Ashish 2018 Review
Ashish 2018 Review
Ashish 2018 Review
An Overview of the Post-Harvest Grain
Storage Practices of Smallholder Farmers
in Developing Countries
Ashish Manandhar 1 , Paschal Milindi 1,2 and Ajay Shah 1, *,†
1 Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Wooster, OH, 44691, USA; (A.M.); (P.M.)
2 Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agricultural Sciences and Fisheries Technology,
University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam 35091, Tanzania
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-330-263-3858
† Current Address: 110 FABE Building, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH, 44691, USA
Received: 2 March 2018; Accepted: 12 April 2018; Published: 15 April 2018
Abstract: Grain storage loss is a major contributor to post-harvest losses and is one of the main causes
of food insecurity for smallholder farmers in developing countries. Thus, the objective of this review is
to assess the conventional and emerging grain storage practices for smallholder farmers in developing
countries and highlight their most promising features and drawbacks. Smallholder farmers in
developing countries use conventional grain storage structures and handling systems such as woven
bags or cribs to store grain. However, they are ineffective against mold and insects already present in
the grain before storage. Different chemicals are also mixed with grain to improve grain storability.
Hermetic storage systems are effective alternatives for grain storage as they have minimal storage
losses without using any chemicals. However, hermetic bags are prone to damage and hermetic
metal silos are cost-prohibitive to most smallholder farmers in developing countries. Thus, an ideal
grain storage system for smallholder farmers should be hermetically sealable, mechanically durable,
and cost-effective compared to the conventional storage options. Such a storage system will help
reduce grain storage losses, maintain grain quality and contribute to reducing food insecurity for
smallholder farmers in developing countries.
Keywords: food security; post-harvest losses; grain storage; hermetic storage; grain loss
1. Introduction
Globally, more than 500 million smallholder farmers grow crops on less than 10 hectares of
land, with most of them located in developing countries [1]. Most of the crop (80%) is produced by
smallholders in the largest proportion of cultivated land (80%) in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa [2].
Rice, wheat, and maize are the most produced and consumed staple cereal crops around the world.
Rice and wheat are grown mainly in developing countries in Asia, whereas maize is grown globally
in developing countries of Africa, Asia as well as South and Central America [3]. Cowpea is a
legume, which is also grown by smallholder farmers mainly in Western Africa, Asia, Central and
South America. In most regions in the world, food crops are seasonally produced and continuously
consumed throughout the year. However, due to the limited agricultural mechanization available for
smallholder farmers in the developing countries, almost all agricultural practices, including pre-harvest
and post-harvest operations, such as drying, dehulling, shelling, winnowing and sorting, transportation,
and storage, are conducted manually [4]. In such conditions, post-harvest quantitative loss up to 15% in
the field, 13–20% during processing, and 15–25% during storage have been estimated [4]. This leads to a
huge amount of food loss and decreases food quality, which contributes to food insecurity for the farm
household. Annual food spoilage and waste in developing countries is equivalent to about $310 billion,
almost 65% of which occurs during the production, processing, and postharvest stages [5]. These losses
occur due to financial, managerial, and technical limitations in harvesting, storage, and preservation
techniques in developing countries [6]. Thus, improvement in agricultural practices for smallholder
farmers is essential to achieve efficient grain supply chain with increased grain yields, reduced grain
losses during storage and handling, and reduced time and effort to accomplish harvest and post-harvest
operations. Loss during grain storage is one of the main contributors to total post-harvest grain losses [7].
Effective grain storage with minimal grain losses could significantly contribute toward reducing overall
food losses for smallholder farmers and have an immediate and significant impact on their livelihoods.
The objective of this review is to evaluate the different post-harvest grain storage practices of the
smallholder farmers in developing countries around the world. This review is focused on storage
practices applicable to cereal crops such as maize and rice, and legumes such as cowpeas and beans,
which are commonly cultivated by smallholder farmers around the globe. The study discusses the
different post-harvest losses associated with the grain supply chain. The study also presents the effect
of multiple factors, such as insect activities, mold growth and mycotoxins, moisture and temperature,
and social factors, on the selection of grain storage systems. Different grain storage practices discussed
in this paper are: (1) conventional grain storage structures and handling systems, (2) use of chemicals
together with other storage structures, (3) hermetic metal silos, (4) hermetic bagging technology,
(5) self-build silos, and (6) on-farm and community-based storage structures. Based on the reviewed
storage systems, desirable qualities of storage structure are suggested that could effectively reduce the
post-harvest grain storage losses.
