The New York Times 2017-05-11

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Late Edition

Today, sunshine followed by in-

creasing clouds, cool, high 63. To-
night, mostly cloudy, low 50. Tomor-
row, rather cloudy, another cool day,
high 59. Weather map, Page B12.

VOL. CLXVI . . . No. 57,594 © 2017 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017 $2.50

Obama Policy F.B.I. FIRING ROILS

Survives Vote,
With Republicans’ Aid,
Methane Limit Stays
Sense of Deepening In Last Days as Chief,
By CORAL DAVENPORT Crisis as President Comey Sought Aid
WASHINGTON — In a surpris-
ing victory for President Barack Defends Ouster in Russia Inquiry
Obama’s environmental legacy,
the Senate voted on Wednesday to
uphold an Obama-era climate This article is by Michael D. By MATTHEW ROSENBERG
change regulation to control the Shear, Jennifer Steinhauer and and MATT APUZZO
release of methane from oil and Matt Flegenheimer. WASHINGTON — Days before
gas wells on public land. WASHINGTON — President he was fired as F.B.I. director,
Senators voted 51 to 49 to block Trump’s abrupt dismissal of the James B. Comey asked the Justice
consideration of a resolution to re- F.B.I. director roiled Washington Department for more prosecutors
peal the 2016 Interior Department on Wednesday and deepened the and other personnel to accelerate
rule to curb emissions of methane, sense of crisis swirling around the the bureau’s investigation into
a powerful planet-warming green- White House. Republican leaders Russia’s interference in the presi-
house gas. Senators John McCain came to the president’s defense, dential election.
of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of and Mr. Trump lashed out at It was the first clear-cut evi-
South Carolina and Susan Collins Democrats and other critics, call- dence that Mr. Comey believed
of Maine, all Republicans who ing them hypocrites. the bureau needed more re-
have expressed concern about cli- On Capitol Hill, at least a half- sources to handle a sprawling and
mate change and backed legisla- dozen Republicans broke with highly politicized counterintelli-
tion to tackle the issue, broke with their leadership to express con- gence investigation.
their party to join Democrats and cern or dismay about the firing of His appeal, described on
defeat the resolution. James B. Comey, who was four Wednesday by four congressional
The vote also was the first, and years into a decade-long appoint- officials, was made to Rod J.
probably the only, defeat of a ment as the bureau’s director. Still, Rosenstein, the deputy attorney
stream of resolutions over the last they stopped well short of joining general, whose memo was used to
four months — pursued through RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY Democrats’ call for a special pros- justify Mr. Comey’s abrupt dis-
the once-obscure Congressional ecutor to lead the continuing in- missal on Tuesday.
Review Act — to unwind regula- President Trump met with Sergey V. Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, left, and Sergey I. Kislyak,
vestigation of Russian contacts It is not yet known what became
tions approved late in the Obama the ambassador. American journalists were barred, but Russia released photographs. with Mr. Trump’s aides. of Mr. Comey’s request, or what
administration. At the White House, Mr. Trump role — if any — it played in his fir-
It also could worsen the Trump shrugged off accusations of presi- ing. But the future of the F.B.I.’s in-
administration’s problems on
Capitol Hill, where there are signs
the president’s grip on his party is
How Festering Anger at Comey Ended in Firing dential interference in a counter-
intelligence investigation. He
hosted a surreal and awkwardly
vestigation is now more uncertain
than at any point since it began in
late July, and any fallout from the
loosening. The White House, in a series of timed meeting in the Oval Office dismissal is unlikely to be con-
“People of America and people with Sergey V. Lavrov, the Rus-
of the world can breathe a sigh of
This article is by Maggie Ha- Watching Sunday Talk shifting and contradictory ac-
counts, first said Mr. Trump de- sian foreign minister, and Sergey
tained at the bureau.
Two separate congressional in-
berman, Glenn Thrush, Michael S.
relief,” said Senator Chuck Schu-
mer of New York, the Democratic
Schmidt and Peter Baker. Shows, the President cided to fire Mr. Comey because I. Kislyak, the Russian ambassa-
dor to the United States. Mr.
quiries into Russian meddling are
relying on evidence and intelli-
the attorney general and his depu-
WASHINGTON — By the end,
In anticipation of Republican neither of them thought much of Decided to Act ty recommended it. By Wednes- Kislyak’s private meetings with gence being amassed by the F.B.I.,
day, it had amended the timeline Mr. Trump’s aides are a key part of and if the bureau’s investigation
defections, President Trump sent the other. the sprawling investigation. falters, the congressional inquir-
After President Trump accused to say that the president had ac-
Vice President Mike Pence to the tually been thinking about getting White House officials denied ies are likely to be hobbled. Per-
Senate floor to break a tie vote. his predecessor in March of wire- with Mr. Comey’s stunning dis- American reporters permission to haps for this reason, Mr. Comey’s
tapping him, James B. Comey, the rid of the F.B.I. director as far back
But with three members of his missal on Tuesday had been a long witness the Oval Office meeting or firing appears to have imbued the
F.B.I. director, was flabbergasted. as November, after he won the
own party breaking away, Mr. time coming. To a president ob- take photographs, but Russian Senate Intelligence Committee
The president, Mr. Comey told election, and then became
Pence could do nothing. sessed with loyalty, Mr. Comey state news outlets published im- with a renewed sense of urgency.
associates, was “outside the realm was a rogue operator who could “strongly inclined” after Mr.
“We were surprised and thrilled ages taken by their official pho- The committee issued its first
to win on this,” said Tiernan Sit- of normal,” even “crazy.” not be trusted as the F.B.I. investi- Comey testified before Congress
tographer of a beaming Mr. subpoena in the Russia investiga-
tenfeld, senior vice president of For his part, Mr. Trump fumed gated Russian ties to Mr. Trump’s last week. Trump shaking hands with the en- tion on Wednesday, ordering Mi-
the League of Conservation when Mr. Comey publicly dis- campaign. To a lawman obsessed For public consumption, Sarah voys. The pictures quickly spread chael T. Flynn, President Trump’s
Voters, which, along with other missed the sensational wiretap- with independence, Mr. Trump Huckabee Sanders, a White on Twitter. former national security adviser,
environmental groups, has been ping claim. In the weeks that fol- was the ultimate loose cannon, House spokeswoman, said on Stunned by the sudden loss of to hand over records of any
lobbying Republicans for weeks to lowed, he grew angrier and began making irresponsible claims on Wednesday that Mr. Trump acted their leader, agents at the F.B.I. emails, phone calls, meetings and
vote against the repeal of the talking about firing Mr. Comey. Af- Twitter and jeopardizing the bu- because of the “atrocities” com- struggled throughout the day to financial dealings with Russians.
methane rule. “This is clearly a ter stewing last weekend while reau’s credibility. Continued on Page A14 absorb the meaning of Mr. It was an aggressive new tack
huge win for our health and our watching Sunday talk shows at his Comey’s dismissal, which the in what had been a slowly unfold-
climate.” New Jersey golf resort, Mr. Trump White House announced Tuesday ing inquiry. A day earlier, the Sen-
While Ms. Collins and Mr. Gra- decided it was time. There was IN CONGRESS James Comey’s firing presents a distraction for G.O.P. evening. Veteran agents and ate panel began pressing a little-
ham had publicly announced their “something wrong with” Mr. lawmakers struggling to deliver on a conservative agenda. PAGE A12 other F.B.I. employees described known government bureau that
opposition to the measure, Mr. Comey, he told aides. a dark mood throughout the bu- tracks money laundering and ter-
McCain’s vote was a surprise. The collision between president VOTERS’ REACTIONS Some people who voted for the president were reau, where morale was already rorism financing for leads in the
Continued on Page A18 and F.B.I. director that culminated wary, but many supported the F.B.I. director’s ouster. PAGE A16 Continued on Page A12 Continued on Page A13

Steel Industry Cheers a ‘Perfect Administration’ for a Comeback Fiscal Disaster in Puerto Rico
Claims New Casualty: Schools
HUGER, S.C. — Safely sta-
tioned in the control pulpit, Chris
St. Amand is watching the pot boil. By FRANCES ROBLES
Working the day shift at the AGUAS BUENAS, P.R. — Na-
sprawling Nucor Steel plant along talia Hernández stood before
the Cooper River here, Mr. St. dawn with a bullhorn in her hand
Amand monitors a four-foot-wide in front of the mountainside ele-
lasagna noodle of steel as it is mentary school that four genera-
dunked into a molten broth of pro- tions of her family attended, rat-
tective shimmering zinc. tling off its academic accomplish-
He tracks every step of this gal- ments.
vanization process — from the cal- More than half the pupils are on
dron’s 865-degree temperature to the honor roll. There are tutors, a
the line speed — on a bank of social worker and even a speech
flashing screens. Except, that is, therapist, she said. But there has
for the screen at the bottom right. been an exodus of families from ERIKA P. RODRIGUEZ FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
“I watch our stock and the Dow Puerto Rico in the face of its eco- A first grader in Puerto Rico.
Jones on that one,” he said. nomic collapse, so little Luis San-
Mr. St. Amand, whose pay pack- taella School has a big problem:
The school will join the shut-
age includes profit-sharing, likes Only 146 children are enrolled
compared with about 250 in the tered businesses and abandoned
what he sees. Since Election Day,
Nucor is up 13 percent. past. homes as yet another indicator of
And so, like 178 other schools the emergency gripping Puerto
Across the steel industry, stock
prices — and spirits — have been across the island, it is set to close Rico and the desperate efforts to
on the rise, lifted by President
after the last day of the school stop the hemorrhaging. For some,
Trump’s vow to protect American A bucket preparing to dump scrap metal into a furnace at the Nucor Steel plant in Huger, S.C. term this week, in part to help the closings represent not just an-
manufacturers against cheaper Puerto Rico battle debt and pen- other chip at Puerto Rico’s na-
imports and invest as much as $1 president’s promises to hack series of penalties slapped on for- leaders who met with Mr. Trump sion obligations of $123 billion. The tional budget, but also an opportu-
trillion in infrastructure over the away regulations and lower taxes, eign producers like China for ille- school, perched alongside a wind- nity to transform a struggling ed-
at the White House in February to
next decade. while fending off foreign competi- gally dumping subsidized steel in ing two-lane road 1,400 feet above ucation system in which some
discuss American manufacturing,
“If you could design a perfect tors and embarking on a “Buy the United States. “We expect our sea level, will join the many casu- schools are infested with termites,
is looking for further improve-
administration from the perspec- America” building program. sheet and plate steel mills will alties of a fiscal crisis that forced enrollment has dropped by nearly
ments. “We believe our full year
tive of the steel industry, this Even before a single presiden- benefit from trade actions taken Puerto Rico to declare a form of a third since 2010, and just 10 per-
2017 could significantly exceed the
would be it,” said Thomas Gibson, tial vote was cast, American steel over the last year,” said John Fer- bankruptcy last week and sent cent of eighth graders passed the
level achieved for 2016,” he said,
president of the American Iron makers had been buoyed last year riola, Nucor’s chief executive. hundreds of thousands of people standardized math test.
and Steel Institute, ticking off the by record automotive sales and a Mr. Ferriola, one of the business Continued on Page A19 packing in the past decade. Continued on Page A20


Deportation Saga, Part 2 Dispute Over Tribal Artifacts Jeter to Take His Place
A woman who became a symbol of the A seminary joining Yale Divinity School Derek Jeter, the former captain and
immigration debate after a 2010 traffic is accused of failing to follow a law to face of the Yankees, will have his num-
stop in Georgia is again at risk of being ensure the return of artifacts to Native ber retired on Sunday. PAGE B9
sent back to Mexico. PAGE A10 American tribes. PAGE C1
A Veteran Steps Up
NEW YORK A21-23 Brain Defect May Start in Gut An Indie Label Lives On BUSINESS DAY B1-8 In the N.B.A. playoffs, the Spurs leaned
Researchers have traced the cause of a Six months after one of its founders on Manu Ginobili, 39, and he gave a
Anxiety Over ‘3-K for All’ baffling brain disorder to a surprising died, the scrappy Norton Records will
An Outside-the-Box Success vintage performance. PAGE B9
The mayor’s plan to expand prekinder- source: a bacteria in the gut. PAGE A20 release a lost album by Dion. PAGE C1 Stitch Fix, a mail-order clothing service
garten to 3-year-olds has some providers that offers customers little choice, has EDITORIAL, OP-ED A24-25
worrying about staffing. PAGE A21 defied conventional wisdom. PAGE B1
Bret Stephens PAGE A25
Crackdown on Migrant Taxi Pro-Nazis in German Military Twins Peak on HGTV Bumpy Start for Snap
New York State won penalties against a Authorities are scrambling to address How the Property Brothers, Drew and The social media service lost $2.2 billion
taxi operator who overcharged for trips
to the border with Canada. PAGE A21
cases of racism and far-right extremism
in Germany’s armed forces. PAGE A4
Jonathan Scott, are capitalizing on a
fascination with real estate. PAGE D1
in the first quarter and missed almost
all Wall Street expectations. PAGE B1

© D. YURMAN 2017
my mother.
my hero.
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Inside The Times The Newspaper



T O W N H O U S E A T M A D I S O N & 6 3 R D | S O H O – 114 P R I N C E S T R E E T
DAV I DY U R M A N . C O M | 8 8 8 - DY U R M A N


The Broadway show “Amélie” will
close on May 21. In this 360 video,
©Tourneau, LLC 2017

get a last look at the onstage

perspective of Phillipa Soo and
her young co-star, Savvy Craw-

Two front-page layouts for Wednesday’s New York Times — before (left) and after news broke.

F.B.I. Director? Axed. Page A1, Too.

By STEPHEN HILTNER rawski’s machine” — Ms. Murawski is the
Two hours before news broke of James B. content editor for print — “and she showed
Comey’s firing — before the F.B.I. director me the actual letter from the president,
which I hadn’t seen yet.” FACEBOOK LIVE
was blindsided while addressing bureau
employees in Los Angeles, before President The letter was extraordinary, he thought, Yayoi Kusama’s exhibit, “Infinity
Trump’s letter arrived at F.B.I. headquar- not least of all because of the second para- Mirrors,” is in its final week at the
ters in Washington, before congressional graph, which betrayed Mr. Trump’s concern Hirshhorn Museum, after attract-
Democrats led a renewed push for an inde- over the F.B.I.’s inquiries into Russia. ing thousands of visitors. Join us
pendent special counsel to investigate “I realized that including the letter itself as museum curator Mika Yoshi-
Russian interference in the presidential was a much better solution than simply take takes us through a guided
election — the front page of Wednesday’s showing a photograph of Comey. It helped tour before the exhibit closes on
New York Times began its diurnal life as it tell the story in a way that was much more May 14. Thursday at 6:15 p.m. E.T.
always does: as a simple hand-drawn pen- explicit.”
cil sketch, made on lime green paper. Underneath a redrawn banner headline
At 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, when Tom Bod- emerged a page that was dominated by Mr.
kin, The Times’s creative director, com- Comey’s dismissal. The rest of the news
Clé de Cartier
menced his ritual of drawing up the page at was pushed below the fold.
the A1 print meeting, the day’s top news By the end of the night, The Times would
had a different focus: President Trump, publish more than a dozen items on Mr.
WHICH WATCH SAYS, despite strong objections from Turkey, had Comey’s firing, with contributions from the
“THANK YOU MOM”? approved a plan to arm Syrian Kurds. As Washington bureau, the Express team, and
the would-be lead of Wednesday’s paper, the video, photo and social media desks.
TOURNEAU KNOWS. the story was given prime placement (at (Journalists from the Washington bureau
the top right) in Mr. Bodkin’s layout of the alone filed nine stories, not to mention the
front page; alongside it would run an ac- additional dispatches they made via a live If an evil monarch forced you to
companying four-column photograph. The briefing.) Two of those stories ended up on choose, in what order would you
rest of the page grew from there: Above the the front page. give up Apple, Alphabet, Face-
fold would be stories on the South Korean And Mr. Bodkin’s distinctive treatment book, Microsoft and Amazon? Tell
election, the effects of cyberattacks on the earned high praise from readers, many of us by clicking on the companies’
recent French election, and Attorney Gen- whom took to Twitter to post photos of the logos in “Which Tech Giant Would
eral Jeff Sessions’s plans to toughen rules page. (One such tweet, posted by James You Drop?” at
Shop the collection technology.
TimeMachine 57th and Madison Ave • 3 Bryant Park on prosecuting drug crimes. There was no Corden, the host of “The Late Late Show,”
Walt Whitman • Roosevelt Field • The Westchester 800.348.3332 mention of the F.B.I. or its director. earned several hundred retweets.)
A few hours later, that plan was scrapped. As for the tradition of drawing the page
The Times first learned of Mr. Comey’s by hand, on green paper? That probably
firing at 5:41 p.m. (By luck, a Times corre- dates to the days of Allan M. Siegal, a for-
spondent was at the White House at the mer assistant managing editor who is much
time, and he heard of Mr. Comey’s firing revered in the newsroom.
directly from Sean Spicer, the White House “Al always used a green pen when he was
press secretary.) Seven minutes later, at marking up copy, so that people would
5:48 p.m., the developing story was posted recognize the source of his edits,” Mr. Bod-
to kin explained. “I’m guessing that’s where
Meanwhile, in New York, as the news the green pad came about — it was his NYT FILM CLUB
rippled through the Times building, Mr. signature color.” Screening: “The Lovers,” starring
Bodkin made his way back to the newsroom But, for Mr. Bodkin, who’s been at The Debra Winger and Tracy Letts as
and tore another sheet of green paper from Times since 1980, there are also practical cheating spouses who develop a
his pad. It was time to redesign the front reasons for doing it the old fashioned way. spark between them that sud-
page. “I kind of know what this stuff is going to denly reignites their passion. Q.
The original plan was to feature a large look like,” he said. “I don’t need to see the and A. to follow with the director,
portrait of Comey — a “conventional treat- page in any higher fidelity in order to vis- Azazel Jacobs. San Francisco;
ment,” Mr. Bodkin said. “And we had a ualize it. I just need to work out the relative Thursday at 7 p.m. Not a mem-
pretty nice portrait of him, too.” position of elements and scale — and that’s ber? To join, visit
“But then I glanced over to Renee Mu- much faster with a pencil.”

On This Day in History or
MAY 11, 1869


Amid great celebration, the industrialist Leland Stanford drove in the final, golden spike
to unite the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads and create the United States’ first
Tourbillon ring
transcontinental line. “The inhabitants of the Atlantic seaboard and the dwellers on the
18K rose gold and diamonds
Pacific slopes are henceforth emphatically one people,” The Times reported. “Your corre-
spondent is writing on Promontory Summit amid the deafening shouts of the multitude,
with the tick, tock of the telegraph close to his ear.”

783 Madison Avenue

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Of Interest MOTHER’S DAY

The flow of migrants across the As of February, about 30,000

Quebec border has nearly tripled video game projects have been
since January, according to the successfully crowdfunded through
Canada Border Services Agency. the website Kickstarter.
Surge Pricing for Migrants Heading North Ends Fans Pledge Millions for a Chance to Play B7
Give her your
In Penalty for a Taxi Owner A21

• The German military police are
The beauty retailer Sephora has currently investigating 275 cases
its own version of Smell-O-Vision: involving accusations of racism or
a touch screen with a fan that lets far-right extremism stretching back
customers smell the scents that six years, nearly 70 percent of which
characterize most fragrances. emerged in the last year and a half.
How Sephora Thrives Amid a Retail Crisis D9 The German Armed Forces Confront a Rise
• According to a recent Pew Research In Pro-Nazi Recruits A4
Museums, scholarly institutions Center report, about 89 percent of •
and other organizations have in Democrats say the news media plays There are 10,000 to 15,000 vape
their possession 182,000 items a role in holding political leaders to shops nationally, employing 50,000
classified as the human remains account, while about 42 percent of to 100,000 people, according to the
of Native Americans. Republicans said the same. It is the American Vaping Association.
Seminary Under Fire Over Artifacts C1 widest gap ever recorded. Vape Shops Fear Effects of New F.D.A. Rules B5
Firing Puts Public Split Over Media On Display A13

You’ve had hers since the day

you were born.

The Conversation Spotlight


1. F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump Last week, several Times journalists participated in “Chicago at
Nine of the 10 most read articles on the Times’s website on a Crossroads: Solving the Gun Violence Crisis,” a New York
Wednesday concerned President Trump’s unceremonious Times event in collaboration with the University of Chicago
dismissal of Mr. Comey. Readers learned of the firing at more Crime Lab. The final segment featured Marc Lacey, National
or less the same time Mr. Comey did — he was delivering editor, in conversation with someone who brought a distinctive
800 843 3269 | TIFFANY.COM
remarks at an F.B.I. office in Los Angeles when he saw the perspective to the issue: Dr. Selwyn Rogers, Jr., section chief of
news on television. the University of Chicago Medicine’s Trauma and Acute Care
Surgery. A condensed and edited excerpt follows; watch their
2. Days Before Firing, Comey Asked entire conversation at
For More Resources for Russia Inquiry
Matt Rosenberg and Matt Apuzzo’s follow-up to the day’s big
Marc Lacey It’s no secret that this violence is
news revealed that Mr. Comey had requested a substantial
disproportionately affecting young black and Latino
outlay from the Justice Department for the investigation in
males. When you are in a trauma center, looking at
Russia’s interference in last year’s election. Many of the more
one of the gunshot victims, what’s going through your
than 1,000 commenters on argued over whether
head? How are you connecting with that person?
the stated reasons for Mr. Comey’s dismissal were merely a
pretext to hobble the intensifying inquiry.

3. How a 23-Year-Old With Mild Anxiety and a Charmed Life Dr. Selwyn Rogers, Jr. It often saddens me that the
Became the Lying, Sobbing, Lovesick Toast of Broadway victims I’m standing over look like me, or look like one
Audiences swooned over Ben Platt, the wunderkind and star of of my three sons. I often think, could this next person
the Broadway musical “Dear Evan Hansen.” Joel Lovell’s profile be my son? That actually propels me to action; it
of Mr. Platt (look for it on Sunday) testified to the actor’s well- doesn’t paralyze me.
honed craft and rising reputation with his peers.

But it makes me really concerned about the set of

structural factors that put some people, who are
mostly people of color, at risk to be in situations where
they are more likely to be injured by gun violence or
any form of intentional violence.

Marc Lacey You were telling me how surprised

you were by the proximity of prosperity to poverty
in this city.


Dr. Selwyn Rogers, Jr. Eighty-five years of age is the

4. How Homeownership Became the Engine average life expectancy of a resident in the Loop.
Of American Inequality Sixty-nine years of age is the life expectancy in
Differences in homeownership rates remain the prime driver of Washington Park. Eight miles, seven stops on the El,
the nation’s racial wealth gap,” writes Matthew Desmond. His separates those two geographies. What drives that?
article, to run in The Times Magazine this Sunday, explains that It’s profound. We have opportunities to do much 'LRUDPDEDJLQEODFNODPEVNLQZLWKVWXGGHGDUFKLFDQQDJH
the disparity is driven by a little-discussed tax break that has better. DQGDJHGJROGMHZHOU\
artificially bloated real estate prices for over a century.

Quote of the Day “I think the Comey operation was breathing down the neck
of the Trump campaign and their operatives, and this was
INQUIRY A1 an effort to slow down the investigation.”
SENATOR DICK DURBIN, Democrat of Illinois, on the firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director.

The Mini Crossword Here to Help


1 2 3 4 WHEN IT COMES to parental supervision,

which mobile platform is best for a child’s
first smartphone — Android or iOS? J. D.
Biersdorfer, the Tech Tip columnist, gives
the rundown:
When choosing a smartphone for your
child, factor in the amount of parental
7 control you want to have over the device,
and the types of phones already used by
other family members. Cost and flexibility
may also be considerations. Before making
a decision, it may be useful to have a chat invading apps, but the gap has closed and
with the child about what the phone will be both companies have stepped up defenses
used for — and how to behave with it. to keep children from running up the
1 It’s faced during the Google’s Android system has looser credit card bill with unsupervised in-app
Pledge of Allegiance control over what app developers can do, purchases.
5 Second-largest city in Africa, but there are a greater number of versatile Both Android and iOS include built-in
with roughly 20 million people third-party parental control apps available. device tracking for locating the phone.
6 Item often dropped on In comparison, Apple generally keeps a For many parents, buying that first
Wile E. Coyote tighter grip over its iOS system and the phone for a child is the easy part, but there
7 Knight’s horse apps that run on it. are plenty of resources online for dealing
8 Units of corn Google includes parental controls for its with the social and safety aspects of
Google Play Store. Apple’s restrictions smartphone ownership. For example, the
DOWN settings for iOS not only block access to Common Sense Media site has a “Cell
1 Orange soda brand the App Store (and certain types of con- Phone Parenting” section with a collection
2 “What am I, chopped ____?” tent), but also control built-in apps, fea- of articles to help parents manage their
3 Zodiac sign tures and settings on the iPhone. In a children’s smartphones.
4 Treasure chest contents phone-to-phone comparison late last year,
5 iPhone protector For more tech advice,
the Tech Fix column found iOS superior to
Android for overall parental controls.
SOLUTION TO Over the years, Apple’s more strictly
PREVIOUS PUZZLE curated App Store also has had fewer
W A Z O O problems with malware and privacy-
A4 THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017


Tank soldiers at a training area in Grafenwöhr, Germany. Starting in July, every applicant for the military will undergo a security check aimed at weeding out potential extremists.

The German Armed Forces Confront a Rise in Pro-Nazi Recruits

By MELISSA EDDY the western city of Lippe, still bear the Chancellor Angela Merkel has declared
BERLIN — It started with an investi- names of Hitler’s generals. her “full support” for the minister.
gation into a suspected terrorist plot by The shadow of that past informs much The suspect in the terrorism case was
an army soldier aimed at top govern- of what the armed forces can and cannot arrested on April 27 after posing, im-
ment officials. But it quickly uncovered a do. The Constitution limits them from probably, as a Syrian refugee. He has
larger problem. taking part in any conflict, with the ex- been identified only as Franco A. in keep-
Military police officers searching ception of missions led by allies. Only in ing with German privacy laws.
through barracks turned up Nazi-era 1994 did the constitutional court issue a The day before his arrest, Ms. von der
military memorabilia that revealed a ruling allowing the military to take part Leyen fired the military’s head of train-
much broader presence of far-right ex- in armed missions led by either NATO or ing after reports about hazing rituals and
tremists in the German Army’s ranks, the United Nations. charges of sexual harassment from fe-
something commanders are now ac- The investigation stemming from the male recruits at several bases.
cused of having long ignored. terrorism case came as military officials Last week, Ms. von der Leyen sum-
released a report detailing episodes of moned 100 generals to Berlin for talks
They are investigating 275 cases in-
some soldiers’ extremist sympathies. that resulted in a call to examine disci-
volving accusations of racism or far-
One soldier attached a Nazi-era war plinary measures and the hiring of an
right extremism stretching back six
flag to the hood of his car and drove past outside investigator.
years, according to the Defense Ministry.
a refugee shelter, while drawing his hand On Wednesday, she testified about the
The number represents a small minority
across his throat. Another posted a photo affair before the defense committee in
in a force of nearly 180,000. But nearly 70
of two soldiers in SS uniforms to a chat Parliament, vowing a thorough review
percent of cases have emerged in the last group. A handful of others were reported
year and a half, pointing to an accelerat- and changes to disciplinary structures
to have shouted “Sieg heil” and “Heil and how problems should be reported.
ing problem that the German military Hitler.”
authorities are only now scrambling to MICHAEL KAPPELER/DEUTSCHE PRESSE-AGENTUR, VIA AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES An initial investigation by the Defense
The episodes are among several dozen
address. Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen of Germany, at a news conference on Ministry found that Franco A.’s extreme-
displays of far-right extremism, xeno-
“In the past, individual cases were al- right sentiments had been known for
Wednesday, vowed to review and make changes to disciplinary structures. phobia or anti-Semitism that military of-
years. As early as 2014, a master’s thesis
ways examined, but it wasn’t seen or un- ficials investigated last year at the re-
derstood that these cases are not iso- quest of the Left party, which has long in- he submitted at a French military acad-
lated, but there are networks and con- fuller leadership role on the Continent, German Armed Forces in Munich, said emy where he studied drew the attention
sisted that far-right sympathies in the
nections, also to extremists on the out- including a military one. the decision to scrap the draft had driven of his superiors for its nationalist, racist
military were part of a wider societal
side of the armed forces,” said Christine In particular, the widening scandal has the military from the center of society. language.
Buchholz, a member of Parliament from revived concerns about Germany’s shift “As soon as society in general retreats The soldier who drove past the shelter Yet even after a review by the German
the opposition Left party. to a volunteer force, which began in 2011. from the armed forces, it opens the way was discharged before he had completed authorities, who noted the “drastically
“Now it is glaringly obvious to every- That step, some have warned, could nar- and the place for fringe groups on one his service, but a soldier who gave a Nazi extremist language” in his thesis, no dis-
one that this problem has existed for a row the ranks to youths susceptible to hand, and highly motivated idealists on salute was only reprimanded, leading to ciplinary action was taken.
long time and poses an immediate threat Nazi nostalgia, or to other extremists the other,” Mr. Wolffsohn said. criticism that the armed forces were not On Tuesday, federal prosecutors said
to people,” she added. looking for free training and access to “We have to ask ourselves if we can af- taking the threat of extremism seriously they had arrested a second soldier, iden-
The revelations, in the middle of an guns and ammunition in a country with ford to leave the way open for extremists, enough. tified as Maximilian T., whom they sus-
election year, have set off sniping be- strict weapons laws. not only right-wingers, but also Islamic Last week, the defense minister, Ursu- pect of plotting the attack with Franco A.
tween the civilian and military authori- Starting in July, all applicants seeking and maybe even left-wing extremists.” la von der Leyen, rankled many soldiers They also said that the plot was aimed at
ties bordering on scandal. They have to join the military will have to undergo After World War II, the reconstituted when she said, “The German military prominent politicians, including former
also added a disturbing new dimension security checks aimed at weeding out po- German Army was formed in 1955 in the has an attitude problem, and it appears President Joachim Gauck, whom the
to Germany’s effort to address a surge of tential extremists. But that raises ques- former West Germany as a conscription there are weaknesses in the leadership suspects had derided as engaging in
extremist activity since the country took tions about how to handle those cur- force, with the aim of ensuring peace by we must address systematically.” “failed” policies toward refugees.
in nearly one million refugees in 2015. rently serving, at a time when the mili- defending the national borders. But she has also come under fire for Prosecutors said that the two soldiers,
With Europe facing a host of chal- tary is struggling to attract recruits. Since its founding, the military has in- failing to address the very problems that and a third suspect identified as a stu-
lenges — including populism and the Last week, the inspector general or- stituted measures to distance itself from, she was pointing out. Members of the dent from the western city of Offenbach
propaganda machine of President dered a search of all military installa- and stigmatize, its Nazi-era antecedent. parliamentary opposition have ques- who was also arrested last month, had in-
Vladimir V. Putin of Russia — the investi- tions for displays of souvenirs or images Since 1982, a 30-point decree has stipu- tioned her connection to the troops she tended “to contribute to the general
gation has revived questions about glorifying the Nazi-era military, the lated which traditions and norms guide oversees and demanded an apology. sense of a threat” by staging a terrorist
whether Germany can step beyond the Wehrmacht. the forces, and which do not. Ms. von der Leyen has since retreated attack that would appear to have been
shadow of its Nazi past and become a Michael Wolffsohn, a professor of Yet many barracks were built in the from her statement, saying the majority carried out by a registered asylum
“normal” country, one that assumes a modern history at the University of the 1930s. A few, like the Rommel Barracks in of soldiers do an “outstanding job,” and seeker.

A Berlin Hostel Runs Afoul City Hostel Berlin is known for its
low prices. Not so well known is its
pedigree as a property of North Ko-

Of Penalties on North Korea rea. Germany is closing it to comply

with United Nations sanctions.

By ALISON SMALE German businessman €38,000 a month

(about $41,000) to operate the hostel. doubles to bunks for four or eight guests
BERLIN — The City Hostel Berlin op- in a room, according to the hostel’s web-
erates out of a large, anonymous building Some years after the fall of the Iron
Curtain, North Korea, in a classic capital- site. Prices are listed as low as €17 a bed
in what was Communist East Berlin, but (about $18.50), rising to €59 (about $64)
it’s a short walk from Checkpoint Charlie ist maneuver, leased the building, which
had been the home of dozens of its di- for a single room. A man answering the
and other attractions and has become a telephone at the hostel said it was
popular place to stay, with good ratings plomats. Its prime location in the center
booked on Wednesday and most coming
on TripAdvisor and Yelp. of Berlin made it popular with backpack-
The only tip-off that this hostel differs ers and students on field trips.
Guests came and went at lunchtime on
from others in a city long a magnet for Martin Schäfer, a spokesman for Ger-
Wednesday. Three teenagers on a school
the world’s youth is the dreary embassy many’s Foreign Ministry, said the hostel trip from Pforzheim in southwestern
next door, where North Korea’s flag flaps would be closed in compliance with Germany were smoking in the court-
from a pole near a poorly tended garden stiffer sanctions passed in November by yard, unaware of the North Korean con-
and that country’s ruling family, the the United Nations that specifically ban nection. They, like other guests, did not
Kims, is enshrined in a photo display on a any commercial dealings with North Ko- seem perturbed when told about it.
gray metal fence. rean embassies or on their property. The FABRIZIO BENSCH/REUTERS The lively reception area boasts a ter-
The hostel, a former diplomatic quar- German authorities are acting as fast as race with a beer garden, an electronic
ters, has been earning the Kim govern- they can within German law, Mr. Schäfer a German parliamentary delegation in dle-aged woman emerged after a report- baby grand piano and vivid signs, all of
ment tens of thousands of euros a month added. 2015, declined in a brief telephone inter- er rang the bell during office hours. In which enlivens the distinctive unifor-
over the past decade, but it will soon be Philipp Lengsfeld, a Berlin deputy for view to say whether the government of halting English, she said diplomats in au- mity of East German architecture.
closed to comply with the latest United the center-right Christian Democrats in Chancellor Angela Merkel should have thority were not around. But a mural on the back wall might up-
Nations sanctions imposed over North Parliament, said the North Korean con- acted sooner to end it. In the hostel, the young German set the landlords back in Pyongyang,
Korea’s nuclear tests. nection “was an open secret — every North Korea has relatively few embas- employees were also reticent, referring where rigid Marxism still reigns. In car-
The German government confirmed cabdriver knew that.” sies in Europe, and many of them are reporters to the hostel’s website, which toon style, it depicts a slice of Berlin’s
Wednesday that it was acting “as swiftly The unusual rental arrangement be- holdovers from Communist times. Its promises “cheap accommodation in the Cold War history. Jagged fragments of a
as possible” to cut off the currency flow gan in the 2000s, according to various Berlin mission stands on Glinkastrasse, city center,” and even covering their structure litter the picture while a quiet
after German news outlets reported that German news outlets. Mr. Lengsfeld, once a central thoroughfare in the gov- name badges. sign off to the left announces: “Construc-
North Korea was charging an unnamed who visited North and South Korea with ernment district of East Berlin. A mid- The rooms range from singles and tion of the Wall, 1961. Wall falls, 1989.”

In Visit to Baltics, Mattis

Affirms Pledge to NATO
Concern Grows Over Russian Cyberattacks
By GARDINER HARRIS had “fulfilled their obligations to
PABRADE, Lithuania — If a us.”
shooting war ever breaks out be- Standing with President Dalia
tween Russia and the NATO alli- Grybauskaite of Lithuania at the
ance, it could well be in a place like presidential palace on Wednes-
Pabrade, a little town near the day, Mr. Mattis said, “Have no
edge of a little nation. But a differ- doubt that we stand with you
ent sort of conflict, waged with united in a common cause.”
bytes rather than bullets, is al- Ms. Grybauskaite described
ready being fought here. Mr. Mattis as “a good friend of
Jim Mattis, the American secre- Lithuania,” saying that “he under-
tary of defense, visited this stands the threats facing us” and
Lithuanian town on Wednesday to that “we can trust him.”
see how NATO is faring in that During his Senate confirmation
fight, and his guide was a German hearings, Mr. Mattis described the
officer who has been a target in NATO alliance as essential. But he
that war, falsely accused of being a has also said since then that the
rapist and a Russian spy. amount of American support for
the alliance could depend on
“What’s the spirit of your
whether other member countries
troops?” Mr. Mattis asked, walk-
meet their commitments on mili-
ing past camouflaged tanks as sol-
tary spending. In that regard, the
diers with green-painted faces
Baltic nations “rightly stand as an
stood at attention. example for all NATO allies,” Mr.
He was assured by his guide, Lt. Mattis said, because they have
Col. Christoph Huber, commander
of the German battalion that re-
cently took up station here, that
Lithuania seeks a
morale could not be higher.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, arriving at a Revolutionary Guards Corps graduation in Tehran on Wednesday. Colonel Huber and his soldiers
have been the subjects of two re- permanent U.S.
cent cyberattacks: false claims of
Vowing a ‘Slap in the Face’ for Election Disrupters wrongdoing that officials believe
were put in circulation by an in-
creasingly aggressive Russian in-
military presence and
Patriot missiles.
By THOMAS ERDBRINK of strictly vetted candidates. controlled. Street rallies are not leaders of what was known as the telligence operation that is meant
TEHRAN — Iran’s highest But the candidates still provide allowed. Instead, the candidates Green Revolution, Iran’s estab- to sow doubts and resentment of
leader said on Wednesday that significant choices compared with speak to their followers in stadi- lishment concluded that the entire NATO’s growing presence in the rapidly expanded their military
any disrupters of national elec- elections in many other Middle ums and halls. episode had been plotted by for- Baltics. budgets.
tions, which are less than two Eastern countries. Ayatollah Khamenei used the eigners. The first attack came on Feb. 14. The actions of President
weeks away, would receive a “slap The incumbent president, Has- speech on Wednesday to reinforce “An evil American and rich Zi- Emails sent to the president of the Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in
in the face,” underscoring the po- san Rouhani, promotes economic his determination that anyone onist said that he managed to turn Lithuanian Parliament and vari- Ukraine and elsewhere have left
litical tensions lurking behind the and social freedoms. His main op- “wanting to take any measure everything upside down in Geor- ous local news media outlets false- the Baltic nations deeply uneasy,
vote. against the country’s security in gia with $10 million,” Ayatollah ly claimed that German soldiers prompting them to call on NATO
The warning came in a widely the election will certainly receive Khamenei said, referring to Mr. had raped a girl. The story rippled to fortify its defenses against a
publicized speech by the leader, a hard reaction and slap in the Soros and his alleged role in the through the country before the po- possible Russian invasion. The al-
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to gradu- Remarks by Iran’s face.” 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia. lice determined that it was untrue. liance responded by stationing
ating cadets of the Islamic Revolu- A few weeks later, another se-
tionary Guards Corps, the power- highest leader reflect In accounts of the speech re-
ported by the Tasnim News
“In 2009, he was foolish enough
to try to affect the Islamic repub- ries of emails circulated with what
four additional battalions in the
region, one in each of the three
ful paramilitary force, in which he
emphasized that security was the
political tensions as Agency and other Iranian news lic, but he slammed against a seemed to be photos of Colonel
Huber among a group of Russian
Baltic nations and one in Poland.
outlets, including Ayatollah Kha- strong wall of national will and de- A parade of prominent Ameri-
most important issue in the May
19 election, when Iranians will
voting approaches. menei’s own website, he also ac- termination,” Ayatollah Khame- partisans. The photos were faked. cans, including Senator John Mc-
cused George Soros, the multi- nei said. “It is the same today.” Then, in early April, came a Cain, Republican of Arizona, have
choose a new president and city phony story about a supposed
billionaire Hungarian-American Mr. Soros’s representatives did visited the Baltics in recent
and village councils. chemical assault on American
investor, of having tried to influ- not immediately respond to an months to offer reassurances, but
Ever since unprecedented anti- ponent, Ebrahim Raisi, the head of troops in nearby Estonia, which
ence the elections of 2009. emailed request for comment. Mr. Mattis’s visit was the most ea-
government protests after the dis- the country’s wealthiest religious appeared mysteriously on a popu-
That year, millions of Iranians Ayatollah Khamenei is not the gerly awaited.
puted 2009 presidential vote, elec- foundation, opposes many such lar Lithuanian news site.
tions have become delicate mo- took to the streets in protest, an- only leader who has accused Mr. “It’s a historic visit,” said Mr.
ideas and wants Iran to become How did it feel to be the target of
ments in Iran. more self-sufficient. gered by what demonstrators said Soros of interference. Right-wing Karoblis, the defense minister.
these attacks? Colonel Huber He and other Lithuanian offi-
The political atmosphere before Televised debates this year was fraud in the suspiciously lop- groups in the United States have
shrugged. cials said they were hoping for a
this year’s election seems rela- have been held with new restric- sided re-election of the incum- also spoken out against him. In
“We don’t know for sure who promise from Mr. Mattis for a per-
tively free and open on the sur- tions, in contrast to the live de- bent, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. April, Hungary’s government
was behind it,” he said, bundled up manent American military pres-
face, in part to ensure that many bates in 2009 that helped polarize After a crackdown, a series of sought to close a university
against an unseasonable spring ence and a Patriot missile battery
Iranians turn out to vote for a set the country. Campaigning is also mass trials and the house arrest of founded by Mr. Soros.
snowfall that was blanketing the to bolster the country’s air and an-
country. “But we take everything timissile defenses.
in the information environment The alliance is expected to con-
quite seriously.”
A City Fears the Worst as the Taliban Close In Again Darius Jauniskis, director gen-
eral of Lithuania’s intelligence
duct a large air defense exercise in
Lithuania in July, and Pentagon
officials have said that a Patriot
agency, said that part of the coun- battery could be moved into the
By NAJIM RAHIM try’s response to the incidents had region as part of that exercise, but
KUNDUZ, Afghanistan — The residents been to openly discuss Russia’s ef- that the deployment may be tem-
of this northern Afghan city have been dis- forts to undermine the NATO mis- porary.
placed twice by Taliban assaults in just a sion in the country. Mr. Mattis was asked by a re-
little over a year, each time returning to “We cannot remain silent and porter about the Patriot missiles,
damaged homes and clinging to the hope that say everything’s all right,” Mr. but said only that “the specific
their lives wouldn’t be disrupted again. Jauniskis said in an interview in a systems that we bring are those
Now they fear that a third invasion is windowless conference room in that we determine are necessary,”
coming. his agency’s headquarters in Vil- and that decisions would be made
The Taliban still control about 85 percent nius, the capital. “We need to talk in consultation with the
of the province’s territory, according to pro- about that, so that the people and Lithuanian government. Presi-
vincial security officials. Last week, the leaders know the threats are real.” dent Grybauskaite made clear
insurgents captured the district of Qala-e-Zal. Mr. Jauniskis and other Baltic that Lithuanians would welcome
There is fighting outside the city of Kunduz’s such a deployment. “We need all
eastern gates, so close that the sound of necessary means for defense and
gunfire can be heard inside the city all night. for deterrence,” she said.
The fighting this year so far has already Years of warnings to The Russians have been
displaced more than 88,000 people across strengthening their own forces in
Afghanistan, according to the United Na- PHOTOGRAPHS BY NAJIM RAHIM/THE NEW YORK TIMES the West about the region, and recently deployed
Sayed Karim Khadija Nabiyar
tions, with roughly 40 percent of that in the
north and northeast where Kunduz is. Offi-
menacing activity nuclear-capable Iskander ballistic
missiles to Kaliningrad, a de-
cials in Kunduz say about 4,000 families have from Russia. tached wedge of Russian territory
been displaced in the province in the past between Lithuania and Poland.
three weeks of fighting alone. Russian air and naval forces
have aggressively patrolled the
SAYED KARIM, 37, sells vegetables. leaders have been warning their region in recent months, further
The first time Kunduz fell, it was early in the counterparts in the West for sev- rattling nerves. For some in the
morning and we heard shots. When we woke eral years about the growing men- Baltics, Russia’s annexation of
up, the Taliban were here. The roads were ace they saw from Russia. Their Crimea and its military interven-
still open, so we went to Takhar Province. warnings were often dismissed as tion in eastern Ukraine confirmed
There are eight of us — myself, my wife, my alarmist. But after the apparent fears that Mr. Putin wants to re-es-
five children and my mother. We stayed at a Russian efforts to influence elec- tablish Russian dominance in the
camp there for 10 days. It was cold, the chil- tions in the United States, France Baltics; the online and propagan-
dren got sick. Then we moved to Khanabad and elsewhere, no one needs con- da efforts that preceded those
district for five days, before returning home vincing any more. Russian moves are seen as fur-
to Kunduz City. Our house was looted by the “We can’t be glad that we were ther proof.
city’s addicts. ... right all along,” said Raimundas The nightmare that keeps offi-
Karoblis, the Lithuanian defense cials up at night in the Baltics is
During the second fall of Kunduz, my
minister. “It’s not always comfort- that Russia manages to disguise
family was visiting relatives in Takhar. I was
able to remind people we’ve been an invasion with a barrage of
alone at home with one of my children. The
Mohammed Popalzai, left Farzana Sadat telling them about the Russians cyberattacks and fake news.
rockets were scaring my son, so we left again
for years.” “Other countries now see Rus-
to Khanabad and my family came there, too.
Part of Mr. Mattis’s reason for sia’s cyberattacks as a problem,
The situation now is not good. We have with health and food problems at a camp. The city might fall again. At night, I wake
visiting the Baltic region was to and that’s good,” said Eitvydas
no expectations of this government. On nor- One of my brothers stayed in Kunduz to up several times to listen to what is happen-
reassure allies who were rattled Bajarunas, a Lithuanian diplomat
mal days, I could work and make about $70 guard the house. When we returned after 16 ing. Believe me, when I wake up for dawn
when President Trump said the who coordinates the govern-
— these days, I can’t even make $20. People days, those people who had abandoned their prayer and leave for the mosque, I leave with
NATO alliance was “obsolete” and ment’s responses to what it calls
are afraid. Last year, they were stuck, hun- homes found them damaged. a lot of concern — it could be the Taliban
suggested that the United States “hybrid” threats. “But it’s an ex-
gry, there was no food in the city. I was in The situation in Kunduz is critical again. outside.
might protect only countries that istential threat for the Baltics.”
Khanabad and people from the city would When the Taliban have enough force to con- FARZANA SADAT, 26, works at the provincial
call and ask me to send them food. People trol four districts, they obviously have directorate of women’s affairs.
don’t want to be stuck again. enough men and equipment. Officials are
There is fighting in Charkh, in the east of We have kept a temporary rental house in
saying we will not let the city fall, but the
the city. This morning my family was scared, Kabul, out of fear that Kunduz might fall
people are living in fear. Many people have again. My mother and younger brothers
so they called me to say there was fighting. taken their loved ones out of the city. We hear
But this time we just don’t have the patience went back to Kabul. I stayed, with my father
the sound of fighting on the outskirts of the and some siblings, because I work for the
to move again — or the money. If the govern- city every night. government — I can’t take leave all the time.
ment can’t do it, they should leave it to the
PIR MOHAMMED POPALZAI, 61, has been Believe me, I have no sleep at night.
people. The people will figure out a way to
a school headmaster for 33 years. During the day, you don’t hear much fighting.
protect the city. What kind of government is
But when it is silent at night, you hear all
this? We were displaced twice in the recent fight- these sounds — rockets and explosions and
ing. The first time the Taliban took over the small weapons. When we heard all the sound,
KHADIJA NABIYAR, 25, is a civil society
city, we moved houses just down the road — we almost decided to leave but then we said
activist and university instructor.
because close to us was a security depart- let’s just submit to God’s will.
The second time Kunduz fell, we went to the ment and the Taliban said that was their Our fear increased in recent days be-
city of Mazar-i-Sharif on the sixth day of target. There was also a tall building just cause the government dismissed the univer-
fighting. We were lucky to be able to rent a across from our house, so we thought the sity — that is not a good sign, that increases
house there — those who couldn’t were living Taliban might take over that and fight from our concerns. The government is basically
there. Then the fighting continued, and we showing its weakness, saying, “I can’t defend MINDAUGAS KULBIS/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Mujib Mashal and Fahim Abed contributed re- were forced to leave there, too — first to you against them.” And when the govern- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis with NATO troops in Lithuania,
porting from Kabul, Afghanistan. Sayedabad, then to Kabul. ... ment shows weakness, I get scared. where there is fear that Russia will try to re-establish dominance.


Arming Syrian Kurds

Could Come at a Cost
By ANNE BARNARD a newly forceful intervention
and PATRICK KINGSLEY against Turkey’s Kurdish foes in
ISTANBUL — President Re- Iraq, the P.K.K.
cep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey Experts said that would
lost his first major political battle mostly consist of Turkey increas-
with the Trump administration, ing its periodic bombing runs on
which is arming the Syrian the militants. But in the most
Kurds who the Turks consider extreme case, the Turks could
enemies. The question now is coordinate a ground operation
what Mr. Erdogan, a headstrong likely carried out by rival Kurd-
leader, will do next. ish forces friendly to Turkey, said
The White House made the Soner Cagaptay, a Turkey expert
move to arm the Kurdish fight- at the Washington Institute for
ers, despite vociferous objections Near East Policy.
from Turkey, because it considers For decades, the P.K.K. has
them an effective military proxy fought an on-and-off insurgency
in the fight against the Islamic inside Turkey, aided by its bases
State. in northern Iraq. The group has
But doing so comes at a cost. been coordinating lately with
Angering Turkey risks a rupture Iraqi militias that are backed by
with an important NATO ally Iran, another power that Turkey
that is being courted by Russia, views as a threat.
and could have an unpredictable “I tend to take the Turkish
impact on the battle against the president at his word,” said Aar-
Islamic State and the wars in on Stein, a Turkey specialist at
Syria and Iraq. the Atlantic Council, a Washing-
Mr. Erdogan and his aides ton think tank. “If he keeps
have warned for months about telling everybody that he could President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey addressed members of his Justice and Development Party in Ankara this month.
do something in Iraq, I tend to
think he could do something in Syrian affiliate so closely that the Eastern interventions.
Iraq.” Kurdish fighters help call in U.S. That leaves Iraq, where Tur-
Striking in Iraq would accom- airstrikes. And those Syrian key would face fewer obstacles.
Istanbul plish some Turkish goals, several militants will now receive heavy The P.K.K. there does not operate
TURKEY analysts said. While it would do machine guns and armored under the cover of Syrian Kurds
little to prevent the Kurdish vehicles from the Pentagon. and would therefore not be sup-
autonomous areas inside north- Turkey’s foreign minister, ported by Washington.
LEBANON east Syria from consolidating, it Mevlut Cavusoglu, said on Mr. Erdogan could likely count
would isolate those cantons from Wednesday that “every weapon” on the backing of the dominant
Kurdish areas in Iraq. It could that goes to the Syrian Kurdish Kurdish faction in northern Iraq,
stop the Kurds from expanding group is “a threat against Tur- which controls Iraqi Kurdistan
EGYPT SAUDI ARABIA their power in the region further key.” and has a difficult relationship
and from possibly bolstering the Taking on the Syrian Kurds with the main Kurdish groups in
THE NEW YORK TIMES Kurdish nationalist movement more forcefully would be diffi- Turkey and Syria.
The decision could have far- inside Turkey — Mr. Erdogan’s cult. Besides the militants’ close But if Turkey did move on
reaching effects on the region. ultimate worry. relations with the United States, Mount Sinjar, easing one geopo-
It would also make it harder the Turkish Army is considered litical headache for Washington
for Iran, a rival for power in the too weak, and Kurdish militias in in Syria, it would create new
taking more aggressive, though region whose proxies are
unspecified, actions against DELIL SOULEIMAN/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES Syria too strong. complications for another Ameri-
friendly with the P.K.K., to keep a Militarily, “the Turks are not in can partner, the Iraqi govern-
Kurdish militants — though in a
continuous corridor of influence
American soldiers and Kurdish Y.P.G. fighters in Syria near the
different stronghold, Iraq. And a position to take this on,” said ment in Baghdad.
stretching from Tehran through Turkish border in April. Turkey considers the group an enemy.
analysts say such a plan would Naz Durakoglu, who helped In yet another indication of the
Iraq and northern Syria to the develop Turkey policy at the complexity of the battlefield, the
make some strategic sense.
Mediterranean. month that Turkey was obliged Syrian Kurds. “Erdogan looking State Department during the United States works indirectly
On Wednesday, Mr. Erdogan’s
Underscoring the complexity to keep attacking the P.K.K. on the other way as Trump moves Obama administration. with Iranian-backed Iraqi Shiite
prime minister, Binali Yildirim,
added another warning: that of alliances in the region, the Mount Sinjar “until the last ter- to take Raqqa” with the Syrian After at least a dozen Turkish militias against the Islamic State.
arming the Kurds could have P.K.K. is a parent organization of rorist is eliminated.” Kurds, while Mr. Trump looks the attacks on the Syrian Kurdish The Iraqi government, which
“consequences” for the United the Americans’ newly official “They will do everything they other way, or even helps behind militants last month, the United balances ties between the United
States and a “negative result.” Syrian Kurdish partner. The can do to take it out before it the scenes, as Mr. Erdogan States took emphatic steps to States and Iran, relies heavily on
He did not go into detail, promis- Syrian group, known as the becomes P.K.K. headquarters No. strikes in Iraq. prevent further clashes, by mov- those Iran-backed militias to
ing only that Mr. Erdogan would Y.P.G., has used the chaos of war 2,” Mr. Cagaptay said. A central contradiction now ing troops to the border in assist its military. Baghdad
elaborate when he meets Presi- to carve out de facto semiautono- “I think this could be the basis bedeviling United States-Turkey Humvees as a buffer between would not look kindly on a Turk-
dent Trump at the White House mous zones inside Syria. of the Trump-Erdogan deal,” Mr. relations is that, while the United Turks and Syrian Kurds. ish incursion into its territory,
next week. Mr. Erdogan “can live with a Cagaptay, who is Turkish, said States agrees with Ankara that They even flew American which it would see as a provoca-
Mr. Erdogan also sharply Y.P.G. statelet in northern Syria,” after the Trump administration the P.K.K. is a terrorist group, flags, a symbolic and provocative tive act and a disruption of its
criticized the Trump administra- said James F. Jeffrey, a former announcement about arming the American forces work with its move usually avoided in Middle fight against ISIS.
tion’s decision in remarks quoted American ambassador to Turkey.
by Turkish news media, and said “He can’t live with a Y.P.G.
he hoped it would be “reversed statelet that is supported by the
as soon as possible.” U.S. and is linked with Iran.”
Analysts believe Mr. Erdogan Analysts say Turkey could
could now seek a quid pro quo in move against the P.K.K. around
return for swallowing the Ameri- Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq.
can decision to work ever more Turkish officials worry that the
closely with the Kurds in Syria. group is trying to establish new
In return, Mr. Erdogan could headquarters there that could
seek an American green light for give it control of a strategic route
between Syria and Iran. (The
Tim Arango contributed reporting group’s existing Iraqi headquar-
from Baghdad, Maher Samaan ters are in the Qandil mountains,
from Paris and Karam Shoumali in another part of northern Iraq.)
from Istanbul. Mr. Erdogan declared just last

Green Party to Shift Balance

Of Power in British Columbia
By DAN LEVIN whether it’s a minority or a major-
A progressive environmental ity, I do intend to work across
political party is poised to claim party lines,” she told reporters on
the balance of power in British Co- Wednesday. The Liberals, in
lumbia, home to Canada’s fastest- power in British Columbia since
growing economy and the front 2001, won the most seats.
line in battles over oil pipelines, But the bitter election provides
soaring real estate prices and the important lessons about a prov-
economic benefits of extractive ince hankering for new leadership
resources. amid rising costs, cuts to educa-
Voters on Tuesday handed tion and distrust over the Liber-
three provincial legislative seats als’ embrace of unlimited political
donations, said Hamish Telford, a
to the Green Party, in its best-ever
political-science professor at the
electoral performance nationally,
University of the Fraser Valley in
denying a majority to the ruling
Abbotsford, British Columbia.
British Columbia Liberal Party or
“The Liberals lost a lot of their
its main opponent, the left-leaning
more liberally inclined voters,
New Democratic Party.
particularly around Vancouver,”
The win underscores mounting he said. “Even now that the econ-
discontent with a two-party sys- omy has improved and the books
tem in the province, and offers the are balanced, there was a narra-
Green Party a new influence over tive that the Liberals had been in
provincial politics. power for too long and had grown
During the campaign, the party too comfortable.”
vowed to ban corporate and union If the Liberals remain in a mi-
donations, increase provincial nority government, their chances
taxes on foreign buyers of Canadi- of sustaining long-championed
an property, stop an oil pipeline to policies and costly infrastructure
the coast and broaden envi- projects vehemently opposed by
ronmental regulations. the New Democrats and even
“We’re attracting voters from more progressive Greens will be
across the political spectrum who reduced. While the province waits
want politics to be done differ- for the final vote tally to begin on
ently in British Columbia,” An- May 22, the parties are likely to be
drew Weaver, the Green Party embroiled in furious negotiations
leader in the province, said in an aimed at forming a coalition.
interview on Wednesday. “People The Greens’ leader, Mr. Weaver,
are sick and tired of corporate in- has made clear that his first pri-
fluence in B.C.” ority will be to ban corporate and
For now, the Liberals, who de- union political donations, which
spite their name are conservative, the Liberal Party has steadfastly
will try to form a minority govern- refused to do.
ment — the first time the province The New Democrats are more
has had one in 65 years. That ideologically aligned with the
could change after absentee bal- Greens, but a coalition may come
lots and judicial recounts in cer- down to whether the Liberals are
tain districts are tallied later this prepared to sacrifice core policies
month. But Premier Christy for power.
Clark, leader of the Liberals, has “The Liberals want to govern,”
signaled her willingness to adapt Dr. Telford said. “The question is
to a new political reality. what price are they willing to pay
“Whatever the outcome is, to continue governing?”

Trump’s Mixed Signals on South China Sea Create Anxiety Among Asian Allies
By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ China now has the ability to de- projects continued unabated.
BEIJING — South Korea wants ploy warplanes and mobile mis- Mr. Trump’s tough talk on China
to discuss unease about an Ameri- sile launchers on several islands, promised a fresh start. Mr. Tiller-
can antimissile system on its soil. according to satellite images pro- son went as far as to say during
Taiwan is eager to buy weapons. vided by the Center for Strategic his confirmation hearing that Chi-
The Philippines hopes to find out and International Studies in na’s island-building in the South
whether the United States plans Washington. It has recently put China Sea was “akin to Russia’s
to challenge China in the South the finishing touches on airport taking of Crimea” and pledged to
China Sea. hangars and radar systems. block access to the islands.
Leaders across Asia are looking Mr. Trump’s young administra- But the administration has yet
to Washington for guidance on a tion has sent mixed signals on to follow through. And power
variety of pressing diplomatic is- how it will approach the dispute. dynamics are quickly shifting,
sues. During the campaign, Mr. Trump with the Philippines, once one of
But President Trump’s erratic criticized China’s actions in the America’s strongest allies in the
approach to policy making and his sea. Secretary of State Rex W. region, publicly distancing itself
focus on one issue — North Ko- Tillerson has suggested that from the United States and em-
rea’s nuclear weapons program — China should be denied access to bracing China.
are creating anxiety and confu- the islands it built. Mr. Trump’s credibility in the re-
sion in the region. But The New York Times re- gion has also been hurt by his de-
In South Korea, Mr. Trump has ported last week that top Penta- cision to abandon the Trans-Pa-
angered the public with several gon officials recently turned down cific Partnership, a trade pact that
remarks, including his suggestion a request for an American war- was expected to have significant
that the country, an ally for over ship to sail within 12 nautical miles benefits for Southeast Asia.
six decades, pay for an antimissile of Scarborough Shoal, a disputed China, on the other hand, has
system built by the Americans to reef claimed by the Philippines promised to double down on its in-
deter North Korea. Moon Jae-in, and China. vestment in the region. “China
who was elected president on Mr. Trump has said that the sees a golden opportunity to step
Tuesday, has vowed to seek a threat posed by North Korea’s into the vacuum of leadership in
more conciliatory approach with missile tests and nuclear weapons the region,” said Alexander L.
the North, setting up a potential development is so grave that it Vuving, a professor at the Daniel
rift with American policy. Fiery Cross Reef in the South China Sea last month. China now has the ability to deploy war- may require temporarily setting K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for
In other parts of Asia, including planes and mobile missile launchers on several islands in the region, according to satellite images. aside contentious issues with Security Studies in Honolulu.
the Philippines, Taiwan and Viet- China, in exchange for Beijing’s Mr. Trump has spoken in recent
nam, Mr. Trump’s willingness to North Korea, they say. ried about the “permanent con- territory, and it has repeatedly exerting more political and eco- days with leaders of the Phil-
bend to China is fueling worries The president also risks push- cessions China may extract from warned the United States against nomic pressure on Pyongyang. ippines, Singapore and Thailand,
that the United States will stop ing countries in the region closer the U.S.” selling weapons to the island. Cheng Xiaohe, an associate pro- inviting each to the White House.
trying to counter China’s growing to Beijing if he does not demon- “Trump’s emerging transac- Mr. Trump has already shown a fessor of international studies at Mr. Tillerson has tried to reassure
influence in the region. strate that the United States in- tional foreign policy is not re- Renmin University in Beijing, said allies that freedom-of-navigation
willingness to use Taiwan as a bar-
Washington has been the main the Trump administration’s deci- patrols will continue.
tends to vigorously challenge Chi- assuring,” he wrote in an email. gaining chip with China. Before he
critic of China’s efforts to build sion to halt patrols would send a Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a pro-
na’s territorial claims in the sea. South Korea represents one of took office, he publicly questioned
fortresses atop reefs, rocks and is- message that “China’s claims in fessor at Chulalongkorn Univer-
Mr. Trump’s supporters say his the more serious rifts that Mr. whether the United States should the sea should be respected and
lands in the South China Sea. But sity in Bangkok, said Mr. Trump
unpredictable style and willing- Trump will confront. Mr. Moon uphold the “One China” policy. But the United States will not chal-
the Trump administration, appar- seemed to be showing genuine in-
ness to rethink decades of ac- rose to power by vowing a he later backed down, apparently lenge that.” terest in building a strategic net-
ently wary of angering Beijing, re-
cently decided to suspend patrols cepted policy may be an asset, es- conciliatory approach to North in an effort to curry favor with Other countries that claim terri- work in the region. He said Mr.
of islands and reefs claimed by pecially in dealing with an in- Korea, saying efforts by the President Xi Jinping of China. tory in the sea disagree. Many see Trump was wise to de-emphasize
China. “The South China Sea is tractable leader like Kim Jong-un United States and others to im- China has used Mr. Trump’s it as a patriotic mission to defend human rights concerns with coun-
now China’s lake,” said Carlyle A. of North Korea. But his lack of as- pose strict sanctions had fallen first few months in office to re- territory there against China, and tries like Thailand and the Phil-
Thayer, an emeritus professor at surances to Asian allies and his ef- short. Mr. Trump favors applying inforce its position in the sea, a they have grown angry over fre- ippines; otherwise, it would “fur-
the University of New South forts to please China have created maximum pressure on Mr. Kim’s vast waterway through which quent confrontations with Chi- ther push both countries and the
Wales in Australia. the appearance that his foreign government. over $5 trillion in trade passes nese ships. rest of the region into China’s or-
Mr. Trump’s credibility among policy is negotiable. In Taiwan, officials worry that each year. China says historical Diplomats in the region saw bit.”
Asian allies is now at stake, di- Antonio T. Carpio, a Supreme the Trump administration may maps show it owns virtually the hope in President Barack Oba- “Once the United States regains
plomats and analysts say. He may Court justice in the Philippines delay arms sales, including F-35 entire sea, despite overlapping ma’s talk of sending more Ameri- some weight and credibility in the
jeopardize longtime economic and and a critic of China, said he un- stealth fighter jets, for fear of in- claims by several smaller coun- can military and economic re- region,” he added, “then it can re-
security alliances if he does not derstood Mr. Trump’s focus on flaming tensions with China. tries, including Indonesia, the sources to Asia. But they were dis- balance and reconsider U.S. inter-
show a willingness to look beyond North Korea. But he said he wor- China considers Taiwan part of is Philippines and Vietnam. appointed as China’s building ests and values.”

Poland’s Holocaust Victims Struggle for Restitution

By NINA SIEGAL “No one was poor, no one was Her father imported and ex- Her grandparents had a three-
AMSTERDAM — Hania Rosen- rich: We were all about average, ported straw, hay and coal. He story house and a general store,
berg was born in 1934 in Oswie- like any small town,” Ms. Rosen- died in the camps, along with most farmland and two garden plots in
cim, an industrial town in the Gali- berg, 82, recalled. “I remember of the town’s Jewish community. the nearby town of Ledziny. Dur-
cia region of southern Poland. The our backyard, with dogs, hens and Ms. Rosenberg and her mother ing the Communist era, the house
concentration and extermination geese, where we had a cow, which survived the war — she hid with a and store were expropriated. A
camp the Germans built there af- my father bought when I was born gentile family, and her mother en- shopping mall and new houses
ter their 1939 invasion, called because he said you should have dured forced labor at a munitions stand on what was once farmland.
Auschwitz-Birkenau, would take your own milk. It was a happy plant. They later made their way But two garden plots — still in the
the lives of 1.1 million people. childhood.” to Sweden. name of her grandfather — re-
main, and Ms. Rosenberg is fight-
ing for their ownership, so that
she can give them to the family
who saved her.
“In Poland, there was no official
process for this: You have to go to
the courts,” she said in a phone in-
terview from Stockholm. “We did
go to the courts, but it was like a
carousel: You go around and CASPER HEDBERG FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
around and around and around. Hania Rosenberg, who lives in Stockholm, says she has been
You have to produce the docu-
ments that they need, and then it’s
trying for 26 years to reclaim her family’s properties in Poland.
not enough. There are always
more documents you need to pro- decide that those with Jewish an- recover prewar property unlaw-
vide.” cestors get compensated, where- fully seized by the Nazi German or
Poland is the only European as Belarussians, Poles, Ukraini- the Soviet authorities, or the post-
Union nation that has not estab- ans or Crimean Karaites, or Tatars war Communist regime.”
lished formal procedures to re- and Germans — all of whom used However, Leslaw Piszewski,
solve claims made by people to live here before the war — chairman of the board of the Un-
whose property was seized during shouldn’t be compensated?” Jaro- ion of Jewish Religious Communi-
the Holocaust, according to a new slaw Kaczynski, the leader of the ties in Poland, said current poli-
report by the European Shoah governing party, asked cies made it far too difficult for
Legacy Institute, based in Prague. supporters last year. (The claimants — effectively denying
The report, more than 1,200 Karaites and Tatars are minority justice by delaying it.
pages, was based on three years of groups that speak Turkic lan- “Attitudes have not changed at
research in 47 countries that en- guages.) all,” he said. “Courts issue nega-
dorsed a 2009 pledge, known as tive decisions or prolong the
“Is Poland able to turn back
the Terezin Declaration, to estab- process to the extent that the
time and compensate all those
lish a restitution process for “im- claimant resigns from the
who suffered in those tragic
movable property” like land, process.”
homes and businesses. events?” he asked. “Does it mean The new report was presented
It found that Poland had only that the descendants of poor Poles at a conference in Brussels orga-
partly complied with an obligation are supposed to pay the nized by Holocaust survivors and
to return communal Jewish prop- descendants of those who were groups that represent them, and
erty like synagogues and ceme- hosted by the European Parlia-
teries. ment.
The issue of restitution is espe- Gideon Taylor, the operations
cially fraught for Poland, which An effort to recover chairman of one of the groups, the
had Europe’s largest Jewish com- World Jewish Restitution Organi-
munity before the war. About property is ‘like a zation, said he hoped the confer-
three million Polish Jews were
murdered in the Holocaust, along
carousel’: around ence would be a “rallying call” be-
fore time ran out for survivors, 72
with at least 1.9 million other Pol- and around. years after the war’s end.
ish civilians. “We have a very narrow win-
The report says that Holocaust dow of time, while survivors are
victims across Europe — not only still alive, to carry out some kind
Jews, but also Roma, gays, dis- rich? This is what it comes down of symbolic justice, some kind of
abled people and others — “had to to.” recognition of what has hap-
navigate a frequently unclear There is also a morass of legal pened,” he said.
path to recover their property issues. Poland says it is not to The issue is not just symbolic
from governments and neighbors blame for the crimes of Nazi Ger- but also practical, said Mr.
who had failed to protect them, many, and it points to a 1952 agree- Piszewski, whose group repre-
and often, who had been complicit ment in which West Germany sents nine officially recognized
in their persecution.” agreed to pay Israel reparations Jewish communities, with an esti-
It added, “Law was not the sur- for wartime crimes. Communist- mated 10,000 to 20,000 members.
vivors’ ally; more often it was era governments also reached (Precise figures are hard to come
their enemy, providing impunity agreements with several coun- by.)
for thieves and those who held tries, including the United States, “Restitution is the only financial
stolen property.” to resolve wartime property tool to maintain Jewish communi-
In Poland, the injustice was claims, Polish officials say. ties as well as the Jewish heritage,
compounded because “compre- Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, a his- including 1,200 cemeteries,” he
hensive private property restitu- torian who has written about said.
tion legislation in the post-Com- restitution issues, said the report Ms. Rosenberg told her story at
munist era” was never enacted, focused too narrowly on Jewish the conference, after much hesita-
according to the report. victims. While Polish Jews “faced tion. The family that saved her has
Although the issue is longstand- the extraordinary terror of total been recognized by Yad Vashem,
ing, it has been complicated by the extermination,” he said, Polish the Holocaust remembrance cen-
rise to power in 2015 of the right- Christians “faced the ordinary ter in Jerusalem, as being among
wing Law and Justice Party. Party terror of partial annihilation.” the Righteous of the Nations, non-
officials acknowledge the enor- Last year, Poland’s constitu- Jews who risked their lives to
mity of the Holocaust, but they tional court upheld a 2015 law that save Jews. A house her father
emphasize that Poland was the significantly limits the restitution owned in Oswiecim has been giv-
victim of both German and Soviet rights of those whose property in en to the family.
oppression and that many minor- Warsaw was seized during the “Maybe this conference will
ities suffered; debates over re- war. make a difference,” she said. “I re-
membrance have bedeviled “Polish law treats everyone ally hope so. We have been trying
projects like a new World War II equally,” the foreign minister, on our own for 26 years. They say
museum in the seaside city of Witold Waszczykowski, said in Is- that maybe something will
Gdansk. rael last year. “Any legal or natural change in 20 years, but none of us
“On what basis should Poland person, or their heir, is entitled to has 20 years to wait.”

‘Undignified’ End for Respected Israeli News Shows

JERUSALEM — It felt a bit like
a coup. After 49 years of nightly
broadcasts, the Israeli govern-
ment shut down the state broad-
casting authority’s time-honored
television news program with
only one hour’s notice.
Stunned and tearful, the staff of
the program, “Mabat Le’had-
ashot” (A Glance at the News),
crowded into the studio on Tues-
day night and sang the national
anthem, concluding what it had
just learned would be its last
By Wednesday, Israel Radio’s
current affairs anchors were also
choking up on air, bidding their
farewells. After 81 years of broad-
casting, the station said it would
be playing music and providing
hourly news bulletins until next
week, when it is to be replaced by
a new public corporation.
The moves came after years of
political wrangling and months of
intensive involvement by Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. CHANNEL 1
Long preoccupied with his cover-
age in the news media, he had The staff of “Mabat Le’hadashot” on Tuesday at the end of the news program’s final broadcast.
tried to bring changes to how the After a 49-year run, the program was shut down on an hour’s notice from the Israeli government.
broadcasting authority was run.
But on Wednesday, his office is- form the authority. weaken public broadcasting in Is- CNN and The New York Times,
sued a statement critical of the “Netanyahu did not like the in- rael. Days before going live, it was among others, of “fake news” for
timing and sudden nature of the dependence that the corporation unclear how the operation would their coverage of a new Hamas
shutdown. was showing,” said Tehilla function. One radio employee, document (though questions
A shake-up of the overarching Shwartz Altshuler, director of the who asked not to be identified be- were raised about his representa-
Israel Broadcasting Authority — media reform program at the Is- cause of the political uncertainty tion of what was reported).
widely considered an outdated rael Democracy Institute, a non- around his job, said he did not Mr. Netanyahu rebuffs accusa-
and wasteful enterprise — has partisan research center in Jeru- even know which city he was sup- tions that he is trying to limit free-
been decades in the making. At salem. “They told him from posed to be broadcasting from. dom of expression or control the
one point it was said to have had square one that they would do The whole nature of the process local news media market. He says
up to 18 unions for about 1,800 what they wanted, in accordance has stoked apprehension. In a he would like to see more plural-
employees. Israeli officials and show of support, President ism and diversity, and more com-
experts across the political spec- Reuven Rivlin of Israel, an old po- mercial television and news chan-
trum said that reform was essen- litical rival of Mr. Netanyahu, nels to compete with the existing
But the way it is unfolding ap- A shake-up that was made a point of coming in person ones.
to the studio for an interview on For Israelis, the end of “Mabat”
pears chaotic and uncertain. And
many Israelis were outraged by
decades in the making Israel Radio’s midday news pro- prompted an outpouring of nostal-
gram. Thanking the workers, he gia. Although its ratings had
the abrupt termination of Channel unfolds with chaos called it the end of an era. dropped in recent years to around
1’s “Mabat,” the grande dame of Is-
rael’s news programs. and uncertainty. “Without public broadcasting
there is no democracy,” Mr. Rivlin
3 or 4 percent, as the news pro-
grams of two competing commer-
Mr. Netanyahu’s office denied
responsibility, describing the said. “Without public broadcast- cial channels, 2 and 10, became
swift closing in a statement as ing, the state of Israel isn’t the more popular, it remained a much
“undignified and disrespectful.” with the authorities given to them state of Israel.” loved national institution. The
“The prime minister heard by the law.” Mr. Netanyahu’s opponents of- journalists and staff were dis-

It’s the
about this from the media and the The law, Mr. Netanyahu found, ten describe his dealings with the mayed that they were not given a
matter was not carried out with limits government influence. Mr. press as “obsessive.” He fre- proper opportunity to part from
his knowledge or approval,” the Netanyahu threatened to break quently attacks by name Israeli and thank their viewers.

statement added. up his government coalition over journalists who are critical of him. “My heart is broken,” Haim
Three years ago, Mr. Netanya- the new corporation, after his co- And he is under police investiga- Yavin, the news program’s first
hu championed the establishment alition partners refused to go tion after tapes surfaced in which anchor, said by phone during the
of a corporation to replace the au- along with its cancellation. In a he and a long-hostile Israeli news- last broadcast. He retired in 2008,

thority. Plans were made, laws compromise, it was decided to paper baron tried to negotiate a after 40 years in television. ®

were passed and it was named take the news division out of Kann deal to benefit the newspaper, at “They not only killed us, but
Kann, Hebrew for “here.” But in and to set up a separate news cor- the expense of a competitor, in re- they gave us a donkey’s funeral,”

recent months, Mr. Netanyahu poration. turn for better coverage for the said Yaakov Ahimeir, another vet-
changed his mind and tried to dis- Employees and experts worry prime minister. eran journalist who appeared in
band the corporation, saying it that the confusion resulting from This week, Mr. Netanyahu re- the studio. “What are we? Crimi-
was preferable to maintain and re- the two parallel corporations will leased a scathing video accusing nals?”

South Korean Leader Aims

To Build Trust With North
By CHOE SANG-HUN dential election, Mr. Moon took of-
SEOUL, South Korea — South fice by reconfirming the broad
Korea’s newly elected president changes he promised during his
vowed on Wednesday to play a campaign, including curtailing
more assertive role in resolving the powers of the presidency and
the North’s nuclear crisis through eliminating corrupt ties between
dialogue, saying that he was will- government and business.
ing to meet with its leader, Kim He also vowed to “get busy for
Jong-un, if the circumstances the sake of peace on the Korean
were right. Peninsula.” Mr. Moon said he was
President Moon Jae-in also also willing to travel to Pyong-
pledged to strengthen the alliance yang, the capital of North Korea,
with Washington, expressing an to meet with Mr. Kim. But he cau- YONHAP

eagerness for an early summit tioned that for such a trip to take President Moon Jae-in of South Korea after his inauguration in
meeting with President Trump, place, “the circumstances have to Seoul. He took office without the usual two-month transition. THE BEST IN MODERN DESIGN
whose military posturing and di- be right.” He had earlier said that WWW.DWR.COM | 1.800.944.2233 | DWR STUDIOS
plomatic overtures toward the dialogue would become difficult if Shown: Eames® Lounge Chair designed by Charles and Ray Eames for Herman Miller ®.
South Korea of an American an- ings between the Koreas, the first
North in recent weeks have both the North raised tension with an- © 2017 Design Within Reach, Inc.
timissile battery, the Terminal in 2002 and the second in 2007. Mr.
rattled and confused South other nuclear test. High Altitude Area Defense sys- Moon said he expected Mr. Suh to
Koreans. The last inter-Korean summit tem, known as Thaad. play a role in resolving the North
But Mr. Moon also hinted at bal- meeting was in 2007, between Mr. Thaad went operational last Korean nuclear crisis.

ancing diplomacy between the Kim’s father, Kim Jong-il, and the
United States and China, his coun- week, despite angry protests from On Wednesday, Mr. Suh said
president of South Korea at the China, which said that Thaad’s that another inter-Korean summit
try’s largest trading partner, over time, Roh Moo-hyun, Mr. Moon’s
the contentious deployment of an powerful radar undermined its meeting was “necessary,” but that
American missile defense system own security. Chinese consumers it would be premature to discuss it
here. have begun a boycott of many
South Korean brands. Many South
when military tensions remained
high on the peninsula.
and the fittings are easy...
Mr. Trump called Mr. Moon
hours after he was formally sworn
Seeking a diplomatic Koreans fumed over the economic “What we need the most is to
retaliation by China, considering find a breakthrough for resolving
in on Wednesday. The two leaders
agreed to maintain a strong alli-
balance between the it the price of protecting the alli- the North Korean nuclear issue,”
ance and cooperate in dealing U.S. and China over ance with Washington. But others
accused the United States of foist-
Mr. Suh said. “When such condi-
tions mature, I think we can go to
with North Korea’s nuclear and
missile threats, Mr. Moon’s office missile defense. ing the weapon on their country, Pyongyang.”
said. They also agreed to hold a especially after Mr. Trump said Mr. Moon’s is the first liberal
summit meeting in Washington at that Seoul should pay $1 billion for government in South Korea in
the earliest opportunity, it said. the Thaad battery, contrary to an nearly a decade. Conservatives
closest friend and ideological ally. earlier agreement. remained disgraced by Ms. Park’s T-SHIRT STRAPLESS CONVERTIBLE
“The alliance with the United
States is and will always be the Mr. Moon is widely expected to During his campaign, Mr. Moon downfall but deeply wary of Mr.
foundation of our diplomacy and introduce a modified version of said he would review the deploy- Moon’s approach to the North,
national security,” Mr. Moon was Mr. Roh’s so-called sunshine pol- ment, a stance he reaffirmed as which they said could jeopardize Join
quoted as telling Mr. Trump. “The icy of engaging North Korea with president. the alliance with Washington.
dialogue, humanitarian aid and “I will engage in sincere negoti- Mr. Moon’s inaugural speech
alliance is more important than
ever, given the rising uncertainty joint economic projects. ations with the United States and appeared to have been worded to Town Shop
surrounding the Korean Peninsu- The idea behind the sunshine China to find a solution to the ease such concerns while also
policy was to build trust with the Thaad problem,” he said. putting a progressive stamp on
Mr. Moon’s comments ap- North so that it would negotiate Mr. Moon’s victory on Tuesday foreign policy. & Wacoal
peared aimed at easing fears that away its nuclear and ballistic mis- capped months of political turmoil In the address, Mr. Moon em-
his new liberal government and
its eagerness for diplomatic and
sile programs. But that policy was
thrown out in the last nine years.
marked by the impeachment,
ouster and arrest on corruption
phasized “national unity” with his
political opponents and vowed to
for our BRALETTE

economic engagement with North The two last presidents in Seoul, charges of his predecessor, Park make his government more trans-
Korea might create a rift with
both conservatives, joined hands
with Washington to try to isolate
Geun-hye. The country has been
led by an acting president since
He said he would not take up
Compared with his two conser- Pyongyang with sanctions and Ms. Park was removed on March residence in the Blue House, a
vative predecessors, who had em- pressure, as the North advanced 10, and Mr. Moon took office with- symbol of what South Koreans call
phasized a united front with its weapons programs by conduct- out a customary two-month tran- the “imperial presidency,” and in- TODAY! THURSDAY, MAY 11
ing a series of nuclear and missile sition. stead work from a government
from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Washington in punishing the
North, Mr. Moon has often called tests. In his first day in office, Mr. building in the bustling center of
for his country to take the lead in Mr. Moon’s election signaled the Moon rushed to build his govern- Seoul to make his office more ac-
easing tensions on the divided return of the liberals to the center ment, appointing Lee Nak-yon, a cessible to the people.
peninsula through dialogue. stage of South Korean diplomacy. provincial governor, as his prime “I will become a clean presi-
“I will do whatever it takes to They believe that sanctions alone minister. dent,” Mr. Moon said, referring to 2270 Broadway
help settle peace on the Korean have failed to persuade North Ko- He also selected Suh Hoon, a a succession of South Korean lead- (between 81 & 82 Streets)
Peninsula,” Mr. Moon said during rea to give up its nuclear weapons former intelligence official, as di- ers, including Ms. Park, who have
a speech at the National Assem- programs. They also do not want rector of the National Intelligence ended their presidency in dis- New York City
bly, where he was formally sworn South Korea to be dragged into a Service. grace because of corruption scan-
in on Wednesday. “If necessary, I hegemonic struggle between the Mr. Suh has spent his career dals. “I will become a president
will fly immediately to Washing- United States and China — an atti- monitoring North Korea and was who can retire home as an ordi-
ton.” tude exemplified by their ambigu- involved in the negotiations that nary citizen and is welcomed by
A day after winning the presi- ous stance over the deployment in resulted in the two summit meet- neighbors.”
A10 THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017

Caught Anew
In the Struggle
Over Immigration
A Threat of Deportation Is Revived
By MIRIAM JORDAN new administration appears less willing
Jessica Colotl embodied the debate to overlook her record.
over illegal immigration when she was “Jessica Colotl, an unlawfully present
locked up for 37 days and nearly sent Mexican national, admitted guilt to a
back to Mexico after an Atlanta-area po- felony charge in August 2011 of making a
lice officer caught her driving without a false statement to law enforcement in
license in 2010. Cobb County, Ga.,” said an ICE state-
To supporters, including her sorority ment. “Ms. Colotl was subsequently al-
sisters, the president of her college and lowed to enter a diversionary program
the immigrant advocates who publicized by local authorities; however, under fed-
her case, hers was an example of police eral law her guilty plea is considered a
overreach and the need to safeguard am- felony conviction for immigration pur-
bitious young students from deportation. poses.”
To others, she was an illegal immigrant, Ms. Colotl’s original case became em-
plain and simple, who also was abusing blematic of hot-button immigration
the system by attending a public college questions, like whether young undocu-
at discounted tuition. mented immigrants deserved a pass,
She returned to college — paying full whether they should benefit from in-
state tuition and whether an enforce-
price, because of a new Georgia law in-
ment program designed to identify vio-
spired by her case — completed her de-
lent criminals for removal was ensnar-
gree and qualified for a program started
ing other immigrants as well.
by President Barack Obama in 2012,
During her junior year at Kennesaw
known as Deferred Action for Childhood
State University, on March 28, 2010, Ms.
Arrivals, or DACA, which protects some
Colotl was pulled over for blocking traffic
undocumented youth from deportation.
in a parking lot at the college.
“Since then, I have been working and
She had no license, so within days she
doing well for myself,” Ms. Colotl, now 28,
was transferred to federal immigration
said in an interview this week. “I thought
custody under a program known as
that all the legal battles were behind me.”
287(g), which lets local officials act as im-
That was until Ms. Colotl, who was migration-law enforcers and cooperate
brought to the United States by her par- with deportation authorities.
ents as a child, learned Monday that her She spent more than a month in an
DACA status had been revoked, thrust- Alabama detention facility until being re-
ing her into the national immigration de- leased, thanks to campaigning on her be-
bate anew. half. She became a symbol of the long
With a new president in the White and ultimately unsuccessful fight to pass
House, she is once again facing deporta- the federal Dream Act, which would have
tion. legalized immigrants like Ms. Colotl who
Dustin Baxter, Ms. Colotl’s lawyer, on entered the United States as children,
Tuesday requested that a federal judge and which opponents criticized as an am-
in Atlanta intervene and reinstate her nesty measure.
DACA protection. “Jessica has a dream,” read a sign at a
“We are taking an innocent girl who rally held by Lambda Theta Alpha, the
has done nothing but contribute to the Latina sorority she had helped establish
society she has been a part of since she at the college. “Support the Dream Act.”
was 11 and making her a villain and post- Nine days after her release, the Cobb
er child for Trump’s deportation poli- County sheriff, Neil Warren, pressed
cies,” Mr. Baxter said in an interview. charges against Ms. Colotl, saying she
About 750,000 immigrants have bene- had supplied a false address to a deputy
fited from DACA, and even as he has who had booked her into jail, a felony.
promised to crack down on illegal immi- “Ms. Colotl knew that she was in the
gration, President Trump has said re- United States without authority to be
peatedly that he will not target DACA re- here and voluntarily chose to operate a
cipients, also known as Dreamers. vehicle without a driver’s license,” Sher-
But since 2012, more than 1,500 Dream- iff Warren said at the time, adding that
ers have had their DACA status revoked she had “further complicated her situa- AUDRA MELTON FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

for criminal activity, according to Immi- tion with her blatant disregard for Geor- Jessica Colotl became a symbol of the immigration debate after a 2010 traffic stop at her college.
gration and Customs Enforcement. gia law by giving false information.”
After her arrest for driving without a Mr. Warren championed his county’s
license, Ms. Colotl had been charged with participation in 287(g), a program that
providing a false address to a law en- groups like the American Civil Liberties ed students pay out-of-state rates when undocumented immigrants like Ms. sons, a rate similar to that of the final
forcement officer, a felony. She admitted Union of Georgia derided for snagging a attending public colleges. Some candi- Colotl stay in the United States and work year of the Obama administration.
guilt and had the case dismissed after “promising student” like Ms. Colotl, dates for governor invoked Ms. Colotl in legally. But while the failed Dream Act But Ms. Colotl, apparently, is not get-
completing community service, a com- rather than hardened criminals, and for their calls for curbing illegal immigra- could have eventually let Ms. Colotl be- ting a pass.
mon outcome for low-level offenses. promoting racial profiling. Nationally, an tion in Georgia. come a permanent resident, DACA pro- She said that just last week she had do-
Though she was not convicted, under im- outcry against the program prompted Ms. Colotl finished college and began tection must be renewed every two years nated platelets at a hospital to help peo-
migration law her admission to the crime the Obama administration to scale it working as a legal assistant at the law of- and can more easily be revoked. ple in need. Now, she said, she feels per-
was enough to initiate the loss of DACA back. Mr. Trump wants it used more of- fice of Charles Kuck, an Atlanta immigra- The Trump administration so far has sona non grata, unable to work and
status. ten. tion attorney whose firm represents her not used that power often. In the first threatened with ejection from the coun-
While the Obama administration al- State legislators who became aware now. (Her parents have since moved three months of 2017, the government re- try.
lowed Ms. Colotl into the program in 2013 that Ms. Colotl was paying in-state tu- back to Mexico.) voked DACA protections from 179 recipi- “I plan to continue fighting,” she said.
— and allowed her to renew in 2015 — the ition passed a law to make undocument- Mr. Obama began DACA, letting young ents for criminal activity and other rea- “This has to be a mistake.”

Trial Opens for Oklahoma Officer Charged in Fatal Shooting of Black Driver
By LUCIA WALINCHUS the district attorney was the one Church, one of Tulsa’s largest con-
TULSA, Okla. — The prosecu- who overreacted when he filed gregations, in organizing a prayer
tion and the defense agreed on charges against the officer. Dur- service that included a former
this: On Sept. 16, 2016, a white po- ing a recess, Ms. McMurray said Tulsa police officer.
lice officer fatally shot a black that many commentators had “It’s like marriage counseling,”
driver on a street in north Tulsa. tried to paint it as a case of racism, Mr. Harrison said, describing the
Beyond that, the two sides dis- when it was actually a case of sex- interaction of the community with
agreed on why the shooting had ism: Officer Shelby was essen- the former officer as a moment of
taken place as they made their tially on trial for being too emo- both pain and love.
opening statements Wednesday tional. Tulsa’s thorny history of racial
in the manslaughter trial of Betty To the jury, Ms. McMurray de- injustice can be counted as among
Jo Shelby, the Tulsa officer picted her client as being an offi- the most perilous in America. In
charged in the death of the driver, cer with a stellar record who fired 1921, a white mob killed 150 to 300
her gun for the first time in her 10- black people and destroyed 1,100
Terence Crutcher.
year career at the same time that homes and businesses.
The prosecutor, Kevin Gray,
another officer discharged his In April 2015, a Tulsa County re-
told jurors that Officer Shelby had
Taser, because he also thought the serve deputy fatally shot an un-
panicked and used deadly force
victim could be reaching for a gun. armed African-American man,
against an unarmed man who had
The fatal shooting last Septem- Eric Harris, during an arrest. The
his hands up.
ber played out amid a series of deputy, Robert Bates, 73, testified
The officer’s lawyer, Shannon deaths across the country at the
McMurray, countered that Officer that he had meant to draw his
hands of the police that have Taser, rather than his gun. Mr.
Shelby had simply done what she raised questions about officers’
had been trained to do when fac- Bates was convicted last year of
use of force, particularly against
ing someone who refused to com- second-degree manslaughter and
African-American men.
ply with her orders to stop and sentenced to four years in prison
Officer Shelby, 43, was respond-
who could have been reaching for and nine months of probation.
ing to a domestic violence call
a gun. when she passed an intersection Days after Mr. Crutcher’s shoot-
Officer Shelby sat stoically at in north Tulsa and noticed Mr. ing, city officials released police
the defense table Wednesday as Crutcher standing in the street videos first to the victim’s family
her trial opened before a jury of and his S.U.V. partly blocking traf- and later to more than 50 black
three men and nine women. At fic. Officer Shelby told investiga- leaders, pastors and officials. The
least two of the women are black. tors that she asked Mr. Crutcher if mayor at the time, Dewey F. Bart-
Mr. Crutcher’s family took up the vehicle belonged to him and MIKE SIMONS/TULSA WORLD, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS lett Jr., and the police chief, Chuck
three rows in the courtroom, sit- whether it was disabled, but he Officer Betty Jo Shelby and her husband, David, at the Tulsa County Courthouse on Wednesday. Jordan, who are both white, apolo-
ting across from Officer Shelby’s only mumbled to himself and did gized and answered questions on
family and a throng of reporters. not answer. behalf of the city.
Outside, a wall of cameras lined fore he was shot. a whole. his hands up and he’s dead — Mr. Bartlett said that in his eight
Mr. Crutcher, 40, kept putting
the hall. Pastors and community leaders “I’m very thankful for the that’s what this means in the city,” years as mayor, he and his wife
his hands in his pockets, accord-
In his statement, Mr. Gray high- say a public reaction that empha- community’s passionate response Mr. Lewis said. “People feel if they had attended about 300 services
ing to the account, even as Officer
lighted the note of panic in Ms. Shelby told him to show his hands. sized prayer over vengeance and and protest,” Mr. Scott said, “and have a breakdown they cannot throughout the city, including
Shelby’s voice when she called in She fired when Mr. Crutcher a government response that em- also thankful that it didn’t escalate call an officer for help.” about 30 at black churches. “As a
the shooting. That proved, he said, reached into the driver’s side win- phasized transparency over se- to the point of violence and rioting Melvin Cooper, the senior pas- consequence of that, over the
that she had overreacted. dow. Video cameras in the police crecy has helped to ease tensions that it did in other cities.” tor at World Won Ministries, a years, we developed a very true
“You will hear her voice on that cars and the helicopter circling in the city. Marq Lewis, organizer of the prominent African-American friendship, not just a political rela-
radio traffic. ‘Shots Fired!’ she above recorded the encounter. The Rev. Anthony L. Scott, sen- grass-roots group We the People Pentecostal church, described Mr. tionship, with many of the pas-
will say,” Mr. Gray said, pausing. Lawyers for Mr. Crutcher’s ior pastor at First Baptist Church of Oklahoma, agreed, but cau- Crutcher as “a nice young man,” tors,” Mr. Bartlett said.
“Shots fired! You don’t need an of- family have disputed some of the in North Tulsa, said the city’s rela- tioned that Americans would be who was the son of a minister. “I’m The city took another step in the
ficer to testify that you can tell a account. They said the window of tive calm had been the product of tuning in closely to the outcome of not saying he was perfect,” Mr. healing process on Wednesday
difference in her voice. You can Mr. Crutcher’s vehicle was up, not hard work on the part of church the trial. Cooper said. night with a large prayer service.
hear it.” down, and so he could not have leaders and politicians, and the “People are seeing a person He joined the Rev. Tom Harri- The trial is expected to last at least
Ms. McMurray countered that been reaching into the vehicle be- ties forged with the community as with a broken-down vehicle with son of Asbury United Methodist into next week.

