Abcde: Trump Fomenting Defiance of Strictures
Abcde: Trump Fomenting Defiance of Strictures
Abcde: Trump Fomenting Defiance of Strictures
Morning rain 59/41 • Tomorrow: Clouds and sun 67/51 B6 Democracy Dies in Darkness SATURDAy, APRIL 18 , 2020
m2 V1 V2 V3 V4
. $2
Medical workers, clad in personal protective equipment, wave in appreciation as firefighters, police officers and Sta∞ng, antiquated technology
emergency workers honor them Friday in front of Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, N.H. The hospital has about
700 of its staffers sidelined amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, according to the New Hampshire Union Leader.
slow the delivery of virus relief
BY H EATHER L ONG, The bulk of the challenges have
J EFF S TEIN, L ISA R EIN occurred with three initiatives
AND T ONY R OMM designed to get cash to struggling
Market surge on 1 treatment trial is a sign of urgency The national effort to get coro-
navirus relief money to Ameri-
Americans: $1,200 per adult re-
lief payments that launched this
week, $349 billion in small Busi-
cans is at risk of being over- ness Administration loans, and
BY C HRISTOPHER R OWLAND maceutical industry to get the mounts a resurgence in the fall. Gilead’s experimental drug rem- whelmed by the worst economic $260 billion in unemployment
global economy back on its feet. But the scientific, medical and desivir. The comments were ob- downturn in 80 years, as under- benefits for the more than 22 mil-
The stock market’s outsize re- While social distancing and manufacturing demands are tained by the news site sTAT. of staffed and underfunded agen- lion people — and growing — out
action Friday to a mere fragment flattening the curve are the initial much more challenging than the 113 patients who were severely ill cies struggle to deliver funds. of work.
of positive news from a Chicago strategies to reduce the spread of stock market’s exuberant reaction with covid-19, only two people Three weeks after Congress The sBA ran out of money to
hospital, just one institution out sARs-CoV-2, the clinical name for might indicate. treated with the drug died, and passed a $2 trillion package to make small business loans this
of 169 sites in a global clinical trial the novel coronavirus, the pro- The surge was based on video- most got better quickly, the re- lessen the economic impact of the week, almost no unemployment
with up to 6,000 patients, rein- duction of vaccines and treat- taped comments by a University searcher said. It was not disclosed coronavirus pandemic, millions aid has reached eligible self-em-
forced the extraordinarily high ments will be crucial over the of Chicago Medicine researcher how many were on ventilators of households and small busi- ployed and gig workers, and a
expectations riding on the phar- longer term, especially if the virus leading a local trial site for see treAtment on A8 nesses are still waiting to receive significant number of Americans
all the help promised under the who were due to receive relief
legislation, according to govern- payments this week went on the
ment data and firsthand ac- website only to see this
Nursing homes counts. see bAIlout on A16
with outbreaks
had been cited More coverage Golf? Guns?
for violations Adoption: travel bans have put
plans on hold for many families. A2
It’s all essential
BYD EBBIE C ENZIPER, push to reopen: conservatives somewhere.
J OEL J ACOBS across the country are rallying. A4
wuhan: china defends its data AND H ANNAH K NOWLES
Forty percent of more than after revising city’s death toll. A12
650 nursing homes nationwide Florida made an exception
with publicly reported cases of world: smartphones are the latest for professional wrestling.
the coronavirus have been cited weapon to fight the spread. A20 south Carolina cut a break to
more than once by inspectors in sex shops, before it didn’t. And
recent years for violating federal liftoff: nAsA astronauts will launch across the country, golf courses
standards meant to control the from u.s. soil after long hiatus. A20 are more likely to be open than
spread of infections, according to not.
maryland: A shuttered hospital
a Washington Post analysis. Despite sweeping orders that
since 2016, the nursing homes reopens amid the crisis. c1 mandate closures of all non-
accrued hundreds of deficiencies essential businesses and activi-
for unsafe conditions that can New deaths in 2,047 ties in a bid to combat the
trigger the spread of flu, pneu- spread of the novel coronavi-
monia, urinary tract infections utpAl pAtHAK for tHe WAsHIngton post the U.S., by day rus, the list of exemptions in
and skin diseases. Dozens were About 50 people have been stuck inside a train station in Varanasi, India, for weeks during a As of 8 p.m. most states is long, curious and
flagged by inspectors only nationwide lockdown. every morning, a railway staff member leads the group in a yoga class. 2,000 controversial — a launchpad
months before the coronavirus Cumulative for endless debates over what
pandemic struck the United deaths really matters at a time when so
Among the facilities with In India, waiting on a train that isn’t coming 32,454
much is being sacrificed.
The battle is only intensify-
infection-control infractions: the ing. It’s being waged in furious
Pleasant View nursing Home in BY J OANNA S LATER AND T ANIA D UTTA come. lobbying campaigns and in
Mount Airy, Md., where 24 peo- They are parents and children, construction court fights that will dictate
ple had died as of Thursday; the new delhi — The main train station in the workers, managers, pilgrims, students, a lawyer 1,000 whether businesses live or die.
Canterbury Rehabilitation & north Indian city of Varanasi is a sprawling and a marketing professional. They have one This week, it even brought
Healthcare Center near Rich- building that has witnessed its share of delays thing in common: They were all stranded hun- protesters to the streets in state
mond, with 49 deaths as of over more than a century of rail travel. some- dreds of miles from home when India abruptly capitals for non-socially dis-
Thursday; and the Brighton Re- times the waits are long, and sometimes they are suspended its passenger trains, which carry 500 tanced demonstrations as a
habilitation and Wellness Center pleasantly short. But it has never seen anything 23 million people a day, then imposed a strict backlash against stay-at-home
in southwestern Pennsylvania, like this. nationwide lockdown to combat the spread of the orders grows.
where officials have warned that Inside a high-ceilinged room, a group of travel- novel coronavirus. The question of what is es-
all 750 residents and staff mem- ers from across India have waited in vain for ever since, the passengers have spent their 0 sential has implications for
see nursIng Homes on A14 more than three weeks for trains that never see IndIA on A12 Feb. 29 April 17 see exemptIons on A6
In C Ase Y o U mI s s eD I t
some reports that you may have
Cohen granted prison leave due to pandemic
rus at the institutions it manages. the first, he admitted to cam-
Trump’s former lawyer According to information from paign finance violations stem-
Number of immigrants the bureau’s website, nearly ming from payments made be-
held by ICE plummets had begun serving a 1,200 inmates have been trans- fore the 2016 election to Daniels
3-year federal sentence ferred to their homes. Some crim- and another woman who alleged
The number of people held at inal justice advocates have said having affairs with Trump years
three U.S. Immigration and more should still be done. earlier. Cohen said he arranged
Customs Enforcement family Cohen is among a number of the payments at Trump’s direc-
detention centers plummeted BY M ATT Z APOTOSKY high-profile inmates who have tion to keep the women quiet.
39 percent from about 1,350 to pushed to get out of jail during Trump has denied the women’s
826 last week, a federal judge said Michael Cohen, President the pandemic — some successful- allegations.
during a court hearing Monday. Trump’s former personal attor- ly. The Justice Department offi- In the second, Cohen admitted ney, will be released to home cial, speaking on the condition of he lied to Congress about a Mos-
confinement as part of the Feder- anonymity to detail internal dis- cow real estate project Trump
al Bureau of Prisons’ push to stem cussions, said Barr had told Bu- and his company pursued while
Liberal challenger the spread of the coronavirus, reau of Prisons’ leadership to “not Trump was trying to secure the
wins Wis. court race according to his attorney and a give special treatment to any Republican nomination to be-
Justice Department official. inmate,” though the precise cal- come president. That case was a
A liberal challenger easily Roger Adler, a lawyer for Co- culations in Cohen’s case were part of special counsel Robert S.
defeated the conservative hen, said that he had filed paper- unclear. Mueller III’s investigation into
MAtt McclAIn/tHe WAsHIngton Post
incumbent for a seat on the work with prison officials seeking Last month, Cohen’s attorney whether the Trump campaign
Wisconsin Supreme Court in last “compassionate release” for Co- wrote to a judge that the Bureau Michael Cohen, former attorney to President Trump, reportedly coordinated with Russia during
week’s elections. Jill Karofsky hen during the global health pan- of Prisons was “demonstrably in- has “lung problems,” making him medically vulnerable to covid-19. the 2016 campaign, and Cohen
beat Daniel Kelly, appointed to demic because Cohen had “an capable of safeguarding and later said in court that he lied to
the court in 2016 by then-Gov. underlying medical condition treating B.O.P. inmates” during Adler said it was his under- wrote in a court filing that Skelos protect Trump.
Scott Walker (R). President that he has been hospitalized for.” the coronavirus pandemic and standing that Cohen was among a had tested positive for coronavi- As of Thursday — the latest
Trump endorsed Kelly. He said Thursday night that it asked that Cohen be moved to number of inmates who will be rus but had been “symptom-free figures available — 473 federal was his “understanding from home confinement. The facility released because of the pandem- since approximately April 8,” and inmates had tested positive for
speaking with a family member” has had 14 inmates and seven ic. he would be released pending the coronavirus, along with
that the request had been grant- staffers test positive for the novel Barr had directed prison offi- approval by medical staff and 279 Bureau of Prisons staff. The
Boeing loses 150 more ed, and that Cohen would soon be coronavirus, according to the lat- cials to look at inmates’ vulnera- sign-off by the U.S. Probation Bureau of Prisons said 18 inmates
orders for 737 Max moved to home confinement. est Bureau of Prisons figures. bility to covid-19, their conduct in Office on the place he wants to had died.
A Justice Department official Prosecutors objected to the re- prison and whether they would live. The Bureau of Prisons did not
Boeing’s commercial airline confirmed the development Fri- quest, asserting that Cohen was pose a danger to the community Paul Manafort, Trump’s former move at the start of the outbreak
customers canceled 150 orders of day. The lawyer’s assertion was “53 years old and in good health,” in deciding whether they should campaign chairman who was to release those in custody as a
the 737 Max in March, the first reported by CNN. and noting that he had at that be let go. Such factors generally convicted in 2018 of bank and tax part of its response to the global
company announced Tuesday, A Bureau of Prisons spokes- point “not moved for compas- favor older, white-collar crimi- fraud, asked Monday to be re- pandemic, though Barr has
the latest in a string of bad news woman said in a statement, “I am sionate release, likely because he nals. leased from prison to home con- stepped up that effort in the past
for the aerospace behemoth unable to address any specific is manifestly ineligible for it.” U.S. A federal judge in California finement to serve the remainder month. In late March, he directed
hurting from the one-two offenders suitability for home District Judge William H. Pauley recently said he would allow the of his 7½-year sentence, saying prison officials to expand their
punches of the 737 Max crisis and confinement.” A spokesman for III sided with the government. release of lawyer Michael Avenat- his age and health put him at use of home confinement but
the coronavirus. the U.S. attorney’s office in Man- “That Cohen would seek to ti, the attorney who rose to prom- higher risk of death from corona- detailed a number of factors that
Boeing has been under fire hattan, which prosecuted Cohen, single himself out for release to inence as the legal counsel for virus. The issue now could come might limit the pool that would
since its 737 Max crashed twice, declined to comment. home confinement appears to be adult-film actress Stormy Daniels up in the case of Roger Stone, be eligible.
killing a total of 346 people. Cohen once affectionately con- just another effort to inject him- during her lawsuit against Trump Trump’s longtime confidante who Then, in early April, Barr ex- sidered himself Trump’s fixer, self into the news cycle,” Pauley over a hush-money deal, but with was convicted last year of tam- panded the directive — declaring
though as he became ensnared in wrote. “As the Government points bond and other stringent condi- pering with a witness and lying to an emergency under the recently
multiple federal investigations, out, he is ‘manifestly ineligible’ tions. Avenatti was convicted in Congress about his efforts to passed coronavirus legislation
Mystics trade he turned on his former client, for compassionate release and an extortion case this year in New learn of hacked Democratic that allowed the bureau to signifi-
for Tina Charles connecting Trump in federal has not exhausted his adminis- York and has been awaiting trial emails during the 2016 U.S. presi- cantly lengthen the time inmates
court to criminal misdeeds and trative remedies.” in California on allegations that dential election. could serve on home confine-
The Washington Mystics on alleging scandalous conduct in Adler, Cohen’s attorney, said he stole millions of dollars from A federal judge in D.C. on ment, and directing prison offi-
Wednesday acquired former testimony before Congress. He that in asking the prison warden his clients. Thursday rejected Stone’s bid for cials to consider a wider group for
league MVP Tina Charles from had reported to prison on May 6 for release — an administrative The Bureau of Prisons said it a new trial and said he should possible release.
the New York Liberty. The move to begin serving a three-year sen- remedy — Cohen had submitted would similarly approve furlough report to prison to begin serving As of Friday, Cohen remained
will pair Charles, a 6-foot-4 tence. evidence to back up his claims. from prison and home confine- his 40-month sentence as soon as in federal custody at FCI Otisville
center, with reigning MVP Elena At Attorney General William P. “He has a number of lung ment for former New York State federal officials instruct him to do in New York. His attorney said,
Delle Donne. Washington traded Barr’s direction, the Bureau of problems that were documented; Senate majority leader Dean Ske- so, after a two-week grace period like other inmates being released,
guard Shatori Walker- Prisons has been working in re- medical records were provided,” los, who had been serving a four- lapses. Stone’s likely appeals, Cohen would have to be quaran-
Kimbrough, its first-round pick cent weeks to move more inmates Adler said. He declined to say year and three-month prison though, could delay that. tined for two weeks before being
in Friday’s WNBA draft and all to home confinement in a bid to what Cohen’s lung problems term after he was convicted in a Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018 in sent home.
three picks in the 2021 draft. stem the spread of the coronavi- were. corruption case. Prosecutors two separate criminal cases. In
‘Open it up’ bloc in GOP attacks restrictions as others in party urge caution
BY M IKE D E B ONIS son. “If the U.S. economy collaps- took a more aggressive approach the past. among Americans generally, ac- But rank-and-file GOP law-
es, the world economy collapses. Friday, announcing that he would Notable is that amid the debate cording to early political science makers have been sending a dif-
A growing number of Republi- And trying to burn down the vil- reopen state parks Monday and over the Affordable Care Act in research on the response to the ferent message — particularly on
can lawmakers across the country lage to save it is foolish. That’s a encourage retail stores to open by 2009, conservatives led by former pandemic. An unpublished paper talk radio programs and other
are pushing for a more rapid cold, hard truth.” the end of the week with social- Alaska governor Sarah Palin based on a late-March survey of media outlets that cater to con-
reboot of the American economy But earlier that day, one of distancing precautions. Restau- seized on a proposal to allow 3,000 Americans found that one’s servatives.
amid the coronavirus pandemic, Kennedy’s colleagues — one of the rants and movie theaters, he said, Medicare to pay for voluntary party affiliation was “the single Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), who
arguing that the risk of spreading most influential health-policy could reopen by the end of the counseling on end-of-life treat- most consistent factor” explain- is chairman of the House Free-
more sickness — and even death voices on Capitol Hill — sent a month. ment options as “death panels” ing individual responses to the dom Caucus and is among 22
— is outweighed by the broader much more cautious message. The issue, meanwhile, has for elderly Americans. That en- pandemic. Republicans, for in- House Republicans named to
economic damage that wide- Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), made it to the congressional cam- tirely speculative risk helped stance, were less likely to have Trump’s “Opening Up America
spread stay-at-home orders have chairman of the Health, Educa- paign trail. Jason Lewis, a former drive GOP opposition to the Dem- engaged in social distancing or Again” advisory group, criticized
wrought. tion, Labor and Pensions Com- House member running against ocratic health-care law; now Re- more frequent hand-washing. Democratic governors on Phoe-
They are taking cues from and mittee and a senior appropriator, Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.), has publicans are brushing aside “You just see a very different nix radio station KFYI-AM for
breathing energy into a grass- echoed public health officials in launched a “Re-Open Minnesota much more credible risks in their world for Republicans in general maintaining tight restrictions.
roots conservative movement of warning that the necessary test- for Business” RV tour of the state zeal to restart the economy with than we do see for Democrats,” “They’ve killed their econo-
resistance against government- ing infrastructure simply to allow — one that took him Friday to a an eye toward the November elec- said Thomas B. Pepinsky, a Cor- mies, and they want the federal
ordered quarantine measures — for a wholesale loosening of re- protest attended by hundreds tions. nell University professor of gov- government to bail them out,” he
one that President Trump ap- strictions has not been created. outside the residence of Demo- While Democrats have joined ernment and a co-author of the said. “But instead of trying to
peared to back in several tweets “Without more tests with quick cratic Gov. Tim Walz. Few wore calls to plan for a carefully man- paper. “Democrats are more wor- isolate people who are vulnerable,
Friday — but are facing defiance results, it will be difficult to con- masks or kept the recommended aged reopening, most have been ried about it; they believe that the they want the whole population
within their own party from Re- tain this disease and give Ameri- six feet of personal distance. careful to leave key decisions in crisis is worse than Republicans to be shut down, and that’s killing
publican congressional leaders, cans confidence to go back to “We all want to do it right, but the hands of public health experts believe it is. It’s sort of a clean businesses. That’s why you have
governors and fellow lawmakers work and back to school,” Alexan- at some point, you’ve got to bal- — who so far have warned that the finding all across the board.” 22 million people now, at least,
who warn that a rash reopening der said. ance the social damage and the trajectory of the pandemic is still Some Republican leaders, such who are unemployed.”
could reinvigorate the virus’s The Republicans on the front human damage you would have uncertain and that broad stay-at- as House Minority Leader Kevin Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-
spread. lines of the crisis — state gover- from waiting till everything is home orders remain warranted. McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Liz Ind.), whose southern Indiana
The emerging “open it up” cau- nors — have been similarly divid- perfect,” Lewis said, adding, “You House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Cheney (R-Wyo.), the GOP confer- district has seen at least 50 covid-
cus has spoken out on key conser- ed. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, can’t fight this virus with a second (D-Calif.) this week criticized as ence chairwoman, have warned 19 deaths, bluntly told WIBC-FM
vative media platforms, including for instance, cited “positive signs Great Depression.” “careless” those Republicans who that any attempt at reopening will in Indianapolis on Tuesday that
some of Trump’s favorite pro- of cautious optimism” Wednes- As the protest in St. Paul grew, have pushed for a rapid economic have to be carefully managed. government should err on the
grams. In a prime-time Fox News day in announcing that his state Trump tweeted, “LIBERATE reopening at the risk of additional McCarthy told reporters side of getting people back to
Channel appearance Wednesday, was beginning to formulate a re- MINNESOTA!” Moments later, he coronavirus deaths. Any decision Thursday that he supported using work, even if it mean more deaths.
for instance, Sen. John Neely Ken- opening plan. sent similar tweets about Michi- to reopen, she told reporters technology, such as cellphone “In the choice between the loss
nedy (R-La.) said that balancing But he warned that “if the re- gan and Virginia, where separate Thursday, should be “science- tracking data, to help trace the of our way of life as Americans
the health of Americans with a covery is not done in a thoughtful protests were taking place. based.” spread of the virus — a practice and the loss of life, of American
functioning economy amid the and responsible way, it will not The election-year calls from “We shouldn’t be having a con- that some conservative protesters lives, we have to always choose
pandemic was “like choosing be- only cost lives, but it will deepen conservatives to reopen the U.S. versation about how many people oppose as government overreach. the latter,” he said.
tween cancer and a heart attack.” the economic crisis and actually economy, at the cost of the health is it okay to die for us to open up,” “We did not ask for this virus,
“We’ve got to open this econo- prolong the problems and slow and lives of Americans, amounts she said. but this virus is here,” McCarthy
my. If we don’t, it’s going to col- our recovery.” to a different calculation from The partisan division among said. “We did not invite it, but we seung min Kim and Paul Kane
lapse,” he told host Tucker Carl- Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Tex.) what many Republicans made in elected officials reflects the split need to defeat it.” contributed to this report.
screenings and extensive clean- Golfers play a round last week at the trump national Golf Club, which is still open to members, in sterling, Va. Golf courses have made the cut for essential businesses in
ing of the ring. But murray said it about two-thirds of states. In Wisconsin, the Democratic governor reversed course and said golf courses could reopen next week with some restrictions for social distancing.
would not be difficult to imagine
the virus spreading, not only ing flooring, furniture, plants state’s beaches even as he an-
among the wrestlers “but also to and paint. nounced a shelter-in-place order.
their families, to people at the The measures shrank michi- The exemption was intended
store. You have to consider all the gan’s essential-business list and to allow people to exercise at a
people they’re coming into con- represented some of the most time when they won’t be able to
tact with.” stringent rules in the nation. visit the gym. But Sessions said
That, of course, was the origi- more than 2,000 michigan resi- she fears spring breakers could
nal logic behind the stay-at- dents have died of covid-19, and descend on her small barrier
home orders now enacted in nearly 30,000 have tested posi- island and set off an outbreak in
45 states, which require people tive. a place that doesn’t have its own
to limit their activity to the bare There was an immediate out- hospital.
minimum and for businesses to cry — particularly given some “We have a high-risk, older
close their doors unless they of the businesses that remain population,” Sessions said. “The
absolutely must stay open. open. beaches will still be there in two
But the list of what people “Nonessential in michigan: or three months. But if we’re
need to get by in 2020 is, as it Lawn care, construction, fishing not careful, some of us may not
turns out, rather extensive. if boating with a motor, realtors, be.”
Groceries, pharmacies and buying seeds, home improve- In South Carolina, where the
hospitals were all, of course, ment equipment and gardening governor says he’s aiming to keep
exempted everywhere. But in supplies. Essential in michigan: as much of the economy going as
many places, so were less obvi- marijuana, lottery and alcohol. possible, Columbia mayor Steve
ous lines of work: landscapers, Let’s be safe and reasonable. Benjamin said he’s baffled by
home improvement stores and right now, we’re not!” michigan some of the businesses that have
office-supply shops among them. House Speaker Lee Chatfield (r) been deemed essential.
In South Carolina, everything posted on Twitter. Among them: vape shops,
from sex shops to gyms initially Thousands protested on whose products are well known
made the cut, according to a Wednesday from their cars in to be linked to respiratory ill-
public list of case-by-case deci- Lansing. Some got out to throng ness. The state is already having
sions. the Capitol grounds, waving STEPHEN B. MORTON/ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION/ASSOCIATED PRESS enough trouble on that front: It
The state has since become signs reading “make michigan Georgia official Barry Britt enforces Gov. Brian Kemp’s order to open the beaches on tybee Island, Ga., has more than 4,000 confirmed
more selective. But Gov. Henry Work Again.” other protests on April 4, allowing people to exercise outside, with social distancing guidelines in place. coronavirus cases, with known
mcmaster (r) continues to advo- were held in Kentucky and North deaths climbing past 100.
cate for a standard different from Carolina, with more planned in coronavirus, as businesses at- for themselves, the Los Angeles ing Democratic Gov. Tony Evers “I see a false rationale being
essential or nonessential, asking the coming days. tempt to secure a piece of the County sheriff relented days af- to reverse course. articulated that seems to be more
instead whether business can be The protests marked a noisy $2 trillion emergency coronavi- ter ordering gun shops to close Evers announced Thursday focused on business as opposed
conducted safely. extension of a backlash that has rus aid package and make it onto and decrying the “panic gun-buy- that golf courses could reopen to public health,” Benjamin said.
“Every business is essential to been brewing for a while. So far, a federal advisory for who should ing” that had people forming next week with some restrictions “I think it’s impossible to be
somebody, particularly the one it has taken shape mostly be an essential worker. long lines outside. for social distancing. In rural pro-business if you’re not being
working there,” mcmaster said at through lobbying campaigns as Across the nation, the fate of Golf course owners have also Dunn County, Sheriff Kevin Bygd pro-public health first.”
a news conference monday. He businesses attempt to claw their gun dealers has been a point of been successful in lobbying to be had declined to enforce the pro- The line between essential and
said the state is requiring clo- way onto the “essential” list. particularly intense lobbying. left open, making the cut for hibition, arguing it was contra- nonessential has been a shifting
sures only among businesses “This is just a huge deal for Some state and local officials essential businesses in about dicted by an exemption for so- one in South Carolina, with busi-
that seem most likely to spread every single industry,” said Dan- changed course to carve exemp- two-thirds of states. In those cially distanced exercise. nesses appealing to the state for
the virus: barber shops where iel Auble, a senior researcher tions after lawsuits and a push where they’ve been shut down, The rules, Bygd said, are gen- guidance on whether they can
personal contact is unavoidable, with the Center for responsive from gun rights groups, who such as Wisconsin, course own- erally a mess to try to enforce. remain open. records show au-
for example, or clothing and shoe Politics, which tracks federal lob- cited Second Amendment rights ers have enlisted allies in state “It’s basically a one-page order thorities have been forgiving: In
stores where people are touching bying. “And they’re pulling out and worked to get on the federal government to try to per- with 15 pages of exemptions,” he the week leading up to April 15,
and returning items. all the stops.” government’s list of suggested suade the governor to change his said. “Now, try to decipher what the state said about 85 percent of
It’s an approach that is gaining He recalled seeing a new lob- essential business. mind. is exempt and what isn’t exempt. the 700-plus businesses it ruled
currency, particularly among re- bying registration mention the New Jersey Gov. Phil murphy “We’re unduly punishing an It’s about as clear as mud.” on were fine to keep operating.
publicans. coronavirus for the first time in (D) cited that list when he said industry that is very well suited Even as some push for a relax- Among them: a cosmetic busi-
In michigan, republicans mid-march. over the past last month that gun dealers to offering relief and relaxation ation of the rules, others are ness offering Botox and laser hair
have revolted against a second month, covid-19 or coronavirus would be allowed to stay open for to a population that very much trying to tighten them up. removal. State rules call craft and
layer of restrictions implement- have shown up in about 140 more transactions that by law have to needs it, and to do it in a way that Shirley Sessions, mayor of furniture stores nonessential,
ed by Democratic Gov. Gretchen registrations, he said. He expects take place in person. In Califor- is safe,” said state rep. rob Georgia’s Tybee Island, was as- but some received a green light.
