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Bicol University


Department of Agriculture Sciences
Guinobatan, Albay

Postharvest Handling Practices and Treatments

Of Maize

Dela Torre, Joyce
Repiue, Denice Natalie

BUCAF, Department of Agricultural Sciences

1 INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.1 MAIZE IN THE PHILIPPINES ----------------------------------------------------------- 1

2 HARVESTING AND MATURITY----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

2.1 Harvesting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.2 Maturity Indices of Maize --------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2.3 Types of Harvesting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

3 POSTHARVEST HANDLING/PROCESSING OPERATION ---------------------------------- 4

3.1 Transportation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
3.2 Shelling Cob and Cleaning Grains -------------------------------------------------- 7
3.3 Drying ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
3.4 Storage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

4 POSTHARVEST PATHOLOGY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

4.1 Disease Development ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
4.2 Silk-Entering Pathogens ---------------------------------------------------------------12
4.3 Strategies to Protect Silk Ear Rots -------------------------------------------------12

5 POSTHARVEST TREATMENT FOR SWEET CORN ------------------------------------------ 13

5.1 Hydrocooling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
5.2 Package Icing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
5.3 Vacuum Cooling ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
5.4 Forced air cooling ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

6 CONCLUSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
7 REFERENCES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Maize (Zea Mays, also known as corn in North America) originated around 5,000 BC in central
Mexico. In the sixteenth century, the crop was introduced to Europe, from where it spread to
Africa and Asia. It is also one of the most commonly grown crops in both temperate and tropical
regions around the world.

It is one of the top ten most valuable crops in the world. According to the FAO, global production
in 2012 totaled over 870 million tons, with 158 million hectares of land under cultivation.
According to the FAO's Agricultural Market Information System (AIMS) and the International
Grains Board, production could hit 990 million tons in 2014-2015, with nearly 200 million
hectares under cultivation. Over 80% of maize production takes place in the Americas (53%)
and Asia (28%) regions, with Europe coming in third (15 percent). The maize belt in the United
States, northeastern China, and Eastern Europe are all significant growth areas. The United
States (over 270 million tons), China (over 200 million tons), and Brazil (71 million tons) were
the top producers in 2012, followed by India, Mexico, Argentina, Ukraine, Indonesia, France,
and Canada. The developing world accounts for 70% of the total acreage used for maize

Maize is cultivated for human consumption (as sweet corn) as well as for animal feed and
biofuels (as field corn). Just about 15% of maize production is used for human consumption,
with the majority being used for animal feed. However, in developing countries, the proportion of
maize used for food production is higher, at 25%, and even higher in regions such as Southeast
Asia, where it is estimated to be 30-40%, whereas, in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, it can be as
high as 70-80%.

For an estimated 1 billion people in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America, the
crop is a staple food. In Africa, maize is consumed by 50 percent of the population, with daily
consumption as high as 328 grams per person (in Lesotho). Maize consumption in Latin
America can reach 267 grams per person per day (in Mexico), accounting for 40% of total
cereal consumption in the country. The crop is an especially valuable source of nutrition, as it is
high in vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals, as well as carbohydrates and dietary fiber,
and has a high energy density of 365 Kcal/100g.


Corn is the Philippines’ second most valuable crop. Around 14 million Filipinos choose white
corn as their primary food source, and yellow corn makes up around half of all livestock mixed
feeds. In addition to transportation, traders, processors, and agricultural input suppliers who
directly benefit from corn production, processing, marketing, and distribution about 600,000 form
households rely on an ear of corn as a major source of income. Corn is also used to make
high-value products like cornstarch, syrup, corn oil, gluten, and snack foods. The overall
strategy is to accelerate the development of hybrid corn, cassava, and other feed crops to

achieve food and feed self-sufficiency, improve the competitiveness of the domestic livestock
and poultry sectors through lower feed inputs, and create jobs in rural areas.