Around a Dwarf Star,

Researchers Discover
A Celestial Harmony
By KENNETH CHANG leagues took a different ap-
In February, astronomers proach.
announced the discovery of a Instead of just looking at the
nearby star with seven Earth- orbits of the planets today, they
size planets, and at least some looked at possible ways that
of the planets seemed to be in a the planets got to where they
zone that could provide cozy are now. The planets formed
conditions for life. out of a disk of gas and dust. Af-
The finding of these planets ter that formation, the remain-
circling the star Trappist-1 40 ing disk would have nudged
light-years away came with a the planets inward, and those
bit of mystery. The orbits of the nudges tend to push the
planets are packed tightly, and planets toward the stable reso-
computer calculations by the nances.
discoverers suggested that the Dr. Tamayo offered the anal-
gravitational jostling would ogy of musicians in an orches-
send the planets colliding with tra. “It’s not enough for mem-
each other or flying apart, bers to merely keep time,” he
some to deep space, others spi- said.
raling into the star and de- The missing information
struction. about orbits is like musicians
Now new research provides playing out of tune, he said. “By
an explanation for the contrast,” Dr. Tamayo said,
dynamics of how this planetary “simulating the formation of
system could have formed and the system in its birth disk is
remained in stable harmony analogous to the orchestra tun-
over billions of years. ing itself before playing. When
“It’s actually a very special we create these harmonized MARK MAKELA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
system,” said Daniel Tamayo, a systems, we find that the ma-
jority survive for as long as we Xi Xiaoxing, a Temple University physics professor, had been accused of illegally sending sensitive technology to China.
postdoctoral researcher at the
University of Toronto Scarbor- can run our supercomputer

A Former Suspect Points a Finger Back at the F.B.I.

ough and the lead author of a simulations.”
paper appearing in The Astro- In more than 300 computer
physical Journal Letters. runs, each simulating five mil-
The scientist in the office lion years, the vast majority
next door to Dr. Tamayo found stayed stable, Dr. Tamayo said.
musical inspiration from the
Trappist-1 planets. Matt Russo,
Then they ran 21 simulations
each tracing about 50 million
In Suit, Professor Accuses Lead Agent of Falsifying Evidence in Dropped Espionage Case
an astrophysicist who is also a years of orbits, and 17 of those
musician, turned to Dr. were stable. Each of the longer By MATT APUZZO evidence as soon as he heard it. But the Justice Department has constant fear. “We always are
Tamayo’s computer simula- simulations consumed a week When the Justice Department “The very first word I said was made several mistakes. In De- afraid that, everything we’re do-
tions for help turning the orbits of supercomputer time. That dropped charges against a Temple ‘absurd,’” he recalled. cember 2014, prosecutors dropped ing, the F.B.I. is listening and
into notes, and they have suggests the orbits are stable University physics professor in Dr. Xi said his arrest cast un- charges against two former Eli some of the things we say or do
produced a sort of music of the for several billion years, al- 2015, it was an embarrassing ac- warranted suspicion over him and Lilly scientists who had been ac- may be twisted,” he said. “That
spheres for the 21st century. though it does not provide de- knowledgment that F.B.I. agents his work. He was suspended from cused of giving proprietary infor- fear is in the back of our mind all
“I think Trappist is the most finitive proof. and prosecutors had misunder- his job, lost his title as the depart- mation to a Chinese drugmaker. the time.”
musical system we’ll ever dis- “That’s basically as long as stood the complicated technology ment’s interim chairman and was Three months later, prosecutors His lawsuit does not specify
cover,” Dr. Russo said. “I hope we can hope to run our simula- that they accused him of illegally prohibited from entering campus dropped a case against a Chinese- how much he is seeking in dam-
I’m wrong.” tions,” Dr. Tamayo said. sending to China. or speaking with students. He said American hydrologist who had ages. He said he hoped it would
While the planets are Jack J. Lissauer, a planetary The professor, Xi Xiaoxing, now his arrest was part of a law en- been charged with secretly down- force the government to be more
roughly the size of Earth, the scientist at the NASA Ames Re- says it was not an innocent mis- forcement mind-set that views loading information about dams. careful in future investigations.
Trappist-1 system is very dif- search Center who works on take. In a federal lawsuit he filed Chinese-Americans as uniquely Each case raised the specter of “My case has made so many sci-
ferent from our solar system. the space agency’s Kepler on Wednesday, he accused the suspicious. Chinese espionage without explic- entists scared,” he said. “It has
Trappist-1 is a dwarf star that is planet-finding mission, said lead F.B.I. agent of falsifying the Prosecutors view Chinese espi- itly charging the suspects as made so many Chinese-Ameri-
the new results fit what was ex- key piece of evidence and ignor- onage as a major threat, both to spies. Because prosecutors cited cans and Asian-Americans
pected. “If the planets are in- ing repeated warnings that he government secrets and valuable routine crimes such as wire fraud, scared. That’s why we are doing
deed locked in resonances, it’s was investigating an innocent corporate information. Experts national security experts at Jus- this. We need some accountabil-
How seven planets quite reasonable for them to be man. say the government in Beijing has
an official policy encouraging the
tice Department headquarters did
not oversee the cases. Last year,
And he said he would like an
stable for very long times,” he The lawsuit is a sharp rejoinder
stayed together all said. “This wasn’t a surprise, to the government’s crackdown theft of trade secrets. Prosecutors the department issued new rules apology — for storming his house
but it wasn’t shown previ- have charged Chinese workers in giving Washington greater con- with guns drawn, handcuffing him
these years. ously.”
on Chinese spies, which has been
undermined by a series of high- the United States with stealing trol over such cases. in front of his children and casting
Dr. Triaud said the new re- profile missteps, including Dr. Xi’s Boeing aircraft information, spe- Dr. Xi returned to teaching after suspicion over his life. “But I do
sults could help refine their ob- case. The Justice Department re- cialty seeds and even the pigment the case was dismissed, but he understand,” he said, “they will
servations. “It’s a really beauti- organized its staff in recent years used to whiten Oreo cookie cream. said he and his family remained in probably never apologize.”
much smaller and colder than
ful analysis,” he said of Dr. to focus on preventing the theft of
our sun, and all seven of the
Tamayo’s approach. “We will American trade secrets and other
planets orbit within six million
be looking at our data to see if acts of espionage by China and
miles of the star. By contrast,
they match what they pro- other nations.
Mercury, the innermost planet pose.”
of our solar system, is 36 mil- “They are paid with taxpayer
The resonant orbits also in- money to catch spies. And they
lion miles from our sun. Earth
spired Dr. Russo, a guitarist in catch people like me, who have
is nearly 93 million miles away.
the indie pop group Rvnners. done nothing wrong,” Dr. Xi said in
Since the Trappist-1 planets He and a bandmate, Andrew
are so close to their star, they an interview. “I wish they’d catch
Santaguida, started playing more spies.”
orbit quickly, and their “year” around with the data. They ar-
— the time to complete one or- The F.B.I. investigated Dr. Xi as
bitrarily assigned a particular a potential spy, using orders ob-
bit — ranges from 1.5 days to 19 musical note — C — to the out-
days. tained from a federal surveillance
ermost planet. That set the court, his lawyers said. Just after
The original discoverers notes for the other planets
noted that those orbits were al- dawn one day in May 2015, agents
based on their relative orbital stormed Dr. Xi’s house in the Phil-
most exactly in what scientists periods, although they are not
call “resonance.” That is, the adelphia suburbs and arrested
exactly in tune.
second planet completes five him.
The resonances drift over
orbits in almost exactly the Prosecutors ultimately pre-
time, probably because of more
time the first planet makes sented no evidence of espionage.
complicated gravitational in-
eight. The third planet com- Instead, they accused Dr. Xi of the
teractions and tidal effects.
pletes three orbits for every lesser crime of giving Chinese re-
“You can tell something is a
five orbits of the second planet, searchers the blueprints for a sen-
bit twisted,” Dr. Russo said.
and the fourth planet makes sitive piece of laboratory equip-
“The notes are little wonky.”
two orbits for every three or- ment known as a pocket heater.
In the musical animation,
bits of the third. The other The heater, which is useful in
each planet plays its note each
planets are also in resonance. superconductor research, was
time it passes in front of the
(In our solar system, Pluto is in covered by a nondisclosure agree-
Trappist-1 star, with the orbit of
resonance with Neptune, with ment Dr. Xi had signed.
the outer planet set at two sec-
Pluto making two orbits for ev- onds. The case collapsed months lat-
ery three of Neptune.) In addition, they assigned a er, when leading physicists testi-
Yet when they plugged the specific percussion sound for fied that the blueprints at the
data into computer simula- each time a planet caught up heart of the case were not for a
tions, the orbits quickly be- with its neighbor. “It turned out pocket heater after all. They in-
came unstable, falling apart in to be very similar to a very stead showed a device that Dr. Xi
less than a million years. Even natural drum progression,” Dr. had invented and said he shared
when they added the effects of Russo said. with Chinese researchers as part
tides on the planets, which So far, Trappist-1 is the only of normal academic collaboration.
tend to push planets toward musically enchanting The Justice Department
more circular, stable orbits, the planetary system in the galaxy. dropped the charges and has re-
system still often fell apart In no other system are the turned all the evidence it seized,
within a few million years, a planetary orbits stacked in res- his lawyers said. The underlying
cosmic instant compared with onance. Dr. Russo did a similar evidence that made agents suspi-
the estimated age of the Trap- musical treatment of Kepler cious and justified has never been
pist-1 star (three billion to eight 90, another star with seven made public.
billion years). planets. “It’s just horrendous,” Dr. Xi’s lawsuit asserts that the
“We were missing some Dr. Russo said. “It’s very un- F.B.I. agent, Andrew Haugen,
physics,” said Amaury H.M.J. comfortable to listen to.” knew what the blueprints showed
Triaud, an astronomer at the That may turn out to indicate from the beginning. Lawyers for
University of Cambridge in something different about how Dr. Xi said that an inventor of the
England and a member of the planets form around dwarf pocket heater told Mr. Haugen
team that described the Trap- stars versus larger stars. that he had misread the blue-
pist-1 planets. Also missing: ex- The scientists are releasing prints.
act information about the the computer software for any- “It’s like comparing a mi-
shape and tilt of the orbits. one to explore the music of crowave to a toaster,” said David
Dr. Tamayo and his col- planetary orbits. Rudovsky, one of Dr. Xi’s lawyers.
“They’re completely different
technologies but, well, they both
warm food. It was on that level
that the government got the sci-
ence wrong.”
A spokesman for the F.B.I. de-
clined to comment on the lawsuit.
Federal agents are immune from
most lawsuits related to their jobs,
and Mr. Haugen can argue that
the lawsuit should be dismissed
on that ground. Dr. Xi is suing for
violations of his constitutional
rights. The Supreme Court has
said people can sue individual
government employees like police
officers and F.B.I. agents for such
NASA/JPL-CALTECH alleged violations.
Dr. Xi came to the United States
Scientists believe they have cracked the mystery of why
in 1989 and is a naturalized Ameri-
seven closely packed planets have maintained stable or- can citizen. He has always main-
bits around Trappist-1, a dwarf star 40 light-years away. tained his innocence and said he
knew the agents had conflated the

THE 45TH PRESIDENT Change at the F.B.I.

Firing Could Grind

Republican Agenda
In Congress to a Halt
WASHINGTON — President Mr. Schumer also requested
Trump’s stunning firing of the that Mr. McConnell call a closed-
F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, door and possibly classified
injected another volatile ingredi- all-senators briefing with top
ent into the partisanship already Justice Department officials on
engulfing the the state of the investigation.
CARL capital and
threatened to
Such a session could underscore
what Democrats view as the
HULSE overwhelm Repub- seriousness of the president’s
lican efforts to decision and give senators in
ON convert their both parties a private opportuni-
government con- ty to confront their differences.
trol into legislative success. But if Democrats were hoping
The decision to oust Mr. that the uproar surrounding the
Comey also increased the firing was going to push Mr.
prospect of another confirmation McConnell in their direction,
fight in the Senate, as Mr. Trump they were badly mistaken.
promised to move quickly to Although other senior Repub-
replace Mr. Comey, who had licans expressed some misgiv-
overseen the inquiry into Rus- ings about the firing, the major-
sian meddling in the election. ity leader showed no sign of
And the White House’s handling budging or joining the call for a
of the dismissal — and apparent special prosecutor. Instead, he
failure to anticipate the severe said that any new investigation
backlash it would generate — would only impede current in-
renewed questions about the quiries being conducted by the
competence of administration House and Senate Intelligence
officials and their ability to navi- Committees and the F.B.I. He STEPHEN CROWLEY/THE NEW YORK TIMES

gate Washington. also noted that Democrats, in- Above, Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, at the
After the House finally man- cluding Mr. Schumer himself, Capitol after meeting Wednesday with fellow Democrats about
aged to pass a Republican health had made clear their dissatisfac- President Trump’s firing of the F.B.I. director. At left, Senator
care proposal last week, divisive tion with Mr. Comey over the
as it was, congressional Republi- inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s
Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, defended Mr. Trump.
cans suddenly found themselves email practices during the presi-
trying to explain how Mr. Trump dential campaign. special prosecutor, some small resurrected a sense of adminis-
was within his rights in jettison- “This is what we have now,” cracks in the resistance gave tration scandals past, with their
ing Mr. Comey. Democrats Mr. McConnell said. “Our Democrats hope that they could drumbeat of calls for special
quickly coalesced around a push Democratic colleagues com- prevail while, at a minimum, prosecutors and swirling ques-
for a special prosecutor to take plaining about the removal of an forcing Republicans to defend tions about exactly who did what
control of the Russia inquiry, F.B.I. director whom they them- their opposition to the public. when.
saying the leadership of the selves repeatedly and sharply The tension over Mr. Comey is Though Democrats can keep
Justice Department could not be criticized.” certain to spill into other issues public pressure on Republicans,
trusted with the job after the Mr. McConnell also issued a and could make it harder for their minority status limits their
termination of the F.B.I. chief on veiled warning to Democrats, Republicans to maintain the ability to force action. They can
what they considered spurious who are likely to try to use the unity they need if lawmakers are slow the Senate to a crawl, as
grounds. confirmation hearing for a new leery of the president. As if on they tried to do Wednesday by
“Clearly, the time is now for an F.B.I. director to air their griev- cue, they suffered an embarrass- refusing to give consent to hold-
independent prosecutor,” Sena- ances about the firing and push ing defeat on an attempt to roll ing a daylong slate of hearings.
tor Christopher Murphy, Demo- for a special prosecutor if one is back an Obama administration But changes in Senate practices
Despite Mr. McConnell’s ef- a fuller explanation regarding
crat of Connecticut, said not in place by then. He said environmental rule on Wednes- instituted by Democrats in 2013
forts to move past the firing, the president’s rationale,” he day when three Senate Republi- mean that a new F.B.I. director
Wednesday. “The Senate, de- Senate Republicans anticipated
signed by the founding fathers a “full, fair and timely” confirma- Democrats and some Republi- said. cans broke with the party. The can ultimately be put in office on
as the guardian of democratic tion of the person selected by cans are going to be unwilling to Democrats view this as an fight is also likely to color the a straight majority vote.
norms, must now rise to meet Mr. Trump to take over the do so. The bipartisan leadership opportunity to force the appoint- coming consideration of Mr. Still, the firing presented a
the gravity of this moment.” agency. of the Senate Intelligence Com- ment of a special prosecutor, Trump’s nominees to the federal formidable new distraction for a
To emphasize that gravity, But Democrats were already mittee invited Mr. Comey to which they have sought since bench: The White House an- White House and congressional
Senator Chuck Schumer of New setting the stage for a confirma- testify next week, and on serious questions were first nounced a slate of conservative Republicans struggling badly to
York, the Democratic leader, tion showdown. “The Senate Wednesday, Senator Rob Port- raised about Russian meddling judges this week, and this is one deliver on their pledge to enact a
summoned his colleagues to sit must stand firm,” Senator Mi- man, Republican of Ohio, was in the election. They have, at area where it could have some conservative agenda. They
at their desks as the Senate chael Bennet, Democrat of Col- among those in the president’s least for the moment, relegated success. There could also be an already faced opposition from
convened Wednesday morning orado, wrote in a post on Twitter. party challenging the White their push for a special congres- impact on the administration’s Democrats with little trust in the
to take in whatever the majority “We will only confirm an FBI House’s explanation. sional committee or independent emerging plan for major tax president’s motives or inten-
leader, Senator Mitch McCon- Director who pledges a vigorous “Given the timing and circum- commission to the back burner. cuts. tions. The sudden departure of
nell, Republican of Kentucky, investigation of Russian interfer- stances of the decision, I believe Though most Republicans All in all, the firing turned Mr. Comey made a bad situation
had to say about the firing. ence & connections.” the White House should provide continued to oppose the idea of a Washington on its head and much worse.

Sense of Crisis Deepens in Washington as Trump and Allies Offer No Regrets

“Nothing less is at stake than Mr. Comey’s actions last year,
From Page A1 the American people’s faith in our Democrats said his dismissal
low from months of being pum- criminal justice system and the in- evoked the days of President
meled over dueling investigations tegrity of the executive branch of Richard M. Nixon, who ordered
surrounding the 2016 presidential our government,” he said. the firing of the special prosecutor
election. The outrage over Mr. Comey’s looking into the Watergate case.
Mr. Trump plans to go to the firing was a political turnabout for They called for the appointment of
F.B.I. headquarters in Washing- many Democrats, who had previ- a special counsel to lead the Rus-
ton on Friday as a show of his com- ously expressed anger and frus- sia inquiry.
mitment to the bureau, an official tration at his handling of the in- Democrats exerted as much
said, though he is not expected to vestigation into Hillary Clinton’s pressure as they could on their
discuss the Russia investigation. use of a private email server when Republican colleagues on Wed-
The president and his allies ex- she was secretary of state. It was nesday, using procedural moves
pressed no regrets over Mr. that investigation that Mr. Trump available to the minority to block
Comey’s removal, insisting that cited as the reason for dismissing or delay hearings on Russia,
F.B.I. agents had been clamoring Mr. Comey. cybersecurity, presidential no-
for it. Mr. Trump’s decision, they Days before last fall’s election, minees and several other matters.
said, was unrelated to Mr. Co- Mr. Comey announced that the When Senator Susan Collins,
mey’s oversight of the investiga- F.B.I. was examining newly found Republican of Maine, asked for
tion into Russian meddling and emails potentially related to the unanimous consent to permit a
possible connections to Trump investigation. “I do not have confi- scheduled meeting of the Special
advisers. dence in him any longer,” Mr. Committee on Aging, Mr. Schu-
In an email to F.B.I. agents on Schumer said at the time. mer objected. Ms. Collins, clearly
Wednesday, Mr. Comey said he “I am asking that he step down,” angry, said: “This makes no sense
would not dwell on the reasons for Representative Steve Cohen, whatsoever. This is an example of
his firing or how it was carried out. Democrat of Tennessee, said. the dysfunction of the Senate.”
“I have long believed that a Many Democrats, including For months, Republican law-
president can fire an F.B.I. direc- Mrs. Clinton, have since placed makers have been left to defend,
tor for any reason, or for no reason much of the blame for her loss on DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES sometimes haltingly, presidential
at all,” he wrote in the email, which Mr. Comey’s actions. behavior they often strain to un-
A protest erupted on Wednesday over the firing of James B. Comey, the director of the F.B.I. derstand or support. But even
a law enforcement official read to On Wednesday, in a series of
The New York Times on the condi- visceral posts on Twitter, Mr. some of Mr. Trump’s most vocal
tion of anonymity. himself as a Vietnam veteran dur- defenders questioned the timing
Trump seized on those earlier
“I have said to you before that, ing his first Senate campaign, of the firing.
comments to highlight Mr. Co-
in times of turbulence, the Ameri- when he had actually served in “It surely would have been sim-
mey’s “scandals.” He also sug-
can people should see the F.B.I. as the Marine Reserves at home and pler and cleaner to do so in Janu-
gested that Senator Richard Blu-
a rock of competence, honesty and never gone to war. The story did ary,” said Senator Ted Cruz, Re-
menthal, Democrat of Connecti-
independence,” Mr. Comey wrote. not say that Mr. Blumenthal had publican of Texas, who defended
cut, be investigated, moments af-
He added, “It is very hard to leave boasted of bravery or conquests. Mr. Comey’s removal nonetheless.
ter Mr. Blumenthal appeared on
a group of people who are commit- Republican leaders echoed Mr. White House officials said that
television to condemn the presi-
ted only to doing the right thing.” Trump’s Twitter attacks on Demo- Mr. Trump had been considering
dent’s action.
Top Justice Department offi- crats throughout the day. At one firing Mr. Comey since the day he
cials were hurrying to install an point, the president wrote that his was elected president.
interim director to run the F.B.I. adversaries were pretending to be But though Mr. Trump had lost
while a permanent replacement aggrieved by Mr. Comey’s firing. confidence in Mr. Comey, the Jus-
for Mr. Comey is chosen. Among An ouster creates a “Phony hypocrites!” Mr. Trump tice Department’s recommenda-
those under consideration for the
temporary role were several ca-
maelstrom at the wrote, signaling the growing frus-
tration inside the White House
tion to fire him was not ordered by
the president, a White House
reer law enforcement officials, in- F.B.I. and Capitol. about the backlash. spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee
cluding Andrew G. McCabe, who Senator Mitch McConnell, Re- Sanders, said.
was named acting director upon publican of Kentucky — who, as Ms. Sanders said that Rod J.
Mr. Comey’s firing. majority leader, wields vast power Rosenstein, the deputy attorney
White House officials refused to “Watching Senator Richard over the focus of the Senate — de- STEPHEN CROWLEY/THE NEW YORK TIMES general, had acted on his own
comment on reports that, days be- Blumenthal speak of Comey is a fended the decision. Many other Vice President Mike Pence defended the move on Capitol Hill, when he recommended to Mr.
fore he was fired, Mr. Comey had joke,” Mr. Trump wrote. “‘Richie’ top Republicans agreed. where at least a half-dozen Republicans expressed concerns. Trump during a meeting on Mon-
asked the Justice Department for devised one of the greatest mili- Senator Richard M. Burr, Re- day that Mr. Comey be dismissed.
a significant increase in resources tary frauds in U.S. history.” publican of North Carolina and At that meeting, the president di-
for the Russia investigation. Dem- For years, “as a pol in Connecti- chairman of the Intelligence Com- The maelstrom is sure to sap In the House, the Republican rected Mr. Rosenstein to put the
ocrats cited the news of Mr. Co- cut, Blumenthal would talk of his mittee, stopped short of directly the Senate’s time and energy, de- chairman of the Oversight and Re- recommendation into writing, Ms.
mey’s request as added reason to great bravery and conquests in criticizing the president. But his tracting from a Republican agen- form Committee asked the Justice Sanders said.
be suspicious about the presi- Vietnam — except he was never committee announced that it had da that includes a budget, health Department’s inspector general After meeting with the Russian
dent’s motive for firing him. there,” Mr. Trump added. When issued its first subpoena to de- care, a tax overhaul and infra- to review Mr. Comey’s firing. The officials, Mr. Trump said he had
“Was this really about some- “caught, he cried like a baby and mand records from Michael T. structure. chairman, Representative Jason fired Mr. Comey because “he was-
thing else?” Senator Chuck Schu- begged for forgiveness . . . and Flynn, Mr. Trump’s former na- “Today, we’ll no doubt hear calls Chaffetz of Utah, said the review n’t doing a good job.”
mer of New York, the Democratic now he is judge & jury. He should tional security adviser, in connec- for a new investigation,” Mr. Mc- would be included in an internal “Very simply — he was not do-
leader, asked in remarks on the be the one who is investigated for tion with his emails, phone calls, Connell said on the Senate floor as Justice Department inquiry into ing a good job,” he said.
Senate floor. his acts.” meetings and financial dealings most Democrats looked on. He the F.B.I.’s disclosure of its investi- Asked whether the furor over
The president was referring to a with Russians. It was an ag- predicted that such a move could gation of Mrs. Clinton’s emails be- the firing had affected his meeting
Adam Goldman and Maggie Ha- 2010 article in The Times that said gressive new tack for what had “only serve to impede the current fore the election. with Mr. Lavrov, Mr. Trump said,
berman contributed reporting. Mr. Blumenthal had presented been a slow-moving inquiry. work being done.” Despite their concerns about “Not at all.”

THE 45TH PRESIDENT Change at the F.B.I.

Firing Puts
Public Split
Over Media
On Display
On CNN, the legal journalist
Jeffrey Toobin was in red-alert
mode, denouncing President
Trump’s firing of the F.B.I. direc-
tor, James B. Comey, as “a gro-
tesque abuse of power” and “the
kind of thing that goes on in non-
Over on Fox News, the mood
was more sanguine — even cele-
bratory. “This was overdue, and
everyone in Washington knows
that,” Tucker Carlson declared at
the top of his broadcast before in-
troducing a series of guests who
echoed his excitement.
The nation’s political divide has
been on full display in the news
media in the hours since Mr.
Comey’s abrupt ejection from his
post on Tuesday evening — and
the lines are brighter than ever.
By Wednesday, the left-leaning
HuffPost featured a one-word, all-
capital headline: “Nixonian.” The
right-leaning Breitbart News ap-
provingly declared Mr. Trump’s
move “the latest in a political out-
sider’s crusade against en-
trenched Washington.”
In an interview that dominated
its home page on Wednesday, Bre-
itbart quoted a former assistant
James B. Comey, the former director of the F.B.I., has been invited to testify in a closed session with Senate investigators. He has not yet said whether he will attend. director of the bureau, James Kall-
strom, saying of Mr. Comey, “He
threw the reputation of the F.B.I.

Days Before Firing, Comey Sought Aid for Russia Inquiry under the bus.” Mr. Kallstrom was
also a guest on Fox News on Tues-
day, telling the anchor Martha
for the Russia inquiry was “totally At the meeting with the sena- But if the White House was hoping until the network delivers the in- MacCallum that Mr. Comey
From Page A1 false.” She did not elaborate. tors, Mr. Comey said he had made Mr. Comey’s firing would provide formation. “danced with the devil.”
But Democrats were uncon- the request because he believed relief from the pressure of the “I have stated repeatedly that Rachel Maddow’s monologue
Russian investigation.
vinced, and Mr. Comey’s firing the Justice Department had not Russia investigations, the Senate we have to follow the money if we on MSNBC invoked the firing of
Senator Richard M. Burr of
was quickly taken up as Exhibit A dedicated enough resources to the Intelligence Committee appeared are going to get to the bottom of Archibald Cox, President Richard
North Carolina, the Republican
in the case for the Justice Depart- investigation, a fact partly stem- eager to fill any temporary void. how Russia has attacked our de- M. Nixon’s special prosecutor
chairman of the Intelligence Com- during the Watergate scandal, one
mittee, and Senator Mark Warner ment to appoint a special prosecu- ming from the unusual situation Late last month, it asked a num- mocracy,” Mr. Wyden said on
tor to take over the case. under which the inquiry was be- ber of high-profile Trump cam- Wednesday. “That means thor- of many comparisons to Nixon’s
of Virginia, the Democratic vice so-called Saturday Night Massa-
chairman, also invited Mr. Comey “I’m told that as soon as Rosen- ing run. Until two weeks ago, paign associates to hand over oughly review any information
stein arrived, there was a request when Mr. Rosenstein took over as emails and other records of deal- that relates to financial connec- cre in the traditional news media.
to testify in a closed session — a
setting that would allow Mr. for additional resources for the in- deputy attorney general, the in- ings with Russians, and the com- tions between Russia and Presi-
Comey to discuss classified infor- vestigation, and that a few days vestigation was being overseen mittee’s subpoena of Mr. Flynn on dent Trump and his associates,
mation and any meetings he held afterward, he was sacked,” said by Dana Boente, who was acting Wednesday made good on its whether direct or laundered
with superiors at the Justice De- Senator Richard J. Durbin, Demo- as the deputy and had limited threat to legally compel anyone through hidden or illicit transac- The political divide
crat of Illinois. “I think the Comey power. who failed to voluntarily comply tions.”
partment or with Mr. Trump. Mr.
Comey has not yet said whether
operation was breathing down the As recently as last week, Mr. with its request. The little-known bureau, which over journalists’ role is
neck of the Trump campaign and Comey said he hoped he would Russia’s efforts to meddle in the operates out of a toilet bowl-
he will attend.
their operatives, and this was an presidential election are also shaped building in the suburbs of now especially wide.
The Senate’s rush to press for-
effort to slow down the investiga- likely to be a focus of the Senate Washington, serves as the finan-
ward with its investigation set up tion.” Intelligence Committee’s annual cial intelligence network of the
a potential showdown with the
Trump administration over the fu-
According to the congressional A request for help to hearing on worldwide threats on United States, gathering and
She then raised serious concerns
officials, the Senate Intelligence Thursday, which is ordinarily a maintaining a vast collection of
ture of the F.B.I. investigation.
While it appears unlikely that the
Committee learned of Mr. the official whose wider-ranging and policy-focused data on transactions and suspi- that Mr. Trump was interfering
with an investigation into his cam-
Comey’s request on Monday event. cious financial activity that can
Justice Department or the White when Senators Burr and Warner memo would be used Also on Wednesday, Mr. Burr yield valuable leads and help ex- paign’s ties to Russia.
House would move to shutter the Sean Hannity of Fox News ex-
investigation outright, the presi-
asked the F.B.I. director to meet
with them. They wanted him to ac-
to justify his dismissal. and Mr. Warner asked the Treas-
ury Department’s Financial
pose hard-to-find networks.
The financial crimes network pressed deep gratitude for the
dent and other administration of- celerate the bureau’s investiga- Crimes Enforcement Network for would not confirm its participa- president’s action — “Comey
ficials have called for it to end, tion so they could press forward financial information on Mr. tion in the inquiry, in line with its Fired!!! Finally,” he posted on
sowing concerns at the F.B.I. and with theirs. Congressional investi- Trump and some of his associates policy not to comment on investi- Twitter — and he said on the air
among some in Congress that it find a supportive boss in Mr. that he hoped Mr. Comey’s re-
gators do not have the authority to Rosenstein. In congressional tes- that was relevant to the Russia in- gations or even confirm that they
could be starved of needed re- collect intelligence that agencies vestigation. exist, said Steve Hudak, a spokes- placement would reopen an inves-
sources. timony last week, Mr. Comey tigation into Hillary Clinton’s
like the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. Both Mr. Warner and Senator man.
Still, the White House insists called Mr. Rosenstein “a very in- emails. Fox News initially re-
possess. Ron Wyden of Oregon — the rank- But financial intelligence ex-
that Mr. Comey’s dismissal had dependent-minded, career-ori- ported that Mr. Comey had re-
Mr. Rosenstein is the most sen- ing Democrat on the Finance perts, including several former
nothing to do with the Russia in- ior law enforcement official super- ented person” and said he had Committee with jurisdiction over employees of the bureau, said its signed before correcting itself
vestigations, and Sarah Isgur Flo- vising the Russia investigation. briefed Mr. Rosenstein on the Rus- the Treasury Department and database, which contains more minutes later to make clear he
res, the Justice Department Attorney General Jeff Sessions re- sia investigation on his first day in also a member of the Intelligence than 200 million records, can be a was dismissed.
spokeswoman, said that “the idea cused himself because of his close office. Committee — have said they will treasure trove of information The Fox News worldview was
that he asked for more funding” ties to the Trump campaign and To a president who puts a pre- block the confirmation of Sigal about financial ties between indi- echoed on Wednesday in the
his undisclosed meetings with mium on loyalty, Mr. Comey repre- Mandelker, Mr. Trump’s nominee viduals and companies for law en- White House briefing room,
Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Charlie Russia’s ambassador to the sented a fiercely independent offi- to be the top Treasury official for forcement agencies pursuing where Sarah Huckabee Sanders,
Savage contributed reporting. United States. cial who wielded enormous power. terrorism and financial crimes, complex investigations. the deputy press secretary, de-
fended Mr. Trump’s decision and
denounced Mr. Comey as having
“shown a lot of missteps and mis-
FACT CHECK takes.”
Ms. Sanders was substituting
for her boss, Sean Spicer, the
White House Offers White House press secretary, who
had said late Tuesday that he
would be on previously scheduled
Justifications for Firing Navy Reserve duty for the rest of
the week. Ms. Sanders, in only her
second time at the lectern, was
By LINDA QIU protocols — on its website detail- smooth and assured under pres-
The White House, in its efforts ing the duties of the deputy. sure, mixing her answers with a
to defend the firing of the F.B.I. Former prosecutors told The few deft jokes about her daugh-
director, James B. Comey, has New York Times they were not ter’s birthday.
alleged Democratic hypocrisy aware of such reviews happen- Still, she drew some criticism
over the decision and cited a ing under other new deputy for saying that Mr. Comey had
attorneys general. committed “atrocities” while lead-
letter from Deputy Attorney
“What is most certainly not ing the F.B.I., and White House
General Rod J. Rosenstein to
routine is for the deputy attorney reporters were clearly skeptical
justify it.
general to take on the role of about her explanation that Mr.
Mr. Rosenstein noted that Mr.
investigating contested allega- Trump had merely asked Justice
Comey’s handling of the investi- Department officials to list their
gation into Hillary Clinton’s use tions of misconduct by D.O.J.
personnel, let alone the director concerns about Mr. Comey in writ-
of a private email server had ing, rather than explicitly order-
earned bipartisan criticism and of the F.B.I. That job falls to the
D.O.J.’s Office of Inspector Gen- ing the director’s dismissal.
was out of step with Justice Into this ideological breach
Department protocol. eral,” said Lauren Ouziel, a law
professor at Temple University came a bracing report on Wednes-
But these arguments are not day from the Pew Research Cen-
new, leading many to question and an expert in institutional
dynamics in investigations. ter that said that Democrats’ and
what exactly prompted Mr. Republicans’ attitudes toward the
Comey’s dismissal. The Justice Department’s
inspector general launched its DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES news media’s role in society were
Here’s an assessment of the more divided than at any point in
White House’s responses to that own inquiry into Mr. Comey’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House deputy press secretary, briefed reporters Wednesday.
actions in January. The Times the last 30 years.
question. About 89 percent of Democrats
has reported that President by Mr. Comey’s actions, that he congressional Democrats to have director” as recently as last said the news media played a
Trump himself initiated Mr. had “lost confidence” in him and explicitly called for Mr. Comey to week.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, watchdog role in holding political
Comey’s ouster. that Mrs. Clinton would have resign. Senator Harry Reid of She replied that new develop-
deputy press secretary, said Mr. leaders to account. About 42 per-
Rosenstein had acted alone and won the election “if Comey was- Nevada, the former minority ments, including Mr. Comey’s cent of Republicans said the same.
followed protocol. She called reactions from n’t there.” But he did not say that leader, did so as well before he testimony last Wednesday, had That gap — 47 percentage points
Democrats “the purest form of Mr. Comey should be fired. retired. altered the president’s opinion. — was the widest ever recorded in
“This is something that, as hypocrisy.” Representative Nancy Pelosi, But her timeline presents some the Pew survey, which stretches
coming into this new position and the House minority leader, said She claimed Mr. Comey’s question marks. back more than three decades.
being a person that would oversee “Most of the people declaring shortly before the election that Mr. Comey testified to Con-
congressional testimony last The gap is also a sharp contrast
war today were the very ones that Mr. Comey was perhaps “not in gress the morning of May 3, and
the director of the F.B.I., that week was among the reasons for from only a year ago. In the first
were begging for Director Comey the right job,” but declined to remarked at about 12:45 p.m.
would be part of this process, to his dismissal. months of 2016, 74 percent of
do a review and to make a recom- to be fired.” state whether he should resign that he had decided to speak Democrats and 77 percent of Re-
mendation based on that review.” or be fired. “I think one of the big things directly to the news media about publicans agreed on the watchdog
Senator Bernie Sanders, Inde- that took place was the process Mrs. Clinton’s emails in July role of the news media, Pew said.
have certainly criticized Mr.
NO EVIDENCE The deputy attor- pendent of Vermont, said “it and the hearing on Wednesday.” after then-Attorney General The presidential campaign sea-
Comey, but very few have called
ney general does oversee the would not be a bad thing for the Loretta Lynch met with former son and the early days of the
for his sacking.
F.B.I. and its director, but there is American people if he did step THIS IS MISLEADING In a press President Bill Clinton. Trump administration seem to
The White House pointed to briefing Wednesday afternoon,
no evidence that it is typical for a down,” — a more tempered re- Mr. Spicer’s briefing did not have fueled this divide. (The Pew
several comments made by
new deputy to conduct a review. mark than Ms. Sanders’ charac- Ms. Sanders was asked why begin until 2:25 p.m. that day. survey, conducted March 13 to 27
Senator Chuck Schumer of New
The Justice Department does terization. Sean Spicer, the White House During the briefing, he said that among 4,151 adults online, has a
York, the Democratic leader. Mr.
not list a routine review of the Representative Steve Cohen of press secretary, had said “the the president still had confidence margin of sampling error of plus
Schumer said he was “appalled”
F.B.I. — or any other oversight Tennessee is one of the only president has confidence in the in Mr. Comey. or minus 2.7 percentage points.)

THE 45TH PRESIDENT Change at the F.B.I.

‘Enough Was Enough’: How Festering Anger at Comey Ended in a Firing

From Page A1
mitted by Mr. Comey during last
year’s investigation into Hillary
Clinton’s email. But in private,
aides said, Mr. Trump has been
nursing a collection of festering
grievances, including Mr.
Comey’s handling of the Russia in-
vestigation, his seeming lack of in-
terest in pursuing anti-Trump
leaks and the perceived disloyalty
over the wiretapping claim.
“He’d lost confidence in Direc-
tor Comey and, frankly, he’d been
considering letting Director
Comey go since the day he was
elected,” Ms. Huckabee Sanders
Mr. Comey’s fate was sealed by
his latest testimony about the bu-
reau’s investigation into Russia’s
efforts to sway the 2016 election
and the Clinton email inquiry. Mr.
Trump burned as he watched, con-
vinced that Mr. Comey was grand-
standing. He was particularly
irked when Mr. Comey said he
was “mildly nauseous” to think
that his handling of the email case
had influenced the election, which
Mr. Trump took to demean his
own role in history.
At that point, Mr. Trump began
talking about firing him. He and
his aides thought they had an
opening because Mr. Comey gave
an incorrect account of how Huma
Abedin, a top adviser to Mrs. Clin-
ton, transferred emails to her hus- Above, the White House on Tuesday. Mr. Trump initially discussed his decision to fire Mr. Comey
band’s laptop, an account the with a close circle, including Jared Kushner, left. Stephen K. Bannon, center, questioned whether
F.B.I. later corrected. the time was right, and Reince Priebus, center right, mulled similar concerns but was supportive.
At first, Mr. Trump, who is fond
of vetting his decisions with a blamed for Mrs. Clinton’s loss. had been his obsession over the a conclusion that the F.B.I. direc-
wide circle of staff members, Another Democrat he reached investigation Mr. Trump believes tor was wrong to announce
advisers and friends, kept his was Senator Dianne Feinstein of is threatening his larger agenda. shortly before the election that he
thinking to a small circle, venting California. “When I talked to the The White House was rocked by was re-examining the email case,
his anger to Vice President Mike president last night,” she recalled, the backlash to the announce- which would call into question the
Pence; the White House counsel, “he said: ‘The department’s a ment. Three senior White House legitimacy of Mr. Trump’s victory.
Donald F. McGahn II; and his son- mess. I asked Rosenstein and Ses- officials conceded that its public While Mr. Trump publicly in-
in-law, Jared Kushner, who all told sions to look into it. Rosenstein explanation was an unmitigated sisted that he had confidence in
him they generally backed dis- sent me a memo. I accepted the mess, blaming the communica- Mr. Comey, the hostility toward
missing Mr. Comey. recommendation to fire him.’” tions shop, with one describing it the F.B.I. director in the West
Another early sounding board Mrs. Feinstein noted that Mr. as the “weakest” element of the Wing in recent weeks was palpa-
was Keith Schiller, Mr. Trump’s Rosenstein had just been con- West Wing. ble, aides said, with advisers de-
longtime director of security and firmed by the Senate. “I mean, my Looking back, the two men may scribing an almost ritualistic need
now a member of the White House goodness. This is a man who’s have been destined to clash. Five to criticize the Russia investiga-
staff, who would later be tasked been there for two weeks. So I’m a days after Mr. Trump was elected, tion to assuage an anxious and an-
with delivering the manila bit turned off on Mr. Rosenstein.” he said in an interview on CBS’s gry president.
envelope containing Mr. Comey’s DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES In letters released Tuesday “60 Minutes” that he had not Roger J. Stone Jr., a longtime in-
letter of dismissal to F.B.I. head- evening, Mr. Trump explained the made up his mind about keeping formal adviser to Mr. Trump who
quarters, an indication of just how cial. On Monday, Mr. Trump met events of Monday and Tuesday firing by citing Mr. Comey’s han- Mr. Comey. But during the transi- has been under F.B.I. scrutiny as
personal the matter was to the with Mr. Sessions and Deputy At- represented the start of a much- dling of the investigation into Mrs. tion, Mr. Trump and his aides part of the Russia inquiry, was
president. torney General Rod J. Rosenstein. needed weeklong respite from the Clinton’s use of a private email asked Mr. Comey to remain on as among those who urged the presi-
The chief strategist Stephen K. White House officials insisted Mr. staff’s nonstop work over the past server — a justification that was director. dent to fire Mr. Comey, people
Bannon, who has been sharply Sessions and Mr. Rosenstein were few months. rich in irony, White House officials Despite Mr. Trump’s apparent briefed on the discussions said.
critical of the F.B.I., questioned the ones who raised concerns As the announcement was im- acknowledged, considering that endorsement, Mr. Comey re- Mr. Trump denied on Twitter on
whether the time was right to dis- about Mr. Comey with the presi- minent, Mr. Trump called several as recently as two weeks ago, the mained skeptical about his future. Wednesday morning that he had
miss Mr. Comey, arguing that do- dent and that he told them to put congressional leaders from both president appeared at a rally He believed his unwillingness to spoken to Mr. Stone about the
ing it later would lessen the back- their recommendations in writ- parties to let them know. He where he was serenaded with put loyalty to Mr. Trump over his F.B.I. director, and Mr. Stone de-
lash, and urged him to delay, ac- ing. caught Senator Lindsey Graham, chants of “Lock her up!” role as F.B.I. director could ulti- clined to describe his interactions
cording to two people familiar At the same time, he signaled Republican of South Carolina, on On Wednesday, the president mately lead to his ouster. with the president in an interview.
with his thinking. Reince Priebus, his thinking on Twitter, essentially his mobile phone as the lawmaker and his staff added to their criti- “With a president who seems to But two longtime Trump
the White House chief of staff, at calling for the investigation into was walking home after a vote. cism of Mr. Comey’s conduct on prize personal loyalty above all associates with knowledge of the
one point mulled similar con- the Russian meddling to be halted. Mr. Graham told him that a fresh the Clinton inquiry to include a else and a director with absolute matter said the two had recently
cerns, but was supportive of the “The Russia-Trump collusion start was good for the F.B.I. wider denunciation of his per- commitment to the Constitution discussed their dissatisfaction
move to the president. story is a total hoax, when will this But Senator Chuck Schumer of formance. “He wasn’t doing a and pursuing investigations with Mr. Comey and his inquiry.
The Justice Department began taxpayer funded charade end?” New York, the Democratic leader good job,” Mr. Trump said. wherever the evidence led, a colli- Whatever the specifics, Mr.
working on Mr. Comey’s dismiss- he wrote on Monday afternoon. who had been harshly critical of Yet even in his letter to Mr. sion was bound to happen,” Daniel Stone ultimately reflected the
al. Attorney General Jeff Sessions Early Tuesday, he made his fi- Mr. Comey for his conduct during Comey, the president mentioned C. Richman, a close Comey advis- president’s view of Mr. Comey. As
instructed his deputies to come up nal decision, keeping many aides last year’s election, told Mr. the Russia inquiry, writing that “I er and former federal prosecutor, Mr. Stone put it shortly after the
with reasons to fire Mr. Comey, ac- in the dark until news of the firing Trump it would be a mistake. Mr. greatly appreciate you informing said on Wednesday. dismissal became public on Tues-
cording to a senior American offi- leaked out late in the afternoon. Trump seemed surprised by the me, on three separate occasions, Still, according to associates, day, “There was a sense in the
About an hour before the news reaction, possibly assuming that that I am not under investigation.” Mr. Comey thought the president White House, I believe, that
Matt Flegenheimer contributed re- broke, an administration official Democrats would be happy to re- And that reflected, White House was unlikely to get rid of him be- enough was enough when it came
porting. joked that the relatively news-free move the F.B.I. director some aides said, what they conceded cause that might be interpreted as to this guy.”

Inside F.B.I., a Darkening Mood and Rising Doubts About an Investigation

WASHINGTON — These are
not happy times at the F.B.I.
Morale at the country’s premier
law enforcement agency plum-
meted months ago, after James B.
Comey, its director, revived the in-
vestigation into Hillary Clinton’s
use of a private email server in Oc-
tober and plunged the bureau
back into the political maelstrom
just before the election.
Then President Trump fired Mr.
Comey on Tuesday, saying he had
mishandled the Clinton investiga-
tion, and the mood darkened
Agents said they were stunned
that Mr. Trump would fire Mr.
Comey in the midst of an F.B.I. in-
vestigation into whether any of
the president’s associates had
conspired with Russia to swing
the election in favor of Mr. Trump.
Some said in interviews that news
of the firing felt like a gut punch.
Others wondered whether they
would be able to continue the in-
One senior F.B.I. official said
that the president had severely
damaged his standing among
agents, many of whom are conser-
vative and supported Mr. Trump
as a candidate. Agents were an- JACQUELYN MARTIN/ASSOCIATED PRESS

gered by the way Mr. Trump fired Agents say morale at the F.B.I. building in Washington, above, has taken a hit with the firing of its director. Paul Abbate, top right, of the bureau’s Criminal, Cyber,
Mr. Comey, who learned of his dis- Response and Services Branch, and Michael J. Anderson, who runs the Chicago field office, are two of the people being considered as an interim director.
missal from television reports
while he was in Los Angeles. They on the bureau for regular security tion — and as loyal to Mr. Comey. a veteran F.B.I. agent and previ- tor. He is under consideration for Criminal, Cyber, Response and
called it disrespectful. updates and for unvarnished in- But if firing Mr. Comey was ous deputy director who was at the role of interim director, who Services Branch; and Michael J.
And agents flatly rejected the formation during crises. meant to help restore the bureau’s Mr. Comey’s side as he navigated will stay in place until Mr. Trump’s Anderson and Adam Lee, who run
assertion Wednesday by a White The Justice Department was credibility and put the work force the politically perilous currents of eventual nominee is confirmed by the Chicago and Richmond, Va.,
House spokeswoman, Sarah rushing to put in place an interim at ease about the F.B.I.’s future, as the Clinton and Russia investiga- the Senate, the Justice Depart- field offices, respectively.
Huckabee Sanders, during a brief- director, with Attorney General Justice Department officials said, tions that ultimately brought him ment official said. The official cautioned that the
ing with reporters that the F.B.I.’s Jeff Sessions and the deputy attor- it has had the opposite effect. down. Mr. McCabe held confer- The four candidates being inter- list was not exhaustive.
rank-and-file supported the sud- ney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, “People are stunned right now,” ence calls with the F.B.I.’s top viewed Wednesday for the inter- Whatever happens, another
den firing of Mr. Comey. expected to interview at least four said Frank Montoya Jr., a former agents late Tuesday and on im role were William Evanina, the senior F.B.I. official said stoically,
A strained relationship with the candidates on Wednesday, a de- senior F.B.I. official. An F.B.I. Wednesday and told them to stay director of the National Counter- the bureau will continue to inves-
F.B.I. can make life difficult for a partment official said. All are well- spokesman declined to comment focused on their work. It was to be intelligence and Security Center tigate crimes. The day Mr. Comey
president. The White House relies regarded within the F.B.I. and are about bureau morale. business as usual, he said. at the Office of the Director of Na- was fired was no different from
seen as unlikely to allow politics to For the moment, the bureau is It is not clear whether Mr. Mc- tional Intelligence; Paul Abbate, the day before, the official in-
Matt Apuzzo contributed reporting. influence the Russian investiga- being run by Andrew G. McCabe, Cabe will stay on as acting direc- assistant director of the F.B.I.’s sisted.

THE 45TH PRESIDENT Change at the F.B.I.

Trump’s Meeting With Russian Foreign Minister Comes at Awkward Time

WASHINGTON — What a day
for President Trump’s first face-
to-face meeting with a top Rus-
sian official.
Only hours after dismissing
James B. Comey as director of the
F.B.I., amid an investigation into
the Trump campaign’s contacts
with Russian officials, the presi-
dent met with Russia’s foreign
minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, at the
White House. The Russian ambas-
sador to the United States, Sergey
I. Kislyak — best known to many
Americans as the man who dis-
cussed lifting sanctions on Russia
with Mr. Trump’s former national
security adviser — was also in the
Oval Office for the meeting.
The world’s only glimpse of this
session came from the Russian
news agency Tass, which distrib-
uted photos of the meeting, with a
grinning Mr. Trump shaking
hands with the two visitors. No
reporters were allowed in to ask
questions — though they were
ushered in minutes later for Mr.
Trump’s session with Henry A.
Kissinger, the former secretary of
And, at the State Department,
there was no briefing on an earlier
meeting between Mr. Lavrov and
Secretary of State Rex W. Tiller-
son. Mr. Tillerson is famously re-
luctant to talk with the press. So
that left the field clear for Mr.
Lavrov, who has now sat opposite
four American secretaries of state
and knows how to work the news
media well, to describe the con-
And he did exactly that, inviting
reporters to the Russian Embassy
in Washington while Mr. Tillerson
said almost nothing. AL DRAGO/THE NEW YORK TIMES
The firing of Mr. Comey was the
main subject from the start: When
“Was he fired? You’re kidding!” Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, joked about James Comey on Wednesday, when he met Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Mr. Tillerson greeted his Russian
counterpart in the diplomatic re- news was showing wall-to-wall in the United States of America, Mr. Trump told reporters he had characteristic of the Obama ad- the Trump campaign and the
ception room on the seventh floor coverage of the firing — was a sign with your greatly developed a “very, very good meeting” and ministration,” Mr. Lavrov said. Kremlin. Michael T. Flynn was
of the State Department, a report- of amateurish scheduling, Mr. democratic and political system,” that both nations wanted to end “The Trump administration, the forced to resign as national securi-
er shouted a question about Frolov argued. he said, a tinge of sarcasm in his “the killing — the horrible, horri- president himself and the secre- ty adviser in February after it was
whether Mr. Comey’s dismissal But to Mr. Trump and adminis- voice. ble killing in Syria as soon as pos- tary of state, I have become con- revealed that he had talked to Mr.
“cast a shadow” on the meeting. tration officials, solving the prob- He said Russia was aware that sible and everybody is working to- vinced of this once again, are peo- Kislyak about lifting American
Mr. Lavrov, known for a puckish lem of the F.B.I. director was a relations with the United States ward that end.” ple who mean business. They economic sanctions on Russia and
sense of humor, shot back: “Was separate issue. were sputtering against an “ab- He offered no thoughts on want to reach agreements.” then lied about it to senior admin-
he fired? You’re kidding! You’re When Vladimir V. Putin, the whether the United States should He said that American sanc- istration officials.
kidding!” He then disappeared Russian president, was asked on participate in “de-escalation tions on Russia related to events And Russia had clearly hoped
into Mr. Tillerson’s office. Wednesday about the implica- zones” in Syria, part of a proposal in Ukraine — the United States ac- for some progress with the Trump
For all of Mr. Lavrov’s jovial tions of Mr. Comey’s firing, he A day after the F.B.I. by Russia to designate certain re- cuses Moscow of aggression there administration, especially on Syr-
spin, though, the optics were not seemed to agree. gions as safe areas for refugees. — were not discussed, and his an- ia, after Mr. Putin called Mr.
what the Kremlin had in mind. “We don’t have anything to do director’s firing amid Mr. Lavrov said that “the devil is noyance showed as the questions Trump last week to discuss the is-
Instead of basking in the glow of
questions focused on Russia’s
with this,” Mr. Putin said. “Presi-
dent Trump is acting within his
an inquiry into the always in the details,” and added
that “at this stage there is an
“I just answered that President
“For now there are more ques-
plans to bring peace to Syria, Mr. competence, the Constitution and president’s campaign. agreement in conceptual terms Trump says publicly that this is all tions than answers, and there was
Lavrov faced a battery of queries the law. What do we have to do and even to a certain degree in fiction,” he said. “Put at least one likely a desire as it were to some-
about the effect of the Comey fir- with this?” practical terms in what regards fact on the table and then we can how coordinate at least part of
ing on relations with Russia. Mr. Mr. Putin then begged off to go the geographical parameters of at least react somehow.” these questions,” said Aleksei V.
Lavrov last visited Washington in play in a gala hockey event he normal background” and all the these de-escalation zones.” He concluded, “Guys, this is not Makarkin, the deputy head of the
2013. founded. (The two teams con- “noise” raised about the nature of The United States has been un- serious.” Center for Political Technologies,
“They view this as an uncom- sisted of senior officials, oligarchs those relations. comfortable with the idea of par- Maxim Trudolyubov, a Russian a think tank based in Moscow.
fortable distraction that pushes and various hockey greats, with “I think that it is even degrading ticipating in security zones in Syr- political analyst and a senior fel- Whether anything concrete will
the Russia story up a few steps,” Mr. Putin’s side winning, 17-6. The for the American people to hear ia because of the involvement of low with the Kennan Institute, emerge from the meetings in
said Vladimir Frolov, a foreign- Russian president scored seven that Russia is managing the do- Iran, not to mention the govern- wrote on its blog that “politicians Washington is not yet clear, but in
policy analyst and columnist. “It goals, and for some reason no- mestic policy of the U.S.,” Mr. ment of President Bashar al-As- of all colors will only increase Moscow, at least, the meeting
escalates the feeding frenzy.” body pushed him into the boards.) Lavrov said. “How can a great na- sad, in carrying out that plan. their scrutiny of the Russia could be used to show that Russia
Mr. Trump’s decision to sack Back in Washington, when Mr. tion, a great country, succumb to Mr. Lavrov remained deter- probe.” He added, “Journalists was welcome in the White House.
Mr. Comey and then meet Mr. Lavrov was asked if he was re- this and think in such catego- mined. “I think that the Ameri- will find it hard not to draw con- “For the Russian domestic audi-
Lavrov and Mr. Kislyak the next lieved that Mr. Comey had been ries?” cans are also interested in this,” he nections between the Russia ence,” said Mr. Frolov, the foreign-
morning — while cable television fired, given that the F.B.I. director Then he was asked again about said. “We are proceeding from the probe and the Trump administra- policy analyst in Moscow, “it is a
was pursuing accusations of Rus- the firing and whether Mr. Trump assumption that they will take an tion’s intensified contacts with demonstration that the approach
David E. Sanger reported from sian efforts to influence an Ameri- had raised concerns about Rus- initiative in this process.” Russia.” is working, that there is still hope
Washington, and Neil MacFar- can election, the foreign minister sian behavior. He paused and then And he paid a compliment to the Mr. Kislyak, the Russian am- to work constructively with the
quhar from Moscow. Sophia laughed. said, “We spoke with President Trump administration. bassador in Washington, has been Trump administration, that
Kishkovsky contributed reporting “I never thought I’d have to an- Trump about concrete things and “Right now our dialogue is free a central figure in the questions Putin’s foreign policy is working
from Moscow. swer such questions, all the more did not touch on this bacchanalia.” from the ideological bias that was surrounding the contacts between great.”

Career Prosecutor Faces A reputation for

being apolitical is
Political Baptism by Fire quickly tested.

By REBECCA R. RUIZ write the memo, which enumerat- ministration was accused of leak-
WASHINGTON — Before he ed ways in which Mr. Comey had ing classified information on
was confirmed last month as dep- done “substantial harm” to the cyberattacks and drone strikes to
uty attorney general, the nation’s reputation of the F.B.I. Mr. Rosen- reporters.
No. 2 law enforcement official, stein did not respond to inquiries. Mr. Rosenstein’s entire career
Rod J. Rosenstein was cast as an But some of his former col- has been in government. After
evenhanded career prosecutor leagues, who would not speak on graduating from the University of
who had transcended partisan the record, and those who have Pennsylvania and Harvard Law
politics. followed his career said they won- School, where he was an editor of
“Political affiliation is irrele- dered how he, a prosecutor who the Harvard Law Review, he
vant to my work,” Mr. Rosenstein took pains to be apolitical, had be- clerked for a federal judge, Doug-
come the legitimizing force be- las H. Ginsburg of the Court of Ap-
said at his confirmation hearing in
hind Mr. Trump’s decision to dis- peals for the District of Columbia,
March, pledging to impartially
miss Mr. Comey days after the a Reagan appointee.
handle the Justice Department in-
F.B.I. director had told Mr. Rosen-
vestigation into possible ties be- Mr. Rosenstein was appointed
stein that he wanted to put more
tween the Trump campaign and United States attorney for the Dis-
resources into the Russia investi-
Russia, which he would oversee. trict of Maryland by Mr. Bush in
“It’s my job to make sure that all 2005 and stayed on for all of the
“His reputation is a consum-
investigations are conducted in- GABRIELLA DEMCZUK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES Obama administration, a biparti-
mate professional,” said Carl Tobi-
dependently.” Rod J. Rosenstein, center, at his confirmation hearing to be deputy attorney general in March. san rarity among scores of United
as, a professor at the University of
Now, Mr. Rosenstein, a former States attorneys.
Richmond School of Law. “He’s a
United States attorney in Mary- career prosecutor who enjoyed a During his 12 years as the top
land who served under Presidents Mr. Rosenstein on Wednesday. “I raised over how Mr. Comey had “The question isn’t whether federal prosecutor in Maryland,
very fine reputation for a very presume you’ve got to have confi- behaved — making public state- he’s capable of making this deci-
Barack Obama and George W. long period. But how could he not Mr. Rosenstein emphasized pros-
Bush, has been thrust into the cen- dence in Rosenstein.” ments about an investigation “as sion,” he said of the recommenda- ecutions of violent crimes and saw
understand the politics? He is In his memo, Mr. Rosenstein if it were a closing argument, but tion to fire Mr. Comey. “The ques-
ter of a bitter political firestorm part of the administration. How a bigger decrease in statewide
over his pivotal role in President criticized Mr. Comey for announc- without a trial” — were consistent tion is, given all that’s transpired, murders than the national aver-
could he be ignorant of that?” ing in July that the investigation with his by-the-book philosophy. will the country trust it?”
Trump’s decision on Tuesday to Democratic lawmakers ex- age. He has stressed the impor-
into Hillary Clinton’s email use “When prosecutors in this state Mr. Rosenstein’s experience tance of applying special scrutiny
fire James B. Comey as director of pressed surprise that Mr. Rosen- would be closed without prosecu- ask Rod for assistance, he does with leak investigations, a stated
the F.B.I. stein’s recommendation had been to repeat offenders and of
tion while calling her “extremely not care if you are a ‘D’ or an ‘R,’” priority for Mr. Trump, may have
Mr. Rosenstein wrote a three- given such weight. “I mean, my collaborations among law en-
careless” in her handling of classi- Scott D. Shellenberger, the state’s won him particular admiration
page memo that Mr. Trump cited goodness — this is a man who’s forcement agencies to stem crime.
fied information. It was not Mr. attorney in Baltimore County, from Mr. Sessions, who first called
as the basis for the ouster, and he been there for two weeks,” Sena- Comey’s role to make such a de- Md., and president of the Mary- him in November about the job, At his confirmation hearing in
met with Mr. Trump and Attorney tor Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of termination, Mr. Rosenstein said, land State’s Attorneys’ Associa- two months before Mr. Trump March, Mr. Rosenstein said that
General Jeff Sessions on Monday California, told reporters in the but rather the attorney general’s. tion, wrote in a letter to the Senate nominated him to be deputy attor- he had learned to respond to diffi-
and discussed “reasons for re- basement of the Capitol. “I’m a bit “Derogatory information some- Judiciary Committee in advocat- ney general. cult issues by considering three
moving the director,” according to turned off on Mr. Rosenstein.” times is disclosed in the course of ing Mr. Rosenstein’s confirmation. Last year, Mr. Rosenstein won a questions.
the White House. People close to Defenders of Mr. Trump’s deci- criminal investigations and prose- “He has only cared about making guilty plea in the high-profile leak The first, he said: “What can we
Mr. Trump said the president had sion seized on Mr. Rosenstein’s cutions,” Mr. Rosenstein wrote, this state a safer place.” case of James E. Cartwright, a re- do?”
been openly talking about firing reputation for nonpartisanship as “but we never release it gratu- Paul J. Fishman, a former tired four-star Marine general and The second: “What should we
Mr. Comey for at least a week. crucial validation for the firing. itously.” United States attorney in New former vice chairman of the Joint do?” He explained that law en-
It was unclear Wednesday what “He was supported by Republi- But former federal prosecutors Jersey, said Wednesday that he Chiefs of Staff. Mr. Rosenstein, forcement officials had to appreci-
had prompted Mr. Rosenstein to cans and Democrats,” Senator who worked with Mr. Rosenstein had known Mr. Rosenstein for a along with another prosecutor, ate “the intended and unintended
Charles E. Grassley, Republican of in Maryland said that while his long time and called him “an expe- was asked by Attorney General consequences” of their actions.
Jennifer Steinhauer and Matt Fle- Iowa and the chairman of the Sen- central role in the political turmoil rienced career prosecutor who’s Eric H. Holder Jr. to handle the in- “The final question is,” he said,
genheimer contributed reporting. ate Judiciary Committee, said of was unusual, the objections he made hard decisions.” vestigation after the Obama ad- “how will we explain it?”

THE 45TH PRESIDENT Change at the F.B.I.

Trump Voters React to Comey Ouster With Cheers, and Fears

This article is by Trip Gabriel,
Alan Blinder and Jack Healy.
MEDIA, Pa. — As Ralph Neary
waited for a hot dog outside the
Delaware County courthouse here
on Wednesday, he chewed over
the big surprise out of Washing-
ton: President Trump’s firing of
the F.B.I. director, James B.
Mr. Neary, a 61-year-old county
maintenance man, had voted for
Mr. Trump and liked his “vision
for America.” But now his mind
raced back to his youth, and to the
dark days of Richard M. Nixon.
“Tricky Dick,” Mr. Neary called
him, dredging up memories of
how Nixon “lied to the American
“If it’s found true that President
Trump is covering up,” Mr. Neary
said flatly, “then I think he should
be impeached.”
The man serving up his frank-
furter, Augie Pantellas, a onetime
prizefighter, could not have dis-
agreed more. Mr. Pantellas, 73,
said Mr. Comey needed to go,
plain and simple, for failing to rec-
ommend criminal charges against
Hillary Clinton last year in the in-
vestigation of her use of a private
email server while secretary of
“I really believe — you might
think I’m going overboard — she
was probably one of the biggest
criminals in American history,”
Mr. Pantellas said.
Delaware County, like the Phila-
delphia suburbs as a whole, has
trended blue in recent years, but it
remains Republican-controlled,
and Media itself is steeped in Re-
publican lore: Ronald Reagan ral-
lied supporters here in 1984, and
John McCain and Sarah Palin
drew throngs in 2008.
in county offices. But among those
who crisscrossed the courthouse
Augie Pantellas, at his food cart in Media, Pa., said that James B. Comey needed to go as F.B.I. director for failing to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton.
plaza on Wednesday, roughly as
many championed the president’s “whatever topic comes up next think it’s a lie that’s trying to be wanted familiar figures like Mr. pinochle, the tables of mostly old- president. But he was suspicious
dismissal of Mr. Comey as were week.” perpetrated by the left? Abso- Comey gone from government, no er, Republican voters in a super- of Mr. Trump’s continuing refusal
troubled by it. lutely.” matter Mr. Trump’s rationale. market cafe here in eastern Iowa to release his tax returns, and said
“I think it was long overdue,” He said he trusted “the powers Ms. Garrett, who said she had were beginning to split on the that firing Mr. Comey had the
Jack Deorio, who works for a secu- ‘Not Afraid to Take Action’ that be” and the information that become more supportive of Mr. question of whether the president whiff of an effort to squelch the in-
rity company, said of the dismiss- DAHLONEGA, Ga. — Dan fueled the decision to fire Mr. Trump since he took office in Jan- they had supported was right to vestigations into ties between the
al. “If I was Trump, I would have Dieterle used to keep a cutout of Comey, and expected the next uary, said that some of the presi- abruptly fire his F.B.I. director. Trump campaign and Russia.
fired him on my first day.” Mr. Trump at his barbecue restau- F.B.I. director to have “impecca- dent’s backers had expected “He should have been fired a Mr. Wagner was unmoved by
“I was in the military,” Mr. Deo- rant here in the north Georgia ble character and integrity.” quicker action to advance his long time ago,” said Mel Trotter, the Nixonian comparisons drawn
rio added, pointing to Mrs. Clin- mountains. Mr. Dieterle was not alone in agenda, including his pledge to 76, a Vietnam veteran and former by many Democrats. He said that
ton’s handling of classified infor- The display is gone these days Lumpkin County, where Mr. “drain the swamp.” car lot owner who was still angry he hadn’t paid much attention to
mation as the real outrage. “If I — a friend wanted it for his “man Trump won 78 percent of the vote “People thought it was going to that the F.B.I. had not supported politics during the Watergate era,
had done the same thing, I’d have last fall. happen immediately, and it federal criminal charges against but that he was dialed in now, add-
cave” — but Mr. Dieterle’s passion
been in Leavenworth.” “If you have to fire an F.B.I. di- hasn’t,” she said. “I feel like he’s Mrs. Clinton over the email issue.
for Mr. Trump has not crested. On ing, “I’d like the truth to come out.”
But Mr. Neary, among others rector, there’s no good time to do losing support. People think it “If he wasn’t doing his job, he
Wednesday afternoon, less than He said Mr. Trump’s bluster
who had voted for Mr. Trump, ech- it,” said Josh Cagle, the owner of a needs to be done right now, right should’ve been fired,” said Steve
24 hours after the sudden firing of was “scary as hell,” and made him
oed the criticism of congressional dry-cleaning shop. He said that now, right now, and I feel like his David, 68, a retired bricklayer.
Mr. Comey, Mr. Dieterle was reso- concerned about his children and
Democrats in saying that the fir- former President Barack Obama supporters were expecting some- But as he nursed a paper cup of
lute in his support for the presi- should have fired Mr. Comey last coffee, Frank Wagner, 72, a retired grandchildren, as well as relatives
ing suggested an effort to squelch thing way sooner.”
dent and his decision to oust the summer — and that he believed industrial worker, represented a who are the children of immi-
the F.B.I.’s investigation of ties be- The dismissal of Mr. Comey, she
F.B.I. director. Mrs. Clinton would have fired Mr. potential danger to Mr. Trump’s grants. He said he would not vote
tween Russia and the Trump cam- said, might help.
paign in 2016. The president “is “I think it’s something that Comey if she had been elected. support, particularly in Iowa, a for a liberal Democratic chal-
needed to be done,” said Mr. “Either way, he went,” Mr. Cagle Ms. Garrett said her support for swing state that flipped into the lenger to Mr. Trump, but could
not above the law,” he said. “Once
Dieterle, 58. The firing, he said, said. “I think it was his own fault Mr. Trump would not waver. Republican column after twice support a conservative primary
you start lying to the American
proved that Mr. Trump was “a for getting political. I think he “I’m going to back up him no voting for Mr. Obama. challenger, or even a moderate
people, you’re going to finally get
caught and nothing good’s going man of action, and he’s not afraid brought it on himself.” matter what,” she said. “He’s our “I think he is knee-deep in Rus- Democrat.
to come of it.” to take action.” At Rusted Buffalo, an eclectic president.” sia,” Mr. Wagner said about Mr. “I want to get Donny out,” he
Ken Miniman, 67, a semiretired Mr. Dieterle all but laughed retail shop on the Dahlonega town She added that she had not giv- Trump. “There are too many said. “I wouldn’t mind if he got
dentist, said he was having sec- away liberal critics’ argument square, Marie Garrett saw Mr. en all presidents such backing. things that tell you, where there’s kicked out tomorrow — he’s that
ond thoughts about having voted that Mr. Trump fired Mr. Comey to Comey’s dismissal as a necessary, smoke, there’s fire.” bad. Once was enough.”
poison the Russia inquiry. inevitable product of Mr. Trump’s Mr. Wagner, “a Republican but
for Mr. Trump. “There’s got to be
“Do I believe that Donald vow to clean house in Washington.
‘I’d Like the Truth’ not a Trump guy,” said he had
Yet Barbara Hames-Bryant,
more to it than meets the eye,” he president of a manufactured-
said. “I believe it may be a cover- Trump is in bed with the Rus- Working one of her three jobs, CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Over voted for Mr. Trump and was still home retailer in Marion, Iowa,
up.” sians? Oh, hell no,” he said. “Do I Ms. Garrett, 40, said she merely coffee and rounds of late-morning glad that Mrs. Clinton was not the saw a business owner’s decisive-
James Compton, 70, entering ness at work.
the courthouse wearing a Viet- “That’s points for Trump,” she
nam veterans ball cap, saw the fir- said. “Whether Comey is right or
ing of Mr. Comey as the latest evi- wrong, he handled it quickly.”
dence of bipartisan dysfunction. On Wednesday Ms. Hames-
He voted for Mr. Trump, but Bryant sat in her-ground floor of-
said an independent prosecutor fice, her desk cluttered with an
was in order. “I think that’s where obituary, a death certificate and
they need to go,” he said. “And go other papers from her father, Troy
all the way. I think there’s bad stuff
Hames, who died on April 30 at the
all the way.”
age of 92. Her father was a strong
But Michael J. O’Doherty, an ac-
supporter of the state’s Republi-
countant in a pinstripe suit, said
Democrats calling for a special can congressional delegation, she
prosecutor were just grandstand- said.
ing. “Chuck Schumer five months She herself was not an early
ago was basically calling for supporter of Mr. Trump, but said
Comey’s ouster,” Mr. O’Doherty she was encouraged by his pro-
said. He predicted the whole busi- business posture. Cutting ties
ness would blow over, like so with employees or contractors
many other uproars of the young was part of the job, she said, and
administration, to be replaced by she gave Mr. Trump credit for
what she called an unequivocal
Trip Gabriel reported from Media, break.
Pa., Alan Blinder from Dahlonega, Jack Deorio, left, said Mr. Comey’s firing was long overdue. “If I was Trump, I would have fired him on my first day,’’ he said, add- “People who don’t run a busi-
Ga., and Jack Healy from Cedar ing that Mrs. Clinton’s handling of classified information was the real outrage. Ken Miniman, right, with Karen Warner, said he ness don’t understand the reality
Rapids, Iowa. was having second thoughts about having cast his vote for President Trump. “I believe it may be a cover-up,” he said. of those decisions,” she said.

Citizens of ‘Clintonworld’ Find Little Satisfaction in an Adversary’s Downfall

By MARK LANDLER damning assessment. through a Republican-controlled inner circle. In the immediate af- its momentum in the weeks after Clinton’s senior policy adviser,
WASHINGTON — For Hillary One person who spoke with Senate, which needs only 51 votes termath of the vote, she told the third debate between Mrs. said he was still assessing the im-
Clinton, the sudden fall of James Mrs. Clinton after the White to confirm the nominee; and that donors, “Our analysis is that Clinton and Mr. Trump. “We had a plications of Mr. Comey’s dismiss-
B. Comey is wrapped in multiple House’s announcement said she the new F.B.I. director may not Comey’s letter raising doubts that lot coming at us, and it was one too al. “Most see it as a transparent
layers of irony. has a “mixed mind” about his fir- pursue the evidence in the Rus- were groundless, baseless, proven many things,” Ms. Palmieri said. abuse of power,” he said. “I’m not
Mrs. Clinton blames Mr. Comey ing. While Mrs. Clinton believes sian investigation as aggressively to be, stopped our momentum.” In recent conversations, sure what to make of it or what its
for tilting the presidential election that Mr. Comey interfered with as Mr. Comey did. She has continued to emphasize Democratic officials have faulted implications will be.”
against her in the closing days of the election, this person said, “There is no one I have en- the F.B.I.’s role. Her friends say the Clinton campaign’s message As news of Mr. Comey’s dis-
last year’s campaign by announc- “taking him out of his job at this countered in Clintonworld who she believes that but for Mr. and her use of a private email missal spread, other veterans of
ing that the F.B.I. might reopen its point only reinforces the point views this as a positive develop- Comey and the Russians, she server as secretary of state. They the campaign reacted on social
investigation of her email prac- that he was on to something.” ment,” said Jennifer Palmieri, the would be president. have also cited structural impedi- media with a mix of lingering bit-
tices while she was at the State Mrs. Clinton has said nothing campaign’s former communica- In a recent interview, Mrs. Clin- ments, like gender bias and Mrs. terness about the email case and
Department. publicly about the F.B.I. director’s tions director. “When I heard the ton was asked how she felt when Clinton’s identity as an establish- foreboding about the future.
Yet her satisfaction at seeing dismissal. In her most recent Twit- news, my first thought was, ‘They watching Mr. Comey tell Congress ment figure in a “change election.” “Twilight zone,” Robby Mook,
him lose his job, friends said, is off- ter post, on May 7, she celebrated must be getting close.’” he believed it was inappropriate Whatever the other factors, Mr. the former campaign manager,
set by worries that it could derail the victory of Emmanuel Macron One potential benefit, she said, before the election to disclose the Comey has become a singularly said on Twitter. “I was as disap-
the F.B.I.’s investigation of ties be- in France’s presidential election, is that the furor surrounding Mr. F.B.I.’s investigation of the Trump baleful figure to people who pointed and frustrated as anyone
tween the Trump campaign and which she said was a “defeat to Comey’s ouster may put a greater campaign’s ties to Russia, which worked on her campaign. at how the email investigation
Russian officials. those interfering w/democracy.” spotlight on Russia’s meddling in began in July. She responded, When Mr. Comey testified last was handled. But this terrifies
Mrs. Clinton, these people said, Top officials from her campaign the election. The Clinton cam- dryly, “That was one of the high week that he felt “mildly nau- me.”
puts no stock in President said there was no joy in Hil- paign struggled before the elec- points of the last weeks.” seous” at the idea that he might Brian Fallon, a campaign
Trump’s stated rationale for dis- laryland at Mr. Trump’s startling tion to generate interest in Rus- Other officials, however, said have swayed the election, John D. spokesman, wrote on Twitter
missing Mr. Comey as the F.B.I. di- decision. They worry that the sia’s role beyond core Democrats, the F.B.I. intervention was one of a Podesta, who was the campaign’s early Wednesday: “The descent
rector — that he mishandled the president will nominate a more Ms. Palmieri said. torrent of negative developments chairman, wrote on Twitter, “The into authoritarianism does not an-
bureau’s investigation of her pliable figure than Mr. Comey to How big a role Mr. Comey for the Democratic campaign, in- American public is getting mildly nounce itself with the blaring of
email case — even though she fun- run the F.B.I.; that Mr. Trump will played in Mrs. Clinton’s defeat is a cluding the release of campaign nauseous listening to Jim Comey.” trumpets. It happens via events
damentally agrees with that be able to muscle that person subject of debate, even within her emails by WikiLeaks, that sapped Jake Sullivan, who was Mrs. like today.”

THE 45TH PRESIDENT Change at the F.B.I.

As Chaos Grips Capital, Ryan Talks Taxes in Ohio

By ALAN RAPPEPORT creasingly polarized and dis- shirts stood and listened with ideas Mr. Ryan laid out in his “Bet-
NEW ALBANY, Ohio — As the tracted by White House intrigue. their arms crossed, the full opposi- ter Way” plan last summer and
fallout from President Trump’s Some analysts warned on tion to Mr. Ryan’s plans was on the tax outline Mr. Trump re-
sudden firing of James B. Comey, Wednesday that the way Mr. display outside. leased last month. Members of the
the F.B.I. director, consumed Comey was fired was a sign that a Dozens of protesters from House Ways and Means Commit-
Washington on Wednesday, the tax overhaul could be too big of a liberal groups marched along the tee are expected to hold their first
House speaker, Paul D. Ryan, lift for lawmakers in this political road in front of the building where hearings on tax legislation this
wandered through an Ohio pack- environment. Mr. Ryan was speaking. They ac- month.
aging plant admiring innovations “The Comey firing does not kill cused Republicans of promoting One of the main points of con-
in fish bait technology and smiling tax reform,” analysts at the finan- tax cuts that would benefit the tention between the plans is the
at workers as they stuck labels on cial services firm Keefe, Bruyette rich and loudly criticized Mr. Ryan border adjustment tax on imports
soap wrappers. and Woods wrote to clients. “But it for pushing through a health care that Mr. Ryan and House Republi-
Brushing off questions about does reinforce our view that the bill that they said would take away cans want. The tax would be a big
the latest drama that threatened Trump administration is not oper- insurance from the sick. “Because boon to American exporters, but
to stall the Republican agenda, ating as effectively and efficiently of Ryan, people are dyin’!” the companies like retailers that rely
Mr. Ryan tried to stay focused on a protesters chanted. heavily on imported parts and
as it could be, and that it has been
subject that is dear to his heart Prominent Ohio Democrats products have warned that it
slow to learn important political
and his party’s goals: tax cuts. also gave Mr. Ryan a frosty wel- would be a major burden for them
lessons in the past four months.”
“We have a tax system that pe- come, organizing an event before and their customers.
The analysts noted, “Some of its MADDIE M c GARVEY FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
nalizes job creation, economic his arrival to warn that Republi- Mr. Ryan told the assembled
actions continue to appear impul-
can tax policies would not lift the group in Ohio that he was working House Speaker Paul D. Ryan on Wednesday at a factory in Ohio.
growth, saving,” Mr. Ryan, tieless
with his white shirt sleeves rolled
sive and create distractions from state’s sluggish economy. David on ways to ensure that the new tax He discussed tax cuts with business leaders and lawmakers.
achieving important policy vic- Pepper, the chairman of the Ohio did not harm American indus-
up, said during a round-table dis-
tories.” Democratic Party, said the Buck- tries. But opponents of the idea re- tial headwinds if a border tax were day, said she was concerned that a
cussion with local business lead-
ers and lawmakers outside Co- Surrounded by local business eye State was a case study of why main deeply wary. imposed on imports. He said it tax on imports would have a prob-
lumbus. “We want to fix that so we leaders in one of the country’s Mr. Ryan’s plans should be aban- “We’re gravely concerned with would probably force him to cut up lematic “trickle-down” effect on
have more of the things we need in most critical swing states, Mr. doned. “He’s coming to a state the impact it will have on con- to 30 percent of the 300 workers her company.
this country.” Ryan offered only broad brush that has lived through seven years sumer prices and on retail sales in he employs at the company’s Co- However, she said she was
Mr. Ryan’s optimism that the strokes about the tax plan. He of trickle-down tax policy,” Mr. Ohio,” Gordon M. Gough, the pres- lumbus offices. hopeful that Republicans in Wash-
most sweeping overhaul of the tax spoke of lowering tax rates for Pepper said. “It hasn’t worked in ident of the Ohio Council of Retail “Imports and exports are not a ington would focus their energy
code in 30 years would be accom- American companies so that they Ohio.” Merchants, said in a conference zero-sum game,” said Mr. Federi- on making changes to the tax code
plished this year stood in stark can be more competitive globally, It is not only people outside call before Mr. Ryan’s visit. co, whose company sources parts that would help small businesses,
contrast to the chaos he left be- simplifying the tax code for regu- Washington to whom Mr. Ryan Domenic Federico, the presi- from around the world. and would not be consumed by po-
hind in the capital. That turmoil in- lar workers and getting an intru- must sell his plan. Congressional dent of BriskHeat Corporation in Even Tara Abraham, a founder litical squabbling.
tensifies the challenge he faces in sive Internal Revenue Service off Republicans have been in talks Ohio, warned that his global busi- and chief executive of Accel Inc., “I’m cautiously optimistic,” Ms.
trying to sell ambitious pieces of people’s backs. with the White House over how to ness, which produces heating the contract packaging company Abraham said. “But I’m always
legislation in a country that is in- While factory workers in red bridge differences between the components, would face substan- that hosted Mr. Ryan on Wednes- worried about the distractions.”

Call for ‘special prosecutor’ or similar

0 ■ Republicans
Call for independent investigation
5 Republicans How Lawmakers Neutral or support
73 Republicans
125 0 Democrats or Independents 81 Democrats or Independents
Have Reacted So Far
0 Democrats or Independents

0 Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Wis. 0 Rep. Pete Aguilar, Calif. 0 Rep. Ted Lieu, Calif. ■ Rep. Justin Amash, Mich. 0 Rep. Ro Khanna, Calif. ■ Sen. Lamar Alexander, Tenn. ■ Rep. Andy Biggs, Ariz.
‘need a special prosecutor to
lead a comprehensive and
independent investigation’
‘enough is enough’
0 Rep. Nanette Barragán, Calif.
‘deeply shocking’
0 Rep. Alan Lowenthal, Calif.
reviewing ‘independent
‘I support a bipartisan,
independent commission’ To Trump’s Firing Of Senate should have ‘thorough
hearings’ on new nominee
‘I think it was appropriate’
■ Rep. Mike Bishop, Mich.
■ Rep. Barbara Comstock, Va. 0 Rep. Dan Kildee, Mich. ■ Sen. Roy Blunt, Mo.

