Lesoes Crossfit 2020
Lesoes Crossfit 2020
Lesoes Crossfit 2020
Background: Despite the increasing international popularity of CrossFit, there is a paucity of scientific evidence on the risk of
CrossFit-related musculoskeletal injuries (CRMIs).
Purpose: To investigate the incidence (cumulative incidence proportion [IP] and incidence density [ID]) of CRMIs and the asso-
ciation of CRMIs with personal and training characteristics.
Study Design: Descriptive epidemiology study.
Methods: A prospective, 12-week descriptive epidemiology cohort study was conducted in a convenience sample of CrossFit
facilities in a single Brazilian city. Printed baseline questionnaires were distributed to 13 CrossFit boxes. All participants who filled
out the questionnaire and consented to participate in the study were invited to respond to an online follow-up questionnaire every 2
weeks to collect data on CrossFit training characteristics and CRMIs. A CRMI was defined as any self-reported musculoskeletal
injury or pain that prevented an athlete from exercising for at least 1 day. The IP was defined as the number of new cases divided by
the entire population at risk, while the ID was defined as new events divided by the total person-time exposure in hours. Logistic
mixed models were developed to investigate the association of CRMIs with personal and training characteristics.
Results: A total of 515 CrossFit participants filled out the baseline questionnaire and provided informed consent, and 406 (78.8%)
completed at least 1 follow-up measure. There were 133 participants who reported at least 1 CRMI during the study, and a total of
247 unique and new CRMIs were reported over a total estimated person-time exposure to CrossFit of 13,041 hours. The IP was
32.8% (95% CI, 28.4%-37.5%). The ID was 18.9 (95% CI, 16.6-21.3) per 1000 hours of CrossFit exposure. The shoulders (19.0%; n
¼ 47) and lumbar spine (15.0%; n ¼ 37) were most affected. Muscle injuries (45.3%; n ¼ 112) and joint pain (24.7%; n ¼ 61) were
the most common CRMI types reported. Switching between prescribed and scaled down training loads (odds ratio [OR], 3.5 [95%
CI, 1.7-7.3]) and previous injuries (OR, 3.2 [95% CI, 1.4-7.7]) were risk factors for a CRMI, while CrossFit experience was identified
as a protective factor (OR, 0.7 [95% CI, 0.5-1.0]).
Conclusion: In this 12-week prospective study, the ID was 18.9 CRMIs per 1000 hours of exposure; switching between training
loads and previous injuries was associated with 3.5- and 3.2-fold higher odds, respectively, of sustaining CRMIs.
Keywords: sports injury; high-intensity interval training; epidemiology; risk factors; longitudinal studies
Physical benefits related to high-intensity interval train- high-intensity intermittent exercise sessions designed to
ing8,24 and a sense of community have led CrossFit to an improve fitness and health.16,31 One of the most distinctive
unprecedented level of global popularity.39 CrossFit is a elements of CrossFit is that its exercises are multifaceted;
strength and conditioning exercise program with con- that is, activities can include weight lifting, gymnastics,
stantly varied multiarticular functional movements and running, biking, plyometric training, and rowing.16,31
Part of the popularity of CrossFit is its claim that the
The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 8(3), 2325967120908884
exercise program is suitable for everyone: professional ath-
DOI: 10.1177/2325967120908884 letes, pregnant women, the elderly, teenagers, and people
ª The Author(s) 2020 with disabilities.15,16 All participants, called “athletes”
This open-access article is published and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - No Derivatives License (https://creativecommons.org/
licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits the noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction of the article in any medium, provided the original author and source are
credited. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this article without the permission of the Author(s). For article reuse guidelines, please visit SAGE’s website at
2 Szeles et al The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
according to CrossFit philosophy, share the same exercise measures. The study was conducted in 2016 and 2017
space, called a “box,” independent of their skill level. Each under the supervision of sports medicine researchers from
box’s head coach designs the workout sequence and inten- a local university. We selected participants from CrossFit
sity using his or her methodology and personal experience, boxes in a single metropolitan area of Brazil after obtain-
and then, individual class coaches help athletes execute ing ethical approval from the relevant local ethics
these workouts, offering additional assistance as needed.16 committee.