Figure 1. Factors for losses during different post-harvest steps of the grain supply chain in
developing countries [7–9]. Note: quantitative grain losses for harvest and different post-harvest
steps provided in this figure are based on information provided in African post-harvest information
system (APHLIS) [9]. However, grain storage losses up to 34% have been reported by different
studies [4,10–12]. Qt—Quantitative loss, Ql—Qualitative loss.
Cereals and legumes are usually harvested within a short harvest period. Harvesting is usually
performed manually using a sickle or knife by smallholder farmers. Harvesting needs to be performed
at the proper time, possibly just after the crops are mature with grain moisture contents between
20–28% for maize and rice, and 14–18% for cowpeas, to minimize harvesting losses [13,14]. Crops have
a higher moisture content when harvested too early, which either will require longer drying times
or could provide favorable growing conditions for mold, resulting in increased costs or losses. Also,
if harvesting is done during rain, the increased grain moisture content could result in unexpected grain
germination. If the crops are harvested too late, they are exposed longer in the field and have more
chance of being attacked by birds, insects, and mold. Furthermore, field drying of the grain could
result in losses due to shattering of grain during harvesting.
Smallholder farmers transport the harvested grain to the homestead by carrying them, or using
bicycle or bullock carts. Some farmers hire trucks to haul their grains. Losses due to grain spillage and
bruises can occur during transportation. Foreign materials could also contaminate the grains if not
properly secured during transportation. Grain is usually field-dried or naturally dried in mats or cribs
in a homestead yard with potential losses during drying by infestation from birds or insects, or heat
injury. Depending on the regions, the grain is then stored with either cobs or stalks intact in cribs or
threshed/shelled, cleaned, and stored in different storage structures. Some farmers de-husk and shell
the grain in the field, while others do it in their homes. Grain is normally stored in jute bags, propylene
sacks, or traditional cribs for a few months (based on personal communication with farmers in rural
Tanzania but applicable to most developing countries). In some cases, maize is stored for almost seven
months until the next harvest is available. The market price also tends to increase within six months
Agriculture 2018, 8, 57 4 of 21
of storage [4]. Storage losses, mainly occurring due to insects and mycotoxins, are considered to be
the highest among the post-harvest steps of grain produced by smallholder farmers and could occur
in farm as well as market storage. Different storage practices are discussed in further detail later on.
Most of the grain is stored to be consumed by family members, whereas some grain is usually stored for
a few months and then sold to the market depending on the grain quality after storage [1]. The grain is
then transported to the market where it might be stored further before being purchased and used by
other people.
3.2. Biological Factors—Insect and Rodent Activity, and Mold Growth during Grain Storage
Table 1. Common insects and rodents infesting grain in developing countries [34,39,40].
Status Level
Insects and Rodents Commodities Infested
Pre-Harvest Unshelled Shelled Milled Kernels
Sitophilus zeamais
Maize, sorghum and rice 2 3 5 4
(Maize weevil)
Sitophilus oryzae
Wheat, sorghum and rice 1 3 5 4
(Rice weevil)
Acanthoscelides obtectus Beans 3 3 5 3
Prostephanus truncatus
Maize 2 5 3 1
(Large Grain borer)
Rhyzopertha dominica All cereals - 2 4 2
Tribolium castaneum &
All cereals 1 1 2 3
other secondary beetles
Lasioderma serricorne All cereals - - 1 1
Sitotroga cerealella
All cereals 2 4 3 2
Moths (Angoumois Grain moth)
Ephestia cautella & other
All cereals - 1 3 3
warehouse moths
Rodents Rats and mice All cereals 4 3 2 1
Note: Status levels—refers to prevalence and potential damage from insects and pests (adapted from reference [40]:
1—very low (possibly negligible), 2—low, 3—low to moderate, 4—moderate to high, 5—high.
and fungus contamination during field harvest and storage [42,43]. Reducing the grain moisture
content to less than 13% and relative humidity to less than 60% during storage is crucial to limit mold
activity [44]. Field-based fungi require a much higher moisture content and thus rarely develop under
storage conditions because of limited moisture and water activity [42]. However, storage fungi such
as Aspergillus sp., which produces aflatoxins, could develop well at RH between 70% and 90% [45],
which corresponds to an equilibrium moisture content higher than 16% for most grain [20]. Thus, mold
formation needs to be properly addressed during storage to minimize grain losses.