The F.B.I. Director

‘stunning and troubling’ ‘preserve our democracy’ ‘ensure the next director can
0 Sen. Michael Bennet, Colo. ‘there must be an independent ‘we need an independent & ‘will restore confidence’ lead with the integrity and
‘need for an independent special 0 Rep. Karen Bass, Calif. 0 Rep. Nita M. Lowey, N.Y. investigation’ bipartisan investigation’ confidence’
prosecutor’ ‘a special prosecutor,’ ‘an ‘an independent, bipartisan ■ Sen. Bill Cassidy, La.
independent investigation’ Congressional commission’ ■ Rep. Carlos Curbelo, Fla. 0 Rep. Rick Larsen, Wash. ‘he had become the issue’ ■ Rep. Rod Blum, Iowa
0 Sen. Richard Blumenthal,
0 Rep. Don Beyer, Va. 0 Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, Mass.
‘establish a Select Committee’ ‘urgent need for an independent By Audrey Carlsen, Kenan Davis, Troy ■ Sen. Thad Cochran, Miss.
‘it’s probably time for Comey to
Conn. commission’ go’
‘catastrophically compromised ‘an abuse of power’ ‘a bipartisan, independent ■ Sen. John McCain, Ariz. Griggs, Jasmine C. Lee, K.K. Rebecca Lai,
commission’ ‘I have long called for a special 0 Rep. John B. Larson, Conn. Ford Fessenden and Adam Pearce ■ Rep. Vern Buchanan, Fla.
the FBI’s ongoing investigation’ 0 Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Ore. congressional committee’ ■ Sen. Susan Collins, Me.
‘it shouldn’t be about Democrat
0 Sen. Cory Booker, N.J. ‘we need an independent 0 Rep. Doris Matsui, Calif. ‘inevitable conclusion’
or Republican, it should be about
prosecutor NOW!’ ‘we must have an independent ■ Rep. Erik Paulsen, Minn. After President Trump fired James B. ■ Rep. Liz Cheney, Wyo.
‘should set off alarm bells’
prosecutor’ ‘an independent investigation’
America’ ■ Sen. John Cornyn, Tex. ‘Best. Termination. Letter. Ever.’
0 Sen. Maria Cantwell, Wash. 0 Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester,
0 Rep. Brenda Lawrence, Mich. Comey, the F.B.I. director, on Tuesday, ‘Ds were against Comey’
Del. 0 Rep. Betty McCollum, Minn. 0 Sen. Sherrod Brown, Ohio ■ Rep. Chris Collins, N.Y.
‘need a special independent
‘suspect to say the least’ ‘unprecedented decision’ ‘need an independent
‘we need an independent congressional reaction ranged from ■ Sen. Tom Cotton, Ark. Comey ‘serves at the pleasure of
prosecutor’ commission’ ‘the most important thing now is
0 Rep. Brendan F. Boyle, Pa. 0 Rep. Jerry McNerney, Calif.
investigation’ support to calls for a special prosecutor that the President nominate a
the President’
0 Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin, Md. 0 Rep. Barbara Lee, Calif. or an independent investigation to
‘I’m calling for a ‘a Special Prosecutor’ and ‘we need a special prosecutor’ 0 Sen. Thomas R. Carper, Del. new director’ ■ Rep. Warren Davidson, Ohio
‘history will remember their
#SpecialProsecutor and an ‘formal independent
0 Rep. Gregory W. Meeks, N.Y.
‘need an independent
actions.’ examine the ties between Trump’s ■ Sen. Michael D. Crapo, Idaho
‘unquestionably led divisive and
investigation’ commission’ complex investigations’
independent commission’ ‘need to appoint a special
0 Rep. Sander M. Levin, Mich. associates and the Russian government.
0 Rep. Robert A. Brady, Pa. prosecutor’ 0 Sen. Tammy Duckworth, Ill. ■ Rep. Ron DeSantis, Fla.
0 Sen. Bob Casey, Pa.
‘we need an independent special ‘the American people deserve
‘shocking action’ Here are statements that were compiled ■ Sen. Ted Cruz, Tex.
‘made the right decision’
‘this is Nixonian’ 0 Rep. Seth Moulton, Mass. as of 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Comey ‘lost the confidence of
prosecutor more than ever’ answers’ 0 Rep. Daniel Lipinski, Ill.
0 Sen. Chris Coons, Del. ‘a special prosecutor’ and ‘an both Republicans and ■ Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, Fla.
‘firing of #Comey troubling’
‘it may well be time for us to 0 Rep. Anthony G. Brown, Md. independent, bipartisan 0 Sen. Al Franken, Minn. Democrats’ ‘the FBI Director should be above
‘special counsel and commision’ ‘we need an independent 0 Rep. Dave Loebsack, Iowa controversy’
have a special counsel ■ Sen. Steve Daines, Mont.
independent commission’ investigation’ ‘an abuse of power’
appointed’ 0 Rep. Jerrold Nadler, N.Y. ‘regain public trust’ ■ Rep. Blake Farenthold, Tex.
0 Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, 0 Rep. Julia Brownley, Calif. ‘a special prosecutor and an 0 Sen. Robert Menendez, N.J. 0 Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Calif. Comey’s face ‘was on TV way too
‘the very foundation of our independent 911-style ‘American ppl still deserve the ‘Congress must create Questions or concerns ■ Sen. Michael B. Enzi, Wyo. much’
Nev. ‘leave it to the administration to
democracy is at stake’ investigative panel’ truth’ independent, bipartisan
‘Americans deserve to know the
34 Republicans answer questions about its ■ Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen,
truth’ 0 Rep. Cheri Bustos, Ill. 0 Rep. Richard E. Neal, Mass. 0 Sen. Bill Nelson, Fla. 15 Democrats or Independents decision’ N.J.
0 Sen. Joe Donnelly, Ind. ‘undermines the public trust’ ‘virtually unprecedented in ‘need an independent 0 Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, ‘I guess in this business, nothing
American history and deeply commission’ ■ Sen. Joni Ernst, Iowa is too surprising’
‘the American people deserve 0 Rep. Tony Cárdenas, Calif. troubling’ ‘now more than ever’
‘this decision was up to President
answers’ ‘I am outraged and disgusted’ 0 Sen. Bernie Sanders, Vt. ■ Sen. John Boozman, Ark. ■ Rep. Will Hurd, Tex. Trump to make’ ■ Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte, Va.
0 Sen. Richard J. Durbin, Ill. 0 Rep. Beto O’Rourke, Tex. ‘we need an independent 0 Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, N.Y. ‘Americans deserve a full ‘the timing of James Comey’s ‘President’s prerogative’
0 Rep. Yvette D. Clarke, N.Y. ‘time for Congress to do it’s part’ investigation’ ‘outrageous’ explanation’ firing is troubling’ ■ Sen. Cory Gardner, Colo.
‘an independent counsel and a ‘follow the facts’ 0 Sen. Jon Tester, Mont. ‘The next director of the FBI, like ■ Rep. Trey Gowdy, S.C.
special commission’ 0 Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., N.J. 0 Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, ■ Sen. Richard M. Burr, N.C. ■ Rep. Lynn Jenkins, Kan. Comey, must be an independent ‘appreciate his service’
0 Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II, Mo. ‘impartial special prosecutor’ ‘troubled’ ‘there are too many conflicting
0 Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Calif.
‘urgent need for an independent N.Y. voice for the bureau’
‘the American people deserve a reports within the Administration’ ■ Rep. Andy Harris, Md.
investigation’ ‘it’s a Tuesday night massacre’
‘the appointment of a special special prosecutor’ 0 Rep. Ed Perlmutter, Colo. ■ Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, ■ Sen. Lindsey Graham, S.C. ‘I trust the judgment of Mr.
counsel’ ‘we need an independent special 0 Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, 0 Rep. A. Donald McEachin, Va. W.Va. ■ Rep. John Katko, N.Y. ‘a fresh start’ Rosenstein’
0 Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, Va. prosecutor’ N.J. ‘you can’t make this stuff up’ ‘I think we need to find out what’s ‘a clear explanation into the
0 Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, N.Y. ‘only way to restore credibility’ ■ Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa ■ Rep. Vicky Hartzler, Mo.
‘zero confidence in the ability of happened and why’ rationale and timing’
‘we need an independent special 0 Rep. Chellie Pingree, Me. 0 Rep. Ann McLane Kuster, N.H. ‘the FBI Director serves at the ‘Comey had become a lightning
prosecutor’ 0 Rep. Jim Cooper, Tenn. ‘I’ve called for an outside, special
any Trump-appointed FBI
■ Sen. Bob Corker, Tenn. ■ Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Ill.
Director’ ‘an independent nonpartisan pleasure of the president’ rod of controversy’
‘calls to mind the worst days of prosecutor’ investigation’ ‘will raise questions’ ‘the American people deserve
0 Sen. Kamala Harris, Calif. Nixon’ ■ Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, Utah ■ Rep. Darrell Issa, Calif.
0 Rep. Ami Bera, Calif. answers’
‘this cannot wait’ 0 Rep. Mark Pocan, Wis. 0 Rep. Grace Meng, N.Y. ■ Sen. Jeff Flake, Ariz. ‘time for new leadership at the ‘Comey had lost my confidence
0 Rep. Charlie Crist, Fla. ‘it’s imperative we have a special
‘now more than ever’
‘a fair and impartial investigation’ can’t find ‘an acceptable ■ Rep. Martha E. McSally, Ariz. FBI’ long ago’
0 Sen. Maggie Hassan, N.H. ‘the timing is extremely suspect’ prosecutor’ 0 Rep. Sanford D. Bishop Jr., rationale’ ‘deeply concerning’
‘a special prosecutor as well as a 0 Rep. Gwen Moore, Wis. ■ Sen. Dean Heller, Nev. ■ Rep. Mike Johnson, La.
thorough Congressional 0 Rep. Joseph Crowley, N.Y. 0 Rep. David E. Price, N.C.
‘independent, bipartisan ■ Sen. John Hoeven, N.D. ■ Rep. Mark Sanford, S.C. ‘I’m committed to protecting our ‘Director Comey was a faithful
‘extremely troubling’ ‘shocked’
investigation’ ‘rash and unprecedented’ commission’ ‘timing of his dismissal raises ‘it simply raises questions’ democratic process’ public servant’
0 Rep. John Delaney, Md. 0 Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, Ore. questions’
0 Sen. Martin Heinrich, N.M. 0 Rep. Mike Quigley, Ill. 0 Rep. Stephanie Murphy, Fla. ■ Rep. Lloyd K. Smucker, Pa. ■ Sen. James M. Inhofe, Okla. ■ Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio
‘we need an independent special ‘we must have an independent
‘smacks of President Nixon’s ‘I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it ‘follow the evidence wherever it ■ Sen. James Lankford, Okla. ‘raises serious and legitimate ‘I think it was the right thing to ‘you have to be crazy not to have
prosecutor’ investigation’
Saturday Night Massacre’ again’ leads’ ‘deserve an explanation’ questions’ do’ lost confidence’ in Comey
0 Rep. Mark DeSaulnier, Calif. 0 Rep. Salud Carbajal, Calif.
0 Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, N.D. 0 Rep. Jacky Rosen, Nev. 0 Rep. Grace F. Napolitano, ■ Sen. Jerry Moran, Kan. ■ Rep. Elise Stefanik, N.Y. ■ Sen. Ron Johnson, Wis. ■ Rep. Darin M. LaHood, Ill.
‘an independent commission’ ‘anything less would imperil our
‘raises far more questions than it ‘only beholden to the truth’ Calif. ‘deserve more information’ ‘I have concerns about the ‘I thank Director Comey for his ‘I am interested in learning more
and ‘a special prosecutor’ democracy’
answers’ ‘independent, bipartisan timing’ service’ about the reasons for his
0 Rep. Tim Ryan, Ohio ■ Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
0 Rep. Ted Deutch, Fla. 0 Rep. Kathy Castor, Fla. commission’ dismissal’
0 Sen. Mazie K. Hirono, Hawaii ‘yet another disturbing ‘serious cause for concern’ ■ Rep. Scott Taylor, Va. ■ Sen. John Kennedy, La.
‘a disgraceful abuse of power’ ‘a blatant attempt to stall’
‘a special prosecutor and an development’ 0 Rep. Rick Nolan, Minn. ‘troubled by the timing of the ‘the White House timing on this ■ Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo, N.J.
■ Sen. Rob Portman, Ohio
independent investigation’ 0 Rep. Debbie Dingell, Mich. 0 Rep. Joaquin Castro, Tex. ‘independent commission’ Director’s dismissal’ was less than impeccable’ ‘actively seeking additional info’
0 Rep. C.A. Dutch ‘extremely suspicious’
‘should provide a fuller
0 Sen. Tim Kaine, Va. ‘need for a truly independent ■ Rep. Pat Tiberi, Ohio
Ruppersberger, Md. 0 Rep. Donald Norcross, N.J. explanation’ ■ Sen. Mike Lee, Utah ■ Rep. Roger Marshall, Kan.
‘inescapable comparisons to the investigation and a special ‘the rule of law and justice are 0 Rep. Judy Chu, Calif. ‘many questions about Director
‘independent investigation’ ‘The real test now is finding a ‘gathering available information
Nixon era’ prosecutor’ ■ Sen. Marco Rubio, Fla. Comey’s firing’
backbones of our country’ ‘nothing normal’ about the firing candidate that can restore trust tonight’
0 Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, ‘I do have questions’
0 Sen. Angus King, Me. 0 Rep. Mike Doyle, Pa. 0 Rep. Bobby L. Rush, Ill. 0 Rep. David Cicilline, R.I. ■ Rep. Fred Upton, Mich.
in the FBI.’
D.C. ■ Rep. Thomas Massie, Ky.
‘suspicious’ ■ Sen. Ben Sasse, Neb.
‘necessary to appoint a Special ‘we need a special prosecutor’ ‘I am deeply concerned by this ‘independent, bipartisan ‘not privy to the justification nor ■ Sen. Mitch McConnell, Ky. ‘Hillary Clinton would have done
Counsel’ ‘very troubling’ the details behind the firing’
0 Rep. Keith Ellison, Minn. 0 Rep. Adam B. Schiff, Calif.
news’ commission’ Democrats ‘repeatedly and it sooner’
0 Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Minn. ‘a Constitutional crisis’ ■ Sen. Dan Sullivan, Alaska 0 Rep. Joyce Beatty, Ohio
sharply criticized’ Comey
‘independent prosecutor must be 0 Rep. Katherine M. Clark, 0 Rep. Tom O’Halleran, Ariz. ■ Rep. Cathy McMorris
‘The timing of the president’s
‘we need an independent 0 Rep. Eliot L. Engel, N.Y. appointed’ Mass. ‘independent select commission’ ‘wait... what?!?’ ■ Sen. Rand Paul, Ky. Rodgers, Wash.
commission and a special firing of Director Comey raises
‘need for a special prosecutor ‘an immediate independent ‘couldn’t happen soon enough’ ‘the President must have
prosecutor’ 0 Rep. Kurt Schrader, Ore. 0 Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., N.J. questions’ 0 Rep. Michael E. Capuano,
and an independent commission’ investigation’ confidence in those who work for
‘we needed a special prosecutor ‘a fully independent investigation’ Mass. ■ Sen. David Perdue, Ga.
0 Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Vt. ■ Sen. John Thune, S.D. him’
0 Rep. Anna G. Eshoo, Calif. yesterday’ 0 Rep. William Lacy Clay, Mo. ‘remember result of Nixon-Cox’ ‘@POTUS acted decisively &
‘Nixonian’ ‘#IndependentInvestigationNow’ 0 Rep. Jimmy Panetta, Calif. ‘I think there are questions about
within his authority’ ■ Rep. Mark Meadows, N.C.
‘an independent commission or 0 Rep. Terri A. Sewell, Ala. timing’ 0 Rep. André Carson, Ind.
‘independent, bipartisan ‘it could have come at a better
0 Sen. Joe Manchin III, W.Va. special prosecutor’ the decision ‘should set off an 0 Rep. Steve Cohen, Tenn. ‘this raises a lot of questions’ ■ Sen. Jim Risch, Idaho
‘This person would allow report 0 Sen. Jeff Merkley, Ore. time’
0 Rep. Adriano Espaillat, N.Y. alarm’ ‘our democracy is in danger’
0 Rep. Dwight Evans, Pa.
‘will review the facts’
directly to Congress on their 0 Rep. Donald M. Payne Jr., N.J. ‘downright Nixonian’
■ Rep. Luke Messer, Ind.
‘a 9/11 style commission and a 0 Rep. Brad Sherman, Calif. 0 Rep. John Conyers Jr., Mich. ‘I’m skeptical of how we can have ■ Sen. Pat Roberts, Kan.
investigation and findings’ ‘Trump is staring scandal in the
special independent prosecutor’ 0 Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, an independent investigation’
‘we all need to hit the pause
‘what’s Trump trying to hide?’ ‘must have an independent, face’ ‘a swift confirmation of a new FBI
R.I. button and make sure we get the
0 Sen. Edward J. Markey, Mass. 0 Rep. Elizabeth Esty, Conn. non-partisan commission’ Director’
‘reminiscent of the Saturday 0 Rep. Albio Sires, N.J. 0 Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Calif. ‘raises massive questions’ 0 Rep. Marcia L. Fudge, Ohio facts’
‘sets our nation on course for a ‘a special prosecutor and 0 Rep. Jim Costa, Calif. ‘the American people deserve ■ Sen. Michael Rounds, S.D.
Night Massacre during the ‘an independent, bipartisan ■ Rep. Bruce Poliquin, Me.
constitutional crisis’ ■ Rep. Mike Coffman, Colo. answers’
Watergate scandal’ independent commission’ ‘to get to the bottom of this’ commission’ ‘his termination will not be
the timing ‘does concern me’ ‘continue to closely monitor this
0 Rep. Bill Foster, Ill. 0 Rep. Adam Smith, Wash. 0 Rep. Joe Courtney, Conn. 0 Rep. Steny H. Hoyer, Md.
allowed to impede in these
0 Sen. Claire McCaskill, Mo. 0 Rep. Scott Peters, Calif. issue’
‘deeply disturbing’ ■ Rep. Ryan A. Costello, Pa. ‘deeply troubling’
‘get to the bottom of what ‘we need an immediate and ‘something that happens in
‘important we have an ‘the explanation for the firing has ■ Rep. John Ratcliffe, Tex.
independent prosecutor’ 0 Rep. Lois Frankel, Fla. happened’ independent investigation’ dictatorships’ ■ Sen. Tim Scott, S.C.
been insufficient’ 0 Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Tex. ‘he lost the faith and trust of
‘deeply disturbed’ ‘I want to personally thank
0 Sen. Christopher S. Murphy, 0 Rep. Darren Soto, Fla. 0 Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Md. 0 Rep. Jared Polis, Colo. ‘raises deep constitutional American people’
■ Rep. Rodney Davis, Ill. concerns’
Director Comey’
Conn. 0 Rep. Ruben Gallego, Ariz. ‘destroying our democracy’ ‘Congress must restore ‘absolutely vital’
‘the most surprising move that ■ Rep. Todd Rokita, Ind.
‘it simply defies logic’ ‘looks an awful lot like a credibility’ ■ Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Ala.
0 Rep. Jackie Speier, Calif. 0 Rep. Jamie Raskin, Md. I’ve seen out of that 0 Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, ‘nothing unprecedented, or
cover-up’ ‘the President has the right to
0 Sen. Patty Murray, Wash. ‘akin to Nixon & Watergate’ 0 Rep. Susan A. Davis, Calif. ‘the strongest possibility for the administration’ Tex. exceptional’
fire anyone with cause’
0 Rep. John Garamendi, Calif. ‘we won’t get to the truth’ truth to come out’ ‘provide a full accounting and
‘the public deserves the truth’ 0 Rep. Tom Suozzi, N.Y. ■ Rep. Charlie Dent, Pa. ■ Rep. David Rouzer, N.C.
‘a special prosecutor’ or ‘an justification for this decision’ ■ Sen. Luther Strange, Ala.
0 Sen. Gary Peters, Mich. ‘appointed immediately’ 0 Rep. Diana DeGette, Colo. 0 Rep. Kathleen Rice, N.Y. ‘confounding and troubling’ ‘difficult circumstances require a
independent commission’ ‘I support General Sessions and
the firing is ‘latest in long list of ‘too many unresolved questions’ ‘Congress must immediately 0 Rep. Ron Kind, Wis. fresh start’
0 Rep. Mark Takano, Calif. ■ Rep. Dan Donovan, N.Y. ‘grotesque abuse of power’
reasons why’ 0 Rep. Gene Green, Tex. ‘we need an independent 0 Rep. Rosa DeLauro, Conn.
appoint an independent
‘raises natural questions’ ■ Rep. Steve Russell, Okla.
‘the American people deserve an commission’ ■ Sen. Thom Tillis, N.C.
0 Sen. Jack Reed, R.I. prosecutor’ ‘demand an independent 0 Rep. Ben Ray Luján, N.M. ‘he serves at the pleasure of the
answer’ ■ Rep. John J. Faso, N.Y. ‘attempted to lead the FBI to the
‘shocking and disturbing’ commission’ 0 Rep. Cedric L. Richmond, La. ‘staggering’ president’
0 Rep. Mike Thompson, Calif. ‘the facts must be known’ best of his ability’
0 Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez, Ill. ‘urgent need for special 0 Rep. Suzan DelBene, Wash.
‘this Administration can’t be
0 Rep. Eric Swalwell, Calif. ■ Rep. Claudia Tenney, N.Y.
0 Sen. Brian Schatz, Hawaii ‘President Trump is up to no trusted to investigate itself’ ■ Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, Pa. ■ Sen. Patrick J. Toomey, Pa.
prosecutor’ ‘merit an independent ‘should send a chill down the ‘clear that Director Comey had
‘every patriotic American should good’ ‘his removal clearly raise ‘next FBI director should
demand a Special Prosecutor’ investigation’ 0 Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, spine of every American’ lost the confidence of members
0 Rep. Dina Titus, Nev. questions’ continue pursuing ongoing
of both parties’
0 Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, ‘what are you hiding?’ 0 Rep. Lloyd Doggett, Tex.
0 Rep. Norma J. Torres, Calif. investigations’
0 Sen. Chuck Schumer, N.Y. Hawaii ‘commission to investigate ■ Rep. Mike Gallagher, Wis.
‘Nixonion dismissal’ ‘only raises more questions’ ■ Rep. Scott Tipton, Colo.
‘appoint special prosecutor’ ‘let’s appoint an independent 0 Rep. Paul Tonko, N.Y. #TrumpRussia NOW’ ‘serious concerns and ■ Sen. Todd Young, Ind.
Mr. Comey’s actions were ‘not in
0 Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, N.H. commission or special ‘time to appoint special 0 Rep. Josh Gottheimer, N.J. unanswered questions’ 0 Rep. Maxine Waters, Calif. ‘will help restore Americans’
0 Rep. Linda T. Sánchez, Calif. keeping with standard
‘very disturbing’ prosecutor’ prosecutor’ ‘I have some serious questions ‘#nocredibility’ confidence’ Department of Justice protocol’
‘independent investigation’ ■ Rep. French Hill, Ark.
and concerns’
0 Rep. Jim Himes, Conn. 0 Rep. Niki Tsongas, Mass. ‘a reasonable cause for concern’ ■ Rep. Robert B. Aderholt, Ala.
0 Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Mich. 0 Rep. John Sarbanes, Md. ■ Rep. Jackie Walorski, Ind.
‘a potential threat to our national ‘deeply troubled’ ‘puts our nation in an untenable 0 Rep. Al Green, Tex. ‘I trust and respect Attorney ‘I appreciate James Comey’s
‘establish an independent,
position’ ‘It just doesn’t look right, it General Jeff Sessions and this
security’ 0 Rep. Jared Huffman, Calif. bipartisan commission’ service’
doesn’t smell right’ action came from his
0 Sen. Tom Udall, N.M. ‘we need a special prosecutor + 0 Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez, N.Y. ■ Rep. Joe Wilson, S.C.
0 Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Ill. recommendation’
‘special counsel’ and indep commission’ ‘appoint a special counsel 0 Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva, Ariz. ‘fully respect the President’s
‘need for an independent
immediately’ ‘#IndependentInvestigationNow’ ■ Rep. Jim Banks, Ind.
‘independent, bipartisan 0 Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, N.Y. investigation’ decision’
‘Comey lost the trust of both Rs
investigation’ ‘we DEMAND immediate 0 Rep. Tim Walz, Minn. 0 Rep. Denny Heck, Wash.
0 Rep. Brad Schneider, Ill. and Ds’ ■ Rep. Don Young, Alaska
0 Sen. Chris Van Hollen, Md. appointment of Independent, ‘we need a #SpecialProsecutor & ‘this will not stand’ ‘well within the President’s
‘deeply troubling’
Special Prosecutor’ #IndependentCommission’ ■ Rep. Lou Barletta, Pa.
‘immediately appoint a special 0 Rep. Brian Higgins, N.Y. authority’
prosecutor’ 0 Rep. Robert C. Scott, Va. ‘confident that the FBI will
0 Rep. Hank Johnson, Ga. 0 Rep. Debbie Wasserman ‘a full and formal independent continue to do its job’ ■ Rep. Lee Zeldin, N.Y.
‘Congress must establish a
0 Sen. Mark Warner, Va. ‘conduct an independent and Schultz, Fla. investigation’ ‘a fresh start’
non-partisan commission’
immediate investigation’ ‘a dark day for justice in America’ ■ Rep. Andy Barr, Ky.
‘deeply troubling’ 0 Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Wash.
0 Rep. José E. Serrano, N.Y. ‘his prerogative to dismiss the
0 Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Mass. 0 Rep. Robin Kelly, Ill. 0 Rep. Peter Welch, Vt. ‘need a fully bipartisan and director’
‘we need an independent
‘we need an independent ‘cannot afford anymore ‘an independent prosecutor or a independent investigation’
prosecutor’ diversions or double speak’ nonpartisan commission’
0 Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Ohio
0 Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, N.H.
0 Sen. Ron Wyden, Ore. 0 Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, Ill. 0 Rep. Frederica S. Wilson, Fla. ‘this is a flash back to the days of
‘highly unusual action’
‘special counsel must be ‘need for an independent ‘an independent prosecutor Richard Nixon’
appointed’ commission or a fully should be named’ 0 Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, Ariz.
0 Rep. William Keating, Mass.
independent prosecutor’ ‘it’s painfully obvious’
0 Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, Fla. 0 Rep. John Yarmuth, Ky. ‘this shatters public confidence
‘cries out for a special 0 Rep. Jim Langevin, R.I. ‘absolutely dire need’ in our systems’ 0 Rep. Louise M. Slaughter, N.Y.
prosecutor’ ‘it is imperative’ ‘we need an independent
0 Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III,
0 Rep. Alma Adams, N.C. 0 Rep. Al Lawson, Fla. Mass.
‘troubling sequence of events’ ‘the American people deserve to ‘need independent 0 Rep. Juan C. Vargas, Calif.
know the truth’ #TrumpRussia investigation now’ ‘many red flags’


Obama Policy on Climate

Survives Vote in Senate
say he would support an effort by
From Page A1 the Trump administration to re-
It came as Senator Mitch Mc- write the Obama rule. Had Con-
Connell of Kentucky, the majority gress repealed the Obama-era
leader, was advancing the nomi- rule entirely, the administration
nation of the trade lawyer Robert would have been precluded from
Lighthizer to be the United States issuing any similar regulation un-
trade representative. Mr. der the terms of the Congressional
Lighthizer harshly criticized Mr. Review Act.
McCain during the senator’s 2008 The Independent Petroleum
presidential campaign, saying his Association of America, which
free-trade views were not in the represents smaller oil and gas
best traditions of American con- producers, criticized the vote.
servatism. Mr. McCain has since “We’re disappointed the Senate
sought to block Mr. Lighthizer’s wasn’t able to stop President Oba-
nomination, objecting to a waiver ma’s unworkable rule by a federal
granted to him to skirt the presi- agency that does not have the con-
dent’s prohibition on lobbyists gressionally granted authority to
serving in his cabinet. regulate air quality,” said Barry
Mr. McCain also was the target Russell, the group’s president.
of significant lobbying on the cli- Oil-state Republican lawmak-
mate issue. Last week, a group of ers vowed to push Interior Secre-
retired generals from the liberal tary Ryan Zinke to act on his own.
Vet Voice Foundation sent a letter “I call on Interior Secretary
to all senators, framing the roll- Zinke to withdraw the rule imme-
back of the methane regulation as diately,” said Senator John Bar-
a national security threat. The rasso of Wyoming, who is chair-
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos addressed graduates at Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach, Fla., on Wednesday. group said the venting of the emis- man of the Senate Committee on
sions from fuel wells could dimin- Environment and Public Works.
“If left in place, this regulation will

Graduates Meet DeVos With Their Backs Turned

ish the natural gas supply. Mr. Mc-
Cain, who is chairman of the Sen- only discourage energy produc-
ate Armed Services Committee, tion, job creation and economic
has spoken of climate change and opportunity across the West.”
By ERICA L. GREEN old program that helps black col- the energy supply as a national se- The failure of the effort to roll
leges finance, renovate and re- curity issue. back the methane rule is a small
Betsy DeVos went to Bethune- but significant victory for envi-
Cookman University on Wednes- place their buildings, Ms. DeVos Oil lobbyists pressed their case
swiftly issued a statement saying ronmentalists in the Trump era, as
day, knowing her first commence- that the methane rule was oner-
she would fight for the colleges the president has pushed ag-
ment address as secretary of edu- ous and duplicative, since many
gressively to dismantle most of
cation could get ugly at the his- and universities. A backlash oil-producing states already have
his predecessor’s environmental
torically black institute of higher forced Mr. Trump to pledge his state-level methane regulations.
education. “unwavering support” for Afri- On Tuesday, Gwen Lachelt, a
The methane rule was one of a
It did — fast. Over sporadic can-American higher education. county commissioner from La
suite of environmental regula-
heckling, and at some points to the In her speech, Ms. DeVos said Plata County, Colo., which sits
tions put in place by Mr. Obama as
backs of gown-clad graduates re- she wanted to reaffirm the admin- near the Four Corners where the he sought to use his executive au-
fusing to face her, Ms. DeVos im- istration’s commitment and cited state abuts New Mexico, Utah and thority to tackle climate change
plored: “One of the hallmarks of its decision to restore year-round Arizona, buttonholed Mr. McCain across the economy. While meth-
higher education, and of democra- Pell Grants, which many low-in- in a Senate elevator to tell him ane vented from oil and gas wells
cy, is the ability to converse with come students use to finance their that county residents have suf- accounts for only a small portion
and learn from those with whom college educations. fered from methane pollution of the nation’s greenhouse gas pol-
we disagree. And while we will un- “I am at the table fighting on drifting over from New Mexico, lution, environmental advocates
doubtedly disagree at times, I your behalf, and on behalf of all and she noted that the same pollu- urged Mr. Obama to tackle the
hope we can do so respectfully. students across this great nation,” tion could affect his state. emissions, because methane is
Let’s choose to hear each other she said. “I’m not taking credit for sway- over 25 times more potent than
out.” A protester was escorted out during Ms. DeVos’s first com- ing Senator McCain’s vote, but I
But Jasmine Smith, 21, a rising carbon dioxide in trapping heat in
The crowd obliged only a hand- mencement speech, where some students refused to face her. junior at Bethune-Cookman, said told him that right across the state the earth’s atmosphere.
ful of times during her roughly 20- line from my county are 35,000 oil
she was worried about other The failure to repeal the meth-
minute-speech. Critics of Ms. DeVos pointed to lief that it does not benefit our stu- and gas wells in New Mexico,” she
measures Ms. DeVos’s depart- ane rule, which required a simple
Since squeaking through Sen- missteps from the outset of her dents to suppress voices that we said. “We all share an airshed and
ment had taken that could affect majority of 51 votes to pass, comes
ate confirmation on the tiebreak- disagree with, or to limit students the winds that bring methane pol-
tenure: from her office’s mis- the next two years at Bethune- as the Senate nears the end of its
ing vote of Vice President Mike to only those perspectives that are lution our way, and without this
spelling the name of W.E.B. Du- Cookman. Her biggest worry was window to use the Congressional
Pence, Ms. DeVos has appeared at federal rule, I have no way as a
Bois in an attempted tribute, to a broadly sanctioned by a specific Ms. DeVos’s decision to roll back Review Act to undo major regula-
times to carry the weight of every county commissioner to protect
statement she issued calling seg- community.” protections for student loan bor- tions. Under that law, which was
Trump administration contro- the people in my county. In the
regation-era historically black col- Other prominent black leaders rowers. used successfully only once be-
versy on her shoulders. She was Four Corners, we all live under the
leges and universities “pioneers also defended the university’s de- Ms. Smith was among about 100 fore this year, Congress can vote
turned away by a handful of pro- largest methane cloud.”
of school choice.” The gaffes, cou- cision to invite Ms. DeVos. Mi- protesters who gathered at Be- to erase new executive-branch
testers at her first school visit as Mr. McCain made a similar
pled with President Trump’s chael Lomax, president and chief thune-Cookman several hours be- regulations within 60 legislative
secretary. She was goaded into an point in a statement on the rea-
seemingly wavering support for executive of the United Negro fore Ms. DeVos was to deliver her days of their completion. Since Mr.
Ohio public school visit by an an- sons for his vote.
black higher education and a College Fund, wrote on Twitter address Wednesday morning. Trump’s inauguration, the White
tagonist, the president of the “Improving the control of meth-
strained relationship with Afri- shortly after Ms. DeVos was House has successfully pushed
American Federation of Teachers, “I’m protesting because she will ane emissions is an important
can-Americans, made Ms. DeVos named speaker, “I believe we Congress to roll back more than a
Randi Weingarten. continue to directly affect me after public health and air quality issue,
an especially prickly choice. should hear Secretary DeVos at dozen Obama-era rules.
And in the days before her ad- this and make it harder for me to which is why some states are
@bethunecookman, just as we Included in those rollbacks
dress at Bethune-Cookman, in get to graduation,” she said. moving forward with their own
want her and President Trump to were regulations that would have
Daytona Beach, Fla., opponents Mr. Whitehead said he did not regulations requiring greater in-
hear the voices of #HBCUs.” limited the way coal mining com-
made it clear with petitions and believe that Ms. DeVos’s speech
protests that she would not be all Jeers for an address The jeers crescendoed when
contained any promises of sub-
vestment in recapture technol-
ogy,” he wrote. “I join the call for
panies could dump debris into
streams after blowing up moun-
that welcome. Ms. DeVos said that she would vis-
The school’s president, Edison at a historically black it the childhood home and grave
stance, and called the graduates’
demonstration of contempt for
strong action to reduce pollution taintops to gain access to coal de-
site of Ms. Bethune. from venting, flaring and leaks posits, and a requirement for oil,
O. Jackson, had to pause the cere-
mony about one minute into Ms.
university. “Her commitment to service is
her “an amazing moment.” associated with oil and gas pro- gas and mining companies to dis-
what has brought us together to- “I’m proud of what happened,” duction operations on public and close payments made to foreign
DeVos’s address to tell the crowd Mr. Whitehead said. “I hope for
day. This inspired daughter of Indian land.” governments in exchange for ac-
of students, “If this behavior the sake of the institution, the
slaves refused to accept repulsive Nevertheless, Mr. McCain did cess to drilling or mining rights.
continues, your degrees will be “Even though she apologized, sake of the students and the grad-
mailed to you.” and systemic racism,” Ms. DeVos
she has shown how tone deaf she uates, that regardless of the
Above the jeers, Ms. DeVos de- said. “She moved mountains,
is, and how disconnected she is protests and the petitions, she re-
livered the standard exhortation changing the lives and futures of
from our community,” said Dom- countless students and families ally wants to build this relation-
to graduates to live a life of serv- inik Whitehead, a 2010 graduate of across generations.” ship — that this is the real thing.”
ice, with courage and grace in the Bethune-Cookman, who generat-
spirit of their school’s namesake. But Ms. DeVos drew cheers Ms. DeVos ended her speech by
ed the first petition calling for Ms. when she highlighted individual encouraging the students to main-
It was a message that thou-
DeVos to be replaced as this year’s Bethune-Cookman graduates by tain grace as they face adversity
sands believed Ms. DeVos — who
graduation speaker. name and described the chal- and dissent.
many contend represents an ad-
ministration that has shown only Activists dropped off boxes of lenges they overcame to gradu- “The natural instinct is to join in
superficial knowledge of and sup- petitions, which they said had ate, and when she praised gradu- the chorus of conflict, to make
port for historically black colleges more than 50,000 signatures, to ates who were pursuing a career your voice louder, your point big-
and universities — was in no posi- the school’s administration on in teaching. ger and your position stronger,”
tion to deliver to the 380 gradu- Tuesday night in a last-ditch effort She also used the opportunity to she said. “But we will not solve the
ates of the school, which was to stop Ms. DeVos from speaking. reiterate her support for histori- significant and real problems our
founded by the educator and civil In a letter to the community de- cally black higher education. Last country faces if we cannot bring
rights activist Mary McLeod Be- fending the choice of Ms. DeVos, week, after Mr. Trump questioned ourselves to embrace a mind-set ANDREA MORALES FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

thune. Mr. Jackson wrote, “I am of the be- the constitutionality of a 25-year- of grace.” Methane pipes at a Southwestern Energy training facility.

He Won the House Health Care Battle, but Democrats Hope He’ll Lose the Re-election War
By EMMARIE HUETTEMAN lar parts of President Barack Oba- fect of watching his father strug- self as a relatable, sympathetic moderates, many of whom wor-
WILLINGBORO, N.J. — It took ma’s health care law. And it of- gle to pay off his mother’s medical figure have seemingly fallen flat. ried that the final version lacked
a moderate Republican from New fered powerful ammunition to a bills years after her death. Even a longtime local newspaper protections for Americans with
Jersey to wrestle a compromise Democratic Party eager to re- “I watched him all my life work- columnist, Tom Moran, who once pre-existing conditions. Repre-
out of his party’s hard-right nay- claim the House next year. ing three jobs to pay off medical bonded with Mr. MacArthur over sentatives Frank A. LoBiondo,
sayers and resuscitate the House For more than three years, Mr. bills because he had no insurance his own son’s death savaged him Leonard Lance and Christopher
health care plan. MacArthur has largely made his when my mother died of cancer for having made the bill “even H. Smith, also of New Jersey,
And for that, he may pay dearly. name by fighting for the federal when I was 4,” Mr. MacArthur said more brutal.” voted against it.
Less than a week after Repre- government to fulfill its responsi- at the time. “He paid those bills off While Mr. Obama won Mr. Mac- With Senate Republicans mak-
sentative Tom MacArthur helped bility to victims of Hurricane when I was in college.” Arthur’s swing district twice, Mr. ing no secret of their intention to
legislation that would repeal the Sandy in 2012. That endeared him Mr. MacArthur reluctantly re- Trump carried it in 2016, making it rewrite the bill, the question is
Affordable Care Act clear a grid- to constituents who are still strug- vealed in news media interviews no easy pickup as Democrats seek whether Mr. MacArthur traded
locked House, he faced hundreds gling to rebuild their lives. Sand- MICHELLE GUSTAFSON another motivator behind his to take back the House. But the his moderate credentials for
of outraged constituents and pro- wiched between the Philadelphia FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
commitment to health care: the Republican health care plan has doomed legislation.
testers on Wednesday in his dis- suburbs and the retirement com- Representative Tom MacAr- death, decades ago, of his 11-year- provided an opening for “If they send back any bill at
trict’s Democratic stronghold. He munities of the Jersey Shore, his thur, a moderate Republican. old daughter, who was born with a Democrats, who had little early all,” Representative Charlie Dent
has to defend the measure bear- district was hit hard by the storm, rare neurological disorder. success against Mr. MacArthur. of Pennsylvania said, “it will be in
ing his name that would under- which left tens of thousands of Their painful experience with As soon as the details of Mr. a form that will likely be rejected
lost his job and Gov. Chris Christie
mine protections for patients with buildings damaged or destroyed. the health care system gave Mr. MacArthur’s amendment em- by those who were just appeased
opted out of the law’s protections.
pre-existing conditions. On Wednesday, though, pro- MacArthur, who had a 28-year ca- erged, the Democratic Congres- in the House in order to move the
“That’s a problem, and this is
The so-called MacArthur am- testers lined up for hours in the your amendment, sir,” the man reer in insurance, an appreciation sional Campaign Committee re- first bill.”
endment wooed the conservative late afternoon sun to vent their said. “You brought it back from for the struggles of other families. leased digital ads in 30 districts to Mr. MacArthur is among a
House Freedom Caucus by allow- frustrations with Mr. MacArthur. the dead. It’s yours. You own it.” “How do you negotiate with a “educate voters” — reserving a small group of Republicans hold-
ing states to receive waivers from Some held signs that bore his like- After a vow to take everyone’s hospital who just did surgery on five-figure buy for Mr. MacAr- ing town halls during this one-
certain federal insurance require- ness with the words “I took your questions, Mr. MacArthur’s town your daughter, but you’re ques- thur’s. week recess. Some have already
ments in the Affordable Care Act. health care” emblazoned on his hall stretched on for more than tioning how a two-hour surgery “He was already in a vulnerable faced their own crowds and were
With a waiver, a state could permit forehead — right where Repre- four hours. can cost 15 or 20 thousand dol- position this cycle, and the fact often drowned out by boos as they
insurers to charge higher prices to sentative Nancy Pelosi of Califor- It was a sobering conclusion to lars?” he said in an interview that he was willing to rip away tried to explain their stances.
people with pre-existing condi- nia, the Democratic leader, had a victory lap that started with Wednesday. “I was in that boat.” protections for people with pre- As protesters waved a skeleton
tions who allowed their coverage warned Republicans their plan backslaps in the White House “That’s tough for him to bring existing conditions is a game- outside, Mr. MacArthur acknowl-
to lapse. would be “tattooed.” Rose Garden shortly after the up, but I think it’s necessary for changer for our ability to compete edged that he was not expecting to
But that amendment drove a A hostile crowd assailed Mr. House’s 217-213 vote. As his fellow him to do that,” said Mark Aus- in this district,” said Meredith change minds.
wedge between Mr. MacArthur MacArthur, who by turns pleaded Republicans grinned and shook sicker, a longtime colleague and Kelly, the D.C.C.C. spokeswoman. “I don’t think I’ll convince peo-
and members of the caucus of for respect and fell silent, a smile hands with a beaming President friend who attended Mr. Mac- Mr. MacArthur’s decision to ne- ple necessarily, but they deserve
moderate Republicans he leads, frozen on his face as attendees Trump, Mr. MacArthur quietly Arthur’s daughter’s funeral. “He’s gotiate with the hard-right House to know where I’m coming from,
the Tuesday Group. It forced vul- shouted over him. A man who slipped in on stage left. doing that just to help people un- Freedom Caucus, the other clus- they deserve to know how I think
nerable Republicans from swing identified himself as a resident of After half an hour of jubilant derstand he’s been there, too, to ter of “no” votes on the first ver- about things,” he said. “They de-
districts to vote on a bill that Fort Pleasant expressed concern thank-you speeches, Mr. MacAr- some degree.” sion of the Republican health care serve to be able to tell me what
would erode one of the most popu- about what would happen if he thur recounted the profound ef- But his attempts to paint him- plan, irked many of his fellow they think.”



A supervisor monitoring a bucket of molten steel at the Nucor Steel plant. The steel will be rolled and dunked into a broth of zinc.

Steel Cheers a ‘Perfect Administration’

ton of steel required about 10 human-hours of
From Page A1 work. Now the Huger plant can make that same
noting that “imports and inventories are down.” ton from recycled material in 0.4 human-hours,
Through the years, American producers’ said Mr. Daughtridge, who has worked for Nucor
main grievance has been that China treats its for 33 years.
highly subsidized steel industry as a giant gov- The jobs that do exist are coveted. Workers
ernment jobs programs. The plants are paid to stay one, two and three decades with the com-
churn out steel — regardless of demand. The re- pany while encouraging family and friends to join
sult is excess capacity, some of which China tries them.
to ease by selling steel on the world market at There is no union at Nucor, not in this anti-
Groupon-like discount prices. union state or any other where the Charlotte-
Last month, Mr. Trump reaffirmed his resolve based manufacturer has a plant. But good bene-
to crack down on dumping and investigate fits and pay-for-performance bonuses that have
whether foreign-made steel endangered United raised the average salary to $80,000 in a good
States security. He also championed the use of do- year inspire loyalty. (Nucor did not release spe-
mestic steel, promising to pursue an infrastruc- cific information about the wage scale.)
ture plan under which “new ships, bridges, tun- In lean times, pay can fall by a third, but the
nels and airplanes will be constructed with Amer- job remains. A no-layoff tradition, even during the
ican hands, American steel and, yes, American Great Recession, means Nucor can keep trained
tools.” workers who are ready to stoke up when demand
Mr. Trump’s attention to trade and manufac- picks up.
turing — which helped him gain the White House That approach has enabled company workers
— means more here than any of the stumbles and in Berkeley and elsewhere to hold on to a prize
missteps that feed late-night television comics. At that has slipped away from millions of blue-collar
this Berkeley County mill, neither the administra- employees throughout America: a middle-class
Chris St. Amand, left, overseeing the galvanization process under the watchful tion’s backtracking on a promise to use Ameri- lifestyle that is both stable and secure.
gaze of his boss. Mr. St. Amand said he also kept an eye on Nucor’s stock price. can-made steel in the Keystone XL Pipeline nor Yet if Nucor’s strategy is admired by many,
its messy battles with congressional Republicans few other corporations mimic it, often because of
and low approval ratings have damped optimism relentless pressure from Wall Street to whittle
about the president or his agenda. down labor costs in order to post bigger earnings.
“My confidence hasn’t been shaken at all,” When the recession hit in 2008, “the board of
said Mr. St. Amand, 37, who moved from Ken- directors thought we had lost our minds” for not
tucky 16 years ago to take an entry-level job at Nu- cutting staff, Mr. Daughtridge said. “But we
cor as a packager. “Trump is good for business,” spend a lot of time, money and effort hiring and
he said, repeating a sentiment expressed by 20
other employees interviewed — including a hand-
ful who voted for his opponent. (Mr. Trump won
56 percent of the county’s votes, to Hillary Clin-
ton’s 39 percent.)
Jeffrey Goude, 29, nicknamed Strawberry for
the curly red beard and hair that peeks out of his
green hard hat, agreed. “All of them get criticism,”
he said of politicians. “Trump is No. 1 for this in-
dustry. He’s trying to make America great again.”
That phrase not only echoes Mr. Trump’s
campaign slogan, but also the title of a 2015 book
by Nucor’s former chief executive, Dan DiMicco,
who was a senior economic adviser during the
campaign and a member of the president’s trade
transition team. In the book, “American Made:
Why Making Things Will Return Us to Great- training,” he explained, detailing a process that
ness,” Mr. DiMicco argues that trade policies and takes 12 to 18 months, includes strict alcohol and
the reluctance to impose punishing tariffs have drug testing, and involves as many as seven in-
cost the United States millions of manufacturing terviews and vetting by a psychologist. Keeping
jobs. those workers saves money in the long run, he
At the finish mill, above, rollers flatten long sheets of hot steel, right. Nucor With more than 200 facilities and $16 billion in said: “We have the highest wages and the lowest
uses electric arc furnaces to recycle steel instead of making it from scratch. sales last year, Nucor is well positioned to take cost per ton.”
advantage of an upswing in domestic demand. Business cycles are familiar to longtime
The company uses advanced technology to turn employees. “The steel industry always had its
scrap metal into skyscraper-worthy support ups and downs,” said Nina Jones, 62, a 19-year
beams, paper-thin water heater linings and deli- veteran at the plant who inspects the shiny zinc-
cate sheets that can be molded into Christmas or- coated steel after it hardens. Ms. Jones, who
naments and fishing lures. wears gray-and-blue Kevlar gloves and steel-
“We’re very flexible,” said Giff Daughtridge, toed boots that had to be specially ordered in a
the Huger plant’s general manager and vice pres- small size for her, said that her father worked in
ident. “We can take cold scrap and turn it into the industry and her brother works the same shift
product very quickly.” schedule at Nucor that she does. The ceaseless
The fiery showers of orange sparks, mam- and conflicting reports coming out of Washing-
moth tipping buckets and pounding rollers are ton, more than 500 miles away, have left her
roaring round the clock here, staffed by four ro- weary of politics, but cautiously optimistic about
tating teams that work 12-hour shifts. the industry’s prospects.
“It’s hot; it’s dirty. It’s hard work,” said Leigh “I want to stay positive and hope manufactur-
Kemp, 48, who switched from an office job to the ing will come back,” she said. “I’m waiting and
plant floor tending a ladle metallurgy furnace two seeing.”
decades ago. “But you make good money.” Certainly, the type of divisions over budget
The plant employs 940 workers, yet most of deficits and program cuts that have shadowed the
the acreage is occupied by highly automated ma- Republicans’ health care bill could also interfere
chinery rather than people. with policies the steel industry is counting on —
If trade policies have eaten away at steel in- corporate tax cuts, tougher enforcement of trade
dustry jobs, so have technological advances like rules and an expensive infrastructure bill. At the
Nucor’s electric arc furnaces, which recycle exist- same time, uncertainty about the future may slow
ing iron and steel instead of making it from overall growth.
scratch. The old-style blast-furnace steel plants Still, for all the contention that has dogged Mr.
that resembled volcanic Mordor from “The Lord Trump since the election, Mr. Daughtridge said
of the Rings” and employed legions of that none of the suppliers and workers that he
boilermakers, electricians, steamfitters and more regularly spoke with were having second
Preparing a roll of steel for shipment to a customer. Workers at the Nucor plant are on the decline in the United States. thoughts about voting for him. “I don’t hear any
earn an average of $80,000, including performance bonuses, in a good year. In the 1980s, for example, making a finished buyer’s remorse from them,” he said.


Puerto Rico Crisis Claims

Camila Rivera during a
math class at a school in
Bayamón, P.R. Her school
will absorb about 190 stu-

A New Casualty: Schools dents as part of a cost-

saving consolidation.

empowering local officials to be cars.

From Page A1 accountable for what happens at Ms. Keleher said some schools earn about $21,000 a year and
But for parents like Ms. their schools. did remain open for reasons just whose salaries have been frozen
Hernández, the cuts feel both cat- She has covered her office’s like those, including avoiding long since 2008, would not get raises
astrophic and capricious. long conference room table with commutes for children in rural ar- for 13 years, he said.
“She closed this school without spreadsheets. She whipped out a eas. The list of closings dropped
“Our biggest preoccupation is
visiting it!” Ms. Hernández said, tablet with pie charts and bus by five just since Friday.
that all of this will be in the hands
explaining the parents’ decision to routes as she laid out the possibili- “There is no sense in getting
of a judge, named by the Supreme
park themselves at the school’s ties she said would be opened mad: Schools will have to close,”
Court of the United States, and we
front gates to prevent teachers, when waste is eliminated. (She Ms. Díaz said. “There are schools
don’t know if she’s going to take
students or the principal from go- wrote her doctoral dissertation on that really are so obsolete, with
good ones next to it with empty cuts. Although Ms. Keleher has will not be renewed, he said. into account basic essentials of
ing inside. Her son, Javian, 10, data-driven decision-making.)
classrooms.” vowed “not to fire anybody,” at Responding to the board’s de- safety, health and education,” Mr.
missed class all week. She said schools built for 800
Emilio Nieves Torres, who least 5,000 teachers work on year- mands, the government pre- Nieves said. “Right now, that
By “she,” Ms. Hernández was students had just 300 enrolled.
heads a different teachers’ union, to-year contracts, and in order for sented a fiscal plan that would board has proposed cutting school
referring to Julia Keleher, the The district was still paying for
said government officials were the consolidation to result in real freeze teacher salaries until 2021 two days a month. That’s a month
water and power for abandoned
Washington-based consultant of classes. That impacts educa-
school buildings. There are misleading the public about the savings, thousands of contracts — meaning that teachers, who
who was recently named secre- tion.”
teacher shortages in some schools
tary of education in Puerto Rico. On Friday, Chief Justice John G.
and surpluses in others. School fa-
Ms. Keleher took control of the Roberts Jr. tapped Judge Laura
cilities are rotting and infested
school system in January, a few Taylor Swain, of the United States
with rats.
months after Puerto Rico’s affairs District Court for the Southern
If two $1 million schools merge,
were taken over by a governing District of New York, to preside
Ms. Keleher said, the new $2 mil-
board in New York. over Puerto Rico’s filing for a form
lion school can afford computer
The oversight board has labs that twice as many students of bankruptcy relief from its many
warned that the government must could use. creditors.
save up to $40 million a month, “It has been a nearly impossible For now, the savings is just $7
suggesting that about 300 schools conversation,” she said. “This is million in water and power bills.
close and that teachers be fur- not about closing schools. This is But Ms. Keleher acknowledged
loughed two days a month. about creating these kinds of op- that many teacher contracts will
As a former federal education portunities with this savings in not be renewed, and more cost
official with experience in Detroit budget.” savings will come when others
and Washington, Ms. Keleher Aida Díaz, the president of a quit in frustration.
said, the concept of receivership is teachers’ union, says that while “You’ll see a natural attrition
not foreign to her. everyone recognizes some with the kinds of changes we’re
“We have to close schools,” Ms. schools are in deplorable condi- going to make,” she said. “I think
Keleher said in an interview on tion and others are underutilized, people who are close to retirement
Monday. “We are going to close Ms. Keleher’s data-driven ap- will look at changes and say: ‘Do I
schools.” proach fails to consider nuances. want to do this? I’m not in my
The plan Ms. Keleher an- Looking at the list of closings, school anymore.’ Maybe they will
nounced is less draconian than the she noted that two schools whose choose to do something else.”
one the fiscal board had sug- communities were longtime rivals Ms. Keleher has a six-month
gested. She insists that the con- were being merged. Another contract for what she estimates to
solidation — which many princi- school populated mostly by chil- be an eight-year task.
pals learned of as she announced dren who live in public housing “Everybody wanted something
it on television — is not just about was being merged with a school 10 to change about public education
saving money, but also about im- minutes away by highway — but it in Puerto Rico,” she said, “up until
proving student performance and is unlikely that their parents have Parents, teachers and students protest at a school scheduled to close in Aguas Buenas, P.R. we knocked on their door.”

A Malformation in the Brain Is Linked to Bacteria in the Gut, Scientists Say

By GINA KOLATA The findings do not point to a brain M.R.I. for something unre- by injecting a drug into the the brain defect. old daughter died from a sudden
Researchers have traced the cure, but they do suggest a way to lated, like a blow to the head. abdomens of the mice. Sometimes Replacing their microbiomes brain hemorrhage.
cause of a baffling brain disorder prevent these brain defects in chil- Some experience a symptom, a mouse would get an infection with different bacteria — as is Her older son does not carry the
to a surprising source: a particu- dren who inherit a mutated gene like a seizure, because the bubble that would lead to an abscess, and done in humans with fecal trans- gene, but the younger one, Joel,
lar type of bacteria living in the that can cause them. is leaking blood, or a stroke be- bacteria leaked from the gut into plants — prevented the brain dis- now 15, does. He has had seizures,
gut. Researchers warned, though, cause it bursts. (An aneurysm is the blood. ease from recurring. But the re- and three years ago he underwent
Scientists increasingly suspect that it is too soon to say whether similar, but it forms in an artery.) In the new building, only those searchers could not eliminate brain surgery to remove a blood-
that the body’s vast community of the potential treatment — antibi- The only treatment is surgery, mice still developed the brain de- malformations that had already filled bubble in a vein in the frontal
otics, followed by a fecal trans- assuming the malformation is in fect. The other gene-deleted mice formed. lobe.
bacteria — the microbiome —
plant — will work. an accessible area of the brain. did not. Dr. Kahn was thrilled with the Mrs. Gallegos has at least three
may play a role in the develop-
“Caution, caution, caution,” Up to 20 percent of patients “When it happens three or four discovery but worried about its brain malformations. So far, her
ment of a wide variety of diseases,
urged Dr. Mark Ginsberg, a pro- have a family history of this brain times, you realize this isn’t applicability. “We wanted to make only symptom has been occa-
from obesity to perhaps even au-
fessor of medicine at the Univer- defect, and in them the disease is chance,” Dr. Kahn said. sure this is not just some crazy sional headaches, but she knows
sity of California, San Diego, who much more aggressive. He and his colleagues finally mouse phenomenon and that it that at any moment one of the
The new study, published on identified the culprit: Gram-nega- has relevance to human disease,” bubbles could burst and cause a
Wednesday in Nature, is among was not involved in the new study. They may have a few of these
tive bacteria, named for the way he said. stroke.
the first to suggest convincingly Still, he added, “The findings malformations — or thousands.
they stain, that carry a molecule in The mutation causing the brain “It’s very hard to live with this,”
that these bacteria may initiate are very convincing.” Even babies can have strokes
their cell walls, a lipopolysaccha- defect is carried by a large His- she said.
disease in seemingly unrelated or- When Dr. Mark Kahn, professor when the blood-filled bubbles
ride. Without a functioning gene, panic population in New Mexico. If the research holds up, Dr.
gans, and in completely unexpect- of cardiovascular medicine at the burst. the lipopolysaccharide can signal But while some have hundreds of Kahn said, it may one day be pos-
ed ways. University of Pennsylvania’s Per- Three genes have been linked to veins in the brain to form blood blood-filled bubbles in their sible to prevent the development
Researchers “need to be think- elman School of Medicine, began the disorder, and Dr. Kahn and his bubbles. brains, others living elsewhere in of the malformations in suscepti-
ing more broadly about the indi- this work, the microbiome was the colleagues tried to figure out what In the old lab, mice without the the state are perfectly fine. ble newborns by manipulating
rect role of the microbiome” in in- last thing on his mind. these mutations really do. The sci- gene carried enough Gram-nega- Dr. Kahn contacted researchers their microbiome — perhaps with
fluencing even diseases that have Dr. Kahn and his colleagues entists were able to mimic the con- tive bacteria to set off the disease. who study this group and with a simple fecal transplant.
no obvious link to the gut, said Dr. studied cerebral cavernous mal- dition in mice by deleting a gene But in the new building, the mice their help is obtaining fecal sam- The form of the disease that
David Relman, professor of micro- formations as part of a larger ef- that is mutated in many patients. were not exposed to the bacteria ples from them. He and his col- strikes most patients is “spo-
biology and immunology at Stan- fort to understand the develop- A year ago, the scientists in sufficient amounts. leagues have begun to examine radic,” meaning they have not in-
ford. ment and function of blood ves- moved to a new building, and Only those that developed ab- the samples for Gram-negative herited a mutated gene. Usually
The researchers studied heredi- sels. something unexpected happened. scesses, which let large numbers bacteria. they have just one malformed
tary cerebral cavernous malfor- These brain defects occur in as The experimental mice stopped of Gram-negative bacteria leak The families were all too happy vein in their brain.
mations — blood-filled bubbles many as one in 100 people, most of developing the brain malforma- into their blood, developed the to help. Sandra Gallegos, a 49- It is not impossible that fecal
that protrude from veins in the whom have no known genetic ab- tions. brain defect. And antibiotics that year-old customer service agent transplants might help them, too,
brain and can leak blood or burst normality. Most learn they have Dr. Kahn’s student, Alan T. kill these common bacteria com- in Santa Fe, discovered she had Dr. Ginsberg said. “It should be
at any time. the condition when they have a Tang, had been deleting the gene pletely protected the mice from the mutated gene after her 9-year- looked at.”
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017 A21


Some Spirits Sink Over de Blasio’s ‘3-K for All’ Plan

operate only when school is in session. year-olds. She said she loved it. Still,
An effort to expand Then there are early education centers three years later, when Ms. Martinez had
that specifically serve low-income fam- an opportunity to teach kindergarten in a
preschool to 3-year-olds ilies through the city’s EarlyLearn pro- city school, she jumped at it. It was partly
draws diverse concerns. gram. They mostly take children be- the salary difference, which she said was
tween the ages of 2 and 4, and, because close to $30,000. But it was also the op-
they are intended to provide child care to portunity to spend summer and other
By KATE TAYLOR working parents, are open eight to 10 school vacations with her son, now 5.
James Matison runs five Brooklyn hours a day and don’t close during school “I worked all year-round with just 15
preschools for low-income children that holidays. The program is free to the poor- days of vacation,” Ms. Martinez said of
get most of their money from New York est families; others pay sliding-scale her job at the Brooklyn Kindergarten So-
City. But when he heard that Mayor Bill rates based on their incomes. Mr. Mati- ciety. “I wouldn’t go back to where I have
de Blasio was about to announce a plan son’s organization, the Brooklyn Kinder- less time with my personal family.”
to offer free preschool to every 3-year- garten Society, is an EarlyLearn Ana Aguirre, the executive director of
old in the city, his response was not en- provider. United Community Centers, which runs
thusiasm, but concern. Prekindergarten teachers in city a center serving 114 children in East New
“No one who runs a community-based schools or in centers directly run by the York, Brooklyn, said that having such
organization has said, ‘Oh, that’s great Education Department belong to the frequent vacancies inevitably took a toll
news,’” Mr. Matison said of the initiative, United Federation of Teachers union. on her program’s quality.
which Mr. de Blasio labeled “3-K for All” They earn salaries that start at $54,000 “Your energy is constantly in replac-
when he announced it at a news confer- and max out, after 22 years, at $113,372. ing certified teachers,” she said.
ence in the Bronx last month. Lydia Guerrero-Barlow reading to 3-year-olds in an EarlyLearn Those who teach in EarlyLearn pro- Some early childhood center directors
For Mr. Matison, the executive direc- class at Union Settlement, a provider of early education in East grams belong to a different union, Dis- were also upset that they had not been
tor of the nonprofit Brooklyn Kindergar- Harlem. In the class, top, pupils learned about animals last week. trict Council 1707. These teachers went consulted about the program, or even no-
ten Society, the issue is teachers. without a raise for nine years, until a new tified that its announcement was coming
Since the mayor created 13,000 seats has no realistic plan to achieve. “I respect the mayor and his plan, but I contract was signed last fall. Under the before the morning of Mr. de Blasio’s
for 4-year-olds in public schools and city- In addition to hiring staff, the expan- would say that we have a lot of work to do new contract, the salaries of certified news conference.
run prekindergarten centers, Mr. Mati- sion to 3-year-olds would require hun- statewide first,” State Assemblyman teachers in EarlyLearn programs start Josh Wallack, a deputy chancellor for
son has seen more than half of his lead dreds of classrooms, including some in Kenneth P. Zebrowski, a Democrat from at $40,456 and top out at $51,700. strategy and policy at the city’s Educa-
teachers leave. The city’s Education De- the most crowded — and expensive — Rockland County, said in an interview. David Nocenti, the executive director tion Department, said that the depart-
partment offers higher salaries than he parts of the city. He noted that Rockland County had of Union Settlement, which serves ment had helped early childhood centers
can, in some cases tens of thousands of Most critical, to actually make the pro- enough prekindergarten seats to serve roughly 400 children through Ear- with recruitment and professional devel-
dollars more, and summers off, while his gram universal, Mr. de Blasio needs to only about half of its 4-year-olds. lyLearn in seven centers in East Harlem, opment and would continue to do so.
program operates year-round. secure $700 million in state and federal Freddi Goldstein, a spokeswoman for said that of 29 classrooms, he currently “We recognize that there are chal-
Mr. de Blasio said his new initiative funding. On its own, the administration Mr. de Blasio, said that while there were had five vacancies for certified teachers lenges with an implementation like this,
would build off the success of his univer- has said, the city can fund the program in hurdles, “The science is clear that the as well as one vacancy for a center direc- but we’ve done it before with pre-K, and
sal prekindergarten program for 4-year- only eight of its 32 school districts. It is earlier we reach our youngest children, tor. He said that the previous center di- we are going to collaborate with all the
olds, which has enrolled almost 70,000 starting with a pilot program this fall in the better chance they have to succeed rector had left to earn a higher salary providers to get this done,” Mr. Wallack
children. He also said it would require just two districts, in the South Bronx and later in life.” teaching in the Education Department, said. “They’re essential partners here.”
hiring 4,500 more teachers, leaving Mr. the Brownsville neighborhood in Brook- She added that there were “still impor- as had most of the teachers he was look- Some early childhood education advo-
Matison worried that he could lose even lyn. tant program development discussions ing to replace. cates who support the mayor’s “3-K for
more staff members. Some state legislators have said that to be had, but the mayor refuses to wait.” “Unless the mayor’s proposal includes All” initiative agreed that the salary gap
“It is really a frightening prospect,” he they are not prepared to pay for pre- New York City’s publicly financed funding to eliminate the disparate treat- was a serious issue, but said they ex-
said. school for 3-year-olds in New York City early education system is complex and ment of nonprofit teaching staff, all of us pected that the expansion would create
In the weeks since the mayor revealed until there is free prekindergarten for all fragmented. Mr. de Blasio’s universal will lose the teachers that we currently pressure to resolve it.
his proposal, questions about whether 4-year-olds in the rest of the state. Cur- prekindergarten program is free and have,” Mr. Nocenti said, “and the entire “In my view,” said Jennifer March, the
the new program can succeed have been rently, according to the State Education serves all 4-year-olds, regardless of fam- structure’s going to collapse, period.” executive director of the nonprofit Citi-
raised by preschool providers, state leg- Department, roughly a third of New ily income, in schools and community- Shariffa Martinez, 40, went to work for zens’ Committee for Children of New
islators and critics who say he is setting a York’s 4-year-olds do not have access to based organizations. These programs the Brooklyn Kindergarten Society in York, “it’s a real opportunity to tackle all
lofty and politically popular goal that he public prekindergarten. run six hours and 20 minutes daily and 2011 teaching 2-year-olds and then 4- those challenging problems.”

Surge Pricing for Migrants Heading North Ends in Penalty for a Taxi Owner
By LIZ ROBBINS state $2,500. He must also post fares in Not only do cabs line up at the Platts- how much the ride would cost only after
the two taxis he operates, cannot charge burgh bus station waiting for arrivals, he they were en route to Roxham Road. He
For the last several months, the route
north has been marked by desperation. more than 10 times the Plattsburgh maxi- The state cracks down on said, but he also had four clients tell him said it was $200. She paid him $180 in
Migrants lacking legal status in the mum fare, $7.50, and must call the attor-
ney general’s office each time he picks up
those taking advantage of they were charged $1,000 by a taxi com-
pany to be driven directly from New
cash — he did not seem to notice the dis-
crepancy — and then he drove hastily
United States have been fleeing to Cana-
da by taking buses to Plattsburgh, N.Y., a passenger headed for Roxham Road. illegal immigrants. York City to the now well-known location
on Roxham Road, which becomes
and then hailing taxis to a country road “This case sends a strong message: One time he charged $300 to take three
We won’t hesitate to protect our most Chemin Roxham on the northern side of passengers, and on another occasion,
that dead-ends in an unofficial border
vulnerable neighbors, in Plattsburgh, or the border. $200 for a family of five, case records
crossing. number posted on his car, Mr. Crowning-
New York City, or anywhere else around “It’s criminal to put people in that situ- showed.
It is a 25-mile cab ride to a new life, for shield, 48, hung up the phone.
New York,” Mr. Schneiderman said in an ation,” Mr. Handfield said. “I know peo- Northern Taxi made $15,000 in the first
which the going rate is $50 to $75. But Glen Michaels, an assistant attorney
email. ple who try to come to Canada, they fear three months of this year, compared with
one cabdriver was keeping the meter off general based in Plattsburgh, said Mr. for their life and they don’t want to go
and charging $100 to $300 in cash, de- Two other companies, C & L Taxi, and Crowningshield had complied with the $7,000 in the last half of 2016, Mr. Crown-
back to their country of citizenship, and
pending on his mood. And his pas- Town Taxi and Medical Transport, in- order by posting fare sheets in his taxis. ingshield’s first several months in busi-
people will profit off their misfortune.”
sengers were not in a position to com- curred lesser fines and were told to post Mr. Michaels said he was told a check ness, according to the court papers.
Since January, the flow of migrants
plain. fares. was forthcoming. In interviews in February, when he
has nearly tripled across the Quebec bor-
But after a two-month investigation Mr. Schneiderman has been forceful The civil order, obtained in New York der, according to the Canada Border told a reporter for The New York Times
into the price-gouging practices of sev- about cracking down on those seeking to State Supreme Court last week, may Services Agency. In January, the Royal his last name was Crowningshiele, Mr.
eral taxi companies ferrying passengers take advantage of undocumented immi- have targeted what Mr. Michaels said Canadian Mounted Police recorded 245 Crowningshield said that he charged
to the border in Champlain, N.Y., the New grants, whether in New York City or the was the most egregious offender, but he interceptions. In March, the number “around $75” — sometimes more or
York State attorney general, Eric T. northeastern tip of the state. said the investigation would continue. jumped to 644. April figures have not yet sometimes less, he said — though it “de-
Schneiderman, announced on Wednes- “It’s no surprise that a frightened Across the border in Montreal, an im- been released. pends on how many people” were in the
day that he had obtained a court order refugee family might pay an exorbitant migration lawyer, Stéphane Handfield, On March 21, Mr. Crowningshield car and also where he picked them up.
against Christopher Ray Crowning- fare to get to the border — but that does- applauded the steps by New York State, picked up an undercover investigator for But he admitted it was a lucrative busi-
shield, the owner and operator of North- n’t make it legal, and we will continue to but he was skeptical it would be effective the attorney general’s office in Platts- ness to shuttle migrants to the border,
ern Taxi. crack down on those looking to take ad- in cracking down on what he viewed as a burgh. rather than just take locals around
Mr. Crowningshield had to pay the vantage of fear for financial gain,” he widespread practice. According to an affidavit, despite be- Plattsburgh.
said. “I don’t think it’s only one cabdriver ing asked the fare several times, Mr. “It’s better money, and it’s not a lot of
Rick Rojas contributed reporting. When reached for comment on the who does this,” he said. Crowningshield told the investigator wear and tear,” Mr. Crowningshield said.

Democrat Is Biggest Spender by Far in New Jersey Governor Race Kushners

As he muscled his way into the
at least $430,000. Those who qual-
ify receive $2 in public financing
for each dollar raised from private
who keeps bidding up the price,”
Mr. Wisniewski said, alluding to
Mr. Murphy.
pole position in the New Jersey
governor’s race, Philip D. Murphy, sources, with a limit of $6.4 million Mr. Murphy has invested a total
a Democrat, has consumed a hefty in expenditures for primary races, of $20 million into his political ef-
part of his campaign’s consider- and $13.8 million for the general forts, $15 million directly into his
able war chest, spending more
than $18 million, $16.6 million more
Mr. Murphy is the only candi-
date who has opted not to partici-
primary campaign and $5 million
on two nonprofit groups he
started. But that sum is still well
In Jersey City
than his nearest competitor, ac-
cording to financial disclosure re- pate in the program, so his fund- below the amount that Mr. Corzine By CHARLES V. BAGLI
ports released on Wednesday. raising figures reflected only what spent in 2005, when he poured
The Kushner real estate family,
Mr. Murphy’s latest report ce- he received in donations or lent to more than $43 million of his
whose scion Jared Kushner is
mented his status as the fund-rais- his campaign. The other candi- money into his campaign, accord-
President Trump’s son-in-law and
ing leader in the race. He took in dates reported a combination of ing to the New Jersey Election
close adviser, has run into more
more than $7.7 million in the first donations and matching funds. Law Enforcement Commission, a
turbulence in Jersey City, where it
reporting period of 2017, which Jim Johnson, a Democrat who state agency.
has placed a major bet on develop-
ended May 5, most of it in the form surprised some by becoming the Ms. Guadagno’s campaign, in a
of $5.5 million he lent his cam- first candidate to qualify for statement announcing its fund-
The Kushners have six projects
paign. In all, his campaign has matching funds, raised $1.9 mil- raising figures, also criticized Mr.
under development in Jersey City
raised more than $19 million, but lion in the first period, bringing his Murphy’s war chest and called for
— with square footage equivalent
he enters the final weeks before campaign’s total to $2.3 million. a spending cap for the general
to two Empire State Buildings —
the June 6 primaries with less Donations from outside New SETH WENIG/ASSOCIATED PRESS election.
the once blue-collar town that sits
than $1 million left. Jersey accounted for a large por- Philip D. Murphy, in Jersey City this month, has spent over “We challenge Phil Murphy or
a mile across the Hudson River
Among Republicans, Lt. Gov. tion the money raised by Mr. John- $18 million on his campaign to become New Jersey’s governor. whoever wins their primary to
from Manhattan.
Kim Guadagno raised $2.2 million son, a former Treasury undersec- agree to a spending cap so the
Now, after making the highest
in the period for her campaign, retary in the Clinton administra- race is focused on the issues New
tion. Excluding matching funds, or less to the campaign, but the Corzine, who was did not win re- Jerseyans care about most like af- offer last year for a 95-acre water-
which began in January, and had front parcel that would have been
Mr. Johnson raised about $153,000 majority of Mr. Murphy’s contri- election after one term and re- fordability and lower taxes,” Dave
$1.5 million on hand. Her main
in New Jersey, and about $626,000 butions have come from larger mains unpopular in the state. Mr. Huguenel, Ms. Guadagno’s cam- their seventh project, the
challenger, Assemblyman Jack M.
from out of state, $437,000 of it donors, including the candidate Murphy told The New York Times paign manager, said in a state- Kushners said they have dropped
Ciattarelli, raised nearly $1.3 mil-
from New York, including $1,000 himself. Of the roughly $19 million that comparing him to Mr. Corzine ment. out of the bidding for the site,
lion and had $461,051 left.
from Eliot Spitzer, the former gov- his campaign has raised, only was like saying “A-Rod and Jeter where a Honeywell factory once
The filings come as the cam- New Jersey and Virginia are the
ernor of New York. about $455,000 has come from do- were both Yankees.” only two states with governors’ stood.
paign approaches an important
Among the other Democrats in nations of $300 or less. Nonetheless, Mr. Corzine and races this year. Gov. Chris Kushner Companies, which is
moment. While news media atten-
the race, Assemblyman John S. Mr. Murphy, who announced his his wife each gave Mr. Murphy’s Christie, a Republican, is in his led by Jared’s father, Charles
tion and voter interest have been
somewhat low — nearly 60 per- Wisniewski raised $1.1 million, and candidacy last May, has had a long campaign $4,300. second term and is prohibited Kushner, had bid as much as $125
cent of voters say they “don’t State Senator Ray Lesniak, raised time to fill his coffers, which has Mr. Murphy’s rivals have cited from running again. million for the Honeywell site,
know enough” about the leading just over $500,000, with slightly given him a significant advantage his using his personal wealth for Given Mr. Christie’s unpopular- which had been contaminated by
candidates on either side — there more than half of it coming from but has also forced him to spend his campaign as evidence that he ity, the Democratic registration chromium, with plans to build
is less than a month left until the Mr. Lesniak himself. much more than his rivals. was behaving like Mr. Corzine. In edge in the state and a history of 3,000 apartments catered to
primary. For his part, Mr. Murphy re- A former banker at Goldman the first televised primary debate swings in political power at the Orthodox Jews who are being
New Jersey offers a matching ceived contributions from 5,030 Sachs, Mr. Murphy has tried to on Tuesday, Mr. Wisniewski derid- statehouse, many have looked to priced out of the Williamsburg
funds program for candidates donors during the filing period. distinguish himself from another ed the primary process as an “auc- whoever wins the Democratic pri- neighborhood in Brooklyn.
who initially raise more than His campaign said that 55 percent former Goldman Sachs banker tion.” mary as an early favorite to win Honeywell suspended the sale
$450,000 and commit to spending of those donors had pledged $100 and New Jersey governor, Jon S. “There’s only one candidate the general election on Nov. 7. last year to obtain environmental
approvals from the state and
expects to resume negotiations
later this year.

At New Jersey Rivals’ Debates, Parties Differ on Policy and in Tone “A decision was made late last
year not to pursue the project,”
James Yolles, a spokesman for the
By NICK CORASANITI Kushners said Wednesday,
GALLOWAY, N.J. — After “because the company was not
months of a campaign fought persuaded by the economics of
largely in town halls and mail- the deal.”
boxes and on scattered commer- The Kushners’ decision to drop
cial airwaves, the candidates for out of the bidding was first
governor of New Jersey met here reported by Bloomberg.
at Stockton University on Tues- But the mayor of Jersey City,
day for the first televised primary Steven Fulop, also cast a shadow
debates. And while the Republi- over an existing Kushner project:
can candidates sparred over tax the $820.8 million, twin-towered
policy and achievements, the complex known as One Journal
Democratic candidates found Square.
themselves largely in agreement. A joint venture of Kushner
Voters looking for a substantive Companies and KABR Group, the
debate about the many issues complex would entail 1,476
plaguing New Jersey — including apartments, shops and office
critically underfunded pension space. A third company, WeWork,
and school systems, record prop- which builds shared office spaces,
erty taxes and a transportation recently dropped out of the
network on the brink of failure — project. Kushner Companies is
were treated largely to candidate negotiating to buy WeWork’s
indictments of Gov. Chris stake in the project, according to
Christie’s stewardship of the the group’s spokesman, Mr.
state. Yolles.
In a Democratic debate that
was more peaceful than acrid, the
candidates transitioned from
making biting opening state- A real estate company
ments to standing in unison in
support of legalizing marijuana, backs out of bidding
supporting alternative energy
sources such as wind turbines, for a planned
paying for the entire school fund-
ing formula, investing in the
residential project.
state’s failing infrastructure and
countering President Trump.
Mr. Fulop announced Sunday
ments in the Democratic debate State Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli and Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno after facing off Tuesday at Stockton University in New Jersey. on social media that the city would
came as Phil Murphy, a former not support Kushner’s recent
Goldman Sachs executive and application for additional
ambassador to Germany who is Republicans seeking The fourth Democratic candi-
date, Raymond J. Lesniak, a state
Ms. Guadagno, the lieutenant
governor and the other Republi-
residents with excessive property
taxes in proportion to their in- subsidies, including tens of
leading comfortably in early millions of dollars in property tax
polling, offered his proposal of a to be governor spar, senator of about 40 years, pointed
to his extensive experience in
can candidate at the debate, found come, although she never offered
a detailed explanation of the plan. breaks over 30 years and $40
herself in the delicate dance she
public bank, run by the state, as a
method to combat unemploy-
but Democrats find Trenton — particularly fighting has performed for most of her “I’ve presented a circuit million in city bonds.
The development had already
for environmental legislation — nascent campaign: embracing the breaker plan that will help those
John Wisniewski, a state as-
common ground. and his frequent battles with Mr. few successes of her tenure with who are in need of making pay- obtained state approval for more
Christie. Mr. Christie at the helm while fre- ments for their property taxes than $90 million in tax credits for
semblyman, countered: “A state the 10-story base of the complex
bank for New Jersey would be a “On Monday there’s another quently pointing out where she now,” she said, “not in two or three
years when Jack tries to get his and one of the two towers. With
disaster. If Mr. Murphy wants to demnation of the “political ma- deal I’m going to stop,” Senator disagreed with the governor. She
school funding formula through the loss of WeWork, that number
create a state bank, maybe he chine” that had thrown its early Lesniak said, asserting that he said that she was “not a climate
the legislature.” has been cut to $34 million.
should go back to Wall Street.” support behind Mr. Murphy and was going to put a “temporary re- denier” and that the current Re-
But speaking with the rapid, Last week, the city
Jim Johnson, a former under- would portray him as an out-of- straining order” on the governor’s publican plan in Congress to re-
metronomic clip of a candidate provisionally rejected the
secretary of the United States touch banker. But the early ani- proposed $300 million renovation peal the Affordable Care Act was a
armed with an arsenal of prac- developers’ request for additional
Treasury, said, “We cannot adopt mosity largely faded. of the State House. “disaster.” But she also said she
ticed responses, Mr. Ciattarelli subsidies because the
Wall Street gimmicks to address Mr. Murphy weathered the at- On the Republican side, Jack opposed the gas tax.
components of the complex have
Main Street problems.” tacks, claiming support from Sen- Ciattarelli, a state assemblymen, The two Republican candidates was relentless as he attacked Ms.
changed over time and the total
In his opening statement, Mr. ator Bernie Sanders of Vermont kicked off the debate with a blunt repeatedly sparred over taxes. Guadagno. He said she refused to
subsidy package would have
Johnson had repeatedly framed for a public bank. Perhaps aware warning, and harsher blame. Ms. Guadagno tried to frame Mr. address issues “with any specifici-
exceeded anything the city has
Mr. Murphy’s experience through of the coming Goldman refer- “We’re on the brink, and you all Ciattarelli’s plan to solve the prop- ty” and called her circuit breaker
given other projects in that
the lens of Goldman Sachs, an in- ences, he introduced his family know the crisis: They ruined our erty tax crisis with a reorganiza- plan “irresponsible,” her position
neighborhood. The plans, to be
vestment bank frequently vilified story as one of the “working poor.” economy and punished New tion of the school funding formula against the gas tax “hypocritical”
built in two phases, now call for
by progressives. Several of the questions fo- Jerseyans every single day,” Mr. as a potential tax. “I have never and her pledge to never support a
more apartments and less office
At the outset, it appeared that cused on the environment, and Ciattarelli said, adding: “Kim seen a job that was created with a tax increase as “pandering of the
space than originally proposed.
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Wisniewski, Mr. Murphy emphasized that he Guadagno and the Christie ad- tax,” she said. worst kind.”
“Our current proposal for One
trying to chip away at Mr. Mur- had a plan “that envisions a 100 ministration had seven-plus years She offered instead her “circuit Mr. Ciattarelli even looked to Journal Square would provide
phy’s polling lead, would frame percent clean energy economy by to fix New Jersey. They just breaker” program, which would the moderator at one point, alert- 4,000 sorely needed union jobs
their arguments as a con- the year 2050.” haven’t been able to get it done.” provide a direct tax credit to ing her when he saw that Ms. and $180 million in tax revenue for
Guadagno had gone over her al- Jersey City over the next 30
lotted time as she was answering years,” Mr. Yolles said. He said
Corrections a question about marijuana legis- that the developers had changed
lation. the project to focus more on
“Thank you for reminding me residential and retail based on the
FRONT PAGE port the preservation of the Col- about the time, Jack,” the market.
An article on Wednesday about orado River referred incorrectly moderator said. Jared Kushner was chief
President Trump’s dismissal of at one point to the Rev. Helia Mar- The debate came at a pivotal executive of Kushner Companies
James B. Comey as director of the tinez, who explained how the area time in the race to succeed Mr. until he joined the White House in
Federal Bureau of Investigation was dependent on the water. Rev. Christie, a Republican whose January. But last weekend, his
misstated Mr. Comey’s tenure in Martinez is a woman. historically low approval ratings sister Nicole Meyer alluded to the
that position. He was in his fourth indicate an electorate anxious for family’s ties to the Trump
year when he was fired, not in his a change. administration when she pitched
third. The error was repeated in Yet no candidate has been able the Journal Square project to
an accompanying picture caption. An article on Tuesday about the to break through and excite prospective investors in China.
The error was also repeated on Synchrotron-light for Ex- voters: A Quinnipiac poll last Kushner and KABR recently
Wednesday in an article about the perimental Science and Applica- month found that 57 percent of eliminated some of the office
historical context of the dismissal. tions in the Middle East, or Sesa- state residents remained undecid- space, which had garnered the
me, project erroneously included ed. state tax breaks, and expanded
one country on a list of those par- Participants in the debate were
NATIONAL the number of apartments. Those
ticipating as members. While determined by the New Jersey changes will have to be approved
Because of an editing error, an Bahrain was involved in the Election Law Enforcement Com- by the city planning board,
article on April 17 about Hispanic project initially, it is not currently mission, which sponsors the de- according to city officials,
clergy in the Southwest who sup- a member. bates. although Kushner disputes the
Candidates qualifying for the necessity of that step.
Report an Error: may reach the public editor at state’s matching funds program, The Kushners opened Trump or call or (212) 556- which is available to any cam- Bay Street, a 53-story residential
1-844-NYT-NEWS 7646. paign that has raised at least tower, in Jersey City last year.
(1-844-698-6397). $430,000, are required to take part They have two commercial
Newspaper Delivery: in the debate. Mr. Murphy, who projects in the planning stages
Editorials: or call has opted out of the matching and a third residential tower in
Public Editor: Readers concerned 1-800-NYTIMES (1-800-698-4637). funds program, agreed to partici- Journal Square, which would rise
about issues of journalistic integrity pate. 72 stories with 741 units.

Council Speaker Calls for Resignation of New York City’s Jails Commissioner
By J. DAVID GOODMAN ing eavesdropping on calls be- in Mr. Ponte’s case, frequent trips subordinates. Mr. Kuczinski, who they did not read the report. smooth. The rate of violence
Melissa Mark-Viverito, the New tween city corruption investiga- to Maine, where he had a home. was also found to have used his “I’d have expected that the re- among inmates on the island has
York City Council speaker and a tors and inmate informants. The commissioner spent 90 days city vehicle for personal business, port would have been read by been rising, with an increase in
vocal advocate of closing the jail “I believe that Commissioner out of New York City last year, the was removed from his position now,” Ms. Mark-Viverito said. stabbings and slashings, accord-
complex on Rikers Island, on Ponte should not be leading the investigators found, and he and placed on modified duty on Mr. de Blasio has backed the ing to the mayor’s preliminary
Department of Correction,” Ms. charged the city for $1,800 in gas Monday. closing of Rikers Island but has management report.
Wednesday called for the resigna-
Mark-Viverito told reporters dur- and tolls during those trips. Two of Mr. de Blasio’s Republi- said that he and the commission “We respect Speaker Mark-
tion of the city’s Correction De-
ing an unrelated news conference. Mr. Ponte, during testimony to can challengers in this year’s differ on some of the details of how Viverito’s view,” said a spokes-
partment commissioner, Joseph
She cited “the fact that he’s out of the City Council on Monday, said mayoral election have also sug- to do so. woman for the mayor, Natalie
Ponte, citing a “lack of leadership
town during critical moments in he would repay the city; Mr. de gested that Mr. Ponte be fired. The mayor has defended Mr. Grybauskas. “The mayor and
and a lack of confidence” in him time when we really are dealing Blasio said city taxpayers would speaker have shared goals when it
In Ms. Mark-Viverito’s call for Ponte’s record in instituting re-
within the agency. with a very serious issue.” be “made whole” by those who Mr. Ponte to step down, she re- forms to end solitary confinement comes to reforming and
Her comments represented a The agency has been roiled in misused city resources. proached him and Mr. de Blasio for young inmates amid federal eventually closing Rikers Island.
sharp break with Mayor Bill de recent days by a report from the On the heels of that revelation, for not having read a lengthy re- oversight of the jail complex. “Ob- That’s our focus, and we appreci-
Blasio, who has defended Mr. city’s Department of Investiga- the Department of Investigation port, prepared by an independent viously he’s done a very good job,” ate the speaker’s dedicated and
Ponte amid two scandals, one in- tion that found that Mr. Ponte and said its investigators had been commission convened by the Mr. de Blasio said on Friday, citing important role in that process.”
volving the misuse of city-issued 20 other correction officials had spied on by the Correction De- Council last year, that proposed the declining population in the A spokeswoman for Mr. Ponte
vehicles by the commissioner and routinely misused their city vehi- partment’s head of internal af- shuttering the Rikers Island com- city’s jails. at the Correction Department re-
his top leadership and one involv- cles for personal trips including, fairs, Gregory Kuczinski, and his plex. Both have said publicly that But the transition has not been ferred questions to City Hall.

Construction Firms’ Owner

Charged in Laborer’s Death
By ALAN FEUER store to a five-story structure in-
The owner of two Brooklyn con- tended to house a shoe store and
struction companies was charged apartments, the indictment said.
with manslaughter on Wednesday Shortly before noon that day, a
because the authorities said he ig- wall of the adjacent building gave
nored complaints about a poorly way, sending a cascade of ma-
maintained retaining wall that sonry blocks and debris onto
collapsed at a work site in 2015, three of his workers. Mr. Vanegaz
killing an 18-year-old laborer and died; two others were injured.
injuring two others. The death came amid a surge in
The companies’ owner, Michael fatal construction accidents in
Weiss, 47, was also charged with New York, and Mr. Gonzalez said
criminally negligent homicide in that 33 workers had died in the
the death of the laborer, Fernando five boroughs since January 2015.
Vanegaz, an immigrant from Ec- That spate of deaths prompted a
uador. In an indictment issued in crackdown on shoddy builders
State Supreme Court in Brooklyn, both by local district attorneys’ of-
Mr. Weiss was further accused of fices and by the city’s Investiga-
reckless endangerment, assault, tion Department, which assisted
grand larceny, tax fraud and falsi- in the inquiry into Mr. Weiss.
fying business records. He could Mr. Weiss was not a licensed
face up to 15 years in prison if con- builder himself, Mr. Gonzalez
victed of the charges. said, and used the license of an un-
Mr. Weiss pleaded not guilty to named co-conspirator to get the
all the charges and was released project approved by the city. He
on bail. began working at the site in June
“Fernando Vanegaz should be 2015, the indictment said, and
alive today,” Eric Gonzalez, the hired seven workers with little or
acting Brooklyn district attorney, no training and without federal
said at a news conference an- safety certifications to conduct
nouncing the charges. “Construc- the demolition.
tion site deaths such as his are be- Throughout the project,
Scuba divers entering the Reservoir in Central Park on Wednesday as the police sought to make sure no other bodies were there. coming all too common as prosecutors said, several workers
builders ignore safety protocols complained to Mr. Weiss that the

2 Bodies Found This Week in Central Park Waters

and hire untrained workers to excavation was unsafe because
maximize profits.” Mr. Gonzalez the exposed walls of the adjacent
added, “We cannot allow this ro- building were unstable and, in one
bust housing market to come at case, cracked.
By BENJAMIN MUELLER Late Wednesday morning, the — about seven feet deep in the near East 88th Street. the cost of worker safety.” But Mr. Weiss ordered his work-
and EMILY PALMER New York Police Department’s Pond — for two weeks at the most. “I never thought for once that According to the indictment, on ers to perform the job anyhow, the
The bodies floated to the sur- chief of detectives, Robert K. The body discovered in the res- there was a body,” she said. Sept. 3, 2015, Mr. Weiss ordered indictment said, ignoring the
face on consecutive days, maca- Boyce, said investigators did not ervoir on Tuesday was so badly Margaret Berenson, a resident several employees of his compa- plans that he had filed with the
bre signposts of suffering amid believe a crime had been commit- decomposed that the police were of the Upper East Side, who loops nies, RSBY NY Builders Inc. and Buildings Department. On the day
the spring foliage in Central Park. ted in either man’s death. In nei- unable to get fingerprints, Chief the reservoir as part of her daily Park Ave Builders Inc., to conduct before the accident, the workers
Around noon on Tuesday, a park ther case was there any sign of Boyce said. The reservoir is an av- routine, said the discovery of the excavation in an area of a lot at had already dug more than six
worker spotted a man’s body, na- trauma on the body. erage of 37 feet deep and has a bodies was “a little unsettling.” 656 Myrtle Avenue where they feet below the foundation of the
“There’s no signs of criminality heavy current. The police said “I knew about the first body, but had not received permission from adjacent structure, prosecutors
ked and badly decomposed, in the
as of now to make this anything they believed the man was in his when you hear about a second city buildings officials to work. said, undermining its strength.
vast Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
other than coincidence,” Chief 20s or 30s and had been in the wa- body, that’s even more creepy,” Despite repeated requests from Then, on the day the wall col-
Reservoir near East 86th Street.
Boyce said of the two bodies. “But ter for at least one month. she said. “But I love the park. I’m his workers — and federal regula- lapsed, one worker asked Mr.
Around 7:20 a.m. on Wednesday,
it is unusual for the park.” Around noon on Wednesday, po- not giving it up.” tions requiring him to do so — Mr. Weiss for two-by-fours to shore
more than a mile south, a man’s
The city medical examiner’s of- lice officers set out a ladder on the Weiss did not provide materials to the wall up, but Mr. Weiss told his
body bobbed to the surface of the The police said they did not
fice on Wednesday did an autopsy railing around the reservoir, and a shore up an exposed wall of a team that it was working too
Pond, this one clothed only in track the number of bodies pulled
scuba team dove in. A senior offi- building adjacent to the site, slowly and ordered the workers to
pants and looking as though it had on the first body, but said no deter- from waters citywide, but in past
cer at the scene told reporters that which his companies were con- keep digging near the wall,
not been in the water as long. mination had been made regard- years officials have said roughly
the divers were making sure there verting from a one-story fruit prosecutors added.
Almost every year, the break in ing the cause and manner of were no other bodies under the half of those discovered were re-
weather at the beginning of spring death, pending further examina- surface. covered in spring months.
brings dead bodies to the surface tion and police inquiries. The body Marcella Sorg, a forensic an- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED PROJECTS AND ISSUANCE OF REVENUE
of New York’s rivers and harbor, recovered on Wednesday was ex- on foot patrol, and a family of thropologist at the University of THE DORMITORY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR GENERAL HUMAN
the disquieting result of speeding pected to be further examined on tourists decided to walk around Maine who examines decom- OUTREACH IN THE COMMUNITY INCORPORATED, HASC CENTER, INC., HUMAN CARE
decomposition in warm waters. Thursday. posed bodies for several medical SERVICES FOR FAMILIES & CHILDREN, INC., LIFE’S W.O.R.C., INC., NEW HORIZONS
But floaters, as the police call such The last floater found in Central the way to a museum Wednesday examiners in the region, said DISABILITIES SERVICES, INC., SUS – MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS, INC. AND
cases, are much rarer in Central Park, in September 2015, was a 27- morning. But even amid flashing warm waters allow bacteria to UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY OF NEW YORK CITY, INC.
Park. year-old man who the medical ex- lights and caution tape, routines grow in the gut or chest cavity, Public notice is hereby given that, at the time and place designated below, the Dormitory Authority of the State of
The discoveries this week drew aminer determined had drowned. continued. A man blew bubbles producing gases that make a body New York (“DASNY”) will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of giving interested persons an opportunity to be
heard on the projects described below and the proposed issuance by DASNY of its InterAgency Council Pooled
hordes of investigators, rattling Investigators found an ID on near the reservoir, and tour more buoyant. But if creatures Loan Program Revenue Bonds (the “Bonds”) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $27,260,000 in one or
some tourists and joggers in a the body recovered on Wednes- guides handed out bus passes. like lobsters or crabs start scav- more series or issues (from time to time) as part of a plan of financing pursuant to Section 147(f)(2)(C) of the Internal
Revenue Code. The public is invited to comment either in person or in writing with respect to the projects and the
park where crime is rare but day but did not release the man’s Gillian de Sève, a chef and long- enging, the gases can be released issuance of the Bonds.
where any signs of tragedy attract name. They believe that he was in time New Yorker, stopped to and a body might never come up, The proceeds of the Bonds are expected to be used to make separate loans to General Human Outreach in the
a lot of attention. his 30s and had been in the water watch the divers from the railing she said. Community Incorporated (“GHO”), HASC Center, Inc. (“HASC Center”), Human Care Services for Families & Chil-
dren, Inc. (“Human Care Services”), Life’s W.O.R.C., Inc. (“Life’s W.O.R.C.”), New Horizons Resources, Inc. (“New
Horizons”), Services for the UnderServed, Inc. (“SUS, Inc.”), SUS – Developmental Disabilities Services, Inc. (“SUS-
DDS”), SUS – Mental Health Programs, Inc. (“SUS-MHP”, and together with SUS, Inc. and SUS-DDS, “SUS”), and
United Cerebral Palsy of New York City, Inc. (“UCP-NYC”; and together with GHO, HASC Center, Human Care
Services, Life’s W.O.R.C., New Horizons and SUS, each, a “Participant”) and used to finance and/or refinance
certain existing taxable and tax-exempt indebtedness used to finance all or a portion of the cost of acquiring, con-
structing, renovating, repairing, equipping, purchasing or otherwise providing for the projects described below, in-
cluding the acquisition of land, as applicable, and related site improvements, together with other related costs, in-
cluding costs incurred in connection with the issuance of the Bonds, funding required reserve funds and, if applica-
ble, fees for credit enhancement (each, a “Project” and, collectively, the “Projects”). Each Participant is a not-for-
profit corporation, formed under the laws of the State of New York (the “State”), to provide human services programs
in the State consisting of one or more of educational, vocational, intervention and residential human services for
individuals with developmental disabilities or otherwise in need of mental health and rehabilitation services, educa-
tional services, substance abuse services, and residential services.
&2ï236 &21'26 1HZ -HUVH\ &DQDGDï6DOHV  GHO - The approximate aggregate principal amount of the Bonds proposed to be issued for the GHO Project is
+RXVHV IRU 6DOH  $1,460,000. The actual principal amount of Bonds issued for the GHO Project may differ from such amount. The
0$1+$77$1 Ku3h<hUQo ioo3
GHO Project includes the financing and/or refinancing of certain existing indebtedness used to finance the acquisi-
:(676,'( %& 3DUDGLVH RQ  $FUHV tion, construction, renovation, furnishing and/or equipping of the first and second floors of a 2-story approximately

Vz.zzz NU0B3 Q0 r Bs3io *$KQi UQ H 2,816 s.f. building located at 156-09 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 (Borough of Queens) to serve as an IRA for
 PKN3 U< hKu3h<hUQo Q0  WhKuo3 NM3\
UsoI hQB3 sioUP NUB IUP3i W3h<3*o <Uh <PKNx 8 individuals. GHO is the owner and/or operator of the GHO Project.
 lSoI . pzV U Uh0 WWhUuN Uh *UhWUho3 h3oh3o KQ WhKioKQ3 3NMv. HASC Center - The approximate aggregate principal amount of the Bonds proposed to be issued for the HASC
*UDFLRXV /LYLQJ r> PKN3i <hUP PKoI3hi  KhWUho\ Center Project is $2,240,000. The actual principal amount of Bonds issued for the HASC Center Project may differ
KioUhK* UQohUi3 IUP3 UoN h3QUuJ vvv\hKu3hIUsi3*Q0\*UP\ 0
hB3 r0mroI vm \ 3vNx h3QUg0 oKUQ $x NU*N h*IKo3*omsKN03h vIU isJ hKBIo from such amount. The HASC Center Project includes the financing and/or refinancing of certain existing indebted-
vKoI  WWNi. 3ihioUQ3 *UsQo3hi. W3huKi30 ohQi<UhPoKUQ U< oIKi ioo3Nx ness used to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation, furnishing and/or equipping of the first and second floors
Ph$N3 $oI. 3o*\ 3v  <NUUhi\  3og0 $hK*M IUsi3. V.r4V i_\
NUi3oi BNUh3\
PQUh KQoU  PU03hQ IUP3\ > . p\>
<o\ IUsi3 UQ r.pkl i_\ <o\ iKo3\ p $30hUUP. of a 2-story approximately 2,600 s.f. building located at 1427 East 65th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234 (Borough of Brook-
oIij <<K*3j iN33WKQB WUh*Ij @ UU0 lyn) to serve as an IRA for 8 individuals. HASC Center is the owner and/or operator of the HASC Center Project.
WWhUw VVVz i<\ iM 2V.>>z.zzz $shQKQB j hPoK* Q3v MKo*I3Q Q0 V *h BhB3\ uKN$N3 *o V. rzVk i
NN rVrJk4kJ>>zz\ hUM3hi v3N*UP3\ Ki\ 2V\r IUQ3- @VlJkkSJr>S> Uh 3PKN- Human Care Services - The approximate aggregate principal amount of the Bonds proposed to be issued for the

Up to 70% OFF
$oIhUUPij rQ0 <N\ sQ0hxj 3v p yUQ3
<<3hKQB $x hUiW3*osi UQNx \\ m ixio3P\ 3v KQo3hKUh  wo3hJ KuQMMo3\$UiMUuK*#BPKN\*UP Human Care Services Project is $3,260,000. The actual principal amount of Bonds issued for the Human Care
KUh WKQoj r h hi\ 30 oU iNo3 WoKU Services Project may differ from such amount. The Human Care Services Project includes the financing of certain
1DVVDX6XIIRON ishhUsQ030 $x Posh3 NQ0i*WKQB Q0 +HOS :DQWHG  existing indebtedness used to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation, furnishing and/or equipping of a 3-story
+RXVHV IRU 6DOH  r *h Bh\ NMKQB KioQ*3 oU K0J
  approximately 2,640 s.f. building located at 592 East 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218 (Borough of Brooklyn) to serve as
UvQ 0Kh3*o ohKQ\ 2V.rkS\zzz\zz\ sKN03h
 vKNN I3NW hhQB3 PUhoBB3\ Y3NoUhi  3iIKu KBI *IUUN KQ an IRA for 11 individuals. Human Care Services is the owner and/or operator of the Human Care Services Project.
VrV  V4 o. I3oN3x oi r iox UN rkzz WhUo3*o30Z SkpJ@kkJ>44k UU0P3h3.  i33Mi m o3*IKQB Life’s W.O.R.C. - The approximate aggregate principal amount of the Bonds proposed to be issued for the Life’s

i< 4 $30 r $oI UQ \p * *UhQ3h NUo PUiJ WUiKoKUQi <Uh rzVkJrzV4\ " I3PKiohx
" QuKhUQP3QoN *K3Q*3 W.O.R.C. Project is $4,470,000. The actual principal amount of Bonds issued for the Life’s W.O.R.C. Project may
oNx <KQ $iPo W3Q >mVk. >mr@. lml. lmVp
YVJpZ  >mV4. >mr>. lmk. lmV@ YVzJVZ s*oKUQ "hoI *K3Q*3 differ from such amount. The Life’s W.O.R.C. Project includes the financing and/or refinancing of certain existing
zlmrrmVk KQ K0 2V>z.zzz Uh PUh3 KQ<U- 3isP3i oU- h$$KMP#0hiIN$\UhB indebtedness used to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation, furnishing and/or equipping of the following
vvv\QxiioUh3\*UP Uh >V4J@k@JrVS> properties: (i) ($2,210,000) a 1-story approximately 3,134 s.f. building located at 247-04 and 247-06 136th Avenue,
3HQQV\OYDQLDï6DOHV    KBI *IUUN <Uh KhNi. 3vN3oo. 
Rosedale, NY 11422 (Borough of Queens) to serve as an IRA for 7 individuals, (ii) ($950,000) a leased 3-story
&RQQHFWLFXW i33Mi o3*IKQB WUiKoKUQi <Uh rzVkJrzV4\
"QBNKiI " KUNUBx approximately 14,220 s.f. building located at One West 129th Street, New York, NY 10027, a/k/a 2100 Fifth Avenue,
+RXVHV IRU 6DOH  "Kh3*oUh U< UNN3B3 sK0Q*3
Wednesday, May 10th through Sunday, May 14th New York, New York 10035 (Borough of Manhattan) to serve as an IRA for 24 individuals, and (iii) ($1,310,000) a
 3isP3i oU- Pio3KQ$3hB#iMIN$\UhB 1-story approximately 2,236 s.f. building located at 9 Jefferson Street, East Islip, NY 11730 (Town of Islip) to serve
',5(&7 :$7(5)5217 3RFRQRV +RXVH  DFUHV 3*I3hi- sh 0x U< 3h*x *03J
9kbškÅb@à ‰ /@Î×Âb@à^ ›^ææ@• Ξ Ê^Ð歕 as an IRA for 6 individuals. Life’s W.O.R.C. is or will be the owner, except where indicated as leased, and/or operator
VVz  UQ M3 Uh\ 2pSS.zzz\ Usi3. l@ *h3i UQ0. oh3P. Px. xUii3o i33Mi <sNNJoKP3 h3Q*I. of the Life’s W.O.R.C. Project.
New Horizons - The approximate aggregate principal amount of the Bonds proposed to be issued for the New
p . r  \ U <NUU0 KQishQ*3.
U iiU*KoKUQ <33i\ h*3x 3<<3hiUQ.
Uh3io. <K3N0. ohKNi. hKuo3. sK3o\
*K3Q*3 3i3h*I Q0 UPWso3h
*K3Q*3 o3*I3hi\ N3i3 uKiKo /ךb@à^ ›^ææ@• Ξ z^æ歕 Horizons Project is $470,000. The actual principal amount of Bonds issued for the New Horizons Project may differ
3NN3h KNNKPi. rzpJlVzJVzSk KQ<U#N3iQoUsQo\Q3o vvv\UNP\UhB <Uh PUh3 KQ<UhPoKUQ\ from such amount. The New Horizons Project includes the financing and/or refinancing of certain existing indebted-
ness used to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation, furnishing and/or equipping of a 1-story approximately
1,566 s.f. building located at 24 Gerry Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (Town of Poughkeepsie) to serve as an IRA
Location: for 4 individuals. New Horizons is the owner and/or operator of the New Horizons Project.
SUS - The approximate aggregate principal amount of the Bonds proposed to be issued for the SUS Project is
Soiffer Haskin $8,360,000. The actual principal amount of Bonds issued for the SUS Project may differ from such amount. The SUS
Project includes the financing and/or refinancing of certain existing indebtedness used to finance the acquisition, con-
317 West 33rd Street, NYC struction, renovation, furnishing and/or equipping of the following properties: (i) ($5,700,000) the 17th floor and part of
the 18th floor of a leased 22-story approximately 408,511 s.f. building located at 463 Seventh Avenue, New York,
(Just west of 8th Avenue) NY 10018 (Borough of Manhattan) to serve as administrative offices of SUS, (ii) ($1,320,000) the first and second
floors of a 2-story approximately 2,000 s.f. building located at 141-06 123rd Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11436 (Borough
of Queens) to serve as an IRA for 6 individuals, and (iii) ($1,340,000) the basement, first and second floors of a 2-
Credit Cards Only story approximately 2,500 s.f. building located at 276 Graff Avenue, Bronx, NY 10465 (Borough of Bronx) to serve
as an IRA for 6 individuals. SUS is the owner, except where indicated as leased, and/or operator of the SUS Project.
(American Express, Visa or MasterCard). UCP-NYC - The approximate aggregate principal amount of the Bonds proposed to be issued for the UCP-NYC
Project is $7,000,000. The actual principal amount of Bonds issued for the UCP-NYC Project may differ from such
All Sales Final. amount. The UCP-NYC Project includes the financing and/or refinancing of certain existing indebtedness used to
Strollers not allowed. No children under 12 will be admitted. finance the acquisition, construction, renovation, furnishing and/or equipping of the following properties: (i)
($2,850,000) a 2-story approximately 3,835 s.f. building located at 845 Seton Place, a/k/a 841 Seton Place, Brook-
lyn, NY 11230 (Borough of Brooklyn) to serve as an IRA for 8 individuals, and (ii) `($4,370,000) approximately 26,557
(917) 562-2140 s.f. of leased space on the first floor of an 8-story approximately 574,000 s.f. building located at 630 Flushing Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11206, a/k/a 461-475 Marcy Avenue, a/k/a 592-650 Flushing Avenue, a/k/a 216 Tompkins Avenue,
a/k/a 733-133 Hopkins Street (Borough of Brooklyn) to serve as a day habilitation facility. UCP-NYC is the owner,
except where indicated as leased, and/or operator of the UCP-NYC Project.