Whitmer, who last week banned thousands of groups will end up nia, where Gov. Gavin Newsom Hutton, one of 40 lawmakers — tounded this month to see Gov.
stores from selling items includ- reporting lobbying related to the (D) has let local leaders decide all republicans — who are push- Brian Kemp (r) reopen the
M0393-F 6x7
Shoppers wait outside a London supermarket on Friday. Dominic Raab, Britain’s foreign secretary,
said the lockdown would go on for at least three more weeks but there is “light at the end of the tunnel.”
The World
Gas shortage in oil-rich Venezuela tests Maduro’s power
BY A NA V ANESSA H ERRERO government turned last month to
AND A NTHONY F AIOLA a loyalist billionaire — Wilmer
Ruperti — for help. The Venezue-
CARACAS, VenezuelA — With lan oil magnate helped Hugo
friends and family stuck indoors Chávez, Maduro’s late mentor,
and buses rarely running, Onasis manage a gas shortage in 2002 by
Muñoz missed several lifesaving hiring a fleet of Russian tankers
dialysis sessions for his failing to ferry fuel to Venezuela in the
kidneys. When his blood pres- midst of a general strike.
sure started to dangerously An invoice obtained by The
spike, he had one option left: a Washington Post shows that Ru-
20-minute hike to the nearest perti’s Swiss-based Maroil Trad-
clinic. ing AG billed the Maduro govern-
Venezuela’s strict national cor- ment $12 million for up to
onavirus lockdown wasn’t his 250,000 barrels of gasoline.
main problem. Rather, this bro- “But it hasn’t arrived yet —
ken country, which boasts the they’re trying to find the ships to
world’s largest proven oil re- bring it,” said one of the Venezue-
serves, is running out of gas. lan oil insiders, who spoke on the
“There were no medicines [be- condition of anonymity out of
fore], and now no gasoline,” said fear of government retribution.
Muñoz, 28, who lives in Venezue- “Even when it does, if it does, it
la’s coastal Carabobo state, two won’t last long.”
hours from the capital. When Ruperti, whose gasoline deal
drugs were scarce last year, he with Maduro’s government was
said, he went eight months with- first reported by the Associated
out medication. Now he can Press, could not be reached for
source his medicines, but the comment. Venezuelan govern-
gasoline shortage has made his ment officials did not respond to
dialysis sessions, at a hospital a request for comment.
17 miles from his home, nearly In mid-March, massive lines
impossible to reach. for gas, long a fact of life in some
“What hope do I have?” he provincial capitals and rural ar-
asked. eas, began to hit more-insulated
Stung by one of the globe’s Caracas. A government-issued
worst economic crises long be- list of pandemic-related “priori-
fore anyone had heard of covid- ty” customers included doctors,
19, the socialist nation is used to but even they are whiling away
deprivation. Venezuelans have precious hours in line.
struggled for years against short- CArlos BeCerrA/BloomBerg news “On Monday, I got to the gas
ages of everything from food to A pedestrian wearing a protective mask passes in front of a closed Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) gas station in the Montalban station at 4:10 a.m.,” said Luis
toilet paper to drinkable water. neighborhood of Caracas, Venezuela, on Monday, April 6, 2020. In the past few weeks, as U.S. sanctions tighten with a vise-like grip and Báez, a surgeon at the city’s Ávila
Shortages of gasoline — nearly the coronavirus forces quarantines, something unprecedented is occurring: Venezuela with the world's largest oil reserves and one of Clinic. “I was 49th in the special
free and considered a national South America's biggest refining facilities is nearly out of gasoline. Photographer: Carlos Becerra/Bloomberg line for the medical personnel. I
entitlement in this OPEC nation had to wait nine hours and 45
— began in some parts of the minutes to fill my tank.
country years ago, as local refin- “I felt impotent sitting there,
eries started to fail, and smug- waiting.”
glers funneled truckloads of Gas station workers say au-
cheap Venezuelan fuel to black thorities are now rationing sup-
markets in Colombia and Brazil. plies to five gallons for small cars
But analysts are calling the sever- and 10 for trucks, vans and
ity of the current gas shortage ambulances. Eulodio Díaz, 61,
unprecedented — so bad that works at a pump in southern
vegetables are rotting on farms, Caracas.
doctors can’t get to work and “As we run out of gasoline, we
even the people of Caracas, a decrease the amount we can offer
bubble ordinarily spared the per customer,” he said. “What we
worst of Venezuela’s misery, are receive lasts only for a few hours
waiting in gas lines miles long. because of the high demand.
The energy crisis is the latest Many times they are aggressive
bad news for authoritarian Presi- with us. This is not my fault; I’m
dent Nicolás Maduro, who is now only following orders.”
facing the most perilous moment For the people of Caracas, the
of his embattled tenure. lines are the latest sign of the
Venezuela’s pivotal oil sector, crumbling state. Francisco Du-
long in decline, has entered a free rán, a 35-year-old food distribu-
fall as prices drop amid the tor, was one of 100 customers
pandemic-induced global eco- waiting recently at a gas station
nomic slowdown and output in northern Caracas. He parked
plummets to the lowest level his white Honda Accord before
since the 1940s. Venezuela’s in- dawn. Seven hours later, he was
ability to sell its crude — partly still hours away from the pump.
due to U.S. sanctions, but also “I have a quarter-tank left and
shrinking global demand — has I desperately need gas,” he said.
led the government to idle some “I can’t skip work. Not under
of its oil fields. these circumstances.”
The coronavirus, meanwhile, Though the gas shortages are
is presenting Venezuela’s already causing delays in Caracas, they
crippled health-care system with CrIstIAn HernAndez/AgenCe frAnCe-Presse/getty ImAges do not yet seem to have impacted
a critical test, one that local TOP: A man wearing a protective mask passes in front of a shuttered PDVSA gasoline station early this month in the Montalbán the availability of essential goods
doctors say it is uniquely unpre- neighborhood of Caracas. ABOVE: Drivers push their cars as they line up to refuel at a gas station in Caracas in late March. in the stores. That’s less true
pared to pass. Sensing his vulner- farther from the capital.
ability, Maduro’s adversaries in growing impatience within his and a brain drain of technicians sanctions on Rosneft’s trading bilize some trucks for food distri- Locals in Táchira state, on the
the Trump administration are own coalition. But Guaidó’s have crippled its gasoline refiner- arm in February for aiding Ma- bution, particularly in the capi- Colombian border, have weath-
ratcheting up efforts to oust him. weakness does not mean Maduro ies. Venezuela for years sent duro, and the company sold its tal. The country has sought new ered days-long gas lines for years.
The Justice Department indicted is strong. shipments of its particularly Venezuelan investments to a deals for gasoline through a Robert Maldonado, a farmer and
Maduro and his senior officials “The gas shortages are turning sludgy crude to Citgo, a U.S. more secretive entity owned by handful of Mexican companies agricultural activist, said farmers
last month on narcoterrorism into one of the biggest challenges subsidiary of PDVSA, the Venezu- the Russian state. that are now shipping its oil to in the region managed to haul
charges, and the Pentagon has he’s faced since he took power,” elan state oil giant, which pro- Russia appears to have halted Asia, according to industry insid- only 10 percent of their produce
dispatched warships to the Ca- said Geoff Ramsey, Venezuela cessed the oil and shipped back gasoline shipments to Venezuela, ers, with limited success. to a large weekend wholesale
ribbean to shut down the cocaine director for the Washington Of- gasoline. But that arrangement at least for the time being. The government managed last market because of the shortages.
corridor that Washington says fice on Latin America. “Gas ended after Washington broke “They aren’t getting gas from week to restore limited opera- He said most of the rest — about
helps keep Maduro afloat. shortages are not new in Venezu- ties with Maduro last year, wrest- the Russians,” said Russ Dallen, a tions at one of its refineries, 4,500 tons — is now at risk of
Maduro’s domestic political ela, but the extent of this one is. ed control of Citgo from PDVSA managing partner at Caracas those insiders say. But the plant rotting on the farms.
nemesis — Juan Guaidó, the Health workers can’t even go to and slapped an oil embargo on Capital Markets, a financial and for now is capable of producing “We are losing our produce
National Assembly president rec- work. It has a ripple effect across the country. consulting firm that tracks Vene- only low-quality fuel that must because . . . we don’t have gas to
ognized by the United States and Venezuelan society.” The Russian state-controlled zuelan oil. be mixed into a commercial get it to market.”
more than 50 other nations as The myriad reasons behind oil giant Rosneft stepped in, The government has received product. Its actual output, at
Venezuela’s rightful leader — has the gas shortage underscore the striking lucrative deals with Ven- recent shipments of diesel under least for the next several weeks,
faded into the background dur- breadth of Maduro’s woes. ezuela to ship and sell its oil on ongoing deals with European they say, will probably be little to faiola reported from miami. mariana
ing the outbreak, unable to hold Venezuela sits on massive oil global markets. But then the firms that have holdings in the none as repairs continue. zuñiga in Caracas contributed to this
mass rallies and dealing with reserves, but a lack of spare parts Trump administration imposed country, allowing Maduro to mo- Desperate for a lifeline, the report.
YEMEN rebels, the Houthis. leaders to explain how it could island chain in the Arctic this 99-year-old veteran, set himself a formed a guard of honor and
On Friday, the Houthis’ have happened. month. goal to raise money for Britain’s saluted him. Strained health-
Security Council backs military command accused the The ship, France’s biggest The Norwegian archipelago of widely cherished but chronically care workers across the country
call for cease-fire coalition of violating the cease- carrier and the flagship of its Svalbard, about 500 miles north underfunded National Health thanked him. And the donations
fire 82 times over the previous 24 navy, has been undergoing a of mainland Norway, is seen as a Service during the deadly did not stop. As of Friday
The U.N. Security Council on hours, with airstrikes on the lengthy disinfection process potential flash point between coronavirus outbreak. He set up morning, Moore had raised
Friday endorsed the secretary central province of Marib and since returning to its home base Moscow and the West as climate a fundraising page and decided $23 million for Britain’s health-
general’s call for the warring artillery attacks in the port city in Toulon five days ago. change has opened up the to walk the 82-foot length of his care system.
parties in Yemen to immediately of Hodeida, the country’s main One person remains in resource-rich region. garden back and forth 100 times,
stop fighting and focus on gateway for humanitarian aid. intensive care and some 20 Foreign Ministry using his walker for support. He Pro cyclist in Italy uses bike to
reaching a peace agreement and Meanwhile, Yemen’s official others are hospitalized, said spokeswoman Maria Zakharova split the journey into sets of 10 deliver medicine: Professional
countering the outbreak of the SABA news agency said rebel Cmdr. Eric Lavault, a navy said Friday that Russia was laps, with the idea of completing cyclist Davide Martinelli has
new coronavirus. shelling of residential areas in spokesman. seriously concerned after a them before his 100th birthday been using his bike to help
The United Nations’ most central Bayda province killed a Two of four U.S. sailors serving Russian fishing vessel, the Borey, on April 30. Initially, he wanted deliver medicine to elderly
powerful body welcomed the woman and two children and aboard the Charles de Gaulle as was detained April 2 in Norway’s to raise 1,000 pounds ($1,250). residents and others in need
unilateral, two-week cease-fire wounded several civilians Friday. part of an exchange program fishery protection zone, which But to his surprise, just 24 hours during the coronavirus
announced by the Saudi-led — Associated Press also tested positive, according to Russia considers illegal. after Moore (or Captain Moore, pandemic. The service is of great
coalition that went into effect a U.S. Navy statement. In a statement, the Norwegian as he is fondly known on social use in Lodetto, Martinelli’s
April 9 to support the U.N.-led FRANCE — Associated Press Foreign Ministry confirmed that media) started, he had raised the hometown in the hard-hit
peace process and Secretary the Borey had been detained, equivalent of $8,750. By Tuesday, Lombardy region: The village
General António Guterres’s call More than 1,000 virus RUSSIA saying it was suspected of having his donations had leaped to has neither a pharmacy nor a
for a truce. cases aboard warship Norway holds trawler, contravened Norwegian $1.25 million. And on Thursday, supermarket. Martinelli makes a
Despite the announcement, regulations relating to fishery as he finished his final lap — two daily trip to Rovato, the next
violence in Yemen has been The French navy is spurring protest and catches in the zone. weeks ahead of schedule and town over, to pick up supplies.
reported by both the investigating how the — Reuters live-streamed by the BBC — that “I’ve got a bike and two legs in
internationally recognized coronavirus infected more than Russia said Friday that it had figure hit $15 million. As he pretty good form, so riding six
government, backed by the 1,000 sailors aboard the aircraft filed a protest to Oslo after the Veteran, 99, raises $23 million crossed the finish line six days miles a day is no big deal,”
Saudi-led coalition, and the carrier Charles de Gaulle, amid Norwegian coast guard detained for U.K. health-care system: after his effort began, soldiers Martinelli said this week.
country’s Iran-backed Shiite growing pressure on government a Russian trawler near a remote Last week, Capt. Tom Moore, a from the Yorkshire Regiment — Staff and wire reports
Peru’s early, aggressive response hasn’t stopped cases from soaring there
BY S IMEON T EGEL requirement for men and women
to go out on alternate days. That
LIMA, Peru — Mayumi Matto measure, aimed at encouraging
ventures from her coronavirus- households to designate a single
induced confinement in the home shopper, was quickly scrapped.
she shares with 15 family mem- Peru’s upward trend could be a
bers just twice a week. harbinger of things to come in oth-
Matto, 28, joins the queue out- er developing nations with poor
side the market in Puente Piedra, sanitation, weak public institu-
a gritty suburb on the edge of the tions and frayed trust in authority.
Peruvian capital, at 7 a.m. It’s a Vizcarra’s handling of the pan-
scene that has grown familiar demic has been widely praised
around the world: Only those here. He gives daily television ad-
wearing masks are allowed to en- dresses similar in style to those of
ter. Security guards enforce a one- New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuo-
out, one-in policy. Waiting cus- mo. His approval rating has hit
tomers are careful to stand apart nearly 90 percent, according to a
from one another. poll conducted by Ipsos on What-
But once inside the market, sApp.
everything changes. Despite the jump in confirmed
“It’s packed,” Matto says. “It’s cases, Vizcarra insists the under-
impossible to move around with- lying trend is starting to slow.
out bumping into people. Every- The government has launched a
one is in a hurry to get in and out $26 billion relief package, equiva-
as quickly as possible, without lent to 12 percent of the gross do-
getting infected. Security try tell- mestic product, including direct
ing people to keep their distance, payments to individuals. Yet many
but it’s no use.” are being left out. They include
Matto’s experience is typical in Matto. Before the outbreak, she
Peru, where many of the 31 mil- earned around 45 sols a day —
lion citizens buy much of their around $13 — collecting fares on a
food in informal street markets combi, one of the ramshackle mini-
that remain severely overcrowd- buses that serve as public transport
ed and where the concept of per- here. Now Matto, her husband and
sonal space is among the most their 9-year-old son are living off
limited in the world. Those chal- savings.
lenges help explain why the num- The strain is starting to show.
ber of coronavirus cases reported This week, a convoy of hundreds
in the Andean nation is soaring, of desperate families left Lima on
despite an early and decisive re- ABOVE: The Rev. Walter Pavel distributes meals to homeless people outside the San Francisco de Asis dining room in Lima, Peru. foot to trek eastward up the hair-
sponse against the pandemic. “The only requirement is to be hungry,” he says. BELOW: A resident of El Callao watches police enforce the curfew of 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. raising Central Highway to return
Confirmed cases here jumped to homes in the Andes. They were
from 7,519 on Sunday to 13,489 on kits, the government of President Peruvians are tactile; a 2017 study met by security forces; after an
Friday. In Latin America, only Bra- Martín Vizcarra moved this week showed only Argentina had a initial standoff, authorities per-
zil, with a population seven times from testing about 1,000 people more limited sense of personal suaded them to take coronavirus
greater, has more. An outbreak that per day to 10,000. space. Peruvians typically stand tests and are now attempting to
started in Lima has spread across But the people in the new cases several inches closer to strangers arrange transport.
the country, even reaching indige- will have been infected during than would Americans. Forty-two of the migrants test-
nous communities in the Amazon. one of Latin America’s strictest Some Peruvians, meanwhile, ed positive. They are now being
“The government has got a lot lockdowns, now in its fifth week. have been flouting the lockdown. quarantined.
of things right,” says Ciro Magui- Private vehicles are all but banned So far, nearly 60,000 people have Peru is also home to an estimat-
ña, an epidemiologist and vice from the roads, people may leave been arrested for violating the ed 1 million Venezuelan refugees,
dean of Peru’s medical associa- their homes during the day only to rules. They include police officers often working low-paying infor-
tion. “But its approach has been buy food or for medical reasons, caught drinking beer together at mal jobs that have evaporated in
hospital-centric — are there and there’s a curfew from 6 p.m. to banned private gatherings. In one the last month.
enough beds and ventilators? — 4 a.m. each night. notorious case, an officer in the “There is a lot of hunger,” says
rather than community-centric. But there are some conditions Cusco region faked symptoms of Garrinzon González, who runs
There needs to be a lot more work that quarantines can’t defeat. covid-19, the disease caused by the the Venezuelan Union in Peru, a
in the communities to prevent Many poor Peruvians live in coronavirus, to get sick leave and self-help group for immigrants. “I
transmission.” cramped, unsanitary dwellings. was then caught drunk in the can hear the desperation in their
The rise in confirmed cases is Nearly a million in Lima alone town square. voices when they call me. There
partly attributable to expanded lack running water. And cultural But single mothers have also are people getting by with boiling
testing. With the arrival of new practices aren’t helping, either. been detained, mainly for violat- water with sugar. It is terrible.”
ing a controversial gender-based
We’re here. ESTIMATES
Ukrainian monastery
that once sco≠ed at
the threat is a hot spot
BY D AVID L . S TERN has registered more than 700
cases and 12 fatalities, and
KYIV, UKraIne — The walls and Ukraine as a whole has more than
golden domes of the Kyiv Pech- 4,660 cases and 125 deaths.
ersk Lavra — or the monastery of Ukrainian officials have re-
the Caves — have stood for centu- sponded with emergency mea-
ries in the center of the Ukrainian sures at the monastery, posting
capital. But now they’ve been police and national guard per-
breached by a deadly intruder: sonnel at its entrances to seal it
the novel coronavirus. off to the public, conducting mass
one of the centers of orthodox testing and disinfecting its
Christianity has been trans- grounds.
formed into one of Ukraine’s hot But commentators are asking
spots of the coronavirus pandem- whether the initial delay could
ic. It is also a cautionary tale of now be helping to fuel the epi-
how, just a month ago, warnings demic’s intensity at the monas-
about the virus’s spread were tery.
seen by some as overblown. The worry that religious insti-
Authorities at the monastery — tutions might be helping to
renowned for its extensive system spread the coronavirus extends
of catacombs dating from the 11th beyond the walls of the Kyiv
century — were initially slow to Pechersk Lavra, especially as
react to warnings that the virus Ukraine — where more than two-
was spreading. thirds of the population belongs
“Everyone hurry to church, to the orthodox Church — pre-
read the Psalms, the Gospel, em- pares to celebrate orthodox Eas-
brace one another,” metropolitan ter on Sunday.
sergey DolzHenKo/epA-efe/sHuTTersToCK
Pavel, the monastery’s head, in- Church authorities confirm
structed in a video in mid-march. that Pavel himself has been hospi- The Kyiv Pechersk Lavra in Kyiv has a disproportionately high number of virus cases. In mid-March, the head of the monastery,
“The most terrible epidemic is talized, but they decline to com- Metropolitan Pavel, urged the faithful to go to church, saying: “The most terrible epidemic is the sin that destroys human nature.”
the sin that destroys human na- ment on reports in the Ukrainian
ture,” he added. media that he had covid-19, the Ukraine is not alone. Places of helped to spark that country’s could still circulate among day. The timing of the lifting of
Three weeks later, Pavel told disease caused by the novel coro- worship around the world had epidemic in february. crowds that gather outside the Ukraine’s lockdown “will depend
reuters that he originally did not navirus. resisted — or are still resisting — Ukraine’s various orthodox churches and that some Ukraini- on our behavior during Easter,
appreciate the seriousness of the “He’s in reasonable condition social distancing and other mea- branches say that access to the ans will nevertheless gather for our discipline,” he said.
situation. The monastery has and had no complications. He has sures to slow the coronavirus’s churches will be restricted and traditional family meals and pic- “This whole situation demon-
since introduced strict quaran- a number of other chronic condi- spread. that worshipers can view Easter nics. strates that your nationality, gen-
tine measures. tions and was hospitalized for Some russian orthodox services on television or online, In a video address Tuesday, der or religion are not important
Still, Kyiv officials say more observation,” said metropolitan churches allowed worshipers to as was the case for Palm Sunday. President Volodymyr Zelensky to coronavirus,” Zelensky added.
than 140 monks and others at the Kliment Vecheria, a church continue traditions such as kiss- opinion polls suggest that used the situation at the Kyiv “It demonstrates that you cannot
monastery have tested positive spokesman. “I think that it’s pos- ing icons weeks after the virus about 85 percent of population Pechersk Lavra as an example of have a careless attitude toward
for the virus, and at least three sible that he will be released from reached russia. In South Korea, a intends to stay home on Easter. why it was crucial for Ukrainians the disease.”
have died. By comparison, Kyiv the hospital soon.” now-closed messianic church But fears remain that the virus to stay at home during the holi-
China defends its data after revising Wuhan death toll upward by 50 percent
China revised and is based purely on standard skepticism over how the virus but also had underlying has] been much better at cases reported in people who
Siobhán its official efforts to take into account relatively low death count conditions have only added to handling this.” recently entered the country
O’Grady coronavirus death deaths that were previously compared with other hot spots confusion over accurate counts. “We don’t know,” he said. from abroad. officials have
toll in Wuhan, the miscounted or excluded. around the world. “It’s naive to think there’s not “There are clearly things that introduced dramatic new
original epicenter of the But President Trump tweeted But he also said it is entirely a degree of politicization going have happened that we don’t restrictions on foreigners
outbreak, by around 50 percent friday that China’s numbers possible that, like officials on,” Blanchette said about know about.” entering the country, citing
more friday, citing new were even higher than officials elsewhere, China is gaining new China’s revised numbers. “But on facing mounting calls for concerns over imported
statistical evidence that has there have disclosed, saying the information about how many the other hand, statistics aren’t more information about how infections from other hot spots.
emerged as the city begins to deaths are “far higher than the deaths previously classified as meaningless in China and there many people died of the virus in China also recently began
reopen following months of U.S., not even close!” natural causes were in fact are increasing limitations to how Hubei province, China found classifying asymptomatic
lockdown. Nationwide, China has linked to the virus. Even in the much China can mess with the itself in a conundrum in which it individuals who test positive for
The reassessment counted reported about 83,760 cases of United States, major numbers.” faced skepticism for its initial the virus separately from other
1,290 more deaths, bringing the the coronavirus and 4,636 discrepancies have emerged over Trump has accused the World death count and would probably cases.
death toll in the city where the deaths. Italy has reported a how different states are counting Health organization of having face skepticism for any revisions The focus on imported
outbreak was first recorded to much higher rate of death and classifying deaths of people “pushed China’s misinformation as well, Blanchette said. infections, Blanchette said,
3,869. The revision came amid among those diagnosed with the diagnosed with the virus, and about the virus,” and he “China is in a position where signals that even if the country
global efforts to produce more- virus, with more than 172,400 experts say the U.S. death toll suspended U.S. financial support it’s damned if it doesn’t, damned later revises its death toll or case
accurate data — and growing cases and around 22,745 deaths. and case count are probably to the U.N. agency this week. U.S. if it does,” Blanchette said. numbers again, China’s
suspicions among experts and The United States has reported widely underestimated. allies widely criticized that Wuhan, which is in Hubei Communist Party has created a
world leaders over how China’s about 695,300 cases and more Several other countries have decision, although other leaders province, reopened this month, blueprint that will allow Beijing
death toll could remain than 32,400 deaths. also revised their death tolls as have expressed skepticism that allowing residents to leave the to maintain the narrative that
relatively low even as death Jude Blanchette, who leads they roll out new methods for China has been forthcoming city for the first time in 76 days, new infections can be blamed on
counts surge across the United China studies at the Center for counting the dead, expanding about its outbreak. as long as they passed health returnees and foreigners and
States and Europe. Strategic and International from just tallying hospital deaths In an interview with the checks confirming that they were “beyond its control.”
Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for Studies, said he doesn’t see it as to also including home deaths financial Times that published were not sick and hadn’t been
the Chinese foreign ministry, coincidental that China publicly and deaths in nursing homes. Thursday, french President exposed to the virus.
insisted friday that this revision revised its numbers at a time of Testing shortages and deaths of Emmanuel macron said, “Let’s officials in China are raising rick noack in Berlin contributed to
in no way indicated a coverup extraordinary international patients who contracted the not be so naive as to say [China alarm over a growing number of this report.
At a train station in India, locked-down strangers wait weeks with no way out
IndIA from A1 the rail stoppage. They had just and buckets to wash clothes,
hours to prepare for the unprece- which now dry on railings leading
days confined to a waiting room in dented suspension of India’s to a shuttered ticket booth. There
a state of uncertainty worthy of an 13,500 daily passenger trains are regular medical checks, and
existentialist play, unable to con- march 22, combined with a shut- the room is disinfected each day.
tinue their journeys and forbid- down of all nonessential services. Unexpected friendships have
den to leave the station. “We were just brainstorming, formed, and occasional frictions
In some ways, they are lucky. what to do, what to do,” he re- have erupted, including over the
The station staff, accustomed to called. “Every damn thing in the appropriate volume at which to
handling more than 100,000 pas- city will be stopped.” play videos on mobile phones and
sengers a day, have busied them- mohan arranged food from the how frequently fried food is part
selves taking care of the fewer canteen that usually serves the of the menu. “We are sharing this
than 50 who remain. Those railway station’s staff. With the room with complete strangers
stranded get three meals a day, hot cooperation of local administra- from around the country,” said
tea, a morning yoga session and tors, he coordinated transporta- Shinde, a slender man in a white
nightly showings of Hindu epics tion for passengers whose desti- polo shirt. “We talk, share our pain
on a newly mounted television nations were less than 100 miles and our concerns. We have be-
screen. away. But that still left a group of come a family.”
But they are stuck. “Is this life?” about 50 people who were en “I will never forget these peo-
asked Laxmi Adiman Gaekwad, route to far-flung destinations in ple,” he added. “The day we say
30, a mother whose three older other parts of India, including goodbye, I will be very sad.”
children are waiting for her to Karnataka, Gujarat, maharashtra, In recent days, a few of the
return to their home in the state of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and passengers have managed to ar-
maharashtra, 700 miles away. “We Delhi. range transportation home with
have nothing to do.” Some had harrowing stories. the cooperation of local officials,
millions of Indians have fared raghu Uttam Shinde, 25, a manu- quietly circumventing the lock-
far worse under the lockdown, al laborer from maharashtra, was down. one passenger from Delhi
which began march 25 and has traveling home from a job laying was taken to a hospital Tuesday
been extended until may 3. Work- cable in the state of Bihar with 10 uTpAl pATHAK for THe WAsHIngTon posT for testing after he interacted with
ers have streamed out of Indian members of his extended family, In addition to being led in a yoga class, travelers stranded inside a train station in Varanasi, India, get a family who had approached the
cities on foot, fearful of their abili- including four children. Their three meals a day, hot tea and nightly showings of Hindu epics. They sleep on benches or thin rugs. station and appeared ill.
ty to survive without jobs. Shelters train stopped in the middle of the meanwhile, inside the station,
for the needy are overflowing. Ac- night at a station outside Varana- his wife and two children, who are ways dies, and good always pre- the signboard listing the upcom-
tivists warn that many in this si, and all passengers were or- 3 and 7. “I will never vails if you have faith in yourself ing departures is blank. freight
nation of 1.3 billion will go hungry dered to get off. Shinde and his Several days into the lockdown, and your god and do the right trains chug past the deserted plat-
while the economy is shuttered. family walked four hours to reach mohan, the station manager, real- forget these people. things,” he said. “So that is motiva- forms. The news that India would
Absent a plan from the central the main railway station in the ized that his new charges were tional.” extend its lockdown until may 3
government to help those strand- city, hoping to catch another train. “mentally very down.” He decided The day we say The stranded passengers have came as a bitter blow for those
ed by the lockdown, local officials Narendra Singh Dhakre, 35, a some entertainment was re- fallen into a routine: yoga, fol- inside the waiting room. Dhakre,
scrambled to improvise a re- lawyer from the central Indian quired. He had a television in- goodbye, I will be lowed by a simple breakfast of the lawyer, was heartbroken at the
sponse. one such official was city of Ujjain, made the fateful stalled in the waiting room and cooked vegetables and fried thought of being separated from
Anand mohan, the 36-year-old decision to stop for a day of sight- had a member of the railway staff very sad.” bread, then lunch, and dinner in his wife and children for several
station director in Varanasi, an seeing in Varanasi on his way back begin holding daily yoga classes. the evening. People either sleep on more weeks. “But then I realized
Raghu Uttam Shinde, 25,
ancient city on the Ganges river from a work trip. He, too, was He urged the passengers to avoid the metal benches or on thin rugs that the situation is not under
a manual laborer from
that is one of the holiest pilgrim- stranded. He slept outside the sta- the news — too anxiety-inducing on the floor as fans whir overhead. control,” he said, “and this is the
age sites for Hindus and draws tion for a night, hoping to find a — and instead watch the multi- Everyone wakes and goes to bed at need of the hour.”
millions of visitors a year. way home, and struggled to get part serials of two Hindu epics, roughly the same time, trying to
mohan and his team at Varana- something to eat with all restau- the ramayana and the mahab- keep quiet in a cavernous room
si Junction, all government em- rants shut and no taxis on the harata. where even small noises echo. The utpal pathak in Varanasi contributed
ployees, were caught off-guard by roads. Now he desperately misses Such stories “show that evil al- bathrooms have basic showers to this report.
As children get more screen time, parents get new monitoring tools
BY R ACHEL L ERMAN things happen in retrospect, as a eo games is up 102 percent. executive director of the advocacy among younger users. Many of the back to an adult’s profile.
Band-Aid,” said Christine Elgers- Courtney Ellis, a Mission Viejo, group Campaign for Commercial most popular TikTok creators are Google updated a program last
san francisco — It’s the era of ma, senior editor of social media Calif.-based author and mother of Free Childhood. The best way, he teens, racking up millions of views year to put stricter requirements
coronavirus screen time, and and instructional resources at three, says her children have seen noted, was for companies to turn on every video. in place for app developers who
some tech companies are rolling Common Sense Media, an advoca- a big uptick in TV watching and on restrictions by default, rather TikTok will now allow parents indicate their app is made for kids.
out new tools to help parents bet- cy organization for children’s safe other screen time while stuck at than making parents go in and to decide how long their kids can The company has also been ex-
ter monitor what their children use of technology. home. “There are no rules,” she switch them on. stay on the app, restrict them from panding its YouTube Kids fea-
are watching and doing online. Parents have struggled with said, a stark change from before. “I think a lot of these things are sending direct messages and hide tures.
TikTok, a social media video managing their children and tech- She carefully monitors their usage things that should have been done some videos from their view. Par- Parental controls can be useful,
app heavily used by teens, this nology for decades, implementing of technology, though, and plans a long time ago,” he added. ents must first pair their own app said Matt Olson, a software engi-
week introduced ways for parents time limits on phones and trying to turn on parental controls and Google spokeswoman Kaori with their child’s to access the neer and father of two teenagers in
to limit time on the app, while to restrict what websites their talk with them about safety online Miyake said the company moved controls. The app also said it Mill Valley, Calif. But they also
Google rolled out a new Play Store children can see. But those issues as they get older. up the launch of its new teacher- would turn off all direct messag- create a game of cat and mouse
tab to highlight apps approved have taken on an added urgency The need for tech companies to approved tab from its planned re- ing for users younger than 16 start- between parents and kids.
and rated by teachers. Last week, amid the coronavirus pandemic, better protect children has been a lease later this year because kids ing at the end of this month. Recently, his children found
Netflix introduced a way to add a which has resulted in the closure hot-button issue for years — one are spending more time at home Netflix similarly expanded con- ways to change their ages on their
pin code to access content. of schools and social distancing. that landed Google-owned You- right now. TikTok and Netflix trol for parents, adding a feature iPhones to make Apple think they
Any safety controls are helpful, Kids are spending more time on Tube with a $170 million fine last pointed to company blog posts that allows adults’ accounts to be were over 18, and therefore not in
experts say, and the new tools are a iPads and other devices to com- year to settle charges it breached announcing the changes. protected with a pin code. Parents need of parental screen-time con-
step in the right direction. But plete schoolwork and entertain children’s privacy, and saddled the TikTok’s changes were a leap can also remove specific movies or trols. Olson found his kids’ solu-
tech companies should be think- themselves, as entire families up app now known as TikTok with a forward for parents. The app fea- shows from their children’s ac- tion and circumvented it.
ing through these issues and their screen time at home. Com- $5.7 million charge for similar of- tures short-form videos, many of counts. Previously, the company “It’s a constant arms race be-
launching tools to better protect cast has said its peak network fenses. which are people performing cho- allowed parents to set up accounts tween parents and children,” he
children with the advent of the traffic is up as much as 60 percent “I think there’s a lot of pressure reographed dances or lip syncing for their children with limited said. “We are currently slightly
app, not after. in some regions, while Verizon on the tech companies to provide to famous movie and TV clips. The content, but there was no way to ahead.”
“Unfortunately a lot of these says overall network traffic for vid- better controls,” said Josh Golin, app has surged in popularity prevent them from navigating
FINANCE INDUSTRY Those claims represent most of be the case.” stages. behavior including social General Electric’s aircraft-
the class suing the firm in a 14- — Bloomberg News Thousands of theaters that distancing. leasing division scrapped orders
Women claim year battle over allegations that closed last month and the — Reuters for the 737 Max worth at least
Goldman duped them Goldman let managers make ENTERTAINMENT National Association of Theatre $6.9 billion based on list prices,
biased pay decisions and denied Owners had called on Congress ALSO IN BUSINESS dealing another blow to Boeing
Goldman Sachs Group tricked women opportunities they AMC says it has cash and the Trump administration to Nearly 3 million U.S. home as it grapples with a plunge in
women into waiving their right deserved. The case looms large to withstand closures provide emergency relief. loans are in forbearance plans jetliner demand because of the
to sue the firm, the women said on Wall Street, where the biggest The first phase of Trump’s plan that allow delayed mortgage coronavirus pandemic. The
in asking a court to bar the firm U.S. banks are led by men. AMC Entertainment Holdings, allows theater operators to payments without penalty, cancellation of 69 undelivered
from forcing them into The women contend that the world’s largest theater reopen under strict physical according to a report by Black jets stems from an agreement
arbitration in a closely watched almost 1,200 of the claims should operator, said on Friday that it distancing protocols. Knight. The homeowners with Boeing to “rebalance” the
gender bias case. be removed from the arbitration had enough cash balance to AMC, which had a cash skipping payments because of order book, GE Capital Aviation
In a filing on Thursday, the pool. They say the bank waited withstand a global suspension of balance of $299.8 million as of lost jobs or income represent Services said. It already has 29
women asked the federal judge too long to press for arbitration operations until a partial March 31, had sought to raise 5.5 percent of borrowers with Max planes in its fleet and will
overseeing the class-action in some cases and got women to reopening in July, as the U.S. $500 million through a notes $651 billion in unpaid principal. maintain orders for 82 more of
lawsuit — one of the biggest pay sign improper agreements in government plans to reopen the offering. Peer Cinemark is also They break down to 4.9 percent Boeing’s best-selling plane, which
discrimination suits targeting a exchange for stock awards and country’s economy. looking to raise $250 million of loans backed by Fannie Mae has been grounded for more than
financial firm — to reject a other compensation. Movie theaters will be the first through debt sale. and Freddie Mac and 7.6 percent a year after two deadly crashes.
magistrate’s recommendation “We said at the time we were businesses to reopen under AMC said its business could be of loans extended to borrowers The decision deepens the pain for
last month to grant Goldman’s pleased with the court’s decision,” President Trump’s guidelines to affected on reopening if through Veterans Affairs and the Boeing, which lost 150 orders for
request to move 1,850 of the Goldman spokeswoman Maeve reopen companies shut down by disruptions caused by the virus Federal Housing Administration. the beleaguered jet last month.
claims to arbitration. DuVally said. “That continues to the novel coronavirus in three lead to changes in consumer — From news services
Billie namath, 83, lives at daughter Connie sluzynsky’s home in monaca, Pa., after sluzynsky removed her from Brighton rehabilitation in Beaver County, Pa. See related video at
tHe MA rKets
6 monitor your investments at data and graphics by
A not-so-grand slam
Because I am a baseball fan, I eagerly started
reading “The Nats’ heart-stopping ride to the 2019
World Series,” Chuck Todd’s March 29 Book World
review of Jesse Dougherty’s “Buzz Saw: The Improb-
able Story of How the Washington Nationals Won
the World Series.”
I stopped after the first sentence.
Why? Because it slammed President Trump,
mICHAel s. megonIgAl
instead of telling about grand slams or anything else
about baseball. Marley Megonigal, 11, and her father recently
I didn’t read this review; I will not read this book. helped pay for groceries for folks struggling
Trashing Trump is plentiful in every issue of The during the coronavirus pandemic.
Post. But it is a disservice to readers when it is
allowed to permeate seemingly every section and
article in the paper, even when it is not relevant.
High-caliber humans
Collin A. Agee, Falls Church The April 4 Metro article “Making a dent in hard BonnIe Jo mount/tHe wAsHIngton Post
times” was a marvelous, heartwarming story about A pedestrian passes Ben’s Chili Bowl on U Street NW in Washington on March 30.
the grocery shopping generosity showed to complete
Grand old times
While ardent sports fans await live sporting
strangers by Michael S. Megonigal and his daughter,
Marley. Almost makes me want to go out and wreck
my car so I can bring it to Megonigal’s Caliber
Holy smokes, that’s deserted
events, The Post should publish archived sports Collision for repair. Almost. The photographs alone in the April 5 special of the pervasiveness and insidiousness of
articles and photos. It might provide much-needed Clever headline, too. section “24 hours inside the lives upended by a covid-19.
entertainment much like the classic games now Jay Vivari, Bethesda pandemic in the nation’s capital” tell the story Jim Gardiner , Washington
appearing on several TV stations. We can all use a lift
now. Let’s help fill the darkness.
Patricia Bender, Mount Airy
Write different
Why privilege one commercial brand in a histori-
The ones who win cal reference to technology development? In her
April 9 Thursday Opinion column, “Congress needs
I was appalled to read Jim Martin’s March 28 Free to learn to work from home,” which made an
For All letter, “To win, draw,” in which he suggested excellent case for a system to enable remote voting
that female athletes should be paid based on for Congress, Karen Tumulty mentioned an era
advertising dollars, which are based on attendance “before the debut of the iPhone.” What she meant
and viewing. If Martin wants to believe this discrimi- was the time before smartphones, of which there are
natory claim, then we should make sure we hold multiple brands that work just as well as the identi-
men’s sports to the same standard. The claim is fied brand. Tumulty noted that members of Congress
bogus. Just take a look at the difference between the should be able to vote “using FaceTime or some other
men’s and women’s national soccer teams. The men’s virtual means.” There are plenty of relevant apps
team couldn’t even make the World Cup, but the lInColn PeIrCe/Andrews mCmeel syndICAtIon available, and millions of us use Android phones.
women have won the past two. The April 9 “Big Nate” I could enumerate the many problems I have
Patrick Stevenson, Purcellville experienced with Apple products over the years,
Punching as the punchline including the iPhone, and promote what I find to be
the best phone ever (the Google Pixel), which would
constitute an appropriate use of specific brand
letters can be sent to The April 9 Style section included two comic strips In this time of increased stress caused by family names, but I will stick to asking The Post not to
submissions should include the writer’s address and that ended with someone beaten to a pulp, complete members being forced to live in proximity for extend- publish references to the brand names “FaceTime”
telephone number. we are unable to acknowledge with stars as the “punchline.” And this didn’t include ed periods of time, can we appeal to these so-called and “iPhone” when the intention is to identify a
submissions; writers whose letters are under the strip “Beetle Bailey,” where that is often the final arbiters of humor to tamp down the violence? general object. Apple does not need free advertising.
consideration for publication will be contacted. frame. Eric Greene, Annapolis Mary Packard-Winkler, Bethesda
letters to tHe eD Itor
The gap in the guidance simple logic to support this progressive and compas-
sionate act. It’s estimated that some 25 percent of
people who transmit the virus have no symptoms.
We know hard-working and dedicated staff mem-
bers are already taking extraordinary measures in
Mr. Trump’s reopening plan envisions robust testing that isn’t yet possible. these facilities to sanitize, to promote social distanc-
ing and to detect staff infections. This typically
HE WHITE HOUSE guidance titled “Open- the existing system is inadequate. New York have to be multiplied roughly 23 times just to reach includes taking the temperatures of staff as they enter.
without layoffs. The problem is that it has run out I am sad to say that Robert J. Samuelson’s April 13
of money, after approving low-interest, forgivable op-ed blaming “academic economists” rather than
loans to 1.6 million applicants. The program needs President Trump and congressional Republicans for
a second dose of funding — $250 billion, according our massive pre-coronavirus budget deficits was
to a request from Treasury Secretary Steven hugely misleading.
Mnuchin — to help finish the work and save more In 2016, Mr. Trump ran on investing in U.S.
jobs. With unemployment spiking to Depression- infrastructure but instead presided over a massive tax
era levels, Republicans and Democrats need to giveaway primarily to wealthy Americans and major
negotiate, urgently and in good faith, toward corporations, the latter using it mainly to buy back
approval of the necessary funds. their own stock. So rather than investing in long-term
So far, however, what’s been happening is a U.S. economic competitiveness and job creation that a
resurgence of the partisanship and vitriol that well-designed infrastructure bill would produce, we
lawmakers had seemingly put behind them in got a short-term “sugar high” that barely registered in
andrew HarnIK/assocIated Press
passing the Cares Act unanimously. Without con- the real economy and cost $2 trillion, the largest
sulting Democrats, Senate Majority Leader Mitch House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), left, and run-up of non-wartime debt during a growing econo-
McConnell (R-Ky.) brought a $250 billion program House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) right, with the printed text of the Cares Act on March 27. my in our history.
extension to the floor, proposing it for passage by Now, many Republicans in Congress, including
unanimous consent given the pandemic-enforced Protection Program should get its $250 billion, Congress can convene and vote on that massive Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), have
absence of most senators. When Democrats inevita- and the GOP should at least partially meet item in person. the temerity to suggest we can’t afford an economic
bly refused to play along, he and his party led a Democrats’ demands for tens of billions more in With communications broken down between recovery bill modernizing our infrastructure and
campaign of vilification against them. GOP opera- hospital funding. It is true, as Republicans say, Capitol Hill Democratic leaders and both Mr. Mc- making 5G communications investments, even while
tives have been mocking House Speaker Nancy that the first $100 billion for hospitals already Connell and Mr. Trump, Mr. Mnuchin will have to tens of millions are filing for unemployment and the
Pelosi (D-Calif.) as an “ice queen” because she made allocated in the Cares Act has not all been spent, do the Republicans’ bargaining with Ms. Pelosi and economy faces a demand shortage. Sure, we must
a video in which she eats ice cream in front of her but the money is bound to run out soon. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer reduce our debt when the economy is very strong
high-end kitchen refrigerator. President Trump Encouragingly, a key GOP leader, House Minority (D-N.Y.), as he did in the final stages of Cares Act again, as Mr. Samuelson notes. But can anyone still
chimed in with a tweet blasting her as “crazy” and Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), said Friday he negotiations. This is a sorry state of affairs for a think “academic economists” are the real problem?
“weak.” For their part, Democrats see the need for would support more funding. Also needed is a Congress seemingly intent on undoing the surge in Paul Bledsoe, Arlington
unanimous consent on an extension not only as a substantial increase in a separate, preexisting public approval — to a 10-year high of 30 percent in The writer is a strategic adviser at the
must for the economy but also as leverage for their Small Business Administration program, Econom- the Gallup poll — that it had achieved through its Progressive Policy Institute and served on the staff
wish list of funding and policy changes that go ic Injury Disaster Loans, as an additional source of earlier bipartisanship. With enough adults in the of the Senate Finance Committee.
beyond the Cares Act agreement. sustenance to hard-hit firms. Democrats should be room, however, the parties may yet get to yes. They
For all the sniping, a deal is probably possible willing to settle for a binding commitment to must do so, for the sake of their own reputations In his April 12 Sunday Opinion column, “When
and reasonable terms identifiable. The Paycheck address state and local government needs when and, more important, for the sake of the country. you drown the government, people die,” Dana Mil-
bank correctly recounted the ways in which the tea
party ideology has succeeded in starving (or “drown-
ing”) government expertise — with catastrophic con-
OUSE SPEAKER Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Committee Chairman Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) and mittee work will take more effort, but former A sure sign of society’s unraveling is when its
nless and until D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D), hen Anthony S. Fauci, director of the
High today at relIgIoN tHe dIstrIct obItUArIes
approx. 3 p.m.
trump’s campaign is Health-care workers, gruff character actor
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
59° seeking to win over represented by 1,000 brian Dennehy, 81, was
Precip: 55% evangelicals of color for signs, protested on the also a tony-winning
52 55 57 53 ° ° ° Wind: NW
10-20 mph november’s election. b2 capitol lawn. b3 broadway star. b4
Trump campaign aims to pick up votes of evangelicals of color Man accused
of trying to
After surviving a battle with the virus, ‘I really feel like I can handle anything’
wIlson from B1 he has jolted awake thinking he sluggish and tired. Wilson said he ambulance to take him to the pressure room used to treat things still to do together.
had ripped out his breathing tube thought it was spring allergies. hospital. covid-19 patients — only from He describes it as an “out-of-
As the national coronavirus or IV lines. He has dreams about At the time, few Americans It took him an hour to get from behind a glass wall. body experience.”
death toll continues to climb, being buried alive, testing posi- realized that widespread commu- one room in his one-level apart- The hospital had done all it once at GWU Hospital, Wilson
hospitals are examining stories tive again, watching his friends nity infection had probably al- ment to the other. Standing up could, a nurse told them, and he started to improve. The doctors
like Wilson’s for lessons and hold- die, infecting people without ready begun beyond Washington knocked the wind out of him. wasn’t getting better. Doctors were able to “ratchet up the set-
ing them up as glimmers of hope. knowing it. state, where the United States When he started to cough, he wanted to transfer him to George tings” on his ventilator, Searight
He is among about 48,000 people memories from the 11 days he saw its first fatal infection clus- couldn’t stop. A friend he had Washington University Hospital, said, and his lungs seemed to
nationwide to beat covid-19, ac- was in a medically induced coma ters of the virus. gone bowling with the week be- where medical staff have the abil- respond for the first time in more
cording to Johns Hopkins Uni- return with little warning. He’s Doctors in the District at the fore also developed symptoms. ity to administer extracorporeal than a week.
versity estimates, and among the spent hours trying to piece them time were still asking about trav- Doctors at Virginia Hospital life support — a technique that Two days later, Anna Wilson
youngest in the region forced into together. el histories and exposure to peo- Center told him they were going allows the blood to be oxygenated received a text message from her
an intense battle for survival. “most of the time I was under, I ple who had tested positive. may- to put him under general anes- outside the patient’s lungs. It’s son.
for a week after returning don’t remember anything, but for or muriel E. Bowser (D) did not thesia for further monitoring and typically reserved as a last-ditch It said: “mom, I’m alive.”
from the hospital, Wilson quar- some reason, those moments declare a public health emergen- connect him to a ventilator to effort to save someone, said GWU Today, Wilson is again in un-
antined at home to make sure his when I was closest to death, my cy until march 11. News coverage help him breathe. Hospital spokeswoman Christine charted territory. How do you
symptoms were really gone. brain retained not only the mem- and scientific studies indicated “We didn’t know how serious Searight. reenter a world that looks noth-
Now, he said, he’s figuring out ory of the stimuli occurring that young, healthy people were his situation really was at the But it would take 20 minutes to ing like the one you knew? How
what to do with the adaptive around me, but it retained my at low risk. time,” said his father, Henry Wil- transfer him, and the medical does it feel to have survived a
immunity that medical experts hallucinations or dreams while I Wilson had not been out of the son. “We thought when he got to staff worried Wilson might not virus that is killing people by the
have said covid-19 patients are was under, as well,” he said. country. He was not in contact the hospital that they would take survive the journey, said his sis- thousands every day?
likely to have when they recuper- “That’s been one of the strangest with anyone who he thought had care of it and he would be getting ter, Bernadette Wilson. Wilson said his goals are sim-
ate. It means he should be im- things for me to try to work the virus. But a week later, he felt better soon. But then it only got “You start to bargain with God ple: He wants to visit his parents,
mune to the coronavirus — al- through. Why do I remember worse. He went in for a flu test, worse.” in situations like that,” Henry both in their 70s. He wants to hug
though it’s not clear for how long. this? Is any of it real?” which came back negative, and a francis Wilson had been on a Wilson said, his voice cracking. his mom, maybe get his sister to
“After I’ve taken this thing on, I Wilson started to feel sick on pneumonia test, which came ventilator for seven days when “He looked so peaceful, but I give him a haircut.
really feel like I can handle any- march 8, the day after the rector back positive. his parents received a call from realized that it could be the last once he gets the all-clear from
thing,” Wilson said a week after at Christ Church Georgetown be- Wanting a more detailed diag- an ICU nurse telling them they time I spoke with him. I said, his doctors, he wants to donate
leaving the hospital. came the first person to test nosis, Wilson said, the doctor had to come in right away. ‘francis.’ I shouted, ‘I want you to plasma to help other coronavirus
But recovery has its challeng- positive for covid-19 in the Dis- requested further testing, includ- At Virginia Hospital Center, live.’ ” patients beat the disease.
