Central Nervous System Trauma Management of Concussions in Athletes
Central Nervous System Trauma Management of Concussions in Athletes
Central Nervous System Trauma Management of Concussions in Athletes
No injury creates more anxiety in the team physician than a concussion. The
young athlete often wants to know how soon he can resume play, whereas the
physician worries about whether the athlete is being truthful about his symptoms.
There may also be a question of whether the athlete and the athlete’s parents are
being truthful about a history of concussions. There are numerous reviews and
opinions on concussion, but they are based on little scientific evidence. Most
studies are done on inpatients who have moderate to severe brain injuries. There
is a gap between the knowledge about brain injuries and their treatment in the
office and on the athletic field [1]. The physician’s discomfort is a result of the
high stakes. Virtually any concussion can result in permanent brain injury.
Fortunately, the new interest in the sports medicine community has begun to
provide some information about the management of concussions.
There is no universal agreement on the standard definition or nature of
concussion. Traditionally, concussion has been associated with a loss of con-
sciousness; however researchers in the field recognize that significant brain
injuries can occur without a loss of consciousness. In an attempt to resolve the
confusion, the Committee on Head Injury Nomenclature of the Congress of
Neurologic Surgeons, proposed a consensus definition of concussion in 1966 [2].
Later endorsed by the American Medical Association and International Neuro-
traumatology Association, the Congress of Neurologic Surgeons definition states
that concussion is ‘‘a clinical syndrome characterized by the immediate and
transient post traumatic impairment of neurological functions such as alteration of
consciousness, disturbance of vision or equilibrium, etc., due to brain stem in-
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Despite problems with the definition of concussion, researchers have attemp-
ted to estimate the frequency of this injury. At least 300,000 sports-related brain
injuries occur each year in the United States; 250,000 are related to high school
football [6]. Athletic trainers at the high school and collegiate level have collected
the best current data. In the 1995 – 97 National Athletic Trainers Association
(NATA) Injury Surveillance Program, 5.5% of all injuries in high school sports
were thought to be due to a concussion [7]. Football is responsible for 7.3% of all
injuries (0.59/1,000 AE = athletic exposures), followed by wrestling at 4.4%
(0.25/1,000 AE), girls’ soccer at 4.3% (0.23/1,000 AE) and boys’ soccer at 3.9%
(0.18/1,000 AE). Girls’ basketball accounted for 3.6% (0.16/1,000 AE), and
boys’ basketball for 2.6% (0.11/1,000 AE). The National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA) Injury Surveillance System reported a concussion rate in
football of 4.2/1,000 athletic exposures which represented 7.5% of all injuries [8].
Concussion accounted for about 7% of all game injuries in men’s soccer, but 11%
of game injuries in women’s soccer. Concussion rates in men’s ice hockey were
1.9/1,000 athletic exposures, or one concussion every 35 games per team.
Wrestling concussions occur one time in every 38 matches per team. Concussion
G.L. Landry / Pediatr Clin N Am 49 (2002) 723–741 725
accounts for 11% of all injuries in men’s and women’s lacrosse and 8% of all
game injuries in women’s basketball.
One of the problems inherent in the NATA and NCAA surveillance systems is
the dependence on the athlete reporting the injury. Usually the concussion is
counted only if there is time lost from practice or a game. This skews the data
toward more severe concussions and they may not include many of the injuries.
Of 3063 high school athletes, in 103 Minnesota secondary schools, who
completed questionnaires, 19% reported loss of consciousness or loss of aware-
ness during the preceding season [9]. These data were not based on time lost from
practice or games and were dependent on self-report, which may have resulted in
an over-reporting of insignificant injuries. This study is more than 20 years old
and may not reflect what is presently occurring in football.
Thankfully, concussions are rare in organized youth sports. In youth football,
where collisions are frequent, only four concussions were reported in 436 9- to
14-year-old players players, in one season [10]. Concussions become more
frequent after puberty when players generate more force.
Etiology of concussions
Obviously, many injuries to the brain occur from a direct blow to the head. In
sports, however, an injury often is the result of the acceleration– deceleration
forces acting on the moving brain within the skull [25]. Shearing forces act on the
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neurons and vascular tissue and cause diffuse injury to the axons and neurons [26].
When the head is immobilized, considerably more force is needed to produce a
brain injury. This explains why concussions are still common in American football
despite well-designed headgear. Often a blow to the moving head does not result
in much injury to the brain at the site of impact, but causes damage on the opposite
side. This phenomenon is called a contrecoup injury. Before the use of protective
helmets, more severe injuries to the brain occurred from direct blows to the head
(coup injury). This included depressed skull fractures. The majority of the injuries
that occur in athletes in sports where helmets are used are a result of the
acceleration/deceleration of the skull and brain. Unfortunately, because the
helmets are so well-made; athletes are using their head and helmet as a weapon.