A public hearing with respect to the proposed issuance of the Bonds will be held in DASNY’s main office at 515
Broadway, Albany, New York 12207 at 10:00 a.m. on May 30, 2017. Written comments must be received at the
Office of Counsel at the above address no later than such date. Materials relating to the proposed issuance of the
Bonds are available for inspection at such location from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on any business day preceding the
hearing and at the hearing. Further information may be requested from DASNY’s Office of Counsel at the above
address or by calling (518) 257-3120.
A24 THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017


A Letter to the Deputy Attorney General The Furor Over the Comey Firing
TO THE EDITOR: when new evidence came to light.
Dear Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein: troubled as well by the broader pattern of this president’s Re “Trump Fires Comey Amid It may be politically expedient for
Russia Inquiry” (front page, May the left or the right, or in this case
It’s rare that any single person has to bear as much re- behavior, including his contempt for ethical standards of both, to pillory a devoted public
sponsibility for safeguarding American democracy as you past presidents. He has mixed his business interests with Regarding President Trump’s servant simply for doing his job in a
find yourself carrying now. Even before President Trump’s his public responsibilities. He has boasted that conflict-of-in- outrageous and precipitous firing of difficult situation. But we will get
shocking decision on Tuesday to fire the F.B.I. director, terest laws do not apply to him as president. And from the James Comey, the F.B.I. director: If what we deserve when all hon-
James Comey, a dark cloud of suspicion surrounded this moment he took office, Mr. Trump has shown a despot’s will- Mr. Trump has nothing to hide, why orable women and men are chased
president, and the very integrity of the electoral process ingness to invent his own version of the truth and to is he is working so hard to suppress out of government, replaced by
any real investigation of himself acolytes without judgment or char-
that put him in office. At this fraught moment you find your- weaponize the federal government to confirm that version, acter.
and his cohort? The notion that Mr.
self, improbably, to be the person with the most authority to to serve his ego and to pursue vendettas large and small. Comey was fired so summarily BARRY E. ADLER, NEW YORK
dispel that cloud and restore Americans’ confidence in their When Mrs. Clinton won the popular vote by nearly because of his mishandling of the
government. We sympathize; that’s a lot of pressure. three million votes, for instance, he created a Voter Fraud The writer is a professor of law at New
Hillary Clinton email affair is belied
by the timing of the move. This just York University.
Given the sterling reputation you brought into this post Task Force to back up his claim that the margin resulted
— including a 27-year career in the Justice Department un- from noncitizens voting illegally (the task force has done doesn’t pass the straight-face test.
der five administrations, and the distinction of being the nothing to date). When there was no evidence for his claim Congress must move quickly to do TO THE EDITOR:
three things: Re “The Firing of James Comey”
longest-serving United States attorney in history — you no that President Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower,
1) An investigation into the cir- (editorial, May 10):
doubt feel a particular anguish, and obligation to act. As the Mr. Trump demanded that members of Congress put their cumstances of Mr. Comey’s firing During a perilous time in our
author of the memo that the president cited in firing Mr. work aside in order to dig up “facts” to support it. must be started immediately. nation’s history, when a president
Comey, you are now deeply implicated in that decision. Firing Mr. Comey — who, in addition to leading the Rus- 2) The Senate must refuse to acts with wanton disregard for the
It was a solid brief; Mr. Comey’s misjudgments in his sia investigation, infuriated Mr. Trump by refusing to give confirm any new F.B.I. director time-honored institutions and pro-
handling of the F.B.I. investigation of Hillary Clinton’s pri- any credence to his wiretapping accusation — is only the lat- unless that person is absolutely cesses of government in a blatant
above reproach, not beholden to the attempt to quash an investigation,
vate email server were indeed serious. Yet you must know est and most stunning example. The White House can’t even
Trump administration or either all Americans must stand up for the
that these fair criticisms were mere pretext for Mr. Trump, get its own story straight about why Mr. Trump took this ex- political party, and willing and able rule of law and squarely against
who dumped Mr. Comey just as he was seeking more re- traordinary step. to stand up to any pressure from this effort to impede an important
sources to investigate ties between the Trump campaign Few public servants have found themselves with a the White House and its minions. inquiry.
and the Russian government. choice as weighty as yours, between following their con- 3) A special counsel must be It is at a time like this that the
You must also know that in ordering you to write the science and obeying a leader trying to evade scrutiny — El- appointed with broad independent true colors of our elected officials
memo, Mr. Trump exploited the integrity you have earned powers to investigate any ties will reveal themselves. Whether a
liot Richardson and William Ruckelshaus, who behaved no-
between the Trump administration member of Congress acts in a poli-
over nearly three decades in public service, spending down bly in Watergate, come to mind. You can add your name to and Russia. tically partisan manner or as an
your credibility as selfishly as he has spent other people’s this short, heroic list. Yes, it might cost you your job. But it This is a time of great peril to the impartial officer of our government
money throughout his business career. We can only hope would save your honor, and so much more besides. Republic. All citizens must do ev- will become clear in the coming
that your lack of an explicit recommendation to fire Mr. erything in their power to protect days and weeks. The country and
Comey reflects your own refusal to go as far as the president the core values of American democ- the world will be watching very
wanted you to. racy from this demagogue. closely.
In any case, the memo is yours, and that has compro- RICHARD S. PETRETTI, NEW YORK ALAN SAFRON
mised your ability to oversee any investigations into Rus- WOODCLIFF LAKE, N.J.

sian meddling. But after Attorney General Jeff Sessions re- TO THE EDITOR:
cused himself from these matters, because of his own con- TO THE EDITOR:
Until today James Comey was a
tacts during the campaign with the Russians, the power to villain to the Democrats and the Why fire James Comey now? Be-
launch a truly credible investigation has fallen to you, and liberal media, No. 1 of the excuses cause he gave an impassioned
for why Hillary Clinton did not win public performance last week de-
you alone. fending his unconventional actions
the 2016 presidential election. Now
You have one choice: Appoint a special counsel who is that Mr. Comey has been fired, he is regarding the Clinton emails. He
independent of both the department and the White House. portrayed by these same demonstrated that his personal
No one else would have the standing to assure the public it is Democrats and liberal media as a sense of morality makes him a
getting the truth. While a handful of Republican senators hero, a victim of the Trump admin- dangerously loose cannon. Clearly,
and representatives expressed concern at Mr. Comey’s fir- istration, an Archibald Cox to Presi- the president and his team, in the
dent Trump’s Nixon, someone who midst of the Russia hacking investi-
ing, there is as yet no sign that the congressional investiga- gation, cannot afford an F.B.I. direc-
had to go as part of the Trump
tions into Russian interference will be properly staffed or administration’s cover-up of its tor whom the Justice Department
competently run. And Americans can have little faith that collusion with the Russians. cannot control.
the Justice Department, or an F.B.I. run by Mr. Trump’s It is sometimes said that the STEPHANIE DOBA, BROOKLYN
handpicked replacement, will get to the bottom of whether enemy of my enemy is my friend.
and how Russia helped steal the presidency for Mr. Trump. That aptly describes why Mr.
In theory, no one should have a greater interest in a Comey has gone from villain to new
best friend of the Democrats and I am not qualified to determine
credible investigation than the president, who has repeat- whether James Comey’s termina-
the liberal media.
edly insisted the suspicions about his campaign are base- tion was justified. What I do know
DONALD NAWI, SCARSDALE, N.Y. is that Mr. Comey was in the middle
less. Yet rather than try to douse suspicions, he has shown
he is more than willing to inflame them by impeding efforts of giving a talk to F.B.I. colleagues
to get to the truth. TO THE EDITOR: on the West Coast when he learned
With Sergei Lavrov, the Russian that he was fired from a TV news
Given your own reputation for probity, you must be GABRIELLA DEMCZUK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
report. The lack of class in the way
foreign minister, arriving for a visit
with President Trump, the firing of his relationship with the govern-
James Comey looks awfully like a ment was severed concerns me.
Why not wait until he’s back in

No Time for Friction With South Korea

gift to cement a relationship.
Washington, privately let him know
MARK WALFORD, LONDON of the coming change and then
make it public?
Moon Jae-in was not president-elect for long. He won the South Korea, which the liberals opposed. The opposition has TO THE EDITOR: When the chief executive of the
South Korean election on Tuesday and was in office on been intensified by China’s furious reaction, including a boy- At the University of Chicago Law United States thinks it’s O.K. to
Wednesday. Normally, he would have had a two-month tran- cott of South Korean brands, and President Trump’s state- School in the 1980s, I was taught, treat employees this way, it sends a
sition period, but his impeached predecessor, Park Geun- ment last month — promptly pulled back — that Seoul along with Jim Comey, that good powerful message to other compa-
should pay $1 billion for the battery. Mr. Moon has said he lawyers distinguish precedent nies on how to do business. Firings
hye, is in jail facing corruption charges. But then, it could be are sometimes necessary, but can
argued that no amount of time could fully prepare Mr. Moon will review the deployment, though he insists he will fully when changed circumstances jus-
tify a different conclusion. So what- be done with civility.
for what lies ahead as he and his fellow liberals take charge consult with the United States before making any decision
ever the F.B.I.’s past practice, when DAVE EPSTEIN, NATICK, MASS.
after years of conservative rule. on this or any other North Korean matter. President Barack Obama’s attorney
The many South Koreans who took part in the street In general, Mr. Moon has tried hard to reassure Wash- general, Loretta Lynch, announced TO THE EDITOR:
protests over the corrupt status quo that preceded Ms. ington. In an interview with The Washington Post this that she would follow the F.B.I.’s
recommendation in its investigation Donald Trump tweeted last week:
Park’s fall are impatient for thorough economic and political month, he said the American-South Ko-
of the Hillary Clinton email inquiry, “The Russia-Trump collusion story
reforms. On the North Korean front, the steady escalation of South Korea’s rean alliance “is the most important is a total hoax, when will this tax-
foundation for our diplomacy and na- Mr. Comey had reason to explain
tensions could become worse over potentially sharp differ- new leader and publicly the bureau’s decision in payer funded charade end?” The
President tional security.” And while he argued that matter. And after Mr. Comey same could be said for his own
ences on strategy between Mr. Moon and President Trump,
that it was desirable for South Korea to presidency.
with his fast-shifting views on North Korea. Trump need to testified before Congress that the
Mr. Moon’s conservative predecessors generally shared press ahead and take the initiative in dealing with the investigation was closed, he had JAMES P. PEHL
find a common North, and that he was prepared to reason to correct this testimony MARLBOROUGH, MASS.
America’s approach to North Korea, which is basically to
strategy on the meet with Mr. Kim if it might help, he
pressure the North through sanctions and other measures
North. said he believed that he and Mr. Trump
to abandon its nuclear program. Mr. Moon is closer in out- were “on the same page.” Indeed, Mr.
look to his late friend and ideological ally Roh Moo-hyun, Internet Regulation Public Lands Under Threat
Trump said this month that he’d be “honored” to meet with
who as president from 2003 to 2008 pursued a “sunshine Mr. Kim if the conditions were right. TO THE EDITOR: TO THE EDITOR:
policy” of seeking to engage North Korea through dialogue, In the end, neither carrots nor sticks have diverted Re “Invoking Internet Freedom to Re “What Is the Antiquities Act,
aid and joint projects. Though much has changed since then Kill It” (editorial, April 30): and Why Does the President Want
North Korea so far from its single-minded pursuit of a nucle-
— including the rise of Kim Jong-un, the third ruler of the Internet providers have long to Change It?” (news article, April
ar deterrent, and a rift among the United States, South Ko- 27):
Kim dynasty, and the relentless development of nuclear offered an open internet experi-
rea and China would only encourage the North to barrel ence. Along with web companies America’s public lands are under
weapons in the North — the liberals Mr. Moon leads believe ahead. Mr. Moon’s openness to dialogue need not be at odds threat from a variety of extractive
like Facebook and Google, internet
sanctions alone have failed to deter North Korea, and are with a tough stance in Washington, if Mr. Moon and Mr. service providers support open industries. Some narrow-minded
wary of being drawn into a struggle between the United Trump meet and forge a clear and common overall strategy. internet rules preventing blocking, people want to privatize all Western
States and China. throttling or unfair discrimination lands; others wish to rescind the
The two leaders need to make sure this happens as quickly
protections on beloved national
An immediate source of friction with Washington is a as possible. As with Mr. Moon’s election, a transition period of online traffic.
monuments and parks.
potent antimissile system the United States has deployed in is a luxury the region cannot afford. There is little objection to these
President Trump’s hypocritical
common-sense consumer protec- executive order to review the na-
tions, but widespread resistance to tional monument designations in
the fiction that the government the name of overturning a “massive

An Invitation to Wage Theft needs to impose outdated public

utility regulation to assure open-
federal land grab” is part of a thinly
disguised recycling of the rhetoric
of the so-called Sagebrush Rebel-
It’s called the “Working Families Flexibility Act,” but it could be difficult or impossible to extract from the employer. What we object to is regulating lion of the 1970s and 1980s in sup-
would accommodate only employers and could cheat fam- Besides, current law already allows for flexibility in dynamic internet networks in the port of the fringe right and its
ilies. The bill, which the House recently passed, would sup- workers’ schedules. Employers can let employees vary their same way we regulate failing agenda to appropriate or sell off
posedly let employees who work overtime choose paid time infrastructure like electricity, wa- public land and resources.
start and end times, or schedule four 10-hour workdays with
off rather than time-and-a-half wages. ter, roads and bridges. Public util- Their goal is succinct: They want
an extra day off each week, or nine-hour workdays with a ity regulation has failed America, to take down the signs that read
But the time off would come at the convenience of day off every other week. “Welcome to Your Public Lands”
and it’s foolish to apply it to the
employers, who would have 13 months to schedule it. Supporters of the bill point out that public workers al- internet, the one infrastructure and replace them with new ones
This is not allowed under current law, for good reason: ready have the options it provides. But those workers are of- bright spot that has fueled Ameri- that read “Private Property: No
Most employers would prefer to postpone pay whenever ca’s global competitiveness. Trespassing.”
ten unionized and a government employer does not have the It is questionable if this action
possible, and employees are likely to go along with their The Federal Communications
profit incentive that might tempt a private-sector employer would even temporarily increase
boss’s wishes regardless of their own. Current law avoids Commission is right to work to-
to coerce workers into delaying their overtime pay. the fortunes of extractive industries
any such coercion by requiring overtime to be paid in the ward restoring light-touch regula-
In the past 16 years, House Republicans have intro- in Western states. It would cer-
pay period it’s earned. tion before the information super-
tainly impoverish all Americans
The Republican bill would not only make employees duced bills like the Working Families Flexibility Act seven highway becomes marked with through the degradation of fragile
vulnerable to wage delays, but to wage theft. An employer times, but the Senate has remained lukewarm, and in 2013 potholes. landscapes and the disposal of the
could deny a time-off request by deeming it “unduly” dis- President Barack Obama said that he would veto a similar MICHAEL K. POWELL, WASHINGTON public domain.
ruptive — a vague standard that basically gives employers bill if it ever reached his desk. This time around, President The writer, a former chairman of the ROBERT CRIFASI, BOULDER, COLO.
total control over when the time off is taken. If an employee Trump has already said he will sign it if it comes to him. Federal Communications Commission, The writer is the author of “A Land
tires of waiting and asks, instead, for the pay, employers That would be a raw deal. And it would be fraudulent, is president and chief executive of Made From Water: Appropriation and
could take up to 30 days to honor the request. If any employ- because it would purport to help working people while doing NCTA, the Internet and Television the Evolution of Colorado’s Landscape,
ee quits or a company goes out of business, unpaid overtime no such thing. Association. Ditches and Water Institutions.”

Don’t Send
The following year, Hoover and Nixon BRET STEPHENS
came into conflict over the investigation of
the Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ells-
berg. Nixon discussed the possibility of
The Comey
Us Back to firing Hoover, convinced that the director
was too old and cautious — and too inde-
pendent of White House influence. But
Nixon worried that Hoover knew too Canning’s
The Closet much, and he recognized the political dan-
gers inherent in firing an F.B.I. director.
Then Hoover died, of a heart attack, on Easy Tells
May 2, 1972. For Nixon, it appeared to be a
Praveen Fernandes moment of serendipity — a chance to do WITH DONALD TRUMP, the tells are always
what he had long wanted to do. Instead, it easy.
turned out to be the beginning of a long na- When the president says, “I’m, like, a

N my roughly 20 years working in the tional nightmare. smart person,” you know he nurses deep
federal policy arena, few things have Nixon made his first mistake almost im- insecurities about his intelligence. When
become clearer to me than the im- mediately. Faced with the solemn duty of he says, “I’m really rich,” you know that he
portance of data. If something is not replacing Hoover, he chose L. Patrick knows that you know that, really, he prob-
counted, it is neither seen nor under- Gray, an assistant attorney general ably isn’t.
stood. For all intents and purposes, it and former Navy man with no And when he writes, as he did in his let-
does not exist. F.B.I. experience, to serve as ter to the now-former F.B.I. director,
That’s why the Trump administra- acting director. The Nixon ad- James B. Comey, that “while I greatly ap-
tion’s decision not to collect data on the viser John Ehrlichman articu- preciate you informing me, on three sepa-
lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans- lated the reasons behind the rate occasions, that I am not under investi-
gender Americans threatens these com- decision in a “talking points” gation,” you know what keeps him up at
munities in ways that are both symbolic memo for the president soon night, too.
and practical. after Hoover’s death. “Gray’s That wasn’t the only tell in Trump’s
It was announced Tuesday that the primary assignment is to con- Comey canning. First there was its
Census Bureau director, John H. Thomp- solidate control of the F.B.I.,” abruptness. Rod Rosenstein, deputy attor-
son, had abruptly stepped down from his Ehrlichman wrote, “making ney general as of two weeks ago, delivered
job, drawing national attention to the such changes as are necessary to his memorandum detailing Comey’s mis-
agency. But I and others in the L.G.B.T. assure its complete loyalty to the feasance in the Hillary Clinton email saga
community have been focused on the bu- administration.” on Tuesday. Trump fired the director the
reau’s work for months — for reasons re- The F.B.I.’s Watergate investi- same day.
lated not to its leadership, but to the col- gation was not yet underway. But Come again? This is the same adminis-
lection of information. Nixon already believed that control tration that waited 18 long days to fire a
In March, when it published a list of of the F.B.I. would be critical for his po- national security adviser profoundly vul-
planned subjects for data collection that litical future. He hoped especially that a nerable to Russian blackmail. Why? Be-
included a proposed question on these newly cooperative bureau would help to cause, as Press Secretary Sean Spicer ex-
topics, many of us were optimistic. After dam the fast-flowing stream of leaks from plained earlier this week, the White House
years of advocating this very change, the executive branch. Instead, he inspired felt it owed Michael Flynn an “element of
there was a possibility that we might be one of the great leakers of all time: the due process.”
more fully counted. But that cheer was to F.B.I. associate director W. Mark Felt.
be short lived. The Census Bureau For Comey, not so much. He learned of
As the historian Max Holland has his dismissal from a TV screen, while de-
quickly clarified that it had “inadver- shown, Felt hoped to become director
tently listed sexual orientation and gen- livering a speech to bureau employees.
himself and took Nixon’s decision as a per- Firings on “The Apprentice” had more
der identity as a proposed topic” and sonal affront. In June 1972, when Washing-
made changes to the online document class and ceremony than this.
ton police arrested five men connected to Then there is Rosenstein’s memo,
within hours. the Nixon campaign during a break-in at
During the same month, the Depart- which makes a solid case that Comey bun-
Democratic National Committee head- gled nearly every aspect of the Clinton in-
ment of Health and Human Services quarters in the Watergate office complex,
eliminated questions about L.G.B.T. peo-
MATT CHASE vestigation — a revelation to nobody in
Felt recognized an opportunity. He turned Washington, left or right, except perhaps
ple from drafts of two critical surveys: on Nixon in the summer of 1972, feeding
the National Survey of Older Americans Comey himself. Nor was there any mys-
information to The Washington Post as tery about any of this when Trump gave

Did Trump Unleash

Act Participants, which helps inform so- the legendary informer Deep Throat.
cial and nutritional support programs for the director his very public blessing at a
Felt’s leaks served in part to counter in- White House ceremony in January, resist-
seniors; and the Centers for Independ- tense pressure from the White House,
ent Living Annual Program Perform- ing the advice of prominent conservative
which sought to end the F.B.I. investiga- voices to fire him back then.

The Next Deep Throat?

ance Report, which helps inform pro- tion. The F.B.I. proceeded nonetheless,
grams designed to allow people with dis- But if the memo broke no new ground,
digging into Nixon’s campaign and its ties there was something crassly novel about
abilities to live independently. to the Watergate burglars. Felt leaked
This is concerning, because sound pol- the political uses to which the administra-
some of those discoveries to the press, tion was willing to put Rosenstein and his
icy relies on good data, which in turn re- keeping the story alive at a moment when
cessor who would bring the bureau under reputation for ethical behavior.
lies on robust data collection. Beverly Gage Republicans hoped it would disappear.
White House influence. To his surprise, he In a CNN interview Tuesday, Kellyanne
That’s why the U.C.L.A. School of
set in motion the events that led to the Wa- Nixon won re-election in a landslide in Conway stressed Rosenstein’s service as
Law’s Williams Institute and SAGE, an
tergate scandal — and ultimately to his 1972, yet the F.B.I. problem refused to go

organization dedicated to improving the NCE again, Donald Trump has United States attorney in Maryland under
own resignation. away. In 1973, Nixon nominated Gray to be Barack Obama, along with the Senate’s
lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans- done something that no presi-
Nixon did not fire Hoover. Indeed, no permanent F.B.I. director, but the confir- 94-6 vote to confirm him. This is another
gender older adults, have called for bet- dent before him dared to do.
president had the chutzpah to fire Hoover, mation hearings turned into a debacle, fu-
ter data on older L.G.B.T. people. This time, he has fired an F.B.I.
who took office in 1924 under Calvin Cool- eling rather than calming suspicions of a
Given the discrimination, social isola- director engaged in an active and continu-
idge and went on to serve seven other Watergate cover-up. Gray resigned in dis-
tion, health disparities and economic fra-
gility that L.G.B.T. populations as a
ing investigation of his own campaign.
The decision reflects President Trump’s
presidents — four Democrats and three grace, and was replaced by another acting A president who seeks to
more Republicans. According to popular director. Things got steadily worse for
whole face, this need is especially ur-
gent. The data collection rollbacks don’t
most autocratic instincts, showcasing his
contempt for the independence of federal
myth, Hoover achieved this astonishingly Nixon, as congressional investigations hide a scandal may be
just prophesy bad policy. They recall a investigators as well as for the basic
long tenure by blackmailing politicians
with tidbits from his secret files. In truth,
gained momentum and a newly appointed
independent prosecutor, Archibald Cox,
willing to risk an uproar.
time of deep discrimination and pain that search for truth.
though he was hardly above arm-twisting demanded the release of White House
we have spent decades trying to reverse. Given his frequent calls to prosecute
Harvey Milk, the first openly gay tapes. In October 1973, Nixon fired Cox in tell, since the ordinary practice of this
Hillary Clinton for using a private email
elected official in a major American city, an attempt to shut down that investigation White House is to impugn the motives of
server, the anger he directed at the F.B.I.
— but this, too, failed to stop the rolling
famously urged gay Americans in 1978 to
come out to their relatives, neighbors,
director, James Comey, for giving her a If the president hopes to disaster of Watergate.
anyone suspected of enjoying the favor of
Democrats. Just look at Sean Spicer’s
“free pass,” and reports that he directed
friends and co-workers to “break down Attorney General Jeff Sessions to find a limit an F.B.I. inquiry, he Many commentators have pointed to
Cox’s dismissal as the closest precedent
Tuesday denigration of the former acting
attorney general Sally Yates as an alleged
the myths” and “destroy the lies and dis- reason to fire Mr. Comey, it’s hard to be-
tortions” about this community. lieve the president’s claim that he made may be disappointed. for Mr. Comey’s firing: the last time a Hillary hack for her prescient warnings to
The national coming-out movement president tried to use his executive power the White House about Flynn.
his decision out of concern for Mr.
was premised in part on the notion that if to stop an investigation — and failed to get In other words, the White House
Comey’s harsh treatment of Mrs. Clinton and gossip-mongering, much of his power
L.G.B.T. Americans went from a “them” what he wanted. The story of the F.B.I.’s needed the cover of an honorable man
during the campaign. came from more mundane sources, in- succession crisis raises still more trou- making an honest case against Comey to
But if Mr. Trump actually hopes to shut cluding his skill at promoting the F.B.I.’s bling prospects for Mr. Trump in the
down or limit the F.B.I. investigation into disguise its own case against him, which is
nonpartisan image. months ahead. Despite having political neither honorable nor honest. How do we
The government can’t his campaign’s ties to Russia, he may be
disappointed. History suggests that his
Nixon knew Hoover’s political talents skills far superior to President Trump’s, know? By following @realDonaldTrump
well. Since working together on the Alger Nixon never managed to “consolidate
serve L.G.B.T. people if decision is likely to backfire, producing Hiss case in 1948, they had become fast control of the F.B.I.” in 1972, at the peak of
on Twitter.
“F.B.I. Director Comey was the best
new leaks and inquiries that will be more
it won’t count us. difficult to control than he imagines.
friends and allies, swapping secrets and
exchanging holiday presents. Hoover
his popularity. To the contrary, his at-
tempts to do so fatally undermined his
thing that ever happened to Hillary Clin-
President Trump may think he has sent ton in that he gave her a free pass for
quietly supported Nixon during the 1968 presidency, setting in motion a political many bad deeds!” the president wrote on
a stern warning to leakers and independ- campaign. When Nixon won the election, and bureaucratic backlash from which
to an “us” — people’s own brothers, ent bureaucrats unwilling to toe the White May 2. “The phony Trump/Russia story
he vowed to keep Hoover on, despite the Nixon — indeed, the presidency itself —
sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, House line. Instead, he may well have in- was an excuse used by the Democrats as
fact that the F.B.I. director was over the never fully recovered. 0
neighbors and colleagues — it would re- cited an internal rebellion. justification for losing the election. Per-
mandatory retirement age of 70.
duce callousness and undercut the abil- haps Trump just ran a great campaign?”
That’s what happened in 1972, when Once in office, however, Nixon discov- BEVERLY GAGE is a professor of American
ity to deny them rights. When people Tell: After the president publicly im-
President Richard Nixon suddenly found ered that Hoover was not nearly as pliable political history at Yale. She is the author
came out, it made it harder for others to pugned his own F.B.I. director, it meant
himself in a position to replace J. Edgar as he might have hoped. In 1970, when of “The Day Wall Street Exploded: A
cling to the belief that they did not have Rosenstein’s memo was a pro forma, pre-
Hoover, the long-serving and infamous Nixon sought a more aggressive surveil- Story of America in Its First Age of Ter-
L.G.B.T. people in their families, or that textual exercise.
F.B.I. director. Suspicious of the F.B.I.’s in- lance campaign against antiwar pro- ror” and is writing a biography of the
no L.G.B.T. people lived in their neigh- Tell: When the president boasts about
dependence, Nixon tried to appoint a suc- testers, Hoover put up resistance. former F.B.I. director J. Edgar Hoover.
borhoods, attended religious services his great campaign, you know he’s less
with or worked alongside them. than sure about just how great it really
Failing to collect good data on sexual was.
orientation and gender identity allows Tell: When the president calls news
policy makers and elected officials to
hold the utterly false belief that no
L.G.B.T. people use their services and
Spain’s Solution on Health Care “fake” or a story “phony,” you know the
truth quotient is likely to be high. And,
again, you know he knows you know it.
that no L.G.B.T. people live in their elec- All the more so thanks to reporting from
lessons. Americans spend about 25 percent base for managing crises such as epi-
toral districts. It robs policy makers of Carolyn McClanahan The Times’s Matthew Rosenberg and
the ability to understand us and it makes to 30 percent on administrative costs; if we demics and bioterrorism events.
brought that in line with those other coun- Matt Apuzzo, who revealed Wednesday
evidence-based policy more difficult. It Anyone could use a community health
tries, to about 15 percent, we could save that Comey had only recently asked

puts L.G.B.T. Americans as a group back IRST came the Affordable Care center without income verification, free.
about $320 billion of the $3 trillion our Rosenstein “for a significant increase in
into the closet. Act, then the American Health People could still use private primary care
resources for the bureau’s investigation
Without collecting data on sexual ori- Care Act — time and again, poli- country spends on health care. providers, but they would have to pay for into Russia’s interference in the presiden-
entation or gender identity, we don’t ticians talk about controlling Countries that provide good primary them, directly. Insurance would be re- tial election.” For the record, the Justice
know the size of the L.G.B.T. population health care costs but end up missing the care have better health outcomes and served for emergencies, through inexpen- Department denies the claim.
or how that population is geographically point. lower costs because they provide efficient sive catastrophic coverage. Even Medicaid For the administration’s apologists, the
distributed. We aren’t able to learn about Based on the historical rate of inflation, care of common and chronic illnesses. In and Medicare could eventually be moved fallback line is that the Russia investiga-
how many L.G.B.T. individuals have chil- health care spending could could consume America, the high cost of medical educa- into a catastrophic-only model. tion will continue no matter who succeeds
dren, or whether that differs in urban nearly 50 percent of gross domestic prod- tion, a reimbursement system that favors Such centers already exist throughout Comey. That might be credible if, say, the
versus rural areas. We have no official in- uct in 30 years — an unsustainable trend specialists and a poorly supported primary the country, many providing state-of-the- former New York Police Department com-
formation about the component groups that can’t be solved through changing the care network have decimated our primary art primary, mental and dental care for missioner Ray Kelly gets the job. And if
that make up the L.G.B.T. community insurance landscape. low-income people at about $1,000 each a Chris Christie or Rudy Giuliani gets it?
and no insight into their income or hous- The A.C.A., or Obamacare, focused on year. At that price, the entire country could
ing status — topics that are especially sa- expanding coverage, with very little to ad- Its community centers be covered for $325 billion a year.
In all this, the riddle wrapped in a mys-
tery inside an enigma is Russia.
lient for transgender people. And we
can’t possibly know how sexual orienta-
dress cost of care in the early stages. That
was a fatal flaw: Voters saw already expen-
provide quality, low-cost The savings would more than pay for the
program: Right now, the government
Golf courses: Russia. Mike Flynn’s lies
to the vice president: Russia. Jeff Ses-
tion or gender identity combines with
other identities (such as race) and
sive health care costs rise and were unhap- care. spends $250 billion a year on tax credits for sions’s lies to the Senate: Russia. Paul
py being forced into the system. employer-based coverage. Since insurance Manafort, Carter Page and Roger Stone:
whether that correlates to differences in The A.H.C.A., which the House passed costs would decrease significantly, the rev- Russia. WikiLeaks: Russia. Donald
employment, housing or geographic lo- last week, focuses on the cost of coverage, care work force. enue lost by this credit would decrease pro- Trump Jr.: Russia. The Bayrock Group:
cation. This information affects the way but in the wrong way. Cutting billions from In the 1980s, Spain created taxpayer- Russia. Erik Prince’s diplomatic back
portionately. And about 11 percent of Medi-
the federal government designs and de- Medicaid will reduce government expendi- funded community health centers located channel: Russia.
care payments are for physician services
livers services to the American people. tures, but only by cutting care for millions within a 15-minute radius of every citizen. No one piece in this (partial) list is in-
and another 27 percent are for Medicare
Policy implications aside, the news of people. The move back to underwriting This dramatically improved health criminating. And with Trump, the line be-
Advantage payments, totaling $240 billion
also stings for personal reasons. The for pre-existing conditions will reduce the measures and provided a good base of pri- tween incompetence and nefariousness,
census is a snapshot of the American per year. Since a good chunk of that is for
cost of insurance for healthy people but will mary care for everyone in the country. primary care, it could be diverted to com- misjudgment and misdirection, is usually
family. The administration’s recent deci- drastically increase the cost of insurance In the United States, community health a blurry one.
sions cut L.G.B.T. individuals out of the munity health care services.
for people with underlying health prob- centers could be funded directly by the America has spent almost a decade Still, Jim Comey’s firing now brings two
family portrait, calling into question our government based on population, not fee points into high relief. First, the adminis-
lems. making dramatic changes in its health in-
membership in the family. Many of us for service. They would provide a broad, tration is not being truthful when it claims
Instead, we have to tackle insurance it- surance system, without addressing the
know that feeling all too well. 0 well-defined range of services, including the director was dismissed for what he did
self. In the United States, we pay a large real problem. We have the capacity to
PRAVEEN FERNANDES is a lawyer and amount of money to insurance companies primary care, with weekend and evening tackle the underlying costs with a tried- last summer. Second, Donald Trump is
principal at the Raben Group. He served for the privilege of being the middleman in hours, telemedicine, basic pharmaceuti- afraid. A president who seeks to hide a
and-true solution. The only question is, do
as senior counsel and adviser to the uninsurable primary care transactions. cals and education for management of scandal may be willing to risk an uproar.0
we have the political will? 0
general counsel at the Office of Personnel Other industrialized countries, where chronic illness. Mental health care would
Management under President Barack health care costs per capita are less than be provided, including management of CAROLYN McCLANAHAN is a certified finan- Gail Collins and Nicholas Kristof are off
Obama. half of what they are in America, offer drug addiction. And they could serve as a cial planner and doctor. today.
Questioning a Wall Street Maxim More In-Flight Headaches SportsThursday Page 9-13
Dangers of the Dip Laptop Ban May Grow Ginobili as Savior
A growing tendency to invest The U.S. says it could soon The Spurs leaned on the oldest
big during market drops worries prohibit carry-on laptops on player left in the N.B.A. playoffs,
some money managers. 3 flights from Europe. 8 and he stepped up. 9

N B1

THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017

Snap Loses
$2.2 Billion
In 2 Months
Since I.P.O.
SAN FRANCISCO — When Snap listed
its shares on the New York Stock Ex-
change in March, the floor of the exchange
was festooned in the company’s signature
yellow. Family members of Snap execu-
tives posed for photographs; some wore
the company’s video-recording Spectacles.
And as Snap’s two 20-something founders
rang the opening bell, the crowd — includ-
ing one of the founder’s fathers and a
supermodel fiancée — applauded.
Yet just two months into its life as a pub-
lic company, Snap’s celebration may al-
ready be ending.
On Wednesday, Snap, the parent of the
messaging app Snapchat, reported earn-
ings that missed Wall Street expectations
in almost every regard. Not only did Snap
record a $2.2 billion loss for the first quar-
ter, its revenue was lighter than expected,
and the company disclosed that its user
growth was decelerating sharply.
Investors punished the company, sending
its stock down more than 25 percent in af-
ter-hours trading.
The results represented a bumpy start
for Snap after its much-celebrated initial
public offering, the biggest for a technol-
ogy company in recent years. Snap’s earn-
ings illustrate how difficult it is for smaller
social media companies to compete in the
age of Facebook, the social network run by
Mark Zuckerberg, which has sucked up
Continued on Page 2

Whole Foods,
Under Duress,
Shuffles Board
John Mackey, a founder of Whole Foods
Market, took the helm as sole chief execu-
tive last year in a bid to single-handedly re-
vive the upscale grocer’s fortunes.
On Wednesday, facing growing pressure
from restless shareholders, he brought in
A month after an activist hedge fund
took a stake in Whole Foods and began to
agitate for change, the company unveiled a

A Wardrobe by Mail
sweeping overhaul of its board, replacing
five directors, naming a new chairwoman
and bringing in a new chief financial offi-
cer. It also laid out plans to improve opera-
tions and cut costs.
The defensive maneuvering comes as
Whole Foods, an organic foods pioneer
Stitch Fix Is Thriving clothing service that offers customers little At the Stitch Fix tial public offering as soon as this year. that helped change the way Americans
shop and eat, faces the greatest crisis of
choice in what garments they receive, and Should Stitch Fix go public, it will be the
While Fashion Stores shies away from discounts for brand-name
south of San biggest retail offering since Etsy two years confidence in its 37-year history. It also un-
derscores the growing influence of activist
And Web Rivals Falter dresses, pants and accessories.
Despite a business model that seems to
Francisco, work- ago. Perhaps more important, it would be a
Silicon Valley rarity: a profitable company shareholders, who continue to press corpo-
ers retrieve and that did not raise money at a sky-high valu- rate executives.
defy conventional wisdom, Stitch Fix
continues to grow. package gar- ation, and one that could potentially tap the “We pay attention to what our
By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED ments to fill shareholders tell us,” Mr. Mackey said in
and KATIE BENNER For the fiscal year that ended last July, public markets at a price many times
orders. an interview.
the company recorded sales of $730 mil- greater than its current value.
“We’ve been told for some time that we
SAN FRANCISCO — The retail land- lion. It has been profitable since 2014 and Stitch Fix is not the first company to try needed to address governance issues,” he
scape is littered with the casualties of has raised just $42 million from outside this business model. Similar start-ups, said, adding that a main concern from
changing consumer behavior. Shoppers investors, a relatively modest sum for a from the clothing rival Trunk Club to the shareholders was that the board was not
are bargain hunting online, department high-flying Silicon Valley start-up. cosmetics specialist Birchbox, have found independent enough.
stores are struggling, and once-mainstay And while Stitch Fix executives say they a market mailing consumers a grab bag of Among those joining the Whole Foods
brands are closing out permanently. have no specific plans to go public, the items and offering free returns for any- board is Ronald Shaich, the founder, chair-
Then there is Stitch Fix, a mail-order company is well positioned to file for an ini- Continued on Page 8 Continued on Page 3

Which Tech Overlords

Can You Live Without?
A few weeks ago, I bought a new televi- a mere store. It is my confessor, my
sion. When the whole process was over, I keeper of lists, a provider of food and
realized something incredible: To navi- culture, an entertainer and educator and
gate all of the niggling details surround- handmaiden to my children.
ing this one commercial This may sound over the top. But what
FARHAD transaction — figuring out
what to buy, which acces-
about you? I suspect that if you closely
examine your own life, there’s a good
MANJOO sories I needed, how and chance some other technology company
where to install it, and whom occupies the same role for you as Ama-
THE ART to hire to do so — I had dealt zon does for me: as warden of a very
with only a single ubiquitous comfortable corporate prison.
corporation: Amazon. This is the most glaring and underap-
It wasn’t just the TV. As I began comb- preciated fact of internet-age capitalism:
ing through other recent household deci- We are, all of us, in inescapable thrall to
sions, I found that in 2016, nearly 10 per- one of the handful of American technol-
cent of my household’s commercial trans- ogy companies that now dominate much
actions flowed through the Seattle re- of the global economy. I speak, of course,
tailer, more by far than any other of my old friends the Frightful Five:
company my family dealt with. What’s Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and
more, with its Echos, Fire TV devices, Alphabet, the parent company of Google.
audiobooks, movies and TV shows, Ama- The five are among the most valuable
zon has become, for my family, more than Continued on Page 6 DOUG CHAYKA

Hulu Hires AMC Veteran as First Chief Content Officer Harassment Allegations
Hulu announced on Wednesday
that Joel Stillerman, AMC’s long-
Hulu has been ramping up its
original programming slate — Jeff
Daniels and Alec Baldwin have
Cost Fox $45 Million
time head of programming, would signed up for its “Looming Tower”
By BROOKS BARNES those of his ousted predecessor.
become the streaming service’s project about Sept. 11 and Stephen
LOS ANGELES — Twenty- But Mr. Carlson still wins his time
first chief content officer. King and J.J. Abrams are teaming
up for an anthology series — just First Century Fox disclosed on slot, and Fox News’s ratings
The news was months in the across the board remain higher
making: Hulu has been looking to as it introduced a live TV service a Monday that it had incurred costs
week ago. of $10 million “related to settle- than a year ago. (The company
create and fill the position for also said in the filing that no sums
some time as it tries to make up Mr. Stillerman will relocate ments of pending and potential lit-
from AMC’s New York offices to igations” during its fiscal third paid in settlements “or reserved
ground on rival streaming for pending or future claims”
services like Netflix and Amazon. Los Angeles for the job. Hulu said quarter in the aftermath of sexual
he would start in the summer. harassment allegations at Fox would have a “material” impact
Mr. Stillerman, 55, has been the
“Over the past several years, News. on its finances.)
head of programming at AMC
we’ve grown our audience and our That revelation was made in a For the quarter that ended on
since 2008. He was involved with
the later seasons of “Mad Men” content offering exponentially, regulatory filing to the Securities March 31, 21st Century Fox re-
and “Breaking Bad” and then FREDERICK M. BROWN/GETTY IMAGES
and now is the right time to add and Exchange Commission in ported net income of $799 million,
helped the network make the tran- Joel Stillerman, in a 2015 photo, had served as the head of pro- Joel’s creative and strategic lead- which 21st Century Fox said it or 43 cents a share, down from
sition to a new era by bringing hits gramming at AMC since 2008 before his move to Hulu. ership to the team and drive the “has also received regulatory and $841 million, or 44 cents a share, in
like “The Walking Dead,” “Better next phase of Hulu’s content busi- investigative inquiries relating to the same period a year earlier.
Call Saul” and “Into the Badlands” ness,” said Mike Hopkins, Hulu’s these matters and stockholder de- Excluding one-time items, in-
viewership figures — making it and will report to Mr. Stillerman. cluding $37 million in unspecified
to life. chief executive. mands to inspect the books and
difficult to know if a show is Hulu is owned by several media restructuring charges, the enter-
While Netflix and Amazon have In a statement, AMC’s presi- records of the company which
broadly popular — the show has companies — Comcast, 21st Cen- dent, Charlie Collier, said, “Joel tainment conglomerate earned 54
made, for the last several years, could lead to future litigation.” The
dramas and comedies that have received nearly universal praise tury Fox, Time Warner and Dis- has played a major role in the cents a share in the most recent
company said that in the nine
been at the heart of the cultural from critics. As Hollywood kicks ney each have a stake — and sev- transformation of AMC from a quarter. Analysts had expected 48
months leading up to March 31, it
conversation and have taken into high gear for Emmy Award eral entertainment executives movie channel into an established cents a share.
had incurred $45 million in costs
home prestigious awards, Hulu campaigning, “The Handmaid’s noted that its unusual ownership leader in original programming.” tied to litigation related to har- Revenue totaled $7.56 billion, a
has been left behind. Tale” could give Hulu a long- structure made this new job a bit AMC said it would begin assment allegations. 5 percent increase. Analysts had
Hulu did, however, get a boon awaited viable candidate at the tricky to sell. searching for Mr. Stillerman’s re- The New York Times on April 1 expected $7.63 billion.
last month with its new drama awards. Still, the draws of running pro- placement as head of program- disclosed financial settlements in- An 8 percent increase in sub-
“The Handmaid’s Tale.” Though Craig Erwich, Hulu’s head of gramming at a streaming service ming at both AMC and Sundance volving multiple women who had scriber fees — led by those for Fox
streaming services do not release content, will remain in his position at this moment are significant. TV. accused Bill O’Reilly, the top- News, Fox Sports 1, a roster of re-
rated Fox News personality, of gional sports channels and the FX
sexual harassment or behaving networks — contributed to a 5 per-

Snap Loses $2.2 Billion in Difficult 2 Months Since I.P.O. inappropriately. Fox News ousted
Mr. O’Reilly on April 19 after ad-
vertisers left his show in droves.
cent increase in operating income,
to $1.45 billion, at the company’s
vast cable division. Domestic ad
He has denied any wrongdoing. sales were flat, which was better
From First Business Page The housecleaning continued on than the declines reported in the
more than two billion people May 1 with the dismissal of one of past week by companies like Time
worldwide and has made the size the network’s co-presidents, Bill Warner, Viacom and NBCUniver-
of its network a primary selling Shine, a protégé of Roger Ailes, sal.
point. who was pushed out as the chair- Indeed, 21st Century Fox’s en-
For Snap, the challenge is tricky man of Fox News last summer tertainment businesses are rela-
because the company approaches amid his own sexual harassment tively healthy. Its television studio
social networking differently. In- scandal. Mr. Ailes has also denied
stead of emphasizing the number any wrongdoing.
of people users know, Snapchat fo- Reporting its first quarterly
cuses on fewer connections and earnings since Mr. O’Reilly’s de- Executives say they
the quality of friends on the net- parture, 21st Century Fox execu-
work. Yet with Wall Street and tives managed to avoid discussing are confident in a
others using Facebook as a bench-
mark, the comparisons for Snap
the upheaval almost entirely on
Wednesday. In a 34-minute call
news network’s future.
are tough. For now, Snap looks with analysts, Lachlan Murdoch,
more like Twitter, the social media the executive chairman, and
service that has had rough times James Murdoch, the chief execu- supplies the hit drama “This is
because of anemic user growth. tive officer, steered attention to- Us” to NBC. Its FX cable channel
Snap’s weak results so soon af- ward climbing subscriber fees for has found a steady stream of hit
ter its I.P.O. appeared to shock the company’s cable channels and shows, including “Atlanta” and
many — even though it had their high expectations that regu- “Feud: Bette and Joan.” In the
warned investors that owning lators would approve the compa- most recent quarter, the R-rated
Snap stock would not be an easy ny’s $14.3 billion buyout of Sky, the superhero film “Logan” and the
path to riches. In its I.P.O. filing, British satellite TV giant. space-race drama “Hidden Fig-
Snap had highlighted slowing Ben Swinburne, a Morgan Stan- ures” were both hits for its 20th
growth and huge losses that were ley analyst, posed the lone ques- Century Fox movie studio.
not expected to end. Snap’s execu- DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES
tion about Fox News, asking The lone problem — and it is a
tives had cautioned that results A Snap sign at the New York Stock Exchange in March for the company’s initial public offering. about “volatility” at the network big one — involves the Fox broad-
would be “lumpy and unpredict- and whether they had discussed it cast network. The Super Bowl
able.” with distributors. “The channel
Evan Spiegel, Snap’s chief exec- A prediction of ‘lumpy short time,” Mr. Spiegel said. He
added that people were highly en-
pearing messages and add-ons
like lenses and filters. continues its ratings dominance,”
propped up its most recent quar-
ter, but Fox’s post-“American
utive, had said, “One of the chal-
lenges we’ve encountered over and unpredictable’ gaged with Snapchat, with users In the last year, Facebook has Lachlan Murdoch responded.
“We’re very confident in the fu-
Idol” entertainment lineup has
creating on average more than copied some of Snapchat’s fea- been severely challenged. The
time is explaining to people why
bigger isn’t better.”
results proves true. three billion snaps, or short pieces tures and inserted them into its ture of that business.” network in recent days has can-
of content, every day, up from 2.5 apps, including Instagram and the Still, 21st Century Fox’s filing celed dramas like “Rosewood”
But the excitement over a social
billion the previous quarter. messaging app WhatsApp. Given with the S.E.C. noted that the Fox and “Pitch.” A high-profile reboot
media entity with young founders
of $158.6 million. Ali Mogharabi, an analyst at Facebook’s immense size, the News “prime time lineup has sig- of “24” has been a disappoint-
(Mr. Spiegel is 26; his co-founder,
And while Snap said its number Morningstar Research, said moves have created concern that nificantly changed, which could ment. “Empire” remains a hit, but
Bobby Murphy, is 28), an even
of daily users had increased to 166 Snap’s argument was that “if us- Snapchat will not seem suffi- have a negative impact on our rat- its ratings have recently plunged
younger user base and quirky
million in the first quarter, up 36 ers are spending more time in the ciently different and attractive to ings.” Since Mr. O’Reilly’s exit, at an alarming rate.
digital advertising products had
percent from a year ago, that was app, no matter the growth rate, users. Fox News has retained the top Lachlan Murdoch, apologizing
drowned out those warnings.
down from 53 percent growth in that by itself could attract adver- When asked during the call on spot in cable news, but its com- for a cold at the start of Wednes-
“They told us all of this,” Brian
the first quarter of 2016. tisers.” Still, he said, “at this early Wednesday about whether he was petitors are closing in. Rachel day’s call, said that weakness at
Wieser, an analyst at Pivotal Re-
Snap’s shares plunged in after- stage, growth in both user time worried about Facebook, Mr. Maddow on MSNBC has started the Fox broadcast network “has
search, said of Snap’s executives.
hours trading to about $17.27, just spent on the platform and in the Spiegel said innovative compa- to win her time slot by certain been frustrating for us all.” He
“With Snap in particular, there’s
above the company’s I.P.O. price number of users are both very im- nies needed to “basically enjoy measures. Tucker Carlson, who added, however, that he was “en-
always been a greater fool ele-
ment — a lot of people bought it of $17 a share. portant.” the fact that people are going to replaced Mr. O’Reilly at 8 p.m., has couraged” by new shows in the
because they thought someone Snap emphasized on a call with Snap’s results were also viewed copy your products if you make seen his numbers fall off from works for the fall season.
else would pay more for it. That’s analysts on Wednesday that peo- as a referendum on whether it great stuff.”
impossible to ignore.” ple were spending more time than would be able to fend off Face- The issue of slowing user
growth has been evident for Snap
Fox Picks Ad Sales Head
Snap’s $2.2 billion loss for the ever on Snapchat, more than 30 book, which wanted to buy Snap in
first quarter, which included a $2 minutes a day, seeking to con- 2013 and is trying to crush the for some time. The company’s av-
billion expense related to stock vince investors that loyalty to its young company. For years, Snap erage number of daily users grew
by 48 percent in the fourth quarter

Who Founded Digital Firm

compensation, was far above its products matters more than the — which is based in Venice, Calif.,
$104 million loss a year ago. Reve- size of its user base. outside the orbit of Silicon Valley of 2016, by 63 percent in the third
nue was $149.6 million, almost four “We still have a lot of work to do, companies — had turned certain quarter and by 66 percent in the
times as much as a year ago, but but I’m excited by the amount of social media norms on its head by second quarter, Snap said in its
fell short of Wall Street estimates progress we’ve made in such a pioneering features like disap- public offering filing. By SAPNA MAHESHWARI
In March, Snap said its financial Fox Networks Group, days be-
performance would depend more fore the start of the annual adver-
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT, Schedules; (v) include supporting documentation for the claim or an explanation as to on its “ability to elevate user en- tising selling season, named a
SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK (2) You are a person or entity whose claim has been paid in full, includ- why such documentation is not available; and (vi) be signed by the claim-
In re: Chapter 11 ing but not limited to any claim of an employee of the Debtors for ordinary ant or, if the claimant is not an individual, by an authorized agent of the gagement” if the number of users new head of ad sales on Wednes-
ANGELICA Case Nos.: 17-10869 (JLG) course wages or benefits to the extent already paid by the Debtors after the claimant. did not grow significantly. The day.
CORPORATION, et al., Through 17-10873 (JLG) Commencement Date pursuant to an order of the Court; IF YOU ARE ASSERTING A CLAIM AGAINST MORE THAN ONE DEBTOR,
Debtors. (Jointly Administered) (3) You hold an equity security interest in the Debtors, which interest SEPARATE PROOFS OF CLAIM MUST BE FILED AGAINST EACH SUCH DEBTOR company generates most of its
exclusively is based upon the ownership of common or preferred stock, AND YOU MUST IDENTIFY ON YOUR PROOF OF CLAIM THE SPECIFIC DEBTOR Joe Marchese, previously the
NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR FILING PROOFS OF CLAIM revenue by selling space to adver-
Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases concerning the debtors listed below (the
membership interests, partnership interests, or warrants, options, or rights AGAINST WHICH YOUR CLAIM IS ASSERTED AND THE CASE NUMBER OF THAT group’s head of advanced adver-
“Debtors”) were filed on April 3, 2017. You may be a creditor of one of
to purchase, sell, or subscribe to such a security or interest; provided, that DEBTOR’S BANKRUPTCY CASE. A LIST OF THE NAMES OF THE DEBTORS AND tisers who want to reach a young
if you assert such claim (as opposed to an ownership interest) against the THEIR CASE NUMBERS IS SET FORTH ABOVE. tising products, will fill a promi-
the debtors. On May 3, 2017, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Debtors (including a claim relating to an equity interest or the purchase or Your Proof of Claim form must not contain complete social security audience that spends a lot of time
Southern District of New York (the “Court”), having jurisdiction over the sale of such equity interest), a Proof of Claim must be filed on or before the numbers or taxpayer identification numbers (only the last four digits), a nent industry role that has been
chapter 11 cases, entered an order (the “Bar Date Order”) establishing looking at images and stories in
June 26, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) as the last date and time for
applicable Bar Date as set forth in this Notice;
(4) You hold a claim allowable under section 503(b) and 507(a)(2) of
complete birth date (only the year), the name of a minor (only the minor’s
initials), or a financial account number (only the last four digits of such the app. vacant since the longtime execu-
each person and entity (including individuals, partnerships, corporations, the Bankruptcy Code as an administrative claim (other than a holder of a financial account). tive Toby Byrne left in September.
joint ventures, and trusts, but not governmental units (as defined in section claim under section 503(b)(9), which are subject to the Bar Date); Additional Proof of Claim Forms may be obtained at Snap is also spending hand-
101(27) of the Bankruptcy Code) (“Governmental Units”)) to file a proof (5) You hold a claim that has been allowed by order of the Court entered bkforms or somely to create products to en- Mr. Marchese, 36, joined the group
of claim (“Proof of Claim”) based on prepetition claims, including, for the
avoidance of doubt, secured claims, priority claims, and claims arising under
on or before the applicable Bar Date;
(6) You hold a claim for which a separate deadline has been fixed by the
FORM COPIES OF ANY DOCUMENTS UPON WHICH YOUR CLAIM IS gage users. It spent $805.8 million two years ago after its parent
section 503(b)(9) of chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code (the
“Bankruptcy Code”), against the Debtors listed above (the “General Bar
on research and development in company, 21st Century Fox, ac-
Date”); and (ii) September 30, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) as the
(7) You hold a claim for which you already filed a Proof of Claim with the A SUMMARY.
quired TrueX, a digital ad technol- Joe Marchese joined Fox Net-
Clerk of the Court or Prime Clerk against any of the Debtors with respect to 6. CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURE TO FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM BY the first quarter, 28 times higher
last date and time for each Governmental Unit to file a Proof of Claim based
on prepetition claims against any of the Debtors (the “Governmental Bar
the claim being asserted, utilizing a claim form that substantially conforms THE BAR DATE. ANY HOLDER OF A CLAIM THAT IS NOT EXCEPTED
than a year ago. Marketing costs ogy firm of which he was a works Group two years ago.
to the Proof of Claim Form or Official Form B410; FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE BAR DATE ORDER, AS SET FORTH
Date,”and, together with the General Bar Date, the“Bar Dates”).
The Bar Date Order, the Bar Dates, and the procedures set forth below for
(8) You are a person or entity whose claim exclusively is limited to IN SECTION 2 ABOVE, AND THAT FAILS TO TIMELY FILE A PROOF OF skyrocketed to $219.7 million, from founder, in a deal valued at $200
the repayment of principal, interest, and other fees and expenses (the CLAIM IN THE APPROPRIATE FORM WILL BE FOREVER BARRED FROM
the filing of Proofs of Claim apply to all claims against the Debtors (other “Prepetition Senior Loan Obligations”) under or in connection with ASSERTING SUCH CLAIM AGAINST THE DEBTORS AND THEIR CHAPTER $14.7 million a year ago. million. viewership.
than those set forth below as being specifically excluded) that arose prior to
April 3, 2017, the date on which the Debtors commenced their cases under
that certain Loan and Security Agreement, dated as of July 15, 2011 (as 11 ESTATES, FROM VOTING ON ANY PLAN OF REORGANIZATION FILED
Snapchat still has an ace: Its us- He will oversee advertising for “We’re having consumers sit
amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, IN THESE CHAPTER 11 CASES, AND FROM PARTICIPATING IN ANY
chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.
If you have any questions relating to this Notice, please feel free
the “Prepetition Senior Loan Agreement”); unless you wish to assert DISTRIBUTION IN THE DEBTORS’ CASES ON ACCOUNT OF SUCH CLAIM. ers are demographically attrac- properties including the Fox Tele- through almost 20 times the ads in
a claim arising out of or relating to the Prepetition Senior Loan Agreement 7. THE DEBTORS’ SCHEDULES, ACCESS THERETO, AND
to contact Prime Clerk LLC (“Prime Clerk”) at (844) 276-3030 (toll other than a claim for the Prepetition Senior Loan Obligations, in which CONSEQUENCES OF AMENDMENT THEREOF. You may be listed as the tive. Many are between 18 and 34, vision Group, Fox Sports and FX, some cases as a YouTube or Face-
free) or by e-mail at
case you are required to file a Proof of Claim with respect to such claim on or holder of a claim against the Debtors in the Debtors’ Schedules of Assets
a group that is particularly allur- expanding his previous focus on book might over the same period
before the Bar Date, unless another exception identified herein applies; or and Liabilities and/or Schedules of Executory Contracts and Unexpired
QUESTIONS, INCLUDING WHETHER YOU SHOULD FILE A PROOF OF (9) You are a person or entity whose claim exclusively is limited to Leases (collectively, the “Schedules”). To determine if and how you are ing to advertisers, said Sean Cor- the group’s “nontraditional” ad — we’re not making 20 times the
NOTE: The staff of the Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office, the Office of the United
the repayment of principal, interest, and other fees and expenses (the listed in the Schedules, please refer to the descriptions set forth on the
coran, executive director for the ventures and revenue sources,
States Trustee, and the Debtors’ Claims and Noticing Agent cannot give legal
“Prepetition Junior Obligations”) under or in connection with that cer- enclosed Proof of Claim Form regarding the nature, amount, and status of money,” he said. “There’s a mis-
tain Amended and Restated Loan Agreement, dated as of July 12, 2016 (as your claim(s). If you received postpetition payments from the Debtors (as Americas at MullenLowe Medi- like Fox’s shows on Hulu and its
advice. amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, authorized by the Court) on account of your claim, the enclosed Proof of conception about where people
See Below for Important Explanations
the“Prepetition Junior Credit Agreement”); unless you wish to assert a Claim Form will reflect the net amount of your claims. If the Debtors believe ahub, a digital advertising firm. own websites. (He will not be re-
Name of Debtor, Case Number, Tax Identification Number: Angelica are spending time with marketing
Textile Services, Inc.—NY, 17-10869 (JLG), 43-1096508; Angelica claim arising out of or relating to the Prepetition Junior Credit Agreement that you hold claims against more than one Debtor, you will receive multiple
“It’s close to 80 million people, sponsible for Fox News, which op-
Corporation, 17-10870 (JLG), 43-0905260; Clothesline Holdings, Inc., other than a claim for the Prepetition Junior Obligations, in which case you Proof of Claim Forms, each of which will reflect the nature and amount of messages, and I want to get that
17-10871 (JLG), 26-2971081; Angelica Textile Services, Inc.—CA, are required to file a Proof of Claim with respect to such claim on or before your claim against each Debtor, as listed in the Schedules. spanning high school to young erates separately.) The selection
the Bar Date, unless another exception identified herein applies. As set forth above, if you agree with the nature, amount, and status of focused.”
17-10872 (JLG), 95-2505010; Royal Institutional Services, Inc., 17-10873
YOU SHOULD NOT FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A your claim as listed in the Debtors’ Schedules and if your claim is not listed moms and dads, and they are in- of Mr. Marchese, who also re-
CLAIM AGAINST ONE OF THE DEBTORS. in the Schedules as“disputed,”“contingent,” or“unliquidated,” you need not cently helped Fox forge a data Fox Networks Group tapped
8 YEARS: Angelica; Angelica Healthcare; Angelica Image Apparel; Angelica credibly hard to reach because
Textiles; Royal. THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS NOTICE DOES NOT MEAN file a Proof of Claim. Otherwise, or if you decide to file a Proof of Claim, you
partnership with its rivals Viacom Mr. Marchese ahead of its upfront
Attorneys for Debtors: WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP, 767 Fifth THAT YOU HAVE A CLAIM OR THAT THE DEBTORS OR THE COURT must do so before the Bar Date in accordance with the procedures set forth their media habits are frag-
and Turner, highlights the TV in- presentation on Monday, the an-
Avenue, New York, New York 10153, Telephone: (212) 310-8000, Facsimile:
3. EXECUTORY CONTRACTS AND UNEXPIRED LEASES. If you hold a Copies of the Schedules may be examined by interested parties on mented,” Mr. Corcoran said.
(212) 310-8007, Matthew S.Barr, Jill Frizzley, Kevin Bostel
DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF MEETING OF CREDITORS claim arising from the rejection of an executory contract or unexpired lease, the Court’s electronic docket for the Debtors’ chapter 11 cases, which is “Snapchat is one of the few places dustry’s shifting landscape, as it nual star-studded events held by
PURSUANT TO BANKRUPTCY CODE SECTION 341(a) : May 12, 2017 at you must file a Proof of Claim based on such rejection by the later of (i) the
Bar Date and (ii) such date as the Court may fix, which date shall not be less
posted (i) on the website established by Prime Clerk for the Debtors’ cases
at and (ii) on the Court’s website you can get to them in a mass contends with ad-free platforms TV networks in May to attract ad-
10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time). Location: United States Bankruptcy Court, SDNY,
One Bowling Green, Room 511, Fifth Floor, New York, NY 10004-1408. than 30 days following the date of entry of an order approving the rejec- at (A login and password to the Court’s Public
way.” like Netflix, competition from vertising dollars.
Address of the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court: Clerk of the United tion of such executory contract or unexpired lease, or you will be forever Access to Electronic Court Records (“PACER”) are required to access the
States Bankruptcy Court, One Bowling Green, New York, NY 10004-1408, barred from so doing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you are a party to information on the Court’s website and can be obtained through the YouTube and Facebook, and the James Murdoch, the chief exec-
Telephone: (212)-668-2870. Vito Genna, Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court. an executory contract or unexpired lease and you wish to assert a claim with
respect to unpaid amounts accrued and outstanding as of April 3, 2017
PACER Service Center at Copies of the
Schedules also may be examined between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 challenge of tracking viewership utive of 21st Century Fox, joined
Hours Open: 8:30 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.,Weekdays excluding Court Holidays.
1. WHO MUST FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM. You MUST file a Proof of pursuant to such executory contract or unexpired lease (other than a rejec- p.m. (Eastern Time) Monday through Friday at the Office of the Clerk of the across a range of devices. the board of TrueX before the ac-
Claim to vote on a chapter 11 plan filed by the Debtors or to share in any tion damages claim), you must file a Proof of Claim for such amounts on or Bankruptcy Court, United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District
distributions from the Debtors’ estates if you have a claim that arose prior before the Bar Date unless an exception identified above applies. of New York, One Bowling Green, New York, NY 10004. Copies of the Debtors’ The current TV ad model “does- quisition after being introduced to
to April 3, 2017 and it is not one of the types of claims described in Section 4. WHEN AND WHERE TO FILE. Except as provided for herein, all
Proofs of Claim either must be filed (i) electronically through Prime Clerk’s
Schedules also may be obtained by written request to the Debtors’ claims
agent, Prime Clerk, at the address and telephone number set forth below: n’t properly value what we’re do- Mr. Marchese through a mutual
2 below. Claims based on acts or omissions of the Debtors that occurred
before April 3, 2017 must be filed on or prior to the Bar Date, even if such website using the interface available on such website located at https:// Angelica Corporation Claims Processing Center, c/o Prime Clerk LLC, ing and kind of turns consumers friend. TrueX works on commer-
claims are not now fixed, liquidated, or certain or did not mature or become under the link entitled “Submit a Claim” 830 3rd Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10022.
fixed, liquidated, or certain before April 3, 2017. (the “Electronic Filing System”) or (ii) by delivering the original Proof of In the event that the Debtors amend or supplement their Schedules sub- off to our storytelling,” Mr. Mar- cials that viewers can interact
Pursuant to section 101(5) of the Bankruptcy Code and as used in this Claim form by hand, or mailing the original Proof of Claim form, as follows: sequent to date of entry of the Bar Date Order, the Debtors shall give notice with.
Notice, the word“claim”means: (a) a right to payment, whether or not such If by overnight courier, hand delivery, or first class mail to: Angelica of any amendment or supplement to the holders of claims affected by such chese said in an interview. “Is
right is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated, fixed, contingent, Corporation Claims Processing Center, c/o Prime Clerk LLC, 830 3rd amendment or supplement within ten days after filing such amendment or there a way we can get back to Advertising makes up about 30
matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, legal, equitable, secured, or Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10022; OR If by hand delivery to: United supplement, and such holders must file a Proof of Claim by the later of (i) the
unsecured; or (b) a right to an equitable remedy for breach of performance States Bankruptcy Court, SDNY, One Bowling Green, New York, NY 10004. Bar Date and (ii) 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the date that is 30 days fol- making brands heroes because percent, or $7.7 billion, of 21st Cen-
if such breach gives rise to a right to payment, whether or not such right to
an equitable remedy is reduced to judgment, fixed, contingent, matured,
Proofs of Claim will be deemed timely filed only if actually received
by Prime Clerk or the Court as set forth in section 4 above, in each case, on
lowing the date such notice is served, or be forever barred from so doing, and
such deadline shall be contained in any notice of such amendment or sup- %86,1(66 they’re the ones making the pro- tury Fox’s annual revenue. The
unmatured, disputed, undisputed, secured, or unsecured. Further, claims
include unsecured claims, secured claims, and priority claims.
or before the Bar Date. Proofs of Claim may not be delivered by facsimile,
telecopy, or electronic mail transmission (other than Proofs of Claim filed
plement of the Schedules provided to the holders of claims affected thereby.
A holder of a possible claim against the Debtors should consult
23325781,7,(6 gramming you love? That’s hard company does not break out how
2. WHO NEED NOT FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM. You need not file a Proof electronically through the Electronic Filing System). an attorney if such holder has any questions regarding this Notice,  to do especially when consumers much Fox Networks Group brings
5. WHAT TO FILE. If you file a Proof of Claim, your filed Proof of Claim including whether the holder should file a Proof of Claim.
of Claim if:
(1) Your claim is listed on the Schedules (as defined below) and (i) is must: (i) be written in the English language; (ii) be denominated in lawful Dated: New York, New York, May 3, 2017 BY ORDER OF THE COURT 0LVFHOODQHRXV  are being taught that ad-free op- in, but its chief financial officer
not listed on the Schedules as “disputed,” “contingent,” or “unliquidated,” currency of the United States as of April 3, 2017 (using the exchange rate, if WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP, 767 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10153, tions are easy.” said in March that news and
(ii) you do not dispute the amount, nature, and priority of the claim as applicable, as of April 3, 2017); (iii) substantially conform to the form pro-
vided with this Notice (the “Proof of Claim Form”) or Official Form B410; Telephone: (212) 310-8000, Facsimile: (212) 310-8007, COUNSEL FOR 63,11(56 $9$,/$%/( He also rankled at comparisons sports together account for half of
set forth in the Schedules, and (iii) you do not dispute that the claim is an DEBTORS AND DEBTORS IN POSSESSION
obligation of the specific Debtor against which the claim is listed in the (iv) set forth with specificity the legal and factual basis for the alleged claim; &DOO  of online video views to cable TV that.

Buying Into the Turmoil: Investors Set Aside Fear and Reap the Rewards
By LANDON THOMAS Jr. “No one has been penalized for The Dow Minute by Minute spate of buying can be explained funds accordingly.
Buy the dip. buying the dip,” said Bill Luby, an as investors looking for bargains Especially now, when cash and
independent investor and active Position of the Dow Jones industrial average at 1-minute intervals on in beaten-down areas — like safe government bonds are such
Be it stocks, bonds or more com-
blogger who specializes in trades Wednesday. emerging markets. unattractive alternatives in terms
plex derivative bets, investors fol- 20,980
lowing this Wall Street maxim connected to the VIX. Having lagged the broader rally of investment returns.
have reaped robust rewards in re- Until recently, he has been an Previous close in recent years, these markets Indeed, for all the ups and
cent years. active participant in Wall Street’s 20,975.78 20,960 took a further hit in the wake of downs in the stock market over
Such buying has been evident most popular trade: Betting Mr. Trump’s election. Currencies the last five years, the total return
in the shares of large American against VIX futures with the ex- 20,940 tumbled and investors took flight, of the S.&P. 500 stock index is up
companies since March 2009, pectation that market volatility fearful of the administration’s close to 15 percent — beating most
when the Standard & Poor’s 500 will remain quiescent. anti-trade policies and a resurgent of the opportunities available to
stock index touched a low of 666. Now, he is worried about what 20,920 dollar, not to mention the usual investors.
(It closed on Wednesday at will happen when the dip becomes dose of political turmoil.
something more severe than just a “The view we frequently hear
2,399.63.) It also appeared when 20,900 Nishant X. Upadhyay, an today is, ‘aren’t stocks expensive
investors piled into European temporary dip, and the index bolts emerging market bond investor at
higher as investors panic. now given S.&P. price to earnings
stocks after Britain’s vote to leave HSBC Global Asset Management,
“That trade is really loaded up,” 20,880 multiple,’ which is at a 15 to 20 per-
the European Union last summer. took the opportunity late last year
And the phenomenon has been Mr. Luby said. “It won’t take much cent premium to the historical av-
10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. to buy Turkish government erage,” said William C. Nygren,
amply illustrated by the wagering of a spike to cause a lot of pain.” bonds, betting that worries about
that the VIX index, a measure of Shorting, or betting against, the Source: Reuters | By The New York Times
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
how sharply investors think VIX is not the only trade of late and his political ambitions were
stocks will shoot up and down, will where investors have been hand- 10-Year Treasury Notes and lighter regulation will provide
continue to move lower as it has somely compensated for setting ballast to the market.
It was a winning trade — bond
Concern that market
done in recent weeks. aside their fears. High yield in monthly refunding And with bank deposits and
Yet as stock markets hit record Investors have been snapping auction. bonds from developed countries
yields have fallen and the lira has rebounds could
strengthened substantially. Now,
highs and the yields on volatile
junk and emerging market bonds
up government bonds issued by
countries like Russia, Turkey and 3.0%
still offering meager returns, billions of dollars (Mr. Upadhyay embolden risk takers.
stocks and higher-risk fixed-in- estimates over $30 billion last
plunge, this view that market cor- even Mongolia, enticed by mouth- come securities have come to be
watering yields and a perception 2.400% quarter) are flowing into emerg-
rections should be seen as a buy- 2.6 seen as the default option for in-
that economic and political risks, ing market bonds as investors
ing opportunity, as opposed to a vestment managers looking to the who has been investing in United
warning to be heeded, has begun which previously warned rush in to get a piece of the action.
long term. “No doubt the spreads are tight- States stocks, under the Oakmark
to worry investors. investors away, are no longer so 2.2
Nevertheless, the combination Funds brand, at Harris Associates
The fear is that each subse- severe. ening,” he said, in describing how
of complacency and rising mar- the recent boom in the asset class in Chicago for more than 30 years.
quent rebound will embolden ex- And in the United States stock 1.8 Making market timing bets
kets has prompted a growing has made them less attractive rel-
cessive risk taking and inflate market, stock pickers continue to
number to become more cautious. ative to lower-yielding bonds in have been a “kiss of death” for
richly valued stock and bond mar- ignore sky-high valuations of
“We have been in a long up cy- developed markets. “And there investors over the years as stocks
kets. stocks and the market as a whole, 1.4
buying up index giants like Ama- cle and valuations are above aver- are risks out there. But the ques- continue to rise over the long
Investors have repeatedly ’16 ’17
zon, which has a price-to-earnings age,” said Bradley J. Vogt, a port- tion is: Do you want to be sitting in term, he said.
shaken off the risks of political tur-
moil, including the latest shock, ratio of 136, Apple and Facebook at Source: Treasury folio manager who invests in large cash right now or investing your And that holds true for today, he
President Trump’s firing of James the slightest sign of weakness. Department THE NEW YORK TIMES capitalization United States dollars in alternative markets?” believes.
B. Comey, the director of the Fed- Few are predicting an outright stocks for the Capital Group, the Fund managers with a long “We have better economic
eral Bureau of Investigation, on market collapse. And even with the political up- Los Angeles-based fund giant that memory argue that while it may growth looking forward the next
Tuesday night. On Wednesday, the Economic growth, at home and heaval in Washington, most mar- oversees $1.4 trillion. “I am hold- be true that markets are richly five years than we do looking
S.&P. 500 ended the day up 0.11 abroad, is picking up, and the ket participants remain con- ing more cash than I usually hold priced, it would be a mistake for backward,” Mr. Nygren said. “And
percent, while the VIX was still earnings for companies listed on vinced that the Trump adminis- in my funds right now.” investors to try to predict when alternative asset classes offer re-
near its decade lows, at 10.21. the S.&P. 500 have been strong. tration’s pledges for lower taxes To be sure, some of this recent markets will fall and remove their turns that are exceedingly low.”

Whole Foods, Pressured

By Restless Shareholders,
Shuffles Its Upper Ranks
Gap Inc., and Mark Bittman, a for-
From First Business Page mer food columnist for The New
man and co-chief executive of York Times. The potential direc-
Panera Bread Company. The oth- tors bought their own stakes in the
ers are Ken Hicks, a former chief company.
executive of Foot Locker; Joe Whole Foods tried to broker a
Mansueto, the founder and chair- peace with Jana, offering to ac-
man of Morningstar; Sharon Mc- cept two of the hedge fund’s no-
Collam, a former chief financial of- minees if Jana would refrain from
ficer of Best Buy; and Scott Pow- publicly agitating for change for
ers, a former vice president of two years. Jana refused, a spokes-
State Street Corporation. man for the hedge fund said.
Gabrielle Sulzberger, a private On Wednesday, Whole Food un-
equity executive, will become the veiled its own new picks for the
company’s chairwoman, Whole board, foreshadowing what could
Foods said in a statement. Ms. be a showdown with some
Sulzberger is married to Arthur O. shareholders.
Sulzberger Jr., the chairman and “If Jana wants to have their own
publisher of The New York Times. directors on the board, then they
John B. Elstrott Jr., who has ought to be willing to sign a co-
served as chairman of the Whole operation agreement,” Mr.
Foods board since 2009, will step Mackey said.
down. Jana, for its part, said it wanted
Keith Manbeck, a former vice to remain nimble rather than
president of Kohl’s, will become strike a compromise with the
the company’s new chief financial company.
officer. “We decided we’d rather keep
The moves by Whole Foods all options on the table,” the Jana
came after Jana Partners, an $8.5 spokesman said in a statement.
billion hedge fund, announced a “Now we’ll be waiting to see if the
major investment and proposed newly reconstituted board can
four nominees to the company’s show a real commitment to fixing Shoppers leaving a Whole Foods store in Manhattan last month. The company faces increasing competition in the grocery sector.
board. the operations at Whole Foods
Neuberger Berman, another and pursuing all avenues to share- ing the grocer the nickname Wednesday to accelerate a berger Berman, which manages sole chief executive. Walter Robb,
major shareholder, has also holder value creation.” “whole paycheck” among some planned customer loyalty pro- $267 billion for pension funds, sov- the previous co-chief executive,
pushed for change at Whole Foods Whole Foods detailed the shoppers. gram, after shareholders, includ- ereign wealth funds and individu- continued to serve on the board.
over the past year, at one point changes as it announced quar- Whole Foods faces fierce com- ing Jana and Neuberger Berman, als, urged Whole Foods to con- Whole Foods also brought Mary
even turning to activist hedge terly earnings and subjected its fi- petition and has been forced to had criticized it for being slow to sider “possible strategic mergers, Ellen Coe, the vice president for
funds for help. nancial health to the market’s mi- slash prices as national retailers adopt one. It also said it would cut partnerships, joint ventures, sales and product operations at
Jana went public with its fight croscope. Sales for the quarter like Costco, Safeway and Walmart $300 million in additional costs alliances” in addition to making Google, onto the board. And it an-
against Whole Foods last month. met expectations, but the com- have begun offering their own or- over the next four years. internal investments. nounced that Glenda Flanagan,
Its targets included customer pany pared back its forecast for ganic produce and kitchen sta- And the grocer told investors It was the second time that Neu-
earnings this year. the chief financial officer, would
service and brand development at ples. that it would buy back $1.25 billion berger Berman had sent a letter to
the company, which has faced The Whole Foods brand was retire at the end of 2017.
Wall Street started to lose faith in shares. the Whole Foods board. A month
added competition from tradi- once synonymous with organic in Whole Foods amid the shifting But some shareholder demands after its first letter, in September, In a statement on Wednesday,
tional grocers in recent years. and natural foods, and the com- landscape, and the company’s remain. Neuberger Berman sent a the company announced a series Neuberger Berman said, “We look
The hedge fund, arguing that pany staked its reputation on a shares slumped, although they letter to the board last week not- of management changes. forward to understanding the new
the board was stale and in need of culture of healthy eating and liv- have regained some of the lost ing its concern that employees Those changes included the board’s sense of urgency and
fresh blood, proposed a slate of di- ing. It stood out for offering fresh, ground since Jana announced its would be “distracted from their elimination of the company’s co- timeline in assessing all strategic
rectors that included Glenn Mur- local produce, but its products investment. primary responsibilities” amid chief executive structure and the opportunities to maximize share-
phy, a former chief executive of came with a hefty price tag, earn- Whole Foods pledged on the flurry of public pressure. Neu- appointment of Mr. Mackey as the holder value.”

Barclays Chief Apologizes for Seeking Out a Whistle-Blower

By CHAD BRAY you as well, for that error.” going through a red light is “If I believed a chief executive
LONDON — Barclays share- British regulators are investi- usually you do not lose your li- should go, you know me, he would
holders vented their frustrations gating Mr. Staley after he sought cense.” go,” Mr. McFarlane said.
with James E. Staley, the British to learn the identity of a whistle- The disclosure of the inquiry In addition to the British regula-
bank’s chief executive, on blower last year after the com- prompted Institutional Share- tors, the Financial Conduct Au-
Wednesday after he was caught pany received two anonymous let- holder Services, the influential thority and the Prudential Regula-
ters that involved a former col- tory Authority, the New York De-
up in a regulatory inquiry last
league at JPMorgan Chase whom partment of Financial Services is
month over his treatment of a
he had hired. looking into the matter.
whistle-blower complaint.
At the bank’s annual meeting in
The bank has previously said it
would formally reprimand Mr.
Shareholder anger is The inquiry has emerged at a
pivotal time for Barclays, which
London, one shareholder called
for Mr. Staley to step down from
Staley, who is known as Jes, and directed at the boss at has large operations in New York
make a “very significant compen-
the stage — John McFarlane, the
Barclays chairman, declined the
sation adjustment” to his bonus an annual meeting. and in London.
Mr. Staley is the bank’s third
after investigators completed
request — and another later asked chief executive after it was caught
their work.
for Mr. Staley to resign immedi- up in a scandal involving the ma-
Mr. McFarlane said that Mr.
ately. proxy adviser, to recommend last nipulation of a key benchmark in-
Staley mistakenly believed at the
On Wednesday, Mr. Staley of- time that the matter was closed month that investors withhold terest rate, the London interbank
fered another in a series of public and he could proceed with efforts their votes for his re-election to offered rate, or Libor.
apologies for his actions. the board. Barclays paid $450 million in Barclays plans to formally reprimand James E. Staley and make
to learn the individual’s identity.
“I feel it is important that I ac- Mr. Staley was re-elected to the penalties and became the first a “very significant compensation adjustment” to his bonus.
Mr. McFarlane said Mr. Staley
knowledge to you — our only wanted to contact the indi- board on Wednesday, receiving bank to admit to wrongdoing in
shareholders — that I made a mis- vidual to get him or her to stop 97.2 percent of the votes cast. 2012 related to Libor, with the re- turn around the company. that have dragged on its results.
take in becoming involved in an is- writing letters, because he be- Votes representing about 1.7 bil- sulting scandal costing Robert E. Mr. Staley joined the bank in In February, the British bank
sue which I should have left to the lieved they were malicious. lion shares were withheld. Diamond Jr. his job. December 2015 and has moved ag- said that it was on the verge of
business to deal with,” Mr. Staley “He thought he had a green Mr. McFarlane dismissed the Antony Jenkins was brought in gressively to sell off businesses closing a unit that houses its non-
told investors on Wednesday. “I light. He went through the green call for Mr. Staley’s resignation, to change the bank’s culture, but the bank does not consider core core operations and would no
have apologized to the board, and light and it was actually red,” Mr. noting the bank’s prospects have he was ousted two years ago after operations in the future and re- longer be in a restructuring mode
I would today like to apologize to McFarlane said. “The action for improved under his leadership. directors lost faith in his ability to solve legacy misconduct issues by later this year.

S.&P.  2,399.63 DOW  20,943.11 NASDAQ  6,129.14 10-YEAR 2.41% CRUDE  $47.33 GOLD  $1,217.30 THE  $1.0864
500 +2.71 INDUSTRIALS –32.67 COMPOSITE +8.56 TREASURY YIELD  +0.01 OIL +$1.45 (N.Y.) +$3.00 EURO –$0.0008

Standard & Poor’s 500-Stock Index 3-MONTH TREND Nasdaq Composite Index 3-MONTH TREND Dow Jones Industrial Average 3-MONTH TREND

2,600 6,400

2,500 +10% 6,200 +10% 22,000 +10%

2,400 + 5% + 5% 21,000 + 5%
0% 0% 20,000 0%

– 5% – 5% 19,000 – 5%
March Apr. March Apr. March Apr.

When the index follows a white line, it is changing at a constant pace; when it moves into a lighter band, the rate of change is faster.