Corn is grown in a variety of ways depending on the area, and its production cycle differs in
different parts of the world. Corn production in the Philippines is determined by the landscape
and topography of a given region. In 2019, the Philippines developed nearly eight million metric
tons of corn, up from eight million metric tons in 2018. Corn is another staple crop in the
Philippines, in addition to rice. Corn production has decreased, resulting in a decrease in the
agricultural sector's real GDP. The agricultural sector's real GDP growth in 2018 was just 0.9
percent, down three percent from the previous year. The availability of land is critical for the
production of crops. Crop development suffers as a result of a shortage of arable land. In 2017,
about 14.2 million hectares of land in the Philippines is listed as alienable and disposable. This
property is public domain and can include commercial land suitable for the trade of goods and
services. It is not required for timber, mineral, or national park purposes. However, a lack of land
area for major crops has an impact on the agricultural key exports industry.


2.1 Harvesting

Corn is physiologically mature and is ready to harvest when a black layer at the base of
the kernel has formed. This can be determined by detaching randomly a few corn kernels from
cobs and checking for formed black layer, if the majority of the detached kernels have the layer
it is ready for harvest. The corn crop is ready for harvest at about 55 to 65 days after silken.
Harvesting the crop on time is very vital to maximizing produce and its quality. Crops harvested
too early will have low-quality grains due to higher moisture content, if crops are harvest length
seeds might also germinate even if these are still attached to the plant.

2.2 Maturity Indices of Maize

The physiological maturity of corn is normally reached about 60 days after silking. At
physiological maturity, maximum grain dry weight has accumulated, corn is safe from frost,
kernel moisture is 30 to 35 percent, and whole plant moisture is 60 to 65 percent. Kernel black
layer formation at the base of the kernel is a plant indicator for corn physiological maturity.
Following the creation of the black layer, there will be no further increases in yield in the kernel.
The kernel milk line is an easy way to monitor kernel development as it approaches
physiological maturity. Under normal circumstances, the loss of all milk from the kernel, also
known as "no milk line," occurs at the same time as the creation of the kernel black layer. The
kernel milk line can also be used to estimate the moisture content of a whole plant.

To find the kernel milk line, break a corn ear in half and look at the top or tip half. A line can be
seen on the smooth side of the kernels after the dent stage starts. It is the line that separates
the solid and liquid sections of the immature endosperm. This kernel line's progression from the
crown to the base can be tracked and used to predict physiological maturity. Moving from the

early dent stage of production to half milk line takes about 11 days, 6 days from half milk line to
25% milk line, and 7 days from milk line to no milk line (physiological maturity or black layer

The optimum time to harvest corn for grain or high moisture corn is after black layer formation at
the proper moisture for the storage system. The optimum stage to harvest corn for silage
depends upon the whole-plant moisture content, yield, and forage quality. Whole plant moisture
content is within the acceptable ensiling range of 60 to 70 percent beginning at 25% milk line.
Crude protein declines with increasing maturity, indicating that harvest delays to no milk line will
result in lower forage quality. Whole plant acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and in
vitro dry matter disappearance are at an optimum between early dent and 50% milk line. Based
on these criteria, corn silage should begin at a 50% milk line and conclude by a 25% milk line.

The physiological maturity in maize is recognized by the following:

● When moisture content decreases to 30-35% the stage is physiological maturity. Black
layer formation is another indication of the maturity of corn.
● The area near the tip of all the mature kernels appears dark to the naked eye. It can be
observed by either cutting the matured kernel length-wise into half or by breaking the tip
of the kernel off with a thumbnail.
● The appearance of the black layer signals that the transport of photosynthates into the
kernels has stopped.
● The Black layer appears first in kernels at the tip of the ear and last in the kernels at the
base of the ear. An individual ear can be considered to be essentially matured when at
least 75% of the kernels in the central part of the ear have a black layer from the time of
maturity of corn ear and grain is essentially a matter of moisture loss.
● The rate of moisture loss after physiological maturity depends more on weather than any
other factor.