However, adaptations and assistance are not always car-
ried out in a standardized way, meaning that while each
box follows the same principles, athletes’ particular work- Population Sample, Setting, and Eligibility Criteria
outs vary according to their perceived skill level, the box
that they attend, and the head coach or class coach with This study population was made up of a convenience sam-
whom they exercise at a given moment. ple of general CrossFit athletes in a single metropolitan
As CrossFit has been gaining in popularity, so has the area of Brazil. Adults aged 18 years and who participated
scientific evidence on this exercise program.2 While several in physical exercise at CrossFit boxes were eligible to par-
authors have demonstrated the benefits of practicing ticipate in this study. Participants were not eligible for this
CrossFit,10,29,31 others have found a disproportionate mus- study if they provided incomplete data on the baseline ques-
culoskeletal injury risk. 3 The prevalence of CrossFit- tionnaire or if they reported an existing injury at baseline.
related musculoskeletal injuries (CRMIs) has been found The informed consent form and research team contact
to range from 19.4% to 73.5% in periods of time between 6 information were attached to the printed baseline question-
and 18 months, while the incidence of CRMIs has been naire. All athletes who voluntarily signed the informed con-
estimated to vary from 2.1 to 3.1 injuries per 1000 hours sent form agreeing to participate in this study and who met
of exposure.12,17,26-28,34,39 However, most of these previous all eligibility criteria were included in this study. Partici-
studies used a retrospective design, which hampers conclu- pants could withdraw from the study at any time either by
sions on incidence estimates.17,26,27,34,38 Prospective stud- communicating their desire to research staff or by neglect-
ies are considered the most appropriate design for studying ing to fill out the follow-up questionnaires.
the incidence of health-related conditions,32,40 including
sports injuries.18,37 In addition, a systematic review has
found that existing evidence on CRMIs is of low quality Data Collection
because of the studies’ high risk of bias.7
All included participants received a paper baseline ques-
We designed and conducted this study after becoming
tionnaire in the CrossFit box where they were training. The
aware of the low-quality evidence on CRMIs and the pau-
baseline questionnaire collected personal variables (ie, age,
city of prospective studies on the epidemiology of CRMIs,
sex, weight, and height), exercise variables (ie, CrossFit
observing a number of CRMIs in our clinical practice, and
experience, coaching variation, use of protective equip-
learning about CrossFit workout variations in greater
ment, preventive exercises, stretching exercises, competi-
detail. The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate
the incidence rates (cumulative incidence proportion [IP] tions, demonstration of the proper form to perform CrossFit
and incidence density [ID]) of CRMIs and (2) to examine exercises, and practice of other sports), and data on previ-
the association between CRMIs and personal and training ous injuries.
characteristics of CrossFit athletes in a metropolitan area An online questionnaire was then administered to collect
of Brazil. follow-up data on time-dependent variables (ie, hours of
CrossFit exposure and type of workload) and the emergence
of new CRMIs and their characteristics (ie, type, body loca-
tion, symptoms, and missing CrossFit training days
because of a CRMI). The follow-up questionnaires were
Study Design developed and administered with an online tool (Survey-
Monkey [www.surveymonkey.com]). A total of 6 follow-up
This article presents the results of a prospective, 12-week questionnaires were sent to all included participants, once
observational cohort study with 6 biweekly repeated every 2 weeks, during the 12-week follow-up period.
*Address correspondence to Paulo Roberto de Queiroz Szeles, MD, MSc, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology and Postgraduate Program in
Sports Science, Federal University of São Paulo, Rua Estado de Israel 656, São Paulo, SP, Brazil (email: drpauloroberto@clinicaszeles.com.br).
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology and Postgraduate Program in Sports Science, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Physical Therapy, City University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Department of Public and Occupational Health, Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the
Amsterdam Collaboration on Health and Safety in Sports, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the
Final revision submitted November 11, 2019; accepted December 3, 2019.
The authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest in the authorship and publication of this contribution. AOSSM checks author disclosures
against the Open Payments Database (OPD). AOSSM has not conducted an independent investigation on the OPD and disclaims any liability or responsibility
relating thereto.
Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Federal University of São Paulo (reference No. CAAE 1.753.942).
The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine Incidence of CrossFit Musculoskeletal Injuries 3
800 baseline quesonnaires/
Baseline Characteristics of CrossFit Athletes (N ¼ 406)a
informed consent forms
printed out and le at 13 Value
CrossFit® boxes
285 baseline quesonnaires/ Age, mean (95% CI), y 32.1 (31.4-32.8)
informed consent forms Sex, n (%)
Male 198 (48.8)
never filled out
Female 208 (51.2)
515 baseline quesonnaires/ Weight, mean (95% CI), kg 74.3 (72.9-75.7)
informed consent forms Height, mean (95% CI), m 1.7 (1.7-1.7)
filled out with at least some Body mass index, n (%)
informaon Normal (18.5-24.9 kg/m2) 206 (50.7)
46 baseline quesonnaires/ Overweight (25.0-29.9 kg/m2) 158 (38.9)
informed consent forms Obese (30.0 kg/m2) 42 (10.3)
filled out incompletely and CrossFit experience, median (IQR), y 1.0 (0.5-1.8)
discarded Coaching variation, n (%)
469 baseline quesonnaires/ Always the same coach 174 (42.9)
Coach with assistant 94 (23.2)
informed consent forms
Alternating coaches 138 (34.0)
filled out completely
Protective equipment, n (%)
Yes 336 (82.8)
17 injured at baseline and No 70 (17.2)
excluded Preventive exercises, n (%)
Yes 294 (72.4)
452 entered prospecve No 112 (27.6)
study to receive biweekly Stretching exercises, n (%)
email quesonnaires on Yes 229 (56.4)
exposure and injury 46 excluded from analysis No 177 (43.6)
Competitions, n (%)
39 did not respond to a
Yes 181 (44.6)
single quesonnaire on
No 225 (55.4)
exposure and injury Received a demonstration of the proper form to
406 CrossFit athletes entered 7 withdrew consent perform CrossFit exercises, n (%)
final sample for analysis Yes 229 (56.4)
No 177 (43.6)
Practice of other sports, n (%)
Figure 1. Flow diagram of recruitment, inclusion/exclusion, Yes 200 (49.3)
and final sample composition. No 206 (50.7)
Previous injury, n (%)
Yes 57 (14.0)
No 349 (86.0)
had agreed to participate. Of those 800 paper baseline ques-
tionnaires, 515 were filled out and returned by the same a
IQR, interquartile range.