% 52-Wk YTD % 52-Wk YTD % Volume % Volume % Volume
Index Close Chg Chg % Chg % Chg Index Close Chg Chg % Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Close Chg Chg (100) Stock (TICKER) Close Chg Chg (100) Stock (TICKER) Close Chg Chg (100)


Industrials 20943.11 ◊ 32.67 ◊ 0.16 + 16.82 + 5.97 Nasdaq 100 5681.68 + 3.37 + 0.06 + 29.07 + 16.82 AMD (AMD) 10.79 +0.61 +6.0 658937 INC Rsrch Hl (INCR) 52.80 +9.15 +21.0 46608 Vitmn Shpe (VSI) 12.70 ◊6.30 ◊33.2 43714
Transportation 9072.35 ◊ 57.93 ◊ 0.63 + 15.84 + 0.31 Composite 6129.14 + 8.56 + 0.14 + 27.43 + 13.86 Valeant Pharm (VRX) 12.68 +0.63 +5.2 642915 Array Biopha (ARRY) 8.43 +1.41 +20.1 174671 Aqua Metals (AQMS) 12.31 ◊4.34 ◊26.1 17810
Utilities 696.90 + 0.97 + 0.14 + 5.11 + 5.65 Industrials 5021.26 + 5.81 + 0.12 + 20.58 + 12.97 NVIDIA (NVDA) 121.29 +18.35 +17.8 531318 Calpine (CPN) 11.89 +1.82 +18.1 177849 Hackett Grou (HCKT) 15.65 ◊4.59 ◊22.7 11951
Banks 3715.14 ◊ 2.19 ◊ 0.06 + 34.34 ◊ 3.56 Bank of Ameri (BAC) 24.15 +0.17 +0.7 484622 NVIDIA (NVDA) 121.29 +18.35 +17.8 531318 Fossil Group (FOSL) 14.44 ◊3.71 ◊20.4 115597
Composite 7199.78 ◊ 17.32 ◊ 0.24 + 14.48 + 4.31
Chesapeake En (CHK) 5.75 +0.35 +6.5 474796 Crocs (CROX) 7.28 +1.08 +17.4 73657 Yelp (YELP) 28.33 ◊6.37 ◊18.4 471357
Insurance 8269.65 ◊ 1.34 ◊ 0.02 + 11.01 ◊ 1.00 6.91
Yelp (YELP) 28.33 ◊6.37 ◊18.4 471347 Calithera (CALA) 13.25 +1.95 +17.3 9629 PCTEL, Inc. (PCTI) ◊1.25 ◊15.3 8504
Other Finance 6795.96 ◊ 11.07 ◊ 0.16 + 21.39 + 5.07 Snap (SNAP) 22.98 ◊0.34 ◊1.5 444768 Impax Labs (IPXL) 16.55 +2.35 +16.5 48515 Dermira (DERM) 27.27 ◊4.89 ◊15.2 48949
100 Stocks 1059.10 ◊ 1.52 ◊ 0.14 + 14.57 + 6.83 Telecommunications 312.91 ◊ 0.19 ◊ 0.06 + 23.90 + 8.54 Spirit Realty (SRC) 7.59 +0.25 +3.4 405391 Natera (NTRA) 10.67 +1.51 +16.5 10234 Silver Sprin (SSNI) 9.91 ◊1.75 ◊15.0 22582
500 Stocks 2399.63 + 2.71 + 0.11 + 15.12 + 7.18 Computer 3500.63 + 13.52 + 0.39 + 40.58 + 19.65 Ford Motor (F) 11.04 ◊0.12 ◊1.1 349771 Everi Holdin (EVRI) 7.03 +0.97 +16.0 38805 Time (TIME) 12.95 ◊2.15 ◊14.2 79604
Mid-Cap 400 1738.56 + 10.73 + 0.62 + 18.29 + 4.70 Pfizer (PFE) 33.03 ◊0.35 ◊1.0 330454 Almost Famil (AFAM) 57.30 +7.65 +15.4 3454 Yangtze Rive (YERR) 8.50 ◊1.30 ◊13.3 708
Small-Cap 600 851.31 + 4.08 + 0.48 + 22.79 + 1.59 OTHER INDEXES U. S. Steel (X) 20.97 +0.18 +0.9 297140 Surgery Part (SGRY) 20.95 +2.75 +15.1 5901 CECO Environ (CECE) 10.38 ◊1.45 ◊12.3 3571
American Exch 2551.97 + 13.56 + 0.53 + 9.48 + 10.57 Micron Tech (MU) 29.32 +0.51 +1.8 292175 Farmer Mac (AGM) 64.33 +8.09 +14.4 2025 Qualstar (QBAK) 7.19 ◊0.94 ◊11.6 1474
NEW YORK Wilshire 5000 24977.56 + 44.66 + 0.18 + 16.01 + 6.62 Fox (FOXA) 27.90 ◊0.33 ◊1.2 275061 Lumber Liquida (LL) 24.78 +3.09 +14.2 32039 Triumph Group (TGI) 21.60 ◊2.70 ◊11.1 25701
GE (GE) 28.70 ◊0.23 ◊0.8 260434 Electro Sci (ESIO) 8.50 +1.05 +14.1 12703 A-Mark Preci (AMRK) 15.15 ◊1.82 ◊10.7 473
STOCK EXCHANGE Value Line Arith 5533.72 + 25.90 + 0.47 + 19.98 + 5.16
Apple (AAPL) 153.26 ◊0.73 ◊0.5 257791 Coherent (COHR) 251.02 +30.97 +14.1 12704 ACADIA Pharm (ACAD) 29.06 ◊3.20 ◊9.9 74920
NYSE Comp. 11598.99 + 31.47 + 0.27 + 11.27 + 4.90 Russell 2000 1399.59 + 7.73 + 0.56 + 23.99 + 3.13 Intel (INTC) 36.01 ◊0.36 ◊1.0 251030 ITI (ITCI) 10.52 +1.26 +13.6 19111 TPI Composit (TPIC) 16.80 ◊1.80 ◊9.7 2179
Tech/Media/Telecom 8178.79 ◊ 10.88 ◊ 0.13 + 8.86 + 5.14 Phila Gold & Silver 81.51 + 1.31 + 1.63 ◊ 4.77 + 3.36 AT&T (T) 38.45 +0.23 +0.6 226061 Electronic Art (EA) 108.16 +12.15 +12.7 111651 Altimmune (ALT) 5.55 ◊0.59 ◊9.6 1698
Energy 10628.23 + 120.29 + 1.14 + 4.11 ◊ 7.61 Phila Semiconductor 1038.92 + 21.42 + 2.11 + 61.25 + 14.61 Coty (COTY) 19.95 +2.12 +11.9 224730 Atwood (ATW) 8.72 +0.96 +12.4 102128 Matrix Servi (MTRX) 10.00 ◊1.00 ◊9.1 6863
Financial 7249.63 + 28.92 + 0.40 + 18.86 + 4.14 KBW Bank 92.60 + 0.18 + 0.19 + 36.60 + 0.88 Weatherford (WFT) 5.19 +0.12 +2.4 221783 Abercrombie (ANF) 14.22 +1.55 +12.2 160649 Sparton (SPA) 18.48 ◊1.84 ◊9.1 3501
Healthcare 13109.42 + 7.35 + 0.06 + 6.49 + 10.10 Phila Oil Service 151.69 + 2.38 + 1.59 ◊ 7.57 ◊ 17.47 Freeport Mcmo (FCX) 11.72 +0.09 +0.8 205003 Vectrus (VEC) 29.80 +3.20 +12.0 4845 Wesco Air Hl (WAIR) 8.35 ◊0.80 ◊8.7 23387


52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD 52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD 52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD 52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD
Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg R
Apple (AAPL) 89.47 154.88 153.26 ◊ 0.73 + 64.05 + 32.3 CVS Health (CVS) 69.30 106.35 80.94 ◊ 0.16 ◊ 23.71 + 2.6 Johnson&Jo (JNJ) 109.32 129.00 122.81 ◊ 0.40 + 7.10 + 6.6 Procter Ga (PG) 79.41 92.00 86.49 + 0.09 + 4.86 + 2.9
AbbVie (ABBV) 55.06 68.12 65.98 ◊ 0.19 + 3.51 + 5.4 Chevron (CVX) 97.53 119.00 106.50 + 1.42 + 5.16 ◊ 9.5 JPMorgan (JPM) 57.05 93.98 87.43 + 0.68 + 40.93 + 1.3 PMI (PM) 86.78 115.63 110.83 ◊ 1.10 + 8.77 + 21.1
Abbott (ABT) 36.76 45.84 44.50 ◊ 0.17 + 16.80 + 15.9 Du Pont (DD) 61.12 82.37 79.18 ◊ 0.31 + 21.83 + 7.9 Kinder Mor (KMI) 16.82 23.36 20.19 + 0.29 + 17.52 ◊ 2.5 PayPal Hld (PYPL) 34.00 49.80 49.79 + 0.57 + 24.13 + 26.2
Accenture (ACN) 108.66 126.53 121.20 + 0.13 + 3.64 + 3.5 Danaher (DHR) 75.71 102.79 83.21 + 0.04 + 11.66 + 6.9 Kraft Hein (KHC) 79.69 97.77 89.33 + 0.13 + 3.70 + 2.3 Qualcomm (QCOM) 50.84 71.62 55.33 + 0.18 + 6.10 ◊ 15.1
Allergan (AGN) 184.50 261.27 229.72 ◊ 8.79 + 2.10 + 9.4 Walt Disne (DIS) 90.32 116.10 109.66 ◊ 2.41 + 2.87 + 5.2 Coca-Cola (KO) 39.88 46.01 43.57 + 0.06 ◊ 4.77 + 5.1 Raytheon (RTN) 128.40 160.91 159.20 ◊ 0.86 + 20.64 + 12.1
AIG (AIG) 48.41 67.47 61.37 ◊ 0.45 + 8.91 ◊ 6.0 Dow (DOW) 47.51 65.42 61.71 ◊ 0.12 + 19.73 + 7.9 Lilly (LLY) 64.18 86.72 81.05 + 0.26 + 5.42 + 10.2 Starbucks (SBUX) 50.84 61.94 60.66 ◊ 0.32 + 5.51 + 9.3
Allstate (ALL) 65.27 86.03 84.29 + 0.12 + 23.99 + 13.7 Duke Energ (DUK) 72.34 87.75 82.48 + 0.37 + 3.02 + 6.3 Lockheed (LMT) 228.50 276.64 271.74 ◊ 2.13 + 11.20 + 8.7 Schlumberg (SLB) 70.22 87.84 72.67 + 0.39 ◊ 2.14 ◊ 13.4
Amgen (AMGN) 133.64 184.21 160.51 ◊ 2.71 + 2.08 + 9.8 Emerson El (EMR) 48.45 64.36 58.93 + 0.08 + 10.15 + 5.7 Lowes (LOW) 64.87 86.25 86.06 + 0.21 + 11.78 + 21.0 Southern C (SO) 46.20 54.64 49.87 ◊ 0.11 ◊ 0.54 + 1.4 (AMZN) 682.12 957.89 948.95 ◊ 3.87 + 34.97 + 26.6 Exelon (EXC) 29.82 37.70 33.76 + 0.17 ◊ 4.09 ◊ 4.9 Mastercard (MA) 86.65 119.71 116.65 + 0.24 + 19.47 + 13.0 Simon Prop (SPG) 160.45 229.10 165.65 + 3.19 ◊ 22.56 ◊ 6.8
American E (AXP) 57.15 82.00 78.65 + 0.21 + 21.30 + 6.2 Ford Motor (F) 10.90 14.04 11.04 ◊ 0.12 ◊ 18.16 ◊ 9.0 McDonalds (MCD) 110.33 144.98 144.52 + 0.16 + 9.82 + 18.7 AT&T (T) 36.10 43.89 38.45 + 0.23 ◊ 2.19 ◊ 9.6
Boeing (BA) 122.35 187.21 183.18 ◊ 3.73 + 35.97 + 17.7 Facebook (FB) 108.23 153.60 150.29 ◊ 0.19 + 24.72 + 30.6 Mondelez I (MDLZ) 40.50 46.40 44.25 ◊ 0.05 ◊ 1.75 ◊ 0.2 Target (TGT) 52.72 80.51 58.41 + 0.33 ◊ 27.03 ◊ 19.1
Bank of Am (BAC) 12.05 25.80 24.15 + 0.17 + 68.88 + 9.3 FedEx (FDX) 145.00 201.57 189.75 ◊ 1.04 + 16.23 + 1.9 Medtronic (MDT) 69.35 89.27 82.89 ◊ 0.45 + 2.04 + 16.4 Time Warne (TWX) 68.97 100.60 98.74 + 0.61 + 32.01 + 2.3
Biogen (BIIB) 223.02 333.65 257.92 ◊ 3.36 + 2.47 ◊ 1.3 Fox (FOX) 23.88 31.94 27.68 ◊ 0.28 ◊ 7.79 + 1.6 MetLife (MET) 36.17 58.09 52.21 ◊ 0.10 + 18.90 ◊ 3.1 Texas Inst (TXN) 56.58 82.92 80.49 + 1.04 + 39.67 + 10.3
BONY Mello (BK) 35.72 49.54 47.16 + 0.04 + 17.20 ◊ 0.5 Fox (FOXA) 23.33 32.60 27.90 ◊ 0.33 ◊ 6.25 ◊ 0.5 3M (MMM) 163.17 199.90 196.64 ◊ 1.32 + 15.49 + 10.1 UnitedHeal (UNH) 128.53 176.14 173.39 + 0.15 + 29.81 + 8.3
BlackRock (BLK) 317.60 399.46 382.27 + 1.77 + 6.13 + 0.5 General Dy (GD) 132.68 197.00 194.39 ◊ 2.20 + 33.41 + 12.6 Altria Gro (MO) 60.82 76.55 70.31 + 0.02 + 8.84 + 4.0 Union Paci (UNP) 80.68 115.15 109.32 ◊ 0.64 + 26.97 + 5.4
Bristol-My (BMY) 46.01 77.12 55.14 ◊ 0.18 ◊ 22.91 ◊ 5.7 GE (GE) 28.19 33.00 28.70 ◊ 0.23 ◊ 5.84 ◊ 9.2 Monsanto (MON) 88.76 117.33 116.02 ◊ 0.03 + 27.24 + 10.3 United Par (UPS) 100.05 120.44 105.10 ◊ 1.41 + 1.40 ◊ 8.3
Berkshire (BRKb) 136.65 177.86 163.72 + 0.26 + 13.08 + 0.5 Gilead Sci (GILD) 65.38 88.85 66.92 ◊ 0.69 ◊ 22.35 ◊ 6.6 Merck & Co (MRK) 53.59 66.80 63.94 + 0.65 + 16.93 + 8.6 US Bancorp (USB) 38.48 56.61 51.97 + 0.39 + 23.56 + 1.2
Citigroup (C) 38.31 62.53 60.37 + 0.14 + 34.63 + 1.6 GM (GM) 27.34 38.55 34.23 ◊ 0.03 + 9.19 ◊ 1.8 Morgan Sta (MS) 23.11 47.33 43.10 + 0.27 + 61.85 + 2.0 UTC (UTX) 96.89 121.95 121.02 ◊ 0.44 + 18.46 + 10.4
Caterpilla (CAT) 69.04 105.98 100.36 + 1.07 + 38.41 + 8.2 Alphabet (GOOG) 663.28 937.50 928.78 ◊ 3.39 N.A. N.A. Microsoft (MSFT) 48.04 69.71 69.31 + 0.27 + 35.85 + 11.5 Visa (V) 73.25 92.98 92.25 + 0.25 + 16.48 + 18.2
Celgene (CELG) 94.42 127.64 119.68 ◊ 0.42 + 15.91 + 3.4 Alphabet (GOOGL) 672.66 962.20 954.84 ◊ 1.87 + 29.14 + 20.5 NextEra (NEE) 110.49 135.21 134.17 + 0.40 + 12.18 + 12.3 Verizon (VZ) 45.76 56.95 46.38 ◊ 0.04 ◊ 10.01 ◊ 13.1
Colgate (CL) 63.43 75.38 71.80 + 0.30 ◊ 0.55 + 9.7 Goldman Sa (GS) 138.20 255.15 224.88 + 1.12 + 39.31 ◊ 6.1 Nike (NKE) 49.01 60.33 54.56 ◊ 0.33 ◊ 7.84 + 7.3 Walgreens (WBA) 75.74 88.00 85.62 ◊ 0.36 + 5.81 + 3.5
Comcast (CMCSA) 29.81 40.62 39.10 + 0.02 + 24.84 + 13.3 Halliburto (HAL) 38.60 58.78 45.81 + 0.78 + 17.95 ◊ 15.3 Oracle (ORCL) 37.62 46.99 45.53 + 0.05 + 13.77 + 18.4 WalMart (WMT) 62.72 77.05 76.70 ◊ 0.02 + 11.50 + 11.0
Capital On (COF) 58.03 96.92 81.67 ◊ 0.65 + 14.80 ◊ 6.4 Home Depot (HD) 119.20 158.15 158.13 + 0.45 + 15.00 + 17.9 Occidental (OXY) 57.20 78.48 61.33 + 1.45 ◊ 19.74 ◊ 13.9 Wells Farg (WFC) 43.55 59.99 54.72 + 0.04 + 10.77 ◊ 0.7
ConocoPhil (COP) 38.80 53.17 47.61 + 1.34 + 11.06 ◊ 5.1 Honeywell (HON) 105.25 135.00 131.74 ◊ 0.17 + 15.27 + 13.7 Priceline (PCLN) 1148 1927 1825 ◊ 86.36 + 43.88 + 24.5 Exxon Mobi (XOM) 80.30 95.55 81.91 ◊ 0.40 ◊ 8.98 ◊ 9.3
Costco Who (COST) 138.57 183.18 171.35 ◊ 1.33 + 19.20 + 11.4 IBM (IBM) 142.50 182.79 151.25 ◊ 0.86 + 0.85 ◊ 8.9 PepsiCo (PEP) 98.50 114.61 112.84 + 0.12 + 5.88 + 7.9
Cisco Syst (CSCO) 26.41 34.60 33.74 ◊ 0.16 + 24.82 + 11.7 Intel (INTC) 29.50 38.45 36.01 ◊ 0.36 + 19.48 ◊ 0.7 Pfizer (PFE) 29.83 37.39 33.03 ◊ 0.35 ◊ 2.28 + 1.7

Prices shown are for regular trading for the New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange which runs from 9:30 a.m., Eastern time, through the close of the Pacific Exchange, at 4:30 p.m. For the Nasdaq stock market, it is through 4 p.m. Close Last trade of the day in regular trading. + – indicates stocks that
· or ·
reached a new 52-week high or low. Change Difference between last trade and previous day’s price in regular trading. „ or ‰ indicates stocks that rose or fell at least 4 percent. ” indicates stocks that traded 1 percent or more of their outstanding shares. n Stock was a new issue in the last year.


Yields 52-Week Total Returns Market Breadth Yield Curve Key Rates Most Recent Issues
FINRA-BLOOMBERG FINRA-BLOOMBERG All Investment High Yest. 1-mo. ago 1-yr. ago 10-year Treas. Prime Rate
CORPORATE BOND INDEXES CORPORATE BOND INDEXES Issues Grade Yield Conv 2-year Treas. Fed Funds Mat. Date Rate Bid Ask Chg Yield
4% 5%
8% high yield +5.95% +20% high yield +14.80% Total Issues Traded 7,907 5,406 2,284 217 T-BILLS
Advances 3,890 2,707 1,068 115
3 4 3-mo. Aug 17 ◊ ◊ 0.90 0.88 –0.01 0.92
Declines 3,549 2,532 922 95 6-mo. Nov 17 ◊ ◊ 1.04 1.03 +0.01 1.03
+15 Unchanged 144 40 100 4
6 52 Week High 278 82 165 31 3 BONDS & NOTES
52 Week Low 162 90 67 5 2 2-yr. Apr 19 1ü ◊ 99.79 99.80 –0.02 1.35
+10 Dollar Volume* 30,995 19,741 10,008 1,246 5-yr. Apr 22 1~ ◊ 99.72 99.73 –0.05 1.93
2 10-yr. Feb 27 2ü ◊ 98.61 98.63 –0.11 2.40
4 End of day data. Activity as reported to FINRA TRACE.
30-yr. Feb 47 3.000 ◊ 99.30 99.31 –0.20 3.03
Market breadth represents activity in all TRACE eligible 1 1
+ 5 publicly traded securities. Shown below are the most
active fixed-coupon bonds ranked by par value traded.
5-yr. Apr 22 [ ◊ 99.87 99.95 +0.13 0.18
2 Investment grade or high-yield is determined using 0 Maturity 0 10-yr. Jan 27 ] ◊ 98.43 98.52 +0.02 0.54
0 credit ratings as outlined in FINRA rules. “C” – Yield is
20-yr. Jan 29 2ø ◊ 120.63 120.88 –0.04 0.66
unavailable because of issue’s call criteria. 3 6 2 5 10 30 2016 2017
*Par value in millions. 30-yr. Feb 47 ~ ◊ 95.52 95.77 –0.13 1.05
0 invest. grade +3.67% – 5 invest. grade +1.93% Source: FINRA TRACE data. Reference information from Months Years Source: Thomson Reuters
Source: Thomson Reuters
Reuters DataScope Data. Credit ratings from Moody’s® &
2016 2017 2016 2017 Standard & Poor’s.

Most Active Foreign Currency Dollars in Foreign Currency Dollars in
Credit Rating Price
Issuer Name (SYMBOL) Coupon% Maturity Moody’s S&P High Low Last Chg Yld% in Dollars Foreign Currency in Dollars Foreign Currency

Argentina (Peso) .0645 15.5000
One Dollar in Euros Australia (Dollar) .7363 1.3581
One Dollar in Yen
Actavis Fdg Scs (ACT) 4.750 Mar’45 Baa3 BBB 105.614 104.306 104.425 2.408 4.468 Bolivia (Boliviano) .1449 6.9000 1.00 euros $1 = 0.9205 China (Yuan) .1449 6.9011 120 yen $1 = 114.27
Capital One Finl Corp (COF) 2.500 May’20 NR BBB 100.253 100.063 100.073 –0.102 N.A. Brazil (Real) .3158 3.1666 Hong Kong (Dollar) .1284 7.7861
Anheuser-busch Inbev Fin Inc (BUD) 3.650 Feb’26 A3 A– 103.125 101.349 101.691 0.035 3.418 Canada (Dollar) .7324 1.3653 India (Rupee) .0155 64.5900
At&t Inc (T) 3.400 May’25 Baa1 BBB+ 99.675 96.789 96.913 0.042 3.852 Chile (Peso) .0015 672.90 0.95 Japan (Yen) .0088 114.27
Kraft Heinz Foods Co (BRK) 4.375 Jun’46 Baa3 BBB– 95.166 94.558 94.589 –0.090 4.719 Colombia (Peso) .0003 2940.9 Malaysia (Ringgit) .2301 4.3450
Verizon Communications Inc (VZ) 4.125 Mar’27 Baa1 BBB+ 103.918 101.623 101.846 0.124 3.897 Dom. Rep. (Peso) .0212 47.0800 110
New Zealand (Dollar) .6940 1.4409
Viacom Inc New (VIA) 4.375 Mar’43 Baa3 BBB– 86.841 83.967 86.454 –0.178 5.348
Actavis Fdg Scs (ACT) 3.800 Mar’25 Baa3 BBB 102.405 101.809 102.078 0.360 3.486
El Salvador (Colon) .1146 8.7222 0.90 Pakistan (Rupee) .0096 104.70
Guatemala (Quetzal) .1363 7.3370 Philippines (Peso) .0200 49.9360 105
Discovery Communications Llc (DISC) 3.800 Mar’24 Baa3 BBB– 99.500 98.964 98.964 –0.094 3.974
Honduras (Lempira) .0427 23.4000 Singapore (Dollar) .7090 1.4104
Teva Pharmaceutical Fin Neth Iii B V (TEVA) 4.100 Oct’46 Baa2 BBB 87.482 85.312 85.788 –1.584 5.031
Mexico (Peso) .0526 19.0090 0.85 So. Korea (Won) .0009 1131.0
Nicaragua (Cordoba) .0340 29.4100 Taiwan (Dollar) .0331 30.2430
HIGH YIELD Paraguay (Guarani) .0002 5603.5 Thailand (Baht) .0288 34.7600
Frontier Communications Corp (FTR) 11.000 Sep’25 B1 B+ 95.396 90.339 92.563 –0.495 12.452 Peru (New Sol) .3037 3.2930 0.80 Vietnam (Dong) .00004 22738 95
Chs / Cmnty Health Sys Inc (CYH) 6.250 Mar’23 Ba3 BB– 104.542 102.000 102.500 0.375 5.653 Uruguay (New Peso) .0356 28.0800
Intelsat Jackson Hldgs S A (I) 7.250 Oct’20 Caa2 CC 93.800 91.125 92.500 0.500 9.886 Venezuela (Bolivar) .1003 9.9750 2016 2017 2016 2017
Costco Wholesale Corp New (COST) 3.000 May’27 NR 99.875 98.976 98.976 –0.243 N.A. Bahrain (Dinar) 2.6539 .3768
Costco Wholesale Corp New (COST) 2.150 May’21 NR 100.109 99.802 99.802 –0.107 N.A. EUROPE Lebanon (Pound) .0007 1506.5
Norway (Krone) .1160 8.6199 Egypt (Pound) .0553 18.0700
Chemours Co (CC) 5.375 May’27 NR B+ 101.750 100.375 101.500 1.125 N.A. Britain (Pound) 1.2936 .7730 Saudi Arabia (Riyal) .2666 3.7503
Poland (Zloty) .2582 3.8726 Iran (Rial) .00003 32449
Royal Bk Scotland Group Plc (BNPQF) 3.875 Sep’23 Ba1 BBB– 101.279 99.862 101.228 0.987 3.655 So. Africa (Rand) .0743 13.4665
Czech Rep (Koruna) .0409 24.4410 Russia (Ruble) .0174 57.4259 Israel (Shekel) .2778 3.6001
Frontier Communications Corp (FTR) 10.500 Sep’22 B1 B+ 100.729 96.500 97.000 –2.000 11.255 U.A.E (Dirham) .2723 3.6726
Denmark (Krone) .1461 6.8442 Sweden (Krona) .1121 8.9214 Jordan (Dinar) 1.4114 .7085
Barclays Plc (BCS) 4.836 May’28 NR 101.455 100.962 101.081 0.174 4.699
Europe (Euro) 1.0864 .9205 Switzerland (Franc) .9913 1.0088 Kenya (Shilling) .0097 103.30
Sabine Pass Liquefaction Llc (LNG) 6.250 Mar’22 Ba1 BBB– 112.589 112.448 112.580 0.111 3.272 Prices as of 4:45 p.m. Eastern Time.
Hungary (Forint) .0035 285.49 Turkey (Lira) .2788 3.5864 Kuwait (Dinar) 3.2830 .3046
Source: Thomson Reuters
Priceline Group Inc (PCLN) 0.350 Jun’20 NR BBB+ 150.250 143.601 143.601 –3.529 –11.113
Priceline Group Inc (PCLN) 1.000 Mar’18 NR BBB+ 193.022 191.239 191.490 –9.786 –63.951
Priceline Group Inc (PCLN)
Jds Uniphase Corp (VIAV)
Vipshop Hldgs Ltd (VIPS)
Liberty Media Corp (LINT)
3.757 units per Lifetime Open Crude Oil
Future Exchange quantity High Low Date Open High Low Settle Change Interest $60 $47.33 a barrel
Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc Del (ISIS) 1.000 Nov’21 NR 102.823 98.539 100.900 –1.172 0.796
Iconix Brand Group Inc (ICON) 1.500 Mar’18 NR NR 97.837 97.000 97.700 1.700 4.338 Corn CBT ¢/bushel 460.00 332.50 May 17 358.75 365.00 358.25 365.25 + 7.00 1,132
Blackstone Mtg Tr Inc (BXMT) 4.375 May’22 NR 101.500 98.850 99.000 –2.500 4.602 Soybeans CBT ¢/bushel 1116.00 872.00 May 17 965.25 980.00 958.50 961.75 ◊ 3.50 396
Ctrip Com Intl Ltd (CTRP) 1.250 Oct’18 NR NR 146.647 145.129 146.574 2.537 –24.276 Wheat CBT ¢/bushel 646.75 398.50 May 17 424.00 424.00 420.75 424.00 + 2.25 56 55
Live Cattle CME ¢/lb 134.55 91.30 Jun 17 124.98 125.13 122.23 124.20 ◊ 0.77 108,838
Hogs-Lean CME ¢/lb 76.53 62.50 May 17 70.72 71.35 70.72 71.05 + 0.75 1,463
Cocoa NYBOT $/ton 3326.00 1805.00 May 17 1836.00 1866.00 1836.00 1984.00 ◊ 6.00 23 50
Coffee NYBOT ¢/lb 228.00 123.20 May 17 132.90 133.00 132.40 134.30 + 1.50 4
CONSUMER RATES ECONOMIC INDICATORS Sugar-World NYBOT ¢/lb 22.09 12.07 Jun 17 15.48 15.89 15.45 15.84 + 0.40 376,529
Yesterday Change from last week
Gold COMX $/oz 1295.30 1197.20 May 17 1219.80 1220.20 1217.80 1217.30 + 3.00 75 45
Silver COMX $/oz 20.95 14.35 May 17 16.15 16.24 16.10 16.15 + 0.14 232
Hi Grade Copper COMX $/lb 2.84 1.97 May 17 2.49 2.50 2.48 2.49 0.00 2,909
Up Flat Down
1-year range
Light Sweet Crude NYMX $/bbl 93.23 36.18 June 17 46.18 47.78 46.01 47.33 + 1.45 447,630 40
Heating Oil NYMX $/gal 2.67 1.11 May 17 1.44 1.49 1.44 1.48 + 0.03 111,671
Natural Gas NYMX $/mil.btu 6.10 2.37 May 17 3.21 3.35 3.20 3.29 + 0.07 217,810 2016 2017
Home Year
Mortgages Wednesday
Friday Ago 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5-YEAR HISTORY Key to exchanges: CBT-Chicago Board of Trade. CME-Chicago Mercantile Exchange. CMX-Comex division of NYM. KC-Kansas City Board of Trade. NYBOT-New York Board of
Trade. NYM-New York Mercantile Exchange. Open interest is the number of contracts outstanding.
Federal funds 0.91% 0.37% Durable Goods Orders +40% Source: Thomson Reuters

Prime rate 4.00 3.50 Change from

15-yr fixed 3.14 2.70 previous year
15-yr fixed jumbo 4.14 3.73 March ’17 +4.8% –20
Feb. ’17 +5.9 ’12 ’17 % Total Returns Exp. Assets % Total Returns Exp. Assets
30-yr fixed 3.95 3.58 Fund Name (TICKER) Type YTD 1 Yr 5 Yr* Ratio (mil.$)
Fund Name (TICKER) Type YTD 1 Yr 5 Yr* Ratio (mil.$)
30-yr fixed jumbo 4.46 4.12 LARGEST FUNDS LEADERS
5/1 adj. rate 3.21 2.95
Consumer Borrowing +8%
Vanguard Total Intl Bd Idx Admiral(VTABX) IB +0.3 +1.0 NA 0.12 30,339 Templeton Global Total Return R6(FTTRX) IB +5.4 +14.5 NA 0.69 982
Change from DFA Five-Year Global Fixed-Income I(DFGBX) IB +1.1 +0.2 +1.9 0.27 13,152 Fidelity Series Emerging Mkts Debt F(FEDFX) EB +5.9 +13.8 +6.3 0.71 707
5/1 adj. rate jumbo 3.64 3.13 previous year American Funds Capital World Bond A(CWBFX) IB +2.9 ◊0.7 +0.7 0.24 5,780 Fidelity Advisor Emerging Mkts Inc I(FMKIX) EB +6.3 +13.8 +5.8 0.83 4,413
1-year adj. rate 3.12 2.79 Fidelity New Markets Income(FNMIX) EB +6.3 +13.8 +5.9 0.83 5,624 Fidelity New Markets Income(FNMIX) EB +6.3 +13.8 +5.9 0.83 5,624
March ’17 +6.0% 0 T. Rowe Price Emerging Markets Bond(PREMX) EB +6.0 +12.9 +5.5 0.92 5,187 T. Rowe Price Instl Emerging Mkts Bond(TREBX) EB +5.9 +13.3 +6.3 0.70 305
Feb. ’17 +6.2 DFA Two-Year Global Fixed-Income I(DFGFX) IB +0.5 +0.6 +0.6 0.17 4,980 TCW Emerging Markets Income I(TGEIX) EB +6.4 +13.3 +5.0 0.87 2,878
’12 ’17 Fidelity Advisor Emerging Mkts Inc I(FMKIX) EB +6.3 +13.8 +5.8 0.83 4,413 PIMCO Emerging Markets Bond Instl(PEBIX) EB +6.4 +12.9 +4.3 0.83 1,398
Home Equity 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T. Rowe Price International Bond(RPIBX) IB +3.2 ◊3.6 ◊0.9 0.84 4,163 T. Rowe Price Emerging Markets Bond(PREMX) EB +6.0 +12.9 +5.5 0.92 5,187
AB Global Bond Advisor(ANAYX) IB +1.6 +3.3 +3.6 0.58 3,881 MainStay Emerging Markets Debt A(MGHAX) EB +6.1 +12.7 +4.4 1.22 101
$75K line good credit* 4.87% 4.40%
Producer Prices +4% Templeton Global Total Return Adv(TTRZX) IB +5.3 +14.2 +5.0 0.82 3,047 DoubleLine Emerging Markets Fixed Inc (DBLEX) EB +4.9 +12.3 +4.9 0.93 800
$75K line excel. credit* 4.61 4.26 Change from
Hartford World Bond I(HWDIX) IB +0.9 +0.3 +2.2 0.81 2,910 Payden Emerging Markets Bond(PYEMX) EB +5.9 +10.8 +5.1 0.75 456
TCW Emerging Markets Income I(TGEIX) EB +6.4 +13.3 +5.0 0.87 2,878 Western Asset Emerging Markets Dbt I(SEMDX) EB +5.5 +10.6 +3.1 0.85 73
$75K loan good credit* 4.64 4.19 previous year Dreyfus/Standish Global Fixed Income I(SDGIX) IB +2.1 +2.5 +3.7 0.52 2,272
PIMCO Emerging Markets Bond Instl(PEBIX) EB +6.4 +12.9 +4.3 0.83 1,398
$75K loan excel. credit* 4.63 4.16 March ’17 +3.7% –6 SEI Emerging Markets Debt F (SIT)(SITEX) EB +7.6 +8.7 +1.0 1.39 1,384 Laudus Mondrian Intl Govt Fxd Inc Inst(LIFNX) IB +3.8 ◊5.7 ◊2.6 0.75 96
DFA Selectively Hedged Global F/I I(DFSHX) IB +1.4 +1.6 +0.4 0.17 1,070 Columbia Global Bond A(IGBFX) IB +1.5 ◊5.6 ◊2.1 1.08 56
Feb. ’17 +3.7 ’12 ’17 DFA World ex US Government Fxd Inc I(DWFIX) IB +0.9 +1.7 +4.2 0.22 845 American Century International Bond In(BEGBX) IB +3.1 ◊5.1 ◊1.9 0.80 440
Auto Loan Rates 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DoubleLine Emerging Markets Fixed Inc (DBLEX) EB +4.9 +12.3 +4.9 0.93 800 PACE Global Fixed Income Investments P(PCGLX) IB +1.9 ◊5.1 ◊0.2 0.87 405
Fidelity Series Emerging Mkts Debt F(FEDFX) EB +5.9 +13.8 +6.3 0.71 707 Wells Fargo International Bond A(ESIYX) IB +4.2 ◊4.4 ◊1.3 1.03 63
36-mo. used car 3.31% 3.24% Real Hourly Earnings +1% PIMCO Foreign Bond (Unhedged) I(PFUIX) IB +3.2 ◊1.1 ◊0.1 0.50 584 T. Rowe Price International Bond(RPIBX) IB +3.2 ◊3.6 ◊0.9 0.84 4,163
Loomis Sayles Global Bond Instl(LSGBX) IB +2.9 ◊0.2 +0.6 0.75 508 T. Rowe Price Instl Intl Bond(RPIIX) IB +3.3 ◊3.5 ◊0.5 0.55 352
60-mo. new car 3.21 3.34 Change from Wells Fargo International Bond Inst(ESICX) IB +4.1 ◊4.1 ◊0.9 0.70 461 PIMCO Foreign Bond (Unhedged) A(PFUAX) IB +3.1 ◊1.5 ◊0.5 0.90 66
previous year Payden Emerging Markets Bond(PYEMX) EB +5.9 +10.8 +5.1 0.75 456 JHFunds2 Global Bond 1(JIGDX) IB +2.5 ◊1.3 +0.7 0.81 58
Dreyfus International Bond A(DIBAX) IB +4.6 ◊0.8 +1.0 1.23 79
CD’s and Money Market Rates 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Apr. ’17 0.0% –1 Average performance for all such funds +3.6 +5.0 +2.5 American Funds Capital World Bond A(CWBFX) IB +2.9 ◊0.7 +0.7 0.24 5,780
Number of funds for period 79 79 73 Hartford World Bond C(HWDCX) IB +0.5 ◊0.7 +1.1 1.79 122
March ’17 –0.3 ’12 ’17
Money-market 0.31% 0.23%
*Annualized. Leaders and Laggards are among funds with at least $50 million in assets, and include no more than one class of any fund. Today’s fund types: EB-Emerging Market Bond. IB-World
$10K min. money-mkt 0.28 0.23 Bond. NA-Not Available. YTD-Year to date. Spotlight tables rotate on a 2-week basis. Source: Morningstar
Existing Home Sales 6
6-month CD 0.38 0.33
Annual Rate, in millions
1-year CD 0.61 0.54 Seasonally adjusted
2-year CD 0.78 0.73 March ’17 5.7 4 ONLINE: MORE PRICES AND ANALYSIS
5-year IRA CD 1.52 1.42 Feb. ’17 5.5 ’12 ’17
Information on all United States stocks, plus bonds, mutual funds, commodities and foreign stocks along
*Credit ratings: good, FICO score 660-749; excellent, FICO score 750-850. Source: with analysis of industry sectors and stock indexes:


Vape Shops Fear Effects

Of New F.D.A. Rules


Keith Mautner, at his shop Empire Mods in Queens, says customers

expect innovation. “If you’re not two steps ahead, you’re in trouble.”

By CAITLIN KELLY any tobacco or nicotine products. experience,” Ms. Thompson said.
Like so many entrepreneurs There’s lots of data to support “They have to learn how to vape,
who have opened vaping shops that.” and it’s a different process than
lately, Stephen D’Angelo was a A government report found that smoking.”
heavy smoker who finally kicked 16 percent of high school students Like so many other vaping en-
nicotine after switching to elec- said they had used e-cigarettes in trepreneurs, Keith Mautner came
tronic cigarettes, which he viewed 2015, up from 1.5 percent in 2011. to the business after a long career
as a healthier — and less smelly — Particularly worrisome to the doing something else, in his case
alternative. medical community are e-cig- importing and exporting wine. A
Mr. D’Angelo runs a 500- arettes marketed in child-friendly former two-packs-a-day cigarette
square-foot store on a suburban flavors like bubble gum and cotton smoker, he began vaping in 2009.
corner in Hartsdale, N.Y., and, af- candy. “This is a very effective way to
ter seven months in business, has “E-cigarettes are markedly less quit smoking,” he said. “I tried
just started to turn a profit. But dangerous than combustible to- patches and Chantix. Nothing
now his future — and those of bacco, but markedly less danger- worked.”
thousands of other vaping en- ous doesn’t mean safe,” Dr. Fiore Mr. Mautner, 40, began his vap-
trepreneurs who have gotten into said. ing business in 2011, shipping on-
the business recently — is cloudy, The products have certainly be- line only, having created a device
since new Food and Drug Admin- come widely available. Vape with a friend who is a machinist.
istration regulations seem poised shops have popped up all over the His sales were $500,000 the first
to clamp down on e-cigarettes for country, in part because the year, he said. In 2016, he opened
health reasons. barriers to entry are low. Accord- his first physical store, Empire
The regulations, which the ing to the American Vaping Asso- Mods, in Flushing, Queens. Now
ciation, there are 10,000 to 15,000 he has a second store, with a part-
agency imposed in August 2016
vape shops nationally, employing ner, in Tamarac, Fla.
and are set to go into full effect in
50,000 to 100,000 people. The busi- “The first year was really
August 2018, require costly testing
ness is profitable, according to the tough,” he said. “There was much
of all vaping products, and offer
association. more competition there. Now that
new guidelines on manufacturing,
For many vape store owners, we’re better established, we’re do-
sales, packaging and advertising
it’s not just a business but a mis- ing pretty well.”
of e-cigarettes. The agency said it
sion, a way to help others stop Like Ms. Thompson and Mr.
would begin to review the health
D’Angelo, Mr. Mautner knows
risks of all e-cigarettes introduced
that vapers form a tight-knit and
since early 2007, and potentially
enthusiastic community. They
ban products it deemed harmful.
Some people anticipate that Wanting to do good, also crave novelty, spurring con-
stant innovation, he added.
President Trump, with his oft-
stated pro-business stance, will but concerned their “You have to be on top of
things,” he said. “If you’re not two
slow the regulations or stop them
from going into effect. But that is
businesses won’t be steps ahead, you’re in trouble.”
For vaping supply
small comfort to those whose
livelihoods depend on e-cigarettes
able to do well. manufacturers like Nicholas De-
Nuccio, founder of a three-year-
and who credit vaping with turn-
old firm, Propaganda E-Liquid,
ing their lives around.
the business has proved lucrative.
“Before I quit smoking, I was smoking, as they have. Yet the Mr. DeNuccio, at 22, already has
coughing like crazy,” said Mr. looming F.D.A. deadline has up- 25 full-time employees in Irvine,
D’Angelo, whose mother, a three- ended the industry and left many Calif., and has sold more than two
pack-a-day smoker, died of em- business operators frustrated and million units through 2,000 vape
physema at age 69. Vaping, he confused. shops in 40 countries. His most
said, “really helped me get off cig- Kim Thompson has owned popular flavor is Illuminati, a
arettes.” three brick-and-mortar vape blend of blood orange, pineapple
“Now if I can help someone stop shops in Tacoma, Wash., since and strawberry. The juices are a
smoking and add five or six years January 2011, in addition to an on- mix of 40 percent propylene glycol
to their life,” he added, “I’ve ac- line store. Her shops, ranging in and 60 percent vegetable glyc-
complished something.” size from 700 to 3,000 square feet, erin.
Several public health were doing well — until the F.D.A. The vaping industry, currently
physicians, asked if vaping is safe, rules came down, she said. worth about $3.5 billion, is project-
were unanimous: It is safer than “The industry is not stable,” Ms. ed to grow to $40 billion in annual
smoking tobacco — which in- Thompson, 47, said. “My sales globally, Mr. DeNuccio said.
volves inhaling tar and 7,000-plus employees are very concerned, He plans to comply with the F.D.A.
chemicals, 50 of which are and some of my best people are regulations, and is bracing to fill
carcinogens — but not definitively looking for new jobs as a result. out hundreds of the F.D.A.’s re-
harm-free. Even though the regulations quired “premarket tobacco appli-
“The jury’s still out,” said Dr. haven’t gone into effect, I’m see- cations.”
Michael Fiore, founder and direc- ing difficulty.” “It’s really an extensive
tor of the University of Wisconsin She predicted — emphatically process, and it’s going to weed out
Center for Tobacco Research and — that the regulations would put a lot of people who aren’t doing it
Intervention, a 25-year-old pro- her out of business. “There’s no correctly,” Mr. DeNuccio said.
gram. ifs, ands or buts about it,” Ms. Even the largest tobacco com-
“One issue has remarkably di- Thompson said. “I’m not sure panies are concerned that August
vided the public health communi- where I’ll turn next. It’s over- 2018 is too soon to comply with the
ty,” Dr. Fiore said. “Some feel e- whelming.” F.D.A.’s many demands, said
cigarettes are a remarkably pos- Business is down 40 percent Gregory Conley, president of the
itive force” for weaning smokers since the 2016 regulations, Ms. American Vaping Association.
from tobacco use, “and some feel Thompson said, and she has had The largest players in the indus-
they are a remarkably negative to lay off 15 of her 25 full-time try — like the Altria Group and the
force.” employees. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
“The thing pretty much every- Like Mr. D’Angelo’s, much of — also make e-cigarettes.
one agrees on,” he said, “is that all her business is selling equipment Bonnie Herzog, a Wells Fargo
youth should be protected from to smokers who want to quit and analyst who tracks the vaping in-
who crave emotional support, ad- dustry, agreed. “Even Altria have
To subscribe to the weekly En- vice and guidance as they do. been somewhat public on pushing
trepreneurship newsletter, email “You won’t be successful quit- back on this,” she said. “They’re ting if you don’t have a hands-on fighting along with the little guy.”

Abercrombie & Fitch in Talks to Sell Itself

By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED ended Tuesday, before the news to reinvent itself after the depar-
and RACHEL ABRAMS reports about a potential sale ture of Mike Jeffries, the chief ex-
Abercrombie & Fitch, the once- emerged. As of Wednesday’s clos- ecutive who transformed a sput-
popular purveyor of fashion for ing prices, the retailer had a mar- tering sports brand into a staple of
teenagers that has since fallen on ket value of about $969 million and high school wardrobes in the
harder times, said on Wednesday its shares were $14.22. 1990s, but had more recently been
that it has begun talks to sell itself. Retailers for teenagers have blamed for alienating customers
In a statement, Abercrombie been hit particularly hard by trou- through a variety of scandals.
said that it was in “preliminary bles within the industry. Many In 2004, Abercrombie paid $40
discussions” with unnamed malls, where stores like Aber- million to settle a class-action dis-
suitors after it received expres- crombie and American Eagle are crimination lawsuit, and Mr. Jef-
sions of interest. The retailer cau- ubiquitous, have faced declining fries came under fire for deroga-
tioned that it may not reach an traffic, as department stores tory remarks about customers, in-
agreement to sell. struggle to attract a steady cluding saying that the brand did
The statement came after stream of shoppers. not make clothes for fat people.
Reuters and The Wall Street Jour- Brands have also faced more Mr. Jeffries retired in 2014, after
nal said that the company was pressure from operations like the company split the roles of
weighing a sale of itself. H&M and Forever 21, which churn chairman and chief executive and
Shares of Abercrombie had fall- out inexpensive, on-trend items. added to its board as part of a set-
en 49 percent in the 12 months that Abercrombie has also struggled tlement with an activist investor.



Emily Weinstein, a deputy food editor at The Times, making dinner in the kitchen of her apartment in Brooklyn.


The Power of a Scale and a 1970s Cuisinart

By EMILY WEINSTEIN ing, after one of the writers I work with between the addition and the number the Times building — instead we rely cook, which on the weekends could be
How do New York Times journalists persuaded me that the best way to as it registers on the scale. on our writers and a small but fierce for hours on end.
use technology in their jobs and in their consistently brew excellent coffee at team of freelance recipe testers, all
home was to weigh the grounds, since You’ve edited a lot of recipes for The working in their own kitchens. I would What could be better about it?
personal lives? A deputy food editor at Times, and adapted some, too. What is
The Times discussed the tech she’s us- you have to measure them one way or be thrilled to have a test kitchen, but I wish the podcast experience were
one of your favorite recipes you made the upside of the way we do things lies
ing. another. And he was right. more seamless. Maybe I’m missing
recently and which tool was crucial for in the very fact that our writers and
The equipment that I personally something, but I have yet to find a way
perfecting it? testers don’t have special equipment,
As a food editor, you must come across cherish is a 1970s Cuisinart that be- to play podcasts from my iPhone using
many kitchen gadgets. What’s your favor- longed to my husband’s grandmother, There isn’t really one single tool that and certainly not the kind of equipment the Sonos that does not involve down-
ite tool for cooking? which is still going strong, and the helps me think about or execute a reci- you find in a restaurant kitchen. These loading the podcasts.
Vitamix that my wonderful colleagues pe, at least not as an editor — and that’s are recipes for home cooks, made using
I’m not much of an equipment geek what I’m usually doing, cooking a reci- the same tools home cooks have.
in Food gave me as a wedding present, When you have no time or do not want to
— the gadget I tend to use most is my pe that I’m editing. Generally speaking,
which makes me feel fancy every time I cook, do you turn to a delivery app? If so,
humble, small, cheap digital scale. I anything that helps you be more accu- What tech product are you currently
blend. what’s your go-to meal to order?
love to bake, and using the scale is the rate as you work through a recipe — obsessed with using in your daily life?
fastest, most accurate and most con- like an instant-read digital thermom- My husband bought a Sonos speaker If you’d asked a year ago, I would’ve
What could be better about the digital
venient way to measure ingredients, eter — is worth having. for our kitchen. I wouldn’t have thought said Indian food (I use Seamless). But
not to mention the neatest: no puffs of to buy it; when it arrived I wondered I’ve recently discovered the joys of
flour settling all over the counter as you The reaction time could be a little You also regularly work with testers who aloud whether we needed it. Now I love takeout chicken parm from a local
dig around in a container or level off a better. One of the most satisfying as- thoroughly assess a recipe before it goes it. red-sauce place. They’re not on a deliv-
measuring cup. pects of using a scale is that you can to print. Do they use a special kitchen or ery app, as far as I can tell, so you
We keep our scale accessible in the see the numbers tick up as you add special tools for testing? What do you and your family do with it? actually have to call them to get all that
cabinet because we use it every morn- ingredients. Mine has the tiniest lag We don’t have a test kitchen here at I mostly listen to podcasts while I melted cheese.

Resistance Is Futile: Facebook advertising in

China, top, and an Amazon
distribution center in New

Which Tech Overlords

Jersey, above. These and
other tech behemoths are
extending their reach.

Can You Live Without? thought that was the limit. Then came
Echo, the company’s talking computer,
which speaks through a persona known
the office-chat app, so losing Mark as Alexa, and which has infected my
From First Business Page Zuckerberg’s popular service (and its family like a happy virus.
companies on the planet, collectively subsidiaries, Instagram, WhatsApp Echo has a way of ingratiating itself
worth trillions. (Apple reached $800 and Messenger) was not such a big into one’s most mundane moments. I
billion in market capitalization this deal. rewired my household’s lights to be
week, the first of any public company Next, for me, was Microsoft, which I able to control them through Alexa. I
to do so, and the others may not be far found slightly more difficult to quit. I changed the kind of coffee I buy so that
behind.) And despite the picture of don’t normally use any Windows de- I could tell Alexa to reorder it. When
Silicon Valley as a roiling sea of disrup- vices, but Microsoft’s word-processing Amazon announced, this week, a new
tion, these five have gotten only strong- program, Word, is an essential tool for screen-enabled Echo, and a feature to
er and richer over time. me, and I’d hate to lose it. NG HAN GUAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS let Echos act as phones, I experienced
Their growth has prompted calls for In third place, full of regrets: Apple. another frisson of possibility. Amazon, I
greater regulation and antitrust inter- There’s nothing I use more than my see now, is well on its way to becoming
vention. There’s rising worry, too, over iPhone, and close behind are my Mac- my household’s brain, a kind of butler
their softer, noneconomic influence Book and iMac 5K, which may be the in the sky that runs the place for me.
over culture and information — for best computer I’ve ever owned. Aban- Which brings me back to my new TV.
instance, fears over how Facebook doning Apple would prompt deep and Did you know that Amazon now sells
might affect democracies — as well as truly annoying rearrangements in my not just goods but also home services?
the implicit threat they pose to the life, including braving Samsung’s bad If you buy a TV, it will offer to sell you
jurisdictions of world governments. software. But I could do it, grudgingly. a wall mount, and if you buy the mount,
These are all worthy topics for dis- It’s when I imagine getting down to it will offer to send someone to your
cussion, but they are also fairly cold the last two that life becomes some- house to install the equipment for a
and abstract. So a better way to appre- thing else. It’s here that you begin to surprisingly reasonable fee. What
ciate the power of these five might be confront how thoroughly the Frightful might, in the past, have taken a trip to
to take the very small view instead of Five have woven their way into our several stores, a truck, some tools,
the very large — to examine the role lives, and how completely we’ve come some friends, and many hours now
each of them plays in your own day-to- to depend on them. gets done in a handful of clicks.
day activities, and the particular grip In fourth place, for me, was Google. I One evening three days after I’d
each holds on your psyche. just can’t fathom living without it. ordered the TV, the Amazon men came
So, last week I came up with a fun Without the world’s best search engine, by and set up the whole thing while I
game: If an evil, tech-phobic monarch my job would become well nigh impos- cooked dinner.
forced you to abandon each of the sible. Without YouTube, it would be- If such a future makes you blanch,
Frightful Five, in which order would come significantly less entertaining. that’s the right reaction. I have fallen
you do so, and how much would your Without everything else Google makes victim to the convenience trap, and
life deteriorate as a result?. — email, maps, calendar, translation you’re right to laugh at me, and also to
When I went through the thought software, photo storage and the An- spin dystopian visions from my behav-
experiment, I found that dropping the droid mobile operating system, which ior — a future in which many others do
first couple of tech giants was pretty I’d need after ditching Apple — I’d be my life got busier and accreted more remove any decision-making from as I do, in which vast portions of com-
easy — but after that the process be- relegated to a life of some poor soul responsibility (in other words, as I shopping: My toilet paper, paper mercial activity flow through this sin-
came progressively more unbearable. from long ago (say, 1992). became more and more of a ster- towels and other consumables now gle online store. And sure, you can
For me, Facebook was the first to go. I And then, finally, we confront the eotypical dad), Amazon took on an come to my house on schedule, no decide to opt out; you can drive to
tend to socialize online using Twitter, master of my domain. I have been ever-greater role in my life. thinking required. Then Amazon moves Target, your life won’t end if you don’t
Apple’s messaging system, and Slack, shopping at Amazon almost since the When the kids were born, it became into media, and I was more hooked: It patronize Amazon.
moment it went online in the 1990s. (I my household’s Costco — supplier of had me for packaged goods, so why not But if it’s not Amazon for you, it’ll be
Email:; was a curious college student; I liked diapers and other baby gear. Then it movies and TV shows, too? another of the five. Or more likely, it
Twitter: @fmanjoo to experiment.) Every year since, as began a series of services designed to A few years ago I would have already is. It’s too late to escape.



Fans Pledge Millions

For a Chance to Play

Chris Roberts, right, the founder of Cloud Imperium Games. His company
has raised $148 million for Star Citizen, a crowdfunded spaceflight simula-
tion game, top and above, that lets players explore a sprawling universe.

By LAURA PARKER build a bigger and more robust experi-

Mark Kearns, 38, a web designer and ence, I will.”
gamer from Chicago, stumbled upon a Star Citizen’s tale highlights the
new video game called Star Citizen promise and perils of crowdfunded
while online in late 2013. The game, video games, which have become in-
which was in development, promised to creasingly popular in recent years.
revive the spaceflight simulation genre Creators have flocked to crowdfunding
with a sprawling universe for players to to make niche games for specific audi-
explore. ences of passionate fans and to interact
Intrigued, Mr. Kearns decided to with gamers earlier in development.
pledge money to see the game come to Crowdfunding has helped spawn a
fruition. In total, he donated $175, which revival of classic role-playing games
gained him access to Star Citizen’s like Baldur’s Gate and Divinity, which
alpha version — a playable version of were popular in the late 1990s and early
the game in its early stages — plus a 2000s.
virtual ship to use in the game. According to Eedar, a video game
Mr. Kearns and others have now market research company owned by
vaulted Star Citizen into the record the NPD Group, about 30,000 success-
books. Since 2013, the game has quietly fully funded video game projects were
amassed more than $148 million in on Kickstarter as of February, and more
funding — all from regular people who than $593 million had been pledged to
have donated either through the crowd- them.
funding site Kickstarter or through the Yet several prominent crowdfunded
game’s online donations page. The video games have failed to live up to history in the video game business. He that people can support a game that date.
amount is a record for a crowdfunded expectations. Mighty No. 9, a game started making games as a teenager in wouldn’t probably be made by a big “Getting to learn the process of game
video game, and one of the largest for pitched by the developer Keiji Inafune England, and later gained renown with studio.” development, communicate with the
any crowdfunded project. Star Citizen’s as a “spiritual successor” to the classic the Texas-based video game company Star Citizen began with a dual crowd- developers and ask questions directly
developer, Cloud Imperium Games, has Mega Man action series, raised $4 Origin Systems, where he made the funding effort on its website, plus a to the best in the field is a very rare
not taken any money from traditional million, but was delayed several times game Wing Commander. Released in Kickstarter campaign in 2012 to in- opportunity,” Mr. Slattery said.
financiers. before being released in 2016 to luke- 1990, the sci-fi spaceflight simulation crease interest in the project. The Kick- Clifford Zernicek, a 36-year-old de-
“My expectation was that we’d raise warm reviews. In 2014, a first-person game was a critical and commercial starter campaign ended with just over
around $4 million,” said Chris Roberts, sword-fighting game called Clang that signer from Houston, has pledged more
success and produced several sequels. $2 million raised. From then on, Cloud than $15,000 to Star Citizen. He said he
48, the founder of Cloud Imperium had raised $500,000 in crowdfunding Mr. Roberts later left the games Imperium Games relied on donations
Games. “I had investors lined up to was canceled when the developer failed liked that the development of the game
industry to focus on producing film and through the Star Citizen site. “isn’t behind closed doors, like normal
help with the rest but Sandy, my wife, to secure additional funding. television projects in Los Angeles. The minimum donation to support
told me not to worry about investors — “Crowdfunding projects, even those publishers.”
Among other things, he directed the the game was $5, but players couldn’t
that we’d make it to $20 million. I told from established developers, are not For now, both donors are willing to
1999 feature film version of Wing Com- get a ship to play in the game until they
her she was crazy, and then it kind of seen by consumers as a sure bet as wait for Star Citizen — even though its
mander, which starred Freddie Prinze had given at least $30. The highest
went from there.” they were five years ago,” said Patrick Jr. initial release of 2014 was pushed back
donation amount was $10,000. Cloud
Yet the gigantic sum of money has Walker, vice president for insights and to 2016, and has been pushed back
After thinking about making Star Imperium Games said many people
created issues for Star Citizen, which analytics at Eedar. Citizen for many years, Mr. Roberts again. It now has no set release date.
contacted the studio to ask about giving
began with a modest goal of raising Still, for players, giving money to was inspired this decade by the success even larger amounts. Even so, gamers know Mr. Roberts is
$500,000 in 2012. As the dollars have help develop a video game like Star of Minecraft, the hugely popular sand- By the end of 2013, Star Citizen had adding more features to the game. Mr.
mounted, the ambitions of Cloud Impe- Citizen offers a way into exclusive box game from the Swedish game de- raised $35.5 million. At the end of 2015, Roberts said he was investing in film-
rium Games have grown, and the content — as well as something more signer Markus Persson. Mr. Persson the amount stood at $104.4 million. level graphics for Star Citizen, as well
game’s official release has repeatedly emotional. first released an alpha version of The success of the crowdfunding as building an ever-increasing universe
been pushed back. Some gamers have “Investing in Star Citizen gives you Minecraft in 2009 for a small sum, then campaign allowed Mr. Roberts to hire with multiple solar systems and planets
demanded refunds. One even filed a the tantalizing pleasure of looking used the proceeds to make adjustments developers worldwide. Cloud Imperium for players to explore — all rendered in
formal complaint with the Los Angeles forward to a deferred enjoyment, a and upgrades. (Mr. Persson sold his Games has now opened four studios: in elaborate detail.
County district attorney’s office last slow, continuous build that stretches video game company Mojang, which Los Angeles; Austin, Tex.; Manchester, “Of course I have reservations about
year. out the anticipation and taps into the makes Minecraft, to Microsoft in 2014 England; and Frankfurt. It has hired whether or not Cloud Imperium Games
“I’m already building the best game I power of our imagination to fill out the for $2.5 billion.) more than 400 people. can meet their goals,” said Mr. Kearns,
can,” said Mr. Roberts, who acknowl- details of its imaginary world,” said “I wanted to do the same thing, with- For Matthew Slattery, 18, a Star Citi- the web designer in Chicago. But he
edged the bumps. “But imagine — the Frank Lantz, director of the New York out having to deal with a big video zen backer from South Australia, the added that “after a few updates and
game I can build with $140 million is University Game Center. game publisher,” Mr. Roberts said. “Star idea of being able to play the game patches, I considered my pledge money
going to be very different to the one I Cloud Imperium Games was founded Citizen certainly doesn’t fit the block- while it was still in development was a well spent and anything else that came
could build with $10 million. If I can in 2011 by Mr. Roberts, who has a long buster video game mold. I love the idea big draw. He has pledged about $100 to from the game was a bonus.”


Making Maps Mark CarPlay software. The app does not

mark parking spots you use regularly,
Google recently updated its Google
Maps app for Android and iOS with an
would I go about transferring them?
A. Most browsers these days are very
Internet Explorer, so you can quickly
return to previously viewed pages in
like the one in your garage or your improved parking-spot tool. You do not Chrome. Click the Import button when
Where You Parked space at the office lot. need to have the phone connected to the
good at importing bookmarks from their
competitors, so start by installing you are finished.
If you have met all the requirements car with Bluetooth, but can just tap to Google Chrome, which can be down- If you plan to use the Chrome browser
Q. I thought Apple Maps on my iPhone so far, go to the iPhone’s home screen, mark your spot. The Google app for on multiple computers or devices, there
loaded free at Once
was supposed to automatically show me open the Settings and tap Privacy. When Android also shows the parked location is an option to sync bookmarks, history,
you install the new browser, open it.
where I parked my car, but I don’t think Locations Services is enabled, scroll to of your car if you have Driving set as stored passwords and other settings to
If Chrome does not ask if you want to
it’s working. Am I not doing something I the bottom of the screen and tap System your transportation choice for commut- all your hardware. To get everything in
make it your default browser and import
should? Location Services was on. Services. In that screen, make sure ing, and Microsoft’s Windows Maps app sync, you need a Google Account; if you
your existing bookmarks from other
A. Apple added the parked-car marker Frequent Locations is on. Tap your way for its own phones includes a parking- programs, it can be done manually. Go do not already have one from using
to its Maps app with iOS 10, but you back to the main Settings screen and location reminder. to the top-right corner of the window Gmail or YouTube, you can sign up at
need an iPhone 6 or later for the feature select Maps this time. At the bottom of and click the icon for the More menu;
to work. You also need to pair your the Maps screen, make sure the button the icon looks like a vertical stack of Once you have a Google Account
iPhone to the car’s dashboard audio next to Show Parked Location is on.
Once you have done all that, the
Moving Bookmarks three dots. On the More menu, select name and password, use it to sign into
Chrome by selecting your name or
system over a Bluetooth connection or Bookmarks and then Import Bookmarks
have a vehicle equipped with Apple’s iPhone should sense when your car
stops moving and you break the Blue-
To a New Browser and Settings.
In the box that opens, select Internet
profile icon in the top-right corner of the
window and clicking the sign-in button.
Personal Tech invites questions about tooth connection with the dashboard. Q. I would like to transfer my book- Explorer from the drop-down menu. To adjust what data is synced with
computer-based technology to Once you do, the app automatically marks (favorites) from Internet Explorer Under Select Items to Import, area, turn Chrome, go to the Menu button, select This column will records the current location and pro- to Chrome. IE keeps malfunctioning and on the checkboxes next to Favorites/ Settings, then pick Advanced Sync Set-
answer questions of general interest, but vides directions back to that spot later I’ve heard that Chrome is more reliable. Bookmarks. You can also choose to tings.
letters cannot be answered individually. when you tap the parked-car icon. My operating system is Windows 7. How import your browsing history file from J. D. BIERSDORFER

Stitch Fix Thrives While Fashion Stores and Web Rivals Falter Journalist
From First Business Page Is Arrested
thing unwanted.
But many such start-ups have
had trouble keeping costs down
For Quizzing
and customers around. Nord-
strom, which bought Trunk Club
in 2014 for a reported $350 million, U.S. Official
wrote down nearly $200 million
from the business’s value last By CHRISTOPHER MELE
year. As Tom Price, the secretary of
“Those businesses have mostly the Department of Health and Hu-
struggled to grow and remain man Services, headed to a meet-
profitable over a long period of ing at the West Virginia State Cap-
time,” said Mark Cohen, a profes- itol in Charleston on Tuesday, a re-
sor at Columbia Business School porter from the Public News Serv-
who previously served as chief ex- ice trailed after him in a hallway.
ecutive of Sears Canada. “Will a The reporter, Dan Heyman,
loyalist want to receive this every wanted to ask about the health
month? Is anyone interested in care legislation the House passed
consuming this much apparel and last week to replace the Afford-
accessories?” able Care Act.
So far, Stitch Fix has found suc- With his Android smartphone in
cess where other online clothing hand to use as an audio recorder,
start-ups have struggled. To the Mr. Heyman said in an interview
company’s founder, Katrina Lake, on Wednesday, he reached over
success comes down to delivering some of the staff and security
what consumers want: making it members surrounding Mr. Price.
easier to shop. According to an audio recording
“There’s been a lot of innovation Mr. Heyman provided, he asked
around being the cheapest or fast- whether domestic violence was
est,” she said in an interview at going to be a pre-existing condi-
one of the company’s warehouses tion under the new legislation.
south of San Francisco. In her “Do you think that’s right, or
view, what was important was not?” he called out.
helping customers find clothing He asked twice more and when
they liked without taking lengthy there was no response, Mr. Hey-
shopping trips and returning man said: “You refuse to answer?
dozens of items. Tell me no comment.”
Stitch Fix was founded in 2011
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to
and was initially run out of Ms. For Katrina Lake, the founder of Stitch Fix, success comes down to delivering what consumers want: making it easier to shop. President Trump, was with Mr.
Lake’s apartment in Cambridge, Price, and at one point in the re-
Mass. At first the company ca- Groupe and Fab were failures for five items in a package. Anything of the venture capital firm Bench- customized box of clothing will re- cording, a man’s voice is heard
tered only to women, but has since investors, the category has picked a customer does not want can be mark, who sits on Stitch Fix’s main customers for months or saying: “Do not get close to her.
expanded to offer men’s clothing, up steam in the past few years as returned free of charge, and board. “The level of data science even years. Back up.”
plus sizes and maternity wear. traditional retailers have looked customers receive a 25 percent done at this company compared to Lauren Rivellino, an optome- After persisting for nearly a
Each box contains a handful of to start-ups to lift their busi- discount when they buy every- the incumbent set is incompara- trist in Charlotte, Va., was a Stitch minute, Mr. Heyman was pulled
selections from trendy brands like nesses. Jet sold itself to Walmart thing in the box. ble.” aside by officers of the West Vir-
Fix enthusiast when she sub-
Citizens of Humanity, Scotch & for $3 billion. Last year the sub- ginia Division of Protective
At the company’s warehouse, But that data-driven approach scribed in 2015. She loved trying
Soda and Barbour. Up next is a scription razor service Dollar Services, also known as the Capi-
Eric Colson, formerly a top data has also been yoked to Ms. Lake’s clothes on at home rather than a
“luxe” offering featuring clothes tol Police, handcuffed and
Shave Club sold to Unilever for $1 scientist at Netflix, spoke to the insistence on running a finan- poorly lit dressing room, and most
from higher-end labels like The- charged with a misdemeanor
billion. And the online pet store role that data science — once the cially healthy company. Given her items were flattering and re-
ory, with price tags going from was acquired by PetS- province of high-tech giants — early troubles raising money from flected her style.
$150 to about $500 per item. mart, reportedly for more than $3 plays in nearly every aspect of the outside investors, Ms. Lake But a year later, Ms. Rivellino
Expansion plans like that drive billion. Some start-ups have also Stitch Fix business. worked toward becoming prof- stopped using the service. “I re-
home the diverging fortunes of moved away from models that Mr. Colson excitedly illustrated itable early. ally have nothing bad to say about A reporter ends up in
struggling traditional retailers
and fast-growing online rivals.
compete for customers on price or
rely on fads, like flash sales, for
on whiteboards how the compa-
ny’s systems can narrow down a
“We had a ‘lean plan’ and a
‘lean-lean plan,’” Ms. Lake said of
them,” she said in a recent email.
“I just don’t shop a lot.”
handcuffs after his
Online retailers who sell luxury traction. broad range of women’s pants to a the business model. Stitch Fix executives declined persistent questioning.
products for less are undercutting Stitch Fix’s pitch is straightfor- relative few that each individual Stitch Fix declined to say what to share their retention statistics,
sales at high-end department ward enough: Trust the company customer is statistically likely to percentage of items are returned. but claim that they are above in-
stores like Neiman Marcus. Nord- to pick out your tops, bottoms, keep. Running so cheaply meant not dustry averages. Ms. Lake and
strom recently announced layoffs shoes or accessories for you. “Customers say, ‘This thing you taking out ads during Stitch Fix’s Mr. Colson acknowledged that count of willful disruption of gov-
and told investors it plans to focus When customers sign up, they picked out for me, I would never early days. But word of mouth clients stop using the service for a ernmental processes. He spent
on e-commerce, despite its Trunk fill out an extensive form detailing have picked it out for myself,’” he helped the company grow — and variety of reasons, from dissatis- eight hours in jail before the news
Club write-down. And J. Crew, style preferences, clothing needs said. eventually drew investors like Mr. faction to their closets simply fill- service posted bail of $5,000.
which has hundreds of stores and price points. The start-up’s al- Algorithms have even cut the Gurley, whose interest was piqued ing up. The arrest stirred suspicions
around the country, has suffered gorithms then churn out a set of number of steps needed for work- by the number of assistants at his But the two argued that the that officers were trying to thwart
three straight years of losses and potential choices, which one of its ers to pick out clothes for individ- firm who swore by the service. company can analyze scores of his effort to ask questions, though
is deeply in debt. 3,400 stylists — most of them part ual clients. Yet the question remains data points to figure out ways to a criminal complaint said he
While early e-commerce start- time — then tailors to the individ- “Some people call this the ‘Mon- whether customers who are ini- coax these customers back to the “tried aggressively to breach the
ups like One Kings Lane, Gilt ual customer before sending out eyball’ of fashion,” said Bill Gurley tially thrilled by receiving a fold. security of the Secret Service” and
was “causing a disturbance by
yelling questions.”
His lawyer, J. Timothy DiPiero,
U.S. May Restrict Laptops said at a news conference on Tues-
day that the case was “highly un-
usual,” adding, “I’ve never had a
On All Flights From Europe client get arrested for talking too
loud or anything similar to that.”
And in a statement, the Ameri-
By RON NIXON pean Union nations or people with can Civil Liberties Union of West
and ERIC SCHMITT dual citizenship could target Virginia called Mr. Heyman’s ar-
WASHINGTON — The Depart- United States-bound fights. rest “a blatant attempt to chill an
ment of Homeland Security is con- American officials have tried in independent, free press.”
sidering banning laptops and recent years to increase the vet- As for whether the security offi-
other large electronic devices ting of those traveling into the cials were deliberately trying to
from carry-on bags on flights from country. Last year, the Obama ad- block him, Mr. Heyman said on
Europe to the United States, a de- ministration revised a program Wednesday that he did not think
partment spokesman said on that allowed citizens of about 38 so but added that their actions fit a
Wednesday. countries, mostly in Europe, to broader pattern of antipathy to-
The action would extend a visit the United States without a ward the press.
limited ban that was put in place in visa on trips of 90 days or less. “It’s getting to the point where
March. At that time, the United The changes made it harder for the security is more interested in
States and Britain barred pas- travelers to enter the United protecting than they need to be,”
sengers traveling through air- States from Europe if they had he said. “I think that’s a mistake.”
ports in 10 Muslim-majority coun- dual citizenship in Iran, Iraq, Su- “Their job is not to protect him
tries from carrying laptop dan or Syria, or had visited one of from uncomfortable questions,”
computers, tablets and other de- those countries in the previous he added.
vices larger than cellphones five years. The rules were later ex- The Secret Service referred
aboard direct inbound flights. The tended to those who had visited questions to the local authorities.
larger items were to be stowed Libya, Somalia and Yemen. Lawrence Messina, a spokesman
with checked luggage. Another government official, for the West Virginia Department
The ban was put in place after also speaking on the condition of of Military Affairs and Public
intelligence showed that the Is- anonymity, said the new ban was Safety, which oversees the Capitol
lamic State was developing a being considered because the Police, said there was no effort to
bomb that could be hidden in port- American government consid- silence Mr. Heyman.
able electronic devices. ered immigration policies in Eu- Mr. Heyman, 54, who has writ-
David Lapan, a spokesman for rope to be lax. There is also a con- ten freelance articles for The New
the Department of Homeland Se- cern that the ban adopted in York Times, has been a corre-
curity, said the agency had not de- March might not stop a terrorist spondent for the Public News
cided whether to extend the ban. with a bomb-rigged laptop from Service since 2009.
“We’ll likely expand the restric- simply flying to Europe to catch a He said he pressed the question
tions,” he said. United States-bound flight. of domestic violence because it’s
John F. Kelly, the Homeland Se- The American government has an important public policy ques-
curity secretary, is to brief sena- had problems detecting explo- tion. “I wasn’t doing this to just
tors on security topics on Thurs- sives in laptops, intelligence offi- make points,” he said.
day, according to a Senate aide. cials said. In some tests, fake ex- Alleigh Marré, a spokeswoman
Officials did not say when a new plosives hidden in laptops had for the Department of Health and
ban might be imposed. gotten through security scanners Human Services, said Mr. Price
A senior official with a United almost without fail, they said. was visiting with officials and
States airline said that carriers Extremist groups have tar- community members in West Vir-
SUNDAY, MAY 14 ALSO IN THE MAGAZINE: had been in talks with govern- geted transportation hubs in the ginia as part of a “listening tour”

ment officials for weeks about the past two years, including the about the opioid epidemic.
A Biologist Believes That possibility of an expanded ban, bombing of an airliner in Egypt in Mr. Heyman said he was there
the Complex Sounds mainly over the logistics of carry- October 2015, and, last year, the at- to cover demonstrators who were
ing it out. The particular problem tempted downing of a plane in protesting Mr. Price’s visit and
Made by Prairie Dogs
is passengers connecting in Eu- Somalia and armed attacks on air- was holding out his cellphone
Should Be Considered

rope from flights originating in the ports in Brussels and Istanbul. “like a reporter in a scrum.”
Language Middle East and Africa. His recording captured his
When the Trump administra-
“Get Out” Is Just the An intelligence official, who, tion announced the restrictions on voice echoing in the hall, footfalls
Latest Hit Horror Film like the airline official, was not au- flights from the Middle East in and his labored breathing as offi-
Produced by Jason Blum thorized to speak publicly about March, officials said they did not cers took him into custody.
A man who identified himself as

the potential ban, said it was being signal a credible, specific threat of
Homeownership, Once considered because of concerns an imminent attack. They re- Lt. Tim Johnson with the Capitol
the Cornerstone of the that radicalized citizens of Euro- peated that on Wednesday. Police says, “Let me tell you
American Dream, Has something right now” — before
Become the Cornerstone he’s interrupted by Mr. Heyman.
of Inequality Mr. Heyman can be heard say-
ing that he had been screened go-
ing into the building and was
wearing a press pass. On the re-
cording, Mr. Heyman says he was
in a public space at the time, but
Lieutenant Johnson counters that
it was not a public area when Mr.
NYTIMES.COM/MAGAZINE Heyman was getting into the
space of Secret Service agents.
“So the Capitol of the state of
ADVERTISERS: For information on advertising in The New York Times Magazine, West Virginia is no longer a public
contact Andy Wright at (212) 556-1050 or space?” Mr. Heyman asks. “Be-
cause you guys have got a prob-
lem if that’s the case.”


The Dunk The Block

“I found myself pretty Stopping the Rockets’
close. So I went for it. James Harden:
But I didn’t expect to “It was a risky play,
see one of those in the but it was also risky to
playoffs.” let him shoot.”


Spurs shooting guard Manu Ginobili after a shot against the Houston Rockets
during a playoff victory in San Antonio on Tuesday night.

SAN ANTONIO — Manu Ginobili is not a

young man by professional basketball
Ginobili Channels machine. Not the Spurs’ Danny Green, who
called the dunk “one for the record books.”

His Younger Self

standards. He is 39. He is bald. He tweets And not even Ginobili.
about reading his young children bedtime “That was very unexpected,” he said. “I
books, including one written by his friend don’t know. I just wanted to go hard at the
and former teammate Boris rim, and I found myself pretty close. So I
SCOTT Diaw. (“Good job, Bobo!”
Ginobili wrote, referring to
went for it. But I didn’t expect to see one of
those in the playoffs.”
CACCIOLA Diaw by his nickname.) From that point forward, Green said, he
With the San Antonio Spurs could sense that Ginobili was “locked in,”
this season, Ginobili has been 39-Year-Old Is a Savior Again as Spurs that he had been sipping some sort of
— and forgive the suggestion magic potion that his teammates call
— an almost ornamental presence. He is a Come Back Against the Rockets Grandpa Juice. Sure enough, Ginobili re-
link between eras, the team’s swingman mained engaged through the final pos-
emeritus, more instructor than player. He session of the game, when he preserved the
shot 39 percent from the field during the gifts that belong to the past. them a three-games-to-two lead in their win by blocking a 3-point attempt by the
regular season. When the Spurs faced the But occasionally there are still big nights, best-of-seven series. Rockets’ James Harden. As Harden rose for
Memphis Grizzlies in the first round of the like Tuesday’s at AT&T Center when Gino- First, there was the dunk, which Ginobili the shot, Ginobili reached over the top with
N.B.A. playoffs, Ginobili collected 14 points bili, with a dunk and a block, reached back described as a sort of out-of-body experi- his left hand and stripped the ball away.
in a series that went six games. to resuscitate the Spurs in their Western ence: a wrong-footed, soaring slam as he “I tried to bother him as much as I could,
All of which is to say, Coach Gregg Conference semifinal series against the sliced between defenders late in the first and I found myself very close to the ball, so
Popovich no longer leans on Ginobili the Houston Rockets. half. Nobody saw it coming. Not the Rock- I went for it,” Ginobili said. “It was a risky
way he once did. The explosion, the lift, the “He was a stud,” Popovich said after the ets, who took halfhearted swipes at the ball play, but it was also risky to let him shoot.”
quickness, the energy — those are physical Spurs’ 110-107 overtime victory, which gave as Ginobili traveled to the rim in his time Continued on Page B13

Players for
Brazil, fore-
ground, and
Face of Yanks’ Glory Days
their opponents,
from Chile,
watched a pen-
Will Get a Lasting Tribute
alty shootout to The Yankees will honor Derek
determine the Jeter this weekend, having
winner of their played a series in Cincinnati, a
city with an unlikely significance
World Cup in their recent history. It was
match in 2014. there, in 1976, that
Brazil won the
shootout, 3-2.
TYLER they first played in
the World Series
KEPNER with George Stein-
brenner as their
ON principal owner.
A generation later,
in 2003, they were back there in
the regular season and seemed
listless to Steinbrenner. As a
remedy, he abruptly named
Derek Jeter captain.
“Why Cincinnati?” catcher
Jorge Posada, Jeter’s buddy,
wondered aloud that day. “Why POOL PHOTO BY JOHN MUNSON
not do it in New York?” Derek Jeter last year at a cere-
A reasonable question, but for mony for the 1996 team. His
Steinbrenner, of course, every
moment was urgent. Jeter had No. 2 will be retired Sunday.
been the unofficial captain for
GUSTAVO ANDRADE/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES years by then, with four champi- a good time for Derek Jeter to
onship rings to prove it. And he assume leadership,” Steinbren-

UEFA Tinkers With the Order of Penalty Shootouts

had withstood off-season criti- ner said. “He is a great leader by
cism from Steinbrenner, turning the way he performs and plays. I
a test from the boss into a mar- told him I want him to be the
keting opportunity for them both type of cavalry officer that sits in
By VICTOR MATHER BA, AB and so on. dom. Studies have shown that the team — they appeared in a Visa com- the saddle. You can’t be a leader
International soccer is trying something Yes, sort of like a fantasy league’s snake lucky enough to kick first wins about 60 mercial together, dancing in a
percent of the time. Since the teams shoot unless you sit in the saddle. I
new with the penalty shootout this week. draft. conga line. Jeter, indeed, was
at the same net, why this advantage? It ap- think he can.”
At the European men’s under-17 champi- The change is an experiment: Soccer’s Steinbrenner’s kind of guy.
rulemakers are tinkering with the rules of pears to be entirely psychological. We know the rest. Those Yan-
onship in Croatia and the women’s under-17 The Yankees were in first kees quickly resumed their domi-
event in the Czech Republic, knockout the shootout to try to address what they “Both teams should have the same prob- place when Steinbrenner
feel is a clear issue of fairness. ability of winning regardless of the kicking nance and returned to the World
games ending in a tie will go to a shootout anointed Jeter, but they had
The penalty shootout is far from beloved order; yet, we find a systematic first-kicker Series, with Jeter starting the
as usual. And, as usual, a coin toss will de- fallen hard after a furious start,
termine who goes first — but only for the by players and fans. As a way to determine advantage,” wrote two professors, Jose losing 17 of 27 games. They had famous rally off a tiring Pedro
first kick. Instead of one team kicking first the winner of a crucial match, it almost al- Apesteguia and Ignacio Palacios-Huerta, lost in the first round of the play- Martinez in Game 7 of the Ameri-
in each round, the teams will alternate go- ways feels unsatisfying and random, more in a paper, “Psychological Pressure in Com- offs the year before, and lost in can League Championship Series
ing first, round by round. of a lottery than a true test of the teams’ petitive Environments: Evidence from a the World Series the year before against Boston. Six years later,
Looking at it another way, instead of the skill, endurance and tactics over 90 — or Randomized Natural Experiment,” pub- that, and Steinbrenner wanted a Jeter led the Yankees all the way,
kicks going AB, AB, AB, AB, AB until a win- 120 — minutes of open play. lished in 2010 by The American Economic jolt. He went with a hunch. meaning that when Steinbrenner
ner is determined, they will go AB, BA, AB, But it is a lottery that is not entirely ran- Continued on Page B13 “My gut tells me this would be Continued on Page B11


Penguins Shut Out the Capitals in Game 7 PRO BASKETBALL





WASHINGTON (AP) — Marc-An- All Times EDT All Times EDT
East W L Pct GB
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) (Best-of-7; x-if necessary)
dre Fleury turned back the clock with EASTERN CONFERENCE EASTERN CONFERENCE
Yankees 21 10 .677 —
a brilliant 29-save effort, Bryan Rust Cleveland 4, Toronto 0 Pittsburgh 4, Washington 3 Baltimore 22 11 .667 —
Monday, May 1: Cleveland 116, Toronto Thursday, April 27: Pittsburgh 3,
and Patric Hornqvist scored and the 105 Washington 2 Boston 17 15 .531 4{
Pittsburgh Penguins beat the host Wednesday, May 3: Cleveland 125, Toronto
Saturday, April 29: Pittsburgh 6,
Tampa Bay 17 19 .472 6{
Washington 2
Washington Capi- Friday, May 5: Cleveland 115, Toronto 94 Monday, May 1: Washington 3, Pittsburgh
PENGUINS 2 Sunday, May 7: Cleveland 109, Toronto 102 Toronto 13 21 .382 9{
tals, 2-0, in Game Boston 3, Washington 2
2, OT
Wednesday, May 3: Pittsburgh 3,
CAPITALS 0 7 on Wednesday Sunday, April 30: Boston 123, Washington Washington 2 Central W L Pct GB
111 Saturday, May 6: Washington 4, Pittsburgh
to advance to the Tuesday, May 2: Boston 129, Washington Cleveland 18 15 .545 —
Pittsburgh wins Eastern Confer- 119, OT
Monday, May 8: Washington 5, Pittsburgh 2 Minnesota 16 14 .533 {
series, 4-3 ence finals.
Thursday, May 4: Washington 116, Boston
Wednesday, May 10: Pittsburgh 2,
Washington 0 Detroit 16 15 .516 1
The defending Sunday, May 7: Washington 121, Boston Ottawa 4, Rangers 2
102 Thursday, April 27: Ottawa 2, Rangers 1 Chicago 15 16 .484 2
champion Penguins are eight victories Wednesday, May 10: Boston 123, Saturday, April 29: Ottawa 6, Rangers 5,
Washington 101 2OT Kansas City 12 21 .364 6
away from another Stanley Cup and Friday, May 12: Boston at Washington, 8 Tuesday, May 2: Rangers 4, Ottawa 1
will have the home-ice advantage p.m. Thursday, May 4: Rangers 4, Ottawa 1 West W L Pct GB
x-Monday, May 15: Washington at Boston, Saturday, May 6: Ottawa 5, Rangers 4, OT
against the Ottawa Senators. The Cap- 8 p.m. Houston 23 11 .676 —
Tuesday, May 9: Ottawa 4, Rangers 2
itals, who had the league’s best record WESTERN CONFERENCE WESTERN CONFERENCE Seattle 17 17 .500 6
San Antonio 3, Houston 2 Anaheim 3, Edmonton 3
in the regular season, failed to get be- Monday, May 1: Houston 126, San Antonio Wednesday, April 26: Edmonton 5, Los Angeles 17 19 .472 7
yond the second round for the seventh Wednesday, May 3: San Antonio 121,
Anaheim 3
Oakland 16 18 .471 7
Friday, April 28: Edmonton 2, Anaheim 1
time in seven chances in the Alex Houston 96 Sunday, April 30: Anaheim 6, Edmonton 3 Texas 14 20 .412 9
Friday, May 5: San Antonio 103, Houston Wednesday, May 3: Anaheim 4, Edmonton
Sunday, May 7: Houston 125, San Antonio
Sidney Crosby, who assisted on Bry- Bryan Rust after scoring for the Penguins in the first period Wednesday. 104
Friday, May 5: Anaheim 4, Edmonton 3, Minnesota at Chicago White Sox, ppd.
an Rust first-period goal, said of Tuesday, May 9: San Antonio 110, Houston Sunday, May 7: Edmonton 7, Anaheim 1, Seattle 11, Philadelphia 6
107, OT
Fleury: “We’re not in this position Thursday, May 11: San Antonio at Houston,
Wednesday, May 10: Edmonton at Anaheim Houston 4, Atlanta 2
back to even the series and seemed to Shattenkirk and Ovechkin. The puck Nashville 4, St. Louis 2
Oakland 3, L.A. Angels 1
moving on if he doesn’t play the way he 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: Nashville 4, St. Louis 3
have all the confidence. ended up on the stick of Hornqvist, x-Sunday, May 14: Houston at San Antonio, Friday, April 28: St. Louis 3, Nashville 2 Tampa Bay 12, Kansas City 1
did. There were times where they had 3:30 p.m.
When the Capitals had the game’s who beat Holtby on the short side with Golden State 4, Utah 0
Sunday, April 30: Nashiville 3, St. Louis 1 Washington 7, Baltimore 6
sustained pressure throughout games Tuesday, May 2: Nashville 2, St. Louis 1
first four shots, Fleury was there to a backhander 4:14 into the third period Tuesday, May 2: Golden State 106, Utah 94 Friday, May 5: St. Louis 2, Nashville 1 Toronto 8, Cleveland 7
and he made some big saves that al- to make the score 2-0.
Thursday, May 4: Golden State 115, Utah Sunday, May 7: Nashiville 3, St. Louis 1 San Diego at Texas
lowed us to stay in the game and al- weather the storm, and the Penguins 104
The Capitals tried everything, in- Saturday, May 6: Golden State 102, Utah 91 Boston at Milwaukee
lowed us to stay patient. He was huge responded with the next six. It took un- Monday, May 8: Golden State 121, Utah 95 Detroit at Arizona
til 8 minutes 49 seconds of the second cluding Brooks Orpik fighting Scott TENNIS
for us all series long.” Wilson midway through the third, but THURSDAY
period for Pittsburgh to silence the N.B.A. TOP PLAYOFF
Rust was again a hero in a crucial could not mount a comeback. Fans MADRID OPEN Houston (Keuchel 5-0) at Yankees
crowd as a failed clearing attempt by PERFORMERS (Pineda 3-1), 7:05
game for Pittsburgh, scoring his booed the final seconds of another At Caja Magica
Matt Niskanen led to Rust’s fifth goal INDIVIDUAL MADRID, SPAIN Boston (Rodriguez 1-1) at Milwau-
eighth goal in 12 career games facing home Game 7 loss. Most Points: 53, Isaiah Thomas, Boston, Singles kee (Nelson 1-2), 1:10
elimination or with the chance to elimi- of the playoffs, on assists from Crosby Second Round Game 2, May 2. Men Kansas City (Vargas 4-1) at Tampa
The Capitals are now thrust into an Most Rebounds: 18, Marcin Gortat,
nate an opponent. Fleury looked like and Jake Guentzel. Second Round
Bay (Odorizzi 2-1), 1:10
off-season of change. T. J. Oshie, Karl Washington, First Round Game 4 vs. Kei Nishikori (6), Japan, d. Diego
his old self from the start of the series Holtby and Fleury went save for Alzner, Shattenkirk and Daniel Winnik
Atlanta, April 24. Schwartzman, Argentina, 1-6, 6-0, 6-4. Baltimore (Bundy 5-1) at Washing-
Most Assists: 16, John Wall, Washington, Milos Raonic (5), Canada, d. Gilles Muller, ton (Cole 1-0), 7:05
in frustrating the Capitals. save, with the Penguins’ goaltender are unrestricted free agents, and with Second Round Game 1 vs. Boston, April Luxembourg, 6-4, 6-4. Nick Kyrgios (16),
30. Seattle (Iwakuma 0-2) at Toronto
Braden Holtby made 26 saves for getting the shaft of his stick on a shot several restricted free agents due Most 3-Pointers Made: 7, Stephen Curry,
Australia, d. Ryan Harrison, United States,
(Estrada 1-2), 7:07
6-3, 6-3. Thomas Berdych (11), Czech
the Capitals. by Ovechkin in the second period. The raises, it will be almost impossible to Golden State, First Round Game 4 vs. Republic, d. Robin Haase, Netherlands, San Diego (Richard 2-4) at Texas
Portland, April 24; Kawhi Leonard, San 7-6 (5), 6-3. David Ferrer, Spain, d. Jo-
Despite it being the second round, shot came so close to scoring that keep this team together. Antonio, First Round Game 4 vs. Memphis, (Perez 1-5), 8:05
Wilfried Tsonga (10), France, walkover.
this Game 7 had the feel of a deciding Ovechkin started to raise his arms April 22. Novak Djokovic (2), Serbia, d. Nicolas Minnesota (Tepesch 0-1) at Chicago
“Without goals, you can’t win the Most Free Throws Made: 19, Jimmy Butler, Almagro, Spain, 6-1, 4-6, 7-5. Rafael White Sox (Gonzalez 3-2), 8:10
game of the Stanley Cup finals, with thinking it was good, but Fleury’s wide game,” said Ovechkin, who was on the Chicago, First Round Game 4 vs. Boston, Nadal (4), Spain, d. Fabio Fognini, Italy, Detroit (Fulmer 3-1) at L.A. Angels
April 23; Kawhi Leonard, San Antonio, First 7-6 (3), 3-6, 6-4. Feliciano Lopez, Spain,
the teams with the best records in the smile could be seen through his mask. ice for each goal. “Plenty of chances to Round Game 2 vs. Memphis, April 17. d. Gilles Simon, France, 6-3, 3-6, 7-6 (3). (Ramirez 3-2), 10:07
N.H.L. facing off. After Pittsburgh took It remained a one-goal game until score. Just didn’t do it. Made a couple Most Turnovers: 9, James Harden, Houston,
Second Round Game 5 vs. San Antonio
Pablo Cuevas, Uruguay, d. Nicolas Mahut, FRIDAY
France, 5-7, 6-4, 6-4. Borna Coric, Croatia,
a 3-1 series lead, Washington roared another failed clearing try, by Kevin mistakes, and it cost us.” May 9; Russell Westbrook, Oklahoma City, d. Pierre-Hugues Herbert, France, 7-5, Houston at Yankees, 7:05
First Round Game 1 vs. Houston, April 16. 6-4. Grigor Dimitrov (12), Bulgaria, d. Seattle at Toronto, 7:07
Most Steals: 6, Kawhi Leonard, San Ivo Karlovic, Croatia, 6-3, 7-5. Alexander
Antonio, First Round Game 4 vs. Memphis; Zverev, Germany, d. Marin Cilic (7),
Minnesota at Cleveland, 7:10
Thaddeus Young, Indiana, First Round Croatia, 6-7 (3), 6-3, 6-4. Benoit Paire, Tampa Bay at Boston, 7:10
Game 2 vs. Cleveland, April 17. France, d. Stan Wawrinka (3), Switzerland, Oakland at Texas, 8:05
Most Blocks: 6, Draymond Green, Golden 7-5, 4-6, 6-2.
State, First Round Game 3 vs. Portland, Women San Diego at Chicago White Sox, 8:10
April 22. Third Round Baltimore at Kansas City, 8:15
TEAM Anastasija Sevastova, Latvia, d. Lara
Most Combined Points: 248, Boston 129, Detroit at L.A. Angels, 10:07
Arruabarrena, Spain, 7-5, 6-2. Svetlana
Washington 119, Second Round Game 2, Kuznetsova (8), Russia, d. Wang Qiang,
May 2.
Most Points By Team: 129, Boston, Second
China, 6-4, 7-5. Coco Vandweghe, United N.L. STANDINGS
States, d. Carla Suarez Navarro, Spain, 5-7,
Round Game 2 vs. Washington, May 2. 6-4, 7-5. Kiki Bertens, Netherlands, d. Irina-
Camelia Begu, Romania, 6-1, 7-5. Sorana
East W L Pct GB
N.B.A. TEAM PLAYOFF Cirstea, Romania, d. Misaki Doi, Japan, Washington 22 12 .647 —
7-5, 3-6, 6-1. Simona Halep (3), Romania,
STATISTICS d. Sam Stosur (16), Australia, 6-4, 4-6, Mets 16 17 .485 5{
6-4. Kristina Mladenovic (14), France, d.
Oceane Dodin, France, 6-1, 6-1. Eugenie Philadelphia 13 19 .406 8
Team Offense Bouchard, Canada, d. Angelique Kerber
G Pts Avg (1), Germany, 6-3, 5-0 retired. Miami 13 20 .394 8{
Golden State . . . . . . . . . .8 922 115.2
Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . .8 916 114.5 Doubles Atlanta 11 20 .355 9{
Houston . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1110 111.0 Men
Washington . . . . . . . . . . 10 1107 110.7 Second Round Central W L Pct GB
Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 435 108.8 Lukasz Kubot, Poland, and Marcelo
Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1063 106.3 Melo (4), Brazil, d. Brian Baker and St. Louis 19 14 .576 —
San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . 11 1165 105.9 Nicholas Monroe, United States, 6-3, 6-4.
Atlanta . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 633 105.5 Jamie Murray, Britain, and Bruno Soares Cincinnati 18 15 .545 1
Oklahoma City . . . . . . . . .5 521 104.2 (3), Brazil, d. Juan Sebastian Cabal and
Robert Farah, Colombia, 6-3, 7-6 (4). Bob Milwaukee 17 16 .515 2
Portland . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 406 101.5
Utah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1076 97.8 and Mike Bryan (2), United States, d.
Fabrice Martin, France, and Daniel Nestor, Chicago 17 17 .500 2{
L.A. Clippers . . . . . . . . . .7 684 97.7
Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 967 96.7 Canada, 5-7, 6-2, 10-7. Nicolas Mahut Pittsburgh 14 19 .424 5
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 579 96.5 and Edouard Roger-Vasselin (6), France,
Memphis . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 578 96.3 d. Robin Haase, Netherlands, and Albert West W L Pct GB
Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . .6 559 93.2 Ramos-Vinolas, Spain, 7-6 (6), 7-6 (3).
Women Colorado 22 13 .629 —
Team Defense Second Round
G Pts Avg Anna-Lena Groenfeld, Germany, and Los Angeles 19 14 .576 2
Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . .6 563 93.8 Kveta Peschke, Czech Republic, d.
Golden State . . . . . . . . . .8 790 98.8 Gabriela Dabrowski, Canada, and Xu Yifan, Arizona 18 16 .529 3{
L.A. Clippers . . . . . . . . . .7 692 98.9 China, 6-4, 6-4. Timea Babos, Hungary,
and Andrea Hlavackova (5), Czech San Diego 13 21 .382 8{
San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . 11 1124 102.2
Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1024 102.4 Republic, d. Lara Arruabarrena and Sara San Francisco 12 23 .343 10
Utah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1128 102.5 Sorribes Tormo, Spain, 6-0, 3-6, 10-3.
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 620 103.3 Kiki Bertens, Netherlands, and Johanna WEDNESDAY
Larsson, Sweden, d. Bethanie Mattek-
Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1046 104.6
Sands, United States, and Lucie Safarova San Francisco 6, Mets 5
Memphis . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 628 104.7
Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . .8 839 104.9 (1), Czech Republic, 6-4, 7-6 (2). Lucie Seattle 11, Philadelphia 6
Houston . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1058 105.8 Hradecka and Katerina Siniakova (6), Houston 4, Atlanta 2
Atlanta . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 640 106.7 Czech Republic, d. Sam Stosur, Australia,
and Zhang Shuai, China, 6-2, 7-5. Colorado 3, Chicago Cubs 0
Washington . . . . . . . . . . 10 1076 107.6
Novak Djokovic in his win over Nicolás Almagro in Madrid, in which he overcame a 3-0 third-set deficit. Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 451 112.8 Washington 7, Baltimore 6
Oklahoma City . . . . . . . . .5 564 112.8 St. Louis 7, Miami 5
Portland . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 478 119.5 TRANSACTIONS San Diego at Texas
TEN N IS Boston at Milwaukee
N.B.A. PLAYOFF SCORING M.L.B. Detroit at Arizona
LEADERS Pittsburgh at L.A. Dodgers

Djokovic Rallies for Victory; Nadal Struggles

American League
Westbrook, OKC. . .5 59 56 187 37.4 Vidal Nuno from Norfolk (IL). Optioned THURSDAY
James, CLE . . . . . .8 93 67 275 34.4 RHP Logan Verrett to Norfolk. Boston (Rodriguez 1-1) at Milwau-
Harden, HOU . . . . 10 88 97 303 30.3 CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Placed C kee (Nelson 1-2), 1:10
Wall, WAS . . . . . . 10 103 66 288 28.8 Geovany Soto on the 10-day DL,
Baltimore (Bundy 5-1) at Washing-
Novak Djokovic, the defending champion, recovered 2028 option. The consolation prize would leave the city with George, IND . . . . .4 34 26 112 28.0 retroactive to May 8. Recalled C Kevan
ton (Cole 1-0), 7:05
Leonard, SAN . . . 11 99 84 306 27.8 Smith from Charlotte (IL).
from a 3-0 deficit in the third set to defeat Nicolás Almagro, challenges including maintaining public interest and re- KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Selected the San Diego (Richard 2-4) at Texas
6-1, 4-6, 7-5, and reach the third round at the Madrid Open casting deals for stadiums, arenas and housing that have contracts of RHPs Al Alburquerque
and Seth Maness from Omaha (PCL).
(Perez 1-5), 8:05
on Wednesday. been in the works for months and even years. SOCCER Designated INF Christian Colon and L.A. Dodgers (Ryu 1-4) at Colorado
Djokovic rallied in the final set by breaking Almagro to 1b-OF Peter O’Brien for assignment. (Anderson 2-3), 8:40
M.L.S. STANDINGS Optioned RHP Jakob Junis to Omaha. Pittsburgh (Cole 1-3) at Arizona
go up, 6-5, and served out to earn his 15th win of the season. EAST W L T Pts GF GA
(Greinke 3-2), 9:40
HO C K EY Adam Wilk off waivers from the New
The victory left Djokovic on track to play a semifinal Toronto FC 6 1 4 22 17 9 York Mets. Cincinnati (Arroyo 3-2) at San Fran-
Orlando City 6 3 0 18 11 11
against Rafael Nadal, the four-time Madrid champion and YANKEES — Optioned RHP Chad Green cisco (Blach 0-2), 10:15
home-crowd favorite, who struggled in a 7-6 (3), 3-6, 6-4 Islander’s Two Goals Power U.S. Team New York City FC 5
Columbus 5
1 16 17 10
1 16 16 15
to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL).
Red Bulls 5 5 1 16 11 15
win over Fabio Fognini of Italy. Brock Nelson of the Islanders scored twice as the Chicago 3 3 3 12 13 14
contract of RHP Sam Gaviglio from
Tacoma (PCL). Placed RHP Hisashi
Mets at Milwaukee, 8:10
Nadal will play Nick Kyrgios, who defeated Ryan Harri- United States cruised to its third win of the ice hockey Atlanta United FC 3 4 2 11 19 14 Iwakuma on the 10-day DL, retroactive to Philadelphia at Washington, 7:05
D.C. United 3 4 2 11 9 14
son, 6-3, 6-3. The second-seeded Djokovic will play Feli- May 7. Transferred RHP Evan Marshall to Atlanta at Miami, 7:10
world championship with a 3-0 defeat of Italy in Cologne, New England 2 4 4 10 14 16 the 60-day DL.
Montreal 2 3 4 10 12 14 San Diego at Chicago White Sox, 8:10
ciano López, who got past Gilles Simon, 6-3, 3-6, 7-6 (3). Germany. Nelson broke the deadlock with a wrist shot to National League
Philadelphia 1 4 4 7 11 14 CINCINNATI REDS — Optioned RHP Chicago Cubs at St. Louis, 8:15
It was an important opening-round win for Djokovic as the top right corner early on and then scored a short- Rookie Davis to Louisville (IL). L.A. Dodgers at Colorado, 8:40
he tries to turn around his season and regain his form going handed goal in the second period, minutes before Anders FC Dallas 5 0 3 18 13 5
MIAMI MARLINS — Placed SS Adeiny
Pittsburgh at Arizona, 9:40
Hechavarria on the 10-day DL. Selected
into the French Open this month. Lee completed the scoring on a power play. The Americans Kansas City 5 2 3 18 11 5 the contract of INF Stephen Lombardozzi Cincinnati at San Francisco, 10:15
Portland 5 3 2 17 20 15
“I’m still finding my way to that consistency level and moved to second in Group A behind Latvia. Houston 5 3 1 16 19 13
from New Orleans (PCL). Designated RHP
Joe Gunkel for assignment.
quality of tennis that I’m looking for,” Djokovic said. “I’m San Jose 4 3 3 15 12 10 SAN DIEGO PADRES — Claimed RHP GIANTS 6, METS 5
Vancouver 4 4 1 13 12 14 Jose Valdez off waivers from the Los
aware that I’m not playing at my best, but I’m definitely Minnesota United 3 5 2 11 15 25 Angeles Angels and optioned him to El San Francisco ab r h bi bb so avg.
believing in myself and the process. Eventually the game S O C C ER Seattle 2 3 4 10 14 12 Paso (PCL). Transferred LHP Christian Panik 2b 4 1 0 0 1 0 .278
Los Angeles 2 5 2 8 10 15 Friedrich to the 60-day DL. Nunez 3b 5 1 2 0 0 1 .256
will come together. I can take a lot of positives from today.” Real Salt Lake 2 6 2 8 9 18 Pence rf 5 1 1 1 0 2 .244
In the women’s draw, Eugenie Bouchard advanced to American Women Will Host Tournament Colorado 1
NOTE: Three points
6 1 4 5 12
for victory, one point
RHP Reyes Moronta from Richmond (SL). Posey 1b-c
Arroyo ss
3 2 1 1 0 .367
0 2 3 0 1 .242
the quarterfinals after top-seeded Angelique Kerber re- The United States women’s national team will host for tie. Hundley c 3 0 2 0 1 0 .230
N.B.A. Tomlinson pr-lf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .263
tired with a left thigh injury in the second set. Brazil, Australia and Japan in the Tournament of Nations, Wednesday's Game Ruggiano lf-cf 4 0 2 1 0 1 .250
Toronto FC 2, Columbus 1 NBA — Fined Boston G Isaiah Thomas Hernandez cf 2 0 0 0 1 1 .179
to be played in three West Coast cities this summer. The $25,000 for directing inappropriate Belt ph-1b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .220
Friday's Games language toward a fan during a May 7
TV SP OR TS round-robin tournament will feature doubleheaders in Se- Vancouver at Houston, 9 p.m. game at Washington.
Cain p 2 0 0 0 0 1 .111
Morse ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .150
attle, San Diego and Carson, Calif., from July 27 to Aug. 3. Saturday's Games
Kontos p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
ESPN Sportscaster’s Wife Dies in Crash ARSENAL CONTINUES LATE PUSH Arsenal kept alive its hopes of Minnesota United at Toronto FC, 3 p.m.
San Jose at Colorado, 4 p.m. N.F.L.
Okert p
Morris p
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
qualifying for next season’s Champions League by winning Gillaspie ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .133
Columbus at Montreal, 5 p.m. NFL — Promoted Alberto Riveron to
Katherine Berman, 67, the wife of the veteran ESPN Philadelphia at D.C. United, 7 p.m.
Law p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
at Southampton, 2-0, in the Premier League thanks to sec- senior vice president of officiating. Totals 38 6 11 6 4 8
sportscaster Chris Berman, was killed in a car accident in Kansas City at Orlando City, 7 p.m. ARIZONA CARDINALS — Released WRs New York ab r h bi bb so avg.
ond-half goals by Alexis Sánchez and Olivier Giroud. Real Salt Lake at New England, 7:30 p.m. Harvey Binford, Chris Hubert and Marvin Reyes ss 4 1 0 0 1 1 .183
Connecticut on Tuesday. The two-car crash happened Seattle at Chicago, 9 p.m. Hall, and CB-S Trevon Hartfield. Rivera 1b 5 1 1 0 0 0 .300
about 2 p.m. in Woodbury. A man in the other vehicle, Ed- Sunda's Games TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — Signed Bruce rf 4 1 2 1 1 2 .283
Los Angeles at Red Bulls, 6 p.m. CB Robert McClain. Waived LS Dax Walker 2b 4 1 1 0 1 1 .218
ward Bertulis, 87, was also killed. BAS EBALL
NYCFC at FC Dallas, 8 p.m. Dellenbach. Granderson lf 5 1 1 1 0 1 .139
According to a state police report, Katherine Berman’s Atlanta United FC at Portland, 4 p.m. Canadian Football League Flores 3b 5 0 3 2 0 0 .254
Lexus struck Bertulis’s Ford from behind. Her car veered Nationals’ Rally Ends Orioles’ Streak ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE
Dominick Jackson.
Reynolds pr
Plawecki c
0 0 0 0 0 .125
0 0 0 1 0 .083
off the roadway, went down an embankment and over- Lagares cf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .189
turned. Bertulis’s car hit a utility pole. The cause of the Matt Wieters hit a winning, two-run single in the bot- Team GP W D L GF GA Pts N.H.L. Milone p
Salas p
0 1 1 0 1 .500
0 0 0 0 0 ---
crash is under investigation. tom of the ninth inning against his former team, and the Chelsea . . . . . 35 27 3 5 75 29 84 NHL — Fined Nashville D P.K. Subban Cabrera ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .262
Tottenham. . . . 35 23 8 4 71 23 77 Edgin p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Chris Berman, who turned 62 on Wednesday, has been Nationals rallied to beat the Orioles, 7-6, in Washington to Liverpool . . . . . 36 20 10 6 71 42 70
$2,000 for diving/embellishment during a
Robles p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
May 2 game against St. Louis.
with ESPN since just after it launched in 1979. He has re- end Baltimore’s six-game winning streak. Man. City . . . . 35
Man. United . . 35
Reed p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Blevins p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
cently stepped away from many of his on-air duties at the Washington trailed by 6-2 in the seventh before coming Arsenal . . . . . . 35 20 6 9 68 42 66 MOTORSPORTS Conforto ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .337
back. Down by two in the ninth, the Nationals rallied Everton. . . . . . 36 16 10 10 60 41 58 Familia p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
network, including hosting “Sunday N.F.L. Countdown,” West Bromwich 35 12 9 14 41 45 45 NASCAR — Suspended Aric Almirola’s
Montero p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
which he did for 31 seasons. VICTOR MATHER against Brad Brach (0-1), who is serving as Baltimore’s Leicester. . . . . 35 12 7 16 45 54 43 crew chief Drew Blickensderfer three
Totals 39 5 11 5 4 7
Southampton . . 35 11 9 15 39 46 42 races, fined him $65,000 and docked
closer while Zach Britton is on the disabled list. Bournemouth . . 36 11 9 16 52 65 42 him 35 points for a failed inspection at San Francisco 010 001 004—6 11 1
Jayson Werth led off the ninth by homering, and Bryce West Ham . . . . 36 11 9 16 45 59 42 Talladega Superspeedway. New York 101 100 002—5 11 1
Stoke . . . . . . . 36 10 11 15 39 52 41
OLYM P ICS Harper doubled. With one out, an intentional walk and a Burnley . . . . . . 36 11 7 18 37 51 40 SOCCER
E—Posey (1), Flores (2). LOB—San
Francisco 10, New York 11. 2B—Arroyo
single loaded the bases for Wieters, who hit a liner to right. Watford . . . . . 35 11 7 17 37 58 40 (2), Granderson (7), Flores (2). HR—
I.O.C. Weighing Los Angeles’s Plans AROUND THE MAJORS Ryan Goins singled home the winning
Crystal Palace . 36
Swansea. . . . . 36
North American Soccer League
NASL — Announced the addition of a
Posey (5), off Milone; Bruce (10), off Cain.
RBIs—Pence (16), Posey (8), Arroyo 3 (9),
Hull . . . . . . . . 36 9 7 20 36 69 34 new franchise in Orange County, Calif. Ruggiano (1), Bruce (26), Granderson (11),
In an atmosphere of uncertainty, International Olympic run in the ninth inning to cap the Blue Jays’ rally from a Middlesbrough . 36 5 13 18 26 48 28 in 2018. Flores 2 (7), Milone (1). SB—Reyes (4).
four-run deficit in an 8-7 victory over the Cleveland Indians Sunderland . . . 35 6 6 23 28 60 24
Committee leaders began three days of meetings and site COLLEGE
visits to weigh Los Angeles’s plans for the 2024 Games in in Toronto. • Carlos Ruiz hit a three-run double against his Monday’s Game
San Francisco ip h r er bb so np era
Cain 5 4 3 2 2 3 78 4.54
Chelsea 3, Middlesbrough 0
its showdown with Paris. A decision is scheduled for Sep- old team, Robinson Cano and Danny Valencia homered, NJCAA — Named Dr. Christopher J.
Parker executive director beginning July
Kontos 1Í/¯ 2 0 0 1 3 25 5.52
Wednesday’s Game Okert Í/¯ 1 0 0 1 0 13 4.91
tember. The two cities are the only remaining bidders. and the Seattle Mariners beat the Phillies, 11-6, in Philadel- Arsenal 2, Southampton 0 17. MorrisW1-0 1Í/¯ 1 0 0 0 0 15 10.38
Looking to avoid another messy competition, the I.O.C. has phia. • German Marquez allowed three hits over eight in- CREIGHTON — Freshman
basketball G-F Kobe Paras announced
men’s LawS2-3 1 3 2 2 0 1 27 3.38
Friday’s Games New York ip h r er bb so np era
made an unusual proposal to award the next two Olympics, nings and got his first major league hit with a two-run sin- Watford vs. Everton he will transfer to Cal State Northridge. Milone 5 6 2 2 2 5 87 3.60
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA — Named John SalasH4 1 1 0 0 0 1 17 5.51
2024 and 2028, one to each city. gle in the seventh to lead the Colorado Rockies over the Chelsea vs. West Bromwich
Nakpodia women’s basketball coach. EdginH2 Í/¯ 0 0 0 0 0 2 1.98
Los Angeles organizers have publicly winced at the visiting Chicago Cubs, 3-0. • Los Angeles Dodgers out- Saturday's Games GEORGIA — Announced women’s RoblesH5 Î/¯ 1 0 0 0 1 6 1.42
Manchester City vs. Leicester sophomore basketball G Jenna Staiti is ReedH4 Î/¯ 1 0 0 0 0 10 3.00
fielder Andrew Toles has torn the anterior cruciate liga- Bournemouth vs. Burnley transferring from Maryland. BlevinsH5 Í/¯ 0 0 0 0 0 5 0.73
ment in his right knee and will need season-ending surgery. Sunderland vs. Swansea NEVADA — Signed men’s basketball FamiliaL1-1BS1-4Í/¯ 2 4 3 2 0 26 3.86
Middlesbrough vs. Southampton coach Eric Musselman to a five-year Montero Î/¯ 0 0 0 0 1 7 9.82
All news by The Associated Press unless noted. Toles, 24, was hitting .275 with five home runs and 15 R.B.I. Stoke vs. Arsenal extension through 2021-22. T—3:33. A—31,066 (41,922).


Mets Lose Out on a Sweep as Familia and Flores Don’t Have It

By JAMES WAGNER N.L. He left with two runners on
The frustration showed on and no outs in the sixth inning to a
Jeurys Familia’s face as he walked standing ovation from the crowd
off the mound in the ninth inning. at Citi Field.
Some boos Because he had not pitched in a
GIANTS 6 rained down major league game since April 29,
METS 5 from the Milone was unsure how he would
stands, where perform Wednesday. “I’m happy
fans headed toward the exits after with how it turned out,” he said.
Familia’s first blown save of the Milone left with a 3-1 lead
season. thanks to his run-scoring single, a
The Mets were two outs away — run-scoring double by Curtis
or, rather, one fielded ground ball Granderson and a solo home run
away — from completing their by Jay Bruce.
first series sweep in a month.
With a slim margin, the Mets’
Tommy Milone, the fill-in starter
picked up this week, pitched sol- bullpen nearly finished the win.
idly in his Mets debut Wednesday Fernando Salas replaced Milone
against a struggling San Fran- and completed the inning, giving
cisco Giants lineup. The Mets’ of- up a sacrifice fly that trimmed the
fense provided just enough to win. Mets’ lead to one run.
Their overworked bullpen, aside Collins mixed and matched. He
from Familia, was stout. used the left-handed reliever Josh
Familia, however, let it slip Edgin, who has been surprisingly
away, unaided by Wilmer Flores’s effective despite barely making
defense. Familia had shown signs the team out of spring training, for
of finding a groove after initially one batter.
stumbling when he returned from Hansel Robles, who has not
his 15-game domestic-abuse sus- been scored upon since April 12,
pension three weeks ago. Com- finished the seventh inning.
mand struggles returned in Collins pieced together the eighth
Wednesday’s 6-5 loss to the Gi- with the right-hander Addison
ants. Reed, who has yet to walk a batter
It was the Giants’ first win this season, and the left-hander
when trailing after eight innings
Jerry Blevins.
in two years.
“Just one of those days,” Fa- All of this has added up to a
milia said. bullpen that had the logged a high
Coming on in the ninth, Familia number of innings. Blevins leads
walked Joe Panik with one out, but the majors with 20 appearances,
Jeurys Familia, leaving with one out in the ninth, allowed four runs after Wilmer Flores bobbled a potential double-play grounder. while Reed and Salas have 19 each,
got Eduardo Núñez to hit a ground
ball to Flores for what opti- and Robles 18. Wednesday was the
mistically could have been a dou- The rookie infielder Christian game-tying three-run homer. It hopeful that shortstop Asdrubal find some consistency. A domino third straight day of pitching for
ble play and, if not, at least the sec- Arroyo drilled a 95-mile-per-hour fell in for a two-run double, and Cabrera (sore thumb and legs) effect has been a heavy load on the Reed, Blevins and Familia.
ond out. But Flores bobbled the sinker over the heart of the plate then Kevin Plawecki grounded and outfielder Michael Conforto bullpen. Collins also likes to play All three pitched in Tuesday’s
ball and then threw too high to into left field for a three-run dou- out to end the threat. (mild hamstring tightness) could matchups often, which has added 6-1 win, which felt unnecessary at
Neil Walker at second base. ble. As Arroyo pumped his fists at “I knew I hit it well,” Flores said. return to the lineup Friday after more work. the time, but Collins said he did so
“I was just trying to catch it,” second base, Mets Manager Terry “I was hoping it was going out.” two days of rest. Collins said first The Mets were in need of a tem- because “we had to win.” Collins
Flores said. “Once I knocked it Collins emerged from the dugout An optimistic fan would look fa- baseman Lucas Duda (hyperex- porary fix for a battered starting brushed aside questions about Fa-
down, I didn’t put myself in a good to remove Familia. vorably on the Mets’ past two tended elbow) might come off the rotation until Seth Lugo or Steven milia’s usage as a reason for his
position to make a throw to second “My command today wasn’t weeks. Despite injuries, inconsis- disabled list this weekend, when Matz return at the end of the command issues Wednesday. He
base.” there,” Familia said. “I feel great. tencies, off-the-field drama and the team begins a trip in Milwau- month from elbow injuries. So had thrown only 15 pitches in the
The miscues quickly proved My arm feels good. I just don’t Wednesday’s late collapse, the kee. they claimed the left-handed previous two nights of work.
critical. The next batter, Hunter have it today.” Mets won eight of t 12 games. They But there is still much to im- Milone, who had struggled with
“That was not the issue,” Collins
Pence, tied the score with a run- Flores nearly erased his field- moved up from last place to sec- prove with this team. The starting the Brewers, off waivers Sunday.
ond in the National League East. said. “He didn’t have his com-
scoring single past a diving Flo- ing mistake with one swing in the rotation — without Noah Synder- Milone, 30, a veteran of seven
res. Familia then walked Buster bottom of the ninth. He sent a ball The offense has been a strength. gaard (latissimus tear) and en- major league seasons, allowed mand. The walk to Panik hurt us.
Posey to load the bases to set up deep to center field, a few feet The bullpen has solidified of late. during the struggles of Matt Har- two runs to a Giants lineup that The error hurt us. And they got a
the backbreaking blow. short of what would have been a In addition, the Mets were vey and Robert Gsellman — must had scored the fewest runs in the big hit.”

Face of Yankees’ Glory Days Will Get a Lasting Tribute

Derek Jeter, We’ll pause here to tactfully “He’s allowed,” Steinbrenner
From First Sports Page remind you that the Mets — said.
near left, with
died, in July 2010, he went out a George Stein- whose young pitching stars have Now, Jeter hopes to follow
champion. repeatedly embarrassed them Steinbrenner’s example and buy
brenner, then this season — are not quite as a stake in a team of his own. He
Steinbrenner now has the
the Yankees’ adept at social media. (Just ask is part of a group, with the for-
biggest display in Monument
Park, his bronze portrait cen- owner, after the catcher Kevin Plawecki.) After mer Florida governor Jeb Bush,
tered on the back wall, his stars team won the two postseason appearances in a trying to arrange financing to
forever in his view. A keen un- A.L. pennant in row, the Mets may be reassum- buy the Miami Marlins. Doing so
derstanding of the value of stars, 1999. Steinbren- ing their secondary position in would fulfill a well-known ambi-
more than anything else, was ner formally the city’s baseball hierarchy. tion for Jeter, although it would
Steinbrenner’s most important Jeter solidified the status of represent something new.
made Jeter the
instinct. It sometimes helped the the two teams in 2000, as the Jeter has never worked for
Yankees win, and it always
Yankees’ captain most valuable player of the another organization, spending
helped them make money. in 2003. crosstown World Series. It could two decades in uniform for the
Jeter’s retirement, after the not have been anyone else. The Yankees, who drafted him in the
2014 season, left the team with- Yankees were his team, and that first round in 1992. So who do you
out its most recognizable face. was his stage. Nobody else think happens to be in town this
That likeness will now be pre- seemed made for it in quite the weekend? The Houston Astros,
served with a plaque in the same way. the first team that passed on
Bronx — another will surely POOL PHOTO BY MATT YORK The Mets had one sliver of him.
follow in Cooperstown in 2020 — hope in that Series, when they Four more teams let Jeter go
and no Yankee will ever again replace is the standing Jeter had man — with attention-grabbing Judge, their soft-spoken, home- grabbed Game 3 after the Yan- by: the Cleveland Indians, the
wear Jeter’s No. 2. The captaincy as a compelling, must-see player, talent to match — is a rare find, grown rookie slugger, is on the kees had won twice. Then Jeter Montreal Expos (now the Wash-
has also been vacant since he the kind so vital to sustaining the but now the Yankees just might cover of the latest issue of Sports belted the very first pitch of ington Nationals), the Baltimore
left. Yankees’ upscale brand. have him. Illustrated. Another young cor- Game 4 for a home run, and the Orioles and the Cincinnati Reds.
This is not unusual; until For a while, the Yankees still As they celebrate Jeter, the nerstone, catcher Gary Sanchez, next night, the Yankees were None of those teams have won
Jeter’s appointment, the position had a certified celebrity on the Yankees are suddenly thriving even has his own fragrance, champions. When Jeter doused the World Series since.
had been vacant since Don Mat- roster: Alex Rodriguez, whose again, robust in the standings #IAmGary — at least in a playful his boss in the boozy postgame Call it the Curse of the Captain,
tingly’s final game in 1995. What fame was partly notoriety. The while generating positive buzz. mock ad produced by the Yan- celebration, Steinbrenner played a No. 2 who should have been
the team has really struggled to wholesome and humble leading Their record is 21-10. Aaron kees’ social media team. along. No. 1.


Lundqvist and the Rangers

May Hear a Ticking Clock
It never gets easier. Henrik He is still sharp enough. Lund- bench. Nobody could blame him
Lundqvist, a living, breathing qvist finished the playoffs with a for that one. Still, just as Carey
symbol of lost opportunity, sat .927 save percentage and a 2.25 Price had failed to carry the
alone at his locker Tuesday night goals-against average over 12 Canadiens beyond the first
with pads on and head lowered, games, very close to his career round, Lundqvist hadn’t quite
20 minutes after marks in the postseason. Lund- mustered enough magic to res-
FILIP another season qvist was extraordinary against cue the Rangers.
ended. A Rangers Montreal in the first round, then Lundqvist said he would begin
BONDY public-relations merely good against the Sena- a performance self-analysis in
official stood tors. due time. For now, two things
HOCKEY guard, chasing Good wasn’t enough. At Madi- stood out to him as the reasons
away a reporter in son Square Garden on Tuesday the Rangers dropped their sec-
the vicinity, providing more night, when the Rangers were ond playoff series, out of three, in
protection than many of the sloppy and shockingly unin- two years.
goaltender’s own defensemen spired early on, their goalie “Odd-man rushes, they kind of
during a lost series. couldn’t quite bail them out. The took advantage, and our six-on-
“We played well enough to win second goal was the one he five play,” he said. “Other than
games,” Lundqvist said at last, might have saved. It was an that, I thought we played really
after the 4-2 defeat to the Ottawa unscreened wrist shot by Mark well. Obviously, losing all three
Senators and yet another playoff Stone from the top of the circle up in Ottawa, where we had a
elimination, four games to two, in that beat Lundqvist to the stick chance to win a couple, hurt us
the N.H.L.’s Eastern Conference side. The puck glanced off his big time in this series.” BRUCE BENNETT/GETTY IMAGES

semifinals. “Sometimes it’s not body into the net. Those two blown late leads on Henrik Lundqvist after the Rangers were eliminated from the Stanley Cup playoffs on Tuesday.
about playing your best game, it The other goals were virtually the road were both fatal and
is about finding a way to win unstoppable. The first was a unforgivable. The Rangers pan-
games. They did that better than deflection by Mike Hoffman off a der, Kevin Hayes and Derek of most expected performance the past 77 years. No other pro
icked, failed to clear out traffic in
we did.” hard Erik Karlsson shot. The front of the net and iced the puck Stepan. Alain Vigneault, the charts. Mats Zuccarello and team in New York can match
The countdown, or count up, killer score arrived just 2 min- too willingly. Throughout this Rangers coach, said he would not Michael Grabner will both be 30 such extended futility, not even
continues. Lundqvist, a special utes 21 seconds after the Rangers series, some baffling deficiencies analyze any individual quite yet, at the start of next season. the Knicks or the Jets.
talent, will be at least 36 years had closed the gap to 2-1 in the occurred on faceoffs and power that he would wait until emotions It’s difficult to put the Rangers’ “Right now, all you feel is
old before he gets another post- second period. On a bang-bang plays. The home Garden crowd, cooled. His own players, howev- history, and recent achieve- disappointment, and it’s a numb
season opportunity. You want a play over the length of the rink, too, was typically inconsistent er, understood the ramifications. ments, into perspective. After feeling,” Lundqvist said. “You
modern equivalent? Martin Chris Kreider failed to thor- and too easily quieted. Oppo- “It’s disappointing when you failing to make the playoffs for realize how much work and how
Brodeur captured his last Stan- oughly backcheck Karlsson, the nents know: Score one goal have a team that’s this good and seven straight years, they have many hours you put into this to
ley Cup at age 31, though he wrong player to ignore. The against the Rangers, and all the an opportunity like we did,” Rick earned a postseason berth in 11 of put yourself in this spot to get
remained effective and reached Senators star took a pass from noise and towels go away. Nash said. “You only get so the last 12 seasons, including the this chance. You started in July,
the finals with the Devils at 40. Bobby Ryan and fired the puck The end result probably does- many cracks at this.” last seven. That’s a remarkable last summer, to start to train and
There is still some time for Lund- past Lundqvist from close range. n’t bode well for several players Nash is 32. While the Rangers accomplishment, yet the bottom to prepare.”
qvist, though every biological The fourth goal was an empty who disappeared for long are not an old team, their key line is that this franchise has won His season ended again in
clock ticks at a different pace. netter, with Lundqvist on the stretches in this series, like Krei- scorers are now on the downside exactly one Stanley Cup title in May, one month too soon.

Weather Report Meteorology by AccuWeather

n err 40s Metropolitan Forecast
40s 40
80s Regina TODAY .....................Sunshine, then clouds
Seattlle Winnipeg
eg Quebec
c 90° Record
60s High 63. Expect some sunshine to start highs
pookane 60s
40s 50s H
ndd 60
60s 80s
80 Montreal the day. A low-pressure system off the
m Por
coast will provide more clouds in the
ene Fa
argo Ottawa
ngs Burlington
Bu n on
afternoon. It will be cool for early May.
Boise 60s
s 60s
60 s Minneapolis
neapolli St.
S t Paul Toronto
o A
Albany Bos
Boston TONIGHT ................................Mostly cloudy 80°
0 80s Pierre Milwa
Bu H Hartford
a Low 50. A mostly cloudy sky will prevail
o Falls
New York
N across the area. It will be dry, with a light S S M T W T F S S M
Reno Chey
Des Moines Chicago
o Clev
Cle Pittsburgh
and variable wind and seasonable tem-
Saltt Lake
a peratures.
City Wash
San Francisco
Franc co
Fran Denvve
ver Kansas Springfield
L TOMORROW ...........................Rather cloudy 70°
Topeka Richm
C City Charle
Las Springs 50s
0 St L
St. Louis Louisville
Norfolk High 59. Low pressure will move away
Vegass 7
H 6
60s Wichita
Ra gh
Raleigh from the coast as the next storm system
os An
Angeles 60s Santa
S a Fe 7
70s Nashville Charlotte
tte L approaches the region. This will result in
L Memphis a mostly cloudy and cool day. Some rain
an Diego
o sPhoe
90s oe
ni Albuquerque
erque Oklahoma City
C Columb
b will arrive at night. 60°
Little Rock Birmingham
e Ro m
Lubbock Atlanta
0s Tucson SATURDAY .........................Breezy, with rain
El Paso 90s
Ft. W
o Jackson
n The system will move from the Mid-Atlan- Normal
80s 70s
s tic toward southern New England, provid- lows
Honolulu 70s
70 Baton
o Rouge ing a cloudy, breezy and cool day. There
S n Antonio
A New O
Orlando 50°
ouston Orleans Tampa
a will be rain, some of which could be
H 100+
0+ heavy.
Corpus Christi
C Miami
80s 80s
Nassau MONDAY .................................Brief showers
30s 90s Record
Weather patterns shown as expected at noon today, Eastern time. Sunday will not be quite as cool. Clouds 40° lows
and sunshine will prevail along with brief
s showers. The high will be 62. Monday will Forecast
<0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+
Actual range
Anchorage 50s 60s
feature clouds, sunshine and showers, High High
H L with a high of 64.

Highlight: Weekend Rain to Hit the Northeast National Forecast Metropolitan Almanac
Chilly showers will linger over eastern In Central Park for the 16 hours ended at 4 p.m. yesterday.
New England today. Expect a clear and
frosty start to the day in upstate New Temperature Precipitation (in inches)
York. A storm system will bring clouds and Record Yesterday ............... 0.00
high 94° Record .................... 2.10
rain from parts of the lower Great Lakes 90° (1979)
to the eastern end of the Ohio Valley. For the last 30 days
Actual ..................... 5.11
Heavy, gusty thunderstorms will extend Normal .................... 4.19
from southern Virginia and North Carolina 80° TUE. YESTERDAY
For the last 365 days
to the lower Ohio and middle Mississippi Actual ................... 48.66
Valleys. Severe thunderstorms will de- Normal .................. 49.94
velop from the southern Plains to 70° 63° LAST 30 DAYS
high 69°
northeastern Texas and the western Gulf Air pressure Humidity
Coast. High ........... 30.06 9 a.m. High ............. 71% 3 a.m.
60° Low ............ 30.01 1 a.m. Low.............. 36% 4 p.m.
Unusually Unusually Rain in the Central States may be
warm cool heavy enough to renew the risk of flash, Normal Cooling Degree Days
stream and minor river flooding. Flooding low 52°
An index of fuel consumption that tracks how
along a few major rivers is expected to far the day’s mean temperature rose above 65
A developing storm will bring periodic heavy rain to the Northeast this weekend as cool continue. The Southwest will be sunny. A 49° Yesterday ..................................................................... 0
conditions linger across the region. Dry and pleasant conditions will dominate the storm will bring rain and gusty wind to the 6 a.m. So far this month .......................................................... 4
40° Record
So far this season (since January 1).......................... 38
Northern and Southern Plains, while another round of wet weather affects the Northwest. coastal Northwest. low 36°
Normal to date for the season ................................... 19

4 12 6 12 4
p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Trends Temperature Precipitation
Little Rock 86/ 65 0 78/ 62 T 72/ 53 Sh New Delhi 106/ 83 0.09 109/ 85 T 106/ 86 S
Cities Los Angeles 68/ 56 0 70/ 57 PC 72/ 57 PC Riyadh 99/ 75 0 99/ 78 PC 95/ 73 T Average Average
High/low temperatures for the 16 hours ended at 4 Louisville 86/ 68 0 81/ 62 T 67/ 53 R Seoul 68/ 55 0.01 79/ 63 PC 77/ 55 S Avg. daily departure Avg. daily departure Below Above Below Above
p.m. yesterday, Eastern time, and precipitation (in Memphis 87/ 67 0 82/ 64 PC 73/ 55 R Shanghai 89/ 63 0 91/ 66 PC 74/ 63 T from normal from normal Last 10 days
inches) for the 16 hours ended at 4 p.m. yesterday. Miami 89/ 71 0 91/ 73 S 91/ 76 S Singapore 86/ 77 0.66 87/ 79 C 87/ 79 C this month .............. –2.3° this year ................ +2.7°
Milwaukee 60/ 46 0 57/ 44 C 58/ 44 PC Sydney 70/ 52 0 70/ 57 PC 69/ 57 PC 30 days
Expected conditions for today and tomorrow.
Mpls.-St. Paul 68/ 47 0.01 68/ 47 PC 71/ 53 S Taipei 92/ 73 0 92/ 75 C 90/ 75 PC 90 days
C ....................... Clouds S ............................. Sun Nashville 87/ 64 0 85/ 63 PC 74/ 56 R Tehran 90/ 62 0 91/ 70 S 85/ 65 PC Reservoir levels (New York City water supply) 365 days
F ............................ Fog Sn ....................... Snow New Orleans 83/ 66 0 83/ 68 PC 79/ 63 T Tokyo 63/ 59 0.44 77/ 64 PC 79/ 63 PC
H .......................... Haze SS ......... Snow showers Norfolk 73/ 58 0 68/ 56 R 66/ 61 R Yesterday ............. 100% Chart shows how recent temperature and precipitation
Oklahoma City 76/ 62 0.05 79/ 55 C 73/ 48 S Europe Yesterday Today Tomorrow
I............................... Ice T .......... Thunderstorms Est. normal ............. 98% trends compare with those of the last 30 years.
Omaha 73/ 52 0.83 69/ 45 PC 76/ 50 S Amsterdam 57/ 37 0 69/ 54 PC 64/ 52 Sh
PC............ Partly cloudy Tr ........................ Trace Athens 81/ 61 0 78/ 63 S 80/ 68 PC
Orlando 95/ 64 0 97/ 66 S 94/ 66 PC
R ........................... Rain W ....................... Windy Philadelphia 70/ 49 0 66/ 49 PC 59/ 51 R Berlin 55/ 39 0.16 64/ 47 PC 69/ 52 T
Sh ................... Showers –.............. Not available Phoenix
64/ 36 0
55/ 39 0
69/ 54 T
73/ 55 PC
67/ 52 T
73/ 54 T
Recreational Forecast
N.Y.C. region Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Portland, Me. 56/ 42 0.01 54/ 43 C 58/ 42 C Copenhagen 45/ 41 0.59 51/ 43 Sh 57/ 46 PC
New York City 63/ 49 0 63/ 50 PC 59/ 50 C Portland, Ore. 76/ 54 0 60/ 46 R 57/ 45 T Dublin 59/ 35 0 58/ 44 PC 60/ 47 Sh Sun, Moon and Planets Mountain and Ocean Temperatures
Bridgeport 63/ 46 0 63/ 48 PC 59/ 49 C Providence 61/ 44 0.02 59/ 45 PC 58/ 43 C Edinburgh 57/ 41 0 61/ 46 PC 59/ 48 Sh
Caldwell 65/ 44 0 65/ 46 PC 58/ 47 C Raleigh 82/ 63 0.13 83/ 59 PC 72/ 60 T Frankfurt 66/ 37 0 71/ 55 T 69/ 53 C Last Quarter New First Quarter Full
Danbury 59/ 36 0 61/ 42 PC 57/ 43 C Reno 82/ 52 0 77/ 50 PC 62/ 37 PC Geneva 70/ 39 0.03 65/ 51 T 66/ 51 T Today’s forecast
Islip 62/ 44 0 61/ 47 PC 59/ 48 C Richmond 76/ 56 0 64/ 52 R 62/ 54 R Helsinki 40/ 27 0.48 45/ 28 Sh 50/ 32 PC
Newark 64/ 48 0 63/ 49 PC 59/ 51 C Rochester 54/ 36 0 57/ 45 PC 60/ 48 Sh Istanbul 64/ 54 0.21 71/ 57 S 74/ 63 PC White
Trenton 67/ 43 0 66/ 47 PC 59/ 48 R Sacramento 74/ 53 0 72/ 48 PC 72/ 47 S Kiev 47/ 35 0.01 58/ 42 Sh 59/ 48 R May 18 May 25 June 1 June 9 47/38 A passing shower
White Plains 61/ 43 0 62/ 46 PC 58/ 47 C Salt Lake City 76/ 54 0 82/ 62 S 85/ 53 S Lisbon 64/ 58 0.72 66/ 57 T 68/ 56 T 3:45 p.m. 9:10 a.m.
San Antonio 85/ 71 0.04 83/ 65 T 85/ 60 S London 66/ 42 0 70/ 55 T 64/ 52 Sh Green
United States Yesterday Today Tomorrow 42/32 A passing shower
San Diego 68/ 60 0 69/ 59 PC 68/ 60 PC Madrid 72/ 56 0.05 66/ 50 T 66/ 50 T Sun RISE 5:43 a.m. Moon S 6:29 a.m.
Albany 60/ 42 0 65/ 47 PC 63/ 47 C Moscow 41/ 29 0.30 46/ 29 R 49/ 30 PC
San Francisco 65/ 53 0 66/ 51 C 64/ 50 W SET 8:03 p.m. R 8:45 p.m. Adirondacks
Albuquerque 61/ 46 0.04 74/ 51 PC 79/ 56 S Nice 66/ 57 0 68/ 58 W 67/ 57 T
San Jose 72/ 53 0 70/ 52 PC 67/ 49 W NEXT R 5:42 a.m. S 7:05 a.m.
Anchorage 55/ 41 0 59/ 44 S 59/ 41 S Oslo 43/ 34 0.39 44/ 36 PC 53/ 39 PC 56/38 Mostly cloudy 40s
San Juan 84/ 76 0.19 84/ 76 Sh 86/ 76 PC
Atlanta 88/ 65 0 89/ 65 S 81/ 62 R Paris 70/ 42 0 70/ 53 T 68/ 53 T Jupiter S 4:24 a.m. Mars R 6:57 a.m.
Seattle 71/ 54 0 58/ 46 R 58/ 45 T Berkshires
Atlantic City 63/ 49 0 60/ 49 PC 56/ 51 R Prague 59/ 34 0 66/ 48 PC 64/ 51 T R 4:47 p.m. S 9:57 p.m.
Sioux Falls 62/ 43 0.27 69/ 41 S 75/ 50 S 58/42 Clouds and sun
Austin 83/ 70 0.02 85/ 64 C 85/ 57 S Rome 70/ 50 0 76/ 59 PC 74/ 55 PC
Spokane 75/ 54 0 74/ 44 T 55/ 37 C Saturn S 8:08 a.m. Venus R 3:54 a.m.
Baltimore 72/ 50 0 61/ 50 R 57/ 50 R St. Petersburg 43/ 27 0.33 45/ 33 R 45/ 34 R
St. Louis 87/ 68 0.04 78/ 56 R 71/ 53 PC R 10:44 p.m. S 4:19 p.m. Catskills
Baton Rouge 86/ 64 0 84/ 68 PC 81/ 61 T Stockholm 41/ 22 0.21 48/ 29 PC 51/ 32 PC
St. Thomas 82/ 74 0.21 83/ 75 Sh 84/ 76 PC 58/41 Sun giving way to clouds
Birmingham 90/ 63 0 87/ 65 S 77/ 61 T Vienna 59/ 32 0 71/ 52 PC 72/ 54 T
Syracuse 55/ 35 0 62/ 45 PC 60/ 45 C Boating
Boise 80/ 56 0 86/ 52 PC 59/ 39 C Warsaw 52/ 28 0.04 55/ 42 PC 63/ 45 C
Tampa 92/ 70 0 91/ 71 S 88/ 75 PC Poconos 50s
Boston 57/ 46 0.01 54/ 46 C 52/ 44 C
Toledo 63/ 49 0 55/ 46 R 61/ 42 C North America Yesterday Today Tomorrow From Montauk Point to Sandy Hook, N.J., out to 20 57/44 Some sun, then clouds
Buffalo 57/ 39 0 59/ 45 C 58/ 47 Sh
Tucson 75/ 55 0.01 85/ 61 S 95/ 64 PC nautical miles, including Long Island Sound and New
Burlington 58/ 41 0 61/ 45 C 64/ 47 C Tulsa 81/ 65 0.06 78/ 57 T 74/ 51 PC Acapulco 87/ 77 0 88/ 73 PC 87/ 77 PC
Casper 66/ 37 0.02 74/ 42 PC 83/ 51 S York Harbor. Southwest Pa.
Virginia Beach 69/ 59 0 63/ 55 R 62/ 59 R Bermuda 73/ 66 0.05 72/ 66 PC 71/ 65 Sh
Charlotte 88/ 64 0 89/ 63 PC 84/ 63 C Washington 74/ 54 0 62/ 52 R 58/ 53 R Edmonton 66/ 41 0 74/ 49 PC 68/ 45 C Wind will be from the northeast, then southeast at 7-14 58/49 Cooler with a few showers
Chattanooga 87/ 61 0 88/ 61 PC 78/ 60 R Wichita 79/ 58 0.05 71/ 51 R 73/ 49 PC Guadalajara 91/ 56 0 93/ 57 PC 93/ 56 PC knots. Waves will be 1-3 feet on the ocean and a foot
Chicago 69/ 49 0 59/ 43 Sh 65/ 43 PC Wilmington, Del. 70/ 47 0 65/ 48 PC 59/ 48 R Havana 84/ 63 0 90/ 67 S 92/ 69 S or less on Long Island Sound and on New York Harbor. 60s
Cincinnati 78/ 63 0.13 75/ 53 R 64/ 47 R Kingston 90/ 76 0.01 89/ 73 PC 89/ 75 S
West Virginia
Visibility will largely be unrestricted.
Cleveland 66/ 50 0 60/ 51 Sh 59/ 48 C Africa Yesterday Today Tomorrow Martinique 86/ 77 0.07 87/ 76 Sh 86/ 76 Sh 70/56 Some rain and a thunderstorm
Colorado Springs 60/ 44 0.03 60/ 41 C 68/ 47 PC Algiers 81/ 59 0 81/ 57 PC 77/ 55 PC Mexico City 78/ 58 0 81/ 59 PC 81/ 59 PC High Tides
Columbus 73/ 58 0 72/ 54 Sh 64/ 47 R Cairo 106/ 76 0 91/ 64 S 90/ 66 S Monterrey 92/ 66 0 99/ 70 PC 95/ 66 PC Color bands
Concord, N.H. 62/ 39 0.04 59/ 42 C 58/ 40 C Cape Town 70/ 45 0 63/ 48 PC 69/ 45 S Montreal 55/ 35 0 58/ 43 C 63/ 48 C Atlantic City ................... 8:37 a.m. .............. 8:54 p.m. Blue Ridge indicate water
Dallas-Ft. Worth 83/ 68 0 84/ 61 T 79/ 58 PC Dakar 82/ 70 0 79/ 70 PC 78/ 70 S Nassau 87/ 72 0 88/ 73 S 88/ 74 S Barnegat Inlet ................ 8:53 a.m. .............. 9:08 p.m. 76/58 Some rain and a thunderstorm temperature.
Denver 55/ 42 0.20 62/ 42 C 77/ 48 PC Johannesburg 71/ 46 0 71/ 49 S 71/ 42 T Panama City 89/ 75 0.06 87/ 73 T 88/ 76 T The Battery .................... 9:33 a.m. .............. 9:44 p.m.
Des Moines 75/ 55 0.90 68/ 49 C 74/ 52 S Nairobi 75/ 57 0.12 75/ 58 PC 76/ 61 T Quebec City 45/ 36 0.11 52/ 41 C 60/ 41 PC Beach Haven ............... 10:17 a.m. ............ 10:33 p.m.
Detroit 64/ 48 0 56/ 46 R 62/ 43 C Tunis 82/ 60 0 94/ 63 PC 86/ 63 PC Santo Domingo 88/ 71 0.01 88/ 71 PC 88/ 71 S Bridgeport ................... 12:07 a.m. ............ 12:37 p.m.
El Paso 72/ 53 0 83/ 58 S 87/ 63 S Toronto 53/ 35 0 56/ 43 C 58/ 44 PC City Island .................... 12:35 a.m. .............. 1:07 p.m.
A low-pressure system off the New Eng-
Fargo 68/ 37 0 69/ 45 S 75/ 44 PC Asia/Pacific Yesterday Today Tomorrow Vancouver 61/ 48 0.01 58/ 45 R 58/ 43 Sh
Hartford 62/ 42 0 64/ 45 PC 61/ 44 C Baghdad 104/ 70 0 107/ 73 S 102/ 69 S Fire Island Lt. ................. 9:45 a.m. ............ 10:01 p.m. land coast will bring a mostly cloudy sky
Winnipeg 52/ 36 0 60/ 34 PC 59/ 35 S
Honolulu 84/ 73 0.02 83/ 71 Sh 84/ 73 PC Bangkok 91/ 77 0.46 91/ 77 T 91/ 79 T Montauk Point .............. 10:14 a.m. ............ 10:25 p.m. to the Green and White Mountains along
Houston 85/ 70 0 86/ 72 C 85/ 62 PC Beijing 88/ 54 0 86/ 48 W 87/ 57 S South America Yesterday Today Tomorrow Northport ..................... 12:17 a.m. ............ 12:45 p.m.
Indianapolis 79/ 63 0.09 73/ 51 R 66/ 46 C Damascus 97/ 60 0 90/ 50 S 89/ 56 S Buenos Aires 61/ 43 0 63/ 55 R 65/ 56 Sh Port Washington .......... 12:40 a.m. .............. 1:11 p.m. with passing showers. A storm system will
Jackson 87/ 61 0 82/ 65 PC 77/ 58 T Hong Kong 86/ 77 0 86/ 75 PC 86/ 77 C Caracas 89/ 79 0.33 87/ 78 PC 86/ 80 PC Sandy Hook ................... 8:59 a.m. .............. 9:15 p.m. spread rain across West Virginia and
Jacksonville 95/ 63 0 97/ 63 S 93/ 65 PC Jakarta 88/ 77 0.21 89/ 74 C 90/ 76 T Lima 86/ 67 0 77/ 67 PC 76/ 66 PC Shinnecock Inlet ............ 8:39 a.m. .............. 8:56 p.m.
Kansas City 83/ 59 0.05 67/ 52 R 72/ 49 S Jerusalem 90/ 65 0 79/ 56 S 78/ 57 S Quito 66/ 51 0.38 66/ 53 Sh 67/ 54 Sh Stamford ...................... 12:10 a.m. ............ 12:40 p.m.
Virginia, with a few afternoon showers in
Key West 84/ 76 0 84/ 76 S 84/ 78 PC Karachi 95/ 82 0 96/ 82 PC 94/ 82 PC Recife 84/ 76 0.14 85/ 75 PC 85/ 77 PC Tarrytown ..................... 11:22 a.m. ............ 11:33 p.m. Pennsylvania and southwestern New
Las Vegas 83/ 64 0.02 90/ 69 S 91/ 65 S Manila 95/ 80 0 95/ 79 PC 96/ 80 S Rio de Janeiro 84/ 70 0 77/ 67 R 78/ 65 PC
Lexington 83/ 66 0 80/ 60 T 65/ 50 R Mumbai 91/ 80 0 93/ 79 PC 95/ 79 PC Santiago 59/ 47 0.04 56/ 46 R 60/ 43 R
Willets Point ................. 12:31 a.m. .............. 1:05 p.m. York.


A Farewell to a Stadium, and to a Champions League Run UEFA Tests

MADRID — In the first leg of
their Champions League semi-
New Order
final last week, Real Madrid’s fans
unfurled a banner meant to re-
mind Atlético Madrid and its fans
For Setting
Semifinals From First Sports Page
Real Madrid advances, 4-2, on Review.
aggregate Their research zeroed in on the
brain, not the foot, as the crucial
of Real’s recent dominance over element in the disparity.
their city rivals in the tournament. “As most kicks are scored, kick-
“Decidme qué se siente,” it read. ing first typically means having
“Tell me how it feels.” the opportunity to lead in the par-
Just before Wednesday night’s tial score, whereas kicking second
second leg at Vicente Calderón typically means lagging in the
Stadium, Atlético’s fans gave their score and having the opportunity
response: “Orgullosos de no ser to, at most, get even,” the profes-
como vosotros,” their banner said. sors wrote. “Having a worse
“Proud to not be like you.” prospect than the opponent hin-
For the next quarter of an hour, ders subjects’ performance.”
at least, Atlético’s players did The researchers surveyed pro-
much more than make their fans fessional players and found that
proud. They also created a belief almost all preferred to kick first
that they all might be celebrating “to lead in the score in order to put
the mother of all European pressure on the opponent.”
farewells to their cherished sta- They also found that the dis-
dium by staging a spectacular crepancy was entirely because of
comeback. But despite two goals the kicker, not the goalkeeper.
in the first 16 minutes, Atlético had Save rates stay pretty much the
to settle for a 2-1 win on the night same, but kickers’ misses go up
that was not enough to overcome when their team is kicking sec-
their 3-0 deficit from the first leg. ond. This discrepancy was found
Atlético jumped out to a perfect be to true for every kick in the
start. In the 12th minute, Saúl shootout, from first to last.
Ñíguez opened the scoring with a CESAR MANSO/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES
The International Football As-
firm header at the near post off a Isco (22) after scoring Real Madrid’s goal against Atlético Madrid in the Champions League sociation Board, the stewards of
corner kick. Three minutes later, semifinals on Wednesday. Fernando Torres, left, of Atlético Madrid battling Sergio Ramos. the game’s laws, suggested the
Fernando Torres was tripped in new shootout format explicitly to
the penalty area by Raphaël counter the advantage of going
Varane, Real’s French defender. ated a few good chances but were A decade ago, a Madrid derby at Zidane, who took the helm of
repeatedly thwarted by Navas. In this stage of Europe’s main club Real in January 2016, will lead first.
As Antoine Griezmann, who last “The stats at the moment say
year missed a crucial penalty in the 67th minute, Navas produced competition would have been un- Real against Juventus in the final
the Champions League final a spectacular double save, beat- thinkable. But since taking over as on June 3 as it tries to become the
against Real, prepared to take the ing away Yannick Carrasco’s shot Atlético’s manager in late 2011, first team to retain the Champions
and then a powerful header from Diego Simeone has rebuilt the League trophy since the current
kick, the crowd chanted in Span-
ish, “Yes you can!” Kevin Gameiro. Navas’s perform- team with a budget that is format began in 1992. Each team will
This time, he was more fortu- ance secured advancement for
Real, but also probably bolstered
dwarfed by that of Real. What
Atlético has lacked in individual
For Atlético, however, it is the
end of another European run at
alternate going first,
nate. Griezmann slipped in his
run-up and Keylor Navas, Real’s his own value amid speculation talent, it has made up for with the hands of their city rivals. As round by round.
goalkeeper, touched the ball, but it that Real would soon renew its bid team spirit and structure, built Wednesday’s game entered its
still ended up in the back of the for Manchester United goal- around a tough defense and a last stretch, the weather turned
net. keeper David de Gea, after a counterattacking style now led by and the final minutes were played
Suddenly, the daunting task of JAVIER SORIANO/A.F.P. — GETTY IMAGES
botched transfer attempt in 2015. Griezmann, the French interna- amid lightning and in a downpour. that 60 percent of penalty
overturning last week’s deficit ap- In their most recent encounters tional who previously played for Still, a large section of Atlético’s shootouts are won by the team
peared in reach. But instead of crafted a goal out of nowhere to in the Champions League — in- Real Sociedad. fans stayed in the stadium for a that takes the first penalty,” Stew-
shocking Real, this early double puncture the hopes of the home cluding last year’s final — Atlético But stars like Ronaldo have quarter of an hour, coaxing their art Regan, a board member, told
blow helped awaken the team. Af- team. He snaked past three has come tantalizingly close to spearheaded Real’s progress in players to come back out onto the The Telegraph. “We believe that
ter Griezmann’s goal, Real’s Luka defenders before laying the ball beating Real. This time, however, the Champions League — he field for a final round of applause. the AB, BA approach could re-
Modric and Isco took charge of the back for Toni Kroos. Oblak parried Atlético left itself with a mountain scored five times against Bayern Wednesday was not the re- move that statistical bias.”
midfield, pinning back Atlético Kroos’s initial shot, but he was to climb after producing an un- Munich in the quarterfinals. On markable victory that Atlético “The hypothesis is that the
and increasingly threatening its then helpless when the ball fell characteristically meek perform- Wednesday, it was Benzema who had hoped for, but the win player taking the second kick in
keeper, Jan Oblak. back at the feet of Isco, who scored ance last week, when they allowed drew praise from Manager Zine- wrapped in defeat still felt like a the pair is under greater mental
In the 42nd minute Karim Ben- from close range. Cristiano Ronaldo to score three dine Zidane for his masterly assist fitting farewell to European pressure, because if the opposi-
zema, Real’s French forward, In the second half, Atlético cre- times. on Isco’s goal. matches at the Calderón. tion’s first penalty in the pair has
been successful, a miss by the sec-
ond penalty-taker in the pair could
mean the immediate loss of a
P R O B A S K E T B A L L N. B . A . P L AYO F F S match for his team, especially
from the fourth pair of penalties
onward — i.e. the 7th and 8th spot

Ginobili Channels His Younger Self, Resuscitating Spurs kicks,” UEFA, which is running
the under-17 tournaments, said in
an article on its webpage.
That’s why he’s a champion. He’s Soccer tries out offbeat rules
From First Sports Page great. He’s been great his whole from time to time, and many of the
Ahead of Game 6 on Thursday
The oldest player left life.” experiments are never heard
from again; sudden death, for ex-
night in Houston, the Spurs are
holding themselves together with
in the playoffs gives a Ginobili had 12 points, 7 re-
bounds and 5 assists in 32 min-
ample, in the form of the so-called
Golden Goal, was eliminated after
a combination of duct tape and vintage performance. utes — the most minutes he had a brief and contentious trial peri-
chewed gum. They lost Tim played in a game since 2014. od. Others, like goal-line technol-
Duncan to retirement before the “I don’t feel like I had a huge ogy, are adopted and win praise.
start of the season. They lost second-round draft pick), Patty game,” he said. “I felt better than But the first step is often to try
Tony Parker, their starting point Mills (a second-round draft the previous ones, for sure. But I them away from the spotlight,
guard, when he ruptured his left guess the standards are a little with youth teams as the test sub-
pick), Jonathon Simmons (un-
quadriceps tendon in Game 2 lower.” jects. The first chance to try the
drafted) and Ginobili (the oldest
against the Rockets. And they He was right, of course. The new system could come Thurs-
player left in the playoffs).
lost Kawhi Leonard, their do- standards are different now. No day: in Croatia, Hungary’s un-
everything forward, to an ankle Green scored the Spurs’ final 7
points. Simmons came on in one expects Ginobili to be a der-17s play Turkey and Spain
injury late in Game 5. Leonard savior anymore. But the Spurs faces France in the first two UEFA
watched overtime from the relief of Leonard to defend Hard-
en, who finished with nine still expect to compete and suc- men’s quarterfinals, while in the
bench. ceed, no matter the obstacles. Czech Republic, the Netherlands
“He didn’t want to come out, turnovers. And Ginobili had the
game-saving block. For one night, Ginobili was there plays Spain and Germany squares
obviously,” Popovich said of to carry them across the finish off against Norway in the women’s
Leonard. “We let him play a little “Manu’s one of the great all-
time competitors and winners,” line. Just like the old days. semifinals.
while, just to see what it was like,
but it was obvious that he could- Popovich said. “He helped us do
n’t go.” it again.”
Leonard’s status for Game 6 is At his postgame news confer-
ence, Rockets Coach Mike D’An-
unclear. He said he was planning
to play, but even if he does, his toni seemed to wear the hol-
lowed-out expression of someone
effectiveness is likely to be di-
minished. who had seen a ghost, and per- TV Highlights
That will be playoff game No. haps that was understandable. Baseball 1:00 p.m. Boston at Milwaukee MLB
12 for the Spurs, who are rapidly Years ago, when D’Antoni was 7:00 p.m. Houston at Yankees YES
shedding parts. The Golden State coaching the Phoenix Suns, he 7:00 p.m. Baltimore at Washington MLB
Warriors, however, needed only ERIC GAY/ASSOCIATED PRESS had three meetings with the Baseball / College 7:30 p.m. Auburn at Louisiana State ESPN2
eight games to advance to the The Spurs’ Manu Ginobili, with Patty Mills, after he blocked a Spurs and Ginobili in the play- Basketball/N.B.A. Playoffs 8:00 p.m. San Antonio at Houston ESPN
conference finals after sweeping offs. Three times, the Suns lost. Golf 1:00 p.m. Players Championship, first round GOLF
last-second shot by the Rockets’ James Harden in overtime. On Tuesday, Ginobili was back at
the Portland Trail Blazers and Soccer 3:00 p.m. Europa League, Celta Vigo at Manchester United FS1
the Utah Jazz in the first two it. Little had changed. 3:00 p.m. Europa League, Ajax at Olympique Lyonnais FS2
rounds. Tuesday, as they worked to slow Consider the Spurs’ hodge- “I figured that Manu would at Softball 11:00 a.m. A.C.C. tournament, Virginia vs. Florida State YES
But the mistake, as always, is an opponent with a plutonium- podge lineup in overtime. least have one or two good
to underestimate the Spurs, to fueled offense, they proved it LaMarcus Aldridge (a five-time games,” D’Antoni said. “You This Week
take their resolve for granted. On again. All-Star) was joined by Green (a knew that was going to happen. HOME THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED
AWAY 5/11 5/12 5/13 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/17

Big First-Quarter Run Fuels Rout as Celtics Take Series Lead

METS 8 p.m. 7 p.m. 2 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
YANKEES 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m.
BOSTON (AP) — Avery Brad- At one point in the fourth quar- a basket from Otto Porter Jr. YES CH. 11 YES ESPN YES YES
ley scored 29 points, his career ter on Wednesday, Boston led by The Celtics did a good job of DALLAS LOS ANGELES
high in the playoffs, and the 26, negating Washington’s physi- sharing the ball, recording assists N.Y.C.F.C. 8:00 P.M. SUNDAY FS1 RED BULLS 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY FS1
Celtics beat the Washington Wiz- cality by spreading the floor and on 12 of 13 baskets in the opening 12
ards, 123-101, in Boston on Wednes- knocking down 16 shots from 3- minutes. Thomas had five assists
day night to point range for the game. in the quarter, one more than
take a three- CELTICS 123 John Wall had 21 points for the Washington’s entire team.
games-to-two WIZARDS 101 Wizards, who have not won a The Wizards responded with
lead in their playoff game in Boston since 1982. more energy after halftime, but
Eastern Con- Boston leads The Wizards scored the first 4 each of their rally attempts was
ference semi- series, 3-2 points of the game, but the Celtics quickly beaten back by the Celtics,
final series. countered with a 16-0 run. It was
who continued to share the ball
Al Horford contributed 19 the fourth time in the series that
and take advantage of their fast-
points, 7 assists and 6 rebounds one of the teams had gone on a run
for the Celtics while Isaiah Thom- of at least 16 straight points; three break opportunities.
as had 18 points and 9 assists. of those came in the first quarter The Wizards, who shot just 24
Game 6 is set for Friday night in of a game. (Washington had a 16-0 percent from the 3-point arc, fell to
Washington, where the Wizards spurt to start Game 1, a 22-0 run in 2-9 in their postseason history on
easily won two games. If the Game 3 and a 26-0 burst in Game the road against the Celtics. Wash-
Celtics win, they will move on to 4.) ington had 13 turnovers, leading to
face the Cleveland Cavaliers in the During Boston’s first-quarter 23 Boston points.
Boston’s Avery Bradley, who Eastern Conference finals. surge on Wednesday, the Wizards The Celtics shot 53 percent (46
had 29 points, driving against A Celtics-Wizards Game 7 missed eight straight shots before of 87) from the field for the game,
Washington’s Otto Porter Jr. would be in Boston on Monday. their futility streak was ended by their best mark of the postseason.

Hugh Thomas, Prodigious Author of Spanish History, Is Dead at 85

By ALAN COWELL It was, he said “fitting, if infin- chairman of the Center for Policy
LONDON — Hugh Thomas, a itely sad, to consider how this sys- Studies, a right-wing policy insti-
British historian and associate of tem came to be established in tute whose supporters included
Prime Minister Margaret Cuba.” Margaret Thatcher before and af-
Thatcher whose magisterial work In 2011, Mr. Thomas published ter she was elected prime min-
chronicled great upheaval in the “The Golden Empire,” the second ister, serving from 1979 to 1990. It
Hispanic world, from Spain’s im- of three volumes chronicling the was she who elevated Mr. Thomas
perial expansion to its civil war, era from the first voyage of Chris- to the peerage, and he, in turn,
died here on Sunday. He was 85. topher Columbus to the Americas played a behind-the-scenes role in
His son, Isambard, said the in 1492 to the reign of King Philip II her administration.
death was preceded by a stroke. in the late 16th century. The Amer- In 1982, according to newspaper
Mr. Thomas produced a broad ican historian Charles C. Mann de- reports, he acted as her adviser
canon of work, including novels scribed the book as belonging to during the Falklands war against
and studies of the American slave “the genre of Nobody Does This Argentina, enlisted because of his
trade, the history of Mexico, disar- Anymore.” deep knowledge of South Amer-
mament (he had worked in the “For better or for worse,” Mr. ica.
British Foreign Office as a young Mann wrote in The New York That same year, Mr. Thomas
man) and the beginnings of the Times Book Review, the 646-page and his wife, who lived in London,
Cold War. volume was “history of the type hosted a private dinner to enable
But it was his vast explorations critics dismiss as ‘old-fashioned’: Mrs. Thatcher to meet literary fig-
of Spain on which his reputation a story in which the narrative en- ures of the day, Nigel Farndale
was built, beginning with “The gines are human character and wrote in The Guardian in 2013.
Spanish Civil War” in 1961. Banned action rather than the impersonal “The guest list read like a who’s
in Spain during the Franco era, it forces of economics, culture and who of literary London,” including
won the prestigious Somerset the environment.” the poets Philip Larkin, Stephen
Maugham Prize in 1962 and is re- “This is a history of the Spender and A. Alvarez, the nov-
garded as a classic, remaining in conquerors, rather than the con- elist Anthony Powell and the play-
print, with several revisions, to quered,” Mr. Mann wrote. “A great JUANJO MARTIN/EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY wright Tom Stoppard, Mr. Farn-
this day. majority of the protagonists are Hugh Thomas in 2010. His 1961 work, “The Spanish Civil War,” is regarded as a classic. dale wrote, adding, “Thomas was
“Thomas has long belonged to white, European and male.” seen as a bridge between their
the elite of Spanish studies,” Pub- Mr. Thomas completed his tril- world and the world of Tory poli-
lisher’s Weekly said in 2005. But ogy in 2014 with “World Without passed global history in a single In 1962, he married Vanessa mament talks. At the time, he also tics.”
End.” (The first volume, “Rivers 700-page volume, published in the Jebb, a painter. They had three wrote two novels, “The World’s The gathering was supposed to
while his assessment of the civil
of Gold,” almost 700 pages long, United States in 1979 as “A History children, Inigo, Isambard and Isa- Game” (1957) and “The Oxygen be secret and remained so for sev-
war seemed “strongly sympathet-
was published in 2004.) This final of the World” but in Britain as “An bella. All survive him. Age” (1958). He published a third eral years, according to Mr. Farn-
ic” to the Republican side, the
Unfinished History of the World.” Mr. Thomas was educated at work of fiction, “Klara,” in 1988.
magazine said, he was portrayed volume illuminated the breadth dale. Mrs. Thatcher’s intention, he
and reach of Spain’s global ambi- David Gress, a Danish histori- Alongside his early writing, Mr. said, was to promote her political
in later years as shifting toward
an, described it as “a fascinating Thomas lectured at the Royal Mil-
“an increasingly conservative vi- tion, borne across the earth by its views among the group as a coun-
catalog of inventions, ideas, devel- itary Academy in Sandhurst,
sion of the Spanish past.” navigators and conquistadors. At terweight to her literary foes, in-
opments, habits and forms of or- Britain’s premier officer training
Mr. Thomas produced a series one point, the empire spanned
ganization, the massive parapher- An expert in ‘the establishment, and sought unsuc-
cluding the playwright Harold
of definitive works, including the Iberia; much of Italy; the Low Pinter.
huge “Cuba: Or the Pursuit of Countries; the Americas as far
nalia of human social existence
which make up what one might
genre of Nobody Does cessfully to win election to Parlia-
ment as a Labour Party candidate Several of the guests were im-
Freedom” (1971), which ran to
more than 1,700 pages.
north as California; the Caribbe-
an; and the Philippines.
call the framework of history, the This Anymore.’ before espousing a more conser- pressed by Mrs. Thatcher, Mr.
Farndale wrote, but Mr. Thomas’s
tools that make things work.” vative political outlook in the
Later, he seemed to strike a Reviewing “World Without Hugh Swynnerton Thomas was 1970s. effort to broker a following for her
wistful or even angry tone about End” in the British newspaper born on Oct. 21, 1931, in Windsor, “Hugh Thomas has been some- in the world of letters and learning
developments in Cuba. Writing in The Daily Telegraph, the author just west of London, the son of the fee-paying, boys-only Sher- thing of a cuckoo in the Tory nest yielded ambivalent results.
The New York Times in 1980 as and critic Jeremy Treglown wrote, Hugh Whitelegge Thomas, a sen- borne School in southern England for two decades,” the critic Rich- “As it turned out, the attempt
tens of thousands of Cubans fled “Thomas doesn’t disguise the bru- ior colonial official, and the former and went on to study history at ard Gott wrote in the British paper was futile,” Mr. Farndale said.
the island, he said their status as tality of Spanish imperialism, Margery Swynnerton. Mr. Thom- Cambridge University in the early The Independent in 1997. “His “Three years later, Oxford dons
refugees “must be the most vivid though he doesn’t, either, question as was made a life peer in 1981 as 1950s. After graduation, he writings suggest he is one of the snubbed her by refusing to award
condemnation of a Communist imperial ambitions of them- Baron Thomas of Swynnerton, worked at the British Foreign Of- surviving romantic historians of her the honorary doctorate that
system since the Hungarian re- selves.” taking his mother’s maiden name fice and was secretary to the an earlier, liberal school.” they traditionally bestowed upon
volt in 1956.” Mr. Thomas had earlier encom- as his title. British delegation at major disar- In 1979, Mr. Thomas became prime ministers.”

Jack Tilton, 66, Art Dealer

With an Eye for the New
Jack Tilton, an art dealer whose
gallery was instrumental in dis-
covering or giving crucial early
exposure to Marlene Dumas, Kiki
Smith, David Hammons and other
artists who later became promi-
nent, died on Sunday in Manhat-
tan. He was 66.
The cause was complications of
cancer, his wife, Connie Rogers
Tilton, said.
Mr. Tilton, who began his career
as an assistant to Betty Parsons at
her renowned 57th Street gallery,
had an eye for the new and a thirst
for discovery. He was particularly
keen on finding young artists just
ASSOCIATED PRESS GEORGE ROSE/GETTY IMAGES coming into their own and giving
them the needed push.
The ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev, above left, dancing at the Whisky a Go Go in 1965. The club, above in 1980, drew stars among M. BRENDON M ac INNIS
Several artists who are now
its crowds. For a time, the Doors were the house band. Later on came Guns N’ Roses, Motley Crue and Metallica. well established, including Fran- Jack Tilton in 2008 at his
cis Alys, Glenn Ligon, and Fred gallery, a 19th-century town-

Mario Maglieri, 93, Coddled Rockers at His Clubs

Holland, who died last year, bene- house on the Upper East Side
fited from his backing. He was of Manhattan.
also a prescient, intrepid explorer
of Chinese art, using his gallery to the Jack Tilton Gallery (later the
By RICHARD SANDOMIR got a call from Mr. Valentine. showcase work by artists like
Mr. Maglieri recalled, in Tilton Gallery), determined to
Mario Maglieri, who presided Huang Yong Ping and Zhang Peili.
“Straight Whisky,” that Mr. Valen- pursue his own offbeat course.
over a rock ’n’ roll mini-empire on Mr. Tilton operated in a low-key,
the Sunset Strip in West Holly- tine urged him to join him at the In his first show he hung the
sometimes quirky style. In 1992 he
wood at the Whisky a Go Go and Whisky because his employees work of three foreign artists — a
mounted an exhibition of virtual-
the Rainbow Bar & Grill, where he were helping themselves to the Scot, an Italian and an Austrian —
reality art, and in 2005 he trolled
nurtured generations of musi- club’s till. “So I say, ‘No problem.’ I and one American, Joseph Nech-
graduate painting studios at
cians with encouragement, food go down to the Whisky and fire ev- vatal. John Russell, reviewing the
Hunter College, the Yale School of
and tough love, died on May 4 in eryone in the place. That’s how it show for The New York Times,
all started.” Art and Columbia University to
Los Angeles. He was 93. assemble work for an all-student praised Mr. Tilton’s “personal and
His death was confirmed by his Mr. Maglieri opened the Rain- international taste for the new
bow in 1972 with Mr. Valentine and exhibition, “School Days.” All the
son Mikeal. work sold. and unfamiliar,” which he said
the music impresario Lou Adler, “owes nothing to fashion.”
The Whisky was opened in 1964 John Havemeyer Tilton Jr. was
who also owned a piece of the Mr. Tilton moved the gallery to
by a former policeman named born on April 25, 1951, in Littleton,
Whisky. Mr. Adler and Mr. Valen- Greene Street in SoHo in the early
Elmer Valentine, who soon asked N.H. His father, who had studied
tine subsequently opened the
Mr. Maglieri, a friend from Chi- art at Yale and at one point de-
Roxy Theater on Sunset Boule-
cago, to help run the club. It be- signed Christmas cards, served
vard, which also became a musi-
came a critical part of the Los An- for many years in the New Hamp-
cal mecca; Mr. Maglieri managed
geles rock scene.
MARK MAINZ/GETTY IMAGES it for 25 years but did not have an shire Legislature. His mother, the A gallery owner who
For a time, the Doors were the former Marjory Seidler, was a
house band. Jimi Hendrix and Mario Maglieri ran the Whisky a Go Go, where even the Beat- ownership interest.
“I don’t think it was innate in homemaker. got his start
Janis Joplin played there. So did les demanded to visit when they toured the United States.
Led Zeppelin, the Byrds, the Who,
him to love rock and rock ’n’ roll
people,” Mr. Adler said in a tele-
He attended the Tilton School in
Tilton, N.H. (with which he had no
unwrapping and
Otis Redding, the Turtles and Neil
Young. Later on came Guns N’
Nikki Sixx, the bassist for Motley Room, a club on the Sunset Strip, phone interview on Monday. “But family connection) and studied hanging the art.
Crue, told the Los Angeles radio Mr. Maglieri told The Los Angeles being around it for all the years business at Babson College in
Roses, Motley Crue and Metallica. station KLOS-FM last week. “He Times: “I’m 70 years old and I’ve that he was, he just took a fatherly, Wellesley, Mass., earning a bache-
The Beatles demanded to visit would talk to me. He would sit never smoked a joint in my life. grandfatherly, godfatherly feeling lor’s degree in 1974. With a bank-
the Whisky when they toured the down and I’d play him our demo. People ask me and I tell them, toward these people. He loved the 1990s, and in 1999 he joined with
ing career in mind, he took
United States in 1964. Jayne Mans- He’d say, ‘Nikki, you’ve got some- ‘Dope is for dopes.’ People want to kids, the great ones with the prob- Bennett and Julie Roberts to cre-
courses at the University of New
field and Steve McQueen were thing there.’ One day at the fight me on that, I’ll fight them. lems, like Morrison and Axl Rose.” ate Roberts & Tilton in Culver City,
Hampshire’s graduate school of
regulars. “Everybody was there,” Whisky, he said, ‘Kid, I think I’ve seen too many lives de- In addition to his son, Mr. Calif., which represents, among
business. But boredom set in, and
the singer Johnny Rivers, who you’re going to make it.’ It meant Maglieri is survived by his wife, other artists, Kehinde Wiley and
he dropped out.
performed there, told Vanity Fair so much to me.” the former Scarlett Tribolet; sev- Ed Templeton. In 2005 he relo-
in 2000. “I mean, you’d look up, After moving to Manhattan, he
But Mr. Maglieri worried that en grandchildren; and five great- made his way to the Betty Parsons cated to the Upper East Side, set-
and there was Cary Grant danc-
some of the musicians and other Some musicians grandchildren. Gallery. Ms. Parsons, a family ting up in the landmark town-
stars who came through his doors Mr. Quisling, the author, said in house on East 76th Street where
And one day Mr. Maglieri’s sec- were drinking too heavily or needed a free meal, an interview that Mr. Maglieri
friend, had championed the lumi-
naries of the New York School, Eleanor and Franklin D. Roose-
retary alerted him to an intimidat- taking too many drugs. He told was especially fond of Led Zep-
ing man who was decamped in a The Los Angeles Times in 1993 others a kind word. pelin, whose members would call
artists like Jackson Pollock, Mark velt had been married.
In the 1990s, his growing inter-
booth, writing. “What are you do- Rothko, Ad Reinhardt and Barnett
that he had warned Jim Morrison, ahead to get their special table at est in China led to shows for Liu
ing here?” Mr. Maglieri asked the Newman. She was known as an in-
the lead singer of the Doors, and the Rainbow after their concerts Wei, Huang Yong Ping and Xu
man, who turned out to be Charles Joplin to straighten out, without dependent-minded explorer, indif-
stroyed by drugs.” at the Forum in Inglewood, Calif. Bing. For a time he ran the China
Manson, according to the Vanity success. ferent to trends. Her example was
“They were notorious for their Project, an artists’ residency pro-
Fair article. “We’re closed. You Morrison, he said, “was a good Mario Mikeal Maglieri was not lost on Mr. Tilton, who more or
hard partying,” he said, “and gram in Tongzhou, an art district
can’t be here.” boy” who “would look at me all born on Feb. 7, 1924, in Sepino, Ita- less stumbled into his position at
Mario made sure they were pro- on the fringes of Beijing. In 2006
“He looked at me and says, ‘I goofed up and say, ‘Oh, Mario, I ly, to Alfonso and Christina tected from the prying eyes of the the gallery.
can have you killed,’” Mr. Maglieri Maglieri. The family moved to “I got the job because Betty and he organized the comprehensive
love you.’ The reprimanding I paparazzi and made sure things
said, after which he grabbed Mr. Chicago, where his father opened her secretary were in the galleries exhibition “Jiang Hu: 34 Contem-
gave him didn’t do any good.” didn’t get too out of hand.”
Manson and threw him out of the a nightclub, when Mario was 4 trying to unwrap and hang some porary Chinese Artists.”
In the book “Straight Whisky” Of course, he added, when
club. (2004), by Erik Quisling and years old. things did get out of hand, Mr. paintings,” he said in an interview In addition to his wife, he is sur-
The silver-haired, cigar-smok- Austin Williams, Mr. Maglieri is As a teenager, he drove a beer Maglieri took control. The band’s last year with the Art Dealers As- vived by a sister, Mary Ann
ing Mr. Maglieri was more accom- quoted as saying that Morrison truck. He later served in the Army drummer, John Bonham, once sociation of America. “The art Tilton; a brother, Frederick; and
modating to the musicians who exposed himself during a per- and took part in the D-Day inva- punched his chauffeur and some handlers and assistants didn’t two sons, Jamie and Robbie.
played at the Whisky or ate at the formance at the club. “Big deal, sion of Normandy. Back in Chi- customers, and took a swing at show up, and I offered to work for
nearby Rainbow Bar, with its sig- right?” he said. “That son of a cago, he got jobs as a court bailiff Mr. Maglieri, who decked Bonham free. By the time they showed up, I
nature Italian food. He under- bitch. Too bad he’s not alive. I’d and nightclub manager before with a punch to the jaw. worked myself up to a job, making
opening his own clubs. $80 a week.”
Other points of view
stood that some needed a free give him a spanking.” “He felt bad that it happened,”
meal and others a kind word. After the actor River Phoenix In 1964 he moved to Los Ange- Mr. Quisling said of Mr. Maglieri. He was Ms. Parsons’s director on the Op-Ed page
“To play the Whisky a Go Go collapsed and died of a drug over- les, where he was helping a friend “They were still friends until John until her death in 1982. A year later seven days a week.
was the holy grail coming up,” dose in 1993 outside the Viper open the Playboy Club when he died.” he took over her space and opened The New York Times

Robert H. Phelps, Editor, Is Dead at 97; 'HDWKV

6IKhN3x YQ33 KQJ
03hZ. S>. U< IKo3 NKQi. .
iW1OL4%/ JLiO4y
Sj4O/ L+J4O LO%4iC/ 1J

Worked on Major Stories but Missed One

iWWNj/ OL+4 CS/ Wj4YJ LOpWS/ +N
0K30 W3*3<sNNx ishhUsQ030
 6K*I3N \ U< WN3i.
$x <PKNx UQ x k. rzVk\ 3J  Q0 KQ03hIUUM.  0K30 L41O4i/ WiQS wi4S+4/ tiL4 WQQS4y/ iy
NUu30 vK<3 U< N$3ho hU0NK3$. UQ x >. rzVk\ UhQ WhKN VS.
LO%4ip h4LOO/ %%y L+N/ WJS
03*3i30. iKio3h U< U$3ho VS@k KQ 3v UhM. I3 Bh0soJ
KQ03h. 03*3i30 Yh$hZ. 30 <hUP sM3 QKu3hiKox Q0 LOO/ JWQj 4%W1y/ Qt4O
iI3 Ki ishuKu30 $x I3h <Ush 3v UhM QKu3hiKox *IUUN
By SAM ROBERTS *IKN0h3Q 3uQ. K*Ih0 U< v\ I3h3<o3h. sQoKN IKi
YQ*xZ. 3<<h3x Y x0Z. Q0 03oI I3 Wshis30  NUQB Q0
Robert H. Phelps had a distin- o*3x hUii Y3QZ. Vr BhQ0J 0KioKQBsKiI30 *h33h i 
6$$x \ 
 6 UIQ No3h\
I3 Uh0 U< Kh3*oUhi Q0
guished career at The Boston *IKN0h3Q Q0 V> Bh3oJ
BhQ0*IKN0h3Q\ sQ3hN i3huKJ
WhoQ3h vKoI 3NN3x hx3  3PWNUx33i U< U*M3<3NN3h 
hh3Q \
Q 00KoKUQ.
Globe, shaping the modern paper, *3i vKNN $3 I3N0 30Q3i0x. KM3 i3hu30 UQ oI3 Uh0 U<
U\ h3 033WNx i003Q30 $x
oI3 WiiKQB U< $$x \
Vz-pzP o UQBh3BoKUQ
overseeing the coverage in major PQsJN U< 3io*I3io3h.
Kh3*oUhi U< U$hQ0 UhWUhJ
oKUQ Q0 vi h3iK03Qo U<
g3KNN\ i oI3 Bh3oJ
BhQ00sBIo3h U< UIQ \
series that won Pulitzer Prizes, rVr> 3io*I3io3h u3. x3. h3Q*IJP3hK*Q KQoQ3hi\
o U*M3<3NN3h vIU <UsQ030 oI3
Qo3hP3Qo oU <UNNUv\ Q0J vi NiU IKi Bh3o WhKuKN3B3 oU
and serving as the newspaper’s N3iiNx 0PKh30 <Uh I3h uKJ i3hu3 <Uh rr x3hi UQ oI3
U*M3<3NN3h <PKNx U<<K*3 KQ
oI3 No3 V4zzi. hi\ g3KNN
executive editor for 11 years. $hQ*3 Q0 3N3BQ*3. IKhN3x Uh0 U< UU0vKNN
Q0siohK3i WhUuK030 KQiWKh30 N303hiIKW
NKu30 I3h NK<3 vKoI WUiKoKuKox. U< h3o3h 3v UhM Q0
But he may be remembered as i3N<N3iiQ3ii. Q0  *UPWN3o3 UhoI3hQ 3v 3hi3x <hUP
oU Ush <KhP i IKhPQ U<
Ush Uh0 <hUP VSS4 oU rzzp
much for one story that he missed. 030K*oKUQ oU I3h <PKNx\ UQJ
ohK$soKUQi KQ I3h P3PUhx
vIK*I I3 h3oKh30 i IKhPQ Q0 i h3iK03Qo Q0  U<
KQ rzV>\ KM3 NUu30 IKi vUhM
In 1972, as news editor in the Px $3 P03 oU IKo3 NKQi Q0 Wshis30 Ko vKoI KQo3NJ
U*M3<3NN3h KQQ*KN 3huKJ
*3i <hUP VSS4 oU rzzp\ 3h
UiWKoN. vI3h3 iI3 *oKu3Nx
Washington bureau of The New uUNsQo33h30 <Uh VS x3hi\
NKB3Q*3. IUQ3iox. KQo3BhKox
Q0 iMKNN 0PKh30 $x IKi WhoJ
iUQ. 3o3h \ g3KNN. *shh3QoJ
Nx i3hu3i UQ Ush Uh0 U< KJ
York Times, he inadvertently let  6NK*3\
Q3hi. *UNN3Bs3i. <hK3Q0i Q0 h3*oUhi *UQoKQsKQB  oh0KoKUQ
WhU$$Nx iUP3 <U3i\  0h3J
the Watergate scandal slip 3h NK*3. v3 vKNN Nvxi h3J P3h vIU Wshis30 IKi 0h3Pi.
U< *UPPKoP3Qo oU Ush <KhP\
o B3 SV. $3NUu30 Isi$Q0 U<
P3P$3h xUs i Q 3N3BQo Ii $33Q Q $iUNso3 WhKuKJ
through his fingers, allowing it to N0x Q0  vUQ03h<sN <hK3Q0\
 NK<3oKP3 ios03Qo U< IKioUhx.  N3B3 <Uh NN U< si oU Iu3
oI3 No3 hx soo3h K*M.
Wii30 vx x k. rzVk o
NUu3h U< ho. PsiK*. $UoKQB.
become The Washington Post’s Uu3. o Q0 UP iohUQUPx. $UUMi. $3soK<sN.
MQUvQ hi\ g3KNN Q0 oU IKi IUP3 KQ 3x hBU.  \
Iu3 $3Q3<Ko30 <hUP I3h 3wJ UIQ vi  QKo30 oo3i
enviable scoop. 
 6UhPQ \. IKBI W3h<UhPQ*3 *hi i ohUh0KQhx 3Q3hBx. N303hJ ux 3o3hQ IuKQB i3hu30
UQ x Vz. rzVk\ 3NUu30 IsiJ v3NN i iUP3 o3PW3hP3QoN
Mr. Phelps died at 97 on $Q0 U< UQ3x Q0 oI3 No3 <Uh3KBQ iWUhoi *hi. KM3 vi
iIKW Q0 030K*oKUQ\ I3 vKNN
$3 Bh3oNx PKii30\ 3 3wo3Q0
KQ oI3 UsoI *K<K* 0shKQB
UhN0 h

vI3h3 I3 vi
Wednesday in Lincoln, Mass. QKo\ 3uUo30 <oI3h U<  o3Q*KUsi 3QoIsiKio vI3Q
Wh3i3Qo30 vKoI iUP3oIKQB
Ush 033W3io ixPWoIx Q0 WoKQ U<   $Uo Q0 oI3
sQ3 Q0 oI3 No3 Q. <<3*oKUQ oU hi\ g3KNNgi NUuJ
Thomas Mulvoy Jr., his friend and *I3hKiI30 <oI3hJKQJNv U< oIo WK_s30 IKi KQo3h3io. i KQB Isi$Q0 3UhB3 \
UPPQ0KQB <<K*3h U< oI3
<hK3Q0i vKoI vIUP I3 WNx30   r4.  BsQ $Uo\ <J
former Globe colleague, said the UQQ3 K30N3h Q0 N$3ho
BUN<. vIK*I I3 oUUM sW No3h KQ
g3KNN Q0 oU 3*I P3P$3h o3h oI3 h. UIQ h3oshQ30 oU
3K*IPQ\ 0Uh30 BhQ0J U< oI3 g3KNN <PKNx\
cause was complications of colo- <oI3h U< iUQ. Uii. uQ. NK<3. *Q oo3io\ 3 Ki ishuKu30 NN U< si o U*M3<3NN3h  U\
oU *UPWN3o3 IKi
sQ03hBh0so3 30s*oKUQ.
$x IKi $3NUu30 vK<3. *I3N.
rectal cancer. h0. xNUh Q0 NUQ. vKNN
NiU $3 PKii30 $x UQ3xgi iUQ. UsKi YK<<QxZ. BhQ0J Bh0soKQB <hUP UhoIv3iJ
o3hQ QKu3hiKox KQ VS@4\ 3
Under Mr. Phelps’s leadership, *IKN0h3Q Q Q0 K*MK. Q0 *IKN0h3Q. KNU. UQK*U. 33NK
LUKQ30 hK*3 o3hIUsi3 KQ
BhQ0*IKN0h3Q hhx Q0 J Q0 3U Q0 *oi. _sKho Q0
The Globe won the Pulitzer Prize PQoI\ 3huK*3 Ishi0x. Ps0B3\ Ki iUQ oIQK3N IK*BU vI3h3 I3 $3BQ  p4
x3h *h33h hKiKQB oU hoQ3h
for public service in 1975 for its x VV. VWP o bI3 Ku3hJ Wh303*3i30 IKP\ NiU ishJ
uKuKQB h3 IKi iKio3h. s0x Q0
6Ps3N \
UhQ 3$hshx rVio. VSr> KQ KQ IhB3 U< oI3 3v UhM U<J
iK03.c kl o\ Q0 Pio3h0P\
coverage of Boston’s tumultuous $hUoI3h. UQoIQ YhUNxQZ I3ioQso KNN. 3QQixNuQK. <K*3. oU 3BKUQN QBKQB