2.3.1 Hand Harvest

The moisture content of maize grains will exceed 37-38 percent when it reaches physiological
maturity. As a result, maize is often pre-dried in the field before being hand-harvested for the
ears. Field pre-drying techniques are common, but they come with a high risk of product loss,
especially if the varieties grown are particularly susceptible to bad weather (rain, humidity, etc.)
and pests (insects, birds, rodents, etc.). Furthermore, the time spent pre-drying in the fields
reduces the amount of land that can be used. To harvest maize by hand, the ears are pulled
from the stalk of the plant and no tool is used. Indicatively, the average duration of a manual
maize harvest varies from 120 to 200 man-hours (15-25 man-days) per hectare. Shucking the
ears, that is, the removal of the husks covering the ears may be done by hand or by machine at
the same time as the harvest. If this operation is done by hand, it requires about 130 man-hours
(about 16 man-days) per hectare. Hand harvesting of maize is considered practicable for crops
of under 12 hectares if climate and availability of labor permit.

2.4.2 Mechanized Harvest

Mechanized harvesting of maize is done with corn-pickers, corn-shellers, or

combine-harvesters. Still in use, but with decreasing frequency, are simple corn-snappers,
which do only harvesting of ears.

● Corn-pickers are machines that simultaneously harvest and shuck ears. They are
therefore equipped with picking devices, shucking tables, and loading gear. Generally
coupled to a trailer for transport of the ears picked, one- or two-row corn-pickers can be
tractor-drawn, carried, or self-propelled. The work capacity of these machines varies
from 1.6 to 3.45 h/ha, with 75 to 80 percent of the ears completely shucked, and total
grain losses lower than 4.5 percent. Two operators - a driver and a worker - are
generally necessary to run these machines. His use of one-row corn-pickers is
economically advantageous for harvesting a minimum of 2530 hectares a year; for
two-row machines, the minimum harvest should be 30-60 hectares.

● Corn-shellers resemble corn-pickers but have a device for shelling and cleaning grains.
These machines can thus simultaneously harvest, shuck and shell the ears and
pre-clean the kernels. Sometimes coupled to a trailer for transport of the harvested
grains, one- or two-row corn-shellers can be tractor-drawn or carried. The self-propelled
type, capable of harvesting two, three, or four rows, is, however, the most widespread,
since its performance is superior to that of the tractor-drawn models described above.
The work capacity of these machines is comparable to that of corn-pickers, with grain
losses lower than 3 or 4 percent.

● Another machine that is capable of simultaneously harvesting, shucking, shelling, and

cleaning maize is the combine-harvester. This machine is derived from a
combine-harvester for wheat on which modifications have been made to the cutting
apparatus and the threshing device. Although the work capacity of these machines
depends on harvesting conditions and the size and shape of the parcels, it can run from
0.8 to 1.2 h/ha for six-row machines processing the whole plant, and from 0.4 to 0.6 h/ha
for six-row machines treating only the ears. Overall grain losses, usually caused by the
cutting device, are rarely higher than 3 percent. Two operators are generally needed for
these machines. The use of combine-harvesters, like that of corn-shellers, offers an
economic advantage for harvests of a minimum of 40-75 hectares a year.


On the actual harvesting of maize remove the husk cover, and harvest on a sunny day.
Use clean harvesting materials to reduce cases of contamination; do not throw the maize on
bare ground to avoid contamination and loss of grains. Transport harvested maize immediately
from the field to the store. Ensure the grain is dry for enough shelling to reduce breakages and
shelling efficiency.


There are different ways to transport harvested crops from the field to their destination.
As carrying on the head or back of the persons, until modern transportation by using trucks, etc.
The destinations could be markets, processing units for grains, storage, etc. The transport
system choice will depend on several factors, such as the socioeconomic level of the zone,
amount of production of the crop, road of access, distances to be crossed, infrastructures
availability, use and availability of animals, ways, roads, railroads, ship for rivers, cars, trucks,
etc. to transport the harvested product, etc. So, the selection by the farmer of a method of
transport will depend also on the capacity. Here it will be referred to technologies of transport
very affordable among small and medium farmers of developing countries.

Some useful transport technologies recommended for on-farm use include:

● Hand pushed wheelbarrows and carts
● Pack- animals
● Trucks

3.1.1 Hand Pushed WheelBarrows and Carts

These are often available in the open market although not affordable to smallholder
farmers. Notwithstanding, a simple wheelbarrow can be manufactured at a cheap cost in rural
carpentry workshops using local materials. The maize can be transported in cobs or grain and
either in bulk or bagged. Loads up to 50-80 kg can be carried on a simple-wheel wheelbarrow
depending upon the effort of the operator.