number of participants (64.4%). Of the 515 who returned
the baseline questionnaire, 63 (12.2%) participants did not
meet the eligibility criteria (46 [8.9%] returned question-
The sex distribution was balanced in our sample: 198
naires with incomplete data, and 17 [3.3%] already had
men (48.8%) and 208 women (51.2%). Participants reported
injuries at baseline). The remaining 452 (87.8%) of the
a mean age of 32.1 years (95% CI, 31.4-32.8), a mean weight
baseline responders who signed the informed consent form
of 74.3 kg (95% CI, 72.9-75.7), and a mean height of 1.7 m
and met all eligibility criteria were included in this study.
(95% CI, 1.7-1.7). The median experience exercising at a
From the 452 participants, 46 were excluded from final
CrossFit box was 1.0 year (IQR, 0.5-1.8). A breakdown of
analyses (dropout rate of 10.2%): 39 (8.6%) because they
all baseline results can be found in Table 1.
did not return a single follow-up questionnaire and 7
(1.5%) because they withdrew consent during the study.
Therefore, the final sample included in the analyses was CrossFit Exposure
composed of 406 CrossFit athletes (78.8% of those who filled
out the informed consent form). The response rate of the The mean exposure to CrossFit was 3.9 days per week (95%
406 participants was, on average, 68.1% (IQR, 54.9%- CI, 3.8-4.0) (Table 2). Most participants (51.5% [95% CI,
83.9%), meaning that each participant returned about 4 46.7%-56.4%]) had a scaled training load, followed by alter-
of 6 biweekly follow-up questionnaires, on average. The nating Rx and scaled (27.1% [95% CI, 22.8%-31.5%]), while
recruitment process, application of inclusion/exclusion cri- the lowest proportion exercised consistently with an Rx
teria, and makeup of the final sample size are detailed in training load (21.3% [95% CI, 17.3%-25.3%]). Each CrossFit
Figure 1. training session is supposed to last approximately 1 hour.
The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine Incidence of CrossFit Musculoskeletal Injuries 5
The total person-time exposure to CrossFit was 13,041 ses- Joint pain 24.7
sions, equivalent to approximately 13,041 hours.
Tendinopathies 12.96
A total of 133 of the 406 participants analyzed reported at Shin splints 4.05
least 1 CRMI during this 12-week prospective study. There-
Dislocaons 3.64
fore, the IP of CRMIs was 32.8% (95% CI, 28.4%-37.5%)
(Table 2). There were 247 unique and new CRMIs reported Clinical symptoms 1.62
during this study over a total estimated person-time expo-
sure to CrossFit of 13,041 hours. Therefore, the estimated Abrasion/skin injury 1.21
ID was 18.9 (95% CI, 16.6-21.3) CRMIs per 1000 hours.
These CRMIs presented a mean pain level of 5.0 (95% CI, Stress fracture 0.81
4.7-5.3) on a 0-to-10 NRS, and 40.2% (95% CI, 32.8%-47.6%)
of the CRMIs required medical attention (Table 2). Plantar fasciis 0.4
Shoulders (19.0%; n ¼ 47), the lumbar spine (15.0%; 0 10 20 30 40 50
n ¼ 37), and knees (11.7%; n ¼ 29) were the most affected
Percentage of Each Type of Injury Reported
body locations (Figure 2). Muscle injuries (45.3%; n ¼ 112),
joint pain (24.7%; n ¼ 61), and tendinopathies (13.0%; n ¼
32) were the most frequent types of CRMIs (Figure 3). Figure 3. Most common types of CrossFit-related musculo-
skeletal injuries.