Mycotoxin Fungal Source Effects
Potent human carcinogen
Aspergillus flavus, and increased susceptibility
Aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2) Field and storage
Aspergillus parasiticus to disease. Adverse effects in
animals, especially chickens.
Suspected human
Fumonisin B1 Fusarium moniliforme Field and storage carcinogen. Toxic to pigs,
poultry and horses.
Suspected human
Aspergillus ochraceus,
Storage, occasionally carcinogen. Shown to be
Ochratoxin A Aspergillus carbonarius,
from field carcinogenic in laboratory
Penicillium verrucosum
animals and pigs.
Fusarium graminearum, Possible human carcinogen.
Zearalenone Fusarium culmorum, Field and storage Affects reproductive system
Fusarium crookwellense in female pigs.
Fusarium graminearum,
Toxic to humans and
Deoxynivalenol/nivalenol Fusarium culmorum, Field
animals, especially pigs.
Fusarium crookwellense
Fusarium graminearum, Intestinal irritation leading
Trichothecenes Storage
Fusarium culmorum to feed refusal in livestock.
of grain losses depending on their storage practices. Findings from some recent studies [10,50,51] are
summarized in Table 3. These studies have evaluated the efficacy of different storage practices based on
different factors, such as % grain losses (wt % of grain reduced), % grain damaged (% of grain damaged
during storage, determined by visual observations), number of holes in 100 grain seeds (determined
by visual observations), and comparative weight of 100 grain seeds (Table 3). The variations in the
results for similar storage structures could be due to differences in the locations, initial condition of the
stored grain (insects and pests already in the grain), storage conditions, and storage duration.
Agriculture 2018, 8, 57 8 of 21
Table 3. Effectiveness of different grain storage practices of smallholder farmers in developing countries.
Table 3. Cont.
An increased use of these chemicals has, however, resulted in resistance among targeted species
and, thus, reduced their effectiveness [74,75]. In addition, adulteration of these pesticides within
the supply chain, associated environmental and health-related concerns due to unwanted pesticide
Agriculture 2018, 8, 57 12 of 21
exposure to smallholder farmers, and higher costs for marketing new chemical pesticides have limited
the emergence of new chemicals effective for grain storage [74,76–78].
4.3.3. Warehouses
Community- or government-run storage, such as warehouses or cover and plinth (CAP) structures,
are also common grain storage options for smallholder farmers in developing countries [56]. These are
housed storage spaces that protect the grain from the elements. Smallholder farmers can store certain
types of grain including maize, typically using bags for effective record-keeping, in these systems,
paying a specified fee [82]. CAP storage refers to the storage of stacks of bagged grain on top of
wooden pallets, with waterproof low-density polyethylene sheets or tarps covering the top and all
four sides [82]. Food grain is stored in CAP storage for six to 12 months. The CAP storage system
in India was originally promoted as a necessity rather than a better storage option because harvest
volumes were higher than the available warehouse storage space [83]. Although these storage systems
Agriculture 2018, 8, 57 13 of 21
allow for large-scale grain storage, protect the grain from the elements, and are economical, they are
not effective in terms of grain protection from rodents, insects, pests, and mold. For insect and pest
control in such a storage system, pesticides such as malathion and deltamethrin and fumigants such as
phosphine are used. For rodent control, poison baits are commonly used [56].
Many research studies [10,11,49,84,91] have compared metal silos with conventional storage
structures and chemicals used for grain storage and concluded that metal silos are the most effective.
However, for cereals to be stored safely in a metal silo, the grain must be dried to a moisture content of
less than 14% to limit mold formation [84]. A propensity score has also been used to assess the impact
of silo structure on maize storage duration, storage losses, and costs [49]. A survey of farmers found
that smallholder farmers who adopted the silos lost an average of only 3 kg, worth $2, and were able
to store the grain for 1.8 to 2.4 months longer compared to an average loss of 157 to 198 kg of grain,
worth $104–132, for non-adopters.