Some useful transport technologies recommended for on-farm use include: ·

● Hand pushed wheelbarrows and carts, usually made by women ·
● Pack-animal, particularly donkey and mules ·
● Draught animals to carry crop-loads on the sled and carts

● Appreciated for low-resources farmers

● Feasible to build in a local workshop and local material
● Simple, cheap for making and repair
● Relieve human drudgery and efforts, saving a lot of work time
● Can be used on paths and areas with poor roads or no roads
● Low carrying capacity
● Difficult to direct when heavily loaded and in poor terrain

3.1.2 Animal drawn cart

This on-farm transport method is recommendable where agricultural production is
significant and topography permitted.

● Draught animals can be used for pulling carts
● Is efficient and may wholly be made of local materials
● It allows carrying a variety of crops either bagged or in bulk
● It allows carrying a different type of agricultural residues
● A single-axle cart drawn by donkeys can carry up to 500 kg load and a pair of well-bred
oxen can transport 1 000-1500 kgs load
● High equipment cost.

3.1.3 Trucks
The cost of transportation at the time of shipment can affect what mode the goods will be
transported. Trucks are the most common way to transport corn domestically. In 2011, trucks
moved about 80 percent of corn within the country. While trucks dominate in moving corn
domestically, 54 percent of corn was exported internationally using ocean shipments in 2011.


Before shelling maize sort out and remove pest and disease damage cobs, in case the
farmer is using a mechanical sheller do proper adjustments to avoid breakages. The quality of
the maize will be determined by the following; foreign matter, broken maize, pest damage
maize, rotten grains diseased and discolored maize, and moisture content. After shelling, the
greatest enemy of grain is moisture. Wet grains attract insects and mold, therefore the grain
must be dried as soon as possible after harvesting.

3.2.1 Shelling the grain

Traditionally is done by hands (women and child) but it is tedious labor with low
productivity 10-25 kg/hour. Some advantages of shelling:
● Reduce required storage capacity
● Facilitate effective application of insecticide.
● Reduce grain susceptibility to large grain borer LGB and other pests.

3.2.2 Cleaning grain

A simple way is winnowing which lets us drop grains from a certain height and the natural
wind eliminates the impurities, however, this method is tedious, inefficient, and causes grain
losses. Cleaning of grains is useful due to:
● Increase purity and market value of the grain
● Reduce mold and insect development
● Prevent the propagation of weed seeds in the grain


Drying is the reduction of moisture to safe levels for storage usually 12% to 15.5%; it is
one of the key postharvest operations since all other operations that follow depend largely on it.
While drying the grains it is needed to ensure that the farmer observes the following; use clean
and appropriate drying facilities such as tarpaulin or a special drying crib, make sure that the
grain layer is spread out thinly, turn the grain regularly for example in one-hour intervals using
hands or a rake this ensure that all parts of the grain are exposed to the sun and air, keep away
animals from the maize to avoid contamination, and cover the grains when it is about to rain and
also at night. To know if the grain is now dry enough for storage, some farmers although not
recommended some farmers use the biting method, a moisturizer can also be used and is more
accurate. For maize, the tradition in most parts of Africa is to leave the crop in the field until the
moisture content has fallen to around 18 percent and then continue drying the maize on the cob
(with or without the husk) in a granary, which most commonly has the shape of a circular woven
basket placed on a platform 0.3–1.0 meters above the ground. The pre-drying in the field is
normally necessary because the basket is too tightly woven or too wide to allow sufficient

3.3.1 Drying in Mats

Simple mats made of natural leaves or bamboo splits or tarpaulins, etc for open sun
drying of maize cob or grain. The mat with crop on is spread on the ground or mounted on
raised racks. The effect of the heat of the sun and the natural air gradually dries the crop.

o Contamination and moisture diffusion absorption is eliminated ·
o The quality of the drying crop is improved ·
o The drying rate of the crop increase
o This technology is easy to use and very affordable.

