elaboration to the panelling of the vaults
the ribbing in the awkward brickwork has very much the effect of
Moorish stalactites. It appears to have been the Franciscan monks
who introduced the hall t}i:ie into the north. It can be studied at
Neu-Brandenburg (JNIarienkirche), Frankfort, and especially well in
St. Mary's at Prenzlau; all built mainly during the fourteenth century
on the streets, haxe the common 4:0 — Brick and terracotta battlements of
-Braunscliweit;, Ralhaus. U'toni Joseph.)
Brunswick, of course, surmounts not the gallery but the short ends.
This gable is made one of the most highly decorated in Germany b}'
The main hall occupied the second floor and was divided by a line of
Here, too, the lack of a belfry emphasized the fact that these German
town halls were even more for business purposes, as business exchanges,
than for political and administrative life.
clear proclamation of a
purely decorati^'e pur-
pose in the design. Its
Very close to the Town Halls were the merchants' exchanges, such
as the Kaufhaus at Freiburg-im-Breisgau in Fig. 432, a flamboyant
hijou if the balcony were in harmony with the rest of-the design. The
tihng in patterns is commonly developed, especially in
a feature quite
South Germany, as a means of making the steep roof play its part.
had a main hall neirly two hundred feet long with a central line of
Brick gable of house at LiJne- Building (brick) at Zinna monastery
burg. (From Essenwein.) (From Essenwein.)
and culture, forwas the seat of the power of the Teutonic Knights
who came from Holy Land to this \\'ild pro^'ince of the northeast
and by force of arms established the beginnings of law and order,
founded cities and colonized the land as far as Poland and Russia.
The restoration of this castle of the Knights a few years ago was a
matter of national importance. Xo work of mixed military and civil
extent can be judged from the ground plan in Fig. 442- It differs from
a royal or a feudal castle, and is comparable, for example,
to the
among the ^•aultcd halls of Germany and its fan-\-aulting is of the t}']ie
hall (Fig. 44q), with its unusual covered balcony varied at intervals
by four oriel windows. This charming design as gi\-en in Fig. 439
shows the style of about 1400. The rest of the constructions, including
the square keep on the right, are built in an irregular o^•oid around a
court. The became quite out of repair.
^lore extensive is the Bohemian masterpiece, the Castle of Karl-
stein, built by King Charles IV (1348-57"), to whose short reign
— ^3cia •• —
dral is the pure and developed French style followed. At Gand the
church good example of the large class of pseudo-
of St. Nicolas is a
Gothic buildings in the Netherlands which retained the wooden roof
without vaults.
The cathedral Ste. Gudule of Brussels belongs to three centuries.
Its choir was begun in 1220 and it was not completed until the close
of the fifteenth century. The
fagade is an imposing design
of the fourteenth century, es-
sentially French, but with
some Germanicisms, especial-
ly in the gable, due to the
fact that the design was not
completely carried out until
the following centur}', though
there is no sign of the deco-
rative richness of that time.
At the church of Notre Dame
the choir and transept belong
to the same age, c. 1220.
An unspoiled example of
the same combination of early
and middle styles is the in-
terior of St. Martin at Ypres,
in Fig. 450. Begun at the
4SO- Nave of St. Martin, Ypres. (From Michel.) choir in 1 22 1 in a manner
that was followed in the tran-
sept, with its charming rose-windows, later in the century, and then
in the nave, where the slenderness
of the columns, the prismatic
groups of triforium shafts and the broad clearstory show the \a.-
riations in the original scheme introduced in the fourteenth century.
It is at Bruges that churches of the thirteenth century (N. Dame
and St. Sauveur) can be found with clustered piers of the normal
French type, in contrast to the above more commonly used columnar
Still it was not long before this that the columnar supports appear
at Mecheln (or Mahnes) in Brabant, where the six bays of the three-
aisled basilical cathedral, begun in 1341, are separated by cylindrical
shafts and its French origin is certiiied by the polygonal choir with
seven radiating chapels. Its
452 — St. Jacques at Liege. (From Ysendyck.) When the interior was ex-
ecuted the geometric pov-
erty of detail had become the rule, and the lack of capitals accen-
tuates the dryness of this vast but uninteresting composition. The
column is abandoned for the clustered pier, as became usual on the
approach of the Flamboyant period.
