Control M Gui PDF
Control M Gui PDF
Control M Gui PDF
Job Status:
Green : Ended ok
Yellow : Executing
Blue : waiting for resources
Sky-blue : waiting for Host machine
Grey : waiting for predecessor and time conditions
Pink : waiting for user confirmation
White : Unknown status
Login procedure:
Run mstsc computer: remotesd(RDS) username: NORD/Lanid.
• Select the Environment in Drop down and select PROD for production and Test for testing
• Give login credentials then ok .
Control Monitoring
Select monitoring and then All active jobs to enter in to active environment.
Active panel
View point:
Here you can customize the active environment as per your requirement such as all jobs, all active
jobs, abended jobs, held jobs ect…
Expand All:
This is expand and see the jobs inside the application.
This is to refresh and rearrange the jobs in active.
We can set the jobs visibility of environment such as control M , Application wise, Sub application
wise, smart folder wise and jobs wise.
We can see the jobs running inside particular application in the graphical format with all
predecessor and successor details.
List :
We will get to see the details of the jobs inside particular application.
This will give you the time details of the flow in the line graph format.
We can restart the already completed and failed jobs based on requirement.
We can hold the jobs which are waiting only.
(Note: holding the executing job wont workout).
We can release the held jobs using this option.
We can stop the executing job using this option.
Set to ok:
This option enables us to mark the job as complete without running its script and also enables the
post processing conditions.
If the job is waiting for user confirmation we can start execution by this action only.
Run Now:
This is used to bypass the scheduling criteria of the jobs such as resources, Time and predecessor
If you don’t want the job to run for the day, hold it and delete it.
You can undelete the deleted jobs and the job will be in Hold state after wards, you can release it.
This is to search the jobs inside the active(Control + F)
We can restart the job from the failed step or any other particular steps using this option.
• This will give one pop up.
• There select the particular step
• Keep it in specific step mode
• Give ok
We can bring the job or folder manually irrespective of scheduling criteria using this option.
Select the Control M server name, folder (in which the job belongs to) and then library
Selected : you can expand the folder to select the jobs over here
Mask: we can bring a particular job in to active
All jobs: entire folder will come into active.
Ignore the scheduling criteria: we are running jobs irrespective of its run conditions.
Hold: the job will come in to active with hold only(it is mandatory to put the job in hold)
Order as independent flow: a standalone flow will come in to active.
Then give order
Order date:
We can choose the order date for the jobs which we are bringing inside active.
A is the predecessor job for the current job B
C is the successor job for the current job B
Jobs modification
To modify the job in the active environment, we need to hold the job or click the modify icon on
the right top of the panel which we will get it by double clicking the job.
We can make changes in the owner , command line, priority of the jobs.
We can make the job as Dummy also using this option.
Here we can set Time for the jobs to run.
Rerun setting:
We can make a job to run in a cyclic manner.(Note: we need to set the no of maximum rerun ,if we
give 0,the jobs will run infinite times within that current date.
Keep active for table decides the number of days the job should be inside the active environment
before its completion.
Run information:
In Condition:
These are the conditions the job is getting from its previous job to run. This can enables the jobs
to run in a organized flow.
The conditions should be specific with order date.
If its mentioned as Nodate, the job can take any old same conditions from the condition table and
will get triggered.
Static conditions:
These conditions cannot be modified, this will be in conditions tables for ever.
Conditional resources:
In order to avoid conjunction between the environment, we are setting the resources for the jobs
to run.
Control resources are the resources in which the job is having the whole control during its can be defined as share or exclusive resources.
Job A and Job B needs to access a Database,
DB is described as Exclusive, If Job A starts first, it will access the DB when the Job B will be
waiting for resource till Job A completes. Once the Job A completes it releases the control to the
Job B, then job B will start.
DB is described as Shared, Both Job A and Job B can run at the same time.
Quantitative Resources:
We can define the quantity of the resources during the jobs execution.
We declare that the Initiator X can be used by 5 jobs at a time, but 15 jobs are waiting for X
initiator to start. Then first 5 jobs will start running by taking the initiator. If any of those 5 jobs
completes, that will release the initiator X and then 6th job will start executing and so on.
This field enables us to decide the post processing conditions of the jobs.
We can set the out conditions of the jobs over here.
Conditions table:
Once the conditions are triggered by the will get saved in condition table for 5 days (based
on account). after that it will go out of active.
When ordering the on-demand job, we need to be careful about the prerequisite
may take the conditions directly from the table and will start always have the habit of
deleting the conditions of job and run it.
Customizable filter(Control +D):
In view point, select customizable filter to get the required view of jobs based on our requirements.
History :
You can see be last 5 days which have gone out of active here.
Alerts panel is playing a important rule in monitoring. For all discrepancies will get alerts in the
panel. Right click the alert and get navigated to the failed job through alert panel only.
Thank You
Anu Mathavan