This increases the risk of concussion and cervical spine injuries.
There has been concern about whether the type of helmet used and the risk of
concussion varies with the brand of the helmet. Zemper et al examined 8312
college player seasons and 618,596 athlete exposures and compared the brand of
American football helmet used with the rate of concussion per 1000 athlete
exposures [27]. They found that the two most frequently used brands of older
helmets had concussions rates of 0.53 and 0.62, whereas the Riddell brand helmet
had a concussion rate of 0.17. Soon after the data were published, most schools
purchased Riddell football helmets or other brands associated with the lower
concussion rates.
Genetics of concussion
There is limited evidence to show that there may be a genetic predisposition to
concussions. Pathologically, CTBI has characteristics similar to Alzheimer dis-
ease. Alzheimer disease has been shown to have a significant association with the
apolipoprotein E epsilon-4 gene (APOE). This has led to limited studies of athletes
with multiple concussions. Jordan et al surveyed 30 active and retired boxers and
examined their neurologic disability. The boxers who were more impaired were
more likely to have the APOE gene [28]. Kutner et al studied active professional
football players and found that the older players who possessed the APOE allele
had poorer scores on cognitive tests [29]. These two studies suggest that the brain
may have a genetic susceptibility to the effects of trauma [11]. Other athletic
populations at risk for CTBI have not been examined for the APOE gene.
Table 1
Published grading scales for severity of concussion and guidelines for playability
Grade Cantu (1986) Colorado Medical Society (1991) Am Acad Neurology (1997)
PTA lasts less than 30 min Confusion Transient confusion
No amnesia Symptoms and mental-
status abnormalities
resolve in less than 15 min
RTP OK if no symptoms RTP permitted if no symptoms RTP if abnormalities or
AROAE otherwise, no AROAE after at least 20 min symptoms AROAE
symptoms for 1 wk AROAE of observation resolve within 15 min
before RTP
2 LOC lasts less than 5 min No LOC Transient confusion
PTA lasts 30 min to 24 hr Confusion No LOC
Amnesia Symptoms and mental status
changes last longer than 15 min
RTP OK if no symptoms RTP OK if no symptoms RTP OK after 1 wk with
for 1 wk AROAE for 1 wk no symptoms AROAE
3 LOC lasts 5 min or more or Any LOC, brief (s) or
PTA lasts 24 hrs or more prolonged (min)
RTP not allowed for at least RTP not allowed for at least Brief: RTP OK after no
1 mo. OK to RTP 1 mo. OK if no symptoms for symptoms for 1 wk
RTP if no symptoms for at least 2 wks. AROAE Prolonged: RTP
1 wk AROAE OK after no symptoms
for 2 wks AROAE
Abbreviations: AROAE, at rest or after exertion; LOC, Loss of consciousness; PTA, post traumatic
amnesia; RTP, return to play.
Modified from Guskiewicz K. Sports related concussion: bridging the gap between research and
clinical practice. Athletic Training Today 2001;6(1):24.
G.L. Landry / Pediatr Clin N Am 49 (2002) 723–741 729
Memory or orientation
Unaware of time, date or place
Unaware of period, opposition or score of game
General confusion
Feeling stunned or numb
Feeling dazed
Feeling slow
Seeing stars or flashing lights
Blurred vision
Loss of field of vision
Double vision
Physical signs
Poor coordination
Poor balance
Glassy eyed/vacant stare
Slurred speech
Slow to answer questions
Slow to follow directions
Easily distracted/poor concentration
Unusual/inappropriate emotions (eg, laughing or crying)
Personality change
Inappropriate behavior on field of play (e.g. running the wrong
Significant playing ability compared to earlier in contest
reveal a deficit in function. It is often helpful to have an athlete or coach quiz the
injured athlete regarding plays or strategies, especially if they are fairly sophis-
ticated. It is also helpful to ask the athlete to remember three or four nonsensical
objects and then determine if s/he can recall them 5 minutes later. Even if the
athlete provides the correct answers, the speed of processing should be observed.
If it is slow, it is likely a deficit from the concussion. Simple mathematics tests
have been used but many athletes cannot succesfully perform these even when
uninjured. Young et al evaluated the ability of 522 uninjured high school students
to perform serial sevens [‘‘what is 100 minus seven?’’ (answer: 93), ‘‘minus
seven again’’ (answer: 86), and so forth) [36]. Only 50% of the students could do
serial sevens without errors. In the same study, 89% of the students could
correctly recant the months of the year in reverse order (MOYR). Therefore
MOYR is probably a more reliable test for high school and college athletes. It is
best utilized when baseline data are available. Current research is being done to
determine more sensitive mental processing tools that can be used on the sideline
or in the office.