As an example of the richest type of Flamboyant Gothic touched
in certain details by the hand of the Renaissance invasion, nothing
in Europe is perhaps more charming and original than the interior of
St. Jaccjues at Liege, built between 15 13 and 153S. There is nothing
to compare with it in France or Germany.
Fig. 452, while excchent
m reproduction of the ba)'s, fails to include the
vaulting with its pendent keystones and
elaborately panelled sur-
faces. Also on account of its perspective it does not
con\-ey the
extreme breadth of the arcades which made it
necessan- to 'allow
two triple ^Yindows to each bay. The treatment of the
two parallel
lines of dehcate stone lace-work on the intrados
of the arches, rising
from colonnettes, and of the parallel pair of vaulting shafts
is peculiar
to work shading into the Renaissance, and the scroll
work in the span-
The Halle aux Draps or Cloth Hall at Ypres, built between 1200
and 1304, is the largest and most splendid civil Gothic structure in
Europe. Its main front (given in Fig. 453) is more than 450 feet
• V J- i '.
(133 m.) long, with 44 bays of interesting and original design: windows
like open tympana above architraved doors. In the tracery of its
(Fig. 45S), built between 1401 and i455- It has the most successful
delicate central belfry in the country, with two receding octagonal
stories crowned by a stone spire— the whole being full of spring.
1535. The illustration of the left angle, in Fig. 456, was taken before
itwas disfigured by modern statues of obtrusive whiteness that have
been set in the niches. It seems probable that the architect planned
to finish the turret with a spire, though Renaissance influence may
have induced him to forego it. It is interesting to compare with the
corresponding angle at Middelbourg (see Fig. 462).
Slightly earlier in date (1448-1463), the Town Hall of Louvain is
the apotheosis of overloaded ornament and rich monotony. It illus-
trates also the change in proportions from the low-lying
stories of Ypres. The buttresses, with their statues and
emphasize the dominant verticahty of the Flambo}'ant
age. The
turrets, with balconies that seem borrowed
from minarets, rontinue
the buttress scheme, wath great contrast of light and shade, the most
effecti\-e feature of an otherwise unquiet design (Fig. 457).
shafts of the columns emerge from a classic base which is copied from
Roman work and not from any Itahan Renaissance original with
which I am famihar. The architect must have been one of the
Flemings who had travelled in Italy or had seen designs of antique
remains. Otherwise there is Httle about the design that is not late
The Flemish cities are full of medieval houses, especially of the
late Gothic period. Within this class one must reckon the smaller
^^Y*^ ^2:^ l'S5 ,^-^ J
T ||
!»2i>y v.. -L-
at Alkmaar, the Niewe Kerk at
Amsterdam, the Groote Kerk at
Dordrecht, and the Groote Kerk
at Leenwarden. The basihcal
plan was almost uni^•ersal, with
great width in proportion to its
is even heightened by the barocque perron with its curious low roof.
At INIiddelbourg we notice a similar infusion of Germanicisms, for
instance, in the stepped and pinnacled gable (Fig. 46:). The belfr}',
curioush' enough, is not an integral part of the structure, which is
its large turret and its balcony for pubUc proclamations and speeches,
interest.Owing to the absence of a strong national stj-le in
stone during the Romanesque era, there was no local nucleus with
which the imported forms could be amalgamated. The prevailing
nati^'e wooden architecture had no influence on Gothic forms. Geo-
graphically disconnected from Europe except by way of the archi-
tecturally backward sections of North Germany, which acted through
the medium of Denmark, the three Norway, Sweden
countries of
and Denmark would naturally recei^-e by means
their Ciothic largeh'
of their commercial connections, especial!}' by sea. So we And the
sources of Scandinavian Gothic to haA'e been first England and then
Germany. France was a minor factor. Even the customar)' Cis-
tercian in\-asion, in so far as it brought Gothic, seems to ha\'e come
not from France but England: for example, at Hovedo, founded from
Kirkstall, and Luisce, founded from Fountains, both of them in
Norway. It was not until 12S7 that France took its part in a brilliant
and exceptional way by sending architects from Paris Etienne de —
Bonneval and his assistants to build the cathedral of Upsala. Under
these circumstances it is hardh' surprising that Scandina^-ian Gothic
proves to be a hybrid product without much creative energy.