es. trict. ing checking for covid-19. the family was given protective Somehow, francis Wilson said, most of all, he said, he wants
Nightmares and flashbacks The law student’s symptoms Three days later, Wilson found masks and gloves and told they he heard their voices. His parents people to take his story as a
wake him in the night. were mild at first: sore throat, out he had the novel coronavirus. could see Wilson — who was telling him to pull through. His lesson.
more than once, Wilson said, headaches, a slight cough, feeling By then, he had already called an being monitored in a negative- sister saying they had too many
messages and picket lawmakers Jamie Roderick, 35, a volunteer from the liberal activist group MoveOn, sets up signs calling for more
A uniformed special police The Army announced have been forced to use alterna- personal protective equipment for health-care workers on the West Lawn of the Capitol on Friday.
officer shot one of two men who Thursday that its nearly tive protest tactics amid the pan-
tried to take his gun Wednesday completed flagship museum at demic. struggling to find more. The na- breadth of this problem without PPE to front-line workers. Mur-
in Southeast, D.C. police said. Fort Belvoir will delay its June 4 Half a dozen volunteers with tional stockpile is nearly out of putting anyone in harm’s way.” phy has been a vocal critic of the
The officer was patrolling the opening because of the liberal activist group MoveOn N95 respirator masks, face A large white sign propped at Trump administration’s corona-
Friendship Court Apartments in coronavirus pandemic. pressed lawn signs into the grass shields, gowns and other critical the back of the display an- virus task force and its reliance on
the 4600 block of Livingston Retired Army Lt. Gen. Roger outside the Capitol as the sun equipment, the Department of nounced in bold letters: “Social private companies to deliver an
Road just after 11 p.m., when two Schultz, president of the Army peaked over the Statue of Free- Health and Human Services an- distancing in effect. Please do not adequate amount of critical gear,
men approached, according to a Historical Foundation, said he dom. nounced last week. congregate.” such as N95 respirator masks,
police report. could “promise it will be worth On each sign was a message. “Health-care workers are on The volunteers who put up the medical gowns, gloves and face
One pointed a gun at the the wait.” Some, bearing the blue Star of the front lines of this crisis, and signs live in the same house and shields, to health-care workers.
officer’s head as the other — Michael E. Ruane Life seen on the uniforms of doc- they’re risking their lives to save have been quarantining under “In this critical hour, FEMA
attempted to pull the officer’s gun tors, first responders and emer- ours every day, and our govern- the same roof for weeks. Still, as should make organized, data-in-
from his holster, police said. The gency medical technicians, reiter- ment, from the very top of this they worked, several wore masks formed decisions about where,
officer disarmed the gunman and Woman dies after SUV ated a hashtag that has made the administration on down, has not over their face to protect passers- when, and in what quantities sup-
fired, wounding one assailant, pins her in driveway rounds on social media for weeks, used the full force of what they by — even though there were few. plies should be delivered to states
police said. The second escaped, accompanying posts from desper- have with the Defense Production A handful of joggers stopped to — not defer to the private sector
officials said. A Virginia woman has died ate front-line workers who say Act to ensure [workers] have the take pictures as the sun rose. to allow them to profit off this
The wounded man was taken after being pinned by her SUV in they are running out of necessary PPE they need and deserve,” said One man, who spoke on the pandemic,” the senator wrote last
to a hospital with injuries that her driveway, authorities said. protective equipment: #GetUs- Rahna Epting, the executive di- condition of anonymity because week in a letter to Vice President
were not life-threatening, police On April 10, officers responded PPE. rector of MoveOn. “We wanted to he is a government employee, Pence, co-signed by 44 Democrat-
said. Police found a pistol at the to the 6100 block of Asher Court Others showed photos of medi- show that these are real people said he supported the idea. ic and two independent senators.
scene, the report said. in Centreville and found Jaehee cal workers in scrubs and hair who are demanding that this gov- “I’m so used to seeing protests Organizers said the signs
Authorities charged Roscoe Pak, 41, who was pinned after nets and baseball caps. Some ernment protect them.” out here by the Capitol that it would remain on the Capitol lawn
Atchinson, 28, of Southwest, with stepping out of her SUV on Asher wore face shields and plastic vi- Unlike protests that have really is bizarre to see how empty all day, but that the demonstra-
assault on a police officer while Court. It rolled forward and sors. Others donned gloves. erupted from Michigan to Ohio to it is,” he said. “But this is really tion was only the beginning of a
armed, and assault with intent to pinned her against her garage One barefaced doctor in a Virginia demanding that states impressive to me.” spate of atypical ones the group
commit robbery, police said. Fairfax County police said. She white lab coat held up a hand- flout social distancing practices By sharing images and video expects to launch this month.
Police said they are investigating. died at a hospital Wednesday, drawn sign. “Trump,” it said. and reopen the economy immedi- on social media of front-line Epting described activists’ en-
— Clarence Williams police said. “Where’s my mask?” ately, organizers with MoveOn workers telling their stories, Mo- ergy as “more intense” than usual
— Justin Wm. Moyer Health-care providers in hospi- said they wanted to adhere to veOn organizers said they hope to as the pandemic drags on.
mArylAnD tals, clinics, nursing homes, as- health guidelines that instruct galvanize people in the same way “The energy is very high, the
sisted-living facilities and reha- people not to gather in large as a traditional rally with a lineup intensity is very high,” she said.
Police ID pedestrian Northam signs bill to bilitation centers have for weeks groups. of speakers. “That’s forcing us to be creative
killed in Frederick regulate CBD products begged for more PPE to protect “Normally, we’d want everyone Activists planned to deliver a and ingenuitive in order to figure
themselves and their vulnerable down here,” said MoveOn volun- petition to Sen. Chris Murphy out how to protest in a social
A pedestrian was struck by a Gov. Ralph Northam (D) patients. teer Robby Diesu, 32, as he looked (D-Conn.) with more than 2 mil- distancing posture and keep one
tractor-trailer and killed recently signed a bill that would States and hospitals have been out over the rows of signs. “We lion signatures urging Congress another safe at the same time.”
Thursday on Interstate 270 in define hemp extract, such as CBD, running out of supplies and wanted to find a way to show the to require the delivery of more
Frederick County, the state police as food and usher in state
said. They said Eric M. Sugrowe, regulations on these products.
26, of Urbana, was struck about Senate Bill 918, by Sen. David
4 a.m. on I-270 in Urbana near the W. Marsden (D-Fairfax), is to help Coron AVIrUs D Iges t
Route 80 exit. Police said he regulate facility conditions and
entered a travel lane after requirements for the production
walking along the highway. The of hemp-derived products for mArylAnD provided by pairing these jail population was about 24,000 coronavirus emergency orders
driver could not stop, police said. human consumption. streams of data with the on April 7, down from roughly are in place and the virus is
— Dana Hedgpeth — Associated Press Hopkins launches new reported covid-19 cases could 29,000 on March 1. spread through community
infections map help predict the true impact of Northam has also proposed a transmission, or risk
the virus’s spread, said Jennifer budget amendment allowing the disenfranchising voters avoiding
l o t t erI es Johns Hopkins University this Nuzzo, a senior scholar at the director of the Department of contact with others.
week launched a new app university’s Center for Health Corrections to release those with Charlotte Gomer, a
results from april 17 tracking covid-19 cases across Security. less than a year left to serve on spokeswoman for Attorney
the United States on a county-by- — Kyle Swenson their sentences for the General Mark R. Herring (D),
DIstrICt VIrgInIA county level. The map is a coronavirus crisis. The state said the office will decide how to
Day/DC-3: 5-2-5 Day/Pick-3: 5-5-7 complement to Johns Hopkins’s VIrgInIA legislature is slated to reconvene proceed in the interest of
DC-4: 2-1-1-6 Pick-4: 2-5-1-2 world map, a resource that has April 22 to consider the protecting “free and fair
DC-5: 4-4-7-7-9 Cash-5 (Fri.): 7-8-19-23-34 become critical for policymakers, Va. jail population amendment and others. elections.”
night/DC-3 (thu.): 2-0-4 night/Pick-3 (thu.): 0-8-5 public health officials and thinned by 17 percent — Justin Jouvenal Gov. Ralph Northam (D) is
DC-3 (Fri.): 7-3-1 Pick-3 (Fri.): 0-7-5 anyone else trying to make sense encouraging voters to cast
DC-4 (thu.): 4-9-6-2 Pick-4 (thu.): 9-8-1-1 of the virus’s spread. Virginia’s jail population has ballots by mail to avoid crowded
DC-4 (Fri.): 2-5-5-5 Pick-4 (Fri.): 7-3-2-7 The tracker is informed by dropped 17 percent as officials ACLU sues Va. over polling places. He recommended
DC-5 (thu.): 5-9-7-2-0 Cash-5 (thu.): 20-25-30-33-34 data from the university’s across the state have moved to ballot witness rule the legislature move May local
DC-5 (Fri.): 6-9-2-8-3 Cash-5 (Fri.): 5-19-21-24-26 ongoing global tracker, as well as release low-level offenders to elections to coincide with the
information from the Red Cross, prevent the spread of the The American Civil Liberties November presidential election,
mArylAnD mUltI-stAte gAmes the Census American coronavirus in correctional Union of Virginia and its and he postponed primary races
Day/Pick 3: 4-4-5 Mega Millions: 13-35-39-46-55 **14 Community Survey and the facilities. The state has reduced national counterpart sued from June 9 to June 23.
Pick 4: 5-8-1-4 Megaplier: 4x Bureau of Labor Statistics. the number of people admitted Virginia in federal court in The “witness requirement”
night/Pick 3 (thu.): 0-6-8 Cash 4 life: 7-30-39-55-56 ¶4 Besides information on the to jails on misdemeanor charges Lynchburg on Friday, will disproportionately affect
Pick 3 (Fri.): 7-9-4 lucky for life: 6-8-20-28-43 ‡15 virus, the new tracker also by 67 percent. challenging the state’s Virginia residents who are older,
Pick 4 (thu.): 8-6-5-4 provides a snapshot of race and Gov. Ralph Northam (D) had requirement that absentee voters disabled or African American,
Pick 4 (Fri.): 6-4-1-3 *Bonus Ball **Mega Ball ethnicity breakdown for each issued a directive last month must open and fill out their according to the ACLU. The case
Multi-Match (thu.): 3-13-16-24-29-34 ¶ Cash Ball ‡lucky Ball county, as well as the county’s urging corrections officials ballots in front of a witness. was filed on behalf of the League
Match 5 (thu.): 1-8-10-19-30 *26 health-care infrastructure, such around the state to try to reduce The ACLU wants the court to of Women Voters of Virginia and
Match 5 (Fri.): 2-13-16-18-27 *14 For late drawings and other results, check as hospital bed capacity. The jail populations while block the state from enforcing several individuals.
5 Card Cash: aH-4s-JD-as-QC more comprehensive analysis maintaining public safety. The the “witness requirement” while — Jenna Portnoy
Across the D.C. region, the remainder of the school year crumbles
regIon from B1 with Virginia Gov. ralph public protests against the coro- extra beds are a backstop in case ginia Emergency response Sys-
Northam and Bowser. navirus-shutdown restrictions they’re needed for patients who tem, which ordered the masks on
The leader of maryland’s larg- “All three of us are in a similar put in place by Democratic gover- do not need to be in the ICU. behalf of 23 local governments
est school system questioned why situation in that our numbers are nors. “We will be prepared for the and volunteer fire departments,
the state stopped short of ad- all going up, rather than down,” “As the governor of the com- worst-case scenario, but our goal said the supplier informed the
dressing the full school year, say- Hogan said, referring to deaths, monwealth of Virginia, I — along is never to use the convention group that it was unable to get the
ing many want greater certainty. hospitalizations and intensive with my staff — are fighting a center,” Bowser said. masks amid a scramble by the
“I don’t understand why doing it care unit bed use. biological war,” Northam said. “I The city currently has the ca- Trump administration to procure
in three- or four-week increments “None of the governors believe do not have time to involve myself pacity to test 300 people per day. more protective gear for various
makes more sense,” said mont- you can just flip a switch and get in Twitter wars. I will continue to John falcicchio, the mayor’s chief parts of the country.
gomery County Superintendent everything back to normal,” said do everything that I can to keep of staff, said they often have far Emergency workers and some
Jack r. Smith. Hogan. Virginia safe and to save lives.” more people who call to schedule hospital workers in Northern Vir- DAVID H. SUBER, SR.
Salmon, however, said she be- Northam (D) made similar re- It was a discordant note on a testing than who show up. on ginia will have to wait until at 9/25/1939 - 4/18/2004
You left me 16 years ago and you said, "I'll see
lieves closure decisions should be marks during his briefing, noting day when the region’s leaders Wednesday, he said the city tested least late June for a new shipment you when you get there." Little did I know that
made “incrementally, to see that the state’s number of cases is spoke with one another by phone 113 people. He said the city hopes to arrive, said Kristin Nickerson, those would be your last words to me. Missing
you more than words can ever say. You were
where we are in another month.” still climbing but acknowledging and reported continuing efforts to be able to test for virus antibod- executive director of the coali- the best and we all loved you so very much,
but God loved you more.
“We don’t know what’s going to the desire to ease the economic to expand capacity for treating ies at its hospitals in may. tion, which helps coordinate Hattie, Phyllis, Davyd Jr. and
happen, and I certainly don’t pain. coronavirus patients. Northam issued an executive emergency response efforts in the The Suber Family
want to dash the hopes of many About 50 people protested out- Hogan said he, Northam and order aimed at boosting the region.
children and parents that there side the Executive mansion in Bowser agreed it would be prema- state’s health-care workforce, in- Virginia added 602 new coro- DEATH NOTICE
might be some other ways to do richmond on Thursday, calling ture to lift any restrictions right cluding allowing fourth-year navirus infections friday, its
public school going forward,” she for an end to the restrictions. now. “We’re all in some part of a medical students to practice in highest single-day increase so far.
said. “That’s the reason I decided Almost none wore masks. phase of talking about the gradu- hospitals without direct supervi- The state also reported 23 new BRENNAN
to do that.” Northam called on the protesters al reopening but not able to start sion. deaths, including six in fairfax. DONNA MARIE BRENNAN
friday’s announcements came to think about others. that right yet. And we all are in The order — which runs The District reported 126 new On Wednesday, April 15, 2020, of
Silver Spring, MD. Beloved wife of
as the number of coronavirus-re- “They’re putting themselves at agreement that we want to do through June 10 — expands op- infections and five new deaths: the late James Joseph Brennan,
lated deaths surpassed 800 in the risk, but perhaps as important that in a way that’s cooperative,” tions for telemedicine, makes it two patients in their 60s, a 72- Sr.; mother of Jean Marie Decker,
James, Jr. (Lisa), Thomas, Shawn
District, maryland and Virginia, they’re putting all of us at risk,” he Hogan said. easier for health-care providers year-old woman, an 82-year-old (Jeff), and Linda Brennan (David);
with the number of infections said. The normally mild-man- Hogan also responded to re- licensed by other states to prac- man and a 91-year-old woman. sister of Tony Smith (Linda), Rober-
ta Smee (Will), Jane Scholl (Glen) and Wendy
reaching 21,579. nered governor seemed to grow publican lawmakers in rural tice in Virginia, eases restrictions The racial disparities in fatalities Montague (Greg) ; grandmother of James, Julia,
maryland Gov. Larry Hogan angry as he described “the pain parts of the state who have ques- for licensed nurse practitioners to also continued to widen: As of Zachariah, Jacob, Thomas, Noah, Bennett, and
Megan. She is also survived by other loving
(r) said he expects the surging and agony” he said he sees in the tioned his call for residents to prescribe or treat patients, and friday, black residents represent- family and friends. (SERVICES RESTRICTED TO
caseload to peak and start to faces of first responders. wear face coverings when they permits interns and residents ed 47 percent of total cases but PANDEMIC.) A private Mass of Christian Burial
decline soon, a key turning point “We all have the right to pro- enter stores or ride public trans- with temporary training licenses 77 percent of total deaths. at St. Bernadette's Church, 72 University Blvd.
East, Silver Spring, MD, on Tuesday, April 21,
in reopening the state economy. test, but while we’re fighting this portation. The order takes effect to practice without supervision. maryland added 787 new cases, 2020 at 10 a.m.. Interment Gate of Heaven
Hogan, who is chair of the Nation- biological war, I would say, let’s Saturday. Northam said a major ship- its highest number in nine days. Cemetery. A Memorial Service to Celebrate
Her Life will be held at a later date. Memorial
al Governors Association, said he join the team, let’s do everything While some have claimed ment of personal protective Total fatalities in maryland contributions may be made to Senior Connec-
agreed with many elements of the we can,” he said. wearing masks infringes on their equipment, or PPE, had arrived in swelled to 499, including eight tion, 3950 Ferrara Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20906.
plan laid out by Trump on Thurs- Northam dismissed a tweet rights, Hogan said, not wearing Virginia from a private contrac- new deaths in Prince George’s
day for governors to reopen com- from Trump that encouraged the them “infringes on your neigh- tor. But a coalition of local gov- County.
merce in their states. protesters. bor’s rights.” ernments and public safety agen-
The governor said social dis- “LIBErATE VIrGINIA, and Bowser said the city would cies said a separate order for BRENNER
tancing measures should not be save your great 2nd Amendment. construct 500 beds for coronavi- about half a million N95 respira-
lifted until maryland sees 14 con- It is under siege!” Trump tweeted, rus patients in the city’s conven- tor masks, expected from Holland
secutive days with declining adding gun laws into the mix. tion center in coming weeks. this week, never showed up after Ovetta Wiggins, rebecca tan, Justin
numbers of coronavirus deaths, Trump issued similar tweets With elective surgeries on hold, its supplier was outbid by the Jouvenal, tom Jackman, Donna st.
adding that decisions to ease re- about minnesota and michigan, the city’s hospital are at 68 per- federal government. George and Antonio Olivo contributed
strictions will be made in concert two states that also have seen cent capacity, officials said. The The nonprofit Northern Vir- to this report.
BRIAN DENNEHY, 81 alien leader in “Cocoon” (1985), a Both plays were directed by mr. (1990), “romeo + Juliet” (1996)
role he modeled after the chil- Dennehy’s longtime artistic col- and filmmaker Terrence malick’s
Born September 1,1952 in DC; passed away his skills creating one-of-a-kind advertise-
on April 7,2020. Survived by husband, John; ments for local vendors.
daughters, Adrienne and Autumn; sister, Carol;
nieces; nephews; grandchildren; friends and In 1948, he met the love of his life Mar-
colleagues. Service will be held at a later date. garet Waters at the National Dance Club.
Nick and Margaret would soon become life-
long partners, friends and parents. He mar-
ried Margaret January 6, 1952 at Saint
Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Saint
GRASTY Sophia became the foundation of their faith
and life together. Nick and Marge moved
from the City to Garrett Park, Maryland in
1954, which remains their home today.
His love of art, meticulous and steady hand
and desire to serve led him to his lifelong
career as a cartographer, making maps for
the civilian arm of the military at the Defense
Mapping Agency. He retired from the Agency
in 1986 after nearly four decades of
Daughter of the late John Edward Quander, Peacefully passed away on Saturday, April 11, The greatest man to ever love us and whom NICHOLAS ARGYROPOULOS (Age 93)
Sr. and Helen Orena Stewart had her heavenly 2020. Loving Husband of Maggie Allen. Also we will ever love, J. Bernard “Bernie” Nebel Passed away to be with our Lord April 11, Nick never lost his passion for sports, par-
reunion on Good Friday, April 10, 2020. A survived by sons, Nigel, Juan and Christopher passed away on Thursday, April 9, 2020 from 2020 at his home with his family by his side. ticularly baseball. This passion led him
retired educator, advocate for the disabled, Allen, daughter Renee Powers and a host complications related to Alzheimer’s at his to the world of fast pitch softball, where
devout Catholic, one of the founders of St. of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces home in Ashton, MD. Bernie, age 80, was Nick was a true follower of our Lord Jesus Nick caught many of the best pitchers in
Benedict the Moor Catholic Church, and mem- nephews other relatives and friends. On Mon- born in 1939 in Washington, DC to Joseph Christ, a devoted husband , father and friend the world. He traveled all over the eastern
ber of one of the oldest documented African day April 20, friends may visit with the family Francis Nebel and Rosalie Lucia Kelly before to all who knew him! Born on July 7, 1926 United States playing the most elite teams in
American families in the city and nation. Sur- from 10 a.m. until time of private service at moving to North Chevy Chase at age 3. His in Omaha Nebraska to Greek immigrants, the country, including playing against Eddie
vived by her daughter, Sandra Rattley; son, 11 a.m. at Marshall-March Funeral Home of father was a DC builder responsible for such mother Athena and Father Paul Argyropou- "The King" Feigner and "The King and His
Thaddeus Rattley Jr. (Cynthia); grandson, Thad- DC, 4217 9th St., NW, Rev. Ricky D. Helton, icons as the Fannie Mae building (currently City los. He had three older siblings, brothers Court," on multiple occasions. Nick received
deus Rattley, III; great-grandsons, Malakai and officiating. In lieu of flowers make donations to Ridge), which was Bernie’s first construction Chris and Jimmy and a sister Florence, all numerous awards including being awarded
PAMELA J. GRASTY Micah; nieces, nephews, cousins, and a host of Israel CME Benevolent Fund, 557 Ramdolph St., job at age 18. Bernie followed in his father’s preceding him in death. The family moved the Most Valuable Player of the Worlds Fast
Departed this life on March 25, 2020 at Wash- prayer partners and friends. Due to Covid19, NW, Washington, DC 20011. Interment Quanti- footsteps, working in construction until the day to Washington DC. when he was four years Pitch Tournament held in Saint Louis in 1958.
ington Hospital Center. She is survived by her services are private. In lieu of flowers, please co National Cemetery at a later date. he passed, lastly as owner of NCB Construc- old. It was there that he would grow up and
sisters, Juanita B. Prince and Ethel F. Jackson, make donations in her name to the Sanctuary tion. Bernie met the love of his life, Carole reside for the remainder of his wonderful Nick's time and accomplishments didn’t go
sister-in-law, Rhodetta Grasty, as well as a Renovation Project, St. Benedict the Moor Elisabeth Shaub, when she was 15 and he adventure filled life. He is survived by his unnoticed. He was inducted into the Greater
host of other family and friends. In lieu of Catholic Church, 320 21st St NE, Washington, was 16. They were high school sweethearts, beautiful wife of 68 years, Margaret, his Washington Fastpitch Softball Hall of Fame
flowers, donations may be made in Pamela's DC 20002. Services by McGUIRE. marrying September 26, 1959, celebrating 60 one of a kind daughter Athena and husband and the Washington, DC Jocks Club Hall
name to the Special Olympics of Washington, years of marriage in 2019. They raised four Oliver Skinker, his son, Paul and beautiful of Fame. Upon retiring from “playing”, he
DC. Funeral services will be held privately. children, Joseph Bernard, Jr. (Anya A. Randall), wife Kathy, and their two children, Alexander remained involved serving as Commissioner
Interment at Arlington National Cemetery. Donald Anthony (1962-1963), Theresa Elisa- and Alyssa. Nick and Marge also had another of the Softball Hall of Fame Commission.
Arrangements by J. B. JENKINS FUNERAL beth (Douglas W. Robinson), and Michele Lucia son, Thomas, who passed away as an infant.
HOME. (David L. Peake); and seven grandchildren: Nick’s love of sports also crossed into his life
WHATLEY BaSUHAIL Matthew W. Robinson, Joseph N. Robinson,
Ryan D. Peake, Mareike E. Nebel, Charles J.
Nick's life was filled with family, friends, fun
and faith. It started where he grew up in
of faith. He helped found the Saint Sophia
youth basketball program where he coached
Peake, Michael J. Peake, and Thomas C. Robin- Northwest Washington, DC. While his father, hundreds of youth over the years. He is rev-
JULIUS WHATLEY, JR. (Age 87) son. Bernie was passionate about his work a Chef by trade, passed when he was very ered by the many players and parishioners
Peacefully on Monday, April 6, 2020; and family and was known for his never- young, he had the benefit of being brought up of the Cathedral, many whom still call him
HEINHOLD beloved husband of the late Elizabeth Jean
Whatley; devoted father of Andre Whatley;
ending sense of humor, encompassing warmth
and boundless compassion. In lieu of flowers,
by an incredibly strong and vibrant “Greek”
mother and very close family. He ran the
“coach” or Uncle Nicky.
daughter-in-law Deetra Whatley and cher- donations may be made to the Cure streets as a kid, enjoying sports and all Nick's final place of rest will be with his
EDWARD J. HEINHOLD ished grandfather to Madison Whatley. Vis- Alzheimer’s Fund, A memo- the city had to offer. Nick graduated from Son Thomas at Arlington National Cemetery.
Edward J. Heinhold, 82, of Rockville, MD, itation on Monday, April 20, at 9:30 a.m. rial service will be scheduled for a later date. Roosevelt Highschool in 1945, where he Dates and times for his funeral and celebra-
died Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at home. until time of Service at 10:30 a.m. at J.B. began his love affair with the great game tion of life will be announced in the coming
He leaves his wife of 50 years, Barbara Jenkins Funeral Home, 7474 Landover Rd., of baseball and carried this love throughout weeks.