● The crop need to be moved under shelter (inside the house or veranda) when
rain threatens or during nightfall
● Labour input is significant due to the spreading and raking of the crop to facilitate
drying and removing

3.3.2 Drying in Improved Natural Ventilate Structure

For maize, the tradition in most parts of Africa is to leave the crop in the field until the
moisture content has fallen to around 18 percent and then continue drying the maize on the cob
(with or without the husk [sheath]) in a granary, which most commonly has the shape of a
circular woven basket placed on a platform 0.3–1.0 meters above the ground. The pre-drying in
the field is normally necessary because the basket is too tightly woven or too wide to allow
sufficient ventilation. This ‘two-step’ drying method worked fairly well with traditional farming
systems where farmers used maize with good sheath cover and could break new farmland
regularly. However, the fast rise in population experienced in many countries has resulted in a
scarcity of good land, which forces farmers to use the same land for the same crop year after
year. In most cases, this leads to an accumulation of pests (e.g. insects). This, together with the
higher susceptibility to insect attack of most improved high-yielding crop varieties, requires the
crop to be harvested as early as possible, just after maturity and moved away from the field for
quick drying and safe storage. Circular crib

The circular traditional granary may still be used with some modifications. The basket
has to be more loosely woven, or the wall can be made slatted with at least 40 percent airspace
and with a diameter of up to 150 cm, depending on the humidity of the air. The width restriction
makes it more economical to build a rectangular drying structure if production exceeds a total of
5-9 bags. Rectangular Crib

The rectangular structure with slatted walls and a floor is called a ventilated maize crib.
Although it can be used with small modifications for any crop that needs to be kept ventilated, it
is mostly used for drying maize on the cob without the husk. In areas with rodents, the floor
should be raised 90 cm above the ground and the legs fitted with rat guards. If the width does
not exceed what is recommended for the area, it is possible to dry maize with an initial moisture
content of 30 percent in a ventilated crib without having mold problems, but if it takes too long
(more than 10–15  days) to reduce the moisture content to below 18  percent, develop
regardless of whether the maize is in the field or a store.


Never place grain in direct contact with the soil to the cases of fungal contamination. The
key objective in any maize grain storage system is to maintaigood condition n in both quantity
and quality of the grain during storage the grain must remain dry and clean. Grain storage can
be extended for up to two years without any significant reduction in quality and quantity.
However, most farmers sell off their maize grains cheaply soon after harvesting due to
anticipated losses in storage and later buy food at higher prices. The use of proper storage
structures can prolong the storage duration until market prices for grains are favorable. Storage
facilities can be made from locally available materials or materials bought from elsewhere
depending on the size and expected use mid-range storage structures can accommodate 100 to
1000 bags of maize. A good storage structure must meet the following requirements; loss
agents such as insects, pests, rodents, molds, bugs, and man. Maintain an even cool and dry
storage environment. The maize should be placed on pallets above the floor to avoid cold
conditions that may lead to molds, it should not be allowed rewetting of grain by the moisture
movement of rain it should offer reasonable protection, be simple and inexpensive to construct
using where possible locally available materials and skills, it should also be easy to clean and
repair. The choice of storage facility to use will be guided by the amount of grain and the
duration of storage.


4.1 Disease development

Ear rot pathogens may continue to grow during storage and lead to grain mold that can
seriously reduce grain quality and lead to major deductions at the elevator. Even under the best
growing conditions, grain molds will usually continue to grow and, in some cases, may take over
the entire bin. In south central Nebraska losses of south-central were reported when was

removed from storage, especially after a mild winter. Even during cold winters, conditions inside
the bin may be very different from their surroundings. Temperatures inside the bin may take
several weeks to stabilize and condensation may develop, adding unwanted moisture that
promotes fungal growth.

Below are general descriptions of ear and kernel molds:

4.1.1 Diplodia Ear Rot

Diplodia ear rot is a common disease in the Corn Belt. The fungus that causes this
disease does not produce a mycotoxin but can significantly reduce grain quality. Extensive
fungal growth usually begins at the base of the ear and can overtake the entire ear creating a
lightweight mummified ear. In addition to these symptoms, this disease can be recognized by
the production of small raised, black fungal reproductive structures on infected kernels and
stalks, giving it a rough feeling when touched, similar to sandpaper

4.1.2 Fusarium Ear Rot

Fusarium ear rot also has been common this year. Fusarium may infect any part of the
ear and takes advantage of wounds created by insects or hail. The species that cause this
disease also can secrete mycotoxins called fumonisins into the grain. This mycotoxin is
carcinogenic, but is not regulated at concentrations as low as that of aflatoxins (up to 50 ppm). It
is particularly toxic to horses and can cause the blind staggers. Fusarium ear rot is favored by a
wide range of environmental conditions and can be identified on the ear by scattered tufts of
mold that may be white to pink in color and accompanied by starburst patterns on the kernels.