Norway lay most open to the English influence from over-seas,
and was the first to adopt Gothic forms. Yet she not only preser^'ed
better than the rest of Scandina^^a the primiti^'e wooden architecture
through the Gothic age but extended it to Sweden and e\x'n Denmark.
In connection with this use of wood it should be noted that the
relative scarcity of good local building stone was one of the main
causes for the Scandinavian architectural situation. Only a hard
terracotta that was current in those countries, but more usually there
was a survival of stonework for details.
Throndjem (Drontheim), the seat of the archbishop of Norway,
has a cathedral which combines Romanesque (transept) transition
(chapter-house), early English (choir) and developed Gothic (choir,
nave). Until its partial destruction in the sixteenth century it was
perhaps the only Scandinavian building that could be classed with the
larger cathedrals of the rest of Europe. The view of the upper part
of the choir in Fig. 463 shows clearly English character in the lancet
arcadeSj round abaci, broad enclosing arch and decorated oculus of
the gallery, and in the decoration and especially the capitals of the
triforium with their double row of hea^'ily projecting foliage. Its
date is 124S. The plan
is eight-sided and therefore
rather German than English.
The lower part of the choir
is more de^•eloped, but still
thedral of Linkocping,
which was the second
ecclesiastical centre of
ture the two slender columns in the foreground belong to the earliest
period and join on to the transept, which is under English influence
(c. 1250), as is quite clear from the style of the portal of the south
In Denmark the cathedral of Roeskilde is the most interesting
work for an understanding of the first stages of transitional work.
Its apse and transept are more successful than the heavy nave. In
fact, the apse is not unlike what the original apse of Notre Dame, in
Paris, must have been, with deambulatory but no chapels. Above
the deambulatory is a charming gallery with arcades separated only
by granite columns.
It is the custom to include among Gothic works the very special
group of churches and other structures of this age built on the island
of Gotland, but as they did not get beyond the use of groin vaulting
they evidently are outside the pale, until we reach the works of the
close of the fourteenth century at Wisby, built by the Dominicans
and Franciscans, which show that they imported architectural ideas
from Italy, as in St. Nicholas, and especially St. Catharine with its
octagonal piers, wide arcades and high side-aisles, though some critics
see here and elsewhere German iniiuence.
There are but few examples of late Gothic in Scandinavia. At
Wadstena, in Sweden, is the best instance of a curious Scandinavian
adaptation of a Germanic type in its Flamboyant form. It is a hall
church of rectangular plan, built of limestone, with three aisles equal
not only in height but in width, and with a choir at each end, one for
the priests and one for the nuns, both of them square ending. The
plain octagonal piers support broad low vaults with Heme and tier-
ceron ribbing. was built from 1388 to 1430 for the new order of
nuns and set a model for other churches as the order
of St. Birgitta
spread through Scandinavia. These churches were of uniform sim-
plicity, not to say meagreness, in contrast to usual late Gothic work,
except in North Germany and the Baltic. In fact, outside Sweden,
churches of this type were usually built of brick, as at Maribo in
Denmark and Reval in the Baltic.
Switzerland. —There is no reason for treating Switzerland as an
architectural unit. She was as international in the Gothic period as
she is now.
Germanic influences prevailed in the section adjacent to
Germany; French, especially Burgundian, influences in the region
near the western border, and in fact in most of the larger centres.
the conquests of the Crusaders and are not to be found chiefly in Pales-
by the time Gothic forms began to tra^•el
tine itself, because Palestine