Previous classifications and return to play criteria are very conservative and are
probably appropriate for the inexperienced practitioner. Because the guidelines are
extremely conservative the majority of experienced team physicians deviate from
them. The consensus among experienced practitioners, however, is that any athlete
who has symptoms or signs of a concussion should not play [37]. The longer
symptoms persist, the longer the athlete will need to be held out of competition.
During a practice or competition, if the athlete’s symptoms do not clear within
approximately 15 minutes, s/he is usually unable to return to the same contest. The
classification systems do not work well in practice, because the symptoms and
signs are different in every case. Although he published one of the most well-
known classification systems in 1986, Cantu wrote ‘‘the final decision regarding
returning to competition after head injury is always a clinical judgment in every
case. Deviation from written text based on the clinical judgment of the treating
physician or trainer may be entirely appropriate’’ [30].
It is important to evaluate the athlete on a frequent basis if he or she has
sustained a concussion. The athlete should not go to the locker room or shower.
The athlete should be observed in the event that they require further medical
assistance. If the symptoms do not worsen, the athlete may continue to stay on the
field. If there is evidence that the symptoms are worsening, or there are additional
signs, the athlete must be transported to the nearest emergency facility. With
sports that require a helmet, it is best to keep possession of the athlete’s helmet so
that he or she cannot return to the event prematurely in the heat of the battle.
Many pediatricians attend athletic events to watch their son or daughter play
even if they are not the official team physician. If the pediatrician is the only
physician present at the event, s/he may be asked to evaluate an injured athlete.
One must consider that any unconscious athlete has a cervical spine injury until
proven otherwise. The helmet must not be removed until a cervical spine injury
has been ruled out. The facemask can usually be removed, without moving the
cervical spine, to access the airway.
732 G.L. Landry / Pediatr Clin N Am 49 (2002) 723–741
Indications for CT scanning for mild brain injuries are controversial [38 – 41].
Any LOC warrants an evaluation in an emergency facility and strong considera-
tion must be given to performing a head CT scan. A practice parameter on
management of minor closed head injury in children published by the American
Academy of Pediatrics discussed patient observation as an acceptable option in the
asymptomatic patient despite inadequate data to fully assess the risk-benefit ratio
[42]. Although the yield is exceedingly low, performing a CT scan when there is
any LOC has become standard practice for medical-legal reasons, especially in
emergency department settings. CT or MRI scans should be considered in an
athlete whose symptoms have not significantly cleared in 7 to 10 days.
being returned to play too early, second concussions would have appeared in
successive weeks.
For the inexperienced practitioner there is nothing wrong with using one of
the published classification systems and the associated return-to-play criteria.
The classification systems are not based on scientific evidence. Even experi-
enced practitioners are more conservative when treating middle school and
high school athletes, or athletes whom they do not know very well. There are
no scientific data to compare how children and adult brains recover from mild
concussions or what role gender plays in rate of recovery. The risk of being
too conservative, however, is that the athletes will be less forthright about
reporting symptoms so they will not be held out of competition for prolonged
periods of time.
Two studies provide evidence that recovery from mild concussions occurs
promptly in young adults
In a study of 2300 collegiate football players, 183 concussed athletes were
matched with controls and underwent a neuropsychological battery within
24 hours of the injury, at 5 days after the injury, and at 10 days after the injury
[45]. Most players were back to normal at 5 days and all were back to normal at
the 10-day mark. Improvements in neuropsychological test performance par-
alleled the improvement in symptoms. The authors concluded that most football
734 G.L. Landry / Pediatr Clin N Am 49 (2002) 723–741
players with mild concussions recover quickly without apparent residual neuro-
cognitive impairment or symptoms. Delany et al studied symptoms in Canadian
professional football players during one season [46]. In studying 66 concussions,
they found that 95.5% of players were asymptomatic in 3 days. Two players were
asymptomatic after a week and one player’s symptoms lasted for two weeks.
Similar studies need to be performed on younger athletes.
There are few studies available to assist the practitioner in teaching ways to
prevent concussions in sports. In sports that require helmets, a properly fitted
helmet probably helps prevent some of the injuries. The effect of helmet fit on
risk of concussion has not been studied in athletes; however, one small study
showed that children from 2 to 14 years of age with poorly fitting bicycle helmets
were 1.96 times more likely to sustain a significant brain injury than children who
wore properly fitting helmets [49]. Only 15% of 1671 high school football
players surveyed in Wisconsin had helmets that fit well [50]. Athletes prefer
comfort over protection; a good-fitting helmet feels tight and is slightly
uncomfortable. Foam padding compresses with time and becomes less protective
and more comfortable. Officials play a role in prevention by calling appropriate
penalties. In American football and ice hockey, athletes must avoid using the
G.L. Landry / Pediatr Clin N Am 49 (2002) 723–741 735
head as battering ram (‘‘spearing’’) and officials must penalize athletes who hit
with their helmets. The use of a mouthpiece may prevent some of the head trauma
but this has never been studied scientifically. Neck muscle strength programs may
also help prevent movement of the head in space, especially when the athlete sees
a blow coming, or in soccer when heading a ball and a collision with another
player occurs [14].