(Barnard) Heinhold, and four daughters, Hyattsville, MD. Interment Fort Lincoln his life. Nick also excelled in soccer and
Catherine Heinhold, Alison (Peter) Melley, Cemetery. basketball, having the benefit of being He truly led a blessed life. His spirit lives on
Noelle (Michael) Fell, and Meg Notaro. He
was Opa to Sara, Liam, Aidan, Kevin, and STEWART coached by the one and only Red Auerbach. and may his memory be ever eternal
Patrick Melley. Private funeral and inter- Following his high school graduation from In lieu of flowers, go to and
ment at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Roosevelt High in 1945, he was drafted into select Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathed-
Gaithersburg, MD on Friday, April 17. A the Army where he spent two years in eral, then select One Time Gift to make a
memorial Mass will be held once restric- the Pacific stationed in the Philippines with donation in Nick's name.
tions are lifted. If you would like to donate the 86th infantry. Upon returning home he
in Ed’s memory, please consider JSSA Hos- attended Georgetown University’s Foreign
pice. See full obituary and sign the memory IN MEMORIAM SAMI MUSHIN SUHAIL BaSUHAIL Service School and the National Art School
book at of Washington majoring in Commercial Art. .
Februray 13, 1969 – April 2, 2020
McINTOSH Virginia
Nick had an incredible eye and a hand for
detail and survived his early adulthood using
Sami BaSuhail; 51, a talented architect,
foodie, mentor, athletic enthusiast, devoted
son and father, loving husband, friend and
sibling, evoker of laughter, dreamer, lover
of learning, adventurer and traveler of the
world, passed away on Thursday, April 2,
Chase High School in 1948. Named to the
First Team All Metropolitan Basketball team,
Dick received several scholarship offers and
his grandsons, Richard L. Latimer, III and Har-
rison D. Latimer. Dick was preceded in death
by his loving wife, Mary Alice Child Latimer.
Marlboro, Maryland, entered
into eternal life. Loving daugh-
ter of Zenobia D. Toomer Jor-
Included in all death notices
Optional for In Memoriams CONDOLENCES
ultimately chose Duke University, where he
Memorials can be made to the BCC Izaak dan (Charles) Shepherd and
joined a team with All-Star Dick Groat. At
Duke, Dick joined the Kappa Alpha fraternity. Walton League Land Fund, BCC Izaak Walton William Jordan Sr.; devoted sister of William
Now death notices on
After graduating from Duke in 1952 with League, PO Box 542, Poolesville, MD 20837.
Memorial service details will be announced
C. Jordan Jr., Rishawn Turnage, Charles III,
Jeletalora, and Zy’on Shepherd. Also sur-
Notices must be placed via phone, fax or
email. Photos must be emailed. You can allow you
a Bachelor’s degree in Business Adminis-
tration, Dick enrolled in the Marine Corps at a later date. vived by many other relatives and friends.
Family will receive friends on Monday, April
no longer place notices, drop off photos
and make payment in person.
to express your sympathy with greater ease.
Officers Candidate School in 1953. After
serving his country, Dick joined Henry A. 20, from 10 a.m. until the time of funeral Payment must be made via phone with Visit today.
Latimer & Son, Inc. with his father. service at 11 a.m. at Wiseman Funeral
Chapel, 7531 Old Alexandria Ferry Road,
Already a superior athlete, Dick honed his
golf skills while serving in the Marine Corps
Clinton, Maryland. Interment Arlington
National Cemetery at a later date. debit/credit card.
The Weather
Early rain on a cool day Today Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday OFFICIAL REC ORD
Morning rain Clouds and A little Mainly cloudy Abundant Cloudy, rain
Any steady rain should dwindle after sun morning rain sunshine possible Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST
FEELS*: 56° FEELS: 68° FEELS: 61° FEELS: 66° FEELS: 64° FEELS: 69°
around 40. CHNCE PRECIP: 55% P: 5% P: 75% P: 25% P: 0% P: 35%
WIND: NW 10–20 mph W: SSW 7–14 mph W: N 8–16 mph W: SW 10–20 mph W: WNW 7–14 mph W: S 8–16 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Low H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Low H: Moderate
M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M
through 5 p.m.
Reagan Dulles BWI yesterday
REGIO N NATION Weather map features for noon today. High 58° 12:04 p.m. 59° 3:59 p.m. 57° 2:00 p.m.
Low 38° 5:49 a.m. 29° 5:47 a.m. 32° 3:33 a.m.
Philadelphia Normal 67°/48° 67°/43° 65°/43°
55/39 Record high 95° 2002 93° 2002 93° 2002
Record low 26° 1875 27° 1983 26° 1962
Baltimore Difference from 30–yr. avg. (Reagan): this month: +0.9° yr. to date: +5.1°
58/36 Dover
Davis Washington Cape May
42/31 Annapolis 56/43
59/41 57/39 OCEAN: 51°
Atlantic beaches: Today, some rain this morning, clearing NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 61/42/s 58/37/pc Oklahoma City 64/53/pc 68/46/c WORLD Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 78/70/pc 80/73/sh Rio de Janeiro 77/70/t 77/68/s
in the afternoon. High 54–59. Wind northwest 12–22 mph. Detroit 52/41/s 55/30/c Omaha 65/41/s 60/39/pc Islamabad 73/59/t 82/61/s Riyadh 91/67/pc 89/68/pc
Tonight, mostly clear. Low 36–42. Sunday, mostly sunny, Albany, NY 48/31/sn 63/39/pc El Paso 80/55/s 80/55/s Orlando 84/70/c 90/74/pc Addis Ababa 74/57/sh 77/57/sh Istanbul 66/52/s 70/54/pc Rome 67/54/c 68/56/c
breezy. High 60–65. Wind southwest 10–18 mph. Monday, Albuquerque 67/43/pc 70/47/pc Fairbanks, AK 46/34/c 46/35/c Philadelphia 55/39/r 63/48/pc Amsterdam 59/47/c 64/43/pc Jerusalem 70/53/pc 74/56/pc San Salvador 90/68/pc 86/67/s
breezy, rain. Anchorage 44/35/c 42/37/r Fargo, ND 52/25/c 51/39/c Phoenix 79/59/pc 83/61/s Athens 72/56/s 72/55/s Johannesburg 73/51/c 73/51/pc Santiago 82/51/s 82/52/pc
Atlanta 72/49/pc 63/55/t Hartford, CT 45/31/r 62/43/pc Pittsburgh 51/37/pc 58/34/pc Auckland 69/60/sh 69/59/c Kabul 66/41/s 69/45/pc Sarajevo 75/45/pc 74/50/pc
Austin 68/63/t 88/55/t Honolulu 84/69/s 83/69/s Portland, ME 45/32/r 57/42/pc Baghdad 86/62/c 90/64/pc Kingston, Jam. 87/77/pc 87/78/pc Seoul 66/46/s 65/46/r
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, small craft advisory, Baltimore 58/36/r 65/48/pc Houston 75/68/c 85/60/t Portland, OR 59/48/sh 67/46/pc Bangkok 94/79/t 98/81/pc Kolkata 93/79/t 95/79/t Shanghai 68/55/sh 64/52/r
mostly cloudy. Wind northwest 12–22 knots. Waves around a foot. Billings, MT 51/32/pc 53/36/c Indianapolis 56/41/s 58/38/c Providence, RI 44/33/r 59/45/pc Beijing 75/51/pc 76/50/pc Lagos 90/78/t 90/79/t Singapore 90/80/pc 90/80/pc
• Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, small craft advisory, Birmingham 71/50/pc 67/55/t Jackson, MS 73/61/c 76/59/t Raleigh, NC 68/40/sh 72/53/r Berlin 64/39/s 58/36/s Lima 74/68/pc 74/67/pc Stockholm 48/34/pc 52/35/pc
mostly cloudy. Wind northwest 15–20 knots. Waves 1–2 feet on the Bismarck, ND 54/24/c 56/34/c Jacksonville, FL 82/66/c 85/71/t Reno, NV 66/43/pc 64/39/c Bogota 66/49/t 66/49/t Lisbon 67/54/pc 65/53/s Sydney 72/57/s 67/56/sh
Boise 68/42/pc 65/41/pc Kansas City, MO 62/43/s 63/39/pc Richmond 64/38/sh 69/50/pc Brussels 64/47/sh 67/45/pc London 57/45/sh 64/48/c Taipei City 86/71/pc 88/72/pc
Potomac and 2–3 feet on the Chesapeake.• River Stages: The stage
Boston 41/36/sn 60/44/pc Las Vegas 75/57/pc 79/59/c Sacramento 70/49/pc 71/50/pc Buenos Aires 73/62/s 74/61/s Madrid 67/50/t 67/46/r Tehran 69/52/c 73/55/pc
at Little Falls today will be around 5.2 feet, falling to around 4.9 feet Buffalo 45/38/s 52/30/sh Little Rock 64/50/pc 68/50/t St. Louis 62/46/s 62/41/c Cairo 82/60/pc 83/59/pc Manila 95/82/pc 95/81/pc Tokyo 65/53/r 66/51/s
Sunday. Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 51/34/pc 57/32/c Los Angeles 66/52/sh 65/53/pc St. Thomas, VI 87/78/sh 88/78/s Caracas 71/64/pc 72/63/pc Mexico City 81/57/pc 83/58/t Toronto 49/40/pc 53/28/c
Charleston, SC 83/58/sh 78/65/t Louisville 59/41/pc 63/45/sh Salt Lake City 62/47/s 59/43/pc Copenhagen 54/38/s 55/39/s Montreal 51/37/pc 49/28/r Vienna 72/53/pc 62/38/sh
Charleston, WV 53/35/pc 65/42/pc Memphis 64/51/pc 66/51/r San Diego 66/57/sh 67/57/pc Dakar 75/66/s 75/66/pc Moscow 45/31/c 44/30/sh Warsaw 55/34/s 54/32/pc
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 72/42/pc 69/53/r Miami 90/76/t 90/78/pc San Francisco 65/52/c 63/52/c Dublin 51/44/sh 55/43/c Mumbai 94/83/pc 95/83/pc
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 12:17 a.m. 5:48 a.m. 12:36 p.m. 6:12 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 50/25/s 51/30/s Milwaukee 58/45/s 50/33/pc San Juan, PR 87/76/sh 88/75/s Edinburgh 50/36/pc 56/37/pc Nairobi 76/61/t 73/62/c sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 57/45/s 54/34/pc Minneapolis 62/34/pc 51/38/pc Seattle 59/47/pc 64/46/pc Frankfurt 75/51/c 70/45/pc New Delhi 95/72/pc 96/71/pc sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 2:55 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 9:27 p.m.
Cincinnati 56/39/pc 60/41/c Nashville 62/43/c 62/49/r Spokane, WA 57/39/pc 62/43/pc Geneva 74/51/sh 72/53/c Oslo 53/35/pc 59/39/s Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 5:20 a.m. 11:43 a.m. 5:38 p.m. 11:51 p.m. Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 52/41/s 58/34/c New Orleans 80/72/c 85/69/t Syracuse 48/35/pc 59/33/pc Ham., Bermuda 71/63/pc 68/59/pc Ottawa 51/36/pc 49/24/r quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 1:05 a.m. 7:28 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Dallas 70/62/t 82/56/c New York City 50/41/r 63/47/pc Tampa 84/73/pc 87/76/c Helsinki 48/31/c 48/35/c Paris 71/53/sh 72/54/c * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 5:16 a.m. 11:35 a.m. 5:53 p.m. 11:39 p.m. Denver 55/31/pc 59/36/pc Norfolk 63/45/r 71/56/pc Wichita 65/47/pc 69/44/c Ho Chi Minh City 95/79/s 96/79/s Prague 68/45/pc 58/34/pc measure of how the conditions really “feel.”
Correctional o∞cer implores Some safety agencies won’t reveal cases among workers
Hogan to give sta≠ face masks TRANSPARENCY from B1 and confidentiality,” Abernathy tracking individual cases in city their workers, but a survey of local
said last week. “If we reported the government would be a “difficult police and fire departments and
INMATES from B1 steward with the American feder- quests for case tallies among its number of police officers with this thing to do in a consistent and jails shows most have said they
ation of State, County and munici- thousands of police officers and infection, you’d want to know meaningful way,” and that report- would inform the public about
Public Safety and Correctional pal Employees (AfSCmE) and cor- firefighters, despite a rising cho- what unit they were in. If we ing only the city’s overall daily positive tests.
Services has also worked with lo- rectional officer at Jessup Correc- rus of concerns, and Columbus, reported the number of firefight- tally “is the best balance between That includes police and fire
cal jails to temporarily suspend tional Institution, implored Ho- ohio, stopped releasing such fig- ers with this infection, you’d want public safety and private health.” departments in montgomery and
intakes, utilized its authority to gan to provide guards and other ures at the end of march. to know what station house.” Jail officials in both Arlington Prince George’s counties in mary-
accelerate certain releases “where state workers with face masks and officials cite a range of consid- Some officials in public safety and Alexandria said they intend land, as well as the police and fire
safe and appropriate,” and provid- other tools to ensure their safety. erations, from worker privacy to unions have pushed back on that to provide information about pos- departments in Loudoun and
ed protective equipment to em- “If we on the front lines are not avoiding creating panic, but an stance, saying that they want the itive cases among inmates and fairfax counties in Virginia. A
ployees and inmates. being protected the way we should increasing number of critics say public to understand what these workers. As of friday, neither had spokesman for the Prince William
Among the long list of measures be protected we are bringing this the lack of information could be workers are facing and that they any. County police said the agency has
put in place by the department: virus to our families,” olaniyan putting the public and public safe- want their own members to have a fairfax County Sheriff Stacey not had any cases, but any “re-
temperature checks and screen- said during a call set up by union ty workers at risk and is eroding sense of how many are infected, so Kincaid announced in late march lease of such information would
ing for staff at each shift change; leaders. trust in the agencies. they can make informed safety that a jail inmate had tested posi- depend on the nature of how the
“grab n go” dining at most facili- olaniyan is in self-quarantine Dave Statter, a former TV jour- judgments. tive for the coronavirus, but she member potentially contracted
ties; waiving inmate medical co- after becoming exposed to anoth- nalist who advises public safety initially refused to disclose the the virus and their potential com-
pays; and extending recreation er guard who tested positive last agencies on communications, results of tests on at least two munity exposure on a case-by-
periods for inmates while sus- week. said departments could release members of her staff who worked case basis.”
pending contact sports. “We are not afraid of doing this the number of workers with “Public servants . . . there. Kincaid cited privacy con- Statter pointed to Washington
In a letter to the governor job,” he said. “We are afraid that covid-19 without violating any- cerns. as a model for openness.
Thursday, Democratic members we don’t have the proper equip- one’s privacy, as many agencies have rights to privacy.” Kincaid’s spokesman said the The District did not report two
of the maryland congressional ment” to do the job. are already doing. Brian Abernathy, sheriff’s office would inform any early cases in its fire department
delegation commended Hogan’s Earlier this week, the chief Statter said they have a duty to Philadelphia’s managing director inmates who came in contact with but then shifted to a policy of
administration for enhancing hy- judge of the state’s highest court do so since these workers are infected sheriff’s deputies and providing detailed information.
giene at state facilities and creat- took steps to reduce the number of coming into contact with the pub- conduct contact tracing. The of- The city has a website that lists
ing isolation units for those infect- juveniles and adults detained in lic in ways that could spread a All agencies interviewed for fice said it would begin informing coronavirus cases, the number of
ed with covid-19. But the delega- maryland. Chief Judge mary Ellen contagious disease. He said they this report said they were taking the public about positive cases workers tested and quarantined,
tion said such actions are not suffi- Barbera directed judges through- are also missing an opportunity to steps to quarantine sick workers, among deputies after questions and other data for all of its public
cient to protect inmates, state out the state to identify at-risk educate about the dangers these trace their contacts and isolate from The Washington Post this service agencies.
employees and their families. inmates for possible release. workers face. other employees with potential week. five deputies have tested D.C. authorities said that dur-
The delegation urged the gover- But civil rights advocates said “The public — that’s who you exposure. Each also said that it positive for the coronavirus, the ing the pandemic, the public has a
nor to use his commutation power only the governor can order the serve — they should know what’s would inform employees and fairfax Sheriff’s office said friday. right to know the medical status
to “accelerate the release of in- corrections department to work going on in the public safety agen- members of the public who were The initial lack of transparency of its first responders and other
mates who pose little risk to public with the parole commission to cies, particularly at a time of a directly exposed to an infected troubled fairfax County’s public law enforcement officials, includ-
safety but whose continued incar- come up with a list of inmates who crisis, like this pandemic,” Statter worker but that broader tallies defender, who has numerous cli- ing corrections officers and in-
ceration would increase the risk of are most vulnerable to the virus said. “The public does interact were problematic. ents at the jail. Speaking before mates at the D.C. jail, where one
an outbreak amongst the state’s and those who are close to finish- with you. They want to know, if officials in Arlington and Alex- the policy change, Dawn Butorac inmate has died of covid-19.
prison population.” ing their prison terms. you have people infected, how you andria said there was no need to said the sheriff should be making “We made the decision to re-
“The continuing spread among “There’s no way the courts can are dealing with it. And most are inform the public about cases at broader announcements about lease our data broadly to ensure
inmates puts them, the staff and operate with the breadth and dealing with it responsibly.” the police and fire departments, positive cases for the safety of transparency with our residents,”
the medical personnel assigned to speed and completeness with But cities and public service unless there were so many illness- inmates. There have been four mayor muriel E. Bowser (D) said
the correctional facilities at risk,” which the governor can act,” said agencies said they have to walk a es it began to affect operations. coronavirus cases at the jail in a statement. “In order for every-
according to the letter from Sens. Sonia Kumar of the American Civ- careful line between informing That hasn’t happened so far. among inmates. one to understand the urgency in
Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin il Liberties Union of maryland, the public and protecting sensi- “If the public need to know is “The deputy probably can’t list flattening the curve, we felt it
and reps. Jamie raskin, John P. which filed an emergency petition tive health information about em- there, they will know,” said Craig every inmate they have had con- important that our residents
Sarbanes, David Trone, Steny H. asking the state’s highest court to ployees. fifer, a spokesman for the city of tact with but the inmate can prob- know where we are. We’re all in
Hoyer, C.A. Dutch ruppersberger help speed the release of inmates. Philadelphia managing Direc- Alexandria. ably remember what deputy they this together, and the more infor-
and Anthony G. Brown. “Part of what is missing is that tor Brian Abernathy said releas- fifer noted, for example, that had contact with,” Butorac wrote mation we can share, the more
Lawmakers also raised con- sense of urgency,” she said. “The ing the data might chill doctors’ the city announced in march that in an email. “I think it is the only informed we can all be in our daily
cerns about the lack of personal fact that nothing to that effect has willingness to report such infor- a regular customer at murphy’s way that we can quarantine and routines.”
protective equipment for state happened is very troubling.” mation to the city and impede its Irish Pub had tested positive, be- test those that could be infected.”
employees working in correction- ability to manage outbreaks. cause there was no way to private- No one tracks how many public
al, juvenile services and psychiat- “Even in these challenging ly determine who else had been at service agencies across the nation
ric hospital facilities. times, people — public servants the bar. are withholding information
oluwadamilol olaniyan, a shop Erin Cox contributed to this report included — have rights to privacy But right now, fifer said that about coronavirus cases among Dan Morse contributed to this report.
Snopes is
busy with
‘I would pay $50 he pandemic has a profound effect on all five senses. some who have the so has misinformation about the
for a two- virus lose the ability to smell or taste. We all see images of crowded hospitals, virus. The World Health organi-
zation has referred to the abun-
body bags, lonely funerals without mourners. We hear a new urban
minute hug’: dance of articles, commentary
soundtrack where traffic is muted and sirens scream through the stillness. ¶ and social media postings about
True stories of For many, touch has become the rarest quarantine provision, harder to come by than this one topic as an “infodemic”
that “makes it hard for people to
self-quarantined ground beef, eggs or toilet paper, and just as essential. We’re lucky to be alive, say those find trustworthy sources and
people who craving physical contact, but we don’t feel so human without it. not knowing when reliable guidance when they
need it.”
long for the they’ll be able to get back to hugging, cuddling or sharing a bed with someone makes The pandemic presents a par-
ticularly difficult challenge for
human touch. the craving more acute. some describe the lack of touch as its own sensory experience: professional fact-checkers.
A dull ache. skin that hurts. A hole in the pit of the stomach. An illusion that you’re Covid-19 has its roots in what is
essentially a science and medical
BY L ISA B ONOS wearing an eggshell, nerves encased in a thin layer of calcium. ¶ “We’re mammals — story, requiring many journalists
we’re built to touch,” says Helen Fisher, a senior research fellow at the Kinsey Institute. to quickly get up to speed. It
remains a mystery even to many
“It’s absolutely essential, and we will get back to it.” ¶ Just as shoppers wander the of the professional scientists who
empty supermarket aisles in search of substitutes for long-gone staples, the could explain it to a reporter. And
the stakes are high: The conse-
touch-starved are trying to sate themselves by burrowing under weighted blankets, quences of promoting a bogus
working out harder and sexting for the first time. see TouCH on C3 diagnostic technique or false
cure — such as the church that
tried to sell its members on
ingesting a common swimming
pool cleaner — could be deadly.
see snoPes on C2
Protest photo is a dead
Sam Hunt’s new release is a bit south of his debut ringer for zombie films
BY M AURA J UDKIS the protesters in the back.
sam Hunt seems so easy to fall “I thought this was a screencap
in love with — and during “Kin- The insatiable flesh-hunger of from a zombie movie,” tweeted
folks,” a clearheaded country hit zombies wasn’t exactly on pho- one woman.
about falling crazy in love at first tographer Joshua A. Bickel’s “some strong ‘shaun of the
sight, the feeling is mutual. sere- mind when he was covering an Dead’ energy in this photo from
nading some beautiful rando he anti-social-distancing protest at the protests in ohio,” tweeted
just met at the bar, Hunt sings the statehouse in Columbus, another man.
with warmth and self-possession, ohio, on Monday. But it was all It looked awfully familiar to
making his lack of impulse con- that was on the, well, Michael satrazemis, the director
trol sound perfectly rational: “I braaaaaains of people who saw of photography for “The Walking
wanna introduce you to my kin- Bickel’s work on social media, Dead” and director of “Fear the
folks, to my old friends, to the where the photo went viral for its Walking Dead,” two shows that
house in the pines where the road parallels to classic zombie films. seem a little scarier these days,
ends.” As a pickup line, that’s The Columbus Dispatch pho- since they’re about a zombie
pretty serial-killery. Good thing tographer’s image is frightening apocalypse that begins with an
it’s music. and compelling. Approximately uncontrollable pathogen.
Keep listening and Hunt’s 100 protesters who were urging The visual trope is “classic hor-
voice will keep changing the ohio Gov. Mike DeWine to end ror,” says satrazemis. It plays on
song’s meaning. He goes from the state’s stay-at-home order and the common fear of claustropho-
presumptuous and overconfi- reopen businesses pressed up bia, making the audience “feel the
dent to candid and self-aware, against the glass doors to the walls are closing in and the world
the subtle patience in his phras- statehouse, chanting and bang- is shrinking around you. And
ing neutralizing the impatience ing windows. there’s no way out.”
implied by his sweet-talk. He one wears a Guy Fawkes It’s a device his show has
wants to show us who he is by mask. Two men wear Trump- deployed across seasons: In their
showing us where he stands — in branded baseball caps. Two pursuit of humans, the walkers
his bloodline (the kinfolks), in his women, the closest to the win- have been trapped against chain
social circle (the old friends), in dows, shape their mouths into link fences, and, in a particularly
society (the house), in the ecology the same elongated howl as ed- memorable scene, a revolving
(the pines). on top of that, his ace vard Munch’s “The scream.” glass door. (“That was really,
see musIC reVIew on C2 sam Hunt’s new release, “southside,” suffers from a number of production misfires. American flags obscure some of see zombIe on C3
the photo of protesters of ohio’s stay-at-home order made by Joshua A. bickel of the columbus Dispatch drew comparisons online to zombie movies such as “Shaun of the Dead.”
The Movie Directory has gone dark. We will raise the curtain again
as soon as events warrant.
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
4.1 WRC (NBC) Redskins NBCLX u One World: Together at Home (Live) u Saturday Night Live News u SNL
4.2 WRC (IND) Emergency! Columbo The Six Million Dollar Man The Six Million Dollar Man
5.1 WTTG (Fox) u TMZ u 9-1-1 u 24 Hours to Hell and Back Fox 5 News at 10 News u Beat Shazam
7.1 WJLA (ABC) u Wheel u Jeopardy! u One World: Together at Home (Live) u The Baker and the Beauty News Special
9.1 WUSA (CBS) Frankie Valli Burnett u One World: Together at Home (Live) u 48 Hours 9 News u NCIS: N.O.
14.1 WFDC (UNI) Vecinos Vecinos One World: Together at Home Vecinos Vecinos María Noticiero
20.1 WDCA (MNTV) Fox 5 News On the Plus u Family Feud u Family Feud Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chicago P.D.
22.1 WMPT (PBS) The Morgan Choir: A Joyful Celebration Suze Orman’s Ultimate Retirement Guide Longevity Paradox-Steven
26.4 WETA (PBS) Good Good Fishe. Murder Mysteries Frankie Drake Mysteries Bocelli Movie: A Man for All Seasons HHHH
32.1 WHUT (PBS) u Weekend Movie: The Natural HHH (1984) Independent Lens ARTICO
50.1 WDCW (CW) Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Men Two Men u Mom u Mom Friends Friends Friends Friends
66.1 WPXW (ION) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU
sHowtime A&E (5:00) Live PD Live PD: Rewind Live PD (Live) Live PD: Rewind
the longest War (showtime at 10 sunday) a documentary chronicling AMC (5:30) Ocean’s Eleven (2001) Movie: Ocean’s Twelve HHH (2004) Line of Duty
the cia’s involvement in afghanistan. Breshna musazai, pictured, was shot Animal Planet Crikey! It’s the Irwins Bindi’s Wedding The Zoo Saved By The Barn (11:08) Saved By The Barn
by the taliban in 2016 and is sometimes called “afghanistan's malala.” BET (5:30) Meet the Browns HH One World: Together at Home Movie: Get Rich or Die Tryin’ HH (2005)
Bravo (6:00) Movie: Fifty Shades of Grey HH Movie: Fifty Shades of Grey HH (2015) One World: Together
sPecIals meet the Press (nBc at 10:30 Cartoon Network Gumball Gumball Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Z Burgers Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Rick, Morty Family Guy Family Guy
a.m.) nBc news’s Peter alexander, CNN Situation Room Situation Room Situation Room The Color of COVID Coronavirus
one World: together at Home
former secretary of homeland Comedy Central (5:30) Wedding Crashers One World: Together at Home Movie: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby HH
(Various networks at 8) a global
security Jeh Johnson and Danielle Discovery Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue
variety show benefiting workers and
Disney (6:25) Movie: Peter Rabbit Big City Big City Big City Big City Owl Hse. Owl Hse. Sydney-Max Coop & Cami
organizations combating covid-19. Pletka, senior fellow at the american
E! (6:30) Movie: Monster-in-Law HH (2005) (8:45) Movie: Maid in Manhattan HH (2002) One World: Together
enterprise institute.
the color of covid (cnn at 10) ESPN Boxing Boxing Boxing SportsCenter (Live)
Don lemon and Van Jones explore outlander (starz at 8) claire and ESPN2 The Race All-Star Series The Draft The Draft SportsCenter Special
how coronavirus is impacting Jamie must quell unrest in their life Food Network Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive
communities of color. as their royal ties unravel. Fox News Fox Report Watters’ World Justice With Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters’ World
Freeform (5:55) Movie: Despicable Me One World: Together at Home Movie: Despicable Me 2 HHH (2013)
Bob’s Burgers (fox at 9) tina Transformers: Last Knight Movie: Kingsman: The Golden Circle HH (2017) Breeders Better Things
moVIes FX
investigates Josh’s mysterious tap- Movie: Bottled With Love (2019) Movie: Nature of Love (2020) Movie: Matching Hearts
tempted by danger (lifetime at 8) Hallmark
dancing injury.
a career-driven woman’s new beau Hallmark M&M Mystery 101 Mystery 101 Murder, She Wrote
Insecure (HBo at 10) issa and HBO (6:25) Movie: Good Boys Movie: Stuber HH (2019) (9:35) Westworld (10:35) Westworld It Two
turns out to be too much to handle.
condola address their awkward HGTV Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Nate and Jeremiah Love It or List It
nature of love (Hallmark at 9) an predicament. History Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens (10:03) The UnXplained (11:05) Ancient Aliens
urbanite magazine writer pens falls Lifetime Clark Sisters: First Ladies Movie: Tempted by Danger (2020) (10:03) Movie: My Nightmare Landlord (2020)
for her brawny travel guide. PremIeres MASN Ballgame Ballgame Orioles Classics ESPNWS
MSNBC MSNBC Live One World: Together at Home MSNBC Live The Rachel Maddow Show
dragnificent! (tlc at 11) four
sunday lIstIngs MTV Catfish: The TV Show One World: Together at Home Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
popular drag queens come to the
Fox news sunday (fox at 9 a.m.) Nat’l Geographic The 80’s: Decade/Made One World: Together at Home (Live) The 80’s: Decade/Made The 80’s: Decade/Made
rescue of those in need of a change.
Vice President Pence and House NBC SportsNet WA (6:00) WNBA Basketball Redskins Redskins on the Clock RedskinsTalk RedskinsTalk Brothers
speaker nancy Pelosi (D-calif.). Nickelodeon Loud House Danger Force Danger All That One World: Together at Home Friends Friends
PARMT (6:00) Friday After Next H One World: Together at Home Movie: Men in Black 3 HH (2012)
White House chronicle (weta at 9 Hubble: thirty years of discovery Syfy (6:00) Movie: Pitch Black HH (2000) Movie: Doctor Strange HHH (2016) One World: Together
a.m.) Howard University President (science at 8) a history on the origin TBS (4:32) The Dark Knight Rises Movie: Black Panther HHH (2018) Last O.G. Full Frontal
wayne a.i. frederick. of the Hubble telescope. TCM (5:45) Movie: Network (1976) Movie: Casablanca HHHH (1942) Movie: The Magnificent Ambersons (1942) Night & City
TLC Say Yes: ATL Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta Say Yes: ATL American Gypsy Wedding
sunday morning Futures moVIe
TNT (6:00) Movie: Game Night Movie: We’re the Millers HH (2013) Movie: 50 First Dates HH (2004)
(fox at 10 a.m.) white House trade
Killer Prom (lifetime at 8) a high Travel Paranormal 911 Paranormal 911 Paranormal 911 The Alaska Triangle The Alaska Triangle
adviser Peter navarro, sen. tim
school senior loses her mother, and TruTV Hot Ones Hot Ones Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Tacoma FD Tacoma FD
scott (r-s.c.), sen. tom cotton (r-
a relative eases the pain — before TV Land Two Men Two Men One World: Together at Home Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men
ark.), sen. John Barrasso (r-wyo.)
taking things too far. TV One Good Times Good Times Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford
this Is america & the World — Hau Chu USA Network (6:30) Movie: John Wick HHH (2014) Movie: John Wick: Chapter 2 HHH (2017) One World: Together
(weta at 10 a.m.) washington Post VH1 (5:20) Movie: Drumline One World: Together at Home Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out
opinion writer Jason rezaian. more at WNC8 ABC News Govt. Matters (8:01) 20/20 News WJLA News WJLA News Town Hall
entertainment/tv WGN Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods
LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs u High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) HHHH Excellent HHH Good HH Fair H Poor No stars: not rated
1 Joe __
6 Exude
10 Classified times
14 Distant
15 Foam footwear
16 Place for a
17 Metropolis
19 2004 Interna-
tional Tennis
Hall of Fame
20 Liqueur
21 “Wrong!”
23 Money layouts, nicK galifianaKis for tHe wasHington Post
26 Engaged
29 John Wayne
film set in
‘Cocktail attire’ isn’t his cup of team
30 15th-century Adapted from but everyone sure noticed my Yikes: This says it, no?: “who I
an online aunt running around saying see about twice a year.”
ruler Axayácatl, discussion. how embarrassed she was that Please leave her to her
e.g. he wouldn’t wear a tie or choices. If she has “got to” do
31 Sean who Dear Carolyn: jacket. Save your energy for the anything, then the marketplace
played Samwise My child will be things you can control. will make that clear, or people
32 Trip-taking aid Carolyn married this — Cocktail Attired closer to her will. It tends not
© 2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 4/18/20 Hax
35 She plays summer. If the to leave a good impression
Watson on invitation states Cocktail Attired: Great point. when the only time you go out
DOWN 25 “Mercure” 42 How a 48 “Ender’s Game”
“cocktail attire,” But. Formal: tuxedo. of your way to get involved in
“Elementary” 1 “In the Lonely composer Erik blown-open author __ Scott does that mean mandatory Semiformal: suit. Casual: people’s lives is to tell them
36 Medalworthy Hour” singer 26 Skin soother door may Card jacket and tie for men? We casual . . . as if your future boss what you think they’re doing
acts Smith 27 Israeli have been 51 John in Wales have a guest who is refusing to will be there. It’s quite wrong.
38 __ Day: Hawaii 2 Refuse to talk, weapons closed 52 Surfer’s stop wear one — the boyfriend of straightforward.
celebration with “up” 28 Aerial daredevil 44 Pungent 55 English the groom’s aunt. What is the has details. Re: Dressing to shock: The
39 ISP choice 3 Sharpen spreads cathedral proper thing for the host to do? other thing you could do, in a
31 “As You Like It” — Proper Re: Dress code: As long as nonjudgmental fashion only,
40 Watts on the 4 Heavenly forest 45 One may be town
your guest keeps his pants on, that she may not be able to do
keys dessert? 33 Strive for replaced 56 Jamaican Proper: “Cocktail attire” says he’s good to go. is buy new clothes. I was flat
41 Absconds 5 Beyond 34 Ph.D. hurdle 46 Ties music next to nothing about what the — Almost Had to Call the Cops broke at 25 and probably
43 Sharper-tasting expectations 37 Necessitated 47 Eurasian range 57 Guitarist Paul dress code actually is. It’s not squeezing myself into old
45 Mall booths 6 String group just a problem here, it’s a Almost Had to Call the Cops: clothes out of necessity.
46 Nakia portrayer 7 Bank deposit? widespread burst of creative There’s our dress code: Pants — Anonymous
phrasing that broke a tradition on.
in “Black 8 Kazan of “Olive FRIDAY’S LA TIMES SOLUTION that didn’t need fixing. Casual, Anonymous: So, what a
Panther” Kitteridge” semiformal, black-tie, etc., Dear Carolyn: My cousin, concerned relative can actually
49 Melodic 9 Like a much- actually said what guests whom I see about twice a year, do is give her money then,
pieces watched needed to do. is a year from college right? To use as she chooses?
50 Doesn’t toss 8/21/2017 Anyway. graduation. I’m a year past Because buying her
53 __ waiting alignment “What to do” about your graduation. She dresses to “appropriate” clothes you know
10 More ornery guest is nothing. shock: jaw-droppingly she won’t choose for herself, or
54 The better Gracious hosts smile and inappropriate for college, let earmarking a monetary gift —
of a familiar out-there welcome their guests and hope alone for the workplace. I can’t say, buying her gift cards to
pair 11 Pre-revolution everyone has a good time. imagine where she finds that Brooks Brothers — is pretty
58 Wells’ Weena French royal “clothing,” but she’s got to hard to distinguish from
et al. residence Re: Dress code: We used clean up her act before unsolicited commentary about
59 Nevada city site “cocktail attire” on our interviewing for jobs or grad her taste.
straddling the 12 African invitations. I thought it was school.
Humboldt River antelope less confusing than I want to tell her this, but write to carolyn Hax at
semiformal, which I never my parents say not to. They get her
60 Uplift 13 Sieves really understood. One uncle think she’ll grow out of it or column delivered to your inbox
61 Old swift fliers 18 Rough end? wore a collared shirt with no grab a clue. I think if she each morning at
62 Cannon of 22 Altered for the tie or jacket. I don’t believe hasn’t yet, she won’t. What do
Hollywood better anyone noticed or thought he you say? Join the discussion live at noon
63 Newton parts 24 “My bad” was inappropriately dressed, — Yikes fridays at
♠ J2
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♦ 963
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♠ 64 ♠ Q 10 9 8 5
♥ J 10 9 4 2 ♥ Q3
! Q 10 8 7 !4
♠ AK73
♥ AK8
♦ A 10 5
! A63
The bidding:
2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — ♥ J
This year you will not
take everything so
seriously. The world
has changed and
vigorous you adapts brilliantly
with it. Finances are good
and your wit and vocabulary
will open doors and win
admiration. If single, a new
maturity beneficially impacts
your approach to love affairs.
Mutual accomplishments will
you are going to experience
an especially comforting,
calming type of love situation.
Capricorn grounds you.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Expression of your creativity
can be a catalyst for spiritual
awakening. With family, a lively
discussion ensues revolving
around spiritual growth.
You are one of the most
independent signs, but belief
makes you feel comforted
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
Success comes to a colleague
or a partner. Cement a bond
by offering praise and support,
and playing second fiddle.
You are always talented in the
garden but now you connect
with Mother Nature on a whole
new level.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Doorways of opportunity open
to you today. You can prepare
a climate of wish fulfilment. It’s
almost as if Aladdin’s magic
upon opportunities that arise.
Be ready to make changes.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Dreams can bring significant
messages from your higher
consciousness. Begin to
keep a dream journal. Learn
about the various categories
of dreams, including lucid
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
Honesty and credibility
STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER STAN LEE & ALEX SAVIUK will prove to be especially
DUSTIN THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN precious today. Remember
not to become anxious about
financial situations, especially
when discussing them with
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
Prepare to balance love and
relationships with the pleasure
that dedication to your career
brings. If you are fancy free,
a new romantic interest can
develop today through your
professional social circles.
Friends offer valuable
suggestions concerning health
today. If you try anything new,
you will respond well to it.
Make up a new schedule of
rituals so you encourage the
repetition of taking care of
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
A hobby shared with others
invites a closer intimacy, even
a hobby online. This brings
a delightful series of new
contacts. Allow the one you
admire to express individuality
or friendship.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Seek creative ways to enjoy
new leisure hours at home.
A home improvement project
and domestic changes will be
successful if you give them a
chance. Maybe hold a family
meeting about what each
person can contribute.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
Many projects seem to be
LINCOLN PEIRCE BILL HOLBROOK unfolding simultaneously.
BIG NATE ON THE FASTRACK Today you can solve problems,
arrange ventures and make
valuable social contacts.
Humor and patience will help.
List priorities and stick to a
reasonable schedule if you feel
temporarily overwhelmed.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
There is chaos in your financial
sector today, but do not worry
as it is only passing. This
assures that it is possible to
escape money difficulties with
relative ease. There will be an
unexpected opportunity to add
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Today is your day. Great
blessings come to hearth
and home. Certain people,
however, can impact your
well-being, so avoid those who
might be unwell or who merely
upset you. Continue to check
in on elderly neighbors and
— Madalyn Aslan
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basis) in nFL history during the Carolina’s Christian McCaffrey became the highest-paid running back in nFL history when he signed a four-year, $64 million contract extension.
same offseason in which the Los
Angeles Rams waived Todd
Gurley II, a former standard-bearer. catchers and true three-down play in space. similar to basketball, rebuilding, and the hope is that, by
Gurley, who has a history of knee players. There already has been the positional lines are blurring in the time McCaffrey’s extension
problems, was cut less than two significant movement in this football because the athletes are kicks in, Coach Matt Rhule will
years after he signed a four-year, direction, and it increases the value changing and becoming more have the Panthers in position for
$60 million deal that included of backs with that skill set. versatile. Football always will be perennial contention.
$45 million guaranteed. McCaffrey takes it to another physical, but speed has never been “I don’t look at him as just a, which tracks level: He could be a wide receiver if more important. running back,” Rhule told
nFL contracts and analyzes trends, he focused on it. It’s in his blood; his For running backs to regain their Charlotte’s WFnZ-AM. “We see him
published a detailed look at father, ed, had 565 receptions and status in the evolved sport, as a weapon. He can be a wideout,
running back contracts of at least 55 touchdowns, and he earned longevity will be as important as running back and returner. He’s not
three years since 2011. I won’t go too three super Bowl rings. In his three skills. Can McCaffrey be the new- a player who you can pigeonhole.”
deep into the numbers, but here seasons, McCaffrey is more than school Faulk for 12 seasons? Can Rhule and new offensive
was the overwhelming conclusion: halfway to his dad’s catch total. He Kamara start posting 1,000-yard coordinator Joe Brady must be
Long-term commitments are can run between the tackles and rushing seasons to complement his careful to maximize him as a
no bueno. And it’s even worse than fight for tough yards. He is a 80 receptions for an extended weapon and not make him a crutch.
imagined. touchdown waiting to happen in period? Can Barkley, who weighs There’s a big difference. Despite his
“Teams had an unfavorable the open field. He can catch it out of 233 pounds and might possess the history of durability, he can’t
outcome about 83% of the time the backfield to make something most impressive combination of continue to carry the ball nearly
with the team overestimating the out of nothing, and he has the skills ever seen in a running back, 300 times and catch more than
length of the contract,” Jason potential (which Carolina hasn’t stay healthy? If they dominate the 100 passes, as he did in 2019, while
Fitzgerald wrote. fully unlocked) to run just about next decade, the game changes for playing behind a suspect offensive
so it’s not just boilerplate “I don’t look at him every route, making him even more the nFL running back. line and with a shaky quarterback.
negativity. of all the lucrative of a matchup nightmare. Let’s throw ezekiel elliott, who is The Panthers have a lot of needs,
positions in the nFL, running back as just a running back. McCaffrey, Kamara and Barkley more traditional in style but still and it will take multiple seasons to
is by far the riskiest to make an — and younger players aspiring to versatile, into the mix as well. still get it right. Until then, they need to
investment in. But McCaffrey is also We see him as a be them — have a chance to be more just 24, he is on a historic pace. If he be wise about McCaffrey’s
a new breed of back, a descendant than a special subset of running stays out of trouble and remains workload.
of Marshall Faulk in style, with a weapon. He can be back. They could change the healthy, perhaps he can justify the It’s not just important for the
modernized approach. still just 23, position. six-year, $90 million contract Panthers that McCaffrey lasts. It’s
he’s as versatile as it gets, and when a wideout, running Think about how the tight end, extension Dallas gave him in important for the entire running
you put him with Alvin Kamara and much more of a blue-collar position september. Like McCaffrey, elliott back position. It’s important for the
saquon Barkley, the trio could back and returner. historically, has added value now must defy the recent trend, but he’s belief that these versatile hybrid
create a new genre of tailback that that the tight end-wide receiver another durable, freakish athlete. backs could increase the value and
fits the evolution of football. He’s not a player who hybrid has emerged. Think about McCaffrey hasn’t missed a game longevity of the position.
By the end of this decade, the the growing value of the hybrid in three nFL seasons. now he is the
pure run-first back will be nearing you can pigeonhole.” linebacker-safety — a reason face of the Carolina franchise. Cam
extinction. The demand will be that Matt Rhule, new carolina Panthers Clemson’s Isaiah simmons will be newton is gone. Luke Kuechly For more by Jerry Brewer, visit
all backs must be good pass coach, on christian Mccaffrey drafted high next week — who can retired at 28. The Panthers are
Lured to job by recent Redskins draft classes, Rivera looks to build on them
Before this year’s draft begins into a dependable interior line-
Thursday, we took look back at men who figures to be part of the
Past three years created those past three classes to deter- team’s core moving forward.
young core that has mine what the Redskins have and After the Redskins released
how they got it. nicholson this offseason follow-
plenty of experience ing a three-year stint that includ-
2017 ed off-field issues, Moreau is the
This class began the Washing- 2017 draft pick with the most left
BY S AM F ORTIER ton Crimson Tide. The Redskins to gain. The team traded top
drafted Alabama defensive tackle cornerback Quinton Dunbar last
When Ron Rivera considered Jonathan Allen when he slipped month and is relying on Moreau
the Washington Redskins’ coach- to the 17th pick and then chose to help fill the void. He flashed
ing job, one of the things he Alabama outside linebacker Ryan potential last season while re-
noticed was the team’s age. The Anderson in the second round. placing Josh norman — three
roster wasn’t just one of the nFL’s now there are 10 Alabama alums interceptions over a pair of mid-
youngest; the youth also had ex- on the Redskins’ 75-man roster. season games — but ended the
perience. owner Daniel snyder Though neither Allen nor Ander- season on injured reserve with a
emphasized to Rivera how he son has reached the heights some hamstring injury.
could mold these young players expected, Allen has developed From this draft, there are three
into a foundation. Rivera bought into a solid anchor and picks who made little to no im-
in. pass-rushing presence for the pact with the Redskins: oklaho-
“The last three drafts have interior defensive line. ma running back samaje Perine
been really good, young draft even though the Redskins (fourth round), Georgia state
classes,” the coach said Thursday found value throughout the draft wide receiver Robert Davis
during his virtual leadership lun- — UCLA cornerback Fabian (sixth) and Auburn cornerback
cheon. “You got to see it in the Moreau (third), Michigan state Joshua Holsey (seventh).
play. You see how many first-, safety Montae nicholson The legacy of the 2017 draft will
second-, third-year guys were get- (fourth), Arkansas tight end Jere- rest on how the defensive players
ting a lot of playing time, so you my sprinkle (fifth) and Louisville produce coming up. If they step
know there’s some potential for safety Josh Harvey-Clemons (sev- up, this season could be long-
continued growth and develop- enth) — their steal was Wyoming awaited validation for the Red-
ment. . . . I’m excited about it. center Chase Roullier. The Red- skins’ approach of gambling on
JoHn McDonnell/tHe WAsHIngton Post
Hopefully we can couple it with skins snagged him in the sixth players who slid because of
some good draft picks.” round, and he quickly developed see redsKIns on C10 defensive tackle Jonathan Allen (93), drafted 17th overall in 2017, developed into a productive starter.
NBA, union agree to plan that will withhold part of players’ pay during hiatus
BY B EN G OLLIVER son that runs from April through ers. In terms of priorities, you many games were lost in the times, and like other companies salvaged. The league sought to
June. Before the agreement, play- begin with safety. We’re not at a event of a major disaster, such as across all industries, we need to increase its credit line in March
With professional basketball’s ers were continuing to receive point yet where we have a clear a pandemic. The average NBA take short-term steps to deal with from $550 million to $1.2 billion
schedule paralyzed by the novel their standard payments even protocol and a path forward team completed 65 of 82 games the harsh economic impact on in response to the pandemic, and
coronavirus pandemic, the NBA though Commissioner Adam Sil- where we feel like we can sit this season. In a joint statement our business and organization,” Silver said the NBA and its teams
and the National Basketball Play- ver had suspended the season down with the players and say we Friday, the NBA and NBPA said an NBA spokesman said at the are responsible for 55,000 jobs,
ers Association agreed to a plan March 11. can resume the season. Human the new agreement will “provide time. including arena workers and oth-
that will see 25 percent of each Silver said Friday that the NBA life trumps anything else you players with a more gradual sala- Financial fallout from the pan- er personnel.
player’s remaining 2019-20 pay- has not formulated a return-to- could possibly be talking about.” ry reduction schedule” to smooth demic has touched multiple NBA “Our revenue has essentially
checks withheld during the play timeline, that it has not The NBA will monitor new the potential effect of lost wages. teams. The Utah Jazz announced dropped to zero, which is having
league’s shutdown. decided on a cutoff date for coronavirus case counts, the Collectively, player salaries to- layoffs this month, and Houston a huge impact on our team
The plan, announced Friday, deciding whether to resume the widespread availability of test- taled more than $3.7 billion for Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta business and arena business,”
will take effect for the May 15 season and that it has not “seri- ing, the possibility of a vaccine the 2019-20 season, according to furloughed 40,000 employees in Silver said. “There’s a strong
payment cycle. If the season ously engaged” in so-called “bub- and guidelines from the Centers The his casino and restaurant busi- recognition [among owners] that
resumes, withheld money could ble” scenarios that would allow for Disease Control and Preven- NBA’s salary cap was set at a nesses. there are thousands of jobs im-
be returned to the players. If the NBA to hold games at a tion and state governments as it record $109.1 million per team Silver announced in February pacted by the NBA, not just the
unplayed games are canceled, single-site location. proceeds with determining when this season. that strained relations with Chi- ones the fans see. While this virus
team owners would be able to “It’s about the data and not the it is safe to resume play. The cost-cutting move comes na following comments about is a dire public health issue, so is
retain some of the withheld wag- date,” Silver said on a conference Officially canceling the games three weeks after Silver an- Hong Kong by Rockets General shutting down the economy. I
es. call following the league’s annual would trigger the “force majeure” nounced that he, Deputy Com- Manager Daryl Morey in October think that’s why the league sees it
Most NBA players receive their Board of Governors meeting. clause of the collective bargain- missioner Mark Tatum and doz- had cost the NBA up to $400 as our obligation, to the extent
salaries every two weeks on a “There’s too much unknown to ing agreement between the own- ens of the league’s top-earning million in revenue, and the NBA we can resume play in a safe way,
12-month cycle, even though the set a timeline. There is no appe- ers and players, which would executives would have their sala- is facing a potential $1 billion to look at every potential way of
season typically runs from Octo- tite [among owners] to compro- cause players to forfeit a percent- ries reduced by 20 percent. revenue hit if the rest of this doing so.”
ber through April with a postsea- mise the well-being of our play- age of their salaries based on how “These are unprecedented season and the playoffs cannot be
Don’t drop nonrevenue college sports in hard times. Cut football coaches’ salaries.
The regularly CEO of Columbia sportswear
scheduled start of reduced his salary from
the college $3 million to $10,000. The heads
football season is of most major airlines have
still some declined salaries through June —
41/2 months off, some beyond that. The CEO of
Barry and it’s impossible Marriott, the world’s largest hotel
Svrluga to say whether chain, won’t have a salary
that will happen. through the end of this year.
Uncertainty defines life right So if athletic directors are
now, and at some level wondering looking to cut costs in a time
whether college kids can play when people nationally are,
football as planned seems almost invariably, cutting costs,
insignificant, even inappropriate, couldn’t they look at themselves
particularly before we know — and, more impactfully, their
when college kids will be allowed football coaches?
back on campus. Take Ohio State as an example.