4.1.3 Gibberella Ear Rot

Gibberella ear mold is commonly recognized by the red or pink discoloration of the
kernels and the red or pink mycelium growing around the kernels. Typically, infections begin at
the tip of the ear. Mycotoxins called vomitoxin and zearalenone are produced by this fungus.
Both of these mycotoxins are not regulated. Vomitoxin is associated with feed refusal or
decreased feed consumption. Thresholds for decreased feed intake are 1 ppm to swine and 10
to 20 ppm in ruminants. Zearalenone typically is not at high enough levels to adversely affect
animals. Gibberella ear rot infections are favored by cool, wet weather after silking and through
the late summer.

4.1.4 Penicillium Ear Rot

Another grain mold, penicillium, can cause a discolorationPenicilliumryo known as

“blue eye” and may be accompanied by penicillic acid production, which is not usually a
toxigenic concern. This disease is particularly a storage problem and is favored by high
moisture levels in grain bins. It has recently been reported again in Nebraska. This disease can

be managed by reducing ear wounds caused by insects in the field and by maintaining low
moisture while the grain is in storage.

4.1.5 Aspergillus Ear Rot

Aflatoxin is the best-known mycotoxin in Nebraska and is produced by the fungus

that causes Aspergillus ear rot. There have not been any reports of aflatoxin in corn in Nebraska
this year. Hot, dry weather during the latter half of the growing season after pollination especially
favors aflatoxin production. Drought-stressed corn, such as that in non-irrigated fields and the
corners of fields that are out of range of center pivots, are especially vulnerable to the
accumulation of aflatoxin.


Ear rot pathogens can enter maize kernels through various routes including wounds
caused by insects or systemically from the stalk. Perhaps underappreciated is that some of the
most devastating ear rot fungi have a common feature—they enter via the style, which in maize
is a thread-like channel, called the silk. In maize, pollen from the tassel at the top of the plant is
dispersed by wind to exposed, receptive silks on an ear lower on the stalk of the same plant
(self-pollination) or neighbors (cross-pollination). Pollen lands on stigmatic hairs or other
epidermal cells on exposed silks where it subsequently germinates to produce an elongated
pollen tube, which grows through the silk to facilitate double fertilization. Each silk leads to an
individual ovule, hence the silk is the female reproductive tract of maize, comparable to the
uterus and the Fallopian tubes in humans. Hundreds of kernels per ear require hundreds of silk
channels. Furthermore, ancient farmers in Mexico selected large cobs surrounded by protective
husk leaves, under which silks must grow and emerge. Thus, modern maize silks are hyper
elongated and, interestingly, amongst the fastest growing tissues in nature, expanding at a rate
of 1 to 3 mm per hour. Moreover, as silks are a water-dense, soft, and nutrient-rich tissue
protected within tightly wrapped husk leaves, they provide a good substrate for fungi to
temporarily colonize before the more permanent home in the seed. What is critical to this review
is that for maize to receive the pollen, the silks must be exposed to the external environment,
and hence also serve as doorways to opportunistic environmental pathogens. Silk hairs, or
trichomes, guide pollen tubes into the body of the silk, and similarly, lead fungi through the same
route. It is interesting to note that in humans, the female reproductive tract, similarly exposed to
the environment, is also prone to fungal pathogens (e.g., Candida albicans).

