Control-M Question 1
Control-M Question 1
Control-M Question 1
Answer :
CONTROL-M is a business integrated scheduling product that focuses on the
production environment business applications and platforms. In simple terms "It
is a scheduling software like many others (autosys, cron, OPC..etc) using which
we can schedule our taskto run them automatically without manual intervention."
2. Question 2. What Are The Default Port Numbers From Server To Agent And
Agent To Server?
Answer :
CONTROL-M/Server and CONTROL-M/Agent communicate by means of two
TCP/IPports. They are "Server-to-Agent Port" and "Agent-to-Server Port". The
default"Server-to-Agent Port Number" is 7006 and "Agent-to-Server Port Number"
is 7005. Normally these values will be in the range of 1025 to 65535 [inclusive].
10. Question 10. What Is Meant By Agent Or Node? Is There Any Difference?
Answer :
o It is the target system where the control-m job is going to execute.
o Agent or Node both is same.
11. Question 11. Difference Between Node And Node Group?
Answer :
Node is a Single Agent whereas Node Group is a collection of agents (more than
12. Question 12. What Is “wait For Confirmation”? What Is The Use Of It?
Answer :
It is similar to a HOLD but the job won't be in Held Status.
Sometimes if any manual confirmation is required before executing a job, we'll
use"Wait for confirmation" in Execution tab.
If you select this option, the job will turn in "PINK" color.
You have to Right click and "Confirm" the job to run (it may go in Wait status, if
ithas any other prerequisite conditions or time dependency)
13. Question 13. What Is Maxwait?
Answer :
Maximum number of days that the job can wait to be executed after its original
scheduled date has passed.
14. Question 14. How Many Types Of Conditions You Use In Control-m?
Answer :
2 types.
Prerequisite Conditions and Global Conditions
o Prerequisite Conditions scope will be in the same server/datacenter
o Global Conditions scope will be across servers/datacenters
15. Question 15. What Are Global Conditions?
Answer :
o If you would like to make dependency across the datacenter, then you
have to useGlobal Conditions.
o These Global Conditions needs to be defined using Tools -> Global
16. Question 16. Types Of Conditions In Condition Tab?
Answer :
2 types. In Condition and Out Condition.
o In Conditions are of Predecessor job(s)
o Out Conditions are for Successor job(s)
17. Question 17. What Are Resources? And How Many Types Of Resources Are
Available In Control-m?
Answer :
Resources will be used to make mutual exclusive jobs (jobs not to run at the
There are 2 types or resources.
o Quantitative Resources and
o Control Resources
o Question 18. Explain Control And Quantitative Resources?
Answer :
Control Resources are the ones which you can specify the type of control the
jobsneeds (Exclusive or Shared). They are often used to represent files, or
Quantitative Resources are resource definitions for which you specify
inCONTROL-M/EM an overall quantity available to the CONTROL-M, and the
amountrequired by the job in the Resource tab. Examples of quantitative
resources youmight define are CPU (%) , RAM (MB) , Hard Disk (GB) , and Tape
Drives (#).
o Question 19. Use Of Set Tab?
Answer :
It will be used to define variables to pass as parameters to the jobs.
o Question 20. What Do You Mean By Auto-edit Variable?
Answer :
AutoEdit variables are resolved at time of job submission, during job execution,
orimmediately following job execution (depending on the variable).
These can be used to send as parameters to jobs.
o Question 21. What Is Postproc Tab?
Answer :
o This tab is used to send Alerts or Shouts to GAS or Shout
Destinations (Mail or Page Or Message) based on the event defined.
o Possible events are on Job ended " OK " or " NOT OK " or " Rerun " or "
Not Submitted On time " or " Not Completed On time " or " Executing for
Long time ".
o Question 22. What Is Compstat?
Answer :
It is a Control-M variable which will holds the job Return Code of the current run.
o Question 23. What Is Maybe Condition?
Answer :
If you would like to add a In Condition only if the predecessor job exist else
ignorecondition, then you have to use May Be Condition.
It is nothing but a Conditional Dependency.
Ex: If JOB-B is depending on JOB-A, but JOB-B have to wait on ONLY when JOB-A
isin AJF. In this case we'll give Out Condition of JOB-A as #-JOB-A-OK and
inCondition of JOB-B as #-JOB-A-OK
If you add #- before the condition name that will be taken into account only
whenthe job is in AJF.
If the Maximum Reruns for a cyclic job is set to 0 that means it will run forever?
o The newday process performs a stopcyclic if the Keep Active For (MAXWAIT)
value is exceeded.
Is there a limit for the Post Processing actions you can set for a job?
o There is a limit set in version 8 for Do post-processing actions set to 99.
If you use an interval of days do you need to use the Keep Active For (MAXWAIT) Days?
o Yes.
If the tolerance is missed, does that mean that job event will not be run at all?
o Yes, that execution time will be skipped. When the next specific time arrives,
the cyclic job will resume normal processing if the job is not in execution.
Is there a recommended cyclic minimum for best performance? Would a cyclic job with
rerun interval of 0 min impact the performance of Control-M?
o It depends on the performance of the machines where the Agent and Control-
M/Server are installed. Each additional submission and execution increases the
overhead on these machines, which will consume more CPU and Memory.
If you have a job scheduled let's say on Monday - Friday except for holidays and to roll
back, so let's say 4th of July is Tuesday, will I have 2 of the same jobs running on
Monday? and if so how can that be stopped so that 2 of the same jobs don't run on the
roll back day?
o If you are using a Confirmation Calendar to shift to the previous working day,
you will have only one instance on Monday.
If cyclic job fails, and it takes a while to fix, will the cyclic start from the time we fix,
or will it keep running while the one is failed?
o By default, a cyclic job will continue its schedule regardless of an individual
execution ending NOT OK. You can prevent this for an individual job by using an
On-Do action to "stop cyclic". You can change this behavior at the Control-
M/Server level by changing the Control-M/Server system parameter
Is there any way to prevent a "standard non-cyclic" job from being rerun?
o When you click Rerun the job will just not be submitted...
o You can set this in security settings at the user or group level, not through the
job definition.
Can a rule based calendar be used everywhere that a regular calendar can in
scheduling definitions?
o Only regular calendars can be used as confirmation calendars.
If we use Forecast for previous, how can we use Archive and history options?
o Forecast shows, based on current schedule, when things would run. The history
domain shows archived viewpoints that have real data about previous days.
I have a job that starts at 23:00 hrs and my NDP is at 00:00. And the job is setup to run
between 23:00 and End of Day. The server is unavailable and it became available
after 00:00 hrs. So now will the job run immediately or it will wait for 23:00 hrs?
o If the Server becomes available before the 00:01 hours it will run. If not and
Keep Active For (MAXWAIT) is set accordingly, the job will run again at 23:00.
Can you run a job based on relative days, like 5th business day of the month?
o Yes, you need to have a calendar for business days and select the option "based
on calendar" using this calendar. Then, select the option "Relative Calendar
Days from Start/End of Month/Period" and select the 5th day.
If a job fails, I want that job to wait for 10 min and then rerun automatically. Is that
possible through Rerun Setting in Actions tab?
o The interval under Rerun Settings can be set to rerun every 10 minutes from a
job's end, even for non-cyclic jobs, and a "Do rerun" action will honor these