The resumption of college The Buckeyes paid their assistant
sports is important enough, coaches a total of $7.245 million
though, that Vice President Pence in 2019, according to data
held a conference call with its compiled by USA Today. Head
major stakeholders Wednesday. coach Ryan Day is due
There are truths about college $5.4 million this year. Five
football that would have existed members of Day’s staff make at
had the novel coronavirus least $900,000 each.
pandemic not crippled the world. Clemson Coach Dabo Swinney
But those truths, with the season made more than $9.3 million last
threatened, are laid bare at the year, according to USA Today, just
moment. College athletics exist in one of 10 coaches who made more
the most fragile ecosystem. And than $6 million. Thirty-one head
the entire enterprise depends on coaches made at least $4 million,
football. and 31 schools pay their staffs of
Not just football being played. 10 assistants at least $4 million. If
But football being played in revenue trends downward —
packed stadiums. whether because seasons are
streeter LecKa/getty Images
“If you don’t have a season,” shortened or because fans are
Ohio State Athletic Director Gene Dabo Swinney made more than $9.3 million last year, per reports. He is one of 31 college football coaches paid at least $4 million annually. reluctant to pack closely into
Smith told reporters last week, stadiums — it seems clear where
“do the math on that.” Stadium — capacity 104,944 — gathering environment. Why commissioners are willing to talk athletes in the other sports some cash could be saved. After
Where college sports are because they need the revenue would it be safe for the players?” about a delayed season — even football supports. all, $9.3 million goes a long way
concerned, there is so much math from seven home games at Ohio Given the above math, there are potentially beginning in 2021 and College sports are often in Clemson, S.C. Ol’ Dabo could
to be done. If Major League Stadium. Playing without fans, clearly other factors at work as playing in the spring. There must referred to as the front porch of a get by on, say, $4 million, couldn’t
Baseball can’t play this summer Smith said, would cost the well. be football. If preserving the given university. But the reality is, he?
and fall, it impacts both players Buckeyes between $5 million and College football needs the fans current model is the goal — and once you’re on the porch and There are signs that this could
and owners financially, for sure. $7 million per game. If seven because college football needs the whether that should be is another open the front door, there’s at best be a consideration. Washington
But if college football can’t be games go away, then — poof — money because the rest of college discussion entirely — then there a rickety bridge stretching across State announced that its athletic
played this fall, it affects not the there goes somewhere between sports — at so many schools — must be football. to the academic side of the school. director, football coach and men’s
wallets of the players but the $35 million and $49 million — exist only because college football The NBA or the NHL could lose Most big-time athletic basketball coach will take
mere existence of an opportunity potentially nearly a quarter of the does. So when Oklahoma State this year’s playoffs and start again departments operate as separate 5 percent pay cuts through the
for gymnasts and lacrosse $210 million in expenses the Coach Mike Gundy says football next year, and there would be an corporations. What they share end of the next academic year. It’s
players, wrestlers and runners. department needed to keep should return ASAP because “we economic impact, for sure. But if with their schools amounts to a a step. There should be more.
Athletic departments across the 36 sports afloat last year. need to run money through the college football punts an entire particular shade of a specific Any return of any sport must
Power Five conferences are built And that doesn’t include the state of Oklahoma,” he is being season, the infrastructure that color and a couple of chants. be about public health and safety.
on the revenue football rakes in. revenue football brings in both tone-deaf and honest. supports so many of the 170,000 That doesn’t mean athletic But if college football coaches and
If that revenue evaporates — or through television broadcasts. That this money is generated Division I athletes would all but departments can’t lead in how to administrators sound a little
even shrinks — something will Yes, maybe some money would be by young men who don’t receive collapse. respond to the economic desperate to stage a normal
give. salvaged if games could be played anything approaching their fair If revenue doesn’t evaporate — hardships so many people already season in an abnormal world, it’s
Here’s an idea: Why not start in empty stadiums. Smith said on share of the cash is inescapable, meaning, if there’s some sort of a are enduring. CEOs across the because they are.
with the salaries of coaches? the conference call with of course, the constant thread season — but just declines, then country are taking pay cuts as
First, the math Smith spoke of reporters: “If we don’t have fans that runs through all those can’t- costs must decline, too. It would both a show of goodwill and a
last week. The Buckeyes annually in the stands, we’ve determined miss fall Saturdays. But there’s a be a shame, then, if the hit to cost-saving measure during these For more by Barry svrluga, visit
host seven games at Ohio it’s not safe for them in a reason conference football’s largesse was felt by the economically crippling times. The
Three-month furloughs
reduce sta≠ at SB Nation
BY B EN S TRAUSS familiar with the situation, the
furloughed SB Nation employees
The future of one of the earli- were offered severance packages
est sports websites, SB Nation, is that they can accept by may 31,
in doubt after a raft of furloughs which several staffers said raised
friday left the outlet without concerns about the future of the
nearly all of its national writers site and whether the company
for the next three months and wants them back.
potentially longer. “It’s hard to look at this and
In a memo sent to staff by the think would con-
CEo of Vox media, SB Nation’s tinue to exist as any reader has
parent company, Jim Bankoff known it,” one furloughed writer
wrote: “We face a new reality, said.
precipitated by the pandemic. To In a statement, Vox media
achieve necessary cost savings publisher melissa Bell wrote,
. . . there will be consequences to “We recognize the uncertainty of
people’s income and livelihood being on furlough during this
resulting from the actions we are time is not tenable for some
implementing today.” people, so if some of our employ-
Bankoff added, “Areas dispro- ees need to take severance now,
portionately impacted include we’re discussing that with them.”
revenue areas where short-term The national SB Nation site
demand will be lower such as stood out for Hall’s essays about
sales, sales support, production, college football; inventive videos
events; [and] editorial areas in- and interactives produced by Jon
cluding SB Nation’s national Bois, who remains at the site; and
sports coverage.” its college football vertical,
SB Nation is best known for its Banner Society.
network of more than 300 team- friday’s furloughs hit other
centric blogs, run mostly by low- aspects of Vox media, including
paid contractors or volunteers. technology website the Verge
But the site also employs around and real estate-centric publica-
100 full-time staffers, and fri- tion Curbed. But most affected
day’s furloughs, which last from was SB Nation, founded in 2005
may 1 to July 31, wiped out much and the original website of what
of the editorial team that writes became Vox media’s sprawling running back derrius Guice was drafted in the second round in 2018, but three knee injuries have overshadowed his flashes of potential.
and edits for the national site. portfolio.
Among those affected were Several SB Nation employees
former editorial director and
writer Spencer Hall, prominent
basketball writer mike Prada,
described the situation as tense
going back several years. While
the company expanded in other
Rivera liked what he saw in Redskins’ young roster
feature writer Natalie Weiner areas of the business, little in-
and a team of college football vestment was made in SB Nation, redsKins from C8 threat. He hauled in 58 catches for
reporters and editors. In all, they said. When prominent writ- 919 yards and seven touchdowns
around 20 people were fur- ers and editors left the site, they health concerns, such as Allen and is the team’s top long-term
loughed, roughly one-fifth of the almost never were replaced. (arthritic shoulders) and moreau building block among offensive
full-time staff and nearly all of SB Nation is the latest sports (torn pectoral muscle). playmakers.
the site’s employees who focus on outlet to contract, a trend that Another important variable in
writing. predates the novel coronavirus 2018 this draft was then-team presi-
The Vox media Union tweeted pandemic but has been exacer- Though all eight picks remain dent Bruce Allen’s decision to
that it disagreed with the fur- bated by it. Deadspin imploded with the redskins, this class re- trade this year’s second-round
loughs, arguing that hundreds of last year, and Sports Illustrated mains full of question marks. It’s pick to move up at the end of the
Vox media employees had offered experienced deep staff cuts both headlined by running back Derri- first round. The redskins select-
to take pay cuts in lieu of them. before and during the sports us Guice, the second-round pick ed mississippi State edge rusher
The union said it had won guar- shutdown. ESPN furloughed its out of LSU who has flashed po- montez Sweat, following the ten-
antees of no additional layoffs, game production staff and asked tential — 10 carries for 129 yards dency to target talented players
furloughs or pay cuts through the its highest-paid employees to and two touchdowns against the who slipped because of injury
end of July. take temporary pay cuts. Carolina Panthers last season — concerns. Sweat was inconsistent
According to four people but also suffered three serious as rookie, but it is too early to
knee injuries in two seasons. determine whether the trade was
If Guice finds a way to remain worth it.
on the field and produce at the The late-round gem in 2019
level the team expects, he might JONATHAN NEWTON/THE WASHINGTON POST was North Carolina linebacker
end up being one of the redskins’ The development of quarterback dwayne Haskins, the 15th pick in Cole Holcomb, selected in the
better recent selections. But to 2019, will determine the success of the redskins’ draft last year. fifth round. He started right away
SOCCER HIGH SCHOOLS this point his impact has been and, though there were ups and
The D.C. State Athletic minimal, and rivera appeared to After the first two rounds, the didn’t win the starting job. downs, developed into a reliable
MLS pushes back Association canceled its spring acquire an insurance policy by redskins mainly collected role player. He has the athleticism to
restart, eyes pay cuts sports season amid the signing veteran Peyton Barber players and special teamers: Penn play outside in the defense’s new
coronavirus outbreak, ending this offseason. State safety Troy Apke (fourth The redskins used the 4-3 scheme.
major League Soccer pushed campaigns for all D.C. public and The second biggest question round), Virginia Tech defensive 15th pick on a potential franchise other late picks will get a
back restarting the season to at private schools before many mark is Da’ron Payne, the red- tackle Tim Settle (fifth), Alabama quarterback in Dwayne Haskins, chance to prove they are worthy
least June 8 and said it is began playing games. The news skins’ second Alabama interior linebacker Shaun Dion Hamilton but he was a contested choice of significant roles. North Caroli-
discussing possible salary cuts came about 21/2 hours after mayor defensive lineman first-round (sixth), Virginia Tech cornerback even inside the building. Wheth- na State wide receiver Kelvin
with the players’ union. Muriel e. Bowser (D) pick in as many years. He has Greg Stroman (seventh) and er he develops into a high-level Harmon (sixth round), James
Teams played two matches announced school buildings will been the run-stopper he was SmU receiver Trey Quinn starter for Washington probably madison cornerback Jimmy
before the season was suspended remain closed through the end of projected to be — particularly (seventh). will define the class. moreland (seventh) and Indiana
march 12 because of the novel the academic year. useful in the NfC East against The last uncertainty of this To this point, however, it has guard Wes martin (fourth)
coronavirus pandemic, and the D.C. spring sports include running backs Saquon Barkley of draft is Geron Christian, the been Haskins’s ohio State team- should compete for starting jobs.
league had been looking at baseball, softball, lacrosse, tennis the New York Giants and Ezekiel third-round pick from Louisville mate Terry mcLaurin who has Stanford running back Bryce
possibly resuming play in mid- and outdoor track. Virginia had Elliott of the Dallas Cowboys — who was selected to back up been the standout. Drafted in the Love (fourth) missed all of last
may. The league still would like to already canceled its spring sports but hasn’t developed into a dis- starters Trent Williams and mor- third round, he was expected to be season recovering from a knee
play a full season. season. ruptive pass rusher, with seven gan moses. But even when Wil- a depth wide receiver and special injury but should get a chance to
mLS also said it is exploring “We are disappointed for sacks and 12 quarterback hits in liams’s holdout stretched on teams ace, but he transformed earn playing time in 2020.
possible “changes to player those student-athletes who will 31 games. throughout last season, Christian into the team’s most dynamic
compensation” because of the not have the opportunity to
financial hit the league and teams compete and showcase their
are facing. . . . skills during their senior season,”
English Premier League clubs
discussed the coronavirus testing
required and scenarios that could
DCSAA executive director Clark
ray said in a news release. “But
we fully support the mayor’s
Duke-bound Roach isn’t hindered by the hype
allow the season to resume in decision and recognize the
June at the earliest, with the aim importance we collectively play It takes a special talent to be the Blue Devils’ point guard, but the Paul VI star is used to lofty expectations
of playing all matches. in helping to flatten this curve
The league wants to restart and stop the spread of this BY M ICHAEL E RRIGO We wanted to be there for him
June 8 after a three-month deadly virus.” and help him and let him know
absence, presenting an — Kyle Melnick All elite high school basketball we wanted him just as badly. We
optimistically tight time frame isaiah Todd became the players reach a point when they knew how he would attack the
for players to regain match fitness second player to jump from high must start thinking of themselves rehab.”
if social distancing is relaxed. . . . school to the G League this week. not only as prep stars but also as roach committed to Duke on
Bob Hermann, the soccer Todd was a highly recruited college recruits. Each season be- may 8, 2019.
executive who launched the forward at Word of God Christian comes about more than just carv- “man, that was a big day,” he
Hermann Trophy given annually Academy in raleigh, N.C. ing out minutes and winning said. “It was honestly a big sigh of
to the top college players in the championships. There is the relief. To have that weight off my
country, died at 97. His family COLLEGE BASKETBALL future to consider. shoulders, I could just focus on
said he died monday at his home Guard Malachi Flynn, a for Paul VI guard Jeremy my rehab again and then my
in the St. Louis suburb of Ladue. consensus all-American and the roach, that mind-set adjustment senior season.”
A key figure in the rise of the mountain West Conference came with his first scholarship roach returned to the court for
professional sport in the United player of the year, will forgo his offer. It arrived in october of his his senior season and averaged
States in the 1960s, Hermann was senior season at San Diego State freshman year, before he had 17.9 points, 5.2 rebounds and
inducted to the National Soccer and enter the NBA draft. . . . played a varsity game for the 4.8 assists while leading the Pan-
Hall of fame in 2001. . . . North Carolina freshman Cole Panthers, and it was from the thers to the Virginia Independent
norman Hunter, a former Anthony, a 6-foot-3 point guard University of Virginia. Schools Athletic Association
Leeds defender who was part of who averaged a team-high “Just to know that a school and state championship. He earned
England’s World Cup-winning 18.5 points this past season, will coach like that has confidence in mcDonald’s all-American and
squad in 1966, died of covid-19, enter the NBA draft. you at a young age gives you a Jeremy roach received his first college scholarship offer — from first-team All-met honors.
the disease caused by the boost,” roach said. “But with that Virginia — before he made his debut on the varsity team at Paul Vi. roach, who signed in Novem-
coronavirus. He was 76. MISC. first offer, I tried to keep it ber, is part of a six-man recruiting
NASCAr postponed the may 9 low-key.” people would yell at me, ‘Go here, then he also hit some timely class for the Blue Devils, who
OLYMPIC SPORTS race at martinsville Speedway in from that moment on, roach, go there!’ They’re in the Twitter shots. Coach loved him. right finished 25-6 overall and 15-5 in
USA Track & field laid off seven Virginia, which is under a stay-at- a five-star talent who would even- [direct messages], Instagram away, Jeremy stuck out to him.” the ACC this past season. With
people from its 65-person staff, home order into June. . . . tually sign with Duke, was more Dms, too.” The Blue Devils already had sophomore point guard Tre Jones
and CEo Max siegel is taking a Defenseman dustin Byfuglien than just a high school hooper. Basketball provided an escape, roach on their radar, but they headed to the NBA, roach is in
20 percent pay cut to offset lost and the Winnipeg Jets mutually He was the 14-year-old with a but every time he was on the offered a scholarship that sum- line to take up some ballhandling
revenue because of the pandemic. agreed to terminate his contract, Virginia offer, a reputation that court he had to play like the kid mer and quickly made him a duties when he arrives in Dur-
The organization that runs the potentially marking the end of a grew as more elite programs fol- with a boatload of Division I priority. on the local level, the ham, N.C.
country’s largest summer sport playing career for the 14-year lowed suit. By the time roach offers. more often than not, he hype reached new heights head- The 6-foot-2 roach knows
was forced to cancel dozens of NHL veteran. . . . finished his sophomore season, delivered. In the summer after ing into roach’s junior season. point guard at Duke is one of the
events, including the olympic The Columbus Blue Jackets he could turn on any college his sophomore season, he had a Just before it started, he cut his most scrutinized positions in col-
trials, which were scheduled for signed all-star goaltender Joonas basketball game and think about strong showing at Peach Jam, sizable list of potential schools to lege basketball. But after four
June. In 2016, the trials produced Korpisalo to a two-year contract whether he wanted to attend arguably the biggest AAU event four, each of which has won at years as a local attraction and a
around $5 million in revenue. worth a reported $5.6 million. . . . either of the schools competing. of the year. In the stands, looking least one national championship constant source of praise and
They will be rescheduled to mesh The BmW International open Just about every option was open. on with a few assistants, was in the past 10 years: Duke, Ken- criticism, he believes he is ready
with the olympics, which have in Germany and the open de His high-profile recruitment Duke Coach mike Krzyzewski. tucky, North Carolina and Vil- for the challenge. His Duke
been pushed into 2021. france golf tournaments were followed him on and off the court. “He didn’t even have a big lanova. coaches believe the same.
Sports Business Daily reported canceled because of the friends, teammates and even scoring game,” remembered Two weeks later, roach tore his “It takes a very unique player
that all the cuts came in divisions coronavirus pandemic, and the strangers had no problem telling Duke associate head coach Jon ACL and missed the entire sea- that has that point guard mind-
that support the 8,000 live events Scottish open was postponed. . . . him what they thought he should Scheyer, who led roach’s recruit- son. But as he sat on the sideline set and also the talent,” Scheyer
the USATf sanctions each year. The Chicago Bears released do with his life. ment. “But he affected the game or rehabbed at home, he said. “We feel like Jeremy has
Siegel made $1.14 million in tight end Trey Burton. “Everyone is a college fan,” in so many different areas — his continued to hear from Duke. that. It takes some time, and you
2017, according to the USATf’s — From news services roach said with a laugh. “I would on-the-ball defense, his leading, “We didn’t skip a beat,” Scheyer learn. But we feel he can do that.”
most recent public tax filing. and staff reports just want to do regular stuff, and his passing, his playmaking. And said. “No discussion on our end.
Real Estate
A long-term
for those
looking ahead. 8
Market Intelligence
thE washington post . saturday, fEbruary 8, 2020 1
thE washington post . saturday, fEbruary 22, 2020
What do condo
fees really cover?
That’s among the questions
to ask before buying. 12
. saturday,
By saving, negotiating and getting help, they took the plunge. 14
Design and technology advances provide new options for efficiency, security and comfort. 6
How affordable
housing is getting
lost in the mix. 4
A road in this Germantown, Md., community inspired one of John Denver’s biggest hits. 3 Mortage rates fall. 6
Real Estate
Your weekly source for insight and analysis on the Washington-area housing market.
APRIL 18, 2020
The go-to guide on national housing trends for buyers, sellers, investors and dreamers.
Every Saturday in The Washington Post
Online at
the quaint
against the
Residents of Bethesda
enclave treasure their
historic homes, old trees
Terrace COUNTY
hood sprang into action. The 187
“Greenwich Forest is much more now welcomes anyone who can There are two listings on the
Greenwich Forest Citizens Associ- MEDICAL than any one house being impor- afford to live here, its demograph- market: a four-bedroom, six-bath-
ation applied for a historic desig- Bradmoor tant. It’s the fabric of the commu- ics haven’t changed much. room house for $3.6 million and a
Woodhaven TO
property in ratio to the houses, so Greenwich RD and Colonial Revival into this very adding the neighborhood attracts Last year, the average price of
teardowns,” Parker said. “When WILSON LN. There are no sidewalks here. Now that Greenwich Forest has $1.3 million. The lowest-priced
we saw what was happening BETHESDA Wide roads curve gently around preserved its historic houses, the was a four-bedroom, four-bath-
around us, the neighborhood real- FAIRFAX the U-shaped perimeter of the neighborhood is focused on pres- room house that sold for
ly banded together.” neighborhood, and people often ervation of a different kind. It is $825,000. The highest-priced was
Now Greenwich Forest, first 1/2 MILE
stroll the sloping streets. dedicated to protecting the neigh- a five-bedroom, five-bathroom
imagined by the builder and de- Source: Maps4News/HERE “You walk around, it still looks borhood’s large, mature trees. The house that sold for $2.4 million.
veloper Morris Cafritz and archi- MEGHAN KELLY FOR THE WASHINGTON POST like you’re in the 1930s or ’40s,” citizens association allocates Schools: Bradley Hills Elemen-
tects Alvin A. Aubinoe and Harry Schindel said. funding for the replacement of tary, Thomas W. Pyle Middle
L. Edwards, and built between Since the designation was trees and manages a tree-planting School and Walt Whitman High
1926 and 1949, is protected by architects designed garages that granted, the drama over the neigh- program. School.
Montgomery County’s Planning curved around the back of houses, borhood’s future has subsided. “The real character, besides the Transit: Greenwich Forest is
Department and Maryland’s His- out of sight from the streetscape. “It’s been pretty quiet here, but houses, is the tall, mostly oak served by several bus routes and is
toric Trust. Not all homes have been saved that’s why people move to the trees. It’s 10 degrees cooler in the about a mile from the Bethesda
“It’s a very well-preserved ex- from redevelopment. One of the forest, right?” Schindel said. neighborhood in summer,” Schin- Metro station on the Red Line. The
ample of an early automobile sub- oldest homes in Greenwich Forest Greenwich Forest’s quaint set- del said. “But we’re always dealing nearest main thoroughfares are
division,” said Clare Lise Kelly, an was razed shortly before the ting is in contrast with its darker with Pepco and the county about Old Georgetown Road and Brad-
architectural historian. neighborhood received its historic history. When the neighborhood not removing trees to protect the ley Boulevard.
APRIL 18, 2020
Cafritz and Aubinoe were some designation, and the original lot was first marketed, the advertise- power lines.”
of the first developers to plan and was subdivided into three parcels. ments made clear not everyone Greenwich Forest is an enclave
construct a neighborhood around “It was demolished with pro- was welcome, particularly African for people who like historic houses
the automobile. Cars had become testers around,” said David Schin- Americans. and nature. Those who do tend to to see more photos of green-
more widely available to Ameri- del, former president of the Green- According to an ad in The stay for a long time. wich Forest, go to washingtonpost
cans during this period, and the wich Forest Citizens Association. Washington Post in August 1933, “You don’t really need a huge .com/realestate.
Mortgage Rates
Weekly averages for
Figures are flat as the Fed’s popular mortgage types
rently parked in the bond market
would have likely led to a drop in
interest rates to at least 2 per-
Meanwhile, fueled by refinanc-
es, mortgage applications picked
up last week. According to the
intervention calms market cent,” said George Ratiu, senior
economist at “But
latest data from the Mortgage
Bankers Association, the market
instead, rates remained roughly composite index — a measure of
BY K ATHY O RTON The 15-year fixed-rate average 3.34 consistent this week. One of the total loan application volume —
ticked up to 2.8 percent with an 3 3.31 largest drivers contributing to increased 7.3 percent from a week
The Federal Reserve has average 0.7 point. It was 2.77 rate stickiness has been the tight- earlier. The refinance index
soothed the mortgage market, at percent a week ago and 3.62 per- 2.80 ening of underwriting standards jumped 10 percent and was 192
least temporarily. After weeks of cent a year ago. The five-year 2 by banks and lenders in response percent higher than it was the
volatility, the Fed’s purchases of adjustable rate average fell to 3.34 to the historical number of unem- same time last year. The refinance
mortgage-backed securities have percent with an average 0.3 point. 30-YEAR FIXED ployment insurance claims. As we share of mortgage activity ac-
had a calming effect on rates the It was 3.4 percent a week ago and 1
move forward in these anything counted for 76.2 percent of appli-
past two weeks. 3.78 percent a year ago. but normal times, we can expect cations.
According to the latest data “The wild swings have calmed investors to continue their risk- The purchase index continued
released Thursday by Freddie in recent weeks after a period of averse behavior as they try to to slide, falling 2 percent. It is 35
’18 ’19 ’20
Mac, the 30-year fixed-rate aver- extreme fluctuations,” said Mat- navigate market volatility.” percent lower than it was a year
age slipped near its all-time low, thew Speakman, a Zillow econo- Source: Freddie Mac, which puts out ago. The purchase index, which
dipping to 3.31 percent with an mist. “This suggests the historic THE WASHINGTON POST a weekly mortgage rate trend started March at 280.7, has fallen
average 0.7 point. (Points are fees intervention by the Federal Re- index, found that half the experts to 182.6, a 35 percent decline over
paid to a lender equal to 1 percent serve has successfully eased some then sells it to investors. it surveyed predict rates will re- the past five weeks.
of the loan amount and are in of the strains that had plagued Mortgage rates are usually main about the same in the com- “During these challenging
addition to the interest rate.) It the market just a few weeks ago, based on MBS prices. The Fed’s ing week. times for the U.S. economy, re-
was 3.33 a week ago and 4.17 though challenges remain.” unlimited MBS buying pushes “Same story, different week, cord-low rates continue to benefit
percent a year ago. The 30-year Last month, the Federal Re- prices up and rates down. but there’s no real reason to see the many homeowners able to
fixed average sank to a record-low serve restarted its massive bond- However, normal market dy- any significant drop in rates while refinance and save money on
of 3.29 percent in early March. buying program. The Fed has namics have gone out the window lenders work around continuing their monthly mortgage pay-
Freddie Mac, the federally been purchasing mortgage- during the coronavirus outbreak. changes in product and eligibili- ments,” said Bob Broeksmit, MBA
chartered mortgage investor, ag- backed securities — or MBSs as What causes mortgage rates to ty,” said Gordon Miller, president president and chief executive.
gregates rates from 125 lenders they are often known — which are move has less to do with the usual of Miller Lending in Cary, N.C. “Given the rise in unemployment
across the country to come up bundles of mortgages sold on a factors such as long-term bonds “Jumbo loans are almost unavail- and stay-at-home orders aimed at
with national average mortgage secondary market. When a bor- than investors’ concerns over bor- able now and it’s getting harder to curbing the spread of [the corona-
rates. It uses rates for borrowers rower takes out a loan such as a rowers’ inability to pay their lend to self-employed borrowers virus], the spring home-buying
with flawless credit scores. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, a mortgages. as we now have to establish that season showed further weak-
rates quoted are not available to lender often bundles that loan “Under normal circumstances, the coronavirus has had no im- ness.”
every borrower. with other loans into an MBS and the high volume of money cur- pact on their business.”