4.3 Strategies to Protect Silks from Ear Rot Pathogens

There are general strategies currently in place to protect maize against ear rots such
as improvements in crop nutrition (fertilizers), water availability, crop rotation, cropping density,
tillage, fungicides, biocontrol, storage, etc., but this section will focus on specific strategies to
protect the silks. Preventing contamination at silking is a prime strategy to reduce mycotoxin
accumulation, as mycotoxigenic fungi introduced at silking can go on to have exponential
pre-and postharvest impacts. Indeed, new silk-targeted tactics and research strategies must be

developed, because the current strategies in place leave commercial maize largely susceptible.
Therefore, this section introduces the strategies that already exist, including breeding for innate
silk defense, agricultural inputs, and general cultural strategies. It will also discuss where these
strategies fall short, and how research and development in certain areas may improve or
replace these efforts. F. graminearum causes more harm when infection occurs via wounds than
through silks, indicating that silks have a defense mechanism against fungal infection. The plant
host defense system is multifaceted, which means that resistance to ear rots is based on
multiple genetic traits. This innate system operating in silks can help to identify specific breeding
targets. Breeding programs aim to strengthen plant defenses by selecting for host genetic
resistance to fungal pathogens. It is important to note that silk resistance does not equate with
kernel resistance (also known as seed resistance).


Sweet corn is a highly perishable crop that needs constant cooling from harvest to
consumer to produce a high-quality product, so postharvest treatment is particularly necessary.
Sweet corn has a high rate of respiration, which can cause sugar to be converted to starch,
lowering the consistency. It's critical to cool sweet corn quickly after harvest to avoid losing its
flavor. Sugar conversion to starch may be reduced in sweet corn products containing the super
sweet, or sh2, gene. Sweet corn can now be processed for 2-9 days longer than conventional
sweet corn.

5.1 Hydrocooling

This sweet corn cooling process is the most common method used for small and
large operations. Sweet corn is either showered with or immersed in cold water (32°F to 38°F)
to cool down sweet corn after harvest. Complete immersion may be able to cool sweet corn
faster and more efficiently than showering. Hydro cooling helps to reduce crop water loss, but
costs may be higher as containers must tolerate exposure to water.1 Sweet corn may be hydro
cooled by bulk or in crates. Bulk hydro cooling can cool sweet corn from 86°F to 41°F in about
60 minutes, whereas crated sweet corn takes about 80 minutes for the same cooling. Sweet
corn packed in wire-bound crates can prevent cooled water from contacting the cobs, reducing
cooling potential, and loading crates on pallets before hydro cooling can further prevent
cooling. It is important to monitor cob temperatures during hydro cooling to establish a minimum
temperature of 50°F. Top icing, or adding a 2- to 4-inch layer of crushed ice on top of loaded
pallets, is recommended after hydro cooling to maintain cooling.

5.2 Package icing

For local and direct shipments, sweet corn containers can be filled with crushed ice
as sweet corn is being packaged and transported. As the ice melts, cooling decreases, so
additional ice may be needed to maintain cooling temperature. The amount of ice required for
initial cooling equals 20% to 30% of the weight of the sweet corn being cooled. This method of
cooling is effective, but the additional weight from the ice can increase shipping costs

5.3 Vacuum cooling

Sweet corn is placed into air-tight containers and wetted and top-iced before
steam-jet pumps removing air from the containers. This removal of air causes moisture to
evaporate, reducing the temperature of the sweet corn. This method can reduce the
temperature of large loads from 86°F to 41°F in about 30 minutes. This cooling method is quick
but can be expensive.

5.4 Forced air cooling

Small operations can cool sweet corn by forced air cooling. This method is not as
efficient as other methods and involves more cooling time, resulting in the infrequency of use.
Although decay is not typically a major problem, it is recommended to use ice made from
potable water, and use chlorinated (at 50 ppm, or pH 7) potable water when hydro cooling, to
help reduce the risk of pathogenic organisms causing decay in sweet corn.


Proper postharvest handling practices and treatments have a drastic effect on the
postharvest quality and shelf life of most harvested fruits and vegetables. For instance, rough
handling during harvesting and after harvesting can cause mechanical injuries, affecting the
postharvest quality and shelf life of the harvested crop. It, therefore, knows the suitable
postharvest handling practices needed to maintain the quality and extend the shelf life of
harvested crops for producers, especially in developing countries. Some of these handling
practices are harvesting, pre-cooling, cleaning and disinfecting, sorting and grading, packaging,
transportation, and storage.



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