The Glimmer: Deb Dana's Rhythm of Regulation News
The Glimmer: Deb Dana's Rhythm of Regulation News
The Glimmer: Deb Dana's Rhythm of Regulation News
Deb Dana's Rhythm of Regulation News
I was teaching in the Netherlands when the travel ban was announced and,
along with thousands of other travelers, had to find my way home. My carefully
constructed work world quickly became a thing of the past. That was over four
months ago and, just like you, I am still learning how to navigate in
unpredictable and challenging times.
When I look at my life now, I live in a world that feels both small and separated
and large and interconnected. I am often by myself, separated from anyone
except Bob and our cat, and at the same time I travel around the world
connecting with colleagues from the safety and comfort of my upstairs
office. Some days I feel like a homebody, safe in a time of solitude and other
days I feel like a hermit and find myself intensely lonely.
daily lives.
Yesterday I spotted a red cardinal and stopped for a moment to watch him. Later in the
day I smelled the scent of fresh cut grass through my window. Yesterday’s glimmers
Stop for a moment and look around you. Is there a glimmer waiting to be noticed?
When we set an intention to see the glimmers around us, we’re often surprised by what
we find. My invitation to you is to write a glimmer intention and share it with a friend.
I will look for the glimmers on my path today that are waiting to be found.
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Begins 28 August Registration
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Psychotherapy Networker:
Polyvagal Informed Therapy
Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation
Master Class (With Special
Foundations of Polyvagal Informed
Guest Dr Stephen Porges)
Practice Part I Fall 2020 Online
Sounds True Presents Online
Teaching - Befriending Your
Nervous System