Future directions
Because the standard neurological examination and neuroimaging studies
available lack sensitivity for most mild injuries in athletes, practitioners need
more sensitive tools to assess mild concussions. Although neuropsychological
testing is the most sensitive testing to assess brain function, it takes several hours
to administer and is expensive. Also, it is also not readily available to many
athletes. Furthermore, the results are difficult to assess if baseline testing has not
been performed. It has become clearer that more baseline testing is needed on
athletes in high-risk sports. The National Football League and National Hockey
League administer a neuropsychological battery to every player at the beginning
of his career. If any concussion occurs, the battery is administered within 24 hours
of the injury and again 5 days following the injury [47]. This battery consists of
the following eight neuropsychological measures with the associated cognitive
skill evaluated in parentheses: Controlled Oral Word Association Test (word
fluency), Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (verbal learning, immediate and delayed
memory) Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised (visual memory), Trail Making
Test A and B (visual scanning, complex attention, mental flexibility, visual-motor
speed), Digits Span (attention span, concentration, freedom from distractibility),
Symbol Digit Modalities Test (psychomotor speed, visual short-term memory),
and Grooved Pegboard Test (motor coordination, psychomotor speed). The
athletes also receive a symptom questionnaire similar to the one in Fig. 1 and
undergo a clinical history interview. Preliminary analysis shows that following a
concussion, the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised and Hopkins Verbal
Learning Test seem to have the most changes. Anecdotally, the testing has not
significantly changed the treatment of concussion but has made players more
aware of the problem. There is no standard neuropsychological battery for athletes
and there is controversy about the tests that should be included. Other researchers
have utilized different tests for their neuropsychological battery for athletes.
Because this type of testing is not practical for younger athletes, researchers have
designed shorter neuropsychological batteries that can be done on a laptop
computer. This reduces the cost and does not require a neuropyschologist to be
present for every examination. A computer-based program has the advantage of
testing reaction time and speed of processing, an important parameter not
available with traditional pencil and paper tests. These computer programs need
to be tested on large numbers of younger athletes before they can be used on a
widespread basis.
736 G.L. Landry / Pediatr Clin N Am 49 (2002) 723–741
Fig. 1. A checklist for the symptoms of a concussion including severity of the symptoms.
McCrea et al created an even briefer evaluation, which they called the Stand-
ardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) [51]. The SAC is a brief 3-minute
evaluation that can be administered by a trainer or anyone on the sideline. A pilot
study showed a significant difference in scores between six concussed high school
athletes and 141 uninjured athletes [51]. An example of the SAC appears in Box 3.
Within the SAC are important questions that should be asked of any concussed
athlete. There are concerns regarding the sensitivity and brevity of the SAC. It may
be more useful if baseline scores are collected before using it on injured athletes
(ie, using the individual as his own control). More research is needed before it can
be utilized on a widespread basis.
Guskiewicz et al have been working on utilizing balance tests to assess
concussed athletes [52]. This too requires preinjury measurement on specialized
equipment. In their research, nine conditions of balance testing were utilized
with the athlete standing on a pressure plate with four electronic pressure trans-
ducers. The nine conditions consist of three visual and three support surface
conditions. The three visual conditions are: athlete’s eyes open, blindfolded and
wearing a visual conflict dome. The three support surface conditions are: a normal
stable platform, foam-padded platform and dorsiflexion dynamic platform (moving
up and down). Seventy subjects aged 15 to 25 had preseason balance testing
performed and ten of those subjects suffered a concussion. Concussed athletes had
significant postural sway for up to 3 days following the concussion. Although a
G.L. Landry / Pediatr Clin N Am 49 (2002) 723–741 737
Orientation score: 5
Reverse digits (go to next string length if correct on first trial,
stop if incorrect on both trials; one point for each string length)
Neurologic screening
Recollection of injury
Exertional maneuvers
One 40-yard sprint
Five sit-ups
Five push-ups
Five knee bends
The care of athletes with concussions is challenging because each patient has
different symptoms. An athlete should never be returned to play until com-
pletely asymptomatic. Classification systems for concussions are not based on
scientific evidence and represent some practitioners’ best guess at what is safe
for young athletes. Many experienced team physicians believe they can allow
an athlete to play safely if there are no symptoms at rest and no symptoms with
increasing intensity of exercise. Abbreviated neuropsychological testing and
balance tests show promise for use in the field to increase the sensitivity of our
neurological evaluation on injured athletes. Any neuropsychological or balance
evaluation is more helpful if baseline data is collected on athletes before they
are injured.
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