Although metal silos substantially reduce insect and pest infestation and potentially improve
smallholder farmers’ food security and income, their high initial production cost compared to the
other storage structures, the limited availability of galvanized iron sheets in rural markets, and few
local metal silo manufacturers limit its widespread adoption by smallholder farmers in developing
countries [10,49,51]. The main production cost elements of metal silos are a galvanized iron sheet, labor,
and transportation. The initial cost of building the most common metal silos of 1 ton (the smallest
size considered to be cost-effective) and 1.8 ton capacities are $173 and 193 (cost adjusted for 2017),
respectively, which is very high for smallholder farmers [49,92]. Tefera (2011) reported the production
and distribution costs of metal silos in Kenya in 2008–2009 to be in the range of $29 (cost adjusted
Agriculture 2018, 8, 57 14 of 21
for 2017) for 90 kg capacity to $243 (cost adjusted for 2017) for 1800 kg capacity. In general, to be
cost-effective, it is recommended that the seeds for planting in subsequent years should be stored in
a small metal silo of 100–200 kg capacity, while those for consumption should be stored in a larger
metal silo of 300–3000 kg capacity [84]. Different sizes of metal silos have been promoted to the
rural smallholder farmers in Central America and Africa by providing a financial subsidy or credit,
which is crucial for the adoption. The favorable capacities of metal silos are 550 kg and 820 kg for most
families in developing countries, which corresponds to the annual grain consumption of an average
family of 5–6 members [84,93,94]. In addition, failure to maintain a hermetic seal during storage could
significantly reduce the effectiveness of storage. Determination of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels
inside the storage structures and pressure decay tests could be helpful in determining the hermeticity
and effectiveness of these storage structures [95,96].
Both PICS bag and SuperGrainBag were found to be effective at controlling pests and limiting
grain loss compared to conventional woven plastic bags under similar storage conditions (Table 3) [53].
Conventional woven bags were compared with both new and reused PICS bags for storing cowpeas
for five months under normal conditions in Niger. The results showed that both new and used PICS
Agriculture 2018, 8, 57 15 of 21
bags were effective at controlling insect and pest infestations in cowpeas, and had 40% more grain
weight (12.6 to 13.9 g) per 100 cowpea grain when compared to the conventional woven bags (7.6 g
to 8.2 g) [100]. Both PICS and SuperGrainBag have been widely adopted in West and Central Africa
due to their effectiveness, simplicity, low cost, small storage space requirement, durability, ease of
production, and local manufacture [51,99,100]. Silo bags and plastic containers were also used as
hermetic grain storage, which showed reduced grain infestation compared to the control, in which
grain was stored in non-hermetic conditions [54]. Some of the major disadvantages of the hermetic
bags, when compared to other improved systems, are that they are highly susceptible to physical
damage, such as puncture from sharp protruding objects, as well as abrasions and perforations from
insects and rodents [10,53,101]. Additionally, they can burst during transportation from one location
to another, especially when the bags are large. Punctures and physical damage reduce the useful life of
the bags, and thus add to the cost of this system.
Table 5. Advantages and disadvantages of different grain storage practices for smallholder farmers.
7. Conclusions
Different grain storage practices are adopted by smallholder farmers in developing countries
globally. Conventional storage practices include gunny bags, woven granaries and cribs, and wooden
boxes. Different locally available plant leaves, oil and ashes, as well as chemicals, are also used
during grain storage. In addition to these, larger-scale community-based grain storage practices are
also adopted by smallholder farmers. More recent technologies, such as hermetic metal silos and
multilayer bagging systems, have also been promoted in developing countries. Hermetic metal silos,
Agriculture 2018, 8, 57 17 of 21
multilayer bagging systems, and chemical use result in significantly lower grain losses during storage
of grain compared to the conventional storage systems. The design of new storage options should
focus on ensuring maximum air-tightness to maintain hermetic conditions. This type of storage has a
lower grain loss compared to the conventional storage methods. In the future, smallholder farmers
in developing countries could benefit from new grain storage technologies that use locally available
materials, involve low cost, and maintain hermeticity.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by funding from the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID)-funded Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative project (iAGRI) (Award
No. CA-621-A-00-11-00009-00), NSF—iCorps Federal Award No.: 1322061 (Subaward No.: 535326-OSU 8),
and USDA NIFA Hatch project 1005665. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring agencies. The authors thank Ms. Mary Wicks (Food, Agricultural
and Biological Engineering Department, The Ohio State University) for critical review.
Author Contributions: Ashish Manandhar reviewed existing literature and wrote the manuscript. Paschal Milindi
reviewed existing literature and contributed in some sections of the manuscript. Ajay Shah conceived the idea
and provided critical suggestions throughout the manuscript development process. All authors reviewed
the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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