Tabuk City National High School
Tabuk City National High School
Tabuk City National High School
First Reading
Instruct the students to read and comprehend
the story silently.
Second Reading
Flash the copy of the story and the students
will read it as a class. (Second Reading)
E. Discussing Let the students Present and discuss Group Activity
new concepts explain their answers the Groups of Writers Group the class into 5.
and practicing by sharing it in the during the American Instruct the students to brainstorm about the
new skills #2 class. Period. guide questions that will be given to them by
3 Groups of Writers group.
1. Spanish Ask volunteers per group to share their
2. English answers.
3. Filipino Process the student’s answers.
F. Developing Ask the students to Ask the question: Think –Pair- Share (Seating arrangement
mastery (Leads Read the lyrics of the How has the literature shall be in classic rows)
to Formative song “Dandansoy” during the Spanish era As a student, how can you contribute to an
Assessment 3) like they are reading differed from the equitable, respectful and just society?
a poem. Make it literature during the Your seatmate is your partner.
interesting. American era? Each will answer the question:
Call volunteers to share their answers.
G. Finding Why do we need to What are the changes Oral Recitation
practical study Philippine happened especially in Ask the question:
applications of literature during the Philippine Literature As a student,
concepts and Spanish colonial when the Americans As a citizen,
skills in daily period? Colonized the As a member of the community,
living Philippines? How can you show patriotism to our country?
H. Making What are the The production of Ask the students the question:
generalizations influences of the literary works in What is the story “Kahapon, Ngayon, at Bukas” all
and abstractions Spanish colonial English is the direct about?
about the lesson period to Philippine result of the American
literature? colonization of the
I. Evaluating On a ½ sheet of paper, write the symbolisms of the
Learning characters in the story. Follow the table below.
Characters Symbolism
J. Additional
activities for
application or
Prepared: Noted: