Thiruneetru Padigam
Thiruneetru Padigam
Thiruneetru Padigam
Having already heard about the greatness of samba~ndhar, the Jains feared that the king may go back
to Saivism. If that happened, the Jains would lose their power and status. Hence, they schemed to kill
samba~ndhar. They tried to harm him by their manthras. But it did not work. Hence, they resorted to
setting fire in the middle of the night to the house where samba~ndhar was staying. Fortunately,
samba~ndhar and his entourage escaped unhurt. Realizing what had happened, samba~ndhar
assigned the blame for such a lawlessness to king of the land. He prayed for the fire to go gently to
the king. Shortly thereafter, the pANdya king was down with very high fever.
The Jains tried to cure king’s fever using herbs, manthras, rubbing him with peacock feathers, etc.
The fever did not go away. Subsequently, samba~ndhar visited the king. He offered his help in
curing the fever. The Jains were worried and asked the king to let them cure the left half of his body
and that samba~ndhar can cure the right half of his body. samba~ndhar prayed to Siva in the thiru-
AlavAy (¾¢Õ-¬ÄÅ¡ö) temple in Madurai and sang this thiru~nItRu padhigam praising the holy
ash. He then applied the holy ash on the king’s right side. The king was immediately cured of the
fever on the right half of his body. His left side was still having high fever. He was amazed at this
strange event. He then requested samba~ndhar to cure his left half also. His fever on left side also got
cured as soon as samba~ndhar applied the holy ash on that side too.
After some more of such miracles, the pANdya king bacame a staunch saivite again and saivism was
reestablished in the kingdom.
Holy ash is praised by the vedas. Holy ash is removes the pain and distress.
Holy ash grants us the knowledge. Holy ash removes our shortcomings and sins.
Holy ash is worthy of praise. Holy ash is the truth.
It is indeed the holy ash of Siva in the AlavAy temple (in Madurai), that is surrounded by
fields containing cool water.
Holy ash releases the wearer from the cycle of birth and death. Sages wear the holy ash.
Holy ash is the truth. The sages and devotees praise the holy ash.
Holy ash makes the wearer devout. When one praises the holy ash it makes him feel nice.
Holy ash gives yogic powers. It is indeed the holy ash of Siva in thiru AlavAy temple (in
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It is pleasant to wear the holy ash. Holy ash washes away our sins.
It is pleasant to speak the greatness of the holy ash. Great sages destroy their desires by
wearing the holy ash. Holy ash is the end.
The whole country praises the holy ash. It is indeed the holy ash of Siva in thiru AlavAy
temple (in Madurai).
Holy ash is the wealth. Holy ash removes the difficulties and distress.
Holy ash removes our mental suffering. Holy ash gives the heavens.
It is fitting to wear the holy ash. Holy ash is worn by those without sins. (Holy ash washes
away our sins).
It is indeed the holy ash of Siva in thiru AlavAy temple (in Madurai) surrounded by great
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Holy ash is on rAvaNan's body. (He was a great Siva bhaktha). Holy ash is worthy of
Holy ash is worshipped. Holy ash cuts away the sins.
Holy ash is colored like white conch. ('tharA' = conch; a copper/tin alloy, etc). Holy ash is
the principle. (i.e. the fundamental principles of the creation)
It is indeed the holy ash of Siva in AlavAy temple (in Madurai), whose body is covered with
Holy ash is such that even Vishnu and Brahma could not know it. (Note: This refers to the
story of Vishnu and Brahma not being able to see the bottom and top when Siva stood as a
tall flame. Once again, this line reiterates the fact that holy ash is Siva).
The devas in the heavens wear the white holy ash on their body.
Holy ash cures the sufferings associated with our body and gives us joy.
It is indeed the holy ash of our Siva in AlavAy temple (in Madurai), who holds the poison in
his throat.
The holy ash of Siva, who rides on a strong bull, has been praised by ~njAna samba~ndhan,
a deva among men. He sang these songs praising the holy ash and cured the fever of the
southern (pANdya) king. All those who are well versed in these ten songs are holy men