DLL-TPS Week 1
DLL-TPS Week 1
DLL-TPS Week 1
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas Province
Dr. Juan A. Pastor Memorial National High School
Talaibon, Ibaan, Batangas
a. Teacher’s Guide
b. Learner’s Material
c. Textbook Pages Tourism Promotion Services, p. 2 – 4 ( Maricel Badilla)
d. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
Tourism promotion services NC II is a short TESDA course in the Philippines that will train you in
boosting the tourism in a certain area by promoting its products and services. Some examples of skills
A. Introduction that you will acquire include: operating an automated information system; checking and downloading
information; providing destination information advice ; identifying and interpreting product information;
identifying customers need; suggesting products to meet the customers needs.
B. Development
Activity 1: (Concept Mapping)
The students will give words related to the word tourism. And they will define tourism based from the
words given.
What is
Guide Questions:
1. What are words related to Tourism?
2. Based from the given words, how will you define tourism?
C. Engagement
ACTIVITY 2: (K – W – L chart)
The students will do the K-W-L chart through illustration about their course taken; the Tourism
Promotion Services.
Creativity - 10
Relevance to the subject - 10
20- Total
Guide Questions:
The students will be grouped according to their place of residency and they will choose one
product to promote in that said place in their own creative way.
1. Are you familiar with the products in each barangay being presented?
2. What are those products?
3. Why it is important to know the different products in your locality?
4. Why it is important to promote those pruducts?
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Knowledge All students in the group All students in the Most of the students Several students in the
Gained can easily and correctly group can easily and can easily and group could NOT easily
state all ideas and correctly state several correctly state more and correctly state ideas
relevance of their work and ideas and relevance of than 2 ideas and and relevance of their
output. their work and output. relevance of their work work and output.
and output. ACTIVITY 4:
Organization Students demonstrate full Students present Audience has difficulty Audience cannot The students will reflect on the following pictures.
knowledge in logical, information in logical following the oral understand presentation
interesting sequence which sequence which presentation. because there is no
audience can follow. audience can follow. sequence of information.
Time Students use their time Students exceed 2-3 Students exceed 4 Students exceed 5
Management wisely and just finish within minutes from the given minutes from the given minutes from the given
the given time limit. time. time. time.
Enthusiasm Students demonstrate a Students occasionally Students show some Students show
strong, positive feeling show positive feelings negativity toward their absolutely no interest in
about their presentation. about their presentation. their presentation.
Cooperative The group worked well The group generally The group worked The group often did not
Work together with all members worked well together fairly well together with work well together.
contributing significant with all members all members
amounts of quality work. contributing some Building
contributing some Characters…Creating Values…Transforming Lives…
quality work. work.
Talaibon, Ibaan, Batangas
Tel. No. (043) 311-2651 Page 4 of 6
Email: djapmnhs69@yahoo.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas Province
Dr. Juan A. Pastor Memorial National High School
Talaibon, Ibaan, Batangas
Guide Questions:
1. What can you say about the pictures?
2. Do you see yourself in taking that career?
3. What do you want after taking this course?
Identify whether the following is related with the tourism promotion services. Write Yes if it is
related, No if it is Not.
D. Assimilation
1. deals with marketing services
2. promoting product of own location only
3. being a tour operator Remedial Worksheet
4. being patriotism for Topic
5. respecting other’s culture and tradition Intervention:
(insert remedial
questions or activities),
if needed.