injuries reported in our study could have remained undiag- participate having different characteristics from those who
nosed and untreated until the participants reported them decided not to participate. Self-reported data may be prone
in our online surveillance system. In this case, certain to detection bias, especially when these data include infor-
CRMIs measured during this study could have been mation on health conditions, such as sports injuries. There-
relapses or sequelae of previous injuries. fore, another limitation of this study was the self-reported
We found that a 1-year increase in CrossFit experience method employed to collect the data: there was no medical
reduced the odds of sustaining a CRMI by approximately assessment to diagnose the CRMIs officially. Because of the
half. Our results contradicted the findings of Montalvo large geographic area coupled with a short period of
et al,27 who found that more CrossFit experience (in years) repeated measures, in-person visits by health care profes-
was associated with higher odds of sustaining a CRMI. sionals was not possible with our resources. Our strategy to
However, the study of Montalvo et al27 was retrospective, minimize this bias as much as possible was to develop a
which could have introduced bias in their analysis. It seems multipronged strategy to classify the injured athletes. For
reasonable to assume that more experienced athletes man- instance, athletes were questioned about their CRMIs and
age loads and the injury risk better than inexperienced also asked to describe how many days of training were
ones.19 This should, however, be confirmed with data, as missed to corroborate that the injury actually led to missed
it is also entirely possible that CrossFit athletes who have training. Also, the researchers responsible for cleaning the
been injured or who are prone to injuries have already data checked each response, cross-checking the CRMI
dropped out by 1 year. Therefore, the discrepancy found information with the type and body region reported, to
between our study and the literature in this regard may identify possible inconsistencies. Finally, we recognize that
provide an opportunity for future studies. 12 weeks may be suboptimal to measure CRMIs; now that
we have identified the variables that most affect the CRMI
Strengths incidence, we intend to implement a future study with
these variables and much longer follow-up times. A longer
The main strengths and novelties of this study included (1) study duration may also allow us to draw temporal conclu-
a prospective and repeated measures design and analysis sions around our current finding that more CrossFit expe-
and (2) collecting and monitoring CrossFit-specific charac- rience is associated with a lower risk. This longer study
teristics. This study’s prospective nature and repeated period could clarify if injuries decrease in the same athlete
measures provided an opportunity to collect and monitor over time or if those who sustain more CRMIs abandon the
data with a lower risk of bias, such as recall bias, an issue exercise altogether.
reported in a recent systematic review on the topic.7 Inves-
tigating CrossFit-specific characteristics, such as CrossFit Implications for Practice
experience, training load (ie, Rx and scaled), preventive
exercises, use of protective equipment, coaching variation, Maintaining a physically active lifestyle is beneficial for
and participation in competitions, is relevant and impor- health. We believe that the popularity of CrossFit creates
tant to better describe, report, understand, and explain the an opportunity to engage people in physical fitness or keep
CrossFit practice and its association with the CRMI risk. them physically active, helping to achieve health benefits.
However, no intervention comes without risks, and we hope
Limitations that the results of this study may help the community bet-
ter understand the musculoskeletal risk associated with
The limitations of this study were mainly related to the use CrossFit. We do not believe that this risk surpasses the
of a convenience sample and the self-reported nature of the health benefits that can be achieved with CrossFit, but a
study. A random selection from the source population is the better understanding of the risks associated with CrossFit
recommended method for selecting a study sample. How- may help to implement a safer exercise program. In addi-
ever, epidemiological studies, such as ours, may face tion, we believe that specific information on CrossFit char-
recruitment challenges that make the proper execution of acteristics, a novel aspect of this study, may be useful for
these studies all but impossible. We did not have control future endeavors in developing and implementing tailored
over or access to the entire CrossFit population in our city. CRMI prevention strategies.
Therefore, drawing a random sample from this entire popu- Before concluding, we wish to further contextualize this
lation would not be possible. Our strategy to overcome this study and its motivations. This study was conducted by
issue and reduce the probability of having a nonrepresen- orthopaedic surgeons, many of whom are enthusiastic par-
tative sample was to invite all CrossFit boxes we could con- ticipants in CrossFit and began to see higher injury rates in
tact and include and monitor the highest number of both their daily clinical and exercise practice than those
participants possible using an online tool. We do not have rates reported in the literature. This study was, therefore,
reason to believe that our sample was not representative of designed to better understand the reality of CrossFit ath-
the CrossFit population in our city, but we are aware that letes in Brazil and not to evaluate the exercise program or
our study could have been affected by this possible selection make a value judgment on its philosophy. We believe that
bias. Additionally, given that we left the printed baseline CrossFit provides an important and interesting set of func-
questionnaires/informed consent forms out in the boxes for tional exercises, as well as a community setting in which to
athletes to choose at will, we recognize that there may have exercise with like-minded people interested in maintaining
been response bias caused by those who decided to a healthy lifestyle. We also believe that orthopaedic
8 Szeles et al The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
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