 6KN$3ho U$3ho. Q0 <PKNx\  *3N3$hoKUQ U< 0K30 W3*3<sNNx UQ 30Q3iJ hoQ3h. Q0 oU UJIKhPQ
school desegregation dispute. He 0K30 x koI KQ hiUo. IKi NK<3 Ki WNQQ30 <Uh  No3h 0x. x ph0. rzVk KQ 3v W3hoKUQi Q0 3Wsox 3J
led the Spotlight Team that won a NUhK0\ UhQ KQ QIooQ KQ 0o3\ 3PUhKN 0UQoKUQi UhM Kox\ 3 Ki ishuKu30 $x QKUh hoQ3h U< oI3 \\ KhP\
Ki WhoQ3hi h3P3P$3h IKP
VSrr. KN vi  ohs3 B3QoN3J Px $3 P03 oU oI3 K*I3N IKi NUuKQB 0sBIo3h. NKy$3oI
Pulitzer in 1980 for local investiga- PQ Q0 i*IUNh\ 3 oo3Q0J \
Qi3N l>g *IUNhiIKW sQ0 3$U0x. IKi $hUoI3h NJ i oUsBI. $so Nvxi <Kh. 
P3QoUh Q0  <hK3Q0\ UIQ
tive reporting, for a series on 30 UNsP$K hPPh o oI3 0PKhN hhBso *UNP 3$U0x h\. Q0 PQx
vi WhoK*sNhNx WhUs0 oU $3
*IUUN. oI3Q $3BQ *UNN3B3 o *03Px UsQ0oKUQ. >zV QK3*3i Q0 Q3WI3vi\ 3 vi
abuses by the Massachusetts Bay hoPUsoI $3<Uh3 i3huKQB KQ hM oh33o UhoI. o\ 3o3hiJ Wh303*3i30 $x IKi 0UhKQB oI3 <Khio hK*3 o3hIUsi3
WhoQ3h oU Iu3 IKi 0sBIo3h
Transportation Authority. oI3 hPx 0shKQB 

\ <o3h
<KQKiIKQB IKi $*I3NUhgi 03J
$shB.  ppkVz\ vK<3. s0x. IKi iKio3h hK3oo
h33. IKi $hUoI3h Q0K*Uoo
“He played a highly significant Bh33 o Uv0UKQ. I3 $3BQ  bIs$c 3$U0x Q0 IKi o30 i  WhoQ3h U< oI3 <KhP\
NUQB. <sN<KNNKQB *h33h i Q $hUoI3h 3UhB3 3$U0x\ UIQ Q0 hx v3h3 B3Q3J
role in the formation of the con- 0u3hoKiKQB Q0 0Kh3*o h3J P Bh0so30 <hUP oI3 hUsi isWWUho3hi U< QsP3hUsi
temporary Boston Globe,” said iWUQi3 vhKo3h. <Khio vKoI 3ho hUUMi i*IUUN Q0 <o3h $3KQB UhBQKyoKUQi Q0 *IhKoK3i\
I3x v3h3 <UsQ0KQB P3PJ
hPKi3 Q0 iiU*Ko3i. 0Ki*IhB30 <hUP oI3 \
Matthew V. Storin, one of his suc- oI3Q UQ IKi UvQ\ o3h KQ NK<3.
6 Ui3WI. S@. 0K30 UQ
x Vz. rzVk\ U3 vi $UhQ KQ hPx KQ VS@> I3 oo3Q030 $3hi U< oI3 KQQ3oM h3iJ
$xo3hKQ Ish*I. vI3h3 UIQ
cessors as executive editor. KN *UQoKQs30 IKi ios0K3i o ho<Uh0. . NUQBoKP3 h3iJ huh0 UNN3B3 Bh0soKQB
i3hu30 i Q N03h Q0 N3hM
oI3 3v *IUUNgi
QioKoso3 <Uh K03Qo U< UiNxQ.  Q0 KQ VS>z. oI3Q 3*I3hi UNJ
Mr. Phelps revealed his part in 3oKh30 hU<3iiKUQNi\ 3 IKo3 Q0 3*I. N0 xP3. N3B3 o UNsP$K QKu3hiKox U< oI3 3iiKUQ\ UIQ vi NiU
 3P$3h U< oI3 Uh0 U<
the Watergate episode in 2009, in a vi  P3P$3h U< oI3 N3
Ns$. vI3h3 I3 WNx30 i_siI
\ h303*3i30 $x hs0x. vI3h3 I3 0K0 IKi Bh0so3
ios0K3i\ o3h. I3 vi  hsio33i. IKhPQ U< oI3
IKi $3NUu30 vK<3 U< Uu3h l>
memoir, “God and the Editor: My v3NN KQoU IKi QKQ3oK3i\ 3 x3hi\ shuKu30 $x IKi 0UhJ o3*I3h o oI3 o 3hQh0gi s0Ko UPPKoo33 Q0 iiKiJ
NUu30 h33M NKo3hosh3. *NiiKJ *IUUN KQ 3v UhM i v3NN i oQo h3ish3h U< hQ3BK3
Search for Meaning at The New *N PsiK*. *hUiivUh0 WsyyN3i.
I3 x3 UsQohx x *IUUN NN KQ 3v UhM\ 3 vi NJ
York Times.” 0UBi. oI3 3oi. Q0 PWhK\ Y xZ. o3vho YhIZ. *I3hJ KQ x3. 3v UhM vI3h3 I3 vxi iM30 oU iisP3 N30J
3hiIKW hUN3i KQ IKi *UPPsQKox
He recalled in the book that on Robert H. Phelps in front of a picture of Gen. Charles H. Taylor, h303*3i30 $x <Khio vK<3.
Q 3ux $hK3N Q0 i3*UQ0
KiI30 BhQ0*IKN0h3Q uK0 i3hu30 i 30 U< oI3 K00N3
*IUUN\ 3 vi  *UQisPJ vUhM Q0 0K0 iU <Uh oI3 Uh0
UN0io3KQ Y 3iiK* uKiZ.
Aug. 16, 1972, a 31-year-old Times who was the publisher of The Boston Globe for half a century. vK<3. 3hhx Q 3NN\ shJ
uKu30 $x *IKN0h3Q NNx U Q0
sh *K3L Y0PZ. QJ Po3 0uU*o3 <Uh *IKN0h3Q U< s0KoUhi U< 3v hK3h
UvQiIKW. oI3 K0JP3hK*
0h3v. UQ Q0 soI. NKJ Q0 <PKNK3i\ P vi UQ oI3
reporter, Robert M. Smith, carry- IUPi KN$3ho YKNNKQZ. y$3oI KiQUv Q0 0Uh$N3 Uh0 U< 3NKox Usi3. QJ IWo3h U< oI3 P3hK*Q 30
hUii. oI3 UhWUhoKUQ Uh0
ing a notebook and a Dictaphone, Post began drubbing The Times Robert Howard Phelps was
BhQ0*IKN0h3Q U$xQ Q0
Bh3oJBhQ00sBIo3hi QJ oKU*I QKu3hiKox. KoKy3Qig
UPPKoo33 <Uh IKN0h3Q U< U< h33QvK*I UiWKoN. 30K*
QI uKi UN0io3KQ Q0
rushed into Mr. Phelps’s Washing- on the Watergate saga.” born on July 19, 1919, in Erie, Pa., Q0 NKy $hK3N\ KNgi UQ3J P3NK *K3L\ vh030 oI3 3v UhM. hU0 sPW. Q0 N3ho UsQ0oKUQ. I3 NKQ0
U<JJMKQ0 vKo. *UPWiiKUQ. h3W <Uh h3W\ 3 vi NiU UQ hUUM Ns$. h0 UsQ0 UN<
ton bureau office to deliver an ac- Mr. Smith recalled that another the son of Harry Phelps, a union Q0 B3Q3hUiKox vKNN <Uh3u3h
KNu3h oh <Uh IKi i3huK*3 i 
oI3 3iohx U< o P3i Ns$. *3Q 33< Ns$. 3x
WoKQ KQ oI3  hPx KQ
count of a startling conversation Times editor had asked him to re-
$3 PKii30 $x <PKNx Q0 UhN0 h

\ <o3h oI3 vh. Ish*I KQ QIooQ\ 3 hBU QBN3hi Ns$. I3

leader, and the former Ruth Fox. <hK3Q0i\  P3PUhKN i3huK*3 NUu30 IKi NK<3. IKi <PKNx Q0 u3hQ Ns$. oI3 P3hK*Q
he had just had over lunch at San turn to work on the story that fall. vKNN $3 I3N0 hK0x. x Vr.
U3 h3oshQ30 oU oI3 QKu3hiKJ
QioKoso3 U< gi. oI3
He received a bachelor’s degree ox U< UQQ3*oK*so. P3o hs0x IKi <hK3Q0i\ 3 *UsN0 Q3u3h
\\\ U*K3ox. oI3 KQQ*KN
Souci with L. Patrick Gray III, the “I thought it over for a couple of
Vr-pzWP o UIQ hoKN sQ3hN Q0 <o3h Bh0soKUQ oI3x B3o Uu3h IUv Ns*Mx I3 I0
from the University of Michigan UP3. VrSk Vio u3\. 3v PUu30 oU 3v UhM\
Q VS4z $33Q\ P NUu30 KQ3. 0uKiUhx UPPKoo33 oU oI3
new acting director of the Federal days and decided not to,” he UhM. \  0UQoKUQ oU *NKP$KQB oI3 PUsQoKQi U< o sQKUh 3Bs3 U< IK*BU.
and a master’s from the Graduate I3 h3oKh30 i h3iK03Qo U< oI3 Q0  U< IK*BU.
Bureau of Investigation. wrote.
NQQ30 h3QoIUU0 vUsN0 <Ko QQUQ UBsho UPWQx 3i3ho
iNQ0. Q0 vi Q
3PUhKN 3WhoP3Qo\ 3
School of Journalism at Columbia vKoI KNgi vKiI3i\ Q0 <UhP3h K*3 IKhPQ U< uK0 i_siI WNx3h\ 3 3QJ
Mr. Smith had asked Mr. Gray He agreed, though, to phone Mr. oI3 iis UsQox 3ho iJ LUx30 ohu3NKQB Q0 vi  vi NiU  h3BsNh isWWUho3h
University. He married the former
6IUPi \. h\. sQK_s3 ioUhx o3NN3h\ 3 vKNN $3 U< h33QvK*I UiWKoN. oI3
about the break-in, two months Gray — but Mr. Gray did not re-
iU*KoKUQ\ s$i3_s3QoNx. I3 *3Q 33< 30K*N 3Qo3h
Elizabeth King, who died in 2003. <UhP30 0Khx *UQisNoKQB <KhP Bh3oNx PKii30 $x NN oIUi3
earlier, at the offices of the turn his call. KQio iiU*Ko3i\ 3hu30 oI3 vIU MQ3v Q0 NUu30 IKP\ UJ Q0 I3 IW3N o *3Q
He is survived by nieces and QoKUQi KQ Pgi P3PUhx *Q 33<\ Q uK0 BUN<3h. UIQ
Democratic National Committee Years later, Mr. Smith wondered
 KoKy3Qgi 3PU*h*x
$3 P03 oU KoKy3Qig UPPKoJ *I3hKiI30 oI3 BP3 Q0 vi
nephews. UhWi KQ oI3 <UhP3h UuK3o  Bh*KUsi IUio oU PQx
at the Watergate complex in why Mr. Gray’s deputy, W. Mark QKUQ\ 3oKh30 KQ rzVr <o3h o33 <Uh IKN0h3Q U< 3v UhM.
<hK3Q0i Q0 <PKNx o KQ3
Washington, and Mr. Gray, for the Mr. Phelps began his journal- IKi <KQN iiKBQP3Qo vKoI V@ NN oh33o. sKo3 @. 
NN3x UN< Ns$. shQKQB
Felt, had begun talking to Bob ism career at The Ambridge Daily Uyx I*Mmh3iIvx\ U3  Vzzz> Q0 o P3i
h33 Ns$. I3 NKQ0 hUUM
first time, implicated Donald Se- Woodward and Carl Bernstein of
iWUM3 oU PQx ios03Qo Ish*I. 4l> 0KiUQ u3Qs3.
gretti, a covert Nixon campaign Citizen in Pennsylvania in 1941 and BhUsWi $Uso oI3 ooN3 U< oI3   VzzrV oo- I3 3*oUhm
h0 UsQ0 UN< Ns$\ 3
sNB3\ 3 vi IUQUh30 <Uh IKi
Q 3PUhx U< Ps3N \ 3J
operative. He also intimated that later worked for United Press. Af-  hPx i3huK*3 o oI3 J $U0x\  <sQ3hN i3huK*3 vKNN iIUo IKi B3 Yk4Z o NKQ0
hUUM Ns$ KQ rzzp\ UIQ vi
the wrongdoing went further. As ter working as a correspondent on oKUQN 

si3sP. Uho $3 I3N0 UQ osh0x. x

VpoI o @WP o o P3i Wh3*3030 KQ 03oI $x IKi vK<3.
UU0. 3wi Q0 $x IKi $3J
Mr. Smith wrote in 2009 in The Navy combat ships in the Pacific NUu30 3v UhM 3oi o KoKJ Ish*I. 4l> 0KiUQ u3Qs3 hx soo3h K*M Q0 IKi iUQ.

American Journalism Review: A journalist who, during World War II, he joined <K3N0\  030K*o30 P3P$3h U<
QIii3o x *Io Ns$
KQ 3v UhM Kox\ UIQ b \\c No3h K*M. h\
3 Ki ishuKu30 $x IKi ovU
0sBIo3hi. IhUQ YhKQZ
The Providence Journal in Rhode
“ ‘The attorney general?’ I
asked,” referring to John N.
while working for The Island in 1952 and The Times as a  h3iK03Qo U< 3io NP
Q0 3PWN3 s03\ 0. xUs
Nvxi oUN0 3*I U< si oIo
v3 v3h3 bsP$3h Vc $so Ko
K3B3h Q0 oI3hKQ3
Mitchell, who had left the Justice Times, failed to act on copy editor two years later.
He covered national politics in
3*I. NUhK0 Q0 PJ
hUQ3*M. . 0K30 UQ x p <J
o3h  iIUho KNNQ3ii\ 3 vi Sr\
vi h3NNx xUs vIU vi oI3
\ 3 BKu3 xUs Q b^c
6Ps3N \
I3 s$NK* I3o3h PUshQi
Koo. 3$3** K3B3h. o3WJ
Department to run the president’s <Uh  NK<3 v3NN NKu30\ 3huK*3i
a Watergate tip. h\ KNN vi Q KQo3hQoKUQN oI3 NUii U< Ps3N \ 3$UJ IQK3 K*M. 3QQK<3h K*M. 3NN
re-election campaign. the early 1960s and was the news Nvx3h <Uh Uu3h <K<ox x3hi\
o 3PWN3 s03 U< QIiJ
i3o. ppp 3hKQBoUvQ U0.
0x. Isi$Q0 U< oI3 No3 s0KoI QQKQB. xNUh Y*I3NZ
3$U0x. NUQBoKP3 ohsio33 QQKQB. Q0 ovU Bh3oJ
“He nodded.” editor in Washington from 1965 to 3 vi h3iWUQiK$N3 <Uh oI3 QIii3o. 3v UhM. o Q0 Bh3o <hK3Q0 U< I3 s$J BhQ0*IKN0h3Q. NN Q0 QJ
*h3oKUQ U< Nv U<<K*3i <Uh IKi VzP. hK0x. x Vr. rzVk\
“ ‘The president?’ I asked.” 1974, during the frenzied 1968 pres- UvQ <KhP. W3h Q0 KNN. KQ
Qo3hP3Qo <UNNUvKQB o pWP o
NK*. Q0 <oI3h U< Ush *UNJ Q$3NN3 Koo\ I3 K*M <PKNx
N3Bs3 NKy$3oI 3$U0x\ vUsN0 NKM3 oU oIQM oI3 NUuKQB
“He looked me in the eye with- idential campaign and The 3v UhM. iIKQBoUQ. UQJ
0UQ. Q0 oI3 h io Q0 <Uh
3PWN3 PQs3N 3P3o3hx. iMh sioKi. Q0 *hKQB K03i. vIU vUhM30
3oI3hi<K3N0. UQQ3*oK*so\
out denial — or any comment. In The Post, as the confidential Times’s publication of The Penta- IK*BUJ$i30 K0N3x Q0 hoKioK* Kh3*oUh oKh3N3iiNx vKoI UIQ <Uh PQx
sioKQj I3 UW3Q30 oI3 <Khio ohK*M KNNKQBIP. PUQoIi. 3$$K3 IP$3hi
other words, confirmation.” source known as Deep Throat. gon Papers, the secret history of P3hK*QJio<<30 Nv U<<K*3 w3*soKu3 Kh3*oUh Q0 I3h io<< UwQ. sNK.
(Mr. Felt publicly unmasked him- the Vietnam War. KQ oI3 h$ sN< oo3i\ h\ hK3NN3 3WW3h 0Uu3h. IhPKQ3 Q0 hoI\ 3hJ
In his memoir, Mr. Phelps KNN *o30 i 3BN 0uKiUh oU IKh uK*3i <Uh UIQ vKNN $3 I3N0 o
wrote, “There we were, with leads self as Deep Throat in 2005 and He joined The Globe as an as- oI3 sNoQo3 U< PQ KQ oI3 oI3 KQQ3oM h3i$xo3hKQ
6 shK3 QQ3\ Ish*I. Vr>> KNNUv U0.
from the acting director of the died in 2008.) sistant managing editor for met- PK0Ji3u3QoK3i Q0 vi h3J
iWUQiK$N3 <Uh oI3 *h3oKUQ U< KQQ3oM.
UQ osh0x.
F.B.I. that a man named Segretti, “Maybe because Gray was go- ropolitan coverage in 1974 and oI3 UhKBKQN N3BN ixio3P KQ x rz. rzVk o VVP\
Q NK3s
oIo *UsQohx\ 3 0uKi30 U< <NUv3hi. *UQohK$soKUQi KQ
former attorney general Mitchell ing to be so hopelessly inept at me- rose to managing editor before be- PQ KQ oI3 Q3BUoKoKUQ U<

60I xNuK\ UIQgi IUQUh Px $3 P03 oU
UhQ WhKN rz. VSr>\ K30 x
and the White House, perhaps dia manipulation and covert dis- ing named executive editor and oI3
Qo3hQoKUQN UQoKQ3QoN S. rzVk\ 3NUu30 PUoI3h U<
I3N< $UsQ0hx $3ov33Q
Nixon himself, were involved in closures that he wasn’t the man later vice president of Affiliated PQ Q0
hQ KQ oI3 ohKo U<
KNN. 03uUo30 PUoI3hJKQJNv U<
Ih. 0UhKQB BhQ0PUoI3h
Watergate, long before The Post’s for the job?” Mr. Smith specu- Publications, the paper’s parent UhPsy Q0 vi 03*Uho30 U< M3\ PKNx Q0 *NUi3 Uh oU I3 IW3N o *3Q
$x $UoI BUu3hQP3Qoi <Uh IKi <hK3Q0i vKNN BoI3h <Uh 
revelations.” lated. “And perhaps — having company. i3huK*3i\ 3 vi NiU  *KoKyJ Bhu3iK03 i3huK*3 o VVP
33< Yvvv\Uh**IW3N\UhBZ

He added: “We never devel- been inadvertently foiled at The After retiring in 1985, Mr. 3Q U<
Q oI3 PK0J
3KBIoK3i. KNN i3hu30 i h3iJ
hK0x. x Vr. o 3oI uK0

oped Gray’s tips into publishable Times — it was time to move on to Phelps was the editor of Nieman K03Qo U<
3P3o3hx. NPUQo. \ ,Q 0HPRULDP
KQ 3Khso. 3$QUQ\ 3<Uh3
stories. Why we failed is a mys- someone trustworthy at The Reports, published by the Nieman 3Qo3hKQB WhKuo3 Wh*oK*3. h\ 
6ooI3v \
tery to me.” Post?” Foundation at Harvard, which KNN vi Q iiKioQo  oJ @m>m4l J >mVVmz>
oUhQ3x <Uh oI3 UsoI3hQ KiJ
Mr. Phelps was about to take a Mr. Smith became a mediator in promotes and supports the high- ohK*o U< 3v UhM 0shKQB oI3 Uu3P$3h rp. VS>S J WhKN pz. 
6 *M\
sh h3*KUsi ooI3v.
ov3Nu3 x3hi BU xUs N3<o si.
month’s vacation in Alaska and California and is writing a book est standards of journalism. He Ki3QIUv3h 0PKQKiohoKUQ
Q0 $hUsBIo vIo o oI3 oKP3
rzVk\ I3 <PKNx U< shK3
QQ3 vh3Q*3 PUshQ oI3
I3 ho 3N3hi iiU*KoKUQ
U< P3hK* PUshQi oI3 NUii
<h oUU iUUQ. $so IUv Bho3<sN
v3 h3 oU Iu3 I0 xUs\
o Ii
would normally have passed the about the episode, titled “Sup- never stopped writing. vi oI3 NhB3io iKQBN3 *hKPKQJ NUii U< oI3Kh $3NUu30 0sBIo3h U< *M KNoUQ. u3Q3h$N3 *UNJ $33Q Ih0 oU NKu3 vKoIUso xUs\
N KQ*UP3 ow *i3 3u3h *UPJ UQ WhKN pz. rzVk\ shK3 BhJ N3Bs3 Q0 P3P$3h U< oI3
leak to another editor before leav- pressed: A Correspondent’s Con- A decade ago, he even drafted P3Q*30 KQ oI3 QKo30 oo3i\ 0so30 <hUP 3v U*I3NN3 \ 3 <UsQ030 KNoUQ
3 PKii xUs iU J oI3 WKQ Ki
Lsio Who U< vIU v3 h3 QUv\
ing, he wrote. But he did not. He fessions.” his own advance obituary. It be-
Q oI3 3hNx iKwoK3i h\ KNN KBI *IUUN KQ VSkk Q0 v3Qo NN3hx KQ VS4p Q0 *UJ Uo  0x Wii3i oIo xUs h3
vi oI3 h3iK03Qo U< 3N*U UQ oU 3hQ   03Bh33 <hUP <UsQ030 U$3hoi  KNoUQ KQ
called the lapse his “dereliction.” Although The Times was slow gan: 3ohUN3sP UhWUhoKUQ vKoI
oI* UNN3B3 KQ VS4V\ I3 h3J Ui QB3N3i KQ VSSS\  uKiKUQJ
QUo KQ Ush oIUsBIoi QUh 
PUP3Qo oIo xUs h3 QUo KQ
To make matters worse, Mr. to compete with The Post in its “Robert H. Phelps was a bleary- WhUW3hoK3i KQ oI3  Q0 3hs\
3N*U vi  Wh303*3iiUh
oshQ30 oU 3v UhM oU Wshis3
I3h *h33h KQ *oKQB Q0 W3hJ
hx 03N3h. KNoUQ WiiKUQo3J
Nx 3N3uo30 oI3 *h33hi U<
Ush I3hoi\ 3 vKNN NUu3 xUs
Smith had quit The Times, effec- Watergate coverage, it did rally to eyed 86-year-old retired newspa- *UPWQx oU QhUQ UhWUhJ <UhPKQB\
Q oI3 3hNx VS4zgi 3P3hBKQB Q0 Uu3hNUUM30 hJ UP. 0  h30
oKUQ\ h\ KNN osBIo o uhKUsi shK3 WW3h30 KQ  i3BJ oKioi\ sh ixPWoIx Q0 *UQJ
tive the next day, to enroll in Yale break subsequent stories, a point per editor who hobbled around a WUKQoi KQ IKi NK<3. o I3 QKJ P3Qo U< oI3 uK0 3oo3hPQ 0UN3Q*3i BU oU IKi vK<3. UQJ
Law School. Mr. Phelps never tired of making. patch of grass in Lincoln, Mass., u3hiKox U< KPK v *IUUN. iIUv 0UKQB  bosWK0 sPQ QK3 UB3hi KNoUQ. Q0 <PKNx\
o UNsP$K QKu3hiKox hK*M\c Io WW3hQ*3 3QJ 0P I3<<3h. h3iK03Qo
“I assumed the paper, for some He “never let go of his position trying to raise a few apples, *IUUN U< siKQ3ii. Q0 o $N30 I3h oU 3hQ I3h J KQ0 NsP$3hB. 
6ooI3v \
3u3h <UhBUoo3Q\\\
reason, could not confirm it — on Watergate,” Mr. Mulvoy said — peaches, plums, and blueberries. *3 QKu3hiKox\ h\ KNN vi
 Bh0so3 U< oI3 QKu3hiKox
 *h0 NNUvKQB I3h oU
W3h<UhP KQ PQx PUuK3i. 
w3*soKu3 Kh3*oUh
Nvxi PKii30 Q0 NUu30\\\
even with Segretti’s name,” Mr. “that The Times never got due His wife Elizabeth, who died in U< 3QQixNuQK. UNsP$K Q0 oI3o3h\ I3 vhUo3. WhUJ Uu3. hQ0W x Q0 hx
v *IUUN. vI3h3 I3 vi  0s*30 Q0 W3h<UhP30 KQ
Smith wrote. “I watched in disap- credit for some important findings 2003, said they would have oUQ3 *IUNh Q0 v 3J PQx UQ3JvUPQ iIUvi KQ
pointment as The Washington and insights.” starved if he had been a farmer.” uK3v 30KoUh. Q0 I3 I3N0 Q Q0 hUsQ0 3v UhM Kox\
6hx Ii3\
 <hUP \ 3 vi NiU Kii vh3Q*3 vi  oN3QoJ
 *3hoK<K30 Ws$NK* **UsQoQo\ 30 iKQB3h Q0 W3h<UhP3h\ I3 < . oU*M$hK0B3.  Q0
UP KNN i3hu30 i  *UP$o vi NiU 033WNx 030K*o30 oU PW.  \ *oU$3h 4. rzVl\
KQ<Qohx h3*UQQKiiQ*3 U<<KJ *UPPsQKox i3huK*3\ IKi vi I3 vi $UhQ KQ No M3 UQ
*3h KQ oI3 3*UQ0
Q<Qohx KJ 3uK03Qo $x I3h *UQoKQsKQB uUNJ Qshx rl. VSrp\ hi\ UPJ
uKiKUQ 0shKQB UhN0 h

\ 3 sQo33h vUhM vKoI uhKUsi *IJ PQ3x oo3Q030 oI3 QKu3hJ

Michael Parks, 77, Film and TV Actor

vi oI3 <Khio P3hK*Q PKNKoJ hKoK3i KQ*Ns0KQB 3io hK3Q0i iKox U< oI Q0 h3*3Ku30 
hx U<<K*3h oU 3Qo3h hBs3 KQ QKPN U*K3ox. 3v UhM io3hi <hUP QKu3hiKox U<
oI3 iWhKQB U< VS@>\ 3 h3J h3i. <3 UhKyUQ UP3iJ UsoI3hQ NK<UhQK\ I3 I0
*3Ku30 oI3 hUQy3 oh. oI3 oK* KUN3Q*3 I3No3h Q0 *J  *h33h KQ 0u3hoKiKQB. Q0
shWN3 3ho. Q0 oI3 UPJ oKu3 KQ0i PUQB PQx UoIJ vi KQo3h3io30 KQ PsiK*. hoi.
ohu3N. Q0 WKQoKQB\ I3 vi
By The Associated Press and in “Grindhouse” (2007). $o
Q<Qohx 0B3\ 3 vi
IUQUh$Nx 0Ki*IhB30 i 
Q rzVr Kii vh3Q*3
vi QP30 oI3 3v UhM3h Wh303*3i30 $x I3h Isi$Q0.
In 1990 and 1991, Mr. Parks UIQ. Q0 Ki ishuKu30 $x I3h
Michael Parks, a prolific char- WoKQ o oI3 B3 U< rV\ UP U< oI3 33M $x V 3vi $3J
*IKN0h3Q 3o3h Q0 Ky.
vi  NUQBoKP3 P3P$3h U< *si3 U< I3h 030K*oKUQ i 
acter actor who found early fame played a Canadian drug runner in KQB30 UUo UN< Ns$ KQ J *U*I <Uh oI3 W3*KN NxPJ BhQ0*IKN0h3Q *Ihx Q0
IU3$3 Nh0U. Q0 iKio3h
in countercultural roles in the a few episodes of the David Lynch PhUQ3*M. *UQK* UN< Ns$
WK*i <Uh Uu3h rz x3hi\
Q rzV>.
iI3 vi i3N3*o30 i oI3 UhJ hBh3o h3x<Usi\
1960s and later became a favorite TV series “Twin Peaks.” x*UU M3i UN< Ns$ KQ WUho3 KB U< oI3 3h $x KB
3io NP 3*I\ 3 vi Q hUoI3hi KB Kio3hi U< 3v
of the directors Quentin Sometimes Mr. Parks’s charac- uK0 Q0 oN3Qo30 BUN<3h Q0 UhM Kox <Uh I3h *UPPKoJ
Tarantino, Kevin Smith and ters followed him from filmmaker hU03 IUhi3i Q0 $K*x*N3i vKoI
3_sN iMKNN Q0 0hKQB\ 3
P3Qo i  hUN3 PU03N <Uh
Q 00KoKUQ oU
Robert Rodriguez, died on Tues- to filmmaker. He played the Texas NUu30 oU iMK. Q0 *UQoKQs30 oU I3h Wh3Qoi NKQ3  vh3QJ
iMK KQoU IKi 4zgi\ UP KNN Ki *3J hii Q0 0Bh hii U<
day in Los Angeles. He was 77. Ranger Earl McGraw in Mr. ishuKu30 $x IKi vK<3 U< l4 3v U*I3NN3. Kii vJ
His death was announced by his Rodriguez’s “From Dusk Till x3hi. NKy$3oI Y3oixZ h3Q*3 Ki ishuKu30 $x *UsQoJ
Uv3 KNN. IKi 0sBIo3hi. N3ii <hK3Q0i. h3NoKu3i. QKJ
agent, Jane Schulman. She did not Dawn” (1996) and reprised the h3o*I3Q U<<PQ U< sW3hJ PNi. <Qi Q0 iohQB3hi vIU
role in “Kill Bill” and “Grind- KUh. . h\ oIhKQ3 KNN U< Iu3 $33Q oUs*I30 $x I3h
specify the cause. KNNKPioUvQ Q0 . Q0 NK<3oKP3 U< B3Q3hUiKox Q0
Mr. Parks acted in more than house.” His son, James Parks, ap- IKi iUQ IUPi KNN.

. U< i3N<N3iiQ3ii\ 3h I3ho Px

*MiUQ. \ 3 I0 3KBIo Iu3 sNoKPo3Nx Iu3 BKu3Q
100 films and television series peared in the “Kill Bill” movies as BhQ0*IKN0h3Q\ UP vi  Uso $so Ko vi $KBB3h. iohUQB3h
over six decades. Many of his McGraw’s son, Edgar. PQ U< Bh3o KQo3NNKB3Q*3.
0hKu3. *UshB3. Q0 **UPJ
Q0 PUh3 *UQioQo oIQ Qx
Q NK3s U< <NUv3hi.
early starring roles were in Mr. Parks was born in Corona, WNKiIP3Qo\ 3 NUu30 Q0 0UQoKUQi Px $3 P03 oU
*h30 <Uh IKi <PKNx $Uu3 NN KB hUoI3hi KB Kio3hi o-
movies with anti-establishment Calif., about 45 miles southeast of 3Ni3 Q0 I3 N3u3i oI3P NN IooW-mm3u3Qoi\$KBiQx*\UhBm
themes like “The Happening,” a Los Angeles, on April 24, 1940. vKoI Q $sQ0Q*3 U< BUU0 NshK3Nvh3Q*3i*IUNhiIKW
P3PUhK3i Q0 BhoKos03 <Uh  *3N3$hoKUQ U< I3h NK<3 vKNN
1967 comedy about a group of hip- REX FEATURES, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS Survivors include his wife, Oriana IKi NUuKQB *h3 Q0 MKQ0Q3ii\ $3 I3N0\
pies who kidnap a mobster played Michael Parks in the 1960s. Parks, whom he married in 1997,
by Anthony Quinn, and “Bus Ri- and his son.
ley’s Back in Town,” a 1965 drama Mr. Smith gave Mr. Parks major
with Ann-Margret in which he Roles in Tarantino roles in his horror comedy “Tusk”
played a man struggling to re- (2014), which also starred Justin
adjust to civilian life after three movies followed fame Long and Johnny Depp, and “Red
years in the Navy.
Mr. Parks starred as a disillu-
in the 1960s. State” (2011), in which he played a
murderous preacher. On Wednes-
sioned motorcycle-riding ex-re- day he called Mr. Parks “my cin-
porter in the series “Then Came ematic muse” and “the best actor
Bronson,” seen on NBC in the haps his most famous parts I’ve ever known.”
1969-70 season. He also sang the thanks to Mr. Tarantino, Mr. Smith “I wrote both ‘Red State’ and
show’s closing theme song, “Long and Mr. Rodriguez, all of whom ‘Tusk’ for Parks, I loved his acting
Lonesome Highway,” a Top 20 hit turned to him again and again for so much,” Mr. Smith wrote on In-
in 1970. He recorded a number of meaty supporting roles. stagram, adding that Mr. Parks
albums throughout his career. Mr. Tarantino cast him in both “brought out the absolute best in
Mr. Parks found what were per- parts of “Kill Bill” (2003 and 2004) me every time he got near my set.”

Juilliard’s new leader: the Midlife angst on

ballet star Damian Woetzel.
campus in Richard
Paramore takes its pop-punk Russo’s ‘Trajectory.’




Miriam Linna in the loft in Brooklyn that she shared with her husband, Billy Miller, below, before his death in November. The couple founded Norton Records, which is releasing Dion’s “Kickin’ Child: The Lost Album 1965” this week.

Keeping the Dream Kickin’

After the death of her By BEN SISARIO
of complications of multiple myeloma, kid-
ney failure and diabetes, Ms. Linna was left
partner, the owner of a Six months after the death of Billy Miller,
his wife, Miriam Linna, still keeps his ashes
to ponder her life alone as well as the future
of their sprawling business, which includes
New York record label in their only appropriate place: next to the
couple’s gigantic collection of 45 r.p.m.
not only the label but a book publishing im-
print and the tiny Norton Record Shop in
presses on with a records. Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.
For nearly 40 years, Mr. Miller and Ms. “People say, ‘You’re independent, you can
high-profile release. Linna reigned as the king and queen of New do this on your own,’ but that independence
York record collectors. They hunted for rare thing was two people,” Ms. Linna, 61, said in
rockabilly singles, chronicled lost scenes in a recent interview at her Brooklyn loft. With
their magazine Kicks, and founded Norton jukeboxes, pulp paperbacks, records and B-
Records to reissue some of their greatest movie posters everywhere, the apartment
and most bizarre finds, with liner notes that doubles as a virtual museum of rock ’n’ roll
had scholarly depth but also showed the ex- ephemera.
citement of true fans. “Working as a fan, as a label owner, mag-
When Mr. Miller died in November, at 62, CONTINUED ON PAGE C4


A Storyteller’s Private Dystopias Seminary

A drama and an installation Under Fire
conjure desperate characters.
Over Artifacts
good yarn rattles with desperation in Enda
Walsh’s “Arlington,” which has turned St. Native Americans are awaiting
Ann’s Warehouse in Brooklyn into an elec- the return of sacred items.
tric shock ward for the narratively chal-
lenged. In this riveting fever dream of a By LESLIE MACMILLAN
play, which opened on Wednesday night, and TOM MASHBERG
NEWTON, MASS. — A 210-year-old seminary
Arlington here that is in the process of joining Yale Di-
St. Ann’s Warehouse vinity School is coming under fire from fed-
Rooms eral regulators for failing to follow a law de-
Cybert Tire signed to ensure the return of sacred and
other special artifacts to Native American
the three characters we meet are the hu-
The Newton Andover Theological School
man equivalents of caged songbirds. has a collection of 158 Native American
Quarantined alone in an institutional items, including locks of hair, wampum
chamber that suggests a waiting room in belts, “peace pipes” and finely beaded cere-
hell, with its fishless aquarium and pathetic monial garb, mostly gathered in the 19th
plastic plant, the inhabitants of “Arlington” century by Christian missionaries. For
are coaxed, prodded and — if the word fits, about 70 years, the artifacts have been
and it does — tortured into what amounts to housed at the Peabody Essex Museum in
singing for their supper. And their sleep. Salem, Mass.
And their very existence. But the museum alerted the United
But just what are they supposed to say? States Department of the Interior two years
It’s not state secrets that their captors are ago when the Newton school, which is
after. Apparently, all that’s required of these struggling with low enrollment, proposed
prisoners is that they shape remembrance selling some items to raise money. Officials
of things past into entertaining anecdotes. quickly warned the school that a sale would
That’s a problem, though, when you’re not violate a federal law that says any organiza-
even sure what your past was. MICHELLE V. AGINS/THE NEW YORK TIMES
tion that receives federal funding must
CONTINUED ON PAGE C2 Charlie Murphy as one of three characters in “Arlington.” Fitful waiting is crucial to the plot of this play, by Enda Walsh. CONTINUED ON PAGE C6


New Leader
Damian Woetzel, a former
ballet star, will be its chief.
The Juilliard School reached outside
academia for its next leader: It an-
nounced on Wednesday that it had se-
lected Damian Woetzel, the former
New York City Ballet star, to be its
seventh president.
His appointment to lead a presti-
gious school with a $110 million annual
budget, a $1 billion endowment, and
more than 800 students is unusual,
given that Mr. Woetzel, who now di-
rects the Aspen Institute Arts Pro-
gram and the Vail International
Dance Festival, has never worked in
academic administration.
But the Juilliard board of trustees
was impressed, said Bruce Kovner, its
chairman, by both his artistic back-
ground, and his post-ballet career: He
has injected new life into the Vail festi-
val, earned a master’s degree in pub-
lic administration from the John F.
Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard, taught as a visiting lecturer
at Harvard Law School, and served on
President Obama’s Committee on the
worked to bring arts to public schools.

A Storyteller’s Private Dystopias The appointment, which is to take

effect in 2018, will be a homecoming of
sorts for Mr. Woetzel, 49. He studied
dance as a teenager in the Juilliard
CONTINUED FROM PAGE C1 building, which then housed the
Storytelling under duress has long been School of American Ballet, where he
the motor of Mr. Walsh’s finest work. He is completed his dance studies before
best known to mainstream audiences for joining City Ballet. “I walked into Juil-
his Tony Award-winning book for the liard,” he recalled of his first class
charming musical “Once,” but his usual there, “and you heard music in the
brand of whimsy is far more subversive. halls, and it was this kind of magical
In his “Bedbound,” “Misterman,” “Penel- place.”
ope” and the riotous “Walworth Farce,” peo- Mr. Kovner said: “One is always
ple spew long, convoluted reminiscences as looking for a perfect mix of qualities,
if their lives depended upon it. And so they and Damian is an unusual mix — but
do, Mr. Walsh might argue, since it is I’m not bothered by it, and our faculty
through such deluded self-portraiture that and board was not bothered by the un-
we are able to function in a world always
threatening to erase our identities.
Theatergoers desiring full immersion in
this singular auteur’s universe of unreliable
narrators have before them both “Arling-
ton” and an environmental theater project,
“Rooms,” also written and directed by Mr.
Walsh. This haunting installation has been
set up above a garage in the wild west of
Midtown Manhattan, the future home of the
Irish Arts Center. (The related theater
works, produced by the center and St. Ann’s
Warehouse, are presented under the um-
brella name “Enda Walsh in NYC.”)
“Rooms” asks its audiences to step into
three self-contained spaces (designed by
Paul Fahy): a kitchen, a hotel room and a
little girl’s bedroom. They are precisely fur- RICHARD TERMINE
nished chambers, shabby but tidy, that
seem suspended in a murky twilight. The appointment will be a homecoming
A distinct, self-hypnotized voice fills each of sorts for Damian Woetzel, who danced
room, describing its environment as a limbo as a teenager in the Juilliard building.
Top, Hugh O’Conor in
where life is frozen, even as it drifts into ARLINGTON and ROOMS “Arlington.” Mr. Walsh’s
nothingness. The voices belong to Charlie “Rooms” installation, above,
Tickets Both run through producer, Sara Cregan. A Landmark conventionality of Damian’s back-
Murphy, Eileen Walsh and Niall Buggy, and features a young girl’s space
May 28. “Arlington” at St. Productions and Galway Interna- ground. Because he personally em-
they are guaranteed to take up residence in and distinct voices.
Ann’s Warehouse, Brooklyn; tional Arts Festival production, pre-
bodies these qualities — these intel-
your head, too.
866-811-4111, stannswarehouse lectual qualities and these artistic
The contemplative “Rooms” might be sented by St. Ann’s Warehouse,
.org; “Rooms” at Cybert Tire, Man- qualities — to a degree that is really
called disturbingly relaxing. There is noth- Susan Feldman, artistic director; Erik
hattan; 866-811-4111,
ing whatsoever soothing about “Arlington,” Wallin, general manager; Elizabeth Running time, Creepy and compelling, Juilliard faces major challenges. It
which jolts the system through some of the Moreau, production manager.
is one of the most prestigious conser-
most sophisticated visual and sound effects “Arlington”: 1 hour 25 minutes. contemplative and vatories in the world, and has a huge
on display in New York. Jamie Vartan is the Running time, “Rooms”: 40 minutes. Cast Charlie Murphy (Isla), Hugh
O’Conor (Young Man), Oona Doherty
disturbing. Right in a endowment, but costs continue to rise
designer here.
But give full credit to an entire team — “Arlington” Credits Written and (Young Woman) and Eanna Breath- director’s wheelhouse. — tuition and board is now north of
directed by Enda Walsh; nach, Olwen Fouéré, Helen Norton $60,000 a year — at a moment when
including Adam Silverman (lighting), Hel- the job prospects for even the best
en Atkinson (sound) and Jack Phelan (vid- choreography by Emma Martin; and Stephen Rea (Voices).
music by Teho Teardo; designed by trained artists is murky. Competitors,
eo) — that knows just how to play with our including the Curtis Institute of Music
Jamie Vartan; lighting by Adam “Rooms” Credits Written and di-
senses. Along with the composer Teho in Philadelphia and the Yale School of
Teardo, whose music panders to our inner Silverman; sound by Helen Atkinson; rected by Enda Walsh; designed by
Paul Fahy. A Galway International Music, offer free tuition to attract tal-
sentimentalists, these collaborators func- video by Jack Phelan; production
Arts Festival production, presented ented students. Juilliard has been
tion as instruments of the Devil, or of the un- manager, Tom Rohan; stage director,
by Irish Arts Center. working to bring in new revenue by
seen arbiters of Mr. Walsh’s version of an Fiona Kennedy; stage manager,
developing curriculums for private
Orwellian future. Sophie Flynn; technical manager,
Cast Niall Buggy (voice of Old Man), primary and secondary schools, cre-
What they conjure is an ocean of images Colm Robinson; produced by Anne ating online education products, and
Charlie Murphy (voice of Girl) and
and noises, meant to urge the isolated souls Clarke and Paul Fahy; associate by making plans to build the Tianjin
Eileen Walsh (voice of Wife).
in that infernal waiting room into describ- Juilliard School in China.
ing life as it was. The subjects of these Mr. Woetzel will become president-
experiments are portrayed by Ms. Murphy Like the tramps of “Waiting for Godot,” As a whole, though, “Arlington” is as designate at Juilliard next school
(shattering as Isla, the only character with the residents of “Arlington” hope for a deliv- creepy and compelling a vision of a blasted year, giving him the chance to work
a name), Oona Doherty and Hugh O’Conor, erance that will surely never come, invent- tomorrow as you’re going to find these with its outgoing president, Joseph W.
in bravura performances in which frantic ing histories of dubious provenance and au- days, and there’s plenty of competition Polisi, who transformed the school
but exactly staged movement becomes the thenticity. The difference is that Mr. Walsh’s around. And it’s unconditionally true to Mr. during his more than three decades
embattled life force. characters are denied even the comforts of Walsh’s distinctive worldview, in which there. Mr. Woetzel said he wanted to
Emma Martin’s choreography is as im- companionship. And Isla and company are power comes from controlling the narra- build on the school’s efforts to prepare
portant to defining these desperate charac- not waiting for deliverance by the disem- tive. a new generation for what he called
ters as are Mr. Walsh’s warp-speed bodied Godot, but from an inhumanly hu- At one point, Isla sees a silent loop from a the “D.I.Y. world,” where they must
speeches. Dance is what remains of the man Big Brother (or perhaps Big Sister, as talk show projected on the walls, and it create their own opportunities.
spirit of resistance, and of an essence of in- it develops). causes her to wonder: “I can’t reconcile He said that while he had never
dividuality beyond the autobiographical In the play’s final sequence, Mr. Walsh why people would sit around on comfy seats been responsible for such a big insti-
spiels that are coerced from Ms. Murphy lets this entity explain itself, in a “how we and talk about what has already happened,” tution, his recent career — toggling
and Mr. O’Conor’s characters. Ms. Doherty got this way” history lesson, and I wish he she says. Perhaps, she adds, “they started between Aspen and Vail and Harvard
never says a word, as I recall, which is not to hadn’t, despite the dazzling video montage talking about what could possibly happen: — had taught him to balance the
say that she isn’t supremely eloquent. that accompanies the scene. It’s as if Beck- what a day could build into, the hope of that needs of different stakeholders.
For the first two-thirds of “Arlington,” ett had stepped aside to let J. J. Abrams take day, talking out their dreams in the way that “While it hasn’t been concentrated,
which runs a dense 85 minutes, the nature over the authorship. people like me are told to talk them out — I’ve been responsible for such a varie-
of the world that gave birth to this dystopia The devil you don’t know is always scari- these lies.” ty of things at the same time that this
is revealed only by indirection. The effect is er than the devil you do. And such explicit- Isla then slaps herself soundly. That kind is somehow bringing the orchestra to-
of an episode of “Black Mirror,” the omnibus ness demystifies the production’s seductive of speculation isn’t going to help a bit in a gether,” he said.
sci-fi series, scripted by Samuel Beckett. and sadistic air of nightmare verisimilitude. world where nobody owns her own story. One noted alumnus, the cellist Yo-
Yo Ma, called the appointment of Mr.
Woetzel “an inspired and thoughtful
choice.” The two men worked togeth-
er on the campaign to bring arts edu-
cation to Chicago’s public schools, and
Mr. Ma said he was a compelling advo-
cate for culture.
Mr. Woetzel’s path to becoming a
college president was an unusual one:
His father, a professor, had been sur-
prised when he decided to forgo
college to dance ballet. Mr. Woetzel re-
called a visit from his father to see him
take a class at the School of American
Ballet. “As we left he said to me, ‘Do
you know, it’s a beautiful world that
you’re entering,’” he recalled. “And I
knew what he was talking about be-
cause we were walking by open rooms
with music going on, and it was just
that art of the possible existing in one

Arts, Briefly

African artists.”
Cannes to Change Rules Mr. Ehikhamenor said he Ready, Set, Go
thought the Hirst work was close
Over Netflix Protest to the original and yet Mr. Hirst

Facing pressure from French celebrated it as contemporary

theater owners upset that Netflix art. In a statement, Mr. Hirst’s
films would go straight to office said that Ife was refer-
streaming, the Cannes Film enced in accompanying text and
Festival said Wednesday that it in the exhibition guide.
would change its rules to require “The Treasures are a collection
all future competition films to of works influenced by a wide
commit to distribution in French range of cultures and stories
movie theaters. from across the globe and
Among the films vying for the throughout history — indeed
Palme d’Or in the festival, which many of the works celebrate
begins next Wednesday, are “The original and important artworks
Meyerowitz Stories,” directed by from the past,” the statement LISA MOORE One of the
Noah Baumbach, and Bong said.
Joon-ho’s “Okja,” both produced most valuable new-music
by Netflix. Neither is getting a pianists today performs a
theatrical release in France, and program curated by the
the federation of French cinema composer John Luther Ad-
owners has protested because Animated ‘Deadpool’ ams. 7 p.m. at Symphony
the films wouldn’t be shown in
Planned for FXX Space.
“The Festival de Cannes is Two of the most creatively fertile
aware of the anxiety aroused by PAUL KOLNIK
forces in entertainment — Mar-
the absence of the release in vel and Donald Glover — are
theaters of those films in Sign of the Times teaming up, Avengers style, to
France,” the festival said in a bring yet another superhero
statement on Wednesday. When Justin Peck choreographed “The Times Are Racing” for New York City Ballet, he designed a lead role with the show to television. Mr. Glover is
It added: “The festival asked chief stylistic feature of tap dancing in sneakers. And though he gave the initial run of performances in January to producing an animated series
Netflix in vain to accept that Robert Fairchild, perhaps the company’s biggest star, he announced that the role would also be danced by Ashly Isaacs, featuring Marvel’s Deadpool for
these two films could reach the a company soloist. It appears to be the first time a role at City Ballet has been conceived both ways. FX, the cable network an-
audience of French movie the- Ms. Isaacs, above right, with Taylor Stanley, has danced the role twice. On Tuesday night, she transformed the ballet. nounced Wednesday. The 10-
aters and not only its sub- “The Times Are Racing” is an urban piece with references to protest movements, but in its January and February episode series, which is still
scribers. Hence the Festival showings it felt slick. From the very opening incidents, Ms. Isaacs brings it vulnerability. untitled, will debut in 2018 on
ALASTAIR MACAULAY FXX, the network’s comedy-
regrets that no agreement has
been reached.” focused channel.
Netflix has bristled at a French Deadpool, a profanely sardonic
rule requiring a 36-month delay hasn’t been seen on Broadway statue of Mickey Mouse, that, so antihero, has been one of Mar- NEW YORK CITY BALLET A
between a film’s release in the-
aters and on streaming plat-
since its premiere in 1938, is to Hirst Controversy Mr. Hirst’s tongue-in-cheek vel’s most popular characters
since his debut in 1991. As por-
Justin Peck masterpiece,
run from Sept. 13 through Nov. 26 narrative goes, were part of a “Rodeo: Four Dance
forms. “Okja” is being released in at Roundabout Theater Compa- At Venice Biennale fictional shipwreck. trayed by Ryan Reynolds, Dead- Episodes,” is back. 7:30 p.m.
American theaters on June 28. ny’s American Airlines Theater. There’s controversy in Venice for The written description along- pool crossed over into film with
An American theatrical release is at Lincoln Center.
Ms. McGovern, an Emmy and Damien Hirst, the British artist side “Golden Heads (Female)” “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” in
also planned for “The Mey- 2009. Last year’s gleefully vulgar 212-496-0600,
Golden Globe nominee for who has drawn accusations that mentions Ife amid a broader
erowitz Stories.” “Downton Abbey,” and an Oscar his pieces are not always wholly story about the Hirst sculpture. “Deadpool” was a surprise hit,
A spokeswoman for Netflix’s nominee for Milos Forman’s 1981 original. But there is no mention of Ife on breaking box-office records for
European operations, Lindsay film “Ragtime,” made her Round- At the Venice Biennale this postcards at the show, Mr. R-rated movies.
Colker, said the company had no about debut in 1992 as Ophelia in week, the Nigerian artist Victor Ehikhamenor said in a phone FX suggested the series would
comment. A spokesman for Net- “Hamlet.” Ehikhamenor said Mr. Hirst had interview. His own Biennale be tonally similar, describing it
flix in Los Angeles did not return In this play she will star as copied an ancient Nigerian brass exhibition, “A Biography of the as an “animated adult action-
a request for comment. Mrs. Conway, a mother who, in artwork, “Head of Ife,” found in Forgotten,” he said, looks “at our comedy.” It joins a robust field of
(The statement from the festi- the opening moments — in 1919 1938 in Ife, Nigeria, without history and classical artists that Marvel TV adaptations, including
val confirmed that the films Britain, around the same time giving it proper historical recog- tend to be forgotten.” FX’s “Legion,” as well as the
would remain in competition.) “Downton” takes place — is nition. Mr. Hirst’s work, a After visiting the Hirst show, Netflix series “Luke Cage,” “Jes-
RACHEL DONADIO celebrating her daughter’s 21st sculpted head called “Golden he took to Instagram. “For the sica Jones,” “Daredevil,” “Iron
birthday with postwar optimism Heads (Female)” is part of his thousands of viewers seeing this Fist” and, soon, “The Defenders.”
and plenty of wealth. The play “Treasures From the Wreck of for the first time, they won’t The Deadpool series also ex-
‘Downton Abbey’ Star fast-forwards 19 years, to a time the Unbelievable” show that fills think Ife, they won’t think Ni- pands the already considerable ‘THE PRICE’ This star-stud-
when the family’s fortunes have the Palazzo Grassi and the Punta geria,” he wrote. “Their young portfolio of Mr. Glover, whose
Is Coming to Broadway changed drastically. Rebecca della Dogana museums. ones will grow up to know this “Atlanta,” also for FX, was argu-
ded take on Arthur Miller
Taichman, who recently made work as Damien Hirst’s.” ably the most acclaimed new closes on Sunday. 8 p.m. at
Elizabeth McGovern — best Regarded as a comeback for
known as Lady Cora in “Down- her Broadway directing debut Mr. Hirst, the Biennale exhibition In the interview, Mr. show of 2016. He and his brother, American Airlines Theater.
ton Abbey” — will return to with Paula Vogel’s play “Inde- is his first major show of new Ehikhamenor said the Ife head Stephen, a writer on “Atlanta,”
Broadway this fall in a rare re- cent,” and earned a Tony Award work in 10 years. It is a kind of is “one of the most intricate and will serve as showrunners and
vival of “Time and the Conways.” nomination for it, is to direct. underwater fantasy of art and most beautiful works of art that writers on the Deadpool series.
The J. B. Priestly play, which JOSHUA BARONE artifacts, including a bronze were created by classical JEREMY EGNER


Advance Tickets - For more information call (212)757-2280



12:45, 2:25, 4:15, 6:20, 8:25, 10:10PM
12:05, 2:15, 4:35, 9:20PM “A DELICIOUS ROMANTIC BON BON.
Edited by Will Shortz A WOMAN’S LIFE
11:00AM, 3:10, 7:30, 9:55PM
-Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE


12:10, 2:20, 4:40, 7:05, 9:30PM
ACROSS 41 Hair bun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11:20AM, 1:45, 9:00PM
OBIT. 1:15, 5:30PM a film by ELEANOR COPPOLA
1 Rook or gull 42 Seventh of 24 NATASHA 4:10PM *LAST
14 15 16
5 Ancient Roman 43 Return fare?
thermae 17 18 19 WWW.SONYCLASSICS.COM
45 Metaphor for a
10 Grandiosity fresh start 20 21 22 CITY CINEMAS
14 Good sign? 47 Angel dust, 4 W. 58TH ST. 212-688-3800 ANGELIKA FILM CENTER CORNER OF HOUSTON &
briefly 23 24 25 10:15, 12:25, 2:45, 10:00, 11:00, 12:10, 1:20, 2:30, 3:40, 4:50, 6:00, 7:10,
15 Helpful pointer 5:00, 7:30, 9:50 8:20, 9:35, 10:30, 11:45
16 Spin out on the

52 Something
passed at a
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ANGELIKA FILM CENTER
meeting, maybe Corner of Houston & Mercer 995-2000
36 37 38 39
18 Biblical wife of ANGKOR AWAKENS:
Elimelech 53 Meeting bigwig 10:00, 10:45AM, 12:05, 1:00, 2:20, 3:20, 4:40, 5:40,
40 41 42 7:00, 8:00, 9:20, 10:20PM (Partially subtitled) 12:00, 2:00, 4:00,
Bread at a Greek 55 Mauna ___
19 7:00, 9:30
restaurant 56 Soft cap 43 44 45 46 10:00, 11:00AM, 12:15, 1:15, 2:35, 3:35, 4:55, 5:55, THE DINNER
7:15, 8:15, 9:35, 10:35PM 12:20, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:10
20 See 8-Down See 50-Down NORMAN:
58 47 48 49 50 51 52
23 Raskolnikov’s 61 How you might 10:20AM, 1:05, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15PM OF A NEW YORK FIXER •Q
53 54 55 56 57 12:05, 2:35, 5:10, 7:35, 10:00
lover in “Crime
and Punishment”
10:20AM, 3:05, 7:45PM
58 59 60 (Subtitled:) 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:15, 9:45
Bagel topper
24 Not straight
12:30, 5:20, 10:10PM 1:00, 4:10, 7:00, 9:50
63 Level of judo 61 62 63
25 1980s-’90s
64 65 66
26 Test done in 64 “Suh-weet!”
pre-op 65 Doesn’t retire 5/11/17 SHEILA NEVINS ALL-STAR CAST
28 Hunky-dory 66 PC file suffix 5 Eric
who played
Hector in “Troy”
27 Somber … or,
44 Card game
requiring quick
“Fearless! Funny! Honest! I loooove it!” including
29 See 27-Down
a clue for reflexes —DIANE VON FURSTENBERG
36 Oomph 6 Ali
Baba and 29-Across?
DOWN others 46 Invitation

37 Subject studied 1 Prison weapons 28 Splash guards, of particular
at Hogwarts 7 Online a sort
2 It might be provocateur 49 Leading man?
38 Eerie gift in “The just a line or two 29 Voice amplifier
Dead Zone,” for 8 Comfortably 50 Commodious … Answers to
Previous Puzzles
short 3 Set straight inviting … or, 30 Unsolved or, phonetically,
phonetically, mysteries a clue for
40 Long time 4 Affluent 58-Across?
a clue for 31 Duchamp
20-Across? contemporary 51 Screws up the
32 “That tastes
R A C K E T S E R V E S 10 Goulash flavorer awful!” 53 Be too sweet
I C H I R O T I M E I N C 33 Kylo ___ of “Star 54 Sewer of note
S L I N G S B A S I N G E R 11 Nitrous ___ Wars”
O A P O R E 56 “Excuse you!”
12 What doggerel Pickup line? elicitor
N D E D C R O W usually lacks
A M I L L 35 Dead reckoning? 57 Newcastle upon
A C H E S I O N B E A M S 13 First option ___, England
E N S E O R G A N 36 Something to
21 Grows fond of shoot for 59 Polling fig.
C O A S N E R 22 Devotee 39 Emolument 60 19th of 24
N A S N I S I G O T Fill the grid with digits so as not to repeat a digit in any row or column, and so that the digits within each
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Keeping the Dream Alive and Kickin’

azine publisher, whatever — it’s always After losing her king,
been side by side, and having a blast with the queen of New York
it,” she added, holding back tears. “It’s a lit- record collectors protects
tle harder having a blast by yourself.”
This week, Ms. Linna is pressing on with their labor of love.
perhaps Norton’s highest-profile release:
Dion’s “Kickin’ Child: The Lost Album
1965,” a collection of folk-rock songs that records, along with paperwork, master
represented a maturing phase for the sing- tapes and much of the stock of their book
er of “Runaround Sue,” but were mostly re- imprint, Kicks Books.
jected by his label at the time, Columbia “It took a lot of gusto out of the game to
Records. see stuff floating around there,” Ms. Linna
“Kickin’ Child” was the last album that recalled. Drawing on decades of good will in
Mr. Miller worked on, and it will be Norton’s the business, they got much of the label’s
first release since his death. The label catalog back into print, and Norton now
worked closely with Sony Music, which sells discount “Sandys” records — jacket
owns Columbia, to prepare and manufac- gone, vinyl fine — in bins outside the shop.
ture the album, but by Dion’s choice it is Last year, they heard some of the tracks
coming out on Norton. that Dion recorded in 1965 with Tom Wilson,
“Passion’s worth more than money in the Bob Dylan’s producer, and were stunned.
Songs like “Now” had keening harmonies
and a crisp sound that only die-hard fans
‘I know without a doubt knew about. Through a mutual friend, Scott
in my mind that if it was Kempner of the band the Dictators, they got
me, not Billy, Billy in touch with Dion, who told them that he
would not let go of the had planned an entire album.
“Columbia said, ‘What are you doing?’”
dream.’ Dion recalled. “And I said, ‘I’m making mu-
MIRIAM LINNA sic that cannot be denied.’ And they said,
‘These aren’t hit records,’ and they just
tossed it aside.”
Norton worked with Dion and Sony to as-
music game, and I know they have passion,” semble the album, using original mixes that
Dion said of Norton and the couple behind PHOTOGRAPHS BY TODD HEISLER/THE NEW YORK TIMES
in some cases have never been released.
it. When Mr. Miller died, the Dion project
If record collectors have storybook ro- was in midstream, and Ms. Linna said she
mances, Ms. Linna and Mr. Miller lived it. was considering whether to close the shop.
They met at a record fair in 1977 and soon Then the vultures started swarming, asking
began publishing Kicks, following a path if she wanted to sell the label. Even now she
laid by earlier fanzines like Bomp! in dig- sounds surprised at how defiantly she re-
ging excitedly into the little-known corners sponded.
of rock history. “I got a little bit ragged but righteous with
By 1986, when Ms. Linna and Mr. Miller them,” Ms. Linna said. “I did tell them, in no
started Norton — named after Jackie Glea- uncertain terms, that we were going to be a
son’s neighbor on “The Honeymooners” — label” — her voice rose to a yell — “long af-
they had already started to dig much ter they were going to be food for the cock-
deeper than most, and the Norton catalog roaches and dinosaurs! I don’t even know
swelled with unusual artifacts like reissues what that means, but it was like, good-bye!”
of the wild one-man band Hasil Adkins and The store remains open, and Norton is go-
exhaustively researched studies of regional ing full steam. The next project is to produce
garage-rock scenes.
expanded reissues of some of the label’s
“I think of them like archaeologists, going
landmark albums, like Mr. Adkins’s “Out to
through the layers of this music to find its
Hunch,” Norton’s first album. Next year,
root source,” said Lenny Kaye, the guitarist, But Ms. Linna, whose blond bangs hang Ms. Linna plans to release a book on the De-
rock historian and compiler of the 1972 al- just above her eyes, loathes the highfalutin troit label Fortune Records that Mr. Miller
bum “Nuggets,” another precursor to the word “curator,” and she isn’t wild about “col- spent seven years researching, with the
Norton method. “They have found just lector” either. Waving at the wall of records musician and writer Michael Hurtt.
beautiful, beautiful people whose purity of she accumulated with Mr. Miller, she alter-
expression is why we listen in the first “I know without a doubt in my mind that if
nately calls it junk, stuff and “crapola,” it was me not Billy, Billy would not let go of
which she means lovingly. At home, above, Miriam Linna of doo-wop records. When talking about the dream,” Ms. Linna said. “And the dream
Norton’s taste has attracted superstar
“I can guarantee you,” she said proudly, keeps a collection of 45 r.p.m. their work together, Ms. Linna sometimes is not like something far off in the future.
fans like Elton John and Robert Plant, who
“that every record in there is good.” records, and a candle by a catches herself still referring to her hus- This is the dream. We’re living it.”
was named the label’s customer of the year
As an example, she pulled out a Velvet photo of her husband, Billy band in the present tense.
in 2006. Norton also became a precursor to
Underground disc that she believes may be Miller, who died last year. Mr. Miller’s death is not Norton’s first set-
what is now a broad field of young labels,
like Light in the Attic and the Numero the only one of its kind: An acetate record Dion’s new “Kickin’ Child: The back. In 2012, its warehouse in Red Hook, No day is complete
Lost Album 1965” was the last without
Group, that specialize in tasteful, “curated” containing the song “Heroin” that she said Brooklyn, was flooded by Hurricane Sandy,
album that Miller worked on.
reissues of obscure recordings. Mr. Miller found while poking through a box destroying most of the label’s 250,000 The New York Times.

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Pop Music


Seeking Clarity
On a Journey
To the 1980s
On its fifth album, Paramore
splits with its pop-punk past.
THE LAST DECADE has been a hostile time
for rock bands, which have lost their cen-
trality to rappers, country stars, D.J.s, inter-
net sensations and more. Even the most im-
portant rock bands of the day don’t much
sound like rock. That made the ascent of Pa-
ramore from the Warped Tour pop-punk
trenches into the mainstream even more re-
On its way to becoming one of the most
influential bands of the 2000s, Paramore
made the case for pop-punk at arena scale,
and the band’s DNA — and especially that of

From left, Taylor York,

Hayley Williams and Zac
Farro of the band Paramore.

“After Laughter”
(Fueled By Ramen)

its frontwoman, Hayley Williams, one of the

most signature yelpers in mainstream rock
— has been heard in musicians across the
pop spectrum: Best Coast, Taylor Swift,
Grimes, Hey Violet and beyond.
“After Laughter” is Paramore’s fifth al-
bum, but more important its first since its
self titled 2013 album, the group’s least cen-
tered release and the one that all but com-
pletely did away with Paramore as it was,
beginning with its 2005 debut album. That
band was a taut pop-punk missile, and espe-
cially on its first two albums, it didn’t stray
far from its mission.
On “After Laughter,” Paramore is single-
minded again, but not of the same mind as it
once was. Ms. Williams and her bandmates,
Zac Farro and Taylor York have remade
themselves into a 1980s pop-rock outfit: ERIC RYAN ANDERSON FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
tinny digital percussion, synthesizers and
mostly constrained, saccharine singing Colored Boy”) and the music of John you”). And sometimes she thrives despite (a movement this band would be well-
from Ms. Williams. Hughes films (“Forgiveness”), but also re- musical chaos, like on “Idle Worship,” a sly suited to) and also to split so definitively
One of the shortcomings of mid-period cent club-pop revivalists like La Roux and song about who, and what, we value: “We with the pop-punk and emo of the band’s
Paramore was the way Ms. Williams was Kiesza (“Told You So”), or attitudinal pop all got problems don’t we?/We all need he- past just as those sounds are beginning to
de-emphasized — she is best when allowed stars like Charli XCX. roes don’t we?/But rest assured there’s not thrive again.
to emote largely uncamouflaged, and when Ms. Williams isn’t as signature, or as ef- a single person here who’s worthy.” Instead, Paramore has removed itself
her singing veers toward sneers. fective, in this universe. She’s still a strong With each album, Paramore became a lit- from the narrative, making an album that
Her vocals on this album are closer to singer, especially on “Told You So,” but tle bolder and strayed a little further from mostly reveals how fatigued it was with its
that idea than on the last album, but even some of her essential grit is lost to the ma- its comfort ground. “After Laughter” feels old idea of itself, and the conversations that
though her lyrics are as aggrieved as ever chines. She has impressive moments on the like a break with that arc, and not a wholly came with it. Perhaps the least surprising
— maybe more so — the jubilation of the least varnished songs here, like “Tell Me explicable one. It is an odd choice to release thing about it is that one of the biggest rock
music works against it. This album sug- How,” a gloomy and piercing piano ballad a 1980s revival album just when a 1990s re- bands of the 2000s isn’t much interested in
gests, in places, early-80s Blondie (“Rose- (“I can’t call you a stranger/But I can’t call vival is moving to the center to pop culture being a rock band at all.


There’s Plenty to See Here. (And to Listen To.)

The Colmbian singer Juanes “Mis Planes Son Amarte” comes across
as Juanes’s most lighthearted album. At the
want to go full crossover — that’s not my
plan — but I just wanted to do it someday.”
releases 12 new tunes, along beginning of “Actitud” (“Attitude”), over Juanes, 44, made his previous studio al-
with a visual album. sinewy rock guitar chords, he sings, “The bum, “Loco de Amor” in 2014, with the Eng-
news says that everything is bad/But I pre- lish producer Steve Lillywhite, who has
fer to be more optimistic/In my hands I worked with U2 and Peter Gabriel. For “Mis
THE COLOMBIAN SONGWRITER Juanes, a su- carry only a guitar and a good attitude.” Lat- Planes Son Amarte,” he switched to a
perstar across Latin America, could easily er in the song, his children join him to sing younger generation of Colombian musi-
have released his new album, “Mis Planes about the healing power of love. cians from Medellín: the hip-hop and reg-
Son Amarte” (“My Plans Are to Love You”), His new songs concentrate on love: find- gaetón producers Mosty, Sky and Bull
on its own terms: as a set of a dozen gleam- ing it, losing it, letting it go, carrying it to the Nene.
ing, tuneful, good-natured songs about love, world. “The world is crazy, if you look at They have written hits with J. Balvin
featuring his amiable voice and his stra- who is running the world now,” Juanes said. (“Ginza”) and others, and Juanes collabo-
tegically syncopated guitars. Instead, he “Everywhere, when you see what is hap- rated with them on both production and
added another layer of ambition. pening, it’s a very tough moment. But I re- songwriting — a shift for Juanes, who has
“Mis Planes Son Amarte” arrives on Fri- ally want to concentrate on the positive written songs alone for the past decade.
day as a “visual album,” the digital heir to side. To me music is a cure of my soul. I want “They understood who I was, where I was
the movie musical and Broadway’s jukebox people to listen to this music and to this al- JORGE MUNIZ/EUROPEAN
coming from,” he said. “They were not pre-
musicals that Beyoncé brought to the main- bum and just to feel better, just for a mo- tending to take me to another place, I was
stream with her 2016 release, “Lemonade.” language radio stations inside and outside
ment.” not pretending to go to their place. We were
It’s the first visual album for a major Latin the United States. He has been showered
with 21 Latin Grammy Awards since he re- On the visual album, Juanes plays an ar- just trying to find a place between us to do
performer, with its 12 songs strung together chaeologist turned astronaut and cosmo- ‘I want people to the right thing for my music. We were try-
leased his first solo album, “Fíjate Bien,” in
in a narrative about love, time, space, magic
2000, and he won Grammy Awards for Best naut, traversing decades and taking a listen to this music ing to combine the organic side and the elec-
and links between the indigenous and the shaman’s ayahuasca potion to find his way and to this album and tronic side.”
Latin Pop album in 2009 and 2013.
extraterrestrial. On May 19, HBO Latino back to the indigenous soul mate who The sound of the album is both welcom-
will show a documentary on the making of
He has sung about matters of conscience just to feel better, just
as well as affairs of the heart. In 2008 and haunts his dreams. The visuals give the ing and futuristic, with programmed
the album, “The Juanes Effect: De Can- songs a broader mission; they also, in a for a moment.’ sounds twitching and buzzing alongside
2009, Juanes headlined concerts under the
ciones Y Transformaciones,” followed by a brief stop in 1977 during the title song, allow JUANES Juanes’s human presence and grooves that
rubric Peace Without Borders, calling for SINGER AND SONGWRITER
concert performance of songs from the al- Juanes to wear his most outlandish disco extrapolate from both old (disco, doo-wop)
cultural exchange across Latin America. A
bum. 2009 concert, in Cuba, was televised inter- outfit. Timelines get tangled, but romance and new (cumbiareggaetón). The young
“For me it’s so important to give dignity nationally but drew criticism that he was prevails. producers, he said, reminded him to open
to the concept of the album,” Juanes said lending support to the totalitarian Castro The album also has the first song Juanes up musical space, stripping away parts.
Wednesday by telephone from Medellín, government. In Miami, where he has lived has recorded in English, “Goodbye for But for all the streamlined electronics
Colombia, where he was born. since 2003, he drew death threats and Now.” After living in the United States since and sleek hybrids, at the music’s core are
“Everything has changed so much and protests before the event. the late 1990s, Juanes speaks English flu- sounds that Juanes grew up on: cumbia,
everybody is consuming just songs, so the “It was a really rough time, getting ently, but writing and singing in English are salsa, vallenato and rural music called
culture of the album is becoming a concept there,” he recalled. “Many people were try- still a challenge, he said. Although he has re- guasca, “the music that my parents listened
of the past. For me it was important to put a ing to put us on one or the other side of poli- corded songs in Italian, Portuguese and to when I was a kid,” he said. “It’s something
face to every song and just tell a story.” tics. But once we got there and did the German, it took five years of experimenting that I really enjoy — to have the opportunity
Juanes (shortened from his full name, songs, it was one of the most beautiful days with English — and Jason Boyd, known for to use this information, to build my crafting
Juan Esteban Aristizábal Vásquez) has of my life. We believe in the power of music. his work with Justin Bieber, to help with the process and just to get to a totally different
deftly merged Latin and Caribbean We just try to connect people through mu- lyrics — until he felt he was ready. place. It’s important to know that I am close
rhythms with rock instruments. His songs sic. I believe that Cuba is going to change “It’s hard when you have to change the to my roots and I am using that to build
have regularly zoomed to No. 1 on Spanish- from the inside, and it’s going to take time.” way your muscles work,” he said. “I don’t something new.”


Alphas and Betas,

And Their Egos
In ‘Trajectory,’ the cast writer who’s summoned to the
home of a legendary actor named
includes average men William Nolan.
and one big star. To be clear: Richard Russo is
not down on his luck. And I hope —
pray — that his wife is not, and has
FEW AUTHORS do male vulnerabil- never been, as ill as the narrator’s
ity as well as Richard Russo. Even is here. But Russo has written and
his rascals you want to wrap in tis- doctored a number of screenplays
sue paper for safekeeping. (Well, before, including an adaptation of
not all of them. But most.) He may Bill Bryson’s “A Walk in the
be renowned for his cuddly Woods.” One of the two stars of
rogues, but he also specializes in that film was Robert Redford.
their opposites — unentitled men There’s really no question that
who are unassuming and hopeless Russo’s William Nolan character
around women and rumbling with is based on Redford.
uncertainty. Russo is the trouba- Nolan insists on being called
dour of self-deprecation. “Regular Bill.” (People call Red-
You want a typical Russo beta ford “Ordinary Bob,” a holdover
male? Here’s an example: Nate, from his “Ordinary People” days.)
an English professor who’s been Nolan’s place is in Jackson Hole,
whisked out of his university with Wyo. (Sundance, Jackson Hole;
a broom, and not under pleasant tomayto, tomahto.) Nolan is 15
circumstances. “He wonders if years older than the author. (Red-
people actually see him differ- ford is 13 years older than Russo;
ently now, or if he’s just seeing close enough). Nolan made a se-
himself differently,” Russo writes. ries of buddy movies with another
“Maybe it’s his own low self-es- actor, now dead, “the first and best Sean Carvajal and Flor De Liz Perez in “Seven Spots on the Sun,” which weighs moral action versus passivity in the context of a vicious civil war.
teem that people are picking up about two Depression-era con
on, self-recrimination his new de- artists.”
fault mode.”
Nate is the protagonist of
“Voice,” one of the quartet of
thoughtful, soulful stories that
The guy is about as well dis-
guised as Inspector Clouseau.
“Milton and Marcus” also fea-
tures a brief and affectionate cam-
Too Much Blame to Go Around
make up Russo’s new collection, only one previous play, “On the Exhale,”
eo of a character who is clearly SEVERAL PLAYS ARE struggling to be heard SEVEN SPOTS ON THE SUN
“Trajectory.” Three of them produced in New York. In February, Ben
from within the overwrought architecture Brantley in The New York Times called it
originally appeared elsewhere;
one, “Milton and Marcus,” is new, of Martín Zimmerman’s “Seven Spots on Tickets Through June 4 at Rattlestick Play- “carefully wrought” but said it “never quite
and it’s such a tart, dishy portrait the Sun,” which opened on Wednesday wrights Theater, Manhattan; 866-811-4111, fulfills its potential to unsettle.” That poten-
of a famous Hollywood actor that night at Rattlestick Playwrights Theater. Running time: 1 hour 20 min- tial is certainly fulfilled in “Seven Spots on
it’s a wonder that it isn’t being One is about Luis and Mónica, a young utes. the Sun”; I must warn you away if you don’t
served at Spago. married couple living under a dictatorship want to watch a woman being tortured with
in a South American country a lot like Ar- Credits By Martín Zimmerman; directed by a car battery.
The stories in “Trajectory” are a
guided tour through the author’s gentina. Luis, having joined the army to get Weyni Mengesha; sets by Arnulfo Maldonado; But the play is also unsettling un-
preoccupations: the follies of aca- away from the coal mines, quickly rises to costumes by Fabian Aguilar; lighting by Amith intentionally, in the clash between its flor-
demia. (Fighting words, but I’d pit sergeant as the government provokes a vi- Chandrashaker; sound by Tei Blow; props by idness and its heavy burden of witness.
Russo’s “Straight Man” against cious civil war. Mónica keeps herself only as Charles Bowden; production manager, Rebecca Each short-circuits the other, and the result
any of the novels in David Lodge’s aware as she needs to be of Luis’s deterio- Key; production stage manager, Nicole Mar- is too often bathos if not outright confusion.
“Campus Trilogy.”) The disap- rating moral and physical condition, prefer- coni; assistant director, Alessandra Mesa; fight The staging, by Weyni Mengesha, making
pointments of midlife. (A theme in ring to busy herself with their infant daugh- choreography by UnkleDave’s Fight-House. her New York directorial debut, is about as
virtually every Russo novel, but if ter and new washing machine. Presented by Rattlestick Playwrights Theater, unsubtle as it could be, which most likely
you’re new in these parts, grab Another play within “Seven Spots on the Daniella Topol, artistic director; Annie Middle- means that it’s not an oversight but an aes-
“The Risk Pool” or “Nobody’s Sun” concerns a couple running a clinic in ton, managing director; Victor Cervantes Jr., thetic choice. Taking cues from the height-
Fool” or “Empire Falls”; the last another part of the country. As the war associate producer; in collaboration with the ened language and the extreme events in
one earned the Pulitzer Prize in rages, Belén, a nurse, finds she can no long- Sol Project, Jacob G. Padrón, artistic director; Mr. Zimmerman’s script, she encourages
2002.) How marriage devolves er ignore the suffering of rebels whom the David Mendizábal, artistic producer. the actors to go big; they often overshoot.
into a two-headed Kabuki drama. ELENA SEIBERT
government’s forces leave for dead in the Only in simpler moments, especially those
How children recapitulate the town plaza. Knowing the danger, she never- Cast Claudia Acosta, Cesar J. Rosado and involving the domestic life of Mónica (Flor
mistakes of their parents. And, theless persuades Moisés, a doctor, to help Socorro Santiago (the Town); Sean Carvajal De Liz Perez) and Luis (Sean Carvajal), is
most notably — most persistently Trajectory: her treat a young man whose broken body (Luis); Flora Diaz (Belén); Peter Jay Fernandez the story able to land convincingly.
in this collection — how the world Stories the rest of the populace ignores. The pun- (Eugenio); Flor De Liz Perez (Mónica); and Rey Still, it would not be an adequate re-
neatly divides into those who be- By Richard ishment for that humane act is horrible. Lucas (Moisés). sponse to “Seven Spots on the Sun” merely
lieve they are special, and those Russo What connects the stories thematically, to criticize its shortcomings. That Mr. Zim-
who do not. 243 pages. and eventually narratively, is Mr. Zimmer- merman has taken on important (if fiction-
The egos of all the main charac- Alfred A. Knopf. man’s exploration of the contagion of culpa- of them and finally they’ve started to obey.” alized) events, and engaged the painful
ters in “Trajectory” fall on the in- $25.95. bility that spreads across communities and This is not the last we will hear of sym- questions that arise from them, is in part
visible ends of the electromag- also through time. To what extent are we re- bolic retributions; the play is bruised pur- what we ask theater to do. That the play has
netic spectrum. At some point, sponsible for the evil we tolerate? For the ple with metaphors. Aside from handprints, been produced — by Rattlestick and the Sol
each of these characters collides characters represented here as the Town — pineapples and the titular sunspots, there Project — is something of a miracle.
with another whose self-regard is a kind of Greek chorus — the answer is are, most consequentially, boils. After the The Sol Project was founded last year
Paul Newman, with whom Russo somewhat vague; their story is unmoored. war, when the government announces a with the aim of deepening the bench of
of a far more vivid hue.
collaborated three times. Nolan is But in Belén’s case, the answer is uncom- blanket amnesty, a fatal plague sweeps the Latino theater makers by pushing 12 plays
In “Voice,” Nate has to endure
not imbued with nearly the same promising: Her own body rebels against in- nation’s children, or possibly only the chil- through a development pipeline that is too
the mockery of his slick older
affection. He comes across as a se- action by depriving itself of sensation. dren of people who committed or abetted often closed to them. (Hilary Bettis’s “Alli-
brother, who repeatedly describes
cret cheapskate and overt narcis- “Every time they left a corpse en la atrocities. Moisés’s magical ability to cure gator,” produced with New Georges in De-
Nate’s fragile state with an adjec- sist, a man who’s shrewdly selec-
tive that’s as vulgar as it is emas- plaza,” she cries poetically, “I told my the “inocente” by touch finally brings cember, was the first; “Seven Spots of the
tive about dialing up his sincerity, tongue my eyes my nose my ears not to Mónica and Luis to his clinic for rough jus- Sun” is the second.) It should not be so sur-
culating. In “Horseman,” a smug which itself is a mask for ruthless-
frat boy tells his professor, “Don’t taste see smell hear what was right in front tice and a shaggy denouement. prising that when marginalized artists are
ness. Mr. Zimmerman, who is 31 and of Argen- finally given a chance to tell a story, they
hold back,” as she contemplates Don’t let the wickedness of
how to punish him for plagiarism. Follow Jesse Green on Twitter: @JesseKGreen tine heritage on his mother’s side, has had sometimes have too many to tell.
“Milton and Marcus” fool you. It
(“How brash men are, she told happens to be the most beautiful
herself. How controlled, even in story in the book. And how much
defeat.”) In “Intervention,” a real of it is true is beside the point.
estate agent in Maine listens, What matters is how it reflects the
somewhat incredulously, as a cli- larger themes of Russo’s work.
ent tells him that she always be-
lieved it when her father told her
that she was special. (Only re-
Jackson Hole is the ultimate foil to
the decaying mill towns of Russo’s
novels, and actors the ultimate
Seminary Is Under Fire Over Artifacts
cently has she concluded other- foils to the low-esteem schlubs CONTINUED FROM PAGE C1 In 2015, when the seminary had the Na-
wise.) The idea is foreign to the Russo writes about so well. make every effort to return any spiritual or tive American items appraised, Peabody
agent, who, even after receiving a “More than their beauty, wealth culturally significant items it holds to the Essex museum officials objected to the pro-
cancer diagnosis, never got angry and talent,” the narrator observes, tribes. posed sale, which Dan Monroe, the museum
or succumbed to self-pity. “He’d “we envied their moral freedom, Last week, federal officials sent another director, called a “break of trust” between
simply concluded,” Russo writes, their ability to trade up and up warning letter to the seminary because it the institutions. He said the museum had
“that he wasn’t special.” again, while avoiding the conse- still has not complied by sending inven- spent roughly $700,000 curating the arti-
But the real revelation in “Tra- quences of doing so.” tories of the items to tribes, as required. facts over the years, including photograph-
jectory” is “Milton and Marcus,” Boy, do these people believe “Is Andover being negligent or incompe- ing them.
the story of a down-on-his-luck they are special. tent?” David Tarler, a federal official tasked “We hadn’t expended that energy, money
novelist and sometime screen- Russo’s insight into the differ- with enforcing the law, said in an interview. PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM, DEPOSIT OF THE ANDOVER NEWTON and effort over the decades so they could
ences between Redford’s and “Are they confused about the law but acting THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL, 1976
monetize the collection,” he said of the semi-
Follow Jennifer Senior on Twitter: Newman’s styles is also one of the in good faith? I can’t answer that question.” A fishhook from the early half of the 19th nary.
@jenseniorny best snippets of film criticism School officials said they “abruptly century from the Newton Andover collection Mr. Monroe has told the seminary that it
you’ll read this year. Newman — pivoted” after the initial warning in 2015 and at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass. must remove the artifacts from the mu-
here referred to as “Wendy” — decided that no sale would take place. They seum soon. It is unclear what will happen to
was a risk-taker and emotional blame delays on the difficulty of searching the collection then, but the seminary said
anarchist, playing characters who spotty historical records to determine president of the Sealaska Heritage Institute the artifacts would be safeguarded as it
either screwed up or “got sucker which objects might belong to what tribes. in Alaska, said her tribe is seeking the re- worked to repatriate them.
punched by circumstance and had “We’re trying to play catch up and do the turn of a halibut fishhook that it deems sa-
to take a standing eight count.” Mr. Copenhaver said that Newton And-
right thing,” said the Rev. Martin B. Co- cred and that is now part of the seminary’s over has considered donating the artifacts
Whereas Redford — “Regular penhaver, the seminary’s president. He said collection. She said she had contacted the
Bill” — is an emotional conserva- and has been in discussions with two insti-
the school intends to return items when the seminary several times in 2015 to urge it to tutions that he declined to identify. Mr. Tar-
tive, “the reliable, competent research is completed. “act in accordance with their own stated
American Everyman, the Nick ler said that even if the collection were
Gregory E. Sterling, the dean of the Yale mission in recognizing our spiritual beliefs,” transferred, Andover would still be respon-
Carraway who would never un- Divinity School, said in an email that the but “never received a single, direct re-
derstand or accept or like himself sible for complying with the federal law to
university supports the “proper treatment sponse.” track the items and possibly return them to
half as much as Gatsby did.” of Native American artifacts and respect for While federal officials have the ability to
Now reconsider all the New- the tribes.
Native American culture and dignity.” levy fines to enforce the law, they rarely do
man and Redford films you’ve The seminary would not comment on the
Under the federal law known as the Na- against institutions that are making an ef-
watched with this in mind. Recon- appraised value of the collection, but one of
tive American Graves Protection and Repa- fort, officials said.
sider Russo’s novels, while you’re the more valuable pieces would appear to
triation Act, only sacred items, objects of Newton Andover, just outside Boston, is
at it. The author may as well be de- cultural significance, funerary items and be a wampum belt that has already been
the oldest graduate seminary in the coun-
scribing the two male archetypes human remains must be returned to the try. Its notable graduates include Thomas claimed by the Onondaga tribe. Similar
that dominate his fiction. tribes. More everyday items — like a pair of Hopkins Gallaudet, the founder of educa- wampum belts held by private collectors
Unfortunately, Nolan could be moccasins — do not need to be returned. tion for the deaf. It is selling its prime hilltop have fetched nearly $100,000 at auction.
an Everyman only onscreen. But the full inventory must be completed real estate to move to Yale’s campus where In a 2015 letter to federal officials, the
“Ironically, it was in real life that and sent to the affected tribes for their re- it will function as a “school within a school” seminary said it planned to reach out to the
being ‘regular’ had become un- view. and focus on training candidates for Con- tribe about returning the belt, but the tribe’s
attainable,” the narrator con- The seminary has inventoried about half gregationalist ministries. representative, Tony Gonyea, said they
cludes. Regular Bill disappears of the 158 items, building on earlier work Dean Sterling declined to comment on have not heard from the school as yet.
into the sunset by the story’s end, done by the museum. Mr. Tarler acknowl- whether Yale, as a condition of its partner- When the missionaries first collected the
presumably to continue with his edged that the law could be a burden for in- ship with the seminary, would end up as- artifacts, Mr. Monroe said, “The attitude
charmed, bespoke life. But the stitutions that were “short-staffed or not ex- suming control of the collection. was: They worship this mask, they think
narrator — a genuine Everyman perienced” with ethnographic research. Displaying ceremonial artifacts is a par- this fishhook is important. They’re quaint
and substitute for so many of us — Tribes have long been frustrated by the ticular affront to tribe members. “We and primitive and thank God we’re here to
will go on to face a reality far more pace of repatriation under the law. Muse- shouldn’t have to go to some big-city mu- save their souls.”
brutal and complicated. It will ums, scholarly institutions and other orga- seum to view our stuff behind glass,” said But times have changed, said Mr.
abruptly break your heart. That’s nizations continue to retain possession of Donovin Sprague, an archivist and member Sprague of the Sioux tribe. There is more re-
what Richard Russo does, without 182,000 items classified as human remains, of the Cheyenne River Sioux tribe, which spect these days for tribes reclaiming their
pretension or fuss, time and time as well as untold millions of ritual artifacts, has requested a hair lock from the Newton cultural heritage from museums and fed-
again. according to federal records. Many objects seminary’s collection. eral repositories. Still, the process isn’t easy,
were collected decades ago by archaeolo- Some museums, mindful of tribal sensi- he said. Mr. Sprague said the Sioux have
gists, missionaries and souvenir hunters; tivities, exhibit only so-called everyday been working with the seminary for
others were unearthed during industrial ex- items like clothing, headdresses and cook roughly a year on returning the hair lock.
cavations or reclamation projects on lands pots, while others still showcase ritual “At one point, it was all green light — come
Watch The Times. inhabited by native tribes. items that have not been claimed under the and get it, but it’s a strange case,” he said, Rosita Worl, a Tlingit tribe member and act. adding “it’s still limping along.”