Find a Home
55+ Single-Family Homes
from the low $600’s
38 Royal View Drive, Bridgeville, DE 19933
All new homes in Brookfield Residential 55+ communities are designed for main-level living,
which means you can forget about constantly climbing stairs. Plus, each community comes MHBR #408 | At least one resident must be 55 or better. No
permanent residents under the age of 19. Offers, financing, prices,
incentives and terms are all subject to change without notice. NY/
with a complete collection of amenities. It’s a combination that will make your new lifestyle NJ-The complete offering terms are in an offering plan available
from sponsor. File no. H-06-0019. Certain restrictions apply. Please
low maintenance, yet high excitement. see a Brookfield Residential Sales Manager for details.
The Community is intended to provide housing primarily for persons 55 years of age or older and additional restrictions apply. The Community shall be operated as an age-restricted community
in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws. This material shall not constitute an over or solicitation in any state where prior registration is required. Amblebrook™ is pending
trademark registration by Corbelis Management, LLC. All rights reserved. 2018 Corbelis Management, LLC
Buying New Pacifica in northwest Washington
said, “we also wanted the units to feel like bathtubs and fixtures.
single-family residences. We used a lot of Bedrooms/bathrooms: 1 to 3 / 2 to 4
trim work, with crown moldings and cased the dining room is around the corner. The Schools: Elementary and middle, School
openings [framed openings without doors] living room has a stone-tile gas fireplace, Without Walls; high, Cardozo Education Square footage: 1,200 to 2,100
to convey a sense of space and room desig- which is standard in all units. Campus. Condominium association fee: about 60
nation.” Off the dining room, there is a den with a Transit: Dupont Circle is the heart of cents per foot
The entry to Unit 5 opens to a little double glass door. The space is suitable for a walkable Northwest Washington. Side- View model: by appointment.
hallway. The smaller of the two bedrooms is guest room, a nursery, a home office, a TV walks are wide. Street parking for residents
on one side, and the master bedroom is on lounge or a dining-room extension for a and visitors is plentiful. Bike lanes are pretty Contact: matt Cummings at 202-350-2802
the left. An en suite bathroom is reached large dinner party. common. Dupont Circle Metro station on or
through one of two walk-in closets in the Nearby: The neighborhood has many the Red line is two blocks from Pacifica to
master bedroom suite. restaurants and bars. There are grocery the north and the Farragut North Metro in the other direction. Many major traffic
Down the hallway, the unit has another stores, drugstores, banks, liquor stores, station, also on the Red Line, is a few blocks corridors — including Massachusetts, New
bathroom, a laundry closet and a double- shoe stores and museums. Inside the traffic Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut
door coat closet. Beyond the hallway is the circle, Dupont Circle has a park with a avenues — pass through the circle or run
open-plan living space, facing N Street. The fountain that is surrounded by a wide walk- to see more photos of Pacifica, go to nearby.
L-shaped kitchen faces the living room, and way, benches, grass and trees.
Washington Post
Ruled Notebook
Mark and Sharon Brender, retirees who live in a townhouse in Arlington, love living in an urban envi-
ronment, walking to shops and restaurants and hopping on Metro for cultural opportunities in normal
times. ¶ But at 70, Mark Brender says he realizes that he and his 73-year-old wife may not always want
to live in a three-level home with stairs. ¶ “We’re planners who want to maximize our life and enjoy it
without worrying about how we’ll take care of each other as we age,” he says. ¶ The couple made a depos-
it at the Mather, a “life plan community” in Tysons Corner that is anticipated to be ready for its first resi-
dents in 2023. A life plan community, also known as a continuing care retirement community, is a hy-
brid of an active adult community and other types of senior housing. ¶ At the Mather, the amenities will
include dance classes, play-reading groups, seminars, an art studio with group and individual classes,
and concierge services for everything from event tickets to private chef services. The community will have
a fitness center, an exercise studio for classes, a spa, an indoor pool, a library, a movie theater and multi-
ple dining venues. In addition, residents will have valet parking and housekeeping twice per month. ¶
Unlike most active adult communities, which are designated for people 55 and over, life plan communi-
APRIL 18, 2020
ties target residents at different ages such as 60 or 62 or perhaps older. In addition to the recreational
and social amenities of an active adult community, they also usually include several sections or buildings
that offer independent living, skilled nursing, assisted living and sometimes a memory care center for
people with dementia. “Life plan communities typically appeal to people who want a lifestyle component
similar to an active adult community and are also planners who want their future care secure,” says Beth
Mace, chief economist and director of outreach with the National Investment Center for Seniors Hous-
ing and Care (NIC). “They don’t want to wait for a health event to occur or to have to go to a place they
don’t want if they need assisted living in the future.” ¶ Typically, residents live in the independent section
of the community as long as possible and sometimes for their entire stay in a life plan community, says
Lana Peck, a senior principal with NIC. They can be moved to the skilled nursing center to recover from
a hip replacement or other surgery and move back to their home or move to the community’s assisted liv-
ing or memory care center when they need more help. “These communities allow people to age in place
Cover Story
A retirement living option that includes many levels
communIty from t8 According to CBrE’s report, the a nursing home facility averaged
average deposit in 2018 was $8,517 in 2019, according to Gen-
in the same location, and they are $335,000 and can rise to nearly worth, a long-term care insur-
guaranteed to be able to stay $1 million in some high-cost ance provider. In the Washington
there until the end of their lives,” housing markets. area, that average cost was
says Peck. “Couples want to stay “The effect of the deposit is to $12,440.
together and enjoy the lifestyle subsidize the monthly fee and “Knowing our costs takes the
and wellness services of the inde- future health care,” says Peck. worry out of our financial plan for
pendent living section. Then, if “often people sell their home and the future,” says mark Brender.
one of them needs more care they use the proceeds to pay the depos- “The expectation is that the fee
can at least be on the same it. Depending on the market area, may increase by 2 or 3 percent
campus or even in the same some developers tie their deposit annually, but some years there
building for easier visits.” amount to the median sales price may be no increase at all.”
for homes in the area.” Life plan communities have
Planning for all possibilities At the mather, 7929 Westpark various ways to handle someone
Like the Brenders, Diane and Dr., required deposits will range struggling to pay the monthly
Curt Stowell opted for a life plan from $660,000 to more than fees.
community in part because they $4 million when the community “We had one woman live to 112,
don’t have children and wanted opens in 2023, says morgan. The but she only spent a couple of
to make sure they don’t burden amount varies because the apart- months in the assisted-living fa-
friends or other relatives with the ments range from an 850-square- cility,” said morgan. “If someone
potential need for care in the foot one-bedroom to a penthouse outlives their resources, they
future. with more than 3,300 square feet. have the option of drawing down
“I’m 75 and Curt is 81 and we’re The mather is accepting deposits from their deposit or staying in
very active now,” says Diane Stow- at discounted preconstruction the community on a scholarship.”
ell, a resident at mather’s Splendi- pricing. Life plan communities typical-
do Life Plan Community in Tuc- Nationally, the average month- ly require financial and medical
son. “We moved from Alaska to an ly fee for a life plan community approval for residents, says mace.
active adult community in Tuc- was $3,251 in 2018, according to Depending on someone’s age,
son 15 years ago, but we wanted to CBrE’s report. But fees vary wide- the mather requires new resi-
move to Splendido so we know ly according to the services pro- dents to demonstrate that they
our health-care needs will be tak- vided, and residents can choose have 11/2 times or more of the
en care of.” different contracts that impact entrance fee in assets and the
When not physically distanc- their fees. monthly fees at the monthly income from invest-
ing themselves because of the mather range from $3,500 to ments to pay the monthly fee. for
coronavirus, the Stowells partici- $11,000. example, someone paying an en-
pate in line dancing, yoga classes, “We pay about $7,000 a month trance fee of $1.5 million would
hiking, biking and social activi- but whatever we pay now is the need $2.25 million to $3 million
ties just as they did at their active mark and Sharon Brender plan to move into the mather, a life plan same as what we pay if we go into in assets and the ability to pay
adult community. While the community in tysons corner, scheduled for availability in 2023. the assisted living section,” says about $7,500 per month.
Stowells typically enjoy restau- Diane Stowell. “If one of us goes In addition to the financial
rant meals in their community, all ing with a contemporary feeling into assisted living and the other approval, new residents undergo
meals currently are delivered to and an urban environment,” says one stays in our current apart- medical certification by a health
follow social distancing guide- Peggy Love. ment, we’re technically getting professional from the mather to
lines. Typically, life plan community two homes for the same fee. The show that they are in average
Peggy and Jim Love, a retired residents move in when they are only extra we would pay is for the health for their age and can cur-
couple with three children and in their late 70s to mid 80s, additional meals in assisted liv- rently live independently, mor-
five grandchildren, recently according to a report by CBrE, a ing.” gan says.
made a deposit at the mather in company that provides invest- most life plan communities, “The majority of the people
Tysons. ment opportunities across a including the mather, offer peo- making deposits at the mather
“my husband is retired from broad spectrum of senior housing ple a choice of an all-inclusive are under 75, with most between
the military and both of our properties. At the mather, resi- contract that covers unlimited 65 and 75,” she says. “The time to
parents are military families, so dents must be 62 or older. lifetime care or a contract that move in is when you’re enjoying
APRIL 18, 2020
we’ve naturally relocated and covers 90 days of care and then your retirement. If you wait, you
spent most of our lives overseas,” Paying for future care requires a higher monthly fee won’t qualify.”
says Peggy Love, who sold her A life plan community is nei- after 90 days. Usually people with Wellness is a big component of
global corporate relocation busi- ther a rental apartment nor a long-term care insurance choose the mather, which offers personal
ness before retiring in 2015. She is condo, says Gale morgan, senior that second option, says morgan, training in the fitness center,
71 and her husband is 73. vice president of sales for mather, because it’s about $1,000 less per yoga and Pilates classes, guided
“our kids live in New York, a nonprofit organization and de- month. meditation and, nutritional
mexico and malaysia at the mo- veloper of Life Plan Communities “Everyone has to make a choice coaching. The first building at the
ment and are global nomads,” in Tucson, Evanston, Ill., and Ty- We want to about which contract they want mather will have 186 units, and in
Peggy Love adds. “my parents and sons Corner. hear from you when they move in and they can’t 2024 the second building is antic-
Jim’s parents moved to life plan “residents pay an entrance fee Are you buying or selling a change it,” says morgan. “Couples ipated to open with 114 residenc-
communities and so we always and then ongoing monthly fees home or planning a move don’t have to have the same con- es.
intended to do the same. It’s a gift that cover the amenities, house- during self-quarantine? The tract, but they can’t transfer the The mather offers a luxurious
our parents gave us that we want keeping and dining,” says mor- Washington Post is
contract from one person to the level of senior housing that most
to give to our kids.” gan. “The residents can choose other.” people fund by selling their
reporting on how the
The Loves, who live in Arling- between two types of contracts While the monthly fees are house, says morgan.
coronavirus pandemic is
ton near the East falls Church for their services, which also cov- costly, at the mather they cover all “We want to move under our
affecting home sales, and
metro station, chose the mather ers any future health care they services and amenities, one meal own steam and redecorate a new
we are interested in your
for its semi-urban location in may need. Ninety percent of the a day at one of its three restau- home rather than have to be
Tysons where they will be able to deposit they make is returned to experience. Share your rants, housekeeping and all utili- moved because of an intervention
walk to shops, restaurants and them when they move out or goes story at ties. At the same time, the fees by our kids,” says Peggy Love.
the metro. to their estate if they pass away function as an insurance policy “This isn’t desperation, this is a
“We like the idea of moving before moving.” for future care. Nationally, the fun move.”
into a brand-new high-rise build- Those deposits can be steep. monthly cost of a private room in
55+ The Woodlands of Urbana
It’s rare to find a brand new neighbor-
hood designed solely for active-adults
that offers as much as the neighborhood
we’re covering today. The Woodlands
of Urbana, developed by award winning
Natelli Communities, does just that, of-
fering a modern lifestyle with main lev-
el living by NVHomes and Ryan Homes
and private-resort style amenities for 55+
active-adults. Here, choosing to simplify
doesn’t mean sacrificing lifestyle and
luxury; it’s an opportunity to downsize in
style at an affordable price point.
Let’s touch on the master planned com-
munity design that offers much more
than you could ever imagine. A first-class
clubhouse, known as The Lodge, serves
up an expansive club room, separate bar also a very important aspect of this neigh- two Ryan Homes floorplans – both with
borhood’s location. Holy Cross German- first-floor owner’s suites. The Calvert is a
room with seating, game room, multiple
town Hospital and Shady Grove Medical 3-bedroom villa with two bathrooms, a
outdoor patios, yoga studio, fitness cen-
Center are both just a short car ride away. powder room, and two-car garage. This
ter, virtual golf, outdoor pool and putting
In-Home Amenities home begins at 1,742 sq. ft. with an op-
green. A beautifully designed Open Air
tion for finishing the lower level which
Pavilion with fireplace offers a unique There are three options available to adds 646 sq. ft. Or choose from the Grif-
outdoor gathering place for socializing potential buyers in The Woodlands of fin Hall, a 3-bedroom villa as well, with a
and events while bocce ball courts, pick- Urbana. Ryan Homes is currently selling two-story great room, two bathrooms, a
le ball courts and basketball offer add- condos from the $300,000 price range powder room, and two-car garage. This
ed outdoor activities. Artfully designed and attached villas from the $400,000 home begins at 2,198 sq. ft. with an op-
fire pits and walking trails weave in and level. For those buyers looking for a little tion for finishing the lower level which
out of the neighborhood and link to the more space, NVHomes has single-family adds 905 sq. ft. Other options include
amenities. The area known as the Gath- detached homes available starting in the the ability to extend the great room and
ering Green, is a perfect spot for a respite $500,000 price range. owner’s bedroom, as well as add a sun
under the heavily trussed and elongated room or covered porch.
gazebo with a view of the lawn. And if These first-floor owner’s suite homes
you have a green thumb, an elaborate feature all of the modern details you NVHomes is selling detached single-fam-
Potting Shed with raised beds invites would expect to find in a community of ily homes, where buyers can choose from
homeowners to plant in a communal this caliber. Standouts include state-of-the- four floorplan types. Homes range from
type setting. And let’s not forget the two art appliances, modern floor plans, smart 1,766 – 2,438 sq. ft. with options for 2,
dog parks that are elaborately designed thermostats, and WiFi-enabled garage 3, 4, 5, or even 6 bedrooms. Flex spaces
nation point between the cities of Freder- building, residents also enjoy a loft for This content was paid for by an advertiser and prepared by
ick and Gaithersburg, Maryland. added storage or out-of-town guests. Taylor Brown, a freelance writer hired by New Homes Guide,
and did not involve the news or editorial staff of
Proximity to healthcare professionals is In the villas line, buyers can choose from The Washington Post.
House of the Week
a winner,
now it’s
even better
and shou sugi ban, or burnt TOP: A view from behind the award-winning house at 6415 Dahlonega Rd. in Bethesda, Md. ABOVE: A glass box, at left, is on the upper
Japanese wood. the main and level, and above the living room, at right. The floating stone firepolace surround anchors the living room. Iron stairs are to the right.
upper level floors are white oak.
the lower level floors are marble. Jameson had transformed what By extending the lower level, a light glass cube on the upper level, wood contrasts with the coolness
the kitchen has fumed larch had been a 1969 brick rambler new outdoor space off the main above the living room. The opaque of the Calacatta marble counter-
cabinetry and Calacatta marble into an American Architecture level’s living room and master exterior in front contrasts with tops.
countertops. the upper terrace Award-winning contemporary bedroom was created. Mark en- the transparent exterior in back. Iron stairs lead from the main
and glass pool house have green house. As Mark understood it, joys sitting out there in the early Asked if he felt like he was level to the upper and lower levels.
roofs. the lower terrace has a fire budget constraints limited what evenings. living in a fishbowl, Mark said The upper level has an office and
pit. Jameson could do initially. The “That time of day is really magi- “the honest answer is no because outdoor seating. Jacqueline en-
Mendelsohns gave him an oppor- cal, especially when you get one of of the slope. Much of what you are joys the large window in the office
Bedrooms/bathrooms: 5/7 tunity to fulfill his vision for the the pink or purple sunsets,” he looking at is the trees and the that looks out onto the treetops.
approximate square-footage: house. said. outdoors.” “You just feel like you’re sus-
4,850 Most of the work was done on The slopping backyard was The two-story living room is pended up there,” she said.
lot size: 0.36 acre the lower level and the outdoor landscaped into terraces. A swim- anchored by a wood-burning fire- According to Mark, there is no
spaces. The lower level was ex- ming pool and a glass pool house place with a floating stone sur- wasted space in the house.
listing agent: Lauren Davis, ttR tended about 12 feet, and its ceil- was added. round. The minimalist kitchen re- “We really use the whole house,
sotheby’s International Realty ing height was raised. It was also The house is a study in con- sembles a piece of furniture. Ex- which is unusual I think,” he said.
For more photos of this house reconfigured to accommodate trasts and features several Jame- cept for the stove and vent hood, The five-bedroom, seven-bath-
and other houses for sale in the area, three bedrooms, a family room, a son hallmarks. The dark, heavy every appliance is hidden behind room, 4,850-square-foot house is
go to music room, a laundry room and a shou sugi ban, or burnt Japanese fumed larch panels that mimic the listed at just under $3.5 million.
420-bottle wine room. wood, contrasts with the airy, cabinetry. The warmth of the
To visit: Take I-270 North to Exit 26 for MD-80 toward Urbana. Use the left lane and turn left onto MD-80 E. At the traffic
roundabout, turn right and follow signs to our model homes ahead.
Prices, terms and features subject to change without notice. See Sales Representative for details. MHBR No. 56.
Leisure World beckoned — but could they get rid of enough stuff?
BY B EVERLY S ILVERBERG packed. We had to get the job
done in one day. That was all the
A pandemic was not one of the elevator time we had from the
contingencies my husband and I Leisure World folks.
considered as we thought about And by the way, we’d been
moving. We were looking for a moving things to the apartment
retirement community that of- for weeks: fragile things like
fered activities we wanted to pur- glassware; valuable things like
sue such as fitness programs, art silverware; and birth and mar-
classes, a book club, a wood shop riage certificates. Did I mention
and trips to theaters. None of all of my mother-in-law’s beauti-
which has happened yet. ful artwork? Approximately 20 oil
I loved the garden in my home paintings, collages and art of vari-
but grew to hate the deer that ate ous sizes that we inherited when
my hosta to the ground and my 98-year-old father-in-law died
thought the flowers I planted 10 years ago had to come with us
were their salad bar. The mainte- to the new apartment.
nance on the house had become Luckily, there are lots of walls.
onerous and in the weeks before The framed family pictures, how-
we moved, a gutter sprang a leak, ever, are an impossible challenge.
a pipe in the basement had to be They still are sitting in a pile
repaired and a section of wall staring at us every time we walk
needed to be replaced, convincing by them. For years, some of those
us that we had made the right pictures graced the piano we
decision. were fortunately able to give
An apartment that was beauti- away, and some of them came
fully landscaped, with a phone from our parents’ homes when
number to call if anything failed they downsized. As we unpacked,
and no worries about leaf- or we realized what a poor job we
snow-blowing seemed just the had done of divesting ourselves of
right thing for us. stuff.
But since we moved into Lei- Did I really need the Keurig my
getty ImAges/IstocKpHoto
sure World in Silver Spring four 98-year-old mother had left be-
weeks ago, we’ve barely seen a Decades’ worth of accumulation in a home can take a surprisingly long time to sift through, so if you’re hind when she moved to my
soul in the halls, in the elevators contemplating downsizing to a retirement community, allow enough time for that part of the process. brother’s home last year? Our
or on the streets. We take our coffee maker, Melita coffee pot
evening walks with our masks household goods); to the library dear ones or bought on trips to knew she was right. Not fair to and coffee press already were too
and gloves and paper towels for to donate bookshelves full of faraway places were painful to burden her with all our things, much for our little galley kitchen.
touching elevator buttons and books; to A Wider Circle (a non- give away or sell. particularly when she was quick The large electric fry pan was
getting mail. The few folks who profit that takes usable clothing Truth be told, some of them to say she didn’t want anything. great in our house, but would I be
are out are similarly garbed, and for people needing them); and made it to the new apartment, Not the china, not the silver, not making potato pancakes for a
we wave and give each other a trips to the hazardous waste dis- which has no fireplace mantels, the crystal, not anything. She crowd for Hanukkah in our new
wide berth. posal, electronics recycling and and they now must find another ended up with the dining room apartment? Not likely.
I look forward to the day we the dump — we still had a whole home. Silver, brass, pewter, crys- set anyway. It simply would not fit How about the Teflon coated
can meet our neighbors, swim in lot of stuff to get rid of. tal, vases, mirrors, lamps, bas- in the apartment, and I couldn’t turkey roaster that could easily
the pool, eat at the restaurants For months we’d been selling kets, Christmas paper, postcards, bear to give it away, except to her. handle a 25-pound bird? I should
and not have another box to beloved possessions using our lo- greeting cards, 45-rpm records, She’s not wholly to blame; the never have brought it to the new
unpack. cal email group. What a treasure an espresso machine, ice buckets, stairs and maintenance on a large kitchen, and I’d already given my
For five months we had been that community group turned out furniture, bookcases, filing cabi- home finally took their toll. Well, other roasting pan to my son-in-
giving away, throwing away and to be. Hubby parted with his nets, rugs and art all found new back to the move. The original law. Did I mention the stainless-
selling the possessions we had barbells, riding mower, chipper homes. I couldn’t part with the estimate for the move was $1,300; steel poacher? All sitting on a
APRIL 18, 2020
spent more than half a century shredder, snowblower and leaf record albums, so they came with the final cost was $2,890. Yes, ledge above the cabinets in the
accumulating. We had filled our blowers (yes, plural), not to men- us, as did a record player. more than double. Can’t blame kitchen and destined for new
attic, our basement, our two-car tion his pressure washer, 16-foot The local elementary school the moving company really. I do homes when the threat of this
garage, a tool shed, four bed- ladder, and assorted and sundry got lots of office supplies. I’m blame them for busting a hole in pandemic ends.
rooms, an office, a living room, a tools. going to miss my Eliot Porter the wall and breaking some of the I won’t get into the things my
dining room, a den, a basement He gave all kinds of power tools posters of spring and fall and my furniture, although every other husband could not bring himself
living room, bar, a utility room, to his brother-in-law, nephew, beautiful print of Georgia O’Keef- household item arrived intact. to get rid of, but as I look around
workbenches, laundry room and son-in-law and neighbors. The fe’s red poppy. Household items They must have chopped down a our office and in the space that
a kitchen with stuff. chain saw, rakes, shovels, wheel- were sold, some were given away forest for the boxes and paper houses our stack washer-dryer,
Now, within months, we need- barrow, seed spreader and other and other goodies went out the they used to pack everything. which he has stuffed with the
ed to dispose of it or move it to a useful items went to whoever door with the “junk” man, includ- After all the giving away, sell- remains of his workbenches, I
three-bedroom apartment. What would take them. When you have ing tables, chairs and a wonderful ing and hauling away, we still had shudder.
a herculean feat, which we totally three workbenches and four tool roll-top desk whose dimensions five large boxes of framed family Use your imagination. I envi-
underestimated and failed at mis- boxes, there are a lot of tools. were too big for the folks who pictures, closets of clothes, kitch- sion a day when not only is the
erably. Downsizing is truly daunt- Some even came with us. Too expressed an interest in having it. en dishes, glassware and gadgets, pandemic over, but our downsiz-
ing! many, actually, but that’s my take. Lawn furniture went along with and hubby’s tools and wires that ing is done.
My husband and I, both pack I, meanwhile, was stripping the grill and patio flower pots. he thought he might need, and May they both come quickly!
rats, were on a collision course three fireplaces of tools and a You might ask, why did we do many of those are still in boxes.
with reality. As many trips as we truly magnificent Beaux-Arts this? We occasionally ask our- The movers, when they saw what Beverly silverberg was the metro
took — to Community Forklift (a fireplace fan I’d named Minerva. selves the same. It’s all our daugh- was left to pack, immediately spokesperson in the 1980s and
nonprofit that takes tools and My niece got some fireplace tools ter’s fault. She looked around our called in two extra men and a president of Beverly silverberg
building materials); to Value Vil- and Minerva found an apprecia- house one day and said: “Mother, total of 47 boxes in addition to communications, specializing in
lage (a nonprofit that takes al- tive buyer. Fireplace mantel you are not allowed to die until several wardrobes and the 30- crisis communications, until her
most anything in the way of adornments that were gifts from you get rid of all this stuff!” We plus boxes we had already retirement.
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