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55 WLNY 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Dr. Phil (N) (14) News (N) Judge Judy (N) Judge Judy (N) Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Ent. Tonight
AMERICAN RACE 9 p.m. on TNT. In this two-
63 WMBC Copper Chef (G) Secrets Vision Lecture Compass (8:40) News Essentials of 2 Sizes Slimmer! Omega Copper Chef (G) Darkspots Nip&Tuck
night special, Charles Barkley travels the
68 WFUT Moisés y los Diez Mandamientos Moisés y los Diez Mandamientos (7:55) El Bienamado Noticias (N) Noticiero Uni Laura (14)
country to open a dialogue on race and give
voice to some of those facing discrimina-
FLIX . No Country for Old Men (2007). What Women Want (2000). Mel Gibson. Accidental electric shock turns . The Illusionist (2006). Edward Norton. A magician and a prince vie for Open Your Eyes
Tommy Lee Jones. (R) (5:55) male chauvinist into Mr. Sensitive. “Tootsie” for the slow-witted. (PG-13) a woman’s love. Norton’s inscrutability suits his role. (PG-13) (10:10) (1997). (R) tion. His first stop: Baltimore, the site of
HBO Babylon A.D. Vice News Chris Gethard: Career Suicide The comic/talk-show The Fight Game Now You See Me 2 (2016). Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. Four Las Ve- Silicon Valley riots after Freddie Gray, a black man, died
(2008). (PG-13) (6) Tonight (N) host performs. (MA) With Jim Lampley gas magicians are asked to steal computer chip. Hocus bogus. (PG-13) (MA) (12:10) of injuries sustained in police custody. His
HBO2 The Immortal Life of Henrietta Rat Race (2001). Rowan Atkinson, John Cleese. Vegas gamblers in con- Vice “Taliban Amy Schumer: Live at the Apollo Central Intelligence (2016). Dwayne second: Irving, Tex., where an ordinance
Lacks (2017, TVF). Rose Byrne (6:25) test to find $2 million. Intermittently funny but mostly just strange. (PG-13) Resurgence.” (14) The comic performs in New York. Johnson, Kevin Hart. (PG-13)
banning the use of “foreign laws” in family
MAX Warcraft (2016). Travis Fimmel, I Am Legend (2007). Lone plague survivor battles zom- . 28 Days Later (2002). Cillian Murphy, Noah Huntley. Virus-crazed zom- Black Mass (2015). Johnny Depp,
Paula Patton. (PG-13) (5:55) bies. Two stars: Smith and empty Manhattan streets. bies overrun London. Chilling, striking end-of-the-world tale. (R) (9:45) Joel Edgerton. (R) (11:40) court cases has troubled Muslim residents
SHO Enemy at the Gates (2001). Jude Guerrilla “Episode 4.” Kent forms a Billions “Ball in Hand.” Axe receives Dark Net “My Penn & Teller Gigolos “Broth- Dark Net “My The Circus: Inside and incited anti-Muslim armed protests at
Law, Joseph Fiennes. (R) (5:45) surprising alliance. (MA) unexpected news. (MA) Home.” (N) (MA) (MA) erly Love.” (MA) Home.” (MA) Biggest Show a local mosque. Part 2 will be broadcast on
SHO2 Jimi Hendrix: Electric Church Jimi: All Is by My Side (2013). André Benjamin, Hayley Atwell. Jimi The Man Who Knew Infinity (2015). Dev Patel, Jeremy Irons. Life of Fifty Shades of Friday.
(MA) (6:30) Hendrix makes his musical mark in 1966 London. (R) pioneering Indian mathematician. Respectful. (PG-13) Black (2016). (R)
STARZ Untraceable . Lost in Translation (2003). Bill Murray, Scarlett The White Princess “The Pre- Don’t Breathe (2016). Jane Levy. Teenage criminals try American Gods “The Secret of LESTER HOLT INTERVIEWS PRESIDENT TRUMP
(2008). (R) (5:33) Johansson. (R) (7:16) tender.” (Part 4 of 8) (MA) to rob blind man. Solid home-invasion thriller. (R) (10:01) Spoons.” (MA) (11:31) 6:30 p.m. on NBC. Mr. Holt, the anchor of
STZENC Texas Killing . Go (1999). Young supermarket checkers, drug deal and P.C.U. (1994). Jeremy Piven. Protest groups divide Northmen: A Viking Saga (2014). Tom Hopper. Ship- . The Walk (2015). “NBC Nightly News,” interviews Mr.
Fields (R) (5:29) Vegas caper. Energetic and nicely sardonic. (R) (7:16) college. Lame campus comedy. (PG-13) wrecked Vikings fight for survival. (R) (10:23) (PG) (12:04)
A Perfect Day (2015). Benicio Del Zero Days (2016). Documentary. Exploring origins of Stuxnet worm. Chappie (2015). Sharlto Copley, Dev Patel. Criminals get ahold of think- Paranoia (2013).
Trump from the White House. The subject
Toro, Tim Robbins. (R) (6) (PG-13) ing, feeling robot. Wavers uncertainly between laughs and tears. (R) (PG-13) matter is expected to include his firing of
CABLE James B. Comey, the director of the F.B.I.,
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 on Tuesday.
A&E The First 48 “Stray Shot.” Young The First 48 “Deadly Premonition.” 60 Days In “Atlanta: In or Out?” The participants endure their last days. The First 48 “Secrets and Lies.” The First 48 (14) LOVE & BASKETBALL (2000) 8 p.m. on MTV.
thugs terrorize a neighborhood. (14) (14) (Season Finale) (N) (14) (14) (11:03) (12:03)
Gina Prince-Bythewood (“Beyond the
AHC Atlantis: End of an Empire (PG) Atlantis: The Lost Evidence (PG) Iceman Mummy Murder Story of 1991 discovery of the Iceman. (G) Atlantis: The Lost Evidence (PG) Iceman Mummy
Lights”) made her directorial debut with
AMC Lethal Weapon 2 (1989). Mel Gib- Sherlock Holmes (2009). Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law. Detective and partner face strange enemy. Holmes Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011). Hol-
son, Danny Glover. (R) (5:30) as action hero. (PG-13) mes and Watson face Moriarty. Less than elementary. this tale about Monica (Sanaa Lathan) and
APL North Woods Law (PG) North Woods Law: Still Hunting North Woods Law: Still Hunting North Woods Law: Still Hunting North Woods Law (PG) North Woods Quincy (Omar Epps), next-door neighbors
BBCA Planet Earth II “Mountains.” (PG) Planet Earth II “Jungles.” (PG) Planet Earth II “Deserts.” (PG) Planet Earth II “Grasslands.” (PG) Planet Earth II “Cities.” (PG) Planet Earth II and aspiring basketball players who let the
BET Set It Off (1996). Jada Pinkett, Queen Latifah. Four inner-city women rob Think Like a Man (2012). Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara. Men turn advice book to their advantage. No surprises. (PG-13) game get in the way of their love. “The
bank. Messy but impassioned. (R) (5:32) edge between Monica and Quincy in their
BLOOM Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia (N) (Live) (G) Bloomberg Markets: Asia (N) (Live) Charlie Rose (PG) Bloomberg Technology Paid Program one-on-one games gives Mr. Epps some-
BRV The Real Housewives of Atlanta Southern Charm “To Liver and Die Below Deck Mediterranean “Who’s Below Deck Mediterranean Watch What The Real Housewives of Atlanta thing to play off,” Elvis Mitchell wrote in
“Reunion, Part 4.” (Part 4 of 4) (14) in Charleston.” (14) the Boss?” (14) “Three’s Company.” (14) Happens Live “Reunion, Part 2.” (Part 2 of 4) (14)
The New York Times. But Ms. Lathan’s
CBSSN Sports Spectacular Sports Spectacular Sports Spectacular Sports Spectacular Sports Spectacular Sports Spectac.
watchable, no-nonsense turn — at once
CMT Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Indecent Proposal (1993). Robert Redford, Demi Moore. (R) Indecent Prop.
petulant and winsome — makes it her
CN Steven Universe Wrld, Gumball King of the Hill American Dad Cleveland Show American Dad
Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Family Guy (14) Family Guy (14) The Boondocks
movie, he added, “and she shines.”
CNBC Shark Tank The sharks fight over Shark Tank A line of dresses made Shark Tank A device that simplifies
Shark Tank All-in-one early educa- Shark Tank Yak and cow milk dog Shark Tank (PG)
an inventor. (PG) of pillowcases. (PG) potty training. (PG) tion solution. (PG) chews; lipsticks. (PG) LATE NIGHT WITH SETH MEYERS 12:35 a.m. on
CNN Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (PG) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (PG)
Soundtracks “Kent State and the CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight NBC. Aziz Ansari chats about Season 2 of
Vietnam War.” (N) (PG) With Don Lemon
his Netflix series, “Master of None,” arriv-
COM South Park (MA) South Park “City South Park South Park Tosh.0 “Tiamat Tosh.0 “Men’s Tosh.0 “Pee Tosh.0 “Blind The Daily Show The President At Midnight With
(6:50) Sushi.” (14) (7:25) “Faith Hilling.” “Cartman Sucks.” the Dragon.” (14) Rights Lawyer.” Lady.” (14) Film Critic.” (14) Show (N) (11:31) Chris Hardwick ing on Friday.
COOK Carnival Eats (G) Carnival Eats (G) Carnival Eats (G) Carnival Eats (G) Carnival Eats (N) Carnival Eats (G) FarmersMarket FarmersMarket Good Eats (G) Good Eats (G) Carnival Eats (G)
CSPAN Public Affairs Events (3:30) Politics and Public Policy Today Politics-Public
CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Coverage (N) (Live) (3) Public Affairs Events Public Affairs What’s Streaming
CUNY News (6:30) Focus-Europe La Grande Librairie Cuadriga Treasure-World Nueva York (Y) United Nations Ind Sources Building NY Classic Arts
DIS K.C. Undercover Bizaardvark (G) Stuck in the Good Luck K.C. Undercover K.C. Undercover Liv and Maddie: Bunk’d “Tree- Tangled: The Jessie “Morning Stuck in the
(Y7) (7:33) Middle (G) Charlie (G) “K.C.’s The Man.” (Part 1 of 2) (Y7) Cali Style (G) house of Terror.” Series (Y7) Rush.” (G) Middle (G)
DIY Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House
DSC Naked and Afraid “Curse of the Naked and Afraid XL Pop-Up Naked and Afraid XL Pop-Up Naked and Afraid XL Pop-Up Naked and Afraid “Melt Down Naked and Afraid
Swamp: Part 2.” (Part 2 of 2) (14) Edition “The Amazon: Part 1.” (14) Edition “The Amazon: Part 2.” (14) Edition (N) (14) (10:01) Under.” (14) (11:02) (14) (12:03)
E! E! News (N) (PG) Keeping Up With the Kardashians Second Wives Club (N) (14) Second Wives Club (14) E! News Amy Schumer unfiltered. (N) (PG)
ELREY The Kid With the Golden Arm (6) The Kid With a Tattoo (1980). Yue Wong, Feng Ku. The Treasure Hunters Liu Chia-Hui, Liu Chia-Yung. Kid Gold- Arm
ESPN N.B.A. Countdown N.B.A. San Antonio Spurs vs. Houston Rockets. Western Conference semifinal, Game 6. SportsCenter SportsCenter
ESPN2 We the Fans College Baseball Auburn vs. L.S.U. We the Fans We the Fans: Section 250 N.F.L. Live
ESPNCL College Basketball From Feb. 5, 2012. College Basketball From Feb. 17, 1996. College Basketball From Jan. 18, 1995. M.L.B.
ESQTV Spotless “True Love Weighs.” (MA) Spotless “Rebound.” (14) Spotless “To Victor, the Spoils.” Best Bars in America “Chicago.” Best Bars in America “Louisville.” Car Matchmaker
FOOD Chopped “Oodles of Noodles.” (G) Chopped “Something Dumpling.” Chopped “Jump for Bok Choy.” (G) Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Chopped (G)
FOXNEWS The Story (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) The Five (N) Hannity (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight The Five Adam Trent in Vienna.

FREEFRM My Best Friend Burlesque (2010). Iowa girl dances at L.A. club. Dull and squeaky-clean tease-o-rama. (PG-13) Pretty Little Liars “Power Play.” The 700 Club (G) LOL (2012). THE ROAD TRICK on Red Bull TV. In this new
FS1 U.F.C. Main Event U.F.C. Reloaded Stipe Mioic faces Alistair Overeem. M.L.B. Whiparound (N) (Live) Speak for Your series, Adam Trent travels across Europe
FUSE Fluffy Movie: Laughter Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) and North Africa, where he uses magic as a
FX Transformers: Age of Extinction The Maze Runner (2014). Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario. Boys are trapped inside giant The Maze Runner (2014). Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario. Boys are way to meet the residents: partying with a
(2014). Mark Wahlberg. (PG-13) (4:30) labyrinth. Doles out answers craftily. (PG-13) trapped inside giant labyrinth. Doles out answers craftily. (PG-13)
boat regatta in Budapest, performing tricks
FXM Noah (2014). Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly. God tips off one man to the flood. As crazy as its hero. (PG- 47 Ronin (2013). Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada. Masterless samurai seek revenge. Duti-
13) (7:15) ful American adaptation. (PG-13) (10:05) in a Vienna opera house, tripping across
FXX Unfinished Business (2015). (R) (6) The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Archer (MA) rooftops and venturing into illegal cata-
FYI Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars combs in Paris, and communing with a
GOLF Live From the Players 2017 Players Championship first round. From Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Players shaman — who introduces him to a magic
GSN Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Idiotest (N) (PG) Idiotest (N) (PG) Cash Cab (PG) Cash Cab (PG) Family Feud more ancient and exotic than his own — in
HALL Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Morocco.
HGTV Beach Bargain Beach Bargain House Hunters House Hunters Flip/Flop Veg. Flip/Flop Veg. House Hunters Hunters Int’l House Hunters Hunters Int’l Flip/Flop Veg.
HIST Swamp People “Time’s Running Swamp People: Blood and Guts Swamp People “The Hunt Ends.” Troy’s future is on Swamp People “The Hunt Ends.” Troy’s future is on Swamp People:
Out.” (PG) “Racing Sundown.” (N) (PG) the line. (N) (PG) the line. (PG) (10:33) Blood and Guts
HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Primetime Justice Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files
ID Unusual Suspects “Silent Night.” Evil Stepmothers “Newlydead.” A Fear Thy Neighbor “Neighbors on Evil Stepmothers “The Price of Evil Stepmothers “Newlydead.” A Fear Thy Neigh-
(14) woman sets her sights on a doctor. a Dead End.” (N) (14) Greed.” (N) (14) woman sets her sights on a doctor. bor (14)
IFC Zombieland (2009). Woody Harrel- Inception (2010). Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Thieves enter people’s dreams. Lots to see, little Zombieland (2009). Survivors of apocalypse join
son, Jesse Eisenberg. (R) (6) to think about. (PG-13) forces against zombies. Minor diversion. (R) (11:15)
LIFE Married at First Sight “The Wed- Married at First Married at First Married at First Sight “Honeymoons Part 2.” Three Married at First Sight: Second Chances “Take Me or Married at First
ding Night.” (14) Sight (Part 1 of 2) Sight (N) (8:45) couples go on honeymoons. (N) (Part 2 of 2) (14) Leave Me.” Discussing past mistakes. (N) (14) (10:17) Sight (Part 1 of 2)
LMN Mommy’s Little Boy (2017, TVF). Boy Secrets of My Stepdaughter (2017, TVF). Josie Davis, Tiera Skovbye. A The Wrong Mother (2017). Vanessa Marcil, Brooke Nevin. A nurse goes Secrets of My
battles mother’s debilitating grief. (6) woman suspects that her teenage stepdaughter is a killer. to work for the woman she donated eggs to. Stepdaughter
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00
LOGO . Scream (1996). Neve Campbell, Fire Island “Let’s Go to Tea.” The RuPaul’s Drag Race “9021-HO.” A Fire Island “Not in the Face.” Com- Fire Island “Let’s Go to Tea.” The . Scream
David Arquette. (R) (5:30) guys throw a house party. (N) (14) ’90s high school drama. (14) peting in a dodgeball tournament. guys throw a house party. (14) (1996). (R) SUZANNE HANOVER/NETFLIX

MLB M.L.B. Regional Coverage. M.L.B. Tonight Quick Pitch Gillian Jacobs and Paul Rust.
MSG Hahn, Humpty & Canty 30 for 30 Hahn, Humpty & Canty U.F.C. Countdown Hahn, Humpty
MSGPL World Team Tennis From July 31, 2016. Tennis PowerShares Legends Charleston. From Charleston, S.C. Focused LOVE on Netflix. As a teenager in Iowa, Paul
MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews (N) All In With Chris Hayes (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word The 11th Hour Rachel Maddow Rust imagined his dream girl: someone
MTV Friends (14) Friends (14) O Love & Basketball (2000). Childhood friends want pro sports careers. Obvious, but Lathan scores. (PG-13) Freedom Writers (2007). Hilary Swank. (PG-13) who liked underground punk rock and had
NBCS Nascar Racing Nascar Racing Grudge Race Grudge Race Grudge Race Grudge Race Grudge Race Grudge Race Grudge Race the “spirit of an artist,” he said this week in
NGEO Africa’s Deadliest (PG) Africa’s Deadliest “Killer Tactics.” Battle for the Pride (PG) Ultimate Rivals: Cats vs. Dogs (N) Africa’s Deadliest “Ganglands.” Africa a Times interview. Then he met Lesley
NICK Henry Danger Thundermans Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009). Zachary Levi. (PG) Full House (G) Full House (G) Friends (PG) Friends (PG) Friends (PG) Arfin, a writer for HBO’s “Girls,” who —
NICKJR Hey Duggee (Y) Kuu Kuu Har. Shimmer, Shine Shimmer, Shine Peppa Pig (Y) Peppa Pig (Y) Paw Patrol (Y) Paw Patrol (Y) Blaze, Monster Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi you guessed it — liked punk rock, had that
NY1 Road to City Hall (N) New York Tonight News Road to City Hall News Sports on 1 The Last Word. (11:35) spirit he craved and was beautiful to boot.
OVA The Method (N) Anger Management (2003). Adam Sandler, Jack Nicholson. (PG-13) Fools Rush In (1997). Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek. (PG-13) And together, with some help from Judd
OWN 20/20 on ID (14) 20/20 on ID (14) 20/20 on OWN “Faith Betrayed.” 20/20 on ID (14) 20/20 on ID (14) 20/20 on OWN Apatow, they ended up writing this rom-
OXY NCIS “A Desperate Man.” (6:59) NCIS “Life Before His Eyes.” (14) NCIS “Secrets.” (14) NCIS “Psych Out.” (PG) NCIS “Need to Know.” (PG) NCIS (PG) (12:01) com loosely based on their courtship and
SCIENCE Unearthed (PG) Unearthed “Mayan City of Blood.” Impossible Engineering (N) (9:02) Mysteries of the Abandoned (N) Unearthed (PG) (11:06) Engineering starring Mr. Rust as Gus, a dweeby screen-
SMITH WWII’s Most Daring Raids (PG) Mighty Planes “Skibirds.” (PG) Mighty Ships “Fram.” (G) Hell Below “Hitler’s Revenge.” (PG) Mighty Planes “Skibirds.” (PG) Mighty Ships (G) writer, and Gillian Jacobs as Mickey, a
SNY 50 Great Mets Mets Classics Flores Walk-Off from July 31, 2015. SportsNite SportsNite SportsNite SportsNite beautiful but damaged recovering alcoholic.
SPIKE The Longest Yard (2005). Adam Sandler, Chris Rock. (PG-13) (6:30) Lip Sync Battle Lip Sync Battle Lip Sync Battle Lip Sync Battle Joe Dirt (2001). David Spade. (PG-13) (11:02) “Sometimes, ‘Love’ suggests, romance
STZENF The Game Plan (2007). Dwayne Johnson, Madison Pettis. (PG) (7:05) Cold River (1982). Suzanne Weber. (PG) (8:57) The Black Stallion Returns (1983). (PG) (10:31) War Room (2015). doesn’t need candlelight to grow so much
SUN Law & Order “Severance.” Stone Law & Order “Admissions.” Coed’s Law & Order “Gunshow.” Murders Law & Order “Killerz.” A girl may Law & Order “DNR.” A judge is Law & Order as an honest fluorescent glare,” the Times
jeopardizes murder case. (14) (6:59) death points to her professor. (7:58) in Central Park. (14) (8:57) have killed a boy. (14) (9:56) gunned down in her garage. (10:55) “Merger.” (11:54)
critic James Poniewozik wrote when the
SYFY The Da Vinci Code (2006). Tom Armageddon (1998). Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton. Mavericks out to save earth from asteroid. Not a believ- The Core (2003). Earth’s, and it’s stopped spinning.
Hanks, Audrey Tautou. (PG-13) (5) able moment in it. (PG-13) Monumentally dumb disaster flick. (PG-13) (11:03) series, now in its second season, debuted
TBS Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Seinfeld (Part 1 Seinfeld (Part 2 The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan Actor Charlie Hunnam. (N) Seinfeld (Part 1 last year.
Trip.” (Part 1 of 2) Trip.” (Part 2 of 2) of 2) (PG) of 2) (PG) Theory (PG) Theory (PG) Theory (PG) Theory (PG) (14) of 2) (PG) KATHRYN SHATTUCK
TCM The Wacky World of Mother Rodan (1957). Kenji Sawara, Yumi Shirakawa. Flying The Black Scorpion (1957). Richard Denning, Mara The Deadly Mantis (1957). Craig Stevens, Alix Talton.
Goose (1967). (6:15) Japanese monster. If that’s your dish. Corday. Giant, too. All right, no more. (11:15)
TLC My 600-Lb. Life “June’s Story.” My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized “Dottie & June.” (N) (14) Skin Tight: Transformed (N) (14) My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized “Dottie & June.” (11:01)
TNT Law Abiding Citizen (2009). Jamie Foxx, Gerard Butler. Prosecutor is O American Race “Baltimore Ris- O American Race “Muslim Is the Con Air (1997). Nicolas Cage. Innocent parolee tries
embroiled in prisoner’s revenge scheme. Blunt and sadistic. (R) ing.” (Series Premiere) (N) (14) New Black.” (N) (14) to stop convicts’ hijacking. Big-budget lark. (R) Daily television highlights, recent reviews by
TRAV Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Mysteries at the Museum (N) (PG) Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Mysteries at The Times's critics, series recaps and what to
watch recommendations.
Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Impractical Jokers (Season Finale) (N) (14) Game Show Imp. Jokers
TVLAND M*A*S*H (PG) M*A*S*H (7:36) M*A*S*H (PG) (8:12) Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens
USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Inside the F.B.I.: New York “The Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Definitions of symbols used in Ratings:
“Delinquent.” (14) “Smoked.” (14) “Community Policing.” (14) New F.B.I.” (N) (14) “Liberties.” (14) SVU the program listings: (Y) All children
VH1 Basketball Wives (14) Space Jam (1996). Michael Jordan. (PG) . White Men Can’t Jump (1992). Two basketball hustlers. Juicy, motor-mouthed and appealing. ★ Recommended film (Y7) Directed to older children
✩ Recommended series (G) General audience
WE Braxton Family Values “Opposing Braxton Family Values “Donde Braxton Family Values “The Other Braxton Family Values “The Other Braxton Family Values “The Other Mrs. Braxton.” ● New or noteworthy program (PG) Parental guidance
Counsel.” (PG) (6:51) Esta Daddy?” (PG) Mrs. Braxton.” (N) (PG) Mrs. Braxton.” (PG) (10:13) Daddy brings his wife to Mexico. (PG) (11:15) (N) New show or episode suggested
(CC) Closed-caption (14) Parents strongly cautioned
WGN-A Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (14) Cops (14) Cops (14) Cops (14) Cops (PG)
(HD) High definition (MA) Mature audience only
YES M.L.B. Houston Astros vs. New York Yankees. New York Yankees Postgame M.L.B. Houston Astros vs. New York Yankees.


7–8:15 PM

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to see New York-based photographer Ryan McGinley in
conversation with painter, photographer and provocateur Marilyn Minter. The duo will discuss
McGinley’s current exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, “Ryan McGinley:
Ryan McGinley and Marilyn Minter photo by Ryan McGinley . No refunds. Service fees and sales tax apply. Seating is limited and on a first-come-first-served basis. TimesTalks programs and speakers are subject to change.

The Kids Were Alright,” and its accompanying catalogue (co-published by MCA Denver and
Rizzoli), which focuses on his earliest photographs and Polaroids documenting his friends and
collaborators’ often debauched lifestyle in downtown N.Y.C. Marilyn Minter, the subject of a
traveling exhibition co-organized by MCA Denver and currently on view at the Brooklyn Museum,
explores the relationship between the body and cultural anxieties around sexuality and desire.
Join McGinley and Minter for a spirited discussion about capturing the depth and dissonance of
their respective generations. The talk will be moderated by Linda Yablonsky, a contributing writer
for The New York Times and T Magazine. Reception to follow.

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They Have a Hammer

The Property Brothers have gone from aspiring celebrities to HGTV headliners.
brothers use equal sums of their own shackle heap that was larger and had better Drew and Jonathan Scott, 39, driveway. Now it was time to recreate the
By KATHERINE ROSMAN access to some of the island’s canals. star in, and even produce, some scene. “This is a high-intensity moment,” a
money (in this case $600,000) to buy, reno-
GALVESTON, TEX. — Inside a bungalow un- vate and then sell houses in the same town. “He’s desperate to win,” said Jonathan, of the most popular television production assistant whispered.
der renovation, Jonathan Scott, one half of All proceeds go to charities like Habitat for who has won on the last two seasons of the shows in America. The director called to the house, “I need
the squeaky-clean Property Brothers, was Humanity. This Galveston season will make show. “I was also born first, so I also won some workers out front!” A crew of trades-
yanking a toilet out from the floor. its premiere on May 31. that competition,” he said, a joke typical of men walked out onto a second-floor porch
“Let’s do it one more time,” said a Mr. Scott, who is a perfect mix of rugged the brothers’ repartee both on- and off- and pretended to work.
producer, watching from a nearby monitor. and well coifed, a man who gets his work screen. “Bang!” the director said.
Mr. Scott walked into the small bathroom boots dirty even as his hair stays untousled, Around the corner, in a different bayside Drew ran from the house. He looked at
again, acting surprised as he spied the toi- went for a house that could be considered a house sitting high up on stilts, Drew was the chimney with feigned shock. He rubbed
let. Then he pulled it from the floor. major fixer-upper. His identical twin dealing with dislodged materials for his his eyes.
The scene was being shot for the fifth sea- brother, Drew, who is as handsome if not own renovation. The day before, strong “Let’s do the run out again,” the director
son of “Brother vs. Brother,” the HGTV pro- quite as hair-sprayed, and favors suits and winds had ripped a thin metal chimney from said.
gram in which the highly competitive Scott ties over Timberlands, opted for a ram- the roof. It had landed to the side of the CONTINUED ON PAGE D5

The Next Big Digital Shopping Experience

Ian Rogers, a former roadie
for the Beastie Boys, is helping
LVMH take on Amazon.
PARIS — Ian Rogers, chief digital officer of
LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, sat in
his sunlit office on Avenue Montaigne last
month, alongside a large cactus with a
mélange of Pucci-pattern skateboards and
black and white rock band photographs ar-
rayed on the walls behind him. Using a tat-
tooed finger, he punched in a pass code that
would unlock access to “Babylon”: the code
name for the top secret project he has been
working on since his arrival 18 months ago
at the world’s largest luxury group.
SASHA ARUTYUNOVA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES “We believe we are on the cusp of reveal-
ing something very exciting,” Mr. Rogers,
The Chris Kraus Effect 44, said in hushed tones.
The “we” was the project’s 60 employees,
How the author of ‘I Love Dick’ be- many of whom have been hired from the
Paris technology sector and who are hidden
came a feminist patron saint. far from the corporate headquarters in new
By Bonnie Wertheim, Page 6. offices in the 15th Arrondissement. Mr.
Rogers rolled up the sleeves of his navy V-
neck sweater and added, “I guess it’s time
to see if the customers think so, too.”
He was referring to the imminent unveil-
CONTINUED ON PAGE D10 Ian Rogers, the chief digital officer of LVMH, is working to introduce 24 Sèvres, a shopping website and mobile app.


Influencers Run Into Consequences

Fame isn’t just your face on the
cover of a magazine. Personal
accountability enters into it.

I NEVER REALLY expected to write these

words, but: It was Kendall Jenner who did it
for me.
Or, to be fair, not Kendall Jenner herself —
or not entirely Kendall Jenner — but rather
the 10th-anniversary Indian Vogue cover
that featured Kendall Jenner, as conceived
and photographed by Mario Testino. When
released last week on the magazine’s social
media accounts, it almost immediately be-
came the center of a storm of social media
ire, most of it along the lines of this tweet:
“Disgustingly inappropriate. Were ALL the
Indian women unavail-
Which was then fol-
lowed, as these things so
often are, by a host of head-
lines like’s
“Vogue India Cover Lands
Kendall Jenner in More
But here’s the thing:
Was it really Ms. Jenner’s
fault? Was she in any way
culpable for this bad
choice? After all, she was
being used as work for
hire: a body and a face to
sell a magazine.
Or was she? Associations that came with trouble: Bella Hadid, above left, appeared in a promotional video for the failed Fyre
Therein lies the prob- Festival; Kendall Jenner, above right, posed for this month’s Vogue India, prompting critics to wonder if all the
lem. Because the obvious Indian models were booked; Selena Gomez, top, was criticized for being the face of too many brands.
assumption — the one
made by all the worked-up they bear some responsibility for it. There is dividuals.
folks in the Twittersphere — was that she a downside to the upside of being an influ- As Meridith Valiando Rojas, the co-
had been employed not just as a clothes encer. founder and chief executive of DigiTour Me-
hanger (as models used to be known), but, Sometimes it’s literal: The Fyre Festival dia, the live entertainment company that
at least in part, as herself: a public figure is now facing a class-action lawsuit in which runs Digifest, the Coachella of the YouTube
with an immediately recognizable name the defendants include not only the generation, said, being an Influencer means
and face and family back story, along with organizers, but also a number of “Jane you are often thought of as a “friend” by
approximately 80.3 million Instagram fol- Does” who helped promote the festival. your followers. And that comes with a host
lowers. An — and I cringe at the word, but it Sometimes it’s reputational: After Selena of expectations that may not attach to a
is in the Cambridge English Dictionary — Gomez, the proud possessor of the most In- more traditional kind of talent.
Influencer. And that influence was part of stagram followers badge (she had 120 mil- “Youth culture can see through anything
what Indian Vogue was paying for by pay- lion as of Wednesday), signed on to repre- they think is inauthentic,” Ms. Greene said.
ing her to be on its cover. sent Coach — after having been an ambas- And because followers have what at least
It’s the same thing that the Fyre Festival, sador for Louis Vuitton, a brand with a very seems to be direct access to their “friend”
the famously failed music festival in the different aesthetic, one nonfan tweeted: on Twitter or Instagram, they can respond
Bahamas, was paying for when it paid Ms. “Selena Gomez, the previous face of Coca directly. Also publicly.
Jenner, along with Bella Hadid (12.7 million Cola, Louis Vuitton, Verizon, and the cur-
Instagram followers), Hailey Baldwin (10 As we go further down the rabbit hole of
rent face of Pantene and Coach . . . a joke to personal branding, new agencies are
million) and Emily Ratajkowski (12.8 mil- the industry???”
lion), to drum up excitement via promo- springing up with the mission of connecting
Either way, it’s real. As with all slippery brands to influencers and monetizing social
tional posts with said women cavorting in slopes, it’s easy to hop on but also easy to
bikinis on a beach. It’s what, to a certain ex- media presence (names like MuseFind, UP
end up in a heap at the bottom. Which raises Influence and Instabrand), and traditional
tent, Pepsi was paying for when it hired Ms. the possibility that we are on the verge of a
Jenner (sense a theme here?) and put her talent agencies like CAA and WME/IMG
new (hopefully more considered) age in the
in an ill-conceived ad in which she uses a are signing up YouTube stars or helping
evolution of Influencer culture.
soda to soften up a police officer at a riot. It’s their clients transform themselves into so-
“The influencer bubble will totally col-
what Vogue Arabia was paying for when it cial media mavens. (Maye Musk, the 69-
lapse in the next 12 months if people aren’t
put an only-semi-veiled Gigi Hadid on the year-old mother of Elon Musk who is enjoy-
very careful about the money being thrown
cover of its first issue. ing a career boom as a model, told me her
around as brands try to buy influencer
Whether it is obviously an ad, whether a agent at IMG insisted she get on Insta-
placement,” said Caroline Issa, the fashion
Federal Trade Commission-required hash- director and chief executive of Tank maga- gram.) Magazines and ad agencies are
tag admission goes with it or not (and the zine and a street-style star-turned-occa- measuring a model’s attraction not just by
F.T.C. is increasingly cracking down on in- sional Influencer. his or her physical dimensions, but also by
fluencer posts, recently writing to 45 celeb- Since being what used to be called a the number of followers. It is increasingly
rities to warn them about necessary disclo- “tastemaker” became a job, and word-of- clear that a disconnect exists between the
sures), there is, as Lucie Greene, the world- mouth tips became known as “influencer imperative to make as much money as pos-
wide director of the Innovation Group at J. marketing,” attention has been focused sible out of your influence as fast as possi-
Walter Thompson, said, “an implied individ- largely on the risks to brands in linking up ble, and the need to be highly selective
ual choice.” with individuals. See, for example, the les- about how you wield your influence in order
And that means that those involved are son of PewDiePie, a YouTube star who had to preserve its equity.
perceived as having a personal — not signed deals with Disney and Google and The generation that grew up on social
merely professional — relationship with the then was discovered to have made anti-Se- media, the digital natives at whom Digifest
thing they are selling. Which in turn means mitic statements. (The corporate brands is aimed, understands this viscerally. The
cut all ties, not surprisingly.) older generation, the ones who Ms. Rojas
CORRECTION But while it’s easy to be distracted by the said “were born not on social platforms but
An article last Thursday about the style of siren call of Influencer culture — Money for as traditional celebrities, and have migrat-
Emmanuel Macron misstated the name of the just being you! Free trips to sit front row at ed to social afterward,” seems to be learning
school where Anja Aronowsky Cronberg, an fashion shows! Global branding laying out the hard way. And that may, in the end,
expert on fashion semiotics, is a senior re- the red carpet for your delicately pointed change the equation. Or at least . . . well, in-
search fellow. It is London College of Fashion, feet! — what the cases of Kendall et al. fluence it.
not London School of Fashion. make clear is that there are also risks to in- Sorry. Couldn’t resist.


70% O F F



Mother’s Day Gifts That Say You Get Her

As all of us good children are aware, Sunday is Mother’s Day. Phone calls, flowers and thoughtfully worded cards are certainly in order, but to go the
extra mile, a gift is the ticket. Sentiment is important, to be sure, but only insofar as it is attached to an object worthy of the receiver. A cool mom will
appreciate stylish gifts that don’t underestimate her own good taste. Here, a selection of items that are sure to impress.


• Pearls are a classic on Mother’s Day, but designs from
the likes of Alexis Bittar and Saskia Diez prove that the
ladylike stone is not fusty in the least. Used sparingly with
minimal gold, or mixed with other stones, pearls are fresh
and design-forward.
Alexis Bittar jewelry, $275 to $475 at;
Saskia Diez freshwater pearl and 14-karat-gold earrings,
$335 at Maryam Nassir Zadeh,


• The chic maternity-wear label Hatch
has teamed up with Simone LeBlanc,
whose impeccably curated namesake
site has helped bring gift boxes into the
21st century, on a fail-safe Mother’s
Day gift. Filled with the kind of things
she didn’t know she needed — cash-
mere socks, a jersey nightgown, an
ember votive candle, a rose quartz
geode, a journal, organic tea — it’s a
great solution if you’re stumped to find
a gift for the mom who already has
everything, or the mother-in-law whose
interests remain a mystery.
Hatch x Simone LeBlanc Good to Glow
gift box, $168 at
• Show her you know her fashion
idiosyncrasies through and through by
designing her a bag as unique as she
is. Anya Hindmarch’s Build a Bag con-


cept, which will be introduced at Bar-
neys New York on Friday, gives shop-
pers a chance to completely customize
• Maternity clothing has come like screen-printed labels and the line’s minimalist shapes
this bucket bag, choosing from all
a long way since the days of as few seams as possible to and lack of cutesy details.
manner of fabrics, colors, straps and
tent dresses and overalls, yet maximize comfort. Everything Storq Basics Bundle containing charms. After its Barneys debut, Build
only a few brands are doing it is knitted, dyed, cut and sewn a black dress and skirt, a white a Bag will roll out at Anya Hindmarch
right. One such company is in Los Angeles, and designed to tank top and black leggings, shops on Monday. This is about as
Storq, which makes elevated be worn throughout pregnancy, $250 at close to a homemade gift as a luxury
basics in high-quality, supersoft and beyond. Even women who
lover is likely to get.
fabrics with thoughtful details, aren’t expecting will appreciate
Anya Hindmarch Build a Bag, starting at
$1,150 at Barneys New York.


• A new capsule collection from the or, for those on the younger end P OU R ON THE
Finnish design house Marimekko of the spectrum, fanciful day- CHA RM S.
will let her relive the heady days of dreams. Either way, make use of
the 1960s and ’70s. There are five the moment, pull up a chair and
archival garments — four dresses start listening.
and a skirt — that are near
likenesses of vintage designs, as Marimekko cotton maxi-dress,
well as 11 styles that serve as $398 at Anthropologie;
modern interpretations of those
items. They may evoke memories


A Takeout Addict Tries Clean Eating

IT STARTED WITH a favorite pair of white Ra- D ELI VERY
chel Comey jeans. Before the holidays, they SERVI CE S
buttoned; after the holidays, the top two EN COU RAGE
buttons did not meet. I blame three different WI LLP OWER.
bûches de Noël.
I am also a reluctant cook. I will gladly
bake a berry crisp or grill salmon for friends
on a Saturday night, but the very idea of
boiling quinoa or putting together a halfway
for dinner. Masochists, I have found your
decent salad on a weeknight depresses me.
new favorite way to detox!
I end up turning, like so many city dwellers,
Once again, breakfast was my favorite. I
to takeout.
toasted the berry nut scone and slathered it
But green curries and Cuban sandwiches
with the homemade apple butter (made
were not going to get me into my clothes
mostly with a blend of apples and coconut
again, so I focused on delivery services of-
oil). The next day, while eating the chaga
fering healthy meals. For people like me
chai detox bowl (a creamy pudding spiked
who are too proud to say they’re dieting and
with trendy mushrooms) and topped with a
too busy (and hungry) for a juice cleanse,
buckwheat granola, I whispered “Oh, this is
the idea that you can have several meals
good” aloud, to myself.
packed full of leafy greens and healthy fats
I don’t go out of my way to order cold
prepared and delivered to your door in a
soups, but I gladly drank the honeydew gaz-
two-hour window seems like the answer to
pacho after a sweaty boot camp class. And
a problem. Though a really expensive one.
Sakara’s niçoise had an “egg” molded from
The first service I tried was Provenance
cashew and macadamia nuts that was so
Meals, whose website teases that it offers
adorable I forgave the company for substi-
gluten-free and dairy-free foods, including
tuting adzuki bean tempeh for tuna.
something called Purple Forest Paleo
After my meal delivery foray was up, my
Muffins (made with puréed beets, cacao
skin looked dewier, I think. I stopped feeling
and cherries) and a salad made with a
as if I needed a two-hour nap after lunch.
whole grain I’ve never heard of — coix
My digestive system was, without being too
seeds — and I like to think of myself as up on PHOTOGRAPHS BY DANNY GHITIS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES descriptive, doing a spectacular job.
ancient grains.
Danielle DuBoise, left, and Whitney Tingle, the founders of Sakara Life. Not that I continued to live in my edenic
Breakfast was steel-cut oats with quince
state of clean living. I was all too excited to
and cranberry. Could I make oatmeal my-
welcome cheese, wine and refined sugar
self? Yes. Do I like it better when someone
back into my life, if in moderation. I never
makes it for me and tops it with various n’t offer breakfast, but my first day’s lunch bun on my veggie burger? Provenance Meals did manage to give up coffee for three days
dried and stewed fruit? Yes! The following (eggplant salad with crumbled feta, roasted And I started to miss hot food. All of the
mornings I had mulberry ginger granola red peppers and arugula) and dinner Philosophy “Gluten-free, dairy- straight, but at least I drank it with almond
deliveries come cold and can be eaten as is,
free, with no refined sugars” milk.
with Brazil nut milk and Mexican chocolate (baked coconut shrimp with sweet chili kelp although items like veggie burgers or
Cost Starting at $65 a day Having these meals delivered was maybe
coconut yogurt. I awakened every day like a noodles) came with two snacks (trail mix shrimp can be plucked off their beds of
Delivery New York metro area the first time in my life I didn’t have an am-
child on Christmas, so eager to eat some- and edamame hummus and carrots) and a greens to be heated up. bient concern about whether I was consum-
thing more exciting than toast. dessert (banana cream pie chia pudding). I Last up was Sakara Life, which counters
............................................................. ing enough vegetables. And eating a bowl of
I wasn’t as thrilled with the rest of the ate them at intervals while powering leaving out a lot of fun stuff by being vegan,
chickpeas and sweet potatoes felt a little
food. The kale chicken caesar with nutty through deadlines and didn’t once think gluten- and dairy-free with its wild popular- Market. Kitchen. Table.
like being at a spa, even if I was sitting at my
herb croutons was easy to eat between about cookies. ity with beautiful people on social media. It Philosophy “Farm-Fresh. Nutri- kitchen table staring out at the rain.
meetings, but I’ve had better kale salads. I liked the amount of food and the variety has a granola that comes with a bright- ent Dense. Real Food.” Meal deliveries may never be a viable
The lemongrass ginger chicken soup was of ingredients but was confused by the food green nut milk tinted with spirulina that Cost From $200 for three days way to eat all the time, but they work as a
well suited for lunch on an overcast day, but philosophy. Everything was surely packed guarantees your photographs will get great Delivery Manhattan and Brook- reboot to the system. A slight one, that is:
not quite enough to keep me full until din- with nutrients, but some items were gluten- play when you post them. lyn My pants are only one button closer to fit-
ner, which was wild mushroom shepherd’s free (raw Mexican brownies) while others It’s also the company with the most life- ting.
pie. At lunch on Day 3, I picked at my vegan were not (chocolate zucchini muffins); style bells and whistles. Meals come with .............................................................
caldo verde with focaccia (focaccia, for the some meals were vegetarian (mushroom Beauty Water that contains rose and silica,
record, doesn’t translate very well sans beet and bean burgers over greens with a rooibos-based Detox Tea, a guide (“Get Sakara Life ONLINE: PUT DOWN THAT BIG MAC
gluten), fed the rest to my dog and ate a baked sweet potato fries and sriracha aioli), excited for greens”) and a stick of palo Philosophy “Plant-rich, gluten- On Thursday on Facebook Live, Marisa
toaster waffle. while others contained meat (chicken santo wood to burn. Included in my delivery free, superfood diet” Meltzer will do a tasting and take questions for
Next up was Market. Kitchen. Table. I enchiladas with red pepper sauce and avo- was information on a new Level II program, Cost $255 for three days Danielle DuBoise and Whitney Tingle, the
had seen its delivery bags around my cado crema). If gluten isn’t the enemy here, which eliminates even more foods (night- Delivery Nationwide founders of Sakara Life:
Brooklyn neighborhood. This service does- then may I at least have had a whole-wheat shades, grains, nuts) and gives you broths

Sakara Life’s Chaga Chai Detox Bowl,

Breezy Berry Scone and Detox Tea.

Honeydew Gazpacho and the White

Bean Sandwich, also from Sakara.

A variety of meals delivered by Sakara Life, which is

vegan-, gluten- and dairy-free.

The company’s Niçoise salad has an

“egg” fashioned from cashew and
macadamia nuts.

They Have a Hammer

Drew walked back inside and ran out house-renovation sets in his Chrysler 300.
again. He pretended to notice the chimney They do, however, enjoy many perks.
again, and looked up toward the workmen. Just a few days before Barack Obama left
“Go inside, guys! I don’t want you to work the White House, the brothers took a pri-
outside; it’s too windy!” vate tour of the Oval Office and West Wing.
(“There is a lot of great character you would
The workers went back inside, and then
want to keep,” Drew said, “but there are a
came back out, and went in, for a third take.
lot of things that are due for an update.”)
“At the end of the day, it has to be interest-
They recently visited NASA and experi-
ing television,” Drew said later. “But when
enced virtual reality with astronauts. While
we find a load-bearing wall, we are really
filming in Galveston, they took in a Houston
finding a load-bearing wall.”
Rockets game and played Ping-Pong with
AT A TIME when politics have riven the na- the team’s general manager.
tion, an old-fashioned, wholesome shelter
show is something many can agree on. In
they performed frequently in comedy and
seven years, Drew and Jonathan Scott, 39,
improv, and as clowns for hire. The brothers
have gone from aspiring celebrities on a
began buying, renovating and flipping real
small Canadian cable network to HGTV
estate when they were 18. The idea was to
headliners who star in, and in some cases
use real estate as a vehicle to finance ca-
produce, some of the most popular televi-
reers in entertainment.
sion shows in America.
In 2009, producers in Canada saw an op-
They know that some of their fans are
portunity to get in on the reality TV real es-
supporters of President Trump, but Jona-
tate boom. The pitch, Jonathan said, was
than is not a fan. “I believe our show is about
“two good looking guys in tight jeans doing
finding solutions for the little guy, and I home renovations; we said, ‘Sure, we’ll do
think the current administration is doing that.’” The show aired on Canadian cable in
stuff that is counterproductive to serving 2010 and in 2011 was picked up by HGTV.
the little guy,” he said.
Their ambitions go much further than
Property Brothers programming is now posts and beams.
international, on the air in more than 150
They would like to do a talk show, and say
countries. The brothers live in a constant
they have been approached by “several big
cycle of product promotion and never tire of PHOTOGRAPHS BY TODD SPOTH FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES broadcast networks” but don’t think the
posing for selfies with fans from San Anto-
nio to Singapore, where they were met by
thousands when they visited. This was ini-
tially a surprise to them, since Asian hous- ‘At the end of the day, it has to be interesting television.’
ing stock and ways of living differ so greatly
from those of North America. But, Jonathan
pointed out, “Everyone lives somewhere.”
In their hallmark show, “Property Broth-
ers,” Drew, a real estate agent, helps a fam-
ily buy a new home and Jonathan, a con-
struction contractor, helps them renovate.
It is among HGTV’s highest-ranking pro-
grams. The last season of “Brother vs.
Brother,” which is produced by Scott Broth-
ers Entertainment, drew more than 14 mil-
lion viewers. These are just two of their
HGTV programs.
Their shows are part of a popular HGTV
lineup which includes “Flip or Flop,” with
Tarek El Moussa and Christina El Moussa,
and “Fixer Upper,” with Chip and Joanna
Gaines, who appeared on the cover of Peo-
ple magazine last October, before the Scotts’
first cover in April. “No, we’re not jealous of
them,” Drew said. “They are phenomenally
successful, the audience loves them and our
fans have been asking for us to do some-
thing together.” The Scotts asked the Gaine-
ses to appear on an episode of “Brother vs. than, who comes off as a Type A-minus at Top, Drew Scott of the Property deadline, and he wrote the screenplay on a timing is right. Jonathan said he was “very
Brother” in Galveston, but they were busy. best. Brothers, far right, preparing typewriter. They say they plan to produce into conservation and solar energy.” He has
In the past, other HGTV stars have “I am so anal about everything,” Drew for a scene in “Brother vs. the film one day. written a documentary series about renew-
popped up; Rob Van Winkle (also known as said. Brother.” Above left, Jonathan Joanne Scott, 73, spends a lot of time fol- able energy, and would like to write more in
Vanilla Ice, who stars in the HGTV show, They are the first to admit that their fam- Scott, who has won on the last lowing her sons on social media platforms the future, moving beyond his usual output
“The Vanilla Ice Project”) appeared in an ily and work lives overlap more than most. two seasons of the show. Above and looking for comments left by followers of “inspirational things and cheesy things
episode called “Nice, Nice Baby.” Drew is engaged to marry Linda Phan, the right, the construction site for that might be off-Scott-brand. “If there is for our fans.”
The Scott brothers have numerous brand creative director of Scott Brothers Enter- Team Drew. anything I think needs their attention,” she Drew would like to resume his acting ca-
extensions, many of which fall under their tainment, and the coming season of “Prop- said, “I’m on the phone.” reer, but time has been short. He and Jona-
Scott Living company: wine fridges and erty Brothers at Home: Drew’s Hon- The Scott brothers realize that their than had cameo roles on the USA Network’s
electric fireplaces, sold at Lowes, and in- eymoon House” will feature the couple as wholesomeness is the key to their appeal. “Playing House,” and say they have been of-
door-outdoor rugs and patio furniture, sold they renovate their first home together, in “It’s safe programming,” Drew said over a fered guest roles on shows like “Castle.”
through QVC, to name a few. There is a new Los Angeles. Jacinta Kuznetsov, Jonathan’s gluten-free lunch quickly eaten amid the Together, the brothers have also written
luxury-home building project in Las Vegas. girlfriend, also works for the company. A filming of “Brother vs. Brother.” “The shows two screenplays, which they plan to
They released two country music songs, third brother, J. D. Scott, works as the host are not so foofy that guys don’t want to produce (in addition to their father’s cow-
which they promoted on “Property Broth- of HGTV’s online coverage of life behind the boy picture). The first one they would like to
watch, kids want to watch because we’re
ers at Home on the Ranch.” They have a scenes on “Brother vs. Brother.” make, Jonathan said, is “a dark comedy that
goofy and women appreciate it because
book coming out in September from Hough- The Scotts’ mother and father are in- follows the life of a professional ‘hook up’
you’re getting real design knowledge.”
ton Mifflin Harcourt called “It Takes Two: volved in the family business too. artist as he discovers his own loneliness
They say they are basically just ordinary through the romantic misery of others — it’s
Our Story.” Jim Scott, 83, immigrated from Scotland,
eventually settling in western Canada, folks. “People think because you’re a celebri- kind of like ‘Hitch’ meets ‘The Hangover.’”
Though both brothers are constantly pro-
where he worked as a horse stuntman, then ty, because you’re on TV, because you’re Another, he added, “is about a band of broth-
moting themselves, they agree that Drew is
as a director’s assistant on the set of Holly- People magazine’s Sexiest Men Alive, things ers who come from a small-town upbring-
more high-strung, a man who took a confer-
wood movies shot on location near Vancou- like that, that we’re bathing in champagne ing with wholesome values.”
ence call while atop the Eiffel Tower, and
who won’t attempt a leisure activity without ver. He has told his sons about an idea for a and taking limos door to door. But we’re Who might they envision playing the lead
taking lessons (currently: Ping-Pong, gui- film in which a cowboy is unjustly sent to literally the same guys, just with much busi- roles? Originally Drew envisioned his
tar and golf ). prison and struggles to adapt to a changed er schedules,” Jonathan said, as he drove brother and himself as the stars. But what
“I’m very good at relaxing,” said Jona- world upon his release. His sons gave him a both brothers back to their respective he really wants to do is direct.


Not a Stranger in Her Fiction

An Amazon series brings reintroduced in 2006 with a foreword by the
poet Eileen Myles and, according to its pub-
wanted to have see my work,” Ms. Kraus
said. “Susan Sontag was one, Richard Fore-
Chris Kraus wider acclaim. lisher, sold over 50,000 copies worldwide in man was another. Sylvère was the only one
2016 after a steady drumbeat of endorse- who came.”
By BONNIE WERTHEIM ments from n+1, Jezebel and other She has always been open about the auto-
When Chris Kraus walked into the New publications. Now it will get an even bigger biographical elements of “I Love Dick,”
York Botanical Garden on a recent rainy publicity boost from its adaptation by Ms. which include obsession, consummation
Saturday, it felt like a homecoming. Ms. Myles’s former girlfriend, Jill Soloway, into and rejection at the hands of the title char-
Kraus, a writer, has lived in Los Angeles an Amazon mini-series that begins stream- acter.
since 1995, but the first chapter of her life ing Friday. It stars Kathryn Hahn, Griffin “It seemed so stupid to us that we would
was set in the Bronx, and her last apart- Dunne and Kevin Bacon, and has an all-fe- have to dissemble it any other way,” Ms.
ment in New York was a short subway ride male writing staff. Kraus said. “I mean, who hasn’t had an af-
from the garden. Its flora and fauna were fa- “On a certain level, your first reaction is fair? Who hasn’t had a crush? What is the
miliar friends. to cringe,” Ms. Kraus said of the increased big secret?”
“This is a classic,” she said, looking up at a exposure, “especially because the charac- She and Mr. Lotringer lived on separate
just-bloomed cherry blossom tree. “This is ter names in the book are not changed.” coasts in 1995, when Ms. Kraus moved to
‘ON A C E RTAIN my Facebook cover photo.” “I Love Dick” tells the story of Chris California for a job at ArtCenter College of
LEVEL, YO UR Ms. Kraus, 62, spends little time on social Kraus, a 39-year-old experimental film- Design in Pasadena. They had an open mar-
FIR ST media, but she is well aware that her first maker who sees herself as more of an “aca- riage, and they eventually met other part-
REAC TIO N IS novel, “I Love Dick,” has become an inter- demic groupie” than an artist. She and her ners and divorced in 2013. They remain
TO C R IN G E .’ net phenomenon. Young readers post pho- husband, a 56-year-old professor named close, however, and now live “around the
tos of its cover on Instagram with the hash- Sylvère Lotringer, invite a fellow scholar corner from each other” in Los Angeles.
tag #chriskraus. (Moderators have cen- (named in New York magazine as Mr. Both have homes in Baja California, Mex-
sored #ilovedick.) They quote from the nov- Lotringer’s colleague Dick Hebdige) out for ico, where they often retreat to write.
el in posts on Twitter. The writer Emily a casual sushi dinner that turns into an in- Her background is fairly traditional, if
Gould even started a Tumblr account where tellectual ménage à trois, and then more. itinerant. Her father, Oswald, worked for
she solicits selfies from the book’s growing The book unfolds in an epistolary format, Cambridge University Press, and her
audience, a group that includes Lena Dun- and Dick becomes Chris’s “perfect reader,” mother, Ruth, had a series of clerical jobs.
ham, Tavi Gevinson and Lorde. reflecting her desire to be taken seriously as Chris was born in 1955, and her sister, Carol,
Ms. Gevinson, the editor and actress, has an artist. followed three years later. They lived in the
been a fan of Ms. Kraus’s since 2013, when In real life, Mr. Lotringer was the founder Bronx until 1960, and then Milford, Conn.
she was 17 years old and working on the sec- of Semiotext(e), and he is still an editor at When Ms. Kraus was 13, the family
ond Rookie Yearbook. “I have two journals the press, along with the writer Hedi El moved to New Zealand on the Assisted Pas-
where the spines say something like Kholti and Ms. Kraus. He married Ms. sage Migration Scheme, and after a whirl
‘Mostly “I Love Dick” Quotes: Part 1’ and Kraus in 1988, a few years after she invited through high school, she enrolled at the Vic-
‘Mostly “I Love Dick” Quotes: Part 2,’” she him to see her first avant-garde perform- toria University of Wellington when she
said in a phone interview. ance, “Disparate Action/Desperate Ac- was 16. “Maturity is being increasingly de-
First published in 1997 by Semiotext(e), tion.” layed and deferred these days,” she said.
the book had anemic sales. It was “I wrote letters to 10 famous people that I “Here, you’re on your parents’ health insur-
Chris Kraus in the New York Botanical

Boîte The Lot Radio



Although the Lot

Radio lies within spit-
ting distance of
Williamsburg’s loom-
ing hotels and overflowing night-
clubs, this makeshift hangout,
which began as an internet radio
station and coffee shop, conjures
a charmingly antediluvian era.
Housed in a shipping container
without running water, it began
selling alcohol in January, and
has shown that something spon-
taneous and genuine can still
thrive here.
“We didn’t want a place that
was that impressive,” said Fran-
cois Vaxelaire, the founder. On a
sunny Monday, he sat at a wood-
en table as muted house music
blooped. Nearby, a woman with
gold teeth and a Black Flag-
inspired shirt cracked open a
drink. “We have a lot of old regu-
lars who come with their dogs.”
The Place
A triangular patch along Nassau
Avenue, hemmed in by ware-
houses, a public school and a
church. The black shipping con-
tainer is split into a D.J. booth
and a kiosk. In the yard, mis-
matched chairs, stacked pallet
tables and umbrellas rest on a
bed of gravel and cigarette butts.
There is a portable toilet and,
sometimes, a fire pit. It would not
be out of place next to a flea
market in the Catskills.
The Crowd
Eclectic weekend throngs: indie
rock dudes, women in overalls
and Spielberg caps, tourist fam-
ilies, meandering bros in board
shorts caught in the limbo be-
tween nearby Berry Park and
Spritzenhaus. “It’s not a bar,” said
Lloyd Harris, a director, who D.J.s
under the name Lloydski. “But,
oddly enough, there is no other
place for you to chill outside and
have a beer and a conversation.”
The emphasis on electronic mu-
sic, disco and soul is a buzzing
undercurrent, but there is rarely
dancing, even when D.J.s like
Nina Kraviz, Francois K and
Busy P spin (programming from
8 a.m. to midnight). “It’s not a
spectacle,” Mr. Vaxelaire said. In
recent months, the Lot broadcast
from Marfa and held its anniver-
sary party at Brooklyn Bazaar.
Getting In
All ages. Must be over 21 to drink.
Cheap. Warsteiner cans are $4.
Wine is sold by the glass ($7) or,
preferably, the bottle ($30) and
shared in paper cups. Coffee and
pastries, $4 or less. BEN DETRICK
. ...................................................................

The Lot Radio, 17 Nassau Avenue

(between Banker and North 15th
Streets); Open
weekdays, 8 a.m. to midnight; from
10 a.m. on weekends.

ance until you’re 26. But in New Zealand, at

16, you’re pretty much an adult.”
After graduation, Ms. Kraus became a
journalist but was ambivalent about how
she had to “bond with people and then be-
tray them by writing about them.”
At 21, she moved to the East Village in
New York and studied acting. “I wrote a lot
for a feminist newspaper called Majority
Report, where they paid you in restaurant
vouchers and subway slugs,” she said. To
pay her rent, she took up odd jobs and artist
assistantships, including one with Louise
In the early ’80s, she began writing and
directing films, but they weren’t successful
commercially or critically, causing frustra-
tion that she later explored in “I Love Dick”
and her second novel, “Aliens & Anorexia.”
Then, in 2006, Ms. Kraus published “Tor-
por,” a well-received prequel of sorts about a JESSICA BROOKS/AMAZON PRIME VIDEO
faltering couple (with different names)
seeking to heal their marriage through the Kathryn Hahn, Griffin Dunne and Kevin Bacon in the Amazon adaptation of “I Love Dick.”
adoption of a Romanian child, prompting
Mr. El Kholti to reintroduce “I Love Dick.” long to write about her.” Paul Giamatti appear in the artist Frances
It was a “moment where all of these bril- Watching a white-dress-and-veil wed- Scholz’s “Amboy,” a 2015 film about a fic-
liant people who hadn’t published books yet ding amid an Earth Day parade in the gar- tional artist.
were keeping blogs,” Ms. Kraus said. den, Ms. Kraus described her compara- “We staged this thing at Cal Arts where I
Continuing to draw from life, she will in tively modest wedding to Philip Valdez, a was going be giving a lecture as part of their
September publish “After Kathy Acker,” a psychologist, a little over two years ago. series to the art students, about the Ameri-
book that “may or may not be a biography” The ceremony took place in front of a dozen can artist Amboy,” she said. “They all
of Ms. Acker, an experimental novelist who or so friends, on the patio of their home in showed up for it, and they didn’t know it was
died in 1997 after a battle with breast cancer. Los Angeles, with decorations from a 99- fake.” In fact, they pretended they had
She appears as a figure throughout Ms. cent store, a homemade cake and an offici- heard of him.
Kraus’s novels and was also once involved ant they found online. The neighborhood where she and Mr.
with Mr. Lotringer. Ms. Kraus continues to teach part time at Valdez live, near MacArthur Park, is “as
“But that’s a long time ago, and that cer- ArtCenter, subsidizing her salary with close as you can come” to New York in Cali-
tainly isn’t why I chose to write about her,” money she makes as a property manager. fornia, Ms. Kraus said with a touch of wist-
Ms. Kraus said. “In fact, that’s why it took so And she hasn’t given up acting: She and fulness. “But it’s not the same.”
l Garden. “I mean, who hasn’t had an affair? Who hasn’t had a crush?” she said.

. ...................................................................

Mother’s Day
There’s still time to
find that gift for
mom like, say, an
ring with a diamond set in 14-
karat gold ($975). At 20 East 69th
Street. . . . At BLOOMINGDALE’S on
59th Street, you can buy flowers
to be planted in Central Park in
your mother’s name ($5) and pick
up a limited-edition floral silk
scarf ($225); $50 from each sale
will benefit the Conservatory
Garden restoration. On the first
floor. . . . The new L’OFFICINE UNI-
VERSELLE BULY concession at
Triple water-based perfumes in 12
exotic notes like Berkane Orange
Blossom and Peruvian Heliotrope
($158 for 75 milliliters), with a
calligrapher on hand to per-
sonalize the label. . . . Five dollars
from the sale of each pair of TOMS
($59) and me ($36 to $42)
espadrilles with an orange rose,
the universal symbol of maternal
health, will benefit the Christy
Turlington Burns nonprofit dedi-
cated to making pregnancy and
childbirth safer in the developing
world. At 264 Elizabeth Street. . . .
And at BROOKFIELD PLACE, the fash-
ion illustrator Blair Breitenstein
will create a custom Mother’s Day
card free of charge daily through
Saturday, from noon to 3 p.m.,
with proof of any purchase. At 230
Vesey Street, Level 1.
. ...................................................................

Openings and Events

At PROJECT:OM, the aim is to create
the world’s largest yoga event in
support of the Susan G. Komen
Foundation fight against breast
cancer, with 13 donation-based
events scheduled this weekend,
including one at 6 p.m. on Thurs-
day on the Great Lawn in Central
Park. People can register for the
yoga session at
. . . On Friday, the ARTISTS & FLEAS
mini-chain will unveil a SoHo
market with 40 vendors offering
New York vintage and artisan
products like a ’70s paisley print
dress ($628) and Soap for Sinners
coffee body scrub ($16). At 568
Broadway. . . . On Monday, the
Colombian label PEPA POMBO will
open a pop-up at BERGDORF GOOD-
MAN with flattering and versatile)
knits like a strapless reversible
dress/skirt ($1,400). . . . Also on
Monday, Lauren Conrad’s PAPER
CROWN line will breeze into the
rotating pop-up shop at the LORD &
bits like a one-shoulder rose dot
dress ($258) and a chambray
cutout dress ($230).
. ...................................................................
Send shopping suggestions to



Helping Haiti, and a Friend, Too His Boutique

Admirers of Sean Penn turn
out to help him reforest the Blurs Gender
earthquake-damaged country. Age 25
By JACOB BERNSTEIN Hometown Poços de Caldas, Brazil
How many red carpet interviews did Sean Now Lives In a three-bedroom apartment
Penn give for his Haiti charity, J/P HRO in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, which he
(short for Jenkins-Penn Haitian Relief Or- shares with a freelance designer and a
ganization), which held its first major New yoga instructor.
York gala at Sotheby’s last Friday?
Zero. Claim to Fame Kelvin Goncalves is a fash-
Instead, Mr. Penn rolled in at 7:30 p.m. in ion retailer and designer behind Elkel, an
his dark blue suit, posed for photos and upstart boutique that features up-and-
headed upstairs to the banquet center, coming designers with a distinctly queer
which was filled with art world types, fash- sensibility. The cutting-edge items have
ionistas and entertainment industry big- gotten the attention of some celebrities,
wigs. too, including Bjork and, who
Combativeness may be built into Mr. bought a high-concept shirt with detach-
Penn’s personality, but among his peers, he able arms by the gender-blurring brand
is a popular guy.
MLTV ($299).
Just ask Gayle King, the night’s M.C., who
was asking guests for stories about her Big Break An avid internet shopper, Mr.
host. “Sean wrote me a letter,” she said. Goncalves would go online to buy avant-
“And when Sean Penn writes you a letter, garde brands like Julian Zigerli from
you say yes.” Zurich and Dusty from Finland, because
Or Donna Karan, who wore a he couldn’t find them for sale in New York.
sleeveless black jumpsuit, her “I realized: ‘Oh. Here’s a business oppor-
hair pulled back in a ponytail.
WHEN tunity. There’s a niche there,’” Mr. Con-

Penn’s charity to help it rebuild

T HE AC TOR calves said. Inspired by his father who
WRITES A opened a bakery in New Jersey, he started
homes for displaced residents
L ET T ER , ‘ YOU Elkel in 2015 as an online boutique devoted
in Haiti, although she knew lit-
SAY Y E S.’ to new, gender-bending brands. To gener-
tle about Haiti before the devas-
tating 2010 hurricane. “I said, ate buzz, he opened a tiny pop-up on Stan-
‘Where’s Haiti?’” she said. ton Street with a window display created
Around 8:30 p.m., Naomi Campbell, by the transgender artist Bizzy Barefoot.
Andy Cohen, Tom Freston and Carey Low- “It can’t be just a store,” he said. “It needs
ell moved toward the dining area. Ms. King to be an experience and needs to be
hit the stage and talked about Haiti’s grind- visually interesting.”
ing poverty and environmental decline, as
well as Mr. Penn’s new initiative to reforest
the country.
After smoking a cigarette at his table as if
it were the last one on earth, Mr. Penn ex-
pressed his gratitude toward people in the
room, making numerous off-color jokes
about his persona.
He even pointed out what a “bad idea” it
was to allow him to speak in front of an audi- Top, from left: Sean Penn, Bryan Lourd, Naomi Campbell and Andy Cohen at a benefit for Mr. Penn’s charity for Haiti, J/P
ence “after 5 o’clock” when “the bar is full.” HRO, at Sotheby’s on Friday. Above, Donna Karan, far left, with Gayle King, the night’s M.C.; right, Mr. Penn thanks his guests.
Attention turned to the live auction, fea-
turing works by Deborah Kass, Ed Ruscha
and Jonas Wood, as well as various vacation DANIEL DORSA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

Barry Diller got into a bidding war for a Latest Project In April, Elkel opened a
tour of James Turrell’s Roden Crater in Ari- permanent storefront at 48 Hester Street,
zona, and ultimately won it for $90,000. a minimalist white box to display a colorful
Leonardo DiCaprio, who made a surprise mélange of innovative brands like Walter
entrance around 9 p.m., won a $25,000 trip
Van Beirendonck and Julian Zigerli. While
of his own to see Cristiano Ronaldo compete
in a soccer tournament. Mr. DiCaprio was the store carries mostly men’s wear, some
seated next to Mr. Penn and wore his cus- items are decidedly unisex, like a sheer
tomary newsboy cap. black-mesh basketball jersey by Krizia
A grilled chicken dinner was served and Robustella ($229).
the soul singer Andra Day performed for Next Thing A designer himself, Mr. Goncal-
From left: Ellie Goulding and John Varvatos; Mr. Lourd, center, with Barry Diller; the musician Damien Rice, center.
the crowd, who collectively brought in more ves is working on a T-shirt project with the
than $1 million for the organization, which to
artist Mars Hobrecker. Due in June for gay
date has raised more than $90 million for
Haitian relief. pride month, the shirt is made from a
During dessert, friends like Bryan Lourd single panel of triangular fabric, and will
and Ms. Karan continued to sing Mr. Penn’s feature politically charged images and
praises. A reporter introduced himself for a slogans. “It’s battle time,” he said of
quick chat, and Mr. Penn agreed, continuing making fashion with a message.
to fret. Tattoo Inspiration Designers like Vivienne
While he was glad so many people in Hol-
Westwood and Jean-Paul Gaultier are his
lywood continue to stand by him, Mr. Penn
said he worried about his ability to reach heroes, but Mr. Goncalves’s artistic muse
others. “We’ve got to do better at getting the is Keith Haring. He has a Haring-inspired
word out to people who can’t afford tattoo on his right bicep, featuring one of
$25,000,” he said. the artist’s trademark cartoonlike figures.
And that doesn’t get easier as more geo- Much like Mr. Haring, Mr. Goncalves uses
political issues compete for attention. “The happy things to address serious subjects.
world is a mess,” he said. “People are more likely to listen when you
The changing media landscape adds a show up with a smile rather than start
wrinkle, too. “I’m an old-school guy,” he ranting right away,” he said.
said. “I’m never going to be the guy that BRIAN SLOAN
knows how to use social media.” Leonardo DiCaprio, far left above, who made a late entrance; Mr. Cohen on the red carpet; Andra Day performed for the crowd.

How Sephora Thrives Amid a Retail Crisis

The beauty giant is embracing much personal contact they want in stores
like the one at Herald Square, which Ms.
technology and transforming Yeh called the company’s “store of the fu-
its stores into playgrounds. ture.”
Now department stores are scrambling
to follow suit. In a few months, Blooming-
By LAURA M. HOLSON dale’s will begin a major renovation of its
It was hard to tell if the opening of Sephora’s cosmetics department, which could take as
new store near Herald Square was a red much as a year to complete. “The new in-
carpet affair or a girl’s night out at the spa. A store experience will have more technology
D.J. played techno-pop while guests sipped and an ability to ‘play,’” said Francine Klein,
Moët Champagne and dabbed Jo Malone on who oversees cosmetics at Bloomingdale’s.
their wrists. One 20-something wrapped “The challenge is to keep pace.”
her hair in a paper headband while an at- Macy’s, long the domain of beauty coun-
tendant dabbed cream on her cheeks. An- ters for established brands like Estée Lau-
other stood before a screen with a front-fac- der and Lancôme, has begun displaying
ing camera and sampled virtual eyelashes, “staff favorites” in its Dallas store. Sales-
swiping left to explore an array of styles be- people, explained Muriel Gonzalez, the ex-
fore committing to the real thing. ecutive vice president and general mer-
“Oh! Do another!” said her friend, who chandising manager for beauty, are shifting
was snapping photographs. “This is so away from promoting only one brand. Ma-
much fun.” cy’s also recently acquired Bluemercury, a
Much has been written about the crisis in spa and beauty boutique, in an effort to ex-
retail, with shoppers deserting department pand its cosmetics business.
stores for e-tailers and fast fashion, if they Kohl’s, meanwhile, has revamped all of its
shop at all. The beauty business, though, beauty stores, adding high-end brands like
has not had the same fate. Prestige beauty Lorac and Bliss. And last year, Barnes & No-
sales in the United States rose 6 percent in ble began testing the Glossary, its beauty-
the 12 months ending in February, tallying store-within-a-bookstore, on college cam-
$15.9 billion, according to the market re- puses, among them William & Mary, Emory
search company NPD Group. Makeup and Tulane. There, students can test brands
alone is up 11 percent, totaling $7.3 billion. without having to leave campus.
But that industry, too, is in the midst of its PHOTOGRAPHS BY KARSTEN MORAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
But at the moment Sephora faces its stiff-
own upheaval, driven in part by the success est competition from Ulta Beauty, a cosmet-
of stores such as Sephora, the No. 1 specialty out getting chapped lips? There is a mobile Melissa Feliciano, above, tries ics retailer, which is the No. 1 specialty
beauty retailer in the world according to Eu- app using augmented reality for that. out the Sephora Virtual Artist beauty retailer in the United States (and
romonitor International, which tracks Customers can scan their faces to get their and a worker helps Carly No. 2 in the world, behind Sephora), accord-
beauty sales. Color IQ, a reference number used to find Griffin, left, use the Color IQ at ing to Euromonitor. Founded by a former
Bloggers and YouTube stars, Instagram products that match their skin tones, or sit Sephora’s new store near
drugstore chain executive, Ulta sells high-
videos and virtual assistants are replacing at digital workstations to take classes in end and drugstore-brand cosmetics to
Herald Square in Manhattan.
department store sales clerks, whose contouring cheekbones. Sephora even has customers who want prestige brands and
customers now know as much as they do (or its own version of Smell-O-Vision, a touch salon service.
more) about mermaid eyes and ombré lips. screen with a fan that lets visitors smell the Naturally, the changing industry makes
Brand loyalty is out, replaced by Sephora’s scents — floral, earthy — that characterize traditional brands nervous. Of particular
try-more-buy-more ethos. Friends hold as most fragrances. discomfort to some is that Sephora is owned
much sway these days as trained experts. Rebecca Pahle, a writer and editor in by LVMH, and thus stocks many of the
“For the older consumer it can be confus- Manhattan, visits the two Sephora stores brands the group owns, including Make Up
ing,” said Karen Grant, the global beauty in- near her Times Square office twice a month. For Ever, Fresh, Benefit, Givenchy, Guer-
dustry analyst at the NPD Group. “But for “It is easy to kill time, play around with lain and Dior. This has led to complaints
the younger consumer, it’s like, ‘Wheeeee! things and then spend more money than I among beauty companies that fear an even
Look at that! Look at that!’ It’s all about should,” Ms. Pahle said. “I am ex- more powerful Sephora will favor LVMH
play. And the more time you stay in the store perimenting a lot, trying to figure out what I M A KI N G brands or new cosmetic makers that appeal
or online, the more money you are likely to like.” She doesn’t shop at department F REE PL AY more to millennials than heritage brands.
spend.” stores. “I don’t associate them with make- A PA RT OF Ms. Yeh pointed to Sephora’s partnership
Ms. Grant estimates that two out of five up,” she said. SHOPPI N G. with Estée Lauder to create the Estée Edit,
through the confusion,” in part by allowing
women between ages 18 and 54 wear five or What she appreciates most is autonomy. a line of brightly colored lipsticks and eye
customers to try before they buy. shadows marketed to millennials, as an ex-
more makeup products every day. “It de- “At Sephora they ignore me, which I like,”
fines the selfie-obsessed, image-driven cul- Sephora, which is owned by the French Ms. Pahle said. “I don’t like the hard sell.” ample of the company’s broad-mindedness.
ture of our time,” she said. luxury conglomerate LVMH and has more In 2015, Sephora opened its Innovation Even so, an update doesn’t mean much if
Deborah Yeh, Sephora’s senior vice presi- than 2,300 locations in 33 countries, offers Lab in a converted warehouse in San Fran- those young consumers don’t buy it.
dent for marketing and branding, said: digitally savvy customers enough cisco to experiment with ways to combine “Now everything is agnostic, and you
“The lady at the counter has been replaced technological doodads and computer dis- mobile apps and in-store shopping into a co- have to play differently,” said Ms. Grant, the
by hundreds of people on YouTube. There plays to make a Silicon Valley engineer hesive experience. As a result of their ef- NPD Group analyst. “You just have to get
are more voices. And we are trying to cut blush. Want to try 50 shades of lipstick with- forts, customers can have as little or as the traffic.”

The Next Big Digital Shopping Experience

ingly consumers want pictures over words,”
ing of LVMH’s high-stakes foray into multi- he said. As a result, he added, “if you look at
brand luxury e-commerce. Rumors of a our site, we lean far further toward visually-
shopping platform that would fall under the led merchandising than the more editorial
branding umbrella of Le Bon Marché, skew of our competitors.”
LVMH’s upmarket department store, have Tiny exquisite illustrations by Hadrien
swirled for months. Now 24 Sèvres, a bou- Durand-Baïssas and colorful tongue-in-
tique shopping website and mobile app cheek GIFs are scattered throughout the
named after the Paris street that Le Bon site. Each product category header is a
Marché is on, goes live in under a month. monochrome photograph of artists’ models
It is a gamble that has divided many of contorted into various sculptural shapes, a
the fashion industry’s power players. On quiet nod to LVMH’s dizzying array of cul-
the one hand, 24 Sèvres will be yet another tural efforts. Yet of the 150 brands initially
contender in an already crowded sector, on 24 Sèvres, only around 20 to 30 will be
where established rivals such as Yoox Net- LVMH owned (that will include Louis Vuit-
a-Porter, FarFetch and MatchesFashion ton and Dior, neither of which are available
.com have long been jostling for the world’s via any other multibrand online boutique).
wealthiest consumers. Anticlimactic In the case of LVMH-owned businesses, it
performances by more recent entrants like will be possible to source inventory from, Condé Nast’s multimillion-dollar
across those brands’ independent retail net-
digital boutique, indicated that even the
works. For non-LVMH labels, inventory
most reputable names in fashion can strug-
with either be acquired wholesale or con-
gle when arriving late to the game.
trolled by those brands that operate their
A successful entry by LVMH, however, own shop-in-shop style retail channel, the
could shake up everything. same model operated by the store.
Controlled by the French billionaire “Don’t think of this as the LVMH e-com-
Bernard Arnault, the conglomerate owns 70
merce project; think of this as us taking Le
luxury brands, including Christian Dior,
Bon Marché international via the internet,”
Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, Fendi and Givenchy.
Mr. Rogers said, playing down expectations
LVMH wields hefty firepower thanks to its
for the first step of an overhaul of the
financial footing, a monopoly over so many
group’s approach to reaching customer. The
labels (including where and how they can
initial success of the project will be
be sold) and hundreds of bricks and mortar MARC PIASECKI/GC IMAGES

stores worldwide.
“Le Bon Marche is already a multibrand
physical retailer; moving that store online
is a clear and natural next step,” said Luca
Solca, a luxury goods analyst with Exane
BNP Paribas. “Of course, the natural ad-
vantage for LVMH is that they can get so
many brands to play ball straight away, be-
cause the businesses belong to them. Easy,
Not so fast. LVMH has previously fal-
tered in the multibrand luxury space. The
website eLuxury, closed in 2009, was a rare
and high-profile misstep. What makes the
group think it can succeed now where it has
failed before?
“One word: Timing,” Mr. Rogers said.
Other people, though, might say that he is
the answer.
Born in Goshen, Ind., Mr. Rogers has a ré-
sumé rarely seen in haute luxury. He is a
computer science graduate and onetime PATRICK KOVARIK/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES

roadie for the Beastie Boys who first be-

Georges as highlights. He has skated the spective on fashion has been missing from Top, Le Bon Marché. Above measured by sales, although he empha-
came a father at 17 (that daughter, now 26, is
mini-ramp at République, done graffiti at the e-commerce landscape until now,” he left, Alexandre Arnault and his sized that LVMH is a group that consis-
finishing her Ph.D. in genetics in the United
the Bercy skatepark and trained for numer- said. “In my view it is a conspicuous ab- father, Bernard, who controls tently takes a long-term view.
ous marathons. Of his work at the company, sence and a huge market gap that we intend LVMH. Above right, packaging “Where I am from, people always said to
He spent the early part of his career as
Bernard Arnault has been “incredibly sup- to fill.” He declined to reveal the exact cost for items from 24 Sèvres, me, ‘You’re late,’” he said. “It’s already too
president of new media for the band’s
portive,” Mr. Rogers said. He added that Mr. of this investment for LVMH to date other LVMH’s new shopping site and crowded a space. But with Beats, we
record label Grand Royal. (“I wouldn’t be
Arnault’s digitally attuned son, Alexandre, than to say that it was relatively “modest — mobile app. showed them they were wrong. I’ve walked
anywhere without those guys,” he said of
the Beastie Boys, looking affectionately to 25, had been his “key ally.” a brick-by-brick, start-up style approach.” that path before. I see that path here again.”
their picture up on the office wall). “A lot of the stuff we’ve been working on, I He added that 24 Sèvres is also the name of
just wouldn’t have been able to do without the current loyalty program run by the de- PLENTY WILL BE WATCHING that journey
Then came a stint at digital music group
Alex,” Mr. Rogers said, emphasizing that his partment store, with legions of existing closely, from established multibrand luxury
Nullsoft, a period at the helm of Yahoo Mu-
sic and later the position of chief executive responsibilities extend far beyond the intro-
duction of 24 Sèvres, where day-to-day op-
members. That program will also now be
shared with users of the website and app.
‘Increasingly rivals like Yoox Net-a-Porter and FarFetch,
to technology platforms like Amazon, which
of Beats Music, which he held during its $3
billion takeover by Apple in 2014 before be- erations are run by its chief executive, Eric In many ways 24 Sèvres shares charac- consumers want has long expressed its clear intention to
Goguey. He also oversees the LVMH teristics with its more established rivals, in- dominate the online fashion market, though
coming head of iTunes Radio.
But, he said: “I was ready to move on brands’ e-commerce strategies, customer cluding fast delivery times to scores of in- pictures over with a limited degree of success to date.
data management upgrades, the building of ternational locations; chatbots or stylists- “We actually currently have more Vuit-
from music because it felt like a solved prob-
lem. The main players are now established. the online wholesale business in perfumes on-demand; glossy packaging, complete words.’ ton stores in the U.S. than Amazon does dis-
The space has gone from science fiction to and spirits and LVMH’s China digital strat- with Eiffel Tower cutout pop-ups and love tribution points, which is great,” Mr. Rogers
mainstream, from an industry in denial to egy. notes from Paris; and an efficient checkout said. “In context, it means that hy-
an industry in free-fall to an industry in “There is a lot on our plate right now,” Mr. process. Luxury e-commerce has become pothetically we could have as much logis-
growth. Rogers said. “And Alex, outside of his full- about the price of the consumer’s time, Mr. tics capacity in the U.S. as Amazon does.
“And I just had this feeling about retail, time day job, is very switched on as to Rogers said, leading to an increasingly And as for our rivals, well, it is a big sky.
that it would be the next frontier to really where this business needs to go.” The competitive field in terms of service across There is still plenty of room for growth for
change, where the real winners are yet to be younger Mr. Arnault is the chief executive the retail spectrum. But there are differ- all the players.”
determined. Then LVMH approached me of Rimowa, a luggage brand owned by ences, too. Referring to eLuxury, he added: “We
LVMH. “The move toward social media plat- don’t want to be early adopters. We have
with this opportunity. And I realized if I re-
ally believed that, there could be no place Still, there is no question that this e-com- forms like Instagram and Snapchat comes been before and we paid the price for that.
better to go.” merce endeavor is extensive and eagerly hand-in-hand with the rise of the internet as And when it comes to the internet
anticipated. Mr. Rogers said LVMH had a more visual medium and of mobile domi- specifically, there isn’t necessarily a reward
SINCE HIS ARRIVAL in Paris from California, considered every branding possibility for nation,” Mr. Rogers said, his hand on “Louis for being first. There is, however, currently
where he lived for 20 years, Mr. Rogers has 24 Sèvres, which will initially stock only Vuitton Windows,” a suitcase-size As- a major focus on omnichannel and experi-
made steps to adapt to life in the French woman’s wear, but settled on maintaining a souline tome by the Louis Vuitton visual im- ence, and we are moving from a mass cul-
capital. He takes his 10-year-old daughter connection to Le Bon Marché because of its age director, Faye McLeod, that sits as a ture to a mass of niches. If there’s quality in
climbing at the MurMur Escalade, and has 160-year history as a pioneer in catalog touchstone in the middle of his office (Ms. what you do, you’re not threatened. Timing-
sampled as many great restaurants as pos- sales. McLeod has been heavily involved in the wise, this is exactly where LVMH wants to
sible, citing Miznon, Le 21 and Le Bon “I find it interesting that the Parisian per- creative direction of 24 Sèvres). “Increas- be.”

Mothers Becoming Fast Friends, With a Swipe

The Peanut app is intended children. Peanut has helped her connect — Michelle Kennedy, a London
and make fast friends — with mothers in entrepreneur, created the app
to help parents connect, her neighborhood in the same situation. Peanut. “They say it takes a
but some see downsides. The app is the brainchild of Michelle Ken- village,” she said. “We are
nedy, a London entrepreneur who was inte- helping you to find the village.”
By SOPHIA KERCHER gral to the start of the dating app Bumble
(she named it) and a former executive of
At the end of a first date, Jamie Kolnick, a the highly successful Badoo, Europe’s ver-
business owner in Manhattan, didn’t want it dreds of children and parents (and has writ-
sion of OkCupid. Ms. Kennedy, 34, created ten two acclaimed books) as research into
to end. She walked her new companion the app when she was a new mother and
home to keep talking. “I’d invite you in, but our relationship with technology.
discovered she couldn’t find mothers with “I’m not saying that being a mom doesn’t
it’s a mess,” her date said. similar interests to connect with.
Except the two weren’t on just any date. have some lonely times when adult com-
“From an emotional perspective, I felt panionship would be welcome.” she said.
The afternoon was what Ms. Kolnick calls “a quite isolated, and I don’t think that’s a very
mom date,” and a meetup between their 1- “But right now the pendulum has swung
comfortable thing to say,” Ms. Kennedy
year-olds. The women matched on Peanut, away from finding companionship with
an app designed for like-minded mothers to your child.”
She decided to fix that by creating a
connect. She described scenes of mothers texting
digital space where women could form
On the app, users can swipe up to wave while pushing their baby’s stroller, and oth-
meaningful relationships while balancing
and swipe down to move to the next ers too occupied with their phones to recog-
the new, and often transformational, act of
“mama.” If two users wave, it’s a match. nize that their child was trying to get their
Katie Cox, a mother of two young children attention. She encourages mothers to check
“When it’s 2 a.m., you’re feeding and your
who works in marketing in Dallas, said this in with their children to be sure that they
baby has been up for an hour, there are very
gamelike quality was part of the reason she aren’t feeling isolated.
few people who understand how scary and
joined. “I never had the chance to experi- lonely that can be,” Ms. Kennedy said. “But The child psychological researcher Yalda
ence any fun dating apps, so I wanted to a mama who is on Peanut and using it at the Uhls, the author of “Media Moms & Digital
check it out,” she said. exact same time, she gets it.” She added that Dads,” has similar advice. “You have to
Similar to Tinder, Peanut users log in with it’s the kind of interaction you can’t get by make it clear to children that you are going
their Facebook accounts, and a geolocation simply making friends with a neighbor, or to put away the device and be there with
tool allows them to connect with mothers even another mother from day care. them,” Dr. Uhls said. She also questions why
nearby. The free app uses an algorithm to Peanut, of course, is no substitute for Peanut is only for mothers. What about fa-
match mothers with similar interests — us- meeting beyond a screen, and Ms. Kennedy thers? Caretakers? Grandparents? “It feels
ers can choose from cheeky badges like said the app was created for people to meet a bit gendered,” she said.
“Fitness Fiend,” “Wine Time” and “Music Is in real life. But she noted that society had The question of fathers resonates with
My Medicine” — and experiences, whether changed, that we no longer live with family Meghan Springmeyer, who works in mar-
it’s having a child with special needs or be- and friends nearby. “They say it takes a vil- keting and is the mother of a 2-year-old. She
ing a single mother. It also syncs with the lage,” she said. “We are helping you to find recently moved from New York to Raleigh,
calendar on a smartphone for easy schedul- the village. What could be wrong with N.C., and used Peanut to find a new commu-
ing. that?” nity in a place where she didn’t “know a
“I like that it doesn’t take a lot of brain Well, for Sherry Turkle, a psychologist soul.” She said her husband was a little jeal-
work,” Ms. Cox said. “I can just sit there and and professor at the Massachusetts Insti- ous that she kept making new friends.
flip through while I’m making lunch.” She tute of Technology, parent-focused apps “I think he is starting to feel a little left
explained that although she has plenty of conjure unsettling images. Dr. Turkle has out,” Ms. Springmeyer said. “That could be
friends in Dallas, most of them have older spent more than 30 years interviewing hun- DAN WILTON FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES Peanut Round 2: Peanut for dudes.”

At Frieze, Money Talks and Impersonators Walk

Two men stand inside the Gavin Brown’s
Enterprise booth at the sixth edition of the
mammoth Frieze New York art fair on Ran-
dalls Island. The walls are hung with Insta-
gram-worthy canvases by the Swedish art-
ist Karl Holmqvist. Written on each is a
jaunty phrase like “Hug a Hippie, They’re
All That!” Or “Hug a Hustler, He’ll Like It”
and “Hug a Hooker You Know!”
The two men are in conversation. The
subject is that mysterious genus, the rich.
“They buy houses they don’t need, furni-
ture they don’t like and art they don’t under-
stand,” the first man says.
“To show off to people they don’t know,”
his friend says with a laugh.
There are those who attend art fairs with
the serious purpose of building col-
lections. There are those who go to
A CO LLIS IO N O F shop for expensive things to cover a
hole in the wall. There are those
who appear in order to make their
presence known to fellow travelers
on a seemingly unending global
S C E N E STE R S Frieze New York, clockwise from left: Honor Fraser with works by Kenny Scharf; a chat by a Kevin Beasley piece; posing with an Ernesto Neto work.
caravan. And there are those, like
this reporter, whose magpie ambi-
tion is to collect random shiny con-
versational oddments like the one
“We have, like, an Italy-Minneapolis con-
nection,” says a woman in expensively tat-
tered bluejeans and fur-lined Gucci mules.
She is scuffing past Casey Kaplan’s booth,
where a collection of works by the Ameri-
can artist Kevin Beasley is installed.
Made from detritus and old frocks, the
pieces are haunting, resembling, as a critic
noted, “mysterious, vacuum-packed matter
from some other universe,” as so many
things at art fairs seem to do.
Seated in bright sun at a picnic table be-
side a Roberta’s Pizza pop-up, the Miami
collectors Don and Mera Rubell are enjoy-
ing a Coke. Mr. Rubell is wearing his cus-
tomary dark jeans and sneakers; Mrs.
Rubell, an all-black uniform topped with a
mesh bubble cap.
A person in their party is carrying an ex-
pensive Goyard tote bag. The bag is sten-
ciled with the Rubell name.
“We are all such clichés,” a passer-by re- Clockwise from top left: Anaïs de Contades wearing nothing but a canvas; photographing a work by Michelangelo Pistoletto; the artist team Liz-N-Val.
marks, apropos of what it is not exactly
clear. threshold of a booth installed by his dealer, blobs. izing the works by price. “That’s $40,000,
Just then a man walks by dressed in the Larry Gagosian, talking to someone in his “This is the actual phone that Keith Har- that’s $250,000, that’s $100,000,” he says.
natty pinstripes worn by the coked-up coterie: “You need to lay off the helium,” he ing and Kenny Scharf used in 1979 when This calls to mind an observation once
stockbroker Jordan Belfort in “The Wolf of says. they were talking together,” the dealer says. made by Andy Warhol about art collecting,
Wall Street.” The man is one of three actors A short walk away, the curator Clarissa “How much is this?” someone inquires of as recorded in “The Philosophy of Andy
commissioned by the artist Dora Budor to Dalrymple peers into Honor Fraser’s booth a period radio similarly customized by the Warhol (From A to B and Back Again).”
parade around the fair impersonating in the Spotlight section, where each booth is artist. “Say you were going to buy a $200,000
Leonardo DiCaprio in his more emblematic dedicated to the work of one artist, in this “The boom box is $40,000,” the dealer painting,” wrote Mr. Warhol (or whoever it
roles. In a different section is a man clad in case the American Kenny Scharf. says. was who actually did his writing). “I think
the crisp white pilot’s uniform of “Catch Me Ms. Fraser is meeting with a cluster of po- “Oh, that’s not bad at all,” a collector says. you should take that money, tie it up and
if You Can” and another attired in the trap- tential clients, who gather reverentially At the Aicon booth, where the featured hang it on the wall. Then when someone
per rags of “The Revenant.” around a Cortelco 2500 touch-tone covered artist is the Indian painter Francis Newton visited you the first thing they would see is
The artist John Currin is standing at the with paste gems and excremental pink Souza, the dealer Harry Hutchison is item- the money on the wall.”

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